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Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:47 pm  
Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

An attempt to continue the series from my Archbarony of Ratik effort:

Now, I've never DMed in Urnst, played in Urnst, or even had a PC from Urnst, but there seems to be a lot of data out there the Duchy of Urnst's military forces.

I'll start with ranks and organization:

Lieutenant (insignia: 1 silver bar);
Leading Corporal (?);

A captain normally commanded a company (111 men?) and a sergeant normally commanded a section or squad (11 men?). Some companies may have been sub-divided into two platoons, led by lieutenants.

Discussion of sources:

The Table of Organization ratios come from Dan Salas ("Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 60), the Leukish treasury (ca. 579 CY) was secured by 100 soldiers, 10 sergeants, and 1 captain. In the "Garden of Good and Evil" (Fate of Istus: pp. 62-68, p. 64), the PCs run into 1 captain and 2 lieutenants (all marines, all drunk Wink). The company at the treasury also had access to a magic-user (a Wiz6).

The Goverment Hall has another company, commanded by a company, with 50-80 soldiers on guard during the day and 30 on guard at night. That would imply a company about the same size as the one at the treasury.

Another source is Matthew Adkins ("Natural Selection", Dragon #85, en passim, but particularly pp. 83 and 85). In 591 CY, the 15 ranger Pathwardens of the Celadon Forest had 1 major, 1 lieutenant, 2 "l. cpls", 4 "cpls", and 6 privates, with that order of precedence.

The adventure also mentions a "squad", led by a sergeant, which was sent to investigate Dedremont Keep (p. 75) That would tie in to sergeants normally being squad leaders.

When I first saw "l. cpl", I assumed it meant "lance corporal", but it would be rather weird for a lance corporal to outrank a corporal (as is obvious from the order of precedence on the chart, and a comment that a "l. corporal" [could be] promoted to sergeant), so I suggest that "l. corporal" stands for "leading corporal" [Commonwealth navies have the rank of "Leading Seaman"; in the US Navy, "leading seamen" is a title usually given to the senior petty officer in a "division" (as platoons are often titled in the navy)].

The rank insignia for lieutenant is found in the description of the lieutenant's corpse on p. 79.

Next, I assume that the "top heaviness" of the Pathwarden's rank structure is due to the elite nature of the unit.

I don't know if the ranks of corporal and leading corporal are unique to the Pathwardens, or if "soldiers" in "Leukish" also include men of those ranks.

Last edited by jamesdglick on Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:17 am  

I have the following notes;

Guide p.40 states that the Duke maintains an excellent army of borderers while maintaining a centrally located force of cavalry.

Guide p.56 - Contingents of archers & light infantry can be raised from the Celadon in times of war.

Royal Pathwardens: Led by Lucien Dedermont. From 582CY their HQ is at Dedermont Keep in the Celadon Forest. Insignia – a 'P' encircled by a wreath. Each warden wears a silver signet ring bearing this insignia.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:23 pm  

Wolfling wrote:
...Royal Pathwardens: Led by Lucien Dedermont. From 582CY their HQ is at Dedermont Keep in the Celadon Forest. Insignia – a 'P' encircled by a wreath. Each warden wears a silver signet ring bearing this insignia. addition...

Royal Pathwardens:

Before their near annihilation in 27 Harvester 591 CY [p. 75], the Pathwardens had 15 members: 1 major, 1 lieutenant, 1 sergeant, 2 leading corporals, 4 corporals, and 6 privates. [p. 83] At least two of their members were female.

Uniforms and gear: Besides their silver ring, their armor was marked with the Pathwarden insignia (see Wolfing, above). Not surprisingly, they wore subdued colored cloaks, apparently of their choice. They were issued a variety of swords (shortsword, longsword, scimitar), axes (handaxe, greataxe), and bows (longbow, long composite bow, and shortbow). Apparently, each individual selected which type. Each Pathwarden was generally armed with several daggers as back-up weapons. Most wore leather armor, but studded leather and scale were also available. First aid apparently came from healing potions and healing kits.

Skill: Recruits had to have the competence of a Rgr1. Most went through the Duchy of Urnst's ranger training school. [James Ward, Greyhawk Adventures, p. 46] Constant, if low intensity, action ensured that most become 2nd level fairly quickly; most were probably 3rd.

