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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
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Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:23 pm  

Shefak's alive and well, the whole party is together again, the rampaging monsters and robots are permanently sealed, the goodly creatures have been freed, and they're off to the next adventure!

Are they going to fight Against The Giants, since they're in the canon area for it?

Are they going to lead an Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords?

Will they visit White Plume Mountain?

Enquiring minds want to know!
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:26 am  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Shefak's alive and well, the whole party is together again, the rampaging monsters and robots are permanently sealed, the goodly creatures have been freed, and they're off to the next adventure!

And a better summary I could not have written myself!

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Are they going to fight Against The Giants, since they're in the canon area for it? Are they going to lead an Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords? Will they visit White Plume Mountain?

I was going to say that this will be revealed in just a few posts more, before they return to the Lake of Rhun. However, I see that you asked the same question more than a year ago! (Between Posts 157 and 158) So to reward your patience, yes, they will next be fighting Giants in Sterich!
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:36 am  
Post 215: Barrier Peaks Epilogue - Level 7

At the conclusion of the module, the following characters have leveled to 7th from completion of story awards:
Babshapka - Keeping Aurora alive and all-around good play (See Post 183)
Willa - Solo defeat of the fencing android (See Post 203)
Thokk - Solo defeat of the boxing android (See Post 203)
Tyrius - Releasing the Couatl from their stasis cage (See Post 209)
Aurora - Finding the Central Computer and proving that this is a space ship (See Post 212)
Larry - Burying the ship so that no more unoerthly creatures can leave (See Post 214)

The following characters have not yet leveled to 7th
Shefak - Intended story award was solo defeat of the martial arts android; Shefak was unconscious for much of the module
Umbra - Played as an NPC for much of the module; story award would have related to talking to Aurora and learning more about the Whispered One
Mathias (Leezar) - Has not been told story award yet - it will involve getting rid of Tyrius so as to be in a better position to corrupt Aurora

New abilities and items since last level are indicated in bold
Babshapka of the Silverwood
Seventh level ranger (Hunter Archetype: Giant Killer)/ Wood elf (Folk Hero)
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 12 (+1) Int 12 (+1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (-1)
Languages Elven (S/W), Common (S/W)
Hp. 55
Skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival (Temperate Woodlands, Temperate Hills)
Abilities: Favored Enemy (Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Giants), Natural Explorer (Woods and Hills), Primeval Awareness, Multiattack Defense
Fighting Style: Duel-wielding, Extra Attack
Human-sized Chain shirt+1, broadsword+1, cloak of the manta ray, ring of protection+1, ioun stone (no nourishment required), giant arrows, needler, blaster pistol, power discs, stun grenades, shortsword, longbow
Spells: (4/3)
(1) Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Jump
(2) Lesser Restoration

Special Agent Willhemina Stoutly (Willa)
Seventh Level Fighter (Martial Archetype: Champion) / Human (mixed race, predominantly Flan) (Sailor)
Str 18 (+4), Dex 17 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (0), Wis 9 (-1), Chr 9 (-1)
HP. 70
Skills: (Fighter): Insight, Survival (Sea and Coast), (Sailor): Athletics, Perception
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Extra Attack, Remarkable Athlete
Plate armor +2, greatsword, dagger, mace+2, ioun stone (no air required)
Potions of neutralize poison, healing, cure disease, healing cannister, ampules of cure disease, cure poison, radiation antidote, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, stun grenades, paralyzation pistol, blaster pistol, power discs

Thokk of the Crystalmists (Thokk)
Seventh Level Barbarian / Half-orc (Outlander)
Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 5 (-2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 12 (+1)
Hp. 76
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival (mountains)
Primal Path: Totem Warrior (Wolf)
Unarmored defense, Longsword+1 (The Sunsword), Shield+2, ring of protection +1, hand axes, javelins
Extra Attack, Fast Movement (also while stealthy and tracking), Feral Instinct

Tyrius of Sterich
Seventh level paladin of Pelor (Sacred Oath of Devotion)/ Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 15 (+2) Dex 9 (0) Con 12 (+1) Int 19 (+4) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 17 (+3)
Hp. 56
Languages: Keolandish (S/W), Common (S/W), Flan (Spoken only)
Skills: History, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion
Fighting Style: Dueling
Powered Armor, Plate armor, shield +1, "Molly" (war hammer+2)
Spells: (4/3)
(Cantrip): Light
(1) Bless, Compelled Duel, Divine Smite, Cure Wounds, Detect Good and Evil, Heroism, Protection from Evil (oath), Sanctuary (oath), Divine Favor, Healing Word
(2) Aid, Find Steed, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Poison, Zone of Truth
Ability: Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion
Scroll of Protection from Undead, Scroll of Hold Person

Aurora of Tringlee
Seventh level wizard (School of Enchantment) / Half-elf (Sage)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 10 (0) Con 12 (+1) Int 18 (+4) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp. 43
Languages Keolandish (S/W), Elven (S/W), Common (S/W), Ancient Suel (Written only), one open slot
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion
Staff, ring of protection+1, scroll of protection from undead, wand of magic detection, wand of polymorph, crystal ball, atmospheric analyzer, paralyzation pistol, blaster rifle, power discs, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, stun grenades, poison grenades, healing cannister
Ability: Hypnotic Gaze, Instinctive Charm
Cantrips: Prestidigitation, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Message
First: Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Mage Armor, Find Familiar, Magic Missile, Sleep, Silent Image, Unseen Servant, Shield, Identify
Second: Magic Mouth, Invisibility, Web, Knock, Blur, Rope Trick, Crown of Madness
Third: Counterspell, Fireball, Fly, Sending
Fourth: Greater Invisibility, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum

Larrenthal of the Crystalmists (Dirty Larry)(Larry, Master of the Elements)
Seventh Level Druid (Circle of the Land - Mountains) / Hill dwarf (Outlander)
Str 9 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 11 (0) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 4 (-3)
Hp. 65
Languages (all spoken only unless noted): Flan, Common, Druid (including written runes), Bear
Skills: Athletics, Nature, Perception, Survival (Mountains)
Wild shape includes the ability to become a creature with a swimming speed
Chain mail +1, shield +1, scimitar
Spells known: 4 / 3 / 3 / 1
(Cantrips): Thorn Whip, Poison Spray, Guidance, Resistance
(First): Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Thunderwave, Fog Cloud, Entangle, Speak with Animals, Create or Destroy Water, Longstrider
(Second): Spider Climb, Spike Growth, Darkvision, Moonbeam, Enhance Ability, Locate Object
(Third): Meld into Stone, Lightning Bolt, Daylight, Water Walk, Protection from Cold
(Fourth): Stone Shape, Stone Skin

In addition to the RAW abilities gained at 7th level, I decided to add some homebrew abilities since the powers gained at 7th are underwhelming compared to other levels. Now that the characters are in the 'second tier' of play, I want to keep the emphasis on challenging combats, but decrease the importance of logistical challenges which I think are more interesting at low levels. Thus most of the new abilities relate to the party not having to worry quite so much about finding a secure place to rest, as a minor interruption is less likely to require them to start over.

Inured to Hardship
Halfway into a long rest while wearing armor, Willa may attempt a DC10 Con Save. If successful, she completes her rest even while sleeping in armor. If unsuccessful, she has not rested and gains one level of exhaustion.

Fighting Helps Me Sleep
Thokk's rests (long or short) are suspended but not forfeited by combats in which he does not rage or dash.

Rest of the Righteous
Tyrius does not spoil his short or long rests by casting healing or protective spells of/at first level.

Master of Minor Mysteries
Aurora may cast cantrips which do not require a roll (Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation) during a short or long rest without ending the rest.

Sleep Like a Bear
When Larry's long rest is uninterrupted, he gains back an additional hit die.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:34 am  
Post 216: Coming Down the Mountain

By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Post 216: Coming Down the Mountain
25 February [6 Coldeven], 571 - Camped outside the Unoerthly Cave, Barrier Peaks, 18,000’ elevation
[Wandering encounter: Morning, None.]

After the morning meal, the party dons their gear and armor. Tyrius slips, bent over, into the suit of powered armor - it is cold from the night in the tent without a fire. As he stands, the seals lock. Immediately jets of warm air fill the suit. He sighs in comfort, then suggests to Willa that they have a new way, besides Aurora’s rope trick, and the protection from cold spell, to take care of people - a stint in the armor should warm them up if they et too cold. His voice, somehow projected from within the armor, sounds odd but recognizable.

Distance possible to cover in a 5 hour march through mountains
5 miles Mules (if heavily encumbered)
7 miles Mules (if encumbered), Eddard (if mounted)
7.5 miles Aurora, Willa, Umbra, Mathias (unencumbered)
8.75 miles Babshapka (unencumbered)
10 miles Tyrius in powered armor (the armor is slow over level ground
but does not have a movement penalty for mountainous
10 miles Thokk, Eddard (when unmounted), Mules (when
11.25 miles Shefak
12.5 miles Larry (slow over level ground but does not have a movement
penalty for mountainous terrain)

Larry casts his stone shape spell, his first ever cast of a fourth level spell, and creates a small cavity in a large boulder at the base of the cliff face. He puts in the cards and the jar of acid. He seals it back over again with stone as the party watches, taking time to mimic the angles and faces of the rock so that only the closest observation would reveal that the rock was sculpted, not natural.

They pack with the assumption that so long as the mules are not too burdened, they will actually be faster than most of the party. In total, they have about 800 pounds of gear to be hauled, not including what they are carrying on themselves. With a careful distribution and balance, they could take all of that out on the mules - but at a cost of slowing the mules to just five miles covered in a five hour march. By lightening the mules’ load to 560 pounds between them and having the Bull Men carry 240 pounds, the mules could move seven miles in a five hour march, still slower than anyone else in the party. If between them the mules carried only 280 pounds, leaving 520 for the Bull Men, the mules would be capable of covering ten miles in a five mile march, faster than most of the party.

Willa, Babshapka, and Tyrius work under the direction of the Bull Men to lash bags and sacks to them, lacking the pack harnesses and frames of the mules, until they are carrying 260 pounds each. The Bull Men take a few steps, then strides, then lope forward, finally flapping their massive wings and taking to the air. They circle the party a few times and land heavily. They report that they are certainly being slowed by the loads, but they are still able to fly faster than anyone in the party can walk.

“Just….no,” says a Bull Man, whose telepathy has picked up the unspoken and unbidden thought that immediately came to Aurora’s mind, that one of the Bull Men would make a fantastic beast of burden for the party if it could be charmed.

(6am, 12F, wind chill -6F)
In their first steps away from the camp Tyrius lags in his armor, but as the party starts up the steep slope of the valley he rapidly catches up. To his surprise, he finds that it is an effort to move, but no more effort up the slope than it is over level ground. It is as if he needs to move the armor to show it where to go, but once it is moving it somehow moves of its own accord and lessens the force required. There is another benefit he soon realizes. While the others are gasping and panting in the thin air, the air that circulates within the sealed suit is thicker, so that he has no difficulty breathing.

Watching the party form into a column and ascend the slope, Mathias makes no move to join them, but remains in the camp. After the last of them are half a bowshot away, he suddenly takes to the air. He flies in a leisurely but ever-widening spiral - first around the camp, but then, as he gets higher, about the mountainside of the cave, and finally around the whole valley. As he gets higher he moves more erratically, with strong gusts of wind knocking him about. Finally his course changes from spiral to line - now far higher than the party’s elevation, he flies horizontally across the valley until he lands on the slope high above them. He takes out his stool to wait for them, his breath producing a larger cloud of vapor than even the smoke from his cigarette.

“I’ll be damned,” says Willa. “‘e can fly.”

“And without a carpet,” agrees Aurora.

When they finally arrive at his location, Mathias nonchalantly stores his stool and moves into his place in the line. [After an hour of travel, Mathias (the only one without the heavy furs of cold weather gear) makes his Con save.]

(7am (1.5 miles traveled) 11F, wind chill -7F)
After an hour of travel, they have long since left the sparse fir trees of the Valley of the Unoearthly Cave behind. The low scrub remaining doesn’t block much of the cold wind, and it is clear that even as the sun rises and the day grows warmer, the wind is increasing as they ascend the valley slope. Mathias, clad in his heavy leathers, is nonetheless the least protected of them and it is an open question of whether he will make it through the day. When asked how he got to the cave in that gear he says simply that he sure as hell didn’t get there by walking. Tyrius, in his heated armor, says he has no need for his cold weather gear and offers the furs to Mathias. The gaunt man demurs politely at first, but eventually agrees. While he puts on the hides and furs over his clothes, Willa polls the others on how they are doing.

“Tired o’ waitin’ on ye laggards,” responds Larry. “Bu’ praps ah can fix tha’.” The dwarf gathers Aurora, Willa, and Umbra to him. The three, along with Mathias, are the slowest in the group now that the mules are traveling unencumbered. Larry growls some words in Bear, and casts his Longstrider spell. By using a third-level slot, he is able to cast the spell simultaneously on the three of them. He apologizes to Mathias and says that he used his only fourth level slot on the stone shape in the morning. Mathias shrugs and says he will see them all later, casts fly and shoots up the mountain ahead of them.

[Larry has cast create water, stone shape, and longstrider so far, and is at 3/3/2/0]

[Mathias with fly, movement at 60 feet per round, dash to 120 feet in 6 seconds, in ten minutes' spell duration can move 2.25 miles, moves to 3.75 miles traveled so far and waits for the party to catch up.]

[Aurora, Willa, and Umbra with Longstrider can move as fast as Tyrius, Thokk, Eddard, and the mules. Now, Babshapka is the slowest member of the party. Rather than have everyone be slowed by the ranger, Aurora bestows a fly spell on him, and tells him to keep Mathias company while they both wait for the party to catch up.]

[Aurora has cast mage armor and fly, is at 3/3/2/1]

(8am (3.5 miles traveled) 10F, wind chill -10F)
At the end of the hour of travel the effects of Larry’s Longstrider spell fade. The party hasn’t yet overtaken Mathias and Babshapka, but the pair are just a quarter-mile away and within sight. The party is traveling much faster this way than they did with the laden mules on the way in, and Willa is eager to escape the mountains. She asks Larry if he can continue to support them with his spell, and he says that he can, but Mathias says that he will need to rest before he can cast fly again. Aurora says that she can bestow the fly spell on both Mathias and Babshapka with a fourth level slot, but she wonders if it is a good idea for them to all be running their higher-level spells down while traveling - what if they are ambushed by orcs again, like on their way in? Willa jerks a mittened thumb at the laden Bull Men and flying Serpents and says that keeping the party out of ambushes is what they are for.

[Larry has cast create water, stone shape, and 2 x longstrider (@3rd), and is at 3/3/1/0]

[Aurora has cast mage armor, fly (@3rd), and fly (@4th), and is at 3/3/2/0]

Mathias and Babshapka fly off, followed by the rest of the party.

(9am (5.5 miles traveled) 9F, wind chill -14F)
The party continues to climb up the valley, as the winds increase. Larry and Aurora again augment the party’s travel. Mathias and Babshapka fly off, followed by the rest of the party.

[Larry has cast create water, stone shape, and 3 x longstrider (@3rd), and is at 3/3/0/0]

[Aurora has cast mage armor, 2x fly (@3), and fly (@4), and is at 3/3/0/0]

(10am (7.5 miles traveled) 7F, wind chill -18F)
At this point, the party is most of the way up the steeply-sloped valley. The gap in the wall at the top leading to the broad valley can be seen, and Babshapka reports that while flying, he was able to see the plumes of smoke from that valley’s floor.

Aurora is now out of third and fourth level slots, so no more fly spells are possible. Larry could use a second level slot to cast Longstrider on two people rather than three, and he has three of these slots left, so he could cast it on up to six people, but as a concentration spell, he can only have it active on two people at a time. Rather than have the party spread out up and down the mountainside, they agree to walk the last hour before their rest together, at a slower pace.

(11am (9 miles traveled) 7F, wind chill -19F)
As they finally make it to the top of the slope, the broad, level valley opens up before them. It is new to Mathias, familiar to the rest of them although still strange. The valley is perhaps ten miles across but longer than it is wide, and slopes gently down to the center. The most unusual features are the innumerable spots where white smoke rises up from the floor. What is burning to make the smoke is not obvious, for it is the white of steam, not the grey of wood smoke or black of sooty coal. Furthermore, although the rock itself is the grey and black of the granite they have been passing all morning, here and there in the valley are dots of yellow, often near the smokes. In the lowest, center spot is a hint of blue.

The full force of the wind is now on them, blowing some forty miles an hour and whisking the heat away from any exposed skin. They find shelter among some huge boulders that have tumbled down from the cliff walls and Larry creates the water they will need for their lunch and to fill their skins again.

[Larry at 2/3/0/0]

(12pm (9 miles traveled) 9F, wind 40mph, wind chill -16F)
After a meal and an hour’s rest, Larry can use his natural recovery to get back four spell levels - and it makes sense to him to get a single fourth level slot so as to cast longstrider on the four slowest members of the party. [Larry at 2/3/0/1]

Aurora, too, is able to recover spells. With Larry preparing to cast longstrider on four people, she will need to cast fly on one more person. She chooses to get a third and a first level slot for her arcane recovery. Mathias says that he has recovered the ability to fly as well. [Aurora is at 4/3/1/0]

(1pm (11 miles traveled), 11F, wind 39mph, wind chill -16F)
[Larry at 2/3/0/0]
[Aurora is at 3/3/0/0]
With their higher level spells depleted, Larry is still capable of casting longstrider on two people and Mathias can cast fly on himself - or someone else. However, unless they can speed four different people, they will still be moving at the speed of currently the slowest person, so the magically enhanced movement is done for the day. They spend the next hour walking at the speed of the four slowest among them. However, Larry, Aurora, and Mathias converse as they walk, plotting out the optimal spell use for the next day so as to enhance movement even more. Later, Mathias speaks with Willa, explaining that since Aurora is capable of causing two people to fly at once, he thinks they should be rotating people out so that everyone can get experience flying, not just himself, Aurora and Babshapka. There may come a point tactically where it makes more sense for someone else to be given flying, and at that point it is better that whichever of them it is, knows what they are doing. He suggests that every time Aurora makes two people fly, she selects an experienced person as mentor and an inexperienced person so that they can eventually train everyone in the party to make use of the spell.

(2pm (12.5 miles traveled), 10F, wind 38mph, wind chill -14F)
(3pm (14 miles traveled), 10F, wind 38mph, wind chill -14F)
(4pm (15.5 miles traveled), 9F, wind 37mph, wind chill -16F)
(5pm (17 miles traveled), 8F, wind 36 mph, wind chill -17F)

Over the course of the afternoon they skirt the edge of the valley of the smokes and then pass through the narrow gap to the south. They move east for miles along the base of the low ridge, although they have not reached the end of the long, narrow, rough valley before Willa calls camp for the evening. It is with some trepidation that they sent up the tent, for it was here on the way in that they nearly became trapped in a snow squall with gale-force winds and a cold that threatened to freeze them all despite their use of the coal stove. For tonight, at least, Larry reassures them, there are no storms coming, and though the winds are fierce, they are not gale-force.

After dinner, Willa takes stock of their supplies:
People food for four days before they need to use the ship’s rations.
Mule feed for two days before they need to use the bag of alien seed or the alien porridge.
18 pounds of mineral coal.

(6pm, 7F, wind 35 mph, wind chill -18F)
(7pm, 7F, wind 34 mph, wind chill -17F)
(8pm, 6F, wind 34 mph, wind chill -19F)
(9pm, 5F, wind 33 mph, wind chill -20F)
(10pm, 4F, wind 32 mph, wind chill -21F)
(11pm, 4F, wind 31 mph, wind chill -21F)
(12am, 3F, wind 31mph, wind chill -22F)

[Wandering encounter: Night, None.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:48 pm  
Post 217 - The Rocky Road to Moradinath-Mor

DM's Note: By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Post 217: The Rocky Road to Moradinath-Mor
26 February [7 Coldeven], 571 - Barrier Peaks, 18,000’ elevation
(1am, 2F, wind 30mph, wind chill -23F)
(2am, 1F, wind 29mph, wind chill -24F)
(3am, 1F, wind 28mph, wind chill -24F)
(4am, 0F, wind 28mph, wind chill -25F)
(5am, -1F, wind 27mph, wind chill -26F)

[Wandering encounter: Morning, None.]

The night passes uneventfully. Between the Bull Men “watching” so that none of the party has to leave the tent, and the relatively mild winds, all those with fur-lined bedrolls find that they do not even need to light the camp stove to get in a long rest. Mathias has just a heavy woolen blanket, not even a bedroll, let alone a fur-lined bedroll, but by sleeping in his borrowed cold weather gear he is able to rest as well.

Larry, Aurora, and Mathias again confer over breakfast, planning their spells for the day.

The Plan
Together, they resolve that in the first hour, Larry will use his only fourth level slot to give four people longstrider, while Mathias uses his fly on himself. [Larry to 3/3/3/0] They will be able to move at the full pace of Tyrius, Thokk, Eddard, and the mules, and not limited by the slower pace of Babshapka, or the even slower pace of Aurora, Willa, Umbra, and Matthias.

In the second hour, Larry will use a third level slot to give three people longstrider, while Aurora uses her single fourth level slot to allow two people to fly (Mathias as mentor and Umbra as trainee). [Larry to 3/3/2/0, Aurora to 3/3/3/0]

In the third hour, Larry will use a third level slot to give three people longstrider, while Aurora uses a third level slot to allow one person to fly (Willa as trainee) and Mathias uses a second fly spell on himself (as mentor). [Larry to 3/3/1/0, Aurora to 3/3/2/0]

In the fourth hour, Larry will use his last third level slot to give three people longstrider, while Aurora uses a third level slot to allow Mathias to fly. With only four people augmented, they will move at the pace of Babshapka for that hour. [Larry to 3/3/0/0, Aurora to 3/3/1/0]

In the fifth and last hour of the morning march, the most people they could augment would be three, so they will not cast spells and will move at the pace of the slowest among them.

After the midday rest, Mathias will recover two fly spells, Larry and Aurora each a fourth level slot.

In the first hour of the afternoon march, Larry will use a fourth level slot to give four people longstrider, while Mathias uses his fly on himself. [Larry to 2/3/0/0]

In the second hour, Larry will use a second level slot to give longstrider to two people, Aurora will give two people flying (herself and Umbra as a trainee). With only four people augmented, they will move at the pace of Babshapka for that hour. [Larry to 2/2/0/0, Aurora to 2/3/1/0]

In the third hour, Larry will use a second level slot to give longstrider to two people, Aurora will give one person flying (Willa as a trainee), and Mathias will use his second fly on himself (as mentor). With only four people augmented, they will move at the pace of Babshapka for that hour. [Larry to 2/1/0/0, Aurora to 2/3/0/0]

In the fourth and fifth hours of the afternoon march, the most people they could augment would be two, so they will not cast spells and will move at the pace of the slowest among them.

(6am, -1F, wind 26mph, wind chill -26F)
The party breaks camp and sets out, continuing along the high, narrow valley.

(7am (2 miles traveled so far), 1F, wind 25mph, wind chill -23F)

(8am (4 miles traveled), 3F, wind 24mph, wind chill -20F)
Halfway into the third hour of the march they reach the end of the long valley and stare up at the steep wall that Larry says they will need to ascend. Craning his neck to look at the treacherous switchbacks along the cliff face, Mathias says, “Yeah, good luck with that. I’ll see you at the top,” and takes off flying.

(9am (6 miles traveled), 5F, wind 23mph, wind chill -17F)
Having successfully gone up and over the ridge, the party begins to make their way along the narrow, winding valley full of rockslides and crevasses. Thokk and Larry choose their path carefully - Larry guided by the mountain spirits and Thokk squinting and straining to see in the frigid blasts of air.

(10am (7.75 miles traveled), 7F, wind 23mph, wind chill -14F)
They continue along the narrow cut.

(11am (9.25 miles traveled), 7F, wind 23mph, wind chill -14F)
Willa calls a halt for the morning’s march. In the narrow gap between steep cliffs, with fallen boulders on all sides, it is easy to find a shelter from the wind as they break for the midday meal.

(12pm, 11F, wind 21mph, wind chill -8F)
The party sets out again after their meal and rest.

(1pm (11.25 miles traveled), 13F, wind 22mph, wind chill -6F)
The gap between the walls narrows.

(2pm (13 miles traveled), 13F, wind 22mph, wind chill -6F)
They walk a seeming maze of ice, cliff-faces, and fallen rocks. Numerous side-branches cross and intersect with the trail they follow. Were it not for the spirits guiding Larry, all of them (except Thokk) are sure that they would soon be hopelessly lost.

(3pm (14.75 miles traveled), 12F, wind 23 mph, wind chill -7F)
The maze of ice and rock continues.

(4pm (16.25 miles traveled), 12F, wind 23 mph, wind chill -7F)
With just an hour’s march left, and a bit more daylight then that, the party finds themselves at the top of a steep cliff. They remember having climbed up here, and they know the bottom is thousands of feet below after a long series of narrow switchbacks. Thokk and Larry plan their descent. (Larry Survival check (Mountain) 15, with Thokk’s help 18).

(5pm (17.75 miles traveled), 12F, wind 24 mph, wind chill -8F)
With everyone’s legs trembling after the hour’s steep descent, they all have made it to the bottom with just two close calls of slipping rocks tumbling down the cliff face. Once everyone is finally on level ground, Willa immediately calls for a halt, and they set up the tent in the gathering dusk.

After dinner, Willa takes stock of their supplies:
People food for three days before they need to use the ship’s rations
Mule feed for one more day before they need to use the bag of alien seed or the alien porridge
18 pounds of mineral coal

(6pm, 12F, wind 24mph, wind chill -8F)
(7pm, 11F, wind 25mph, wind chill -9F)
(8pm, 11F, wind 25mph, wind chill -9F)
(9pm, 11F, wind 26mph, wind chill -10F)
(10pm, 10F, wind 26mph, wind chill -11F)
(11pm, 10F, wind 27mph, wind chill -11F)
(12am, 10F, wind 28mph, wind chill -12F)

[Wandering encounter: Night, None.]

27 February [8 Coldeven], 571 - Barrier Peaks, 15,000’ elevation

[Wandering encounter 3: Morning, None.]

(1am, 9F, wind 28mph, wind chill -13F)
(2am, 9F, wind 29mph, wind chill -13F)
(3am, 9F, wind 29mph, wind chill -13F)
(4am, 8F, wind 30mph, wind chill -15F)
(5am, 8F, wind 30mph, wind chill -15F)

There may be another spell arrangement that could squeeze a mile or two more out of the day’s march, but Aurora cannot think of it intuitively. Perhaps she could ferret it out with quill and paper but her ink has been frozen since shortly after they left the cave. For now, they are all content that the return journey has been much faster than their trip in, that with the Bull Men on watch no one has been overcome by cold, and that they may even arrive at the city of dwarves before their “normal” food from this world runs out and they are forced to use that of the ship.

(6am, 8F, wind 31mph, wind chill -15F)
The party breaks camp and sets out in good spirits, planning on using the spell strategy from the previous day. While still well below zero and with a stiff wind, the thousands of feet they descended along the cliff face at the end of the previous day have resulted in noticeably warmer temperatures.

(7am (2 miles traveled so far today), 10F, wind 31mph, wind chill -13F)

(8am (4 miles traveled), 12F, wind 32mph, wind chill -10F)
After two sharp turns, the valley assumes a narrow (barely a mile across) but relatively straight path, with steep sides but a flat bottom that is easy to traverse. They have returned to the section where the spirits told a dubious Larry that the mountainside had been carved by a river of ice.

(9am (6 miles traveled), 14F, wind 32mph, wind chill -7F)

(10am (7.75 miles traveled), 16F, wind 33mph, wind chill -5F)
At this point the narrow valley enters a broader one and their northerly travel turns more to the east. Willa recalls that just over the peaks to their southeast lie the lands claimed by the dwarves of Clan Stonereaver. They are nearing the spot where they were ambushed by the orcs of Gruumsh. Willa tells those who are flying to be looking for signs of the orcs during their ascents.

(11am (9.25 miles traveled), 19F, wind 33mph, wind chill -1F)
They make day camp in the broad valley where they have a good vantage on all sides and cannot be ambushed. In the bright mountain light, temperatures approach the other side of zero for the first time since they left the valley of the Unoerthly Cave (the ground there being heated by the “spirits of the earth”). Only Thokk seems wistful to be leaving the high mountains behind.

(12pm, 21F, wind 34mph, wind chill 2F)
The party sets out again after their rest and meal.

(1pm (11.25 miles traveled), 23F, wind 34mph, wind chill 5F)

(2pm (13 miles traveled), 23F, wind 34mph, wind chill 5F)

(3pm (14.75 miles traveled), 22F, wind 35 mph, wind chill 3F)

(4pm (16.25 miles traveled), 22F, wind 35 mph, wind chill 3F)

(5pm (17.75 miles traveled), 21F, wind 35 mph, wind chill 2F)
When they have clearly come down the mountain into the lands of the dwarves, Willa begins looking ahead for a campsite. She doesn’t like the boulder-strewn flanks of the valley that would give too much cover for ambushers. As the light wanes, they finally come upon a suitable site - and find it strewn with bodies. The frozen remains of the orc ambush lie scattered about. Some scavengers have picked the bodies apart, and bones and bits of frozen meat are dispersed across the valley floor. Hopeful that the site of their previous defeat will give the orcs pause about attacking again, Willa orders them to make camp, but upslope and well away from the nearest of the bodies.

After dinner, Willa takes stock of their supplies:
People food for two days or less before they need to use the ship’s rations
No mule feed - they will need to use the bag of alien seed or the alien porridge on the morrow
18 pounds of mineral coal remain.

(6pm, 21F, wind 35mph, wind chill 2F)
(7pm, 20F, wind 35mph, wind chill 0F)
(8pm, 20F, wind 35mph, wind chill -0F)

[Wandering encounter 4: Night; Common. Large spiders.]
After the sun sets, the Bull Men say that there are ice spiders about, nibbling daintily on the remains of the orcs, but that they will not bother the party.

(9pm, 20F, wind 36mph, wind chill -0F)
(10pm, 19F, wind 36mph, wind chill -2F)
(11pm, 19F, wind 36mph, wind chill -2F)
(12am, 18F, wind 36mph, wind chill -3F)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:37 pm  
Post 218: Departures and Arrivals

DM's Note: By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

DM's note on sources: Moradinath-Mor is not on Darlene's maps, but appears on those of Anna Meyer. I based my description of the dwarven city on, although I expect much of that originally comes from Living Greyhawk sources.

Post 218: Departures and Arrivals
28 February [9 Coldeven], 571 - Barrier Peaks, 12,000’ elevation
[Wandering encounter 4: Morning, None.]

(1am, 18F, wind 36mph, wind chill -3F)
(5am, 16F, wind 37mph, wind chill -6F)

Aside from the routine packing, the first decision of the day is what to feed the mules. Bland though created food may be, Willa reasons that it will at least be safe, which the alien food (seeds or instant porridge) provides no assurance of. Before the Bull Men don their packs, Willa asks them to prepare enough food for the mules for the day. They nod their heads, and suddenly one of the party’s cook-pots is filled with a steaming hot oat mash. An empty feed bag now contains grain, and large flakes of hay stand near the gear, ready to be packed.

The mules need little encouragement to start on the mash - perhaps because it is warm and even inside the tent still below freezing. In a short time they have finished it all and are ready to head out. The other items of food are packed for later in the day.

After camp is stowed the party sets out, first passing through the field of frozen orc remains, and then down the long draw between the mountain peaks to either side. The slope is gentle, and they have dropped perhaps a thousand feet of elevation over the morning by the time Willa calls for the midday rest. Conferring with Larry, she is confident that they will arrive at the city, if not by nightfall, certainly early on the next day.

(11am (9.25 miles traveled), 19F, wind 33mph, wind chill -1F)

(5pm (17.75 miles traveled), 29F, wind 35 mph, wind chill 13F)
Well before nightfall they approach the outskirts of Moradinath-Mor. At its outermost limits are innumerable rock walls that are simply low piles of rough stones, cairn-walls such as one might build by collecting the rocks of the field where they lie. These line paddocks, although the grass within is withered and frozen and no animals are in sight. Closer to the center of the valley, the walls are of worked stone, squared and flattened, higher and straighter, though still enclosing open fields and the occasional stone barn or silo. The walls of the city proper, more than a mile ahead, are not only of worked stone, but every available surface is decoratively carved and linteled. The walls are high and cannot be seen over in many places. The city is full of statuary, gates, colonnades, arcades, porticos, arches, plazas, amphitheaters, coliseums, domes, towers, basilicas, and keeps. It is as if hundreds of stonemasons had labored for generations to make every possible stone structure, but all balanced and in perfect proportion, not random or haphazard, and all growing higher and finer into the very center of the city. For most of them it is a familiar sight, but they pause at the first low wall to let Mathias take it in, as well as the Bull Men and Serpents, for whom it is their first view.

With not a cloud in the sky, Larry and Willa are both confident that they can make it back to the plaza and the inn where their gear is stored before dark - if only they can find their way through the city to that one particular building. Neither one of them are confident of that, but reason that they will be met with an escort at some point, as before.

Suddenly the Bull Men speak. “And here you are, safely at your journey’s end. We have set watch for you, created food for your beasts, and borne your gear. Do you agree that we have indeed fulfilled the boon we owed you for finding us release from the Terran ship?”

Aurora holds up her finger to speak, but Tyrius talks over whatever quibble she is about to lodge. “You have indeed, though we are much and more sorry to see you go so soon, and would rather that you let us feast and entertain you among the dwarves, who are a good and lawful folk.”

The Bull Men smile at Tyrius’ words, but shake their heads, their long beards dancing over their broad chests. “No, such a meeting would produce...complications...which we would rather avoid. As you agree that we have fulfilled our promised aid, we will now depart.” Tyrius, Willa, and Babshapka unharness the Bull Men and place their bags on the ground. Willa smiles courteously, but keeps one eye on the sun; if they need to repack all of this on the mules, and move at a slower rate, she is no longer certain that they will be able to arrive before dark.

The Bull Men bow low to Tyrius and the others, then turn and begin galloping back up the trail, their enormous golden wings spread wide, catching the drafts of alpine wind. Soon their legs leave the ground, and their wings pump to lift them higher and higher into the sky. Three times they circle the party, higher each time, and then turn and fly straight at the setting sun, until they are lost to sight.

Then the four flying Serpents, ever aloft, bob and dip in the air and say that they, too, will be taking their leave.

“What?” says Tyrius, his surprise overcoming his politeness for a moment. “Do you not wish the dwarves to see you, as well?” he adds, trying to regain his composure.

The Serpents laugh easily, and say that the dwarves have been watching them for over an hour, from all manner of spyholes concealed among the ‘boulders’ lining their path.

“And, yes, we have not forgotten that,” they say, responding to Aurora’s unspoken thought And our boons?

“Two from each of us,” they say, “one for freeing us from imprisonment within the boxes, another for releasing us from the ship. Two from each of us is eight - but there are nine of you, so perhaps nine is better.” Eddard clears his throat, and everyone pretends not to notice.

One of the Serpents flies to Tyrius, hovering in front of the paladin encased in the strange armor. With a flick of its tail, a single scale flies from its side, landing in Tyrius’ instinctively outstretched palm. The scale is iridescent, the light of the sun playing across its surface and producing a rainbow of hues.

“Our boon to you, Tyrius, Paladin of Pelor,” they say. “Crush this scale in your hand in your moment of need, and you will be able to cast a Greater Restoration spell, equal to the one the Shedu used to restore your companion.”

Tyrius has naught but murmured his thanks when the Serpent darts away and joins the ring of four circling around the party, just before another one swoops in front of Willa.

“Wilhemina Stoutley,” it says, “crush this scale in your moment of need, and you will be able to bestow the effect of Lesser Restoration on a being of your choice.”

The Serpents continue thus, granting each of the party members a scale from their sides, a single-use magic item, to be used when they deem the moment is right.

For Babshapka, a scale that can Cure Wounds

For Umbra, Shield

For Shefak, Sanctuary

For Mathias, Detect Magic. Mathias pockets the snake scale, then takes a long drag off his cigarette while he rolls his tongue across his teeth as he watches the snake creatures in their flight.

For Aurora: Detect Evil and Good

For Larry: Bless

And for Thokk, Detect Thoughts

[The order in which the scales were presented was from the party's most Lawful and Good member to their least Lawful and Good member. This was intended as a commentary from the Couatl to the party on their worthiness, but none of them, characters or players, picked up on it.]

All the while each of them is receiving their boon, the others find their heads filled with thoughts from the Serpents, admonitions to remain true, to work for the common good, to defend the weak and to dispense justice. To some, the words come as great encouragement, while others find them smarmy or even unsettling. Thokk tilts his head and strikes himself, as if trying to get water from his ear.

Once all the boons are distributed, the Serpents circle the party, flying in an intricate, weaving dance. Their movements become both faster and more elaborate as they go, until their forms are just a blur of colored motion, and then fade into empty air.

The party stands dumbstruck for a moment, until Willa reminds them that they are burning daylight and need to get the packs on the mules. Mathias pauses to pick the licorice candy out of the corner of his side tooth with his pinky nail. It is unclear whether it is smoke or his own breath that fills the air in a cloud around him. Finally satisfied that he has got that last bit of candy from between his teeth, he sucks it off his finger and replaces his finger with his cigarette. He shakes the frost off his borrowed parka and starts loading bags onto the mules.

The mules fret and complain about the new loads, but the packs are not more than they can safely bear. Once the party again begins walking, their pace is considerably slower, but the beasts are in no danger of foundering today.

They move through the outskirts of the city along a broad flagstone road leading through the paddocks. While the valley floor is creased with ridges or rent with gullies, the natural surface constantly ascending and descending, the road stays smooth and level, crossing over numerous stone bridges, cutting through embankments, occasionally lowering down long ramps with just the slightest hint of a grade. They also pass stone bunkers and towers whose walls are perforated with crossbow slits. The party continues, slowly making their way into the center of the city in the gathering dusk.

By the time the walls and buildings rise so high around them so that they cannot see the rest of the city, they begin to notice entryways to the underground. Darkened archways open on stairs going down. Blind alleys end in broad, descending ramps that become tunnel mouths. By now it is well and truly dark. Willa calls for a halt, intent on extracting her lantern from her pack, when Babshapka points at an approaching light, a warm yellow glow illuminating the alabaster stone of the city.

With great, dancing shadows cast by the lamplight they are approached by five dwarves, four of them in highly-polished scale mail from head to toe, with visored helms so that the only living parts of them that may be seen are their eyes and beards - everything else is covered in articulated metal and the party cannot help but think of the clockworks of the ship. The dwarves bear two-handed swords, fully as long as they are tall. The fifth dwarf is dressed in fine furs and leathers, with a woolen robe of deepest blue closed with a silver neck chain.

Tyrius, his voice echoing and metallic from the strange armor, greets them.

After just a single sentence each of exchanged pleasantries, the dwarves lead them to the familiar above-ground inn in which their gear is (hopefully still) stored. Then the dwarves say that they will visit again in the morning, and depart.

The inn is as they left it, with their gear carefully stored in a bedroom. There is a kitchen, a common or dining room, a suite of connected bedrooms above and below, and a stable that has a broad exterior door and a small interior door opening on one of the bedrooms. There is the room several of them have been thinking of since they left the ship, the bath room with a hand-pump for drawing water from some unknown source, a coal bin, a coal stove with bronze water troughs on top, and a huge basin in the floor lined with polished stone, accessed by stairs, and large enough to fit two of them at a time. Aurora calls the first bath and Willa scowls. “Off wit’ ye, t’en, ye’d be as much ‘elp as a t’ird t’umb in unloading ther mules anyhow.”

At day’s end, the party has consumed all their party rations.
(Mathias still has 4 days of his own, Umbra 3 days of her own left).
There is no mule feed left.
They have 18 pounds of mineral coal, and 65 pounds of charcoal in their stores at the inn.

[Wandering encounter 5: Night, None.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue May 03, 2022 9:52 am  
Post 219: Midnight Meeting

DM's Note: The contents of this post are known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias').

Post 219: Midnight Meeting
28 February [9 Coldeven], 571

All during the long walk from the Unoerthly Cave down to the Dwarven City, Leezar has kept his surface mind busy, focusing on his immediate experience - the cold of the biting wind, the way the sunlight glints off the ice, the taste of liquorice in his mouth. He knows both the Bull Men and Flying Serpents can read minds, so he pushes off any thoughts of plans or the future, and especially any thoughts of Gr...the dark master.

When they finally disappear he says to himself, but very nearly aloud, thank the gods they are gone!

That evening, once supper is in his belly and his gear is securely stored in the inn of the strangely empty dwarven city, Leezar goes out on the balcony to smoke and look out over the empty stone buildings, shining faintly in the light from both quarter-moons.

"Hey, boss!" says a nearby, gravelly voice.

Sitting on the railing of the balcony, near at hand but unseen until a second ago, is a pudgy, warty demonling smoking a fat cigar.

"I thought those goody-two-s***s would NEVER leave," it says, then sucks deeply, the end of the cigar glowing bright in the night.

“Amen, brother,” laughs Leezar as loudly as he dares without waking the others within. “It has been a rough couple of days. I have had to occupy my mind with the most mundane of thoughts to keep them out of my head. Luckily, it is cold as f*** outside. Come warm yourself by the fire. I must get better at my job - someday Master will send a succubus to twist my mind and my nipples!” The demonling leers in response. “I have much to report,” says Leezar.

"Eeh, tanks but no tanks on da fire. Youse still got dat pally inside, and he can smell me at thoity feet like stink on a**. And speakin' a getting better at youses job, that's youses next job. Da Big Boss is pleased that youse found dat Aurora chick and youse is gaining her trust. But youse won't get nearly far enough with dat pally hangin' around. Youse gotta get rid of him before anything else can happen."

"Get rid of him?" says Leezar, the words leaving open many possible interpretations.

The demonling laughs. "Eh, shank him if youse want, if youse think youse can get away with it...but my suggestion would be to make him want to leave. Ain't no pally worth his s*** dat can resist a quest. Find somethin' dat some of dem want to do but some don't. Make sure that he ends up on one side and Aurora ends up on da other. Split da party and good riddance ta him."

[DM's Note: If Leezar succeeds in getting Tyrius to leave the party, one way or another, 'Mathias' will level to 7th.]

“Consider it done.” Leezar takes the last drag of the cigarette and flicks it to the plaza below. “I have a question on where the Master stands on the topic of illithids; you know, mind flayers?”

The demonling scowls. “Dat’s neither here nor dere,” he says. “Dey sure ain’t Good, but it’s as hard as my member when I’m looking at erinyes porn ta get dem to serve. Dey all is slaves ta deir ‘Elder Brain’ or somes***. Ain’t none a dem built for temptation. Dey don't even have a sex. Pfft.”

Leezar nods. “Hey, can all demons see in magical darkness?”

“Most demons have darkvision - but dat don’t help none in magical darkness.
Weaker demons have blindsight over short ranges.
Powerful demons have truesight over long ranges.”

Leezar nods again and thanks the demonling. He then proceeds to recount a brief summary of his work with Aurora so far while the demonling cocks its head and listens. When he is done with his summary, the demonling leaps from the balcony, flying low over the streets on its leathery wings, while Leezar opens the door to his room and goes inside.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
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Fri May 06, 2022 9:08 pm  

There's a lot of intrigue surrounding our favorite silver-hearted and self-centered wizard. That knight and his group are still after the party presumably for Aurora's delving too deeply into secrets she shouldn't know, her own master made her do this research for reasons we don't necessarily know, and now Iuz's own father has an interest in her?

Now this is the kind of Greyhawk I like, with all the intrigues, cabals and deeper secrets that hint at something unknown and sinister...
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue May 10, 2022 7:58 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Now this is the kind of Greyhawk I like, with all the intrigues, cabals and deeper secrets that hint at something unknown and sinister...

As has been oft said before, one of the defining features of the Greyhawk setting is 'wheels within wheels'...
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue May 10, 2022 9:57 pm  
Post 220: Moradinath-Mor and More

DM's note: Three very different themes for this post. First, the niggling details of buying and selling equipment and treasure. Then, lots of rolls and charge uses until the party becomes proficient with the alien technology. Finally, Mathias' and Umbra's secret backstories subtly clash in front of the party without them realizing the import of either.

Post 220: Moradinath-Mor and More

1 March [10 Coldeven], 571 - City of Moradinath-Mor, 10,000’ elevation
After four days of carrying as much weight as they could and moving as fast as they could for as they long as they could in the cold, thin mountain air, after a hot bath and in their soft beds, under thick woolen blankets, the party sleeps soundly all night long, only occasionally arising to use the chamber pot, or (Mathias), going out on the balcony to stare at the moons and smoke quickly in the cold. If they don’t exactly keep to their standard watch rotations, if some are early to end their shifts or late to rise, and if an hour or two pass in the night in which no one is actually on watch, Willa merely harrumphs and rolls over. Surely Thokk’s snores will drive off all but the most fearsome of opponents.

The next morning finds only a few of them in the downstairs common room, going through their packs to make sure that indeed there is no party food left, eyeing the ship’s rations suspiciously and mentally debating whether or not to try them, when a stout dwarven matron with a wide apron and a neatly-trimmed beard enters the outside door without knocking and orders them back upstairs. She bears with her a large bag of oats in one hand and an entire smoked ham on the opposite shoulder, so they do as they are told.

An hour later, with all of them now awake and sitting contentedly around the breakfast table, only a few still eating, the first solicitous dwarven merchants begin to show up. They wait patiently in a side room, being served ale by the matron, while the party discusses what they will be buying and selling. Mathias asks if the party won’t be visiting shops and, hopefully, taverns? No, explain Tyrius, Willa, and Aurora - the dwarves appear rather ‘protective’ of their privacy, to put it charitably. The upper city (aboveground) is deserted - at least now in winter. The lower city (belowground) appears to be where all the dwarves are - but the party hasn’t been invited there. Rather, individual dwarven merchants and craftsmen will visit the inn with sample wares. The party can buy what they like or ask for different goods. Eventually, word of mouth will get the right wares to them if they exist in the city. “That’s odd,” says Mathias, but he leaves it at that.

Since the party is out of “normal” food and feed, the discussion begins there. They do have plenty of ship’s stores - but are not sure they trust them. They have tried a few of them and found them edible - but the effects of eating only them, for days on end, is unknown. Mathias asks how long it will take them to get somewhere else that they can buy food, and Aurora points out that they should buy “just enough”, for the dwarves do charge a premium on food, at costs well above market price outside the mountains. The party racks their collective memory and estimates that it will be three days from Moradinath-Mor to the Lake of Rhȗn, another day beyond that to the Monastery of Pelor, and a final day from there to the town of Dersyth, the closest good place to buy food. Willa proposes buying a week’s worth of food, for men and beasts, which would leave them with two day’s extra depending on how long they need to wait at the lake before the secretive druids agree to see them. Mathias nods knowingly. Tyrius points out that the ship’s rations seem to be much lighter for the nutritional value than even trail rations - and if they have lasted hundreds of years, they will likely last a few months more. Perhaps rather than use them, they are best kept on hand as “emergency rations” in case the party unexpectedly runs out of food at some point. They all agree that this seems sensible.

Trail Rations for 8* people for 7 days = 56 rations = 42gp
(*Babshapka will use his Ioun Stone until they get to Dersyth, and normal rations thereafter)

They start to calculate rations for the mules, but Willa points out that they will want to buy at least a third mule, and possibly a fourth - however many they need in order to distribute the load enough so that the mules aren’t slowed in any way. They won’t know until they have finished all their buying and selling whether they will want three mules or four, so the safest thing seems to be buying for four, and if they have a few pounds of grain left over, that’s fine.

Grain Rations for 4 mules for 7 days = 28 rations = 3gp

The grain for the mules brings up the subject of the bag of alien seed they are carrying from the ship. Mathias says it should be destroyed - burned if possible. Who knows what it would do to the mules or, if it washed down a drain, whether plant men would start to infest the sewers of the dwarven city? Enough of the party seem to agree that they don’t need it, and it is safer to destroy it, but how? Someone suggests turning it over to the druid council of Rhȗn - it can serve as proof that they were in the ship, and if anyone can know whether it is dangerous to the Oerth or how to safely dispose of it, it will be they. This idea meets with rapid agreement.

In terms of supplies, traveling to the lowlands and with spring advancing, they all agree they don’t need to purchase more coal, but will bring with them the mineral coal and charcoal they already have on hand. Neither will they need most of their mountaineering supplies - crampons, fur-lined sleeping rolls (as nice as they are, a month from now in he lowlands they will be far too warm to sleep in). However, there is general agreement that they should keep the pavilion tent - spring will be bringing rains, and only two of them (Willa and Shefak) have personal tents. The dwarves agree to take back the “used” mountaineering gear for half what the party spent to acquire it. Thokk is enamored of his double-sided wolf fur blanket, though, and decides to keep that.

Eight fur-lined sleeping rolls Sell for 40gp
A small bronze camp stove and a copper kettle Sell for 5gp
“Cold weather gear” for one person (Umbra) Sell for 2.5gp
Leather-and-iron crampons for seven Sell for 14gp

When the subject of selling is broached, it does not take Willa long to mention the strange technological weapons, and her hope that they can be sold so that the whole misadventure to the ship can have been worth something, now that they are returning most decidedly without the promised ‘starmetal’. Mathias clears his throat pointedly, and looks at Aurora. A second later, they hear a message from Aurora, but the dwarves in the next room over do not:

Actually, Mathias and I were discussing the inadvisability of revealing the presence of any of these items, at least anywhere near the ship itself. We don’t think it would be good to spark any interest in anyone else searching for it - the ship is better left ignored and unopened for the safety of everyone. Perhaps when we are far and away from these lands with no way to trace the items to their origins we could consider selling them.

Willa raises an eyebrow and points a spoon, the morning’s gruel still stuck to it, at Tyrius’ armor standing empty in a corner of the room. “‘e walked ‘ere in t’at,” she says, “an’ ther ‘ole city sore ‘im," but she doesn’t object further.

Perhaps, allows Aurora, they could sell some or all of the treasure they acquired in the ship - the gems, jewelry, and perhaps the platinum chits and gemmed ball bearings pulled from the robots. Those things aren’t obviously of otherworldly origin, and they are likely to get fair prices for them, at least if the dwarves are still operating under the conditions of the letter that the party presented to them from the druid council.

Willa readily agrees that if they wanted to sell the gems and jewelry here they could - but she points out that gems and jewelry are just about the most portable form of treasure there is - and certainly lighter per value than even platinum coins. If anything, if the dwarves are committed to fair trades, they should be taking this opportunity to rid themselves of excess coinage, and be buying gems of known value. Those in the party who are used to carrying purses with hundreds of coins nod in agreement.

“What’s more,” adds Aurora excitedly, and now forgetting to use her message, “this would be a great chance to rid ourselves of the last of those coins from Nholast’s tower! Surely the long-lived dwarves won’t care that the coins are a centuries-old mint from a country that no longer exists - they can just give us the value of the precious metal.”

But thinking about gems, conversion rates, and fair deals just spurs Aurora’s train of thought. When they last passed through the city, the dwarves provided them the service of appraising their gems, with each gem wrapped in a folded parchment sheet, signed and sealed and wax-stamped, testifying to its value. Aurora thinks they should ask for the same service for the gems and jewelry they recovered from <the ship> (this time she remembers to message rather than using the word out loud), and the others agree that indeed they should if the dwarves are willing.

With their strategy pretty much mapped out, the party relaxes for the rest of the day, allowing the matron to cook and reviewing the wares that the different merchants bring but saying each time that they really are only interested in food, asking for the gem appraisals and coin exchanges. Aurora asks about things like inks and magic items but the dwarves shake their heads. Mathias walks in the plaza outside to smoke, studies the nearby buildings, and peeks his nose in a few alleys, but it is clear that the dwarves intend the party to be on a short tether while in their city.

Eventually the old gemner they met before arrives, with a younger journeyman and multiple jeweler’s eyepieces, a small precision balance, a curious lantern with colored glass filter plates, and other strange tools. The party spreads before them the numerous gems and jewelries collected from the ship. The ancient craftsman politely explains that when they visited before, they were about to purchase hundreds of gold in mountaineering supplies, and he worked for them as a service to his brethren dwarves. But now, as he understands it, the party is receiving more for selling the supplies back to the dwarves than they will be paying for the week’s worth of food; the city is, in a net sense, losing wealth. Very politely, he explains that he doesn’t work for free.

After a bit of negotiation, the party agrees to hire his appraisal services at one percent of the value of the gems and jewelry appraised, or 50gp, whichever is lower. With the bargain agreed to, he sets to work:

5 Space Jewelries - from the Mind Flayer

37 Space Crystals - from the Mind Flayer
1 gp each - these are all placed into a single thick sheet of parchment rather than individual ones

4 Space Jewelries - from the closet of the Android training room

13 Space Jewelries - from the captain’s wife’s jewelry cabinet
Four bracelets and two necklaces that are worthless ‘costume jewelry’
5gp ring
30gp ring
60gp bracelet
75gp ring
100gp bracelet
200gp ring
400gp necklace

3 Gem Medals - from Chief Security Officer’s dress uniform

6 Gem Bearings - from the innards of two different worker robots
5gp each, once the dwarf has removed them from the “worthless” metal housing

1 Musical Bracelet - from the ‘restaurant’ with the chef robot
400gp for the jewelry itself - the dwarf doesn’t know how much more it would be worth for the ‘magical music effect’, “Fer those wha’ care aboot sech foolishness” he says.

Aurora works with pen and ink while the dwarf counts on his fingers. They agree that the total worth of all the lot together is 4017gp, one percent of which is 40.17gp. The dwarf accepts one of the 40gp jewelries found in the closet of the android training room as his compensation.

Aurora suddenly remembers something and brings out both the strange tube she extracted from a SecBot and the robot repair tools she used to take them apart. The old dwarf’s eyes are immediately drawn to the tools. He turns them over in his hands, tests the temper of a miniature screwdriver by pushing it against the stone table, and is visibly impressed. He immediately offers the party 25gp for the set.

When Aurora attempts to get him to look at the strange tube, it is only with reluctance that he does so. He pokes and pulls at the internal wires, tries (and fails) to scratch the surface of the metal tube, gently bends the mesh. “An interesting curiosity,” he says, “and I don’t recognize half the metals. But it is hardly of any use and I’m no tinker gnome. No thank you”

“Just as well,” whispers Mathias to Aurora. “Absent the SecBot, it has no power source - better to keep it for your own future experiments.”

When Aurora makes to move the rest of the now-wrapped and labeled packets to the party’s common store of treasure, Mathias holds up his hand. Willa watches with a thoughtful look on her face and her arms crossed over her chest, wondering to what he will object.

“What?” says Aurora.

“Shouldn’t I have my share first?” asks Mathias.

“I’m adding this to party treasure - we usually disperse it as and when needed.”

“Fair enough, but does that mean I am entitled to a share of all the treasure you have saved from before we met?”

“Uh...I guess not.”

“Then better you give me my share now, and add what’s left to what you will eventually divide between the rest of you, without me.”

With the approval of Willa and Tyrius, Aurora painstakingly works out that (4017 in gems - 40 fee) / 9 = 442gp. Mathias nods thoughtfully, then brings out the 109 platinum chits that were found in the Mind Flayer’s bag. The dwarf carefully weighs them on the balance, submerges them in a graduated cylinder filled with water, and declares that they each contain half the quantity of platinum found in a platinum coin of most any mint, and are thus altogether worth 545gp, of which Mathias’ share is 60.5gp.

With his share of the party’s gem and jewelry spoils from the ship now at 502.5gp, Mathias announces that he will be claiming two of the medals found on the Security Officer’s uniform. He can sell them in a pinch if he needs the gold, but perhaps he will be able to hold on to them and use them with his uniform on his triumphant return to the ship. His ship. Larry passes him two gold and 5 silver coins from the party’s pool.

His services no longer required, the gem appraiser and his journeyman take their leave.

Later, the gem merchants show up, having been told that those in the party with excess coins wish to purchase gems.

Party coins:
Silver: 11 (Larry) + 108 (Thokk) = 11.9gp
Gold: 1 (Larry) +25 (sold tools) = 26gp
Platinum: 2 (Larry) + 7 (Aurora) = 90gp
Total: 127.9gp
Purchased: 100gp gem
Fee: 2gp (1%)
Change: 25 gp 9sp

Nholast Platinum: 22 (Thokk) + 2 (Willa) = 440gp
Purchased: 4x100gp gems
Fee: 20gp (5%)
Change: 20gp

Personal Coins:
168gp = 168gp
36 pp = 360gp
Total = 528gp
Purchased: 5x100gp gems
Fee: 5gp (1%)
Change: 23gp

8sp = 0.8gp
2 gp = 2 gp
64 pp = 640gp
Total = 642.8gp
Purchase: 6 gems x 100gp
Fee: 6gp (1%)
Change: 36gp, 8sp

98gp = 98gp
5pp = 50gp
Total = 148gp
Purchase: 1 gem x 100gp
Fee: 1gp (1%)
Change: 47gp

95gp = 95gp
2pp = 20gp
Total = 115gp
Purchase: 1 gem x 100gp
Fee: 1gp
Change: 14gp

5cp = 0.05gp
2sp = 0.2gp
169gp = 169gp
Total = 169.25gp
Purchase: 1 gem x 100gp
Fee: 1gp (1%)
Change: 6pp, 8gp, 2sp, 5cp

200gp = 200gp
17pp = 170gp
Total = 370gp
Purchase: 3 gems x 100gp
Fee: 3gp (1%)
Change: 5pp, 17gp

86gp = 86gp
13pp = 130gp
Total = 216gp
Purchase: 2 gems x 100gp
Fee: 2gp (1%)
Change: 14gp

After the consolidation in coinage, many in the party have considerably lighter packs, which encourages Willa - until she goes over the supplies that they had left behind in the city: all their lowland bedrolls, several books from Aurora, and over a hundred pounds of charcoal. She decides that they will definitely need to buy two mules, rather than one.

Mule - 12gp
Bit and Bridle - 3gp
Pack Saddle - 7.5gp
Total: 22.5 x 2 = 45gp

Gross Total expenses (not including coin and gem exchange)
Trail Rations for 8* people for 7 days = 56 rations = 42gp
Grain Rations for 4 mules for 7 days = 28 rations = 3gp
Total: 22.5 x 2 = 45gp
Storing equipment at inn, 1gp/day for Feb 11 - March 1 = 18gp
One night at inn plus stabling = 15gp
Total: 123gp

Eight fur-lined sleeping rolls Sell for 40gp
A small bronze camp stove and a copper kettle Sell for 5gp
“Cold weather gear” for one person (Umbra) Sell for 2.5gp
Leather-and-iron crampons for seven Sell for 14gp
Gross Total Received: 61.5gp

Net Party expenses: 53.5gp
Paid with: 4 gold coins plus
0.5gp very small jet
37 Space Crystals 1 gp each
1gp small chalcedony
1gp large lapis lazuli
1gp very small amethyst
2gp very small garnet
2gp very small peridot
5gp small spinel

By working the rest of the afternoon, the party gets their own loads right [all characters within 5lbs of encumbered] and the four mules organized [all four mules within a few pounds of 280 pounds; encumbered, but not heavily encumbered - with reduction to speed, as fast as most of the party members and faster than the slowest member, Larry].

The party enjoys a simple but hearty dinner. They tell the matron that she can prepare them breakfast in the morning, but after that they will be leaving. Once she has retired for the evening, they close the doors and shutter the windows, and turn to practicing with their strange devices from the ship.

First, Mathias describes to Aurora, Willa, and Tyrius how to use the language translator. He explains that the red button is for receiving; there will be a ten minute delay for the first analysis of a foreign tongue and after that translation will be instantaneous. The blue button is pushed for transmitting. A pull on the base opens the power disc compartment. The translation will analyze the closest / loudest speaker in its range, although pointing the dish end will help focus it. When he feels that they understand it, he allows Aurora to attempt to use it.

(Aurora: Intelligence -1, Observed use -1, explained -2, total -4 on roll. Roll 5 (=1; Circle), 10 (=6; Triangle), 9 (=5; Start), 6 (=4; Circle), 2 (=1, Finish).

After a bit of fumbling Aurora is able to point it with one hand and activate the buttons with her thumb. [Aurora is now -6 and has no chance of failure with the device]. She returns it to Mathias.

Next up is the anti-gravity belt. Mathias describes this to Aurora, Tyrius, and Willa. He explains that the belt is opened by giving the disc a quarter turn prograde and pressing in upon the boss. The belt is activated by turning the boss retrograde half a turn and pushing inwards. In the back of the embossing is a circular indentation the size of a coin. A power disc may be fitted into this recess - there was a fully-charged there when he found it. When the belt is active, it seems to eliminate the weight of the wearer, but does not actually make him float or fly. Mathias has tried small jumps, and it seems like the belt would keep one from, for example, falling, or allow him to jump much higher, but he hasn’t used it as extensively as the translator.

When Mathias feels that they understand it, he allows Aurora to attempt to use it.

(Aurora: Intelligence -1, Observed use -1, explained -2, total -4 on roll. Roll 7 (=3; Circle), 6 (=2; Finish). Aurora finds this easy to operate, and in short order she can push off the ground and easily reach the ceiling, hovering there. The harder she pushes, the faster she flies, so it seems that she does have some sort of resistance to motion, even if she is in fact weightless.

[Aurora is now -6, and has no chance of failure with the device]. She returns it to Mathias, but he explains that he is not interested in it - he considers it a party item, for use by whomever it would benefit the most. For his part, he has his own fly spell, and that won’t require power disc charges he would rather save for the translator.

Tyrius says that he was interested in learning to use the belt, so that he could better activate the one in his armor. With the way the armor increases the strength of his movements, he imagines that he will be able to make some truly majestic leaps once he determines how. He would like to try the belt - but first he takes care to dress in his regular armor and puts on a full pack besides to simulate the most weight possible. (Tyrius: Intelligence -1, Observed use -1, explained -2, total -4 on roll. Roll 10 (=6; Circle), 3 (=1; Finish). [Tyrius is now -6, and has no chance of failure with the device]

Tyrius is nine stone if he is a pound; with armor and pack he approaches three hundred pounds. Yet with the belt on he finds it easy to kick off the floor and reach the ceiling. Unlike Aurora, however, he immediately begins to come down - but ever so slowly, as if he had a feather fall spell in effect. It is several seconds before he is again standing on the floor. He grins in satisfaction, removes the belt, and tells Willa that they will need to discuss who in the party might most benefit from it. After reflecting, he recalls the time it took Willa and Mathias together to carry Shefak’s unconscious body down the corridor of attacking plant men. He wonders if the belt could be placed around a fallen comrade and activated so as to make them easier to evacuate.

No one is interested in understanding the blaster pistol better; they figure that can be left to Babshapka, who already understands the device well enough. Willa convinces the others, even Aurora, not to play with the unidentified weapon as that would be a waste of their power discs. The laser pistol, however, attracts more interest. Babshapka is interested in it as a possible ranged weapon, Tyrius so that he can better operate the one that seems to already be part of the armor. Willa is on-hand to “supervise - an keep ye fools from blowin’ apart ther inn.” Although Mathias removed the weapon from the body of the ship’s captain, and has been carrying it since, he says he is neither interested in claiming it nor learning how it works. Again, his bolts of force are all he needs and they don’t cost discs besides. He is amenable to helping the others, though, and describes to them his experience while in the first set of armor, when he accidently set off the weapon several times. Babshapka recounts his experience as well in the new armor, followed by Tyrius, and Aurora shares what little she was able to glean from reading the display inside the armor.

Aurora decides to test the device first, after Willa has cleared all those not involved in the test from the common room downstairs. The others are in the bedrooms above (except for Thokk, singing loudly and splashing lustily in the bath), while the gang of those testing the pistol are hunkered down in the kitchen, watching Aurora through the open doorway.

The ruby-tipped rod of the device is identical to that fixed to the forearm of the armor; but the cuff and other extension are not. By now Aurora is used to the cuff of her blaster rifle, so she assumes this device works by the same principle and slides it on.

[Aurora: Intelligence -1, partially explained -1, total -2 on roll. Roll 6 (=4; Circle)].

The cuff remains loose about her wrist until Aurora grabs the lever - then the plates of the cuff instantly expand until the device is grasping her firmly. She raises her arm horizontally as if brandishing a wand, and gently squeezes what she now takes to be a grip on the lever.

[Roll 5 (=3; Finish). Aurora now has “operated successfully”, and a further -2 to use. -1 charge to disc.]

The tip of the rod glows bright red, and then a beam shoots straight out and into the stone wall of the common room. The bolt of light is reminiscent of the bolts fired by the Security Robots. When Aurora lets go of the grip, the cuff loosens, and she is easily able to remove it.

Willa moves over to the stone wall. The area where the bolt hit is still warm to the touch, and there is a hole, nearly perfectly round and the width of a pinky finger, in the stone itself. She probes the hole, but does not find its depth. Even a straw inserted within does not touch. Babshapka gets out the headless shaft of a broken giant arrow. The stone blocks of the inn are one foot thick - there is one layer outside, one inside, with several inches of crushed rock fill between. Babshapka’s arrow reveals that the hole (melted? blasted out? disintegrated?) passes completely through the first stone, through the fill, and goes deep into the second, some two feet total in length, but does not quite pass through to the other side of the building, fortunately. Willa, Babshapka, Tyrius, and Aurora look at one another in surprise, and even Mathias arches an eyebrow.

“How many times did you hit yourself with that thing while you were in the armor?” Mathias asks Babshapka.

Babshapka pales. “I guess the force shield was up…”

Aurora explains to Tyrius how to slide the cuff on, how to activate it, and how she, at least, aimed - and describes how the grip has a resistance, easy at first and increasingly hard, but how one has to clench it completely to fire off a bolt. His turn is next.

(Tyrius: Intelligence -1, explained -2, observed -1, total -4 on roll. Roll 4 (=1; Circle), 2 (=1; Finished). Tyrius now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -2 to use. -1 charge to disc.]

Tyrius’ shot strikes the stone a few inches from where Aurora’s did, and creates another narrow but deep hole. Afterwards he describes his experience to them all. [Tyrius and Aurora now have no chance of failure for normal use of the laser pistol.]

Babshapka takes the final try. (Explained -2, observed -1, total -3 on roll. Roll 6 (=3; Circle), 4 (=1; Finished). Babshapka now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -2 to use. -1 charge to disc. He now has no chance of failure for normal use.]

With both the laser pistol and anti-gravity belt studied, Tyrius is keen to try out his armor. The others take a break while he laboriously strips out of his normal plate and then rapidly climbs into his new suit. As he stands straight and the systems come online, he describes the symbols he sees on the screen to Aurora, who uses comprehend languages to describe them back to him in Common.

When they are ready to go he raises his arm, pointing at the same wall that already bears three holes.

[Tyrius: Intelligence -1, explained (laser pistol) -1, explained (suit) -1, operated similar (pistol) -1, total -4 on roll. Roll 2 (=1; Circle 1), 9 (=5; Triangle 1), 1(=1; Circle 1), 2(=1; Circle 2), 3(=1; Finish). Tyrius now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -1 to use]. With no grip to squeeze, Tyrius tries different hand and finger positions. He quickly discovers that closing three fingers while leaving his thumb and index finger at a right angle brings up a targeting screen inside the helmet; squeezing the remaining three closed fingers fires off the bolt, so that there are now four holes in the wall. Power levels in the suit indicate that he should be able to sustain a rate of fire of every few seconds.

From that point on, Tyrius is careful to relax his right hand, keeping all of the fingers extended. He fumbles at the boss of the belt, but unlike the anti-gravity belt, it cannot be turned either prograde or retrograde. Rather, when he reaches for the belt, another display is projected inside the helmet. With a bit more trial and error he finds that he does not have to actually touch the boss, but rather just mimic the motion of turning it retrograde to activate the anti-gravity.

[Tyrius: Intelligence -1, explained (belt) -1, explained (suit) -1, operated similar (belt) -1, total -4 on roll. Roll 5 (=1; Circle 1), 8 (=4; Circle 2), 5(=1; Finish). Tyrius now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -1 to use].

Once activated, similar motions of his hand actually make him rise and sink, more like a levitation spell than the belt’s equivalent feather fall. While Tyrius is hovering near the ceiling, he notices that a display counter has started. By describing the number symbols to Aurora and the rate at which they change, it appears that the anti-gravity of the suit is capable of sustaining him aloft for an hour before depleting the power source for the armor.

[Due to the complexity of the device, there is still a 1 in 10 chance that specific use of a device or power will be delayed one round]

Umbra glides down the stairs, and asks if this is a good time for her to practice her needler gun, something she had not used yet. Willa looks over at Tyrius in his armor, and says that it is a great time.

Trusting to Tyrius’ force shield, Babshapka describes to Umbra how to aim and grip the pistol. [Umbra: explained -2, observed -1, total -3 on roll. Roll 10 (=7; Triangle), 3 (=1; Circle) 8 (=5; Finish)]. Umbra draws it forth, but Babshapka immediately winces as she is holding it the wrong way, pointed at herself. Fortunately she has not yet squeezed it. Babshapka guides her in turning it around in her hand and aiming it at Tyrius, then squeezing. A spray of needles flies forth, some exploding against his force shield, others scorching the rock wall. [Umbra now has “operated successfully”, and a further -2 to use. -1 cartridge in clip]

Some in the party had expressed interest in testing the grenades, and Babshapka at least had wanted to hear more from Aurora about her blaster rifle. Willa vetoes both these ideas and says that they are not ‘indoor toys’. While everything tested so far is packed away, Tyrius gets out of the armor, and people bring down the paralysis pistols, Willa goes upstairs to talk to Larry. He agrees to cast his stone shape on the wall of the common room, blending over the holes and scorch marks. In just a few minutes the local stones are just a touch more recessed to the wall than their neighbors, but otherwise there is no evidence on the surface of what the party has been doing.

While most of the party have been the target of the paralysis pistol, either from different Security Robots or the female android, only Aurora has actually tried to shoot one. Her attempt resulted in mostly hitting the floor, but also a large plant man - to no effect. Still, she communicates what she can to the others now listening; Babshapka, Tyrius, Willa, and Mathias.

Tyrius is the first to try. [Tyrius: Intelligence -1, partially explained -1, total -2 on roll. Roll 7 (=5; Circle 1), 3 (=1; Finish). Tyrius now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -2 to use]. He reflects on the experience, and tells the others to ignore the sparks shooting out of the narrow end of the device, and concentrate on lining up the invisible beam coming out the broad end with the cone in which they wish to have their target(s). [-1 charge to device]

Aurora is next. [Aurora: Intelligence -1, explained -2, observed -1, total -4 on roll. Roll 7 (=3; Circle 1), 6 (=2; Finish). Aurora now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -2 to use. -1 charge for the device]. She adds her commentary to what Tyrius has said.

[Tyrius and Aurora now have no chance of failure for normal use.]

Of those assembled, Mathias is the last who wants to actually operate the device, rather than just observe. [Mathias: Intelligence +1, explained -2, observed -1, total -2 on roll. Roll 7 (=5; Circle 1), 9 (=7; Triangle), 1 (=1, Circle), 3 (=1, Finish). He now has “operated successfully”, and has a further -2 to use. -1 charge for the device. He now has a roll of 1 on d10 to delay a round if using the device, otherwise he may use it without difficulty.]

With that, the devices are put away for the evening, and the party assembles in the common room to leisurely chat and socialize before bed. Fed and bathed and after a day of rest, the conversation lingers into the night. In the ship, Mathias had smoked regardless of who was next to him or how small the room was. Here at the inn, he is courteously going outside when he lights up, smoking in the cold, and coming back in.

“So,” Mathias says during a lull in the conversation after a recent trip outside, “I know that Aurora was looking for starmetal and running away from a false knight because of a book she had found, and that Babshapka is like her guard, and that Willa is trying to keep her out of trouble. What about you Larry, why are you with the group? What are you going to do next?”

Larry, never one for conversation, gruffly grunts out a few lines about Thokk and Tyrius and stupid druids and then sits back and glowers. After an awkward silence, Tyrius interjects. “Brother Larrenthal and I met about a year ago - I think we may actually have been the first ones in this happy fellowship to know one another. My very first quest as a paladin was to assist him in arriving safely at the Great Druid’s Circle in Silglen. This I did with the aid of all the others you see in the party - excepting Mistress Umbra, whom we did not then have the honor of knowing. While Larrenthal trained with the druids for several days…” Tyrius pauses, searching for more polite words, “...he did not find their training methods...suited to his particular needs.” Larry snorts. “Although I certainly don’t wish to speak for him, it may be that he has remained with our band because he has developed as much affection for us as we all have for him.” Larry snorts again. “In any event, he is free and open to change and travel, as befits a priest of nature. Unlike a paladin of Pelor, he does not have to worry about where his next quest lies, or whether it is worthy enough for one, or one is worthy enough for it,” Tyrius finishes with wry self-deprecation.

After a bit of gentle ribbing for Tyrius about his choice of vocation, and several professions of comradery for Larry that leave him blushing beneath his grubby cheeks, Mathias asks the same question of Shefak - how did she come to be with the party, and what are her goals?

The slim Baklunni woman inclines her head respectfully at Mathias. “My path and that of the party have crossed on more than one occasion. I seek Zuoken - an imprisoned god - as an offering to my own goddess, the Mistress of Perfection. I journeyed from my homeland in the west and had reached the waters of what you easterlings call the Azure Sea. I had learned that in the great Dreadwood there are many ancient secrets, but I knew that alone, I was no match for its defenders. I ‘adventured’ for a time with the party, facing smugglers and shark-men and restless spirits, but when I thought I would be able to care for myself, I left them and tried the Dreadwood and ultimately discovered a relic of Zuoken...a memory of sorts. The memory revealed to me a possible place for Zuoken’s imprisonment - a place farther still to the east, called Greyhawk City. It is there I must go next - but again, I find myself lacking in ability to do this alone. I was able to find these people again, and have been content to practice my skills with them until such time as I am ready to brave the city myself. For now, it seems I cannot even protect myself against a single brain with legs.”

“I see,” says Mathias, over the others who are objecting to Shefak’s modesty. “It might be some time before you are at that point yourself - but we are much stronger all together, and it appears we are currently without a quest. Why don’t we all go with you, now, and quest together for your imprisoned god? Besides, I’d love to go back to the City of Greyhawk. ‘The Gem of the Flanaess’, they call it.”

Tyrius shakes his head. “Aye, and ‘City of Thieves’ they call it as well. I would not go to such a den of iniquity lightly - but if it were to aid a bosom companion in a quest…”

The talk goes around the table a few times, those present expressing their level of interest in Greyhawk City being the next destination of the party - after they present their report to the druids of Rhȗn, of course. No final decision is reached. After all, they have a day or two of travel to arrive at the druids, and another day after that for the town of Dersyth. There will be plenty of time to reflect and discuss before a decision needs to be made.

When this has played itself out, and numerous side conversations have begun and ended, and some of those present are beginning to nod off, Mathias asks Umbra her reasons for adventuring and how she, as apparently the most recent to join the party before him, came to know everyone else.

Umbra is silent and expressionless for a long time, but keeps a level gaze on Mathias. He returns her gaze, relaxed and friendly. A few in the party clear their throats nervously. Larry pushes his chair back and makes as if to stand up, but Tyrius gently puts his hand on the dwarf’s shoulder. In his chair, head on his chin, belly full of meat and ale, Thokk sighs heavily, already asleep and dreaming. Several more minutes pass in silence.

Finally Umbra gives an almost imperceptible nod, as if she has decided something momentous but wants the outside recognition in inverse proportion to the gravity of the event. “My people come from the City of Autumn Leaves,” she says.

As if matching her nod, Mathias’ smile is barely perceptible. “Yes, go on.”

“But I have never been there. None of my people have been there for generations. The City was lost over two thousand years ago.”

At the mention of time, Aurora, who has been silently reading for much of the evening and only occasionally interjecting in the conversation of the others, looks up from her book, the diary of Nholast. She had torn from it the pages describing the starfall and taken them with her on their journey to the Unoerthly Cave, but left the heavy book itself behind, here in the dwarven city. Now reunited with it, she is reading it for a second time, trying to find some other tidbit, some mention of a rumor like the starfall worth them hunting down. She frowns, trying to remember. Umbra had mentioned the City of Autumn Leaves when they met, and told them it was where she was from - but not that the city had been lost for two millennia!

“And how exactly does one lose a city?” asks Mathias, his tone curious, but for once, not mocking.

“The city was attacked. It was overrun. Most of my people were slain. The few survivors fled, never to return, never in their lives.”

“Of course. But would they not have told their children where it was?”

“We are not like you,” she says, and then, explaining but not apologizing, “we elves are not like you humans.”

Mathias shrugs. “I don’t think we’re so different.”

“Surely you know someone overcome by grief - someone who has lost a lover or a child and who dwells too long on the unhappy memory so that it clouds the rest of their life and diminishes them.”

Mathias shrugs again, but Tyrius and Willa look at one another and silently mouth “Mad Mary”.

Umbra continues. “A human life is but a few decades - half that, after some unhappy event. But for an elf, dwelling on unhappy memories can last centuries. It sickens us, mentally and physically. It warps us. And it is contagious to those around us. Those who escaped the city forgot as best they could, as necessary for their own survival. They did not write the story down, they did not sing of it. They did not tell their children, so as to protect them from the tragedy. And yet our ancient home calls to us still. Every generation a few of us are chosen to suffer the memory and look for the city. That is my quest.”

Now the entire party is staring at Umbra (except for the contentedly sleeping Thokk, slumped in his chair). This is more than the taciturn woman has ever told them of her past.

“Well, that seems a worthy quest as well,” smiles Mathias. “Perhaps we can help you and Shefak both?”

“Wait a minute,” says Aurora. “Surely an entire city of elves would have powerful magical protections. What could overcome it? What could destroy it?”

“Not what. Who. One man,” Umbra says coldly. “The man who sat the Spidered Throne. The Whispered One.”

“Wait, the Spidered Throne,” says Aurora. That’s what I translated for you on the map when you...passed out?”

“That’s when I realized that the man who sat the Spidered Throne was the Whispered One - that they were one in the same person. I had heard of the “Whispered One” before - a powerful man who lived around the time of my City, that’s why I was investigating Nholast’s tower when we met, since Nholast had some connection to him. But I had never heard of the Spidered Throne before - not until you translated the map for me, since I lack the knowledge of how to read what you call 'Ancient' Suel. Just hearing the name in a language I understood triggered something in me - an ancestral memory? And that revelation allowed me to see the City of Autumn Leaves - or at least some version of it - that’s where I “was” the whole time you all were caring for my body in the Yeomanry. I was witnessing the attack on the city, and its aftermath, seeing the forces of the Whispered One. I know now that he was the one who destroyed my people. So, what more does Nholast’s diary,” she gestures at the book in front of Aurora, “have to say about the Whispered One?”

Aurora thinks for a bit. “I think he only mentions that once,” she concludes. “He wrote that on one expedition to Valadis he found “the relics of the Whispered One.” Willa scowls at the mention of that city, but Aurora continues. "He never says what these relics were, but he also calls them “the remains of the master.”

“The master? But Nholast’s master was Asberdies, and he was not dead, at least not until Nholast himself was killed in the same uprising against his rule.”

“Well, his diary implies that while Nholast claimed to be serving Asberdies, he had another, secret master - The Master. I suppose that could have been The Whispered One, although the timelines don’t really match up. He also said that the Cruel Lord slew the Master with a weapon made of starmetal. That’s why I was originally interested in the starmetal, you know. Oh, and I think I have heard something else about the Whispered One before, too, but not from the diary…”

Aurora pauses for a moment, trying to remember. Eventually she continues. “Oh, and Nholast didn’t die when Asberdies was overthrown - he escaped and turned up in Keoland later, leading the insurrection of the Flan Yaheetes.”

“Really? How do you know that?”

“Ah, well, I haven’t read it. The Sage of Highfell told me that. I haven’t really confirmed it. mentor told me something else about the Master and the Cruel Lord...but what was it? The trouble is, none of this is official history that can be studied...I know all the written histories well enough, I practically have them memorized. But this is all word-of-mouth bits and pieces and rumors.”

“Master? Whispered One? Man who sat the Spidered Throne?” says Tyrius. “Seems like this person had a lot of titles. Odd that neither of you actually know what his real name was.”

“Perhaps he wanted it that way,” suggests Mathias.

“Maybe people like that false knight want it that way!” says Aurora. “People who try to blot out the parts of history they don’t want other people to know!”

“Regardless,” says Mathias, “looking for Umbra’s City seems like a worthy quest, as does looking for Shefak’s imprisoned god. So many options!” He yawns deeply and stretches. “And tomorrow is another day!”

One by one the party members head off to bed.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue May 17, 2022 10:45 am  
Post 221:...and More!

DM's note: The contents of this post are known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias'). It covers his side of the events of Post 220.

Post 221: ...and More!

1 March [10 Coldeven], 571 - City of Moradinath-Mor, 10,000’ elevation
All morning the dwarves come and go from the inn. Leezar takes frequent breaks outside to smoke. When the party inside appears particularly involved in negotiation with some dwarves, Leezar excuses himself to the plaza and intercepts another group of merchants arriving.

In a hushed but casual tone, he explains that he would like a sheet of lead, as well as a lead-lined box, crafted to his specifications - one inch wide, one inch deep, some four or five inches long. Hinges, a simple latch, but not a lock. Well-made and sturdy, but not fancy - a utilitarian work, not a jewelry box. The important thing, he says, is that it is a secret - it is a surprise present for one of the other party members, and he does not want to discuss it in front of them. The merchants say that they will contact craftsmen and see what they can do. The lead will be easy, they say - but wood is scarce in the city, and there are not many options there - has he considered metal? An iron box, lead-lined, or a lead-lined brass box? Or even a box of solid lead itself?

Leezar considers it briefly, says that a metal box would be fine, thanks them, and returns to the inn.

That evening, after the weapons have been tried and all the dwarves have left, the party relaxes around the common room table. Leezar turns the conversation to goals and quests, and learns that Larry is largely directionless but remains with the party out of friendship, that Shefak is questing to release a Baklunish god from imprisonment in the City of Greyhawk (perhaps in the Castle of the Mad Archmage?), and that Umbra seeks to find an elven city lost two thousand years ago. Leezar is encouraged that he may have enough to work with to naturally split the party, though he does have work to do. He will need to talk to Tyrius, privately. And he will need to develop some sort of lead on Umbra’s quest - at least enough for her to have a specific destination.

After most of the rest of the party is abed, Leezar goes out on the balcony to smoke. It is not long before the hideous demonling appears - bearing the box Leezar commissioned!

“Where’d you get that?” he asks, surprised.

“Ah, da dwarves was bringing it across da square. Dey was gonna knock on da door den ask to speak to youse in private, da stupid buggers. Would have interrupted your conversation below, so I intercepted it.”

“They gave it to you?”

The demonling scoffs. “Nah, dey gave it to ‘youse’ - or at least as near as I could make it. I tink I got youses nose too big. Anyhoo, dwarves pay more attention to youses clothes and gear den youses face, and I did a pretty good job on da leathers.”

“Wow, fantastic,” Leezar says at first, but when he takes the box from the demonling his smile fades. It is not exactly what he asked for - a lead-lined box, to be sure, but considerably wider and deeper - more like two inches wide, an inch and a half deep, and five inches long. The box itself is of flat, unadorned iron with a strong latch. It is heavy, much heavier than he planned, but it will fit inside the Mind Flayer’s bag alright. Now can he get the witch’s hair to fit inside it?

“Yeah, dey didn’t make da box. Said dey heard youse all was leaving da next morning and didn’t have time. Dey just took a necklace box and lined da inside with lead.”

“It'll do for now. I can have something better made if we ever stay in one place long enough.”

“You owe dem tree gold, by the way. You can hide it in your room. Dey’ll get it after youse all leave. On account of da box being a ‘secret present’ and all,” the creature says, chuckling.

“Great. Say, I need some information.”

“Youse got it, boss, any ting I knows.”

“What do you know about, first, a Baklunish god imprisoned near Greyhawk City, and second, a “City of Autumn Leaves”. Some sort of elf city that was destroyed two thousand years ago by a guy called ‘The Master’ or ‘The Whispered One’ or the one who ‘Sits on the Spidered Throne’. Mostly where the city might be.”

The demonling laughs. “I don’t know nothin’ about none of dat,” it says, “but I can ask around.”

“Appreciated. Oh, and after tonight we will be on the trail - harder for us to meet without you being seen. I will try to ‘scout ahead’ by flying. It would be best for you to see me when none of the others are around.”

“No s***” The demonling smiles through yellow, pointed teeth and jumps off the balcony ledge, disappearing with the sound of leathery wings.

Leezar takes the iron box inside and places it on the end table in his bedroom. It is dark in the room, but that doesn’t bother him with his special sight. He should be able to hear someone coming; he should be able to see light under the door if they are carrying something and then throw up his own darkness in time. Of course, most of the party can see to some extent in the dark as well, but he needs to be most concerned about Tyrius discovering him, and the paladin does not have darkvision - unless he has asked Larry for the spell, but why would he?

So Leezar sits facing the door, with the box on the table in front of him, and takes the witch’s hair out of the Mind Flayer’s bag. It is already braided to hold it together, in thick ropes, but he supposes that he could separate it into numerous small braids that could be more tightly packed in the necklace case. He works for quite some time on doing just that, the silver-white hair nearly shining in the darkness of the room. When he has it all done, and the new braids tied off for the moment with braided bands of rolling paper (he will need to get leather strips or yarn later), there still is a bit of hair left over - broken ends of off lengths that could no easily be braided. He focuses his mind and tries something he has never done before - and finds that indeed, he can shape his pact weapon into a pair of cutting shears! ‘The Dark Master provides’, he chuckles to himself. He trims off the loose ends and fits the braids neatly into the box. Now what to do with the leftover hair? He can’t exactly have them leaking unholy power all over the inn. Burning them would be the best bet - but that will certainly produce a godsawful stink. Burning them a little at a time? He chuckles again, and proceeds to cut all the remaining hair into as small pieces as possible, then mixes them with his pouch of loose tobacco. Yes, burning them a little at a time - and getting a nice hit of dark power with each drag!
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Mon May 23, 2022 8:17 pm  
Post 222: Plans in Motion

By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Post 222: Plans in Motion

2 March [11 Coldeven], 571 - City of Maradinath-Mor, 10,000’ elevation
(Low 23F, High 35F) [Encounter checks (patrolled) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

None of the party are any too eager to leave the comfort of the inn for the hard, cold trail and they linger over a generous breakfast. Even Willa, normally the one to scold them about burning daylight, is relaxed. With two new mules in tow (named Mandy and Dandy for godssakes), she is fine with going slow and easy the first day while they are put through their paces. She draws the line, however, when Aurora asks if there is time for one last heated bath while the mules are being packed, and insists that everyone assemble in the plaza.

Out of the city and back down to the lake they will be going on a clear trail, not the trackless mountain slopes guided only by Larry’s spirits, and it will be more like high hills than actual mountains.

Distance possible to cover in a 5 hour march on a trail through hills
10 miles Tyrius in powered armor (slow over level ground but no terrain penalty)
12.5 miles Larry (slow over level ground but no terrain penalty)
15 miles Mules (if encumbered), Eddard (if mounted)
15 miles Aurora, Willa, Umbra, Mathias (unencumbered), Tyrius (in plate armor)
17.5 miles Babshapka (unencumbered)
20 miles Thokk, Mules (when unencumbered)
22.5 miles Eddard (when unmounted), Shefak

The slowest member of the party would be Tyrius in the powered armor; over level ground and losing altitude, the advantages of the suit are lost. They have not left the walls of the city when he begins to lag behind and eventually is forced to ride. When they stop for lunch he takes off the powered armor, puts on his plate, and continues to ride thereafter.

After Tyrius, the next slowest member of the party would be Larry, who has also lost his advantage here on the flat trail. However, now at 7th level, he can cast create water twice a day (to make enough water for eight or nine people and four mules), can cast longstrider every hour of travel on himself, and still have two spells left over at the end of the day!

After that comes both the majority of those walking as well as the encumbered mules, so they will be traveling at about 15 miles a march, or 30 miles a day.

The first hour of travel takes them beyond the outskirts of the city, up the mountainside, and to the narrow pass. They pause for a few minutes looking at all the city laid out behind them in the vast bowl-like valley below, and then continue down the narrow trail on the other side. The next five miles are a steep descent down the mountainside and into the river valley - the River Fyn, which flows into the Lake of Rhȗn.

Once near the river, the trail levels out and the rest of the morning is easy going. Willa is pleased with the new mules, who seem accustomed to both loads and mountains and are doing well.

After three hours or so, with an hour left before they stop for lunch, Mathias asks Willa for permission to scout them a campsite. Granted, he flies ahead for several miles down the trail along the river, finds a spot, and makes sure it is free of ambuscades before they arrive.

DM's Note: The following section is known only by the player of Leezar (aka 'Mathias'):
[Leezar does actually scout the lunch site, but it is not long before the demonling appears. This is the first time Leezar has seen it in daylight. Seen more clearly, it is less menacing, but if anything, uglier.

“Hey guy, good to see you. What do you have for me?” Leezar greets him.

“Da god-prison ting was easy. Coupla’ centuries ago a crazy human wizard named Zagig got off on capturin' gods an' demons an' s***. He had a bunch of ‘em locked up in his castle outside of Greyhawk City. Includin' - get this - both da Prince of Dunception an' da Big Boss’s son!”

“Prince of Dunception?”

“Yeah, dat’s what we call Fraz-Urb-Luu. He’s an idiot and rival ta da Big Boss.”


“Only don’t ask da Big Boss about dat - he’s sensitive about it for some reason.”

“Got it.”

“I didn’t hear dat any of the gods were Baklunish, but seems like dere are lots of candidates.”

“Ok. What about the elven city?”

“Apparently dere used ta be four great elven Kingdoms - dis was when da humans in dis part of the woild was just savage Flan running around in loincloths - no Oerids or Suel yet. Each elf kingdom had a bunch a cities. Most a dose cities were wiped out long ago. Good riddance ta dose stinkin’ tree-huggers. Dere’s plenty of ruined cities to choose from.”

“Huh. I need one close enough that Umbra is tempted and some of the others will want to go with her.”

“Ok. I tink da closest one is at da udda end of dis mountain range, where da big river comes down. Da valley is covered in forest, but da city itself is up in da mountains.”

“That’s great - do you know what any of those places are called? I’m kinda on a schedule here. I need to get rid of them before they find out that I don’t actually work for the druids.”

“Dat sounds like a youse problem,” laughs the demonling. “But sure, Barrier Peaks, Javan River, Dim Forest, at least in Common. You want it in Elven, too? Sheesh.”

“No, that’s good. Hey, remember you share my successes. We all work for the Dark Master, right?”

“Yeah, ok. But woids are just woids. Why don’t youse tink of somethin’ youse can do for me da next time youse need somethin’, salright?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Yeah, yeah. See youse around.”]

DM's Note:Back to publicly known account of what happened
With no game to cook, and just a cold lunch of trail rations, most of their rest hour is spent relaxed and with packs off, recovering from the march. With no dwarven eyes about, and out-of-doors, talk soon turns to the remaining weapons training. Aurora explains the functioning of her blaster rifle to Babshapka. He listens carefully, though he does not intend to operate it himself. Babshapka and Tyrius also receive tutelage from Willa on throwing grenades, and even try lobbing a few themselves - although without having primed them for explosion. Once this is done, everyone is satisfied with their knowledge of the alien technology.

The afternoon passes uneventfully as well, with them all enjoying the sound of the river rushing along beside them and echoing off the narrow walls of the canyons as they travel down the trail.

Even after the sun has sunk beyond the mountains, temperatures hover around freezing and a watch is set outside the pavilion tent, now packed with the sleeping rolls of nine people plus mules. Those not on watch relax inside the tent and share easy conversation in the night. Mathias has suggested that he be put on watch with one of the humans who cannot see well in the dark, such as Tyrius.

First watch: 7-9pm; Willa and Larry
“You know, Umbra,” says Mathias as he reclines on his sleeping roll and Umbra sits cross-legged, stretching before she trances. “What you said last night about your people and their city got me thinking. I have traveled a great deal about Geoff and beyond at the behest of the druids, and heard many tales, some believable, some not. I’ve probably forgotten more than I have heard at this point. But all today on the march I have been trying to remember anything I could about lost cities and elves. And I do think I remember something. I was in Hochoch at the time, and everyone in the tavern was telling stories about what lays deep in the Dim Forest. Some of the stories were believable, some were just your typical tavern tale. But then this one guy started talking about how high in the mountains there was this ancient city, and how elves used to live there, but no one lived there now. It seemed like others had heard that story, and they were ready to move on, until someone said that the bard knew a song about it, and so they asked her to sing. But the bard said no, that she knew the song, but that she wouldn’t sing it because it was too sad, and bad luck besides. And that’s why I think I remember it - a ‘lost city’ isn’t that uncommon a tale, but I remember thinking at the time that I’d never heard of a bard refusing to sing, and how strange that was.”

“And this city was supposedly in the Dim Forest?” There is more emotion in her question than anyone else has ever heard from Umbra before.

“Yeah, deep in the Dim Forest, up the Javan River, somewhere in the mountains. If I am remembering it right.”

“I see.”

They have been quiet for just a few minutes when Umbra says, “Tomorrow I am for there. As many of you as would like to come with me are welcome. There is no rush - we can stop at the druids, we can stop in Dersyth. But that is where I am making for.”

Second Watch: 9-11pm; Thokk and Aurora
By the end of the watch, Umbra and Babshapka have completed a long rest (4 hour trance)

Third Watch: 11pm - 1am; Mathias and Tyrius
Luna, the large moon, is full and high in the sky and there is plenty of light. It is cold and damp but not frigid, warmer than any night they spent in the mountains. Mathias waits until near the end of the watch to start a conversation with Tyrius.

“Hey,” he begins. “That was great work sorting out the equipment yesterday. It was smart to learn as much as you could about all of it, each piece like the belt and laser, to help you learn about the power suit itself by association.”

“Thank you, Mathias. I must admit I still feel prideful for having claimed such a powerful item for myself. I can only hope I use it well, and that means understanding everything I can about it.”

“I know you are humble. I will try to limit my praise for you, but you did do an excellent job helping mediate the release of the Celestials.”

“Not at all. I spoke to beings that were already favorably disposed to my ethos. It is you who deserve praise, for countless times negotiating with those soulless machines and winning us both safe passage and succor. I do not doubt that we would all of us now be back on that ship, and more than like in that prison, had the druids not sent you and had you not found us. What I did for the Celestials is but little compared to what you have done for the party.”

Mathias laughs easily. “That is gracious of you. There is something about the suit that concerns me, though.” He pauses, puts his thumb and pointer finger to his lips with a soft fist as if to to keep himself from saying what he is about to say. “No, it is not my place to question one so righteous in the service of Pelor.”

“Please, Brother Mathias. There is no harm in a well-intentioned question.”

“Very well, but it embarrasses me even to say this. I'm concerned that you have burdened yourself with this knowledge of the weapons and gear of the Terrans, those who once used it to kill and capture creatures and even Celestials from all reaches of creation. This strange technology has been used as instruments of evil, as the Celestials told us. Do you have to ask permission of the gods to use it? Will you have to quest to prove that you are worthy enough to control it, and control yourself without being corrupted by it? These things may come with a price. None of the others are so pure of spirit as you, so I am not worried about them, but I fear that it may corrupt you.”

“A question that shows your concern for others is always welcome, friend. You are wise to be concerned for me, and correct that my purity means that I must hold myself to a higher standard than the others. By the accounts of the Celestials, the Terrans were a wicked race, and that is surely true. And had I been imprisoned for centuries by their strange technology, no doubt I would be tempted to call it evil as well. But a tool is just a tool - neither good nor evil. What matters is how it is used. And I choose to use this armor for good. I shall use it to defend the weak and vanquish darkness. And thus though it may have been forged by evil men with evil purpose, still I can redeem the purpose, if not the men.”

They stand in the silent moonlight for a bit longer, and when Tyrius speaks again, his voice is more reflective and less confident than before. “Still, it would be highly presumptuous of me to believe that I know everything about this armor when clearly I do not. I cannot say but that some evil hides within it, in how it is powered or how it can be used. As you well know, between the Lake of Rhȗn and he town of Dersyth lies a monastery of Pelor. We can stop there, and I can ask the wise monks to help me determine if there is any danger in using the armor.”

“That is wise indeed,” says Mathias. “I only pray that your use so far has not sullied your honor. But if it has, I have no doubt that it could be recovered through a quest of atonement. If anyone could prove their worthiness through a quest, it would be you. Just as you aided the Celestials and were an amazing ambassador for our world and our kind, I am sure you would triumph in such a quest, cleanse the technology and your honor of any taint, and become even stronger and more faithful in the process.”

“Brother Mathias, you are too kind. There are far worthier paladins than I.”

“None that I have found. But speaking of quests, what are your thoughts on our next direction? Are you decided as to whether we should help Shefak, or Umbra?”

“I have not decided yet. On the face of it, both quests seem worthy. And yet, Sister Shefak’s is the one that concerns me more. She has always been a boon companion, and shown more mercy to our foes than many in the party, seeking to cause neither pain nor unnecessary loss of life. I can only hope the god she looks for is as she is. But it is a foreign god nonetheless, and I do not know the deities of the Baklunni people. And why was it imprisoned? There are good and just reasons for imprisonment as well as unjust ones. I had planned to ask the monks this as well.”

Mathias nods in agreement.

“Umbra, on the other hand, seeks only answers, not action, and for something that happened long ago, not something ongoing. There is little chance that peril lies in that. And whatever it was that destroyed a city, a city of elves moreover...I don’t know who this ‘Whispered One’ was, but it strains belief that it was the elves who were the guilty party in that feud.”


Fourth Watch: 1am - 3am; Babshapka and Umbra
By the end of the watch, Shefak, Larry, Tyrius, Willa, Thokk, Aurora, and Mathias have completed a long rest (8 hours of inactivity with at least 6 hours of sleep)

Fifth Watch: 3am-5am; Shefak and Babshapka
By the end of the watch, all of the non-elves have had 8 hours of sleep.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue May 31, 2022 7:39 am  
Post 223: Everyone has secrets

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Are they going to fight Against The Giants, since they're in the canon area for it?

At last, revealed! Well, here is the beginning of the reveal...

By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Post 223: Everyone has secrets

3 March [12 Coldeven], 571 - Trail to the Lake of Rhȗn, 7500’ elevation
(Low 25F, High 49F) [Encounter checks (patrolled hills) at noon, night, predawn: bandit]

Today Willa is more demanding in terms of an early start out. For one, she wants to push the new mules a little more. For another, by her estimation they can reach the Lake of Rhȗn by nightfall if they keep a good pace, and thus will hopefully be able to sleep in the visitor’s house rather than on the trail. None object too much to her insistence, for while an early start means leaving the warm tent for the frosty air, they just spent the night on the hard ground rather than in soft beds like the night before and it is easier to arise.

It is just after dawn and, with the clear and cold river water boiling for tea to wash down their cold rations, some of them are sitting around the coal fire while others are dressing, armoring, or packing gear. Suddenly Willa gets a strange expression on her face, cocking her head as if listening to something that no one else can hear. She shivers in the morning chill, rises from her place by the fire, brushes the crumbs from her front, and announces “Aye, time ter go. One day ter Druids 'n t’en twain t'er Dersyth 'n onto ther Rivers Fyn 'n Javan. No need fer ther ot’er.”

[Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, just prior to the announcement, Willa heard the following in her mind: Proceed with all possible haste to Istivin, Sterich. Will rendezvous there. Urgent matter, utmost importance to Crown. Bring Aurora if possible, otherwise eliminate her. Runnel.

Willa has heard Aurora cast a sending spell before, and believes that is what she has just received. She knows she can respond with up to 25 words, but only if she does so immediately, and only by speaking out loud, so that everyone in the tent would be able to hear her - there is no time to step outside. Her cryptic announcement is her attempt to inform Runnel of their situation without alerting the party to the communication.]

[Breakfast is the third meal out from Moradinath-Mor.
From 56 human rations to 48.
From 28 mule rations to 24.]

The morning passes with the party swiftly marching along the well-kept dwarven trail, passing back and forth over the River Fyn on high stone bridges. As natural ambush points, Willa insists that everyone be close at hand when a bridge is crossed, but between the bridges she lets them spread out along the trail, so long as they keep between the van (Babshapka) and the rearguard (Thokk). They bunch together and drift apart haphazardly over the course of the day.

[DM's Note: This bracketed section is known only to the player of Willa:
Willa waits patiently until the vagaries of the march align her next to Tyrius (riding Eddard) with none of the others close at hand. The sound of the rushing water drowns out their conversation to anyone a stone’s throw or more away.

Willa expresses her personal reluctance to travel to either the Dim Forest or to Greyhawk City. Umbra’s quest is best left with the elves, she says; likely their own merry band will not be welcomed, nor do the matters of such a long-lived race really concern them. As for Shefak, Willa is more inclined to assist the monk than the elf but again it seems a personal and religious matter rather than a concern for the party as a whole. She says that in this as in all things she trusts Tyrius’ opinion and would like to hear his thoughts on the matter.

Tyrius says as far as he is concerned, knowledge of who or what might have razed the elven city thousands of years ago seems personally relevant to Umbra, but he agrees that it has little to do with the rest of them - unless whatever malign force ended the city exists still in the world - in which case, it would indeed be Tyrius’ duty to hunt it down and end it. However, he has enough faith in Pelor’s workings to believe that it was not merely a coincidence that the one person looking for the city (Umbra) found herself at Nholast’s Tower on precisely the day that a person who could read her Ancient Suelese Map (Aurora), and that later both of them happened to be found by just the person (Mathias) who could tell them a tavern tale from the city of Hochoch. In Tyrius’ experience, such things are ordained, not random, and it is best not to ignore them.

As far as Shefak, Tyrius has always found her to be a boon companion, and to have shown more mercy to foes than many in the party, seeking to cause neither pain nor unnecessary loss of life. He can only hope the god she looks for is as she is. But it is a foreign god nonetheless, and he does not know the deities of the Baklunni people. And why was it imprisoned? There are good and just reasons for imprisonment as well as unjust ones.

Neither quest seems urgent to him, and there does not appear to be anything keeping the party from doing one first and then the other. However, Tyrius had planned on stopping on the morrow at the monastery of Pelor to pray and seek guidance from the monks as to the advisability of either one.

Willa nods at his words and they walk on together a bit more in silence. After casually glancing over her shoulder at the trail behind them, Willa confides in Tyrius that for herself, she must first rendezvous, likely in Istivin, with her contact from the Crown before embarking on a new adventure. She asks him to help her calculate the number of days it would take to reach Istivin in Sterich.

Tyrius seems surprised by her revelation, and Eddard gives a low nicker. Rather than comment, however, he politely begins listing figures for her. “A good vessel downstream can do sixty miles a day, ninety if it is sailed or rowed rather than just running the river. It is about three hundred miles from Dersyth to the top of the Rushmoors, and another two hundred miles out the bottom of the Rushmoors to where you would need to disembark and walk to Istivin. Most of the part on foot we did together last Fireseek. The Rushmoors themselves are the hard part - a hundred miles of stagnant, fetid swamps. I’ve made that journey, once, with Thokk and Larry by my side. It seemed like every day the pilot was looking for a new channel - finding a passage where none had been before, reading the currents to see which mud bars had shifted since the last time he had traveled the swamp.”

He is quiet for some time, and Eddard nods and shakes his mane as if privy to Tyrius’ internal monologue. Finally the paladin speaks again. “If you and the Crown have no specific need of me, I believe we may be parting ways at the monastery or shortly after. The interests of the Keoish King in my country are not necessarily the interests of my country itself, and my loyalty would need to be with Earl Querchard in such a matter. I could not bear to be on opposite sides of the field with you, after what we have been through together. It is better that I accompany Umbra, or Shefak, or help both of them, than that I must needs oppose one of our own.”

Willa remarks that surely the selection of Istivin is just a convenient meeting place and nothing more. But in the event there is greater meaning to it, she respects Tyrius’ loyalty and duty to his own country.

“And I, yours. If Aurora goes with you, remind her that she has a sending spell if you ever have need of me.”

“I will do t’at, friend,” is Willa’s reply, before she slows her walk and lets Eddard amble ahead. (Thus ends of Willa's private section)]

They have gone only a mile, or perhaps that and a half more, after their mid-day rest, when they cross the last bridge over the Fyn, the one with four stone statues of dwarves with axes on the great cornerstones, that they surmise marks the boundary between the lands of Clan Stonereaver and those of the druids. They are at a good pace to reach the village by the lake before nightfall.

The rest of the afternoon is spent along a steeply descending trail in narrow, rocky canyons, sometimes wet from spray and mere feet from the rushing waters of the upper Fyn. Finally in the late afternoon the canyon walls recede, the ground levels, and the trail enters a dense fir forest. The dusk gathers, the forest grows darker, and Willa is beginning to think they will need to make camp when they finally emerge on the shores of the mist-covered lake, the tiny village before them, with lights already outlining windows and doors. Knowing the way, they head directly to the petitioner’s house, unpack, and start a fire in the hearth. The stable is just large enough for the four mules and Eddard, and would not hold one beast more.

After their evening meal, of just trail rations but with hot tea from the open-hearth wood fire, Mathias collects the bag of alien seed from where it lies among the other bags and packs. When he heads for the door, more than one of the party asks him where he is going.

“Why, to find the boatman, of course.”

When pressed for an explanation, he responds as if it were obvious. “By now word may have reached the Isle that you are here. However, if you don’t tell the boatman until the morning that you wish to report to the Council, they might not send a representative until later in the day, or even the day after. From what you have told me, they weren’t offering you a reward, so all they really want is a report, which I can give them, and all we want is to turn over the seed to them. I should be able to get both of those taken care of tonight, and then we are free to leave on the morrow. Uhh, Willa, you’ll need to take me out of the rotation if you are setting watches tonight.”

With that, he steps out into the night.

[Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Leezar walks the short way down to the docks at the edge of the lake, where he met the boatman-and-secret-Graz’zt-cultist the first and last time he was here. Then, the boatman seemed to know that he was coming and was ready with information about the party. Now, he finds the docks deserted. He could send the demonling Abe / Mr. Wart to look for the boatman, but the ugly fellow does not appear either. He could fly himself across the waters and look, but the lake is covered in a thick mist that his fiend sight does not penetrate, and likely the druids have defenders to make sure no one reaches their isle uninvited.

He waits on the dock, alternating between smoking and pacing to stay warm. It is several hours later, well after midnight, when his contact finally glides silently through the fog and up to the dock, somehow propelling the punt with a single oar in the water, motionless. The man doesn’t apologize, merely explains that there are cattle-rustlers in the area and the Council has had him all over the lake tracking them, receiving and sending messages. What the Council doesn’t know is that he has a contact with the group of bandits he is supposed to be tracking and it was that man who actually told him of Leezar’s arrival with the party, since the bandits spotted the party on their way in to the village.

Leezar debriefs the turncoat druid about the alien ship, providing both the bag of seed and plenty enough details to satisfy the Council about the party’s efforts. He tells the man to emphasize that the situation is taken care of, with the robots ordered to kill or imprison any exotic fauna and the ship exits collapsed from the outside. There is no need to send future groups to follow-up; it has been resolved and the strange monsters will not be emerging from the ship any more. He needn’t mention Leezar specifically to the Council. If by chance the boatman speaks to the party, he should remember that Leezar is a special scout, an informant for the Council, and his name is 'Mathias'. The boatman agrees.

Leezar then asks about the bandits, and the man explains that outlaws live in the rugged areas around Geoff, and now that it is late winter they are becoming active, venturing closer to the settlements and stealing cattle. When Leezar asks why the druids don’t put a stop to them, the man says that they consider it a matter for the local lords, not them - all part of the “balance”. He spits that last word as if it leaves a sour taste in his mouth.

When they are done conversing, the man takes his boat back out into the lake and Leezar returns to the house where the party is camped.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:20 am  
Post 224: The Lake of Rh&#535;n to Dersyth

By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Post 224: The Lake of Rhȗn to Dersyth

4 March [13 Coldeven], 571 - Lake of Rhȗn, 5000’ elevation
(Low 41F, High 56F) [Encounter checks (civilized) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

It is well after midnight when Mathias, now without the sack of alien seed, returns to the petitioner’s house. He greets those on watch but settles into a chair without comment and pulls his blanket about him before quickly nodding off.

The next day dawns warm and overcast. From the look of the ground it may not have even frosted the night before. Over his yawns at breakfast, Mathias explains that the Druids accepted the bag of seed and his detailed account of the ship, and are not requiring anything more of the party - they are free to go. To Aurora’s objection that surely if Mathias had told the story correctly there would be some kind of reward, Mathias shrugs. The druids are known to have deep pockets but short arms, he says - the party is welcome to camp here by the lake but it is unlikely they will see anyone but the boatman. Willa agrees that they need to get moving.

[Breakfast is the sixth meal out from Moradinath-Mor.
From 48 human rations to 40.
From 24 mule rations to 20.]

They have started down the trail but are not far out from the village itself when Babshapka, in the van, points out all the tracks in the road - a large number of people passed by here recently, quite possibly the night before or even a few hours ago. There are a few shod beasts in the mix but most of the prints are human-sized, and they are traveling east - in advance of the party. The human prints are a hodgepodge mix of boots (many with cracks or holes in the soles) and heavy sandals. If they are from a patrol, it is likely a local militia rather than a lord’s well-equipped regulars. The cone-shapes of the hoof prints speaks to horses rather than mules, so Willa doubts that they are traders. She orders everyone to stay close, within sight of one another.

Some three miles out of the village the trail passes close to the riverbanks, still clouded in fog and mist. They can constantly hear, but never see, the river for the next nine miles (all the rest of the morning). By late morning the river turns south, taking the mists, and soon after, the tracks, with it. The fact that the tracks do not stay on the trail is another sign that these are not merchants with wares. For the next half hour Willa is still wary of ambush but eventually relents as the trail ascends the mountain slope and visibility improves.

By mid-day, when they would normally camp, they can see the gap between the mountains to the north and south of them closing. They are approaching a narrow gorge, with the river far below. The great stone structure on a hill just a few miles ahead is the monastery of Pelor, built at the narrowest part of the valley, where the Fyn is hemmed in by cliffs, and travelers must pass under the stone walls of the monks. Low walls surround fields that have not yet been planted, while a great temple is in the center of it all. Tyrius asks that they remain on the road just an hour more, and that proves sufficient to reach the gates of the monastery.

Tyrius is welcomed by the monks, all of the party are given simple stone rooms, and the mules are taken to the stables. Eddard is unsaddled but for some reason remains with the party in their rooms. After a brief conversation the monks also carry away Tyrius’ powered armor. The party is late for the mid-day meal but they eat from their trail rations in their rooms (first meal from rations). The monks promise that there will be places for them at dinner.

After a simple but filling dinner, light on meat but with plentiful good ale, the party retires to their chambers. Tyrius says that he will be passing the night in vigil, praying for guidance on how best to proceed; whether to join Umbra for her quest, Shefak for hers, or neither. He encourages the party to open their hearts to one another and have a frank and honest discussion, so that when they leave in the morning they may perhaps part company but at least do so as friends.

After Tyrius and Eddard take their leave, the others look at one another in awkward silence for a while. Finally Willa begins. She says that both of the women, Umbra and Shefak, have been excellent comrades-in-arms and traveling companions, and she wishes both of them well in their quests. However, she says, Aurora’s “starmetal” quest has taken the last five months and left her cold to the bones, weary of the northlands, and with little to show for it except the hard-forged bonds of friendship. She wishes to return to her homeland, or at least the warm lands of the south, to hear news of her kinfolk and countrymen, and one day to again smell the sea. Knowing that Aurora is likely still a marked woman, she intends to go close to Keoland without entering it - perhaps to the lands of Sterich, where they may be able to puzzle out why the knight is so adamant in his persecution of her and perhaps negotiate a stay on her sentence from the safety of some neutral noble’s court, now that so many months have passed. She does not wish to go farther north to the untracked Dim Forest, let alone east across half the Flanaess all the way to the City of Greyhawk.

