Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:02 am
Cairn Hills - The Tomb of Aelfflaed the Beautiful
Cairn Hills - The Tomb of Aelfflaed the Beautiful
(Map from random dungeon creator watabou)
The Cairn Hills are home to hundreds perhaps thousands of tombs and barrows reaching back into the distant past of the Flanaess. Many of them have been discovered and emptied but the valleys between the low hills still hide much to be discovered.
This tomb is untouched and therefore still holds treasure but it also contains dangers and protections for those who would rob it.
The surrounding area is home to bandits, gnolls, ogre's and trolls. A nest of manticores is nearby.
All rooms are of stone with ceilings 8 feet at the walls rising to 15 feet at the center. The walls are carved from dense blocks of a light grey stone. Each block weighs in excess of 500lbs. The roof is made from a darker stone and seems to have been melded together somehow. A faint trace of magic still lingers.
There is no light in the dungeon. The players will need to provide a light source if the cannot see in the dark.
1. Entranceway.
The outer door is covered with dirt and rubble but a recent storm caused a slide and the upper portions of the doorway is revealed. There is a ward set into the door formed from the armbones and skull of an ancient Flan warrior. If it is touched it will say in ancient Flan "The curse of living death is upon this grave." The skull will then emit an eerie laugh and collapse into dust. The door will split and fall to rubble. When the door collapses air is sucked into the room as if into a vacuum.
A set of stairs leads down 30 feet to the room.
At the center of the room is a small chariot. It is exquisitely made (elvish workmanship) it is inlaid with silver but the wood is dried and fragile. A figure is chained inside the chariot. An ancient Flan warrior dried and desiccated. It has three +1 Javelins and a longsword of equally ancient design. When the first player steps into the room it will begin throwing javelins at them. After it is out of javelins it will attack with its sword. The chain holding it to rotting chariot will easily break free and allow it to pursue the players though it will not leave the room.
Attached to a peg inside the chariot is a whip that causes wounds to bleed for extra damage and can dismount a rider 10% of the time after a successful hit.
End Part 1