Discussion of sources:

Most of this comes from Adkins, "Natural Selection", Dragon #85.

I deduced the unit's creation from the apparent time of the adventure (Patchwall 591) and the note that they were formed about 10 years before. [p. 73] The unit could be slightly older.

Member's ranks are on p. 83. The fact that at least two were female is seen in corpse descriptions on pp. 78 and 79.

The list of corpses, and the arms room, gives the weapon and armor list. [pp. 78-79, 81, 86, 90] The preponderance of daggers is noticeable, including with Private Evenhand. [pp. 77, 78, 79, 81, 86] The healing potions are mentioned, and Private Evenhand had a healing kit. [pp. 82, 87]

The cloakroom had 5 brown, 8 dark green, and 3 black cloaks, for a total of 16 [p. 81], which is more than the 15 members of the Pathwardens; additionally, Private Gregory Evenhand had his own heirloom cloak. Perhaps some had more than one, for use in different terrain or light conditions? Or maybe some of the cloaks belonged to the monsters? I don't it would signify rank. Strange that none were gray. Oh well.

In Jim Ward's discussion of Duke Karll's background, he mentions that the Duchy "...boasts of the only ranger training school in the world", at least as of 579 CY. [Ward, Greyhawk Adventures, p. 46] I assume that most recruits would come from there, although the Pathwardens could take direct transfers, if ok'ed by Major Dedermont. Interestingly, the Duchy also apparently created Tarth, Moorda, the first training facility for warmages on Oerth as well:

Duke Karll, like Archbaron Lexnol, must have been a rigorous military thinker, as hinted at by Ward's additional description of Karll...

Trying to deduce levels was complicated, since only Major Dedermont and Private Evenhand are detailed (the others were dead). I doubted if recruits had to be higher than 1st level. Private Evenhand was 2nd level [pp. 86-87], but he had been at the keep for an unknown period of time, and had taken part in the capture of the monsters that precipitated the incident. [p. 74, 83] He apparently didn't get any XP during the attack, but may have gained a few XPs simply for surviving in the keep. [pp. 86-87] He wasn't the newest recruit, either [see order of precedence on his team on p. 83], so Rgr1 is probably the minimum standard for entry. I deduced the levels of the others by using the CR's of the monsters and druids, [pp. 78, 79, 81, 82, 84-88, 92-94] keeping in mind that they were caught by surprise, and that some of them may have been fatigued, inebriated, or both (see poor Sergeant Dexis).

Not counting Major D (Rgr 8) or Private GE (Rgr2), I suggest the following for anyone who would like to portray the Celadon Pathwardens before "Natural Selection", using D&D 3.5 standards: Lieutenant J (Marshal 1/Rgr2); Sergeant D (Ftr3/Rgr2); Leading Corporal Blades (Rgr3); L. CPL Ch (Rgr2); 4 x CPLs (Rgr2); 2 x PVTs (Rgr2); 3 x PVTs (Rgr1).

Last edited by jamesdglick on Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:32 pm  

Besides Fate of Istus, there's a brief mention of Urnst troops in "Glacial Inferno", From the Ashes mentions the elite Baer Rampant cavalry, and Urnst troops on the Domain of Greyhawk's eastern border. Of course, there's Gygax's A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting (the "borderers" probably include units like the Pathwardens, and the cavalry would be the Baer Rampant? There was a brief mention in Dragon #65, as well.

I'll get to some of the other stuff when I get the chance.

What did Living Greyhawk have?

As an aside, the maps in "Natural Selection" seem to assume that each hex is only 3 miles instead of 30. That would make it a little tougher to get around...
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:00 am  

jamesdglick wrote:

Royal Pathwardens of the Celadon: Formed 581 CY.

Reading the start of Natural Selection I think it implies the Royal Pathwardens were already established by 581CY and that rather than creating them to assist the druids of the Celadon the Duke redeployed them there. After the success against the dragon the Pathwardens relocated in their entirety to the new Fort Dedermont which became their new HQ.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:41 am  

Wolfling wrote:
jamesdglick wrote:

Royal Pathwardens of the Celadon: Formed 581 CY.