When Willa finishes, Shefak asks to speak next. The last thing she wants, she says, is to be a source of disharmony within the party. When Mathias asked her of her quest, she did not mean for him, or any of them, to take her for setting out at once. She still believes that they are not yet powerful enough to challenge the captor of her god, and if they are divided, even less so. She will be leading no expedition to Greyhawk any time soon, but is content to stay with the party, facing trials together and improving their skills for now.

Umbra, in contrast, says that the scrap of information provided by Mathias, the possible location of her city, is a lead she intends to act upon at once. She will be taking the fastest means of transport she can find to the city of Hochoch, and then traveling north into the Dim Forest from there.

Thokk had rather too much of the ample ale at table, and is not following most of the conversation. When pressed, he says that he trusts his evil advisor to direct his warband to their next conquest.

Mathias asks whether Shefak is sure she doesn’t want to go to Greyhawk, because it is a great place to find anything they might need, any of them. They don’t have to start on her quest immediately after arriving - they can check around for information. He reminds Aurora of the futility of her looking for magic supplies in the dwarven city and says that Greyhawk has world-famous magic shops and multiple libraries, as well as weapons and armor. There might be leads on other quests they could undertake together until Shefak felt confident going after her god. He says that he has been to the city many times, and if he can’t find what they are looking for, he surely can find someone who can.

Babshapka says simply that he is honor-bound to follow Aurora on whatever foolish adventure she decides.

Aurora and Larry seem reluctant to speak. Finally, Larry begrudgingly admits that he wants to know what Tyrius is deciding before he says anything.

Aurora says that when one is being hunted by a crazy false knight backed up by mercenary armies, there is safety in numbers. If the party is splitting, she will go with whichever faction proves larger, and trust the group's resolve to defend all its members against external foes. The fabled magic shops of Greyhawk are certainly tempting - but she also doesn’t want to make herself too known or too obvious - researching ancient or hidden sources of power away from the city might be safer for the time being.

5 March [14 Coldeven], 571 - Monastery of Pelor, 5000’ elevation
(Low 41F, High 53F) [Encounter checks (civilized hills) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

The party is reunited with Tyrius at breakfast. He looks fresh-eyed, none the worse for wear for having stayed up all night in prayer, but his voice is heavier than normal. Before he will speak, he insists on hearing the results of the rest of the party’s deliberations from the night before. When they have told him all, he nods gravely but resolutely. “It appears that only Umbra is for the Dim Forest. Were this the only factor, that alone might well be enough to convince me to go with her, as she is the person most in need of my aid. But something did trouble my prayers last night as well. I don’t know what destroyed her people’s city, but Benevolent Pelor has given me to understand that something of its evil still exists in the world, and I would face it. Perhaps it is not in the lost city itself, but there may be a clue there that allows me to seek out its hiding place. With her I will go.”

At these words, Larry looks stung. It is as he had feared - he will now have to choose between his boon companion and spoon-buddy Thokk, and his first friend and defender Tyrius. He tries to speak in a voice choked with emotion, but fumbles over his words and soon gives up.

Willa verbally steps into the gap. She has been thinking as well, though she was not up all night about it. If the party, or many of those in it, is bound for Greyhawk, so be it - but there are two routes. The overland route is shorter in distance - north through the Gran March and Bissel, then east through the lands of Ferrond which she does not know as well, and finally to Greyhawk itself. But the other route would be by the sea - down the Javan River to the Azure Sea, sailing around the horn of the Pomarj and up into the Wooly Bay, and finally a short trek upriver to Greyhawk. While the second route is much longer in distance, it would be much shorter in time, since it is nearly all water travel, much of it downriver or over the open sea. The land route would easily take weeks longer along roads through cities and over hill and dale. Furthermore, if the point is to keep Aurora away from Keoland, then passing so much time on the road in the Gran March and Bissel, both strong allies of Keoland and places where Keoish knights travel freely, is not ideal. Rather, if they can stick to rivers until the coast, and then find a sea vessel in a Sea Princes port, such as Monmurg, there is little chance of anyone in Keoland knowing their location or what they are about. This southern route would also allow the party to stay together for longer. If they strike out for Dersyth today, perhaps they can find a riverboat on the morrow to take them down the Fyn, or certainly once they reach the Javan. There would still be several days of travel before Umbra and Tyrius would need to leave the boat to head out for Hochoch. The rest of them could stay on the boat all the way down the Javan, and would not have to split between those bound for Greyhawk and those who might remain behind until much later.

Most of the party readily agree to Willa’s plan. Mathias says that they could simply fly straight to Greyhawk and save even more time. When asked whether he has the magic to fly seven people and four mules he simply says that he is not a fan of boats.

With breakfast in them and the mules packed, the party sets out from the monastery along the trail to Dersyth. The day is overcast but warm, already in the forties when they emerge from the stone walls, and touching fifty by the time they camp for lunch (second meal from rations). The first five miles are along the same elevation as the monastery, high on the mountain flank with the river in a ravine far below, itself descending a series of falls and drops. Then the trail drops steeply to the broad valley in which lies Dersyth. The grasses lower down are just starting to turn green and lush, the first blush of spring.

They reach the gates of the town more than an hour before sundown, and more than two hours before a long, soaking spring rain begins, giving them plenty of time to find an inn for the evening. In the morning, it being a market day, they can replenish their supplies while Willa tries to arrange passage downriver.

[-9 gold from party treasure for a night at the inn]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:42 pm  

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. The Cantrev names and boundaries are also available at, although with much less detail about the local terrain.

That being said, it is my interpretation that the Avon (River) Fyn becomes the Olvewater once it enters the Dim Forest. However, I don't think Anna's maps make that clear and I am unsure of whether my interpretation is correct. See my question at

'Mathias' [Leezar] is interested in picking up any form of mind-altering drugs, the more illicit the better, so as to honor his patron, the Demon Prince of Pleasure. I don't own the 3e or 4e versions of the Book of Vile Darkness, but this website which draws on them was useful when considering price and effects of such substances within the context of a 5e

Willa, after hearing from Runnel of the urgent need for her in Sterich, was eager to pick up any news and rumors all along the way there, and it was soon apparent that she was going to ask the locals at every opportunity. In addition to true leads about the upcoming adventure, I wanted to plant false and random rumors so as to draw out the suspense and reveal. This website has a list of random inns, but one feature of the inns are rumors, so I generated much of what she learned from rolls therein:

Post 225: Dersyth to New Midwood

6 March [15 Coldeven], 571 - Dersyth, 2000’ elevation
(Low 43F, High 62F) (Thunderstorm 8am - noon)
[Encounter checks (civilized hills) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

The day dawns cloudy but warm, already smelling of the rain to come. Willa is glad they will be spending at least the morning in town. She checks the supply of rations - both for people and mules - and tells Tyrius to get another four or five days of each at market while she works the docks.

Dersyth has numerous personal vessels - rowboats to cross the river and small sailed or oared fishing boats, but in all of the docks, on both sides of the river, she does not see any merchant vessels. She inquires when the next trade or patrol ship is due in, and receives only blank stares in return. Eventually she learns that there is no trade along the Avon Fyn. For one thing, the mists that come with the enchanted water off the Lake of Rhȗn seldom burn off until late in the morning. For another, while the town itself occurs along a peaceful stretch of the river, both upstream and downstream are rapids and whitewater that would challenge all but the smallest boats and most skilled pilots. Finally, there is no port or trade town downriver! Once the Fyn leaves the Highlands of Geoff, it enters the Dim Forest (whereupon it is called the Olvewater) and becomes lost to the realms of men.

Willa ponders this for a while. She almost purchases two rowboats, confident in her ability to ride out whitewater (she has, after all, landed such vessels on the rocky coast of Salinmoor in many a storm), but finally gives in to her cautious nature and decides not to. She keeps coming back to the fact that using row boats will require the party to sell their mules and then buy some again later, and to what the party could lose if the second boat (not hers) hit a rock under some other pilot, and who in the party she could trust for such a duty. In the end she resigns herself to an overland journey back to New Midwood where they can find a large vessel on the Javan. It will slow them, but only for a day or two in return for a much safer journey. By the time she comes to this conclusion, it is raining hard with thunder and lightning besides. She and Thokk make their way back to the inn with a few stops in shops along the way to look for javelins, a grappling hook, pitons, and a hammer.

Tyrius buys 4 days of food for 9 people (36 rations for 18gp from party fund) and for 4 mules (16 mule rations for 0.8gp). He also sells the heavy leathers and furs (cold weather gear) from the rest of the party, as none of them have any intention of returning to frozen mountains any time soon.

Mathias dedicates his morning to looking for “weed”. Although the locals readily point him to smoke shops and spice shops, he finds only overpriced Yeoman “pipeweed” and nothing stronger. The taverns have abundant ale and occasional mead, cheap local whiskey in ceramic jugs, and expensive imported whisky in glass bottles - but nothing that would take the edge off of his anxiety about an overwater trip. He returns to the inn, wet and disappointed, long before noon. At least he has purchased a sturdy leather bedroll to supplement his blanket.

The thunder dies down all the while the party is eating lunch at the inn; by the time the mules in the stables are loaded, the skies are clearing, which Tyrius takes as a sign of Pelor’s approval of his decision to leave with Umbra.

A stone bridge separates the two banks of the river and Dersyth lies on both sides. Passing over to the south side, the party can see that the water is very high, from the morning’s rain but more from the mountain snowmelt over the past week. Willa remembers a few places along the trail to New Midwood that passed close by the river; she resolves to look for high ground for camp sites each evening so as not to get caught in a spring flood. She doesn’t mention to anyone that she was actually considering buying boats.

They set out in the afternoon once the rain has ceased. They march through green fields washed clean and under warm, clear skies - it is incredibly pleasant after the recent ordeal in the mountains. Only Larry, constantly having to cast longstrider to keep up with the others and still agonizing over his upcoming decision about which group to go with, is glum.

They camp for the evening shortly after the trail splits, having taken the fork east to New Midwood rather than south. They sup on a cold dinner of trail rations (third meal of rations).

From 40 people rations to 31 (Babshapka now eating party food) + 36 purchased = 67.
From 20 mule rations to 18 (mules now foraging on grass and at half grain) + 16 = 34.

7 March [16 Coldeven], 571 - Dersyth Trail to New Midwood, 2000’ elevation
(Low 45F, High 66F)
[Encounter checks (patrolled hills) at noon, night (common), predawn]

The party passes the day on the trail along the river, moving through green fields in the fertile valley. The river is still high, but the trail is enough above it on the valley slope that it does not hinder their progress. It is warm and overcast, but does not rain. Lunch finds them out of sight of the river, behind a bluff Willa recognizes from when they were nearly out of food and she went fishing while some of the others hunted. By their evening camp, they are on rocky ridges looking down on the river tumbling through gorges below.

From 67 people rations to 58.
From 34 mule rations to 32.

First watch: 7-9pm; Willa and Larry
Second Watch: 9-11pm; Thokk and Aurora
Third Watch: 11pm - 1am; Mathias and Tyrius
Fourth Watch: 1am - 3am; Babshapka and Umbra
Fifth Watch: 3am-5am; Shefak and Babshapka

Thokk and Aurora have the second watch at the time when most of the others are fast asleep after a long day of marching. Luna, the large moon, is a few days past full, but casts just a dim light through the heavily overcast sky. Scouts for a local band of ogres [night wandering encounter] slip silently toward the camp. They are not heard or seen. (Thokk Perception 6, Aurora Perception 7). They take a long look at, and a deep smell of, Thokk and Aurora, and then return to their group.

This is not the same group of ogres that waylaid the party a half-day’s travel from here some five or six weeks ago - that band was scattered after the deaths of their leaders and were forced to disperse among other groups. But by now most of them have heard the story of the failed ambush - including the sorry tale of Hugu, the ogre who still walks with a limp caused by Thokk’s bear trap. Conferring about what their scouts have seen - the burly half-orc, the robed wizard, the horse that shines in the moonlight, they are pretty sure that it is the same party, even if the identities of most of them are concealed by the pavilion tent. The half-orc, they say, was as strong as an ogre, and there was a dark human woman his equal in combat. The wizard could cast flame and web. There was a dwarf that could shoot lightning. It does not take long for the ogres to decide to let these travelers go by unmolested.

The party awakens in the morning none the wiser.

8 March [17 Coldeven], 571 - Dersyth Trail to New Midwood, 2000’ elevation
(Low 46F, High 67F)
[Encounter checks (patrolled hills) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

Mathias walks back and forth as he eats his cold breakfast of trail rations, peering down into the gorge below. The sky is finally clear after several cloudy days.

Willa, taking his pacing and interest in the gorge as nervousness, asks, “So, wha’ do ye hae agin rivers?”

“I don’t like boats,” he says simply.

“C’mon, man, t’ere’s got t’ be mar aboot it t’en t’at.”

“I had a bad experience on a boat once, okay - I nearly died, nearly drowned. I don’t think it is necessary to go to Greyhawk by boat when there is a perfectly good land route. Or Aurora and I could fly and meet you there.”

Willa considers this soberly, the most Mathias has said about it so far. “Babshapka hae a cloak,” she says, “a magic cloak wha’ lets ye breathe unnerwater an’ swim like a ray an’ all. Wha’ if ye war t’ borrow it?”

“What?” asks Babshapka incredulously.

Mathias looks up, looks between Babshapka and Willa. “I...I suppose that would make it easier, perhaps. In any event it is decent of you to offer.”

I didn’t, thinks Babshapka, but he says no more.

Under clear skies, and with the continual application of Larry’s longstrider to himself, they make great progress today. The trail stays on the rocky ridges above the valley bottom, sometimes close to the Avon Fyn and sometimes distant, but always within sight of the swift waters.

Late in the afternoon they crest a ridge and can see that all the land to the east of them lies below their current elevation; they are coming down from the Highlands of Geoff into the great, wide Javan valley. Before them it is lightly forested in what the humans call Midwood; to the north lies the much denser Dimwood. The Avon Fyn, or perhaps now the Olvewater, is beginning to turn north and head for that darker forest and they will follow its banks no more. Tyrius believes that at this point they are leaving the Cantrev in which was Dersyth, and entering the one of the town of New Midwood. If he recalls correctly, it was called the Cantrev of Rhwng yr Coed, although Larry chuckles at his attempt to pronounce the Flan name.

They manage a few miles more before Willa calls a halt for the day, and camp on the slope of the hills running down.

From 58 person rations to 49.
From 32 mule rations to 30.

9 March [18 Coldeven], 571 - Dersyth Trail to New Midwood, 1000’ elevation
(Low 54F, High 70F)
[Encounter checks (patrolled hills) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

Resuming their march in the morning, the trail soon enters light forest, and continues descending a steep, rocky slope. Once the land levels out they see crofts, cottages, and barns in the distance - this is sheep country, although no villages larger than a cluster of houses are in sight. Innumerable trails cross the main track, but it is clear which is the main way. The party camps for lunch in the open grasslands, and then continues, arriving at more forest before the day’s end. If they don’t reach New Midwood, and the Javan River, on the morrow they will certainly be close.

From 49 person rations to 40.
From 30 mule rations to 28.

10 March [19 Coldeven], 571 - Dersyth Trail to New Midwood
(Low 55F, High 70F)
[Encounter checks (civilized forest) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn - no encounters]

[Breakfast: First of 3 meals for a ration]

[Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, shortly after dawn Willa receives the following sending from Runnel:

Report position / heading; I will repeat check-in every week at dawn unless your response suggests otherwise. Situation here worse in scope but with same urgency

She is in the pavilion at the time; it being warm enough, the cold trail rations are being eaten by the party inside the warmth of the night’s stored body heat, but no fire has been made. People are up but moving slowly; she can easily leave the tent and make a few strides outside as if going to use the privy. Before the six seconds are up, she exits and mumbles,

Hopin' ter reach New Midwood an' ther Javan tomorrow. Rendezvous in Javan Ferry instead o' Istivin. Easier ter explain. Wha' be ther news / situation thar?

She is reasonably sure that no one heard her - certainly no one asks about it later, when she returns. She has had no immediate response from Runnel. Perhaps he will answer next week at dawn.]

The first ten miles of the morning march pass rapidly through the thickening woods. The small shepherding villages grow farther apart as the open meadows get smaller and the woods denser. It is not yet mid-day when they climb down a steep embankment and find a bridge over a fog-covered river. The bridge is of ancient timbers lashed together and supported by stone pilings. The wood is sodden and slippery, but bears their weight. Tyrius reminds them that this is not the Fyn they are passing over but the Avon Rhychdir (Heath River in Common), and crossing it means that they are nearing New Midwood town.

On the other side of the river the trail becomes broader, with cart ruts, and their pace picks up. The woods drop away and for the rest of the day they pass through green pasture land along the slopes above the river. The trail gets better and better as they approach the town, and they easily arrive at the gates of the walled city before dark, with plenty of time to find an inn on the cobbled streets (-9gp from party funds). [Lunch: Second of 3 meals for a ration, dinner at inn]

Once they are established at the inn, while the others wash and get ready for their first hot meal since Dersyth, Mathias goes out to explore the small town. He finds a smoke shop selling the same strains of pipeweed as in Dersyth, though at more reasonable prices. When he asks the proprietor whether he has anything harder, the man says that he has a brick of “devilweed”. Mathias has heard of it - it is dried leaves of something more properly known as the Wyssin plant - but has never tried it. It is smoked like tobacco. The man offers him the brick for 6gp and he takes it.

For her part, Willa drinks with the patrons of the common room and mentions that they will be traveling south on the morrow. She asks them what news from the southlands and learns that: dragons have been spotted flying over the Jotens, an order of holy hermits has been established in the Good Hills, and undead have been plaguing the Stark Mounds and its caravan trail.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:36 am  

The fellowship is fracturing... Cry

Will this become like the Lord Of The Rings, where the narrative cuts between the different groups of heroes?
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:01 am  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Will this become like the Lord Of The Rings, where the narrative cuts between the different groups of heroes?

I wish, but part of the reason for the break was to sequester the characters of the players who were just not coming to sessions frequently / reliably.

Five in the main group will continue on while four in the side group will be suspended in plot time for the time being. If their players' schedules ever align to make them more available, we may pick up with that group again. The player of Aurora on occasion threatens to use her crystal ball to check in on the others and force me to provide an account of them in parallel time, but he has been a DM before and is just trying to get a rise from me.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Wed Jun 22, 2022 1:44 pm  
Post 226: When Parting was no Pleasure

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel.

Post 226: When Parting was no Pleasure

11 March [20 Coldeven], 571 - New Midwood
(Low 52F, High 71F)
[Encounter checks (civilized hills) at noon, night, predawn - no encounters]

While the others enjoy a hearty, hot breakfast at the inn, Willa is working the docks of New Midwood. Most vessels going downriver are loaded high with wool from the spring shearing. The bales are light enough that they take up all available cargo space and there would scarcely be room on deck for the party, let alone four mules and a warhorse. Fortunately, she does find one barge coming from the north and headed downriver with timber - a few huge and uncut trunks that may eventually be turned into great beams, rafters, or even masts, and stacks and stacks of cut and planed lumber. It is a heavy enough load that the deck space is not nearly filled, and she finds the pilot willing to accept them as passengers, mules included, in return for her promise to defend the barge, its wares, and crew (Willa - ship’s passage). The lumber trade is not so profitable that the absentee merchant who owns the barge sees fit to hire guards, and the deckhands are simple men, not fighters, so the pilot will be glad of their presence. More fortunate still, the pilot is in no hurry to shove off, as he plans on going only as far as Preston-on-Javon today and can easily reach it with hours to spare, so Willa has time to return to the inn, settle their affairs, grab a quick ration of bacon-between-bread, and use one hand to direct the party in loading the mules while she eats with the other. In very little time they are all on the barge and pulling away from the shore into the deep, wide Javan.

Mathias eyes the barge warily and moves carefully to the center, atop a great trunk and as far from the water’s edge as he can get. As the rest of the party settles in, Babshapka removes his cloak and passes it to the gaunt man, who accepts it gratefully. A few words pass between them.

The shore moves quickly along and it is not two hours before the hands have to look lively, scrambling about with poles to keep the barge from grounding in the shallows of Hywist’s Ford. After that, it is a long, leisurely morning and afternoon, watching the banks slip rapidly past. To their north are the rugged bluffs of Midwood Vale in the Gran March, to the south the stands of trees in the Oytwood Forest of Geoff. A few small fishing villages huddling on the shore are all they see of settlements in the largely empty land.

[Lunch, meal 3/3 for rations:
From 40 human rations to 31.
From 28 mule rations to 25.]

In midafternoon the Oyt Avon enters the Javan from the right bank, and there is again some technical work as the pilot and hands negotiate currents and eddies. Almost as soon as they get things aright they are making preparations to land in Preston-on-Javan for the evening.

The day's outing was pleasant enough, but there is many a heavy heart among them as they go ashore. When the pilot asks whether they will want passage on the morrow, Willa says “Mayhaps, bu’ if it be, it be fer only ther ‘alf o’ us.” For indeed, those bound for Hochoch in the morning will need to take a ferry across the Javan and start up an overland trail, while those who are continuing to follow the river south will leave them behind. Once they are off the docks and firmly on land, Mathias returns Babshapka’s cloak to him. The elf nods his head but remains silent.

During the lull of the river passage, and knowing they would need to decide soon, Larry finally found his tongue and declared that he would be staying in the northlands and with his first friend Tyrius. Then there was much embracing with Thokk and many manly tears were shed by them both. Afterwards, Shefak too declared that she would be traveling north, to no one’s surprise more than Umbra. As the monk explained, she simply felt there would be more challenge for her, more opportunities to perfect herself, in searching for the lost elven city than on a safe and uneventful boat ride. She beseeched Aurora to send to her when the other group reached Greyhawk, however, and then based on what they had already found she might later join them. Thus, the party planned to pass one last night together in Preston and in the morning to divide into Umbra, Tyrius, Larry, Shefak, Eddard, and two mules going north overland, and Thokk, Willa, Aurora, Babshapka, Mathias, and two mules continuing south by river.

Finding an inn in bustling Preston is easy enough (-9 gp from party), and the party soon has lodgings. Unfortunately the common room below is busy enough that it will not work as a place to spread out and divide their gear. That will mean they need to do lots of shuttling back and forth between rooms upstairs as they decide what gear will be taken by the northern party and what by the southern. Between this and drinking to the health of one another, there will be no time for Willa to check the common room for rumors, nor for Mathias to continue his quest for ‘weed’.

Since the two groups are roughly of equal number, it is an easy decision to send two mules with each. Willa thinks it best to send each group with one ‘experienced’ mule and one ‘new’ mule - she selects Andy and Dandy for her group and Randy and Mandy for the other.

They sort out each person’s personal kit first - everyone has a backpack, sleeping roll, and waterskin, and a second waterskin to carry on the mule. Those in the southern group are conscious that, once they leave the river, they cannot rely on Larry’s created water every day and will need to fill their skins at any opportunity.

Willa is the only one on her team without darkvision, so she makes sure to include the bullseye lantern, a tinderbox, a dozen torches, and many flasks of oil in her personal gear. To the other group she yields Thokk’s hooded lantern and another dozen torches. Then the two groups split equally four party tinderboxes and twenty-one flasks of oil.

Thokk is assigned for personal gear his climbing harness, fifty feet of silk rope, pitons, a hammer, and a grappling hook. Larry receives the same. After this, the two groups equally split two remaining hammers and two silk ropes. There is a third grapnel, recently purchased in Dersyth, claimed by Thokk.

Of the four fishing poles and tackle purchased months ago, just one pole remains. The northern group has plans of venturing into the wilderness and may need to feed themselves, while the southern group will have easy access to towns and cities all along the Javan. The pole and tackle are given to Larry.

There is a singular crowbar claimed by the southern group as being less useful in the wilderness.

Aurora takes the bag of caltrops she has always carried as personal gear but never used - and on reflection, declares that they are so useful, she pays the inn’s groom to slip out and buy her a second bag.

There are over a hundred pounds of charcoal, and nearly twenty pounds of mineral coal. All agree that the group headed north, into the wilderness and perhaps mountains, will be much more likely to need it to stay warm and cook game than the group headed south, into warmer weather and likely eating cold trail rations and staying at inns. Still, Willa is loath to cede all of it. In the end, she keeps 10 pounds of mineral coal for her group and yields the rest to the other group.

With this, all of the mundane gear has been divided - except the tents. The pavilion tent is large enough for the whole party (at least when the weather is good and the mules can be outside), but they have only one. Shefak also has a (two-person) canvas tent, and Willa a (two-person) oilcloth tent, but the two women are in different groups. With five people going south, that group takes the pavilion tent, and Willa reluctantly donates her own tent to the other group.

The party now turns to the distribution of treasure. Fortunately all the appraisal work in the dwarven city has made this very easy. In just a short time the northern group has 3257.3gp in 87 different gems, jewelry, and platinum chits, while the southern group has 3257gp in 78 different gems, jewelry, and platinum chits. Since Mathias has already received his share of the treasure from the ship, this is more than 800gp for each party member in each group. Umbra gets a full share of the treasure recovered from Nholast’s tower that hadn’t yet been divided.

Willa remembers something from the Mind Flayer about the captain’s wife and the security officer’s wife being able to communicate through devices. She and the others spend some time going through all of the jewelries from the ship looking for anything that might match, or have functions other than decoration, but ultimately nothing is found.

What is not as easily divided is the ‘musical bracelet’ from the ship and a silver seal found in the tower. The dwarves cared only for the gems on the bracelet and ignored the music it produced. The seal was in the bottom of Larry’s backpack and never got assessed. Both of these are sent with the northern group.

The only items that remain are the strange technological devices found on the ship. Although once they left the cave each person was allowed to claim for themselves anything they wanted to use, now that the stockpiles are being broken up, Mathias decides that he would like more than just the translator. He pulls out four grenades (two red, two black), a paralyzation pistol, and a laser pistol before what remains is divided. Since Aurora is the only one who trained in the blaster rifle, she takes both of these, as well as the unidentified weapon, for her group.

With the weapons remaining divided into nine (and then the northern group getting four shares and the southern group five), the resultant split is:

32 blue grenades (14 going north and 18 south)
21 black grenades (9 and 12)
4 green grenades (2 and 2)
20 red grenades (9 and 11)
7 paralyzation pistols (3 and 4)
10 needler pistols (4 and 6)
4 laser pistols (2 and 2)

There is but a single antigravity belt - this goes south, as Tyrius has one built into his suit of armor, and since the party thinks the most useful aspect of this would be to evacuate an unconscious comrade, and the northern group has spells for that. Likewise, with both party healers, Larry and Tyrius, in the northern group, no one begrudges Willa and Aurora keeping for the southern group the healing sprays and injections from the ship. There is a single jar of “sensory enhancement powder” that is taken by the northern group.

The “ship’s rations” are split by person for the “meaty stew” and by person and mule for the “creamy porridge”.

125 Meaty Stew (56 and 69)
22 Creamy Porridge (10 and12)

The normal trail rations and mule grain is also divided:

31 human rations (14 and 17)
25 mule rations (13 and 12)

Finally the party returns downstairs for a late dinner [no rations used for meal] and much drinking and toasting. Long after most of the common patrons have left the inn, the party remains downstairs ordering pints of ale and they take turns telling stories of their adventures - especially of the early days before they were joined by Mathias and Umbra. Mathias learns much and more about haunted houses, smuggler’s ships, lizardfolk and sharkpeople, the Dreadwood, the Druid’s Moot, vampire castles, forbidden Valadis, ghost towers, and an ancient wizard tyrant of the Yeomanry. The praises of one another are sung, and the foibles are gently ribbed and mocked. It is in the small hours of the morning when the group finally makes their way upstairs to bed.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:09 am  
Post 227: Preston-on-Javan to the Temple of Hextor

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. The Temple of Hextor is shown as a ruin on her map. I chose to have it be an active temple. The description of it is my own; I don't know the source material for it.

Post 227: Preston-on-Javan to the Temple of Hextor

12 March [21 Coldeven], 571 - Preston on Javan
[Encounter checks (civilized plains) at morning (patrol), noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn]
(Low 53F, High 72F)

Willa is awoken by the sound of boots on cobblestone and shouted orders. She leaps from her bed in a start and quickly regrets it once she remembers that she is at the inn. Dagger still in hand (where did that come from?), head throbbing from last night’s revelry, she opens the shutters and squints to see a squad of town guards being hustled down the street below by a bellowing sergeant, but by now moving quickly away from the inn. From her own bed, Aurora complains vocally about the morning light now streaming in the window. Willa begins shouting at the others to be up before they miss the departure of the lumber barge.

Larry remains stubbornly sleeping in the inn, but the other three members of the northern group accompany the southern expedition to the docks, Shefak and Umbra having drunk very little the night before and a bleary-eyed Tyrius seemingly driven by pure force of social convention. He is glad once they arrive though. As Willa, head still throbbing, hustles the mules and party members onto the barge, he looks across the wide Javan, which is conspicuously absent of ferries. The spring floods and strong breeze promising rain haven’t stopped any downriver traffic, but the ferries that normally carry custom from one bank to the other are not in operation. The northern group is looking at at least one more day in the inn.

As soon as all the southern party is aboard, the lumber barge shoves off, the pilot telling Willa dryly that they almost left without them, and she mumbling apologies. Once the barge is well away from the shore and the deckwork slows, everyone but Babshapka is either asleep again or trying to be. As they wake up throughout the morning each has a breakfast of trail rations on their own.

Northern Group - Will remain at the inn for today, and take the next ferry available across the river, then up into the forest and mountains looking for a lost elven city. They are frozen in plot time for the moment.

Shefak - Level 6 Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
Umbra - Level 6 Sorcerer (Shadow Magic)
Tyrius - Level 7 Paladin (Oath of Devotion) and Eddard, Celestial Steed
Larry - Level 7 Druid (Circle of the Mountains)
Randy and Mandy - The Mules

Southern Group - Currently traveling down the Javan on a lumber barge. Willa is secretly steering them to Sterich to meet with her royal handler, while Mathias wants to get them to Greyhawk City. The narrative will follow them for the time being.

Thokk of the Crystalmists - Level 7 Barbarian (Wolf Totem Warrior)
Aurora of Tringlee - Level 7 wizard (School of Enchantment)
Babshapka of the Silverwood - Level 7 ranger (Giant Killer)
Special Agent Wilhelmina Stoutly (Willa) - Level 7 Fighter (Champion)
Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio / Leezar / Mathias - Level 6 Warlock (Dark One)
Andy and Dandy, the Mules

The warm day passes uneventfully as they float calmly down the wide, mighty river, though much of the pleasing landscape is missed by those sleeping. On the left bank the land is still rugged, with only the occasional isolated fishing or shepherding village to be seen. The trees remain thick for the first hour or so on the right bank, but after that the forest pulls back and they pass by open meadows and farm fields set in the broad floodplain. Some of the villages are sizable, and even boast docks large enough for the barge, but they keep traveling.

Only when the sun is low on the horizon does the pilot announce that they will not be making Keeler’s Keep before sundown (and no thanks to their late start and layabout passengers). He steers the barge closer and closer to the left bank as the deck hands tell one another they are making for ‘The Temple’.

The structure can be seen long before they arrive - a massive fortress of stone and iron near the water’s edge, with stone pilings and extensive docks of well-kept wood. Theirs is not the only vessel making for the docks or already moored there for the night. The warrior-priests of the Temple of Hextor maintain the docks for the use of all the travelers of the Javan and the barge needs to pay only a small fee for the privilege of mooring in safety, although those who wish to pay more may visit the temple or take a meal or beds there for the night.

Willa doesn’t like the look of the grim priests who collect the toll, or of some of the other vessels moored near them (especially a few of the Rhenee barges), so she announces that they will all remain on the barge for the night and set a watch besides. This meets with the approval of the pilot who subsequently leaves off any mention of the party’s late start to the day.

17 human rations to 12
12 mule rations to 10

First watch: 7-9pm; Willa
Second Watch: 9-11pm; Thokk and Aurora
Third Watch: 11pm - 1am; Mathias

[DM's note: What follows is known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias')

Leezar is woken for his watch at 11pm by Aurora.

Sounds of concertina and violin music drift across the water from the Rhenee houseboat barges, but it is an otherwise quiet night. At midnight, the massive bronze bells of the temple on the hill above them toll loudly. In between each massive boooongggg, Leezar can hear a familiar gravelly voice. “Hey…” it whispers. “Hey boss!”

Leezar stands up from the pile of lumber he was sitting upon and moves quietly off the barge, climbing the ladder up onto the wooden dock and finding the demonling. “I gots somthin’ ta show yous,” the demonling says, and beacons him with a gnarled finger.

The creature hops and glides down the wooden dock, Leezar just behind him. It moves onto a stone breakwater and down a stair to a small stone landing, large enough to admit a rowboat or dorry, but covered in half a foot of river water. Leezar moves out onto the landing, his leather boots splashing softly. “What is it?” he asks.

“Dere,” says the warty demonling and it points down into the water. A sickly green glow lies deep below the surface.

“What is it?” asks Leezar again, and he doubles over to bring his face closer to the water.

For a second, nothing happens.

Then the surface of the water erupts - a form emerges - a human form - a corpse - the corpse of the fat priest killed by Leezar when he dedicated himself to Graz’zt. Leezar inhales sharply, but before he can scream the dead arms wrap around him, dead hands grab his wrists, pull him into and under the river. The demonling chortles with laughter.

Leezar is dragged down far below the surface before he manages to summon his pact weapon to his hand. It takes the shape of a stiletto, and he plunges it again and again into the body of the priest, but it does not cease its hold nor fade the bright green glow in its eyes. Blood like black tar slowly oozes from each puncture wound. With a curse that takes the last of the air from his lungs, Leezer changes the form of the weapon to that of a short knife with a strongly serrated edge.

Trying desperately not to inhale water, Leezer saws through the flesh and bone of the priest’s wrist on the opposite side of his hand holding the serrated knife. The dismembered hand of the priest releases its grip on him, drifts slowly away in the current. With one arm free, Leezar switches the blade to his free hand. When at last he has freed his other arm from the corpse's grip, the waterlogged body sinks down into the black depths. Leezar, all his air gone, struggles to the surface.

His hands find a stone ledge and he drags himself up onto the same landing he was taken from. The demonling is still there, still laughing, though Leezar cannot hear him over the pounding in his ears. He vomits forth swallowed river water and gasps for air.

Minutes later, he rises shakily to his feet, and the squatting demonling stands as well in mock seriousness.

“So, da Big Boss says good job on gettin’ rid of da pally. Yous is promoted. Now earn da wizard’s trust.”

The demonling disappears. Soaked and shivering, Leezar walks up the stairs and back to the barge.]

[For splitting the party and separating Aurora from Tyrius, Leezar is now 7th level: New features in bold.
Seventh Level Warlock / Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 10 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Wis 9 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp 44, Languages Common, Velondi
Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, Persuasion
Otherworldly Patron - Dark Prince Graz'zt
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Special Ability: Saved by the Bell. Because of his work as a pit fighter and his experience taking dives, Leezar may make a Deception check to convincingly feign unconsciousness or death.
Cantrips (3): Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand
Invocations (4): One with Shadows, Fiend's Sight, Maddening Hex, Armor of Shadows. Dropped: Thirsting Blade
Otherworldly Patron Features (2): Dark One's Blessing, Dark One's Own Luck
Spells (8): Witch Bolt, Armor of Agathys, Dispel Magic, Fly, Darkness, Hex, Scorching Rays, Summon Aberrant Spirit. Dropped: Burning Hands
Equipment: Scimitar, Alien Translator, Laser Pistol, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Power Discs ]

Fourth Watch: 1am - 3am; Babshapka
Fifth Watch: 3am-5am; Babshapka
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:34 am  
Post 228: Temple of Hextor to the trail to Pelyth Cove

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. Note that while her map shows one "Keeler's Keep", it is listed as "Keller's Keep" in the brief description at The latter appears to be a fan work drawing on Living Greyhawk materials. The description of the town is my own, apart from the name.

Post 228: The Temple of Hextor to the trail to Pelyth Cove

13 March [22 Coldeven], 571 - Temple of Hextor
[Encounters (civilized plains) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn - none]
(Low 61F, High 77F)

They shove off from the temple docks early in the morning and are soon back out on the open river. The morning passes swiftly as the barge is steered gradually over to the right bank of the Javan. It is less than two hours later when the pilot maneuvers it into the docks of Keeler’s Keep and the deck hands give a relieved cheer. This is as far as they are going; this is the market for which their lumber was bound. Keeler’s Keep is the last market town before the Javan enters the Rushmoors.

It is early enough in the morning that Willa hopes to immediately find another vessel, but all those ships have sailed. Even across the river in Tanner’s Ferry there is little activity on the docks. Reluctant to waste the better part of an entire day and pay for a room in an inn, all in return for the chance there might be a ship on the morrow, Willa confers with the barge pilot. He agrees that the trail south to Pelyth Cove is good, and walking will take them as fast as they could cross the Rushmoors by barge; arriving in a day or perhaps a day-and-a-half. Even had they a ship, all the moors are low-lying and marshy, and the mighty Javan fans out into a maze of reeds and backwater channels. The current is so slow that deckhands must work constantly to pole through the reeds, and the bugs are dense. Given that as the other option, the party agrees to walk south for a few days, at least until they are past the moors and can find another ship once the Javan gathers itself up and resumes its course as a true river again.

It will be at least hours, and maybe days, before the lumber barge is unloaded, so the party uses it as their staging area as they load packs for themselves and the mules. Adjusting their personal loads to their ability to carry, Mathias moves some of his gear to the mules while Aurora loads sixty pounds of books onto them. Babshapka, Thokk, and Willa find room in their packs for varying amounts of ship’s rations. The mules end up with about two hundred pounds each, allowing almost everyone to travel at the same base rate, with Thokk and Babshapka just a bit faster. By the time the party is ready, they can still get in a few hours’ march before midday. Willa notes that they are low on people food, but if the pilot is right that they can reach the next town south in fewer than two days they should be fine.

Keeler’s Keep is a small town with congested streets, but it is just a short walk from the docks to the town walls. The actual Keep is high above the town, a few towers perched on a rocky crag, while the town that bears its name is hunkered between low stone walls and the river’s edge.

As the party leaves the town, the trail retreats from the river and ascends a hillslope as it does so. With each passing mile, they have a better vantage of the massive Rushmores - a reed-choked fen as far as they can see to the east. No settlements lie more than five miles from the town, and light woods of small trees soon encroach on the trail. By mid-day it is in the high seventies, and during their rest stop Mathias, sweating heavily, strips off his heavy leathers. In the late afternoon they cross a low ridge, and as the sun approaches the horizon they enter a small agricultural valley. They can see the fields and farms surrounded by earthen dikes and levees and the trail crossing innumerable short plank bridges across drainage canals.

That night there is a chorus of frogs serenading them, and although it is stuffy in the pavilion tent, the heavy flaps keep out the worst of the clouds of biting flies.

12 human rations to 7
10 mule rations to 9 (lots of chances to forage along the trail)

First watch: 7-9pm; Willa
Second Watch: 9-11pm; Thokk and Aurora
Third Watch: 11pm - 1am; Mathias

[DM's note: What follows is known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias')
The demonling again appears at midnight while Leezar is on watch, but this time they are far from the river or any other body of water. The others are in the pavilion tent with the flaps closed against biting flies. The drone of the frogs is loud. Leezar does not have to walk far off before he is sure they will not be overheard.

“So, how do you plan to kill me tonight?” he asks the ugly fiend.

“Ah now, c’mon boss, dat was just to celebrate youse’s promotion. No hard feelin’s, right?”

Leezar doesn’t answer the question immediately. Instead, after a pause, he says coldly, “I get it, it’s your thing, you friggin’ a******. Last time you came through for me and I thought we were working well together. You had asked me to do something for you. I looked all over these backward river towns for the best weed they had to offer. I figured you could smoke it in your cigar. You pushed me in the water and f***** that up.” (Deception 17)

The demonling seems taken aback. “Aww, youse was gettin’ weed for me? Hey, dat’s nice. Really. And I’m sorry if youse’s dunk in da river spoiled it. But understand dis - da whole corpse-in-da-water ting wasn’t me. Dat's da Big Boss - or maybe it’s bigger dan him - rules of da universe or somethin’. Youse want a promotion, youse has a near-death experience. Gotta break youse’s psyche so youse can remake it and grow or some s*** like dat. Dat wasn’t my idea, dat’s just how da job works.”

Leezar keeps a level gaze on the demonling.

“And yeah, I did laugh, true enough. But it was funny, boss...if youse coulda seen youse’s face when dat priest came out of da water…”

“You could have warned me. If we are on the same team.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I coulda. But da Big Boss likes his guys scrappy, able ta adapt ta circumstances. If I tought youse was actually in danger, I woulda said sometin’. But, like I said, it’s part of da promotion. Youse can expect it, if youse wants ta keep advancing.”

“Well, I’ll expect it now. So if you are not here to kill me, or mock me, why are you here, then?”

“Youse’s bump comes with bennies. Da Big Boss says youse gets ta learn more spells and invocations and such like.”

“And you will teach me?”

“If I can. Depends on what youse asks for.”

“Aurora’s mage armor is useful, and a lot more comfortable than leather in this heat. When can I know something like that?”

Invocation of armor of shadows. Yeah, dat’s simple enough. We can start youse on dat tonight.”

“I want my spells to be more potent, do more damage.”

Invocation of maddening hex. Yeah, dat I can do, too. ‘Course, youse want ta learn both of them, youse gots ta give up somethin’.”

Leezar thinks a bit, but it doesn’t take long. “Thirsting Blade. I won’t need that.”

“Aww, don’t have da bloodlust of youse’s youf anymore?”

“The wizard already has people that fight for her. If I am to win her trust she needs to respect my casting ability.”

“Whatever youse say, boss. What about a real spell, if youse need ta be all magicky now?”

“If I am going to specialize in casting, it would be good to have something to fight for me. A blocker, a minion. What’s the most powerful conjuration spell I can get?”

The demonling rocks back on its heels. “Hmm. You coulda learned summon lesser demon before. But now...I think youse can handle summon greater demon. Just be real careful who youse use it on. Youse can make enemies real quick.”

Leezar muses. “A demon might be a bit on the nose...Aurora doesn’t trust me that much yet. Is there anything less obviously a servant of the Dark One?”

“Huh. I guess dere is summon aberrant spirit. Gets youse an aberration. Some of dem work for the Big Boss, but most people don’t know dat.”

“What kind of aberration?” says Leezar, thinking of the mind flayer.

“Ah, easiest one would be a f****** frawg. Dere are others, but it’s harder.”


“Ah, what's dis world call dem? Slaadi, yeah.”

“That might do. Can you teach me this spell to summon slaadi to do my bidding?”

“Not me, but someone else can. Dat’s pretty powerful stuff, and I’m just a messenger. I knows a guy, dough. Also, youse’ll need a resonant.”


“Yeah, what youse Oerthlings call a ‘material component’ - a piece of dead slaadi - preferably an eye.”

“Can you get me that? That doesn’t seem like something I could get on my least while I am doing the Dark One’s Will by staying with the wizard.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Leezar nods. The two of them quickly get down to the business of the ritual that will allow Leezar to invoke the armor of shadows. By the end of his watch, he can call on the armor at will, and have it last eight hours without him concentrating on it. The demonling takes to the wing soon after.]

Fourth Watch: 1am - 3am; Babshapka
Fifth Watch: 3am-5am; Babshapka
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:45 am  
Post 229: The Trail to Pelyth Cove

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. Pelyth Cove is on her maps at and is also listed, but not described, at The latter appears to be a fan work drawing on Living Greyhawk materials. The description of the town is my own, apart from the name.

Post 229: The Trail to Pelyth Cove

14 March [23 Coldeven], 571 - Trail to Pelyth Cove
[Encounters (civilized plains) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn - none]
(Low 57F, High 73F - light rain from 3pm to 10pm, heavy rain thereafter)

It is cooler this morning, but also muggy. Clouds in the southeast portend rain, but they are far off. As the party breaks camp, Aurora uses her mage armor spell, as she always does (typically three times a day around meals). Soon after, Mathias does the same for himself - the first time the party has seen him do so. He packs his leathers on the mule rather than putting them on.

They continue through the levee-bordered fields as they start the morning, but after two hours they leave them behind and enter a wood. The trail is obvious, if sometimes muddy, but the flies are out in huge numbers in the dappled shadows. When they reach midday no one is at all interested in stopping and giving even more biting flies the chance to alight on them. Willa has them slow their pace just enough to pull rations from the mule packs and they eat as they walk through the wood.

It is perhaps an hour after midday when they finally break free of the trees and see a town spanning both sides of a small river at the bottom of a hill below them. The town is surprisingly sizable for them having passed no villages or fields leading up to it, but given the extensive docks in evidence along the river it likely lives mostly through water trade. The town boasts sizable stone walls and even towers (it is, they later learn, the capital of the cantrev through which they have been traveling since the midpoint between Preston and Keeler's Keep). Above the town, the river cuts through green meadows, but below it are extensive rice fields that eventually give way to grassy fens. They have arrived at Pelyth Cove.

“Terday be Sunday,” says Willa. She leaves unspoken, ‘our first Sunday without Tyrius,’ although Aurora and Babshapka think it as well, for while the Paladin always greeted the sun in prayer, he celebrated longer on Sundays and Godsdays besides. “An’ so it likely be a market day," she adds after a pause. "Let us find an inn in yon town away from t’ese damned midges. Aurora, ye can be buyin’ us some food fer ther road - two weeks fer us an’ maybe a week more fer ther mules. Thokk, ye make sure ther inn’s ale be fit fer us t’ drink. I be lookin’ fer a boat fer ther morrow. Mathias, ye can gae wit’ who ye will, tho’ I wouldnae mind if ye could see ter ther mules an’ gear at ther inn. Thar be time in ther affernoon fer ye t’ look fer smoke shops.”

The town is large but it is no city, and it does not take them long to find an inn on the south bank of the river, near the docks. All the while they search, rain clouds are gathering. By the time they have the mules stabled and their gear inside, a light spring rain is falling.

It is indeed a market day and Aurora has no difficulties buying the food they need from the party fund; 14 days of food for 5 people (70 rations for 35gp from party fund) and seven days of food for 2 mules (14 mule rations for 0.7gp from party fund). The party is a bit short on actual coin, and when she pays for everything with a gem that the dwarves assured her was worth 50gp and asks for change, the merchant assesses it as if it was worth but 45gp. She lets it go.

At the docks, Willa finds a number of barges pledging that they will leave on the morrow, rain notwithstanding. However, the largest among them are headed north, and of those headed south, all of the deck space is packed with goods, with no room for the party or mules. The pilots, however, claim that she will find plenty of river traffic headed south when she gets to New Hope, at the bottom of the Rushmoors, where the Javan becomes a “right river” again.

This late in the afternoon, and with the rain preventing certain types of work, many of the pilots and hands are just sitting about and don’t mind Willa’s questions in the least. They are equally happy to provide her with the news of the south, although their sphere of interest clearly lies in what is relevant to the river and its trade. She learns that the dwarves of Num-Theraz (in the highlands of Sterich) had an exceptionally productive winter and iron goods are expected to be plentiful this trading season. Also, that gold and platinum coins of a mint not seen in hundreds of years have begun to appear in the cities and towns along the river - surely someone has plundered a lost hoard. As the differing pilots offer conflicting tales over whether the coins are real or false, cursed or not, worth their metal value or secretly worth much more, Willa tries to keep her face interested without betraying the party’s involvement in the event. Finally, more than one of the pilots says that undead have been plaguing the Stark Mounds and its caravan trail between Geoff and Sterich, such that surely more traffic will be shunted to the river this year.

Mathias does remain at the inn through the afternoon, for Thokk, sitting at the bar drinking and ogling the wenches, is not in the least concerned about the packs of grenades and blaster rifles left unguarded in their rooms upstairs. However, as soon as Aurora and Babshapka have returned from buying food, Mathias sets out. First he sells his set of leather armor. He receives little (2.5gp) in exchange for it when considering its quality and the decorative work it had, but it is used, cut individually for him, and the buyer will have a hard time finding someone as tall and lanky as he to sell it to. Next he is off to visit the smoke shops, of which there are several. In one he does indeed find a proprietor who admits to having a full pouch of diviner’s weed. The man is reluctant to sell it to Mathias at first, claiming that, by law, it can only be purchased by priests of Boccob for use in religious services. Mathias presses him, asking him whether he knows for sure that Mathias is not a priest of Boccob, and sliding some extra coins across the counter. The man admits that Mathias could be a priest, for all he knows, and hands the pouch over (Persuasion 11, but 27 with advantage from the bribe).

By their evening meal in the inn, the party is all together again (5gp from party fund for food and lodging). The rain continues all night, and even grows harder.

7 human rations to 4, then to 74 with purchases
9 mule rations to 8 (had chances to forage on the trail), then to 22 with purchases

[DM's note: What follows is known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias')
Leezar slips out of the inn around midnight for a smoke - the rain is still coming down heavily.

The demonling appears, teaches him how to invoke a maddening hex, and says that he thinks he has found someone to teach him how to cast the summon aberrant spirit spell, before vanishing.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:56 am  
Post 230: South from Pelyth Cove

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. I used for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

The demon Lord Vuron is taken from Gygax's Gord the Rogue novels.

Post 230: South from Pelyth Cove

15 March [24 Coldeven], 571 - Pelyth Cove
[Encounters (civilized, swamp) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn - none]
(Low 59F, High 75F)

For the entire day’s march south from Pelyth Cove, woods are to the party's right. The trail is soft and muddy from the rain that let up shortly after dawn, but as they are the first people to traverse it, it remains passable and does not slow them. To their left is a mix of marshland, and rice fields that have been claimed from former marshland through extensive earthen levees and dikes. One does not have to look far that way to find large pools of standing water and boggy spots through which they would not dare lead their laden mule. At least those who first laid the trail had the sense to keep it on the higher ground at the forest’s edge.

It is warm and buggy all day. The individual trees change, the fields and the men repairing the slumping dikes change, but the essence of the scenery they pass does not vary for the entire day. It is only at the very end of the day that the ground rises and the marsh recedes somewhat. A worn and weathered wooden sign marks the boundary between one cantrev and the next.

74 human rations to 69
22 mule rations to 21 (chances to forage)

[DM's note: What follows is known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias')
When the demonling appears this night, there is another being with him - a tall, thin, almost stick-like demon. Its skin shines alabaster-white in the moonlight - unlike the demonling’s ridiculously large and dangling scrotum, the tall demon has taught skin with no sexual features at all - it is completely androgynous.

The demonling bows and scrapes before it, and then gestures at Leezar - “This is Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio,” he says, “also known as Leezar, also known as Mathias Forge. He’s a tough pit fighter, an ace spell-slinger, and recently became captain of his own starship.” It is strange to hear the demonling’s gravelly voice so enthusiastic, since he normally is sarcastic and mocking in everything he says.

The demon gives a slight nod of acknowledgement, and the demonling turns to Leezar. “And this is Lord Vuron, an adjutant to the Big Boss himself. It is a great honor that the Lord has agreed to teach you.” The demonling leans toward Leezar, cups his hand to his mouth, and says in a comically loud stage whisper, “I just asked for someone to teach you the spell, I don’t know why the Lord decided to come.”

The demon says simply, “That will be enough, Mr. Wart.” The demonling disappears, and the demon makes a gesture with his hand. Suddenly the sounds of the night forest around them go silent.

Painstakingly, syllable by syllable, the demon teaches Leezar the words for him to summon aberrant spirits. When they are done, Leezar says that he understands he needs some material components, both Slaadi parts and a very expensive crystal jar. He is working on the second, but wondering about how he can get the first.

The demon nods. “We can help with that. Mr. Wart tells me you don’t like surprises, so I will tell you this. We can gate you in a Slaadi to fight. Ideally it will appear in a city, somewhere we can make it seem to have been summoned by a cult of those who oppose the Dark Prince, a group who local authorities can then punish. Once you and your companions have slain it, you can collect the eye to use in the future.”

“While I appreciate the chance to hinder the Dark Prince’s enemies, is it necessary for me to slay one of his servants? You don’t have an eye or some other part stored somewhere? I don’t want to waste his resources.”

“Things do not work in the Abyss as they do in this world. A demon, or in this case a Slaadi, can die in your world without consequence in the Abyss - it will return to the service of our Master. Conversely, a Slaadi slain in the Abyss would disappear, and those slain in their native Pandemonium dissolve into chaos - there are no parts to collect. Harvesting parts is best done in your world. In addition, we have taken an interest in your case and would like to see how you and your companions work together to fight it.”

“I understand, my Lord,” says Leezar, and bows.

“You have other things you would ask of us.”

Leezar bows again. “I am but a lackey; I ask these things not for myself, but to further what I have been told to do.”

“Of course. We all serve the Dark Prince.”

“When we arrive in Greyhawk it would raise my standing with the wizard if I could be recognized - perhaps someone could meet us, with a sign with my assumed name, someone who could lead us to an inn with an owner or manager friendly to our cause. Any contacts we have to get her access to libraries, magic shops, and armories would increase her reliance on me and make it easier to turn her to the service of our master.”

The demon neither smiles nor frowns - its face is as devoid of emotion as its body is of gender. “In Greyhawk, you have your old contacts, and we can provide more. But let us see if you manage to reach there first. Adventurers are difficult beings to predict.”

“Of course.”
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:44 am  
Post 231: Tenwalls-on-the-Bluff

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. Tenwalls-on-the-Bluff is on her maps at and is also listed at The latter appears to be a fan work drawing on Living Greyhawk materials, and describes the hamlet as deserted. The description of the village is my own, apart from the name.

Post 231: Tenwalls-on-the-Bluff

16 March [25 Coldeven], 571 - Trail from Pelyth Cove to New Hope
[Encounters (civilized, swamp) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn - none]
(Low 63F, High 80F)

The party continues south along the trail. The land gradually rises, and although they still pass rice fields, these are smaller and increasingly seen in the distance, in the lowlands to the east bordering the marsh. The biting flies decrease in number as the land rises and the marsh recedes. The hilly country they march through has more low stone walls and sheep folds all the while. All morning long they approach a ridge as they ascend. Finally they attain its summit, a broad bluff, at midday, and Willa calls for a halt in a quaint hamlet where the trail splits.

One branch of the trail rises to the west, up and into the mountains. The main trail that they are following continues south, gently following the rise and fall of the downs ahead. The hamlet itself is overshadowed by a fortress still higher on the hill, but no pennants fly from its towers. Indeed, the whole structure appears to be falling into ruin, and the peasants of the hamlet readily confirm that it has not been occupied for hundreds of years - their liege, the Arglwyth of Daden Bryd, rules from the city of Aberglain, to the south. The folk are friendly and readily answer Willa’s questions. To a person, they all have the dark cast of skin that she does, showing their strong Flan background. Indeed, the farther they have traveled from Keeler’s Keep south the more the locals have shown their Flan heritage and less of the pale Oeridian stock has been in appearance.

In response to Willa’s questions, the locals declare that the hamlet is called “Tenwalls-on-the-Bluff”, a reference to the numerous curtain walls of the ruined fortress. They tell her it is twenty-some miles from here to the town of New Hope on the restored Javan River, and thirty-some to the city of Aberglain further south. This means that neither place is within range of the party today, but that either would be reachable on the morrow, and both are likely places to hire ships, with Aberglain being the larger of the two. Willa asks for news from the south, but the tales of these simple folk either mirror what she has already heard, or else are so fantastical that she smiles politely but dismisses them out of hand. When she queries them over the undead in the Stark Mounds, they respond that the Mounds have had gleddyf bwgan for more than a hundred years, the remains of a destroyed Keoish army that arise to plague the living from time to time. Some years are worse than others. Willa asks specifically about the political situation in Sterich and Keoland, but affairs of state are largely beyond these simple folk who only offer well-wishes for the health of the young Earl of Sterich and the King of Keoland. She asks if any unusual groups have passed through the hamlet this winter, and several of the folk say very seriously that on one moonlit night, a swarm of rats went by a dozen wide and so long that it took the better part of an hour for them all to pass.

The locals also remind her that there are but three full days left before the week-long celebration of Growfest, which officially marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. If they are to get a ship, they should do it before the start of Growfest, as only the most skin-flinted of merchants and pilots will be traveling, rather than making merry, during the festival.

After a cold meal of their own supplies in the village, the party continues to the south. Immediately they notice that the trail itself is much improved - wider and with permanent deep cart ruts. Although they can “cut corners” with the sturdy mules to save time, the main trail curves back and forth to follow the gentler grades of the hill slopes such that heavily-laden carts can use it, and there are many places where rock outcrops have been painstakingly cut through or low spots filled in with gravel to allow easier passage.

Although the trail itself rises and falls with the downs, they are in a net sense losing elevation, with the “Bluff” behind them having been the highest spot all day. All afternoon they also grow closer to the border of the marsh, and by evening’s camp Babshapka estimates that the tall reeds of the open wetlands are perhaps some five miles off.

69 human rations to 64
21 mule rations to 20 (many chances to forage)

[DM's note: What follows is known only to the player of Leezar ('Mathias')
When the demonling appears this night, Leezar tells him that they are likely to reach either New Hope or Aberglain on the morrow. The demonling says that he will attempt to have both the boat and the Slaad ready.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:23 am  
Post 232: Aberglain

DM's notes on sources:
By far the best source for maps of Greyhawk comes from the work of Anna B Meyer. New Hope and Aberglain are on her maps at Aberglain and is also listed at, which appears to be a fan work drawing on Living Greyhawk materials. It describes Aberglain briefly, with the most detail devoted to a list of NPCs. The description of the city herein is my own, apart from the name.

Post 232: Aberglain

17 March [26 Coldeven], 571 - Trail to New Hope
[Encounters (civilized, swamp) at morning, noon, evening (Slaad), night, midnight, predawn]
(Low 60F, High 79F)(Light rain 2pm - 5pm)

As the morning march starts, the party rapidly approaches the marsh. Low, deep green lines in the high, light green reed fields indicate deeper, flowing water, and these coalesce to where the Javan leisurely gathers itself together to become a river once more. By midmorning they can easily see the town of New Hope sprawling along the east bank of the reformed river. On the near side, though, the trail leads only to a small shantytown of fishing shacks, with no buildings of stone or even of two stories present. They will need to take a ferry across the river to reach the town itself, but these seem to be plentiful along the docks of both banks, and some are even in the process of crossing as they watch.

After another mile of march, however, Babshapka calls for a pause. With no trees nearby, he balances himself atop a complaining mule and shields his eyes from the sun as he looks east. Northeast of the town, he says, is a huge stone fortress. The pennants of this are clearly red - perhaps red-and-black. They are definitely not black and white. It is still too far away for him to see whether they are griffins or lions, however. For the rest of them, they can barely distinguish the fortress from the town, let alone a griffin from a lion.

“And why is the color important?” asks Mathias.

“Black an’ white griffins be ther shield o’ Geoff,” says Willa, “bu’ black an’ red lions be t’at o’ Keoland.”

North of the Rushmoors, in their travels from New Midwood south, the Javan River has so far formed the border between Geoff and the Gran March. Much lower on the river, from Godakin Keep to the sea, the Javan marked the westernmost extent of Keoland. Given the pennants, it seems likely that the town of New Hope lies in Keoland, although it is possible that the colors glimpsed by Babshapka were those of a local Gyri or Marcher lord, and the similarity to Keoland only a coincidence.

Mathias shrugs. “It might be time for Aurora to stop running,” he says. “If not now, when?”

Willa doesn’t respond, but just points them back down the trail. There is both foot and cart traffic, and they should be able to ask a local about the border before crossing the river.

However, before they have met anyone on the road, they come to a fork, where one trail clearly leads to New Hope and the river crossing, and the other turns and heads south along the river. Willa says that the second trail should lead to Aberglain. Regardless of what lies on the other side of the river, the small folk of Tenwalls-on-the-Bluff told her that their liege lord sat in Aberglain, so that city, at least, must be part of Geoff. What’s more, as a city, it will have busier ports and a much greater chance of them finding a boat. Even if they were sure that New Hope was not Keoish, Aberglain would be the better call. They just need to make sure they get there today.

The day’s travel has been easy so far, and the others agree to head for Aberglain without a vote being taken.

The trail grows better the farther they travel, and they reach the great walled city by mid-afternoon. A light rain has started, but the quality of the road means their progress is not slowed by mud. Aberglain is indeed a grand place, the largest settlement they have seen in Geoff outside the capital of Gorna. It sits at the nexus of trails running north and south along both sides of the Javan (with the way between it and New Hope on the east bank an actual road), with ferries running between the banks, a trail on the east bank running east, and a smaller river running down from the mountains to the west and bisecting the city. The river provides abundant power for mills before entering the Javan. The numerous trails, as well as the river, all enter the city at gatehouses through the thick stone walls and flanked by high towers.

The party seeks to enter the city through the main north gate, but admittance there is backed up by numerous other travelers - merchants, farmers, herdsmen, and entertainers alike. For the last mile outside the city walls they pass by corrals and folds full of animals, recently driven to the city in preparation for the festival week ahead. The air is festive despite the misty rain, and more than a few of their traveling companions appear to be getting an early start on the celebrations as they nurse flasks of whiskey to help the time pass while waiting in line.

Willa reminds the party to stay focused as they inch forward - they need to find an inn first, which may be difficult with the city crowded by revelers, and then if there is still time after she will head to the docks and attempt to arrange passage on a ship for the morrow. Fortunately, the easily-bored Thokk has found amusement in intimidating any of the travelers who might seek to slip ahead of them in the queue.

They finally make it through the gate as the rain ends and with more than an hour of daylight to spare. They ignore the impromptu market set up just inside the gates and immediately head down the cobbled streets. Before they reach the small river at the center of town, Willa has them turn left along a main thoroughfare so as to get closer to the Javan and the dock district. As they approach, however, the main road breaks into a number of smaller streets. The road still slopes down, so they are by no means lost, but they soon find themselves on less-traveled streets full of people doing local errands rather than crossing the city.

In a small knot, with Thokk and Willa leading the way, Mathias and Aurora protected in the center, and the mules and Babshapka bringing up the rear, they advance along the quieter streets. At one point a large warehouse is to their left, a small cottage shaded by some trees to their right.

Suddenly the noises of the city are drowned out by a loud splintering of wood. Just ahead, the wall of the warehouse next to them has exploded in a shower of sundered timbers, broken planks, and a cloud of plaster. Wood is scattered on the street in front of them, and a large hole stands agape in the wall of the building, though little of the dark interior is visible.

Willa draws her greatsword without a second thought, but cannot fathom what might have caused such an explosion (History 4).

Bystanders come closer, as curious as the party as to what is transpiring. Suddenly a huge form forces itself through the hole in the wall, displacing more wood and plaster. Into the street steps a bipedal frog-like humanoid of enormous size and striking blue color. Thick and muscular, the huge brute easily stands ten feet tall, and its arms fully reach the ground. Twin claws protrude not from its digits, but rather from the back of its hands.

Round 1
Willa hesitates just a second - the creature stands blinking lazily in the bright sunlight and hasn’t moved aggressively yet, so long as you don’t count what it did to the wall. Then the cityfolk scream and animals soon join them - braying, lowing, barking, squawking, and squealing. This beast may not be a real threat, decides Willa, but panic in the city is. She moves forward and brings her greatsword in a long slash across the creature’s abdomen, then pivots and sinks the blade deep into its torso (one hit, AC15, 12 damage).

Thokk has no such consideration for the city inhabitants, but is always ready to do battle. As a master tactician, however, he has to consider whether what remains in the warehouse is even more of a challenge than this giant frog man. Holding his shield between himself and the beast, he executes a tight turn, then leaps through the hole, landing on the warehouse floor. Three men, robed and masked, stand gaping at the hole in the wall. Thokk swings his sword and one of the men crumples to the ground, bleeding out. Satisfied that the frog is indeed the greater threat, Thokk turns his back on the remaining two men and drives his blade deep into the creature’s back (two hits, 9 points of damage kills a cultist, 13 damage to slaad, total 25 to slaad).

The frog-creature steps forward, apparently taking no notice of the blows it has been dealt, but interested in Willa in front of it. With its enormous spurred hands, it rakes across her platemail, and the force of the blow bruises her arm (one hit, 17 slashing damage, DC15 Con save, Willa makes it with 23).

As she steps back, it bends down and opens a huge maw, revealing rows of peg-like teeth. She brings her greatsword up in front of her before it can bite.

Down the street, a panicked cow strains at its rope tether (Wisdom save 7), turns, and lopes away. The milkmaid leading it is forced to run after it down the street, yelling at everyone to get out of its way.

Babshapka moves the mules off the street to the cover of the trees in front of the cottage, then turns and pulls the blaster pistol off his belt and deftly flips it open. Looking through the view screen, he watches as the targeting crosshairs move from Willa, to Thokk, to the blue creature, and then thumbs the button. A line of intense force streaks out, slamming into the creature’s huge head (DC13 Dex save, fails, 17 points force damage, total 42). He shoots again, but by now the frog thing is looking across the street at him and is able to sidestep the brunt of the blow (DC13 Dex save, succeeds, 22 damage is 11, total 53).

Aurora takes advantage of her new fourth level spell slot to send out a maximized volley of six magic missiles, each one striking the creature unerringly (17 force damage, total 70).

Mathias sizes up the intruder, and makes a mystic gesture in the air, then shoots forth two cracking bolts of force (one hit, 2 points, plus 6 from hex, total 78).

Round 2
If the frog creature ignored the first two sword strikes against it, it is not now doing so. Its rubbery skin has been rent in a dozen places and cyan-colored blood is flowing freely. Willa uses her greatsword to parry any further attacks against herself, and cuts into its flesh whenever it gives an opening. At each of her blows it staggers back (two hits, 25 damage, total 103).

Mathias shoots another two blasts of force at it (9 points, total 112).

The creature grabs its head, and suddenly Thokk and Willa feel a moment of pain like when the Mind Flayer attacked, but not nearly as intense (4 points psychic damage to each of them, plus 4 to it, total 116 [unbeknownst to the party, 'Mathias' is experimenting with his new maddening hex ability).

Thokk bellows in pain and reacts by stabbing at the creature through the hole in the wall. Twice he strikes, and at the second hit it slumps forward, then crashes into the ground (two hits, 24 damage, total 140hp). Grunting in satisfaction, Thokk turns and moves deeper into the warehouse.

One of the cultists is already by the warehouse door, and has removed his robes and mask. Underneath he has on the simple clothes of the middle class - a shopkeeper perhaps, a skilled tradesman or minor merchant. The other is trapped between Thokk and the far wall. Mask still on, he eyes Thokk warily, attempting to gauge what will happen if he bolts by (Insight 18). He correctly surmises that Thokk intends to strike him down at the first opportunity, although he does not know that Thokk plans to knock him out rather than slay him. He says a curse in a language Thokk does not recognize, draws a ritualistic-looking blade, and swings at the barbarian. Thokk lazily blocks the blow with his shield.

In the street, Aurora tries to see into the building, but it is bright outside and dark inside. She turns to calm the mules even as the nearest townsfolk continue to scream and run away.

Round 3
Carefully turning his longsword, Thokk slams the flat of the blade into the side of the nearer cultist’s head. He collapses, alive but unconscious (14 points). The other cultist has the door half open, peering out, perhaps to see when he can leave without being observed. Thokk clouts him from behind with the pommel of his sword, and he, too, falls unconscious (9 points).

With no more combatants, the party works to restore calm. Willa bends over the frog thing, examining it (Nature 13). One of the wounds in its back, the first blow from Thokk, has nearly healed - but it appears quite dead at the moment (10 points regeneration per round while alive).

Eventually a city guardsman shows up, yelling at the small folk to back off. He looks at the fallen frog, he demands to know the names of the party, he moves the cultists to the hole in the warehouse wall so that he can see them in the light from the street.

Meanwhile, Aurora and Mathias are examining the creature (Investigation with advantage from Help, 18). They agree it is not from this world, but likely “extraplanar”, and that it is dead and no longer regenerating. Mathias takes some samples for later study. Underneath its claws, near the knuckles, they find strange bulbous sacks, of unknown function. Willa suggests poison, which seems as good a guess as any. Mathias tries to collect one intact, but fails, the sack rupturing and the gooey contents dripping onto the cobblestones (Sleight of hand 6).

As more and more guardsmen show up, the two living cultists are stripped and bound. A serjeant tells the party that they all need to remain for questioning. When they object, he insists - how is he to know that they weren’t involved in summoning this thing?

Mathias takes him aside and speaks to him while Willa looks through the warehouse. Three black tallow candles, recently blown out, adorn the points of a hexagram drawn in melted wax on the wooden floor. Another three candles are as yet unlit. A small mirror lies nearby (Perception 13). When Aurora comes in, Willa shows her the candles. “Yeah, someone was summoning something they shouldn’t have,” the wizard says, stooping to pick up the discarded skull-like mask. Some death cult, of which there are any number…(Religion 12) is as far as she gets before a guardsmen orders her to put it down.

After some back and forth, Mathias levels with the guardsman sergeant. “Look, we didn’t have anything to do with that creature - you can ask those cultists when they wake up. You are damn lucky we happened to be walking by. We’re just passing through, and we're on a schedule - don’t make this any harder on yourselves than it has to be'' (Persuasion 10).

The guardsman hears both the honest concern and the veiled threat in Mathias’ voice. He looks over the party again - three powerful fighters and likely two casters. They took down whatever that demon was in less than ten seconds, with none of them apparently wounded. No, he doesn’t want to get involved with them, in fact (Insight 4). Fine, let someone else try to detain them. He will have his hands full keeping the gawking city folk away from the creature until a priest can arrive - where is that priest, now? “Okay, okay,” he says, “You can go - but stay in town! Where are you staying at?”

“We don’t have an inn yet,” interjects Willa. “But it will be near the docks on the Javan.”

A litter has arrived - but only one - for the dead cultist or the living ones? There’s a priest now, beginning to draw a holy circle around the body of whatever that creature was. “On the docks, got it - don’t leave town until you have permission!”

The party organizes the mules and prepares to depart. Aurora summons Buckbeak and has her wait in the tree across from the warehouse. “When they take those bodies away,” she whispers, “you follow discreetly and see where they go, then come find me.”

An hour later the party has an inn. It is right on the docks and was empty until they arrived (Luck roll +3). The proprietor tells them a number of bargemen all left this morning, and the early-arrivers for the Growfest celebration all want inns near the markets and churches, not the docks, so he has plenty of rooms today. In a few more days, however, he will be full as well, when the late-arriving revelers have no choice.

(Party trades one 5gp platinum chit for a night at the inn)

64 human rations to 61
21 mule rations to 20 (many chances to forage)

Willa tells the innkeeper to save her portion of the dinner - she will eat it cold when she returns from the docks - while the others settle in. She finds the docks busy, as befits a city of this size, with traffic coming and going, upriver, downriver, and ferries running to the other side (which she learns is indeed Keoish soil). After some work she finds a barge headed south and leaving on the morrow. The cargo is mostly finished woolen goods, fresh from the fulling mills of the city, some dyed, some not. The goods are valuable enough that the pilot has been instructed to hire guards and leave deck space for them, but the upcoming festival has made it hard for him to hire hands at a price his merchant authorized, so he is glad to take on the party as guards for free. He will cast off on the morrow, as soon as they are all on board. (Luck roll 0)

After securing ship’s passage, Willa works the rest of the docks asking for news from the south. In addition to the tales she has already heard, she finds some hands who have come down the Davish River in Sterich before going up the Javan. They report having seen lots of troop movements along the river - knights, archers, infantry companies. Speculation is that this is related to the undead activity in the Stark Mounds - most of the troops were marching upriver.

Willa returns to the inn and passes the night with the others.

[Note: The following is known only to the player of 'Mathias':
Leezar leaves the inn to smoke outside and watch the mostly-deserted streets. Shady business near the docks in a city this large is not surprising, and now-and-again cloaked figures skulk by, but keep to themselves.

The demonling appears at midnight, the time made obvious by the sound of bells in the cathedrals across the city. He appears to be in good humor, laughing at the plight of the cultists of Orcus. Under interrogation, the two remaining ones admitted that they worshiped the Demon Prince of Death, but denied that they summoned the Slaad, which is fine. As soon as they admitted being cultists, the authorities believed whatever they wanted of them, and were happy to pin the blame on them, which was what the Dark Prince had planned all along. Now the authorities will be busy pressing them for contacts and rooting out the followers of Orcus in Aberglain, which removes competition for the Dark Prince.

When he is done congratulating themselves, the demonling asks whether Leezar managed to collect an eyeball from the Slaad, and Leezar says that Aurora actually asked for his help in doing it. That gets a big grin from the demonling. “Now youse just need a crystal jar ta keep it in. Got one of dose?”

“No, not yet. But I got enough in treasure from the ship to buy one - only I don’t want to liquidate it unless I have to. I’m sure if I hang out with the party long enough I will get enough more to do so. Adventurers always find treasure. I have some jewelry I lifted from under their noses, as well. I can sell that or trade it for a crystal jar - but that would require spending a bit more time away from them. I’ll need to wait until we are not traveling, hopefully in Greyhawk.”

“Sounds great,” the demonling says. “Say, our meetings are startin' ta become predictable. It’s gettin' harder ta trow off da High Side guys what track portals an' gates an' such - 'specially now wit half da priests in Aberglain lookin' for demons. Are youse good for a bit, or do we have any udder bidness ta attend to?”

“I'm good. Just let the cult in Greyhawk know that one of the Prince’s projects is coming and to get us a good place to stay; one where we have contacts. Have them research ‘preferred’ shops; magic, armor, and libraries...if they can find any. Someone that knows the city well.”

“Youse got it, boss.”

“Thanks.” Leezar reaches into his jacket and pulls out a fat pinch of the diviner’s weed he got in Pelyth Cove, hands it over to the demonling. “Here is some of that weed. Roll it in your cigar.”

The creature’s eyes widen, and it tosses away the half-smoked cigar it had in hand. It smolders in the gutter. Suddenly a small wad of cut tobacco appears in its hand, unrolled. It takes the weed from Leezar and combines the two, then rolls and twists, its mangled and warty fingers proving surprisingly dexterous. It soon has a perfectly formed cigar. It snaps its fingers and a tiny flame appears at the end of one digit. Holding the flame to the cigar end it sucks strongly and the end flares. Then it pulls a long drag on the cigar and exhales in satisfaction. “Oh, yeah. Dat’s not bad.” The smell of tobacco and something else, more green, wafts through the night.

“I appreciate your help,” says Leezar.

“Yeah, youse's all right, berk,” says the demonling. He holds the cigar away from his face for a second and his nostrils flare. “Smells like youse got some more of dat kind bud on youse. If youse need me again, burn some of dat on an altar ta da Big Boss. I can’t promise I’ll notice it or come, but it’s woith a shot.”

Leezar agrees, and the demonling takes its leave.]

[DM's Note: XP
Three cultists CR ⅛, 25xp x 3 = 75xp
Blue Slaad CR7, 2900xp.
Total xp 2975 / 5 = 595 each

Babshapka 30,736 + 595 = 31,331
Willa 23,774 + 595 = 24,369
Thokk 23,000 + 595 = 23,595
Aurora 23,000 + 595 = 23,595
Mathias 23,000 + 595 = 23,595
(Note: 8th level is at 34,000)]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:17 pm  
Post 233: Aberglain to Javan Ferry West

DM's Note on Sources: Cear Glys, Javan Ferry, and the Ford of Marich cannot be found on Darlene's map. I used Anna B Meyer's for the party's travel. Caer Glys is described briefly in at, which appears to be a fan work drawing on Living Greyhawk materials. Therein it claims that the town was actually part of Keoland until CY596, so my use of it as already in Geoff many be anachronistic with respect to canon. The Ford of Marich comes from Gary Holian's LGJ1 article on Keoland, I think. Anna Meyer has two towns across the Javan from one another, Javan Ferry in the east and Sterich Road in the west. These appear to be taken from the Dungeon 117 map supplement (, in which it indeed looks like these are the names given for the two towns (although on that map the symbols appear to indicate that they are villages, not towns). However, closer inspection reveals that the Dungeon map also names a number of roads: King's Highway (from Flen east), Oyt Road (from Istivin north), and Davish Main Trail (from Istivin south). Given that, I wonder if "Sterich Road" is rather the name of the road from Istivin east, and the unfortunate placement of the text on the map near to an (unnamed) village on the Javan has resulted in Anna thinking it referred to the name of the village itself. At the suggestion of DMPrata, I will be referring to both of the towns as Javan Ferry, and sometimes Javan Ferry West for the Sterish settlement and Javan Ferry East for the Keoish town. On Anna's map the eastern town is at the river's edge but the western one is removed a mile or two from its banks. I have chosen to locate both towns on the river itself. The description of Javan Ferry West is my own. The "Rosy Mounds Inn" refers to the rose hue of the Stark Mounds when seen by the light of dawn.

Post 233: Aberglain to Javan Ferry West

18 March [27 Coldeven], 571 - Aberglain
[Encounters (civilized, swamp) at morning, noon (merchants), evening, night, midnight, predawn]
(Low 60F, High 78F)

Aurora wakes early, at the prodding of Babshapka, whom she asked to wake her the night before. Together they ready themselves and leave the inn without the others, before dawn, but as the sky is beginning to lighten. Buckbeak leads her “to where they took the cultists” - which turns out to be a large chapel. Talking to some urchins, they learn that the temple is dedicated to Pelor. They return to the inn with time to eat a hurried breakfast before Willa is pushing them to board the barge.

The morning passes with the barge moving leisurely downriver past a pleasant, bucolic countryside, a mix of sheep pastures, small farms, and light woods. A river enters the Javan from the Gyri side, but there is no town at its mouth - likely due to the low, marshy land.

As the morning wears on, the slow, meandering river approaches uplands to the south. The river's banks grow higher, its course straighter, the ground on either side rockier. Sometime after noon the river punches through a hard ridge under the shadow of a large fortress the bargemen call “Cear Gilys”. A village with extensive docks sits on the river under the high towers of the castle, and several other merchant barges come and go from the port.

The afternoon’s run of the barge is on a swifter, straighter portion of the Javan through countryside that is less settled and more wooded. Shortly after a second river adds its water to the flow, the sun sinks below the Stark Mounds and the pilot begins to look for a place to ground the barge for the night. He finally selects a brushy sandbar, and even makes the party work for their passage by having them do a sweep of the bar first and then exacting a promise from them to post watches, not that Willa would have it any other way. When she inquires of their progress, the pilot says they are nearly to the border with Sterich, and that on the morrow they will pass Javan Ferry and, godswilling, reach Godakin Keep.

61 human rations to 56
20 mule rations to 18

19 March [28 Coldeven], 571 - Javan River, Geoff-Sterich Border
[Encounters (civilized, swamp) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn: none]
(Low 63F, High 79F)

The barge pushes off from the sandbar early in the morning and re-enters the Javan’s flow. After about an hour of travel, the whole river turns sharply to the east for more than two miles, then just as abruptly resumes its southerly course. The pilot tells the party that this jog indicates that they have now crossed the border between Geoff and Sterich, at least on the west bank. The land to the east is still Keoland, as it will be all the way to the Azure Sea.

For the next ten miles of travel, until mid-morning, the western bank retains its forest, but the eastern bank clears into pastureland, farming fields, and villages, with a highway running close to the river. A small river enters from the Keoish side, and a bit later another from the Sterish side. By midday the Javan is curving further east to skirt an arm of the Stark Mounds running down from the western heights and the settlements grow more common and closer together on both sides.

In the afternoon they pass another Sterish river, and with some two hours of daylight left they approach the broad shallows where the twin towns of Javan Ferry sit across from one another at the Ford of Marich.

Willa asks the pilot whether he will be putting in to port for the day and he responds that with clear weather and two more hours of daylight they can get halfway around the Isle of Avenstane and more than half the way remaining to Godakin Keep. Willa then tells him that he can, of course, continue on - but that the party will be disembarking in Javan Ferry - on the Sterich side.

This surprises the pilot as much as it does the rest of the party. When he asks why, Willa responds as if the answer was obvious. “Ther ‘morrow be ther first day o’ Growfest, as ye northerners call it, an’ I don’ intend ter be out on ther water.”

“Why not?” he asks, perplexed. “If you wanted to celebrate Growfest, you should have stayed in Aberglain and not told me you wanted passage.”

“Oh, I ain’t celerbratin’, I jess aim not ter offend ther Spring Maiden.”

“Offend her? How?”

“I ken ye northerners call t’is ‘Growfest’ an’ all, bu’ in Salinmoor this be ther Feast o’ Atroa, an it be a time fer family an not fer goin’ out on ther water. Atroa’s father be Procan. If I slighted ther Maiden, I wouldnae dare high out on ther open water ever agin.”

Willa’s fervor is beginning to get some of the deck hands looking nervously at one another and murmuring about whether they should be working during the festival. The pilot seeks to pacify all of them. “Oh, we’ll put into port on the fourth for the Spring Feast, don’t worry about that. None of us want to slight the Maiden.”

“Good on ye, an’ see t’at ye do, bu’ me an’ me companions will be on land fer the ‘ole o’ Growfest all ther same, thank ye.”

The pilot glowers, but realizes that he can’t say much more without sounding blasphemous and spooking his crew, so he begins to sullenly angle the barge closer to Javan Ferry. Without the party to set watch while the barge is camped on the river bank or a sandbar, he ultimately decides to spend the night in port as well, although it means paying a docking fee and hoping his men don’t get so drunk that they miss the boat in the morning. He holds his tongue while the party disembarks but does not offer to help them unload their gear or mules. When the customs officer appears and levies a charge of 2 gold lions for the use of the dock, Willa takes the coins from her own pouch and pays it. The pilot’s eyes narrow, until Willa mumbles, “Sorry fer ther misunnerstandin’.” Then he nods and turns away to shout orders at his crew.

Willa charges Aurora, Mathias, and Babshapka with finding an inn; she and Thokk will work the docks for the time being gathering information. Javan Ferry, at least on the Sterich side, is a small enough port they should have no trouble finding her again once they have a base of operations.

It does not take Willa long to find tales among the dockworkers, and none of them good. Troops are being withdrawn from the borders with Keoland and Geoff and sent up the Davish River; there are bad tidings on several fronts. The Swordwraiths are menacing the Stark Mounds, and humanoids are raiding the Highlands. Contact with the dwarves of Num-Theraz has been lost for weeks; some even claim that the town of Headwater has been razed and Fort Blackbridge is under siege. Rumors of press gangs forcing the dock workers into military service abound.

Hearing all this, Thokk tells Willa that she made an excellent choice in putting into this port and wants to know when they can leave for upriver, so that they can take part in the razing before all the good towns have fallen.

Aurora doesn’t bother to come find Willa and Thokk herself, but rather sends Buckbeak to collect them. She has chosen to have them stay in “The Rosy Mounds”, a posh inn well above their normal standard. All of the common inns are full with Growfest revelers, and a private bed is impossible to find in one of them, let alone a private room. Willa mentioned something to them at their departure about pitching the pavilion tent in a common green if they could not find a room, but Mathias has counseled Aurora that they and their alien weapons cache will attract less attention in an upscale inn and besides, what is the point of carting around a “party fund” if they don’t spend money for the benefit of the party as a whole?

Even at the tony inn they have only been able to let two rooms, and Aurora has arranged their gear with the two women in one and three men in the other. The inn staff have a much more staid view of the situation upriver than the dockworkers. Yes, there are troop movements, and yes, there is fighting in the Highlands, but there are always Troubles there. The swordwraiths and humanoids both plague Sterich from time to time. While it is rather unlucky to have them both come out at once, and to have them this late in the spring, they are confident that young Earl Querchard, gods save him, has the matter well in hand and that things will soon be in order.

Willa dines with the party in the inn and has to admit that the eel pie is the finest she has ever had. She says that she fancies a bit of drinking as long as they are in port and before the pubs are truly crowded on the morrow, but will be back before too long.

(-15gp from party fund for the inn for the night)

56 human rations to 53
18 mule rations to 16

[Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Willa has more than drinking in mind when she leaves the inn. With the establishment located in the merchant quarter, well away from the docks and the kinds of public houses in which she is accustomed to drinking, she has a fair walk ahead of her, but it is a warm night. Celene, the small moon, is waxing and nearly full. Although the streets themselves are mostly empty, as she passes various parks and public squares she can see that there are groups of people putting up decorations by torchlight in preparation for the morrow's festivities in most of them. Wreaths of flowers, garlands, and spring poles are the common theme.

By the time she is in the river district, she is reasonably sure she is being followed by a man. Ducking into the most crowded pub she can find, she pushes her way to the bar and orders two ales, but takes only one of the flagons just as her tail enters. As she navigates the crowds to the back of the room she has ample opportunity to watch him in the light, forcing his way to the bar and collecting the flagon she left there. He is large and powerfully built, dressed in heavy leathers in the style of a mercenary captain or deepwoods ranger. As he turns and starts making his way to the back of the pub, she can see the distinctive scar on his cheek that tells her he is, indeed, Runnel. She leans back against the wall and pretends to watch the crowd in the room.

Without ever meeting her eyes he pushes his way across the floor until, apparently by chance, he ends up next to her. His eyes scan the room as if waiting for a table to open up. Other men and women are standing in knots as well; they don't seem to be attracting any attention.

"I suppose it was your turn to choose the pub," he says finally. She can barely hear him over the din, and he does not look at her as he speaks. She notes that he is speaking in Keoish. It is her mother tongue, though she has seldom spoken it since traveling with the party has forced her to use Common on the daily.

"I like t’is place better'n ther 'Royale'” she says, referencing the inn where they met the last time she saw his face, in Longspear of the Yeomanry. "More me type o' folk."

"Fair enough," he says after a pause long enough to disguise the fact that the two of them are in conversation. "But laborers and merchants alike are in danger, and their Earl has asked our King for help. I thought that you and your companions might want to lend a hand."

At the mention of the King, Willa feels the pull of duty, something she has not felt in months as she has tried to keep the party safe and organized while on these harebrained quests. But if the King is calling, then she will need to answer. She is fond of her companions in the party, even the ones that irritate her. But family and country come first. She takes a long pull on her ale before replying.

"On ther journey downriver, I 'ave been hearin' disturbin' rumors. I would like ter know mar o' ther details. Me companions an’ me 'ave seen many wondrous thin's in ther last few months an’ I believe we would be o' great service. Thar be a complication t’at still needs ter be worked out, t'ough." She looks briefly but knowingly at Runnel. "We should find a better way t' natter, be it in ‘ere ar elsewhere. But I be fer King an’ Country well eno'."

After several minutes of silence, Runnel drains his stein and returns it to the bar. Without a look back he exits the pub. Willa waits for several more customers to interact with the bartender before she approaches. It doesn't take long, given how packed the pub is. Leaving her own flagon at the bar, she pushes her way to the door. Outside, she can barely make out a large figure loitering a half block away. When she starts walking, so does he.

Javan Ferry West is a small town, and as he heads inland they rapidly leave the docks district, cut through a residential neighborhood, and some forty minutes later are on the northwest side of the town in the smith district. The shops are all closed, although light spills from many an open window of the adjoining homes. Runnel approaches a large, windowless stone building and enters. There are few markings outside, and nothing she can read in the moonlight - just a carved mountain on the stone panel over the open doorway.

Inside Willa can see it is a church, with stone pews and a large block altar in the rear on a raised dais. A few oil lamps burn, but the interior is plenty dark and she strains her eyes for several minutes trying to find him in the shadows. Eventually the echo of a quiet cough alerts her to the presence of a dark alcove, in which she finds a stone spiral stair descending. The rise of the steps is short, as if it was built for children, or for a smaller race than humans.

The bottom of the stair opens into a chapel nearly identical to the one above, though with the pews sized for smaller folk. Runnel stands near an oil lamp so that he is clearly visible, but as she approaches he moves into a darkened alcove at the base of a statue.

When Willa reaches the alcove he speaks. "Likely your mage has explained the general rule that a foot thick of stone blocks most magic."

"Aye," Willa agrees. "More'n once."

"This temple will do for now, but I will leave out many details. We can talk more freely once we arrive upriver, if it is necessary. I'm not sure which rumors you have heard on the river, but suffice it to say that the situation with which the Earl would like help most likely resembles one of them. He has his own forces, of course, his own men and women. But there is one particular situation that has presented certain...complications...for which he was not prepared, and which prompted him to reach out to the King. Upon hearing of the situation, I could not but help think that you and your companions were perhaps uniquely qualified to render assistance. If they agree, I would like all of you to meet with the Earl, in person, in Istivin. I will support however you think it best to arrange this - you know better than I what motivates your group. I can present you right now with a letter of invitation from the Earl, or, if you prefer, a letter commanding their presence. I can have coaches bring them. You can lead them there, unknowing until their arrival. I can arrange some more complicated stratagem - perhaps an invitation to your wizard from the Earl's court mage with an offer to exchange spells. Tell me what I need to do to get them there and it will be done."

Willa says the letter of introduction to the Earl would be an easy sell for herself and Thokk. She feels the party will readily understand her connections to the military and King of Keoland and the sense of duty she feels. And she is confident that Thokk will be eager to join the cause. But...she expresses her concern about the newest member of the group - Mathias Forge. He has a way of getting under her skin. But an invitation to swap spells with the Earl's court mage should be enough to get Aurora into a carriage bound for Istivin, along with the elf. That should push Forge into the mix as well.

She would rather use invitations than ultimatums with this group - they don't respond all that well to those. And they will only need passage for five and not eight, as the party has recently split up. Runnel nods as she speaks. When it appears they have no more to discuss, he bids her leave the temple first. She makes her way back to the inn.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:29 am  
Post 234: Javan Ferry West

DM's Notes on sources:
Johann's End is not on Darlene's map. I used Anna B. Meyer's for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

Johann's End is placed on the map but not described in the online supplement to Dungeon 117 ( According to "Shadows of the Abyss" in Dungeon 118, the town acquired its name after the slaying there of the Frost Giant "Big Johann" from the supermodule Queen of the Spiders. Thus calling it Johann's End in my campaign (set more than twenty years before the events of QoS) is anachronistic, but I could not find a reference for the previous name of the town. The module just calls it "a small town" and its placement within the adventure is actually the result of a wandering encounter roll rather than specifically mapped. One inn and the villagers themselves are described therein, but the town is not. The brief description of Johann's End that appears in the text is my own. Note that the party was previously in the town (see Post 137).

Post 234: Javan Ferry West
20 March [Growfest 1], 571 - Javan Ferry West
[Encounters (civilized, river) at morning, noon, evening, night (wild asses), midnight, predawn]
(Low 64F, High 80F)

The party is woken early by the sound of singing - caroling from all through the town by hundreds of residents marking the dawn of the first day of Growfest. The party themselves are enjoying a wonderful breakfast at the inn - ham and eggs, salt crackers with roe, and sweetcakes, when a man strides in. His heavy robes, richly dyed, and a thick gold chain mark him as important, as do the deep bows offered to him by others in the room - the serving staff and even the well-off patrons.

He introduces himself to them as the Chief Magistrate of the town, and asks whether Willa was the one seen last night at the Horse’s Mane, a local pub.

Willa begins as apologetically as her gruff speech permits, begging his pardon if she has broken some local custom, but he waves away her words and says it is nothing like that. Rather, an off-duty constable, drinking in the same pub, simply noted her presence. Few women, and fewer foreign ones at that, would be drinking and walking the streets of town alone, at night, and on the eve of Growfest besides. It was obvious, the constable said, that she knew how to take care of herself, and did not feel in any danger. By his own orders, the Magistrate says, competent mercenaries and adventuring types are to be brought to his attention upon their entry to the town, so having been notified by the constable he is here to see the composition of the party.

Aurora begins her tale of how she is merely a traveling scholar, and he brushes that aside as well. The man indicates the robes of Aurora and says that the Sterish are a hardy frontier people and know the value of magic honestly employed, unlike the more superstitious Keoish or Gran Marchers. Willa is not in her armor yet, but Babshapka is wearing his chain shirt, and all of them are, as he puts it, "rather well-armed for the breakfast table". He is clearly both worldly and perceptive and there is little they can do besides eventually admit that they are indeed adventurers, although they try to remain vague about their relative power.

Modesty aside, he says, if they are successful enough to afford a stay at the Rosy Mounds, they must know a thing or two. He presents them with an inked parchment, and allows Aurora to read it out loud to the group of them.

Heroes of Might and Valor,

His Magnitude, Querchard Emondav, Earl of Sterich, has issued a call to arms for those of skill and renown. While the Sterish Army is ultimately more than a match for the Troubles currently afflicting our nation, still the beneficence of our wise and just leader demands that he consider alternatives to the unnecessary loss of a single Sterishman. When opportunities of particular Danger and Reward present themselves, His Magnitude sees fit to grant Writs of Authorization for Privateer Activity. Besides the monetary reward possible for the puissant and bold, Authorized Privateers may also enjoy benefits such as access to the library of His Magnitude’s Court Wizard. Of course, the greatest benefit is the chance to earn His Magnitude’s favor by demonstrating bravery in service to the Crown and the good people of Sterich.

Should your group wish to be considered for Authorization, you may present this Letter at the palace in Istivin. The Letter must be duly signed by the local representative of His Magnitude’s authority. Such a person may provide transportation if available. Papers of introduction from a noble of the realm will be well-received, but are not required.

(in a different hand, the letter is signed)
Hernand Karapov
Chief Magistrate of Javan Ferry (East and West)

When Aurora finishes reading, the man indicates that they are to keep the paper. For the first time in the conversation, he lowers his voice so as not to be heard by the help or other patrons. “Things are not well in the Highlands,” he says. “A lot of the countryfolk might get levied if things don’t get better soon. If the men are away during plowing and planting, that means a lot of empty bellies come reaping. If you have any care at all for the people of this nation, you will see the Earl about this. If you show the letter at my offices you will be let official dispatch coaches - that’s the fastest thing I can give you for going upriver.”

He leans back and raises his voice to fill the room. “Merry Growfest! Enjoy your Stay in Javan Ferry!” he says, and stands as if to leave.

“Merry Growfest!” replies Aurora hurriedly, “But stay a moment, good sir. Please tell us more about this opportunity!”

The magistrate looks about at the staff and clientele in the dining room adjoining the common room and bar. “Pantler!” he says, immediately commanding the attention of one of the inn’s servants, who had been waiting tables. “Prepare a private room for us - you may bring in their meal when we finish speaking.”

“Yes, m’lord,” the man says, and bows deeply. He goes to one wall of the dining room and opens heavy wooden doors. A small dining chamber, seating eight, lies beyond. Chairs are in place around the table but nothing is set. After the party and the magistrate enters, the man closes the door behind them.

Once they are again seated, the man begins speaking, in a low tone just above a whisper. He pauses when Thokk almost immediately gets up from the table, reopens the doors to the dining room, and returns with his flagon of ale and a leg of ham from their former breakfast table. A flicker of annoyance crosses the magistrate’s face and passes as the waiter closes the doors again, but he quickly recovers.

“As a loyal subject of the Earl, I have been requested to deliver this letter to any foreigners who appear capable of aiding us in the current Troubles. All of us who administer towns along the Javan River have received the same instructions…”

Aurora interrupts. “Have you received any instructions about apprehending female spellcasters? Or anything about someone wanted in Keoland?”

The magistrate frowns at the interjection but answers nonetheless. “No, I do not serve the Keoish crown, though we are allies of that land. And I have not heard of anyone looking for specific casters, in Sterich or Keoland.”

“Could you give us a quick run-down on the political situation in Sterich vis-a-vis Keoland and the Yeomanry?” Aurora continues to press.

The magistrate arches an eyebrow at the odd question, but his clear instructions were to send prospective heroes to the Earl, so he decides to humor whatever questions need to be answered to get this group on their way to Istivin. “At the height of its imperial ambitions, Keoland controlled what is now the Ulek States, Celene, the Sea Princes, the Yeomanry, Sterich, Ket, the Gran March, and Bissel, and was attempting to take Geoff as well. All of those former vassal states with the exception of the Gran March have been lost over the last century - some by Keoish choice or the Crown’s recognition of local leaders, some by violent insurrection. The Yeoman never sought to be Keoish subjects - they were conquered, subjugated, and eventually won their independence. The situation here in Sterich is rather more nuanced. All Sterish nobles theoretically owe their allegiance to the Earl of Sterich, our sovereign leader- but that doesn’t mean that they don’t hold some or all of their lands in vassalage to a Keoish noble or even the King, who is technically enfeoffed to the Earl vis a vis certain estates in our lands. The Earl proclaims his independence from the Keoish throne but accedes to some, largely ceremonial duties. The King considers us to be Keoish subjects under a palatinate state. In all political matters besides that of our actual nationhood, we generally find ourselves in agreeance with the Keoish crown. As concerns the Yeomanry, while we Sterish share a land border with them, said border is almost entirely the impassable Joten mountains and neither of us are interested in disputing it. We are united by our desire for peaceful trade along the Javan so that both our lands may prosper.” The magistrate pauses. He has clearly lost the attention of everyone at the table except Aurora.

“Regardless,” he continues, “while I do not know the details of the Troubles in the Highlands, all of the river garrisons have been ordered to send much of their forces upriver. If the Earl has also asked for the assistance of those not of native birth, the situation is serious indeed. The next step, should things worsen, would be a general call to arms and muster, with the entire nation prepared for war. And that would be dire indeed at this time of year.”

“What are they fighting? What would we be fighting?” asks Aurora.

“I have heard of humanoids - orcs and goblins and such - and swordwraiths. However, our armies, and the Earl’s loyal knights, are more than a match for either of those. Both at once is a strain on resources, of course, but the fact that the Earl is advertising for heroes implies something else is afoot, some other foe entirely perhaps. That is pure speculation on my part, but I hardly think it is unfounded.”

“Would we be in groups, with other ‘heroes’?” asks Mathias, returning his attention to the conversation. “I don’t think that would be advisable. Have you sent other groups? How many?”

“You are the first group I have seen that I believed fit His Magnitude’s mandate since I received it. I cannot speak for the other town magistrates - others may have been sent from other locations. I imagine whether or not you would be working with other such groups depends on your skill. If you are all capable and well accustomed to working together, you certainly wouldn’t be broken up. Whether or not you would be combined with another such group would depend on His Magnitude’s assessment of your strength and the strength of the foe.”

“Tell us more about the swordwraiths - we know they are an undead army - can they be commanded? Can their loyalty be purchased as mercenaries?” asks Aurora.

“The swordwraiths, or gleddyf bwgan in the Old Tongue, or are the remains of a great army that Keoland sent forth, more than a hundred years ago, at the height of its power, to conquer Geoff. The army was destroyed to a man by the dark wizard Vargalian during the Siege of Gorna. But the men of the army did not die - they became undead and fled to the Stark Mounds. They have troubled our lands ever since. They are said to be more powerful than regular undead, than skeletons and zombies and such. They are rather more akin to wraiths - but they always attack in number, in groups according to the units with which they fought in life - many still flying the tattered banners of their old companies, if the legends be true. They are certainly not mindless undead, but are said to be capable of coordination and sophisticated strategies, as befits military men. But I have never heard of anyone controlling them or purchasing their services - or even of speaking with them.”

“And what of rewards?” says Aurora.

“I will not presume to say what rewards His Magnitude would offer you - but by issuing you a Writ of Privateer, it would seem to imply that the targets of ‘Danger and Reward’ have their own treasure, which you would be authorized to take possession of by right of plunder.”

A few moments go by in which no one has any more questions for the magistrate. “Unknown enemies, uncertain reward,” surmises Mathias unflatteringly. “I’m telling you, Greyhawk City holds certain wealth and reward - and the best spell libraries in the world, as well as magic shops for inks and even items.”

“Ther letter itself be sayin’ t’at ther Earl’s court wizard hae a library o’ spells,” counters Willa.

“One wizard? One personal library? Greyhawk has more than one guild full of wizards and more than one library. You can ask a single farmer what he is selling, or you could go to the market square to see real choices. You want more copies of the same low-level spells you already have? Go to Istivin,” says Mathias.

“We can do bot'…” says Willa.

“Aye, we can - Greyhawk first and then return here. These people’s problems can wait,” interjects Mathias.

“There, I must disagree,” says the magistrate. “You are freemen all and not subjects of the Earl, and must needs make your own decisions. But the Highland Troubles cannot wait for a trip to Greyhawk City and back, at least not by river and sea, if that is how you are traveling. If the Earl calls a general muster, that means the small folk will organize into militia units, and march off leaving their fields unplanted. With luck, those that survive the war will return in time for a late planting, which means small harvests in the fall, high prices for grain, and the possibility of a starving winter for the poor. And then the instability that follows - will it bring in opportunists from Ket, the Yeomanry, or the Sea Princes?”

“Now you are speculating,” says Mathias. “If the Earl can afford to pay us, he can buy grain for his own people from Keoland - and you can use your civic funds to subsidize the grain for your own poor.” He looks pointedly at the magistrate’s gold chain of office. “Still sounds like other people’s problems.”

"BELLCCHH!” roars Thokk, then wipes the ale froth from his mouth with the back of his arm. “Bah, too much human complaining.” He points to Mathias, “Go to stupid city.” He points to Willa, “Come with Thokk to kill and pillage for Early-man.” He points to Aurora, “Go where you want - but make decision before die of old age in bed.” Standing, he throws open the doors to the dining room and moves back to the table where the rest of their breakfast still sits. The pantler has covered the already served food with linen napkins but not brought out more.

"We are five,” says Mathias. “Thokk and Willa are for upriver, and I’m for Greyhawk City. Aurora can come with me. If we split up, the two of us can fly there and still be back in time for the spring planting. Or,” he pauses, and looks at Babshapka, “you could be the swing vote and direct us all together.”

The elf scowls. “You know well that I must go wherever Aurora does. You might just as well ask Andy and Dandy where they want to go. If I had a vote, I would say that both these places sound equally full of human folly.”

The magistrate stands. “Keep the letter for now,” he advises. “You may give it back to my offices before you go if you are for Greyhawk, or, if you decide to aid the Earl, take it with you upriver. It seems you have much to talk about.” He takes his leave, the staff and patrons alike bowing as he exits the inn.

The pantler begins to move their breakfasts from the public table into the private room. Willa and Babshapka are the first to finish their meals, and retire upstairs to their rooms. Mathias and Aurora come later, leaving Thokk at the table. As Mathias and Aurora proceed together up the stairs, the gaunt man begins talking, speaking in hushed tones.

“Dearest Aurora, I know it has been only a few days that I have been with the party. We have actually spent far more time traveling now than we spent in the ‘ship’. You have expressed concerns with being followed or sought after. You really must change your appearance and your name. Even when you do this, Thokk will still be immediately recognizable. Do you have magical means to hide your identity or modify Thokk’s appearance? I love Thokk but he is a dead giveaway.”

“Not really,” she answers. “I mean, I can cast silent image to cover his or my appearance, but that lasts just ten minutes so I can’t really keep it going for the entire time we are in a town.”

“Huh. In that case you should take on the appearance of a rogue or fighter type; maybe even a cleric or a monk. A monk might be best - you can wear a veil and still be free to cast spells. You should dye your hair or shave it off, and wear baggy fighting robes.”

Aurora nods at the advice, finding it sensible. "Yeah, changing my appearance is absolutely worth doing, but I think you are right that Thokk and maybe the others could blow it for us if it ever comes to that. But now is an excellent time to 'reinvent' the makeup of the party. We've lost a few members and gained you, so it's a good time to become a different group. Surely Thokk can't be the only half-orc mercenary wandering around. So, absolutely, let's work on that.”

Mathias continues. “I have pushed to go to Greyhawk in an attempt to impress you. Professionally, of course. When we had previously decided to go to Greyhawk, I sent ahead word of our arrival and a request to find lodging arrangements. My contacts were to send someone to the docks to pick us up upon arrival and take us to the lodging. I wanted to show you how much the city has to offer. I have been there many times, and you can find just about anything you might want, or people who can find it for you. You could find a healer for the party, for example. More to the point, I am sure they have ways to obscure your location or identity - or in the worst case they will have professional disguises for you. They may even have people that can help you with a new identity, or to learn the identities of your pursuers.

“I am not saying that we shouldn't help these Sterish people,” Mathias continues, “but who is going to take care of you? Then after you have addressed the issues with your pursuers we can return here. I would like to help, but the reality is I hardly know you - and am not myself being pursued.”

“Greyhawk sounds like a must-stop on our life list,” agrees Aurora. “I am eager to explore the city and all it has to offer and I welcome the opportunity for you to show me around. The food, museums, libraries - oh, the libraries! But I am also unwilling to leave Willa and Thokk. Willa is opinionated -- you've probably noticed? -- and once her mind is set on something it is nigh-impossible to change it. It sounds to me like she's set on going to Sterich now, so Babshapka and I will accompany her and Thokk. We have been together a long time and above all else I want to stick with them. You should come with us!"

“I will come with you all - absolutely. And I understand you wanting to keep the group together as well. It is crazy how easily they can be distracted. No offence intended. We do work well together - when we aren't working against each other.”

Mathias makes as if to turn away, but has a final thought. “Oh, and one more thing - don't ask the law if they are looking for female casters, dear - it is so obvious. If you want to know if there is a bounty on you, just say that you are interested in doing bounty hunting work and ask in general if there are any open bounties for you to take on. If they know of any, they can give you specifics.”

“That is...a great idea!” realizes Aurora. “I am not the slickest speaker, as you can tell.”

“If you are ever unclear as to how to handle a conversation, I am here to give you any advice that you seek. You could tell me what you would like to know, and I could represent you as well. I have a certain talent for conversation. Who knew that robot people are so much like noblemen? Willa is great - though I can't understand one word that woman says! Not one. I have to read her facial expressions and body language. If it didn’t use power discs I would just have the translator pointed at her the whole time,” he laughs. “As for Greyhawk, we will get there someday. I will send word that we are delayed. Let's see what this adventure brings.”

“Indeed!” Aurora offers her hand and Mathias, grinning, grasps it heartily, then turns and goes to his room to pack.

Shaking her head, Aurora turns and enters her bedroom, where Willa waits for her, sitting in a chair facing the door, the back of the chair in front of her. She has heard Aurora and Mathias speaking at length in the hall, but the well-made door has blocked the details of their conversation.

"May I 'ave a word wit' ye, Aurora?"

The enchantress nods distractedly, still contemplating the things Mathias said.

"I ken we don' always see eye ter eye. Yer talents be mighty useful, me own petty complaints aside."

By now Aurora realizes that Willa is serious, and turns to face her squarely.

"I 'ave followed ye on many an adventure: fishin' in Barovia, explorin' Nholast's tower, 'n lookin' fer ther star metal in ther mountains. I be askin' ye ter follow me fer once an’ fer now. 'Tis impartant ter me, Aurora. Ye hold ther decidin' vote. If ye come ter meet ther Earl, so will Babshapka - an’ t’at makes it far ter one. I'll give ye some time ter consider." She rises and makes to leave the room.

Aurora waves her back down. “It’s fine. We can go meet the Earl.”

“We...can?” asks Willa, perplexed.

“Of course. It’s already been decided. We should be packing. We’re ‘burning daylight’, as you are so wont to say.”

“I…” Willa trails off, flummoxed. Finally she leaves the room wordlessly to go check on the mules.

An hour later the party, with packed mules in tow, stands outside the largely-closed Offices of Civil Governance in a nearly-empty square in the center of the town of Javan Ferry (West). They had to push through throngs of revelers upon leaving the inn, but once they got to the block with government buildings, banking offices, and wealthy merchant company headquarters, the streets were nearly deserted. Two old men, one half deaf and one half lame, are the only attendants they find, but the men readily enough agree to bring out horses and a coach - they have been advised by the magistrate that the party might be coming by, and apparently the letter is the only proof they need of the party’s identify.

Should the party be in a hurry, they say, they can leave their mules, laden or unladen, and they will be added to the next official shipment to Istivin. The party can take the horses and coach and turn them in once in Istivin, or drive them hard and exchange them for a fresh set in Johann’s End, if they desire.

Willa explains that won’t be necessary - they are traveling today but are not hell bent for leather. Besides, she thinks to herself, she can drive a team of draft horses with a wagon fair enough, but lacks experience handling carriage horses (the Count von Zarovich’s animals, who mostly drove themselves, notwithstanding) and they won’t be going at speed.

The coach they are given is for government transport - carrying at different times important documents, personages, or items of value. It can be harnessed for two or four animals, has seats for a coachman and footman atop and four passengers inside and has broad running boards outside. The inside benches lift up for cargo space, and there is a large box trunk off the back. All of the cargo can be secured by locks, but they are open now and the party is not given the keys. The arms of the town are painted crisply on both doors, but if the coach has a hammercloth they are not provided with it.

Their five-hundred-some pounds of gear fits in the back trunk, and under the seats, with only half a bench inside being needed for the overflow, which is fine since they need seat only three inside. With the mules thus unburdened, Willa contemplates using a team-of-four harness with both horses and mules hitched and tries a few laps around the square with them thus arranged. The mules shy and start and in general do not react well to being asked to pull rather than haul (Willa Animal Handling 9). She asks the men to switch out for the horse-only team-of-two harness and fixes the mules on long leads behind the coach, wearing their empty pack harnesses rather than having them strapped to the roof. The mules take to this better and, unburdened, they can trot along easily behind the coach at the speed Willa intends to drive the horses.

When all is ready the party wishes the men a Merry Growfest and sets off for a half-day’s travel; Willa driving, Thokk seated next to her, and the other three inside the coach. It is a steady climb up an arm of the Stark Mounds and away from the river at first. The horses strain at their harnesses and Willa taps them more than once with the coachman’s whip, but after the first hour the road levels out and becomes easy going. The day is warm and they ride with the shuttered windows open. It is in the early afternoon when they pass through Johann’s End, bringing with it the temptation to stop for the night at an inn - but it would be rare the inn that has a coach house in addition to a stable, and with the Growfest crowds they might spend the rest of the afternoon looking and still not find one with even beds to spare. Willa keeps driving. Most of the revelers have enough sense and respect to make way for the coach, but it is still slow going through the town itself before they are again on the open road. They camp some eight miles beyond the town on an isolated stretch of road between a spur of the Mounds and the river. This is not the broad, slow but mighty, Javan - rather it is the swift and turbulent Davish, which drains the highlands of Sterich. The final eight miles of travel are actually known to them all but Mathias, for some three months ago they crossed the Davish River at Fitela and walked this very road. The valley is considerably greener now that spring has come, but is otherwise unchanged.

In the evening camp, Mathias and Aurora continue their discussion of how the enchantress might disguise her identity. Aurora agrees that a monk is a good option, as the clothing will still allow her to easily cast spells. They left Javan Ferry hurriedly, but during the Growfest festival it was unlikely they would have found any clothiers open anyway. Perhaps there will be something in the city of Istivin, perhaps not. They may need to get more creative. Mathias says that Aurora definitely needs to do something about her hair - long and shockingly red, it is quite noticeable. He suggests that she cut it all off, the better to appear as a monk. Aurora is eager to transform her appearance - but is also vain enough to value her hair. “How about we dye it?” she asks, “And I can braid it as well. That will make it less noticeable.”

“Do any of you have hair dye?” Mathias asks. “Like from a disguise kit?”

The others all shake their heads. “Barnabus did,” Willa adds.

“I have lots of ink!” Aurora says brightly.

With the sacking from a used ration bag underneath her, Aurora lays out her hair in camp and Mathias and Babshpaka carefully pour an entire bottle of dark sepia ink over it, and then Mathias massages the ink into the hair with his mage hand spell. If Aurora was imagining jet black or even brown hair, she has to be content for the nonce with a deep chestnut, and a clear line of ink-stained skin along her scalp. Mathias gives her a broad grin and a thumbs-up. Willa snorts derisively.

“A staff!” says Aurora next. She knows how to fight with a quarterstaff, though she seldom resorts to it. For a while she had borrowed Shefak’s magical staff, but returned it just before the larger party parted ways. “Thokk, dear!” she says. “When you collect wood for the fire tonight, see if you can find a long, straight branch for me please. Something like your very useful pole.”

“Thokk try, but hard to find branch as long and straight as Thokk’s pole,” agrees the barbarian. Willa groans.

When Thokk returns with a sapling, a thumb’s thickness and some four feet in length, Babshapka shakes his head. “It’s green!” he objects. “There is no way you could fight with that!”

