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Human Moon Worship
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Feb 01, 2005
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Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:32 pm  
Human Moon Worship

Oerth has two moons but there seems to be no specific reference to human worship related to them. Is there a human-centric god or goddess of the moons Luna and/or Celene? Am I missing the obvious?

I know I can make up my own response (as any GM could), but I was looking for something more canon. I'm not interested in borrowing from other non-human cultures such as Sehanine MOONbow. Other than perhaps Celestian is there another, better candidate?

Are any events, festivals, holidays, etc., related to the moons together or separately? Is there any mention of historical events influenced by eclipses?

That you all in advance.
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:35 pm  
Re: Human Moon Worship

Skech wrote:
Oerth has two moons but there seems to be no specific reference to human worship related to them. Is there a human-centric god or goddess of the moons Luna and/or Celene? Am I missing the obvious?

I know I can make up my own response (as any GM could), but I was looking for something more canon. I'm not interested in borrowing from other non-human cultures such as Sehanine MOONbow. Other than perhaps Celestian is there another, better candidate?

Are any events, festivals, holidays, etc., related to the moons together or separately? Is there any mention of historical events influenced by eclipses?

That you all in advance.

This is one thing I wish Greyhawk had. If I'd set my Silver Wolf stories in the Forgotten Realms rather than Greyhawk, Luna would have been a priestess of Selune, no question.

The LGG lists Pholtus as a god of the moons along with his various other domains. THe Greyhawk Wiki also says Rao created the moons (which would make sense given that he's the patron god of Veluna).
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
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Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:21 pm  

Faerieluck, the Blood Moon Festival, and Great Moon's Glory are all celebrated in the Flanaess:

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Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:33 pm  

I use Ehlonna as the goddess of Luna and Sehanine as the goddess of Celene, and assume humans acknowledge both, though they may consider Pholtus, Rao, Lydia, or Lendor to be more important.

Many of the gods have festivals tied to the phases of the moons, though.
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:46 am  

I agree with Rasgon and have used Ehlonna as a moon goddess for the Flanaess.

In the new Greyhawk Rebooted materials, Istus comprises four avatars, each somewhat tied to an element and the Air one also represents the moon:

"They offer sacrifices to four main “good” deities who are seen as aspects of one unifying force known as Istus, Lady of Fate. The four high gods of the Bakluni are:
❉ Geshtai, goddess of rain, rivers
and wells, representing elemental
❉ Atar, god of the Sun, representing
elemental fire;
❉ Suwat, god of mountains, metals
and stone, representing elemental
earth; and
❉ Waadi, goddess of the moon, sky
and wind, representing elemental

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Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:26 am  

edmundscott wrote:
I agree with Rasgon and have used Ehlonna as a moon goddess for the Flanaess.

My argument for this:

-similarity to Greco-Roman goddess Artemis/Diana
-unicorn horn symbol doubling as lunar crescent
-similarity in names: Ehlonna sounds like Eh-Luna
-traditional association between the moon cycle and fertility

In the new Greyhawk Rebooted materials, Istus comprises four avatars, each somewhat tied to an element and the Air one also represents the moon:

This is interesting. My only concern is that Oerth has two moons, so a single moon god always feels insufficient to me. Perhaps Geshtai could be associated with Celene.

Lendor, as god of time, has some dominion over the moons, and even has the moons in his holy symbol. Lydia, as goddess of light, should also have some dominion over moonlight.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:43 am  

rasgon wrote:
edmundscott wrote:
I agree with Rasgon and have used Ehlonna as a moon goddess for the Flanaess.

My argument for this:
-traditional association between the moon cycle and fertility

I similarly use Luna for human fertility (one cycle per short month).

But I also have elven fertility tied to Celene - elven maids have four cycles per year, and refer to the birth cohorts as 'children of summer', 'children of autumn', etc.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.

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Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:32 pm  

Kirt wrote:
But I also have elven fertility tied to Celene - elven maids have four cycles per year, and refer to the birth cohorts as 'children of summer', 'children of autumn', etc.

I was just thinking about that possibility. It makes sense.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:35 am  

A little late to add this but it occurred to me a good explanation for the conspicuous absence of a human moon goddess could be that, in the distant past, Pholtus claimed both sun and moon as his domain. The sun god, Pelor, ignored this as an irrelevancy, but the moon goddess took umbrage and a great contention was unloosed between the Pholtus worshippers and the moon goddess followers. Pholtus won, not only via a purge of the worship of the moon goddess, but perhaps even powerful Pholtans managed to imprison (or slay?) the moon goddess.

I don't necessarily imagine this goddess as Oeridian, Flan seems more likely and the lack of other son and moon gods in the Oeridian pantheon might be all the incentive Pholtus required to assume Sun and Moon as his own domains.
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