Reading the start of Natural Selection I think it implies the Royal Pathwardens were already established by 581CY and that rather than creating them to assist the druids of the Celadon the Duke redeployed them there. After the success against the dragon the Pathwardens relocated in their entirety to the new Fort Dedermont which became their new HQ.

-I'll have to take another look when I get the chance.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:06 am  

Wolfling wrote:
...Reading the start of Natural Selection I think it implies the Royal Pathwardens were already established by 581CY and that rather than creating them to assist the druids of the Celadon the Duke redeployed them there. After the success against the dragon the Pathwardens relocated in their entirety to the new Fort Dedermont which became their new HQ.

-"Duke Karll agreed to send his Royal Pathwardens--a group of rangers who had pledged allegiance to the king--to help defeat the worm...

[after the dragon's defeat] ...the duke immediately ordered construction of a small keep. After its completion a year later, the entire complement of Royal Pathwardens moved into the stronghold...

"For the past eight years, the arrangement between the Council druids and the Pathwardens has worked out well..." ("Natural Selection", p. 73)

Yup, except, eight years before 591 CY would be 583, not 581 (the problem with the dragon began in 581), so I didn't even get that right. Embarassed I have no way of knowing how long the Royal Pathwarden's had been around before 583. I'll just edit it out.

While I'm at it, I think the exact date of the Pathwarden's near extermination would have been 27 Harvester 591 [p. 75]. Even if Major Dedremont and Private Gregory Evenhand both manage to survive the adventure, that's a pretty thin cadre on which to rebuild, although a 5th (or 6th) level PC would be a good start.

It does bring up the question what the Royal Pathwardens were doing before 583, or where. I can't imagine that the country that boasted Oerth's only ranger school as early as 572 CY (Ward, Greyhawk Adventures, p. 46) wouldn't have some sort of ranger class-based organization along the Cairn Hills, the Abbor-Alz, or the Bright Desert, but who knows.

If anyone has info' on this, or any other Duchy of Urnst-related military issue, this is the place to mention it. Did Living Greyhawk have anything? One other source is the Greyahwk Wars boxed set, which I have, but I lost the country cards, which had each nation's military on it, a long time ago (20 years?). I seem to remember the Duchy having at least one heavy cavalry unit (the Baer Rampant, presumably), one heavy infantry unit, and one scout unit, but my memory is probably off.
Master Greytalker

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Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:51 pm  

The LG Duchy of Urnst team published a 34-page book on the Ducal Guard meta-org. There’s obviously far too much information to post, but here are the ranks they used:

Petty Sergeant / Battle Aide
Master Sergeant / Senior Battle Aide
Lance Colonel
Command Battle Aide

Here’s a snippet that can reasonably be considered fair use:
Unit Composition
A full strength unit of the Ducal Guard is composed of ten squads. Each squad is commanded by a Subaltern and consists of one Petty Sergeant, and twenty enlisted men. Commanding the unit is an officer with the rank of Lance Colonel or Colonel, assisted by a Master Sergeant. The unit is also typically outfitted with a large number of horses and other livestock, all of which are the
responsibility of its commander.

A fortunate commanding officer may have one or more battle aides assigned to his unit as well. This is especially likely to be true at posts that are deemed crucial to the defense of the realm.

In a typical infantry unit, two of their squads will be cavalry support. Support cavalry and Light Cavalry units are typically used to cover flanks and pursue retreating opponents. Cavalry charges are the job of the Heavy Cavalry (and Bar Rampant).

Ducal Guard infantry are designed to be highly versatile and adaptable. They typically have the front line wielding sword and shield and the 2nd line using glaives. Most infantry units also carry bows, and all units with the capacity for missile fire also drill in ranged unit techniques.

Archer units focus on bow use and have the feats to match. They are typically equipped with longbows and swords.

Cavalry units carry lance, sword, and shield. Light cavalry and support cavalry ride light warhorses. Heavy cavalry ride heavy warhorses.