“Doesn’t matter,” says Aurora happily. “I don’t need to fight with it, just to look like I could. You can strip the bark and cut the ends for me, right?” Babshapka sighs and nods.

On Mathias’ night watch a number of mules or donkeys bray in the distance - wild asses, escaped domestic beasts, or beasts of burden working for bandits? Andy and Dandy are spooked and pull at their tethers, and Mathias works to calm them (Animal Handling 10). Eventually he gets them settled down, and whatever the source was, the braying is not heard for the rest of the night.

53 human rations to 50 (breakfast at the inn)
16 mule rations to 14 (pasturage at rests but grain used for carriage horses as well)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:11 pm  
Post 235: Arrival at Istivin

DM's Notes on sources:
Istivin and the Davish River are on Darlene's map, but the Drudd Estate and Svartjet river are not. I used Anna B. Meyer's for the party's travel. I would highly encourage any DM to use Anna's work, and anyone with the means to do so to support her Patreon at

For my description of Istivin, the buildings within, and Krelont Keep I relied on "Istivin: City of Shadows" in Dungeon 117, although much of the detail work is my own. Sage Numar is my own invention. The maps from this issue of Dungeon are freely / legally available at and numbered locations from it are noted in the text in [blue].

Post 235: Arrival at Istivin
21 March [Growfest 2], 571 - On the Sterich Road to Istivin
[Encounters (civilized, river) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn: none]
[Thokk encounter at night; none]
(Low 63F, High 81F)

The morning dawns fair, with no hint of any rain that might bog down the hard-packed road of earth they travel. The party’s carriage makes rapid progress and by mid-day they are approaching the Drudd Estate, the palatial manse of a well-to-do merchant. They can see a palace and manicured lawns on a hilltop removed from the road; at a crossroads there is a small tower keep. There are numerous guards about, and they level their crossbows at Thokk until they see the painted arms of Javan Ferry on the side of the coach. Then they wave the coach by. Willa has the trail rations passed up from inside the coach to her and Thokk without pausing in her driving. The team is well-broke to harness and content to trot along, albeit somewhat slower, as she uses one hand or the other to eat.

Some two or three hours later, in the early afternoon, they arrive at a river, swift and straight, but much smaller than the Javan or even the Davish. It is the Svartjet, and drains the Stark Mounds. In the distance they can see a few towers of the city that is Istivin, the capital of Sterich. The main road crosses the river at a stone bridge and continues on to the capital, but a dirt track that parallels the river turns north. It was that side track that they used months before to traverse the Mounds and arrive in Geoff - but this time they will stay on the main road.

There is a squad of soldiers whose tabards bear the arms of Sterich (a lion rampant, sable on a field of gules above, gules on a field of sable below) on the near side of the bridge, and many more of them on the far side. Those on the near side wave the coach past, as do those on the far side in turn. Just beyond the soldiers on the far side is an unruly camp of small folk, with dirty faces and dour expressions. They pay the coach no heed. Willa slows the coach to scan the crowd (Insight 6) but sees no obvious source of their displeasure. Most are carrying small bundles or sacks, many have farming equipment like flails or scythes. The crowd is mostly young men, but there are a few older sorts as well as some hard-bitten women in the mix. Just as Willa is about to flick the lines across the horses’ backs and move on, Aurora leans out the coach window. “You!” she shouts, pointing into the crowd at a slim woman, “would you sell your clothes?”

The woman approaches the coach cautiously. Although a woman, she is not in a dress, but rather a tunic and hose like those of a man, but cut for her. She is tan and muscled - perhaps a day laborer. “I say," continues Aurora, "two gold lions for your tunic and hose - you can keep the smallclothes.”

“What would I wear?” she asks, unwilling to turn down the coin, but owning only the clothes on her back.

“We’ll trade!” says Aurora brightly, and opens the door of the coach. Babshapka stiffens. Willa hands the lines to Thokk and tells him not to let the horses escape (mostly to keep his hands off his own weapons) and swings down off the coach to face the gathering crowd of peasants.

“See?” says Aurora, as she steps from the coach to the ground, and lifts up the hem of her stained and travel-worn scholar’s robes. “You take this, I take your clothes, and I give you two gold.”

One of the men in the gathering crowd mutters darkly “Bloody nobles out for a lark.” The refrain of 'bloody nobles' is taken up by several in the mob of peasants.

“Wha’ be ther problem ‘ere?” says Willa hurriedly, moving to intercept the largest of the rough men approaching.

When Aurora and the peasant woman exchange clothes willingly, the others are happy to shift the conversation to what is troubling them. “Those soldiers won’t let us cross the bridge,” barks a man, and the others voice agreement. One and then another of them explain that they are refugees from the south. Other refugees with children or animals are camped outside Istivin, they say, but those in this group are all single and healthy, and looking for work or relatives or both farther downriver. But the soldiers won’t let them cross the bridge unless they can prove they are freemen and not escaping serfs, “and didn’t none of us think to bring the kirk rolls with us when our villages were being burned by jebli,” says one of them bitterly.

By this point, soldiers from the bridge, clubs in hand, have noted the gathering and are approaching menacingly. Willa confirms that the clothing swap has been made, the coins handed over. “Ye can fit yer girdle in ther coach!” she calls to Aurora, who is experimenting with tying the braided leather belt at different heights to see what best complements her figure, then mounts the driver’s seat and takes the lines. “We be hieing fer ther Earl,” Willa calls to the crowd. “We’ll bear witness to yer problems an’ maphaps ‘e can do summit.” Before the soldiers arrive, the carriage is off again, with Aurora inside.

The road climbs out of the narrow Svartjet Valley, turns south, descends into the floodplain of the Davish, curves west, and approaches the walled city from the south. Long before they reach the city itself they can see the camps spread out around it, however. Interspersed and alternating are refugee camps and military camps. Hundreds of soldiers, and perhaps thousands of small folk, cluster densely around the city walls. The air reeks of open-trench latrines and is thick with flies. The soldiers have cloth tents and pavilions - the peasants woven thatch lean-to’s providing little more than shade on one side at best. Considerably more effort has been put into hastily-erected wooden corrals, for many of the refugees have brought animals with them, and the outskirts throng with cows, horses, pigs, goats, sheep, and even ducks and geese. The pens and corrals nearest the city, sturdy affairs that have been there for years for use around market days, are full to bursting.

As the coach begins up the road that climbs the hill upon which the city was built, the party passes by both types of camp. The refugees are squalid and hungry, but more resolute than desperate. Soldiers direct the labor of men in building yet more corrals, or drive slow-moving wagons filled with water barrels surrounded by refugee women with pots and jars collecting water to take back to their families. Here and there wagons driven by monks and priests are handing out loaves of bread. For a city surrounded by thousands who have fled their homes, Istivin seems to be orderly and well-managed for the moment.

It is still midafternoon and long before dark, so Willa decides to head for the palace of the Earl without first looking for lodging. A thirty-five foot crenelated wall composed of huge basalt blocks surrounds the entire city. Forty-five foot high towers jut from the wall at irregular intervals, but the three towers flanking the southern gates ((1) on the city map) rise to sixty feet. It appears that the right gate is for traffic entering the city, the left for egress. The soldiers manning the gate wave the coach through distractedly, as they give their attention to a throng of peasants trying to come inside but being denied. Thokk has to duck his head as the coach passes through a tunnel set inside the wall. The gate has two portculli, one at each end, but both are raised.

They emerge into a broad open square (29) with a clear thoroughfare before them, leading directly from the gate, across the city, and up the hill to a large keep. Inside the walls of the city many of the buildings are decked with wreaths and flowers for Growfest, a strange festive contrast to the stark hovels and lean-to’s of the hungry masses outside the walls.

Willa guides the horses up the broad street, passing a tall building to their right (26) that looks like an odd amalgam of inn and temple. As more and more buildings come into view, the party gains a sense of the city. There are no tenements clustered against the walls - all of the buildings look sturdy and in good repair, framed by stout timbers and many with ground floors of stone. There is little in the way of decoration - no lattice work or cornices, and few glass windows - the buildings bespeak strength without ostentation, comfort without luxury. There are crowds about, but they keep to the sides of the broad street and Willa does not have to push through. Most of those she sees are humans, but perhaps one person in ten is a sober-looking mountain dwarf.

After two blocks they enter a large square or plaza (16). Here numerous stages and stands have been erected, and there is a large spring pole the size of a ship’s mast. All is decorated for Growfest, but there are few revelers in sight. It is as if the holiday is being formally observed here, but not quite celebrated.

With the fortress on the hill above her as a guide, Willa negotiates the plaza and makes it through without the horses, coach, or mules upsetting any of the stands. A narrow street exits the plaza to the north, and just beyond a pair of buildings is a knot of soldiers, the first ones so far who have bid the coach stop. They ask Willa her business in going to “the Keep”, and she has Aurora take out and show them the letter signed by the magistrate. Serious at first, they look relieved or grateful as they give way and allow her to drive up the steep flagged road toward the imposing edifice (6) atop the massive granite peak.

The road up the hill is steep, and the horses strain to pull the heavily-laden coach. When they reach a level bend before an even steeper part, Willa pulls the hand break, dismounts, and begins to untie the mules from the rear. If the horses balk or the carriage starts to slip back against the grade, it won’t do to have the mules fright and pull their leads, making it even harder for the coach horses to pull, or for Willa to maintain control of the four beasts. Willa calls for Babshapka, and when he emerges from the coach, Mathias follows.

“So it looks like we are meeting the Earl soon,” the gaunt man says smoothly to Willa.


“I have to ask, what’s your position with respect to him? Why are you so concerned that we get here?”

Willa speaks, but doesn’t look up as she undoes the knots on the leads and hands them to Babshapka, then checks the horse harnesses. Mathias follows her to the front of the coach.

“Trouble flows downriver,” she says. “If summit be wrong in t’is land, it be only time afore Salinmoor be bad as well. I be lookin’ out fer me an’ mine is all.”

“I see. In that case, might I suggest that I be the one to talk to the Earl?”


“Yes. I don’t much care for the nobility, but I can talk their language to them. My old job depended on it, and I have a natural skill. And, no offense, but you can be difficult to follow.”

Willa harrumphs. “I plan t’ let ther Earl do ther talkin’. Ye can learn mar by listin’ t’an by natterin’ on.”

“To be sure, I will only communicate what you wish to say, and with your approval. I’m not trying to slip my own ideas in - you’re the party leader. I just want to make sure that when you do have something to say, it is received in the best possible light.”

Finished with her checks, Willa looks up and sucks at her teeth while staring at Mathias. “‘Twere Tyrius who spoke fer us afore,” she says. “I serpose we be needin’ someun else. I’ll take it unner consid’ration.” The coach starts up again, Willa having the horses pull at a walk and Babshapka leading the mules on foot.

There are guards at the outer barbican who must be shown the letter, and then again when they have reached the inside. Inside the outer walls is a grass courtyard, a large wooden stables to their right, and ahead of them both a high tower and low tower surrounded by the walls of the inner ward. There the party is asked to wait several minutes while a sage is summoned. The wizened old man emerges from a gate to the inner ward, accompanied by a younger scholar bearing a book. First the younger man compares the signature on the letter to the signature on record of Magistrate Karapov in the book, then the older man casts what Aurora later says was a detect magic spell on the letter itself. Convinced that the letter is authentic, the sage invites the party to accompany him inside.

Aurora watched the sage carefully while he cast his spell, trying to discern his school specialty (Arcana 9), but for a spell so simple and common there is little she can glean. She does spend some time studying his clothes and accoutrement, however, and comes to believe that the braided cord belt and jeweled earring seem rather more well-made than his simple scholar’s robe (Insight 17). Perhaps they are magical?

“Excuse me, master…?” she opens.

“Numar,” he replies simply.

“Yes, Master Numar. Excuse my curiosity, but are you from Istivin? And where is it you have studied? Are you well-traveled?”

“I am a Sterishman, born and bred true enough, and my studies have taken me all over our fair land. I also,” he says, a hint of pride creeping into his voice, “had the good fortune to study for a number of years at the Royal University in Niole Dra.”

Aurora bows her head in respect at the man’s qualifications, but when he turns to confer with his assistant, Mathias whispers to Aurora that if she wants to present herself as a monk, she needs to stop asking questions like she was a scholar.

When Numar turns back to them, he assures them that they may see the Earl right away - but that would mean turning horses, mules, coach, and contents over to the grooms of the stable. Or perhaps someone wants to wait with the coach and all of the party’s gear?

Mathias immediately lays his finger alongside his nose. Babshapka murmurs that he will take care of the coach and moves to take in hand the bridle of one of the horses. He starts to head for the stables while the other four follow the sage and his assistant. “Welcome to Krelont Keep,” the younger man says, as they pass through a narrow opening in the thick walls.

They emerge in the inner ward, a small courtyard perhaps fifty feet on a side, though slightly wider than deep. The courtyard is stone-flagged around the walls, but the center is grass and two cows graze contentedly therein. Household servants move about busily. To the left, built into the walls, is a small, low tower, to the right, a large, high tower built of massive blocks of the blackest basalt, pocked and weathered from centuries of exposure to the elements. It is to the open door of this larger tower that they head.

The ground floor is a massive open audience chamber with two stories of height and occupying perhaps three-quarters of the wide tower. Narrow arrow slits pierce the walls of the ground level, but true windows are on the level above. Although set with iron bars, the windows are wide enough to allow in natural light. Massive oaken beams support the ceiling. Ornate and comfortable chairs surround a low dais with a large throne. A backdrop of heavy curtains and a wooden wall shields the farthest part of the tower from view. The throne is unoccupied; the room empty.

Mounting a stone staircase built into the outer walls, they ascend in a long spiral to a broad landing on the first floor. Several different corridors branch off the landing, each lined with small doors. They continue to ascend the stair until they are some forty feet off the ground floor and exit at the second floor landing. Here there are numerous hallways branching off as well, but the doors are fewer and spaced farther apart. Guards at the landing let them pass by. The sage leads them down a central hallway and to a door flanked by a pair of guards with immaculate tabards.

Opening the door, they pass into a large, dark room. Another pair of guards flanks the inside of the door. At the far end of the room a group of men cluster around a large table covered in maps and written documents and illuminated by oil lamps. The largest map has small, carved and painted, wooden blocks sitting upon it, and the men point at these as they speak.

Most of the men are richly dressed and quite obviously nobles. Judging just from the deference they give one amongst themselves, the Earl is in the center. He is a tall man, but neither overly large nor powerfully built, though he moves with a fluid grace and balance. His hair is jet black and he sports a neatly trimmed beard. His skin is shockingly pale, looking nearly white in the dark room. A few of the men are not dressed as nobles, but rather as military officers, a tall elf and stout dwarf among them. Some of the men at the table look up as the party enters, but not the Earl, who continues his conversation with the others. The sage holds up his hand to the party, bidding them patience.

Amidst the confusion of voices at the other end of the room, the party can hear phrases such as, “those reports aren’t reliable”, “if the Baron splits his forces”, “we need to move the sheep from here”, “the last raids were more than a week ago,” and “but how will we feed them?”

Eventually there is a lull in the conversation and the Earl looks up from the maps, seeming to see the party for the first time. “What’s this then, Numar?” he says with a touch of annoyance in his voice.

“Adventurers, my lord. Heroes of renown come to help us with the Troubles, sent by Magistrate Karapov...”

Before Numar has actually finished, but timed so as to insert himself expertly in a natural pause, Mathias interjects. “Your Magnitude, I, Lord Mathias of Widewater, have traveled far from my lands to the north of the Gran March, and yet in all my travels I have not found a fortress near as redoubtable as your own Krelont Keep. I am honored and humbled to be here.”

The Earl arches an eyebrow in surprise. “You are welcome in these halls,” he says formally, “and more welcome still if you can aid us in our time of need.”
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

Last edited by Kirt on Tue Sep 06, 2022 8:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:47 am  
Post 236: The Countess

[DM's Note on Sources:] I used the timeline given by DMPrata for the relative dates of the ruling family of Sterich at:

House of Qualtaine (all dates in CY)
505 Querail (Querchard's father) born
529 Quermar (Querchard's older brother) born
533 Querid (Querchard's older brother) born
538 Querchard born
552 Quermar dies
557 Querid dies
558 Earl Querail dies; Querchard becomes Earl at 20 years old
571 Querchard currently 33, has been Earl for 13 years

However, on Skech gives Greg Vaughn and Eric Mona's corrected notes for Dungeon #117-119 as stating:

574 Querchard and Resbin are married in Istivin.
575 Querchard becomes the new Earl after his father's death.

I definitely wanted Resbin in the story and Querchard to be Earl in my campaign, so I changed* some dates to the following:
538 Querchard born
553* Querchard is 15; travels to Zhindia
554* Querchard is 16; returns to Istivin with Dren; they marry when he is still second in line for the throne after Querid
557 Querid dies; Querchard is now heir to the throne
558 Earl Querail dies; Querchard becomes Earl at 20 years old
571 Querchard currently 33, has been Earl for 13 years

Resbin's origin and ethnicity is unclear in canon; I wanted to go with her as being from Zhindia. Itstivin: City of Shadows in Dungeon 117 lists her as being a Sorcerer 13. I reduced this to Sorcerer 12 to take account of her being younger in my timeline than she would be at the point in Dungeon 117. Similarly, the court mage Verbane is listed there as a Wizard 15 and I reduced him to 12th level. Finally, Griffage Terpin is given as a Ranger 13 and General Commander of the Army of the March. I reduced him to 12th level and demoted him to be a special agent and chief Scout for the Earl at this point in time. Lashton (Wizard 19) is a canonical character in several third-edition Greyhawk sources. I didn't specifically set his level because he was generally planned to be not-particularly-helpful to the PC's.

Post 236: The Countess
21 March [Growfest 2], 571 - Krelont Keep, Istivin
[Encounters (civilized, river) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn: none]
[Thokk encounter at night; none]
(Low 63F, High 81F)

The Earl widens his gaze to fall upon the entire party. “Can any of you speak Dwarven?” he demands, his tone turning quickly from formal to gruff.

No one in the party responds, until Thokk blurts out, “I speak with dwarf many time. He good friend, keep Thokk warm at night.” The council members' faces are shocked or amused, but the dwarven officer looks aghast.

Seeking to move on, the Earl asks, “Can any of you banish undead, then?”

The party shakes their heads sadly, until Willa volunteers, “We banish ‘em wit’ our sards, Yer Mangytood,” and then Thokk nods his head vigorously.

The Earl sighs with exasperation and waves them off. To the Sage Numar, he says, “Take them to one of the generals - service maybe in Mittleberg or whatever they decide is best.”

Mathias leans over and coughs next to Willa, his cupped hand covering the pronouncement, “a*****e”.

“Yes, Your Magnitude,” says the sage, bowing, and he hustles the party back through the door they came in. The door now closed behind them, he turns to his assistant. “Your services are no longer required, Anthony. Perhaps you could see at whose table we sit tonight?” The younger man leaves.

The sage leads them down the hallway and around a corner where they come upon a group of male guards surrounding a woman. All of them, guards and woman alike, seem out of place in Sterich. The woman is of dusky hue, with copper hair, amber eyes, and caramel-colored skin. The guards wear turbans and veils, so that only their eyes are visible. She is in bright silks, with a large ruby necklace; they are in armor of an exotic fashion.

“Thank you, Numar,” she says with a voice like smooth-churned butter. “I will take the visitors from here.”

“My lady,” the sage says, taken aback, “my lord the Earl has told me to hie them to one of the generals.”

“Of course he did,” she purrs. “Nevertheless.”

“Yes, my lady,” he demurs, and exits, leaving the party alone with the woman and her guards.

Thokk sizes up the men surrounding the woman (Insight 18). They appear to be capable warriors - not a threat to Thokk, but perhaps a welcome challenge if he faced all of them himself. Curiously, they don’t have any aggression in their postures - rather, they are watchful, with one eye on the woman and one on the party. They remind him of the honor guard employed by his father the chief, the ones who had to remain watchful during feasts and ruts when all the others in the tribe would get drunk or in musth. He feels pity for them.

“You will accompany me, please?” the woman asks, indicating another branch of the hallways.

“Now, wait a minute,” objects Mathias. “Where are we going? We don’t even know why we are here!”

“My apologies, good sir. I can explain everything, if you will just accompany me.”

Somewhat reluctantly, the party moves in advance of her down the hall she indicates. They have not gone far when one of the guards opens a door and ushers them into the room beyond. Oddly, there is no furniture in the room - just a very low table, inches off the floor. Numerous silk-covered cushions lie on various thick rugs, however.

Once the party is inside, the woman leaves three of her guards in the hall beyond and takes but one, the largest of the men, inside with her. He closes the door and stands by it while she faces the party. “My husband the Earl sincerely regrets his treatment of you,” she says soothingly, “but of course you understand; much of politics is the art of pantomime.”

She moves to a wall and begins a series of arcane gestures while murmuring strange-sounding words. She works her way slowly around the circumference of the room.

“Pantermime?” asks Willa, confused.

Mathias’ face lights up in realization. “The Earl would like to greet us, but for some reason he can’t let that be seen in public. His annoyance at the meeting was just for show.”

The woman smiles in satisfaction but doesn’t leave off her abjurations. By now Aurora has recognized (Arcana 21) what she is doing - for it is the very spell that she herself has been practicing for the last few weeks - private sanctum!

[Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Willa is carefully inspecting the sole remaining guard. His veil could easily hide a scar, and his general build is certainly that of Runnel - if the knight of Keoland had found some way to darken his skin...]

“Well, that’s great that you actually want to meet with us,” says Aurora, “but why us specifically - I mean, do you even know who we are?”

“I am sure I do not know you, oh mysterious monk with an impenetrable background,” says the Countess, “but I hope I am not incorrect that you came here with Serjeant Stoutly, hero of the battle of Javan Mouth, destroyer of Sahuagin, and loyal subject of the Lion Throne?” As Willa does her best formal bow to the Countess, she tries to keep from laughing out loud at Aurora.

“Ah, good. I am correct, then, and this meeting is as planned. So then, who are you?” the Countess asks of Aurora.

On the spot, Aurora flushes. “Will...Willer the...Willow the Monk, at your service,” she stammers.

The Countess smiles sweetly. “Yes, Willow, your service is precisely the subject at hand. Of course, I don’t actually know Serjeant Stoutley - I don’t know any of you, really, not your true selves - we all have our secrets, myself and the members of my husband’s privy council included.”

“You can’t trust the members of the council,” says Mathias, deciphering and hen translating her honeyed words for the rest of the party. “There are spies on the council, and that is why if your husband actually needs our help, he had to pretend to dismiss us out of hand.”

“I would not lightly impugn the reputation of those who serve my husband,” she objects, but then adds, “any one of them could remain loyal, but without knowing it be carrying a device which serves as a focus of divination, allowing some enemy to listen to their conversations and plans.”

“So, now that we are in private, what exactly is the problem and what could we - potentially - do to help?” asks Mathias.

“Sterich is a land surrounded by mountains,” the woman says, “we have always had Troubles with humanoids. It came as no surprise that as the snows of winter receded early in the year, our forts and far-flung communities began seeing increased activity. But what happened next was unprecedented. A month ago, the important town of Ebenenberg was attacked. The humanoids have never gone after so large a target in living memory - the combined forces of the town watch, militia, Earl, and nobles there together numbered in the hundreds. Still, they were attacked without warning, in the night, and the town had long ago outgrown its original walls. Nearly all of the defenders were slain, along with a great number of the civilian townsfolk. Many of the small folk you saw outside our walls are former residents of the town. The town itself was sacked and burned. It is now a smoking ruin.”

“Humanoids, you say - of what sort?” asks ‘Willow’ (Aurora).

“Ask the peasants and you will likely hear anything - they fled in the dark while their families were being cut down. Small wonder each has his own story, but the tales have grown in the telling. The most reliable accounts come from the few soldiers in service to the Earl who survived - they say there were orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins among the attackers.”

Wondering what could make so many humanoids of different races work together, Aurora reflects on what Thokk has told them about humanoid politics. Orc tribes are usually insular theocracies, ruled by the shamen of one of their gods, unless a secular chieftain becomes so powerful that he can subjugate the shamen and ally his tribe with that of other orcs of the same or even different faiths or with other humanoids. Goblins, the least powerful of the goblinoid races, are always willing to make deals and ally with others - although they are treacherous and will seize upon any opportunities for betrayal. Hobgoblins are highly organized military societies but fiercely competitive. They might ally with other humanoids for a time but almost never with different tribes of their own race.

“Pff. Rabble,” says Mathias dismissively.

“So we thought at first. Immediately we sent reprisal forces; light cavalry to hunt them down. At the city itself we found a curious thing - all of the livestock had been led off - cows, sheep, goats, pigs, anything that could move of its own accord. It seems like the raid was as much about securing food as anything else. Later we heard reports from Mittleberg that the raiders passed by in the night, driving the herds before them. But more to the point, every time our forces learned of the location of humanoids and sought them out, the enemy evaporated, vanished, or fled before we could arrive. None of them wanted to stand and fight. We tracked a few back to their lairs in the mountains and destroyed them, but found no evidence they were part of a larger group.”

“In the weeks that followed more attacks came - on small villages and large towns alike - Blackbridge, Headwater, Bova. Ebenenberg was the only town of any size in the Highlands that was not walled, however, and the others, now warned, resisted. We easily beat back the attacks on walled towns - but numerous villages have been put to the torch, their people killed or driven off. But still, any time we sent out forces for reprisal, the humanoids gave way before us. Much of the time our forces were chasing shadows and rumors.
But now there came reports of eigers leading the raids. Bands of eigers.”

“More interesting,” admits Mathias.

“It is common, of course, for a single eiger or even a pair to be employed in a humanoid lair as a mercenary, or bully-boy for their chief” (Thokk nods his agreement). “But groups of them, leading and directing the raids - that is unheard of. Eigers in general are too stupid, too lazy, and too chaotic to attack anything that requires more than a long walk to reach (Thokk nods again), and these attacks required planning and days to execute.”

“How reliable is that information?” asks Mathias. “I mean, you have military officers in the field, fighting an elusive foe - could they be exaggerating the opposition they face to obscure their own poor performance?”

“That is possible; it is a valid concern. And even when our forces could find the enemy in the field and bring the fight to them, eigers were never found among the dead. But we have received these claims from multiple commanders serving scores of leagues apart. And our most trusted agent in the field has reported something more - a group of eigers all serving as guards to a giant.”

Mathias murmurs to the others, “This is but a prelude. There is something deeper going on.” To the Countess, he asks “My lady, why did your husband wish to know whether we could speak the tongue of the dwarves?”

“The dwarven citadel of Num-Theraz lies in the mountains above the very source of the Davish River, as far to the south as one may go in Sterich, in the highest of the Highlands. The dwarves there are loyal subjects of the Earl and their mines supply our land with most of our arms and armor. Ever since the sacking of Ebenenberg we have not heard from them. Their supply caravans simply stopped. Scouts we have sent; those few who have returned, have reported all the gates to their city closed and no response to their calls. We know not to what end they have come.”

“And the swordwraiths? How are they involved?”

Here the woman smiles faintly. “Our land has always been plagued by the gleddyf bwgan. This year is no different. My husband and I have been actively promoting the rumors of numerous attacks from them to confound our hidden enemy and disguise our moves. When we send someone to ‘face the swordwraiths’ it is usually to cover their absence from court on a more secretive mission.”

Mathias turns to Willa and the others. “Do you have any more questions for the Countess?” Willa shakes her head.

Mathias turns back. “So now that we understand what you face, my lady, what would you have us do?”

“Travel to the south, to the Highlands. Meet with our man Griffage Terpin. He will have the best assessment of the local situation, and can assign to you the most appropriate target, without us or our council being aware. Track down whomever or whatever he tells you; slay them, capture them, or force them to admit their role in this plot against the people of Sterich.”

“Very well - first, we would have to agree as a group that we are going to do this. Then we could discuss terms and the avenues to proceed.”

“You have my leave to speak freely to one another, and as privately as you can within the confines of this room.” The Countess moves to the far corner, sitting cross-legged on a cushion and humming melodically to herself, perhaps to better cover the sounds of their subsequent conversation. The guard by the door makes no effort to move.

Mathias brings them into a huddle, whispering to Aurora first. “Your made-up name is Willow, and her real name is Willa?” he says reproachfully.

“Habit,” says Aurora, shrugging apologetically.

“Ok, look - if you are going to lie, it has to come easily, not sound as contrived as that b******t was. Shefak’s not here, so you should be Shefak. You probably know her better than you would any other monk, so don’t make s*** up; use what you know. Become her and you will have a ready answer to any question and it won’t be obvious you are lying.”

Aurora nods thoughtfully.

“Bigger question - are we doing this?”

Willa nods without hesitation, and Aurora agrees after a moment of thought. Thokk looks up and squints at the dark woman, running the conversation over in his mind, recalling her mannerisms. Is she lying? Can they trust her? (Insight 12) He inhales deeply, seeking out her scent over that of his teammates - it is warm and pleasant - like cocoa butter but with hints of spice underneath. She wants him to go kill things for her, he decides, and he finds he likes the idea as well.

He nods at Mathias.

“Okay, so we are doing this. What do we need in return? Do you need someone to teach you spells, Shefak?”

“I have two spells I know, but I need to rewrite them in my own system. Plus, any spells they have that I don’t would be fair game for me to learn.”

Mathias nods. Willa and Thokk don’t offer any specific requisitions.

Mathias rises, turns to the Countess, and bows. “We have resolved that we may be able to help you. We do have a number of conditions, however.”

“Of course.”

“I will need a leaded crystal vial, such as might be found in a high-end apothecary or alchemist’s shop.”

“I believe that can be arranged.”

“I request that I be allowed to borrow whatever spell books you have access to, and that I have inks to copy any spells from them I might find that are useful. I have recently increased my spell ability and find my current resources short of my actual power.”

She smiles. “How fortunate for you. My personal wizard is Verbane. Our court wizard is currently Lashton, on loan from the King of Keoland to aid in our current Troubles. I can see to it that both these gentlemen make their spells available to you.”

“If our expedition proves dangerous, we will need a healer in our group.”

“You have access to all of the healing at our disposal while you remain in the city - there are a number of temples here, all loyal to the Earl. However, anyone who could provide the kind of healing you would need, where you are going, is someone far too valuable for us to release.” Mathias frowns, and she continues. “However, you are welcome to look among the foreigners and visitors to the city - you might find a novel ally. There are many adventurers recently arrived, some summoned by similar letters as you, some of their own accord, though few as powerful as yourselves.”

“In lieu of a healer, perhaps healing potions?”

“Such items are rare and valuable in a time of war, of course. If any are available from the Temples, I can negotiate for you for their purchase.”

Mathias turns to look back at the party, to see if anyone has thought of new requests. Thokk is staring at the Countess, a funny expression and a lopsided grin on his face. In truth, he is trying to determine whether or not she is “into him” (Insight 14). In Thokk’s experience, most human women are afraid of him, which he agrees is an appropriate and sensible response. But the ones who are not afraid of him, are invariably attracted to him. And this woman is certainly not afraid of him. He grins again, jutting out his lower jaw to emphasize his tusks. He shuffles his feet in a little dance, then bounces his pecs (Performance 10). The Countess smiles in response. Thokk is now sure - she is definitely into him - and he will smash things for her!

Mathias shakes his head, distracted by Thokk’s dance, and then turns back to the Countess. “It is fine and meet that you can provide for our requirements. But what of the reward itself?”

“My husband will sign your writs of privateer. It is likely that the treasures you take from our foes will have once belonged to the people of our country, wrought with the sweat of their brow and taken from them by force by the enemy. Yet we will let you have anything you capture, without so much as an adventurer’s tax.”

“That appears fair, and yet a few stolen pigs are hardly worthy of us facing death.”

“I believe that those who are organizing the humanoids have yet to reveal themselves, and that surely such evil genii will have treasures worthy of your interest. But if all you find behind this are humanoids, and their spoils are insufficient, I am sure my husband the Earl will find other ways to reward you.”

“It is agreed then. What are we to do next? How are we to find your man?”

“Likely he will find you. Travel south and help whom you may along the way in our troubled lands. Eventually my man should seek you out. Griffage is a ranger, a scout for the Earl, and not within the chain of command of the army, so he goes where he will, where he thinks best to serve us. But when he finds you, tell him that you lunched with me, and that I served you cashews.”

“Cashews?” asks Willa, confused.

“Yes, they are a delicacy from my homeland, and quite hard to find here in Sterich. When he hears this, he will know that you are my chosen champions, and he will entrust you with everything he has learned about our true foes.”

“We may need several days to prepare spells and gather resources.”

“Of course. I will provide you what assistance I can while you are in the city, but never in public. You may ask Numar to introduce you to Verbane and Lashton as you desire. Do you have any other questions or stipulations?”

The party thinks for a while, and then Aurora asks what she knows about frog people. Willa and Aurora explain that some four days ago, in the Gyri city of Aberglain, they were attacked by a huge blue bipedal frog creature that was summoned by cultists of Orcus. The Countess gets them to elaborate, saying that it attacked by clawing and biting, and could heal its own wounds but didn’t display other magic powers. The party wonders if there could be a connection between this and the Troubles?

“I don’t think so - Aberglain-on-Javan is a long way from the Highlands of Sterich. And what you describe sounds like a Slaad. They are creatures of pure chaos, native to the Lower Planes called Pandemonium. They work for no one and nothing, existing only to reproduce themselves and sow chaos. They are unlikely to be included in anyone’s plans, let alone whomever or whatever is behind our Troubles - I think our foes are far too organized and secretive to use such tools. I must admit that it is strange that they were summoned by cultists of Orcus - the Demon Prince of Undeath has no truck with the Slaadi. Perhaps the cultists thought they were summoning a demon and failed in their ritual, or perhaps the Slaad found and hijacked the extraplanar conduit - such things are known to happen, and such rituals are not to be attempted lightly. the Prince of Undeath, I suppose Orcus is opposed to just about everything the Growfest festivities celebrate. Perhaps the cult planned to use what they were summoning, whether or not it was the Slaad, to disrupt the festivities in that city?"

After a whispered message from ‘Willow’, Mathias asks the Countess for the location of any magic shops in town, or places from which he could buy the magic inks necessary to scribe spells. She replies that Istivin is neither large nor sophisticated enough to possess a magic shop, but that the Court of the Earl possesses enough reserves of magical ink that she would be willing to sell them to the party as needed, and what is more, to sell them at cost (50gp per spell level transcribed). Mathias inquires as to what she would take as payment, and some in the party show her the little gem packets. She says that she would be happy to accept the gems at the values declared by the Stonereaver dwarves.

A further message from ‘Willow’ prompts Mathias to ask whether it would be possible to sell spell scrolls in the city. The Countess replies that while possible, buyers would be few and they might take some time to sell. However, she would agree to take a few scrolls on consignment from them, advance them the money or trade them inks, and then sell the scrolls herself later. The party lists their scrolls and asks what prices they might get for them, and she replies:

Scroll of Protection from Undead - 180gp
Scroll of Magic Missile (with 11 darts) - 240gp
Scroll of Protection from Petrification - 320gp
Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability - 1280gp

Her responses seem surprisingly rapid and confident for all but the last scroll, for which she excuses herself while murmuring and moving beads on an imaginary abacus in the air.

With this, the party seems quite out of questions. Mathias thanks her for giving so generously of her time and advice, and the four of them take their leave and exit the Black Tower.

In the stables of the Outer Ward they find Babshapka, the coach, horses and mules, all waiting. Willa looks at the lowering sun and asks a guardsman if there is any chance of them finding an office of civil governance open in the city this late in the day on the second of Growfest, and he shakes his head. After asking to speak with his officer she finds someone willing to take charge of the coach and horses and return them to where they belong. Then begins the laborious process of unpacking the coach and loading the mules. By the time they are packed and ready, the sun has set behind the western mountains, although it is still light enough to easily negotiate the steep road down the Promontory and into the city proper.

Once among the streets of the city they ask after an inn - and one good enough to have private rooms. They are recommended the Gryphon’s Arms. Several passers-by say that normally “their type” would be better off lodged in the Temple of Fharlanghn, but that is currently filled to overflowing with the first of the refugees to have arrived at the city.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:28 am  
Post 237: Meeting Doro Doof

[DM's Note on Sources]: For my description of Istivin and the buildings within I used "Istivin: City of Shadows" in Dungeon 117. The maps from this are freely and legally available at and numbered locations from it are noted in the text in [blue].

After the split in the party that weeded out the characters without dedicated players (see Post 226), we were left with

Player 1: Thokk and Aurora
Player 4: Willa and Babshapka
Player 9: Mathias

In order to allow Player 9 a second character, and prepare for the upcoming challenges by adding a healer to the party, Player 9 made a bard whose starting xp was matched to the lowest of the other five PCs.

Post 237: Meeting Doro Doof
21 March [Growfest 2], 571 - Istivin
[Encounters (civilized, river) at morning, noon, evening, night, midnight, predawn: none]
[Thokk encounter at night; none]
(Low 63F, High 81F)

The Gryphon’s Arms (8), as it turns out, is an expensive inn, which is to even Willa’s liking as she had already agreed to an inn with not only private rooms but locks on the doors for their “gear” (laser rifles and grenades included). The inn caters to wealthy merchants and minor nobles, lying just inside the “Brinks Gate” (2) and across the street from the East Citadel (4), a garrison of hundreds of “Marchers”, as the infantry forces of the national army are called. Apparently the proximity of the soldiers on one side and city walls on the other helps the wealthy patrons of the inn feel that they and their valuables are safe.

In short order the party has arranged for rooms for the evening (10gp from party funds). Thokk seems to take an unusual interest in unloading the mules, at least until all of his own gear and the rations have been moved upstairs, at which point he disappears into his room, emerging shortly thereafter to tell Willa that they need to talk.

Willa sees to the rest of the unloading of the mules and then, with Aurora, Mathias, and Babshapka in the common room ordering drinks and thinking about dinner, she goes upstairs to see what the barbarian wants with her.

“Evil advisor,” Thokk begins, in a voice uncharacteristically thick with emotion. “You stay with other hu-mans. Help with books and supplies. You in charge of Thokk’s warband for now; Thokk proud of you. Here Thokk's money.” The half-orc hands over a single gem, still wrapped in the dwarven paper, and a mishmash of coins of different values. “You use if need, but if not, save so Thokk can make more women smile and dream of sons."

Willa understands his meaning well enough, but why is he handing over his money? Is he going somewhere?

"Larry was small and funny dwarf, but was strong and good friend. Thokk has idea to get other Larry. Thokk meet you and others in massacre town. Seven suns from now - at dawn on edge of town.”

“Thokk, wha’ be ye on aboot?” Willa asks incredulously. Down the stairs, across the common room, and out into the street they go, with her asking if he is feeling alright and trying to elicit some explanation from him. Eventually she gathers that he is planning on searching the forests and mountains for some kind of companion to replace Larry, whatever that means. At least he seems confident of meeting up with them in a week. Willa hopes, for the sake of the good people of Sterich, that he can do so.

Meanwhile the others are relaxing at the bar of the common room, each enjoying their beverage of choice. Some sort of minstrel is playing to the posh crowd. She is quite good (base Performance +9) and is singing a heroic ballad while accompanying herself on a stringed instrument. When she finishes her piece, resulting in much applause and more than a few coins tossed on the low stage, she sets her instrument down and goes to the bar to refresh her voice.

As she drinks, she looks at Mathias quizzically. He changed out of his traveling clothes as soon as they entered the inn, and now is in his indecently low-slung leather pants and a maroon linen shirt. “Say, aren’t you a pit fighter?” she asks him.

“Not at the present,” he smiles, “but I have been.”

“I thought so! I’ve seen you fight in Greyhawk City!”

“That’s where most of my bouts were, certainly.”

Babshapka and Aurora listen carefully, while each feigns disinterest.

“Well, what are you doing here, so far from the Gem of the Flanaess?”

Mathias laughs easily. Aurora is certain the woman is working on seducing their companion and supplementing her income from playing. Babshapka is not so sure her motivation is that simple.

“Actually, I am currently with a group of adventurers.”

“Really? Are they capable?”

“Oh, quite capable. Absolutely.” He laughs again.

As the two begin to talk, she explains that she is actually looking to join a band of adventurers. She has worked with some in the past, but only for brief stretches and with ones not very skilled. She was hoping to find some more capable ones.

As it so happens, Mathias explains, there is currently an opening in their group for a healer. Does she have anything that might help in that regard? At this point, even Babshapka is unsure of whether Mathias is flirting back or trying to hire her. The woman explains that she can use her music to cast mending, healing word, song of rest, and aura of vitality. She knows other spells, of course, but that is her healing repertoire at the moment.

At the mention of aura of vitality, Aurora forgets she is pretending to look disinterested. While not personally familiar with the spell (Arcana 9), she believes it is of mid-level. If the woman speaks the truth about knowing it, she is indeed a capable caster.

The bard introduces herself as Doro, and Mathias in turn introduces her to Babshapka and ‘Shefak’. When ‘Shefak’ speaks, she explains that their adventuring group is an elite force, led by her kicking abilities. Is Doro sure that she is up to their standards?

The woman explains that she is from Greyhawk City, where she worked as a bard in the inns and taverns and put herself through bard’s college. When ‘Shefak’ comments on her sword (a rapier she has slung on her belt, even while playing), she says that while she can fight, she prefers to stay on the sidelines, inspiring her companions in their battles, hindering and controlling their opponents. Afterwards, she heals her allies. Since leaving the city, she has been frustrated in trying to find an adventuring group commensurate with her own abilities.

‘Shefak’ says that she understands the woman’s reluctance to enter melee herself, as it is a dangerous and messy business. “You would not believe some of the scraps I have been in, the amount blood and gore I’ve been covered with during a fight.”

The woman nods credulously. “I figured you were a monk before you even said anything - you are in such great shape. For me, I need my hands to play, and I can’t really risk them unless it is truly necessary.”

When Doro turns back to Mathias, she asks him what he is doing so far from Greyhawk. He shrugs and says simply “adventuring”, but immediately turns the question around on her. She says that in the summer past she had resolved to leave the city and seek out an adventuring group, and had heard rumors of a war brewing on the Azure Sea in Salinmoor. She left Greyhawk then, but by the time she arrived in Seaton, all the fighting was over. Since then, she has slowly worked her way up the Javan, playing in inns to keep herself in coin, but always on the lookout for an adventuring group. She found several, but they all turned out to be of little account and not worth her time - chasing down goblin bands or following false treasure maps to long-plundered tombs. She wintered in Flen, but with the arrival of spring she heard tell of the Troubles in Sterich, and has recently come to Istivin, hopeful that the crisis would draw a party of appropriate quality for her.

While Doro talks, Aurora decides to test her claim that she is a bard of skill and worthy of their group. Surreptitiously summoning her mage hand (Stealth 16), she sends it forth to pick the woman’s pocket. As the hand attempts to slip into her pouch, it inadvertently brushes her thigh and she bats it away without looking (Aurora sleight of hand 3; Doro passive Perception 13). “Hey!” she says to Mathias, firmly but not aggressively, “just because I’m from the city doesn’t mean you can treat me like that! I’m interested in a professional relationship here.”

Babshapka, mid-swallow in his mead, coughs and sputters.

“Yes, professional,” agrees ‘Shefak’. “What is it that you hope to get from our relationship?”

“For myself, stories. Stories and ballads are my stock and trade. I can’t advance as a bard without material, and traditional stuff only takes one so far. I need new source material to compose my own works and make my own mark.”

Babshapka asks her whether she has spent much time in Keoland. She replies ‘as little as possible’ - just her brief sojourn to Salinmoor. With the war already over, she found it a dour, diseased, and superstitious place.

‘Shefek’ explains that the party are patronless freelancers, and want to avoid political entanglements. They want to make sure that Doro’s membership in their group would not draw them into anything. They want to remain free to accept any contracts that are profitable, without political complications to get in the way. She messages Babshapka to watch the bard’s response.

Doro says that politics is why she left Greyhawk, and that people want songs of valor and heroism, not politics and negotiations. She assures them that she has no ties to any groups and is a freebooter like them.

Babshapka ignores her words and instead watches her eyes and body language, listens to her tone and inflection (Insight 24). She seems plainspoken and direct, honest - at least for a human. Her Common speech carries no hints of a Keoish accent, and while similar to that of Mathias it is subtly different as well. Babshapka nods at Aurora.

“Well then,” says ‘Shefak’. “Do you have any terms for us? What are you expecting from this arrangement?”

“Living expenses only, for the moment,” she says, “starting with dinner and a room tonight at this inn, if that is where you are staying. Let me adventure with you a while and you can pay my direct costs while we do so. If you find me a worthy companion, then a full share of the treasure. If I do not meet your expectations, we part ways and I ask no more of you than what you have already spent on food and lodging.”

‘Shefak’ nods. “As leader of our group, I accept those terms. But there is one more thing - an introduction, kind of an initiation ceremony, really. There are two more of our group outside - a half-orc barbarian and a dusky woman in plate armor and with a greatsword. You have to tell the woman that we want you to join us, and that I said you are our new healer. Her name’s Willa.”

“Really?” Doro looks to Mathias for confirmation. He shrugs and nods. The woman slings her instrument across her back and makes for the door.

In the street Willa is standing, hands on her hips, as Thokk is fading into the gloam. “Make sure whatever you brin’ back be housebroken!” she shouts resignedly at the retreating figure.

“Haw, haw. Thokk gonna miss evil advisor’s jokes,” Thokk chortles to himself as he approaches the Brinks Gate.

“Are you Willa?” the bard asks.

“Aye, ‘oo wants ter ken?”

Doro is taken aback at the thickness of the woman’s Salinmoor accent, but she is a bard and used to working with language. ‘Yes, who wants to know?’ she quickly works out.

“My name is Doro. I’m a bard. Shefak inside told me to tell you that I am the new healer for your band.”

“Sounds like summit she would say, right eno’. Damn wench.”

Willa stares the woman down. Doro meets her gaze inquisitively and without flinching (Willa Intimidation 8 ).

“She said that me telling you was a technicality, but it was already a done deal, since she is in charge.”

“In charge be she, now?” Willa glowers. She spits on the ground and stomps into the inn, Doro deliberately following at just more than a sword strike’s distance behind her.

At the bar, Willa shouts for an ale and then lays into ‘Shefak’ without pause for the entirety of the time it takes for her drink to arrive. She ends with “and since ‘twar yer idea wit’out consultin’ me, ye be payin’ ‘er room from yer own pocket!”

“Of course, of course,” says ‘Shefak’. “Allow me to get your drink as well. Drinks on me, all,” she smiles. Willa storms off to find an unoccupied table as far from the rest of the party as she can manage.

“I don’t get it,” says Doro. “So, are you in charge, or…?”

“No, no, Willa’s really the leader, at least tactically. I help in the long-term decisions. But yes, it was actually her call. I just like to rib her. She’s too serious. Anyway, yes, you are in, your drink is on me, your dinner and room tonight are on me, and after that we’ll put you on the party tab. I look forward to working with you.”

“Just so you know,” says Mathias, “that copped feel wasn’t me. I know how to treat a lady.” He raises his cup of wine. Doro nods and returns to the stage to tune her samisen before her next song.

Thokk approaches the Brinks Gate but finds it closed and barred for the night. He is not too surprised, for from his vantage atop the coach in their approach to the city, he noticed that the gate opened on a small hill with fancy villas outside the walls, and did not even have a road connecting it to the main road on which they arrived - after dark there would be precious little traffic. He reasons that the main gate to the city, the one they came in, should still be open, so he turns and walks proudly down the streets of Istivin. When he reaches the Javan Gates, however, he finds them closed as well, with no signs of guards to open them for him. Perhaps it was not the best idea for him to leave in the evening, rather than waiting until the morning of the next day (Thokk Wisdom check 2), but it is done.

The Javan Gates are barred by a stout wooden beam set into iron brackets. It looks heavier than a man could lift, and indeed, there are chains fastened on each end of the beam that hang from small holes in the towers to either side of the gate. Then again, Thokk is no mere man. He sets his heels and lifts up on the bar, bellowing as he strains, but is unable to lift it completely out of the brackets (Strength check 7; fails).

He is considering whether to rage against the injustice of the beam [and thus have advantage on a second strength check] when doors at the base of each tower fly open in response to the rattle of the chains, and men of the night watch boil forth like ants from a hill [Luck roll -1]. Swords are drawn, lantern beams are pointed in Thokk’s eyes. Fortunately (for them, not him, of course) a few of the watchmen were on hand when the party entered earlier in the afternoon [Luck roll +2] and remember Thokk sitting atop the coach. After a bit of conversation amongst themselves it is decided that he is not, in fact, an orc spy sent to open the gates to an invading army, but rather is a member of a group that (rumor has it) traveled the length of the city in a coach bearing the arms of Javan Ferry, and was admitted to Krelont Keep itself. Given that he is, in any event, an orc, it also seems to the night watchmen that it is better to have him outside the city than in, his wishes notwithstanding. So, after carefully scanning the exterior of the gates with lanterns for signs of more orcs or the like, they do raise the bar on the inner gates for him, open the gates just enough for him to pass through, raise the portcullis inside the tunnel under the walls, close the interior gates, and opening the exterior gates to allow him outside, before quickly closing the exterior gates behind him as he goes and lowering the portcullis. Thokk strolls happily away and down the road with no hard feelings toward the watch.

He whistles as he goes, enjoying the cool night air and thinking of the massive dire wolves and giant cave bears that will soon be his boon companions. He takes little note of the snores of the soldiers, the crying of the infants, and the bleating of the animals in the camps that he passes, as he continues past where the road the party arrived on turns to the east, and this road continues all the way down to the banks of the Davish River. Keeping the mountains in front of him, he knows his path lies to the south. He remembers this river from the brief time between his exile from his tribe and his finding the party, and he knows that it will not easily be crossed, so he stays on the road all the way down to the river’s edge in case the industrious humans have built a bridge to cross it.

There is not, in fact, a bridge, but the hard road does lead to a ford where the swift river is both broad and shallow. A long chain has been placed across the river, allowing a ferry attached to the chain to be moved back and forth. However, it looks like the ferry has ended its day on the other side of the river, in a village set along the banks there (Istivin Crossing, although Thokk does not know the name). Thokk judges himself capable of crossing on the chain himself, simply hanging from it and moving hand-over-hand above the river without the ferry.

What Thokk has not considered is that while the chain is well above the river on either end, its great weight causes it to sag in the middle until it is below the surface of the rushing water. It is not long before his feet, then his legs below his knees, then all of his legs, are underwater as he pulls himself along. The current is very strong, and the water is practically as cold as snowmelt. Before Thokk has reached the halfway point, his arms are burning and his teeth are chattering. Finally, he slips off the chain and is swept away by the current (Strength check 5; fails).

Thokk laughs at his carelessness as the river rapidly bears him away through the rapids below the ford. He relaxes and floats on his back for a while, making sure his legs point downriver in case he strikes a rock, until the rest has returned the strength to his arms. Once he feels himself up to it, he flips over on his stomach, and with powerful strokes begins pulling himself to the southern bank (Survival 20). Thoroughly soaked and nearly frozen, he crawls happily to the shore to emerge from the water more than a mile below Istivin Crossing.

[So far 1 hour, 3 miles traveled] By now it is well and truly dark. Ignoring the lights from the villages along the river, Thokk looks up at the night sky to the south. His goal is to get to the highest mountains as quickly as possible, so he scans the horizon to find where his view of the stars is the most blocked, and then begins walking. For the first twelve miles or so it is easy going, on level grasslands sloping gently up from the river. At some point during his walk he crosses a human road. Scoffing, he continues toward the mountains he knows must be there [5 hours, 15 miles traveled. At 8pm wandering encounter check: civilized, grasslands: none]. Finally the ground begins to steepen and grow more rocky, at last matching the promise of the mountains shown to him by the sky. Up and up he climbs, until he enters a forest so dense that he can no longer see the heavens, and simply chooses the path that seems steepest, ever seeking the way up. [10 hours, 25 miles traveled.] When he tires and, what is more important, believes that it will be getting light soon, he begins searching for a hiding spot. Now looking for the steepest of surfaces (which even he would have difficulty in climbing), he eventually comes upon a cliff face with a cave so small he has to stoop to enter, and a boulder in front concealing it from view. It is a good place to rest (Stealth 19). He removes his pack and pulls it into the cave after him, eats some from the rations he has brought with him and finishes his water skins, and soon is fast asleep.

50 human rations to 47 during the day (Thokk has 7, the party 40)
14 mule rations to 12 (grain used for horses as well as mules)
10gp from party funds for the inn

After dinner most of the patrons of the inn either leave or retire to their rooms. The party, less Thokk but now with Doro, clusters around a table, discussing the next day, in which Mathias will go to Krelont Keep and ask Numar to ask Verbane for access to his spells. They are in agreement that they should ask Verbane first rather than involving Lashton, whose true master is the King of Keoland. Only as a last resort for an essential spell that Verbane is lacking should they involve him. Mathias and Aurora brainstorm desired spells, trying to formulate a list to ask of Verbane. Willa grows bored quickly and goes to see that the mules have been properly bedded down before retiring to “watch the gear”. Babshapka simply reminds the others of his capabilities and then drinks quietly; the first time Mathias has heard his full list of spells known. Doro adds her opinions by way of introducing her own spells. When they discuss Darkvision, she says that she has the Light cantrip. When they suggest Alarm, she says that she has Leomund’s Tiny Hut (which impresses Aurora). When they bring up Hold Person, she says that she is able to do that with her music. In the debate about haste vs. slow, she comes down on the slide of Slow. They find that she has clear opinions, but is interested in listening to theirs as well.

After protracted discussions, they arrive at the following ‘wish list’ to present to Verbane:

1. Feather Fall
2. Animate Dead (the choice of which Willa would not have approved had she been present)
3. Mirror Image
4. Slow
5. Phantom Steed
6. Earthbind

Thus in agreeance, they all retire for the night. Aurora lingers to talk to the innkeep after the others have gone upstairs. She tells him that the bard, Doro, will be taking the room that they had requested for Thokk, and he agrees that the price for their stay this evening will remain the same.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:58 pm  
Post 238: Gathering Resources I

[DM's Note on Resources:]
Spell Availability
As noted previously, I took the court mage Verbane from Itstivin: City of Shadows in Dungeon 117, but reduced his level to Wizard 12. The spell list given for him therein reflects both his higher level and the source material as 3.5e. For my own purposes (that of serving as a source of spells for the PC's), I assumed that he would have a chance to have any spell in the PHB of a level that he could cast, with the chance being [100% - (10% * spell level)]. Thus Verbane would have a 90% chance to have any given first level spell through a 40% chance of any particular sixth level spell. I have used this calculation in previous campaigns for the collective holdings of Mage Guilds (not individual NPC's), but I figured that as Verbane is the most powerful wizard in Sterich, as well as the one with the most access to resources, it would be appropriate.

In the event of poor rolls resulting in an unrealistic lack of spells, I set a minimum number of spells known for each level as twice his spell slots. A Wizard 12 can cast 4/3/3/3/2/1, so the minimum spells known to Verbane would be 8/6/6/6/4/2. In the event that my rolls had exhausted the spells in the PHB but the minimum indicated that Verbane knew others, I would draw them from other sources, such as Xanathar's Guide to Everything or Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

Once my rolls had indicated that Verbane indeed had a copy of a spell the PC's sought, I let a luck roll determine in what form he had that spell. With poor luck the PCs might have to purchase the spell (despite Resbin having instructed Verbane to share his spells with them). With good luck he might have to show them his main spell book, thus allowing them access to even more spells than those they asked for.

Luck Roll (4dF) / Spell Copy...
(-4) Copy exists, but he is not willing to admit he has it or show it to the PCs
(-3) Copy exists, but it is extremely delicate and he is not willing to allow the PC's to handle it
(-2) Exists as a Scroll spell and the party will need to purchase it to copy
(-1) Exists as a spell page, but is a separate unique sheet and the party will see this spell only
(0) Exists as a spell page in a back-up book; party will get to see d4+1 spells of equal level
(+1) Exists as a spell page in a back-up book; party will get to see 2d4+1 spells.
(Roll d% for each other spell, 01-33 spell is of lower level than target, 66-00 spell is of higher level than target)
(+2) Exists as a spell page in a volume of a main spell book; party will get to see 2d6+1 spells of equal level
(+3) Exists as a spell page in a volume of a main spell book; party will get to see all PHB spells of that level that he knows
(+4) Exists as a spell page in a volume of a main spell book; party will get to see 2d8+1 spells
(Roll d% for each other spell, 01-25 spell is of lower level than target, 51-75 spell is of higher level than target, 76-00 spell is of equal level but not from the PHB)

Thokk's Companion
Thokk's player expressed an interest in using his *speak with animals* ritual to attempt to gain a predatory animal companion during the downtime that Aurora was copying spells. The homebrew rules that I came up with for this are as follows.

Background Encounter Checks
In hills: 3 chances per day of a normal encounter (table will include predators but also monsters and other fauna)
In mountains: 2 chances per day of a normal encounter (table will include predators but also monsters and other fauna)

Thokk's Survival Check when looking for animals: +4 on check, roll at disadvantage in hills
5 (that is, a natural 1) - Accident (Thokk falls, gets cut, catches finger in crevice, rocks fall on him, etc)
6 (natural 2) - Something finds HIM (random encounter roll, and if hostile, he is ambushed or followed to his hideout and attacked while sleeping)
7-15 - Thokk Finds a prey animal (he can turn this into 12 pounds of fresh rations. Can use 6 pounds of fresh rations for a +1 on check on the next day by offering fresh meat to predators. This bonus can stack.)
16-19 - Thokk Finds an omnivore or scavenger (roll on encounter table and take closest result)
20+ Thokk Finds a predator (roll on encounter table and take closest result)

Once a suitable companion beast is FOUND...
Thokk's Survival check to approach it: +4 on check, at disadvantage in hills
5 - animal startles and flees, is lost
6 - 14 - animal flees, but Thokk can spend (15 - previous roll) hours tracking it down and then may roll again on this table
15+ - animal stays for long enough for Thokk to complete speak with animals ritual

Once a suitable companion beast is SPOKEN to...
If the beast has a pack lifestyle with a dominance hierarchy, Thokk may make an Intimidation roll contested by the animal's Insight. (Thokk is at disadvantage if he does not immediately have fresh rations on hand to give)
If the beast does not have a pack lifestyle with a dominance hierarchy, Thokk may make a Persuasion roll contested by the animal's Insight (Thokk is at disadvantage if he does not immediately have fresh rations on hand to give)
If Thokk wins either contest, the beast has elected to become his companion.

Post 238: Gathering Resources I
22 March [Growfest 3], 571 - Istivin (party) / Foothills of the Jotens (Thokk - first sun)
[Thokk encounters (wilderness, mountains) at morning (falcon), night]
(Low 66F, High 86F)

In the morning, a small falcon (Passive Perception 14) flies past Thokk’s cave, unaware of the half-orc’s presence.

At the inn, the party meets over a hearty breakfast - a bit simpler than that of the Rosy Mounds, with no roe for the toasted bread - but rich nonetheless. It is agreed that Mathias will go to Numar and request spells from their wish list, then spend the day copying, with ‘Shefak’ ‘assisting’. Ideally, the Countess will give them leave to use Verbane’s scriptorium, as even a comfortable desk in the Gryphon’s Arms will lack every amenity needed to have the best chance of successfully transcribing the spells. In addition to the spells and inks, they will ask for a dozen grasshopper legs if they are available. Babshapka has been listening since they left the river, but has heard no grasshoppers in the day nor crickets at night; surely they will emerge later, at the start of summer. Aurora does not have the spell Jump, but she has heard that grasshopper legs, like hardwood, have to cure a year before their use in order to obtain the best performance. Aurora says that they should take the legs out of the party fund, since it is important to supply the party casters with their material components for spells which benefit them all. Willa kicks at her under the table and tells her to stop trying to turn things to her own advantage. Mathias says that he will also be asking for a component, the leaded crystal vial. It takes a few moments for Willa to register that he is serious - she thought that when he mentioned that to the Countess it was part of the elaborate ‘Mathias is a wizard, 'Willow' is a monk’ ruse. She asks how much the crystal will be, and he says it will be a few hundred gold. He adds that he realizes that it is a lot of money, but that it needn’t come from party funds. He can pay for it himself, as long as the party can advance him the coin. He doesn’t have it on him now, but would be happy to pay them back from his next share of treasure.

Willa seems less concerned by the amount and says that party funds are fine, but presses him several times on the specific identity of the spell. He tries a few times to deflect her question, but when she insists, he simply says, “You’ll be amazed. I guarantee you’ll be amazed. If you are not amazed, I will definitely give the money back.”

Aurora adds to his voice, saying that she will help pay for the vial from her personal treasure if Willa is not amazed.

Willa has had enough obfuscation and tells the two of them to get the vial but stow their sales pitch. She is going to change her clothes to leave the inn. “You’re coming with us?” they both exclaim.

“Jes’ t’ speak wit’ Numar,” she says. “I hae business wit’ ‘im, bu’ ‘twill be brief.”

Babshapka agrees to stay at the inn and watch the ‘gear’.

Willa, Mathias, and ‘Shefak’ leave the inn and proceed to Krelont Keep, where they are quickly admitted to the Inner Ward. Numar meets them, but takes them not to the Black Tower where they were the day before, but rather to the smaller Wizard’s Tower, which is given over to Verbane as well as to the personal quarters of the Countess.

Willa explains to the sage that she wishes to send money to her brother in Saltmarsh, but that she fears all of the banking houses in the city will be closed for Growfest. He confirms that they are, but accepts from her two packets of gems and says that he will take care of them if she leaves the city before the end of the festival. After a pause, he says that Thom may have to retrieve the gems in Seaton, since to his knowledge there are no banking houses in her hometown of Saltmarsh itself. “Nay,” she agrees, “tho’ thar be a Temple o’ Zilchus, an’ t’at’s near ther same t’ing.”

After that Willa leaves, and soon after Numar as well, though he returns with someone he introduces as “Verbane, Chief Wizard of the March”. The man stands near six-and-a-half feet tall, and is even more gaunt than Mathias, being practically skeletal with claw-like hands sporting deep purple veins. Despite his off-putting appearance, he is friendly and welcomes Mathias and ‘Shefak’ to ‘his tower’. He takes them to his scriptorium and tells them that the Countess has instructed him expressly to help them. He shows them through all the drawers of supplies - papyrus, parchment, paper, and rich, creamy vellum; quills from birds common and exotic, and wells and wells of ink, each with minerals and powdered gemstones matching a specific school of magic. Finally, an alphabetized reagent cabinet as well as several mortars and pestles, since most spells require a few ingredients added to the ink at the last minute to match the identity of that specific spell, only.

Before presenting him with the spell list, Mathias brings up the issue of the grasshopper legs and the leaded crystal vial. Verbane replies that he has the Jump spell himself, and has plenty of last year’s grasshopper legs on hand. As for the crystal vial, he admits he is intrigued and asks politely for what spell Mathias needs it. Mathias demurs, and Verbane does not press, but rather asks for the spells he would like to copy. Mathias tells him “To begin with, Feather Fall, Animate Dead, and Mirror Image.”

Feather Fall and Mirror Image, of course,” he agrees laconically, “one simply can’t do without them. But animate dead is a bit more...specialized?” he says, raising an eyebrow.

Mathias meets his gaze, his face neutral. “The Countess said we could trust your discretion,” he finally says.

“Of course, of course,” the wizard murmurs, and takes his leave. He comes back a bit later with a thin back-up spellbook, a scroll tube, and a small leather pouch with a dozen grasshopper legs. The vial, he says, will require a more extensive search of his alchemical supplies, many of which are packed away. Mathias tells him to take his time, as he will be involved for several hours transcribing just what has already brought.

Once Verbane has left again, Aurora checks what they have been given so far, carefully counting the grasshopper legs without breaking them, opening the scroll tube to find a single copy of mirror image, and leafing through the back-up spellbook to find Magic Missile, and Feather Fall, but also False Life. Mathias and Aurora briefly debate whether or not it is worth transcribing a copy of false life while they have access to it. The spell is good defensively, they finally agree, and as a Wizard, Aurora is a collectionist, keen to acquire anything she does not already have. However, at this point she is more limited by the number of spells she can prepare rather than the number she knows, and ultimately they agree that false life would not be worth the opportunity cost of not being able to use the slot for something else in a day’s worth of casting. It is a good spell, but not as good as others she would want more. As she begins to gather the inks and quills and set her supplies in front of her, Aurora lingers over the single copy of Mirror Image. It is not actually a scroll, meant to be read and cast at once, but is rather set to be memorized from, yet it is not in a book.

“Odd, isn’t it,” she asks, “that he has just the one on this sheet?”

Mathias ponders. “As he said, that is a key defensive spell and I’m sure it is in his main book. Maybe he doesn’t want you to see everything else he has in his main book, and he had this copy squirreled away somewhere for a ‘just-in-case’ scenario when he couldn’t access his book?”

Aurora nods at the sensibility of the notion, then sets to work on the Feather Fall. Mathias exits the scriptorium and puts out the torches in the windowless hallway outside, then takes out his stool. He watches unseen from the darkness at the end of the hall.

When Aurora is done she continues with the Mirror Image.

[Feather Fall; Level 1 Transmutation. 100gp in inks, 1 hour to transcribe]
[Mirror Image; Level 2 Illusion. 200gp in inks, 2 hours to transcribe]

Before Aurora has finished the second spell, Verbane reappears and Mathias hastens inside to exchange places with ‘the monk’. Verbane explains that he is still working on locating the vial. He has found a copy of Animate Dead, but not in a spellbook. Rather, it is a copy on a single-use scroll. Mathias will trigger the magic, and it will slowly disappear from the scroll as he transcribes it. If he cannot keep up, the scroll will be spent without him having transcribed it completely. In any event, Verbane would need Mathias to pay for the scroll and the inks, regardless of whether or not he is successful. Mathias and the monk confer, with Mathias expressing confidence in his ability to transcribe the scroll and the monk a bit more hesitant but ultimately convinced. Mathias agrees to buy the scroll from Verbane. What’s more, he says that he would further like access to the spells Slow, Phantom Steed, and Earthbind, if they are available. Verbane agrees, leaves the scroll, and withdraws.

[Aurora attempts to copy scroll, Animate Dead at 3rd level is DC13. Aurora Arcana check 15; success]
[Animate Dead Scroll 200gp cost to purchase]
[Animate Dead; Level 3 Necromancy. 300gp in inks, 3 hours to transcribe]

By now Aurora has been working for six hours. Verbane appears again with a palace servant bearing trays of a light lunch. Verbane carries a scroll tube with a single sheet of vellum, this one with Slow. Leaving that with Mathias, he retrieves the remains of the used animate dead scroll, the thin back-up book of spells, and the vellum sheet with mirror image.

After an hour’s rest and refreshment, Aurora begins transcribing, and now has Slow in her book as well.

[Slow; Level 3 Transmutation. 300gp in inks, 3 hours to transcribe.]

Near the end of the day Verbane appears for the last time, bearing a scroll with Phantom Steed - he regrets that he does not have a permanent version for Mathias to copy, but will sell this one for 200 gold. This time Mathias immediately agrees, but the monk reminds him that he is likely taxing his limit of copying for the day, and perhaps should rest rather than risk making a mistake. [Currently at 9 hours spent; if Aurora transcribes for more than 10 hours a day, she will need to make a Con check to continue without spoiling her work] Verbane says that he will bring the scroll on the morrow, then. He regrets to inform Mathias that he was unable to locate a copy of Earthbind, whether in spellbook or scroll, but reminds them that the Countess authorized them to ask Lashton as well.

Verbane does a tally and Mathias agrees to the total; 1101.2 gp for one scroll, nine levels worth of inks, and a dozen grasshopper legs. He tells the wizard that they will bring the amount on the morrow. The pair pack up and walk back to the inn in time for dinner.

At the inn, Willa relieved Babshapka from guarding their gear once she returned from the Keep. The wood elf then decided to visit the fletchers and bowyers of the city, near Smith’s Lane.

He first purchases 13 regular arrows for 7 silver coins from his own money. The transaction is made with a ‘prentice, for the master fletcher is busy gluing feathers to a shaft. Babshapka inquires after a set of silvered arrows, and the master replies without looking up from his work that it would be 200 gold lions for a quiver of 20 arrows. He says this in the manner of an oft-answered question without expecting a response, and appears surprised when Babshapka says he will take them. Babshapka offers him two of the dwarf-assessed party gems, and the man agrees to take them at their stated value (Babshapka Persuasion 17; 200gp from party treasure). Babshapka inspects the arrows - they are covered in a layer of dust and soot from hanging in the shop overly-long, but the feathering is good, the shafts true, and the silvering work very well done - just the finest layer over a hard steel head, as an arrow head of actual silver would be far too soft to pierce armor. Once he cleans them they will be fine. Finally, and now with the fletcher’s full attention, he takes out the giant arrows, both the intact ones and the heads and broken shafts he has saved. The craftsman looks them over appreciatively. “What is that, bronzewood?” he mumbles to himself as he tries to flex the shaft and then sights along it. “I could reset these heads for you on new shafts, if I weren’t already backed up and over my head with orders for the army,” he says, “but they wouldn’t work like you describe. I can see how these shafts have been scored so that they break on impact, and the head is trapped inside the target and can’t be pulled out or pushed through. I could reset the heads for you, but without the right wood or technique, it would just work like a normal arrow.”

Babshapka thanks him for his time, but the man is not done. “I’ve never seen the likes of these before, but I understand what they’re for. If it’s giants you're hunting, we Sterishmen have our own way. If you can, stay at a hundred paces or more, out of range of their rocks, and just use your regular longbow arrows for as long as you can. But if you find yourself up close, you use these…” From under the counter he pulls forth a heavy leather quiver. The arrows inside are the length of longbow arrows, but nearly twice as thick, and with exceedingly long and thin heads, like the tip of an awl pike. “We call these ‘ordinance’,” he says proudly. “They are two gold for a quiver of ten.” Babshapka takes two quivers and pays with his personal coin.

[Normal longbow arrow: Range 150 / 600. Damage d8
Ordinance longbow arrow: Range 75 / 300. Damage d10]

In the mountains, Thokk wakes shortly after noon and pulls himself from the cave. He yawns, stretches, and walks far from the cave before relieving himself. He fills his waterskins in a spring and then hikes to the summit of the mountain, which is only just barely higher than his cave - he can’t go much higher than he already has. His mountain, it turns out, is just a short spur of the much larger and snow-covered Jotens further south. Far to the west are the great, broad Crystalmists - Thokk’s original homeland. And, now that he thinks about it, Larry’s as well. Ah, Larry, he remembers - that’s why he is here. He should focus on where he is, not where he is not. On the north side of his mountain ridge is the Davish River valley. On the south side is the valley of a much smaller river, with forests high up, pasturelands in the middle, and farms lower and closer to the main river valley. He may need to go to the real mountains to find his companion, but it is worth trying here for a day or two anyway. This mountain itself may be small, but there are no silly yu-man villages or fields around.

[Thokk’s survival roll to find a companion: 21 = Predator.
d100 = 33. Common.
d4 = 4. 13 large spiders.]

Throughout the afternoon Thokk works in a concentric spiral, going down and out, circling the mountain peak ever farther away from the cave. Before the sun has set he comes upon a large cave, over twice his height and surrounded by thickets of trees. Entering, he finds it full of webs and a dozen or more skittering spiders, each some two feet in length or more. Deeper in the cave he can hear the chitter of bats, and several are caught in the spider webs near the entrance. Spiders have poison, he knows, and a dozen poisonous spiders would be a nice addition to his warband. He begins the ritual for his speak with animals, but at the sound of his chanting the spiders scurry back into the darkness. He follows them slowly, still chanting, and they cower in the crevices of the rocks [Survival roll to get close enough for spell, 6]. “Bahh!” says Thokk. If the spiders are too scared to even be talked to, forget them. Cowards have no place in his warband. Besides, spiders may be furry, but he doubts they can warm him like Larry did. He will find something else.

All the rest of the night he continues to circle down the mountain, but he finds no other predators. Before the sky begins to lighten he finds his way back to his cave and crawls in.

40 human rations unused by party (food at the inn). Thokk from 7 to 6.
12 mule rations unused by party (feed at the inn).
(10gp from party funds for inn)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:19 am  
Post 239: Gathering Resources II

[DM's Note on Procedure]
For the Troubles, I wanted a sense of the the Enemy slowly overwhelming Sterich; that without aggressive action by the party, eventually each community would fall and the whole nation would be lost. Reflecting the unpredictable nature of the opposition, though, rather than have the Enemy advance in a single wave across the countryside with defined fronts of battle, I wanted things to begin with raids on widely dispersed targets. I also wanted the possibility of the party seeing opposing forces as they traveled across the country. To achieve all this I did the following:

First, I took the map of Sterich available from Anna Meyer at Since this is set as "post-war" after the events in Queen of Spiders, with many of the locations there in ruins, I assumed everything was currently intact and counted some 25 'target' locations to the southwest of Istivin.

Starting from the arrival of the party in Istivin, each day I would make a "luck roll" (4dF) for the progress of the Troubles, with a negative result indicating action somewhere, and the more negative the number the 'stronger' the result. I then rolled to place the result at one of the 25 locations.

-4: sack / fall of the location (removed from play)
-3: siege of the location (any further negative result at the location would result in its fall)
-2: raid on the location
-1: enemy scouts seen at, or skirmish at, the location

If the result of the luck roll was non-negative, the roll for the next day would have a -1 modifier. This was cumulative in order to keep steadily progressing the plot of the Troubles (so even with constantly positive rolls no more than five days could go between events).

21 March: first day in Istivin
22 March: Luck roll +1 (no action)
23 March: Luck roll -1, with further -1 from nonaction on previous day = -2 (raid). Determined to be the second fort northwest of Headwater. This is not named officially; in my game, I named it Fort Saddle.

Post 239: Gathering Resources II
23 March [Growfest 4], 571 - Istivin (party) / Foothills of the Jotens (Thokk - second sun)
(Low 65, High 83, Celene is Full)
[Thokk encounters (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
Note: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle

In the morning, Mathias and Aurora head for the Wizard’s Tower to transcribe more spells, starting with Phantom Steed.

[Aurora attempts to copy scroll; Phantom Steed at 3rd level is DC13. Aurora Arcana 12; fail.]
[Aurora uses 1 of the 2 points of Spell Inspiration she acquired at 7th level to reroll the copy attempt. Arcana 20; success.]
[Phantom Steed Scroll purchased for 200gp]
[Phantom Steed; Level 3 Illusion. 300gp in inks, 3 hours to copy]

Having concluded the fifth spell on the party’s wish list, and with Verbane having told them that he has no copy of Earthbind, Aurora and Mathias briefly consider either moving to the next spell down on the list, or asking for the Earthbind spell from Lashton. As they discuss, Verbane arrives to deliver a heavy leaded-glass vial to Mathias. The price of this reminds Aurora that she still needs to have Mathias ask for ink enough for both Greater Invisibility and Private Sanctum. Once this is done, they go over the total costs again.

[Leaded glass vial material component: 400gp]
[Greater Invisibility; Level 4 Illusion. Purchased for 400gp]
[Private Sanctum; Level 4 Abjuration. Purchased for 400gp]

They agree that the total, from the day before (1101.2 gp) plus today (1200 gp) is 2301.2 gp.

Mathias hands over first, 12 silver coins from Babshapka, then the four spell scrolls the party is trading. Aurora had easily given up the first three scrolls but had been torn about the globe of invulnerability. As a scroll for its own sake, and one she was not even guaranteed to be able to cast successfully considering its level, she had no reservations about using it to pay. But she could have transcribed it into her book so as to have a permanent copy. However, as a sixth level spell she would not be able to use it for another five levels! In the end she decided that using it to get more spells now was a better investment than holding on to it for an uncertain future.

Mathias recounts the prices they were offered by the Countess, and Verbane agrees: Protection from Undead (180gp), Magic Missile (with 11 darts) (240gp), Protection from Petrification (320gp), Globe of Invulnerability (1280gp); the total is 2020gp.

Thus Mathias agrees with Verbane that they still owe 280gp (= 2301.2 - 2021.2). Given that, perhaps it would be better to set aside for now any plans to get more spells. Aurora sighs heavily - she may also need to delay her plans to make a complete back-up of her entire spellbook.

“Does something trouble you, Master Monk?” asks Verbane suavely upon hearing her sigh.

“Not at all,” answers ‘Willow’. “I sigh with eager anticipation of the new heights of wizardry my companion Mathias will be able to achieve with these spells.” ‘Willow’ hands over three of Aurora’s personal gems to the wizard. Verbane reads the notes on the parchment stating that each one is worth 100gp.

“Shall I provide you with the 20 gold lions in change?” he asks.

“Not for the moment,” says ‘Willow’. “My companion is also considering whether we should proceed forth armed with more incense to summon his familiar.” Mathias nods, almost as if it had indeed been his thought.

“Then please let me know when he has decided,” says Verbane, and withdraws.

[Aurora transcribes Greater Invisibility. 4 hours]

With seven hours of transcribing done for the day, Aurora calls a halt. She will need to return on the morrow to finish with Private Sanctum. Just as well, for that will give her some time to consider whether she wants to spend more of her personal funds on consumable spell materials or selecting a few spells to begin a back-up spell book. Aurora and Mathias return to the inn for the evening.

While Aurora and Mathias are in the Keep, Willa and Babshapka take turns watching the gear and taking the group’s supplies to various craftspeople for servicing. It has been more than a month since the dwarves of Moradinath-Mor stitched and reinforced their leather backpacks, burnished their armor, sharpened their weapons, and mended their clothes. The normal wear and tear of use, travel, combat, and adventure have accumulated, and this is the first time since then that they have stayed in a city for longer than a day and been able to avail themselves of such services. Many of the craftspeople refuse at first, and all of them say that they are busy with work for the army, but with a combination of paying premium prices and dropping the name of the Countess, Babshapka and Willa are eventually able to get all of the repairs and replacements done that are needed, for a total of 15 gold lions from the party fund. As she reflects, however, Willa is surprised that any craftspeople were open at all. Today, the 4th of Growfest, is the height of the festival, and even with the Troubles and portents of war everyone that can celebrate is doing so. The needs of the army or the will of the Earl must be great indeed to keep the craftspeople open for business, and this has certainly worked to the favor of the party. Tonight the small moon Celene will be full - one of only four times during the year when it is so, as Celene marks the four seasonal festivals.

In the mountains, Thokk wakes in the afternoon. He will give this lonely peak one more chance before heading deeper into the Jotens.

[Thokk’s Survival roll to find a companion: 5 = Accident. Luck roll = -1]

Thokk starts by walking straight away from his cave as far as he got the night previous, and then begins his broadening spiral again. It is nearing sunset when he is negotiating a tricky cliff edge, and he slips and falls. His head strikes a rock at some point - either in the fall or landing he does not know, for he is knocked unconscious. How long he is out he does not know either, but it is more than an hour at least for it is well after dark when he awakens. “Bahh!” says Thokk. If there had been real predators on this mountain worthy of his warband he would have been half-eaten by now.

He is still feeling a bit dizzy, so he slowly and carefully returns to his cave and makes plans to travel at first light, moving somewhere with better predators.

40 human rations unused by party. Thokk from 6 to 5.
12 mule rations unused by the party.
(10gp from party funds for inn)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:24 am  
Post 240: Gathering Resources III

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
22 March:
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
24 March: Luck roll 0

[DM's Note on Sources]: For my description of Istivin and the buildings within I used "Istivin: City of Shadows" in Dungeon 117. The maps from this are freely available at and numbered locations from it are noted in the text in [blue].

Post 240: Gathering Resources III
24 March [Growfest 5], 571 - Istivin (party) / Foothills of the Jotens (Thokk - third sun)
[Thokk encounters (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
(low 67, high 84)

Mathias and Aurora report to the Wizard’s Tower in the morning. When they speak to Verbane, they explain that in addition to the day’s transcribing work, Mathias would like to purchase incense enough for five castings of the Find Familiar spell (Willa having agreed the night before that this could come from party funds).

When Verbane leaves, Aurora quickly gets to work transcribing Private Sanctum into her own book in her own notation, using up all of the ink purchased on the day previous and taking four hours.

With the rest of the day before them, Aurora decides to begin work on a back-up spell book in case something happens to her main book. In the six hours remaining, she transcribes new versions of Greater Invisibility and Mirror Image into the new book. The book itself (requested from Verbane) is 50gp; the inks for the two spells are 60gp total. Since she still had 20gp in credit from the day before, Aurora has Mathias pay 90gp to Verbane from her personal treasure, in the form of a single 100gp gem and receiving 10 Sterish gold lions in change. (She paid with her own funds, since Willa did not agree to support her back-up book with party funds. Using Find familiar to scout for the party clearly benefits all of them, as do new spells for her - but creating a back-up book to protect herself from her own carelessness in losing her book is her own affair, Willa bluntly informed her.)

Now that Aurora has experimented with her spell notation to the point of being able to transcribe the spells perfectly, she finds she does not need any “practice” sheets and uses considerably less ink. Given that, when Verbane returns at the end of the day with the incense, Mathias inquires with him about purchasing more ink for more spells in the back-up book. For the first time the man’s mask of politeness slips and he looks at them sourly. Her Magnitude, the Countess, he explains, has commanded him to help them prepare in any and every way for whatever opponents lie in wait for them. Attaining new spells to aid them in their future fights against the enemies of Sterich is a worthy use of their time in the city, and he has so far been happy to loan them his personal scriptorium and allow them to copy from his own personal spellbooks. But he cannot condone them sitting in Istivin making back-up spellbooks while the enemy is planning and executing moves. He can’t expect them to have known, but the night previous, there were humanoid raids around Fort Saddle in the southern Highlands. The news just reached the Countess today. The enemy is in motion, and if the party has by now taken advantage of all the assistance the Countess has to offer, they should be in motion as well.

Mathias apologizes and asks whether Verbane would agree to store the back-up book he has already begun, and Verbane says he will. Mathias pledges that they will be departing the city on the morrow, for ‘Mittleberg’, as assigned by the Earl.

All their equipment having been serviced and repaired the day prior, or being still out for such, Willa takes stock of their food stores in the morning. They currently have rations enough for eight days for the party members (assuming they don’t touch the ship rations), and six days for the mules (assuming they cannot forage). Willa makes sure that they will be able to set out with ten days each instead (she purchases 10 human rations and 8 mule rations for 5.4gp from party funds).

Returning to the inn to drop off the supplies, Willa checks on the other party members. She had mentioned the night before that she wanted to lunch somewhere other than the Gryphon’s Arms, eat among the commoners, and see if she couldn’t pick up any rumors. Doro pledged to go with her, so Willa checks to see if she is ready. It is already past noon but the bard is still sleeping in her room. Willa tells the others she is going out for lunch and leaves.

Asking among some soldiers of the garrison across the street, Willa is recommended the “Fiddling Viceroy” (22), an inn on the other side of the city, but easily accessed by taking the main cross-town street. The establishment sits just inside the western gate (the ‘Trade Gate’ leading to the Oyt Road)(3) and is more the type of inn the party would normally stay at, were they not currently so concerned about property and privacy. The common room of the Viceroy is large, and the lunch portions ample.

Willa listens for a while to the talk of the inn, most of which centers around the situation in the Highlands and the (false?) news of attacks on travelers in the Stark Mounds (Perception 14). Things that she heard from the Countess are repeated - that the common folk attribute the raids to any number of creatures - orcs, goblins, bugbears, bugaboos, black knockers, red caps...the list is long and varied. Eigers are mentioned, but hardly dominate the conversation. Also repeated is that the raiders are in particular targeting animals, but seem to have no stomach for a fight, and as often melt away any time the Earl’s forces pursue them. “Bu’ why?” asks Willa, interjecting her voice into the mix without directing it at anyone or (hopefully) being specifically noted, “Why be they so intent on capturin’ food animules?”

Her question quickly gets picked up and debated - most of those present think that the raiders are trying to starve out the good folk of Sterich - that though they durst not face them on the open field, the cowardly goblins and such mean to deprive the good folk of the March of food and thus conquer the lands through attrition. Everyone present is worried about what will happen when last year’s stores are used up, if the fighting prevents this year’s planting.

Willa continues to listen and glance about the common room as she finishes her meal of fried trout and chips and slowly drains a frothy ale. She then returns across town to the Gryphon’s Arms, stopping at various craftspeople along the way to inquire as to their progress with the party’s gear, and retrieving and paying for things that are ready.

Doro rouses in the late afternoon, asks Willa where they will be lunching, and acts surprised that she has already been.

When Mathias and Aurora return in the evening, they report that the Countess wants them on the move. Willa says that they need to meet Thokk in Ebenenburg in four days, and the trip there will take at least two. They will leave early on the ‘morrow.

“So,” asks Doro, “when you say early…”

Firs’ light,” says Willa emphatically.

“Huh. Okay. I guess it would be easier to just stay up until then,” concludes the bard.

Willa wonders what Aurora has gotten them in to with the strange woman.

Thokk, with little to show for his time in the cave on this mountain (just cowardly spiders and a concussion) had already decided to travel today, even before he wakes around noon. He fills his skins and sets out, climbing down off the mountain peak but this time to the east and in the shadow of the mountain as the afternoon wears on. He takes care not to descend too far or to stray too much to the south, for in the days previous he could clearly see a green valley with human settlements that way. Rather, he sticks to the rocky slopes and thick forests.

Sunset finds him on a lone peak, and he pauses to look out, far to the northwest, where he can see all the Davish Valley below, and the river, and even the city of Istivin, some thirty miles distant. Perhaps he needs to get further from the city before he can find a companion. Thokk’s manly strength can never be weakened by the softening effects of civilization, but perhaps dumb beasts are not so resistant as he. He watches the sunset happily, the great disk red like the blood he and his new boon companion will soon spill.

Once it is dark he continues his journey under the light of the moons, the smaller one full, the larger at a quarter and growing. Now he works his way up, along the ridgeline of the mountain, south and later west. Near dawn, after the moons have set, he finds a hiding spot on a boulder-strewn slope just below a high ridge. It is not a true cave, but if he gets under an overhanging rock he will be out of the direct sun and out of view for the day (Stealth 9). While he takes comfort in the apparent solitude, what he does not see is that on the other side of the ridge is a Sterish fort.

50 human rations unused by party. Thokk from 5 to 4.
20 mule rations unused by party.
(10gp from party funds for inn)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:24 am  
Post 241: Istivin to Ebenenberg

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
22 March
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
24 March
25 March: -3 -1 = -4. Sack. Determined at random to be the fort southwest of Velikar's Fort. This is not named officially; in my game I named it Fort Taelvu
26 March: +1

[DM's Note on Sources]: Anna Meyer's map at shows what I called Fort Taelvu and the town of Ebenenberg as unnamed ruins, with Ebenenberg on the Davish and on the trail leading to Bova. The Chapel of Time is described in Shadow of the Abyss in Dungeon 118.

Attentive readers will note that even though no wandering encounters were rolled for these two days, the party still met many travelers on the road. All of these were planned encounters designed to help them realize the effects of the Troubles on the folk of Sterich and the stakes should the party fail or even delay in their mission.

Post 241: Istivin to Ebenenberg
25 March [Growfest 6], 571 - Istivin (party) / Foothills of the Jotens (Thokk - fourth sun)
(Low 68, High 85, Heavy Rain 9am - 10am)
[Thokk encounter checks (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
[Party encounter checks (civilized, plains) at morning, evening, midnight; none]
Sack of Fort Taelvu (happens at night)

True to her word, when the rest of the party rouses before dawn, Doro is still awake, but yawning. As the party packs the mules and sets out their own gear to carry, she asks whether anyone can carry her things, as she is feeling tired. Willa snorts in disbelief and finds herself missing Tyrius and Larry. “Ye can carry yer own pack,” she says. Then, tempering her words so as to not immediately sour their relationship with the new woman, “Are ye can pack yer t’in’s on ther mules, so long as ye don’ slow ’em down.”

The innkeep having been informed of their planned departure the night before, they break their fast on cold cuts of meat, pickled vegetables, and day-old bread and are still out the door by first light, to Willa’s satisfaction. The Brinks Gate (2) is not open yet, but the day watch is just arriving at the Javan Gate (1) when they reach it and are preparing for its opening.

It is a league down the road to the banks of the river, with them passing the camps of soldiers and refugees for half of that distance. The camps have grown in size and number even in the few days the party has been in the city. At the river is a chain ferry across the ford to Istivin Crossing.

The town on the other side of the Davish is small, unwalled, and full of warehouses, ore processing facilities, rough taverns, and bunkhouses for miners. The river banks are crowded with noisy mills. The town exists for the mineral wealth coming from the mines in the Jotens but has little to nothing in the way of amenities, the whole place being a far cry from the Gryphon’s Arms. The streets are already busy with traffic as the party walks through, although the drinking dens are not yet open.

As the party converses with one another, Willa and Babshapka call the mage ‘Aurora’, which confuses Doro. “It’s Shefak,” Aurora insists, and although Babshapka backs off, Willa makes no effort to correct herself. Mathias simply nods.

Once the party leaves Istivin Crossing, the trail turns southwest and parallels the river, but on the southern side. Aurora brings forth Buckbeak and sends him aloft to circle them for a better vantage before he returns to her shoulder. She asks the others to remind her to repeat this every mile of travel if she forgets.

After several hours of march, around mid-morning, the gathering mists collect into a heavy rain that falls for, fortunately, only an hour, slowing the party, but not for long. At the height of the downpour the party is passed on the road by a company of light cavalry, also headed south. Willa tells the others to give way and herself leads the mules off the road. The soldiers neither slow nor turn when they pass. Although all the cavalrymen are human males, the company is led by an elven woman. Mathias finds her familiar; Willa believes that they previously saw her in the meeting of the Earl’s Council (Insight 19).

Some two hours after the rain has ceased Willa calls a halt for their meal. Babshapka quickly cuts saplings to make supports for drying their cloaks and outer garments in the sun as they rest.

Since they are eating dried trail rations, the stop is mostly for themselves to rest and recover from the pace of the march rather than as a break to prepare a meal. Aurora takes out her crystal ball and begins a ritual to attempt to scry on Thokk, hoping to confirm that their companion is well and will be able to meet them on schedule. Some ten minutes later, the image of Thokk appears in the ball (Wis save 9). He is lying on the ground unmoving, a large yellowing bruise on the side of his head. There are rocks all around him, but a bit of wan sunlight filters down through a heavy mist. At first it is not clear whether he is dead or unconscious or asleep, but after watching long enough Aurora sees him roll over and scratch himself, though his eyes remain closed (Investigation 15).

“That crystal is soo pretty, Shefak,” Doro says, peering curiously over Aurora’s shoulder into the ball but unable to see the images, “What are you looking at?”

“Thokk,” says Aurora, “our other party member. Apparently you just missed him the other night when you spoke to Willa. We are meeting him in Ebenenberg, but he is sleeping now.”

“Well, at least he is sensible,” Doro yawns. “I’d be sleeping, too, if I had the chance.”

Willa snorts as she worries at her jerky.

Aurora concludes her scrying and spends half an hour eating. She then begins working on a ritual cast of phantom steed. Ten minutes later, a large chestnut mare slowly solidifies into being, complete with a bit, bridle, and saddle. Almost as an afterthought, saddlebags appear at the last instant, and then the horse begins pawing at the ground. “Look, Willa!” says Aurora with obvious pride. “It’s my phantom steed! That’s just one of the new spells we got from Verbane. Now I can move faster than any of you - I should probably scout for us.”

Willa looks the palfrey over, noting that it has a sidesaddle, rather than one made for someone mounted astride. Although Aurora now wears bartered hose from a peasant woman instead of her usual wizard’s robes, and could actually ride astride if she wanted, apparently her only experience with riding (as the pampered granddaughter of a wealthy merchant) has been in a lady’s dress and she has conjured her steed accordingly.

“No,” says Babshapka definitively. He has just returned from filling the party’s waterskins in the river. He emphasizes his point by tossing the heavy skins to the ground at Aurora's feet. “No, you are not scouting.”

“But the magic horse is super cool,” says Doro supportively.

Babshapka glances at the bard dismissively while still addressing Aurora. “You may not scout, but if you want to ride the false horse with Doro, that is acceptable provided you stay within bowshot.”

Aurora has already grabbed one of the two pommels and pulled herself onto the horse. She looks like she is trying to begin a spell, but is awkwardly shifting the reins from one hand to the other as she makes arcane gestures.

“Hey, yeah…” says Aurora. “I’m trying to figure out how I can recast the ritual while still on the horse so as to have it move nonstop, but there are some complicated somatic gestures that I would need to do with my hands. If Doro pilots the horse and I sit behind her, though, I could probably cast it while mounted.”

“Pilots?!” interjects Willa, “It nay be a ship, woman!” Aurora ignores her.

“Alright,” says Doro. “But if you are already on the horse, why would you need to cast it again?”

“Well, it lasts for just an hour, and if I want to ritual cast it...uh, through my monkly would take ten minutes. Normally that would mean I had to dismount and lose ten minutes of travel every seventy minutes. But if I could ride it for fifty minutes and then stay on for the last ten minutes even while I summoned the next one, I would not have to lose ten minutes and it would make it that much faster.”

“I’m not a ‘monk’,” says Babshapka skeptically, “but you're wanting to do a ritual cast without moving yourself, and you want the new mount to appear exactly under you just as the old mount disappears?”

“I can try,” says Aurora defensively.

The ranger shrugs. “Have at it.”

Aurora guides the steed to beside Doro, and it responds eagerly to her. She hands the reins to the bard, then slides herself up and over the saddle and onto the back of the steed. The bard grabs the lower (leaping head) pommel and pulls herself up agilely (she has Acrobatics +6), but as she settles herself in the saddle, both it and the horse under it disperse like smoke and the two women tumble to the ground.

“Merciful Sea Cow preserve us,” mutters Willa disgustedly, “T'is be embarrassin’ an’ ye twain be makin’ us all look like ami-tures.”

Aurora stands up defiantly and brushes the dirt off her hose. “Willa,” she says indignantly, “this is a new spell that I haven’t cast before. There is a natural learning process. It is important that we experiment now, and learn the parameters of the spell, so that when I cast it in combat it is clear how it operates.”

That is actually sensible, so Willa holds her tongue for the moment.

“Now,” says Aurora, as if to herself but overly loud, “why was the steed dispelled? I don’t think it was the weight limit.”

“I don’t weigh that much,” agrees Doro, "especially without my pack."

Aurora opens her backpack and takes out her spellbook.

“Ye get five minutes while I be packin’ ther mules,” warns Willa, “an t’en we be off, wit’ ye are nay.”

Aurora traces the arcane symbols of the spell and mumbles to herself as she translates the ideas. “You or a person you choose…” she says. “Hmm. And it’s an illusion spell. I wonder if it is the stress from maintaining its tactile appearance simultaneously to two different minds...We need to try putting a second person on it when one of them is asleep or unconscious and see if it holds better.”

“We be off,” says Willa. She and Mathias move back onto the trail, she with one mule in hand and the second tied behind the first.

Doro looks back and forth between the stationary Aurora and those who are leaving her behind. “I’m sure you’ll catch up,” she says encouragingly, then starts off down the road after the others. Reaching Mathias’ side, she says “We’ve been marching all day already, aren’t you guys tired?”

Babshapka, left alone with Aurora, puts an arrow to his bowstring and scans in a complete circle around them. “Whenever you’re ready, enchantress.”

“Monk,” insists Aurora distractedly, but she closes her book and puts it away, then begins another ritual casting of the steed. Babshapka notes several foot shuffles in the spell that seem like they would be hard to perform from horseback. Some eleven minutes later the chestnut palfrey is back, this time with a harness behind the sidesaddle to which Aurora affixes her backpack with satisfaction. “Take that, Willa,” she says as she mounts, then, to Babshapka, “Do try to keep up!”

Aurora flicks the reins and the steed takes off at a quick canter. Babshapka will need to run. He puts the arrow back in his quiver and starts after her, grateful that the others have only an eleven-minute lead. It was supposed to get easier to protect her as she got more powerful, not harder, he thinks bitterly.

Aurora quickly catches up to the main group, and then slows to a walk next to Willa. She begins to leisurely blather on, listing all of the advantages of the new spell and knowing that Willa is largely unable to respond without losing her breath at the brisk walking pace. Finally, when she can stand it no longer, Willa reaches up and slaps the mare’s flank hard, causing it to dissipate and Aurora and her backpack to tumble to the ground again. By then Babshapka has caught up as well, and he thanks Rillifane he was present to see it.

The afternoon’s march continues along the road, now taking them into rough country further from the river itself but remaining nonetheless in the broad valley. In the mid-afternoon, they pass a seldom-traveled dirt turnoff, marked by a simple rock cairn. Willa has looked at maps of Sterich but doesn’t recall any population centers that way; Doro remarks that it is the trail to the “Chapel of Time” (History 15). The Chapel, says Doro, appears as if new and just built every day at sunrise. As the day progresses, the chapel falls into ruin - the roof collapsing, metal doors rusting, beautiful gardens becoming overgrown. By sundown the walls and pillars have completely collapsed, and overnight the very stones crumble into dust. And yet as the sun rises the next day, the Chapel appears again, as fresh and new as the day it was built. She’s never seen it, to be sure, but there are plenty of tales about it to be heard in Istivin.

Miles beyond the turnoff, as the sun sinks toward the high western mountains, a group appears on the road before them, approaching. Buckbeak reports that there are several humans and a few beasts. As they get closer, the party can see that there are five human peasants driving three thin-looking cows. The closer they get, the worse they look - the coats of the cows are covered in burrs, and the people are likewise caked in grime and soot, their clothes in tatters. Willa asks Mathias to gather intelligence.

The people seem grateful for the chance to stop, but look driven and desperate nonetheless. They ask how far it is to Istivin and are greatly relieved to hear that the party left the city in the morning. Their village, they say, was on the other side of the river from Ebenenburg, and they remained there even after the larger town was sacked, hoping the raiders would not return. But when the humanoids came back the next week, scouts of the Earl gave them just enough notice to turn all of their animals loose and hide in the deep brush themselves. Many were slain and their village was burned, but after the raiders fled at the appearance of the Earl’s cavalry, they were able to return to the charred remains of their homes. They have spent the past weeks roaming the countryside and have thus far managed to recover these three cows. Now they are tired and hungry, having lived mostly on fresh milk and wild onions for the last week, and are headed for Istivin and the mercy of the court. They are further relieved when Mathias tells them that the Earl has extensive refugee camps awaiting them.

Mathias asks them about what the raiders who burned their village were like. Although they had just a moment ago said that they had fled before the raiders arrived, they now quite confidently relate that it was a large group of bugbears, bugaboos, nasties, and grimlocks. They appear quite sure of themselves, but Mathias doesn’t set much stock in the details of their account (Insight 17).

Aurora is looking them over for the duration of the conversation - several are limping and have blistered feet, and they all are covered with cuts and scratches from passing through brush, but none have any obvious war wounds. At least two have breeches soiled from dysentery.

Willa offers them food and drink, which they take without hesitation. After eating and drinking eagerly, they offer the blessings of Pelor and all the Old Gods upon the party. “We are all of us here to serve and be of service,” says Mathias in response.

Babshapka nods and hides his scowl at the thirst of the peasants. Food the party has plenty of - but by the time they see the travelers off, they are near out of water. With Larry gone and now absent Thokk, it will fall to Babshapka to find a spring for their evening camp, as they are easily five miles from the river at this point.

All the while the peasants ate and drank, Doro played a song of rest on the curious stringed instrument she calls her shamisen. By the time she finishes, both the peasants and their cows appear better off. There is perhaps but an hour left of march by the time the peasants move off, and Willa pushes the party hard to make up for lost time. Aurora began her new ritual as soon as the travelers turned their backs to her, and by the time they were out of sight she already had her phantom steed, so for this final hour she exhorts the others to keep up with Willa’s demanding pace as she rides comfortably along.

Willa guides the others in setting up camp while Babshapka goes in search of water. He returns after dark with empty skins (Survival with disadvantage (not favored terrain), 9). The high, rocky ground they are in has no springs, he says, but the trail ahead of them returns to the river, so they will have a chance to fill their skins before midday on the morrow - until then they will just have to console themselves with the observation that their generosity surely helped the peasants they met.

Willa sets the watch schedule as Aurora and Doro from 9pm to 11pm, herself and Mathias from 11pm to 1am, and then Babshapka until 5am. With three humans in the group of five, she frets about how to have one person on each shift with darkvision, until Mathias reminds her that he can see in the dark. For her own part, Doro says she is exhausted and wonders why she has the first watch and has to stay up instead of going to sleep. Willa replies that she doesn’t doubt that Doro is exhausted from having stayed up all the night before, but if she sleeps now is there any chance she would wake up for a pre-dawn watch? The bard admits that there isn’t, and begrudgingly sits the first watch.

Once Willa has turned in, Aurora tells a heavy-lidded Doro to stay alert and she takes out her crystal ball, again checking on Thokk (Wis save 17; fails). Although he is in the dark, apparently Aurora’s darkvision can work through the ball. She sees him happily skinning some sort of animal but cannot see much of the surroundings. She resolves to prepare her sending spell on the next day to contact him, although by the morning she has forgotten.

Meanwhile, on top of the mountain, Thokk wakes in the afternoon. He likes the look of the land, and so decides to spend the day and night hunting for a companion (Survival 15). Although he does not find one, he does succeed in capturing a mountain goat and he dresses it contentedly. He reluctantly continues to eat the trail rations himself, but cuts the goat into portions to hang from the trees here and there, hoping to lure in something worth taming. (12 pounds of meat; each six pounds will give a +1 to his Survival roll the next day to look for a companion).

50 human rations to 40 (including those fed to refugees). Thokk from 4 to 3.
20 mule rations to 19 (abundant forage)

26 March [Growfest 7] - Trail to Mittleberg (party) / Foothills of Jotens (Thokk - fifth sun)
(Low 68, High 86)
[Thokk encounter checks (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
[Party encounter checks (civilized, plains) at morning, evening, midnight; none]

Babshapka is on watch at first light. As the others rouse and the sky turns from royal blue to robin's egg, a plume of black smoke becomes increasingly apparent. It is far off, in the mountains some fifteen or twenty miles distant from them, and of unknown source - but it is something large burning in a small area to the southeast.

As the others awaken he shows it to them. Willa looks at the position with respect to the river valley and mountains and tries to recall the maps she saw (History 10). She says that might be a fort - Fort Taelvu or Velikar’s Fort, one or the other. If there was an attack there, she considers, that would put the forces of the enemy two days' journey from Istivin, although on the other side of the river.

“Should we warn the Countess?” asks Aurora.

“Aye,” says Willa, “tha’s wha’ yer magic be for, ‘monk’.”

“What magic?”

“Well, yer fancy ball, fer one.”

“Yes, well, unfortunately the scrying produced by the crystal ball is one-way. That is, I can see and hear, but not contact the person.”

“Alright, wha’ aboot ther spell ye used ter send a message ter yer mentor?”

Sending? Yes, that’s exactly what it’s for - only I don’t have it prepared right now. I can prepare it for tomorrow!”

Willa shakes her head. “Termorrer might be too late.”

Aurora wracks her brain, then begins to explain a complicated plan that involves putting jade dust on some object, enchanting it with a magic mouth, and sending it to Istivin with the next person who passes them going north, and telling them to tell the Countess to speak the codeword (cashews) that she gave them…

Willa tells her to stow it. If the party can see the smoke at this distance, it will be visible in Istivin as well, and someone will bring news to the Earl about it without having to use jade dust and code words.

“Well, should we go there ourselves?” asks Aurora. “To the smoke, I mean. We are supposed to be defending this land against the raiders and all. What if there are malign forces we could defeat?”

At this Willa actually stops to consider. It would be at least two days there and two days back by the road, and then what if they miss Thokk in Ebenenburg? Or they could go straight there off-road - but who knows how passable the mountain is?

“Nay,” she finally concludes. “Wha’ we ar serposed ter be doin’ is ter be meetin’ ther contact o’ ther Countess - t’is ‘Griffage’ feller - an’ we be findin’ ‘im south ter Mittleberg, nay east ter ther mountains. We spied hunnerds o’ royal troops in Istivin. If ther Earl cannae stop t’at a’ ther river, whatever it be, thar be little an’ less we can do.”

Aurora nods. A bit later, she is actually relieved as she realizes that her sending spell reveals the identity of the sender - and how would the Countess react to a message from ‘Aurora, the Enchantress’ rather than ‘Willow, the Monk’? All the same, this is unlikely to be the last bit of useful intelligence they find on their journey, and the farther they go from Istivin, the more valuable rapid knowledge might be to the Countess. Perhaps she should prepare sending on the morrow, rather than...Animate Dead?

Breakfast is a quick affair - the dried fruit and dried meats have little appeal when they have had no water since the afternoon before. They eat quickly, resolve to simply tell the first people they pass going north about the smoke, and set out. Doro, once pried out of her sleeping roll, seems better for having had a full night’s rest, and does not even ask anyone to heft her backpack.

They are still going through dry, rugged highlands, but it is clear that the road is angling ever closer to the river, so Willa keeps Babshapka with the party for now. She will send him out whenever it appears they have reached the closest point to the flowing water and are starting to move away again.

By mid-morning they have left most of the rocks behind and the road is passing through green downs, the river at a tantalizing mile to their west. Marching rapidly up the trail toward them is a company of twenty-some halberdiers, accompanied by a drummer sounding out a fast forced march and a man on horseback as well. Buckbeak is sent aloft but does not note any other forces - they are not being chased.

As the group approaches, the party yields the trail but Willa asks Mathias to speak to the officer. As the men march past they can be seen to be sweating profusely and many look weary but resolute. “I say…” begins Mathias, but the man on horseback ignores him and yells exhortations to his men (Mathias Persuasion 8 ). Willa catches a glimpse of the rank bars on the officer’s shoulder and calls out “Captain!” She salutes him as he passes (Willa Persuasion 15)

The man pulls his horse up for an instant, draws his cavalry sabre, and points it at the plume of smoke as his explanation, then wordlessly spurs his mounts forward.

Less than an hour after the infantry company has passed, the trail runs down to near the river’s edge itself. Willa allows a pause long enough for them to fill the water skins, drink deeply, and fill them again, before she insists on continuing their march.

The trail now moves away from the river, and they are some four miles along it before Willa calls for their mid-day rest and lunch. When anyone broaches the subject of their pace, she just says they should be grateful they are not a halberdier and she their captain.

The smoke continues all morning, but goes from black to gray, and from a thick plume to a thin column. Willa and Mathias study it, but learn little more of its significance (History 1 and 6, respectively).

All through the afternoon they continue along the trail, parallel to the river but rising into the hills above it. They do not see any other living things besides birds and insects. They pass a number of small villages, but all of them are deserted, and several have been burned. No small folk or animals are about.

For the last mile or two of travel in the afternoon they can see the burned ruins of Ebenenberg before them, on the other side of the river. A hard march might get them there today, but they would arrive tired and after dark, and Willa judges that neither prudent nor necessary. The western sky is red when they halt at a crossroads. The trail they are on continues south along the west side of the river, presumably to Mittleberg, but makes a Y with a third trail, this one leading west and presumably down to the river and Ebenenberg. In the grass off to the side of the crossroads is a gibbet, which is empty, but in the center of the crossroads are set several stakes, each with the impaled and rotting head of an orc.

This is as far as Willa had planned on coming, but ‘twould be ill luck indeed to camp at such a place. She asks Babshapka to scout ahead and find them a spot off the road where the mules can be hidden in the brush. The elf trots off and they follow slowly. A half an hour later he emerges from a dense copse, then shows them how to get the mules in the long way ‘round. It seems very unlikely they could be spotted from the road (Babshapka Stealth 27).

Given the orc heads, the burned town, and the burned or deserted villages, all of them are in favor of a little extra security in their camp tonight. Doro offers to make for them a tiny hut and they readily agree. She draws a circle in the dirt with the heel of her boot, then stands in the center strumming her samisen and chanting softly. Slowly a transparent dome extends from the circle on the ground to a point a few feet above her head, and then tinges a lime green. She beckons all of them in, and has them bring the mules in as well as she continues to sing (total of seven medium-sized creatures inside). As she finishes the spell, the dome becomes more and more solid. When she hits the last note it is done.

Doro explains that since they were inside the circle at the time of casting, they all, including the mules, can come and go freely through the dome, but it will ward against any other creatures. From outside it appears solid, and a deep forest green that blends in with the trees of the copse. It will last eight hours or so. However, she says, if she leaves it, it will instantly vanish. “So I guess you have the first watch by yourself, Shefak,” she smiles.

While the mules technically fit inside the dome, it is much smaller than the pavilion tent and none of the party are keen on being stepped or shat on during the night, so the pack animals are led out and tethered to trees. They graze contentedly. Willa is equally content that they could be brought inside if needed, such as during an attack.

Thokk wakes in the afternoon. He notes ambivalently the dark plume of smoke rising through the mists to the southwest. On the one hand, he is still eager to get to the sacking of towns that the fat man with the gold chain promised them in the Rosy Mounds. On the other hand, he does want some good animal companions to accompany him in his sacking and keep him warm during sleeps. Well, he has a schedule - he will meet the party in seven suns, whether he has found a companion or not, and then the sacking can start. That smoke better not be from the party! Thokk would be wroth indeed if his warband began sacking without him! How many suns has it been? He is not sure, largely since he does not know how many days he lay unconscious at the bottom of the cliff after he fell. Oh, well. It will all work out.

Thokk goes to check the places he has hung his goat meat and see if anything has been attracted. (Survival 10 + 2 = 12). He doesn’t find any predators, but he kills another goat and prepares more hanging meat pieces.

40 human rations to 35. Thokk from 3 to 2.
19 mule rations to 18 (abundant forage)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:31 am  
Post 242: Ebenenberg

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
22 March
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
24 March
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu. Also, party would be found by Griffage on a +4 Luck roll (0).
26 March: +1. Also, party would be found by Griffage on a +3 Luck roll (-3).
27 March: 0 -1 = -1. Raid. Given that the party rolled a wandering encounter, I decided to combine these two events and have the raid be on their current location of Ebenenberg. Also, the party would be found by Griffage on a +2 Luck roll (1).

[DM's Note on Sources]: Anna Meyer's map at shows what I called Ebenenberg as an unnamed ruin on the Davish but on the trail leading to Bova.

Both the old man and woman, and the soldiers guarding the bridge, were planned encounters designed to help the party realize the effects of the Troubles on the folk of Sterich and the stakes should the party fail or even delay in their mission. I did roll a wandering encounter at midnight for the party, and that will be the subject of the next post.

Post 242: Ebenenberg
27 March [Planting 1] - Near Ebenenberg (party) / Foothills of Jotens (Thokk - sixth sun)
(Low 70, High 89)
[Thokk encounter checks (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight - Troubles]

As the party begins to rouse in the morning, Babshapka ends his watch and makes a circuit of their campsite but at a distance. He does not find any tracks besides their own (Survival 24). The plume of smoke from the mountains (now to their northeast) has either ended or is too faint to see from this distance. Indeed, of the mountains near Istivin, only the peaks are visible as there is a closer, lower range now lying hard on them some six miles from the river or so. Babshapka does smell death and carrion and soot on the air, but these he judges to be old smells coming from the burned city across the river.

The party is soon up and on the move, and in just thirty minutes they are approaching a pair of figures seated alongside the road, in the shade. The figures are human-sized, but covered in heavy cloaks and Buckbeak cannot make out many features (Perception 12). His longer-range check for any hosts or hidden humanoids within a quarter mile has come up negative.

Babshapka takes out his longbow and slips into the brush, paralleling the party as they advance along the road. To either side of the road are occasional disarticulated corpses of livestock and humanoids, all long-dead, pulled apart by scavengers and rotting in the strong sun. Babshapka lets the party worry about the figures in plain sight as he scans the brush for hidden foes (Perception 20).

At a hundred feet the party can see that one of the figures in the shade has long white hair and the other is tracking the party with its gaze. At forty feet they are recognized as human; a wizened and ancient man and woman. Their cloaks are heavy but tattered. The man has but light sandals, the woman’s feet are wrapped in rags stained with dried blood. A pitchfork, all the wooden tines but one now broken off, lies in the grass near the man. The party hails them, but their reply is weak and listless.

Willa tells the others to watch and cover her and she moves forward to stand over the pair. The man raises his hands feebly, cupped to her, and tries to speak but his voice is too hoarse to follow. The woman’s eyes are cloudy and she follows Willa by cocking her head rather than staring.

Willa tosses the man a water skin but he lets it fall to the ground rather than catch it. She steps back from the pair. Using his hands, the man pushes himself toward it on raw knuckles. Willa glimpses his bare leg under his long tunic - it is grossly swollen and a deep purple color. He drinks much from the skin, but slowly, then pushes himself to the woman and hands the flask to her. While she drinks, he is wracked with deep pleuritic coughs.

Convinced that they are no threat, Willa steps forward again and motions for the party to join her, although Babshapka remains in the woods. She kneels and opens her backpack, looking for rations. Aurora copies her, but says loudly, “I could have sworn I had some cashews in my pack somewhere,” thinking that perhaps these are disguised agents of the Countess.

“Cashews?” coughs the old man. “I had those once at a fair, back when I had teeth.”

The party speaks to the couple. They are Thomas the Weaver and his wife Hilda, former residents of Ebenenberg. They haven’t seen their children or grandchildren since the attack a month ago. Hilda is infirm anyway, and Thomas took a goblin blade in the calf early in the raid. They hid in the city, escaped across the river while the city was burning, and hid again. Since then they have mostly been here along the road. Passing soldiers have kept them supplied with food and water, at least enough to survive, but no one has had the time to spare to evacuate them, and neither of them can walk unaided. They are waiting, they say, “for Pelor or Nerull, whomever comes first” (that is, waiting for either a beneficent miracle or the release of death).

Willa whistles for Babshapka, and when he appears she asks him to heal the man’s leg. Aurora mutters, “We can heal them and feed them, but there is a war on. How many more like them are we going to pass on our way into the city?”

Willa shrugs and asks Babshapka again. The man’s reference to the gods has reminded her that sometimes the gods appear as strangers in need of aid to test the faith of mortals.

Babshapka looks the man over, grimacing at the leg even as the man winces and gasps in pain when he handles it lightly. He checks the woman as well, who is covered in cuts and scratches from hiding in the brush but has no serious wounds. Babshapka casts lesser restoration. Almost immediately the purple color fades and the man sighs as the leg slowly resumes its normal size. He takes his pitchfork to support himself and climbs to his feet, tries a few faltering steps, and then bends to attempt to help his wife up.

“No, you should eat first,” says Aurora. “Take about ten minutes.” She begins casting her ritual of Phantom Steed as he sits back down and they both work on the softer portions of the trail rations, mostly the cheese and dried fruits. Given her earlier words, it is not clear whether Aurora has had a change of heart or simply wants to practice with her new spell in a way that Willa won't object to.

When the steed is fully formed, the party helps the woman onto it, and recommends that the man walk as quickly as he can back to the crossroads, and then try to work his way north. The steed, Aurora tells him, will last an hour, but should fade gradually in the last minute, giving him warning to help his wife dismount. She is pleased that he does not immediately reject her aid as being black magic, the way the superstitious small folk of Keoland would.

“North?” he says. “I meant to make south for Mittleberg, if that is still standing.”

The party advises him that they will be safer the closer they are to Istivin. Aurora has thoughtfully provided saddle bags on the steed and Willa puts five rations of the kind they are most likely to be able to eat inside. She wishes them luck. “Blessings on you,” both the old people say, “the blessings of Pelor on you,” although it is not clear whether the dazed old woman really knows what is going on or is just repeating the words of her husband.

The party continues along the road, now passing a number of abandoned villages, closer and closer together as they near the river. The road is lined with dead animals and dead orcs - but is curiously missing dead villagers. Indeed, no humans, living or dead, are to be seen. Babshapka says that the tracks on the road and off are all too muddled and too old to suggest whether there are still people about or what might have happened to them (Survival 6). In the last village before the river, which is completely burned except for a stone grain silo, they find a long trench, dug and then filled in. Aurora suggests that it may be a mass grave - the location of all the missing human bodies, perhaps.

Finally they approach the great stone bridge which crosses the Davish, the majority of Ebenenberg lying on the far side. The bridge appears intact, as do many of the stone mills that line the far banks of the river. The vast majority of the city, however, nearly all of the buildings, have been burned to the ground, leaving only blackened and charred timbers. Babshapka says that there are figures moving on the bridge (Perception 15).

Buckbeak circles the bridge from above. He returns to report that indeed there are numerous two-legs and four-legs, at both ends of the bridge and walking across it as well (Perception 14). Many of them have shiny skins (armor).

The party continues to approach, and Babshapka moves off to the side. There is no longer any brush to hide in, but plenty of rubble and burned buildings to provide him cover (Mask of the wild; Stealth 13).

Stone rubble has been assembled and arranged into a low wall with a narrow gap at the end of the bridge. The closer the party approaches, the more men arrive to line the wall, crossbows loaded and pointed at them. The various flags and standards behind them each have some variation of the Sterich lion. Willa asks Mathias to go forward and speak with a commanding officer.

Mathias, hands empty and open before him, approaches ahead of the party until he is told to halt and explain himself. He courteously describes the party as a group of outlanders who have been commissioned by the Earl himself to help in the Troubles, and assigned to the area around Mittleberg (Persuasion 24).

The commanding officer invites Mathias and the rest of the party to approach. He explains that long after the town was razed, these soldiers were assigned to control the bridge. The Davish is swift and strong, and there are few places an enemy host could cross, making this a key defensive point even if the city has been destroyed. Their holding the bridge protects all of Sterich on the north side of the river.

The officer also explains that guarding a bridge in what is now the middle of nowhere is boring work, and that boredom is bad for discipline. He has been having his men search the city and the outlying villages, finding dead Sterishmen and women, and digging graves on the spot. They have not bothered to inter the beasts or humanoids, leaving them to the crows and rot. He has had his men go as far to the east as he dares without weakening the contingent guarding the bridge.

Aurora mentions the smoke they saw near the capital, and the officer confirms that there are three forts in the mountains above the city, there more to guard the mines than the city itself but it is still worrisome if one has fallen, as it would imply a great host of enemies near the capital. He has not received any news of this, but the dispatches he does receive are limited to the theatre around Mittleberg, and even those are few and far between.

Mathias says that the party will be spending a few days in the ruined city before moving further south, and asks if they can’t stay with or near the soldiers. The officer replies that absent a specific order for him to quarter the party, he cannot have them in his encampment for security reasons, and his forces are currently using all the intact stone buildings along the river. While most of the town is burned, there are some stone buildings away from the river that remain standing. In particular he knows of at least one mill that lies on the northwest side of the city, fed by a sluiceway rather than the river itself, and the party is welcome to use that. There are also a number of stone temples which remain as shells in the center of the town, but he believes that all of these have had their roofs burned and collapsed, and they would be rather large to try to defend besides, at least with a party of only five.

The party and their mules cross the river, and before noon they arrive at the abandoned mill the officer suggested. The building is intact, with even its wooden doors, shutters, and shingle roof unburned, likely owing to the wide verge between it and the surrounding wooden houses which have been completely consumed (flour mills being rather noisy and having a distressing tendency to explode, it had rather more space between it and its neighbors than most buildings in the city). Inside is a bit of disorder and all the full flour sacks have been looted or requisitioned, but there are plenty of empty sacks and it is otherwise clean. There is ample space inside for the party and their mules, and a half-floor loft provides windows with a vantage.

Once the party is comfortably camped in the mill, Mathias and Babshapka set out to explore while Aurora casts a sending to Thokk.

Thokk, we are now in Ebenenberg. We will wait here for you. We are just across the river in the burned town. See you soon.

Almost immediately she receives the reply:

Ro-ra, how you in Thokk’s head? Thokk say massacre town, not Ebeberg! Meet east side town sun up seven day. You wake Thokk - need rest…

It does not appear that Thokk has finished his thought, but he has run up against the 25-word limit of the spell without realizing it.

Wakened early by Aurora, Thokk sullenly begins his day at noon. He first checks his meat hangings, and finds that about a quarter of them have been scavenged by things clever enough to climb or strong enough to jump (Luck roll -1), but three-quarters remain. (+3 to survival roll).

He plans to spend all the next day moving between the meat hangings and otherwise looking for predators, but he almost immediately spots a young, unmated falcon in a tree. (Survival 19+3 = 22; Predator. d% = 55; Common. D3 = 2; Falcon.) He attempts to approach it (Survival 13; may track for 2 hours. D10 = 1; initial contact at noon) but it starts and flies off. He watches it fly and follows it until it disappears among the trees.

Searching the forest, at 2pm he spies it again, and again attempts to approach (Survival 13; may track for 2 more hours). Again it escapes him and again he tries to track it down.

At 4pm he finds it again and attempts to approach. (Survival 9; may track for 6 more hours). It starts and flies a long way off before descending below the trees.

Mathias and Babshapka spend the afternoon moving through the empty streets and occasionally climbing over the smoldering rubble of the town. They find lots of recent graves, lots of burned and looted buildings, and numerous humanoid corpses for possible animation by Aurora, but little of interest and no recent tracks besides those of the soldiers (Babshapka Survival 11).

Aurora, Willa, and Doro set up camp in the abandoned mill, sweeping the floor a bit, unpacking the mules, and laying out bedrolls. The windows all have wooden shutters that can be latched from the inside but no panes. The doors are of stout wood but cannot be locked or barred - a simple leather strap can be looped over a peg on the inside to secure them, but any tug from the outside strong enough to break the leather will be able to force them. The water-wheel is still turning, pushed by the current in the sluiceway, and the motion is being translated to the spinning millstone, though anything like grain once between the stones has long since been ground away. Aurora reckons that the constant sound of gears and stone-on-stone will hinder the ability of anyone on watch to hear someone’s approach, so she sets about studying the gearing mechanism (Investigation 11). She goes slowly and carefully, and eventually finds the levers that allow her to disengage the millstone without braking, or breaking, the waterwheel or gearing. The inside of the mill then becomes much more quiet, although the creaking of the wooden wheel outside is still audible.

At 2pm Aurora renews her mage armor spell (typically cast at 6am, 2pm, 10pm) and offers it to Doro, as she has been doing since the party left Istivin (Aurora at 1/3/2/1). With this done, she begins her afternoon mediations, a practice she normally does when the party is taking their mid-day rest while marching (arcane recovery; after this she is at 4/3/2/1).

Eventually Mathias and Babshapka return and report on the long-abandoned status of the town.

As the dusk deepens in the evening, Willa orders the shutters all closed except for two watch windows, one on the ground floor and one in the loft, facing opposite directions. She lights her lantern and sets it on the table, but turns the wick way down. It should give just enough light to keep the interior of the mill dimly illuminated, without making bright patches to be seen against the city ruins at night. Both moons are near full, so as they rise even those without darkvision can see well enough outside.

After dinner:
35 human rations to 25 (five eaten by party and five given to the elderly refugees).
Thokk from 2 rations to 1 (but still has 18 pounds of fresh meat hung).
18 mule rations to 17 (abundant forage)

Willa sees no reason to vary the watch schedule from what they have been using on the road; Aurora and Doro from 9pm to 11pm, herself and Mathias from 11pm to 1am, and then Babshapka until 5am.

Before the others head off to bed, Aurora casts a second sending to Thokk.

Thokk, we are in the massacre town. We will wait here for you. Bring food if you can find any; we are getting low.

Immediately the reply comes.
Ro-ra, stop interrupting Thokk! Thokk tracking stupid bird and need to concentrate! Good you now in massacre town. Don’t starve before Thokk get there. Thokk… Again, the reply is cut short to 25 words although Thokk is not done. (Aurora at 4/3/1/1).

Aurora asks Babshapka how Thokk might go about “tracking a bird” but the wood elf shrugs and shakes his head. She and Doro take the first watch.

Thokk has been walking after the last sighting of the falcon for several hours when Aurora’s second sending comes. Thokk, we are in massacre town. Will wait here for you. Bring food if you find it. Why does she keep bothering him? He told both Willa and her what to do!

Ro-ra, stop interrupting Thokk! Thokk tracking stupid bird and need to concentrate! Good you now in massacre town. Don’t starve before Thokk get there. Thokk find you as soon as stupid bird is companion. Thokk hunt on way to you, bring plenty goat meat.”

It takes him until after dark, but he finally catches up to the falcon again at 10pm. He has the advantage now, for he has darkvision while it does not. He is finally able to get close enough to it to cast his speak with animals before it notes his presence.

“Stupid bird!” he begins. “Thokk can chase you all night! Thokk is not tired.” The bird scans the dark, trying to determine the origin of the strangely intelligible voice. “Or stupid bird can become a companion animal to Thokk. Thokk will protect you and feed you. You will get choice parts of kills like liver and eyes. You will no longer be a stupid wild bird but become a proud and fearsome war bird.” (Thokk Persuasion 11)

The bird considers his offer. It is tired, hungry, and more than a little spooked by the big green man that can track it down and speak to it. (Insight 5).

“We can try,” it says. “My name is Phreeeee,” it screeches.

Thokk approaches the bird and tells it to light on his shoulder - he knows the thing will not like flying at night. Once it is secure, he turns and starts back toward his camp.

Falcon: CR0. 10xp. Thokk from 23,595 to 23,605xp
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:40 am  
Post 243: Midnight Ambush

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
22 March
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
24 March
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu. Also, party would be found by Griffage on a +4 Luck roll (0).
26 March: +1. Also, party would be found by Griffage on a +3 Luck roll (-3).
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg. Also, party would be found by Griffage on a +2 Luck roll (1).
28 March: -2 -2 = -4 (Sack). This was randomly rolled to be site 21 (Headwater), but for plot purposes this was moved to nearby Site 22, an unnamed fort I called Fort Iron Axe. I did take this date to be the start of the Siege of Headwater, though. Also, the party will be found by Griffage on a +1 Luck roll (rolled +2; this will happen later today)

With the party's random encounter happening at midnight tonight, coinciding with a Troubles roll of 'raid', I decided to introduce the party to their first adversaries in the Troubles by means of a goblin ambush of their position at the mill. A group of eigers has intimidated the leader of the goblins and ordered him to make war on the humans. Much more on this plot to come!

Post 243: Midnight Ambush
28 March [2 Planting] - Ebenenberg (party) / Foothills of Jotens (Thokk - seventh sun)
(low 73, high 93)
Fall of Fort Iron Axe (night)
Beginning of Siege of Headwater (night)
[Thokk encounter checks (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight; none]

At 11pm Aurora and Doro turn in; Willa and Mathias take the watch. Mathias is on the upper story of the mill, looking out one of the windows of the loft while seated on his stool, Aurora and Doro in their sleeping rolls nearby. Willa is downstairs near the table, one of the chairs dragged over so that she can look out the window. Babshapka is close at hand, trancing cross-legged near the base of the ladder to the loft. Andy and Dandy doze fitfully, or nuzzle the empty flour sacks, looking for grain but finding only a residue of flour that makes them snort and sneeze.

Outside in the night, a pair of bugbear scouts for a goblin warband has caught the scent of the mules and followed it to the mill. After checking that there is no one else hidden nearby, they return to their band and inform the goblin boss, who lays the plan for an ambush.

The warband approaches cautiously. Five worg riders each set up to the north and south of the mill, lurking in the ruins of buildings and out of sight of the windows. The worg of the boss nestles down behind fallen timbers - he will emerge only if called. Some two dozen goblins as well as the boss nimbly scale the walls of the mill, taking care to stay away from the open windows. They take up positions on the shingled roof, ready to fire their shortbows in any direction should the party emerge. Finally, three bugbear scouts approach the north wall - on the ground floor both windows are shuttered and the door is closed, although one of the windows is open on the second story. Their job will be to draw the party out into the waiting ambush.

(Bugbears +6 to Stealth; roll 22, 25, 25. Willa and Mathias on watch; Perceptions 6, 10. Babshapka (trancing) Passive Perception 14. Had the party not disabled the millstone, the two on watch would have had disadvantage and Babshapka -5).

The bugbears slide thin blades through the north wall window shutters on the ground floor, deftly open the latches, let themselves in, and soundlessly drop to the stone floor of the mill. Willa, looking out the south window on the ground floor, has her back to them. Mathias, looking out the north window on the second floor, did not see them approach, is on the story above them, and cannot see them once they are inside. Babshapka is on the first floor but is trancing. If the mules have spotted the interlopers, they do not give notice.

One bugbear approaches, then stands over Babshapka. A second creeps up to right behind the seated Willa. The third starts up the broad ramp to the loft, eyeing both Aurora and Doro asleep in their bed rolls. He sees the moonlight streaming in the open window, but for some reason has not yet noted Mathias sitting on his stool (Mathias is using one with darkness).

Surprise round
The two bugbears on the first floor exchange glances across the room, nod at one another, lift their heavy morningstars into the air, and strike simultaneously. Is it the smell of bugbear or the sudden breeze of the morningstar’s passage through the air that brings Babshapka out of his trance at the last second? He tries to move away, and the morningstar crashes into his chest rather than crushing his skull. (Melee attack on unconscious opponent: advantage to hit; hit 18 with advantage. Morningstar damage is base d8 with +2 from Strength but bugbear has features Brute (extra damage die to weapon attacks) and Surprise attack (extra 2d6 damage to attacks from surprise) and also gets automatic critical (opponent is unconscious). Total is 4d8+4d6+2; bugbear gets a truly crappy roll and Babshapka takes 28.)

The bugbear behind Willa brings his weapon down directly on top of her head, in a blow that should both cleave her helm and crush her skull, but her helm is part of her magic plate armor and she is naturally hard-headed. (Willa not unconscious, but attacking with advantage for an unseen attacker the bugbear rolls 20N for a natural critical and so also does 4d8+4d6+2. With a better damage roll than his companion he does 38. G’morning, sunshine! he grunts in Goblin.)

Round 1
Willa staggers to her feet and spins around, drawing her sword and striking before she even realizes what has attacked her. All she sees are stars and she lashes out wildly as the bugbear darts out of her reach (Willa action surge: two actions, both Extra Attack: four misses with 9, 10, 10, 8; Bugbear AC15).

Doro hears the cries and the scuffle. She grabs her nearby samisen even as she leaps from her bedroll. Her voice begins the verse of the spell before she knows what is attacking, but before the ending words she has moved to the railing of the loft and can see the three bugbears below illuminated by the lantern. Weaving, colored lights appear in front of the faces of all three bugbears, but the one on the ramp and the one next to Willa bat them away. Only the one standing next to Babshapka is suddenly still and transfixed (hypnotic pattern, Wisdom saves 20, 17, 3 (fail)).

Unfortunately, and perhaps because they were waiting for Thokk to rejoin them, the party has not yet had “the strategy talk” with Doro. Aurora has reminded them on many occasions not to attack opponents under the influence of her hypnotic gaze, but no one has explained to them that Doro can cast hypnotic pattern, nor that its effects are similar except that it can target multiple opponents. In any event, Babshapka does not hesitate in attacking the bugbear towering over him, charmed though it may be. He grabs both blades from his nearby sword belt, draws them and strikes (one broadsword hit for 11, second broadsword and shortsword attack both miss, bugbear no longer affected by pattern).

The mules definitely see the bugbears now, and they paw at the ground nervously, ears flat against their heads. But this is not the first combat they have seen and none of the attackers are coming near them. They back defensively into a corner of the mill but do little else (Wisdom check 12).

Aurora springs from her bedroll and casts a spell - suddenly three duplicates, each clad in an identical night robe to her, appear at her side - it is impossible to distinguish who is who. “Protect the caster!” she yells running forward at the bugbear on the ramp, but curiously she seems to be referring to Doro rather than herself. “Dodge taynke!” she cries as she stops right in front of the bugbear. What is she doing? Was she dreaming that she was Thokk? Is she still dreaming?

Mathias jumps to his feet, suddenly becoming visible in the moonlight and knocking over his stool. One hand goes to his new leaded glass vial and all at once a large red bipedal frog creature is standing behind the four Auroras and the bugbear on the ramp (summon aberration; Slaad). Babshapka looks over, alarmed - it is bad enough that Aurora is charging into combat - now she is fighting multiple foes? The frog thing appears very similar to the blue one they fought in Aberglain, though not as large. “Get them,” says Mathias, pointing through the welter of Auroras at the bugbear on the ramp.

The bugbears were told to strike hard and fast, eliminate any sleeping foes, and then draw the remainder out into the waiting ambush. Two of them stick to the plan. The one on the ramp turns and flees to the shuttered window beside the door (Aurora’s opportunity attack with her quarterstaff misses). Leading with his shoulder, he leaps through the opening in the wall, rips the closed wooden shutters off their hinges, and lands sprawling on the ground outside, then climbs to his feet and moves away (Athletics 19).

The bugbear next to Babshapka feints, and when the elf moves defensively he spins (disengage action) and sprints, just reaching the now-open window.

The remaining bugbear hesitates. He has been ordered to draw the party outside, true, but his critical hit on Willa and her completely ineffectual response have led him to believe that he can finish her quickly (Wisdom check 12). He decides to press his attack, but with her now facing him, his blows are deflected by her armor (attack 18, Willa AC20).

Round 2
The frog creature moves rapidly down the ramp, reaching the bugbear by the window. It reaches out, slashing viciously with long talons. In two smooth strokes the bugbear is eviscerated and dead (hit for 11 and 15, 26 damage total), and is now slumping against the wall as it bleeds out. “Get the next one,” says Mathias, more loudly this time. The frog-thing moves to flank the bugbear fighting Willa. Mathias shoots two bolts of force at the same one (both hit, 9 points of damage). By now the bugbear has realized its mistake in remaining and turns to flee, making for the open window. Willa misses again as it withdraws (opportunity attack), but the frog slashes the bugbear across his back (16 damage). It continues, however, and climbs swiftly through the window. The two living bugbears are now fleeing across the verge to the east of the mill, out into the moonlight.

“Don’t let them get away” shouts Aurora, ignoring the frog-thing and moving down the ramp to the open window on the first floor. “Don’t let them report on us!” she calls as she blasts a firebolt out the window, dropping the closer of the two underneath a tree even as the second is putting more distance between himself and the mill.

Babshapka ignores the fleeing bugbear and moves to place himself between the frog-thing and the four Auroras. The frog does not appear to be attacking her, but so far no one has explained whose side it is on.

Willa curses in frustration, twists her helmet back on straight, and flips the leather strap off the door peg by the mill entrance. She dashes out the door into the night and after the sole remaining bugbear, manages to reach its side by running full tilt with sword in hand, but hasn’t attacked yet. “Of course,” muses Aurora after Willa has left, “they could just be trying to draw us outside into an ambush...”

Doro descends the ladder in the loft and moves to the crowd gathering by the open east door and window.

Round 3
The bugbear outside ducks away from Willa (opportunity attack misses) and continues its flight. Mathias moves beside Aurora in the window and blasts at it (two hits for 8 points), then tells the frog to kill the bugbear. It follows Willa out the open door.

Doro has heard ‘Shefak’s’ command to make sure that the bugbear scout does not report on them and has seen Willa dash off into the night. “Dimension door!” she calls, then strikes a note on her samisen that vibrates strangely, growing ever more strong. She reaches out to Babshapka to take him with her, but the elf shoves her grasp away. Aurora realizes what Doro is planning and her four different left arms grasp the bard’s free hand. Suddenly all five of them disappear and the vibrating note ceases. A second later they all appear next to the bugbear, out in the night.

Babshapka spits out a curse in Elven and runs through the open door, dropping both his blades in the spring grass outside the mill and drawing his bow as he runs. Two arrows from him narrowly miss the bugbear (attack 14 each, AC15), but fortunately also miss Willa, the frog, Doro, and all four Auroras.

Reaching the bugbear’s side, Willa finally lands her first blow (damage 10). The bugbear totters but remains standing.

“Fire!” shouts the goblin boss in the Goblin tongue. Five of the goblin archers move to the edge of the roof, selecting Babshapka as the closest target. Three of the five arrows hit the elf, who had removed his armor for his rest and trance (16 damage, Babshapka has taken 44 total and is at 11/55).

“Charge!” shouts the boss. From south of the mill, five worgs rise to their feet and surge forward, their riders going from hunched over their backs to erect in the saddles. Two of the goblins throw the end of a net to another two, so that as the worgs run forward a net is stretched between each pair. The fifth rider draws a scimitar and follows, hoping to strike at someone ensnared and helpless.

The first pair of riders attempts to run down Babshapka, but he crouches and seems to disappear from view (miss). The net lies fallen on the ground. The second pair charges the frog. He moves out from under the net while it is still in the air and slashes at a worg besides as it runs past (opportunity attack) - both the net and his claws miss. The lone worg rider in the rear slashes at Babshapka as he rides past (5 points, Babs at 6/55).

Aurora had been summoning a firebolt to finish off the bugbear, but as the air fills with the hum of arrows and the snarls of worgs she turns, then lets the bugbear get away. Remembering her old enmity with arrows, a dislike that reaches back to the Owl Stream of the Dreadwood, she wakes up to the realization that perhaps she is not, in fact, the party taynke. “Tag” she says, and slaps Willa on the shoulder, using her greater invisibility spell for the first time in combat. “You’re it.” Willa accepts the touch - and disappears.

Round 4
Another flight of five arrows is directed at Babshapka but now, aware of the presence of the archers, he manages to evade all of the shots.

The pair of worg riders that missed Babshapka before now angle their mounts north and away from the knot of party members (Willa, Doro, the four Auroras) but the ones that went for the frog draw their scimitars and bear down on them. Both strike at the Auroras - one extra image is dispelled and the second goblin by luck chooses the real enchantress. His blow looks to be striking true (and likely to disrupt Aurora’s concentration and thus Willa’s invisibility before she even has a chance to use it). But at the last second Doro whips around and strikes discordant notes on her samisen - “You ride like my grandma!” she yells (cutting words) and the goblin flinches, missing the real Aurora by inches.

Willa strikes at his retreating back and kills one of the riders (opportunity attack). The riderless worg continues with the four others moving north, then pauses as they stop and turn to face the party again.

To the northwest, another five worgs with goblin riders rise up from among the ruins and rubble. As they surge forward, two pairs stretch a net between them, and the fifth rider coming behind draws his shortsword. Again they target Babshapka and the frog, and this time their nets are thrown true. Both Babshapka and the frog are now entangled in the nets!

5e Restrained condition wrote:
You have disadvantage on your dexterity saving throws. You have disadvantage on attack rolls. Attack rolls against you have advantage. Your speed is zero and you cannot benefit from any bonus to speed.

With the party’s attention focused on the two different groups of worg riders, the remaining Bugbear slips away into the night (disengage).

Apparently now trusting that the frog-thing is on their side, Willa moves next to him and with a quick slice of her greatsword, cuts a huge hole in the net restraining him. She moves to Babshapka and does the same, then turns to face the retreating riders, daring them to come within range of her sword. Now that she knows the odds and can see the limited extent of the ambush, she is feeling better about the combat (second wind - heals 17 points).

Doro begins a potent healing song, calling out for her magic music to aid Babshapka (aura of vitality - first round 8 points). She yells for him to stay close so that she can continue to heal him - he replies that they should both move under a tree to take cover from the archers on the roof.

Three Auroras turn to face the five worgs with four riders forming up to the north of them, readying for a charge. She intones the words for her fireball and the flaming missile streaks forward, landing perfectly among them (Arcana 16) before detonating with an explosive crash (24 points fire damage). The four riders are blown from their mounts and all are dead before they hit the ground. Two of the worgs are slain as well (failed saves), the other three yelping and slinking off into the night with their tails ablaze.

“Yeah!” says Doro, hitting bass notes on her samisen to extend the echoing blast of the fireball. “You’re dropping bombs, girlfriend!” she calls to Aurora.

Willa winces at the sudden flash of light from the explosion. They were trying to conceal their position, but that bright blast could have been seen from anywhere in the city, down to those soldiers on the bridge. Even so, she shouts encouragement to Aurora, telling her to send another one at the worg riders that are even now forming up in the south. Aurora shakes all three of her heads ruefully. The two sending spells to Thokk earlier in the day mean that she is tapped for power and can't cast another fireball (Aurora now at 2/2/0/0).

From his vantage at the window, Mathias cannot see any targets within range of his blasts, but he shouts to the frog to defend the party. The creature slashes at the worgs riding past (one hit, 12 points).

Babshapka moves underneath a tree close to the mill. Leaving the worgs to the others in the party, he begins to return fire on the goblins on the roof, killing one (one hit, 10 damage). He yells at the three remaining Auroras to ‘Get inside the damn mill’!

Round 5
Doro continues to strum her samisen rhythmically while focusing her healing on Babshapka (6 points, Babshapka now at 21/55). But she just needs to maintain concentration on her aura - she can still attack while she does so. “Hey puny goblins!” she shouts at the archers. “I can see why you are on the roof - from up there you almost come up to my knee!” (vicious mockery - 1 point damage and disadvantage on next attack). One of the goblins squeals in pain.

A riderless worg is near the open door of the mill. Mathias recalls the frog - it retreats and attacks the worg, slashing it viciously across the flank (17 damage). Mathias leans out the window and blasts at it (2 hits, 3 damage).

Willa moves to the tree under which the party is gathering. She invisibly swings at an approaching worg rider, cleanly severing his head from his body (advantage, 19 points of damage). The worg that it was on turns tail and flees.

The three remaining Auroras take shelter under the tree, attempting to dodge all attacks. Another rider approaches slowly. Not charging, both the rider and worg attack, but Aurora avoids them both.

On the roof, the goblin boss has just seen Aurora destroy half his cavalry with a single fireball. “Second rank, move up!” he shouts in Goblin. “All archers target the mage!” Another five goblins move up, jostling with the others so that there are now ten perched precariously on the edge of the steeply slanted roof. “Fire!”

Of the ten shafts incoming, seven are aimed at the two mirror images, both of which are hit and dispelled. Three more fly at Aurora herself, but none of these hit. Babshapka returns fire, but only wounds one of the archers.

Willa, still invisible, sees only one Aurora left. “Oy, ye squiffy strumpet, ‘ow goes yer taynking now?”

Round 6
Doro uses her aura to heal another six points to Babshapka. Now, however, seeing the archers increase to ten, she decides to take cover from them (dodge action) rather than firing back with mockery.

Invisible Willa continues to defend those around the tree from goblins and worgs (one hit for 12).

Babshapka picks off one of the archers (one hit for 9).

From atop the roof, the goblin boss can see that this combat is a lost cause - these are seasoned heroes and not a group of travelers hiding their mules. He blows a horn to sound the retreat. The riderless worg facing the frog scampers off into the night (frog misses opportunity attack). Willa also misses the worg she is facing as it darts away. The archers send off a volley of seven arrows at the last Aurora before they leave. She tries to bend away the only hit but fails (instinctive charm - Wisdom save 19), takes an arrow (5 points), and loses her concentration (Con save 7; fails), causing Willa to become visible. Aurora continues to protect herself (dodge). Dozens of goblins pour down the north and south walls of the mill, flowing across the verge.

“After them, Ephi!” calls Mathias. The frog moves to the south side of the building, his claws slicing two of the retreating goblins in half (16 points each). Mathias moves out the open door, strides to the frog’s side and slaps his rubbery butt. Then he shoots a retreating worg (two hits, 7 damage).

Round 7
The goblins continue to melt away from the battle. Willa, now visible and yelling, charges the southern group, hoping to make sure they are truly in retreat and not re-forming for a second try. She notes a large worg rise out of the cinders of a nearby ruin and lope to the side of a large goblin who swings up and mounts him. Immediately two other worg riders move to guard his flanks. (Goblin boss Stealth 7; Willa Perception 20). Mathias is busy blasting the retreating goblins and worgs and does not see this leader (Perception 5)(two hits, 12 damage). He returns to the interior of the mill. The frog follows him, dragging two dead goblins along with him and leaving a trail of blood on the stone floor.

Doro continues to heal Babshapka (10 points, Babs to 37/55).

Aurora shoots off a firebolt at the retreating goblins, then makes a dash for the open door of the mill.

At this point the goblins are in full retreat. Although the party watches from the windows for a long time thereafter, the goblins do not return. Babshapka resolves to check tracks and recover his arrows in the morning.

Doro continues to heal people until her aura expires.

Combat XP:
37 goblins (CR1/4). 50xp x 37 = 1850
11 worgs (CR1/2). 100xp x 11 = 1100
3 bugbears (CR1) 200xp x 3 = 600
1 goblin boss (CR1) 200xp = 200
Total = 3750 / 5 = 750 each

Babshapka 31,331 + 750 = 32,081
Willa 24,369 + 750 = 25,119
Aurora 223,595 + 750 = 24,345
Mathias 23,595 + 750 = 24,345
Doro 23,000 + 750 = 23,750

The party binds wounds, searches the mill extensively to make sure there are no hidden goblins, and catches each other up on what happened. The frog thing swallows the two goblins it dragged in with a single gulp each.

Willa approaches Mathias. “T'is be yer frog, t’en?”

“Yes. This is what the leaded crystal was for.”

“Is it with you permanently?” asks Aurora, with just a bit of awe in her voice.

“Oh, no, just an hour. For about the rest of my watch I suppose. I can summon it again, later, if we need it. Its name is Ephi.”

“Well, t’en, Aye haf ter say…” begins Willa, but Mathias holds up his hand to halt her speech. He talks with the creature in a language none of them recognize. Finally, he pulls out a wicked-looking stiletto and plunges it deep into the frog’s side. Dark ichor oozes out, but when he removes the knife, the wound quickly closes again. In a few seconds, there is not even a mark (regeneration).

“Ok, you were saying...” says Mathias, and turns back to Willa.

“Mathias, Aye haf ter say, Aye be impressed wit’ yer frog.”

“Impressed, ok. What about amazed?” he pushes.

“Amazed,” she admits begrudgingly.

“Guaranteed amazed!” he smiles.

The frog then sets to work on the dead bugbear. This is too large for him to swallow whole, and the resulting feeding is messy and rather disquieting. The mules shift nervously and bray for several minutes even after it is over.

Everyone’s rest has been spoiled. As the others look to return to their sleeping rolls, Aurora contemplates how low she is on spells and how many hours she has left before she can get any more. “Say Doro,” she says, “how about a tiny hut?”

Ten minutes later, they have all moved their sleeping rolls to the center of the lower floor of the inn, and everyone but the mules, Mathias, and Willa are under the dome of protection. Before he re-enters his trance, Babshapka has a hushed but serious conversation with Aurora. He explains that he is honor-bound to protect her - but he can only do so much. If she is going to insist on doing things like breaking cover to charge into the middle of an ambush, and then announce herself as a caster by sending fireballs when the ambush is filled with archers, he will not be able to protect her despite his best efforts. At some point he may decide that the best way to protect her is to counter her hubris and make sure she cannot cast spells by, for example, continually interrupting her rest, or by destroying the offensive spells in her spellbook and leaving only the defensive and utility ones. He makes it clear that she does not want to force his hand on the issue and that just because she learned a new spell like mirror image, it does not make her invulnerable or invincible.

Some fifty minutes later (1am), the frog disappears. Matthias, still watching from out the second floor window, crushes out his cigarette on the stone wall, yawns, and heads into the dome. Shortly thereafter Babshapka emerges, but Willa waves him away. She tells him that they need someone in the party on watch who has actually rested so that the rest of them can sleep unworried - she will stay up until he finishes his trance. He nods and ducks back under the dome.

As the first eager birds are singing to the lightening sky (4am), Babshapka emerges again (he has had a complete long rest, Aurora and Doro at 4 hours, Mathias at 3, Willa none). Willa gratefully relinquishes the watch, reminding him that the coming sun will be the seventh for Thokk, and that they may need to look for him at the edge of the town.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:49 pm  
Post 244: The Eyes and Ears of the Earl

Post 244: The Eyes and Ears of the Earl
28 March [2 Planting] - Ebenenberg (party) / Foothills of Jotens (Thokk - seventh sun) [continued]
(low 73, high 93)
Fall of Fort Iron Axe (night)
Beginning of Siege of Headwater (night)
[Thokk encounter checks (wilderness, mountains) at morning, night; none]
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight; none]

It takes Thokk eight hours (from 10pm to 6am) to walk back to where he had hung his meat. The falcon sits on his shoulder for most of the journey, its talons digging into his bare skin as it sleeps fitfully. When he arrives back at his cache, Thokk rips choice pieces from the goat haunches and feeds them to the falcon until it cannot eat any more, then he climbs under the ledge of his boulder hiding place. It is six in the morning and light is filling the slopes of the mountains - the light before the seventh dawn since Thokk left the party. Perhaps Thokk should be walking to the massacre town, but he did not plan on walking for an entire day following the falcon and then nearly a day back to his cave; there is no way he can get to the party before sun-up, so his warband will just have to wait for him.

“Thokk sleep now - Phreeeee watch and protect until sun is highest point in sky. Then we walk more,” he tells it.

“Phreeeee watch now,” the bird agrees, although it has every intention of leaving Thokk sleeping alone and returning to the meat caches throughout the morning.

At six am, Aurora groggily drags herself from the dome of the hut. She has had the minimum six hours of sleep she needs to function, but will still need another two hours of quiet rest to prepare her mind to recover her spells. During that time, however, she can take the watch and relieve Babshapka. Aurora tells Doro that the bard has had just as much sleep as she has and could get up to share the watch - but the bard reminds the enchantress that she has to stay in the hut to keep it up, before rolling over and returning to sleep.

Once Aurora is up and out, Babshapka works his way around the mill in the morning light, going over the tracks outside to get a better understanding of what happened the night before as he collects his arrows (Survival 19). As he does so, he notes that of the ten goblins and three worgs the party left for dead outside, only three goblins and two worgs remain, bodies stiff and beginning to bloat. The remainder, once struck unconscious, appear to have recovered enough to have crawled away after several hours [successful life saves]. All of the goblins who immediately fled eventually congregated about half a mile north of the mill before striking out, and the wounded stragglers appear to have followed their trail much later. Babshapka follows their tracks all the way to the edge of the town, at which point the trail sets out across the grassy fields and he follows no more. Rather, he turns east, moving through the living, growing grass instead of the collection of cinders and death until he reaches the eastern edge of what was once the town (7am). There, he finds a good hiding spot and waits for Thokk in the gathering day (Babshapka Stealth 15).

As Aurora watches over the mill in the gathering daylight, she tries to recall what she knows about goblins - both from her own reading and what Thokk has told them. She is especially curious about whether the advanced tactics she saw last night (drawing the party into a prepared ambush, using nets, organized arrow fire specifically at her, the mage) are typical for them, or evidence of whatever power is behind the humanoid raids (Aurora Nature check 9).

In the end, she doesn’t recall much - Goblins belong to a family of creatures called goblinoids, which does NOT include orcs. Their larger cousins, hobgoblins and bugbears, like to bully goblins into submission. Goblins are lazy and undisciplined, making them poor servants, laborers, and guards. They generally rely on numbers rather than tactics in attacks. However, last night in the post-combat wrap-up, Willa was emphatic that she saw a leader-type who could have been directing them. Is such a goblin boss sufficient to get them to fight with the intelligence they displayed last night, or is there something further going on? Aurora isn’t sure.

By 7am Mathias is stirring, though he, like Aurora, is quietly eating, stretching, and watching over the mill.

By 8am Aurora and Mathias are both completely rested. Aurora finalizes her spell memorization while Mathias watches over her, and then she brings out her crystal ball. She attempts to scry on Thokk and easily finds him (Wisdom save 9). He is sleeping under a boulder. The concussion on the side of his head looks much better than before. It is obvious that he is neither at the edge of the town and being spotted by Babshapka, nor on his way any time soon.

Aurora gets out a quill and pen. She writes a short note to Babshapka - “not coming today” in as small a hand as she can and rolls it into a shape that will fit around Buckbeak’s leg. She sends him out to look for the elf, but the hawk spirit later returns with the note intact, having not found the ranger (Buckbeak Perception 8 < Babshapka Stealth 15).

While Buckbeak is out, Aurora attempts to use the crystal ball to see what the goblins are up to.
[Firsthand knowledge - no adjustment to Save. Goblin Wis save, 6]

The goblin she happened to “land” on is marching on a trail, squinting in the daylight. The trail is rougher than the one the party came to Ebenenberg on, but is easily visible nonetheless. He is surrounded by other marching goblins, with some mounted on worgs. There is no sign of the Davish River, but there are large mountains to the north. The country has open grasslands along the side of the road. Aurora watches for ten minutes, the maximum duration, but doesn’t pick up any more specific landmarks. She puts the ball away.

At 10am Willa is just rousing (six hours sleep; still needs two hours rest) and wondering why Doro is still abed (‘to keep up the hut for her’) when a voice, new and unknown to them, calls out in Common from outside the mill. “Hey, good morning - anyone in there?”

Those in the party call back - ‘yes, who is it’?

“Griffage Terpin, scout for the Earl,” he answers readily. “Is this your handiwork?” he asks, gesturing at a dead bugbear outside and the blast circle of the fireball.

“Yes. Do you want some cashews?” calls Mathias.

There is a momentary pause in the man's easy conversation. “Huh. Perhaps we could take this discussion of nuts inside? Do I have your permission to enter?”

“Aye,” agrees Willa, but she doesn’t open the door until Doro has left the hut and it is no longer in evidence.

The man who enters the mill is slim but powerfully built. He wears a long cloak over leather armor, and doesn’t seem bothered by the heat (it is the warmest day so far this spring and will get into the 90’s in the afternoon). The cloak is curious - it is a forest green on the outside and a deep black on the inside, but looks like it could easily be reversed. He has a longsword, a shortbow, and several long knives on various belts.

Mathias offers him a seat at the table, which he accepts. The others cluster around him expectantly.

“Well?” asks Mathias.

“Well, what?” he replies.

“We asked if you would like cashews.”

“Yes, please! They are hard to find in Sterich, especially in these times, but I do enjoy them.” He looks in a leather bag at his side. “I have a bit of rabbit, if you would like to share.”

The party exchanges confused glances, and no one brings out any nuts.

“So you were set upon by the goblins last night?” he asks, hoping to spur the conversation.

“Aye,” says Willa.

“Looks like a few of them got away.”

“They gave up before we were finished,” says Mathias.

“I mean, some of the wounded ones you left for dead recovered. Their blood trails point to them rejoining the ones that fled.”

“I’m sure our scout will tell us that. He’s currently out,” says Aurora.

“So there is another in your group?” he asks.

“Two, actually,” says Mathias. Willa adds that one of them is at the edge of the burned town waiting on the other.

“Oh, your scout must be very good, then,” he says. “I only saw the one trail leaving the mill.”

Mathias leans in to Aurora and whispers, “What’s the deal? We gave this guy the password. Why isn’t he talking?”

Aurora wracks her brain, going back to their meeting with the Countess. Finally she says, cautiously, “About the cashews...we had some, with the Countess. She gave us some?”

“Oh!” he says, visibly going from confused to surprised. “Well, that changes it, doesn’t it? What do you want to know?”

“What should we be doing next?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know - what do you want to do?”

The man and the party stare at one another in an awkward silence. Finally, Willa tries another tack.

“What can you tell us about the raids?”

The man looks relieved to have a direction to the conversation. “The first raid was here, of course, Ebenenberg, five weeks ago. The humanoids fell upon the city in numbers and without warning. This was the biggest town in the Highlands without walls and, in retrospect, an obvious target - but no orcs or goblins have ever raided so far from the mountains before. They burnt everything and killed everyone who resisted, but most importantly they collected all of the food animals. I guess that was fortunate - they were more interested in rounding up animals than in hunting down those that fled, so hundreds of people were able to make it out alive which would not have happened had they been focused on slaughter. Scouts from Mittelberg later reported the attackers driving herds of kine south past that city and further up into the highlands. It was likely a provisioning raid for the coming war.”

“After that were several weeks of minor raids - feints and probes. We have lost dozens of villages, but always the enemy flees before any organized resistance. I’m afraid all the local highlands forces have been run ragged chasing rumors and ghosts these last weeks. The next attack of any consequence was the one last week, on the villages supporting Fort Saddle.”

“The one in the mountains above Sterich?” asks Aurora. “We saw the smoke.”

“No, Fort Saddle is far to the south of here,” he replies. “You are talking about Fort Taelvu, which happened just a few days ago. I have not seen that yet personally, but I hear the fort was overrun and burned. I’m afraid we may have lost many men there - it is the first fortified position we have lost, the first military target, and a significant and worrisome escalation of the conflict.”

“Wha’ can ye tell us aboot eigers?” asks Willa.

“What are eigers?” interjects Mathias.

The man’s eyes narrow at Willa’s question, but then go wide at Mathias. “Friend, your accent sounds northern. You might know them as ogres.”

“Huh. I’m pretty sure that’s racist,” says Mathias, but does not explain what he means.

The man’s voice grows more hushed. “Yes, I have seen the eigers with my own eyes. It is the easy explanation for why so many different humanoid tribes have banded together against us. The few prisoners I have spoken to all say the same thing - a group of four or five eigers showed up in their lair and bullied their chief into joining whatever this alliance is. I don’t care how big a boss you are or how many goblins you have in your band - you aren’t going to say no to five eigers.”

“That makes sense,” says Aurora.

“It does, except that eigers are stupid and lazy. There’s no way they could be behind all this themselves. They don’t have the intelligence or ambition to organize such a venture. So the real question is who is making them do this.”

There is again an awkward silence.

“So,” tries Aurora, “what do you want us to do?”

The man shrugs, “That’s not my decision.”

“I think we are just supposed to do what we have been doing - help out where we can,” says Mathias.

“But we’ve given you the password,” objects Aurora. “What does the Countess want us to know?”

“The ‘password’, as you call it, tells me that the Countess has complete confidence in you. It tells me that I am to answer your questions openly and to the best of my ability, which I am trying to do, sharing with you whatever intelligence I have gathered even as I would with her. But if you are waiting for me to give you direction - I can’t do that. I don’t know what the Countess has told you to do - only you and she know that - and if you don’t want to tell me, maybe she doesn’t want me to know.”

Willa holds up her hand for silence, and tries to remember what the Countess said.

“Wha’ if we be lookin’ fer ‘ooh be behind t’ese eigers?”

“Ohh…” the man’s demeanor changes. Suddenly he has gone from confused banter to serious. “You will have to excuse my misunderstanding. The Earl has called for any number of foreign adventurers to aid us. Some are bolstering the defenses of our cities and villages. Some are seeking the dwarves of Num-Theraz. The ones who are little more than fortune seekers are being sent to the Stark Mounds. There are all manner of ways to help with these Troubles. But are you saying that the Countess has chosen your group to be the one that actually goes after whomever or whatever is behind all this?”

“Aye,” says Willa, nodding, “t’at be us.”

“In that case, you have my apologies for underestimating you, as well.” He pauses to gather his thoughts. “I have tracked several bands of eigers in the past five weeks, trying to find their source. All the trails converge near the town of Headwater, no matter their original location. I have followed them from there. If you are seeking the source of the Troubles, you should start in Headwater and take its river up into the mountains - not the Davish, the smaller local river. Where it forks, take the right branch, to the south. It rises into a vale of dense forests and heavy rain. That is as far as I got - when I was some 35 miles up the river the wolves, and worgs, got more and more dense the farther I went. I am a fair scout, but my chances of arriving undetected were dropping every mile. I can move unseen and unheard if I have to, but there’s little I can do about my scent, and I thought it more important that I return with what I knew then die trying to learn more. I am grateful the Countess has found a group capable of exploring further.”

“Unnerstood. Would ye be interested in goin’ wit’ us, as a guide?”

“I would be eager to return, with a group as strong as you at my back. But that is not my charge. I serve as the eyes and ears of the Earl, and he needs me supplying him with accurate information on the war in the Highlands. If the Countess trusts you to find the source of the Troubles, I am sure you are well equipped to do so.” He reflects on his abrupt answer. “But if you find yourselves in serious danger, and think that I could help, then do call upon me.”

“Although I am but a humble monk, with all my talent being in physical combat,” says Aurora, “our party mage, Mathias, has the ability to contact minds over great distances. If he sent for you, would you come to our aid?”

“Of course, if I could.”

“Wonderful. Just be aware that in such affairs he calls himself ‘Aurora”. It is our password, kind of like your ‘cashews’.” Griffage nods and Willa looks away before he can read her expression, while stifling her snort.

“On your way up the river, did you see any sign of the dwarves?” Aurora continues.

“No, if you mean Num-Theraz. That is at the source of the Davish, and then higher, at the highest point of the Davish Vale and the Highlands. It is worrisome and more that we haven’t heard from them. I myself have been outside the mines once in the last month, but found no way inside and no trace of what has befallen them.”

“Wha’ news o’ gigants?” asks Willa.

“I haven’t seen any,” Griffage says carefully. “But one night as I followed a group of eigers, I saw them meet with something else - something bigger - something a whole head and shoulders above them. If there’s anything that could bully an eiger, it would be a giant. What with the ord’ning and all.”

“What be ther road like t’ ‘eadwater? Be thar forces o’ ther Earl thar?”

“Oh, certainly. Headwater is the largest town in the southern Highlands, and it is walled and extensively fortified. The local nobles have many contingents there and the Earl has been reinforcing it as well. The villages between Mittelberg and there are intact - I have just come from there. Just a few days ago, as I mentioned, there were raids around Fort Saddle, and that is in the mountains above Headwater, but just a few villages were lost. The forces of the enemy were fast but few, and could not even challenge the fort, let alone the town.”

“Can we resupply in Headwater? We are a bit low on food.” says Aurora.

“Yes, it is a large market town; you should be able to find most anything you need...but what are you ‘supposed’ to be doing? That is, what is your official mission, what you tell others who do not enjoy the confidence of the Countess?”

“We be s’portin’ ther force o’ ther Earl aroun’ Mittelberg,” says Willa.

“Fair enough. Then you may want to buy what you need in Mittelberg and keep a low profile around Headwater. Perchance, have you fought eigers before?”

Simultaneously, Willa says “Aye,” Aurora says “Yes, of course,” and both Mathias and Doro shake their heads ‘no’.

“What can you tell us about humanoid spell-casters?” asks Aurora.

“Orcs have casters, of course - divine ones - each with powers tied to their foul gods. Eigers worship Vaprak the Destroyer, and I have heard of shamen, though they are rare. Goblin spell casters? Perhaps, though I personally have never seen any. Casters are common among hobgoblins, though; arcane casters, war priests, and their mystic monks.”

“And are all of these in play? That is, taking part in these raids?”

“Orcs and goblins aplenty. I haven’t seen evidence of hobgoblins - yet.”

“Wha’ be ther tactics o’ goblins?”

“In their own lairs? Traps, mostly. I would not lightly enter a goblin lair, no matter how weak the creatures themselves are. In the field, they typically seek to overwhelm with numbers. A goblin boss can exhort them to higher levels of tactics - feints, ambushes, false retreats, although they resent the extra effort. The bosses themselves are masters of having minions die in their stead - a slippery lot, difficult to pin down.”

“S’pose ‘twar a giant. ‘Ow be ye fightin’ one o’ t’ose?” asks Willa.

“You would fight them like eigers, only more so. Bigger, stronger, hitting harder, taking more damage. It takes a lot to drop a giant - you need discipline and coordination if you face more than one at a time. Getting everyone to attack the same one is key. Dropping one first and then another, bringing every advantage you have to bear. If you are fighting two, one dead and one unwounded will keep you alive far longer than both wounded and still hitting, because when they hit, they hit hard. Anything you can do to reduce their attacks, any incapacitation, is worth it. Hold, charm, slow. Not entangle or web, though. Forget anything that targets their strength, or constitution - it is far, far above yours. Even their dexterity is fair. You need spells that target their charisma, or even better their intelligence and wisdom. Those are their real weaknesses.” He catches Mathias’ eye and gestures outside at the blast zone. “Fireball is tempting, and there is a time and place for it if you can get them all bunched up or can keep them at a distance. But damaging spells are a blunt instrument with eigers and giants, and they can take far, far more damage than you can dish out. Even a simple spell that can get them to drop their weapon for a few rounds could save your life. Their fists hit hard, but not as hard as a tree trunk. They don’t have magic, thank the gods, not even magical healing like trolls.”

“Aren’t there different kinds of giants? What kinds might we be fighting?” asks Aurora. And then she adds “Are there any good giants? Might we have allies?”

“Oh, there are - but none of them live in the Jotens, I’m afraid. The good giants are far away - in the clouds, or in the water.”

“The water?”

“Oh, yes. The oceans, the seas, even great lakes, I am told.”

“And what kinds live here in Sterich?”

“In the Jotens,” Griffage says, “we have Hill Giants and Frost Giants. Hill giants are just walking stomachs. Enormous walking stomachs, but stomachs nonetheless. The only thing they care about is shoving things in their mouth hole. They are as dumb as eigers and as easily fooled, but hit harder and take twice as much to kill. Frost Giants, on the other hand, are a warrior culture, and fiercely competitive with one another. They have a sense of honor, if an evil one, and you might even be able to get one to fight you fairly if you can get it to listen to you long enough to challenge it. They live for battle and deeds of strength and prowess, not food.”

He pauses, reflecting. “But if you are thinking of either of those as what is behind the Troubles, I doubt it. Like eigers, I just don’t see them as having the intelligence or ambition to coordinate what is happening. No, something else is afoot.”

“Well, who could be behind it, then? What enemies does Sterich have?” asks Aurora.

“Sterich has few enough outside enemies,” Griffage admits. “We have good relations with Geoff, and Keoland, and the Yeomanry, and anyone more distant likely thinks us of little importance. The Earl, on the other hand, is not universally supported among our own people, more’s the pity.”

“The point of our cover mission to Mittelberg was to keep our true goal hidden from the Earl’s council,” says Mathias.

“Exactly. And while none of those on the Council are wicked enough to want to see the March itself fall to goblin scum, there are plenty who wouldn’t mind discrediting the Earl.”

“What do they have against the Earl?”

“It’s the nature of governance - less power for the Earl means more power for the local lords. Everyone wants more power in his own fiefdom, no? Of course, the Earl didn’t do himself any favors by marrying that foreign woman.”

Griffage suddenly feels the shock of all the party at his words, and realizes that they have taken the Countess for their personal patron. “Don’t get me wrong - I am as loyal to the Countess as I am to the Earl, and I know she has the best interests of all her subjects in her heart. But that is not a common view among those who don’t know her personally. She is, after all, foreign-born, a woman, and a sorceress at that - the small folk simply believe she has enspelled the Earl, while the nobles see her as a rival for power and influence. The old Earl, Querid, would never have allowed Querchard to marry her, if he thought Querchard would get the throne. Querchard had two older brothers, you know, ‘the heir and the spare’ as they say. The only reason he was even permitted to leave the March on quest at all of sixteen summers was that his father never thought he would become the Earl. When Querchard brought Lady Resbin back and sought to marry her, no one ever foresaw that his father would outlive both of his older brothers and pass the throne to Querchard. Of course, just the fact that both his brothers died young, and without issue, was enough to make the small folk suspect the Countess of bewitching the whole ruling family.”

“Just where is the Countess from, anyway?” asks Mathias.

“Certainly not the Flanaess,” Griffage smiles. “Somewhere far and away, over the Crystalmist Mountains to the south and west of here. Zhinjia? Zhindia? Something like that.”

While the party mulls that over, Griffage introduces another complication. “There are those at court who think that the March is already too decentralized. They don’t like that our proud Earl asserts his independence from the Lion Throne of Keoland. A humanoid uprising that the Earl couldn’t put down himself would be just the thing to convince the small folk and nobles alike that we Sterishmen need to bend the knee and become Keoish subjects again. And whose to say that some in the Keoish court don't agree and are aiding our enemies.”

“Given all the political complications of the situation,” asks Aurora, “who can we trust? If we need help, or need to talk to someone?”

“Well, Kerri Velthundel, to start with. She’s been Marshall of the Sterish Cavalry for over two hundred years and refused every appointment higher than that dozens of times. She’s served the Earl, and his sire, and his grandsire and I don’t know how many great-grandsires besides. If anyone is loyal to the March, it is she.”

“She be an elf?” asks Willa.

“Oh yes.”

“An’ she can be found in Mittelberg ar Headwater?”

“Sometimes. Either or both. She is wherever the Earl’s commands take her. But if she or the Cavalry are about, that is who you should talk to. If not her, her high officers. Failing that, the highest ranking officer you can find in the Earl’s own forces. Not the noble contingents if you can help it.”

Willa nods in understanding.

After a few more questions, Griffage asks if they have any more for him. The party asks that he stay for lunch with them, that he might meet their scout Babshapka, and he agrees.

Babshapka returns after 11am and quickly takes a liking to Griffage, though he be a human ‘horde-breaker’ and Babshapka an elven ‘giant killer’. He is quick to test all the reputed lore he has accumulated, for although he calls himself a giant killer, he in truth has fought nothing larger than an eiger, although he did see the red-skinned giant in the Ghost Tower and the blue-skinned ones in the Yeomanry. After a long and detailed conversation with Griffage, Babshapka knows a lot more about both eigers and hill giants.

Babshapka asks Griffage to look at his “giant arrows”. The ranger takes an immediate interest and understands the principle. He agrees that they would have a possible use in case one was trying to win a fight against a giant by attrition - perhaps in a situation where one could fire from a distance or from cover and wear down a giant that was trying to pursue or engage. He warns Babshapka that giants can throw heavy objects, so they are not without their own missile weapons, and says the elf should not rely on the arrows if the giants are already in melee - they simply won’t do damage fast enough to take a giant down.

Once all of the party have had a chance to speak with Griffage, he bids them good luck and says he must be going. He needs to see for himself what happened at Fort Taelvu and report to the Earl.

Thokk wakes after noon. He figures that he has missed the seventh sun, but is sure that his loyal warband will wait for him. He calls for Phreeeee, and collects the meat that he had hung from the trees. He knows that the massacre town lies to the south and west - he will need to cross the next mountain ridge and see the lay of the land on the other side.

Half an hour later he and Phreeee stand on the ridge line, buffeted by the strong mountain winds. Some fifteen miles to the southwest the mountain slopes down to the green plains that border the river - he should be able to leave the mountains if he strikes out directly. Some two or three miles down the slope from him he sees a human fort. It looks intact - could it have been the source of the smoke he saw before? Doubtful, as it looks undamaged. The walls swarm with men in shiny armor, and the road to and from it is busy with men on horses. Thokk has no interest in talking to the human soldiers, and is wise enough to know that without his warband, he may not be able to convince them that he is on the side of the woman who smells nice. He picks his way carefully down the mountain slope, choosing the path that will make him least visible from the fort and road (Stealth 15).

After nearly five hours of walking he finds he has to cross the road. He carefully watches for dust plumes and crosses when no one is about. Strangely, he has not gone very much farther when he has to cross another road. Once he is well beyond the second road (5pm) he pauses to rest for an hour and eat.

After Griffage is no longer visible, Doro initiates a conversation with Aurora. “So, Shefak,” she begins, “I couldn’t help but notice that during the entire fight last night you didn’t do any kicking and striking. And you used your staff only once.”

“Yes…” says Aurora warily.

“And while I know that some monks can cast spells, fireball is a pretty high level spell for anyone who is not a dedicated caster.”


“So I am wondering if there is anything you want to tell me, as your adventuring companion and someone who was out there risking her life with you last night.”

After a long and awkward silence, with the rest of the party seeming as interested in Aurora’s eventual answer as Doro is, Aurora finally comes clean - to some extent. She admits that she is not a monk, but “a sage” (?), and that her name with the rest of the party is Aurora. She says that she is interested in exploring other identities, though.

“So, live a year as a monk before you commit to becoming a monk?”

“Not exactly. Perhaps most relevant, there are people who know me as a wizard. These people would very much like to meet me, and I am just as keen to avoid them. So I don’t like to mention the whole wizard thing in public.”

Doro is pensive for a few moments, and then asks carefully, “You haven’t ever been to Greyhawk City, have you?”

“No - I really never have.”

“Then we are fine. Your secret is safe with me. But you should know, if there was a bounty on you with the Greyhawk Bounty Hunter’s Guild, I would likely have to turn you in. That’s on you, for not being level with me at the start. But if you are not hiding from someone in Greyhawk, then we are good.”

Babshapka takes careful note of the bard’s words, but that is the end of the conversation.

A bit later in the afternoon, Aurora leaves the mill and is standing over the rotting body of the bugbear, with it being sprawled under the lone unburned tree outside. For a full minute she passes her wand over its corpse. Suddenly it jolts, lurches, and then stands up in an unholy mockery of life.

“Do you understand your mistress?” Aurora asks. The bugbear nods slowly, muscles that were previously stiff with rigor mortis loosening. “Good,” she continues. “Your name is Hagrid. Hagrid, I want you to stand under this tree and turn slowly in a circle. Whenever you see someone - oh, wait, ‘someone’ is too vague - whenever you see a human, humanoid, or demi-human - whenever you see a person, yes, whenever you see a person, you come to the door of the mill and knock on it. Understand?”

The dead bugbear nods, and then begins to shuffle around widdershiddens. When he gets nearly all the way around, so that Aurora is again in his view, he shambles toward the door and begins knocking.

Aurora laughs. “Oh, good, because you saw me, and I'm a person. Right. Stay there.” She slips by the bugbear into the mill, being careful not to brush against his rotting flesh with her robes. “Okay - there are five of us in the mill, right?” The bugbear nods. “Get a good look.” Mathias gives the corpse a ‘thumbs up’. Willa scowls with distaste. “So, go back to the tree and back to making your turns, but now come and knock on the door whenever you see a person that is NOT one of us five, yes?” The animated corpse returns to the tree and begins his tireless shuffling again, endlessly turning in a circle.

“Atother pair o’ eyes be one t’ing, bu’ it nay be relievin’ ye o’ yer guard shift,” says Willa sternly.

“Oh, Willa, of course not,” says Aurora giddily. “This is just practice, like with the phantom steed.”

After Thokk’s rest, he continues down the mountain slope, rapidly descending the rough terrain as he grows closer and closer to the valley floor. He doesn’t see any signs of humans in the rugged terrain, but stays carefully stealthful just the same (Stealth 7). Phreeeee circles overhead, looking for game, and Thokk keeps a javelin in his hand as he travels, but nothing presents itself (Survival 6). On several occasions he comes across the stripped carcasses of recently-butchered goats and sheep, and all of the berries and nuts appear to have been harvested from the trees and bushes, as if a large host of foragers had recently moved through the area.

Once the sun goes down, Phreeee settles on Thokk’s shoulder and nods off as the barbarian’s steady, rhythmic strides descend the mountain.

In the mill the party prepares for another night’s watch. ‘Hagrid’ has not come to the door all afternoon, despite the party members coming and going. As the sun lowers on the horizon, Aurora convinces Babshapka to boost her out a second-story window and on to the roof. Babshapka has already been up there, retrieving arrows, and he mentioned the presence of three slain goblins. Now Aurora picks her way carefully over to one corpse on the steeply-slanted roof. It is pungent after an entire day laying in the full sun, and the ravens have been at its face. After another animate dead spell, Aurora now has a small goblin archer zombie.

“Your name is Dobby,” she says. “You will walk around the roof, going slow and being careful not to fall. When you see a person besides myself or my four companions, you will stomp on the roof hard enough for us to hear you inside.”

The goblin takes up its patrol. When it gets to the roofline on the east side of the mill, it immediately begins stomping on the roof. At the same time, the bugbear stops its endless turning and shambles to the door.

“Oh yes,” chuckles Aurora. “Because you saw each other. Ok, Dobby, you will stomp when you see any person that is not me, my four companions, or that bugbear Hagrid.”

Babshapka helps Aurora back in the window, and she revises her instructions for Hagrid.

The party has dinner, and Doro creates another tiny hut.

Just before she turns in, Aurora uses her crystal ball to scry on Thokk. To everyone’s relief he is finally on the move, coming down lightly forested mountain slopes in a direction she takes to be southeast. There is some sort of bird of prey on his shoulder. Aurora arches an eyebrow. This is the new Larry?

After dinner:
25 human rations to 20.
Thokk from 1 to 0 (but still has 18 pounds of gamey meat on him).
17 mule rations to 16 (abundant forage)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:47 am  
Post 245: Ebenenberg to Fort Stirrup

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
22 March
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
24 March
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu.
26 March
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg (combat with goblins)
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe. The party is found by Griffage.
29 March: 0
30 March: -2 raid on Fort Falke
31 March: -2 raid on Strake Terrace
1 April: -2 raid on Kalibac
2 April: 0

[DM's Note on Sources]: Anna Meyer's map at shows the walled towns of Mittleberg, Strake Terrace, and Kalibac. Fort Falke is the name I gave to the fort that Anna's map locates between Mittleberg and Fort Blackbridge. Blackbridge Town is the name I gave to the town west of Fort Blackbridge. Fort Stirrup is the name I gave to the fort north of Headwater. Fort Iron Axe is the name I gave to the fort southwest of Headwater and near the dwarven city of Num-Theraz. On Anna's map, and according to the Dungeon magazine maps she was working from, Fort Falke is intact, while Blackbridge Town, Fort Iron Axe, and Fort Stirrup are ruins, presumably from the second giant uprising. However, these events had not happened yet in my timeline, and depending on the results of my 'Troubles Rolls', and the actions of the party, these particular locations might fall or not. Fort Iron Axe falls during the events of this post.

The descriptions given in the text of Mittleberg, Blackbridge Town, and Fort Stirrup are my own.

Post 245: Ebenenberg to Fort Stirrup
29 March [3 Planting] - Ebenenberg (party) / Foothills of Jotens (Thokk - eighth sun)
[Thokk encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight: none]
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight: none]
(low 68, high 89)

Thokk heads out of the foothills of the Jotens and down into the green, grassy slopes of the Davish River valley before midnight. He pushes himself, explaining with pride to the sleeping falcon about how a warband leader has to inure himself to fatigue and pain.

[First hour of forced march: DC10 Con Save: 10
Second hour: DC11: 24
Third hour: DC12: 27
Fourth hour: DC13: 21
Fifth hour: DC14: 23
Sixth hour: DC15: 15
Seventh hour: DC16: 9 (fails)
Thokk is able to travel an additional 7 hours through the plains (28 miles) before he acquires one level of exhaustion (disadvantage on skill checks). He can remove the exhaustion by a full long rest and normal level of food.]

Thokk continues walking until the sky begins lightening. Soon he can see the river, and then the trail beside the river. That is far enough. Just as Phreeeee begins to stir, Thokk looks for a place to pass the day in cover. This is not cave country, but he crawls into some thick brush, feeds the falcon, and then tells it to keep watch.

In the ruins of Ebenenberg, the night having passed uneventfully for those on watch, Babshapka takes his leave once the others begin to stir. He slips out of the mill without being seen by Hagrid or Dobby (Babshapka Stealth 27, Zombies Passive Perception 8 ), and spends four hours at the edge of town, watching for Thokk. Before he leaves, Aurora sleepily tells him that she will send Buckbeak if the party needs to communicate - if the spirit hawk lands on a tree branch, the party is on their way to him. But if it lands on his arm, he should return to the mill. After having watched for the four hours around sunrise, Babshapka reluctantly returns to the mill.

In the afternoon, after Aurora has used her arcane recovery to get back the four first level spell slots she used on mage armor for herself and Doro at 6am and 2pm, she uses animate dead again. This time she does not imprison another tortured spirit in flesh, however. Rather, she asserts control over the two zombies she already has. Ever happy to explain, she mentions to the others that she needs to do this every 24 hours or else she will lose control of the undead and they will begin to run amok, attempting to attack anything they see. Willa is less than enthusiastic to learn that them not being murdered in their sleep by undead zombies is dependent on Aurora’s remembering to cast the spell at the appropriate time. She asks the wizard whether the abominations will be able to keep up with the mules once they get moving, and is rather relieved to hear that the answer is no. “T’en ye be leavin’ ‘em ‘ere an’ destroyin’ ‘em afore we set sail,” she says definitively.

Thokk rouses himself around 2pm, refreshed and restored. He again begins his trek southwest, but feels increasingly confined between the river to the north and the mountains to the south. He does his best to avoid the foolish human road and not be seen by the occasional travelers on it (Stealth 6). With it being the middle of the day, he has Phreeeee spot game for him, and reminds the falcon to think big and look for things that Thokk can take but the falcon could not bring down himself. That is, after all, the point of them working together. The falcon eventually flushes a lamb (Thokk Survival 20). The scrawny thing is dehydrated, and at an age where it still should be nursing on its mother. Where she is Thokk doesn’t know, taken north by the refugees, perhaps, or eaten by goblins. But Thokk thanks the ewe all the same for birthing this wonderful little morsel so that he can fulfill his pledge to bring food back to his hungry warband (8 pounds of meat). First, though, he makes sure that Phreeee eats his fill of the liver.

After lunching and catching up with the party, Babshapka announces his intentions to return to the edge of town and watch for Thokk. When the others say that it is not necessary, he just shrugs and says that “Thokk is still out there.” To be honest, most of the time he is “watching”, he is just enjoying being away from the mill, away from Aurora’s inane conversation, away from the accumulating mule flops inside the building and the rotting corpses outside. Human madness. He happily walks across the burned city and resumes his “post”.

By six pm, Thokk and Phreeee are close enough to the bridge over the Davish to make out the heads of individual soldiers. Not so many as to challenge Thokk, but they are likely followers of the nice-smelling woman from the big city and it would not be good form to eliminate them just to cross the bridge. He moves aways downstream and tells Phreeeee to fly to the other bank and wait for him. The Davish River is cold, swift, and strong, but perhaps not so strong here as at was at Istivin Crossing, for Thokk is able to cross it without incident (Strength save 15).

He approaches the edge of the burned city cautiously, nostrils flaring. Amidst the stale cinders and old death are fresh smells - goblin and...elf? He will need to be careful (Stealth 15). Indeed, Babshapka does not see him coming (Perception 6), although, with perhaps a little help from Phreeeee, Thokk spots the wood elf (Bapshaka Stealth 16 < Thokk perception 23).

When he daren’t approach closer without Babshapka hearing, Thokk jumps out and yells a war cry, but it quickly turns to a guffaw as the elf starts, spins, and draws an arrow on him in less than a second. “Har, har, Thokk scare elf scout! Baashka get soft while his leader away!”

Thokk introduces Babshapka to Phreeeee. On the walk back to the mill, Babshapka catches Thokk up on recent events - the addition of Doro to the party, as well as the frog-thing Ephi and Hagrid and Dobby the zombies. Thokk beams with pride. His warband is growing quite beyond his own efforts! Soon they will be off to sack cities for the Countess!

Back at the mill, Doro is enthusiastic about meeting Thokk, and even complements his muscles. Thokk tells Willa that she did well to find such a discriminating new member for the warband.

Thokk is not so pleased with finding out what Babshapka meant by “zombie”, for he did not know the word in Common before, and thought they were getting a living goblin and bugbear. These dead things, slow and mindless, hardly bring him honor as a leader - they are barely fit to eat prisoners. The orc god Yurtrus, or “White Hands”, and the tribes ruled by his shamen sometimes made use of undead, but self-respecting orcs like the ones of Thokk’s tribe do not. He rejects Aurora’s contribution and tells her she needs to stick to her role of making pretty explosions. Seeing the falcon on his shoulder, and already having come to terms with leaving the zombies behind, Aurora tells Thokk that the zombies are not for his warband, they are for him to practice with Phreeee. At this Thokk cheers up. He spends the next fifteen minutes talking to the falcon about signals, and the two work out a system whereby the falcon will circle high above the combat, but dive in at tremendous speed when Thokk gives the signal. Thokk tells Aurora to have Hagrid attack him. He spends a few minutes leading the zombie around the tree, laughing at the plodding steps of the dead bugbear, then suddenly points at the zombie with his shield hand. In a blur of wind and feathers the falcon plummets from the sky and rakes its talons across the bugbear’s face. As the zombie reaches up to protect itself, Thokk severs its spine with the glowing sunsword.

After rewarding Phreeee with a snack, Thokk tells Aurora to have the dead archer shoot at him from the roof. He moves back and forth across the verge of the mill, using his large shield to protect himself from the arrows. When he raises his hand in the air, Phreeee swoops in on the goblin from behind, buffeting his wings in its face until the goblin mis-steps and topples from the roof to the ground. Thokk laughs, but then the goblin rises up. It obviously broke an arm bone in the fall, for the jagged end is projecting through its rotten flesh. Still, it is managing to bring another arrow to the bowstring even with its hideous, misshapen arm. Thokk frowns and ends its undeath with his sword as well.

After dinner:
8 pounds fresh lamb eaten
20 human rations to 18.
18 pounds rancid meat to 16 (Thokk)
16 mule rations to 15 (abundant forage)

30 March [4 Planting] - Ebenenberg
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight: none]
(low 74, high 90)
Raid on Fort Falke (night)

In the morning the party is packed and ready to leave the mill. It does not take long for them to reach the bridge over the Davish. Mathias asks the common soldiers for news, but finds them tight-lipped (Persuasion 9) except for one who turns tables and keeps asking about the flash and boom from the fireball and what actually happened at the mill two nights ago.

Willa pulls an officer aside and lets him know about the ambush at the mill, the number and composition of the enemy forces, and the tactics they used. He is grateful for the information, but says that it sounds more like a raiding party than anything that might attack their fortified bridge. His orders are to hold the bridge to restrict the enemy’s movements, and if these raiders are on the north side of the Davish, that is where they will stay. The officer does confirm that Fort Taelvu, in the mountains above Istivin, was completely lost to the enemy and burned, and has not been retaken, although Istivin Crossing and the ford have been reinforced and the city does not appear to be in immediate danger. The enemy has not advanced or even threatened Velikar’s Fort, so far as he is aware. It seems that having taken Fort Taelvu, slaughtered and burned, the humanoids have retreated. Willa thanks him and asks about the road to Mittelberg, and he says that it is clear according to the most recent dispatches.

They pass the location of their meeting with the old couple refugees, and arrive at the crossroads with the orc heads on stakes. Thokk is unmoved. They continue south down the trail new to them. As the soldier said, the villages they pass appear intact. The small folk are cautious and defensive, and the livestock are kept in over-grazed fenced pastures close to the houses, but there is no sign of raiding or burning.

Normally the party takes their rest at mid-day, with the sun at its highest. At this point, however, they see that they are within striking distance of Mittelberg. It lies just a few hours ahead of them, where a spur from a local mountain range narrows the river enough to make a bridge practical. Mittelberg is a walled city that lies on both banks of the river. Willa gets everyone to agree to push on to the city with a promise of tavern food and drink rather than trail rations and stream water for lunch.

The gates of the city are closed and there is a tense line of travelers outside being interviewed by guards and then allowed inside a wicket door in small groups at a time. It is past two in the afternoon when the party is finally admitted to the city. They go immediately to the type of tavern frequented by soldiers. Willa tasks Babshapka with listening for news while she minds the still-laden mules in the street, there being no stable attached to the tavern. The party has a hearty meal, but Babshapka picks up little from the conversations (Perception 7). People are nervous and prices are high (3.5gp for lunch), that much is for certain, but what rumors there are of the raids are self-contradictory and obviously exaggerated. Checking them against what the party believes to be the truth of Fort Taelvu and Fort Saddle indicates that they are not to be trusted. Babshapka does hear rumors of raids around Headwater, their destination, which would be concerning if they could be trusted.

After the party has eaten they visit the market, where prices are also high, and purchase enough food for themselves and the mules to bring their total up to two weeks’ supply each (84 human rations (80gp) and 13 mule rations (1.3gp). They discuss what they should do - stay at an inn for the night or leave now; attempt to sneak out in the morning or leave boldly; pretend to check in with the military authority as part of their cover or actually check in and then abandon whatever charge they are given. In the end they decide to leave now, while the gate guards are still letting people in and out. There is some grumbling about missing the chance for a night in a real bed, but it is more from habit than conviction.

It is four in the afternoon by the time the party is at the gates on the south side of the town, and east side of the river. Willa asks the gate guards whether they know where Kerri Velthundel is, hinting without saying directly that the party is recently under her command (Persuasion 10). The guard says that she is currently encamped just south of the city, setting up patrols to keep the city alerted to any threats from the south. He lets the party leave without any further questioning.

The trail out of Mittleberg is smaller than the one in and with fewer villages; they get the sense that while the region of Istivin to Mittleberg is a densely settled breadbasket of the low Highlands, they are now rising into the less populated high Highlands, and the “Mittle” of Mittleberg marks a half-way point of some sort.

When they have reached the extent of their travels for the day Babshapka looks for a copse in which to hide the mules (Stealth 18) and Doro sets them up a hut after dinner.

After dinner:
102 human rations to 97.
16 pounds rancid meat to 14 (Thokk)
28 mule rations to 27 (abundant forage)

31 March [5 Planting] - South of Mittleberg
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight]
(low 73, high 95)
Raid on Strake Terrace (night)

It is pre-dawn, and Babshapka is on watch outside the hut. He hears the gallop of a single approaching horse (Perception 23). Moving to the road, he sees a figure moving north, slightly faster than is prudent in the twilight. Babshapka stands at the edge of the road, clearly visible, and as the figure approaches, yells “Agent of the Earl, what news?” (Persuasion 14).

The figure merely slows to a canter as it passes, and shouts “Fort Iron Axe has fallen!” before speeding up again.

Later, as the party readies for the day, Babshapka recounts the story to them. Willa thinks Iron Axe is far to the south, possibly near the missing dwarves. There seems to be no “front” to the Enemy’s attacks; they are happening all over the Highlands.

They have been on the road little more than an hour when they come to a crossroads. Willa is about to tell them to keep heading south over the next ridge when Babshapka spots a bunch of riders coming towards them from the east branch. He makes their standards out to be red and black and Willa calls for a halt.

As the riders get closer, they resolve into five men on light warhorses, bearing the standard of Sterich. They are moving at a brisk but sustainable canter, and pull up within hailing distance of the party and walk forward.

Mathias asks them for news (Persuasion 18) and they say that humanoids have been raiding the villages around Fort Falke but that so far they have not been seen in numbers that could menace the fort itself. Mathias passes along the information about Fort Iron Axe and asks what they, a simple group of adventurers, might do to help. The soldiers reply that a group as well equipped as the party should engage any of the enemy they find, especially worg riders as they are the most problematic of the raiders, being so mobile and hard to pin down and engage. Mathias responds that they would love to smash worgs and will get right on that. Willa asks when the raids happened, and the men say it was the previous night, indicating that Fort Falke is close at hand.

After the soldiers ride on north and the party continues walking south, Doro asks the others whether they have a group name and Aurora admits they don’t. The bard says that they simply have to have a party name, as all the famous adventuring parties do. She suggests the “The Orc Smashers” for the time being. It is a clever turn of phrase, for Thokk takes it to mean “The Orcs who Smash” while the others understand it as “The ones who Smash Orcs”.

With the knowledge that raiders are about, Babshapka starts traveling further ahead of the party and scouting for tracks. Phreeee is sent off-road to the east, and Buckbeak to the west, with orders to return if they see anything of note.

The villages they pass in the morning and afternoon are equally as intact as the day before, but even more wary. Those villagers who have carts or beasts of burden can be seen conspicuously loading them and preparing to flee at a moment’s notice.

At the end of the day’s march, Willa exhorts them all to continue a bit further - the steady reports of attacks are becoming worrisome, and she is eager to get to Headwater. They walk for several more miles before a number of them tell her they have had quite enough.

[First hour of forced march, DC10 Con save. Fails: Aurora, Thokk, and Babshapka)]

After the hut is set up, Babshapka spends a fair time casting about for tracks but does not find anything unexpected.

After dinner:
97 human rations to 92.
14 pounds rancid meat to 12 (Thokk)
27 mule rations to 26 (abundant forage)

1 April [6 Planting] - South of Mittleberg
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight: none]
(low 77, high 93. Light rain 9am-10am)
Raid on Kalibac (night)

Shortly after the party sets out in the morning they cross a small stream feeding the Davish from the Jotens. After that there are just two more farming villages before the trail rises steeply into rugged hills. From that point on they see no more settlements, although flocks of sheep and shepherds can be seen in the distance, and the main trail is crossed by numerous dirt paths. A light rain falls for an hour but it is warm and the trail remains clear.

Shortly after their mid-day rest they come upon a fork in the trail. A weathered wooden sign indicates that the way south leads to Fort Blackbridge, while the town of Blackbridge itself lies to the west. Willa is unsure what is the shorter route to Headwater, but notes that the trail to the fort continues to ascend the hills while the one to the town parallels the river. She says they are making for the town.

Still footsore from the day before, the normal end of their marching day finds them still miles outside of the walled town but within sight of it, looking down from the hills above. Willa tells them that if they continue on and make the town before the gates close they can sleep in beds at an inn. That proves enough motivation for the first hour, but not longer (DC10 Con save; Fails from Babshapka (4) and Willa (6).

Willa, sweating freely in her plate armor, stands “fer jes’ a minute” in the trail, trying to figure out how to get the others to go on when she doesn’t want to herself (one level of exhaustion). Aurora tells her to take twenty minutes instead. By the end of that time she has summoned two phantom steeds.

With Willa and Babshapka on the illusory horses, the party continues another hour, finally reaching the city after dark (8:30pm) and with several more of them exhausted (DC11 Con save; Doro and Mathias both fail).

The gates of the city are long since closed, and the night watch has orders not to open them - but seeing the “Orc Smashers” they convince one another that it is better to have the party within and defending the city than without.

Willa and Thokk see to the party’s rooms, mules, and gear at an inn (-10gp) while Babshapka, Doro, Mathias, and Aurora look for a barracks. They find one, although the forces are those of a local noble, not the Earl. Mathias introduces the group as the “Orc Smashers” (Persuasion 11) and asks what a friendly adventuring company can do to help. A few of the soldiers suggest that they head to Fort Iron Axe and exact revenge, but most of them would like the party manning the walls at Headwater. Their account of the enemy is the standard litany of humanoids (with no mention of giants), and Aurora has the impression that they believe if Headwater falls, Blackbridge will surely be next (Insight 6).

Once they are all back at the inn, Willa tells them to enjoy the beds, but not get too comfortable. They will be leaving early the next day for Fort Stirrup.

After dinner (at inn):
92 human rations to 89.
12 pounds rotting meat to 10 (Thokk)
26 mule rations to 25 (abundant forage)

2 April [7 Planting] - Blackbridge Town
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning, evening, midnight: none]
(low 72, high 93)

There are two roads to Headwater from Blackbridge Town. One on the west side of the Davish, over the mountains and through Fort Saddle, where raids have happened. The other, on the east side of the river, stays in the valley and passes through Fort Stirrup, which according to the Blackbridge Town gate guards, has not seen raiding yet. With the second route as their choice the party leaves town early in the morning.

Most of the day’s travel is along the banks of the Davish itself. At one point they cross a smaller tributary at a ford. The villages they pass are in the process of being evacuated, and there are many refugees along the road heading north to Blackbridge. The travelers are not panicked, and there is no sign of raiders - but all of them to whom the party talks have heard news that the enemy is gathering outside of Headwater. Troops are in motion as well, though fewer; most, like the party, are traveling south as reinforcements.

Babshapka watches for tracks, but the road is so well-traveled it is impossible to pull out any one thing. He soon gives up and takes to scanning the verges, trying to see whether anyone has entered or left the road from the grass on either side. For her part, Willa watches each rider passing, trying to see if the elf commander Kerri is about, but she has no more luck than Babshapka.

Fort Stirrup is well within reach of their day’s journey and no forced march is needed at the end. To the party’s surprise, they are denied entry to the fort - it is apparently for the military only, and those with a specific posting, at that.

The village surrounding the fort is deserted of its original inhabitants, and the guards at the gate tell the party that they are welcome to commandeer whatever abandoned peasant hut they find most appealing. The larger wooden buildings have already been taken by refugees from Headwater moving north, or troops moving south whose final destination is Headwater but not the fort.

The Fort Stirrup gate guards do tell the party news from Headwater - the enemy is on the east side of the river, in the fields just outside the town. The siege has only just begun, and no assaults on the walls have even been made yet - so far the humanoids have been content to plunder and burn the hinterland rather than attack the city itself, but they are obviously gathering for a future assault. The town lies on both sides of the river, although most of it is on the east side. The two halves are surrounded by walls and connected by high stone bridges over the river. Human defenders continue to move into the town from the north, and the forces of Sterich hold all the west bank of the river.

Fort Stirrup guards a downstream passage across the river (clearly a target should the enemy try to surround the city on both banks). The party could cross the river in the morning and enter the city from the safe west bank. But once they arrived at the city, how would they leave, with it surrounded by the enemy? They decide that on the morrow they will instead head along the east bank until they are close to the city and then, at the first sign of enemy forces, strike east and up the smaller river as Griffage instructed, hopefully avoiding the besiegers altogether or slipping through their lines unnoticed. They will have two raptors scouting from above, which should considerably increase their chances of avoiding encounters.

After dinner:
89 human rations to 86 (breakfast at inn)
10 pounds rotting meat to 8 (Thokk)
25 mule rations to 24 (abundant forage)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:04 pm  
246: Meta Reveal

Post 246: Meta Reveal
Dear Reader,
Have you been following the clues? Did you pick up on the foreshadowing when the party passed the Jotens sailing up the Javan, even before the Barrier Peaks? Have you known since Runnel told Willa she needed to get the party to Sterich? Did the Countess' description of the Troubles, and her suspicion that there was an evil genius behind the attacks, seem familiar? When Griffage explained in detail what tactics the party needed to fight giants, did it all become clear? Or did you catch my reply to CruelSummerLord at the top of the page, before Post 215, where I said it explicitly?

Yes, the party is poised to head for G1: The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief. Since the organizing principle of this campaign is "classic Greyhawk modules converted to 5e", I knew at the start, years before this point, that they would eventually be doing the Giants Series, and they are finally here.

On the other hand, as a DM, I had some serious concerns about this. Many iconic monsters are underpowered in 5e compared to 1e, such as the Intellect Devourer they faced in the Barrier Peaks. However, giants (and dragons) are considerably more powerful in 5e than 1e. Raw power is measured by 'challenge rating' (CR), which attempts to gauge at what level a standard party of four adventurers can have an exciting fight against a creature but with no real chance of a PC death.

Ogres are 59hp, 1 attack, average damage 13. They have a 35% chance of landing a hit on AC20 (Willa's magical plate). They are rated CR2: four characters of level 2 can have a good fight against an ogre but without being that concerned about PC death.

Hill Giants are 105hp, 2 attacks per round, average damage 18 per hit, 45% chance of hitting AC20. They are CR5; one giant is an exciting combat for four characters of level 5.

Frost Giants are 138hp, 2 attacks, average damage 25, 50% chance to hit AC20. CR8; just one frost giant should be an exciting combat for four PC's of level 8. In 1e I think a frost giant would be a good opponent for a single PC of 8th level.

Fire Giants are 162 hp, 2 attacks, average damage 28, 60% chance to hit AC20. CR9; one fire giant is an exciting combat for four PC's of level 9. The increase in CR over a frost giant is largely because of the much better armor of fire giants.

Currently the party is six PC's of level 7. With this total, a single Hill Giant is considered an insignificant encounter for them. Two hill giants are an "Easy" encounter. Three hill giants are a "Hard" encounter, and four hill giants all at once is considered a "Deadly" encounter; one in which at least one of the PCs is likely to go unconscious and in which serious resource use by PCs is required to survive.

I planned to use G1 as written, with all 29 adult male hill giants, five leader types, and 13 ogres.

To consider also, 5e's "action economy" and "bounded accuracy" mean that numbers matter a great deal; even goblins, if there are enough of them, can challenge a mid-level party simply through their numbers (and especially if they have missile troops) in a way that was not true in first and second editions.

Thus, having the party face the entire Steading of Hill Giants when they were just 7th level meant that I had serious concerns about their survival.

The Grand Plan
I had two ways planned to address the party's level vis a vis the giants, starting from their entry to the Barrier Peaks module. The first was shifting to actually keeping track of experience points. Up to level seven I had been having them level by story milestones and not recording xp. But after each character reached 7th, from that point on, I kept track of experience points for things killed or defeated. My idea was that the experience value of the foes would serve as a natural regulator of appropriate level. When they started the giant series and began fighting things that were super hard for their level, they would get a bunch of XP and quickly level up to what was an appropriate level for monsters that challenging. If they lingered in G1, methodically clearing it of female and young giants before moving to G2, and if the hill giants then became not that much of a challenge for them, they would eventually not be getting a lot of XP from each encounter. I switched from story-based awards to XP earned for the Giants themselves in order to make sure that things kept at the appropriate difficulty level because, this being my first 5e game and having not played 5e at those levels, I wasn't sure what that difficulty level would be.

The second thing I did to make sure that they could actually face the Giants was to have them do Barrier Peaks first. In many ways Barrier Peaks was the set-up to allow them to do the Giants. It was intentional that they had a chance to find a bunch of alien tech and come away with lots of things that could temporarily incapacitate giants, principally stun grenades, paralyzation pistols, and blaster rifles. My idea was that even if they really weren’t ready to face a group of giants at their level, they would at least temporarily have a technological means to do that by incapacitating most of the giants and then being able to face them one or a few at a time. The tech was meant to act as a crutch in order to make sure they lived to a level at which that giants were appropriate foes. It was gratifying for me that they actually found the arsenal room and got so much tech stuff right before they left the ship.

The fact that the grenades are single-use, and the pistols and blasters rely on power disc charges set up an interesting trade-off, once they realized that they would be facing giants. Given the power jump from individual hill giants to frost giants, they needed to plan how and when they wanted to use the tech. The longer they stayed in the Hill Giants, the more xp they would have, to be a higher level to face the frost giants. But to stay longer in the hill giants (once they had discovered the chain) would mean using up more of their tech. They could go slow and careful with the Hill Giants, saving their tech for the frost giants, and maybe come in at a lower level but with all their tech intact. Or they could immediately use the chain to jump to the frost giants and have abundant tech but at a lower PC level. Or they could use the tech liberally for a quicker and sounder victory at the Steading, really racking up xp so that when they faced the frost giants they would be low on tech but higher in level and more naturally equipped to deal with them. Or perhaps some sort of balance where they would assess the specific situational threat of each Hill Giant encounter, use their normal means, spells, abilities, and healing when possible, but then switch to the tech if they felt like a specific encounter was becoming overwhelming. I thought this was an interesting strategic trade-off, and I enjoyed the in-character and out-of-character discussions among the players as they hashed it out.

The Map and Encounters
With the characters approaching Headwater, itself 36 miles from the Steading as the falcon companion flies, I switched over to a 1 hex = 1 mile scale map. In addition to the standard wilderness random encounters being rolled three times a day in the plains and hills (six times in forests), I also added one encounter roll for every hex (mile) they moved, to represent the patrols and raiders from the Steading, with an encounter chance of 1 in 10 on each roll.

If a roll resulted in an encounter, I then make a 'luck roll' (4dF).
A positive result, closer to Headwater, meant rangers and scouts of the Earl.
A positive result, closer to the Steading, resulted in natural wildlife from standard encounter tables.

A zero was a non-combat encounter of raiders bringing back domestic animals to provision the Steading:
2 worg riders
10 goblins
Captured pigs, goats, and cattle

A -1 was an 'easy' encounter with a goblin patrol:
1 goblin boss with a worg
8 goblin worg riders
14 goblins

A -2 was a 'medium' encounter with an orc raiding party:
1 orc war chief
3 orogs
20 orcs

A -3 was a 'hard' encounter with an ogre warband:
1 ogre chain brute
2 worgs
5 orogs
5 ogres
10 goblin archers

A -4 was a 'deadly' encounter with giants on their way to attack the city:
5 hill giants
2 ogre bolt launchers
5 ogres

Thus prepared, the party began to make their way to the Steading...
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:03 pm  

I imagine the rest of the Fellowship will be sorely missed with this particular mission. And if Thokk's been bored for a while, he won't be for much longer...

I've been meaning to ask you, have you made up all the locations and interactions our heroes have been having for the last few posts yourself? Or did you borrow them from updated versions of the G series, like The Liberation Of Geoff?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:16 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
I've been meaning to ask you, have you made up all the locations and interactions our heroes have been having for the last few posts yourself? Or did you borrow them from updated versions of the G series, like The Liberation Of Geoff?

The party first lands in Sterich at 'Javan Ferry West'. Anna Meyer's map has two towns across the Javan from one another, 'Javan Ferry' in the east and 'Sterich Road' in the west, but I think this is a misreading of the map from Dungeon 117 so I decided to call the west-bank town 'Javan Ferry West'. The description of the town itself, its magistrate, and the "Rosy Mounds Inn" are all my own.

They then travel the Sterich Road past the town of Johann's End, which can be found on the map in Dungeon 117. In Dungeon 118 we are told that the town acquired its name from a giant that would have been killed by the adventurers in the Queen of Spiders supermodule, but is not placed on a map in that module and only the inn is described. The name of the town prior to the killing of the giant is not mentioned, so calling it Johann's End is actually anachronistic within the timeline of my campaign.

My descriptions of Istivin itself, as well as Krelont Keep and Istivin Crossing, borrow heavily from Dungeon 117, but the personality of Resbin Dren is my own. That she is from Zahindia is one fan theory of several but the one I decided to go with, and her relationship with Runnel is of course my invention since he is an NPC of my invention.

The forts in the Jotens above Istivin are placed on the map in Dungeon 117 but only Velikar's Fort is named or described, the others are my own.

Ebenenberg is my name for a town shown as a ruin on the Dungeon 117 map, presumably one that was burned during the events leading into the Liberation of Geoff. The description of the bridge, the mill, and the burned town are my own.

The locations of the walled towns of Mittleberg, Strake Terrace, Kalibac, and Blackbridge Town, as well as the forts Falke, Blackbridge, Stirrup, and Iron Axe are all from the map in Dungeon 117. On that map Mittleberg, Strake Terrace, Kalibac, and Fort Blackbridge are all named and intact, while the other names are my invention since they are not named on that map and are shown as in ruins, presumably destroyed in the fighting of the second giant uprising. None of them, intact or destroyed, are described, so what descriptions are in this journal are my own.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:46 pm  
Post 247: End Run

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu.
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg.
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe. The party is found by Griffage.
30 March: Raid on Fort Falke
31 March: Raid on Strake Terrace
1 April: Raid on Kalibac
2 April: 0
3 April: 0 - 1 = -1; Skirmish outside Hilden's Grange

Post 247: End Run

3 April [8 Planting] - Fort Stirrup
[Party encounter checks (patrolled, plains) at morning (none). After noon, encounters are checked for every mile of travel on the tactical scale map]
(low 73, high 93. Light rain 8am - 3pm, does not slow travel)
Humanoids, remnants of the force that raided the villages outside Strake Terrace, are turned away by defenders outside Hilden's Grange

Over breakfast, Willa, Aurora, Babshapka, and Thokk hold a strategy session, with Mathias and Doro listening in and making comments and suggestions. It is not typical for them to include Thokk in such a session, but Aurora says that they need to understand exactly how his speak with animals and beast sense work in order to get effective use out of them. After a ten minute ritual, Thokk can speak to Phreeeee for the next ten minutes to explain to him the plan. Then after another ten minute ritual, Thokk can see through Phreeeee’s eyes for an hour. He can’t communicate with Phreeeee at all through the beast sense, unlike Aurora and her telepathic connection to Buckbeak, but there is no limit to how far Phreeeee can be from Thokk and still have Thokk observing, which makes the falcon a far better scout in real time, even if the flow of information is unidirectional.

Phreeeee can fly about six miles in an hour and still remain observant (he can Dash for twice this speed but then can’t make Perception checks and would be relying on Passive Perception). It is decided that the party will approach Headwater to within five miles (with Babshapka letting them know when they are close) and then send Phreeeee straight at it - he will fly five miles forward, a mile east, and then at about the time Thokk loses his sight, he will return and find the party. With just ten minutes, Thokk can prepare to send him forth again if needed.

With their plan in place, the party sets out down the trail in the morning. From Fort Stirrup south, all the villages they pass are have been completely abandoned. Well before noon Babshapka judges the party to be halfway to Headwater, but still some ten miles shy of the city. They cautiously continue their approach, now passing villages that have not only been abandoned, but looted and burned. Signs of the passage of raiders are everywhere, although no hostiles are immediately apparent. Some hours after they start their march, a light rain begins to fall and continues until well into the afternoon. The rain does not slow them.

At five miles out from Headwater, Babshapka judges them to be in position. Thokk wants to start his ritual, but Willa insists that they first move off the road and into cover (Babshapka Stealth 12). After twenty minutes, Thokk has reminded Phreeeee of the plan and made sure he can see through the falcon’s eyes. The bird sets out, heading due south for the city. The first two enemy units he spots are goblin worg-riders. These appear to be acting as scouts and screens outside all the other forces, and are in constant motion. Closer into the city are goblin infantry units, each several dozen strong. One is on the road itself and appears to be digging defensive works - trenches and dikes. Another goblin unit is further back from the road and is scavenging through the ruins of a burned-out village. Finally, just outside the walls of the city itself, Phreeeee spots two encamped orc units, each numbering in the scores of soldiers. In each camp there are squads felling trees and building ladders and siege towers. (Phreeeee Perception checks, with advantage as they are based on sight, 23, 22, 16, 17, 19, 20) [All these units are placed encounters on the map, besiegers of the city, not wandering patrols]. The rain is not slowing Phreeeee, but little by little his wings are getting wetter and heavier. If the rain gets any stronger he will be grounded.

Phreeeee continues on to within bowshot of the walls of Headwater itself laterally, but flying high out of range of the archers of both sides, as Thokk instructed him to do. The city itself is intact for the time being - no fires, no slain defenders along the walls. Phreeeee turns east and begins moving up the small tributary of the Davish. Once he is a few miles from the city, he no longer sees any organized units of the enemy, although he could easily be missing individuals moving carefully and under cover.

All during the time Phreeeee is scouting, the party is eating and taking their mid-day rest concealed by brush. Once it has been an hour and Thokk loses his view from the falcon, they quickly talk over their options. Thokk suggests that they move more or less due east, avoiding the troops close to the city. Once they are far enough away, they can move south to the smaller river and begin to follow it as Griffage explained. The others agree and they set out. Mathias wonders if they shouldn’t take out a small unit or two of orcs or goblins just to help the city itself, but the others believe that such a fight could rapidly escalate and attract unwanted attention while doing little overall for the city.

[The party will take 20 minutes to pass through each 1 mile hex and along the way have a 1 in 10 chance of an encounter. If an encounter is rolled, Buckbeak (continually circling them aloft) will give them enough warning for Babshapka to attempt a Stealth roll to hide them before they are spotted. When Buckbeak sees Phreeeee returning, Aurora will let Thokk know to let himself be seen by the falcon.]

(1:30pm) The party has moved about three miles east off the trail by the time Phreeeee returns. To the southeast of them lightly forested hills rise up, shielding the smaller river from their view. They travel a mile more to the east (1:50pm). The whole time Phreeeee rests on Thokk's shoulder, preening and drying his wings so that by the time he takes to the air again he is able to fly without hindrance. Then Thokk casts his Beast Sense once again (2pm). The party travels a mile more to the southeast, Phreeeee two miles to the south. They continue in this fashion, with Phreeeee moving ahead of them and making sure their path is clear, and them following after their flying scout. They move up and into the hills, their route guided by Babshapka. [Normally moving through the hills would take 30 minutes per mile rather than 20, but hills are one of Babshapka’s two favored terrains and he can pick out routes that will not slow the group.] The light rain lets up around 3pm.

(6:10pm) The party, up in the lightly forested hills above the river, has reached the end of their normal marching day. Talk turns to making camp for the night, but Babshapka does not believe that he can keep the mules well hidden here without resorting to having them inside the hut all night. (Stealth 9). To the east of them is a denser stand of forest. The party rests while Thokk again uses Beast Sense and sends out Phreeee. In the gathering gloom, the falcon scouts the edge of the woods. Finding it clear, the party advances [not a forced march at first since they still have not walked for more than ten hours total; even though it has been longer than ten hours since they started, much of that time was spent resting while Thokk performed rituals. They do need one Con check by the time they arrive at the edge of the forest itself].

(7pm) The party finally reaches the dense forest. All of them are tired, but Mathias is exhausted (Con save 4; fails, one level of exhaustion). Babshapka quickly finds a much better place to hide the mules (Stealth 26) and Doro sets up their hut. Thokk spends ten minutes casting speak with animals just so he can tell his ‘little Larry’ how proud he is of the bird. He looks in his pack for choice pieces of meat from the mountain goat he brought down a week ago, but when he brings it out, it smells so strongly that Willa tells him he is not allowed to bring it into the hut - whatever he and the bird don’t eat tonight he has to immediately bury. She will not have them found by the enemy over rotting goat meat when they still have weeks of trail rations on hand. “But Phreeeee need fresh meat!” Thokk objects.

After dinner:
86 human rations to 81
8 pounds rotting meat to 6 (Thokk), then the remainder supposedly buried (but Thokk secretly keeps choice bits for the falcon)
24 mule rations to 23 (abundant forage)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:55 am  
Post 248: Approaching the Steading

DM's note on Sources: For my physical description of the Steading, I am indebted to the description used by T Elliot Cannon, a video blogger who recorded his solo play of G1. The arrival at the steading is here:

Note that in the original module, the dire wolf pen [22] is one great open area behind the stockade and in between the Steading and the outbuilding. However, part of my plot for the Giant Alliance was that the Hill Giants were being used to strip the Sterish countryside of food, capturing and driving livestock back to the Steading. I needed somewhere for the giants to keep the captured animals, so I decided that they had added a dividing wall to partition the pen into the section for the dire wolves and a section for the livestock.

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu.
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg.
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe. The party is found by Griffage.
30 March: Raid on Fort Falke
31 March: Raid on Strake Terrace
1 April: Raid on Kalibac
3 April: Skirmish outside Hilden's Grange
4 April: 0

Post 248: Approaching the Steading

4 April [9 Planting] - Foothills of the Jotens
[Party encounters checked every mile of travel, 1 in 10 chance]
(low 58, high 84, fog close to the steading, heavier rain at night around the steading)

(6am) While the party is up, eating, and packing the mules, Phreeeee explores to the south, southwest, and southeast of the party’s position, checking the forest and hills closer to the river.

(7am) The party sets out southeast through the forest.

(7:20am. Encounter: Luck roll = positive; agents of the Earl) Buckbeak is flying above the treetops around the party, pretending to be hunting. To the north of them, just beyond the edge of the dense woods on the hilltops, he spots (Perception 22 with advantage) two moving figures - although they are obviously trying not to be seen. When Aurora looks through his eyes, she sees humans - rangers or scouts of some sort. While the rest of the party sets up defensively, Babshapka leads Mathias toward where the spirit bird indicated the figures.

When they have approached what he considers close enough, but still not made visual contact, Babshapka mimics a bird call, common among rangers alerting one another. After a considerable pause, the call is repeated back to them. Creeping closer, Babshapka spots one of the men, walking openly but slowly through the forest. The other moves behind and alongside, darting from cover to cover and with bow in hand.

Mathias walks forward, hands empty and open. Babshapka shadows him, bow in hand and blaster on his hip. At some fifty feet apart the man in the open stops, while the other one pauses at a vantage point from which he could fire on either Mathias or Babshapka but remain himself in cover. “For the Earl!” the man in the open says.

“For the Earl,” repeats Mathias. [The party later learns that the appropriate counter-password is "For the March"]

“We’re scouts from Headwater,” the man in the open says. “What are you?”

“Special assignment,” replies Mathias vaguely.

“You’re not a Sterishman,” the scout says, upon hearing Mathias’ accent.

“That’s correct,” agrees Mathias. “That’s part of the assignment. We can’t say what we are doing here. But the Earl knows.” (Persuasion 11)

Babshapka can hear the creak of wood as the hidden man slowly draws back his bowstring. He calls out, “We know Griffage! And he knows our mission as well.” (Persuasion 12) The tension in the wood relaxes, the bow slackens, but remains pointed at them.

The man in the open falls back, and the pair have a hushed conversation. Finally, the first man comes forward again. “The enemy is burning and pillaging everything on this side of the Davish. All of the captured livestock are being driven up this river into the mountains. This is as far as we have been so far. Some of the herds are being driven by nothing more than small groups of goblins. We are ambushing them and turning the beasts free. They will probably just get eaten by wolves rather than finding their ways home, but better that than feeding the enemy.”

“Good luck,” says Mathias.

“We were never here,” adds Babshapka.

“May the light of Pelor and all the Old Gods guide your steps,” says the man, and they withdraw from sight. Mathias and Babshapka return to the party.

(7:30 am) The party continues through the forest.

(7:40 am) Phreeeee returns to Thokk. He casts beast sense again.

The party continues to move southeast through the forest. Phreeeee scouts ahead. Thokk relays that the river goes east but then turns south and the entire southern bank is forested; if they continue due southeast and cut through the open a bit, they can cross the river and then continue to follow it but from cover.

(8:40am) Thokk’s beast sense ends. The party leaves the cover of the woods, comes down from the hills, and approaches the river as directly as they can, hoping to find some way across it that can include the mules. Willa says that if the herds are being driven into the mountains, they must be crossing the river somewhere, they just need to find where.

(9am) Phreeeee returns to the party around the time they reach the river. Babshapka finds local cover for the party while he searches for a way to cross (Survival 27). He returns soon, and then quickly leads them just a half mile to the east. Here, a number of huge fir trees have been felled, de-branched, and laid across the river at a place where large boulders in the streambed hold the logs back against the current. A pond of sorts has been created upstream, with debris from the mountain stream backed up on the high side like a disorganized beaver dam. The whole thing looks rather precarious, but Babshapka thinks the mules can walk across the fir trunks. Indeed, he found that the banks on both sides of the river are covered in the spoor of cows, goats, sheep, goblins, orcs, and the occasional eiger.

The logs are slippery and rotten from their immersion in water, and the mules make several missteps as they cross, but don’t fall (Babshapka Animal Handling 11). Once on the other bank, the tracks lead up the valley alongside the river, while the party plunges directly into the thick forest and out of sight, assured by Thokk that they can pick up the more southern branch if they continue southeast. This steep river valley seems to act as a funnel for clouds moving up from the lowlands - the trees here are taller and more densely spaced than down by the Davish, and the thick moss on trunks and boulders attests to abundant rain.

Not knowing where the upcoming fork is, but knowing that they want to take the southern branch, the party continues to the southeast while Thokk watches Phreeeee scouting ahead.

(10:20am) Thokk reports that Phreeee has found the fork, and that it lies some five or six miles ahead. The party turns south to intercept it farther along its course.

(10:50am) The party pauses while Thokk casts beast sense again. Willa asks Babshapka to take the opportunity to check about for tracks. He says that there are deer and boar, and an abundance of wolves (Survival 11). The party discusses the possibility of capturing some of the humanoid cattle drivers and interrogating them. Matthias says that if they attack any such group, they just have to make sure that none of them get away. They don’t want to warn the enemy this close to their goal.

(11:30am. Encounter. Luck roll -2; orc raiding party) Several things happen at once. Just as Thokk is excitedly telling the party that Phreeeee sees something important (Perception 23), Aurora announces with alarm that Buckbeak has spotted a group of orcs moving through the trees toward them (Perception 16). Babshapka gathers the party and mules and moves them swiftly into cover (Stealth 18).

To the south of the party, on the hillslope above them, a large group of orcs passes close by. Babshapka can make out one or two dozen orcs (he sees ten but hears more), as well as a few larger brutes some in the party recognize as orogs - the mixed offspring of orcs with eigers. Before Thokk gets to tell the party what Phreeeee sees (the bird has actually arrived at the Steading), he loses his beast sense - and given what Phreeeee saw, he is uncertain whether the spell naturally expired or the hawk was spotted and killed.

Without his companion’s senses, Thokk returns to the situation at hand. He carefully studies the passing orcs, in case he needs to imitate or infiltrate them (Insight 14). Looking at their paint, tattoos, and piercings, he tells the others that they are orcs of the “Broken Bone” tribe, worshippers of the god Bahgtru, the son of Gruumsh. Bahgtru is the god of pure physical force, wrestling, personal power, and dominance. After watching the entire group pass, Thokk thinks it odd that no shamen were seen with the group. A force that large would normally have one or more religious leaders accompanying it, and they would not be easily missed, for shaman of Bahgtru would be the biggest, strongest, loudest, most bullying members of the band. The party whispers speculations to one another.

[In fact, Nosnra has been slowly bringing all of the local orc tribes under his control in the following manner: Each den is visited by a large group of eigers with a hill giant warrior or two, and told to submit themselves to Nosnra's will, which will include working with orcs of different tribes. When the shamen object (as they always do), they are killed along with any of the secular leaders who resisted the slaughter of their shamen. Common orcs who resist are enslaved and brought back to the Steading for re-education; common warriors who immediately accept Nosnra's rule become raiders and scouts for the giants, like all the members of the group the party is seeing.]

For some time after the orcs have moved off to the northwest, near but not directly along the party’s trail, the party stays silent and hidden. And then the piercing cry of Phreeeee can be heard directly above them. The falcon has returned and is attempting to find Thokk, following their custom of Thokk stepping out from cover when Aurora informs him that Buckbeak has seen the bird return.

Aurora puts prestidigitated lights on a tree, carefully placing them on one side so that they cannot be seen from the direction in which the orcs went. Phreeeee ignores them (Intelligence check -2) and continues calling loudly for Thokk. “Shut yer bird up are aye will,” warns Willa.

Thokk steps out from cover, trying to use a large boulder to shield himself from the orcs but still be visible to the falcon (Stealth 11, Phreeeee Perception 11). Finally the bird sees him and immediately swoops down to settle on his outstretched forearm. Thokk feeds it bits of rotten meat while showing it Aurora’s lights and praising its loyalty with softly murmured words.

(11:40am) As the party begins to talk, Thokk speaks to the hawk and then describes what he saw. Some three or four miles away, he says, in a gap that the small river makes between high mountain peaks, in a stand of huge trees, is a log steading. The scale of the building, according to what Phreeeee saw from the size of a set of outside doors, could only be that of giants. It seems that the party has found their destination - is this the source of the raids?

Thokk moves forward to check the trail left by the orcs (Stealth 14, Survival 15). He estimates them at 20 orcs and three orogs and takes them to be a patrol as they are not following a defined path. He expects that they are looking for groups like the party who are trying to sneak up on the Steading, as their trail eventually leads back in that direction.

(11:50am) The party begins to look at one another, and especially at the mules. How can they hide their approach? But if they do not take the mules with them, what do they do with all their gear? Babshapka leads them all a mile north, away from the Steading, until he finds a huge pine deadfall that can conceal their gear.

(12:10pm) Willa directs them to start unpacking the mules and doing a gear check - making sure that they have everything they need from them. Many of the characters load up to their maximum weight with grenades and other Terran weapons - including Doro, although she has no idea what the strange devices do or how to use them. Aurora passes her two power discs, one fully charged and one at two, although without much explanation. Later, Mathias tells her not to try to use the items - they are dangerous - but just to carry them for the others and hand them over if called upon.

“Why did we bring all this treasure?” asks Aurora rhetorically, as she encourages Thokk to carry jewelry and platinum chits rather than leave them in the gear bags. Willa takes out twelve trenchers of meaty stew, but leaves the rest of the food, for people and mules, in the bags. Babshapka has located a nearby fallen tree. He digs out under it a space large enough for the mule pack frames and all their bags - everything the party members are not carrying on themselves - moves them under the tree, and camouflages the front with stones and fallen branches (Survival 25). He then carefully distributes all about the earth he dug away.

Their gear stowed, they argue about the mules. Mathias says that the mules will get them all caught, and they should be killed and the bodies hidden. Willa thinks that they should be hidden, alive, and made to look like they have escaped from one of the livestock drives. After the debate has gone on for longer than ten minutes, Babshapka tells the others to have their mid-day meal and try to stay quiet. He begins to lead the mules away to the north on their lead ropes, but Willa stops him and tells Thokk to both rub himself on the mules and pee on them, which he does to his great amusement. Hopefully his orc musk will cover the scent of the rest of the party.

Babshapka walks for 45 minutes away from the rest of the party to the northwest. He finally finds a natural ‘corral’ of sorts, where three large trees have fallen in such a way as to form an enclosure with a narrow entrance. He brings the mules inside, then tangles, rather than ties, the ends of their lead ropes to large fallen branches, to make it look like they have escaped but gotten caught in the vegetation. He encourages the mules to remain in the enclosure for their own safety. Walking around from the outside, he finds that they are concealed from most angles - so long as they don’t wander off or bray (Survival 12). He would like to actually tie them down or hobble them, but that would make it obvious that their owners were in the area rather than them having escaped by themselves.