While leather armor is issued to all soldiers for everyday wear, units don heavier armor when going into battle. The armor worn varies depending on the type of unit. Infantry, archers, and light cavalry are equipped with chain shirts. Light infantry is equipped with studded leather. Heavy infantry and heavy cavalry wears banded mail.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:01 pm  

DMPrata wrote:
The LG Duchy of Urnst team published a 34-page book on the Ducal Guard meta-org...

-Wow. Ok. THAT would be "detailed". Thanks!

DMPrata wrote: are the ranks they used:

Petty Sergeant / Battle Aide
Master Sergeant / Senior Battle Aide
Lance Colonel
Command Battle Aide

-Does the Ducal Guard use the same rank system, or rank titles, as the rest of the army? It wouldn't surprise me if the Royal Pathwardens had their own eccentric rank system. Even in the US and British militaries, different forces have different titles (e.g., a lieutenant in the Navy or Coast guard, pay grade O-3, is termed a captain in the services). "Guard-at-arms" in the DG could correspond to "corporal" in the RPs, "petty sergeant" could correspond to "leading corporal", and "master sergeant" could correspond to "sergeant".

I assume that the Ducal Guard corresponds to the unit described in "Leukish" Fate of Istus? That unit is described as having 300 regular troops and 50 elite guards (mostly 3rd level fighters) in 579 CY (p. 58).

Unit Composition
A full strength unit of the Ducal Guard is composed of ten squads. Each squad is commanded by a Subaltern and consists of one Petty Sergeant, and twenty enlisted men. Commanding the unit is an officer with the rank of Lance Colonel or Colonel, assisted by a Master Sergeant...

-So, each squad had a total of 22 men, and the entire Ducal Guard would be 222 men total (22 x 10, plus the commander and a senior NCO?). The two obviously don't mesh, but that could simply be the difference between 579 (Fate of Istus) and 591 (Living Greyhawk). Maybe "squads" increased in size? Or the terminology changed? [NOTE: The probable meta reason that that they don't mesh is that Living Greyhawk didn't pay attention to what Dungeon Magazine or fate of Istus had to say, but it would be more elegant to find an in-game reason for this.]

The notes don't mention it, but the "squad" could be divided in two, with the subaltern leading one half (subaltern + 10 men), and the petty sergeant leading the other (sergeant = 10 men), which would correspond to the squads in Fate of Istus.

Any info' on typical class and levels for the Ducal Guard?

Note: edited for spelling

Last edited by jamesdglick on Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker

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Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:28 pm  

Here’s another snippet, this time from the Duchy of Urnst Meta-Org Book:
Ducal Guard (see separate book)
The Ducal Guard is the standing army of the Duchy and answers directly to the Duke of Urnst. It has a strength on paper of some 6800 men in fighting condition, broken down into 34 units, and assigned to Marches throughout
the Duchy. While most members are melee or archery focused, there are also spellcasters who serve as "Battle Aides".

The Ducal Navy and Bar Rampant are treated separately. There are also references to noble house guards and village militias. I’m unaware of a single source that references the Royal Pathwardens aside from that one DUNGEON adventure.

As for typical class and levels, it’s a meta-org, so anyone who meets the prerequisites can hold a given rank. I’ll list a few here, and perhaps someone better versed in 3E than I can work out class and levels.

Prerequisites for Guard
To earn the rank of Guard, a character must meet ONE of these requirements:
· base attack bonus +1
· a legitimate child or adopted child certed background (see the Backgrounds document)
· be a member of a recognized Duchy of Urnst noble house (see the Houses of the Duchy metaorganization).
· have the Kitchen Boy in the Ducal Guard certed background (see Backgrounds document).
· have the Graduate of the Maure Academy of War certed background (see Backgrounds document).
· spend one Ducal Favor

Prerequisites for Guard-at-Arms
· +1 base attack bonus
· Profession (soldier), 1 rank
· six calendar months in good standing as a member of the Ducal Guard or two months and spend one influence with a March Warden..
· proficient with light armor
· proficient with shields
· proficient with at least one martial weapon
· any non-evil alignment

Prerequisites for Petty Sergeant
· Been a Guard-at-Arms in good standing for two calendar years
· base attack bonus +5
· proficient with all martial weapons
· proficient with medium armor
· Profession (soldier) (4 ranks for non-Suel, 3 ranks for 50%, or 2 ranks for 100% Suel)
· Ride or Survival or Profession (siege engineer), 2 ranks
· alignment any good or lawful neutral