(2:40pm) Babshapka returns to the party. They have spent the time while he was away debating whether they are here for an outright attack on the giants or an intelligence-gathering mission in which the giants will not know that they have come. It still seems unresolved. Babshapka tells them to be quiet and follow him. They walk directly toward his estimation of where the Steading is, not retracing their path to near where their gear cache is. All the while they travel, an afternoon fog gets thicker and the visibility drops.

(2:50pm) At a mile from the steading, the party takes a short rest and those who can, refresh their spell slots.

(3:50pm) The party sets out through the deep fog, guided by Babshapka’s sense of direction and little else as large trees suddenly spring into view and then disappear again in the mists. The thick, wet leaves and sodden needles on the ground deaden the sounds of their feet.

(4pm) At half a mile from the Steading it is still not visible, but the trees have thinned and a fog-shrouded meadow has opened before them. From somewhere ahead the sound of the rushing river can be heard.

It is agreed that Babshapka will scout for them, alone. Doro casts invisibility on him, reminding him that it will last but one hour.

Aurora at: 4/3/3/1 (Cast mage armor on self and Doro at 6am, 2pm; four slots recovered during short rest)

Doro at: 4/2/3/1 (Cast invisibility)

As he approaches the center of the meadow, Babshapka spots the watchtower of the Steading first, rising up from the fog to nearly forty feet tall. He carefully checks the ground as he goes (Survival 25). There are lots of prints - orcs, eigers, and something bigger (giants?), wolves, and giant wolves.

The watchtower is at the northern end of the building, at one end of a gallery with stout wooden doors fully twenty feet tall! A huge wood pile is stacked against the northern wall, and a number of sloppily-mortared stone chimneys rise along the other wooden walls. The great pine logs of the walls are some three feet in diameter, and cedar planking on the roof takes the place of shingles. He sees no windows save for the open ones at the top of the watchtower, but some smoke rises from the side-gaps in the stacked roofs. Looking all about, there is smoke coming from the chimneys, but no movement on the ground (Perception 20). The smoke smells of wood fires, but also of burned meat and charred hide. There is some sort of shape or shadow in the watchtower, but it is still for as long as he watches. The main building of the steading is higher in the center, some 30 feet or so, but falls to perhaps 15 feet in the outer ring.

Babshapka walks the whole east side of the Steading. Toward the back, the wall and roof becomes a palisade of vertical posts. There are gate doors in the stockade wall and a clear path like that leading to the entry doors. Here he can clearly hear the lowing of cattle and bleating of sheep, snorting of pigs, as well as deep, wolf-like growls. Along the way he has passed by several other chimneys, all warm and smoking from their tops. The exterior wood of the walls is sodden from constant rain, and thin patches of moss are here and there on the roof - but he estimates the whole building has been here less than a year.

The north wall contains the long side of the outbuilding, another stockade wall with gate and path, and a narrow extension of the main building.

The west wall is one long expanse of the windowless steading itself, some three hundred fifty feet long and with two stone chimneys in the center. There is a great ailing alder tree closer to the northern end, with all its lower branches stripped and its bark carved with crude runes in giantish. Its crown is over the roof of the steading; by climbing it, Babshapka can see down into the stockades. The corral off the northern gate contains livestock - cows, sheep, goats, and pigs, and even a few horses, while the one off the eastern gate holds giant wolves. Both pens have bare ground floors, muddy and dung-covered. A lower, cruder wall with a small gate separates the two corrals, and several of the wolves pace close along their side while the animals on the other side avoid it. There is a door to the interior of the Steading in the food animal pen and another in the wolf pen, where there is also a door to the outbuilding.

Babshapka descends the tree and gazes up at the watchtower as he moves around to the south side of the steading. There is still a large object, dark against the open window, larger than an orc and unmoving (Perception 12). This side of the south wall has a stone chimney - the only one whose stones are cool to the touch and which is not emitting smoke.

He retreats to the path and watches for half an hour, but nothing comes or goes, nothing stirs. He approaches the doors at the base of the watchtower. Listening, he hears (Perception 23) voices and movement - but, he thinks, from deeper within the Steading, not just beyond these great doors.

(5pm) Babshapka returns to the party at the edge of the woods and is just three steps away from them when he becomes visible in the fog, the spell on him suddenly ending.

Thokk casts beast sense and Phreeeee immediately sets out for the Steading. He alights on the cold chimney and peers down it. It smells of ash and soot but no warm air rises from it. He could get down it, with care, but could not then return up it, being able to have a controlled vertical fall with his wings outstretched but unable to fly thus. He gazes from the height of the chimney into the windows of the watchtower (Perception 21). There is no floor, but he does see a large staircase. A hill giant, slumped against the wall and his back to the window, forms the unmoving shape Babshapka saw. Is it sleeping, or drugged, or dead? The falcon flies through the open window and perches on the highest stair.

The stairs go round and down the inside walls of the tower. Hopping a bit at a time, the falcon reaches the bottom, where his eyes strain against the dark. The huge double doors of the entry are there, with two equally huge hill giants nearby. One looks collapsed over a tun cask, the other is seated on the stone floor, leaning up against the wall, drool running freely from his mouth. Drunk or poisoned? The falcon can’t tell (Nature 9).

There are three doors to the interior of the steading - a set of double-doors in the center of the north wall, nearly as large as the ones of the entry, and single doors to their east and west. They are far larger than doors built for humans, but the sixteen-foot tall giants would nonetheless have to bend and stoop to enter them.

Phreeeee hops back up the great stairs of the tower. From this angle he notices something hanging from the roof - a great bronze ring, as large and stout as a barrel hoop, hanging from a rope, and a rod of iron nearby, next to the unconscious giant.

Out the window he flies and the giant doesn’t stir. Up and over the Steading he goes, viewing the animals in the two stockades, and then back to the party.

From the edge of the forest, the party watches the Steading. As the evening cools, the fog thins. A drizzling rain starts, dispersing the remnants of fog. There is a brief window of no fog in which all the Steading and the slopes above it are easily visible from the edge of the forest. Then, the rain grows heavier and the sun sinks behind the mountains and all is obscured again. In the time of greatest visibility, the party can see that beyond the meadow and Steading, the once-forested slopes above the building are now completely denuded - all stripped of trees with only stumps remaining as far up as can be made out. Rain has cut erosional gulleys down the hillside, each running into the nearby stream. In more level patches, year-old saplings and brush have sprung up.

Behind a thick stand of trees, by the light of Aurora’s prestidigitation, Babshapka clears away the pine needles and sketches a map of the Steading in the dirt, showing the two gates and three doors that he saw - with only three doors into the main Steading, one in the back extension, one in the shadow of the watchtower, and one in the wolf pen. The party debates the merits of entering by either door versus the chimney or tower. A grapnel and rope is retrieved from a pack. Willa sets a sleep grenade to the longest delay and secures it on her belt.

Buckbeak is sent ahead to the tower and through the upper window while the party continues their debate. When he returns, Aurora relays what he saw - the unconscious giant, the bronze alarm ring, the spiral stairs, the three doors, the two giants on the floor - all matches to what Phreeeee allowed Thokk to see. But there is one more detail - the great double-doors under the tower have a bar and braces on the inside - but the bar is not in place. Rather, it lies nearby. This seems to be the deciding factor - the party will enter by the main doors. Willa insists that some other party has beaten them to the Steading - drugged the giants - but to what end?

In the deepening dark the party creeps across the open meadow to the main doors of the Steading. Doro and Willa take the hands of those who can see - Willa has her lantern lit but hooded. Aurora checks the huge doors for traps (Investigation 12) while Babshapka examines the trail for tracks (Survival 25). He finds giant, eiger, and orc as before - and now bugbear - but no humans, and no one with good new boots like an adventuring party (some of them thought perhaps the giants were dead, and another group had beaten them here).

They would like to open the doors quietly, and decide that their newest member, Doro, is the most stealthful among them (she has a +9). She has the know-how, but perhaps not the strength, to open the doors - Thokk works under her guidance. (Doro Stealth check alone, 23, Strength check to open doors with advantage (help) from Thokk, 17). One of the great double-doors swings silently inward.

[DM's note: The great doors of the Steading require strength checks to open, but the party wanted to do so stealthily as well. I ruled that they could Help one another (for advantage) but that whichever character made one check also had to make the other. Typically they chose a stealthy character to make the rolls with Help from a strong character rather than the other way around.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

Last edited by Kirt on Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:48 am; edited 2 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:15 am  

Woo-hoo, we're finally at the fun part!

Are you using the version of the G series from Tales of the Yawning Portal? Also, did you write up the parts of the party's journey through Sterich to the Steading yourself?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:39 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Are you using the version of the G series from Tales of the Yawning Portal? Also, did you write up the parts of the party's journey through Sterich to the Steading yourself?

For the Steading I just took the original G1 and converted all the residents to their respective 5e versions, at full numbers - I don't think at that point I knew that there were conversions in TotYP. By the time the party got to the basement, I was looking for some help with converting some of the more unique residents, like the Keeper, and discovered versions online. That eventually led me to TotYP. By the time the party got to G2, I had the e-version of ToYP on Roll20 and I mostly used that, with the 5e stats and reduced numbers.

Yes, everything that happened from when they left Istivin to their arrival at the Steading was written / designed by me, with the exception of Kerri and Griffage as NPCs. My random wandering encounters and weather generation was taken straight from the WoGG. Once they got close enough to the Steading that I was using a 1 mile hex map and rolling for encounters every mile, I switched over to the 4F rolls using the tables I described in the posts.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:26 am  
Post 249: Sneaking around the Upper Steading

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Note that neither the map in the original G1, nor the map reprint in Tales of the Yawning Portal, have a compass rose that indicates north. Considering the placement of the Jotens with respect to Sterich and Headwater, it made more sense to me for the entrance to the Steading to be towards the north, and the stockades to the south, so when looking at the module map, I used south at the 'top' of the page and the directions given in this description follow from that decision.

For items found in a giant's bag, I combined the tables in the original module with two others:
From WotC:
From Paizo:

Post 249: Sneaking around the Upper Steading
4 April [9 Planting] - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 58, fog and heavy rain)

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the entry chamber [1] is the stone-flagged floor - a great contrast to the rough-hewn pine trunks of the walls. Torches on the walls are unlit, and only those in the party with darkvision can see within. Inside the hall, the two giants are immediately visible, each easily sixteen feet tall and of enormous bulk, although both now slumbering peacefully on the floor - one draped over a large wine cask, one with his back against the wall. Their chests rise and fall slowly.

Muddy footprints from outside lead to three different doors in the east, center, and west of the south wall. The center doors are nearly as large as those the party has just opened, but the others are ‘merely’ six feet high and seven feet wide, of stout wood banded with iron. Giants such as these ‘guards’ would definitely have to stoop and squeeze to pass through the doors, if not double completely over, and yet the floor attests to a steady stream of them doing so. The room itself has a roof sixteen feet high at the exterior wall and sloping up to the center of the steading, but the giants, were they to stand, would still need to duck under the occasional thick rafter or cross beam.

Thokk looks around the room carefully, nostrils flaring (Perception 23). He smells the cheap wine in the barrel, and on the breaths of the unconscious giants as well, as well as the wet earth and mildewing logs. From within the Steading comes the laughter of giants, the crackle of flames, and the smells of a great feast - from the middle doors if he judges right, and indeed there is light coming from the gaps between those doors and their frames, while the other two doorframes are dark. At the far end of the hall, a stout wooden staircase ascends the tower at right angles. Along the wall between the center doors and those of the east are a row of pegs on the wall. From them hang a number of hide and fur capes and several great leather bags.

Mathias moves cautiously into the room. He is visible when he moves, at least to Aurora, Babshapka, and Thokk. But any time he stops for more than a few seconds at a time he literally disappears into the shadows, completely unseen. Now he takes Doro’s hand and leads her over to where the bags hang on the wall. “As soon as we can risk the light,” he whispers, “start going through these and tell us what you find.”

Aurora cautiously approaches the first giant, checking his breathing and his breath, and then as delicately as she can manage, his pulse. He twitches and murmurs as she feels his wrist, but does not wake. She whispers to the others that he is passed-out drunk, but not drugged, as far as she can tell (Medicine 20).

Babshapka moves to the three doors, listening at each one in rapid succession (Perception 12, 8, 7). At the central double doors, the sounds of the feast are obvious. Babshapka is beginning to learn Giant, and can even pick out a word here or there, but certainly cannot follow a conversation amidst the babel of dozens of voices. The other two doors are silent. When he is satisfied, he ascends the creaky wooden stairs of the tower with Thokk [1B], and with Aurora half a turn behind them. The giant at the top of the tower is as unconscious as the pair below. Thokk takes the iron striker for the alarm ring and throws it out the eastern window, where it falls to the mud at the base of the tower; the gentle thud is masked by the sound of the rain on the roof and ground.

On the ground floor, Willa has opened one side of her hooded lantern and panned the beam around the room, being careful to not let the light fall directly across the eyes of the sleeping giants. Once she has seen the room itself, she moves to Doro’s side as the bard goes through the cloaks and bags. The cloaks are simply foul weather gear, and many are still wet and muddy. The bags contain a strange assortment of items; several soiled and patched linens, a large drinking horn, an uprooted blueberry bush with the berries still on it, and a half-full cask of ale.

After a hushed discussion in the tower above, Thokk begins to climb into the rafters to fetch the bronze alarm ring, but Aurora sends her mage hand aloft with a dagger to cut it down, and Thokk neatly snatches it as it falls. This he tosses down out the northern side of the tower, as far from where he through the striker as the open windows allow. Then Thokk, Aurora, and Babshapka quickly descend and meet the others in the hall at the base of the tower.

Aurora doesn’t find any traps on the easternmost door (Investigation 22), so Doro attempts to open it with Thokk’s help, but it proves too heavy (Strength check with advantage, 10). Babshapka takes her place (Strength check 15 with advantage, Stealth flat 22) and opens it silently. The door itself is not of planed lumber but rather of smaller bound trunks - nearly a foot thick and unbelievably heavy. The walls are also a single layer of trunks, but thicker than the door at easily two feet across. Aurora takes note - her message, and her command of Buckbeak, will likely be able to penetrate a door or a single wall, but not two walls in succession.

There are no lights in the dark hall before them, and Willa brings her lantern to bear. Some forty feet in, the hallway turns to the left, but there is a door on the far wall beyond. All along the way the floor is stone flagged like the room they are in. Aurora asks Willa to play her lantern specifically along the floor as she studies it (History 27). She notes that while most of the flagstones are fresh-cut and recently mortared, like the chimneys outside, here and there is a much older flagstone, grey and worn smooth with time and the passage of treads. These old flags are scattered about in no discernable pattern, likely the result of cannibalizing some older structure, as oft happens when building on the quick.

When Mathias steps from the shadows, the party as a whole moves down the hallway, with Babshapka scouting ahead (Stealth 14). He reaches the end of the corridor and finds that it jogs to the east, then continues to the south, although there is a door on the east wall. He listens at the door but does not hear anything, even though the noise of the feast still reaches them from elsewhere in the Steading (Perception 8 ). Looking up the southern corridor, he sees that it runs far farther than his darkvision can make out. At the end, however, are brief flashes of red light and shadow - as if creatures were moving in front of a distant fire.

“Can giants see in the dark?” whispers Aurora.

“No,” hisses Babshapka, “but their orcs can” (Nature 21 with bonus for favored enemy). Willa angles the lantern high along the walls of the corridor. Every thirty feet or so are set fresh torches in cressets, none lit. They are all set far above the reach of even Thokk.

After Aurora checks the eastern door for traps (Investigation 15), Doro opens it with Thokk’s assistance (Strength with advantage 19, stealth 20). Babshapka peers down the new hallway (Perception 17). It ends at about seventy feet forward with what he takes to be the edge of the steading itself, but three doors and another hallway to the south are visible. Aurora checks the closest door for traps (Investigation 17) while Babshapka peers down the southern hallway. It is beyond the limits of his darkvision but he can see a doorway at the end, outlined by the light of the room beyond.

Aurora checks the other two doors for traps (Investigation 14, 15) while Babshapka then listens at them (Perception 10, 17, 18 ) and says he hears nothing.

They start at the northern door, agreeing that it is the room into which the cold chimney Buckbeak found must lead. Doro opens it for them to enter (Strength 14 with advantage, Stealth 23), although Mathias remains behind in the shadows as the rest of them pass through.

“Unoccupied,” says Aurora, “and the hearth is cold. “Check it quickly, and if it is safe, let me bring forth Charlotte. A spider is a better scout in the dark than a hawk, and much less notable inside.”

Once everyone but Mathias is in the room, Doro gently pulls the door nearly closed behind them. The bedchamber [14] is dimly lit by a smoky torch at the east end set in a wall sconce high above the floor; at the other end it is matched by an unlit torch. Aside from the door itself, all of the furnishings in the room are sized for giants. There are six beds, four chairs, four stools, seven chests, and two tables. Various skins and hides cover the floors, several more hang on the walls, and there are giant garments hanging from several pegs. When Willa directs the others to look under the beds, another four bags are found.

Babshapka moves to the hearth and looks up the chimney. The outside rain falls and spatters in the cinders, so he is reasonably sure there is no flue, but against the dark night sky he cannot tell whether there is a grate or not (Perception 8 ). In any event, he feels the warmth of the room drawing up the chimney, so he tells Aurora to set up her brazier on the stone of the hearth while he helps the others search. Her incense will be pungent, he knows from experience, and he would rather not have it wafting through the Steading itself and drawing attention.

Willa tells the others to look for food on the tables (none - the giants are likely at the feast and will remain so), and to check how many of the beds appear slept in (two are made well, another three or four are sloppy enough they might have been used recently). While Aurora begins her ritual, the others proceed to examine the chests and bags (Babshapka Investigation 16).

Over the next ten minutes the party finds the following “treasures” among the chests and bags - a human-sized machete (or giant-sized skinning knife?), forty feet of hemp rope, two painted rocking horses sized for human children (in separate chests), a well-crafted oak casket, a dented steel shield bearing the arms of Sterich, a carved stone statue of a human woman with a vase of water, a wagon wheel, and a three foot tall carved stone idol that looks like some sort of giant.

Aurora has had Buckbeak as her companion since the interior of the alien ship over a month ago, but from the flames of the brazier, Charlotte, an innocuous-looking normal-sized spider emerges - with darkvision and the ability to climb on walls and fit through the cracks in doors. [Here the DM and player made a mistake that decidedly helped the party; this was not the first time we assumed that the casting time of find familiar as a ritual was ten minutes, when it is actually an hour and ten minutes. On the other hand, in-game Aurora, who would have known this, would likely have spent the hour casting the spell before the party entered the Steading.]

Willa moves out into the hall and hisses for Mathias. He whispers that he is still there. She mostly, but not completely, closes the door. Aurora directs Charlotte under the door into the more westerly of the two southern rooms. It appears to be another empty bedchamber [16], and runs to the south all the way to where the door at the end of the hall lies, but Charlotte finds no other way out. Perhaps a barracks?

When Aurora confirms that no one is inside the room, Doro attempts to open the door with Thokk’s help, but fails (Strength check with advantage, 8 ). Thokk good-naturedly shoves her aside and tries himself, but the heavy door remains stuck in its frame (flat Strength check 9). Finally Babshapka comes to Thokk’s aid, and together the two of them are able to force the door (Thokk Strength check with advantage, 20).

The party searches the room [16] quickly. It has ten cots, ten boxes, four stools, a table, two benches, and numerous odds and ends, none of which are of interest. They begin to go through the bags and boxes, finding: a large bag of dried mushrooms, thirty feet of hemp rope with a wooden bucket tied to the end, a worthless and mangy pine marten fur, a great smooth rock that Babshapka tells them is likely a missile weapon (although of them, only Thokk and Willa could even throw it, and only a few feet at that), a wagon wheel, sixty feet of hemp rope, eighty feet of jute rope, five silver hawks (coins from the nation of Geoff to the north of Sterich), a human-sized axe blade clumsily fitted with a wood handle to use as a giant-sized hand-chopper, a five foot length of heavy iron chain, and a life-sized carved stone statue of a dwarven warrior.

Doro shows the five silver coins to Willa and she nods to take them, adding “Right o’ pillage,” rather unenthusiastically. Thokk furrows his brow and grabs a length of hemp rope, then returns to the first bedchamber [14] they found. He fits the rope to a grapnel from the party’s supplies and points up the chimney. Bracing his back against one wall and his legs on the other, he begins to chimney up the stonework (Athletics check with advantage 20), leading to a shower and of soot and ashes into the hearth below which eventually billows into a cloud spreading throughout the room.

Thokk makes it all the way up the chimney, emerging some twenty-five above the ground outside. He firmly lodges the grapnel in place on the lip of the stonework and lowers himself back down the rope (Athletics 11). He emerges from the fireplace, his back and boots caked with greasy soot. He coils the extra rope and ties it in a careful loop hanging just above eye level so that it cannot be seen from inside the chamber. By the time Thokk returns to the party, the others have finished searching the second bedchamber [16], Aurora has confirmed that the third chamber [15] is both empty and similar to the second, and Willa has opened the last door with a loud thud (Strength check 24). The third room is indeed nearly identical to the second, though with cloaks on pegs and more hides on the walls and floor. In the bags and boxes are found several soiled and patched linens, sized from human handkerchiefs to sheets, a shabby giant-sized wool cloak, a giant-sized copper kettle, a six foot long wooden fence post (unpainted), four throwing boulders, a ten foot length of hemp rope tied to a stone rowboat anchor, a dented steel shield (with a Sterish device), one throwing boulder, a worthless, mangy wolf pelt, a wheel of hard cheese (moldy and stinky), ten copper sparrows (Sterish coins), six dead trout (reasonably fresh), another giant-sized copper kettle, and a human-sized dented metal helm (food residue indicates it is used as a bowl). The final box searched contains several ears from both dwarves and elves. One is set with a gemmed earring; Doro takes the entire ear.

Willa closes all the open doors, and the party moves out into the hallway. Aurora sends Charlotte ahead of them, past Mathias and into the room [12] with the closed door they first saw from the base of the watchtower. While she is thus occupied looking through the eyes of the spider, Babshapka hears the door at the far southern end of the hall open, and immediately a chorus of voices they previously took to be from the feast resolve themselves (Perception 24). Babshapka hisses for Aurora but she can’t hear him with her attention on Charlotte. Aurora is the only one in the group to the east of the hall and potentially in view - Babshapka darts across the opening, grabs her by her robes, and drags her back to the west side. There are already people coming down the hall; Babshapka can hear their feet well enough, but he trusts that with the bright light from behind them, they will not be able to see far forward down the darkened hall (Stealth 24).

The party scrambles out into the hall where Mathias stands watch, but hearing the feet close behind them, there is no time to discuss where they should move. Instead, each goes their own way. Babshapka opens the far door (Strength check 15) and he, Aurora, Willa, and Thokk enter, with Thokk closing it behind them. Mathias and Doro move farther south back up the hallway. Aurora sends Charlotte under the door that Thokk closed behind them while Babshapka listens at a door out of the room they are in. The room itself [12] is an arsenal, with all the arms and armor sized for giants - several dozen great helmets, shields, and spears are stacked against the walls, as well as a dozen clubs and three huge axes.

As Charlotte watches, the hallway grows brighter. Finally, a group of orcs come into her view. They are moving slowly and carrying torches. At every place along the walls where a great torch is set, they make pyramids of their bodies, standing on one-another’s shoulders as they lean against the wall and reach up and light the brands. One at a time they light each torch as they proceed. Charlotte withdraws under the door and retreats to the wall next to the door to the armory just as they enter the hallway.

The orcs approach and then open the door to the armory, catching the four party members in the room. Stunned by the party’s presence, they stand there gaping. Thokk has time to see them as they gawk. These are no warriors. None of them carry weapons or arms, all are clad in rags, and most are covered in great welts and bruises. After a few seconds, they turn and move rapidly away.

With Charlotte in the lead, Aurora and Thokk follow the retreating orcs up the hall. In their haste, the orcs have left the door open, and Thokk can clearly see a lit and busy kitchen [17] with dozens of people of all sizes working. Aurora and Thokk approach as close as they dare without being seen from the room, and then Aurora sends Charlotte on ahead.

Seizing the initiative, Thokk begins berating the retreating orcs at the top of his lungs (Intimidation 8, but 25 with advantage because he is shouting in Orc > orcs Insight 8 ). “What are you sluggards doing? It is well after dark! You should have been about this half an hour ago! Get those torches lit now! Move, maggots, move!” he bellows, and he kicks at Aurora as he yells to make his point. She goes sprawling prone across the stone floor. The orcs gasp, then grovel, then begin running back into the armory, seizing and handing to one another the smaller of the great giant shields while others in the hall light more torches as fast as they can, balanced precariously on one another. Babshapka is hiding in the shadows of the armory; Willa has adopted the groveling posture of the orcs and imitates them scurrying about Thokk’s feet.

With more yells, kicks, and swats Thokk drives the orcs about the room, carrying the great shields between them, but now he pauses to listen to them (Perception 16) as they mutter amongst themselves. “Who is that guy?” “I dunno, a new overseer maybe, just grab a shield and go!” “Let’s get back to the kitchen, quick!”

Aurora sends Charlotte running after the retreating orcs, who are now all dashing away with the shields, but carrying them with both hands and not as armor.

Once all the orcs are long gone, Babshapka opens the other door in the armory. The room beyond [13] is also a weapons storage, but has no helms. There are a dozen each of the giant-sized spears, shields, clubs, and axes, as well as some truly massive great swords, huge iron maces, a sheaf of what look like human boar spears but which the giants could easily use as javelins. There are double-doors in the room from which Babshapka can clearly hear the sounds of the feast.

The spider passes through the kitchen [17] without being noticed. There are counters all along the walls, a huge hearth, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking. The nine orc thralls the party met have joined another two dozen swarming about the floor of the place, carrying things from one part of the kitchen to another but not able to reach the giant-sized tables or counters. A dozen young serving eigers seem to have that job, taking things from the orcs and handing them to a half-dozen great giant matrons, who are doing the chopping, spitting, stirring, and so forth. The place is a frenzy of activity, and woe to the orc who finds himself underfoot! The kitchen continues north around a corner, and a great set of doors are open to the east. As the returning orcs arrive with the shields, the matrons and eigers pile them high like platters with cuts of meat and steaming loaves of bread, then send them off to the feast hall.

Thokk stares at the scene from the hallway, pondering. As much as he enjoyed yelling at the orcs, he would rather have a small warband than a palace full of slaves. How many of these thralls are there, and are they perhaps waiting for Thokk, waiting for the great general who can lead them in overthrowing the yoke of their cruel giant masters?

Charlotte passes out the open doors, across the hall, and into the feast room [11] as Thokk leads blind Aurora back down the hall to rejoin the party.

By the time the rest of them are back in the entryway of the Steading [1] and ready to try the third door, the spider has gone the entire length of the feast hall [11]. The center of the Steading, under the third and highest roof and a number of enormous pillars, is a great open space. It is crowded with tables, benches, and stools, and these are packed with giants and eigers while orcs run about trying to keep the plates of the giants filled. In the center is a huge fire pit where a whole ox, two sheep, and four pigs all roast on long spits. Aurora notes (Charlotte Perception 24), that the eigers and smallest giants are mostly to the north, while the farther south in the room they are seated, the larger the giants are. At the table farthest to the south, facing out over the rest of the room, are two truly enormous male hill giants as well as an equally large female. A huge cave bear crouches under the table at their feet. A trio of bald, grey, and thin but muscled giants are also seated at this table, as well as a slender blue giantess who would tower over twenty feet high if she stood.

Aurora carefully describes everything she sees to Babshapka. He believes the gray individuals are stone giants, but does not know whether the blue giantess is a frost, storm, or cloud giant.

Through the third door off the entry hall the party goes, finding a T-intersection with one door in view. Charlotte is sent under the door and finds a bedchamber [2] with a single bed. Willa mostly closes the door to the entry hall behind them, and notes that a single bedroom, after the numerous communal rooms they have seen, would belong to someone important - they should check it. Mathias encourages them all to pick up the pace and look for only papers and documents relating to the giant's plans against Sterich.

Aurora finds no traps on the door (Investigation 23) so Babshapka, Aurora, and Doro move in. There are a scattering of giant-sized furnishings, with hides on the floors, a bear skin on the wall, a chair, a stool, a huge chest, and a vast bed covered thickly with a mound of furs. A shelf on the wall fully nine feet off the floor contains personal effects - with some of them likely valuable. Babshapka looks under the bed, and under the rug on the floor, but finds nothing (Investigation 8 ). Aurora uses a charge from her wand of magic detection. Confirming that nothing on the shelf above is radiating, she climbs up in the bed and starts going through the furs when there is a moan and the bed creaks as the mound shifts. Something massive is under all the furs! Aurora holds her breath as she slinks off the bed (Stealth 11). After those in the hall are warned, Doro checks the chest (Stealth 25) but finds it contains only coins, although there are hundreds each of copper, silver, and gold within.

At his advanced scouting position in the hallway, Mathias has been hearing thumps and crashes coming from the room beyond the wall he is nestled against. The longer he stays, the more he can separate these noises from those of the feast - there are uproars of mocking laughter and innumerable beefy smacks. Charlotte later reports that the room [3] is filled with rollicking, wrestling hill giants, each a youth the size of a full grown eiger.

A door to the north is skipped; another door lets in on the other end of the giant’s youth dormitory.

A further door ahead contains a room [5] with three young hill giant maids and an older matron. Aurora initially assumes it is a harem - but as Charlotte looks around the place, the style and decorations suggest more gentleborn ladies-in-waiting than concubines.

The party is working faster now that Charlotte is scouting, no doors are being opened and no rooms are being searched, but Mathias continually goads them to be quicker and more focused.

Under the next door Charlotte finds two large hallways running south and east, but also a huge chamber to the west. It is the largest room [6] they have seen outside of the feast hall, but it appears deserted of occupants and with but sparse furnishings. Aurora does not find traps on the door (Investigation 25), so Doro opens it with the aid of Thokk (Strength check with advantage 20, Stealth 26).

The party moves into the room [6] eagerly, though by this point the duration of Aurora’s wand of magic detection has expired (luck roll -2). While the room is not nearly as cluttered as the others, there are, in all, two tables, five chairs, and two stools, all sized for giants. There are numerous rugs, hides, and skins on the floor and walls. The tables have great pottery flagons on them, and pots and kegs are all about the place. There are trophies mounted on the walls - heads, skulls, skins, and some arms and armor. Various animals and monsters are represented, but also some that are clearly human and dwarven. Directly across from a large fireplace are eight shields. There is a brass jar, and some sort of skull, high above the floor on the mantlepiece of the hearth.

Doro, with Thokk’s help, barely manages to open the northern door (Strength check with advantage 12), and Thokk walks in. At the sound of a snuffly grunt he quickly backs out, however, as a huge cave bear is prowling the single bedroom [7]! The party moves to the southern door and opens it (Doro with advantage from Thokk, 12)

The room [8] off the south end of the great hall is hung with rugs and skins and there are numerous hides on the stone floor. There is a great stout bed, two chairs, a small table with a tun of wine on it, an old shield and some giant-sized weapons in the corner, a chest, and clothing hanging on pegs from the walls. One wall has a thick chain bolted to it - the other end of the chain lies loosely across the floor.

“The chain is for another bear,” says Mathias as he enters. “This room is for someone important - look for papers.”

Babshapka does an initial search of the room (Perception 15), while Aurora uses another charge from her wand of magic detection and then looks about. Seeing no magic in immediate view, she searches the chest for traps (Investigation 21), and then opens it - but finds only giant-sized clothes. The chest doesn’t even have any secret compartments (Investigation 25).

Frustrated at the lack of documents, the party continues, moving south out of the hall. A great set of double-doors before them has the sound of rain and the growls of wolves on the other side and is likely an egress to the outside. The party eschews these and enters the smaller doors to the east (Aurora looks for traps, Investigation 15, Doro attempts to open, Strength with advantage 10, fails, Babshapka attempts to open, Strength with advantage 19, Stealth 21).

Immediately upon entering the room [10], Babshapka notes its importance (Perception 20), for a huge skin map covers the wall opposite the fireplace. There is also a long table, a great chair, a lesser chair, and six stools. There are several shelves, a smaller table and chair, and some miscellaneous items that hint at the presence of documents but ultimately do not deliver (some paper scraps, an old pen-knife, a rock paperweight, etc.) The walls are covered in hides.

While Doro looks for plans or papers (Investigation 21), Willa studies the map. The mountains and river make it recognizable as Sterich, and although the labels are in Giantish, human cities and forts are recognizable. Some of them have been crossed out - and it does not take much imagination to correlate these with those the party knows have recently fallen. Others are circled - future targets? The largest of these is the city of Headwater, which the party knows is currently under siege. This indeed is valuable intelligence, and Aurora tries to copy it down, as fast as she can, leaving the others to continue searching. It is not long before Babshapka finds that one of the huge manticore hides on the east wall covers a hole just large enough for a giant to squeeze through with difficulty.

The room beyond the hole [10A] has a large landing, but then wide stone stairs, sized for giants, leading down. An alcove at the head of the stairs is filled by a stack of logs.

While Aurora continues to sketch the map, Babshapka descends the stone steps and Thokk pokes around the logs of the alcove. Babshapka hears echoes of distant monstrous growls (Perception 18 ), while Thokk uncovers five bronze scroll tubes.

To give Aurora more time, the party regroups by an interior door opposite the manticore hide. Doro fails to open the door (Strength check with advantage 9), so Babshapka is aided by Thokk (Strength check with advantage 13, Stealth 16). Inside the room [9] are four huge fur capes as well as a small number of shields, helms, and weapons. Not only are the arms and armor sized for giants, they are all of good quality and all sized for the same individual - they have found the private armory of someone important. By this point Aurora has completed her map and is allowing it to dry on the table in the other room. She enters this personal armory, and upon finding it to be that of a leader-type, uses a third charge from her wand of magic detection. A faint glow in the corner leads to three spears and a club but does not come from them, nor the large cloak behind them, nor the old rag inside the cloak, but finally inside that a bundle of five javelins, each clearly radiating evocation magic! These javelins are not sized for giants, so Thokk takes them cheerfully, and then, brow furrowed with a clever plan, replaces them with his own four javelins plus the smallest one he can find elsewhere in the room before bundling them together and covering them up as they were.

Now able to concentrate, Aurora orders Charlotte down the stairs, out of telepathy range if need be, and tells her to report back once she has found the source of the growling noise.

Babshapka reaches out with his Primeval Awareness. He finds nothing in the basement of note, nothing in the steading. Out in the woods fey creatures abound, but all are at a distance.

When Charlotte returns, she reports several great beasts with the heads of lions and wings of bats. Their tails are barbed with spikes. Aurora recognizes this description of a manticore based on the one they fought in the Ghost Tower. Willa points out that the basement is reached through a door covered by a manticore hide.

Now Mathias, Aurora, and Willa begin to argue. Mathias says that they have what they need - the map gives them information about the targets. They should leave before they are found - and report what they have learned to Griffage or the Countess. They have completed the mission.

Willa wants to go into the basement. She thinks the basement will have viable intelligence for the Countess - more than just the circled towns that are the obvious next targets on a map. The information they need is probably behind the secret door, she wagers, not in this public room. It is obvious to her that someone is manipulating the giants - and the basement might reveal who that is. The whole Steading, in fact, might be a front for those actually in control. She says that the party has the skills and resources to push ahead; they should see what is in the scroll tubes and then make a plan to take out the manticores.

Aurora goes back and forth, dithering. She is very concerned about them being found by the giants, and she is frustrated that her spell selection for today was not focused on infiltration and on incapacitating the low-Wisdom giants (as Griffage had actually suggested to them). After ten minutes of the others talking, however, her natural curiosity has gotten the better of her. She is ready to leave the Steading - but only after dispatching the manticores or, if not them, a cave bear, to see what secrets they guard. She begins asking the party whether any of them have noticed a means of egress from the Steading in case they have to exit quickly.

When Aurora is finally aboard, it is agreed that they will descend the steps to see about the basement. Doro begins practicing with her light cantrip while she waits, shading her light ever more violet until the source is barely visible, and it makes some surfaces bright and reflective.

Before they go below, however, Aurora is set to open the scroll tubes. First she checks them for traps (Investigations 9, 10, 19, 22, 22) and then opens them. All but one are empty - the third opened contains a pendant and a rolled-up parchment that was once sealed with wax but which has since had the seal broken.

The pendant has a simple leather thong holding an iron triangle with an enameled, inverted Y on it. Babshapka doesn’t recognize this as a letter within the Giant script, nor Thokk a symbol among orcs. None of them recall having seen the imagery anywhere else in the Steading. The parchment is covered in Giant runes, and Babshapka begins puzzling them out while Aurora practices using prestidigitation to make the unfamiliar symbol appear on Thokk’s brow.

The letter reads:
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏᛁ ᚾᛟᛊᚱᚨ, ᚲᚺᛁᛖᚠᛏᚨᛁᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚺᛁᛚᛚ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛃᛟᛏᛖᚾᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᛖᛁᛟᚾᛞ, ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚹᛁᛊᛞᛟᛗ ᛁᚾ ᛗᚨᚲᛁᛜ ᚦᛁᛊ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᚲᚾᛟᚹᛊ ᚾᛟ ᛒᛟᚢᚾᛞᛊ. ᛊᛟᛟᚾ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚢᚨᛚᛚᛖᛁ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛊᛏᛖᚱᛁᛊᚺᛗᛖᚾ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛟᚹᚾ ᛈᛖᚱᛊᛟᚾᚨᛚ ᛚᚨᚱᛞᛖᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᛖᚨᛊᛏᛊ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚹᛁᚦᛟᚢᛏ ᛖᚾᛞ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ ᛞᛟᚾᛖ ᚹᛖᛚᛚ ᛁᚾ ᛊᛖᚾᛞᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛟᚷᚱᛖᛊ ᛏᛟ ᛊᚢᛒᛃᚢᚷᚨᛏᛖ ᚦᛖ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾᛟᛁᛞ ᛏᚱᛁᛒᛖᛊ. ᛖᚢᛖᚱᛁᚹᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛁᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚢᚨᛚᛚᛖᛁ ᚦᛖᛁᚱ ᚱᚨᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᚾᚠᚢᛊᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᛟᚾᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾᛊ. ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚢᚾᛁ ᛗᛖᚾ ᚨᚱᛖ ᛊᛈᚱᛖᚨᛞ ᛟᚢᛏ ᚲᚺᚨᛊᛁᛜ ᚱᚢᛗᛟᚱᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚨᛏᛏᚨᚲᚲ. ᛏᚺᛖᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚢᚾᛈᚱᛖᛈᚨᚱᛖᛞ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᚹᛖ ᛗᛟᚢᛖ ᛟᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛁᛏᛁ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚨᛞᚹᚨᛏᛖᚱ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ ᛒᚢᛏ ᛏᛟ ᚲᛟᛗᛗᛁᛏ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛏᚱᚢᛖ ᚠᛟᚱᚲᛖᛊ, ᚨᛚᛚ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚲᛚᚨᚾᛊᛗᛖᚾ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛟᚷᚱᛖᛊ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛁᛏᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚠᚨᛚᛚ. ᛏᚺᛖᚾ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᛊᛟᚢᚦᛖᚱᚾ ᚺᛁᚷᚺᛚᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛁᛟᚢᚱᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛟᚢᚱ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᛖᛊ ᚦᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛊᛏ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛃᛟᛁᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚠᛁᛖᛚᛞ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᚱᛖ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏᛁ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚹᛁᛊᛖ, ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏ ᚾᛟᛊᚱᚨ, ᛒᚢᛏ ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚱᛖᚨᛏ ᚦᛖ ᛖᛗᛁᛊᛊᚨᚱᛁᛖᛊ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚦᛖ ᛊᛏᛟᚾᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᚹᛖᛚᛚ. ᛏᚺᛖᛁ ᛖᚾᚢᛁ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏᚾᛖᛊᛊ, ᛒᚢᛏ ᚦᛖᛁᚱ ᚨᛁᛞ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛗᚨᚲᛖ ᚢᛊ ᛖᚢᛖᚾ ᛊᛏᚱᛟᛜᛖᚱ, ᛊᛟ ᚦᚨᛏ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᛚᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛟᚹ ᛏᛟ ᚢᛊ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛊᛏᚢᛗᛒᛚᛖ ᛟᚢᛖᚱ ᛟᚾᛖ ᚨᚾᛟᚦᛖᚱ ᛁᚾ ᚦᛖᛁᚱ ᛖᚨᚷᛖᚱᚾᛖᛊᛊ ᛏᛟ ᚠᛖᛖᛞ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏᛁ ᚲᛚᚨᚾ. ᚨᛚᛚ ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᚾᛟᛊᚱᚨ!

After several minute’s work, Babshapka translates (Giant language proficiency check 14) it as follows:

“Hail Mighty Nosnra, Chieftain of the all the Hill Giants of the Jotens and beyond;
Your wisdom in making this alliance knows no bounds. Soon all the valley of the sterishmen will be your own personal larder and your feasts will be held without end. You have done well in sending your eigers to subjugate the humanoid tribes. Everywhere in the valley their raids confuse and confound the humans. The puny men are spread out chasing rumors of attack. They will be unprepared when you move with all your forces on the city of Headwater. You have but to commit all your true forces, all your clansmen giants and thrall eigers, and the city will quickly fall. Then all the southern highlands will be yours and our allies the frost giants will join the field. It is right that one so great and powerful as yourself should celebrate our first successes with feasting, but do not feast so long that your clansmen delay in taking the field! If you give them time to respond, the humans will reinforce their city. Your strike must be sudden and without warning.

You are mighty and wise, great Nosnra, but remember to treat the emissaries from the stone and cloud giants well. They envy your greatness, but their aid will make us even stronger, so that all the human lands will bow to us, and stumble over one another in their eagerness to feed your mighty clan.

All hail Nosnra!”

Aurora works with Babshapka to repeat this message to herself several times to memorize as much as she can. They then replace the parchment and pendant in the tube, mark the end with a cinder from the fire, and replace all the tubes under the logs where Thokk found them.

The party is now ready to descend the stairs.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:59 pm  
Post 250: Sneaking around the Lower Steading

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 250: Sneaking around the Lower Steading
4 April [9 Planting] - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (continued)
(low 58, fog and heavy rain)

The party is now ready to descend the stairs. Charlotte leads the way, but Aurora loses her whenever she strays more than a hundred feet from the wizard, or when a corner in the tunnel means that a straight line between her and Aurora passes through more than a foot of stone.

The stairs descend into a corridor with an arched ceiling peaking at about 17’ high - tall enough for a single hill giant to walk without stooping, although the rises and runs of the stairs are definitely not sized for giants. Every ten feet or so the corridor is buttressed, and this stonework is old, far older than the flagged floors of the level above. Shortly after the bottom of the stairs the corridor turns right, and after a short run, turns left.

Aurora again sends Charlotte ahead but is at first baffled by the hugeness of the room [29] beyond - where are the manticores? Charlotte reported them from before, but Aurora did not see them directly.

Babshapka tries to look for tracks in the dust of the floor, but every time he stoops down to examine, a party member walks by him and disturbs the dust. He grimaces, rises, and moves ahead, but when he bends down again, someone else walks by. Finally he says with exasperation that there are apparently no tracks but those of the party (Survival 8 ). At this, Mathias points to a very obvious print of a giant-sized boot at the entrance to the larger room (Mathias Survival 16).

As Charlotte finally finds a room with the manticores far to the south, the rest of the party cautiously moves out into the larger room. Here, the ceiling is fully 30’ overhead, with the walls and roof arched and buttressed. Along the west wall several items on the floor glint and gleam in the barely visible light of Doro’s spell.

Mathias moves out farther into the room to get a better view, then turns and hushes the party, telling them that he now sees the manticores as well - but behind some sort of gate. Indeed, the narrow access to the smaller room beyond [30] is blocked by a cross-barred portcullis, made so that the square gaps between the bars, vertical and horizontal, are only a few inches on a side.

Aurora concentrates on Charlotte, and has her enter into the manticore’s cage. One of the monsters is sleeping in the corner, not visible from outside the cell. Two pace the edges of a pile of bones and rotten food refuse. One squats, worrying at a paw with its mouth.

As the others in the party look at the far end of the room they are in, they can see several coffers stacked against the wall. One appears to have fallen open, and gems are scattered about the floor, reflecting brightly in Doro’s light.

Once inside the cage, Charlotte sees a door on the east wall, but also a hole in the ceiling directly above the refuse pile (Perception 17). Moving to the ceiling, she approaches the hole - and by standing at the lip, she can see a steeply slanted chute caked in food waste. She can distinctly hear the sounds that Aurora previously heard in the kitchen above (Perception 20) - giantesses shouting, chopping and clanging, and the crackle of a fire.

As Charlotte works her way around the chute, the remains of a large and rotten cabbage come tumbling down (Luck roll -2), plowing into her (Dexterity save 7) and knocking her to the center of the rubbish pile on the ground (Dexterity check 10). This goes unnoticed by the manticores (Stealth 20).

Charlotte crawls across the floor and over to the far wall, up the wall and returns to the ceiling. She makes it to the door, and enters by slipping through the narrow crack between the door and the frame. The room beyond is long and narrow, without a means of egress. There are seven chests inside and a number of boxes without lids (Investigation 10).

Surprise Round
Willa puts up her ioun stone in orbit, then beckons to Doro to follow her. She makes it to the far wall of the large room without having attracted the attention of the manticores (Stealth 20). She creeps toward the bars of the portcullis. Still the creatures have not looked her way (Stealth 17). Plucking one blue sleep grenade from her belt, she primes the trigger and then shoves it hard through the gaps in the bars, rolling it to near the center of the refuse pile between two of the manticores (attack roll 18).

Three seconds later, the grenade explodes, filling a circle ten feet across with thick blue smoke. This startles three of the manticores, although the fourth remains sleeping. One of the manticores is within the initial blast, but does not go down (Con save 19). As it looks around, it quickly spots Willa outside the portcullis (Perception 21).

Round 1
The manticore in the cloud still does not appear affected by the rapidly-expanding gas (Con save 17). It moves out of the cloud, turns and arcs its tail over its head, firing off three tail spikes toward Willa. The gaps in the portcullis appear designed to let the spikes fly cleanly through, and one of the spikes hits Willa’s armor (attack roll 22, 4 piercing damage).

Willa responds by throwing a second sleep grenade into the cage, this one next to where the manticore has moved (Attack roll 20). She moves back around the wall, out of sight of the cage.

Babshapka puts on his gas mask.

(Unseen by the rest of the party, Mathias uses his One with Shadows to disappear once he has reached the chest on the far wall. He unknowingly steps on the pressure plate on the floor, activating the trap. He scoops up a handful of the gems and pockets them) With a sudden rattling noise, the portcullis in front of the manticores sinks rapidly into the floor. Simultaneously, a second and previously hidden portcullis falls from the ceiling next to Thokk, who is standing at the entrance to the northern chamber. With incredible speed, he pulls out a hammer and throws it to the floor (Danger Sense, Dexterity save 15 with advantage). The large metal head of the tool lands just under the portcullis, maintaining a gap of more than an inch between the bars and the floor (luck roll +3).

Round 2
The two manticores near the refuse pile turn to fire spikes through the now open gap into the larger room, but sway and collapse as the blue gas cloud envelopes them (Con saves 13, 9). The third manticore leaves off his paw and bounds forward, great leather wings flapping heavily. By the time he is in the middle of the large northern chamber he is already ten feet off the floor. His tail whips around, shooting spikes at Babshapka (one hit, 7 piercing damage). Finally aroused by the clanging of the portcullis and the roars of its companions, the sleeping manticore awakens (Perception 15).

Now ignoring the fallen portcullis behind him, Thokk strides forward eagerly. The flying manticore is largely out of reach of his sword, so he hefts one of the javelins he took from the private armory and launches it. It hits the creature’s flank (attack roll 16) and immediately a streak of lightning erupts from the side of the creature, tracing a path back to Thokk but stopping just short of his still-extended throwing arm (6 piercing plus 14 lightning damage).

Thokk gasps in pleased surprise, shifts position, and immediately launches a second javelin at the manticore that is now attempting to bank away from him. This one erupts in a second bolt of lightning (hit, 10 piercing and 14 lightning, total 44) also shooting back nearly to Thokk.

From across the room, Aurora sends forth a huge firebolt, which crashes into the banking manticore (16 fire damage, total 60). The creature plummets to the floor, tumbling in a heavy sprawl of legs and wings across the stone.

Babshapka, gas-mask now in place, fires off two arrows at the beast as it struggles to rise (two hits, one critical, total 17 damage, manticore has taken 77). Its struggles cease, and it slumps dead to the floor.

Willa and Doro move rapidly into the manticore room, but Willa has to restrain Doro from entering the sleep gas. The bard stops, turns to the now-awake manticore, and strums a note on her samisen. The creature is surrounded by a bright green light (Dex save 13).

Before Willa can charge, a huge red frog-man appears next to her. “Effi?” she mouths silently. From the larger room beyond, Mathias calls “Attack any manticores still awake!” The frog creature runs through one of the expanding grenade clouds straight at the manticore, slashing at it with long claws (two hits, total 30 damage). But even as it slashes open the creature, the frog-thing sinks to the floor, unconscious (Con save 11).

Round 3
“Lazy manticore, you’re lucky you didn’t wake up dead!” taunts Doro (vicious mockery, Manticore fails Wisdom save 7, 3 points psychic damage (total 33) and disadvantage on next attack).

The manticore is tempted to savage the sleeping frog in front of it, or go after the woman taunting it, but decides to address the most credible threat in the room - the armored warrior (Wisdom check 16). It shoots three tail spikes at Willa, but none land solidly on her magic armor.

Willa comes forward to meet it, ignoring the gas clouds (advantage from Doro's faerie fire, two hits with one critical, 29 damage, total to manticore 52).

Babshapka, gas mask in place, moves into the room. His first arrow sinks deep into the manticore (10 points damage, total 62), but before he can fire a second one, Aurora ends its life with a firebolt (8 damage, total 70).

Round 4
Trusting to his gas mask, Babshapka drops his bow and draws both swords, wading into the cloud to attack one of the sleeping beasts (unconscious opponent - advantage to hit, any hit from within 5 feet is an automatic critical: three hits, 34 damage).

When Mathias sees Babshapka start in on the sleeping Manticore, he assumes that any conscious ones have been dispatched (from his location he cannot see into much of the cage chamber). “Ephi! Attack the sleeping ones!” he calls, not knowing that the slaad lies slumbering. [The sleep grenades typically render those who fail their saves comatose for 20 to 50 minutes, but the slaad’s regeneration is working rapidly to detoxify his body. Every 10 rounds (his hp total in regeneration) he will be allowed a new saving throw to awake.] For his part, Mathias sends forth twin blasts of force at the sleeping manticore (one hit, 11 damage, total 45), which he can see from his vantage point.

Gas mask in place, Thokk with his first strike dispatches the wounded sleeper (savage attacks for bonus critical, 24 damage, total 69), and with his second severely wounds the other (16 points).

Aurora firebolts the remaining manticore (11 points, total 27), and Willa finishes it off (44 points, total 71).

Now out of combat, the party waits for the gas to disperse in the huge space. Babshapka cleans and sheathes his swords, then collects his arrows. He moves to the door inside the cage, but does not hear anything at it (Perception 10).

Aurora is trying to figure out what triggered the fall of the portculli. Near Mathias, on the floor next to the coffers, she finds a pressure plate (Investigation 23). The gems on the floor are all just cut glass costume jewelry, and worthless (Investigation 21).

Moving to the door, Aurora quickly finds a trap on it as well (Investigation 27) - some sort of wire going into the wall will be pulled as the door opens.

Between them, Thokk and Willa drag the dead manticore from the greater chamber back to the cage room (Strength check with advantage 21). The trail of blood on the floor is visible but small, since most of the damage it took was from lightning and fire.

[Constitution save for Ephi: 14, fail]

Babshapka pokes through the food pile, and looks in both rooms for any other portculli or trap triggers. There is no keyhole on the door, nothing that would obviously disarm the trap, and nothing that looks like the inverted Y symbol (Perception 16).

On her side of the door, Charlotte sees no evidence of what the trap might trigger (Perception 20).

Combat XP:
4 Manticores (CR 3, 700xp)
Total = 2800 / 6 = 467 each

Babshapka 32,081 +467 = 32,548
Willa 25,119 +467 = 25,586
Aurora 24,345 +467 = 24,812
Mathias 24,345 +467 = 24,812
Doro 23,750 +467 = 24,217
Thokk 23,605xp +467 = 24,072

Doro and Babshapka look at the wire running from the door to the wall (Babshapka Investigation 9, Doro 20). The bard carefully places a finger on it and feels its tautness. It will be pulled from the wall if the door opens - but if it is cut, as Aurora is advocating, it will likely be pulled into the wall.

[Constitution save for Ephi: 8, fail]

Aurora and Babshapka leave the door but continue to discuss it out loud as they look around both rooms for secret doors and the operating mechanisms of the portculli. (Aurora Investigation 24, 19, Babshapka 5, 24). Aurora finds no secret doors but does find that the portcullis now preventing their departure from the larger chamber is locked closed by some sort of mechanism up inside the ceiling - she sends Charlotte up into the space, but the tiny spider is unable to do anything among the metal gearing.

Babshapka finds no secret doors, but finds a third portcullis currently within the ceiling, just outside of the one formerly keeping the manticores in their cage. It is rigged to drop down. He suspects that may be the effect of triggering the wire on the door, but cannot be sure without opening the wall and ceiling.

Aurora returns to the door. “We don’t want the wire to go inside the wall when we cut it - but we don’t want it to be pulled when we open the door. We could wrap it around a piton and wedge it in place - but we would need more wire for that.”

[Constitution save for Ephi: 21, success]

Ephi staggers to his feet. “Get over here and open up this part of the door,” Mathias commands. The slaad’s long claws easily rip through the thick wood of the door, exposing a metal plate to which the wire is anchored. Willa winces at his lack of caution. There seems to be enough wire on hand for Aurora’s plan.

(8:40pm: Ephi has 45 min remaining)
It is agreed that Mathias will handle the wrapping of the wire. Before he does, Doro gives him bardic inspiration. (Mathias Sleight of hand 11. Uses bardic inspiration for +8, to 19. Mathias succeeds in cutting the wire and then anchoring it to the wall without tripping the trap).

Aurora opens the door, and doesn’t find any traps on the inside of it (Investigation 23).

The boxes in the room [31] don’t have lids - and all are empty. Aurora and Mathias both summon their mage hands and begin opening the chests. The first six open easily, the last one is locked. When the second one is opened, a scything blade trap slices harmlessly through the mage hand.

Chest 1 - Over a thousand copper coins

Chest 2 - Several thousand silver coins

Chest 3 - Nearly a thousand electrum coins

Chest 4 - Two dozen copper ingots

Chest 5 - Empty

Chest 6 - Eleven tusks of ivory (Thokk takes a number of these)

Aurora examines the seventh chest (Investigation 22). There is a needle trap in the lock - the end of it stained darkly. When she shows this to Mathias, he calls Ephi over. The frog-thing sticks its rubbery finger into the lock, the poison instantly discoloring his skin (Con save 13, fails, Ephi is poisoned, disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks). Without complaint, he staggers out of the way and stays swaying on his feet as Willa prods at the lock with Aurora’s robot disassembly tools (Sleight of hand 23), eventually popping it open. There are a hundred gems or so loose in the chest.

Aurora scoops up a handful of the gems and examines them (Investigation 14). These are real enough, not cut glass, although their quality is quite low, with clouds, rough edges, and unflattering angles. (As Mathias helps her examine them, he successfully pockets a handful without anyone in the party noticing). Babshapka is called over and they dump the gems into his backpack for the time being.

(8:50pm: Ephi has 35 min remaining - Con save 10, still poisoned)
As the party adjusts their bags, Babshapka continues to look for secret doors or trap triggers (Perception 13 in the manticore room, 22 in the larger chamber).

(9pm: Ephi has 25 min remaining)
By this point, the party has given up on finding anything more, but still does not have a way out of where they are, since the corridor to the stairs is still blocked by the fallen portcullis. Willa congratulates Thokk on his quick thinking with the hammer, then the two of them attempt to lift it, but get nowhere.

(Willa strength check with advantage from Thokk, 8. Thokk strength check with advantage from Willa, 14, both fail).

“Durn, t’at be ‘eavy!” grunts Willa.

Aurora comes over, using her prestidigitation to light the gaps in the ceiling from whence the portcullis fell, while Charlotte climbs inside to get a better look (Investigation 18). They find that in addition to the weight of the iron portcullis itself, there is a gearing mechanism inside the ceiling that is locking the portcullis in place.

(Ephi Con save 22; no longer poisoned)

Mathias suggests that Ephi is pretty strong - he should lift with Thokk. Willa tries to join them, but the corridor is narrow enough that only two of them can lift at a time, at least while they are restricted to just one side of the portcullis. Together the red frog and green half-orc squat and strain. In several jerks, and accompanied by the sound of tortured metal, they lift the portcullis (Ephi strength check with advantage from Thokk 20, success). Once they have lifted it, they find it is actually much easier to move up and down - they seem to have burst the locks and restraints and nothing is now holding it in place.

Babshapka and Mathias expand the search for secret doors into the hallway beyond while Thokk cheerfully holds the portcullis up for the others, then retrieves his hammer and lowers the portcullis back into place, now resting flush on the floor. At the corner, in a wall that they all walked by before, the wood elf finds a loose stone that allows him to slide a section of the wall in half like sliding doors, opening a eight-foot wide gap between two buttresses so that effectively there is a new corridor in view. Babshapka moves inside.

After a narrow entry, the room [33] opens up into a 20’ x 30’ chamber. A large chest and an iron box sit against the north wall, and in the northeast corner are a number of battered and broken wooden boxes. A large table is along the south wall and Babshapka can see two metal coffers on it. The southwest corner has a single broken barrel, but the barrel and the walls around it are covered in a thick growth of yellow mold.

Before Babshapka enters further, Aurora considers it prudent to search for traps. The two of them trade places and she carefully probes the walls and floor (Investigation 27). She finds the thin outline of a pit trap in the floor, with a cleverly-designed snap-closed trap door that she thinks would fall away were any weight placed on it. Based on the prints in the dust, Babshapka’s toes had gone just over the line of the trap door. He should consider himself lucky, although Aurora does not open the trap to see what he would have found inside.

Shaking his head, Babshapka dons his gas mask and asks Aurora to clear the way. He runs and jumps over the outline of the trap she drew in the dust with her staff, easily clearing the space on the floor but secretly dreading the discovery of another pit beyond the first. The floor holds, however, and he is able to get a better look around the room. The wooden boxes appear to be empty.

There is at least a foot gap between the wall of the room and where Aurora has indicated the trap begins - first she, and then several of the others, move sidewise, backs against the wall, into the room along the narrow lip. Aurora checks the floor in the rest of the room, looking for traps, but finds nothing (Investigation 18).

Assiduously avoiding the mold, Aurora checks the containers.

Large Wooden Chest (Investigation 16) - Not locked or trapped

Iron Box (Investigation 8 ) - Not locked or trapped (low Investigation score means Aurora fails to note that it is actually locked)

Broken Wooden Boxes (Investigation 27) - Empty, not trapped, worthless

The table and chair are giant-sized, but the coffers are more normal.

First coffer (Investigation 12) - Not locked or trapped

Second coffer (Investigation 20) - Not locked or trapped

In the hallway outside, at the base of the stairs, Doro listens intently. Faintly she can still hear the raucous noises of the feast, but no sound comes from as close as the room at the top of the stairs.

Aurora uses her mage hand to open the chest - it is filled with thousands of gold coins. That pile alone seems worth more than everything they found in the previous treasure room.

She tries to open the iron box, but finds to her surprise that it is locked, gainsaying her earlier avowal.

The first small coffer is half a hundred gems, each one real and more valuable than the total of what they previously filled Babshapka’s pack with. The second coffer has a score of jewelry pieces, in equally precious worked metals, though none are set with gems. They consider dumping Babshapka’s pack back out, but decide to just grab and carry the coffers themselves. They are small and portable, and while they don’t fit in a backpack they can be easily set down and picked up.

Willa puts up her ioun stone and takes out Aurora’s robot tools, setting to work on the iron box. Within a few minutes she has it open (Sleight of Hand 17). It contains hundreds of bright platinum coins, which they leave.

(9:20pm: Ephi has 5 min remaining)
Willa and Babshapka look skeptically at the yellow mold covering the wall and broken barrel. It certainly does not seem like there is anything under it (Perceptions 6, 7), but it does seem odd that it would be allowed to grow in this rich a treasure room, even by the slovenly giants. With Willa’s stone up, Babshapka’s gas mask on, and having borrowed Thokk’s ten foot pole, they probe the wall (Perceptions 6, 7). Their initial thrusts of the pole knock on the barrel, but do not seem to have released a cloud of deadly spores.

Somewhat encouraged, Babshapka attempts to discover the nature of the mold by actually reaching out to run his hands over it (Nature 16). As he moves to touch it, the image shimmers and runs away like a watercolor in the rain. All of the illusory mold is gone from the room, and the battered, broken barrel has become in fact a well-made and watertight cask, polished wood gleaming in the light of Willa’s lantern.

Now visible, hung on the wall, are a quiver with arrows, a naked spear, and two sheathed swords. Suddenly interested, Aurora quickly moves over and then pronounces the area safe (Investigation 15). The weapons are taken down from the wall and passed back to others. Willa shakes the barrel and hears a rattling inside. She finds a way to open the top (Sleight of hand 20).

Inside the barrel is a large obsidian box and a sheet of thick vellum with a map on each side. Inside the box is a rolled up sheet of thinner skin and a long chain of weird, dark metal.

(9:30pm - Ephi disappears)

Babshapka holds up the map - on one side is a close view of some sort of geologic figure - a canyon, perhaps? On the other side, a larger-scale map view, with the Hill Giant Steading in the upper-right corner - most of the map appears to be mountain ranges to the south of Sterich.

Babshapka then unrolls the skin sheet - taking it to be humanoid at least, and likely human. It is full of giant runes. He can make some out already, but it would take more time than they have now to translate the whole thing.

ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏᛁ ᚾᛟᛊᚱᚨ, ᚲᚺᛁᛖᚠᛏᚨᛁᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚺᛁᛚᛚ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛃᛟᛏᛖᚾᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᛖᛁᛟᚾᛞ; ᛏᚺᛁᛊ ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲᚨᛚ ᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᛚᛚᛟᚹ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛏᛟ ᛊᛖᚾᛞ ᛗᛖᛊᛊᛖᛜᛖᚱᛊ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᚱᛁᚠᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛊᛏ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏ ᛃᚨᚱᛚ, ᛁᚾᛊᛏᚨᚾᛏᛚᛁ ᚲᚨᚱᚱᛁᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛖᛊᛊᚨᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚢᛁᚲᛏᛟᚱᛁ ᛏᛟ ᚺᛁᛗ ᛊᛟ ᚦᚨᛏ ᚺᛖ ᛗᚨᛁ ᚲᛟᛗᛗᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᛁᛊ ᚹᚨᚱᚱᛁᛟᚱᛊ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚾᛖᚨᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛏᛟ ᛃᛟᛁᚾ ᛟᚢᚱ ᛊᛁᛞᛖ. ᛟᚾᚲᛖ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ ᛏᚨᚲᛖᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᚲᛁᛏᛁ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚨᛞᚹᚨᛏᛖᚱ, ᛃᚨᚱᛚ ᚷᚱᚢᚷᚾᚢᚱ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛊᛖᚾᛞ ᚢᛊ ᛊᛟ ᛗᚨᚾᛁ ᚠᚱᛟᛊᛏ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᚦᚨᛏ ᚹᛖ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚨᛒᛚᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛒᛖᚷᛁᚾ ᛟᚢᚱ ᛁᚾᚢᚨᛊᛁᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛚᛟᚹᛚᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛊᛏᛖᚱᛁᚲᚺ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚺᛟᛚᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚺᛁᚷᚺᛚᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᛖᚨᛊᛏ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛈᛖᛟᛈᛚᛖ ᛟᚾ ᛁᛏᛊ ᛒᛟᚢᚾᛏᛁ ᚹᚺᛁᛚᛖ ᚦᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛊᛏ ᚷᛁᚨᚾᛏᛊ ᛒᚱᛖᚨᚲ ᚦᛖ ᚱᛖᛊᛁᛊᛏᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚨᚾᛁ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᚠᛟᚱᚲᛖᛊ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛞᚨᚱᛖ ᛟᛈᛈᛟᛊᛖ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚱᚢᛚᛖ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛚᛖᚨᚢᛖ ᚦᛖ ᛈᛁᛏᛁᚠᚢᛚ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾᛊ ᛊᛏᚨᚱᚢᛁᛜ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᛟᚹᛖᚱᛁᛜ ᛒᛖᚺᛁᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚹᚨᛚᛚᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖᛁᚱ ᚲᛁᛏᛁᛖᛊ. ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾ ᛗᚨᛁ ᛒᛖ ᚢᛊᛖᛞ ᛟᚾᛚᛁ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛟᛊᛖ ᛏᚱᚨᚢᛖᛚᛁᛜ ᚺᛟᛚᛞᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᛈ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᛈ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛏᚱᚨᚢᛖᛚ ᚨᛊ ᚹᛖᛚᛚ, ᛒᚢᛏ ᚾᛟᛏ ᚦᛖ ᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾ. ᛏᚺᚢᛊ, ᛁᛟᚢ ᛗᚢᛊᛏ ᛊᛖᚾᛞ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛖᛊᛊᛖᛜᛖᚱ ᛟᚾᛚᛁ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛟᚾᚲᚢᛖᛊᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚨᛞᚹᚨᛏᛖᚱ ᛁᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᛈᛚᛖᛏᛖ. ᛏᛟ ᚢᛊᛖ ᚦᛖ ᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾ, ᛚᚨᛁ ᛁᛏ ᛟᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚷᚱᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᛁᚾ ᚦᛖ ᚠᛟᚱᛗ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᛊᛁᛗᛒᛟᛚ ᛟᚠ ᛁᚾᚠᛁᚾᛁᛏᛁ. ᚨᛊ ᛗᚨᚾᛁ ᛟᚠ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᛟᛚᚲ ᚨᛊ ᚠᛁᛏ ᚹᛁᚦᛁᚾ ᛖᚨᚲᚺ ᛚᛟᛟᛈ ᛗᚨᛁ ᛒᛖ ᛊᛖᚾᛏ, ᛈᚱᛟᚢᛁᛞᛖᛞ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖᛗ ᚺᛟᛚᛞᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᛈ. ᛗᚨᚲᛖ ᛊᚢᚱᛖ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᛈ-ᛒᛖᚨᚱᛖᚱ ᛁᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛚᚨᛊᛏ ᛏᛟ ᛖᚾᛏᛖᚱ ᚦᛖ ᚠᛁᚷᚢᚱᛖ, ᚠᛟᚱ ᚨᛊ ᛊᛟᛟᚾ ᚨᛊ ᚺᛖ ᛞᛟᛖᛊ ᛊᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᚲᛏᛁᚢᚨᛏᛖ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛟᛊᛖ ᛈᚱᛖᛊᛖᚾᛏ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛏᚱᚨᚾᛊᛈᛟᚱᛏᛖᛞ. ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚹᛁᛊᛞᛟᛗ ᛁᚾ ᛗᚨᚲᛁᛜ ᚦᛁᛊ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᚲᚾᛟᚹᛊ ᚾᛟ ᛒᛟᚢᚾᛞᛊ. ᛊᛟᛟᚾ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚢᚨᛚᛚᛖᛁ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛊᛏᛖᚱᛁᛊᚺᛗᛖᚾ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᛟᚹᚾ ᛈᛖᚱᛊᛟᚾᚨᛚ ᛚᚨᚱᛞᛖᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᛖᚨᛊᛏᛊ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚺᛖᛚᛞ ᚹᛁᚦᛟᚢᛏ ᛖᚾᛞ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᚱᛖ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏᛁ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚹᛁᛊᛖ. ᚨᛚᛚ ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᚾᛟᛊᚱᚨ!

He takes the quiver of arrows and the long chain.

Once everyone has their gear in place, they move back out into the hallway and Babshapka closes the secret door to the treasure room. Up the stairs they go, pausing at the woodpile just long enough for Babshapka to grab the marked scroll tube but leave the others. There is still no one in the war council room, no one in the great hall, no one in the bedroom with the chain on the wall. The fire is low, just embers, and the party discusses who will be going up the chimney.

In the bedchamber, the party quickly works out their plan, which involves four of them flying and two sneaking out invisibly. In quick succession Aurora casts Fly on herself and Thokk, while Mathias casts Fly on himself and Babshapka, and Doro casts Invisibility on herself and Willa. Each of these is a Concentration spell, but by casting them at a level higher than the minimum (4th, 4th, 3rd), they can each affect two people at a time.

[Fly offers movement at 60 feet in a round with no penalty for terrain. Dashing, this is 120 feet in 6 seconds. In ten minutes those flying can go 12000 feet, or 2.27 miles. The party’s gear stash is 4 miles away.]

Four of the party exit up the chimney. The space is ample at the start, but a squeeze at the end - the smoke burns their eyes and lungs (Con saves Thokk 24, Mathias 17, Aurora 13, Babshapka 10). Babshapka in particular is choking and coughing, but apparently no giants are listening, and he is soon breathing the cold, wet mountain air outside. Thokk makes a brief detour to retrieve his grapnel from the cold chimney on the other side of the Steading, but soon all four of them are flying in formation through the rain. Babshapka leads them, both in the air and once they are forced to land, but as all of them have darkvision, no one lags behind.

As the others fly up the chimney, Doro finishes her invisibility spell and puts away her samisen (Doro at 4/2/2/1). Whispering to one another, Willa and Doro move into the great hall and close the door of the bedchamber behind them. The noise of the feast from the main hall is more subdued than the hour before, but shows no sign of ending. Willa opens the door to the hallway running south (Strength 15), and closes it once Doro is through.

The pair pass by the room of ladies-in-waiting and that of the juveniles, still roughhousing from the sounds of it. Listening at the door of the gate room they hear nothing untoward (Doro Perception 14). Willa opens the door as silently as she can, but still it creaks and groans (Strength 19, Stealth 9).

One giant remains propped up against the wall, but the one who formerly lay draped over the wine is sitting up listlessly. At the creaking of the door his head rises and turns, but his eyes are completely bloodshot and seem to have trouble focusing. With grunts and groans that shake the room he rises unsteadily to his feet, then lurches toward the interior door. “Go!” hisses Willa to Doro. Without being able to see one another, the pair darts by the giant, with Willa actually sliding sideways through his legs (Dexterity save 19).

The pair reach the outside door while the giant is bent double, sticking his head through the open interior door, turning it side to side and trying to puzzle out how it got open. “Push!” hisses Willa, and between them they get the door open (Willa Strength with advantage 20) and then closed again without the giant hearing it shut behind them (Willa Stealth 16).

As the two stand outside the steading in the dark and rain, Doro takes Willa’s hand. “We don’t get separated,” she says. “We can’t see each other, and neither one of us can see in the dark, so we don’t get separated…” Willa grunts her agreement and the two of them turn and run across the field to the edge of the forest, still holding hands.

Once they have gone a ways into the pine trees, and Willa is confident they cannot be seen from the Steading, they stop running and pause to get their bearings. Conferring with each other, they recall the landmarks they passed from the weapons stash to the Steading, and then set out (Willa Survival with advantage 21. Without advantage, it was 5 - she would literally have been lost without Doro). Doro lights their way with her cantrip, set to illuminate just the ground they walk over so they can see just enough not to trip but cannot be seen from nearby.

[Walking, Willa and Doro can move at 2mph, taking into account their movement rate and the penalty from the heavily forested terrain. It is 4 miles to the weapons stash and will take them two hours.]

Aurora, Thokk, Mathias, and Babshapka are forced to land, but are by now several miles from the Steading. Babshapka gets his bearings on the ground and quickly has them set out.

[Having already flown 2.27 miles from the steading, they have 1.73 miles remaining to go. Aurora and Mathias are the slowest at 3mph, but without a terrain penalty so long as Babshapka is guiding them and moving more than an hour (Natural Explorer). The remaining distance back to the weapons stash will take them about 35 minutes. Three checks for wandering monsters for this group, none rolled.]

Aurora and Doro separately lose their Mage Armor (last applied at 2pm). Aurora renews hers; Doro will have to wait until she is with Aurora again.

Aurora, Thokk, Mathias, and Babshapka arrive at the weapons cache. Babshapka finds the spot and Thokk helps him dig up the bags. They distribute it into six loads and eat while they wait for Willa and Doro.

After dinner:
81 human rations to 76
23 mule rations to 21 (most of day spent in forest without forage)

The invisibility spell on Doro and Willa wears off. Doro renews it (now at 4/4/1/1).

From 10:45 to 10:55pm Aurora casts detect magic as a ritual, and then spends the next five minutes examining the gear they obtained from the Steading (except for the spear that is currently on Willa). The map radiates transmutation magic. All eleven of the arrows have evocation magic, but the quiver they are contained in is not magical. The two swords (one a greatsword, one a rapier) have strong evocation magic, and the rapier is tinged with divination as well, but neither sheath is magical. Aurora quickly goes through the gems and ivory on hand (but not the jewelry in the coffer carried by Willa), but doesn’t find any magic there. The inverted Y pendant, the note found with it, and scroll tube in which both were contained, are not magical. The obsidian box is not magical, but (Arcana 25) something inside it definitely is. After checking it for traps (Investigation 23), Aurora sets it on a stump, retreats to thirty feet distant, and opens it with her mage hand. The long chain made of strange black metal fills the interior, and radiates a strong transmutation magic.

The magic on the chain is so strong, Aurora casts identify on it. She learns that the chain, when placed in a certain spatial configuration, and with the right trigger in hand, can magically transport people to a distant location. She will need more time to learn more.

From 11pm to 11:11pm - Aurora ritual casts the first phantom steed (it lasts until 12:11am)
From 11:11 to 11:22 pm - she casts the second phantom steed (lasts until 12:22am)
From 11:22 to 11:33pm - she casts the phantom steed (lasts until 12:33am)
From 11:33 to 11:44pm - she casts the phantom steed (lasts until 12:44am)

[Willa and Doro, three checks for wandering monsters, one rolled, Luck roll 0]

Willa and Doro are less than a quarter mile from the stash and descending a bank through thick ferns. Suddenly the underbrush in front of them explodes with sound. A ten-point buck erupts from where it had bedded down and springs away into the night. Willa finds herself with her sword drawn and no longer holding Doro’s hand. Heart racing, the two call softly and find each other again. By 11:40pm they have found the rest of the party.

Reunited with the rest of the party, Willa and Doro shoulder their new packs while Aurora finishes bringing forth her fourth phantom steed. Then all of them except Thokk and Babshapka, the two fastest of them, mount and head out, Babshapka guiding them to the place only he knows - where he left the mules, some three miles to the northwest. Aurora renews Doro’s mage armor (will last until 7:40am).
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
Posts: 543
From: Canada

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Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:40 pm  

Heads are literally going to roll when Nosnra finds that someone cleaned out his treasure room and got ahold of the orders and magic items the drow gave him.

One thing I never got about G1 was why Nosnra would keep so much of his excess coinage in a room that he couldn't reach without having to pass by the manticores that would want to rip him apart for imprisoning him. I had to imagine an alternate route through a trap door from the main treasure room that Nosnra used to reach the coinage room, with the coinage room's connection to the manticore lair being too narrow for them to get through. Nosnra always makes sure to bring a shield in case any of them manage to shoot their tail spikes through the gap, of course.

The way your players have gone through this makes it look a lot more like a spy mission than actually confronting and slaying the giants. I could easily see our heroes telling the Sterish authorities about their findings and/or setting off to the Glacier. Greyhawk Grognard (AKA Joe Bloch) previously talked about how stealth was necessary for a lot of the G series-is that an approach your players took, and is it something the Sterish authorities in your game would have expected?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:55 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Heads are literally going to roll when Nosnra finds that someone cleaned out his treasure room and got ahold of the orders and magic items the drow gave him. actually an interesting part of the story that is coming up...soon.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

One thing I never got about G1 was why Nosnra would keep so much of his excess coinage in a room that he couldn't reach without having to pass by the manticores that would want to rip him apart for imprisoning [them]. I had to imagine an alternate route through a trap door from the main treasure room that Nosnra used to reach the coinage room, with the coinage room's connection to the manticore lair being too narrow for them to get through. Nosnra always makes sure to bring a shield in case any of them manage to shoot their tail spikes through the gap, of course.

If you total up the value of all the treasure in in the 'minor treasure room' it is pitiful compared to the actual treasure room. The only things there that are actually worth their weight to adventurers are the ivory tusks (and even these, once dropped in value by my 5e conversion, aren't much to speak of).

Thus, what I think is happening is that the minor treasure room is actually another trap - which says as much about Gygax's penchant for "false, false, true" traps as best seen in Tomb of Horrors, but present in other works like this as it does about Nosnra. The text doesn't give a great description for how the portculli work, but imagine this: The 'common' giants are not allowed in the basement (the known entrance is through the council chamber). But Nosnra permits his counselors (like the subchief) to accompany him to the basement when dropping off 'treasure'. The members of the counsel of course know about the first trap - which is for common thieves and non-counselor giants. Someone sneaks into the basement, gets distracted by the fake gems, and when they try to take them, the portcullis to the upstairs drops, the one to the manticores raises, and the manticores dispatch the thieves (ideally while Nosnra is watching from 32).

But when Nosnra goes downstairs with one or more of his advisors, they bring shields (as you say). Multiple adult giants are enough to cow the manticores, and they bring food as well to distract them. Nosnra then deposits the coins in what he claims is the treasure room, and they leave. By sharing this 'secret' with his counselors, Nosnra has laid a trap for anyone treasonous enough to rob him. Such schemers might get by the manticores, but when they open the door to the minor treasure room, the portcullis to the manticores will drop, trapping them for at least long enough for Nosnra to discover their betrayal. (At a meta-level, within the context of this being a tournament module, a party of credulous PC's might think they have discovered the actual treasures, pack up the coins and depart, without considering that the treasure is far too meagre. Thus it also serves as a trap for a party, in the sense that it dissuades them from continuing to look for the actual treasure room).

Nosnra's true treasure room, the one with the magic items and the treasure that is actually valuable, is behind a secret but untrapped door, rather than an obvious (but trapped) door. The real treasure room's location is known only to him, or perhaps to his wife as well.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

The way your players have gone through this makes it look a lot more like a spy mission than actually confronting and slaying the giants. I could easily see our heroes telling the Sterish authorities about their findings and/or setting off to the Glacier. Greyhawk Grognard (AKA Joe Bloch) previously talked about how stealth was necessary for a lot of the G series-is that an approach your players took, and is it something the Sterish authorities in your game would have expected?

This was the third time I have DM'd the Steading, but both times before this was in the '80's. I either didn't realize or didn't remember that it was entirely possible for a sneaky party to make it to the real treasure room, find the chain to G2, and 'win' the module without a single combat encounter, but it is! This party nearly did it - they had one wandering encounter (the orcs looking for shields to use as dinner platters) and one placed monster encounter (the manticores), but they were otherwise in and out like that! Had they been in the original tournament, they would have garnered a near-perfect score!

As to the Sterish authorities, the party's patron is the Countess Resbin Dren. As far as she is concerned, she sent the party there to find out who is behind the Troubles. They came away with both the letter from Eclavdra and the chain to get to the Glacial Rift, so they would have satisfied her minimum expectations. That information alone, however, does nothing to protect the city of Headwater, which is about to be attacked by the giants. Griffage and Kerri have been charged with protecting the city, so they will want the party's assistance with that, even if the Countess considers it their job, not the party's. For Willa, the party has to end the threat of the giants to the city before they are done. Leezar, on the other hand, wants to immediately be on to the Frost Giants. He sees this whole Sterich mess as a diversion from his goal of getting Aurora to Greyhawk City. Thus the scene is now set for some inter-party conflict about what to do next.

Of course, from my perspective as a DM, the party had recovered the essential plot information, and a little treasure - which wouldn't count for xp. Their brief combat with the manticores didn't add much to their totals - so if Leezar's opinion won out and they immediately used the chain to jump to the rift, they would be walking in at 7th level - almost certainly a fatal outcome, even with their alien technology!
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

Last edited by Kirt on Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:42 am  
Post 251: Interlude in Headwater

[DM's Notes] The Giants modules, as written, are very much in the style of "Orcus on His Throne" (and see That is, their premise is such that the party has been hired to deal with the 'giant threat' - but the giants just sit in their fortresses and wait for the party to arrive - they don't actually pose a threat to Sterich in any way 'on screen'. It should be remembered that these were originally tournament modules, where the 'ticking clock' for the PC's was an actual clock for the players at the convention, who were competing to see which group could do more of the module, more successfully.

When placed unaltered into a living campaign world, however, there is no inherent reason for the players or characters to 'push themselves' to complete the modules quickly, and no inherent cost for them acting slowly and cautiously. On the other hand, the optimal tournament strategy for the PCs - sneaking in, grabbing the best of the treasure, and sneaking out again as my players did here - doesn't consider the consequences to the campaign world of not actually facing the giants.

On the level of world-building, I wanted the giants to be a credible threat to Sterich. I wanted at least the characters who cared about the fate of Sterich (Willa, Babshapka, to some extent Aurora) to feel keenly the danger that they posed. This was what was behind the progressive 'Troubles' rolls that I was making every campaign day (and see Post 239 for details). As hinted at in Eclavdra's note to Nosnra, which the PCs found, I had decided that the grand feast that was happening when the party arrived was not the giants celebrating their previous victories as the module implies, but rather them celebrating the imminence of their attack on Headwater. That is, as soon as they had slept off the effects of the feast, they were about to march on the city, and that was something that at least some of the party would want to prevent rather than immediately proceeding to the Frost Giants.

On a practical level (as I have already mentioned to CruelSummerLord), I didn't want the PCs to attempt the Rift at 7th level, as I strongly suspected that would end very badly for them. Since at this point I was awarding xp mostly for combat and not at all for treasure, I had an incentive to make sure they had fought enough Hill Giants to level before making the jump with the chain.

Post 251: Interlude in Headwater
Griffage Terpin, Head Scout for the Earl, stands on the eastern battlements of Headwater, looking out across the plains in front of the city, staring at the innumerable campfires of the humanoid besiegers. It is just past midnight. He remains for several minutes watching, not moving.

He's approached by a figure accompanied by the soft clink of ring mail and the smart clack of hard riding boot heels on stone. As she moves into view, he can see that she is an elf and dressed as an officer of cavalry. Griffage looks up and says simply, “Kerri.”

“I thought I would find you here,” she replies. “I heard you got back.”

“Yes, barely,” he says, painfully flexing what appears to be a recent wound in his shoulder.

“Well, what did you find out among the enemy camps?” she asks without betraying concern.

“The orcs and eigers are almost finished with their siege engines. We can expect the attack to start anytime - maybe tomorrow night. Oh, and one more thing - near the towers of the wall they are amassing piles of rocks.”

“For catapults?”

“Perhaps - but they're not building catapults. Just the simple things - siege towers, mantlets, ladders, bridges...a few rams.”

“So what are the boulders for?”

“I'm thinking Giants,” he says, “come down from the mountains.”

“You still think these orcs might be commanded by Giants?” she asks dubiously. “They certainly have not shown themselves.”

“No, but who else could order all these eigers?” he rejoins. “I think it more and more everyday. I think that is what they are waiting for, before they attack. For their actual masters to arrive.”

“What news from the adventuring teams?” she asks.

“The decoys are reporting in, but they have nothing we don’t already know. The real team, the one the Countess pinned her hopes on, I haven't heard from in a week. They said they would scry me and use the sending spell if they had news or if they needed help, but I haven’t gotten anything yet.”

“Can you contact them?”

“I've been considering it - I have a scroll, but I was saving it for an emergency to warn the Earl. Of course, I can’t read it myself.”

“Ah, yes, you being human and all. Pure ranger at that. But I can read it for you.”

“Yes, but you need to be familiar with the targets to send, and I don’t think you got a very good look at them at the council meeting in Istivin.”

“That should not be a problem - as long as they gave you their names.”

“Yeah, about that - one of them, Shefak, said she was a monk, although her hands didn’t look like they have done much punching. She said that if I needed to contact them, to call on their party mage, Mathias. He didn’t talk much. But she said that when I called on him, I was supposed to call him Aurora, as a code word.”

“I do not believe sending works like that.”

“Yeah, me either. That’s another reason I’ve been waiting to use the scroll. I can’t afford to waste it if it doesn’t work. If giants do show up I will be asking you to use it, though, for sure.”

“Of course.”

Griffage stares out in silence over the fires of their besiegers some more.

“How are our reinforcements coming?” he finally asks Kerri. “If they do attack tomorrow night, with or without giants, can we hold them to the walls?”

“Most of the Earl’s Cavalry is in the city now, but they will not be of much use in the narrow streets. We can harry their flanks out on the plains, but between the warg riders, goblin archers, and eiger bolt-throwers I don’t think we can actually turn them back out there, even with a mass charge of us all. We will not be doing any counter assaults, we will need to defend the walls, and we are sorely short of bowmen.”

“And the noble infantries?”

“Few in coming and slow to arrive. I cannot say as I blame them - what with all the raids, they want most of their troops at home to defend their own lands. Only the Highlander lords have sent any real numbers."

She pauses in thought before continuing her assessment. "We can hold the walls against what is out there right now, I am confident of that, but if you are right, and giants do come, we do not stand a chance. Even if our own men do not break and run, which they likely will, the city guardsmen will flee before giants, without question, and the walls will fall.”

“Do you think we should abandon the eastern half of the city and pull back behind the river?”

“At the first sign of giants, yes. I have already ordered the evacuations. They are underway.”

“Really? I haven't seen any movement in the city.”

“Not that you have been around much, with all your reconnaissance trips outside the walls, but we are doing it quietly - a block at a time, starting near the walls - I do not want to panic the small folk, and it keeps the numbers more manageable. The soldiers on the wall all have been assigned fallback positions on the other side of the river, and there are sapping teams in place ready to destroy the bridges on my command.”

“We’ll make them pay to take these walls, then.”

“Yes, we will make them pay. For the Earl.”

“For the March.”
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:26 pm  
Post 252: Escape from the Steading

Post 252: Escape from the Steading
5 April [10 Planting] - Forested foothills of the Jotens, four miles from the Steading
(low 55, high 75, light rain from 5pm on all through night)

At 11:45pm the party sets out, four on phantom steeds and Thokk and Babshapka walking. Babshapka says that it will be about three miles to where he sequestered the mules.

For the first twenty-six minutes, until the first-made phantom steed vanishes at 12:11am, they can travel at Babshapka’s pace (3.5 mph with no penalty for the forested terrain). When the steed vanishes, they have gone about halfway to the mules, and have another 1.5 miles to go.

At this point, they need to travel at the pace of Aurora, Doro, Mathias, and Willa (3mph - not slowed by terrain so long as Babshapka is guiding them). Over the next thirty minutes, another two steeds vanish (at 12:22am and 12:33am) until they finally reach the mules at 12:41am (and the last of the steeds disappears at 12:44am).

[The mules have been there for 11 hours, since the afternoon of the previous day. Eleven wandering monster checks have resulted in one encounter at 3pm; Giant Bombardier Beetles. These are carnivorous and would eat the mules if they could. But they have a Passive Perception of 8, and Babshapka hid the mules with a score of 12, so the beetles passed upwind of the mules and did not find them.]

The packs are re-distributed to the mules. In doing so, Aurora remembers to tell Willa and Doro that the greatsword and rapier from Nosnra’s true treasure room are magical. Doro takes the rapier. Willa takes the greatsword, then passes on her mace+2 to Mathias. At this point, the only one in the party without a magic weapon is Aurora. Babshapka says that she shouldn’t be using a weapon anyway; Aurora says she has her blaster rifle if she runs out of spells.

Babshapka estimates that they are perhaps some seven miles from the Steading. That will be, they decide, too close for comfort when the giants learn about the slain manticores and stolen treasures. They want to put more distance between them and the giants, and Mathias especially says that they need to tell the people of Headwater about their plan to attack the city, so that they can prepare for the attack (because Mathias doesn't want the party trying to stop it, but rather, moving on to their next target). The group sets out at 1am, planning on largely retracing their steps from before.

[The party hasn’t rested since the day previous, when they marched from 7am to 12pm. There was also an hour’s walk to the Steading and back for Mathias, Thokk, Aurora and Babshapka (not counting the ranger's side trip with the mules), and two hour's walk for Willa and Doro, who didn't leave the Steading flying. Thus they have marched seven to eight hours each without a rest. If they go more than two hours, Willa and Doro will be making a forced march and will need to save against exhaustion. After more than three hours, everyone will.]

(1am-2am): No encounters. They travel three miles northwest through the forest.

(2am-3am): No encounters. They travel three miles northwest through the forest. They cross the river at the “bridge” that the goblins are using for the captured livestock. [Doro and Willa have now used their full day’s march.]

(3am-4am): No encounters. They cross the open patch and into the large stand of forest where the party encountered the Sterish rangers on the day previous.

(4am-5am - One encounter. Luck roll -1; worg-rider scouts). [Encounter at 4:20am, as the party is leaving the shelter of the forest]. Just as the party is nearing the northwesternmost extent of the small forest, and moving out onto the open hillslope above the river, Babshapka hears a howl from the deeper woods behind them (Perception 20). It is followed by another, and then another - it appears that some members of a wolf pack have caught their scent and are gathering the pack together. The sounds are loud, and deep, considering their distance - these are no ordinary wolves. Worgs? Dire wolves from the corral behind the Steading? [Unbeknownst to the party, this is a standard patrol - the Steading is still unaware that the party has been and gone.]

Reasoning that the wolves will spot them easily in the open and are likely faster than they are, the party decides to prepare an ambush rather than run. Thokk and Willa remain in the open - the others select trees to climb and find stable positions in which to hide and snipe (Stealth rolls - Doro 29, Mathias 14, Aurora 12). Babshapka finds a patch of heavy brush in which to quickly hide the mules (Stealth 20, 19) and then returns to climb a tree himself (14).

To make the ambush even more enticing, Thokk kneels on the ground as if praying to the mountain gods, with his longsword stuck hilt up into the earth before him.

Out of range and under cover, goblins on worgs advance through the forest. They make lots of noise as twigs snap and they force their way through brush. Babshapka scoffs at their lack of woodcraft - but is unaware that this is a deliberate screen for a knot of archers advancing on their left flank, unseen. Who is ambushing whom here?

Round 1
The combat opens with a volley from the heretofore hidden archers (from fourteen shortbow shots, Thokk takes 16 piercing damage, Willa 14).

The archers are clustered together - nearly all of them fitting in the effective area of a fireball. Babshapka knows Aurora too well not to believe she will respond, so he picks targets on the far end of the cluster that she is more likely to miss when going for the center of the group. His arrows drop two of the goblin archers (damage 10, 14 including hunter’s mark).

Thokk enrages but refrains from charging. Even in his angered state he knows that his goal is to draw the enemy fire until they have all shown themselves (takes dodge action).

The worg riders reach the edge of the woods. Rather than moving immediately into the open, however, they hang back in the cover, and launch arrows of their own, four each at Thokk and Willa. (Thokk takes five damage, reduced to two from rage, Willa takes ten - she is now at 43/70).

Doro, legs entwined around a thick branch on the other side of the tree from the goblins, begins to strum her samisen and sing a song of vitality, reaching out to heal her companions below (first round, five points of healing to Willa - 48/70).

Aurora, on the ‘front’ side of the same tree as Doro, grins and shoots forth a fireball at the cluster of archers, who are thrown into the air by the force of the blast and dead before they hit the ground (25 fire damage - all dead regardless of save). The hillside erupts in a thunderous explosion and a blaze of fire. Fortunately, rain is so frequent here that the fire will not spread, but certainly they have made their position visible all up and down the river valley to any other patrols out there. Willa swears under her breath.

Round 2
Thokk runs up to the edge of the woods, inserting himself in the line of worg-mounted archers. He turns to his right and pulls forth a javelin of lightning, aiming at the farthest worg in the line. He is eager to see whether he can get the lightning to extend back to him again, but by doing so have it pass through another two closer worgs and riders. He launches the javelin and easily hits the far worg in its flank (9 piercing) - but this time, there is no lightning! Arghhh! Did someone break his new magic javelins? He pulls forth another and launches it as well. This one hits the worg in its spine, right in front of the saddle. To Thokk’s satisfaction, lightning leaps from it and traces a path all the way back to him, striking not only its rider, but another two worgs and riders along the way. (critical hit for 10 piercing to worg, note that Thokk’s savage attacks bonus critical damage is for melee attacks only, plus 12 lightning damage to everyone in the chain (DC13 Dex save). (The farthest worg has taken a total of 31 damage and it, and its rider, are slain. Another rider dies as well and two more worgs are wounded). Thokk retreats back into the open.

Aurora hits with a firebolt (18 points).

Doro continues playing, healing Willa (7 points).

Now that Aurora has revealed her position with the fireball, the remaining six goblins all focus their shortbow fire on her. At the sound of the shafts whistling through the air, she casts her shield spell (as a reaction). Despite her magical ward, two of the arrows hit (8 damage).

The now-riderless worg follows Thokk back out into the open and attacks him with a bite, but misses. From his tree perch, Mathias blasts at it with bolts of arcane force, putting the beast down.

The remaining six goblins on their worgs call off the attack, turn and retreat through the forest, and the party allows them to go without pursuit.

Doro continues to play her song of vitality, finishing out the minute by healing everyone who was wounded in the battle!

Combat XP:
22 goblins CR1/4. 50xp x 22 = 1100
9 worgs CR1/2. 100xp x 9 = 900
1 goblin boss CR1 200xp x 1 = 200
Total = 2200 / 6 = 367 each

Babshapka 32,548 +367 = 32,915 (will level at 48k)
Willa 25,586 +367 = 25,953
Aurora 24,812 +367 = 25,179
Mathias 24,812 +367 = 25,179
Doro 24,217 +367 = 24,584
Thokk 24,072 +367 = 24,439

(4:30am) Having finished the battle, the party collects their arrows and javelins, climbs down from the trees, and is on their way, wanting to see how close they can get to the city before dawn.

(5am) [Now a mile and a half from the woods, Doro (15) and Willa (22) make their Constitution saves (DC10) at the end of an eleventh hour of march since their last long rest]

(5am - 6am) [One encounter. Luck roll +2; normal fauna].
They travel three miles west across the hills. [Everyone now needs to make a Con save; that of Doro and Willa is at DC11. Thokk 21, Mathias 17, Doro 16, Willa 16, Aurora 14, Babshapka 8 - fail. Babshapka now has one level of exhaustion and disadvantage on ability checks - which include Stealth, Perception, and Survival]

As the sun comes up, Babshapka greets the day with exhaustion. He has traveled far further than any of them, constantly moving ahead and choosing the path so that they are not slowed by terrain. Now he is paying the price as he greets the dawn with bleary eyes.

As light spreads from the hilltops to the lowlands of the river valley, they can see that they are still a half-day’s journey from Headwater - it is likely that they would all be exhausted before they reached it, even assuming that they could travel there directly and not have to avoid the patrols and encampments of the enemy. They will need another plan.

Thokk pulls off Phreeeee’s makeshift hood and lets him nibble on jerky and stretch his wings while the barbarian casts beast sense (will last until 7am). At the same time, Aurora casts a phantom steed for Babshapka to mount (will last until 7am) and then renews her mage armor.

(6am - 7am) [One encounter. Luck roll -1; worg-rider scouts.]
Once Phreeeee is aloft (6:10am), he flies in a big loop between the party and the river scouting for enemies. It does not take him long to spot them (Perception 13); a group of worg riders, some two miles south of the party but closing. As Thokk watches through the falcon’s eyes, he quickly surmises that they are on the party’s trail, with several wolves following it directly, noses to the ground, and the others in a wide-spread wing to pick up any double-backs, turns, or decoys. They will be on the party soon enough.

Willa gets the mules in motion and calls for the others to get going. Once they are all moving in the right direction, she canvasses them to determine whether they should be looking for a place to hide, or to fight. Everyone agrees that the last scouting group was easy - if this next one is no larger, they just need to find the right terrain to face it. Willa checks with Thokk, and he assures her that this is not the same group they fought - these goblins look fresh, with no wounded worgs in view and more of them present than survived the last fight but about the same numbers as before. Willa tells Babshapka to ride ahead of the party on his phantom steed and pick good ground for a fight. They will follow as best they can.

Babshapka spurs his mount to a dash. It does not take him long to find a streambed that cuts into the earth on its way down from the hills (Survival 12 with disadvantage from exhaustion). It is more of an embankment than the ravine that he had hoped for, but the party should be able to reach it before the worgs are on them and it will provide them with good cover [the cut is large enough to give total cover to two of them, three-quarters to another two, and half-cover to the rest, including the mules, even while standing. Or they could go prone in it if need be.]. Babshapka doubles back to find the party and guide them to his chosen spot for their stand.

(7am) The party reaches the embankment and sets up defensively just as Babshapka’s steed dissolves. Thokk begins a speak with animals. Aurora begins a phantom steed ritual cast.

(7:11am) Phreeeee has returned and Thokk speaks to him before beginning his beast sense. Aurora has made a single phantom steed (will last until 8:11am).

(7:20am) Thokk completes his beast sense (good until 8:20am). Phreeeee leaves on another scouting run, for three miles out and three back. The same group of worg riders he saw before is still advancing on them, but slowly and carefully, and even more spread out. There are goblin archers behind them, keeping pace, and keeping distance from one another, so that a single fireball spell might affect a few of them at most.

(7:30am) Given the cautious approach of these scouts, the party reconsiders and decides that hiding may be a better option than fighting - revealing their presence in the day to a wary opponent may just lead to more and more patrol groups being drawn to them, any one of them an easy fight but collectively sapping their resources when what they really need is to rest, recover, and make it to the city. With worgs on their trail, and himself exhausted, Babshapka is doubtful that he can lead the party away without them being followed. The heavy-laden mules, in particular, leave deep tracks that are difficult to miss. He tells Willa that their options for evading discovery are limited to going directly upstream or down - the stones in the streambed will hide their tracks in a way that the soft land will not.

When Aurora finishes another Phantom Steed (7:33am), so that there is one for Babshapka and one for Mathias, they set out, going down the streambed into the river valley. Mathias was selected as the beneficiary of the steed, as the gaunt man is judged to have the worst constitution among them. He claims he is not exhausted yet, but odds are he will be the next one to be spent.

[After another hour of forced march, everyone in the party but those on phantom steeds must make a DC11 constitution check (DC12 for Doro and Willa). Thokk 23, Doro 22, Aurora 14, Willa 8 - fail. Currently Willa and Babshapka each have one level of exhaustion.] Aurora renews Doro’s mage armor.

(8am) Babshapka has not found anywhere yet that they would not leave an obvious trail (Survival 8 with disadvantage) were they to leave the streambed. They continue downstream.

(8am - 9am) One encounter. [Luck roll 0: another worg rider scout patrol.]

(8:20am) As they continue to draw closer to the river, and undoubtedly more patrols, Doro (Survival +2) is now actively helping Babshapka look for any spot that they can leave the streambed without making an obvious trail. So far they have not found any (Babshapka Survival 10, offsetting disadvantage from exhaustion, and advantage from Help, is a flat roll).

Phreeeee reports that not only is the first group of worgs following them now a few miles distant and descending around the streambed, but a second group is now approaching them from the west. Although the second group is not following an actual trail, they do appear to be on a course to intercept the party, whether by chance or design.

[After another hour of forced march, and now without steeds, everyone in the party must make a DC12 constitution check (DC13 for Doro and Willa). All saves made. Currently Willa and Babshapka have one level of exhaustion.]

Working together, Doro and Babshapka finally find a section of rocky terrain. If the party carefully exits the streambed under their direction, they may be able to get away without leaving a discernable trail. (Babshapka flat (disadvantage from exhaustion, advantage from help) Survival roll 21 > worg’s later Perception roll 20 with advantage for things detected by smell; trail not found).

The rock flats quickly lead to a boulder field at the base of a steep cliff, where erosion has tumbled down large and small rocks faster than soil can be built up around them. The hard ground will leave few tracks, and the large boulders will obscure the presence of an appropriately-colored hut from most angles. Babshapka cannot think of a better place to hide at the moment.

(8:50am-9am) During the ten minutes that Doro is casting a ritual tiny hut, Thokk is similarly casting beast sense. Aurora is casting comprehend languages (for use with her crystal ball). Babshapka, with the help of Willa (Survival +2), is obscuring any trace of their trail from the streambed (Survival 15 flat roll, offsetting disadvantage from exhaustion and advantage from help).

(9am) Doro and Willa each begin short rests, focused on attuning to their new magic blades. Babshapka begins a long rest (trancing).

Thokk continues to communicate with Phreeeee, having him stand sentry outside the hut but ready to call and enter “as if diving on a rabbit” if he sees anyone nearing.

Aurora takes out her crystal ball. “Who are you going to scry?” asks Mathias.

“The chief, whatshisname - Nosnra?”

“Now that,” says Mathias pointedly, “is a bad idea.”

“Why? We want to know if they are after us. We want to know if they have left the Steading yet.”

“Sure, but he is the chief. The most important giant, and probably the smartest. If any of them can sense that he is being scried on, it’s him. And if they didn’t know that we were there yet, or if they just knew that someone was there, but they didn’t know it was us, then you are going to hand them a way they can track us down. And that decision affects the whole party, not just you.”

“Look,” says Aurora, reassuringly, “I know spells. You can’t tell if someone is scrying on you.” She says this without actually knowing whether that is correct. Truth be told, her master, a Divination wizard, would certainly know, but Aurora has chosen to specialize in Enchantment, and can cast spells of only up to 4th level, while scrying is 5th. She doesn’t even have a copy of Scrying in her book that she could try to reverse engineer - she is casting it through her ball, but without specific knowledge of how the spell actually works. So she doesn’t really know, but she is confident that she is correct. Even before she was a mage, she was the spoiled granddaughter of a wealthy merchant. Things just always seem to go her way, and she is usually over-confident about things she doesn’t really know.

“Your willingness to take foolish risks like this might be why you have knights looking for you,” says Mathias.

“Nah, it’ll be fine.”

“Like I said, this affects all of us, don’t we even get a vote on whether this is a good idea? Willa? You’re ok with this?”

Willa looks up distractedly from making a mystic psychic connection to her new greatsword. “T’is kinda t’ing be ‘appenin’ all ther time,” she says, in a tone of one largely resigned to the follies of the others in the party.

“So if there is something I want to do, and it potentially affects the whole party, I get to do it, no vote?” asks Mathias pointedly.

Willa nods and shrugs. She tries to keep the party safe, but she’s nobody’s master and commander, and surely not their wet-nurse.

“Alright,” says Mathias. “Good to know.” He turns his back on the others as he begins to roll a cigarette, then turns back. “I just hope one of those swords has the ability to detect bad ideas, like Thokk’s sword can detect undead,” he says.

“Nay,” responds Willa. “If ther sword could detect bad idears, t'is party’d be lit up like a beacon all ther damn time.”

With her comprehend languages completed, and over the repeated objections of Mathias, Aurora uses her crystal ball to attempt to find Nosnra.

[Note that the scry spell allows the following adjustments to the target’s Wisdom save to resist the scry attempt:
Secondhand (you have heard of the target) +5
Firsthand (you have met the target) +0
Likeness or picture in your possession −2
Familiar (you know the target well) −5

Aurora has seen the chief, through the eyes of Charlotte, but this does not mean that she has in her possession a physical picture or likeness of him. The DM rules that Nosnra’s save will be at +2; better than if Aurora had merely heard of him, but not as good as if she had ever met the chief first hand]

[Nosnra’s Wisdom save is 17+2 = 19, against the crystal ball’s DC of 17. The scry fails, and may not be attempted on him again for 24 hours]

Aurora immediately sets about using the ball to try to find the huge blue giantess that Charlotte saw.

(9:20-9:30am). [Cloud giant Wis save 11+2 = 13, fail.]
The crystal ball is cloudy - and then resolves. Aurora can see inside a bed chamber, obviously inside the Steading (Aurora Intelligence check 13), and, she believes, inside the room with the cold hearth that they started from and in which Thokk hid his grapnel.

The perspective of the ball is that of some ten feet directly above the giantess. She is seated, cross-legged, in a giant bed that appears rather too short for her enormous height. Two stone giants are sleeping on other beds in the room.

For several minutes there is no noise or activity. Then the door opens and a third stone giant enters. Aurora’s running comprehend languages translates their conversation for her.

The giantess gives a gesture of greeting, and says "Ambassador," as the stone giant enters the room and shuts the door behind him. Something about the giantess’ gesture grabs Aurora’s attention. Could it have been a cantrip disguised as a greeting? (Aurora Arcana 11) If so, she did not recognize the underlying spell. [DM's note: Cloud giants can cast detect magic at will, and this cloud giant is used to casting it as a reflex whenever someone appears nearby]

The stone giant nods and says, "Ambassador."

"Anyone stirring in the kitchen?" the giantess asks.

"No, all the staff are fast asleep - just orc thralls on hand - I found some cold meat and took it to the workers in the basement," the stone giant responds.

"It is good of you to look after your folk."

"It is a poor manager who does not see to his workers."


"Have I interrupted your meditations?" the stone giant asks.

"It is of no concern. I cast no spells the day previous and still have my full complement."

The blue giantess rises from her bed, stands on the stone floor, and stretches. She is easily over twenty feet tall. As she cranes her neck, her brow furrows. She looks directly into the invisible divination sensor that is feeding the ball and squints [as she tries to understand what her detect magic is revealing].

Aurora gasps and immediately ends the spell.

“Everything fine?” asks Mathias suspiciously.

“Of course,” says Aurora in a rather unconvincing tone.

“Did anyone get tipped off to your scrying?”

“No.” (Aurora Deception 11 < Mathias Insight 18.)

“Gods damn it!” shouts Mathias. “I knew it! I f****** told you! You just cut the city's time short. Headwater? We can rename the rubble ‘Aurora's Mistake’.”

From across the hut, Babshapka opens one eye. “Can we keep it down?” he says laconically. “Trying to trance over here.” Willa and Doro, still attuning, nod their agreement.

I’m not shouting,” huffs Aurora, turning her back on Mathias and moving to where she can whisper anything she hears in the ball to Babshapka. She begins trying to find the door guard, the one she got a good look at while she was checking whether he was dead, drugged, or drunk. [Save counts as ‘Firsthand (you have met the target) +0’]

“Ugh, how many more hours are we stuck in this hut?” asks Mathias in frustration. The only answer is Dandy adding to the growing pile of mule apples.

(9:35am-9:45am) [Wisdom save 9; fails]
The crystal ball resolves, revealing the hill giant door guard to be not only awake, but walking around outside - there is abundant natural light. As the perspective shifts, Aurora can see that he appears to be at the base of the walls of the Steading, bent over almost double, looking for something in the sodden grass.

"Morrrg!" he roars plaintively. “Have you found it?"

A muffled voice comes from nearby. "No - " and then there is a splashing and retching sound.

"Well, stop puking and LOOK! We need to find it before the chief wakes up!"

When the retching stops, the other voice calls, “What do you think happened to it?”

“I don't know - probably one of those brats played a trick on us while we were sleeping.”

“Do you think we should look in the kids’ room?”

“No, ‘cause then everyone would know we lost it.”

“Well, if the chief finds out we were sleeping while we were on guard duty, he won't let us go on the raid!”

“Oh, he'll let us go - he needs all of us to crush the human city!”

“Not ALL of us - someone has to guard the women and treasure. And even if we do go, I'm sure it won't be good for us if he finds out.”

“I know, I know. That’s why we need to find it!”


The conversation, such as it is, continues for the next ten minutes with no new information, until Aurora can no longer keep the scrying window open.

Once the scrying connection ends, Aurora summarizes what she heard between the hill giant guards. Importantly, it seems that the Steading has not yet been alerted that the party was there. Also, while the giants have not yet set out to march on Headwater, that seems imminent. Aurora asks whether the party can afford to wait out this rest, likely until dark, before warning the city. The party agrees that they cannot wait - the city must be warned as soon as possible - but how? Aurora still does not have a sending spell, and she hasn’t even begun her own rest yet.

“I’ll go,” says Mathias simply. He is met with incredulity from the others. “No, I’ll go,” he says again. “Sometimes you have to put your balls on the line, right Thokk?” The barbarian nods gravely in agreement.

When the others find they cannot persuade him otherwise, the talk turns to how they can help him. Mathias agrees to accept an invisibility spell from Doro and a Phantom Steed from Aurora. He says that if the steed can get him close enough to the walls of the city, he can cast his own fly spell to get over. He will look for Griffage or Kerri once there. Aurora gives Mathias her hand mirror and explains a few simple flashing signals he can send to Phreeeee or Buckbeak - she tells him to expect a sending as soon as she finishes her rest and can prepare one. Then she begins the ritual for a steed.

[Willa and Doro have completed short rests, attuning to their swords. Mathias has completed a short rest. Aurora has not begun resting yet. Thokk and Babshapka are an hour into their long rests]

Willa’s greatsword is aligned LN/LG while Doro’s rapier is CN/CG. The swords ‘agree’ to be used by someone of their general philosophical bent but might resist someone else. Otherwise they are similar; both have the flametongue property:

5e flametongue wrote:
You can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword’s command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the sword.

Aurora begins her Phantom Steed ritual. She thinks (Arcana 10) she can make it transparent, or nearly so, and keeps this in mind as she casts.

While Aurora works, Thokk speaks to Mathias. As important as warning the city is, he explains to his warband follower, it is equally important to make sure that Mathias does not endanger the entire warband by revealing their location. Thokk explains to Mathias several ways that he can quickly and effectively kill himself if it looks like he might be captured. Now it is Mathias' turn to nod gravely.

Aurora finishes her ritual cast (Arcana 14). The steed is wispy, and looks like it is made from transparent fog. From a distance it should be much less noticeable than a real horse. When it is finished, Mathias mounts, and Doro bestows invisibility on him. Mathias bends low over the body of the steed, and begins to ride fast and hard for Headwater (at 13 miles an hour).

After three miles he comes upon the main cattle-drive trail, turns, and follows it toward the city.

After eight miles he sees a goblin company on the far side of the river. It appears to be a supply unit but to have numerous archers as well.

After nine miles he estimates that he has some fifteen minutes left on the steed as well as the invisibility (Perception 16). He looks for some shelter (Survival 14) and sees a burned village some five minutes’ ride away. Once there, he finds a half-tumbled down stone wall of an abandoned building he can easily crouch behind after dismounting. Mathias estimates that he is perhaps a mile and a half from the city walls. There are orc encampments completely surrounding the city, just out of trebuchet range of the defenders. Every tree for miles around has been felled, and those not currently burning in great camp fires have been cut apart and assembled into siege engines.

Mathias casts his fly spell and becomes visible. He flies straight up, attempting to get out of bow range as quickly as possible. He doesn’t think he has been seen (Perception 7), and no shots follow him.

As he approaches the city from a great height, he spots rapid movement along the walls and hears multiple alarm bells (Perception 19). He checks his pockets and bags, but has not brought any white rags that might signal his peaceful intentions (Wisdom save 6). Still flying, he slows and lowers himself, showing his hands empty and held above his head. Dozens of archers and crossbowmen have their weapons trained on him as he sets down inside an open market square.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:19 am  
Post 253: Solo Quest

DM's Note: This was run as a solo session for the player of Leezar only. While the other players eventually learned some of the details, it was not revealed that Leezar received a potion of vitality (which he still holds) or, obviously, that he used the witch's hair to find them.

Post 253: Solo Quest
5 April [10 Planting] - Headwater
(low 55, high 75, light rain from 5pm on all through night)

A cavalry unit is approaching Mathias rapidly, while squads of archers take turns moving closer across the square while covering one another. “Kerri!” he cries, “I must speak with Kerri Velthundel!”

The cavalry rides in an ever-tightening circle about him, sabres held out and ready.

“On your knees, keep your hands high,” their officers call.

Mathias complies, but cries out again, “I must speak with Kerri Velthundel, I have urgent information!”

Several tense moments go by before the cavalry screen pulls back. Mathias can see three figures - Kerri and Griffage he recognizes, but there is a portly man he does not. Based on the man’s uniform, he takes him to be involved in the city defense - perhaps a captain of the guard, a warden or bailiff, or somesuch. The three of them are speaking heatedly to one another, “No, this is my responsibility!” insists Griffage loudly, before the other man finally gives way. Griffage strides forward, bastard sword drawn and leveled at Mathias’ throat.

“Where did we first meet?” he asks, so softly that only Mathias can hear him.

“Outside an abandoned mill in a burned city,” Mathias replies evenly. “We offered you nuts.”

Griffage sheathes his weapon and returns to the others, who make a tight huddle. Finally the portly man commands loudly, “Archers, return to your stations on the wall!”

Kerri and Griffage gesture to Mathias to stand and accompany them. They walk, but a fair number of the cavalry force escorts the three of them to a small stone keep that seems to be a makeshift headquarters for someone. Once inside a private inner chamber, they begin talking rapidly.

Mathias reports that the hill giants are behind the humanoid forces besieging the city and making the raids throughout the Highlands, and are themselves planning an assault on Headwater. They are led by a chieftain and are in an alliance with other giants. When Griffage presses him on whether there is another power, something more intelligent, behind the giants, Mathias says it is unclear. He does not mention the letter the party found or the inverted Y pendant. He offers that the party has been through the Steading, but believes that they have been undetected. Griffage and Kerri congratulate him on the party’s success so far.

“So far?” Mathias asks incredulously. “You have the information you need - you have been warned. Aren’t we done here?”

Griffage and Kerri stare at Mathias, surprised. Finally Griffage speaks. “Learning who was behind the raids was the half of it. Now you have to stop them.”

“Stop them! Are you crazy? There are scores of giants. We can’t fight that.”

“Neither can we,” says Kerri. “This city, with what troops we have in it right now, will barely hold if just the humanoids attack. Add to that a brace of giants? Half our troops will run, and the other half will be slaughtered. You have to find some way to stop the giants from arriving. At least buy us enough time to inform the Earl and receive reinforcements.”

“There’s no way we can face that many giants at once,” insists Mathias.

“Not in the field,” agrees Griffage. “Not where they have numbers, not where they can bring those numbers to bear at a distance by throwing things...But how many of the giants are committed to this alliance?”

“No idea.”

“I mean, how many of the chief’s warriors think this is a good idea? They have lived in the mountains for centuries without attacking our cities. If this is just his idea, maybe you can eliminate him. The chief and the giant leadership. A targeted strike, wipe out the command of the tribe - anyone in charge - and maybe the rank and file will decide they are not so interested in attacking. You’ve already shown that you can get in and out of their Steading without being seen. Now just get in again and kill a few of them, selected targets, and get out. That is what adventurers do, isn’t it?”

“Kill just a few of them,” Mathias laughs mockingly at what Griffage suggests, but does not deny that it might be possible.

“How fast do they move?” asks Kerri. “When are they going to arrive?”

“We didn’t see any moving. And sometime after they finish their feast.”

“Is it possible that they have already left and are on their way here? Griffage thought they might be attacking tonight, based on the activity in the besieging camps. How soon can you be back at the Steading?”

“As of an hour ago, they had not left the Steading. But my group is resting now - it will be hours before we are ready to move again, and then a day’s travel to get back there.”

“So they could easily have left already by the time you return,” (Mathias notes that Kerri says definitively ‘by the time you return’, and not ‘by the time you could return”).

Mathias shrugs, admitting the possibility.

“You can’t face them, all of them, in the field, we are agreed. But they can’t be allowed to reach this city. Thousands of lives are at stake. If they haven’t left by the time you return to the Steading, give them a reason to stay - strike fast and retreat, as many times as you have to, but keep them there. If they have already left, attack anyway. Take the whole place over. Make sure that some of them get away - someone fast. Make sure the chieftain is warned, is told - you have his women, you have his treasure. Give him a reason that he has to return rather than attack Headwater. Give him a reason he can’t refuse.”

Whereas Griffage has been very vague in his suggestions of action for the party, it is clear that Kerri is no stranger to command or tactical decisions.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Mathias yawns. At this point he has been awake for nearly 30 hours.

“Can you get back to your group?”

“I suppose. The orcs have this city pretty sealed off - and it’s a long way back to my group - more than ten miles upriver. I suppose by the time I get there, they will have been able to rest…” he yawns again, perhaps exaggerating this one just a little.

Griffage and Kerri have a hushed conversation, going rapidly back and forth. When they reach an agreement, Griffage says he will be taking Mathias somewhere else while Kerri attends to some things.

Griffage leads Mathias away from the keep, several blocks closer to the walls, and into a cathedral surrounded by a squad of guards. The interior of the cathedral is deserted, though, which seems odd for a city under siege - where are the small folk seeking refuge, solace, or hope? “This section of the east city has been evacuated except for troops,” Griffage explains, although Mathias didn’t ask. The floor of the cathedral is intricately laid with small, hand-painted tiles, many forming images, designs, and patterns. Griffage takes Mathias to one such circle of golden tiles, but holds him back from stepping on the floor nearby. A priest appears wordlessly, and soon after, Kerri. The elven woman hands Mathias one potion [of vitality, and then offers him his choice of one from another two flasks - flying or invisibility. He takes the latter and thanks them. The priest, in a curiously calm voice, explains that the design on this part of the floor is the material for a teleportation circle spell. The ‘other end’ lies in a small chapel near where Mathias has told them the party’s hidden camp is. They know nothing of the chapel since a week ago - the village it was in has been occupied by the enemy. It may be guarded, burned, or even torn down. The circle might not work, or it might be dangerously unstable. But it is the quickest way they have for Mathias to return to his party. “Balls on the line,” agrees Mathias and the priest arches an eyebrow.

When Mathias says he is ready, the priest uses a crozier to touch certain runes on the circle in a certain order. Then the whole circle glows and Mathias steps inside.

[Willa and Doro are 2 hours into a long rest, Aurora nearly so. Thokk and Babshapka are 3 hours into their long rests]

Mathias appears in a deserted chapel. The interior has been burnt, the roof has collapsed, the glass windows have been smashed, but the stone shell is intact. A charred, fallen timber lies across the smallest edge of the circle, but the rest of it is obscured only by ash. Mathias smells death and instinctively crouches - but hears nothing but the wind. Outside, the rest of the village is burned. There are a few bloated orc carcasses in the streets, stuck with arrows, but he sees no one about. The river is close at hand, although he is on the wrong side of it. He casts a fly spell on himself but drinks the potion of invisibility before lifting off.

(12:10pm) Mathias soars over the river and before his spell runs out he gets as close as he can to where the small stream the party was following enters the river. After that, he travels on foot, though invisible, and makes sure to pass downwind of the worgs. When he is unsure of the direction, he looks carefully about and then tosses his braided witch's hair into the air. It becomes visible as soon as it leaves his hands and when it lands it points unerringly at the direction of the party. Mathias wonders whether it is the spirit of the crone that is animating her hair, and if so, whether she still thinks that he is going to avenge her death. Perhaps someday, but she will have to keep waiting for now.

(12:30pm) Willa and Aurora are on watch in the hut, and Willa hears the crunch of boots on small stones outside. “Shhh!” she hisses to everyone.

“Shhhh,” whispers an invisible Mathias from right beside her. “Someone might hear you.”

Then, when they have all gotten over their shock and put their hastily-drawn weapons away, he says simply. “I made it to the city and back. I’m alive. But not for long, because we need to return to the Steading.”
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:05 pm  
Post 254: Taunting the Chief

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
23 March: Humanoid Raid on Fort Saddle
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu.
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg.
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe. The party is found by Griffage.
30 March: Raid on Fort Falke
31 March: Raid on Strake Terrace
1 April: Raid on Kalibac
3 April: Skirmish outside Hilden's Grange
4 April: Party Sneaks into the Steading, giants none the wiser
5 April: 3 - 3 = 0
6 April: 2 - 4 = -2. Raid on Fort Dagger

Post 254: Taunting the Chief
5 April [10 Planting] (continued) - River valley, 25 miles below the Steading, 10 miles above Headwater
(low 55, high 75, light rain from 5pm on all through night)

(1pm) Babshapka has completed his long rest. He leaves the hut, scales the cliff overhead, and remains hidden and on watch from above (Stealth 18).

(1:30pm) Mathias has finished a short rest. He still lacks a long rest.

(2pm) Aurora’s mage armor ends. She cannot renew it without breaking her rest.

(3:40pm) Doro’s mage armor ends. Aurora cannot renew it without breaking her rest.

(5pm) Just as the first light patter of raindrops begins to hit its dome, the hut fades from existence. Thokk has finished his long rest. He calls Phreeeee to him, casts beast sense, and has the bird make a wide loop to see if there are any enemies close. Willa, Doro, Aurora, and Mathias are still resting, but now they spread out among the boulder field to better hiding spots. Willa feeds, then relocates, the mules.

(6pm) Phreeeee has returned without having spotted any enemies (Perception 12). Willa and Doro have finished a long rest, and Aurora lacks only ten more minutes on hers. Mathias is still hours away. When asked about it, he insists that he is not tired, and is ready to move out, since he found a place in the city to “get a fix”.

(6:10pm) Aurora finishes her long rest and begins memorizing her spells.

After dinner:
76 human rations to 70
21 mule rations to 20 (spots to forage throughout day)

As it grows darker, from his perch atop the cliff, Babshapka can see the light of a fire along the river upstream, some ten miles distant or more. To see it from this distance, it must be a great fire indeed. He cannot tell if it is moving - it may have been there the whole day, with him unable to see it until dusk, or it may have just arrived, or just been made. Could it be the giant warband, already more than halfway to Headwater? He climbs down and reports this news to the party.

Mathias immediately begins working on a plan assuming that the great fire is indeed the giants. He says that he can use his translator to talk to the chieftain, and goad him into returning to the Steading by himself, so that the party can ambush him and only him. To do that, however, Mathias will need the party’s help in distracting any worgs present. Whether this distraction ultimately means leading the worgs off or eliminating them, Mathias needs a clean access to the giant camp from about a mile’s distance - close enough for him to fly in, talk to the chief, and fly out on a single spell. The others are again surprised at Mathias’ intention to do this alone, but agree. He tells them that he will put out the giants’ campfire as a sign that he is returning to the party.

Those in the party with weapons from the alien ship make sure that they are loaded with full energy discs. Aurora instructs Mathias and Babshapka in how to use the blaster rifles - especially the disruptor beam setting - and these two arm themselves with the extra two rifles. Mathias asks for a disc to accompany his new blaster, as well as some spares. Babshapka goes over how to use the blaster pistol for Willa.

Babshapka has 4 full discs, 1 with 5 charges, and 1 loaded in the blaster pistol.
Aurora, after providing some discs to Mathias, has 7 full discs, a fully-charged disc in the blaster rifle, a mostly-used disc in the atmospheric analyzer, and a spare disc with two charges.

Mathias asks Thokk whether he can have one of the javelins from the chieftain’s weapons room. The half-orc was impressed with Mathias’ bravery in warning the city by himself, and hands one over without hesitation. Mathias checks the javelin head for blood in an attempt to determine whether it is one that was used or not. He also returns the mace+2 to Willa, saying that he has decided he doesn’t need it, but would like to be on record as claiming the next item the party finds that can make him more difficult to hit in combat [higher AC]. Mathias spends the next hour handling the javelin and murmuring. Do the javelins require attunement as well? Certainly Thokk didn’t have any problem using them, except for remembering which ones he had already thrown.

[Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Leezar is using a ritual to convert the javelin into his pact weapon]

This, of course, gets Aurora thinking, and she casts identify as a ritual over Thokk’s remaining four javelins.

Javelin of Lightning wrote:
This Javelin is a Magic Weapon. When you hurl it, it transforms into a bolt of lightning, forming a line 5 feet wide that extends out from you to a target within 120 feet. Each creature in the line excluding you and the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The Lightning Bolt turns back into a Javelin when it reaches the target. Make a ranged weapon Attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes damage from the Javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage. The javelin's property can't be used again until the next dawn. In the meantime, the Javelin can still be used as a Magic Weapon.

Mathias says that he would like to have a scrap of the letter addressed to the chieftain. He will show this to the chieftain to prove that his treasure room has been compromised, as an added incentive to return to the Steading. Babshapka and Aurora agree, but first Babshapka carefully copies the giantish runes from the original onto a new sheet of parchment while Mathias and Aurora hold a cape over him to protect the paper from the rain. Then Babshapka switches with Aurora and he holds the cape while dictating a translation in Common for Aurora to write on another sheet for the party's records. Once the ink on these is dry, Aurora tears off a quarter-section of the original sheet and gives it to Mathias.

This discussion of the Giant language has got Aurora thinking, though. If she knew spoken Giant, she might be able to get better usage out of her silent image spell. She is now reflecting more seriously on Griffage’s advice to concentrate on spells that target the giants’ poor intelligence and wisdom. She has Babshapka teach her some phrases in giant like "I'll take care of these. You all get those over there!", "Move quickly over there!!", and "Kill those wolves - they are enemies in disguise!"

For the third time in two days, the party goes through all of their gear, moving anything they think essential to their persons, and putting most of the rations, standard gear, and treasure back into the mule bags. Babshapka buries these pack bags in many different locations all over the boulder field and then hides the mules themselves in a thicket about a half mile away.

Aurora casts mage armor on herself and Doro (lasts until 2:30am; Aurora at 2/3/3/1)

(6:30pm) In an attempt to determine whether it is indeed the giants who are the source of the fire that can be seen ever more clearly as it grows darker, Aurora decides to use her crystal ball. Knowing that she won’t be able to scry on Chief Nosnra, she concentrates on remembering the faces of the giants who surrounded him at the high table in his feast hall.

(6:40pm) (Giant 1 of 4; Wis save of 16+2 = 18, beats DC17 of spell)

(6:50pm) (Giant 2 of 4; Wis save of 16+2 = 18, beats DC17 of spell)

(7pm) (Giant 3 of 4; Wis save of 19+2 = 21, beats DC17 of spell)

(7:10pm) (Giant 4 of 4; Wis save of 10+2 = 12, fails)
Finally the ball reveals something. Aurora has the sensor as high over the head of the giant as she dares, and finds herself looking down on a bonfire with the chief, his huge cave bear, and one of the stone giants. At the edge of the light from the fire, is the gently lapping river. With the river and the outdoor fire as clues, she is pretty sure the chief is indeed at the distant fire they can see from their camp. It is dark beyond the radius of their fire but then light again nearby - there are at least two other fires, so perhaps some two dozen adult male giants if each fireside has the same number? It certainly appears to be the warband, bound for Headwater.

She listens for as long as she can (until 7:20pm), keeping Babshapka on hand to translate, but there is little talking, and most of that is focused on passing meat back and forth among them. The remains of several large slaughtered animals are nearby in the grass or on spits over the fire. Aurora studies the faces of the chief, nearby hill giants, and the singular stone giant (Int check 9).

While Aurora is using her crystal ball, Mathias is taking advantage of the gathering dark and has asked Willa for a grenade lesson. Thokk is happy to donate three sleep grenades - he is carrying them only for the others to use, anyway. Mathias practices tossing the grenades and arming them, including one ‘live fire’ where he actually throws an armed grenade. The initial explosion of sleep gas is certainly loud enough within the party’s camp itself, but cannot be heard at ten miles distant.

(7:20pm) Mathias goes over elements of his plan with the party, encouraged that Aurora’s scry did not reveal any worgs around the enemy camp. He plans for the entire party to take cover in the woods as close as they can to the giant camp, while he flies out to speak with the chief. With no worgs, the question becomes how fast the giants can move to pursue them. Babshapka reflects on this (Survival 17). He knows that eigers can move faster than any of them but Thokk. He suspects that the giants, with their enormous legs, can move even faster - so long as it is over level ground, open terrain, and in a straight line. He doesn’t imagine their enormous bulk being good at cornering. They might be able to trample down scrub vegetation but should be greatly slowed by thick trees and unable to force their way through them or simply duck under them. The plan can now be summarized thusly: sneak into the woods, pray for Mathias to be able to separate the chief from the others, then stun the s**** out of the chief and anyone with him using spells and blaster rifles.

Aurora reminds the others that the giants cannot see in the dark and, based on her scrying their camp, they did not appear to be in any hurry to march before dawn. The party has the rest of the evening to prepare. They can afford, she says, to wait while she switches out Buckbeak for Hedwig, her owl familiar that can see in the dark.

(7:30-8:40pm) Aurora casts a ritual find familiar and brings forth Hedwig. Mathias finishes a long rest. Everyone is now at full spell slots and most of them are at full health. It is time to take the fight to the giants!

(8:40-9:40pm) The party travels three miles closer to the forest near the giant camp. No encounters for the first hour of march. Hedwig is instructed to circle the party at a distance of a mile but fly straight to them if he spots anything. Fortunately the rain is light enough that the owl can still fly.

(9:40-10:40pm) The party travels three miles closer to the forest near the giant camp. No encounters for the second hour of march.

(10:40-11:40pm) The party travels three miles closer to the forest near the giant camp. No encounters for the third hour of march.

(11:40-12:40pm) The party travels three miles, entering the near side of the forest. Babshapka’s guidance ensures that they do not slow their travel even in the wooded terrain. No encounters for the fourth hour of march.

(12:40-12:55pm) The party travels nearly a mile, moving to the part of the forest closest to the huge bonfires of the giants, now about a mile away. No encounters for this 15 minutes of march. Willa prays to the Gentle Sea Cow and Aurora sends Hedwig forth with instructions to scout the giant camp. (Dashing at 12mph, the owl can make it to the camp in about five minutes). She returns, describing the general layout as Aurora saw with her ball. Many, but not all, of the giants are now sleeping. She also noted that the entire encampment of three bonfires was surrounded by pickets of eigers - and Babshapka reminds everyone that unlike the giants, these can see in the dark.

[Hidden Mule camp encounter check for Night: no encounters]

6 April [11 Planting] - River valley, 15 miles below the Steading, 20 miles from Headwater
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)
Humanoid Raid on Fort Dagger

(1:05am) With Hedwig back from scouting the camp, Mathias prepares to set out. Doro offers to make him invisible for an hour, which he gladly accepts, as well as to give him bardic inspiration for 10 minutes. Aurora offers to cast fly on him, lasting ten minutes. Mathias is torn. On the one hand, he feels much safer holding on to his spell slots rather than having to cast fly himself. On the other, as he explains, he is not eager to entrust this concentration spell “to the person in the party with the shortest attention span”. Aurora tells him it will be fine, and he cautiously accepts the spell. Aurora at 2/3/2/1.

[Mathias’ plan relied on him using the translator, but the translator needs ten minutes of exposure to a language in order to translate it; after that it can function in real time. Mathias’ player forgot this and had him leave with a ten minute fly clock without doing this first, but the DM then allowed the character of Mathias an Intelligence check, which he failed with a 5. Then Mathias’ player used an Inspiration point for a reroll and got a 15. We retconned this to Mathias remembering before he left and having asked Babshapka to speak in Giant for ten minutes during the prior march to prime the translator]

Mathias takes off toward the giant encampment.

Even knowing that the fly spell lasts only ten minutes, some in the party are unable to wait. Thokk is jealous of Mathias’ second solo adventure and decides to learn a new skill so that he can be smart enough to bull**** giants, too. He moves a bit away from the party in the woods and practices throwing sleep grenades. The party hears the explosion but doubts the giants will.

Aurora almost immediately takes out her crystal ball. “What are you doing?” demands Babshapka.

“I want to see the camp when Mathias arrives,” she says. “I’m going to scry the giant I studied before.”

“Mathias won’t arrive if he loses your fly spell. You need concentration to cast scrying,” Babshapka reminds her.

“Oh, concentration,” says Aurora disappointedly. “Oh, well. Where’s Thokk’s pole? I’m going to cast magic mouth, then.” Using 10gp worth of jade dust, she ritually enchants the pole to say, in what Babshapka assures her is Giant, "I'll kill these people. You all kill those over there - run that way fast!!" She sets the mouth so that it triggers if Thokk holds one end of the pole more than 12' high, so that it will sound like it is coming from the height of a giant, and even remembers to mark the right end of the pole for future reference (Intelligence save 14). Later, after Thokk gets back from his grenade practice, she explains to him how to hold the pole and point it in a direction to mimic a giant voice.

Once Aurora is finally done with him, Babshapka climbs a tree and watches the fires by the river’s edge.

(1:10am) In five minutes invisible Mathias has reached the eiger pickets and sailed over them without being noticed. By 5 minutes plus round 2, he has circled the chief’s fire. The chief, eight hill giants (four of them sleeping), the stone giant, and the cave bear are there. No one is speaking - those awake are just staring silently into their fire. Mathias thinks to himself: “Plan A: Talk s***”.

(5 minutes plus round 3) Mathias takes out the sheet of parchment (the torn quarter section of the original note to the chief), and drops it from overhead, as close to the chief as he dares get, trying to have it land between the chief and the fire. A gust of hot air from the fire lifts it, wafting it to settle precisely in the chief’s lap without him even noticing (Mathias Sleight of Hand 23). He follows that up by dropping a sprinkling of gems, the cheapest the party obtained in the Steading, into the chief’s lap as well. As the chief’s head lolls, this too goes unnoticed (Mathias Stealth 10 (with advantage from invisibility and fly) > Chief Perception 3, Cave Bear Perception 7).

The time has come. Mathias takes out the translator and keeps it continually pointed at the chief even as he flies in a high circle around him. Mathias shouts into the translator, and it bellows forth in Giant:

(5 minutes plus round 4) “NOSNRA! The frost giants have betrayed you!
Humans have already attacked the Steading!
They have stolen your treasures, including your sweet magic javelins.
The human city of Headwater is already prepared for you!”

The half-dozing giant chief finally looks up, first in confusion, and then in alarm as he slowly processes the words.

“Wait, what? Who are you?” he rumbles. The paper and gems tumble to the ground as he stands. Seeing them for the first time he bends over and snatches them up, looking at them with growing realization.

“The humans are about to attack the Steading again!
They will take your women and the rest of your treasures!
They have already killed your manticores!”

(Chief Wisdom check 10) “Where are you? Show yourself, coward!” roars the chief. Everyone in his fire circle is awake now, and the bear is growling and sniffing deeply. The chief slips his hand into his bag and pulls out a smooth rock half the size of Mathias’ head, but keeps it in his closed fist. Mathias doesn’t notice (Perception 1).

“We knew you were a dumb ox!” As Mathias’ voice rings out again, the chief spins and hurls his rock at the sound (Initiative 12 Chief > 11 Mathias. Chief’s attack roll 20, but 10 with disadvantage from Mathias' invisibility). The rock whistles past Mathias, skids over the soft earth, and lands near another bonfire.

(5 minutes plus round 5) “Ha, ha, nice try! Have fun on the river while we take your women, you dumb piece of crap!” Mathias ends his taunts and puts away the translator as the chief pulls out another throwing rock, and gains elevation as he circles. He would like to taunt the chief more, but that requires talking, and if talking allows the chief to throw rocks at him, he is ready for the conversation to end. He primes a black grenade and aims it for the ground near the chief but misses (AC10, roll 5). The grenade lands much closer to the chief than he intends and explodes with a flash and bang. The cave bear rears up in alarm, then goes charging away from the explosion. Mathias is now visible, which he had been hoping to avoid by placing the grenade more distant.

Invisibility wrote:
The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.

stun grenade: wrote:
Anyone in the initial 10' blast radius takes d6+4 force damage, CON 16 save for half.
All within the initial 10' blast are stunned for 1-4 rounds and deafened for 10-40 minutes.

(Chief Con save 13; fails. Damage, stunned for 3 rounds and deafened for 30 minutes)

Mathias gains altitude as fast as he can, then soars over the camp and eiger pickets in his best approximation of the direction of the party (Survival check 17). Even without the translator, he can tell the chief is furious and is bellowing orders, bringing all of the camp to arms.

Once Mathias can no longer see the eigers behind him, he goes from flying as high as he can to as low as he can, just skimming over ground that slopes up gently in the direction of the woods. When the fly spell fails, he drops lightly to the grass and keeps running. He is still a good third of a mile from the edge of the woods and the party. Almost immediately he sees a flash of light from the woods and re-orients himself toward it before it vanishes.

In the woods, Willa has been silently counting ever since Aurora touched Mathias with the fly spell. When she reaches “six hunnerd”, she takes her hooded lantern and draws back the hood, angling it southwest and as high into the sky as she dares without spilling the oil. She leaves it shining several seconds before covering it again, hoping it was long enough to guide Mathias without being seen by any giants in pursuit. She begins counting again.

“Oh,” says Aurora, feeling the sudden release of tension in her concentration on the spell. “I think my fly just ended. Now I can scry the camp…”

“No!” shouts an exasperated Babshapka from the trees, still looking for approaching torches. “If Mathias makes it back here, we need to leave immediately. Keep your ball packed.”

“Fine,” admits Aurora. "But as soon as he is back here I am sending Hedwig to the camp.”

[In the giant camp, Mathias is long gone by the time the chieftain is no longer stunned. For the next half-hour he is shouting orders and abuse at everyone within ear-shot, increasingly punctuated by “Why don’t you answer me?!” in his fury at their lack of response since he doesn’t realize that he has been deafened (Wisdom Check 8 ). Even after he can hear, it takes another half an hour before he has conferred with his advisors and decided on a plan of action. He designates a sub-commander to continue the assault on Headwater in the morning, with the Stone Giant engineer also in attendance. His own “fire circle” of eight hill giants sets out (at 2am) on their way back to the Steading, traveling as fast as they can manage in the dark. Thus the “Steading force” is now eight hill giants, the chieftain, and his bear, while the “Headwater force” is 21 hill giants, 13 eigers, and the stone giant.]

(1:25am) Mathias arrives at the party and tells the others they need to make for the Steading as fast as they can - the chieftain will be coming in hot behind him. Aurora immediately launches Hedwig, telling her to fly back to the giant camp, observe and record what is happening. The owl hoots a reply and takes to wing. [It is one mile to the camp, 5 minutes of flight time]

Babshapka tells the others that he judges it to be three miles or so to the cattle bridge - if that is what they are making for. Willa and Mathias agree, and the party sets off.

(1:30am) Hedwig reaches the giant camp. From high aloft, out of range of the eiger’s darkvision, she silently observes the chaos.

(1:45am) Aurora recalls Hedwig to her side. The owl reports the chaos in the camp and that the giants are all still there. The party is unsure whether to be grateful that they have a head start or concerned that the chief has not yet taken the bait. Aurora sends the owl back to the camp. [It is 1.8 miles to the camp from the party’s current location en route to the bridge, 9 minutes of flight time]

(1:54am) Hedwig reaches the giant camp again. This time she sees a small group preparing for departure, and as she watches, identifies it as the chief and another eight hill giants. She follows them when they leave, and for the next five minutes.

(2:05am) Aurora recalls Hedwig to her side. This time the owl reports that the chieftain has left, taking eight of his largest warriors with him. (“Good, but not as good as I had hoped,” says Mathias. “I was hoping to shame him enough that he would try to take care of this himself, alone.”) Aurora asks Hedwig to estimate the speed of the giants compared to the party. The owl says the giants are definitely moving faster over level ground, but are stumbling a lot in the dark, sometimes wandering into brush or boggy ground near the river. Luna, the big moon, is still at more than a quarter, but is completely hidden behind the rain clouds. Why don’t the giants use torches? Willa wonders. Aurora sends Hedwig back, this time instructing her to find the chief and monitor his group. [It is 2.2 miles from the party to the chief’s sortie, 11 minutes of flight time]

(2:16am) Hedwig reaches the chieftain’s group. They are continuing to struggle along the cattle trail as best they can in the dark and rain.

(2:30am) [The party has traveled three miles from their camp in the woods and reached the bridge. No encounters so far; they have marched 5 hrs 15 mins since their last long rest.] As they reach the river’s edge, Babshapka can clearly see (Survival 24) the giant and eiger footprints overlaying the cattle trail and going downriver - the warband passed by here earlier in the day, traveling fast during the time when there was light. Once he is across the bridge, he can see the footprints at the river’s edge, again following the trail. It is equally obvious that the giants are avoiding any kind of difficult terrain - their bulk would be hindered by any trees too large for them to push over and their great weight would cause them to sink down in soft ground. The beginnings of a plan take form, a plan to ambush them before they can reach whatever reinforcements await at the Steading. The quickest way to the Steading would be to cut through the forest and up into the hills - but he thinks they should work their way along the trail until a good ambush spot presents itself, for it is a sure bet that even pressed for time they will be returning along the trail. He tells the party to follow him up the trail.

The mage armors on Aurora and Doro go down; after Aurora renews them, she is at 0/3/2/1. The new spells will last until 10:30am.

(2:35am) Aurora recalls Hedwig to her side. She has followed the chief’s group for the last twenty minutes in their heated scramble upriver, and she takes them now to be more than halfway to the bridge. Even stumbling about in the dark, the giants are still traveling faster than the party, and will soon be upon them. The party should be glad of their head start while the chieftain was deafened. Aurora tells the party that the giants are close behind them. Then she sends Hedwig back a fourth time, again instructing her to find the chief and monitor his group. [It is 1.2 miles to the chief’s sortie, 6 minutes of flight time]

(2:50am) In twenty minutes, the party has traveled a mile up the cattle trail along the river. Babshapka has found nowhere suitable for an ambush (Survival 12). The river is running swift and straight through hard, rocky ground, and the forest edge is far from the trail itself. The country is far too open to be advantageous to the party. He urges them to keep going. They have marched 5 hrs 35 mins since their last long rest.

(3:15am) As the party travels another mile (six hours total marched), Babshapka eagerly scans the terrain ahead. The river is now being forced into a lazy curve around a mountain face, and its southern border is growing more boggy as they travel (Survival 20). “Yes!” the wood elf says to himself, but “Keep going!” to the party. Shortly after three in the morning he finds his spot. The trees approach the water’s edge. Everywhere off the hard-packed trail is marshy. It will be the perfect place to strike - the party will have maximum cover in the trees and the giants minimal movement off the trail. “Here!” he announces. “Start pacing off distances!”

The others look for ambush spots - locations close enough to fire upon the trail, but in which they will have good cover. Mathias takes out his blaster rifle, but rather than measure distances from trees to the trail he sits down with his back to a tree. “I’m just going to grab a short rest,” he calls to the others.

Aurora shakes her head doubtfully and recalls Hedwig. The owl predicts that they will have fewer than thirty minutes before the chief is upon them. Fortunately, she reports, the giants are moving along the trail in near-single file, led by the bear who is trying to keep them on the trail as the ground around it gets softer.

The party spreads out, lining up at the edge of the forest within their weapons’ ranges of the trail. Doro and Willa can’t see - but Doro plans to cast light when the giants are upon them. Thokk is closer than most of them to the trail - his job will be to draw enemy fire so that everyone else can stay safely back in the treeline.

For several minutes all is silent save for the croaking of frogs and the soft pitter-patter of raindrops hitting tree leaves. Then it can be heard - distant squelching and bellowing as one giant or another slips off the trail into the bogs. As the giants get closer, the party can actually feel their approach - the very ground vibrates softly as thousands of pounds slam into it over and over. Then there is a nearby crash as a giant, or perhaps the bear, knocks some tree branches out of its way.

“So much for resting,” sighs Mathias.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
Posts: 543
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Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:09 pm  

Wow, you rolled pretty bad for the giants here.

So did Nosnra never realize that our heroes cleaned out his treasury before he set out for Headwater?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:40 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Wow, you rolled pretty bad for the giants here.

Actually, I was amazed at how many of the giants resisted Aurora's high-DC scrying attempts!

Nosnra has stats as a Frost Giant, so Dex checks at -1, Int checks at -1, and flat Wis checks. Con saves at +8 and attack rolls at +9.

It was not unexpected that Mathias was able to goad and bluff him. The roll of (20, 10, miss with disadvantage) for his stone throw was objectively bad, but even had he hit, Mathias could more than likely have taken the (4d10+6, average 28) damage from one shot and still flown away, since the fly spell was on Aurora's concentration, not his.

Mathias had tried to not hit Nosnra with the stun grenade, and it was a bad roll of his that landed it close enough to do damage (and consequently, drop Mathias' invisibility). However, Nosnra's failed Con save against that was unexpected, and a lucky break for the party, since it gave them a half hour lead on the giants while Nosnra was deafened.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

So did Nosnra never realize that our heroes cleaned out his treasury before he set out for Headwater?

Nope, he went straight from morning hangover from the feast to arming himself and rousing his troops. He set out from the Steading without ever going down to the basement and was oblivious to the party's actions until Mathias dumped his own gems in his lap.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:25 am  
Post 255: Ambushing the Chief

Post 255: Ambushing the Chief
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - River valley, 14 miles below the Steading along the trail, 20 miles above Headwater
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Pre-surprise round
Aurora casts mirror image. Now at 0/2/2/1.
Thokk sets down his pole in a place where he will be able to find it again.

Surprise Round
Aurora lets the bear go by, moving along the trail in advance of the others. She scans for the most dense cluster of giants. Several are near the chief. When she finds a tight knot of them, she strikes, initiating the combat. Her slow spell falls on fully six of them (no Arcana roll needed for placement as she had paced out the distances beforehand). [DC15 Wisdom save for giants; 19, 19, 18, 17 (Chief), 8 x 2 (both fail)]. Some of the closest giants might hear her incantations, but none can see her, and two are slowed. (Aurora at 0/2/1/1)

Doro casts light on a small stone, then steps forward and hurls it as far as she can. It illuminates a good portion of the trail, rendering the giants visible to her and Willa, but also makes her visible to them. As she falls back deeper into the trees and away from the light, the others in the party can see that all of these giants carry huge shields and wear metal helms (+3 to AC). Many carry great spears and axes, and all of the equipment looks familiar from the party’s visit to the Steading’s armory.

With several giants now in view, Willa raises her blaster pistol, using the screen to target one of them as Babshapka showed her. She chooses the closest, right after the bear on the trail, and fires twice (Willa at 4/6 charges). [DC13 Dex saves: 15, 16. No damage to an armored target that makes its save] The blasts of force are blocked by the giant’s shield and Willa curses her tactical error. They had talked (briefly) about targeting the chief first and foremost.

Thokk enrages, then hurls a javelin at the giant furthest in the back, hoping to land several of them in the lightning, but he misses at the great distance (disadvantage at range). [He is so upset at missing he forgets he has a second attack.]

Babshapka summons his hunter’s mark (Babshapka at 3/3) and places it on the chief, then lines him up in the display of his blaster rifle. The massive bolt of force streaks across the field and slams into the enormous giant, staggering him and ripping apart his shield and helmet. (DC13 Dex save 16, saves. Chief’s armor is disintegrated, he is stunned for 4 rounds, and takes half of 29 damage plus 3 from hunter’s mark is 17. Babshapka at 4/6 charges.)

After pausing just long enough to see which giants are slowed, Mathias directs his blaster rifle at one who is not (DC13 Dex save; 16 saves. Giant’s armor is disintegrated, he is stunned for 3 rounds, and takes half of 38 damage is 19. Mathias at 4/6 charges.)

Round One
Willa switches her targeting screen to the chief - he is not taller than the others, but is far and away wider. She squeezes off two more shots from the blaster pistol, the concussive force slamming into his huge body (with no armor now, he has no protection from the blasts. Stunned, he automatically fails Dex saves. 35 points of damage (total 52). (Willa at 2/6 charges).

Doro summons her spiritual weapon, a great gong mallet as close as she can to the chief, but it is still a ways off. As she sends it forward, it swings at nearby giants en route but misses.

Babshapka turns his blaster rifle on another unslowed giant, the party’s strategy being in part to stun as many as possible at the outset. Although they did not discuss it prior to the battle, it also seems wise to him to remove the armor from all of them. (DC13 Dex save; 15 saves. Armor disintegrated, stunned for 1 round, and takes half of 41 damage is 20. Babshapka at 2/6 charges)

Her slow spell out of the way, but still Concentrating to maintain it, Aurora brings up the targeting screen on her blaster rifle. She shoots at the second giant from the front of the column. (DC13 Dex save; 17 saves. Armor disintegrated, stunned for 4 rounds, and takes half of 35 damage is 17. Aurora at 4/6 charges)

The party now working together, Mathias targets the third giant back from the bear with his blaster rifle. (DC13 Dex save; 3, fails. Armor disintegrated, giant unconscious, prone, and incapacitated for 4 rounds, and takes fully 30 damage. Mathias at 2/6 charges)

After an intense battering from strange forces in the surrounding darkness, the hill giants finally are able to respond. The cave bear crashes forward off the trail, nose held high and seeking foes in the dark (Perception 12). The two slowed giants raise their spears and throwing rocks. The light from Doro’s rock falls on Thokk, the only target visible to them. They struggle forward barely ten feet through the bog (move 40, but both slowed and difficult terrain), and let fly at him. The rock levels the tree behind which he is taking cover, but when he moves out of the way, the thrown spear nearly pins him to the ground. It is an attack which could have slain Mathias in a single blow, but Thokk bellows defiance, rips it out of his side, and again seeks cover (two attacks; Thokk’s AC with three-quarters cover is 26; one hit with a 28, critical, 44 points of damage reduced to 22 from rage). Only a single giant remains who is neither slowed, stunned, nor unconscious, and he is unable to fire on Thokk with his comrades blocking his view. (The two slowed giants make Wisdom saves at the end of their turn to end the slow; 11, 8, both fail).

Thokk comes out from around his tree and is able to line up three giants, including the chief, with his javelins. Throwing twice, he is rewarded with lightning strikes on all three for both throws (first hit, 7 piercing plus 12 lightning, all targets already stunned and automatically fail Dex saves, second hit is a critical, 6 piercing and 29 lightning, total 54 damage, chief has taken 106, Thokk has one javelin left).

Round Two
Babshapka fires at another giant (DC13 Dex save; 16 saves. Armor disintegrated, stunned for 4 rounds, and takes half of 45 damage is 22. Babshapka at 0/6 charges). His rifle ‘pings’, indicating that its power disc is now empty.

The bear continues to charge through the marsh, but so far has not found a target (Perception 6). The three giants who are not stunned advance and throw more rocks and spears at Thokk, but all of them miss (two get 25’s for attack rolls, but Thokk has AC26 with cover). (The two slowed giants make Wisdom saves at the end of their turn to end the spell; 6, 2, both fail).

One of the giants, having recently recovered from his stunning last round, is near enough to Thokk that it will soon be able to attack him in melee. Willa leaves off her assault on the chief and aims her blaster pistol at that one and is rewarded with two solid hits before the pistol ‘pings’ (with no armor, no protection from the blasts. DC13 Dex saves 5, 7, both fail. 35 points of damage. Willa at 0/6 charges).

Doro’s spiritual weapon reaches the chief’s side and hits him in the shin (attack with advantage due to stun, 5 damage, total 111). The increasing proximity of the giants to the party has Doro concerned - she extinguishes her light, ending the ability of herself, Willa, and the giants to see on the field.

Mathias is under no such light limitation, and he launches two bolts of force directly at the chief. (Advantage with chief stunned, one critical hit, 12 damage, chief has taken 118).

Thokk throws his last javelin of lightning, targeting the chief and two other giants (13 piercing (critical hit) to the chief, 17 lightning to all three, chief has taken 148). Thokk then turns, draws his longsword, and slashes at the bear who is also closing in on him (12 damage with rage). Thokk retreats (bear’s opportunity attack misses) and returns to cover behind the trees.

Aurora moves up, shoots at a giant with her blaster rifle, then moves back into cover (DC13 Dex save; 14 saves. Armor disintegrated, stunned for 3 rounds, and takes half of 33 damage is 16. Aurora at 2/6 charges).

Round Three
Only one unstunned giant can see Thokk at this point. His thrown rock misses. The two slowed giants make Wisdom saves at the end of their turn; 17 saves, 10; one is no longer slowed). The chief is no longer stunned.

Aurora moves up, shoots at the chief, then moves back into cover (DC13 Dex save; 11; fail. Unconscious, incapacitated, and prone for 4 rounds, and takes 32 damage, total 180. Aurora at 0/6 charges).

Doro smacks at the chief on the ground with her spiritual mallet (4 points, chief has taken 184).

Mathias blasts the chief with two bolts of eldritch force. The first one elicits a groan (15 points, chief has taken 199 and is now unconscious from damage as well as the blaster), and the second sends him into shock (one failed death save).

The cave bear finds Thokk behind the trees he is using for cover but cannot find purchase with either claws or teeth. Thokk returns the attack, slashing the bear twice (19 damage).

Babshapka switches out the spent power disc in his rifle for a fresh one (6/6).

Willa reloads her pistol (6/6).

Round 4
Thokk continues to slash at the bear, and his first attack slays it (14 damage). Free of its menace, Thokk sprints over to a nearby giant who has been knocked unconscious by blaster fire and decapitates it with a massive hack (one hit with advantage on prone and unconscious opponent, automatic critical for unconscious opponent, half-orc savage critical in melee, 28 damage).

Mathias moves towards the giants, continuing to fire off bolts of force (one hit, 13 damage). With the chieftain down, is he more confident?

For the three remaining unstunned giants, the death of the chieftain should surely give them pause. And yet, in addition to Thokk, now there is Mathias clearly in view, two targets on which to vent their fury. They have never known defeat before, especially at the hands of opponents so small. Will they break and run now? (Morale check: Wisdom checks 10, 7, 3 - the DM rules that it would be better for them to run, so a failed check in this case means that they will stay and fight as the unwise choice.). (The unconscious chief makes a Death save (12) and now has one save and one fail).

Three rocks, with disadvantage (range and/or darkness) miss Thokk and Mathias. The one remaining giant still slowed remains slowed (Wisdom save 12, fails).

Doro uses her spiritual weapon to attack another giant (10 damage), and then casts heat metal on the last giant wearing intact armor. Immediately his helmet and shield begin to glow with heat. The giant roars in pain (10 damage), then throws down his shield and rips off his helmet (Con save 10; fails). Even though they have fallen to the sodden ground, the red-hot shield and helm still provide enough light to see the giant.

Babshapka, now with a fresh disc in his rifle, fires at another giant (DC13 Dex save; 9; fails. Unconscious, prone, and incapacitated for 1 round, and takes 35 damage. Babshapka at 4/6 charges).

Willa runs up to the giants approaching Thokk and shoots twice with the blaster pistol, not only unarmored but now at close range (disadvantage on saves, 2, 12; both fail, 47 points of damage, Willa at 4/6 charges). Her shots having hit home, she falls back to the trees.

With an empty power disc in her rifle, Aurora looks about for a target, and decides to try to take control of one of the giants with crown of madness. It will mean dropping her concentration on the slow spell, but at this point there is only one giant still affected by that, so she considers it worth it to have a giant attacking on their side instead. The giant, however, is not willing to relinquish his mind to her (Wisdom save 16). Aurora at 0/1/1/1. [Neither the player nor DM realized in the moment that crown of madness targets only humanoids and thus giants would be unaffected by definition]

Round 5
Aurora tries again with crown of madness, and again the giant again resists her (Wisdom save 17; saves, now at 0/0/1/1). These giants are proving more resistant to Wisdom attacks than advertised, and they have been making most of their Dex saves. “Damn you, Griffage!” she curses.

Doro uses her spiritual weapon to attack a prone, unconscious giant but misses. Undaunted, she fires off a faerie fire that illuminates another one (Dex save 5, fails, now a target for her and Willa in the dark, everyone has advantage to hit).

Of the three giants now capable of attacking, all have closed to melee range. One swings at Mathias without hesitation (two great club attacks, one hit, 18 bludgeoning). The other two pause before throwing themselves at Thokk and Willa (Wisdom save morale checks; 3, 6, both fail, will continue to attack). Willa is slammed with a club (23 bludgeoning). (The chief makes a second death save (11) and is now at 2 life / 1 death)

Babshapka fires at another giant (DC13 Dex save; 17, saves. Stunned for 1 round, and takes half of 32 damage plus another 4 from hunter’s mark for a total of 20. Babshapka at 2/6 charges).

Mathias is now hemmed in by three giants, all within range of him in melee. He pulls out a curious throwing dart and launches it at the farthest one - whereupon it immediately turns to lightning as it streaks forward! (5 piercing plus 12 lightning to his target, plus 6 and 12 lightning to the other two (Dex saves 15, 10 (both fail))) [when converting Thokk's javelin to his own pact weapon, Mathias changed it to a dart so as to have proficiency]. The one who took the dart collapses dead, and now Mathias is facing only two. Still, he is unable to move out of danger, not being willing to risk their responses (ten foot reach opportunity attacks).

Thokk leaves the body of the slain giant behind and charges a live one, landing two vicious slashes across its legs (11 and 13 damage).

Willa drops her blaster pistol on the ground and says the command word that she learned when attuning to her new greatsword. As she draws it forth from the scabbard, it erupts in flame, illuminating her as a target for thrown boulders. Normally cautious, she seems to be emboldened by the success the party is having. With her flaming brand she cuts a path through the giants around her (11 slashing plus 7 fire, 11 slashing plus 12 fire, total 41).

Round 6
Seeking to relieve Mathias from at least one of the giants threatening him, Doro hits a discordant note and whispers while staring down the giant. Instantly its head fills with dissonant and fearful thoughts (Wisdom save 0; fails, 13 psychic damage) and he backs away as quickly as he can squelch through the marshy ground.

Aurora casts Greater Invisibility on Willa and tells her to wreak havoc among the enemy. (Aurora at now at 0/0/1/0).

Willa continues to lay down fire and steel among the giants (advantage while invisible, 11 slashing and 7 fire, 14 slashing and 8 fire, total 40 damage). As she moves past one it tries to hit her with its club, but it is too slow to catch her (missed opportunity attack - DM forgot that no opportunity attacks are allowed when the foe is not seen).

Thokk punishes the giants near him (two hits, 9 damage each).

Now facing just one giant, but with another nearby threatening to return once its mind clears of Doro's spell, Mathias calls Ephi to his side. Immediately the red slaad launches itself at the closest giant (two hits, total 26 slashing damage from claws). Mathias withdraws, keeping his frog ally between himself and the giant, but nonetheless is tagged by the giant (opportunity attack at his withdrawal, 11 bludgeoning).

Babshapka empties his second power disc at another giant (DC13 Dex save; 7; fails. Unconscious for 2 rounds, and takes 39 damage. Babshapka at 0/6 charges).

Three of the remaining giants look about at the slaughter of their companions, finally realizing that this is not a fight that they can win (Wisdom saves 16, 16, 13; all 'fail' morale). One turns his back on the slaad as he flees and Ephi cuts him down (14 points opportunity attack kills the giant). Of the two remaining, both return to the trail, with one attempting to escape in the direction of the Steading and the other heading back to the giant camp along the river. The giant chief groans (death save 17; third step to life, now stable at zero hp). Another giant tries to shake off his stunning.

Round 7
Now out of melee range of the giants, Mathias moves the targeting scope of his blaster rifle in front of his face and takes aim at the giant fleeing in the direction of the Steading (DC13 Dex save; 4, fails. Unconscious, prone, and incapacitated for 2 rounds, and takes fully 35 damage. Mathias at 0/6 charges).

With the giants breaking and the party holding the field, Aurora decides to conserve both power discs and spell slots. She sends a firebolt cantrip at a downed giant (7 damage), finishing off the one who was making for the Steading.

Babshapka breaks a cricket leg and casts jump on himself (at 2/3). Using this he can jump from hummock to dry patch and not be slowed by the marshy ground. Unfortunately, the giant fleeing back to the camp is still outpacing him, spell notwithstanding, dashing at over 80 feet on the dry trail.

Willa and Thokk move quickly across the sodden field to approach the remaining giant but do not reach his side.

Doro is content with the situation at present but moves her spiritual weapon closer to the remaining giant.

Round 8
Willa and Aurora work together to bring down the last giant remaining on the field in a flurry of flame and steel (firebolt for 12, Willa hits twice for 41). The giant fleeing west lumbers off out of sight into the rainy night. Some in the party move to pursue, but others encourage them to let him go - his fearful account of the chieftain’s demise will likely prove useful in ending the planned attack on Headwater, and could be just what they need. Aurora tells Hedwig to fly after him, all the way to the giant camp if necessary. The owl can easily keep pace with him (he will arrive back there at 5:15am).

Under Mathias’ direction, Ephi begins disemboweling the slain giants and disfiguring their faces. When he starts to move to the chief, however, both Aurora, standing nearby, and Willa, looking around for her dropped blaster pistol, object. They want to interrogate him and thus prefer that he remain alive for the time being. The discussion is briefly heated, but then Mathias backs down.

“Fine, fine,” he allows, and waves Ephi on to the next giant. “But it appears that we don’t all get to do what we want, after all. Sergeant, you should consider what the rules in this group really are.” Mathias moves off to pull his dart of lightning out of the giant it felled.

Babshapka, feeling odd that he has no arrows to recover after this fight, turns back from his pursuit of the fleeing giant. In a particularly boggy spot off the trail, he spies some early season crannelberries. Suddenly the sounds of Aurora, Willa, and Mathias arguing fade as if in the distance - does he hear a whisper from the berries?

Combat XP:
Cave Bear CR2, 450xp
Hill Giants (Hp 103x3, 112x4, 123) CR5, 1800xp x 8 = 14,400xp
Hill Giant Chief (Hp 182) CR8, 3900xp
Total 18,750xp / 6 = 3125 each

Babshapka 32,915 + 3125 = 36,040; Levels to 8th
Willa 25,953 + 3125 = 29,078
Aurora 25,179 + 3125 = 28,304
Mathias 25,179 + 3125 = 28,304
Doro 24,584 + 3125 = 27,709
Thokk 24,439 + 3125 = 27,564

Mathias tells Ephi to disfigure all of the giants except the chieftain, and to eat to his heart’s content. While the Slaad is working on that Mathias withdraws, although he keeps the others within sight (short rest begins 3:35am).

Babshapka leaves the others and kneels at the edge of the crannelberry bog. He seems involved in an intense, murmured conversation with the plants there. Were the others not so preoccupied with their own conversation, they would surely pay him more mind, but as it is, he is ignored.

That leaves Willa, Aurora, Doro, and Thokk to talk about what to do with the chieftain, although most of the conversation is between Willa and Aurora. They are very satisfied with the results of their ambush. They won quite handedly, but it was the perfect spot for it - they had both terrain and darkness on their side. Further, they had to burn through 32 power disc charges to overcome nine giants. The terrain may not be in their favor on the next encounter, and plenty more giants are at the camp and the Steading - they can't continue to go through discs like that for long. Hopefully they can learn something from this chief that will either end the giants’ designs on Headwater or at least give them some advantage in the next fight.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:05 pm  
Post 256: Interrogating the Chief

DM's Note on Sources: Although this post takes place away from the Steading, it contains plot-level spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, as well as the G1-3 series in general.

Post 256: Interrogating the Chief
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - River valley, 14 miles below the Steading along the trail to Headwater, 20 miles above Headwater
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)
[Mule Pre-dawn encounter check at hiding spot: none]

(3:45am) [Mathias at 10min of rest]
After ten minutes, Aurora has picked out her tree, from behind which she plans on casting silent image while Babshapka speaks. Aurora had wanted the chieftain closer to the tree itself, but Willa and Thokk have given up on that. They maneuvered him so that he will be looking at the tree when he wakes, and that will have to be enough. It was easy to move him on the trail, but it would be hopeless to try to push or pull him through the marshy ground. For one thing, he weighs easily a ton, and they cannot hope to get enough traction to move his bulk without sinking themselves deep in the mud. For another, his own weight would likely carry his head below the standing water at some point and cause him to drown without one of them constantly supporting that instead of moving him.

Babshapka has returned from his conversation with the plant, and has both a handful of berries and a very satisfied look on his face. Aurora and Willa explain that they would like to have a fire nearby. This will both give the chief light to actually see Aurora's image, and hopefully night-blind him to the presence of the party beyond the edges of the fire in the dark.

Babshapka goes about gathering dead wood to try to make a bonfire, but doesn’t have much luck (Survival 13). It has been raining steadily for the last twenty hours or so and the ground hereabouts is sodden from proximity to the river. Once Babshapka has a small pile of the driest wood he can find, Aurora lights it with firebolts, whereupon it flares fitfully, smokes heavily, and eventually goes out. Keeping a fire going would take constant tending and maybe even a roof overhead, both of which defeat the purpose of the fire to begin with. As Aurora tries yet another firebolt without success, Doro steps forward. She casts light on the pile of smouldering branches, and spends the next several minutes tuning the result like she would tune her samisen, until the light is coming in red and yellow hues and even flickering in intensity. For anyone not standing near enough to notice the lack of heat, it is quite a realistic approximation of a campfire. ‘It’s just a cantrip’, she says, and one that she can renew every hour as needed.

Babshapka paces off the distance between the body of the chief and the tree behind which Aurora plans to hide. The path lies through the muddy, boggy ground - but he does not appear to sink or to be slowed. Is he just preternaturally good at selecting where to put his feet, or are the plants somehow supporting his weight? He is confident that he can travel the distance in a few seconds after healing the giant. As added insurance, he plans to put a generous dollop of mud in the giant’s eyes just before he heals him, so that he will need to spend those seconds wiping it out, even if he immediately becomes conscious.

When all seems ready, Aurora takes out her crystal ball, ready to scry the stone giant whose image she plans to recreate, both to get another look at him and, more importantly, to ascertain the disposition of the giants at the camp - if any still remain at the camp.

(3:55am) [Mathias at 20min of short rest]
Aurora brings the ball into focus. (Gray giant DC17 Wisdom save 13+2 = 15; fail). She can clearly see the gray giant from before. First, she takes careful note of his facial features for later use. After she is confident that she can reproduce them with her image, she widens her view a bit - and immediately notices that she can only see half of the giant! He appears to be standing waist-deep in a hole whose width is slightly larger than himself! On the ground nearby lies a huge mattock, and two mounds of neatly-piled throwing rocks. He is just at the edge of the light from a huge bonfire, and the yellow light gives his gray skin an odd cast.

Widening her view still more, Aurora looks over the giants sitting around the bonfire. There are ten of them; that she can tell easily. Some are asleep and some awake, a few are eating lazily. If there is any difference in mood from before, she does not pick up on it (Insight 3). Finally, she alters her view to look all the way around. There is another campfire nearby, but not so near that she can easily count the giants - she takes there to be about as many there as here. There is not a third campfire - apparently the one used by the chief before has been put out or allowed to burn out.

At the edges of her darkvision, Aurora can see the eiger pickets as before. These don’t look like they have changed much, either - although she does catch one eiger glancing up and into the sky (Insight 9) as if watching for the return of Mathias or another flying threat. After ten minutes of observation, her scrying ends.

(4:05am) [Mathias at 30min of short rest]
Aurora calls the others over and relates what she saw - the gray giant in his hole, the other giants on hand, not moving - it seems like all the giants who were at the camp before and did not leave with the chief are still there. Who knows when they will leave, or where they will go next? At first light? To Headwater, or to the Steading?

When no one suggests another activity, it appears that it is time to begin questioning the chief. Most of the party take their positions behind trees, missile weapons at the ready. Babshapka smears mud into the eyes of the giant, gives him a cure wounds (4 points - Babshapka at 1/3), and quickly moves off to Aurora’s side.

As the giant grunts, groans, and wipes his eyes, Aurora casts her silent image and Babshapka climbs the tree to what he takes to be the height of the gray giant. (Aurora had to use a third-level slot to cast the first-level silent image, and she is now out of all spells but cantrips - 0/0/0/0).

An image of the gray giant appears next to the tree. At first, it is as he appeared in the camp, fresh and hale. Aurora then sketches in details like slashes on his legs and an arrow sticking in his neck near his throat. She looks around her at the fallen giants for inspiration on possible wounds.

Babshapka watches the chief roll into a sitting position, wipe his eyes again, and stare about him. When he seems to react to the fire and the presence of the gray giant, Babshapka sends a hand signal to Aurora. In response, she whispers a message to Babshapka, “Chief Nosnra - I caught up to you and drove off your ambushers. It appears you are the only survivor of this slaughter.” Babshapka then shouts, in his deepest and loudest voice, the message in Giant (Performance 17!).

“Garuuumk,” the chief rumbles in reply, taking his head in his hands. “What are you doing here? I told you to lead the others to the human city. Your knowledge of engineering is needed for the attack on its walls.” Babshapka whispers a translation of this to Aurora in his return of the message.

When Aurora takes overly long in composing her reply, Babshapka is forced to improvise. He bellows, "Oh, I can be back in time to pull down the walls of that puny town. But, if we are flanked by the ones who dared to attack you and your Steading, that could prove to be a complication to our plans. Who would dare attack you?" (pause) "Or were you betrayed?"

The chief groans and squints, trying to see the gray giant against the glare from the fire. "The gadfly from the camp said we were betrayed by the frost giants. But they are honorable warriors. This smells like human work and...and I saw an orc and some humans in this ambush. They had powerful magic. I...I need to gather more forces and make them pay."

Aurora frowns at the chief's answer. "Maybe this one's not as dumb as we'd hoped..." she whispers rhetorically. Then she messages, and Babshapka booms, "Hmm, yes, you may be right. Should we postpone our plans by a day or two to crush these impertinent humans?"

The chief opens his mouth to answer the first question, but Babshapka continues.

"Did you learn where they are going next? Will they attack the Steading?"

The chief shakes his head as if confused by the barrage of questions, then struggles to his feet. He squints again against the fire and takes a few staggering steps toward the gray giant, but his massive bulk sinks deep into the soft, marshy ground nearly up to his calves and he stumbles.

"No, the attack on the city needs to be made soon, before too many humans arrive. But we need only a few folk and you for that - you can tell my soldiers which walls and towers to knock down and the little ones [eigers] and orkind [orcs and goblins] will do the rest. The city is tottering and about to fall," he says as he staggers forward, ironically, since if anything is about to fall it is he. "I will take the rest of my men and return to the Steading to punish the humans. But this time we will travel in the daylight so we can see the cowards."

Babshapka responds, “The ambassador of the cloud delegation and I agree that the city must fall, but it troubles us that you are being distracted by some humans and an orc. The alliance must not fail. I trust the honor of the frost giants. It is the other arm of the alliance that I question."

"The other arm of the alliance?" the chief says. (Chief Wisdom check 19)

Babshapka detects a note of suspicion in his voice. (Babshapka Insight 17)

“How do you know about the fire giants?" Nosnra demands.

As Aurora's eyes go wide at the mention of fire giants - she has the gray giant look pensive to stall for time while she and Babshapka whisper furiously back and forth.

Finally Babshapka says, in as threatening a tone as he can muster, "Don't play us for fools. We each have our own interests and our own little birds. What have you been keeping from us?"

(Babshapka Intimidation 11; Chief Wisdom check 11: tied contest)

Now it is the chief's turn to look pensive. He continues to stagger forward, and Aurora has the gray giant edge away from the tree to keep the chief’s distance and buy time. "These things are better spoken of in council chambers," he finally says. “Guard me on our way back to the camp. If you do your part well in the fall of the city, I may consider opening my council to you..."

Aurora has the stone giant place his club on his shoulder while Babshapka shouts "Hmmmf, guard you? Attack for you? Plan your assault for you? I do not like being kept in the dark and bossed around. How about I leave you to the humans, who are still out here in the dark? Or, you can tell me what are the details of this alliance with the fire giants, now!"

(Babshapka Intimidation 12; 15 with advantage for threat of abandoning chief. Chief Wisdom check 2)

The chief visibly winces at the gray giant’s threat to leave him. He staggers forward. "We need to go now, ambassador. We all have a role to play in this. My hill giants control the orkind and deny the humans food. Your folk advise us on siegecraft so that we can attack the human cities. The frost giants will fight the humans once the cowards realize our plans and begin to muster in their armies, with horses and archers. And the fire giants make us weapons, armor, and eventually siege engines to take the most well-defended of the human cities. All the human cities will fall, and we will all benefit."

As the chief has continued to approach, Aurora has been slowly moving the gray giant around the perimeter of the fire, but by now the chief is practically on top of the gray giant.

"Very well,” says Babshapka in the giant’s voice. “I will guard you on our way back to the camp. But tell me who is organizing us all together. It is well and good for giants to take human cities, but I suspect that this mastermind has goals other than our own.”

The chief cocks his head, trying to work out how the gray giant's body is moving, but his voice is still coming from the tree.

Trying to distract him, Babshapka shouts vehemently “What do you know of the individual behind all this plotting?"

At the mention of "the individual,” the chief's eyes go wide with shock and he looks aghast (Babshapka Insight 24).

“I won’t tell you…” the chief says as he unsteadily raises his great axe, “and you will tell no one, either!” he yells as he suddenly charges straight at the gray giant.

By now Babshapka is just translating as fast as Aurora’s words enter his mind via message, not even trying to censor or compose them.

"Oh no, what is that? I feel something . . . "

The chief’s axe swings down and sails through the gray giant's body without resistance. For the chief, the image is still there, but now faded and obviously illusory. He looks around wildly (Wisdom save 15).

“...I feel the immense power of that gorgeous human wizard woman?" continues Babshapka, his tone shifting from threatening to incredulous, as if even the gray giant himself cannot believe what he is saying.

As the chief's head swivels, his eyes fix on Aurora at the edge of the firelight, still trying to make her image more solid and message dialogue to Babshapka simultaneously. The chief raises his axe above his head again, but now he is ignoring the image and looking directly at Aurora.

Thokk steps from behind his tree and hurls a spent javelin of lightning at the chief, blindsiding him (to-hit 15; 5 piercing damage). The shaft sinks deep into his throat and he tumbles backwards to the soft ground with a sodden thud. Thokk ambles over and the unconscious chief offers no resistance as the barbarian decapitates him with his longsword.

Seizing the head by the hair, Thokk turns and heads for Aurora. “Ro-ra make Thokk misty horse now!” he says. “Thokk go on wild ride to throw chief’s head at camp and taunt giants!”

“Yes, yes,” says Aurora distractedly. “Remember, Thokk dear, that ritual will take me ten minutes to cast.”

Thokk drops the head at her feet as a reminder and shuffles off looking for his pack and bandages for his wounds (Thokk at 54/76).

They had agreed to send Thokk to try to draw more giants away from the city, but now Aurora is not so sure. It is slowly dawning on her that she is completely out of spells and they might or might not be able to make it back to the Steading without exhausting themselves on the march. They could rest here - or deeper in the forest, hidden, but in that case any giants that return would be likely to arrive at the Steading before them. And if they set out now for the Steading so as to be sure to get there before the giants, that would mean Thokk would have to return from his ‘wild ride’ by himself - without Aurora's phantom steed, without the benefit of having Babshapka to guide him quickly through the forest, and having had to travel perhaps an hour or two more than the rest of them.

“We be needin’ ter warn Griffage,” says Willa. “If ther city can kill jess ther gray giant enjineer, mayhaps ther walls'll 'old an' ther number o’ tother giants willnae matter.”

“Yes,” agrees Aurora. “I can send to him, or Kerri, at my first opportunity.”

“So do it.”

“Yes, but I am out of spells. I need at least one spell of third level for sending.”

Willa scowls. Why does she have to keep track of Aurora’s spells? “Ye hain’t had ah short rest terday,” she concludes. “Get on it an’ get yer spell back.”

“Yes,” agrees Aurora, “while an hour’s rest would allow me arcane recovery for up to four levels of spells...I don’t currently have sending I would need a long rest in any event.”

Willa throws up her hands in frustration and half turns, then turns back to the wizard. “Do ye a’ least hae parchment an’ ink?” she asks.

“Of course!” says Aurora, relieved to finally be able to deliver something of value.

Willa nods, then shouts after Thokk, her voice loud above the rushing waters of the nearby river.

“Thokk! Be yer bird smart eno’ ter follow ther river all ther way t’ ther city?”

Thokk laughs heartily. “Phreeeee bird almost as smart as Thokk!” he says proudly.

“Right. Do yer speak wit' animules ritual, t’en, Thokk ter explain it ter 'im - by the time ye finish, we’ll hae a message fer it ter deliver.”

Babshapka begins a short rest. Aurora and Willa work on composing a message to Griffage or Kerri about the gray giant, working under a tree to shield the paper from the light rain that has been falling since the evening before. Willa insists that it be written in elven (even though she doesn’t know the language) in case it falls into orc hands. There’s plenty of orcs what speak Common, she reasons, but precious few as can read elven. And should it fall into some sticky-fingered human sergeant's hand, all the more likely for him to get it to Kerri without it ending up with the mole.

(4:30am - Mathias at 55 minutes of short rest, Babshapka, Aurora, and Willa at 20 minutes).
Thokk has finished his speak with animals. After a few drafts, Aurora has settled on “Hill giants and eigers on the way to attack the city today. Stone (?) giant is an engineer, planning to breach gates and walls. Kill him first - Garuumk is his name. Fire and frost on the mountain." She writes this on a long, thin strip of parchment (having to use both sides to fit it all), then winds it up like a spring and ties it to Phreeeee’s left leg with a bit of string.

Thokk looks about. “Still too dark for Phreeeee. Thokk send bird at dawn, but he know what to do now.” The drowsy bird bobs its head, as if it can understand the barbarian’s words.

Aurora yawns and agrees. “At dawn I will recall Hedwig - that should have given him enough time to have seen what happened when the giant that got away from us got to the camp. Once I finish my rest I could scry them again if it’s still up in the air.”

While the others rest, eat, and dress their wounds, Doro plays a restorative melody, contesting with the slow chirping of the crickets and loud croaking of the marsh frogs.

(4:35am - Mathias has finished his short rest, Ephi has vanished)
[Mathias at 30/39] Rested, Mathias checks the bodies of the giants. Besides their metal shields, helms, and weapons, most carry leather or burlap bags with throwing boulders, but he finds nothing of value on them.

[When the party was in the Steading, they searched the rooms of these giants, but the giants were all wearing their jewelry on their persons at the feast. Now, the party searches the bodies themselves, but the giants have left their valuables back in their rooms rather than carrying them off to war. Unfortunately for the party, they conclude that the common giants have no treasure, and won’t bother re-searching their rooms when they return to the Steading, thereby leaving much treasure behind]

(5:10am) - Babshapka, Aurora, and Willa have finished their short rests.
Aurora has used arcane recovery to regain four spell levels - she will need two first level slots to restore her and Doro’s armor in about five hours, but can take the others as two more firsts or a single second.

Willa has spent 3HD to restore 39hp plus 2 from Doro = 41, she is now at 70/70.
Thokk has spent 4HD to restore 29hp plus 2 from Doro = 31, he is now at 76/76.
The others are unwounded.

With the party rested, they begin to discuss whether they should set out now or wait an hour until first light. Babshapka estimates that they are some nine miles from the Steading and could get there in perhaps three hours (if so, they would arrive at the end of their march for the day and without having to make any exhaustion rolls).

The giants, he says, have about an 18 to 20 mile journey ahead of them if they are returning to the Steading along the river from their current camp. Once it is light, they can travel much faster than the party - but only if they leave the smaller eigers behind.

Willa suggests the possibility of another ambush of the giants, but this one just outside the Steading. There is no consensus on this, but they do all agree that they want to be back there before any giants arrive - surely it will be better to fight the giants on terrain of the party’s choosing rather than in the Steading that the giants know and the party does not. They set out in the dark, Babshapka leading the way.

Hedwig has spent most of the last two hours gliding from branch to branch, following the blind and clumsy giant, the only survivor of the party's ambush, as it struggles back down the path, falls into the marsh, steps into the river, and hurries back down the trail again.

At last it staggers back into the giant camp, and Hedwig remains careful watching at the edge of the trees. The eiger sentries come at it, and then there is a general hue and cry in the camp, a babble of confused basso voices shouting on top of one another. When things finally settle down, the giants have built up one of the camp fires into a single great bonfire, and they sit or stand in one large circle all around - the biggest giants closest to the center, the smaller ones a bit farther, and the hapless eigers in the outer ring, likely unable to see or hear much more than Hedwig. In the center of the circle stand two giants - the one who fled the ambush, and the great gray giant.

Both speak, but give each other time to speak as well. They gesture at themselves, the sky, and those assembled, and occasionally at the other. The giants murmur or shout or stamp their feet or beat their clubs on the ground at various points in the discourse. Hedwig doesn’t understand a word of Giant, but his fey spirit easily recognizes political discourse and attempts at persuasion. Finally, when all the talk is over, three factions seem to have formed. When the conclave breaks up, most of the giants follow the grey giant back to his original fire. Some two-thirds of those remaining, representing about half of the original force, go with him.

Perhaps a third of the giants remain with the ambush survivor at his fire.

Finally, a small group of giants seem to have refused to join either side. Taking burning branches from the moot fire, they retire to the fire abandoned by the chief when he left and restore it.

[DM's Note:I had the Stone giant and Hill giant roll contested Intimidation checks, and all the other giants assembled roll their Insight against them. Those giants who beat both Intimidations recognized the folly of attacking the city or facing the party and abandoned both factions. Those who lost to the Stone giant but beat the Hill giant would proceed to Headwater for the planned attack. Those who lost to the Hill giant accompanied him back to the Steading.]

[Stone giant contested Intimidation check: 15. Hill giant Wisdom checks: 14, 12, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 4. The Stone giant and 14 hill giants will continue on to attack Headwater]

[Hill giant contested Intimidation check: 2. Hill giant Wisdom checks: 1, 0, 0. Nosnra’s surviving personal guard has managed to convince only three giants to return to the Steading with him]

[Hill giant Wisdom checks 19, 17, 15, 15. Four giants decide that with the Chief dead, they are better off striking out on their own - perhaps raiding the human lands while they are distracted by the war. Most of them were not ‘from’ the Steading anyway, but had been persuaded by Nosnra to serve him. With his death, they have abandoned the alliance.]

The eigers watch the giants disperse and for a while mill about in uncertainty. Eventually their indecision is noticed by the larger of the giants in each of the three groups, and they begin to harangue the eigers, gesticulating at them forcefully. One by one the eigers are impressed into the different groups, and end up split roughly two-thirds with the gray giant, one third with the ambush survivor, and none with those who refused to follow either.

[Stone giant new contested Intimidation 17. Eiger Wisdom 10, 9, 9, 7, 6, 5, 5, 3. Eight eigers will continue on to the city]

[Hill giant contested Intimidation 2. Eiger Wisdom 2, 2, 1, 1, -1. Five eigers will return to the Steading.]

After sulking sullenly in the darkness for the better part of an hour, the giant camp comes alive again at sunup, when it appears that the two groups with leaders are preparing to move out. There are squabbles over the uneaten carcasses of cattle and hogs, there are shoving matches over who gets a helm carelessly misplaced and now without a clear owner, there are rude gestures exchanged over the trunks of fallen trees that can be used as clubs. Most of it works itself out as the giants who are able to grab and carry something off remove themselves from the fight, while those remaining eventually find something or other to seize and thereupon leave as well. There are a few tug-of-wars over the remaining goods but at long last even these are settled.

The gray giant leads his group further down the trail toward Headwater; the smaller group with the ambush survivor go back up the trail to the Steading. The handful of giants who chose neither side lounge lazily in the camp, finishing off the scraps of food not carried away by the others. For his part, Hedwig now follows those returning up the trail, toward the party. He notes that now, in the daylight and able to stay on the trail, the giants are moving much more rapidly, and the eigers are struggling to keep up. The party will quickly be overtaken at this speed.

Fully a half hour after it is light, Aurora calls for a halt, and dismisses Hedwig from this plane, returning him to his own special pocket dimension. A second later, she calls him forth again, but this time to her side. He emerges and reports all that he has seen to her while she nods and murmurs.

When Hedwig is done with his report, Aurora summarizes for the party - most of the giants are continuing on toward Headwater, while a small group of some three to five giants and as many eigers are rapidly heading up the trail toward them. The party agrees that they need to both warn Griffage and Kerri, and take out the new sortie of giants before they reach the Steading. Mathias in particular points out that if they are able to slay all of the giants currently en route, they can take their time with the Steading (and rest first, so that Aurora can recover her spells). As far as the Steading knows, he says, their men are off to war - if they have heard nothing back in a few days, that is hardly cause for them to be on alert against the party.

There is no way the party can meet both goals themselves before a rest, but they should be able to handle the returning giants if someone can get a message to Griffage and Kerri. Aurora pulls out another parchment strip and writes the same warning message as before in elven again. Once the ink is dry, but before the parchment can get wet, she ties it to Hedwig’s leg as insurance against Phreeeee not reaching the city. In the meantime, Thokk uses his ritual to explain to Phreeeee that he is to follow the snowy owl to the city, always staying above arrow range, but that should something happen to the other bird, he can follow the course of the river to get there. Once at the city, if alone, he is to present his leg to whichever two-foot he finds that has the shiniest shell and the most colorful flags and draping cloths. The bird preens the water from its feathers as it listens to Thokk, and finally agrees. Phreeeee asks what he should do once the paper has been delivered. Thokk chortles and says that why then, the falcon should fly as fast as he can back up the river all the way to the Steading. Thokk will meet him there and make sure he has all the choicest giant organ meats for his reward.

Hedwig, and then Phreeeee, take to the sky, headed to the northwest. Aurora estimates it will take Phreeeee some six hours or so to fly to Headwater as a straight shot, so she plans on recalling the familiar sometime in the early afternoon for a report.

The party has spent the last hour and a half moving away from the river, off the trail, through the forest and straight at the Steading. Another ninety minutes would likely see them there, according to Babshapka, but now they have a new goal - ambushing another group of giants. Reasoning that the giants will be moving along the trail, even in the day, now they need to return to the river and find an ambush site. [This will mean they won’t be able to reach the Steading before their ten hour march is up, but as Mathias said, if they are successful, they can rest before arriving]. According to Hedwig, the giants are moving fast, faster than the party can, so even though they have a lead they do need to return to the river soon, and will need to make sure they get there enough in advance to select a good ambush spot.

The previous ambush site, at night, was chosen for low, marshy ground (easy to find along the river) to hinder the giants’ movement, and for thick forest to cover the party. Now Babshapka wants the same features - but also elevation for the party. In the daylight, the party will be easy targets for the giants’ throwing boulders, so he wants the party to have the high ground during this encounter, which will extend the range of his bow and limit the range of the giants' rocks. Willa specifically asks for a clear escape route should they need to leave - forest that is open enough for him to lead them quickly away, but with trees thick enough that it will slow at least the giants if not their eigers.

Babshapka climbs a tree to get a look at the river and the lands around, and spots a rocky spur of the mountains headed down to the river at a sharp angle. Something along that ridge might serve. He descends, and begins to lead the party north by northeast.

By the time the sun is well up, shining wanly through the thin rain clouds, the party has reached the river, traveling for the last half mile along the top of the spur. Willa is satisfied with the density of trees for an escape route, and Babshapka likes how close the high ground comes down to the trail and the edge of the river. They have found their ambush site (Babshapka Survival 25).

They set up on the western side of the long hill, taking cover in a stand of trees overlooking the trail. By way of Aurora’s cantrips they measure out the distance to various spots on the trail, to know when the giants will be in range of spell and blaster. Their last ambush used up a considerable number of power disc charges, and they are beginning to wonder whether they will have any left to face the frost giants on the other side of the chain. On the other hand, stunning the giants in the last ambush proved spectacularly successful. Willa resolves not to use the blaster pistol in this fight - it does a fair amount of damage, but doesn’t stun. They also agree to use more grenades - the blue, to try to put the giants to sleep, and the green, which they have not actually used yet. Willa and Thokk practice throwing unprimed grenades at various spots along the trail while Babshapka stands watch and retrieves them. They decide that during the fight, Willa and Thokk will use grenades, while Doro and Aurora set the timers, prime them, and pass them over.

[Normally in 5e you can only attack multiple times on your turn if you have your weapon in hand, not if you have to throw and re-draw another. I decided that if one character spent their own action preparing a grenade and then passed it off, a second character with extra attack could throw two grenades for their attack action.]

The party spends much of the hour preparing the ambush, but eventually falls to waiting. All of them but Mathias are about halfway down the hillslope, while Mathias stands in the shadow of a tree at the very summit of the hill. In between them, planted and ready for use, is Thokk’s ten foot pole. In addition to still being enchanted with magic mouth, it now has Chief Nosnra’s gigantic head impaled on one end.

It is nearing eight in the morning when the giants approach. They have already passed by the previous ambush site en route, and have seen, in the daylight, the decapitated body of the chief and the bodies of all the other slain giants, disemboweled and with their hearts ripped out by Ephi. The giants are not used to caution, but after seeing this massacre, they have decided to send the eigers ahead of them as scouts, and they are now moving up the trail far more cautiously than they started out.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:04 am  
Post 257: A second Ambush

DM's Note: 1e, of course, assumes that a DM will be rolling hit points for each monster based on its hit dice, and the descriptions of the giants and ogres in G1 list their hp. 5e takes a more standardized approach and typically every normal individual is assumed to have the average hp one would expect for its HD. In converting G1 to 5e, I found the proportion between the listed hp and average hp of each monster in 1e, and then used that same proportion to determine its 5e hp based on the 5e average. This was amusingly frustrating for the one player whose first D&D experience was with 5e and who consistently tried to metagame party turns ('we know they have X hp, so we should be able to take that one in Y more hits'), while the two players who came to D&D in older editions just had the philosophy of 'I hit that one until it drops'. Unfortunately, both converting and then keeping track of this hp variability, and how it affected CR and xp, was more work than reward for me as a DM, so at the conclusion of G1, I just adopted the 5e standard of universal average hp.

Post 257: A Second Ambush
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - River valley, 10 miles below the Steading along the trail (6 as the crow flies), 26 miles above Headwater
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

As clumsy as the lead eiger is (Stealth 7), the party’s lookout, Thokk, is looking the other way when it passes (Perception 5). The party is hunkered down in the brush on the side of the hill (Stealths 12, 12, 13, 22, 23) and the eiger scout passes by without seeing them, either (Perception 2). Thus the first eiger has passed beyond them on the trail and reached the base of the hill before anything happens.

Eventually Thokk, though still as inattentive as before (Perception 5), cannot help but notice an even clumsier eiger (Stealth 2). He motions to the rest of the party to remain hidden, but his frantic arm movements (Stealth 9) catch the attention of both the eigers that passed as well as the one oncoming (Perception 10, 11), even as most of the rest of the party remains hidden (Stealths 17, 18, 23). Babshapka (Stealth 10) is just barely visible to the eigers - although his lithe form is obscured, he certainly doesn’t look like an orc.

When Thokk sees (Perception 15) the second eiger scout, further back, stop, turn, and call to his approaching party, the barbarian boldly steps out of the brush and waves at him, calling forth a generic greeting in Orc (Deception 6). This eiger is not the sharpest tool in the shed (Insight 1), and tells those coming up along the trail that they have come upon one of their own allied orc patrols. Babshapka strains to hear the eiger (Perception 18), and makes out the words “orc” and “ahead” in Giant.

Surprise Round
The lead eiger scout, seeing Thokk greeting his companions but still suspicious about Babshapka, begins to make his way up the northern side of the hill (Stealth 7). His route cannot be seen by most of the party, but from the top of the hill Mathias notices him (passive Perception 9). Mathias studies the eiger (Insight 13), deciding that it is approaching the rest of the party, club in hand, while trying not to be noticed. Without wishing to give away his own position, Mathias grabs a thin, fallen branch and breaks the dead wood across his knee. At the sudden crack, Doro and Willa look behind them (Insights 17, 18 - the rest of the party 3, 7, 9), scanning for what made the noise. Willa doesn’t see anything (Perception 6), but Doro clearly spots the eiger sneaking up behind Thokk (Perception 21).

“You call that sneaking?” Doro insults the eiger, “you’re not fooling anyone!” (Vicious mockery - eiger fails its Wisdom save (13), takes 2 points of psychic damage, and has disadvantage on its next attack)

Well, s***, grumbles the eiger to itself glumly in Giant, there goes my surprise round.

With the eiger having paused in its progress, Mathias has time to grab his crystal vial and summon Ephi the Slaad. The enormous bipedal frog appears just behind the eiger, immediately slashing at it with long claws (one hit, 12 damage).

While Willa failed to spot the first eiger among the high ferns, she immediately sees the bright red frog monster. “We be doin’ t’is, t’en,” she says, priming a green grenade, stepping out from the brush, and launching it at a group of hill giants now visible and approaching along the path. She holds out her hand to Doro without looking, expecting another grenade to be placed in her grip, but the bard has been busy with her mockery.

The green grenade sails through the air, landing neatly between the feet of the giant (Willa’s attack roll 24). The initial explosion propels the green gas ten feet into the air, but the giant’s head is initially free of the cloud before it expands and disperses in the wind (giant makes 19 Con save; poisoned for 2 turns).

My 5e conversion of Poison Grenade wrote:
All breathing creatures within the radius of the gas must make a CON save each round at DC16. Failure means they are incapacitated for 20-50 minutes and then poisoned until they complete a long rest. Success means they are poisoned for 2-5 of their turns (but must continue to make saves if they remain within the gas). Incapacitated: An incapacitated creature cannot take actions or reactions. It can still move. Poisoned: A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

Seeing Willa lob her first grenade, Thokk grins. While he is confident in his ability to fool the eigers, fighting will be much more fun than pretending to be an orc patrol. He throws his first grenade, a blue one, between a giant-eiger pair at the back of the line (attack roll 23), and when Aurora hands him a second one, he throws that at the pair furthest back (12). One giant and one eiger drop to the marshy ground in comatose slumber, but the wind quickly disperses the clouds before they affect the other two (Giant Con saves 5, 19; eigers 7, 17).

Babshapka steps fully out of the brush and shoots a longbow arrow into the second eiger scout (12 damage) - he still has not noticed the first one now engaged in melee with Ephi. His second arrow goes wide and is lost in the marsh.

[End of round: Of the 4 hill giants, 1 is sleeping, 1 poisoned. Of the 5 eigers; 1 is sleeping, 1 is being attacked by Ephi]

Round One
A groan from the eiger behind him as it takes Ephi’s claws alerts Thokk to its presence. Thokk turns, shoves away Aurora’s offered grenade, enrages, and charges. His longsword cuts deeply (two hits, 25 damage - total 37).

Babshapka places a hunter’s mark on the eiger he shot at before. He sinks another two arrows into its bulky form (19 damage, plus 6 more from the mark, total 31 taken).

Willa lands another perfectly-placed sleep grenade (24) at two giants in the middle of the line, but the gas disperses before affecting them (Con saves 17, 21). This time Doro is ready to hand Willa a poison grenade, which she drops between the same pair, though closer to one than the other (9). Both of them inhale the vapors; one sinks to his knees and begins simultaneously retching and digging at his eyes (Con saves 21; poisoned for 5 rounds, and 11; incapacitated).

The eiger beset by Ephi strikes back, smacking the frog with his club (15 points). The second eiger in line, having taken three arrows from Babshapka and still marked, dashes forward along the trail and up the hill, and now has trees between him and the elf. The third moves closer up the trail as well, though he is not near the hill or cover. The fourth is still asleep from a blue grenade. The fifth and last moves to and shakes his sleeping comrade, having previously seen the effects of sleep magic and knowing it should be easy to rouse him (Wisdom check 18).

The first giant, poisoned, staggers forward along the trail. It withdraws a throwing rock from its bag but, eyes watering, cannot find a target. It decides to crouch down (goes prone) to protect itself from further missile attacks (and at the end of its turn recovers from the poison). The second giant, though it starts poisoned as well, still notes Willa half-hidden behind a tree. Rocking back and then forward, it launches the stone at her with incredible force. The rock hits the tree squarely, gouging a hole in the trunk in an explosion of splinters and sap. The tree groans, shudders, and the crown crashes down to the hillside. Willa finds herself exposed but unharmed (giant hit AC21 with disadvantage - Willa is base AC20 but had +2 from half cover). The third giant, incapacitated from the poison gas, staggers, stumbles, and crawls away from the conflict, retreating back down the trail and passing the fourth giant, who is still asleep.

Ephi moves to trap the eiger on the hill between itself and Thokk, then lashes out with its long claws (two hits, 27 damage, total 64). The eiger is bloodied but still standing.

Mathias quits his hiding spot in the shadow of the tree on the high hill. Striding forward, he pulls up the targeting screen of his blaster rifle, then fires at the closest, poisoned giant (Close range is DC13 Dex save with disadvantage, but prone means the save is with advantage, offsetting flat Dex save 16 succeeds, half of 31 is 15hp of damage and stunned for 1 round).

Aurora also engages her blaster rifle and fires at a second giant (Close range is DC13 Dex save with disadvantage, poisoned also makes Dex checks with disadvantage, save 15 succeeds, half of 39 is 14hp of damage and stunned for 4 rounds).

[End of round: 4 giants; 1 sleeping, 1 poisoned and stunned, 1 stunned and prone, 1 incapacitated and retreating. 5 eigers; 1 sleeping, 1 marked, 1 engaged with Ephi and Thokk]

Round Three
Aurora, although having intended to not use more power disc charges, finds all of the giants down for now and herself without a target. She pulls out her blaster pistol and aims at the third eiger. She strikes one glancing and one solid blast (eiger makes one and fails one save, half of 26 plus 16 is total 29 damage).

Thokk continues to work on the eiger that he and Ephi are now double-teaming (two hits, 25 damage, total 89).

The first giant spends its turn recovering from the stun. The second, still poisoned and stunned, manages to drop prone as well (Wisdom check 11). The third giant, still incapacitated, continues to retreat. The fourth is still asleep.

Doro, seeing Willa in no need of more grenades, mocks the eiger again. “Looks like you’re between a Thokk and a Slaad-place!” (Failed save, 1 point psychic damage, total 90, disadvantage on next attack).

Almost as soon as the eiger frowns at her vicious words, it is impaled by Ephi’s claws and drops to the ground (one hit, 12 damage, total 102, dead). Ephi leaps over the body and moves to engage the second eiger, which has by now found a clear path up the north side of the hill. Ephi slashes it (one hit, 9 damage, total 40). Mathias follows up with twin blasts of force (two hits, 10 damage, total 50), and Aurora with a firebolt (hit, 8 damage, total 58).

The clearly outmatched second eiger unwisely trusts that its masters, the giants, will soon arrive (Wisdom check 5) and elects to keep fighting, but swings its club ineffectually. The third eiger leaves the trail and charges through the swamp and up the hill at Doro. The fifth eiger moves up the trail to where the leading two giants are prone, and wisely takes cover from the party by using their huge fallen bodies (Wisdom check 17).

Willa moves rapidly to the eiger on the hill, her greatsword erupting in flame as she goes. She ends its threat with a single slash (one hit, 12 slashing and 12 fire, total 24, final total 82, eiger dead), then quickly turns and moves to intercept the eiger now charging Doro.

[End of round: 4 giants; 1 sleeping, 1 poisoned and stunned, 1 prone, 1 incapacitated and retreating. 5 eigers; 1 sleeping, 1 dead, 1 dead and marked]

Round Four
Lacking a living opponent on the hill, Ephi quickly moves back down the path taken by eiger on its way up and engages the first of the prone giants, slashing him twice (17 damage). The giant’s immediate defensive movements make it clear that he is no longer stunned, so Mathias blasts him with another round from the rifle (failed save, 38 damage, unconscious for 3 rounds) and he drops completely to the ground, ceasing to resist.

Thokk charges down the hill and moves back along the path to the giants. His javelins of lightning have all been recharged with the recent dawn. He launches one at the eiger attempting to use the giants for cover, hitting it (7 piercing). The resulting arc of lightning (18 points) wounds the eiger and one giant, and kills another (who began the encounter already wounded from the previous ambush, and was the organizer of this group).

Forgoing the path down the hill, Babshapka dashes directly across the marsh, his feet seeming to find dry hummocks without him even looking. He moves his hunter’s mark from the dead eiger to the living one just beyond the dead giant he stands before at the end of his run.

Aurora sends a firebolt at the eiger but misses.

The eiger on the trail comes around the body of the giant and swings its club, missing Babshapka by an acceptable margin. He responds by shooting his longbow as he ducks out of the way (reaction - giant killer - hit, 7 damage plus 1 more from hunter’s mark). The eiger in the marsh continues to charge at Willa and Doro, but it is a slow slog across the pools of standing water and sodden ground.

“I need ter get ter t’at fight!” growls Willa, gripping her flaming sword and staring eagerly at the melee on the trail across the wide marsh from her.

“Take my hand,” says Doro, offering it to Willa. As soon as she grabs it, Doro uses Dimension Door to place both of them on the trail next to a fallen giant.

Willa slashes viciously at the unconscious giant (two hits, 25 slashing and 25 fire, automatic criticals to unconscious opponent for another 31, total 81 damage kills the giant).

[End of round: 4 giants; 1 sleeping, two dead, 1 incapacitated and retreating. 5 eigers; 1 sleeping, 2 dead]

Round Five
Doro runs up the trail, ignites the flame on her rapier, and sinks it deep into the throat of the sleeping giant (hit, 8 piercing, 10 fire, 15 automatic critical, total 33).

Babshapka continues to dance around the corpse of the fallen giant, sinking arrows into the living eiger (two hits, 18 damage, plus another 10 from hunter’s mark, total 28). Aurora follows with a firebolt (2 damage) and Mathias with twin blasts of force (one hit, 9 damage).

The eiger manages to brush Babshapka with its club (11 damage) and Babshapka shoots it again in response (giant killer reaction, critical hit, 6 damage plus 2 from mark plus 2 from critical, 10 total). The eiger that had been methodically charging Doro and Willa now finds them gone, and has to turn and start a laborious return journey through the marsh.

Willa, Ephi, and Thokk continue up the trail toward the active combat.

[End of round: 4 giants; 1 sleeping, two dead, 1 incapacitated and retreating. 5 eigers; 1 sleeping, 2 dead]

Round Six
Willa joins Doro and slashes at the sleeping giant (total 68 damage with automatic critical), killing it.

Thokk engages the eiger fighting Babshapka (two hits, 13 damage) and Babshapka finally puts it down with one last arrow (8 damage, plus 6 with hunter’s mark). Babshapka moves his mark to the sleeping eiger.

Aurora (2 damage from firebolt) and Mathias (5 damage from twin blasts of force) begin to snipe at the eiger in the marsh.

Doro buries her rapier in the chest of the sleeping eiger (38 damage with fire and automatic criticals).

[End of round: 4 giants; three dead, 1 incapacitated and retreating. 5 eigers; 1 sleeping, 3 dead]

Round Seven
Willa moves rapidly down the trail, reaching the side of the giant still incapacitated by the effects of the poison gas it inhaled. She strikes out at it (two hits, 26 slashing, 23 fire, 49 total). As it attempts to crawl away from her, she strikes again (opportunity attack, improved critical hit, 41 more).

Aurora and Mathias continue to fire on the remaining eiger (8 damage between their three hits), and it falls over and sinks into the marsh.

Doro attacks the sleeping eiger (17 with fire and automatic critical).

Thokk stabs the eiger on his way past (12 damage with automatic critical, kills it) and reaches Willa’s side, killing the fleeing giant as well (10 damage).

[End of round: 4 giants; all dead, 5 eigers; all dead]

A quick search of the nine bodies finds several bags with throwing rocks and a number of helms, shields, and weapons, but nothing of interest. The bags are easily hidden in the marsh. Willa, Thokk, and Ephi cooperate to, one by one, drag and roll the bodies through the marsh and into the river. In the end the three of them are completely covered in mud and gore, but the corpses are floating gently away in the current, their trails of red behind them soon vanishing as well. The bodies are being ‘hidden’ because the party intends to camp here and doesn’t want to draw undue attention to their location.

Babshapka and Doro set up camp on the hilltop, placing it so as to remain hidden from view by the trail (Survival 8 ).

Combat XP:
Hill Giants (Hp 109, 104) CR5 1800 x 2 = 3600xp
Hill Giants (Hp 89, 84) CR4 1100 x 2 = 2200xp
Eigers (Hp 97, 88, 85, 81) CR2 450 x 4 = 1800xp
Eiger (Hp 47) CR1 200xp
Total 7800 / 6 = 1300 each

Babshapka 36040 + 1300 = 37340 (now 8th)
Willa 29,078 + 1300 = 30,378
Aurora 28,304 + 1300 = 29,604
Mathias 28,304 + 1300 = 29,604
Doro 27,709 + 1300 = 29,009
Thokk 27,564 + 1300 = 28,864

Mathias talks as Willa, Thokk, and Ephi work. He wonders whether they shouldn't be preventing the gray giant from reaching the city - isn’t that their mission? But the party has already marched for the day (two hours movement remaining until exhaustion checks to keep going) and the giants have had a long head start going the other way - there is no way they can catch them in time - or face that many at once, on a ground not of their choosing. Mathias says that between him and Ephi, they could take out just the gray giant and then be off before the other giants can respond. The others are incredulous. “They’ll stick to the river,” he insists, “if I can use the elf’s cloak, I can get there by water, pop out with Ephi, take him out quickly, and be back in the river before they can touch me.”

“You’d be exhausted before you got there,” says Aurora in disbelief.

“Nah, not a problem,” rejoins Mathias confidently.

Willa ponders. This strange gaunt man still has his surprises, but…“Even if ye could do it,” she finally decides, “t’ey be too close on ther city. Summon’d see ye, unless ye killed all ther giants - an thar like as not be orcs aboot, as well. An’ t’en, ther mole’d make ye, an’ t’at’d make us. T’ain’t are mission.”

Mathias shrugs. “Alright. I’m just trying to help.”

By 9am all of the bodies have been dispatched and Ephi has departed. Thokk and Willa begin the rest that the others started an hour ago.

Hedwig and Phreeeee begin to fly over the first concentrations of goblins and worg-riders screening the troops besieging the city. The city is still several miles off, but they look to be arriving before the giants and eigers. However, the rain clouds have been growing thicker the further they have traveled. Suddenly they hit turbulence, and then updrafts! [Since they were flying, I decided to keep the same encounter rolls, but have the encounters be with weather: one encounter at about 3 hours in; luck roll: -3]

They are pummeled by sleet and hail, and separated from each other in the mix. Unable to stay aloft, they are forced to land. Hedwig manages to control his descent (Constitution save 12, no damage), goes to ground, finds cover, and looks to wait out the storm.

Phreeeee is unable to control his descent, and plummets (Constitution save 7). He crashes to the earth, dazed but alive (Dexterity save 14). He, too, looks for shelter and waits out the storm.

Aurora feels the protection of her mage armor wane. She renews her own and Doro’s (lasts until 6:30pm). [Aurora at 2/0/0/0]

Around midday a goblin foraging party is working the area where Babshapka hid the mules. [Mule Noon encounter check: Encounter. Luck roll 0; Goblin herders.] There are two goblins on worgs, and another ten goblins driving all the pigs, goats, and cattle captured from the villages around Headwater to the Steading. The worgs scent the hidden mules. [Mule Passive Stealth 10. Worg Passive Perception 14.] The worg riders bring down Andy with their nets, while Dandy escapes into the dense brush [Luck roll -1]. Once Andy has been fitted with a makeshift lead and added to the train, the goblins confer. Mules aren’t particularly good eating, so they decide to continue on their drive rather than spend more time on the one that got away. They don’t know about the party’s buried equipment, so they don't check the area for that and it remains safely hidden.

At the party’s camp, they have so far remained undiscovered (four hours of wandering monster / scouts and patrols rolls). Babshapka, having completed a long rest while trancing, takes the first watch. The rain that has been falling since the evening before has by now increased the humidity so much that a mist hangs in the air, obscuring details at a distance and making wet even surfaces sheltered from the rain.

Downriver, the giants have reached the front lines of the siege of the city. The hill giants receive obeisance from the orcs and goblins, while the stone giant goes about sending and receiving communiques from the humanoid leaders and setting himself up as the overall commander.

Downriver, the storm has finally passed - the hail, sleet, and even rain ended, though gray clouds still blanket the sky. Hedwig crawls cautiously out from under the bush in which he was both hiding and taking shelter. He shakes his wings, sending a fine spray of water to all sides, then takes to wing. He flies first in a low circle, then higher, looking for Phreeee. But before he sees the falcon, he sees a number of different groups of goblins, with several archers among them. He decides to climb sharply higher - he can deliver the message, whether or not Phreeeee survived.

At altitude, Hedwig straightens his course and heads for the beleaguered city, the nearest walls of which are some three miles away. Suddenly he feels an extradimensional tugging. He resists, but to no avail. Aurora is returning him to the nullspace! Nooooo…….

At the party’s camp (still no patrols), Aurora is some five hours into her long rest, and has slept fitfully on top of the hill. Rising now in the afternoon, she returns Hedwig, who has had plenty of time to reach Headwater, to his own pocket dimension, and then immediately summons him forth to her. The spirit is frantic at first. When she can get him to calm down, he tells her telepathically about the storm, about his having just resumed the mission, and about how since he can’t take objects with him to his pocket, he presumes that the message dropped off his foot when he was recalled. He has no news about Phreeeee.

The party is not happy to learn all this, but remains resolute. They will finish their rest, then march on the Steading. Mathias mentions again that Griffage and Kerri suggested some refugees from the Steading might be able to divert forces from the wall, but he quickly regrets bringing it up. Willa has little stomach for slaughtering women and children, even if they are giants, and takes Mathias’ words as an excuse to start to make complicated plans for guarding them, ensuring a group of children make it all the way downriver. He waves his hands dismissively at her schemes. “I’m sure some of them will get away, no matter what we do. Let’s not waste time and endanger ourselves for something that’s going to happen anyway.”

Aurora wonders if she should write another message and send Hedwig as a courier again, but Willa makes her do the math on travel times. The enchantress will have finished her rest and then be able to cast [i[sending[/i]
long before Hedwig could get there, even if he started now. Willa tells her to prepare the spell instead.

“But that would mean one less spell I can prepare for the Steading,” Aurora objects. “I can’t afford to drop any.”

“T’ink o’ one,” Willa commands.

“Maybe crown of madness - that didn’t work as well on the giants as it should have. Or, I suppose, animate dead.” She mentions this last possibility as if it will be painful to let go.

“Aye!” says Willa forcefully. “We don’t be needin’ no dead gigants followin’ us aboot.”

“But Willa!” objects Aurora. “I admit on the first day it is not that great. But on the second, when you can use a casting to maintain control of multiple dead, it greatly increases in power!”

“Drop yer damned dead an’ send summit ter warn ther city aboot ther eng’neer giant!” Willa yells.

Aurora sulks off and returns to her rest.

Phreeeee comes out from under his bush and looks about. The rain has stopped, the sky has cleared, and the strained muscles in his left wing feel good enough to fly - maybe. He considers his loyalty to Thokk. Are all the food and head scratches enough to warrant this? Maybe. He will deliver this wet piece of paper still clinging to his leg and see whether the strange green man follows through on his promise of giant livers at the steading.

Avoiding the goblin archers, Phreeeeee takes to the air and flies to the city high above bow range. His wing is still sore - he goes carefully, and does as much soaring and gliding as he can, rather than beat his wings unnecessarily.

At the camp, half of the party has had six hours of rest.

Phreeeeee reaches, and passes over, the walls of the city well above arrow range. He then starts in a long, leisurely spiral of descent, not trusting his injured wing to pull him out of a dive. In the city, the assembled troops, arrows ready on bowstrings but not drawn, watch the descent of the falcon, arguing about whether it is an enemy spy, or simply some trained hunting bird abandoned by a nobleman who has hightailed it out of the city in anticipation of the coming battle. Eventually orders come down from the Captain of the Wall - ‘if the falcon starts to leave the city, shoot it down. Otherwise, let it land’ [Luck roll 0].

Phreeeee makes it to a plaza inside the city walls, landing on the awning of a stall in what should be a bustling market square but which is now largely abandoned. He watches the coming and going of troops until he sees a cavalry officer in shiny brigandine and helm accompanied by a very colorful standard. He decides that is the person Thokk told him to give the paper to. Calling loudly, he flaps slowly and painfully at the man, who pulls his horse up short. No stranger to hawking, the man takes his reins in his shield hand and holds forth his right arm - Phreeee lands on his riding glove, then holds forth his own leg, where the parchment of the message, thoroughly soaked by the rain and now dried in flight, has become more like a paper mache cast tangled up with string [luck roll -3]. Handing his shield to a squire, the officer slips the paper off in two crusty pieces. “It’s a message, alright,” he tells his man. “But damned if we can read it.”

Relieved of his mandate, Phreeee struggles awkwardly into the sky, slowly circling up. Word goes out to leave the bird unharmed. His wing is sore, but functional. It will mend so long as he does not strain it too much. He sets out upriver, but not at full speed.

The message has by this point found its way to Kerri Velthundel [Luck roll +1]. Through repeated usage of the mending cantrip, she has coaxed the mat of paper mush back into a fresh, crisp, clean strip of parchment - in even better shape than when Aurora carried it in her pack. The ink, however, remains dispersed throughout by the rainwater - like an ink-wash watercolor - apparently the cantrip doesn’t consider the loss of integrity in the writing to be structural damage. She peers overly long at the obscured symbols, recognizing a character in elven here and there. That someone would be writing in elven means the message is likely for her - but she can’t for the life of her make out any words beyond “engineer” and “mountain” or fathom their meaning.

Aurora, Doro, and Mathias have finished their long rest, and the latter two join Babshapka on watch while waiting for Willa and Thokk.

For the last hour, Babshapka has been tending to his wounds from the ambush. As he finishes applying a clean dressing to them, Doro plays a soothing melody [Babshapka spends one HD to heal (7hp) plus a song of rest for 3hp more is 10hp total].

Aurora is busy going through her spell book, preparing spells by re-memorizing their complicated arcane formulae. When she is finished, she tells a drowsily dosing Willa that she is ready to send, and there is a brief discussion of whether she should attempt to contact Griffage, or rather Kerri. Willa, inherently suspicious, points out that either one of them could be the mole. They finally decide that if Griffage is the mole, their entire plan is already compromised, so they may as well tell him. There is no need to bring Kerri, an unknown quantity, into the Circle of Trust. Aurora counts off words on her fingers as she goes through drafts of statements. When she is finally ready, she sends:

One of three giants killed. Gray giant engineer leading siege remaining. He is priority target. Frost/Fire giants involved also. We continue to giant home.
[Aurora at 4/3/2/1]

After a prolonged pause, she hears Griffage’s response:

Giants at city - no attack but preparing. Will attempt elimination of engineer. Your priorities: crush home, encourage desertions near city, learn about Stone/Frost/Fire.

When Aurora relates this to the party, Willa nods in satisfaction - at least they have a clear directive. Mathias, as well, seems satisfied. Babshapka takes note that the ‘gray giant engineer’ has been named a Stone Giant by Griffage.

Having confirmed that they are indeed about to set out for the Steading, Willa tells each of them to prepare as best they can. She lists their opponents remaining at the structure to spur her own and their memories: At least two hill giant male guards (the hapless ones looking for the striker outside the watchtower), one cloud/storm giant female ambassador and her bodyguard of two stone giants, lots of hill giant women and children (themselves as large as eigers), a cave bear or two, and plenty of dire wolves. Even with all the soldiers away, it will be no picnic.

Babshapka at 8th
New attributes in bold

Babshapka of the Silverwood
Eighth level ranger (Hunter Archetype: Giant Killer)/ Wood elf (Folk Hero)
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 12 (+1) Int 12 (+1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (-1)
Languages Elven (S/W), Common (S/W)
Hp. 62
Skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival (Temperate Woodlands, Temperate Hills)
Abilities: Favored Enemy (Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Giants), Natural Explorer (Woods and Hills), Primeval Awareness, Multiattack Defense, Land's Stride, Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Duel-wielding, Extra Attack
Human-sized Chain shirt+1, broadsword+1, cloak of the manta ray, ring of protection+1, shortsword, longbow
Spells: (4/3)
(1) Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Goodberry (dropped Jump)
(2) Lesser Restoration

New Ability:Land's Stride
Starting at 8th level, moving through nonmagical Difficult Terrain costs you no extra Movement. You can also pass through nonmagical Plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. In addition, you have advantage on Saving Throws against Plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede Movement, such those created by the Entangle spell.

Babshapka decides to forgo the two points of ability score improvements he could have at eighth level and instead obtain a Feat.
You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible. You gain the following benefits:
Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
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Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:16 pm  

In both following this thread and in watching Critical Role, I'm reminded of the old military adage that "no battlefield plan ever survives first contact with the enemy."

Players can take perfectly sensible actions only to be screwed over by the dice. Hence why our intrepid heroes' initial attempts to warn Griffage and Kerri about the giant attack were ruined by the rain, and why Andy has a new owner and Dandy is probably serving as some wolf's dinner.

Regarding those luck rolls, are they a 5E mechanic, or something you houseruled?

I really like the extra detail you put into the giants' arguments over whether to continue to Headwater or call off the attack. It's a lot like Gary Gygax's noting in the original modules that some visiting giants will report what they see to their fellows if they survive. If the party completely routs the giant leaders, the escaping giants might tell their own masters that Snurre's alliance is going to fail. That, in turn, could give the human and demihuman defenders advantages once the invasion starts...
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:31 am  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
In both following this thread and in watching Critical Role, I'm reminded of the old military adage that "no battlefield plan ever survives first contact with the enemy."

Or in this case, 'no plan survives contact with Thokk and Aurora'

CruelSummerLord wrote:

Players can take perfectly sensible actions only to be screwed over by the dice. Hence why our intrepid heroes' initial attempts to warn Griffage and Kerri about the giant attack were ruined by the rain, and why Andy has a new owner and Dandy is probably serving as some wolf's dinner.

Yes, warning Kerri - with redundant messages even! - and hiding the mules were both intelligent and reasonable plans. Unfortunately fate is a cruel mistress.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

Regarding those luck rolls, are they a 5E mechanic, or something you houseruled?

That's a houserule I have used even before I began playing 5e. It's a basic 4dF or 'Fudge Dice' mechanic. I use it when I generally have no idea what should happen (no strong narrative reason for any particular outcome) and no particular player ability is in play. So 'Has Doro heard anything about this merchant?' is likely a History or Perception roll because it is based on the characters. But 'Does this merchant have this item in stock?' is probably a luck roll if it is not clear to me that they would or they wouldn't. Would the rain ruin the printed message? Maybe; so luck decides.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

I really like the extra detail you put into the giants' arguments over whether to continue to Headwater or call off the attack. It's a lot like Gary Gygax's noting in the original modules that some visiting giants will report what they see to their fellows if they survive. If the party completely routs the giant leaders, the escaping giants might tell their own masters that Snurre's alliance is going to fail. That, in turn, could give the human and demihuman defenders advantages once the invasion starts...

With the Hill Giants, there is Nosnra, and you know that he is working for the drow, but from the original text we really don't know the motivations of his wife, of the subchief, or of the cloud and stone giant ambassadors. I think Gygax assumed more sinister intent on the part of the stone giants then I wanted to - for me, at least their leadership is reluctant to join the giant alliance but also looking for some way to prevent loss of giant life. I interpreted their Neutral alignment as being cool to humans but also not wanting the coming war because even if the giants win, it means giants will die. So in general, they are trying to de-escalate the situation. On the other hand, I needed the attack on Headwater to proceed even without Nosnra's leadership in order to keep up the dramatic pressure on the players, but also to not overwhelm them with all of the giants immediately returning to the Steading. So I decided to have the one stone giant accompanying Nosnra to have his own, very personal, vendetta against humans and be an active participant in the giant alliance quite against the wishes of the stone giant leadership. There will be a lot more about this later. At this point I just needed someone to lead the siege, but his backstory and motivation grew in my mind as the game progressed.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:57 am  
Post 258: Return to the Steading

Post 258: Return to the Steading
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - River valley, 10 miles below the Steading along the trail (6 as the crow flies), 26 miles above Headwater
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

When Willa declares that she and Thokk are ready, the party immediately starts out overland, Babshapka having packed the camp nearly an hour ago. For the first hour of travel they go uphill, away from the river and into the highlands which it avoids in a wide, long curve. Dusk comes early once the sun has moved behind the mountains in the west and rain clouds obscure the sky. Babshapka, in the lead, spots a majestic giant elk on the ridgeline above them (Wandering encounter, luck roll +1).

When he hears the others behind him say something about meat, Babshapka deliberately steps on a loose branch, snapping it and sending the elk deep into the brush. “We have rations,” he mutters, “and there’s fresh meat at the Steading, more than we can eat.” No need to take the life of such a majestic creature, and one that has somehow escaped the depredations of the giants, he thinks to himself.

Meanwhile, along the river, Phreeee has flown as far as he can with the rain, his sore wing, and the gathering darkness. He finds a place to roost for the night.

[Mule Night encounter check: None].

[The group of herders driving Andy camps along the river, some three miles short of the ford and near the abandoned giant camp.]

In the gathering darkness, the party crests the final rise and starts down the long slope toward the Steading. Babshapka cautions them that from now on they can be seen or potentially heard from the building - Doro and Willa will have to stick close to others who can see, as they will be traveling without lights. Babshapka takes them near where he had stored the party’s cache before, as it is the most direct route, but deliberately does not go into the clearing itself in case it has been discovered and is being watched.

Aurora tells Hedwig to take to the sky, circling above the party and on watch. At any sign of opposition, he is to immediately communicate with her telepathically, and then fly straight up and out of arrow range.

The party is perhaps halfway to the Steading, with just a mile and a half to go, when they walk into a goblin worg patrol (wandering encounter, luck roll -1) without realizing it. The patrol's mission is specifically to harry and report any intruders to the Steading, even though the giants there are still unaware of the party specifically.

Babshapka Perception: 10
Hedwig Perception: 21 > Goblin and worg average Stealth: 17.5

Worg Perception: 21 > Party average Stealth: 15

Surprise round
The eight worgs in advance of the goblin boss and archers see the party first and immediately move to take cover, but Hedwig spots them as well, hoots loudly, and flies rapidly overhead.

Babshapka startles at the bird’s alarm and then makes out the danger (Perception 19). He sees the worgs in four pairs of two, bringing to mind the ones with nets outside the mill. He halts the advance of the party and points out the cover in which the worgs lie in wait.

Round one
(Doro readies to move when Willa does)
(Thokk and Willa defer until the end of the round)
The eight worgs leap out of cover and bound forward, all of them now visibly mounted by goblins with riding harnesses. Six of them move on opposite sides of Babshapka at a distance, their riders drawing back shortbows and firing on Thokk, in the lead of the main host. Two take their mounts directly at Babshapka, slashing with scimitars as the worgs bite.

Six shortbow arrows miss Thokk, or ricochet off his magic shield. One scimitar slashes Babshapka (6 damage). Both worgs miss Babshapka with their snapping bites, but he responds with a slash across the muzzle of one (Worgs are size Large; attack triggers Babshapka’s Giant Killer - may use reaction to make a single attack at his attacker).

Wielding his broadsword and shortsword together, Babshapka continues to slash at the worg (three attacks, two hits, total 16 damage). When Aurora hits the wounded worg with a firebolt (9 damage), it falls to the forest floor. The goblin rider nimbly leaps from the saddle before he is pinned and stands facing Babshapka, scimitar still in hand.

Thokk moves forward about half the distance to Babshapka, but keeps a wary eye on the other six worg riders (readied action to attack any enemies that come within melee range). Willa moves to his side (same readied action as Thokk). Seeing Willa move forward, Doro moves and takes cover behind a large, old tree.

Round two
Babshapka turns his twin blades on the mounted goblin and kills him in his seat (two hits, sixteen damage). The remaining, unmounted goblin slips away as soon as Babshapka’s back is turned. (Disengage and dash; 60 feet away with no opportunity attack)
5e goblin ability wrote:
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

With only one worg left facing Babshapka, the six goblin archers decide that he looks easier to hit than Thokk and shift their fire to the elf (one hit; four damage).