Prerequisites for Master Sergeant
· has been a Petty Sergeant in good standing for at least two calendar years
· base attack bonus +9
· able to read and write the common tongue
· proficient with heavy armor
· Knowledge (Local – Metaregion IV), 2 ranks
· Profession (siege engineer), 2 ranks OR Profession (artillerist), 2 ranks
· Profession (soldier) (5 ranks for less than 50% Suel, 4 ranks for 50% Suel, or 3 ranks for 100% Suel)
· Ride, Profession (Siege engineer), or Survival, 4 ranks
· spend at least 5 influence points, one of which must be with a March Warden OR one Ducal Favor
· alignment neutral good, lawful neutral, or lawful good
· One of the following feats: Hold the Line, Mounted Combat, or Weapon Focus
· Leadership feat
· Formation Expert feat

Prerequisites for Subaltern
· 100% Suel
· A legitimate child, adopted child, or member of a recognized Duchy of Urnst noble house (see the Houses of the Duchy meta-organization and/or any updates in the adventure played).
· Spend one influence point from the March Warden of the chosen home march OR from the candidate’s own noble house.
· Base attack bonus +1
· Proficient with heavy armor
· Proficient with shields
· Proficient with all simple and martial weapons
· Ride, 4 ranks
· Mounted Combat feat OR Weapon Focus feat with a martial weapon OR minor aura ability
· Own a warhorse in battle-ready condition
· Alignment detects as neutral good, lawful neutral, or lawful good
· Able to read and write the common tongue

Prerequisites for Battle Aide
· Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (architecture and engineering), 2 ranks.
· Ride, 1 rank.
· One of the following feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Toughness OR total Fortitude save bonus of +2 or higher.
· Able to cast 1st level arcane spells from three different schools of magic OR able to cast 1st level divine spells.
· Alignment neutral, neutral good, lawful neutral, or lawful good.

Prerequisites for Senior Battle Aide
· One calendar year as a Battle Aide in good standing.
· Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (architecture and engineering), 4 ranks.
· Ride, 2 ranks.
· One of these feats: Chant of Fortitude, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Wand, Enlarge Spell, Empower Spell, Extra Music, Inspire Spellpower, Ironskin Chant, Lingering Song, Maximize Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge: history), Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus (illusion), Sudden
Enlarge, Sudden Empower, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Widen, or Widen Spell.
· Able to cast 3rd level arcane spells OR able to cast 3rd level divine spells.
· Able to cast one of these spells: clairaudience/clairvoyance, confusion, create
food and water, crushing despair, daylight, fireball, flame arrow, fly, good hope, haste, inspirational boost, major image, prayer, scare, slow, wind wall.
· Spend 10 regional influence points OR one Ducal Favor.
· Spend 400 gp in "fees" (i.e., bribes) or spend an additional four regional influence points.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:29 am  

[quote="DMPrata"]Here’s another snippet, this time from the Duchy of Urnst Meta-Org Book:
Ducal Guard (see separate book)
The Ducal Guard is the standing army of the Duchy and answers directly to the Duke of Urnst. It has a strength on paper of some 6800 men in fighting condition, broken down into 34 units, and assigned to Marches throughout the Duchy...

-Ok, so it's most of the active duty army, not just Duke's bodyguard unit. The difference in organization could be explained by the passing of time (579 vs. 591).

DMPrata wrote:
...As for typical class and levels, it’s a meta-org, so anyone who meets the prerequisites can hold a given rank. I’ll list a few here, and perhaps someone better versed in 3E than I can work out class and levels...

-Translating to D&D 3.5:

Guard: A Fighter1 (or ranger, barbarian, paladin) easily qualifies. A Warrior1 (Basic D&D or AD&D 0 level Man@Arms) also meets that standard. Most 2nd level characters (other than commoners or arcane spellcasters) also have a BAB +1. It looks like almost anyone could qualify on social background: "Legitimate" or "adopted" only rules out "bastard", I assume? Not surprising, of course, since it's an entry level rank. Or is there more to some of these definitions, like Suel blooded (see some of the requirements for higher ranks)? I assume that many bastards would fit some of the other categories, anyway.