Aurora begins to calculate the area for a fireball that might engulf at least half the worg riders and their mounts, but then remembers (Wisdom check 13) Babshapka specifically telling them that anything they did here might be seen or heard from the Steading. A fireball set against the hillside in the dusk could hardly be missed from the guard tower, giving the Steading at least a half an hour to prepare for them. Aurora reluctantly settles for another firebolt at the worg facing Babshapka. Mathias joins her with blasts of force (18 damage between the three hits).

That worg has had enough (Wisdom 14). It feints to provoke a swing from Babshapka, then turns and sprints back to the south (Disengage).

The remaining six riders urge their mounts on, however. Two converge on Babshapka, while two move around him in an arc, seeking out softer targets in the rear of the party. The remaining two slink closer, as their riders look to exploit any openings or weaknesses. One of the worgs rams into Babshapka, nearly knocking him over. He staggers back, but then brings up his broadsword and slashes the beast (worg bite for 8; if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone - Babshapka strength save 17; attack triggers Giant Killer, Babshapka does 6).

Doro sticks her head out from around the tree she is using for cover and sees one of the new worgs attacking Babshapka. “Bad dog!” she yells, “BAD dog!” (vicious mockery - 1 psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack). The worg yelps as its ego is bruised.

Thokk notes the riders attempting to slip past him and attack Aurora and Mathias. “Come, evil advisor!” he roars and moves to intercept them, laying down two massive slashes with his longsword that leave one of the worgs barely standing (two hits, 22 damage total).

“Aye,” says Willa simply. With two strikes of her own, she dismounts at least the top half of one of the goblin riders (one hit, 11 damage) even while its bottom half remains in the saddle, then turns and grins at Thokk.

Round three
Of the four worgs on Babshapka, one heard Doro’s mockery clearly enough to pinpoint her location (Perception 23). The three remaining attack the elf (one hit, 11 damage, Babshapka 19 Strength save, remains standing), while the fourth gallops over to the tree and roots out Doro, catching her arm in its powerful jaws (critical hit, 19 damage). With her back against the tree, Doro manages to remain on her feet even as the worg jerks its head mightily (Strength save 18). Some ten paces back, Mathias takes aim at the beast, and one of his bolts of force explodes its head so that its jaws go limp and Doro is freed (two hits, one critical, total 28 damage to the previously unwounded worg).

Willa swings at the worg whose rider she slew a second ago (one hit, 12 damage), while Thokk downs the rider of the second worg (one hit, 10 damage). Just the two wounded worgs are left with them at the back of the party.

Three worgs and the two goblins mounted theron all attack Babshapka, but he eludes them (Dodge action).

The goblin whose worg nearly downed Doro before it died climbs out of its harness and evades her rapier (nimble escape). She hurls ineffective invective after it as it retreats into the darkness downhill (vicious mockery - goblin makes his save). Once he has gone, she returns to a tree closer to where Aurora and Mathias are slinging spells. Aurora shoots off a firebolt, dropping one of the two remaining worgs at the back of the party (4 damage).

Round four
Thokk winds up and waits for the last remaining worg to leap at him, then drops to the ground as it sails forward and slices his sword across its throat from underneath (hit, savage attack critical, 24 damage). Leaping up, he runs over to Babshapka’s side and removes a goblin from its mount (hit, 10 damage).

Doro continues to mock the worgs but without effect.

The single goblin remaining near Babshapka slashes at him from the ground but misses as the elf continues to dodge, then turns and slips off (nimble escape), whistling sharply as it does so. A nearby worg, which had retreated after its rider was slain, pricks up its ears.

Willa’s two attacks (24 damage) drop a worg that was attacking Babshapka. There are just two of the beasts left, both riderless.

Far off downslope, beyond the retreating worg and goblin, a shadow from behind a tree stirs. A previously hidden goblin mounts a huge worg and both turn away from the party. Mathias and Aurora see this clearly despite the darkness - Doro hears the sudden heavy breathing of the worg as the goblin climbs aboard (Worg Stealth 4. Perceptions 16, 15, 21).

Mathias moves up and blasts a retreating goblin (8 points, dead), then wounds another of the worgs by Babshapka (9 damage).

The two riderless worgs remaining see no reason to keep attacking the elf (Wisdom checks 12, 19). They turn (disengage) and run. Aurora drops one (firebolt - 11 damage) before it has taken four strides, but the other continues down the hillside.

Round five
With the goblins and worgs now in full retreat, the party realizes that their opponents are headed directly back to the Steading. If any of them make it back, an alarm will surely be raised, ruining any chance of surprise. They must all be stopped - even though a worg running full-tilt is faster than anyone in the party.

Doro advances stealthily.

Willa and Thokk dash forward, just barely reaching a fleeing worg. They can’t attack yet, but force it to turn and face them or suffer their attacks as it withdraws.

Aurora moves forward and hurls an errant firebolt that misses a worg.

Mathias moves forward and blasts a ridden worg twice (both hits, 12 damage).

The worg caught by Thokk and Willa decides to sprint away regardless (Wisdom check 2; takes dash rather than disengage, provokes two opportunity attacks). Willa swings and misses, but Thokk takes its rash decision out of its hide (savage attack critical, one hit for 18).

Babshapka drops both his blades to the forest floor and draws his bow. He pulls back fully and fires at the fleeing goblin boss, already out of easy range, but with uncanny accuracy.

Babshapka's new feat wrote:
Sharpshooter: Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on his ranged weapon attack rolls.

In rapid succession, two shafts penetrate the chain armor of the goblin leader (goblin boss chain shirt and shield, AC17, takes 17 damage from two hits, Hp 21 now 4).

Round six
At this point those fleeing are just the distant goblin boss on his worg, a riderless worg, and a worgless goblin. Babshapka hurries forward, but his next two shots miss the boss. Doro wonders whether she should have given him bardic inspiration before the battle, since her cutting words can only hinder opponents, not help allies.

The other goblin attains the worg and nimbly mounts it, galloping off after the boss. The boss actually slows his flight to allow the goblin to catch up, an unusual event noted by Thokk and Aurora, but not Babshapka, who is more interested in seeing how the wind is moving the tree branches in front of the fleeing boss (Perceptions 18, 17, 7).

Doro shouts a final insult at the fleeing pair, but they are too far off to hear (vicious mockery, save made).

Aurora is the only other party member effective at this range - her firebolt misses the riderless worg.

Willa moves into a thick stand of trees nearby, trying to flush out hidden goblins (Perception 11) but doesn’t find any.

Round seven
Babshapka walks confidently down the slope, focusing on slowing his breathing. He stops, shoots, then draws another arrow and continues walking before the first arrow has even hit the apogee of its arc. The first arrow sails through the dusk at the boss. Without even looking over his shoulder, perhaps hearing the hiss of the fletching, the boss forces his worg to swerve hard at the literal last second. This in turn makes the other worg stop short, and the arrow sinks deep between the shoulder blades of its rider. (Babshapka hit, 6 damage, goblin boss uses his reaction for

5e goblin boss ability wrote:
Redirect Attack. When a creature the goblin can see targets it with an attack, the goblin chooses another goblin within 5 feet of it. The two goblins swap places, and the chosen goblin becomes the target instead.

Undaunted, Babshapka lets fly with another arrow. Without a companion to throw under the oxcart on his behalf, the boss takes this one (6 damage) and tumbles to the ground, dead, some three hundred feet ahead of them.

Willa emerges from the trees and watches Babshapka’s unwavering form.

Round eight
Around 375 feet downslope of the party, the wounded goblin rides on, the boss’ riderless worg next to him. He swerves to put a particularly dense patch of forest between himself and the elven archer above, but Babshapka simply looks ahead of him at any gap in the trees large enough for an arrow to pass.

Babshapka's new feat wrote:
Sharpshooter: His ranged weapons ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.

Babshapka shoots again and the remaining goblin is slain (5 damage).

“It’s just worgs now,” says Aurora, jogging after Babshapka with a firebolt on the tip of her finger and watching the woods for anything that might jump out at them. Somehow the irony of her now being his guard escapes her. “Do you think there is anyone at the Steading that can talk to them, like Thokk can?”

“It doesn’t matter,” says Babshapka tonelessly. “They aren’t making it back there.” He lets fly with another shot, this one sinking into the neck of the worg and staggering it.

Babshapka's new feat wrote:
Sharpshooter. Before you make a ranged attack with a ranged weapon with which you are proficient, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so and the attack hits, it deals +10 damage.

(Attack roll 20-5 = 15, damage 6+10 = 16)

Round nine
The two riderless worgs, one wounded and one unwounded, are some 450 feet away. Babshapka fires again (17-5 = 12, miss).

Aurora looks over, traces the angle of the bow up into the sky and down. “’re not even aiming at them,” she says incredulously.

“Of course not,” he replies. “At this distance and their speed, it does no good to aim at them. I’m aiming at where they are going to be by the time the arrow arrives.”

Another arrow is loosed, and this one, as Babshapka says, reaches the wounded worg where it was going to be by the time it is there (attack roll 26-5 = 21, hit, 11 damage + 10 = 21), killing it. Now one unwounded worg remains.

Round ten
“Thrummm...fwish……” Babshapka’s next arrow misses (13-5 = 8 ). Uncanny skill or not, Aurora knows that Babshapka is pushing up against the physical limitations of the range of his bow. And the galloping worg is unwounded - even if he hits, how can he possibly get in enough shots to bring it down?

Babshapka’s final shot takes flight, and after the longest arc yet, pierces the back of the neck of the fleeing worg, severing its spinal nerves and killing it in one strike (roll 27 critical hit - 5 = 22, 11 damage +10 sharpshooter +7 critical = 28, worg had 26 hp).

As soon as the worg drops Babshapka pauses in his stride. “I’m going to get that last arrow back,” he says to Aurora, “I have a feeling we will need them. You go back to the party and collect all of my arrows you can find at the battle site, and then another two dozen of the best-made short goblin shafts that you can. I’ll get the others I can salvage from the ones I shot on my way back. By the time I have made it back to you, be ready to set out for the Steading. We’ll be hitting them by the time it is well and truly dark, and we will have surprise.”

Aurora nods and does as Babshapka bids. What he doesn’t tell her, as he walks to the farthest worg ahead, is that he is pacing off the distance as he goes and doesn’t want her chatter interrupting his counting. When he has reached its side he has counted off five hundred feet and five.

Aurora pauses on her way back to the party to go over the body of the chieftain. His chain shirt is better than any of the others had, but is rusty nonetheless - his short, black-feathered arrows are of bendy pine. He has a necklace of teeth, but she doesn’t stop to work out whose they might be. His other gear is similarly better than the other goblins, but decidedly not worth scavenging.

Hedwig circles above the party as the dusk becomes night and they collect arrows, keeping a watch for other patrols or ambushers (Perception with advantage 23).

[In several dense stands of trees, the infantry force of this patrol, another fourteen goblins, hide and watch the party, not moving (Stealth 25). Once the invaders have regrouped, they note the pace with which they set out again for the Steading. These goblins would be hard pressed to keep up, even if they didn’t want to remain stealthy, which, having just witnessed the battle, they decidedly do. No, they will first loot the bodies of their fallen companions, and then return to ‘warn’ the giants of the Steading, but slowly and carefully, making sure to arrive well after these interlopers.]

Combat XP:
22 goblins CR1/4. 50xp x 22 = 1100
9 worgs CR1/2. 100xp x 9 = 900
1 goblin boss CR1 200xp x 1 = 200
Total = 2200 / 6 = 367 each

Babshapka 37340 + 367 = 37707 (8th)
Willa 30,378 + 367 = 30,745
Aurora 29,604 + 367 = 29,971
Mathias 29,604 + 367 = 29,971
Doro 29,009 + 367 = 29,376
Thokk 28,864 + 367 = 29,231

Babshapka walks back to the party, collecting arrows as he goes. At one point he pauses, mumbles a few words, and presses a hand to one of the more painful of the scimitar slashes he received (cure wounds, 2 points healing, Babs at 3/3 for spells).

As the party is about to set out, Aurora and Doro find that their mage armors have expired. Aurora quickly renews them (lasts until 2:30am, Aurora to 2/3/2/1).

The party stands at the edge of the forest, looking across the clearing, peering through the mist and rain and darkness at the high walls of the Steading. No crackle of bonfire flames or rumbling giant laughter from a feast reaches their ears as on their last foray, just the faint smell of woodsmoke and manure. The Steading is quiet - but not deserted.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:37 pm  
Post 259: Upper Steading - Wolf Pen and Outbuilding

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Note that in the original module, the dire wolf pen [22] is one great open area behind the stockade and in between the Steading and the outbuilding. However, part of my plot for the Giant Alliance was that the Hill Giants were being used to strip the Sterish countryside of food, capturing and driving livestock back to the Steading. I needed somewhere for the giants to keep them, so I decided that they had added a dividing wall to partition the pen into the section for the dire wolves and a section used for keeping the captured livestock.

Post 259: Upper Steading - Wolf Pen and Outbuilding
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

The party stands at the edge of the forest, looking across the clearing, peering through the mist and rain and darkness at the high walls of the Steading. No crackle of bonfire flames or rumbling giant laughter reaches their ears as on their last foray, just the faint smell of wood smoke and manure. The steading is quiet - but not deserted.

Aurora sends Hedwig out for a low circle around the Steading. When he returns, he reports that he saw (Perception with Advantage 19)...
One of the stockade gates open (the one with the dire wolves, not the livestock)
The dire wolves themselves skulking about the woods all around the clearing - including some close by the party now
An eiger in the tower [actually a young hill giant that Hedwig mistook for an eiger - (Wisdom check 3)]

The party briefly debates how they will be entering - the front door under the sight of the tower, the back door through the livestock pen…? Ultimately they agree on entering the back door of the Steading - the one they peeked through on their last foray, just off the council chambers - through the open door of the wolf stockade. Hedwig takes another scouting tour - this time landing on the stockade wall and carefully surveying the dire wolf pen. He finds four wolves remaining inside - two lying down outside the door of the outbuilding, and two more pacing the interior fence, whining and scratching and trying to get at the livestock.

The party uses the cover of the trees to circle around the clearing a full quarter turn retrograde until they are directly across from the open stockade doors and will have the least distance to cross in the open. Now Hedwig is put to use again: flying up, he tracks all the wolves he can see and judges gaps in their restless patrols. When the coast is most clear, he swoops down and tells Aurora it is time for the party to cross through the short grass and into the stockade.

Several members of the party have never felt more exposed, crossing the meadows in the dark, grass heavy with rain, air thick with mist, completely in the open, no cover from giant throwing rocks, with the woods behind them full of giant wolves and the Steading before them full of giant folk. Babshapka wonders if this is what a field mouse feels like when crossing a field.

(The party makes a group Stealth check to cross the clearing, with Advantage from Hedwig’s scouting: 21, 16, 15, 11, 8, 5. Their average is 15. The dire wolves outside the Steading make a Perception check of 13, while those inside make a Perception of 18. The party will be unnoticed by the wolves until they enter the stockade itself)

The party pauses just outside the stockade wall. No wolves are howling, no alarm ringing (did the giants ever find the clapper?), no giants yelling. So far, so good. Mathias holds up his hand and someone grabs Willa before she enters the stockade - she can’t see Mathias motioning for a stop in the dark and she mostly crossed the field by following the sound of Thokk's heavy breathing. Mathias puts his hand on the crystal vial in his man bag, murmurs a few words, and his big red friend joins the party (Ephi summoned until 8:30pm).

Round One
As soon as the first members of the party enter the stockade [22], the dire wolves inside catch their scent. The two by the interior fence immediately charge them. The other two, out of sight around the wall of the outbuilding, begin baying. The pen runs half the length of the back of the Steading and the charging wolves do not reach the party before they are able to respond.

Mathias shoots twin blasts of force at the closer of the two charging wolves (two hits, 10 damage). Ephi moves forward, ready to slash any wolf that gets within range.

Aurora sends a firebolt at the wounded wolf (hits for 14 damage; total 24).

Thokk enrages (first rage of four) and moves ahead of the rest of the party, ready to attack any wolf that comes near him.

Babshapka summons his Hunter’s Mark (will last until 8:30pm) and places it on the wounded wolf (Babshapka at 2/3). He fires off two arrows (both hit, 7 damage plus 3, 12 damage, 22 total; 47 kills the wolf without needing the second use of mark).

Willa moves up next to Thokk and readies an attack.

Doro takes aim at the next wolf with an insult - “If you were a good dog, they would let you inside when it rains - but you are a BAD DOG!” The wolf yelps at her rebuke (vicious mockery, 4 psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack).

Round Two
Inside the outbuilding, the handsome Huntmaster hears the baying of the wolves. With the sergeant and troops away, he has the outbuilding to himself, and the low number of giants in the Steading means that the kitchen has not been busy today. He is just about to bed one of the off-duty scullery maids when the wolves start their racket, and he does not welcome the interruption (Wisdom Check 2). “Shut up, shut up you damn dogs!” he bellows at the top of his lungs and throws a helmet at the interior door. Babshapka catches his words in Giantish through the thick wooden exterior door.

Thokk moves to the second wolf, wounding it (two hits, 19 damage; total 23).

The two wolves at the outbuilding doorway cease their baying and join their packmate in attacking Thokk, but manage nothing more than a mouthful of his magic shield (Pack Tactics - three attacks with advantage, two roll 20’s but Thokk is AC21, all misses).

Ephi moves to Thokk’s side and slashes at the wolf the barbarian just wounded (one hit, 10 damage). From farther back, Mathias fires bolts of force (one hit, 10 damage). Between them, Mathias and Ephi kill the second wolf, leaving just two in the pen.

Sensing this fight will either be over soon, or they will soon be joined by the giant masters of these wolves, Doro begins to play a song of vitality to bolster both herself and her teammates (first round - 6 points of healing to herself, since she is still wounded from the fight with the goblin patrol, as are several of the others).

Willa moves to the remaining wolves with long overhand swings of her greatsword. The first blow hits one hard (13 points), but the second takes its head off (critical hit, 26 damage; total 39).

Babshapka switches his mark from a dead wolf to the last live one, then fires his bow. The first shot misses and the shaft snaps as it hits the side of the outbuilding, but the second sinks deep into the wolf’s flank (8 + 3 from mark is 11 damage).

Aurora moves so that she can see the fight raging on the doorstep of the outbuilding and slams a firebolt into the wolf (16 damage; total 27). Hedwig, back to the open gate - watch for wolves or anything else approaching, she commands telepathically. The owl silently glides over to the stockade wall and takes up a perch.

Round Three
The wolf tries to dodge one of Thokk’s wild swings, but its leap to the side drives Willa’s blade deep into its chest (Willa rolled a critical miss, but with Advantage from Thokk’s rage, gets to use a critical hit instead! Total 23 damage, wolf has taken 50 and dies).

Doro sidles up to Babshapka (second round of vitality - 10 points of healing).

Babshapka whispers to the others that he heard a giant shouting inside the outbuilding.

Round Four
Thokk opens the door to the outbuilding (Athletics check 27 with advantage) but loses his rage.
There is a small (at least for giants) table in the center of the room [23], with eight stools and two benches pushed back along the walls. No creatures are in the room. Thokk enters.

(Third round of vitality - 5 points of healing)

Ephi moves to Thokk’s side.

Babshapka enters the room, switching out his flight arrows for the heavier ‘ordinance’ as he is expecting giants. There are two doors along the north wall (Wisdom check 18) - the voice of the giant he heard was muffled enough that it could have come from either.

Aurora slips into the room, a readied firebolt on her fingertip.

Round Five
Thokk moves to both doors, listening at each in turn (Perception 20). He holds up one finger after each time, indicating to Willa that one giant lies behind each door.

Willa whispers to Babshapka to call out in Giant, and to “try ter get t’em ter come ter us”.

Babshapka grabs a bowl from the table to make his voice sound deeper, and holds it to his lips. What is a common Giant name? he asks himself, and realizes he has no idea. “Rat Bastard! Rat Bastard! Where are you?” he bellows in the Giant tongue (Performance 13 > Giant Wisdom checks 11, 12).

“Who you callin’ a rat bastard!?” come the angry retorts, near-simultaneous. One voice is obviously male, and one female, and though they are from different doors, the party can’t make out which is from where (Perception 6 Babshapka, 11 Willa).

(Fourth round of vitality - 10 points of healing)

Round Six
“Let’s just go!” hisses Mathias, and he raises his blaster rifle, pointing it at one of the doors. Ephi follows his lead, but can’t get the huge, heavy door to budge (Strength check 10).

(Fifth round of vitality - 10 points of healing)

Round Seven
Willa forces the left door, stuck with humidity-swollen wood, and it bangs against the inside wall. The room [25] contains ten beds, ten chests, ten stools, two tables, a bench, and miscellaneous junk, such as broken weapons and dented helmets, strewn about. All of the features are sized for giants. The room is poorly lit by a low-burning fireplace against the far wall. The densely-packed furnishings and lack of floor space suggest it is a barracks, although it is currently deserted except for a single figure.

On the bed nearest the door reclines a single giant maid clad only in a soiled shift, one carefully-placed strap 'falling' provocatively off of her shoulder. She looks casually over her shoulder toward the door, a well-practiced seductive moue on her face. On seeing Willa at the door, this is replaced with a more genuine look of confusion. As Ephi enters the room, and then bounds claws-first into the bed, the look is replaced again, now with alarm. The giantess begins to scream as Ephi slashes at her (two hits, 27 damage).

Seeing that it is a single giantess, and unarmed at that, Mathias drops his hold on the firing trigger of his blaster rifle and shoots bolts of force instead (two hits, 17 damage; total 44).

Thokk pushes his way past Willa and leaps into the bed. Standing astride the giant woman, he raises his sword up and then brings it down twice (two hits, the first does 9; total 53, she is already dead by the time the second attack hits). The red spatter is practically unnoticeable against Ephi’s skin, but the bright spots of blood stand out starkly on the giantess’ dingy shift.

(Sixth round of vitality - 11 points of healing)

The other door to the outer room bursts open, and a giant male barrels out. “Verna!” he bellows in Giantish, “What are they doing to you, Verna?”

He has not strode a step into the chamber when Aurora sends her readied firebolt at his face, resulting in an uncharacteristically large explosion (critical hit for 30 points of fire damage).

Undeterred, the giant swings a massive club at the closest party member, Thokk (one miss, one critical hit - 29 points of bludgeoning damage). Thokk staggers back and Doro angles the healing magic of her music toward the barbarian.

Babshapka slips out from under the table and fires off two heavy arrows at the giant (two hits, 24 damage; total 54).

Round Eight
As the giant turns to Babshapka and raises his club, the elf coolly fires off two more shots (two hits, 16 damage; total 70) and prepares a third should the giant advance on him.

Doro slings some salving music toward Thokk (seventh round of vitality - 4 points of healing), and then taunts the giant, “When you saw that maid, you said “I’d hit that” - but we already did!” (vicious mockery - 2 points psychic damage (total 56) and disadvantage on next attack).

From the doorway of the other room Willa hears the approaching giant and sees Thokk get knocked back by his club. She draws her magic greatsword and it erupts in flame. She raises it over her head and charges, but the sword strikes the lintel of the decidedly not-giant-sized door and gets stuck in the wood (attack roll - critical miss on both dice!). By the time she has yanked it free, the damp wood of the door is smouldering. Cursing like a sailor, she staggers into the other room and blindsides the giant, who is currently distracted by Babshapka (critical hit - 18 slashing and 26 fire, total 44, giant has taken 100). The doorframe is clearly singed, but does not catch (luck roll +3).

Thokk feels his bruised ribs and grins, then charges the giant. With two strikes of his longsword the giant crashes to the ground (two hits, 22 damage; total 122).

[out of combat; remaining three rounds of song of vitality healing 5, 8, 8]

When the giant ceases his struggles, Willa holds up her hand for silence. Besides the labored breathing of the party, and the barnyard noises of the animals in the livestock pen, it is silent. Apparently the howling of the wolves and the brief scream of the giant maid have not alerted the main Steading to the presence of the party.

The party fans out and searches all three rooms of the outbuilding as well as the bodies of the two giants.

The room the male giant emerged from is similar to the one the woman was in, some kind of barracks. With time to search, however, they note in the woman’s room that there are interior walls nearly shutting off a private bedroom alcove [25A]. There, three chests are on the floor, a sack hangs from a peg on the wall, and another large sack is under the bed.

The male giant has nothing of obvious value on him, but a long leather whip is coiled on his hip. “Is that for Verna?” asks Mathias as he checks the body, but the size of the whip indicates that it could hardly be used indoors. Thokk inspects it (Perception 16) and notices that the end of the lash is covered in loose wolf hairs (but through use on the wolves' flanks, not as a tassel), and that the breeches of the giant have wolf hairs on them as well. This man must be the keeper of the dire wolf pack, and the whip is his tool and symbol of office. Thokk takes it (although he would need to wield the great thing two-handed) and immediately begins to daydream of a pack of direwolves ripping apart his enemies at his command, with him riding the largest of the beasts as a mount.

On the table in the room where the giant fell is a huge horn, like a hunting horn, with a thick leather strap. The amount of nicks and scratches in it (Doro Investigation 10) mean that it is unlikely to be magical, but it certainly looks loud enough. Doro takes it.

By the outside door is a sheaf of giant-sized spears, perhaps ten without counting, but they look shoddy, with bent heads and warped shafts, and are ignored.

In the private bedchamber alcove, Thokk stands on a stool to lift the sack from its peg on the wall. Inside is just a number of thick leather giant-sized boots, but Thokk can’t help but notice (Perception 15) that when he handles the sack he hears the jangle of coins. In a boot near the bottom of the sack are more than a hundred gold coins and several gems. Thokk keeps the coins and gems in the mostly empty sack, which he takes, but throws the boots out onto the floor.

The three chests are each nearly empty, but what remains is of no value - giant-sized clothes that are worn or have holes. The sack under the bed has a number of dented helmets. Some half an hour after the party entered the stockade, they regroup at the door of the outbuilding.

(8pm; 30 minutes remaining on Ephi and Hunter’s mark)
They move quickly across the pen from the outbuilding to the back door. Aurora calls Hedwig to her as they go. Thokk prepares to assist Doro in opening the door, but it proves too swollen with rain and is stuck against the frame (Doro Strength check with Advantage from Thokk, 8 ). Willa asks her to step aside and tells Thokk when to push (Willa Athletics check with Advantage from Help 18). As the door suddenly gives way, however, Willa loses her grip on the water-slick handle, and the door crashes against the interior wall (Willa Stealth check 6, critical fail), with the sound echoing down the halls inside.

[DM's note: The great doors of the Steading require strength checks to open, but the party wanted to do so stealthily as well. I ruled that they could help one another (for advantage) but that whichever character made one check also had to make the other. Typically they chose a stealthy character to make the rolls with Help from a strong character rather than the other way around.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:36 am  
Post 260: Upper Steading - Chief's Hall

Both the last post and this one are a little more graphic than my usual descriptions of combat. Justified within the larger context of the war or not, the party is currently engaged in breaking into the Steading and essentially murdering non-combatants. I wanted some emotional resonance to go along with the ethical implications, so I made sure I paid extra attention to describing to them the female and young giants they were killing.

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 260: Upper Steading - Chief's Hall
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

The party holds their collective breath, but no shouts greet the noise. The entry corridor is dark, the torches in the high wall sconces unlit. Far ahead there is a flicker of torchlight, but in an adjoining room, not the hallway they have come in.

All of the party enter rapidly, but they leave the door to the outside open to provide a means of escape if needed. Thokk and Doro take the lead moving up the hallway, while Willa covers the council chamber doors [10].

In the chief’s hall [6], which is a great open space between his own and his wife’s rooms, a hill giant maid is tidying up. She doesn’t hear Doro approaching (Perception 15 < Doro Stealth 20), but she can feel the draft from outside and at Thokk’s heavy tread (Perception 15 > Thokk's Stealth 14) she shouts out in Giant “Shut the damn door! You’re letting in the cold and wet!”

Aurora sends Hedwig ahead to scout, and the white owl hops from rafter beam to rafter beam above. As the giantess looks up from pushing in chairs at the table, the owl is obvious at the intersection (Hedwig Stealth 8 ).

“Now see!” the maid yells up the hall. “You’ve gone and let a bird in and it will be s******* all over the room I just cleaned! I told you to shut the damn door!” The hall she is in is lit by torches and a few candles, but with the entry corridor still dark, she can’t see any of the party - until Doro sticks her head around the corner (Doro new Stealth 12 < Giantess Perception 16). “Now who is that, skulking in the shadows? Get out here where I can see you!” she calls at the vague features of the woman.

Round One
Hedwig swoops down and flies straight at the giantess’ face, buffeting her with his wings while Doro pulls back around the corner. The owl then immediately turns and lands at the intersection, trying to get the woman to follow him out of the room to where she will be exposed to attack from all the party in the hall beyond, but she does not pursue (Hedwig Persuasion 3).

Thokk comes forward into the light, bent almost double and seemingly chasing the owl, who hops just out of his reach in a convincing pantomime. Apparently the giant maid does not notice that the half-orc is rather more heavily armed than usual for orc servants of the Steading (Thokk Performance 20 > Giantess Insight 10). “That’s more like it!” she yells at him. “And after you get that bird, close the door and start lighting the torches in the hall! It’s well after dark, you lazy greenskin!”

Round Two
While the giantess is yelling at Thokk, Doro draws her rapier and tries to advance silently (Stealth 19). The giantess looks over and sees Doro, now fully in the light, weapon out, and obviously human (Perception 19). “Why you little c…” she begins but Doro says the command word that ignites her blade in flame and the giantess raises her hands in instinctive alarm and takes a step back. Doro runs forward and plunges the blade into the maid's exposed gut (10 piercing and 4 fire is 14).

At the sound of metal entering flesh, Thokk drops his act with Hedwig, spins, draws his sword, and charges the maid (two hits for 13, total 27).

The giantess gasps in pain and is on the point of screaming.

Ephi rounds the corner and lays into her, slashing with his giant claws (two hits, 19 damage, total 46) and Mathias follows up with blasts of force (one hit, ten damage, total 56).

The giantess staggers back...fills her lungs to yell...and Babshapka rounds the corner and shoots a single ordinance arrow that pierces her throat from front to back (14 points, total 70). The giantess drops heavily to the floor, what was to be a scream coming out instead as the tortured wheeze of her last breath.

Still no alarm has been raised.

The party looks quickly about the hall - it is much as they remembered it; even the skull on the mantle looks undisturbed.

Doro opens the closer door as quietly as she can (Athletics 15, Stealth 12). This is the room [8], they remember, out of which many of them escaped the Steading up the chimney. The hearth is clean and cold, the bed neatly made, the iron bracket in the wall absent the chain there was before. [The chief and his bear having gone to war and, thanks to the party, not returned]

The party moves across the chief’s hall to the far door [7], some closer than others.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:57 am  
Post 261: Upper Steading - Remainder

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 261: Upper Steading - Remainder
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

The party moves across the chief’s hall [6] to the far door, some closer than others. Thokk throws it open and at the sight of the cave bear within [7], as well as the enormous female giant in the bed, he immediately enrages (second use of four). He charges the bed but does not quite reach it as it lies fully across the room from the door.

Round One (Thokk’s Rage 2)
Ephi attacks the bear before it has even raised its head from the floor (two hits, 29 damage). Mathias moves to the doorway and follows up with blasts of force that cause the bear to let out a long groan and then its death rattle (two hits, 15 damage, total 44).

Grutha, the chief's wife, rises from her bed and screams for aid - but it is far across the chief’s hall beyond, the walls of the Steading are thick, and the barracks [4] that shares a wall in common with her room is empty. No one hears her call! Ignoring Thokk, she plows across the room to the doorway (opportunity attack, Thokk hits for 14). She finds the doorway blocked by Willa. Grunting in frustration, she lashes out with a shove (contested Athletics, Giantess 10 < Willa 18), but Willa holds her ground and sets her heels. The giantess furrows her brow, bends nearly double, and attempts to push forward with her whole body, but again Willa meets her and resists (contested Athletics, Giantess 13 < Willa 18). Grutha yells at the top of her lungs, and is still unheard.

When the giantess steps back, preparing to charge, Willa ignites her sword and comes at her swinging (two hits, 23 slashing plus 24 fire is 47, Grutha has taken 61). Once Willa has driven the giantess back, she backs up and again blocks the doorway squarely. Above her head fly the heavy ordinance arrows of Babshapka (two hits, 26, total 87) and a firebolt from Aurora (10 damage, total 97). After Babshapka has shot his second shaft, he leaves the giantess to the others and falls back to the cold hearth of the hall, watching beyond the body of the fallen maid for any reinforcements coming in response to the giantess’ continued screams.

Doro moves to Willa’s side and taps her shoulder. Willa gives way just enough for the bard to dart into the room, strike with her flaming rapier, and immediately fall back (9 piercing and 5 fire, 14; total 111).

Round Two (Rage 3)
Grutha retreats from the doorway, cups her hands over her mouth, and shouts as loudly as she can for aid (Strength check 24). The young giants in the nearby room [3] are oblivious, as they are involved in their own loud horseplay (Perceptions 17, 6, 2). However, in the chamber of the serving maids [5] nearby, at least one of them hears their mistress (Perceptions 19, 15, 4).

Willa didn’t like that last shout from the giantess, which was considerably louder than her previous attempts. They need to end this now, or they will have all the Steading down upon them. She moves forward from the doorway, driving the giantess back with her flaming blade but not wounding her further (two misses).

However, as Grutha moves back, she practically trips over Ephi. The slaad scrambles up her back until he gets to her shoulders, reaches around to her front, and rips her throat out (critical hit, 21 damage; total 132). The chief’s wife falls forward, crashing to the floor just as Ephi leaps clear and Willa moves out of the way. Her body is now well-lodged in the doorway and won’t be able to be taken out without a good bit of work.

Aurora sends Hedwig back to the intersection at the edge of the Chief's Hall as she hears a great wooden door open (Perception 17). She and the owl both (Perception 15) see the light of a torch spill out into the dark hallway. [Although the party does not know it, the maid from [5] who heard Grutha’s call is coming to check on her.]

Babshapka moves to the end of the great table and hides near the body of the dead giantess (Stealth 18).

Thokk shoves the body of Grutha just enough so that he can exit her bedchamber. In order to keep his rage, he attacks Willa on his way past, slamming a fist into the back of her helmet. “Evil advisor! More battle this way - stay in front!” he chides her. (Unarmed strike hits, 5 damage).

Doro stays in the shadows as she works her way back to the others (Stealth 27).

Aurora casts a silent image spell, conjuring up an uncannily convincing image of Grutha (Arcana 22). The eye color may be slightly off, but Aurora has certainly captured the essence of her large and pendulous breasts. [Aurora at 1/3/2/1]

“Your brutishness!” gasps a maid in Giant as she enters the hallway and sees the facsimile of Grutha standing over the slain maid on the floor surrounded by a growing puddle of blood. “What happened? Who did this?”

Using Hedwig’s eyes to see, Aurora has the chieftain’s wife frown and point demandingly up the hallway to the open door onto the dire wolf pen. When the maid makes as if to approach her, ‘Grutha’ shakes her head and points again. The maid bows but stands there puzzled. (Aurora Persuasion 16 with disadvantage from not speaking).

Round Three (Rage 4)
As Willa moves to follow Thokk, he thrusts his 10’ pole at her aggressively (attack misses, Thokk retains rage). “Willa! Take stupid pole! Thokk need hands to attack!” he yells.

A young hill giant from the Great Hall [11], the doors of which are currently open, has now arrived, and bows before the image of the chief’s wife. Willa runs up to the end of the hall, just before she would be in sight of the east-west hallway. She holds the pole in the air, even remembering which end to use. Suddenly Aurora’s voice in (tutored) Giant erupts from the magic mouth cast on the pole - “I’ve got this here, you all go over there!” As the pole begins speaking, Aurora has ‘Grutha’ move closer, pointing and badly lip-syncing. (Aurora persuasion 23 > giants’ Insight 4, 2).

“Yes, your brutishness!” both giants respond, and move up the corridor to the outside door.

A few seconds later, two more young giants arrive. “What is it, your brutishness? What is going on?”

The magic mouth has been used - what can the party do to respond now? From under the table, Babshapka speaks in Giant and tries hard to sound like Grutha did when she was yelling for aid just moments ago. “Follow the others. They killed the dire wolves!”

“Who did what? Intruders?”

“Yes, intruders! Go kill the intruders! Defend the Steading!”

“Yes, your brutishness!” the two youths agree and hurry off. Babshapka honestly doesn’t sound that much like a female giant, but fortunately the hill giants are painfully stupid (Babshapka Performance roll 8 > hill giant youths Insight 4, -1) [Now one maid and three youths are moving up the entry hall to the stockade [22]]

Mathias disappears into the shadows near the hearth (Stealth 17).

Round Four (Rage 5)
“Ughhh, Thokk not like wait!” the barbarian grunts, punching Willa in the shoulder. “When we attack?” Willa’s armor takes the brunt of the blow (Thokk misses but retains his rage).

Ephi tries to slip across the lit hall and into the darkness through the open door of the chieftain’s room [8], but his bright red hide shows up before the two young hill giants are quite out of sight and one turns back to stare at him (one giant’s Perception 0 < Ephi Stealth 8 < other giant’s Perception 11).

“Watch out for the red frog thingy behind you,” calls Babshapka, in his imitation of the voice of Grutha. “I will kill the intruders still here - you go get the ones outside before they get away!” One of the giants shrugs and continues up the hall, but the other is not convinced - worried about the threat to the chief’s wife and duty-bound to defend her.

Mathias and Doro move closer to the intersection and hide behind giant furniture.

A hill giantess comes into the hallway - she is older, beefier than the others the party has seen. Unbeknownst to them, she is the matron who manages Grutha’s maids in waiting, and she knows the chieftain’s wife personally, far better than the youths who are seldom allowed to approach her. She squints dubiously at the image. “What are you on about now, Grutha?” she says suspiciously, not even using the honorific (Matron Insight check 15).

Babshapka decides to not even attempt to fool this giantess’ shrewd judgement. “Now!” he says in Common to the party as he comes out from under the table, straightens to his full height, and draws his bow. He takes the first of his shots, using the heavy ordinance and his sharpshooting skills (hit, 24 points to matron).

“Her throat, aim for her throat!” calls Mathias from the darkness.

“I am…” says Babshapka, trying to keep a bead on the giantess as she barrels toward him, charging directly through the silent image, “’s not a matter of wanting to.”

His second shot hits her neck (17 points, matron has taken 41), but the target is as thick around as a prize ham and he obviously missed her windpipe as she shrieks an alarm.

Willa ignites her sword and moves out of cover, coming up on the matron from behind. She can’t decide if she is more relieved to finally be attacking, or to finally not have Thokk attacking her. Her first swing catches only air but her second cuts into the matron’s leg and sets her gown ablaze (one hit, 8 slashing and 11 fire, 19; total 60).

Round Five (Rage 6)
Babshapka moves out of the way of the still-charging, now-flaming matron but his shots go wide and he loses another two ordinance arrows (two misses).

Aurora considers a slow spell but decides to save it for when they confront guards or warriors. They are doing well enough for the moment against the females and young. She blasts at the matron with a firebolt but misses.

“They’re attacking Auntie Ufffa!” yells the young hill giant who lagged behind the other one arriving from the great hall. One of them (Wisdom check 5; decides to attack) charges Willa, and hits her with his ‘child-sized’ club that is still as thick around as Willa’s thigh (9 points).

The matron, now seeing at least three of the party in plain view, makes a more sensible decision (Wisdom check 19). “No boys, we have to skedaddle! We have to warn the rest of the Steading!” she shouts in Giant. She disengages from Willa and takes one of the young giants with her. As she heads for the open doors of the great hall, the youth turns up the corridor leading outside to warn the others (hill giant Wisdom check 10).

“Run along, junior! It’s past your bedtime!” calls Doro at the one hill giant youth who remains in the fight (vicious mockery, 2 points psychic damage and disadvantage on his next attack).

When she sees the matron headed for the open door to the great hall, Willa shouts “Thokk! Don’t let them get away!”

“No one get away from Thokk!” yells the barbarian, and he launches his javelin of lightning at the matron. She takes the brunt of the attack (7 piercing and 14 lightning is 21, total 81), while the two hill giant youths (Dex saves 3 and 12, both fail) take the lightning as well (14 points each). When all three of the targets remain standing, Thokk throws another javelin, wounding the matron (5 piercing and 6 lightning is 11 to the matron; total 92), as well as the two youths to some degree (both fail saves (6 and 10); take 13 each). [Since the last dawn, Thokk used one javelin in the ambush by the river and his second and third here. He has one left unused; Mathias still has the fifth.]

Willa follows the fleeing matron and her first hit finally lays her out (24 points; total 116); she lands just shy of the open door to the great hall. Willa then returns to the youth still fighting in the chieftain’s hall, killing him as well (26 damage, total 53).

Mathias blasts his bolts of force at the youth fleeing up the hallway to the dire wolf pen (one hit, 6 damage, total 33).

Round Six (Rage 7)
A door on the side hall opens, and the last of the three maids-in-waiting enters. She looks in astonishment at the dead matron to one side, dead maid and youth to the other.

Willa doesn’t let her linger in astonishment, but immediately sets on her with blade and flame (two hits, 48 damage).

Leaving the last giantess to Willa, Thokk pursues the fleeing giant youth up the corridor, throwing the javelin whose lightning he already spent this morning in the ambush (hit, 5 damage; total 38).

Doro seeks out a hiding spot (Stealth 23).

Babshapka dashes up the hallway after the fleeing giant youth.

Round Seven (Rage 8 )
Outdoors, in the wolf pen, the fleeing young giant catches up with the maid and two youths already there, who have been searching in vain for the intruders that ‘Grutha’ told them to find. The youth fleeing from the combat inside brings the news to them, “The intruders are inside - that wasn’t really Her Brutishness, it was a dirty human trick, and they are attacking Matron Ufffa!”

The giantess furrows her brow, trying to decide what to do, when she sees the backlit figures of Mathias, Ephi, Thokk, and Babshapka all moving up the hall towards them. (Giantess Wisdom check 15). “You boys hold the door, keep them there! I’ll go get the Huntmaster!” she decides.

The three youths move to block the door to the pen, swinging their clubs at Thokk but unable to get past his shield. Thokk returns their blows (one youth hit for 12).

Mathias and Ephi reach the door to the outside, and Mathias fires on the three youths fighting Thokk (two hits, 6 damage).

With Doro hidden and the others all moving up the corridor to the outside, Willa is left facing the new giantess alone. “Uhh...a little ‘elp, ‘ere?” she calls after them. Babshapka stops and turns - the giantess by Willa is no further from his bow than the fleeing youth is in the other direction. As he aims, he recalls his hunter’s mark from the dead dire wolf in the pen outside and places it on the giantess, then fires twice (46 total from two arrows and two marks, total 94) and ends her threat.

Willa moves back to the body of the fallen matron and spots another giant youth in the great hall beyond. He looks indecisive - unsure whether to charge the intruder or warn the Steading. Willa quickly straddles the fallen matron and mimes desecrating her body, hoping to goad him into attacking. (Willa persuasion 19 > giant youth Wisdom check 11). “AUNTIE!” he bellows, enraged. “Die, puny yu-man!” He charges, club held over his head.

Round Eight (Rage 9)
“Get offa her!” screams the giant youth as he batters at Willa, but the blows of his wooden club don’t penetrate her magic armor. Willa returns his strikes with more effective fire and steel (two hits, total 53 damage).

“You call that defending your mom?” Doro asks the young giant sarcastically. “What are you, a nancy-boy?” (vicious mockery, failed save, 3 points psychic damage, total 56, and disadvantage on his next attack)

Ephi moves alongside Thokk in the doorway to the dire wolf pen. The half-orc grunts and side-steps to give the frog-thing room to move out the door and attack the youths. Thokk enjoys the addition of the blood-red frog thing to his war band, even if he is unsure of where it came from and doesn’t understand why it is around for only a little while at a time. With two claw slashes, the frog savages one of the youths (28 points). Between Mathias (blast for 8 points), Aurora (firebolt for 10), and Thokk (one sword hit for 9), they manage to drop it, so that just two youths are left. Considering the small doorway and the size of the dead giant, only one is now able to attack and his club is again blocked by Thokk’s shield.

Once she has opened the outbuilding door from the pen, the fleeing giant maid screams in alarm. “Ahhhhh! The Huntmaster has been killed, too!” Eyes now wild with fear, she turns and runs to the stockade gate that separates the dire wolf pen from the livestock, opens it and forges ahead, not bothering to close it behind her.

From within the Steading, Babshapka switches his mark from the dead giant maid to the last youth fighting from the doorway - and then promptly splinters an arrow on the doorframe. His second shot flies above Ephi’s head and into the chest of a giant youth (16 piercing plus 6 from mark is 22).

Round Nine (Thokk’s rage at 10 rounds)
The two remaining giant youths fall back so as to give each other more room - and when Ephi advances, they both attack (two hits, total 25 damage). Ephi responds with two vicious slashes (two hits, 28 damage) that drop one of the pair. Aurora sends a firebolt (4 points), Mathias a bolt of force (10 points), and Babshapka two arrows at the other. His first shot misses and shatters the shaft on the outbuilding, although it came rather closer to Thokk than it did to the giant (firing into a melee - miss on target is reroll on ally). His second shot drops the last giant youth so that the combat in the pen is over, and just when Thokk would lose his rage anyway.

With no opponents left standing, Thokk dashes after the fleeing giantess. From the other side of the pen wall, he hears the brays and squeals of protesting livestock as she shoves them out of her way and forces her passage through the pen.

“You’re not looking so good, boy,” Doro continues to taunt the giant youth who just arrived from the great hall and who Willa goaded into charging her. “Maybe you should go home to your mamma - oh, that’s right - she’s dead!” (vicious mockery, failed save, 4 points psychic damage, total 60). The sting of the last insult is too much for the poor giant. He collapses and quickly expires. Unfortunately he is lying in the doorway to the great hall, obviously visible to anyone that might enter. Willa climbs over him, and from inside the hall, tries to roll him over and into the corridor next to the matron, but he is easily four hundred pounds on the hoof, slick with fresh blood, and is not going anywhere soon (Willa Athletics check 8; fails).

Round Ten
Willa calls for Doro’s help in moving the body of the young giant out of the doorway (Willa Athletics check with advantage from Help, 16). Once the frame is clear, Willa mostly closes the door, leaving it open just a crack so that she can hear what is going on in the great hall beyond.

“I think we are being left behind;” says Doro to her, “it appears the front has shifted that way…”. She points with her flaming rapier up the corridor to the dire wolf pen and Willa nods.

Thokk follows in the wake of the giantess crossing the livestock pen. She throws open a door into the Steading (and not the exterior gate of the stockade which lies close at hand) and immediately begins to shout as she enters. Babshapka is next through the pen gate, with about half the livestock pen between him and Thokk. The others are following across the dire wolf pen to the extent of their ability to keep up.

Round Eleven
Thokk makes it to the open Steading door and barrels inside. Screaming ensues. This is a servants’ quarters [19], a large common room at the extreme end of the stronghold that has various cots, tables, chairs, stools, and the like. It is cluttered with old clothing and junk. Besides the giant maid he is in pursuit of, there are another three scullery maids in tattered clothes and a young giant in the room. Currently all of them are clustered around the door on the far wall. It is as large as all the other doors in the Steading; that is, too small for giants, and they are pushing and shoving one another each trying to be the first through and away. The room is lit with torches on the walls and a fire going in the hearth. A smaller, human-proportioned door is also on the far wall but in the near corner, but no one is trying to leave through it.

Babshapka gets about halfway across the animal pen, with Mathias and Ephi close behind and Aurora a bit farther back, as she has just come out of the Steading and is currently crossing the dire wolf pen.

Willa extinguishes, then sheathes, her sword and dashes halfway up the hall toward the open exterior door to the dire wolf pen. Doro follows.

Round Twelve
Rather than facing five giants at once, alone, even though they are just women and children, Thokk decides to let his warband arrive before he starts so that they can see him fight. He drops back to secure the doorway he just came in, sword held defensively out in front of him (readied action to attack if anyone approaches).

As Aurora reaches the open gate to the livestock pen, Hedwig sails across the interior of the stockade, responding to her mental summons. Into the room with Thokk, Aurora commands, I need eyes in that space. The owl darts over Thokk’s head and is momentarily blinded in the brightly lit room. By the time his eyes adjust and he settles down on a rafter, one of the giantesses is through the far door and beginning to run down the corridor beyond. A second giantess is now trying to squeeze her considerable bulk through the too-small doorframe.

Babshapka slides past Thokk and pulls out his blaster rifle, hoping to gum up the works. The giantess already in the hallway beyond is completely blocked from his view, but he has a clear shot on the one stooping and attempting to get through the door while the others try to tug her back so that they can exit first. FWOOOM! The bolt of blasting force shoots out and slams into the giantess (Dex save 4 with disadvantage in doorway, fails, 35 points force damage, giantess is unconscious for four rounds) and she collapses to the floor insensate, blocking the way for the others. Ping! Goes the blaster rifle, alerting Babshapka that the power disc is empty.

The two remaining giantesses, as well as the giant youth, pull the stupefied giantess from the doorway and dump her unceremoniously on the floor nearby while the one who already passed through continues down the hall, screaming about intruders and bloody murder.

Round Thirteen
Babshapka releases his hold on the blaster rifle and draws his bow. He is concerned about the number of ordinance arrows he has already lost, and others that may be recoverable but which are currently lodged in giants on the other side of the Steading. In the confines of this small room, he decides the short goblin arrows scavenged from the last battle on the way to the Steading will do. The first two are pitifully fletched and both miss, burying themselves in the wood wall near the doorway.

Mathias moves into the room and immediately opens fire on the unconscious giantess before she can rally (two hits with offsetting disadvantage from prone and advantage from unconsciousness, flat rolls, one critical, 15 damage, total 50). Ephi also enters, moving further into the room.

Aurora just reaches the room, having dashed through the livestock pen.

With his warband finally present, Thokk moves to the far end of the room, threatening the giants attempting to leave. They are forced to turn and confront him or be attacked as they flee. Ephi is at his side.

As the young giant attempts to flee, Thokk and Ephi attack when he turns his back to them (opportunity attacks both hit, Thokk 8, Ephi 15; total 23).

Before charging out into the night from their side of the building, Willa waits on Doro and her light cantrip (readied action to move with her).

Doro moves across the livestock pen, illuminating the ground just enough for herself and Willa to safely pass. Willa follows closely behind and makes it far enough across the pen so that she can see by the torchlight coming from the open door.

Round Fourteen
By this point the more adventurous goats have begun to move through the open gate of the livestock pen, the heavy scent of dead dire wolf notwithstanding. Doro curses, drops back, and closes the gate with only a few of the smaller beasts having escaped, while Willa finally makes it into the interior of the room.

Thokk follows up his attack on the young giant with a series of blows timed for when it is moving through the doorway and can’t evade (two attacks with advantage, both hit, 18 damage; total 41). The giant staggers forward before expiring on the floor of the hallway just beyond the door.

Ephi and Thokk climb over the body of the young giant and into the hall. The Slaad slashes at the fleeing giantess (one hit, 10 damage), and then they both strike at her back as she continues (opportunity attacks, Ephi hits, 12 damage). Since the giants are falling back before them, Thokk slides his shield around to his back and begins to wield his longsword two-handed.

Mathias moves closer to the giantess on the floor, until he is firing bolts of force into her head at point blank range (two hits, automatic criticals, 26 damage; total 70). Her skull shakes and then cracks, spraying the floor and Mathias’ boots with gore.

Babshapka moves to the doorway and uses a goblin arrow to kill the nearer giantess fleeing down the hallway, and then breaks another arrow firing at the one further down the hall, the first one to flee from back in the chieftain’s hall.

Round Fifteen
Babshapka transfers his hunter’s mark from the dead youth in the dire wolf pen to the giantess further down the hallway. He strides down the hall, loosing goblin arrows as he goes (two hits, 28 points with the mark).

Willa dashes through the exterior doorway and nearly catches up with Thokk in the hall before he continues forward. He reaches the giantess’ side as she is struggling to open a door around a slight jog in the corridor.

Just as Ephi reaches the giantess’ side Mathias comes in range to blast her (one hit, 9 damage).

Aurora advances and shoots a firebolt rather indiscriminately down the hallway.

The giantess manages to get the door open and yells inside in Giant. Babshapka strains to hear her words (Perception 10) - “Get out here ….. get out here and …. …. off!” She squeezes through the door and into the room beyond, allowing Thokk and Ephi to attack her again (opportunity attacks, Ephi hits for 9).

Doro runs forward, still lagging behind the rest of the party from the delay of shutting the stockade gate.

Round Sixteen (Thokk’s new Rage 1)
The giantess who has just now escaped into the kitchen storage area [18] grabs three eiger lads, kitchen workers all and not full grown warriors, and thrusts them into the hall to face Thokk and Ephi. She knows they won’t last long against these terrible humans but it will be long enough if they can cover the retreat of herself and the other true giants to the basement.

Thokk notes the hesitancy of the young eigers as they move forward, none of them truly armed, with one pot, one pan, and one dish rag between them. He struggles to remember whether eigers can speak Orc (Nature 7) but finds he cannot recall. He steps back a bit to give them room, and calls out, in both Common and Orc, “Stop, fight the giants with us!” (Persuasion 3)

The eigers are unconvinced (Wisdom checks 7, 10, 17). What’s more, a door opposite that of the kitchen opens and three more young eigers emerge from a dormitory [21]. Frustrated by their recalcitrance, Thokk enrages (third use of four for the day). Unbeknownst to him, a host of orc kitchen thralls just beyond the open door heard with much more interest his cry in Orc for rebellion against the giants.

The six eigers in the hall attempt to beat Thokk with their fists and kitchen equipment (five attacks, three hits, 23 damage, to 11 with rage).

Ephi slashes among the eigers (two hits, 23 damage), and Mathias and Aurora throw spells (one hit from Mathias for 1 point of damage).

Babshapka shoots goblin arrows at the eigers (two hits, 22 points of damage). Unfortunately for him, the giantess with the mark on her is both still living and now out of sight - he can’t attack her, and he cannot move the mark while she lives.

Willa dashes down the hall toward the growing battle.

Orc kitchen thralls are dispatched to raise the alarm in other parts of the Steading and call for a general retreat to the basement. The ones arriving in the hall outside the guest room [14] and adult dormitories [15 and 16] have no luck in rousing their residents, though. The calls of the orcs are either unheard through the thick wooden doors or just ignored - after all, who pays attention to an orc kitchen thrall? (Hill giant Perception 1, Stone giant Perception 8 ). Other orcs are traveling to the watchtower [1B], where three hill giant youths are playing at guard duty, the subchieftain’s room [2], where he and his mate are sleeping, and the bedchamber of the chieftain’s wife - although she already knows about the intruders and will not be rousing despite their warning.

Round Seventeen (Rage 2)
The stone giants open their door and finally listen to the orc kitchen thralls (Perception 13), but the Hill Giantesses in the room nearby yell at the thralls to go away and that they are sleeping (Wisdom check 1).

Babshapka shoots an eiger lad (for 10) and breaks another goblin arrow on his second shot.

Three eigers continue to batter at Thokk (one hit, 9 damage, reduced to 4 from rage).

Three orc kitchen thralls are shoved out the kitchen doors and told to attack the party. When Thokk sees them, he senses potential recruits. He shouts in Orc, “Join me against the giants!” (Persuasion 16). Two of the orcs, knowing well the power of the giants, are still skeptical, and resolve to wait and see how the fight plays out before they declare sides (Wisdom checks 17, 19). The remaining one immediately rushes to Thokk’s side (Wisdom Check 8 ) and shivs a wounded eiger youth in the back of the knee with a paring knife, putting him down.

Ephi kills a second young eiger (two hits, 18 slashing).

Mathias blasts an eiger that is even now eyeing the approaching Doro, considering her a softer target than Ephi or Thokk (two hits, 5 damage).

Of the four eigers remaining, one decides to return to the kitchen and try his luck with the angry giantesses. His flight is noticed by everyone (opportunity attacks from Doro (miss), Ephi (would be a critical miss but has advantage from Thokk’s rage so hit - 17 points), Thokk (hit - 16 points), and Thokk’s first legionnaire (hit - 3 points).

The three eigers left in the fight manage to hit Thokk once (9 points, reduced to 4 by rage).

Willa arrives, dealing fire and steel to the eiger lads (two hits, 52 damage), and a third eiger goes down.

Aurora hits an eiger with a firebolt (13 damage), and sends Hedwig on ahead past the fight to scout.

Doro, at the rear of the party, continues to dash forward.

The two stone giant guests are making their way towards the party by different routes, but the hill giantess and her son in the dormitory, who don’t understand Orc, are still ignoring the entreaties of the kitchen thrall to leave their room and flee (Wisdom check 1). She yells back at him in Giant to leave them alone.

Round Eighteen (Rage 3)
Ephi, taking advantage of Thokk’s rage, continues to attack the eigers (two hits with advantage, 33 damage) and a fourth one is slain, leaving just one remaining in the hall and one in the kitchen.

Mathias blasts away (two hits, 9 damage).

Thokk, now having taken enough damage from the eigers, has switched back to using his sword one-handed and his shield to protect himself. Seeing an opening, he lands a savage blow, slaying the last of the eigers in the hall (critical hit, 26 damage). His new orc follower gestures at the kitchen, and Thokk nods. He pushes his way through the door and into the kitchen storage area, where giantesses and young giants are fleeing into another door just next to the one he just came in, while orc kitchen thralls scurry about in dismay.

The storage area [18] includes three tables, a long counter, stools, benches, and an assortment of kitchen gear. Many of the furnishings have been knocked over in the rush of the giantesses to move through the other door.

Seeing the crowd of orcs, Thokk gives a battle cry, and then shouts “Join me against the giants...join me or die!” (Intimidation 16). When he catches sight in the crowd of the wounded eiger that fled here moments ago, Thokk attacks (hits for 14 damage).

The orc thralls look Thokk over - do they want to entrust their lives to the giantesses who regularly beat and abuse them, or to a strange bloodthirsty half-breed they don’t know? (Wisdom checks: 4, 4, 4, 6,10, 13, 13, 15; eight orcs decide to take their chances with Thokk and raise their fists in the air, shouting rebellion. Wisdom checks: 16, 18, 18, 20, 20; five other orcs decide to follow the giantesses down the stairs and into the basement.)

The eiger in the kitchen attempts to make it down the stairs, but Thokk strikes him down (opportunity attack, 14 damage), the last eiger of the six.

Willa follows Thokk into the kitchen and slays a young hill giant before he can flee (two hits, one critical, 55 damage), and then slashes at a retreating giantess (opportunity attack misses).

A fleeing giantess rounds the corner into the kitchen storage room. When the crowd of orc thralls surrounds her with raised fists, she grabs a giant-sized rolling pin off a table and in rapid succession crushes the skulls of two of them. The rest give way before her as she moves to the door.

The two orcs still in the exterior hallway look at each other, and then at the party. A half-orc leader is one thing...but the rest of the party are humans, half elves, even a hated full elf wielding a bow. Thokk has some explaining to do before they are willing to sign on with him.

Doro, seeing the dubious looks on the orc’s snouty faces, figures that they have made their decision. She impales one on her flaming rapier (17 damage).

Babshapka ignores the pitiful orcs and continues down the hall. He prepares to shoot anything coming out of the kitchen doors, through the great hall, or up the hallway ahead.

Aurora somewhat distractedly launches a firebolt at the remaining orc thrall next to Doro, then concentrates on scouting with Hedwig.

The giantess in her bedroom still refuses to leave despite the orc’s calls to evacuate (Wisdom check 4).

Round Nineteen (Rage 4)
Doro turns on the other orc in the hallway before he can decide to attack, surrender, or flee. Her flaming rapier pins him to the wall briefly (19 points) and then, when she pulls it out, he slides to the floor.

Babshapka sees a group of young giants moving rapidly up the hall [having been warned by the orcs, they are now arriving from [16], [1B], and [3]]. He takes time to aim carefully, and fires off some arrows at the one in the lead (38 points with sharpshooter). He moves to the door to the kitchen [17] and opens it.

Mathias blasts his bolts of force at the approaching hill giant youths (two hits, 7 damage), and Aurora shoots off a firebolt (hits, 4 damage). Ephi approaches the youths.

From the kitchen storage area, Willa passes into the room into which all the giants are fleeing [18A]. It appears to be a well-stocked pantry, with numerous barrels and boxes - but at the far end of the room, there is a long flight of stone stairs leading down into darkness - another way into the basement? This is definitely different from the secret way the party found on their last, clandestine foray. But, Willa realizes, it is where all the giants are now fleeing. She shouts her discovery to the rest of the party from the doorway as she extinguishes the flame from her sword and sets the naked blade on the stone floor. She stoops and begins to light her lantern.

The fleeing giantess in the kitchen storage room pushes past the orc thralls and finds Willa in the doorway to the pantry. Initially she just tries to straight-arm her out of the way, but Willa resists (contested Athletics roll; Giantess 10 < Willa 15). The giantess grunts like a bear, drops her shoulder, and slams into Willa (contested Athletics roll Giantess 24 > Willa 9), knocking her sprawling across the floor and then stepping over her on her way to the stairs.

As the giantess leaves Thokk’s reach he stabs at her but misses. He grimaces, but then turns to his new troops. “Attack!” he shouts in Orcish and points his sword at the giantess. Eight orcs swarm forward, mobbing the giantess before she can reach the stairs. Climbing up her legs, they hinder her enough to keep her in the pantry as they bite her and strike with fists, with none of them being armed (four hits, 12 damage, then five hits on opportunity attacks, 15 more damage). Thokk nods in satisfaction, then charges into the pantry himself, swinging his sword with little concern for any of the orcs that might be between him and the giantess (one hit for 10 damage on the giantess).

Round Twenty (Rage 5)
Willa grabs her greatsword off the stone floor, stands, and plunges it into the back of the giantess, who is still being badgered by orcs. The giantess topples to the floor at the head of the stairs and the orcs cheer.

Thokk bashes the closest orc (hit, 5 damage unarmed strike - maintains his rage) and yells at them all - “To the kitchen!” He exits the pantry to the right, but points the orcs to the left, so that they can fall upon the kitchen from opposite flanks.

Aurora's firebolt misses one of the young giants approaching up the hall. Facing Ephi, Mathias, and Aurora, the three approaching young hill giants have just seen one of their own fall. Perhaps they should try another route to the basement? (Wisdom check 1) No, they will try to force their way through the melee. With two swings at Ephi, one of them connects (10 points bludgeoning with a great club).

Ephi slashes at one of the multiple arriving young hill giants (two hits, nineteen damage). Mathias blasts the same one (for 9), finally dropping it, and then fires off another blast at one coming up behind (hit for 3).

Babshapka moves through the hallway doors into the kitchen proper (not the kitchen storage off the pantry). This room has counters along the walls, several tables, benches, and a stool or two as well as various items for cooking and baking, most currently put away or hanging from hooks on the walls. The hearth burns low. Through an open door to the south he sees a Grey Giant bent almost double entering into the room and carrying a club. “Stone giant!” he calls through the doors to those fighting in the hall, then shoots an ordinance arrow at the giant (hits, 6 damage) as he advances. When that arrow finds its target, he takes a moment to aim the next arrow, trying for a more vital location (sharpshooter). This ordinance arrow shatters when it hits the giant’s skin - skin that is as hard as...stone? (AC17 natural armor, attack was 16 after -5 from sharpshooter). Babshapka shakes his head in wonder and backs away from the giant.

The stone giant finishes entering the kitchen and slowly stands, one arrow still in his shoulder. In a deep, gravelly voice he addresses Babshapka in Common. “Now hold on there, elf, let’s not be too hasty.” The giant carries a huge stone club, possibly a stalagmite, but has not raised it.

Parley? thinks Babshapka to himself. He grits his teeth and answers in Giant without lowering his bow. “I’m listening.”

Round Twenty-one (Rage 6)
The stone giant nods in appreciation of Babshapka’s use of the Giant tongue, but also notes that the elf’s companions may not understand it. He continues to speak in Common. He gestures at the arrow shaft in his shoulder. “I think you may have me confused with the residents of the Steading. I do not live here, nor am I a servant or minion. I am simply a guest, and I do not believe I have done you a wrong.”

If they are going to talk, Babshapka lowers his bow and takes the opportunity to change out the spent power disc in his blaster rifle. To the giant’s claim of being a guest, he replies sarcastically, “Then I am a ‘guest’ here, too - but you are allied with the Hill Giants against the humans of Sterich, are you not?”

“You presume much and more, elf. I am an ambassador to the Hill Giants, yes. But ‘ally’ is a strong word. I have attacked no humans.”

Suddenly what was a private conversation in the kitchen between Babshapka and the stone giant gets crowded. Thokk’s orc followers start to arrive from the storage area, while from the hallway behind the stone giant, the bleary-eyed giantess has finally been woken by the thralls and is attempting to squeeze her way through the door frame. Babshapka takes the measure of each group (Insight 24). The orcs don’t appear worried about the stone giant, just wary - then one of them spots Thokk fighting in the hallway beyond, points, and the others nod. The giantess, on the other hand, is angry before she even enters the room - and even angrier when she sees Babshapka. Her body language is completely at odds with that of the stone giant.

Willa exits the pantry and dashes after the thralls around and into the kitchen.

Aurora is in the hall, some thirty-five feet away from the half-open kitchen door. She can see Mathias and Ephi fighting the three remaining hill giant youths, as she is. She saw Babshapka move into the kitchen, heard the initial firing of his bow and now hears him speaking with the stone giant - but doesn’t understand anything of the words of their conversation (Perception 16). She moves closer to the kitchen doors and fires off another firebolt at the giant youths (misses).

The three hill giant youths push forward and surround Ephi, each of them attacking with clubs (three hits, 39 damage).

Thokk runs forward, nearing the fight in the hallway. He hurls his last charged javelin, attempting to hit multiple giants but also miss Ephi (he needs a 15+ to miss Ephi, and hits his target with a 20). In order to miss Ephi, he has to miss one giant in the doorway as well, but he hits the other two (7 piercing to one, failed save and 14 lightning to both). He follows up with a depleted javelin (9 points to one giant).

Mathias moves closer to support Ephi, and both concentrate on one of the hill giants, the one in the doorway to the great hall, perhaps thinking that if they can get it to fall there they can block an access point and make their position more defensible. Ephi’s claws miss but Mathias lands one bolt of force (4 damage).

Doro waits for her moment, and then slips into the great hall just when Mathias blasts the giant back a step. She immediately hides (Stealth 22). A few of the torches within are lit, but not the great fire pit in the center. She hears movement and shouting in distant parts of the Steading, but nothing close by at first. Just a few seconds later, though, she hears (Perception 18) multiple adult giants approaching from the doors that open onto the watchtower gallery [1]. What she doesn’t know is that these are the subchieftain and his mate, roused from their private room by the orc kitchen thralls that have been sent to warn everyone in the Steading. The subchieftain has been charged with the defense of the Steading in Nosnra’s absence, but ironically he is now the last giant to the fight.

Round Twenty-two (Rage 7)
Thokk draws his longsword and attacks a hill giant youth trying to circle behind Ephi, dropping it on the second hit (two hits, 23 damage). Having killed the only opponent in his reach, he is free to move to the kitchen (without provoking an opportunity attack).

The two remaining giants attack Ephi with their clubs (one hit, 16 damage).

Ephi and Mathias are beginning to see, through the open door to the great hall, the massive form of the subchieftain approaching. They redouble their efforts to end the hill giant youth in the doorway (two hits from each of them, 27 points slashing and blasting).

Mage tank! thinks Aurora as she calls forth three mirror images around herself and wades into the thick of the melee! [Aurora at 1/2/2/1]

Doro sees the subchieftain barreling across the hall and for a second she thinks he is about to attack her despite her stealth, until she realizes (Insight 18) that he is merely coming hard in her direction without actually seeing her. She drops behind one of the giant tables and starts to make her way stealthily back to the door she came in through.

Willa dashes into the kitchen proper, coming up just behind Thokk’s legion.

The stone giant sees Thokk enter the kitchen, just as the hill giantess is past the doorway and can finally stand to her full height. Well, that’s not going to end well, he rumbles to himself as he takes a step back and out of the way. In the kitchen, Babshapka switches to Common. “Who is Nosnra working for?” he demands of the stone giant.

Sensing an opportunity to avoid the slaughter of his kind, the stone giant replies, “How about you allow these women and children to escape to the basement and we can sit down and have a nice long chat? I am sure you have many questions for me and perhaps I have some for you.”

“How about they run for the woods or their clansmen in Headwater instead?”

“As much as that might be more prudent, they don’t appear headed that way at the moment. But if that is where you wish them to go, perhaps after we talk I could encourage them to do so.”

The orc thralls, seeing the giantess entering the kitchen, look for direction from Thokk - should they attack her, or join the conflict in the hall against the youths? Thokk raises his shield hand and says “Hold” in both Common and Orcish. The orcs nod in obeyance.

The hill giantess moves tentatively across the kitchen - rather closer to the stone giant and more away from Babshapka and Thokk. What she doesn’t realize is that this path is taking her further from the doors to the hall, and she fails to notice that her nephews are even now engaged in a battle with Ephi, Mathias, and Aurora (Perception 8 ). She moves dismissively through the thralls and they scatter before she can kick or strike one of them.

Babshapka studies the stone giant carefully. He seems sincere and forthright in his desire to get the women and children to safety rather than continue the battle (Insight 20). On the other hand, Babshapka is struggling to recall anything about stone giant culture and is coming up blank (Nature 6, even with advantage from favored enemy).

Round Twenty-three (Rage 8 )
Aurora looks down the hall past the hill giant at the stone giant. He has a club in hand, but is not advancing or obviously aggressive (Insight 11). She uses her hypnotic gaze on the youth in front of him, not the one in the doorway that Mathias and Ephi are fighting (Wisdom save 10, fails). When his club droops and his eyes glass over, she calls out “Watch your fire - he’s hypnotized!”

The hill giant in the doorway evades Ephi’s claws, but gets hit by both of Mathias’ blasts (14 points).

With one eye on the approaching subchieftain, Doro moves to the other side of the doorway from Ephi, trying to stay in the shadows (Stealth 26).

Gesturing at his orc legionnaires to follow him, Thokk leaves the kitchen and moves next to Ephi, swinging his sword at the unhypnotized hill giant youth. His two blows cause it to crumple to the floor (19 damage).

Babshapka moves with Thokk until he gets to the doorway of the kitchen, then stops. He sees a second stone giant behind the fallen hill giant youths. Is the talk just a destraction to flank him? He raises his bow again, covering both stone giants and ready to send an arrow at the first one who makes a move against anyone in the party.

The fight in the hallway now paused for a moment, the stone giant stoops down and gathers up the hypnotized hill giant in a bear hug. Straightening up, he begins to lumber up the hall past Thokk and Ephi. Mathias falls back before him. The youth weighs several hundred pounds, but the giant is carrying him with no more effort than a grown man might use to lift a child of ten.

Willa darts aside to the kitchen woodpile to avoid being trampled by the hill giantess. In her wake come a kitchen eiger and two orc thralls. The thralls gaze wide-eyed at the eight newest members of Thokk’s warband but don’t break ranks. As the train continues into the kitchen storage area, Willa pulls out two black grenades and sets them both to five seconds. After a pause, the stone giant in the kitchen follows behind the group.

Round Twenty-four (Rage 9)
With the hill giant down and no fighting in the hallway, Doro slips through the door and hides on the other side. Mathias follows the stone giant up the hall until the door to the eiger dormitory and then he disappears into the shadows.

Willa dashes across the kitchen and stops by Babshapka, still holding her grenades. Ephi stands in the doorway as the great male hill giant approaches - he is quite large, as big as those who accompanied Nosnra in the first ambush. As he arrives, he swings his club menacingly and then squints at the body of the youth on the floor. With a start of recognition he bellows at Ephi in Giant, “Get away from my nephew, you red pig f*****!” and then charges.

Ephi is faster and darts about him, raking his legs with long claws (two hits, 31 damage). But with the frog thing committed, the giant lifts his massive club up and brings it down hard (two hits, 41 damage to Ephi).

From the kitchen doorway, Babshapka tries to get a bead on the giant now visible in the great hall, but his view is partially blocked by Ephi, Thokk, and no fewer than four Auroras, not to mention eight of Thokk’s new minions. He takes the shot anyway, with the heavy ordinance and all. The first misses completely and breaks against the doorframe. The second splinters on Thokk’s shield.

Thokk doesn’t look behind him for the source of the shot. Rather, he darts out into the great hall swinging his longsword against the giant (one hit, damage 11; total 42).

Aurora drops her concentration on the charm incapacitating the hill giant youth that is being carried away, moves into the doorway, and stares up with swirling eyes at the adult giant. He looks back in astonishment and sways, trying to keep his feet (hypnotic gaze; Wisdom save 14, fails). Aurora whoops in excitement and shrieks “Don’t hit him!”

The subchief’s mate, approaching across the great hall, sees her man dazed and confused and Aurora exulting in the doorway. She snatches up a tun barrel of ale from the floor and lifts it over her head. Aurora suddenly realizes what is about to happen and squeals. As the giantess hurls the barrel, Aurora uses her instinctive charm (the giantess is just at the 30’ limit, Wisdom save 5; fails, the nearest creature is her mate). The giantess grunts and hurls the barrel overhead at the subchief. It crashes into his shoulder (24 points damage; total 66), shatters, and showers him, all four Auroras, Ephi, and Thokk with wood planks and ale. The subchief shakes his head, his senses now returned to him.

Round Twenty-five (Rage 10)
Aurora suddenly realizes that she is within range of two adult giants, and neither one of them is charmed. Her three images are nice, but she decides to evade for good measure (dodge action).

Thokk continues to attack the subchief (one hit, 15 damage; total 71).

With the fight mostly (?) over, and herself now safe and surrounded by allies, Doro leaves hiding and begins to play her song of vitality (for this first round, she heals Ephi for 10 points of damage).

Ephi continues to attack the subchief, making him rue his concern for his nephew (two hits, 26 damage; total 97).

In the doorway of the kitchen, Willa re-ignites her blade. Over the crackle of the flames, she shouts at Aurora as she climbs over the bodies and into the feast hall. “Get yer scrawny mage a** oot o’ ther melee, woman!” She lays into the subchief, who is already reeling - (critical hit - 16 slashing and 18 fire, 34; total 131). He staggers back, collides with a table, starts to fall forward, and she strikes again, nearly beheading him but at least severing his spine. He crashes to the floor and will not be getting up again, ever.

When they see that the subchief has fallen, the eight kitchen orcs in the hallway begin to hoot and holler, then charge through the doorway, stream past those still standing around him, and crash like a wave upon his mate, who is even now looking around for another tun of ale to throw (six unarmed attacks hit, 18 damage). With two massive fists, the giantess crushes the skulls of two of the orcs, then turns and flees. The orcs are hard on her (six opportunity attacks, three hits, 9 damage; total 27).

Babshapka has remained in the kitchen doorway, arrow nocked and waiting for betrayal by either of the stone giants once the hill giant women are out of sight.

From the darkness of the doorway of the eiger dormitory, Mathias witnesses the young hill giant begin to squirm in the stone giant’s grasp (when Aurora dropped her concentration on the hypnotic gaze). The stone giant sets the youth down, speaks to him, and gestures at the doorway to the kitchen. The young giant seems none too eager to comply, but sullenly moves out of sight through the doorway. Is the stone giant just concerned for the young one’s safety, or did he give him instructions to summon help from the basement to attack the party? Mathias suspects the latter, but not speaking a word of Giant, is unsure (Insight 11).

Round Twenty-six (Thokk’s last rage 1)
When the giant youth has been gone a few seconds, the stone giant turns around. Mathias, who heard nothing of the conversation in the kitchen, levels his blaster rifle at the giant’s forehead and fires at point blank range (makes Dex save 14 with disadvantage, no armor to destroy, but takes 14 force damage and is stunned for one round). After the massive blast of force, Mathias’ rifle gives a cheery Ping!

“What in Grolantor’s gonads was that?” slurs the Stone Giant, as it staggers drunkenly about the Steading hallway. It wipes its eyes with a massive hand and finally sees a blurry Mathias and his blaster rifle still pointed directly at him. It raises its club, but more in a warding motion to protect itself from another blast than as an attack. It backs up a few steps, then turns and calls over its shoulder at Babshapka, “If this guy is with you, call him off!”

Doro continues to play her healing music (round 2 of vitality; 5 points to Ephi), but moves down the hall away from the stone giant.

Ephi dashes after the fleeing hill giantess. He overtakes some of the orc thralls but cannot catch her. Suddenly the giantess stops, turns, and takes a long, low swipe with her club (19 damage to Ephi). Her second, overhead, strike goes wide, and she turns back and continues to flee (Ephi opportunity attack hits, 13 damage; total 40)

When he sees his troops attacking the giantess, Thokk roars words of encouragement in Orc, but how can he catch her in time? He enrages in frustration. The sudden rush of adrenaline helps him think more clearly. He looks about him quickly - two of his lightning javelins still lie embedded in the matron far on the other side of the Steading, a third in the back of a hill giant youth nearby there as well - but the fourth is in one of the youths just ten feet away! Thokk chortles at his amazing situational awareness, rips the javelin from the youngster’s body, and begins to give chase across the feast hall, tossing the spent javelin when he has attained a good speed. The shaft pierces the subchieftain's mate's back and he chortles again (6 points; total 46).

All four Auroras mime the motion of summoning and throwing a firebolt, but only one blazing missile streaks forth to hit the giantess (10 damage; total 56).

Willa watches the wounded giantess fleeing, with Ephi, Thokk, and six orc thralls in pursuit. She will leave it to them - she is more concerned about what happens when the stone giant returns. She extinguishes her sword, turns and moves back into the hallway toward the kitchen, beckoning to Doro as she goes.

Round Twenty-seven (Rage 2)
Now completely without a missile weapon, Thokk is without options. He dashes so as to be able to catch up to the giantess (and having not attacked or taken damage, loses his fourth and final rage for the day).

The giantess turns and again attacks Ephi, landing powerful blows with her club (two hits, 31 damage). She breaks bones, but the frog-thing is somehow reknitting them even as it strikes back at her when she turns and moves again (opportunity attack misses).

Babshapka moves from the kitchen doorway into the hall, and calls for everyone in the party to stand down - he wants to hear what the stone giants have to say. The one next to Mathias keeps its face to him as it backs up down the hall toward the kitchen. Mathias grimaces back as he switches out a power disc. Whether you call it truce or parlay, Mathias thinks to himself, that’s just another way to say ‘time to reload.’ The giant calls out loudly, without turning his head away from Mathias, “Yes, elf, if you speak for your group, we would welcome the chance to talk.”

Doro plays her healing music (third round of vitality; 9 points to Willa).

Aurora sends Hedwig into the kitchen storage, and then the pantry - it is able to catch up to the young giant as it lopes down the stone stairs. The owl hangs back a few moments before it silently glides into the darkness.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:28 am  
Post 262: Tea Time for Giants

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief. Before the main post, in these DM Notes, there is a brief spoiler to G2 and G3 as well.

I have to admit that in my youth I was a completionist. The idea of a module series pitting the party against every single kind of giant possible is very appealing, and had I had in grade school access to something like Thorkhammer's series:

I would certainly have run it. And every time I did take a party through the G-series, I had a part where they traveled to the stone giants, much like this:

And yet, for whatever reason, I never ran the stone giants as adversarial. Despite there being stone giants present in each of the lairs of G1, G2, and G3, I never saw them as the party's enemies. Rather, it just made intuitive sense to me that the party should be challenged by them in non-lethal contests, earn their trust, and then be aided by them in their struggles against the other giants. Perhaps it was because they were of neutral alignment compared to the other giants' evil. Perhaps it was because of what 'stone' connoted for me. But for whatever reason, the stone giants in my conception of the Giants arc are not on board with the plan to conquer humanity.

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 262: Tea Time for Giants
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Round Twenty-eight
In the hallway, Willa gathers up Babshapka, Doro, and Aurora, keeping them close to her as she gestures to the Stone Giant to precede them. By the time it has squeezed itself through the doorway and into the kitchen, the other Stone Giant has returned alone from accompanying the female hill giant and her entourage. Both giants arrange chairs in the kitchen, preparing to sit with their backs to the hearth once the party enters.

When Mathias arrives, he asks defiantly, “And just why are we standing down?”

Babshapka shrugs. “The gray giants seem to want to talk, and they haven’t attacked yet, not once, even after I put an arrow in one of them and you blasted the other.” In a lower voice, spoken just among the five of them, he murmurs the words Aurora received in response to her sending to Griffage, “Your priorities: crush home, encourage desertions near city, learn about Stone/Frost/Fire.” He puts his emphasis on the last of the three goals.

Mathias mutters, “We can learn how to kill them,” but he doesn’t press the issue.

Once the giants have entered the kitchen, Aurora leads the party in as well. They keep the full length of the open room between them.

At the end of the feast hall, the six remaining orc kitchen thralls have fallen upon the subchief’s mate (four hits, 12 unarmed damage; total 68), as has Thokk (two hits, 23 points; total 91 - she is obviously made from sterner stuff than most of the maids!).

Ephi has dropped back to near the body of the subchief, just at the edge of Doro’s magic (fourth round of vitality, 7 points).

Round Twenty-nine
The fleeing hill giantess pauses at the doors between the feast hall and the watchtower annex. A hill giant youth, summoned from the youth dormitory [3] by an orc kitchen thrall, is approaching, club raised, along with the orc. She stops, turns, and decides to make her stand here, trying to defend him against the intruders. The first blow of her club kills the very orc that had gone to warn the youth. “The orcs are revolting!” she shouts in Giant.

“Yes, and they are attacking us, too!” he responds, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

Her second blow kills one of Thokk’s revolutionaries (five remaining), but the youth misses Thokk himself.

Doro heals Willa (fifth round of vitality; 8 points).

Round Thirty
Thokk slices through the giantess twice and ends her last stand (17 points; total 108).
The youth times his blow just right and lands a massive club hit on Thokk (critical hit; 22 damage).

The orcs leave off the body of the subchief’s mate and circle around the youth, attacking him from behind as he faces Thokk (one unarmed hit; 3 damage)

Doro heals Ephi (sixth round of vitality; 8 points)

Round Thirty-one
Thokk hits the young giant twice (19 damage; 22 total) and his troops do so twice more (6 unarmed; 28 total). The giant misses Thokk.

Doro heals Willa (seventh round of vitality; 11 points).

Round Thirty-two
Thokk hits the young giant twice (17 damage; 45 total) and his troops land one more blow (3 unarmed; 48 total). The giant goes down and the fight for the upper Steading is finally over.

Doro heals Ephi (eighth round of vitality; 4 points). Despite Doro having healing left, no one else in the party is wounded except Thokk, and he is currently too far away for her magic to reach.

Upper Steading XP
Party as a group
Subchief (137hp)(CR5) = 1800
Handsome Packmaster (120hp) (CR5) = 1800
Chief’s Wife (115 hp) (CR5) = 1800
Hill Giant Matron (95 hp) (CR4) = 1100
Hill Giant Maid (Hp 76) (CR4) = 1100
5 Hill Giant Maids (Hp 52x4, 67) (CR3) 700 x 5 = 3500
Cave Bear (CR2) = 450
1 Young hill giant (Hp 73) (CR2) = 450
10 Young hill giants (Hp 36, 39, 45x2, 48x3, 59x3) (CR1) 10 x 200 = 2000
6 Young eigers (Hp 38 each) (CR1) 6 x 200 = 1200
4 dire wolves (CR1) 4 x 200 = 800
2 orc kitchen thralls (CR1/4) 2 x 50 = 100
Total: 16,100 / 6 = 2683 each

Feast Hall Extended Combat - Aurora, Mathias, Thokk, Doro, only
SubChief’s Mate (105hp) (CR5) = 1800 / 4 = 450 each

Thokk only
Converts 8 kitchen thralls = 50xp x 8 = 400
1 Young hill giant (Hp 48) (CR1) = 200
Total 600xp

Babshapka 37707 + 2683 = 40,390 (at 8th)
Willa 30,745 + 2683 = 33,428
Aurora 29,971 + 2683 + 450 = 33,104
Mathias 29,971 + 2683 + 450 = 33,104
Doro 29,376 + 2683 + 450 = 32,509
Thokk 29,231 + 2683 + 450 + 600 = 32,964

Once everyone is in the kitchen [17], Babshapka starts to speak, but Mathias puts his hand on the elf’s shoulder. “We agreed I did the speaking,” he murmurs, then turns to the giants and demands loudly, “What do you want?”

The giants have a resting neutral expression and if they are offended by Mathias’ tone, they don’t reveal it. “How about I put on some tea?” rumbles one of them, “Unless you would rather meet in another room?” Mathias gestures dismissively at the hearth. He is unwilling to venture far from the top of the basement stairs in case those who descended re-emerge, and conceding the tea seems a small price to pay for that. One of the giants stands and turns his back on the party, filling a copper kettle with water from a barrel and, with vigorous blowing from huge lungs, encouraging the coals in the hearth back to an open fire.

The other giant faces them squarely. “What do we want? To start with, we would like you to immediately stop the slaughter of the women and children of the Steading. Eventually, we desire the safe extraction of our own - we have three stone giant workers quartered in the basement, and we would like to remove them from the Steading without you attacking them.” His speech sounds slow, almost plodding, and very deliberate.

Aurora can’t hold her tongue. “We would like to stop the immediate slaughter of the humans in Sterich!” she interjects stridently.

“That is certainly understandable,” says the stone giant without a hint of emotion.

Aurora frowns - and mentally commands Hedwig to begin a stealthful exploration of the basement.

“SO…” says Mathias pointedly, reasserting his control of the conversation, “if you stone giants are not with the hill giants, what are you doing here in the Steading?”

“We are ambassadors from our Thane to Chief Nosnra. Also, the Chief has hired our services as engineers - our workers are excavating under the Steading, expanding the basement. This business transaction does not imply that we agree with his aggressive actions with regards to your people.”

“Why are you excavating in the basement?”

“Chief Nosnra wants to expand the Steading, making room for more of his kin, while also creating accommodations that are more comfortable and appropriately-sized.” The giant gestures at the smaller of the two doors to the kitchen, just over six feet high and a serious obstacle to their entry.

“Huh. Well if you are working for the chief, you can stop that, because he’s dead.”

Mathias, Babshapka, and Aurora all take note of the giants’ reactions (Insights 17, 17, and 15). The one currently loading dried leaves into a kettle exchanges a glance with the one speaking - they look concerned, but not particularly surprised. The one doing the talking finally says “If Chief Nosnra is dead, then that is all the more reason for us to collect our workers and return to our home - without further conflict.”

“Was he digging to get room for more of his own kind, or giants larger than his own?” interjects Aurora. Mathias waves her query aside before the giant can answer and asks a different question.

“Where are you from?”

“Our Thane rules the mountains on the other side of Sterich, northwest of here - the land under his suzerainty is called ‘Månens fjell porten til drømmeverdenen nedenfor.’ Seeing Babshapka trying desperately to work through the Giant, he adds, “You may call it ‘The Fjell’. He gives a rough description of its location, and a few in the party note that it is close by the dwarven city of Num-Theraz - the one with which the Sterish have lost contact since before the humanoid Troubles began several weeks ago.

Aurora interjects again. “There was another stone giant - with Nosnra’s war band - he seems to be a little more actively involved in Nosnra’s efforts than you are admitting.”

The giant sighs heavily, and the sound is like a great steam vent in an underground fissure. “We are ambassadors, and our workers are paid to excavate, and nothing more. As for Garuuuumk...well, he accepted Chief Nosnra’s offer to be a combat engineer. Our Thane forbade him from killing humans directly...but it would not be unreasonable to say that he was part of Chief Nosnra’s war band, and his engineering efforts are directed explicitly against your people and their cities. To be fair to him, his kinsfolk have been killed by humans, and he has more reason than most to seek retribution.”

“Who is the blue giant?” asks Mathias.

“She is an ambassador from the cloud giants to Chief Nosnra.” As the party waits for him to elaborate, the giant switches to another tack. “We have answered many of your questions, and in good faith. We would now ask a few of you.” When the party does not immediately object, he continues. “Who are you, and what business do you have here in the Steading?”

Mathias answers - barely. “We are here to save human cities. We came here to stop Nosnra.”

The giant sighs again. “Our Thane tried to warn the Chief that his plan would bring humans down upon him - the kind of opportunists your people call ‘heroes’. But he did not foresee that it would happen even before giants took to the field and Headwater fell.”

In messages and whispers, Aurora and Mathias confer. Finally, Mathias says bluntly, “This war was not Nosnra’s idea - who was behind him? Who was he corresponding with?” (Mathias Persuasion 25). Is there something about the intensity of his eyes that makes it so hard to resist his questions?

The giants exchange looks again, and one of them nods. The other begins to approach Mathias, who immediately raises his blaster rifle. The giant backs off, carefully sets his club down on the massive kitchen table, and approaches slowly with his hands open. Mathias lowers his rifle, and the giant bends down. It appears as if he is attempting to whisper, but his sheer size and the volume of his lungs make his words clearly audible to the entire party. “Actually, we would quite like to know that as well. It is one of the reasons our Thane sent us here. Perhaps we could cooperate and help each other discover the answer.” (Insight checks: Willa 18, Babshapka 12, Aurora 10, Mathias 9)

“Excuse us a moment,” says Mathias, and four of the party huddle. From the kitchen doorway, Doro watches and plucks at her instrument. In the hall beyond, Thokk has returned with his five surviving legionnaires, and they relax and begin to tell each other tales of the magnificence of their fighting against the much larger giants.

“They seem like lawful creatures, the way they are acting,” suggests Mathias in a whisper.

Willa nods, and adds that something about the way they carry themselves doesn’t suggest deception - they are guarded, but not duplicitous. Unless they are masters at the craft and she has fallen for their story - hook, line, and sinker.

Mathias looks back over his shoulder from the huddle and asks “Why would your Thane like to know that?”

“Normally hill giants don't have plans beyond their next meal, if that. Something strange is going on - someone was giving Nosnra ideas. What he was planning is very likely to incite war - a great war between giants and humans, where many will die on both sides. Our Thane does not want it to come to that. He wants to know who is instigating this war, so that he can protect our people. If you do not know now, but you learn who this is, our Thane would welcome you to his court. You would be granted safe passage and treated as guests.”

The party returns to the huddle. “We need more information about them,” says Aurora plainly. When others nod their agreement, she lifts her head and says to the giants, “Are you aware that the frost giants and fire giants were allied with Nosrna, and were providing him weapons and warriors?”

This time the stone giant answers without hesitation. “Yes, Chief Nosnra made that point many times to us, as he pressed us to have our Thane join his alliance. He wished to use his position of strength to make it seem like we had no other reasonable choice, and tried to elicit our Thane’s sympathy for a pan-Giant movement. It was just this scale of war however - all giants against all humans - that our Thane feared.”

“And obviously the cloud giants are in on this, too?” asks Mathias.

Now there is more of a pause. “Cloud giants are difficult to read,” says the stone giant carefully. “They can be as hard to pin down as the weather. The cloud giant Ambassador counseled Nosnra that his plans were premature, and joined our voices in arguing to him that he should delay his attack on Headwater. But to what end? Was she trying to avert the war as we were, or rather trying to make sure that he succeeded? We cannot say.”

“So what is it you want from us?” asks Mathias.

“Like you, we wish to know who was really behind Nosnra’s plan. We wish your help in this, and ask that you share with our Thane anything you learn.”

Without mentioning the letter, Babshapka withdraws from his pack the triangle pendant with the inverted Y and holds it up in the air. “What do you know of that symbol?” Mathias asks.

The giants look curious, but betray no recognition. “What is that? Where did you find it?”

“It was found...close by,” admits Babshapka. “If it is not of giant-make, it may be a clue as to the identity of the conspirator.”

The giants nod in agreement. One stares and squints, then shrugs (Wisdom Check 7). The other asks to see it. Babshapka is on the point of handing it over when Mathias intervenes. “Do I have your word you will return it to us - in its current state, with no alterations?”

The giant says solemnly “I swear on Skoraeus Stonebones I will return it to you just as you give it to me.”

Only then, and still reluctantly, does Mathias permit Babshapka to hand over the pendant. One giant removes the tea kettle from a hook inside the hearth and passes it to the other to prepare the tea, and then holds the pendant near the light of the fire while he examines it. Mathias tenses, convinced he is going to dash it into the flames.

Finally he hands it back. “I do not recognize this symbol itself - it is not Giant runes and I have never seen it before,” he says. “I am no shaman. But something about the feel of reminds me of the temple below.”

“Temple? What temple?” asks everyone in the party simultaneously.

“It is in the Understeading,” he replies simply.

“To make this all perfectly clear,” says Mathias, “you would like us to (1) grant safe passage to your workers below, (2) stop killing the women and children of the Steading, and (3) communicate to your Thane if we learn who Nosnra was working for?” The giants nod. Mathias looks at the party members, and they nod as well. “Then we agree to work together,” Mathias says. “For our part, we wish to see this temple.”

“The hill giants may not want you to.”

“So here is what you will do for us - when you go below to retrieve your workers, you are to communicate to the hill giants our terms of surrender: they are to leave the Steading and never return. If they do that, we agree to spare their lives.”

Babshapka adds, “And they are to seek out their menfolk at the siege of Headwater and tell them that the Steading has fallen.” Mathias scowls, apparently not in agreement.

The giants pledge to tell those below those things.

Suddenly Aurora erupts with questions - about the different kinds of giants, their relative sizes and powers, their place in the Ord’ning, their cultures and goals…

When she finally pauses for breath, the giant who has not spoken yet says, “You say that you fight for the humans, but you have not told us your names or why you fight. Who should we tell our Thane it is that seeks common ground with him? Who are your masters?”

“We’re just mercenaries,” says Mathias forcefully. It is not clear whether he is speaking to the giants, the party, or both.

Babshapka, ignoring the disapproving glares of the other party members, decides to be a little more forthcoming. “We were hired by the armed forces of Sterich as advance scouts to seek out a way to turn the tide in the attack on Headwater.”

“Regardless,” says Mathias, “you don’t need to know our specific employer. If you have any relevant information for them, you can tell us, and we will pass it along.”

The stone giant nods. “We have told you as much as we can at this point. Our Thane might have more to tell you - should you choose to visit him - perhaps after you have seen the Understeading.”

“So, we have told you the terms of surrender - you will convey them to the giants below?” asks Mathias.

“We would be pleased to tell them - and shepherd as many of them as will listen to us out of here.”

“Good.” Mathias looks to the others in the party - do they have any more questions for the giants before they are sent below? When no one has an immediate query, he asks his own. “Is the cloud giantess still here?”

“No, she left immediately after Chief Nosnra did. Again, I will not presume to know her motivations, but I suspect her people wanted to know the results of her attempts to persuade the Chief to wait.”

At this point the party falls to discussing things within themselves - they disagree about what should happen once the stone giants convince those taking refuge in the basement to leave. Willa and Aurora believe that the fleeing civilians will weaken the resolve of those assaulting the walls and make them return to the Steading, as per the party’s directive from Griffage, and so they want the conditions of surrender to include the command to specifically go to Headwater. Mathias believes that when the still-numerous warriors outside the city learn what has happened, they will be moved even more by the desire for revenge. Led by the stone giant, they will redouble their efforts to take the city, perhaps aided by their womenfolk, who would still be strong opponents against common soldiers. Thus Mathias favors telling them to immediately disperse and never return. While they are thus debating among themselves, Babshapka scowls and addresses the giants in Giant. They respond in kind.

[Babshapka asks how the party would contact them to meet the Thane. They say that the party is welcome to arrive physically, but it also appears that they are skilled in magic, and so could contact the giants that way. One of them gives his name as Oooorm and says that should be sufficient. Babshapka agrees that 'the woman' is very good at that kind of thing. He gives his thanks for their aid in sparing the lands of Sterich. The giants say that a war between their peoples is in no one's interest.]

In the end, Willa and Aurora agree that the conditions of surrender do not include the requirement that the giants go to Headwater - but Mathias agrees that any who do go there of their own choice should tell the stone giant engineer that his Thane has recalled him to the Fjell and he must return.

“What of these fire giants - do they live on this plane, or are they from some other world?” asks Mathias, perhaps thinking of the elemental plane of fire.

“No, no, they are from this word. Far to the south of here there is a chain of volcanic mountains - I believe your people call them the Hellfurnaces.”

Mathias nods. “And the frost giants?”

“Ooh, ooh!” says Aurora and begins to dig in her bag for the skin map showing the glacial chasm.

Mathias turns to her and hisses, with a clenched jaw, “You are not showing them the map.”

Aurora tries to look around Mathias, who is blocking her view of the giants. “Do they live in a ch…”

“No!” interrupts Mathias.

The stone giants decide to answer unbidden. “There are Frost Giants all around - in the highest peaks of the Stark Mounds, in the Crystalmists, and especially in the snow-covered spires of the Jotens. They are dispersed into small settlements, and some are even nomadic bands of warriors. But all of them are under the rule of the Jarl, at least in theory, since he is the greatest warrior of his people. The current Jarl lives high in the Crystalmists.”

Aurora pointedly leaves the party huddle and closes half the distance to the giants. “Do you know the perspective of the cloud, fire, and frost giants on this war that Nosnra wanted? Will they necessarily be enemies to the humans, or can we convince them toward neutrality? Do the giants ever make war amongst themselves?”

“Annam All-Father created the Ord’ning to rule all giantkind. It is a grave sin for one giant to kill another. We will not be drawn into opposite sides - none of us would ally with humans against other giants. At least, the priests and shamen and wise leaders would make sure no groups of us did, even if a few individuals existed that were so treacherous they would consider it.” The other stone giant nods gravely. “We may not always see eye to eye, and each band of giants may have its own view on how best to fulfil the Ord’ning and what is Maat and what is Maug. Some of us might decide to join this war against humans and some might not. Some, like our Thane, would even counsel the others to stand down. But none of us can be persuaded to fight other giants. If you seek common ground, if you wish to persuade each of us not to fight, you might start by winning the respect of the storm giants, for they hold great sway in the Ord’ning.”

“So how can we…”

“I have already spoken too much. I fear you would try to play us off one against another.” The giant gestures out the open door, where the orcs are happily desecrating the bodies of the fallen giants. “You have already proven yourselves highly capable of killing my people. I will not give you further cause to do so or the tools with which to accomplish it. If you would know more, you can ask it of my Thane, who is far wiser, more knowledgeable, and more skilled at such negotiation than I.”

The party is silent, but the giants have one final question for them. “Not all of the hill giants may listen to us - they may not heed our advice to leave with us. What can we tell them besides that Nosnra is dead - what will add weight to our arguments? How many others have you slain - how many of their husbands, brothers, and sons count among the dead?”

While Willa is a bit uncomfortable with the question, Mathias and Aurora fall to logically discussing the size of the three campfires and the number of the giants in the two ambushes. They finally decide that they should relay that more than half of the giants who set out with Nosnra have survived - for now - before the planned assault on the city.

The giants sigh and rise from their chairs, finishing their tureen-sized cups of tea. They begin to make for the kitchen storage and the stairs to the basement.

“Wait, wait!” calls Aurora after them. “What is the name of your Thane?”

“We have seen your magic. We know you can bring destruction from a distance. You do not need to know the name of our Thane, so that you might use it against us,” says one. The other says “My name is Ooooorm. You may contact me magically and I will relay your message to the Thane.”

The two giants descend the stairs to the basement.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:26 am  
Post 263: Upper Steading - Looting

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 263: Upper Steading - Looting
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Aurora leaves Hedwig in the kitchen storage area [18], watching the stairs. He is instructed to come and find the party if anyone comes up the stairs.

Mathias vanishes into the shadows of the hallway outside the kitchen [17], also on watch. [He starts a short rest] Ephi lurks nearby.

The rest of the party crosses the feast hall [11] and enters the chief’s hall [6]. There, three orc kitchen thralls are standing around the bodies of the matron, a maid, and the two giant youths. The orcs were sent out to warn the rest of the Steading about the party’s attack, but aside from the sub-chieftain, his mate, and some youths, they have not found anyone else to warn - at least not anyone alive. They are in serious conversation about what to do now - if they return to the kitchen, will the giantesses punish them for not being fast enough at warning the others?

Seeing them, Babshapka takes pity and tells Thokk to tell them that they are free to leave. Thokk laughs at Babshapka’s joke and tells the orcs that they are in Thokk’s army now (Intimidation 25, with advantage from the other five orcs that have already been impressed). Babshapka frowns and says that if they are in his army, Thokk needs to arm them - they can’t keep fighting with bare hands, dish rags, and paring knives. Thokk agrees with the suggestion and tells the orcs to follow him to the giant armory, but they shake their heads. All of the arms and armor there are giant-sized. In fact, one of the rules of the Steading is that there are no orc-sized weapons, and any orc found carrying a weapon is punished. Sometimes orcs steal weapons from the bugbears, they say, but that seldom ends well.

“Bugbears?!” says the rest of the party.

“Oh yes, the basement is full of bugbears,” the orcs respond.

It slowly dawns on the party, who have perhaps been thinking of the basement as little more than the size of the chieftain’s treasure rooms they previously explored, that there is a whole other level under the Steading - possibly as large as what is above. Thokk, with questions supplied by Aurora, stays in the Chief’s Hall to ask 'his orcs' about the basement and draw a crude map on the stone flags using cinders from the fire. Doro, Babshapka, and Willa continue on to search what they think is the chamber of the chief, where they fought his wife and the cave bear.

In the chamber there is a bed, a small table, a chair, a stool, two chests, a coffer, and rugs, with hides and the like on the floor and walls. There is a heavy iron bolt in the wall for the cave bear’s chain. Given the décor, Babshapka quickly determines (Perception 11) that this is the chamber of the chief’s wife [7], not the chief. The chests contain only clothing, although much finer and less worn than the other chests they have searched so far in the Steading. The giantess, however, is herself wearing four valuable pieces of jewelry - large, but not giant-sized. The coffer is empty but velvet-lined and likely served as a jewelry box when the woman was not actually wearing the pieces. Babshapka removes the jewelry from the body and puts it in his bag.

While the two others continue to look for any other secret valuables or information (letters, maps or the like), Doro takes out her new rapier, turns in a slow circle, and then points it at the bed - or rather, it is pointing her at the bed? Like a dowsing rod, she holds it loosely before her as she walks toward the enormous wood-framed thing and the tip remains pointed as she goes, as if of its own accord. Eventually she has followed it all the way to a corner of the straw-stuffed mattress. Tearing open the ticking and digging into the moldy straw, she sneezes but pulls out a leather pouch. By now Willa and Babshapka are staring at her.

Doro sheathes her blade, opens the pouch, and pours out nearly three dozen gems of all sizes, shapes, and colors into her palm. She smiles and returns them to the pouch as Willa nods in approval.

Meanwhile, the orcs are describing the basement to Thokk and Aurora. At the bottom of the stairs from the pantry is a large hall, they say, where abundant planking can be used to set up trestle tables. Three corridors branch off this room. To the left are the stone giant quarters and the new galleries where the excavation is proceeding. Opposite the stairs are storage rooms and a cistern. To the right are the bugbears, who are the overseers of the enslaved orcs. The weakest and most subservient orcs are allowed to work in the kitchens above. Stronger, but still cowed orcs toil as miners under the direction of the stone giants. The orcs that still resist the giants’ authority are kept in prison cells until they are broken - these are the orcs Thokk needs to free if he really wants to raise an army against the giants, for if they are in the prison cells it is because they continue to resist. Somewhere in the basement is a forge room - it is easy to hear - but they don’t know where it is or much more detail about the basement (Orc intelligence check -1). These pitiful kitchen thralls were moved to the Upper Steading very soon after their capture, live in the servants quarters up here, and their recollection of the basement is fuzzy.

When the orcs have been debriefed, Aurora suggests to Thokk that he tell them ‘You are the weakest of your kin. The others may prove more hesitant to submit to mighty Thokk's authority. You need to think of words to help him convince them to join us, or else we may have to kill some of them.’

When he translates this, their universal response is “Yes, oh mighty General!”

Willa emerges from the chief’s wife’s room just as Thokk is puffing out his chest and strutting about in front of his fawning troops. She rolls her eyes and directs them to fall in as they set out to another room. Having found both the jewelry and gems, she and Babshapka have decided it is a good use of their time to search the deserted rooms and fallen bodies in the upper Steading, at least until the stone giants re-emerge from the basement.

The party returns to the hallway that leads to the feast hall. A cold breeze blows from the right - the door to the dire wolf pen [22] still stands open and the night outside is much colder than the Steading, and getting colder still. Tendrils of fog are seeping into the Steading and the hallway is beginning to fill with mist.

[At 8:30 pm Mathias notes that Ephi disappears and Babshapka notices that his hunter’s mark has expired]

The party takes the corridor to the left, pausing outside the first, partially open, door. Babshapka investigates the room [5] beyond (Perception 6). There are the usual giant-sized furnishings about the place, with four beds and four chairs around a table. There is a large wooden chest. The clothes within, in a variety of sizes, are nicer than those in the servant’s quarters off of the kitchen, but not as fine as those of the chief’s wife. Looking under the largest bed, Babshapka spies a heavy iron chest - he needs the help of Willa and Thokk to drag it out. It proves to be locked. The party wonders whether lock-picking is among Doro’s skills, but the woman shakes her head. “It might be easier ter find ther key t’en ter force it,” says Willa, and she sends the others back to search the bodies close at hand in the hall. A large iron key is immediately found in the matron’s bag, and it proves to be a perfect fit.

The chest contains hundreds of gold coins. Sitting on the top are three human-sized worked platinum bracelets and four bottles of what are likely potions. Babshapka takes the bracelets and passes the potion bottles to Aurora. The coins are left for the moment as impractical to carry when the party has not yet won total control of the Steading and there are surely fights to come.

Aurora asks Doro to increase the intensity of her light. The wizard holds the bottles, at least the clear ones, up to the illumination, unstoppers and sniffs them (Arcana 20, 19, 15, 14). Two she instantly recognizes from prior experience - a potion of healing, and an even-more potent potion of superior healing. The remaining two she doesn’t recognize. She packs all four of them carefully in her bag - after the briefest discussion they relock the chest and take the key in case they wish to come back for the coins.

The next room [2] contains a scattering of furnishings (hides on the floors, a bear skin on the wall, a chair, a stool, a huge chest, and a vast bed mounted with furs). These are familiar to Aurora from Charlotte’s scouting - especially the vast mound of furs which they did not realize at the time concealed a giantess (the subchief’s mate to be precise, although they are still unaware of that fact). Aurora remembers something shiny on a shelf above the bed, and sure enough there is a beaten silver comb set with four gems, a copper mirror, and a large gold hair pin with a pearl of about half the size needed for an identify spell. Babshapka takes these while Aurora searches the rest of the room (Investigation 8 ). She doesn’t find anything not already obvious - just a large chest like those that have in the other rooms contained clothes, although this one contains copper, silver, and gold coins. Thokk and Willa upend the chest onto the floor and, working together, they rapidly sort out more than a hundred gold coins, mostly of Sterish mint. These are taken back to the matron’s room and locked in the iron chest, while the coins of lesser value are left loose on the floor of this room.

While the others sort coins, Aurora returns Hedwig from the kitchen storage room, and he confirms that nothing has yet ascended the stairs. Aurora recalls that she hasn’t yet had time to go through the spirit’s memory of scouting the basement while the party spoke to the giants, so she does that now. The large room with three exit hallways Hedwig saw closely matches the description provided by the kitchen thralls - the owl familiar did not get much further than that as the place was well-lit by torches and he did not want to expose himself to attack. After she is done with him, Aurora bids the spirit fly back and explore the basement a bit further.

The spirit starts down the left passageway in the basement but does not get far before he hears the voices of giants (Perception 22) and sees orcs - he quickly returns to the main room without being seen (Stealth 16). There is no one up the center passage - the owl flies to a storage room with boxes, crates, barrels, and a door with a stout metal padlock. Backtracking down a side passage, Hedwig finds a cistern - if there is a way out of the basement beneath the water, it is too deep and murky to see.

The right passage soon splits. One end is blocked by rocks - piled up deliberately, not a deadfall, for the floor, walls, and ceiling are still in good condition. From the shadows of an alcove, a bugbear watches the blocked-off tunnel. The other way leads past doors, side-passages with more bugbears, contains a well-appointed torture chamber, and ends in a tunnel with the red light of a forge. A huge red-skinned giant can be seen hammering.

Hedwig returns to the main room - but now there are a half-dozen bugbears at hand. They are moving planks and setting up barricades. She waits for an opening and flies back upstairs when they are not looking (Stealth 18).

[During the time the party has been looting above, the stone giants have been speaking with the refugees below. They present the party’s terms of surrender, and strongly argue that the remaining hill giants should accept in order to save themselves. Unfortunately, they are not the most persuasive speakers (Persuasion 4), perhaps because their unemotional demeanor and passionless presentation are often the subject of ridicule among the temperamental hill giants. While the stone giants believe the party that Chief Nosnra is dead, they are unable to convince most of the hill giantesses of that. Rather, the giantesses think that it is only a matter of time before the chief, and the males of the Steading, return, and they favor holding out until that happens. They can accept that they were caught unaware above and the cowardly sneakthief party slew them one at a time, but they are confident that now that they are gathered together, and with the bugbear soldiers, the hill giant Keeper, and the fire giants to defend them, no mere humans will be able to breach the defenses of the Understeading. Furthermore, more than one of the giantesses has shrewdly noted that Grutha, the chieftain’s wife, is not currently among their number. And if Grutha is dead at the party’s hand, then the chieftain will need to wed when he returns triumphant from sacking the human city. Each one of the giantesses remaining believes that she herself will be the one the chieftain takes - but only if she has proven her devotion to him by not fleeing at the first sign of trouble. Thus, just three of those females assembled decide to leave (Wisdom checks 14, 14, 18), and that is mostly to safeguard the sole remaining hill giant youth, while four other females are convinced that they would do better to stay (Wisdom checks 9, 7, 7, 3). The three who are leaving cajole the others into allowing them to take with them a single eiger kitchen thrall to do the labor of hauling food and making camp during their exodus. The sole remaining adult male hill giant, the deformed, hunchbacked Keeper, does not even consider leaving - he knows that he will have no place to go and no one to take him in should he flee rather than defending those giant women brave enough to remain.

The fire giants, for their part, are under no such delusions about their situation - they don’t doubt that the party has already slain Nosnra and that they are now in a fight for their very lives against capable opponents. And while they do believe that surrender is actually the wiser course of action, they are not prepared to take it. First, because they don’t trust the humans to keep their word (or the stone giants to not collude with the party and deceive them). And second, and more importantly, because they will have no status at all if they return to the fire giant king after having abandoned their posts. Already the king’s selection of them as smiths for Nosnra can only be taken as a sign of his displeasure with them, for he would not send to toil for the stupid and brutish hill giants anyone he considered actually competent. The hill giants' native smithcraft is so weak that they are incapable of even making their own armor and weapons, so the fire giants represent a vast expansion of their technical capabilities, but this pair have been judged not worthy of arming the domestic forces of Snurre. If these two fire giants should fail in their assigned task of supporting the oaf of a hill giant chieftain, they may as well exile themselves rather than returning to what awaits them at the king’s hall, and they prefer a fight and even a slim chance of victory to the assurance of banishment. Of course, they don’t say any of this to the hill giant slatterns. The more the giantesses believe it is wise to stay the more of them actually will stay, and their presence will be key to keeping the bugbears in line and fighting, and the hordes of bugbear fodder will be essential if the giants are to have any chance of defeating the party. So the fire giants murmur and nod and play along while the hill giantesses make their ridiculous objections to the stone giants and in the end more than half of the giantesses remain and the fire giants with them.]

The next room the party searches in the Upper Steading is one that they have not seen before, even through the multifaceted eyes of Charlotte. Thokk opens the door (Strength check 20) and Babshapka checks the room (Perception 13). It appears to be a spartan barracks [4], similar to the ones in the outbuilding but less messy. It has ten beds, each with a small footlocker, as well as a large wooden chest near the door. There are worn items of clothing hanging from walls and unlit torches set in wall cressets. The party ignores the footlockers and searches the chest - in amongst various old capes, cloaks, and other foul-weather gear is a small leather pouch that jingles and clinks when Babshapka handles it. Opening it, he finds a dozen or so platinum coins. He puts the pouch in his pack.