Guard-at-Arms: Again, a Ftr1 (et al) or War1 would easily qualify. A Marshal2 or Aristocrat2 would qualify (= +1 BAB). The requirement to be competent with a shield would rule out most rogues, scouts, or experts, regardless of level. Spending a skill point on Profession (Soldier) (or two points, since it's officially a non-fighter skill, although I consider it to be a fighter class skill) isn't that big a deal for anyone with an Intelligence score of 10 or higher. Even someone with INT 6 could do it, but that would be their one point until they make it to 2nd level. Hmmm... I suppose "Detect Alignment" is used to cull those of evil alignment?

Petty Sergeant: A +5 BAB would have to be at least a Fighter5 or Warrior5, or a Marshal6, or Aristocrat6. The medium armor requirement would rule out most rangers. The requirements to be competent in as a soldier, siege engineer, horsemen, or survivalist wouldn't be a major hassle for a 5th level character with at least INT 8, and easy for INT 10, if they came up in the organization--an outsider (say, a typical PC) might have a problem. Seems a bit high level for my taste: A Ftr5 out of 22 total soldiers? maybe some squads don't have a petty sergeant? Myabe the training is really, really, rigorous.

Master Sergeant: A +9 BAB would mean at least a 9th level character. The skill requirement would not be a problem for anyone of average intelligence who came up in the organization.

Subaltern: Based on the equestrian skill (mounted combat), this looks like it's ideal for Knight1s as the entry-level rank for commissioned officers, but a Ftr1 could do it by using one of their two feats on Mounted Combat or Weapon Focus (as would an Ari2). A Marshal2 would easily qualify (+1 BAB plus the aura).

Battle Aide: Most 1st level spellcasters would qualify (1st level spells);
Senior Battle Aide: Most 5th level spellcasters would qualify (3rd level spells).

In all cases, a little political pull doesn't hurt. The Duchy has a tradition of corruption, documented in Fate of Istus, Jim Ward's Greyhawk, Adventures, and even hinted at in the Ghost Tower of Inverness, explaining the bribes which grease the promotions of some senior battle aides. The fixation on Suel blood is hinted at in the background history in Living Greyhawk Adventures.

Now, I wonder. I assume that guards become guards-at-arms, then petty sergeants, then master sergeants. I assume that a subaltern outranks a master sergeant, in the way that a brand new butterbar technically outranks any NCO. But does any battle aide outrank any subaltern, or is that just how they were listed? I could see them as co-equal ranks.

DMPrata wrote:
...Graduate of the Maure Academy of War certed background...

-The plot thickens. Maure War Academy? The Duchy of Urnst has Oerth's only ranger school at Stalwart Pines, a warmage school at Tarth Moorda, and an academy at Maure? The Duchy seems to be a font of institutions for formal military training!

BTW, DM Prata, this is great. There is quite a bit on the Domain of Greyhawk in the boxed set and the Campaign Book for From The Ashes, but most of the others have to be gleaned from source material. I know that Living Greyhawk Perrenland had a lot of info' on the army (I thought it was a bit Over-Powered, but oh well). And I used the stuff from Living Greyhawk Nyrond as backgound/inspiration for my own take on Ratik, but this stuff is rare.

Last edited by jamesdglick on Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
Master Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:24 am  

jamesdglick wrote:
Now, I wonder. I assume that guards become guards-at-arms, then petty sergeants, then master sergeants. I assume that a subaltern outranks a master sergeant, in the way that a brand new butterbar technically outranks any NCO. But does any battle aide outrank any subaltern, or is that just how they were listed? I could see them as co-equal ranks.

A battle aide is equivalent to a petty sergeant, and a senior battle aide to a master sergeant. See the list I posted upthread:

Petty Sergeant / Battle Aide
Master Sergeant / Senior Battle Aide
Lance Colonel
Command Battle Aide
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Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:56 pm  

This is what i used for the Gran March.

Army ranks:
Infantry and Archers
• Lord Marshal – Reports directly to the Lord Commandant. Must be a noble. Leads an Army.
• Lord Brigadier – Must be a noble. Leads a Brigade.
• Lord Colonel or Colonel – Highest rank available for a non-noble. Leads a Battalion.
• Lord Major - Lowest rank for a noble. Leads a Company. Although both Majors and Captains lead Companies, a Major outranks a Captain (due to him being a Noble).
• Captain – leads a Company (usually 3 platoons).
• Lieutenant – leads a Platoon (usually 4 squads).
• Sergeant – leads a Squad (usually 8 privates plus 1 Sergeant).
• Private

• Lord Marshal – Reports directly to the Lord Commandant. Must be a noble. Leads an Army.
• Lord General – Must be a noble. Leads a Regiment.
• Lord Colonel or Colonel – Highest rank available for a non-noble. Leads a Squadron.
• Lord Major - Lowest rank for a noble. Leads a Pride. Although both Majors and Captains lead Prides, a Major outranks a Captain (due to him being a Noble).
• Captain – leads a Pride (usually 3 Troops).
• Coronet – leads a Troop (usually 3 Lances).
• Lance Corporal – leads a Lance (usually 4 troopers plus 1 Corporal).
• Trooper (Private)
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Feb 02, 2022 8:57 am  

The Order of the Fire Hawk set up at Tarth Moorda in the Abbor Alz sometimes during the late 570s. It is the principal training source for Urnst's warmages.

In 591/593: 52 x Students (1st level); 8 x Senior Students (4th level; Experienced graduates who have returned as student/instructors; possibly 2nd level spellcasting required?); 6 x Warmasters (10th level; instructors); 1 x High Warmaster; plus 3 x Cooks; 1 x Weaponsmith; 1 x Priest (usually Heironean). Guards were not employed until "recently" as of 591/593.

Discussion of Sources:

The Order of the Fire Hawk was allowed to renovate an old fort in the Abbor Alz as a base "fifteen years ago" [from 591-593 would have been sometime between 576 and 579?]. Tarth Moorda constitutes the principal training source for Urnst's warmages. (Penny Williams, Tarth Moorda (Renton WA?: Wizards of the Coast, 2004), pp. 1-2.)

Points about the trainees and staff come from Penny Williams, Tarth Moorda (Renton WA?: Wizards of the Coast, 2004), pp. 3, 5-9, 12-13.

Considering that "the Duchy boasts of the only ranger training school in the world...", and apparently has the only warmage school in the Flanaess as well, the army should be rather advanced...
James Ward, Greyhawk Adventures (Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Inc., 1988), 46.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:12 pm  

DMPrata wrote:
The LG Duchy of Urnst team published a 34-page book on the Ducal Guard meta-org...

Ducal Guard infantry are designed to be highly versatile and adaptable. They typically have the front line wielding sword and shield and the 2nd line using glaives. Most infantry units also carry bows, and all units with the capacity for missile fire also drill in ranged unit techniques.

Archer units focus on bow use and have the feats to match. They are typically equipped with longbows and swords.

Cavalry units carry lance, sword, and shield. Light cavalry and support cavalry ride light warhorses. Heavy cavalry ride heavy warhorses.

While leather armor is issued to all soldiers for everyday wear, units don heavier armor when going into battle. The armor worn varies depending on the type of unit. Infantry, archers, and light cavalry are equipped with chain shirts. Light infantry is equipped with studded leather. Heavy infantry and heavy cavalry wears banded mail.


jamesdglick wrote:
...Translating to D&D 3.5:

Guard: A Fighter1 (or ranger, barbarian, paladin) easily qualifies. A Warrior1 (Basic D&D or AD&D 0 level Man@Arms) also meets that standard...

Guard-at-Arms: Again, a Ftr1 (et al) or War1 would easily qualify...

Petty Sergeant: A +5 BAB would have to be at least a Fighter5 or Warrior5, or a Marshal6, or Aristocrat6...

Master Sergeant: A +9 BAB would mean at least a 9th level character...

-Nyrond requested that the C. of Urnst and the D. of Urnst provide some of their "well-trained elite footmen" for the war of the Golden League (579). Urnst's Ducal Guard would qualify for that characterization, I think.

Source: Kuntz, "Sorcerer's Scroll", Dragon #65.

I assume that the Duchal Guard was around back in 578. I wonder if the Duchy ever complied? I'm not aware of anything in canon either way.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:13 am  

Around 579 CY, there were "more than" 2,000 soldiers stationed in Leukish. Most were typically 0 level (presumably men@arms status), sergeants and lieutenants tended to be 3rd level fighters, and captains were usually 8th level fighters. All troops were trained as light infantry and marines, while some were also trained as archers or artillerists. Based on proportions, sergeants led 11 man squads, lieutenants led a platoon of 5 squads, and two [platoons] made a company under a captain.

1,500 of these troops served on vessels at any one time. Others garrisoned Leukish' Goverment Hall (50-80), the City Treasury (110, plus one magic-user ("battle aide"?), and (presumably) Leukish Castle when the Duke is not in Leukish. They also had constabulary duties, and were prone to bribe taking for non-felonies.

"Leukish" doesn't mention how many, or what sort of, ships the Duchy had, only that Leukish "has space" for 20 in the docks, plus more in the harbor; there could be far less than that in service. Does anyone have access to the Duchy of Urnst card from Greyhawk Wars? That would be a clue.

Discussion of sources:

"More than 2,000 soldiers and marines are stationed here [in Leukish]."
Dan Salas, "Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 58.

All troops trained as both light infantry and marines; some as archers or artillerists. 1,500 serve on vessels at any one time. Many of the remainder serve as constabulary in Leukish; 111 in the City Treasury.
Dan Salas, "Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 58, 60 (110 + 1 magic user in City Treasury).

Leukish has space for 20 docked warships, plus more in the harbor.
Dan Salas, "Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 58.

Troops in Leukish bribe prone as constables, at least regarding misdemeanors.
Dan Salas, "Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 58, 60. This is in line with the general portrayal of the Duchy of Urnst as a "Good", but crooked sort of place due to Duke Karl's lack of concetration on internal affairs.

Regulars tend to be 0 level (presumably men@arms status), sergeants and lieutenants tend to be 3rd level fighters, captains 8th level fighters. Based on proportions, sergeants lead 11 man squads, lieutenants lead a platoon of 5 squads, and two [platoons] make a company under a captain.
Dan Salas, "Leukish", Fate of Istus: pp. 58-61, pp. 60 (100 regulars, 10 sergeants, 1 captain).
Dan Salas, "Garden of Good and Evil", Fate of Istus: pp. 62-68, p. 64 (1 captain and 2 lieutenants).
Master Greytalker

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:23 am  

jamesdglick wrote:
"Leukish" doesn't mention how many, or what sort of, ships the Duchy had, only that Leukish "has space" for 20 in the docks, plus more in the harbor; there could be far less than that in service. Does anyone have access to the Duchy of Urnst card from Greyhawk Wars? That would be a clue.

The Duchy has no ships in Wars.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:27 pm  

jamesdglick wrote:
Besides Fate of Istus, there's a brief mention of Urnst troops in "Glacial Inferno"...
I'll get to some of the other stuff when I get the chance...

-Two (short-lived) survivors from "a small company of Urnst soldiers" with Lord Lorinar were both 3rd level.

Discussion of Sources: This is from Kent Ertman, "Glacial Inferno", Dungeon Magazine #103, Volume XVII, Number 7 (October 2003): pp. 18-34, 35-38; p. 20.

These men would have been above average "Guards-at-Arms" (see DM Prata's input: War1 minimum), and were most likely the last survivors because they were of relatively high level.

Kent Ertman, "Glacial Inferno", Dungeon Magazine #103, Volume XVII, Number 7 (October 2003): pp. 18-34, 35-38; p. 20.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:10 am  

If anyone has info' on this, or any other Duchy of Urnst-related military issue, this is the place to mention it. Did Living Greyhawk have anything? One other source is the Greyahwk Wars boxed set, which I have, but I lost the country cards, which had each nation's military on it, a long time ago (20 years?). I seem to remember the Duchy having at least one heavy cavalry unit (the Baer Rampant, presumably), one heavy infantry unit, and one scout unit, but my memory is probably off.[/quote]

Greyhawk Wars
Duchy of Urnst card :
2 Light Cavalry
2 Scouts
1 Medium Cavalry
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