The next room has not been seen by the party itself, but Aurora recalls it from the perspective of Charlotte, who slipped under the doors - it was a dormitory for the juvenile hill giants [3]. Now opening it, they count fully a dozen beds, which roughly aligns with the number of young giants they can recall slaying within the last hour.

The beds are remarkable both for their small sizes (although still larger than any of them would need for themselves, even Thokk) and for the copious scratches, dents, and shoddily-repaired breaks that mar them. Apparently the room sees much rough horseplay, for besides the beds there is no other furniture, but the walls, floor, and even some of the rafters have scuffs, chips, and other marks. Also, the room positively reeks of stale sweat, and Babshapka does not think he could go through the blankets and bed furs without gagging (Perception 22). While he stands in the doorway doubtfully, Doro shakes her head. “There’s no story here,” she says, ‘let’s move on.” They leave the room without searching it.

[(9pm) The remains of the goblin scouting force that the party attacked on the way to the Steading (see Post 258) now reaches the Steading itself. They do a careful check outside. There are many direwolves loose and roaming in the woods, but the gate to their pen is open and there are four of the beasts slain inside. Two of the back entrances to the Steading are open, and there is no light in the watchtower. The chimneys all look like no one has put wood on for at least two hours. They make camp outside the Steading and wait. Less than an hour later the front gates open and five stone giants, two hill giantesses, and a hill giant and eiger youth emerge. The giantesses are weeping and the eiger is burdened down with a bundle. The Steading is eerily quiet. The goblins want no part of whatever the adventurers are doing in the Steading. They decide to return to their own, distant, home and await further news.]

Having now searched all the rooms near the chieftain’s side of the Steading, and anxious to return to the basement stairs, the party sets out for the pantry. Most of them continue down the main hall to where it passes through the entrance gallery [1] and watchtower [1B] before turning back through the doors to the feast hall. Babshapka, however, counting on his sense of direction and trying to act his role as the party’s scout, believes that a shortcut to the feast hall can be had by traversing the youth dormitory and exiting the far door.

Once there, he finds no exit and himself even further behind the main party. However, since the corridor he is in is dark, and the feast hall beyond is lit, he can see light coming through chinks in the walls. But wait! The walls are a foot thick or more, and the space between logs is well-daubed with thick mud. How can he be seeing the light? Babshapka examines the wall itself (Perception 19). At precisely his eye-level, there is a cunningly-concealed sliding panel of thin wood. Sliding it to the right, he finds that a small hole has been cut entirely through the wall, allowing him to see into the feast hall itself. He doubts that someone in the feast hall beyond would notice the opening and closing of the panel, unless roles were reversed and his hall were lit while the feast hall was dark. He stays there just long enough to make sure that the party is not walking into another fight, then slides it closed and hurries to catch up with them.

The party converges on the kitchen and checks in with Hedwig and Mathias. They have certainly heard lots of activity from the basement, but nothing has been seen to have yet emerged. Babshapka (Perception 21) and the others go through the kitchen. There are counters all along the walls, a huge hearth, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking (pots, kettles, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, ladles, spits, and so forth). One of the party, seeking a connection between the unseen basement and the chief’s treasure rooms, recalls the garbage chute entering the manticore pen from above. Babshapka finds the origin of this near a stained countertop that appears much used as a chopping block - a hinged lid may be pulled back to reveal a chute descending at a steep angle into darkness - too small for any of them but the familiar. Just as well, since the walls of the chute are caked with organic debris and they smell of rotten food.

They proceed to the kitchen storage area, with Babshapka leading the search (Perception 23). The storage area includes three tables, a long counter, stools, benches, and an assortment of kitchen gear. Many of the furnishings have been knocked over and there are still bodies on the floor from the recent battle. There are numerous sacks, boxes, and barrels containing flour, dried meat, dried fruit, honey, etc. Various cheeses, smoked meats, and sausages (!) hang from the rafters. There are several casks and tuns of ale, beer, mead, and wine. A few loaves of bread, long cold since they were baked this morning, are stacked on one table. Willa examines the supplies critically. Apart from the bread, most of it appears to be pillaged rather than giant-made; the boxes, barrels, and sacks are all sized for humans, and what little writing there is labels the goods in Common, not Giantish runes.

There remains just one space in the Upper Steading that none of them have entered, neither on this foray nor the one previous, not as themselves nor through a familiar. When the party came from the animal pen into the Steading chasing the fleeing giantess, they left one door closed behind them, and it is to this door now that Thokk, Willa, Aurora, and Babshapka go. Doro decides to stay with Mathias in the kitchen storage area, as the stone giants have to have been below an hour or more now and surely will be emerging soon.

As those leaving recede up the hallway, Doro hears heavy treads on the stairs (Perception 18) but warns only Mathias, not calling out to the rest of the party. For his part, Mathias (who, since he has not been searching, has been able to complete a short rest) begins the spell that will summon Ephi (the Slaad will last from 9:30 to 10:30pm). As he leads the party to the servant’s quarters, Babshapka hears Mathias begin a spell (Perception 14), but he does not recognize it (Arcana 5).

It is not long before two stone giants emerge from the pantry. Doro recognizes them as the two individuals from before (Insight 14), largely by the one that still bears Babshapka’s arrow-shaft stuck in its shoulder. They nod respectfully at Mathias, look thoughtfully at Doro, who they did not see directly before, and if they are taken aback by the aberrant presence of Ephi, their stony features do not betray it. “Not all of the women have agreed to come,” one of them reports in a curiously neutral tone, “but we are leading out the ones who have. We have told the others what their fate might be. The ones leaving will be supplying themselves with food for their journey.”

Mathias agrees that they may supply themselves, and says “Thank you for relaying the message of conditional surrender." Already there are sounds on the stairs of more giants.

In the servant’s quarters [19], the party looks at the remaining door - it is sized for humans, not giants. Thokk approaches and throws it open (Strength 15). The hall beyond [20] is messy and smelly, filled with pallets and junk. Cowering under scraps of cloth and hide are eight orc kitchen thralls. Babshapka fades to the rear of the party.

“Fellow warriors!” shouts Thokk in his native tongue. “Mighty general Thokk has slain all the giants in the Upper Steading. Join us as we venture into the basement and punish all who remain for daring to enslave our proud people!”

Behind him, those in his retinue cheer and begin a cry “Thokk! Thokk! Thokk!” (Persuasion 21 with advantage).

Six of the orcs in the room leap up and join the cheering. The remaining two smile but climb gingerly to their feet. They are both recovering from broken ribs. It is hard not to be ‘underfoot’ to a clumsy giantess, and giant kicks break bones!

By the time the party reaches the kitchen storage, both it and the pantry are in disarray. Three giantesses, a young hill giant, and a kitchen thrall eiger are tearing the place apart, apparently looking for the most readily transportable supplies. Five stone giants watch them unmoved - the two familiar ones with stalagmite clubs, and three new ones, just as large but with huge mining picks in their large hands.

Doro and Mathias (both Insight 3) have been watching the commotion carefully but picking up none of the conversation. The stone giants gesture at various items dispassionately, and the giantesses screech back in haranguing tones. The young hill giant tries to carry more than it can manage and drops a crate, splintering the wood and tearing open a sack of flour. Several of the giants are gesturing at Ephi and making threatening motions at Mathias while he coolly smokes a cigarette. It is noise and bedlam for quite some time before the small expedition is finally off. When the giants at last leave the kitchen, the party begins assembling in the pantry. Aurora sends Hedwig to follow the giants discreetly, making sure they actually leave the Steading. He has instructions to then proceed to the watchtower and make sure they enter the woods at the other side of the clearing, and then to remain in the tower on watch.

[The party receives xp for all the hill giants and thralls who were forced to leave, as they have ‘defeated’ them. Not so for the stone giants, however, with whom they negotiated a mutually beneficial truce.]

Surrender XP
3 hill giant maids (52 hp each) = 700 x 3 = 2100
1 young hill giant (67hp) = 200
1 young eiger thrall (38hp) = 200
Total 2500 / 6 = 417 each

Thokk only
Converts 3 kitchen thralls = 50xp x 3 = 150
Converts 8 kitchen thralls = 50xp x8 = 400, total 550 (grand total 967)

Current Totals
Babshapka 40,390 + 417 = 40,807 (8th)
Willa 33,428 + 417 = 33,745
Aurora 33,104 + 417 = 33,521
Mathias 33,104 + 417 = 33,521
Thokk 32,964 + 967 = 33,931
Doro 32,509 + 417 = 32,926

[(9:45pm) The five stone giants have been leading the three hill giantesses, the young hill giant, and the eiger thrall away from the steading. They march off quietly in the rain and fog to the northeast, taking quite some time to get to the edge of the clearing, and then begin to follow the trail along the river. There is much trepidation - concern for themselves, at the hands of these emotionless stone giants, concern for those remaining at the Steading, facing the treacherous adventurers, and concern for those bravely confronting an entire human city, perhaps while bereft of the wise leadership of Chief Nosnra. The night is dark, there is much to be afraid of, and none of the hill giants are warriors. When they finally reach the trees, they begin to bellow for the dire wolves, although the rain deadens their calls. None of them are the Packmaster, none of them even carry the Packmaster’s whip, but they all have fed the beasts at some point, scratched their heads or, when they were but pups, rubbed their bellies. Can they get any of the beasts to accompany them on this dangerous journey? [Luck roll -1] No wolves answer their calls - who knows where they are now, with the Packmaster dead? With every mile further from the Steading they travel, their sense of unease and isolation grows.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:36 pm  
Post 264: At the Bottom of the Stairs

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 264: At the Bottom of the Stairs
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

The party has waited a good ten minutes after the departure of the refugees. Hedwig has not returned. It is time to take the fight to the recalcitrant giants below!

Doro scouts for the party, slipping silently down the stairs (Stealth 28). At the bottom, she can see (Perception 21) that the room [1] has a number of wooden barricades placed diagonally across the width of the floor. Two of the three passageways out have been partially blocked off with large piles of rock debris. Apparently while the party was waiting above the giants remaining have spent much of the time fortifying their position. Just inside the entrance to the chamber are six bugbears, three flanking each side of the open doorway. They are so close she can hear their breathing. Despite her stealthfulness, there is no way she is slipping into the brightly torchlit room without at least some of them noticing immediately. She backs up the steps and reports to the party.

It looks like the giants are preparing for a fight - with their bugbear flunkies in the front lines. Babshapka casts cure wounds on Thokk twice, both times at 2nd level (healed for 6 and 15; total of 21, Thokk to 55/76, Babshapka at 2/1).

The party lines up in single file on the stairs; Thokk, Willa, Ephi, Babshapka, Doro, Mathias, Aurora, and 13 orcs.

Round One
Thokk bursts into the chamber below and falls upon the bugbear to his left, turning his back to the other three and trusting to his evil advisor to protect him (two hits, 21 damage). The bugbears are in heavy hide armor and carry large shields (AC16).

Willa ignites her flaming greatsword and follows Thokk into the room, but turns to attack the bugbears on the right (one hit, 25 damage).

From behind the nearest barricade, three bugbears spring up (half cover, +2 on AC). Another emerges from between a pile of planks to the left. The third bugbear from the door on each side drops back and one between the end of the planks and the corridor to the left steps forward. These seven ready their javelins to attack the next person inside the room, while the four just inside the doorway converge on Thokk and Willa (two hits on Willa, one critical, total 29 (Willa at 41/70), one critical hit on Thokk, 18 damage (Thokk at 37/76)).

Ephi enters the room, but before he can turn to support Willa, seven bugbears launch javelins at him (five hits, 27 damage). Despite the flying barbs, Ephi slashes the bugbear that Willa wounded, dropping it (one hit, 16 damage, first bugbear down).

Babshapka draws his broadsword and charges through the doorway. He turns left and casts his hunter’s mark on the bugbear wounded by Thokk (Babshapka at 1/1), then strikes at it with his blade (one hit, 15 damage with mark).

Doro is next, and springs through the doorway casting - first she insults the parentage of the wounded bugbear fighting Thokk, but that one appears not to hear her (vicious mockery - makes save). However, this spell is apparently just her distraction for her real spell, summoning the great kettle drum mallet that is her spiritual weapon. This she places behind the bugbear, and though it strikes him from behind, its blow is insufficient to damage through the heavy hide armor. Doro frowns and retreats back to the stairwell.

Mathias doesn’t even move from the stairwell, but approaches so as to see the bugbear fighting Ephi and Willa. He fires off twin blasts of force (two hits, 13 damage). Aurora sees no reason to leave the safety of the stairs either, at least when she can see at least some of the bugbears. She sends forth a firebolt (hits a previously unwounded bugbear on the left, 10 damage).

“Forward!” yells Thokk in Orc. “Arm yourselves!” The thirteen orcs on the stairs surge past Mathias, Aurora, and Doro and out into the chamber. Weaponless, they immediately take defensive stances (dodge action) as they look about for arms - there are two javelins on the floor, another five still stuck in Ephi, and a loose morningstar recently carried by the slain bugbear.

Round Two
Babshapka’s first broadsword attack finally kills the bugbear facing Thokk (9 points with mark, second bugbear down). He immediately switches the mark to the other bugbear they face (bonus action), then hits him as well (11 points with mark).

Willa pivots and cleaves in twain the bugbear facing Ephi (critical hit, 48 damage, third bugbear down). She advances to a bugbear who is pulling forth another javelin and strikes him down in another fiery blow (critical hit, 48 damage, fourth bugbear down).

Thokk sidesteps and thrusts his longsword through the bugbear fighting Babshapka (one hit, 13 damage, fifth bugbear down). The area at the base of the stairs has been cleared of the initial four bugbears, and for the moment the party is out of melee. Thokk continues on to the nearest javelineer, but the bugbear avoids his swing.

Ephi (taken 27, regenerated 10) shakes the remaining javelins out of his rubbery skin, then charges at the bugbear Thokk just engaged, slashing it (one hit, 14 damage). Mathias creeps forward down the stairs just enough to track Ephi and blasts the bugbear over his shoulder (one hit, 3 damage).

Doro moves forward as well, using the last steps of the stairs to attain enough height over the mob of orcs to see the battle. She moves her spiritual mallet to the bugbear on the left and strikes at it (hits, 8 damage) and then mocks it, “Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum!” With insult added to injury, it dies (vicious mockery save failed, 3 damage, sixth bugbear down).

Thokk and Ephi have now advanced far enough into the room that they can be seen by a fire giant far down the hallway to the right. The giant stoops and picks up a glowing-red ball of iron larger than a shot-put. When the bugbear is slain and the two party members are the only ones in view, the giant immediately brings the shot up, back, and down in an underhanded throw. The searing shot bursts from the hallway and slams into Ephi, nearly knocking him down (readied action, 24 bludgeoning plus 4 fire is 28 damage, Ephi has taken 55 and regenerated 10).

From behind the two barricades further back another three bugbears emerge, javelins in hand. The five on the right side of the room launch their projectiles at Willa, but their metal heads are all turned by her magic plate. The three to the left throw at Thokk, with one (critically) hitting (for 8 damage - Thokk at 29/76).

Thokk’s orcs scoop up five morningstars from slain bugbears at the base of the stairs, as well as at least one javelin each (most of the bugbears carried two or three, plus the ones thrown at the party). They move forward to the stairs, and Thokk points at the bugbear behind the barricade nearest Willa. All thirteen of the orcs let fly, resulting in five hits (AC18 with half cover, total 30 damage with one critical hit, bugbear slain, seventh bugbear down).

Aurora comes down a few more steps and wounds a javelin-wielding bugbear to the left with a firebolt (11 damage).

Round Three
Willa, seeing the orcs down the bugbear with the javelin, recognizes that she can now charge the barrier behind that one without leaving an opponent to her rear. She sprints across the room, preparing to leap over the four-foot high wooden wall. Her leading foot, rather than clearing it, strikes soundly on the barrier (Athletics check 9). She tries to recover, but crashes to the ground between it and the next barrier and does not immediately rise (Dexterity save 4). Fortunately for her, she is so close to the base of the next barrier that only two of the bugbears in the room can even see her prone on the floor.

With the melee opponents removed from the base of the stairs, Babshapka falls back and drops his broadsword on the stone floor. He draws his bow and sets an arrow to it, aiming at the bugbear behind the first barrier (no bonus from cover due to sharpshooter). However, both his shots miss. He curses the goblin arrows.

Aurora has immediately recognized that whatever threw the hot iron ball at Ephi, it is the thing she most needs to neutralize. Her crown of madness spell should do the trick - but she needs to see the target, and she has no intention of sticking her nose down that corridor to the right, exposed to whatever threw the searing iron ball, plus the bugbear javelins from the room besides. She draws Hedwig back from the watchtower to his pocket dimension, and once she feels him securely there, darts out in the room and to the right, crouching down behind a pile of planking to protect herself from missiles. She summons the owl forth again, ten feet in front of her toward the corridor. Without pausing for his report on the retreating giants above, she immediately commands him to spy down the hall. The owl flies forward and settles just outside the entrance to the corridor, low to the floor and hopefully out of view of the bugbears. Through the owl’s eyes, Aurora sees all the way down to the end of the corridor (Hedwig darkvision to 120’). There, head nearly scraping the ceiling, is what can only be a fire giant - massive, red-skinned, encased in heavy iron armor and holding a red-hot shot in one hand. On a brazier of burning coals sits another half-dozen of the iron shots, while at his side is barely visible another fire giant, equally large (Hedwig Perception 20). Aurora grins - the giant is within range of her, and within sight of her - via Hedwig. She completes the crown of madness spell (Aurora at 1/1/2/1). The fire giant is not a brute like the hill giants (Wisdom saves at +2), but its shrewdness does not protect it (fails Wisdom save - mad for 1 minute). A huge iron crown, spiked and drawing blood, now rests upon its head. Eyes wide, it drops the searing shot from its hand, draws a sword larger than Thokk, and turns to its erstwhile companion. (With madness, it must attack a creature Aurora chooses, that she can see, within its melee range, but may then move under its own control). With no space to maneuver in the cramped (at least for giants) hall, it aims massive blows at the other giant (two hits, 55 damage). Aghast at his terrible act of maug, the giant still doesn’t realize that it is under the effects of a spell (Wisdom save 4 to decide a course of action). It runs screaming up the corridor toward the battle, while the other giant, thoroughly unnerved, drops back out of sight of Hedwig. The mad giant struggles to control its actions, and almost frees itself of the enchantment before Doro plays a discordant note (Wisdom save to end spell 19 - Doro’s first cutting words takes five off his save for 14, fail).

The two bugbears behind the second barrier (in front of which Willa is prone) come out from cover to attack her while she is down. Two more emerge from cover in the corner of the room to take their pace. Two more stand up from behind the furthest back barrier. Babshapka, the only one of the party currently looking that way, sees a door in the far corner fly open, and another three bugbears emerge. There are now more than a dozen in the room!

One bugbear on the left runs forward and swings his morningstar at Ephi but misses. The two standing above Willa rain down blows on her (one hits for 16 points, Willa at 25/70). Eight of the bugbears throw javelins (two each at Thokk, Ephi, the orcs, and Aurora - Ephi hit twice for 8; has taken 63 and regenerated 10, two hits slay one of Thokk’s orcs (down to twelve), one would hit Aurora even in cover before she instinctively uses a shield spell to protect her concentration on the madness (Aurora at 0/1/2/1).

Thokk moves around Ephi to attack the new bugbear from behind (one hit, 12 points). He is yelling at his troops - “Arm yourselves, save the evil advisor!” - and frantically gesturing with his shield arm at the fallen woman. One of the orcs bends to grab Babshapka’s broadsword off the floor. The elf curses and shoves him away roughly. “But Mighty Thokk said to grab weapons,” he whines in Orc.

Doro maneuvers her spiritual weapon above the bugbear fighting Ephi and Thokk, and brings it down hard on its head. The bugbear crumples to the floor (hit, 9 damage, eighth bugbear down). The bard nods in satisfaction and releases her concentration on the weapon as she begins to play a song of vitality (first round no healing as she used her bonus action to attack).

The five orcs with scavenged morningstars break from their companions and charge at the two bugbears savaging Willa (but get no hits). The seven others, with only a few javelins each, move forward and throw against the one bugbear javelineer to the left that has no cover (no hits).

With no melee opponents, Ephi (has taken 63 and regenerated 20) charges at a barricade and strikes at the bugbear behind it, but the bugbear draws back and Ephi’s claws cannot reach (two misses). Mathias, from the stairwell, fires after the Slaad, hitting the bugbear once (for 10).

Round Four
The five orcs attempting to protect Willa throw themselves furiously at the two bugbears attacking her (four hits, 36 damage). The seven others are out of missiles, so they retreat to scavenge six more javelins off of the two bugbears just killed by Thokk and Ephi, and then launch them (one hit, 5 damage to a bugbear on the left side of the field).

Two bugbears from behind a barrier move forward into the scrum with Willa and the orcs. Two more move up to take their places, while a third from the corner of the room moves up behind a barricade and takes out a javelin. Two more come into the room through the open door. They are coming in faster then the party can kill them, so their effective numbers keep growing!

From the two bugbears still attacking her on the ground Willa takes one (critical) hit (advantage from prone, 16 damage - Willa at 9/70). The one fighting Ephi over the top of the barricade misses. Two attack the orcs around Willa (one orc hit for 7). A volley of javelins comes forth from the rest of the bugbears - two at Thokk (both miss), and one each at his missile troops (one hit for 3), Babshapka (critical hit for 8 - makes his Concentration save and keeps his mark), and Aurora (miss).

Ducking under the javelin fire, Doro moves forward just far enough to send her healing music at Willa (vitality round two, 6 points, Willa to 15/70), and then immediately draws back to the stairwell.

Willa shouts fiercely, throws the bugbears off of her, and stands up. She grits her teeth and prepares for more blows (second wind, heals herself for 13, at 28/70) when she hears Aurora yell at her to get clear. It doesn’t take a wizard to know that with the number of bugbears now in the room, a fireball is imminent. Rather than fighting, she turns and runs toward the mage (half her move to stand, dashes to move 45 feet) while the bugbears take advantage of her retreat to attack her more (four opportunity attacks, two hits, 18 damage, Willa at 10/70).

As soon as Willa starts to move toward her, Aurora begins her readied fireball. The warrior has not reached her side when the yellow-red missile streaks over her shoulder and flies just behind one of the bugbears at a barricade (29 points; 14 if they save, Aurora at 0/1/1/1). The roaring explosion fills the basement as huge bugbears are tossed about like rag dolls (the blast kills four outright (bugbears nine through twelve die), wounds another six, and kills three of the five orcs that had been protecting Willa). Watching the orcs fall, Willa thinks Thar bu’ fer ther grace o’ ther Sea Cow t’war me! The remaining orcs feel their courage draining from them like the lifeblood from their former companions so callously burned by Mighty Thokk’s fire-caster (morale fails).

As the bugbear across from Ephi struggles to retain its feet against the blast, Babshapka drops it with an arrow (thirteenth bugbear down). All of the bugbears at the closest barricade are now down. Babshapka fires at one on a further barricade but misses. He moves his hunter’s mark to it.

Thokk charges the javelineer to the left that his troops have been harrying and wounds it gravely (two hits, 17 damage). When Babshapka’s arrow drops the bugbear at the barricade, Ephi turns and moves to support Thokk, slashing and killing the bugbear near the entrance to the left corridor (one hit, 10 damage, fourteenth bugbear down; Ephi has taken 63 and regenerated 30). Mathias moves forward, casts about for a target and decides on one of the singed bugbears still fighting the remaining two orcs. Two blasts (15 damage) drop it (fifteenth bugbear down).

There is no one within reach (10’) of the mad giant, so Aurora is unable to force it to attack. It continues to move up the hallway toward the fight, struggling to free its mind of the enchantress’ control (Wisdom save 15, Doro uses her second cutting words to ensure a fail).

For the first time since the start of the combat, the dead bugbears in the room outnumber the living (15 down to 8 standing).

Round Five
There are three doors in the room. One, on the right wall, is open and is the source of the steady stream of bugbears. On the far wall, there is one door each to the right and left of the corridor opposite the stairs. Suddenly, the left door flies open and a terrible bellow emerges. Through the door is squeezing a hideously deformed giant with a hunchback and huge coat of mail (AC16). In one hand he wields a human-sized battle axe like a hatchet.

The sole remaining bugbear in melee with the orcs wounds one (6 damage). Five bugbears behind barricades launch another volley of javelins, one each at Ephi, Thokk, Thokk’s troops, Babshapka, and Willa. Of these, only Ephi is hit (for 6; Ephi has taken 69 and regenerated 30).

Trying to recover their control of the room, three bugbears behind the far barricades move up to the near one, two in the corner move to take their places behind the far ones, and two more enter the room.

Thokk charges at the incoming hunchbacked giant (with advantage from its squeezing), landing two sword blows on him (20 damage).

Doro directs her healing at Willa (third round of vitality, four points, Willa to 14/70). Then, seeing one last bugbear having escaped the area of the fireball completely, but still fighting the kitchen orcs, she quips, “You may be out of the fire, but soon you’ll be into the frying pan.” Indeed, one of the orcs is trying to hold up a giant-sized skillet, scavenged from the kitchen, as a shield. She doesn’t know whether the bugbear understands enough common to get the barb, but he groans all the same (vicious mockery failed save, 2 damage and disadvantage on next attack).

The only target within reach of the maddened fire giant is Hedwig, and Aurora does not force him to attack the owl. While he could still choose to attack it of his own accord, he ignores the bird as he lurches forward, finally within range of the wizard who even now he is struggling mentally against for control of his actions (Wisdom save 8, fails). His massive armor-clad boot stops just short of Willa, but Aurora is easily within reach of his enormous sword. As Willa stares up at the huge armored giant and goes pale, Aurora calls from behind her, “Don’t worry, he’s still under my control.”

Ephi (has taken 69 and regenerated 40) moves forward and slashes at the hunchbacked giant still trying to get through the doorway (one hit, 11 damage).

Mathias turns to face the fire giant. His first bolt of force ricochet’s off the giant’s plate armor (AC18) but the second one strikes true (2 damage).

Willa doesn’t like the way the bugbears just keep coming and are even now massing behind the barricades. She reluctantly decides to trust Aurora’s charm to protect her from the giant’s attack, turns, and throws a stun grenade at the center of a knot of bugbears. It falls short (miss on AC10 floor), but lands next to one bugbear (makes his Con save, takes 4 force damage and is stunned for 3 rounds). Five other bugbears nearby are stunned for a round as well (including a bugbear officer the party has not yet seen but who is crouching behind a pile of planks and directing all the bugbears as they run through the door). Willa thinks Aurora should use another fireball, so she actually leaves the woman’s side to drop back closer to the stairs.

Aurora imagines a complicated plan in which she runs forward to the nearest bugbear, and uses the giant’s madness and his attempts to reach her to have him attack the bugbear, and uses her instinctive charm to have the bugbear attack the giant. She begins with a firebolt (which misses badly), but runs forward nonetheless. From near the doorway, Willa watches without understanding why the mage is putting herself in harm’s way once again.

Babshapka as well watches the woman he is supposed to be protecting run between the giant and bugbear. With a curse that would make a sailor blush, he drops his bow on the floor next to his sword and grips the handle of his blaster rifle, looking at the fire giant through the targeting screen. The ray blasts forth, slamming squarely into the giant’s armor and disintegrating the chest plate so that he has only the arm and leg pieces left on the front (AC drops from 18 to 13) and leaving a great bruise mark on his skin besides (failed Dex save with disadvantage at close range, fire giant is not immune to force damage, 39 points). The giant topples to the ground (unconscious for 1 round).

The two orcs left in melee gave up any thought of fighting when half of their group was killed by the fireball. They use the collapse of the giant as a distraction to turn and run, but the bugbear with them is faster, and slays one as he turns (opportunity attack with disadvantage from mockery hits for 16; a single orc at 4hp is left from the original five). Thokk’s seven missile troops advance to the body of the last bugbear killed by Ephi and grab three javelins from its corpse. Without even waiting for Thokk’s order, they throw them over his head at the giant. “It’s the Keeper!” they yell in Orc. “We hate the Keeper! Kill him!” One of the shafts hits (with advantage, 6 damage).

Round Six
Seeing the fire giant go down, Doro strides past Willa, sending her a few bars of healing on the way (6 points, Willa to 20/70, fourth round of vitality). Holding her samisen in just one hand, she draws and ignites her flaming rapier in the other and thrusts it into the unconscious giant’s tree stump-thick neck (hit with advantage from unconscious, automatic critical from unconscious, 13 piercing damage, fire giant is immune to fire damage), and then retreats to the stairs.

Ephi (has taken 69 and regenerated 50) continues to slash at the hunchbacked giant who is struggling to exit the door (two hits with advantage, 28 damage). Mathias fires across the room at the giant (two hits with advantage, five damage). The giant is bloodied but still bellowing fiercely, which makes the orcs and even some of the bugbears cringe in fear.

The bugbear that Aurora chose as her target for the now-unconscious giant swings at her, undeterred by her instinctive charm (Wisdom save succeeds). Just before he hits, she reacts with her shield spell, although she has to spend a second level slot to do it, since she is out of first level slots (Aurora at 0/0/1/1) and the ward deflects what otherwise would have been a hit. A bugbear at the barrier behind her decides to come over and help, but his blow glances off the arcane ward and nearly hits his companion! (critical miss on attack roll prompts an attack on the other bugbear, but this misses as well). Is her plan ‘working’?

The three remaining unstunned bugbears behind the barricades launch javelins. One hits Ephi (5 points, has taken 74 and regenerated 50), one misses Thokk, and one wounds one of Thokk’s troops (7 damage). Five of the bugbears behind the barricades recover from their stunning by the grenade, while the one right next to the blast is still barely on his feet. Three more bugbears emerge from the room in the corner - they are now back to having over a dozen up and fighting!

The fire giant on the floor groans and tentatively feels the large hole in the breastplate of his armor, then reaches up and feels the iron spikes of the crown on his head. He tries, but fails to remove this (Wisdom save fails). He staggers unsteadily to his feet.

The hunchbacked giant finally frees himself from the confines of the doorway. Bursting forward, he swings his battle axe wildly at Ephi (one hit, 14 damage, has taken 88 and regenerated 50) and manages to score a hit. Thokk takes advantage of the lurching motions of the giant to attack it from the side away from the axe. He hits once (11 damage), but his second strike is turned away but the huge chain shirt of the giant.

With Aurora taking attacks from two bugbears now, Willa doesn’t believe she can keep her concentration on the mad giant much longer. She decides the giant needs to be put down before he regains control over who he is attacking. She moves forward and strikes at him twice. His heavy leg armor turns her first blow aside but she manages to reach his exposed gut with her second, although her flaming sword does little damage due to his immunity (one hit, 10 points).

Babshapka does not like seeing the fire giant stand up, but with Willa in front of him and the crown still on his head, he judges the hill giant hunchback to be the greater threat at the moment. He raises his blaster rifle and moves forward until the targeting screen indicates that he has a ‘lock’ (disadvantage to save at close range). Babshapka squeezes the trigger and the giant’s chain armor disintegrates, showering Ephi and Thokk with metal links that fly in every direction (from AC16 to 13 (natural armor)). The giant staggers back, nearly falling over the rocks that block off the passageway behind him (makes Dex save, stunned for four rounds, half of 34 is 17 force damage).

With more than a dozen bugbears still up, including the two attacking her, Aurora decides it is time for another fireball. She’ll teach them to gather in one place! And she’s certainly not saving her remaining third level slot for a fireball for the other fire giant Hedwig saw but who has not yet emerged. Turning to face the corner, she expertly places the center of the blast to hit the maximum number of bugbears (Arcana 22). The missile flies forward, and the flames roar out. She is hit with a blast of hot air, but the actual flames stop five feet short of her, exactly as planned (25 damage, 12 with save). (Aurora now at 0/0/0/1) Nine of the bugbears are caught in the blast, with eight of them unprepared and taking the brunt (and only one making his save!). However, these are nearly all of them fresh and unwounded and most survive (the majority of them are dropped from 27hp at full to 2hp now), with only two being killed outright (bugbears sixteen and seventeen to die in the fight).

If the first fireball broke the morale of Thokk’s melee troops, this second one propels their sole survivor up the stairs, nearly knocking Mathias over in his eagerness to flee. On the left side of the field, the seven formerly missile orc troops shout excitedly when they see the Keeper stunned by the blaster shot. They swarm forward, beating the helpless giant savagely with their fists (six hits with advantage for unconscious, 18 points unarmed damage).

Round Seven
Aurora is still surrounded by Bugbears. One swings his morningstar at her, but she uses her instinctive charm and it hits another nearby (Wisdom save fails). That bugbear swings at her in return - with no charm left, the weapon slams into her shoulder, and she staggers forward (Aurora takes 9 points damage). She struggles to maintain her mental control of the giant (Concentration save 9 - fails). Babshapka sees the iron crown on the giant fade away, and a dawning look of clarity come into his eyes (Arcana 18). S***, he says to himself, no more madness.

“I got this,” wavers Aurora’s shrill voice. Babshapka is unconvinced.

Ignoring his charge’s optimism, Babshapka levels his blaster rifle at the fire giant. Almost as an afterthought, he switches his hunter’s mark from a dead bugbear to the giant. FWOOOM! Goes the rifle, and the armor covering his arms and shoulders is disintegrated (Dex save with disadvantage fails, 30 points of force damage plus 5 more from the mark, giant unconscious for one round). Ping! goes the rifle and the giant topples for the second time - CRASH! Fortunately it collapses on the pile of planking rather than Aurora.

Babshapka yells at Aurora to get out of melee as he stoops to pick up his bow.

Doro sends healing to Willa as she runs forward with her rapier (11 points, Willa to 31/70, fifth round of vitality). The bard thrusts the thin blade into the giant’s body (hit with advantage from prone and unconscious, automatic critical from unconscious, 14 piercing damage, immune to fire), and then falls back to the stairs.

Willa meets the bard coming the other way. With her greatsword, she stands astride the giant’s head and rains down blows but there is just so much giant to kill! (two hits with advantage, automatic criticals to unconscious, total 41 slashing but immune to fire)

With the giant no longer under her control (or even conscious), suddenly Aurora’s plan to stand between two bugbears swinging morningstars at her head doesn’t seem like such a good idea. She quickly extracts herself from the situation (disengage) and retreats to the stairs. When she arrives, Babshapka finally stops yelling at her.

Mathias levels his twin bolts of force at the fallen fire giant (two hits, 12 damage). At the second blast the giant gives a great shudder and breathes his last. “Down, down, down,” Mathias chants. “Fire Giant goin’ down!”

Willa wipes the sticky spray that accompanied Mathias’ last blast from her eyes - the fire giant’s blood has mixed with her own across her face.

At the far end of the hall, the second giant moves into view (at least into the view of Hedwig) and gazes with rage at his fallen companion. He scoops up a searing-hot iron shot from the brazier. Willa’s chest, shoulders, and head protrudes above the fallen giant (three-quarters cover, +5 to AC makes her AC25). It is all the opening he needs (rolls a 27 to hit). The red-hot iron missile whistles down the corridor, explodes out of the darkness, and slams into the breastplate of Willa’s armor, knocking her back and nearly over (16 bludgeoning plus 2 fire is 18 damage, Willa to 13/70).

The four bugbears behind barricades throw javelins at Ephi, Thokk, the orcs, and Willa. Only Ephi is hit (4 damage - has taken 92 and regenerated 50).

The six orcs remaining in Thokk’s army continue to attack the Keeper with their fists (six hits with advantage, 18 damage).

Without warning, two apes burst forth from the room from which the Keeper came [2]. They are huge and muscled, but not the size of giants, and they do not have to squeeze to make it through the door. They bound forward, pulling the orcs off of the giant, and then laying into them with their fists. More than one of the orcs has its head bashed in by the apes, and in a few seconds Thokk’s missile army is down to four members (three hits, total 23 points).

Rather than waste his time with the apes that are tearing apart his followers, Thokk concentrates on the stunned giant and slashes at him mercilessly (two hits, 29 damage). The giant slumps forward and collapses, and the apes and remaining orcs scatter away from his death fall.

Ephi (has taken 92 and regenerated 60) turns on the apes, slashing one of them brutally (two hits, 24 damage).

Round Eight
Doro sends more healing to Willa (12 points, Willa to 25/70, sixth round of vitality) and advances on the bugbears that a second ago were menacing Aurora. She downs one with her rapier (8 piercing and 8 fire, 16 damage - eighteenth bugbear down), and then retreats to the stairs before the fire giant can ready another shot.

Willa stares at the fallen fire giant a second more. When his massive chest doesn’t move, she ignites her flaming sword and charges screaming into a group of two bugbears. She cuts one down (25 damage, nineteenth bugbear down) but the second one avoids her blow. As they circle around one another she makes sure to stay away from the entrance to the right hall and any projectiles that might emerge from it. Two bugbears remain near enough to her to miss her with their morningstars, but others are closing in.

From the safety of the stairs, Aurora sends a firebolt at the bugbear facing Willa. It misses.

Babshapka releases his grip on the blaster rifle. The fire giant down the hall is a concern, but he has more pressing issues and his rifle needs to be reloaded before he can use it again. Setting a goblin arrow to his bow, he fires and kills one bugbear behind a barrier (twentieth down), then wounds a second one. He retrieves his broadsword from the floor and sheathes it.

With the Keeper down, Thokk’s four remaining orcs look to him for direction. “Arm yourselves! Kill the apes!” he yells. One of them pries the battle axe from the giant’s death grasp while the others attack with their fists. Only one hits (3 points unarmed damage). “No!” scolds Thokk. “Like this!” and he raises the sunsword high over his head, then brings it down in a cleaving motion that nearly separates the unwounded ape’s arm at the shoulder (critical hit; 18 damage). As it howls and staggers back, he stabs it in the chest (8 points).

Ephi (has taken 92 and regenerated 70) squares off against the other ape, the one he previously wounded. With a single vicious slash he disembowels it and it sinks to the floor (16 damage). Immediately he looks about for another foe. Trusting Thokk to kill the second ape, he turns and spies the bugbear who last threw a javelin at him crouched behind the wooden barrier near the far wall. He bounds across the room, but as he crosses in front of the far hallway, a huge, jagged rock emerges from the tunnel. The rock blindsides Ephi (13 points; has taken 105 points and regenerated 70), but he manages to make it across the opening and leap over the barrier to stand next to the shocked bugbear. When the bugbear recovers, he is joined by two of his comrades in attacking Ephi with morningstars - one hits (9 damage; has taken 114 points and regenerated 70).

Now that Mathias realizes there are enemies down that hall as well, he shields his eyes from the torchlight and looks into the darkness of the far corridor. Yes, there is a hill giantess there, even now stooping to pick up another rock at her feet. Mathias shoots at her from across the room, and one of his two blasts reaches her (10 damage).

Three bugbears behind barricades launch javelins at the knot of Thokk and his orcs surrounding the last ape. Two of the javelins hit the kitchen orcs (10 damage), dropping one. The ape hoots and batters another orc to death (critical hit; 14 damage, two former thralls left). The Keeper’s axe drops from the orc's hand before he hits the ground.

Another hill giantess, this one in the left hallway, can see Thokk, and raises a rock to throw at him, but realizes she can’t angle it out of the tunnel with the body of the Keeper in the way. She has two kitchen orcs of her own, now crouching behind the piled rocks at the entrance of the hall. She yells at them to get out there and move the body. They are afraid of her, but she is far from them and both Thokk and the ape are close at hand. They cower and cringe and refuse to emerge from cover. She also yells at a young kitchen eiger next to her to clear the Keeper, and he starts moving down the hall toward the fray. Thokk sees him coming (Perception 14).

The living fire giant picks up another heated shot, but doesn’t have anyone within his narrow view from the hall opening on the room. He bellows at some bugbears nearby but out of sight of the party, and readies an action to throw if anyone appears. The giantess down the far corridor readies as well.

Round Nine
Thokk hears the giantess to the left shouting at the cowering orcs, and sees the young eiger approaching. “Ignore her!” he yells at the still-servile orcs. “Join glorious Thokk, and I will free you!” He punctuates this by striking down the ape in front of them (first hit, 12 damage, second ape slain). As the beast falls beneath his blade, he tilts his head back and shouts in joy. Locking eyes with the orcs he yells, “It is better to die fighting than live peeling potatoes!” (Intimidation 24 > Orc Wisdom check 14).

The orcs slowly stand upright and raise their hands above their heads. When Thokk does not immediately move to attack them, they nod to one another and scramble over the rock barrier to his side. The hill giantess behind them begins to yell, and Babshapka (Perception 15) is able to follow most of it, “Yes, thralls! Get the Keeper out of the way! I will crush that insolent orc! You, too, boy! (this spoken to the eiger) Drag the body out of my shot!” When it becomes clear that the orcs have no intention of moving the Keeper, however, her commands turn to curses, with her threatening the orcs but unable to launch rocks at them because she sent the eiger down the hall as well and now he too is blocking her view.

Behind Thokk, other captive orcs in the hallway across from the stairs are also emerging, clearly ready to surrender or switch sides. This so enrages the giantess they were supposed to be spotting for (Wisdom check 11) that she throws the rock at them that she was saving for the next person in the party to cross her field of fire. “You can’t run away from me!” she screams, but only after her rock has smeared what is left of one orc across the stone floor of the room (28 damage).

Thokk turns and sees Ephi on the other side of the barrier, surrounded by bugbears. The frog-thing has a good nose for fights! Thokk charges across the room, oblivious to the fact (Wisdom check 3) that had he left a second sooner, the hill giantess’s rock would have been aimed at him rather than the unfortunate kitchen orc whose crushed remains he passes on his way to the gap between two wooden barriers. When a bugbear bars his way, he strikes it with his sword (second hit, 11 damage). It is not that forceful a blow, but the bugbear had barely survived the last fireball, so it is enough to kill it (twenty-first bugbear down). Another bugbear moves to block his path and attacks him, but misses.

Throkk’s two remaining freed thralls follow just a few seconds behind him, pausing only to exhort the three new orcs to join them and the Mighty Thokk. Then they reach the barricade. Unable to go around, they reach over and grab the long fur of a bugbear near Ephi. Dragging him to them, they beat him to death with several swift blows (two unarmed hits, 6 points, twenty-second bugbear down). The three turncoat orcs, hands still raised, scurry warily across the room toward the stairs (dodge action).

The kitchen eiger emerges from the left tunnel. It pulls and pushes at the body of the Keeper, but so far is unable to move it by himself. The giantess goads him all the while, “Get it out of the way, I need a clear shot!” Babshapka shouts a warning to Thokk about the giantess to his back, but is not heard.

Ephi (has taken 105 points and regenerated 80) slices at the bugbears against the far wall (one critical hit, 18 damage), working his way now to some of the fresher ones that have emerged from the corner room since after the fireball wounded the others. Two bugbears face him down, scoring hits with their morningstars (17 damage; Ephi has taken 122 points and regenerated 80).

Mathias sends more blasts of force at the giantess directly opposite the stairs (one hit, 3 damage). With no targets in sight and continuing to take magical damage, she decides to retreat back around a corner in the hall (Wisdom check 19), leaving an eiger youth in front of her to delay any immediate pursuit.

Willa is working herself into a frenzy of blood, steel, and flame, screaming as she moves amongst the gathering bugbears. She cuts another one down (one hit, 27 damage; downs the twenty-third bugbear), almost as if she is surrounding herself with a pile of bodies to provide cover for when the next giant appears. Doro continues to support her with magic healing, but now that the threat of the nearer fire giant is gone the bard decides not to charge into the scrum of bugbears (7 points, Willa to 32/70, seventh round of vitality). Two more fresh bugbears join the wounded one already attacking Willa (two hits, 16 points, Willa to 16/70).

Babshapka sees just two unwounded bugbears emerging from the door in the corner of the room. He begins to try more difficult shots at their vital areas (one sharpshooter hit, 27 damage, one sharpshooter miss). He transfers his mark from the dead giant to a living and unwounded bugbear.

Three bugbears behind barriers target Thokk with their javelins; one hits (3 damage).

Aurora shoots a firebolt at one of the bugbears attacking Willa, but misses.

Round Ten
Willa continues to work on the bugbears around her (one hit, 21 damage; twenty-fourth bugbear down) while Doro supports her with healing magic (8 points, Willa to 24/70, eighth round of vitality) and unsuccessfully mocks her foes. Now down to just two bugbears facing her (both unwounded), both miss Willa.

Three bugbears launch javelins at Thokk, and another attacks him from behind a barrier, but all miss. Seconds later, one javelin in another volley of three finds its mark (Thokk takes 9; now at 27/76). A free bugbear charges some of Thokk’s orcs, but misses. As he fights, Thokk yells over his shoulder at the three turncoat kitchen orcs headed for the stairs. “The battle lies this way!” he calls. “Join mighty Thokk!” (Intimidation 10). Two of them pretend not to hear him and scurry off (Wisdom 18, 14), but one actually comes back and retrieves the Keeper’s axe (Wisdom 7) before joining the others. Thokk’s blows glance off the heavy hide armor of the bugbear he is facing (two misses). His underlings throw themselves at the bugbears around the barriers (two unarmed hits, six damage). One of them spies a morningstar dropped by a dead bugbear and retrieves that.

Two bugbears attack Ephi with morningstars (one hit, 11 damage; Ephi has taken 133 points and regenerated 80). In response, Ephi slices one open (one hit, 15 damage, twenty-fifth bugbear down - Ephi has taken 133 and regenerated 90). Mathias supports his fiend-frog by blasting one of the bugbears nearby (one hit, 6 damage).

Babshapka continues to pick off the bugbears behind the barricades. He drops the one on which he previously placed his hunter’s mark (sharpshooter hit, 23 damage with mark, twenty-sixth bugbear down), moves the mark to one fighting Willa, and misses it (but misses her as well). Aurora sends a firebolt that way as well, wounding one bugbear (16 damage). No bugbears have emerged from the door in the corner recently - are they finally at the end of them?

The young eiger has managed to please his giantess mistress by rolling the hunchbacked Keeper out of the way of her tunnel (Strength 17). Almost as soon as the way is clear, she lobs a rock at the melee. The closest combatants are two of Thokk’s irregulars, with one his newest recruit. The rock crushes them both (27 damage; 13 each). Although much of their bodies are pinned under the rock, fortunately the arm of the one that had the Keeper’s axe is entirely free. Thokk is now down to just one follower in the room itself, although those fleeing up the stairs promise him their undying loyalty just as soon as they have had a bite to eat upstairs and a chance to catch their breath. They have to pass through the field of fire of the fire giant down the hall, but he is saving his searing shot for more important targets and holds his fire.

Round Eleven
Ephi continues to work on the bugbears emerging from the room and attacking him (two hits, 29 damage; twenty-seventh bugbear down; Ephi has taken 133 points and regenerated 100). Mathias spies one of the bugbears left over from the fireball and picks him off (one hit for 10; twenty-eighth bugbear down).

Aurora sends a firebolt at the bugbear she damaged a moment ago and drops it (11 damage; twenty-ninth bugbear down), leaving Willa facing just one unwounded one (the one that has the hunter’s mark at present). Against her flaming blade, however, it does not stay unwounded long, and soon it joins its companions in Hades or wherever bugbears go when they die (two hits, 28 damage, thirtieth bugbear down). A few seconds ago Willa was yelling for Thokk and Ephi to pull back and for Aurora to send in another fireball - but now three bugbears have fallen in as many seconds, Mathias is yelling “Rally!” and Willa finds herself moving to Thokk and Ephi’s side against her better judgement.

Once on the far side of the room, Willa evades two morningstar attacks, as does Thokk. Ephi is not so lucky (two attacks, one hit, 14 damage; Ephi has taken 147 points and regenerated 100). Thokk’s remaining orc warrior also takes damage from bugbear morningstars and javelins, falls, and suddenly Thokk finds himself completely without his new army.

As the fire giant advances up the hallway, he swats at the bugbears he is bringing with him and ‘encourages’ them to enter the chamber before he does and flush out the opposition. Two of them run ahead and throw javelins at Babshapka, hitting him from the side (two hits, one critical; Babshapka takes 17).

The arrival of the two bugbears from the right side corridor has not gone unnoticed by Willa, and she is worried that it presages the arrival of a larger flanking force. She shouts at Thokk that it really is time to retreat. With all his troops fallen and no audience for his glorious deeds, Thokk heeds his advisor’s counsel. With feints and fakes (dodge action) he moves out of the reach of his three current opponents (all three opportunity attacks miss). Spotting the Keeper’s axe in the dead hand of his former follower, he stoops to pick it up just as the hill giantess launches a rock at him; the rock sails fortuitously overhead (miss) and crashes into one of the barriers. Thokk stands, then continues to bob and weave his way across the room.

Babshapka pulls back a bit before the bugbears can throw at him again and whistles sharply, trying to get Willa to retreat as well. She is fighting two bugbears (one wounded, one not) and is menaced by another nearby. He tries to help her by dropping the wounded one, an easy shot that succeeds (8 points; thirty-first bugbear down). The other one will be harder to drop at one go, so he tries a more difficult shot but misses (sharpshooter). He moves his hunter’s mark from a slain bugbear to the unwounded one still attacking Willa.

Willa is now out of range of Doro’s song, and the bard is not eager to cross the room to get to her - but Thokk is approaching and is just as wounded, so she ends her song by healing him (4 points, ninth round of vitality). Later Doro realizes that she left out a verse of the song! She curses a bugbear to no effect (he makes his save against vicious mockery).

The hill giantess to the left hefts a rock and readies to toss it at the next available target. She hasn’t yelled any commands at the young eiger lately, so he crawls back over the rock barrier and flattens himself against the floor. The fire giant continues to advance up the hall but still can’t see any of the party as targets.

Round Twelve
With her spell finished and now able to be stealthful, Doro moves back to the stairwell and hides (Stealth 27).

Mathias knows what is about to go down. “Ephi, bunch them up!” he calls as he fires bolts of force (two misses). The slaad (who has taken 147 points and regenerated 110) lashes out at several different bugbears, trying to get them to attack him rather than Willa so that she can withdraw. He slashes one (12 points).

Babshapka tries to free Willa to run, but he is now at the bottom of one quiver, working with the worst of the mediocre goblin arrows, and misses both times.

Five bugbears behind barriers throw javelins at the retreating Thokk (all miss with disadvantage from dodge). Two bugbears swing their morningstars at Willa (one hit, 6 points, Willa to 18/70). Another four attack Ephi (two hits, 16 damage; has taken 163 points and regenerated 110).

Willa sees her opening and takes a chance. Dodging out from the melee with the two bugbears (opportunity attacks at disadvantage, one hit, 8 points; Willa at 10/70), she turns and starts moving across the room. The floor in her most direct path is littered with literally dozens of bodies and it takes considerable skill for her to traverse it without falling (Athletics 18). She and Thokk converge on their way back to the stairs and together face the red-hot iron ball hurled by the fire giant (misses Thokk with disadvantage).

As Willa and Thokk cross the room, Aurora asks Mathias whether he is sure she should fireball[i] with Ephi in the knot of bugbears. “He knows the score,” Mathias says simply. Aurora focusses on summoning the last of her reserve of arcane energy. As soon as she judges Thokk and Willa to be clear, she sends forth a final [i]fireball, upcast with a fourth level slot (Aurora at 0/0/0/0). The missile shoots forth exactly where she aims it, but the wonderful flame flower that blossoms forth is far less potent than she expected (23 damage). Worse, the bugbears, some of them veterans of her first two blasts and the others having heard the explosions and seen the burned bodies of their tribemates, are well aware of what to expect when Thokk and Willa turn to run. At the bright flash of the missile they drop prone or duck behind the barriers; only one is caught unprepared (of seven bugbears in the area of effect, only one fails the save and takes 23 - the others all take 11). None of the bugbears are slain; but Ephi finally goes down (makes the Dex save but has taken 174 points of damage and regenerated 110). There are still eleven bugbears left alive in the room.

Round Thirteen
Thokk bellows at his warband to retreat and prepares to hold the stairs for them.

Willa moves to the side and cuts down the closest bugbear (one hit, 31 damage; thirty-second bugbear down). It was one of the ones preceding the fire giant and was close enough to have hounded the party up the stairs. She ducks behind Thokk and begins to ascend the steps. Thokk holds his shield high and prepares to dodge the incoming missiles.

Mathias goes up a few stairs then pauses and disappears into the shadows.

Three javelins miss Thokk, and then another six.

From the stairwell, Babshapka steps out next to Thokk. He moves his hunter’s mark from a dead bugbear to a wounded one he can see and kills it with a single shot (hit, 14 damage including mark; thirty-third bugbear down. He tries a more difficult shot and then is back up the first step before the bugbear even hits the ground (sharpshooter critical hit, 23 damage; thirty-fourth bugbear down).

When the fire giant emerges from the hallway entrance into the main chamber only Thokk remains at the bottom of the stairway. Staring at the body of his dead fire giant companion, the living one grips the red-hot ball of iron until his knuckles turn white, then rears back and hurls it at Thokk from barely fifty feet away. (Attack roll 31 (critical hit), but just 23 with disadvantage from dodge is still a hit, 41 damage (would have been 66 with critical). Thokk’s body is doubled over, crashes into the stairwell wall, and drops to the stone floor (0hp). Thokk groans and then rises unsteadily to his feet, staring down the giant with half his ribs broken (relentless endurance; Thokk to 1hp).

Aurora moves up the stairs and bursts out into the pantry. Seeing no foes, she dashes forward into the kitchen, trying to put some more space between herself and the fire giant.

Round Fourteen
Willa, seeing Thokk barely managing to stand, prepares to drag him up the stairs if necessary.

Mathias moves up the stairs and into the pantry.

Of the seven bugbears left, two manage to close the distance and melee with Thokk, while the other five throw javelins. Four javelins miss (disadvantage with Thokk dodging). The fifth comes in too late, after the two other bugbears have closed to melee, and slays a wounded bugbear when the shaft lands solidly in his back (critical miss on attack roll on Thokk, javelineer forced to make an attack roll on melee bugbear, critical hit, 10 damage; thirty-fifth bugbear down). The one remaining melee bugbear misses Thokk with his morningstar.

The last one out of combat, honor satisfied, Thokk turns and begins running up the stairs (dash). The bugbear behind him just misses before he is out of range (opportunity attack misses by 1; Thokk still on 1hp). Willa, seeing Thokk moving under his own power, turns and tries to keep in front of him the whole way up the stairs and into the pantry. Both of them fly by Babshapka, who has to flatten himself against the wall as they go past.

Already the bugbear with the morningstar is coming up the bottom steps. Babshapka fires off two goblin arrows. Both miss (sharpshooter), but they make the bugbear, and any behind him, pause long enough for Babshapka to arrive in the pantry above as well.

The fire giant strides into the large chamber below. He briefly considers immediately giving chase up the stairs, but he knows it will be a tight squeeze for him, with the party and their strange weapons and magic likely firing on him all the way up. In the end he decides it will be better for him to take charge of the sorry state of affairs in the Understeading rather than leading the charge up the stairs (Wisdom 19). He gathers up a group of wounded bugbears, including an officer, and points them at the stairs. It will not do to let the party get away and hide somewhere in the Steading, or worse, outside, before they recover and return.

Round Fifteen
At the top of the stairs the party immediately begins shouting at each other. The decision to retreat was spontaneous but unanimous. Now, however, there is no clear consensus - some of them want to keep running, but others see defending the stairs as their best hope against the fire giant. “Hold the stairs! Hold the stairs!” shouts Mathias above the others, but Willa growls that if there is another way up from the basement, they will be flanked and trapped in the pantry.

Babshapka, as a general policy, doesn’t shout and loathes these ‘strategy sessions’ where everyone talks over one another. He goes back down the steps to see what is coming up. The angle of the slope is such that he can see only a little of the room below, just at the base of the stairs, and most of that is heads rather than entire creatures - but there are clearly a number of bugbears advancing up the steps.

Babshapka transfers his hunter’s mark from a dead bugbear somewhere in the room below to the one in the lead on the steps and fires (hit, 11 damage including mark). When that does not stop the advancing brute, he fires again (hit, 11 points; thirty-sixth bugbear down).

At the sound of Babshapka’s bowshots, Mathias ceases trying to convince the others to make a stand and begins to re-summon Ephi. The others similarly ready themselves.

Round Sixteen
Doro moves to the back of the pantry but where she can still see out the open door into the kitchen storage area and hides (Stealth 20).

Willa pulls out a fire grenade and sets the timer to the shortest setting, then tosses it down the stairs. It bounces past the lead bugbear (now higher than the one Babshapka dropped two seconds ago) and explodes between him and the second one (will burn for 3 rounds, 5 fire damage each round to the two it hit, plus any who cross that area of the stairs).

As Willa moves back out of the way, Thokk and Aurora move to block off the stairs and keep the bugbears from advancing into the pantry [no matter that the barbarian on a single hit point, and the squishy mage is now completely out of spell slots]. Aurora shoots a firebolt at the bugbear in the lead, who is ironically already on fire from Willa’s grenade (hit, 4 damage). He and the one behind him continue to advance until they are face-to-face with Thokk and Aurora. At the top of the stairs, with a roomful of enemies in front of them and the stairs on fire behind them, they raise their morningstars and keep attacking (Wisdom check 3). Fear, in this case fear of the fire giant, is apparently a powerful motivating force.

One morningstar glances off Thokk’s shield while the other deals a solid hit to Aurora (10 points). As she groans and stumbles back, the familiar large red frogthing moves forward to replace her in the line. Ephi slashes at the bugbear and drops him (one hit, 17 damage; thirty-seventh bugbear down).

Thokk, one step up from the bugbear officer, is still not its equal in height. He doesn’t have room to swing, so he confines himself to thrusts, and one of them strikes true (one hit, 13 damage; thirty-eighth bugbear down). There are still two living bugbears on the stairs, one on the near side of the flames (and having been damaged from them) and another yet to cross. There may be more to come, since the light from the flames makes it impossible to see into the dimness at the bottom of the stairs.

Round Seventeen
Ephi moves forward - the bugbear on the stairs has been wounded from the fight below and burned by the grenade, and needs only one hit to drop (13 points; thirty-ninth bugbear down). The frogthing doesn’t cross through the fire to get to the next one. Mathias, however, moves to the place vacated by Aurora. He can see through the flames well enough to shoot at the next bugbear (two hits, 9 damage). That bugbear staggers forward and tries to cross through the fire but falls (fortieth bugbear down).

Ephi, Mathias, and Thokk peer into the flames, but no more enemies are advancing - for the moment.

Willa immediately begins to go through the pantry, checking on the crates, barrels, and boxes to see what there might be to use.

Mathias claps the new Ephi on the back and tells him to guard the stairs. “You two need to rest,” he says matter-of-factly to Thokk and Willa. “Take an hour, clean and bind your wounds. You’ve certainly got enough of them. Ephi and I can hold the stairs for an hour. Aurora can help...if she can learn to fire her cantrips from missile range instead of standing on the front line.”

In the first foray to the Understeading, the whole party together defeated:
38 bugbears (CR1) x200 = 7600xp
2 bugbear officers (CR1) x200 = 400xp
2 carnivorous apes (CR2) x450 = 900xp
The Hill Giant Keeper (CR7) = 2900xp
One Fire Giant (CR9) = 5000xp
Total = 16,800xp /6 = 2800 each

In addition, Thokk converted:
5 kitchen thralls x50 = 250xp for Thokk

UnderSteading I XP
Babshapka 40,807 + 2800 = 43,607 (still at 8th)
Willa 33,745 + 2800 = 36,545 (now 8th)
Thokk 33,931 + 3050 = 36,981 (now 8th)
Aurora 33,521 + 2800 = 36,321 (now 8th)
Mathias 33,521 + 2800 = 36,321 (now 8th)
Doro 32,926 + 2800 = 35,726 (now 8th)

Everyone but Babshapka will level to 8th at the next successful long rest.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:19 pm  

That was probably the most intense battle our heroes have fought in a really long time. It must have been hell keeping track of all that as a DM!

Question-do you factor in alignment when Thokk's warrior thralls end up getting killed in battle? Or is Thokk morally ambiguous enough that it wouldn't matter?

And how would any other orcs react if they'd learned that most of their kin were killed under Thokk's 'leadership'? I admit I'd be more inclined to flee up the stairs, grab whatever food, plunder and weapons I could from a mostly-deserted Steading and then GTFO. Or would the prospect of vengeance against the giants and bugbears be too much to resist?
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:16 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
That was probably the most intense battle our heroes have fought in a really long time.

The players of Willa/Babshapka and Aurora/Thokk are more cautious by instinct than the player of Mathias / Doro. As far as I can recall, this is the first time since he joined the group that they have retreated. Usually Willa's player starts calling for a retreat when things get dicey and Mathias' player has to convince them to stay and fight - everything will work out if they can hold the field and there will always be time after to heal anyone who went down, he argues. So yes, it was pretty intense if even that player was willing to retreat up the stairs. As a DM, I figure any time I can make Thokk use his relentless endurance to keep from going down it has been a good fight.

CruelSummerLord wrote:
It must have been hell keeping track of all that as a DM!

One of the things I like about playing on a VTT is the machine keeping track of the hp of three dozen bugbears! Still, it is D&D, and this fight like most had '6 second combat rounds' that took 15 minutes each to play out.

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Question-do you factor in alignment when Thokk's warrior thralls end up getting killed in battle? Or is Thokk morally ambiguous enough that it wouldn't matter?

I haven't made alignment explicit or very important in this particular campaign, especially since Tyrius departed. But I figure that Thokk is a laid-back version of Lawful Evil, believing implicitly in his Orc father's cultural values, but a bit of a romantic and rebel himself in that he has formed strong bonds of affection with 'his' warband. He would be more protective of anyone he actually cares about, but he is more than willing to use as fodder these orcs he just met. In true Lawful Evil fashion, if any of them can distinguish themselves in his service he might come to take more care of them, but for the moment they are expendable and worth less concern than he has for his hawk Phreeeee.

CruelSummerLord wrote:
And how would any other orcs react if they'd learned that most of their kin were killed under Thokk's 'leadership'? I admit I'd be more inclined to flee up the stairs, grab whatever food, plunder and weapons I could from a mostly-deserted Steading and then GTFO. Or would the prospect of vengeance against the giants and bugbears be too much to resist?

Your questions are often just a few posts ahead of the narrative! At the moment, the orcs can be separated into the following groups; servile kitchen orcs, intimidated mining orcs, imprisoned unbroken orcs, and the rebels in the caves below. Their reactions to Thokk are based largely on those identities. Once the party has liberated the Understeading and freed the orcs, all their old tribal / religious allegiances will come to the fore and the politics will get much more complicated.

More to come!
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:31 am  
Post 265: At the Top of the Stairs - A brief respite

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Post 265: At the Top of the Stairs - A brief respite
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading, Pantry
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Still in combat from the previous post...

Round Eighteen
“Babs, hae ye any healin’ fer me?” asks Willa. The elf frowns (he’s currently at 1/1 but thinks it better to save his spells to revive someone downed in combat rather than bolster someone still conscious), but then he seems to remember something. He fishes in his pack and pulls out the iridescent couatl scale he was gifted. Willa sees it and her eyes widen. “Ye dinnae hae ter…” she begins, but he has already crushed it and laid his hands on her (9 points healing).

Doro begins to pluck a soothing melody on her samisen. “Hear that?” says Mathias to Willa and Thokk. “That’s a song of rest. You two need to go rest.” He sets up his stool and positions it so that he is around the corner from the stairs but can easily read the body language of Ephi, who he has stationed at their top.

“I durst nay rest if ther giants be flankin’ us,” insists Willa. She turns to Aurora. “Woman! Send yer bird ter ther otter stairs!” The enchantress brings out Hedwig and tells him to check on the chief’s council chambers, and the open door to the dire wolf pen besides.

The five orcs are looking at Thokk expectantly. Two are ones that turned cloak but haven't yet fought for the party - they were found in the orc dormitory in the Upper Steading but are recovering from wounds inflicted by giants and so did not accompany the party downstairs. Two are entirely new ones that were previously hustled downstairs by the giantesses when they fled during the party's initial attack. They have been in the basement an hour and were supposed to be spotting for the giants throwing rocks, but decided to switch sides when Thokk called on them to defy their captors just a minute or two ago. The final one is the last survivor of those Thokk originally converted in the kitchen, and has accompanied him against the subchief, the subchief's mate, and just now the foray into the basement - he is a veteran of all Thokk's fights so far. Thokk trusts implicitly the orc who fought alongside him, doesn’t trust the ones that went downstairs with the giants (in case they might still be working for the giants and actually scouting the party), and is neutral toward the two who waited upstairs rather than flee with the giants. These last two he sends the short way, just up the hall to guard the servant’s entrance to the livestock pen. The veteran he puts in command of the other two, with all three of them sent to the open door on the dire wolf pen near the council chambers. He tells them not to hurt the owl, but to tell it if they need the help so that it will fly to warn the party. He tells all five of the orcs that they are to retreat at any signs of giants or other trouble - he wants them to be scouts, not heroes. They bob their heads animatedly and go off in high spirits. To the giants they were worse than catapult fodder. If Mighty General Thokk values their services so much that he wants them to stay alive, they have found themselves a great leader indeed!

Round Nineteen
Babshapka reloads his blaster rifle with a fresh power disc.

Willa begins rapidly but systematically going through the boxes, barrels, and crates in the pantry - is there anything they can use to defend the stairs? Enough molasses to gum up the passage? (some molasses, but not enough) Some spirits that could be set alight, perhaps a strong rum? (plenty of ale and even some mead, but nothing flammable). As she works, she calls over her shoulder for the others to yell out what they have for healing - Babshapka’s couatl scale has got her thinking that they may have other resources she has forgotten about. She knows somewhere in the bottom of her own pack is a can of the healing spray from the alien ship.

“I’ve got a healing spray,” says Aurora. “And the two potions we found in the matron’s room.” Good, thinks Willa, she hadn’t remembered the potions.

“He’ll need more than a potion,” says Mathias, jabbing his just-lit cigarette at Thokk. “He needs a whole new body. That’s why I’m saying you need to…” Before Mathias can explain again how Willa and Thokk should be resting, Aurora’s face contorts.

“A new body?” she says. “A new body! Hey Thokk!” Talking rapidly, she asks him how he would like to be at full health and three times as big...and when he agrees, she takes out the wand of polymorph. The apes in the battle below have inspired her - Thokk will become a giant ape! She makes him larger and larger until she feels she is at the limit of the spell, then finalizes his form. In the end he is far larger than the apes they fought - he is easily the size of a hill giant! (wand charges 18 to 17).

5e polymorph wrote:
This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. The transformation lasts for the duration (Concentration; up to 1 hour), or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target’s level. The target’s game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality. The target assumes the hit points of its new form. The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak.

5e Giant Ape wrote:
CR7. Hit Points 157 (15d12+60). STR 23 (+6) INT 7 (-2) WIS 12 (+1) Athletics +9, Perception +4. Multiattack. The ape makes two fist attacks. Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 50/100 ft., one target. Hit: (7d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Ape-Thokk capers and throws his arms about in a way that endangers them all - he loves the rush of size and strength - it is like being enraged, but comes with a curious mental clarity (Thokk’s Intelligence score is actually higher as a giant ape, although his Wisdom is lower).

Round Twenty
Once Willa has checked a box or a crate she makes it available to the others. The giant ape quickly builds a barrier of crates at the top of the stairs just behind Ephi’s back, while Aurora constructs herself an improvised bunker of ale barrels and grain sacks in the far corner of the room.

Babshapka pulls out a handful of the crannelberries he collected in the bogs lining the trail at the site of the first ambush. Passing his hand over the lot of them and muttering, exactly ten of the berries go from half-crushed to perfectly round and firm, their color from dull red to almost gleaming. He passes these out two to a person (but not the ape, who has neither pockets nor pouches) and explains that they are magic, and can revive someone knocked out in the upcoming fight. Each of them needs to be prepared to revive any of the others who go down.

Willa looks at him suspiciously. “An’ wha’ new magic be t’is? ‘Ow coom ye ain’t used it afore?”

Babshapka shrugs. “People change,” is all he admits. (Goodberry spell; Babshapka at 0/1 - berries will remain potent 24 hours, until 10:02pm the next day.)

On the stairs, the fires of the incendiary grenade slowly die out, and the party braces for an immediate assault.

In the open doorways of the Steading, the orcs and Hedwig stare out into the rain and mist. No enemies are in sight, even in the dire wolf pen that communicates openly with the clearing surrounding the Steading. Apparently the dire wolves are not back from their hunt in the woods, or perhaps they have joined the giant refugees (party Luck roll +1). Hedwig has been unable to see the top of the secret stairs, as the door to the chief’s council chambers is closed and he can’t open it, nor communicate to the dim-witted orcs that he wants it opened.

In the pantry, the party waits a solid five minutes, and still no assault is forthcoming.

(10:10pm - ten minutes into short rest)
When no attackers appear, Mathias asks Ephi what he can see and hear (Perception 17). There is definitely activity below - feet moving - bodies and planking being dragged, giants giving commands. The torches near the stairs have been put out, obscuring the view from the pantry, but the ones in the back of the chamber are still lit.

“Now, just what are they up to?” asks Aurora, but it is not a rhetorical question. She climbs out of the barricade of barrels and bags she has built for herself and grabs an onion with her mage hand. From the top of the stairs she has the hand carry the onion down, watching its descent until it is at the maximum extent of her range, then she has the hand toss the onion the rest of the way down. The onion bounces off the bottom step and rolls into the room. Immediately Ephi hears cries and people diving out of the way. A second later curses and commands come in Giant.

Babshapka hears (Perception 20) “It’s just an onion, they’re trying to scare us! Back to work, follow the plan!” When Babshapka relates this to the party, none of them like the sound of ‘the plan’, but Willa least of all.

[Meanwhile in the basement, the living fire giant is de facto in charge, and is growling orders at everyone present. With the death of the Keeper and the loss of so many bugbear troops, even the hill giantesses who are dreaming of being the next wife of Nosnra are not challenging his authority. He and the giantesses are gathering the dead bugbears into piles, and the few remaining living bugbears are transporting them back into their quarters. The fire giant’s plan involves the orc slaves, and it won’t do for them to realize just how many losses the bugbears have taken. Without the bugbears to keep them in line, there will be no effective way to control the numerous orcs. The dead Keeper and his apes are put back into their room, and the giant personally drags his companion fire giant into the torture chamber - unless he bothered to remove the damaged armor from the body, which would take time, no one else on hand would be capable of moving the dead giant. Neither is there time to have the kitchen orcs clean the blood and gore from the floor; it is obvious that a battle took place, but at least there will not be piles of bodies around to make it clear that the bugbears got the worse end of it.

The fire giant knows that this attacks was the work of adventurers - the potency of their strange weapons, their use of magic, that much is obvious. His conclusion is that they cannot be allowed to escape or to rest. He knows that if allowed to rest, the adventurers will rapidly recover their health and their magic, and they have already killed the vast majority of the defenders in the Understeading. On their next foray, if they come back as strong as they were just now, the giants could easily be wiped out. Thus, his job is to make sure that the humans don’t get a chance to rest, or worse, to slip away to some hidden location where they can not only recover, but can choose the time of their next assault. It is clear that he has to keep pressing them and not lose them. Unfortunately, his options for doing so are limited, with the only access to the Upper Steading being through the narrow stairwell. He resolves to throw fodder at them and see how they respond. If they defend the stairs, at least he can keep them pinned down for an hour. If they pull back, he can move his forces upstairs to where they can better maneuver. In any event, he will need time for the giants and what few bugbears remain to recover from their wounds. If he can manage to get a rest for his people, while making sure that the humans above are not able to rest, then he may actually have a chance of coming out of this alive.

The primary difficulty of the stairs is the predictability of access and the exposure. The humans have magic and missile weapons - anyone he sends up the stairs will be fired on their whole time ascending, and anyone who dies on the stairs will slow up those who come behind. He considers giving a shield to one of the giantesses and sending her up first to bear the brunt of the human response and protect the numerous troops coming behind, but decides against it - if an actual giant died on the stairs it would completely block things off. How can he get his forces to the top of the stairs without the humans knowing? He decides on subterfuge.

He will send up two of the dwarven forge prisoners so that the humans hold their fire. Behind them will come a team of bugbears, the best at stealth among those remaining so as to reach the top without being seen, under the cover of the dwarves. Then, once the bugbears are in melee and the party cannot fire on the stairs, the main force of the first wave will be an entire pen of the orc mining thralls. Finally, a pair of the kitchen eigers will be in the rear. They will make sure that the orcs don’t dawdle on the stairs. More than likely all of this first group will die, but at least it will give him an idea of what the humans are doing and will press them while he prepares the second wave.

The fire giant tells the bugbear chief to choose his four stealthiest warriors and also to assemble an entire pen of mining thralls in the room and arm them with their picks and shovels. In the meantime, he takes two eigers over the muted objections of the hill giantesses and brings them with him to the forge. The smallest of his giant shields will work for them, as well as some smallish clubs, but he has no helmets or other armor in their size. When he has outfitted the young eigers, he grabs a hammer and smashes two dwarves free of their long chains, although their leg manacles are still clapped tightly about their ankles. He tells the dwarves to keep up, and returns to the staging area.

For their part, the two dwarves notice both that there is only one fire giant present from the pair, and that the hallway from the intersection to the marshalling area has bits and pieces of the other one’s armor lying about. What happened to the second giant? Did it have anything to do with the sounds of explosions and battle that they heard? Is the Steading under attack? Have their dwarven kinsmen come at long last to free them? They exchange looks between themselves, but know better than to ask questions or slow their pace, however.

In the staging area, the fire giant looks down at the neat rows of lowly mining orcs. He speaks to them in Giant, and the bugbear chief translates it into Orc. He tells them that as they know, most of the male giants of the Steading are away fighting against the humans of Sterich. The giants are being served in the war by many orcs, true warriors, whose chiefs listened to Nosnra and agreed to serve him. Their brethren orcs are even now bravely killing humans and plundering towns, while they themselves have to toil ignominiously as mining slaves because they, or their chieftains, foolishly would not agree to serve Nosnra. However, they have been dutiful slaves, with this very group the most disciplined and reliable of all the mining crews, and as a reward, he is offering them a chance to earn a promotion in their status. With the hill giant males gone, a group of treacherous humans have entered the Steading to try to steal the treasures of the giants. Of course the humans were caught, and even now they are trapped in the pantry and kitchen, ringed around on all sides by the giants and unable to leave. While what few giants remain could easily crush the humans, he has personally intervened on behalf of the orcs to ask the Hill Giant subchief for permission to send this mining crew against them. He is confident that they will prove their loyalty to the giants, that they are tired of mining like slaves and want to fight like true warriors, and that they will do well when given the chance to fight. He guarantees to them that when they win, they will cease to be miners and will become warriors for Nosnra. What is more, any one of them who actually kills a human will cease to be a mining thrall and will be promoted to a guard, of the same status as the bugbears. At this last part, the bugbears and hill giantesses, too stupid to realize that the fire giant is lying, vociferously object. The fire giant draws his sword and their objections cease. He laughs. Their sincere protestations will be even better at convincing the orcs than his own words were. The orcs raise their mining tools and cheer weakly. It is time to send them up.

He turns to the sniveling dwarves, now using Common. “You two - go up the stairs and make a lot of noise as you go. Surrender to the humans. If you do not reach them, I will kill you myself. If they see the bugbears I am sending up behind you, I will break your legs with my iron shots and then make you watch while I crush the heads of all the dwarves in the forge, and then I will kill you.” They nod in comprehension and move to the bottom stair. He gestures to the bugbears to fall in behind them.]

At the top of the stairs, the party waits tensely after the fires of the grenade have gone out. Some ten minutes later, from the darkness at the bottom of the stairs, they hear a deep voice in accented Common. “Och, dinnae shoot oos lads, weer coomin’ oop.” It certainly doesn’t sound like a giant, or a bugbear for that matter.

The party is perplexed. Aurora had taken a steel mirror from her pack and given it to Willa - now Willa passes it to Babshapka so that he can look around the corner without revealing himself. Ephi looks down into the darkness (Perception 11). When the figures reach about sixty feet from Ephi, they come into view - two short, but broad, males. They have their open hands raised above their heads, but every time they ascend a step, Ephi can hear the clank of iron manacles about their ankles. He reaches out with his telepathy for their surface thoughts - they sincerely don’t want to be shot at. The party holds their weapons and spells at the ready, but does not fire.

At thirty feet, Ephi can see that they are obviously dwarves, but curious ones. Besides the leg irons, they wear tattered loincloths and little else. They are very well muscled in the arms, but scrawny elsewhere and have disheveled and patchy hair. They are indeed a piteous sight.

With Larry gone, does anyone in the party speak Dwarven? They all look at each other and shake their heads. When the dwarves are near the top of the stairs, Babshapka whispers in Common, “Is this a trick?”

One of the dwarves responds in a low voice, “Steel an’ stone, elf - o' carse it’s a trick! There be boogbares behin’ oos, raight new!” Indeed, the dwarven diversion has allowed the bugbears to creep silently up the stairs, unnoticed by the party (Stealth 19 > Ephi Perception 11, Babshapka Perception 5).
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:21 pm  
Post 266: At the Top of the Stairs - First Wave

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Post 266: At the Top of the Stairs - First Wave
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Round One
Two of the bugbears charge, shoving the dwarves violently aside to get by, and then laying into Ephi with their morningstars (two hits, 16 damage). Ephi responds with a readied attack on them (one hit, 9 damage).

The rear two bugbears now have no room to slip by the dwarves, so they attempt to shove them to the ground and go over them (contested Athletics checks Bugbear 22 > Dwarf 16, Bugbear 5 < Dwarf 19). One dwarf crashes to the stairs and the bugbear steps over him. The other cowers on his knees while the bugbear shoves him roughly with one hand and threatens him with the morningstar in the other, but still can’t pass.

Willa drinks the potion of superior healing the party recovered from the lair of the black dragon wyrmling all the way back in Salinmoor (8d4+8 = 26 points) [See Post 30!].

Babshapka ignores the scuffle at the top of the stairs and tries to peer into the darkness at the bottom - how many more bugbears are coming? He doesn’t see much (Perception 6).

The party calls to the dwarves for them to come into the pantry, but they cannot so easily get past three bugbears, Ephi’s claws, the barrier of crates, and the giant ape.

Giant Ape Thokk reaches over the barrier, grabs with his hand the bubear Ephi wounded and crushes it until he feels it go limp (hit, 23 points, first bugbear down). He then lifts it up, and uses the weight like a hammer to drive it down on a second bugbear, wounding it (21 points).

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Two
All three of the remaining bugbears attempt to shove Ephi back so that they can get past (contested Athletics checks Bugbear 10 < Slaad 19, Bugbear 7 < Slaad 19, Bugbear 20 > Slaad 11). Together, they manage to advance and push him back ten feet.

Babshapka falls back to the barrier of crates, but does not go further so as to not allow the bugbears to attack him while he scrambles over them. He fires off two arrows, and drops one of the bugbears (one hit, 11 damage; two bugbears down). He is quickly running out of room to use his bow.

Willa drinks a potion of healing (2d4+2; gains 7 points).

Giant Ape Thokk drops the dead bugbear he is holding, makes a fist, and smashes down with might on another one, smearing it against the stone steps. Unfortunately it is the one that was just killed by Babshapka (two attacks miss). Staring more intently at the combat, the ape notices that Babshapka is trapped between the crates and the bugbears, with barely any room to draw his bow. He reaches both hands forward and gently cups them around the elf, then lifts him and sets him down on the other side of the barrier (Thokk has attacked twice, but still has a ‘free object interaction’; strength check to lift Babshapka 19; success; because this was not Babshapka’s movement, no opportunity attack from Bugbears).

Ephi (has taken 16 damage and regenerated 10) slashes at the two remaining unwounded bugbears, but his claws do not penetrate their heavy hide armor (two misses). Ephi hears voices coming from down the stairs, but they are overshadowed by the closer grunts of the bugbears and thuds of their weapons. He catches a brief glimpse of a vague green wave ascending (Perception 1).

The mining thralls at the bottom give a ragged cheer and raise their picks and shovels over their heads as they dash up the stairs. Giant Ape Thokk smells the rush of orc flesh and musk. He bellows that they should join him in the rebellion against the giants. Unfortunately, the shape of his larynx is not such that it can produce words, even in Orc, and it just sounds like hoots and growls from the great beast. The dwarves stand up and start climbing the stairs, desperate to keep ahead of the wave of armed orcs.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Three
The two remaining bugbears evade Ephi (dodge) and work their way around him and over the crates until they are standing at the feet of the giant ape. The dwarves follow close behind, except that they have their hands in the air and are repeating “Don’ shoot!” as they run. They make it to the crates and no further.

Faced with the bugbears, Giant Ape Thokk resolves to not let them get closer to the party members who are resting. Despite them dodging his grasp, he manages to pick one up and toss it back over the crates onto the top of the stairs (two shove attacks, contested Athletics Ape 23 > Bugbear 14, Ape 10 < Bugbear 21).

Ephi (has taken 16 damage and regenerated 16, now unwounded) moves to attack the bugbear that is back on the stairs (one hit, 10 points). From there, he can now see the column of orcs advancing. Although they are armed, they don’t look particularly aggressive to him (Perception 15, Insight 22). As they approach he hisses at them and snaps his jaw (Intimidation 16). One of the two orcs at the head of the column stops in his tracks and refuses to approach any closer to Ephi (Insight 5), while the other, and those behind him, continue (Insight 19). Although the first few could attack Ephi, mostly they are swinging their mining picks around in the air for show.

Babshapka, moves to the rear of the pantry and positions himself so that the giant ape is not blocking his view of the bugbear in front of it. He shoots - the bugbear dodges one shot, but takes another (11 points).

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Four
Giant Ape Thokk leans in close to the remaining bugbear and bellows at him. Stomping his feet, he brings his hands together and down on the bugbear’s head (one hit, 14 damage). The bugbear is staggered but does not fall. The two leading orcs, witnessing this, stop in their tracks on the stairs. (Giant Ape Intimidation 14, Orc Insight 8 )

From across the room, Babshapka misses with his first bowshot, but his second drops the bugbear in front of Thokk (6 damage; 3 bugbears down).

Ephi slashes at the sole remaining bugbear, but it keeps out of the way of his long claws (it still has dodge action running).

With no bugbears in front of them and the orcs close behind them, the dwarves manage to climb the final stairs, haul themselves over the crates, and stumble into the pantry. From her bunker of boxes, Aurora waves at them, calling “Over here!” (Charisma check 17)

The sole remaining bugbear yells at the orcs, their momentum broken for the moment by the two lead most thralls who are cowering from the ape. He is bellowing in Orc, and only Thokk Ape understands his words, although Ephi can sense his intentions - “You're supposed to be attacking! Maggots! Cowards!” The bugbear swings at Ephi but misses.

While the lead orcs cower, those behind them push ahead, moving past them, the bugbear, Ephi, and the ape without any of them having made attacks. A few are spilling out into the pantry. Willa draws her sword and sets it aflame. She waves it to get the orcs’ attention, then points them at the open door of the pantry behind her. (Intimidation 14).

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Five
The bugbear continues to attack Ephi (hits, 10 damage).

The dwarves hobble over to Aurora’s bunker as fast as their leg irons permit.

Giant Ape Thokk, with his ten foot reach, leans over the crates and wallops the last bugbear in front of Ephi (1 hit, 21 damage; fourth and last bugbear down).

Ephi, with no bugbears in sight, begins casually killing orcs as they run up the stairs past him (2 hits, two orcs down, and wounds a third in an opportunity attack). As the orcs realize they are under attack, some of them dare to swing at the Slaad with their picks and shovels (1 hit, 3 damage - Ephi has taken 29 and regenerated 26). Those that make it past the Slaad gauntlet begin heading for the pantry door. Thinking that perhaps some of them speak Giant, Babshapka calls after them “Go! Go now, and join Thokk’s rebellion!”

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Six
Aurora looks at the leg manacles on the dwarves as they hunker down next to her. There are no keyholes - just well-forged iron bands heat-welded shut (and thus untargetable by her knock spell). The manacles fit well - neither too tight nor too loose, and the bare skin underneath is rubbed raw as if they have been worn for quite some time. There is a large loop on the outside through which a tethering rope or small chain might go, and indeed one of the dwarves still has a bit of broken chain passing through one of his irons. Aurora asks them how many of them are laboring in the basement, and they respond that seven dwarves, including themselves, are forced to toil for the fire giants.

The first five orcs make it through the pantry and out into the hall - they turn and head for the servant’s quarters - with Babshapka tailing them to make sure they are going the right way. Those on the stairs surround Ephi and begin to cooperate to strike at him (three hits, 11 damage). He slashes back (two hits, kills one and wounds another; 3 orcs down; Ephi has taken 40 and regenerated 36).

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Seven
Ephi (has taken 40 and regenerated 40) slashes at the orcs around him and kills two more (5 orcs down). Those remaining continue to attack him - for the time being, none beyond the initial five have made it to the pantry (two hits, Ephi takes 9 points).

Babshapka confirms that the orcs are indeed headed to the door exiting through the animal pen.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Eight
The orcs have landed several good hits on Ephi - and have seen the very wounds seal themselves closed and his rubbery flesh knit itself together! Abandoning the fight, those in the lead begin to climb over the crates, dart past the Giant Ape, and make their way across the pantry. Ephi slashes at one of them (opportunity attack) but misses. The new orcs coming forward up the stairs swing their tools at the Slaad half-heartedly (four attacks, all miss). From halfway down the stairs, the eigers shout at them and urge them forward. The giant ape, perhaps angry that none of these potential revolutionaries are heeding his ape-words, smashes those who enter the pantry (2 hits, 20 and 23 damage, two orcs killed; total seven orcs down).

Satisfied with the destination of the fleeing thralls, Babshapka returns to the pantry.

Ephi (has taken 49 and regenerated 49) sees the two eigers below, armed with actual weapons of war and bearing shields, hustling the tail end of the orc column forward. Rather than continuing to attack the mining thralls, he now permits them to stream past him. Moving out of the way of them and their weapons (dodge), he prepares to face the eigers.

Aurora asks the dwarves what is going on in the basement, what they saw from the forge to the stairs. Over the course of the rest of the battle and beyond, they relate their tale to her.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Nine
The giant ape leans out over the crates. Even with his long arms, he can reach only Ephi and the orcs, not the eigers he can see at the rear of the column. He grabs the body of a bugbear from the floor, lifts and launches it. It crashes into the surprised eiger, nearly killing it (33 damage).

Ephi continues to wait on the arrival of the eigers (dodge), although he does casually slash one orc that runs past him incautiously (opportunity attack, 9 points). The last of the orcs, some seven remaining, are on the stairs, and two of these manage to wound Ephi even in his vigilant state (8 damage; has taken 57 and regenerated 49). The others are in the pantry or long-gone down the hall outside.

Babshapka returns to an archer’s post within the pantry. “Flee and seek Thokk’s army!” he shouts at the orcs in Giant as they leave the room.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Ten
Giant Ape Thokk grabs another of the abundant dead bugbears and hurls it down the stairs. This time the eigers see it coming and get out of the way before it crashes into them (miss).

Ephi (has taken 57 and regenerated 57) continues to wait on the arrival of the eigers (dodge), but does kill another orc when it turns its back on him (opportunity attack, 17 points; eight orcs down). There are only two orcs left on the stairs and one is still cowering from the Slaad. The larger eigers have to go single file to ascend the stairs; when the first one finally reaches Ephi, he brings his club down hard on the Slaad (9 points; Ephi has taken 66).

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Eleven
Giant Ape Thokk steps easily over the crate barrier and stands at the top of the stairs. With one massive paw on the wall to steady himself, he leans forward and grabs the nearer eiger’s club with his other paw, lifting and smashing him into the wall before he can let go. The eiger slumps to the stairs, dead (first attack hits, 30 damage; second eiger is out of reach).

Ephi (has taken 66 and regenerated 66) hops around the body of the now-dead eiger and slashes at the live one further down the stairs (two hits, 27 points). The young brute strikes back with his club (15 points; Ephi has taken 81). The last orc on the stairs, the one that had refused early on to approach Ephi, takes the opportunity to dart past the Slaad once he engages the eiger. Ephi strikes at him (opportunity attack) but misses. Now the orc has to find his way past the ape.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have not broken their rest.

Round Twelve
Giant ape Thokk snatches up the body of another bugbear and throws it with both arms overhand at the remaining eiger even as it raises its club again to strike Ephi. Whether the eiger is killed by the impact of the bugbear or by his own body falling backwards down the stairs is not clear, but it is certain that he is dead. The giant ape pulls back into the center of the pantry and begins a series of low pant-hoots, which the others take as a sign that the fight on the stairs is over for the moment.

Babshapka gathers some unlit torches, climbs a pile of boxes, removes the lit stump of a torch from a cresset on the wall, leaps down, and heads for the stairs. Seeing only Ephi standing, he lights another torch and throws the lit stump down the stairs. It doesn’t reach the bottom, but he can see nearly to the bottom in its light, and there are no sneaky bugbears or anything else coming up. The combat does indeed appear to be over. He moves halfway down the stairs and throws another lit torch; this one makes it to the floor of the room. (Ephi Perception 11). Amidst many fallen bodies, a blur of legs approaches and snatches up the torch, then quickly puts it out. There are still lots of noises and motion, but none of the things below are approaching for the moment.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora did not break their rest during the entire first wave.

Stair Defense XP
Babshapka and Thokk fought and will receive full xp.
Mathias and Aurora did not fight, but their actions (summoning Ephi and polymorph) on Thokk were instrumental in the fight. They will receive a half share of xp.
Doro and Willa did not fight and did not influence the fight. They will not receive xp.

2 eiger youth (CR1) 200xp x 2 = 400
4 bugbears (CR1) 200xp x 4 = 800
8 mining thralls killed (CR1/2) 100xp x 8 = 800

Total = 2000xp / 3 = 667 (or 333 for half shares).

Babshapka 43,607 + 667 = 44,274
Thokk 36,981 + 667 = 37,648
Willa 36,545
Aurora 36,321 + 333 = 36,654
Mathias 36,321 + 333 = 36,654
Doro 35,726

Babshapka is already at 8th. Everyone else will level to 8th after their next successful long rest.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Apr 04, 2023 9:46 am  
Post 267 - At the Top of the Stairs - Short Stories

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 267: At the Top of the Stairs - Short Stories
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

(10:20pm - twenty minutes into short rest)
Babshapka, now without a lit torch, slowly makes his way down the stairs, stepping around bodies if he can, climbing over them when he needs to (Stealth 17). His approach is, for the moment, unnoticed by the pair of bugbears now flanking the opening into the chamber (Perception 5). He moves all the way to the bottom step. The room beyond is lit, at least in the back of it, and moving any farther forward risks exposing himself. He sees a few scattered defenders - bugbears and hill giantesses. The wooden barricades have been removed and the bodies cleared.

[Meanwhile, in the back part of the Upper Steading, sixteen of the mining thralls, picks in hand, have made it to the servant’s quarters [19], where even now the room is full of goats, chewing on the cloth blankets of the beds or opening the matrasses to get at the straw. The party left the Steading door to the pen outside open, but so far only the goats have ventured inside. Although the door from this room to the hallway is also open, the animals have not yet passed into the Steading proper as even the intrepid goats are carefully avoiding the dead giantess in the doorway.

Two former kitchen orcs are watching outside, on guard. Both are loyal members of Thokk’s warband, but the arrival of the sixteen mining thralls renders the situation uncertain. To start with, the kitchen orcs were considered both weaker and more subservient to the mining thralls under the giants. On the other hand, they have tales of the Mighty Thokk, and they try to convince the others to join with them in the glorious revolution.
Unfortunately, on their way up the stairs and through the pantry the miners saw no great half-orc general leading the fight against the giants - only humans and a despised elf, as well as servant creatures some wizard summoned - a demon frog and a giant ape. The miners express doubt at the story being told to them by the servile kitchen orcs.

After a bit of back and forth, religious affinities come out, as they always do with orcs. Mighty General Thokk was a strong enough secular leader for the kitchen orcs to follow more-than-willingly in his presence, but in his absence old tribal rivalries come to the fore.

Eight of the miners and one of the kitchen thralls are Orcs of the Evil Eye, followers of Gruumsh, All-Father of the orcs. It doesn’t take them long to see that they are at least equal in number to all of the other tribes present combined, and they quickly assert control over the servant’s quarters. Deciding to trust their own tribe-mate’s tales of the Mighty Thokk (or at least using them as the pretext to their claim) they declare that they will take over guard duty, stay here, and remain faithful and ready for his next command.

The other kitchen thrall, and three of the miners, are of the tribe of the Broken Bone, followers of Bahgtru, son of Gruumsh and god of brute strength. They declare that they will also faithfully follow Thokk, but such a mighty general will be unimpressed by those who sit meekly in a room and watch an open door. Rather, they will start to search the Upper Steading, hoping to find either Thokk himself or more giants for him to kill. At the very least they will be able to find better weapons than their current mining picks, for the kitchen orc assures them that Thokk has already killed kitchen eigers, young hill giants, and others whose corpses they could loot.

The other five miners are of three disparate tribes; one Death Moon, two Leprous Hands, and two Vile Runes. They sneeringly dismiss the tales of Thokk as ‘kitchen orc folly’ and head out the door. They immediately use their picks to brutally kill a cow in the animal pen [22] and begin to feast on its raw flesh while the other animals shy away in terror.

Not to be outdone, the Evil Eye orcs in the room kill two goats, but put them to roast over the hearth in the room, declaring that the smell of the roast meat will please Mighty Thokk when he arrives. They search the adjacent dormitory [20] of the kitchen orcs, move the bedding from there into the servant quarters, take over the beds of the giant maids, go through the clothes chests and sniff greedily at the undergarments, and otherwise make themselves at home in the room while trading insults and profanities through the open door with the orcs outside.]

In the pantry, Aurora spends the next ten minutes talking to the dwarves, asking for their story. They say that more than an hour ago (corresponding with the party’s attack on the kitchen), there was lots of noise and commotion in the Understeading and that young eigers came to interrupt the fire giants and fetch them from their smithy work. The giants were gone a good while and when they came back they were angry and swearing and cuffing any dwarves who got in their way while trying to do the things they had ordered them to do. The giants helped each other into their armor and took down their swords from the wall and had the dwarves prepare a brazier of coals with their heated shots inside, and once they were all suited up they went out. A while later (corresponding with the moment the party came down the pantry stairs into the Understeading) there was lots more noise and commotion and several explosions.

Perhaps twenty minutes ago, only one of the fire giants came back. The dwarves didn’t dare ask him about the other one but when he smashed the chain of these two dwarves and dragged them to the marshalling area [Lower Level - 1] they could see that the one present was wounded and that bits and pieces of the other one’s armor were strewn about the hall. The marshalling area floor was covered in blood and gore and here and there pieces of bugbear and a few orcs smashed under a throwing rock. The hill giantesses came and went and the dwarves lost track of how many there were but they can confidently say that there were not more than ten bugbears present, including the chief and the four who just now came up the stairs behind them and are more recently dead. The bugbear chief translated a speech from the fire giant to the orc mining thralls but didn’t seem too happy about it. The dwarves don’t speak Giant or Orc but the speech seemed to be about getting them ready for the fight - then imminent, now just past.

Finally, the giant told the dwarves that they had to go to the top of the stairs, making a lot of noise while they did so. If they didn’t reach the top, or if the people up there discovered that they were being followed up by bugbears, the giant would first throw the heated shots up to break all their bones and then would crush the heads of all the dwarves left behind in the forge. So they climbed the stairs. And, well, here they are.

Aurora presses them for more information about the lower level, especially about defenses and whether there is more than one way to access it. The stairway is the only entrance and exit that they know of, but they have seen little else since they arrived at the Steading some two months ago. They are kept chained in the forge and what little food they get has been brought there; they sleep there, still chained, on a thin layer of straw over the stone. The forge must be vented somehow, so there must be a way to the surface, but it is unlikely to be large enough for anyone but the skinniest kitchen orc to pass through and besides it would not be safe to go up the chimney for hours, even if the fire was banked starting now. Also, they are brought water, both to drink and for quenching iron, but this is carried by mining thralls - not kitchen orcs like the food is - so they surmise that the water comes from the Understeading, not above or outside. Thus, they know that the lower level has at least the stairs, an exit for air, and an entrance for water.

Aurora next asks where the dwarves are from and how they came to the Steading. The two with her relate that they, and the other five below as well, are all from the city of Num-Theraz, the very same one which the Countess said ‘went silent’ just before the humanoid attacks began and which lies close by the Fjell and the seat of the Stone Giant Thegn. They were all captured and brought to the Steading. When Aurora asks whether that was before or after whatever ‘happened’ at the city, they grow alarmed - “Wha’ did ‘appen there, lass? Wha’ ur ye sayin’?” By the time she can get them calm enough to answer her questions again rather than vice versa, she has learned that they were captured just before the first of the raids in Sterich began in earnest.

To get them back to the familiar and comfortable, she asks who they are, what they were doing in the city, and how they were captured. The dwarves relate that among the seven of them, there is no one of particular importance; mostly they are miners and craftsmen. There is one warrior of fair renown with them. All dwarves are trained in weapons, of course, but one of the ones still below has made fighting his profession, has worked as a caravan guard, and is a veteran of campaigns against goblins, both above and below ground. The others can fight, but it has been decades since they have had to, and before their capture they worked as smiths and artisans. Of the two speaking with Aurora now, one is most recently a muleskinner while the other is a cartwright and occasional drover.

One day like any other they were bringing goods to the surface of Num-Theraz, assembling caches of goods and supplies that would eventually become the next caravan. They were set upon by goblins, a huge force of goblins that should never have been able to get that close to the city without being detected. When the city’s surface guards report humanoid activity, they explain, caravans are suspended and dwarves like them simply don’t go to the surface. After the nominal guards were overcome and killed, they and other dwarves were captured and force-marched away from the city. They were split up among successively smaller groups, and the group of goblins and wargs that they were with moved through the mountains, all the way around the valley of Sterich, never venturing into the lowlands where the humans are. Eventually they all arrived at the Steading, with the others that are currently below arriving at roughly the same time, just a few days earlier or later.

The days have run into one another, with monotonous hard work, little sleep, and less food, but they estimate they have been here about two months. Of that time, for at least the last six weeks, the fire giants have had them working in the forge, turning out weapons and armor - all of it giant-sized.

This seems to be about as much as Aurora is going to get from them for the moment. Willa pulls items from the pantry to feed them, and the dwarves eat slowly and methodically, clearly famished but wise enough not to overwhelm their systems. Willa and Aurora examine the manacles. The dwarves confirm that there is no key, and no means to ‘open’ them - they will need to be smashed. Fortunately, they are crudely made, and not beaten and tempered for hardness - they are soft, at least as iron goes. All that is really needed is something better made; heavy, blunt, and expendable, to hit the leg irons with repeatedly until they break. Willa rummages through the kitchen and selects several heavy iron fry pans and skillets - all sized for giants, so that she needs two hands to lift them. The dwarves turn them over critically and finally select one as being the best-made and hardest, but ask who is capable of wielding it. Willa hands the pan to Giant Ape Thokk and mimes hitting the manacles. The dwarves grow pale. The ape is strong enough to wield the pan and break the manacles, to be sure - but if he is off by only half an inch, he will end up crushing their ankles and crippling them instead of freeing them.

Willa starts to tell them not to worry, thinks better of it, and decides to help them ‘hold still’, which mostly consists of covering their eyes so that they cannot see the ape wielding the pan and smashing down on the manacle. After several blows to each and a noise that can easily be heard throughout the eerily quiet upper steading, the manacles shatter and the dwarves are free and unharmed (Thokk Dex checks with advantage from Willa’s help; 17, 14).

“Should we arm them?” asks Aurora brightly, and Willa narrows her eyes. Taking the mage by the elbow, Willa drags her to the far corner of the pantry. She urges Aurora to take a good look at the dwarves - their clearly muscular arms aside, they are malnourished, practically emaciated, and have been worked until they have passed out for the last two months. And, by their own admission, they are not warriors. If Aurora expects them to fight, she is just going to get them killed. Which may be fine for Aurora if she just wants to use them as a distraction and doesn’t care about them as people, but Willa will not have their blood on her hands. Thokk's orcs are one thing, but these dwarves are people, not fodder.

Willa checks in with Babshapka on the stairs. He is barely visible in the shadows at the bottom. She returns to the dwarves and tells them that when they are done eating, they can help by stripping the dead bugbears on the stairs of their weapons and making a pile in the pantry. She tells them they are welcome to take anything they find that is appropriately sized. The rest of it, she figures, can go to Thokk’s growing army. They nod gratefully and say they will be honored to help their rescuers.

[Meanwhile in the basement below, the Fire Giant reflects on the first wave. The mining orcs were less effective than desired - he is disappointed, but not surprised. Rabble. Cowards. There was lots of shouting and fighting, so hopefully he has at least kept the humans busy and not resting - and they are certainly guarding the stairs rather than retreating and hiding. By his estimates, he sent the first wave some ten minutes after the fire on the stairs burned out. He will wait another twenty to send the next wave, to keep them guessing. Then, if he sends in the third and last wave after another thirty minutes or so, that will have been an hour and he will have given himself and the giantesses an hour to rest and recover from their wounds. He chuckles mirthlessly. That last wave will be the last of them all - their forlorn hope.

But now is no time for self-pity. He has the second wave to organize. It will start with a single bugbear scout - perhaps he will get lucky and be able to take out the party’s scout that the bugbears say is lurking on the stairwell. Behind the bugbear will go the two remaining eiger youths, suitably armed and armored as the others were. They are not particularly effective in combat but will be able to take a lot of damage on the way up the stairs and protect the last four bugbears, which will include the chief. Hopefully they will be able to stay alive long enough to goad and direct the next pen of mining thralls (following them) into actually attacking this time - his scouts reported that many of the first wave orcs simply ran past the demon frog rather than attacking it. If they are going to do that again, he will have to instruct this next pen to specifically go after the casters once they reach the pantry. Finally, at the rear, will come the two giantesses who were not wounded when the humans last attacked. He will tell them to push the orcs to attack, to try to get in some good hits themselves, and then retreat back to the basement. If nothing else, when they fall they can block the stairs and give him and the other giantesses a chance to recover before the final battle.

That trick with the dwarves worked well enough, but won’t work again. How will he get the first troops to the top of the stairs without being seen this time? Smoke. He orders the bugbears to move the tables and planking to the base of the stairs while he returns to the forge to arm the eigers. He returns with weapons, but also a bucket of coals and a bellows. If he can get enough smoke up the stairs maybe the demon frog and the sneaky scout will have to pull back. Of course, he can’t really smoke the humans out of the pantry - not unless they are stupid enough to close the pantry door - but at least the smoke should be able to obscure the next wave until it makes it to the top of the stairs unseen.]

(10:30pm - thirty minutes into short rest)
The dwarves pull eight morningstars, eight pick-axes, and two great clubs off of the bodies on the stairs, while Ephi and Babshapka remain on guard. After placing the weapons in a pile in the middle of the pantry, the dwarves choose the two best picks for themselves.

Babshapka hears the sound of wood being dragged about the chamber below. Are they preparing more barricades? Building some sort of mantlet for the stairs? He keeps listening.

[Meanwhile in the back of the Upper Steading, the Orcs of the Broken Bone leave the servants’ quarters and move down the hallway back toward the kitchen [17]. They pause at the body of the young hill giant, take his club, and briefly size each other up until the largest of the four claims it without issue. It will be a two-handed weapon for him, so he leaves his mining pick, although it is quickly taken up by his companion who was heretofore wielding a shovel. They go over the body of the dead hill giantess but find nothing of interest on her. At the nexus of doors are six dead kitchen eigers and two orcs - these are searched as well with little to show for it. Finally they find, near the open door to the feast hall, the bodies of three dead hill giant youths, so now there are great clubs for all. The kitchen orc still carries the morningstar he took from the body of a bugbear in the fight in the Understeading, but the others laugh at him and say he is not big enough to carry the giant weapons and so doesn’t need a club. They also search the body of the adult male giant - the subchief - just inside the feast hall, and come away with four pieces of jewelry - fortunately one each, forestalling a fight for now. Feeling rather pleased with themselves, they retreat to look in the eiger dormitory [21].

This room was not just for the young kitchen eigers, but all the eigers of the Steading, although the adults are now all away at Headwater. There are thick hides on the floor which look quite inviting. There is also a large iron box! They break one of the greatclubs trying to smash it open, and the lock proves impervious to them sticking pieces of wood and old gnawed bones inside and wiggling them around. They try hefting it - yes, with the four of them they can carry it, but it will definitely slow their search for giants for Mighty Thokk to kill. Between the promise of the iron box, the comfort of the hides, and the proximity to the kitchen, they decide to claim this room as their lair and settle in. There is still too much activity in the pantry, including the hoots of the giant ape, for them to risk a provisioning trip to the kitchen storage, but they quickly grab enough scraps from the kitchen itself to tide them over for now, and carry the body of one of the young eigers in the hall into the room in case they end up staying here a while. Over time they discover many ‘secret’ caches of copper coins in the room - under furs and loose stones, in cracks in the log walls, etc.]

(10:40pm - forty minutes into short rest)
Ephi and Babshapka are still on the stairs. Ephi hears a steady, repeated sound of something blowing in short puffs (Perception 12; Babshapka Perception 10). Soon they both smell and then see smoke starting to rise from the chamber below into the stairwell.

Babshapka pulls back and crouches down to put on his anti-gas mask, then returns to the base of the stairs. By the light of the fire he can now see several bugbears and young eigers standing around a pile of burning planking, erstwhile barricades, fanning the flames and encouraging the smoke to go up the stairwell. Unbeknownst to him, his breathing in the mask is clearly audible (Babshapka Stealth 8 ). Between the smoke and the mask, he can barely see anything, and he doesn’t doubt that his steps on the stone are louder than normal, but fortunately his foes are standing next to the cracking fire and don’t hear him (Bugbear Perception 6). After inching forward, with patience and occasional gaps in the smoke, he can see a giantess halfway across the room. She has a small pile of rough rocks in front of her - of just the right size for her to hurl.

Upstairs in the pantry, the rest of the party notes the rising smoke. The ceiling of the pantry is high, some twenty feet to the sloping wood roof, far above the doorway, and it will be quite some time before the room is filled with enough smoke to be dangerous. Still, if the giants for some reason want smoke in the pantry it is a safe bet that the party doesn't, so Willa tugs on the hair of the giant ape, points to the smoke, and points to the highest part of the ceiling. Can Thokk understand her words in his new ape form? Aurora didn’t explain that part of the spell to her.

Giant ape Thokk merely has to reach overhead to grab the lowest rafters, and he easily pulls himself up, then climbs to the highest point where even now the smoke is beginning to accumulate. The cedar planking of the roof is thick and well-fitted, but it only takes a few blows from the giant ape to smash through. The smoke goes out, and a cold draft of rainy night air comes in. (Roof section: Medium, wood, resilient object: AC15, 15hp. Giant ape fist +9 to hit, damage 3d10+6 per blow)

Between the smoke, fire, and the surety that the giants are expecting them to come that way, Willa is not enthusiastic about descending the stairs again, even after they have had their rest. Is there not some other way into the basement? Aurora asks the dwarves - they have already reported that they know of no other way - but what about tunneling - could the party dig a hole to open an access? They have enough mining thralls and picks, after all.

The dwarves laugh at the idea. It’s true they haven’t seen much of the place - Upper Steading or Under, but what they have seen of the stone part beneath the surface belies any thought of digging. It is an ancient structure, even by dwarven standards, and was very well made when built. Between the stone floor of the Upper Steading and the highest rooms below is at least ten feet of solid stone. Most places are lower-ceilinged than that, with an additional thickness to tunnel through. It is of course possible given enough time and labor, but is not possible to complete any time tonight.

“We kin a’ leas’ be dowsin’ yon fire,” decides Willa. She catches the attention of the giant ape in the rafters and points at a barrel of wine, mimes throwing it down the stairs. Thokk leaps down, setting the lighter boxes and bales in the pantry to jump. He grabs the barrel and lifts it, but seems unsatisfied. Turning his head to and fro, nostrils flaring, he sees and seizes on a considerably larger butt of ale. He lifts it with two hands and staggers to the head of the stairs. When the torchlight from above goes dim, Babshapka looks up - and suddenly flattens himself against the wall in anticipation. Thokk grunts heavily and heaves the butt forward at the perfect angle down the stairs. “Whoosh! Crack-ker-splash!” it crashes into the center of the fire (attack roll 22 with disadvantage). The staves are split and a buttload (that is, 136 gallons) of ale cascades over the fire and splashes heartily on the nearby bugbears and eigers. For a second the flames go out, but the fire giant roars and they set to work fanning it frantically and stirring it so that the coals have more air. Now the smoke has doubled in thickness and rolls in great black clouds up the stairs. With no more open flames, the hot embers smoulder and smoke. Thokk grunts and returns to the pantry, this time taking a hogshead under each arm before returning to the stairs. He can hear the bugbears and giants cursing below and he chuckles. The smoke stings his eyes and he can no longer see the bottom of the stairs - he barely makes out Babshapka dashing back from the stairs into the pantry before he heaves the first hogshead down. He hears the splash and the curses and figures he must have aimed well enough (attack roll 24 with disadvantage). It only takes a few more hogsheads before the bugbears abandon any efforts to keep the fire going. Between the pantry and the kitchen storage, Thokk has an abundant supply of ale and wine and soon what was a fire is a sopping mess, with the smoke getting progressively grayer and thinner. Thokk reflects that a giant ape with the high ground and an unlimited supply of barrels is practically unstoppable. What can hope to stand against his might? Well, perhaps a short plumber from Greyhawk City with a ring of jumping, but little else.

Willa nods in satisfaction and begins ordering the party for the next assault.

When the polymorph on Thokk ends he will be just as wounded as he was before (at 1hp). That is obviously no condition to start another fight, so Aurora will be polymorphing him again. But when? If they do it at the top of the stairs, he will be slowed all the way down and more than likely on the receiving end of the fire giant’s shots (huge ape needs to squeeze on 10’ wide stairs; half movement, opponents have advantage to attack. He has disadvantage). But if they wait until Thokk’s orc-body is at the bottom, he will need to emerge into the room before Aurora can change him, and once he is there any giant rock, or even a bugbear javelin for that matter, could lay him low.

They decide that Babshapka will lead Willa down the stairs in the dark. Once she can see by the torchlight below, she will throw a stun grenade among the giants in order to give Thokk enough time to get into the chamber before Aurora polymorphs him back into the form of an ape.

[Meanwhile, in the marshalling chamber below, the Fire Giant figures that with no smoke to cover an assault, it will be better to wait for the humans to attack. They certainly seem to have no intention of leaving. He sees to the defense of the marshalling area. Each of the giantesses has a small pile of rocks in front of her to throw. What few bugbears and eigers there are remaining wait in the wings - they have orders to interpose themselves between any of the humans and the giants if the humans use their strange magic blasting weapons to stun the giants. The bugbear chieftain waits behind the door of the prison cells, protected from missiles and spells - he will emerge when the melee starts. The fire giant would like to have a pen of mining thralls on hand, but doesn’t trust them milling about and noting the paucity of bugbears on hand.]

[Meanwhile outside the Steading, the stone giants have led the refugees for an hour away from the Steading, and they are now more than a mile off and deep in the woods, although near the stream. They allow the giantesses and their youth ward to sit in the mud and pine needles and eat. They are a safe distance from the humans now and can wait until it gets light. As they eat, the young giant and giantesses alternately call for the dire wolves, despair of calling for them, howl at their misfortune, gloat about the vengeance they will have on the humans when they find Nosnra, curse the stone giants as traitors to the Ord’ning and human-lovers, beseech the stone giants for protection from the humans, and stuff themselves on the supplies they have brought. As the night goes on they eat less and begin to yell at each other more for doing all of these things while they are trying to sleep, and then do these things themselves while being yelled at by the others. The young eiger mostly sits in confusion, trying to puzzle out what is going on and what will become of him. The stone giants take turns sitting stoically in the rain or walking in a large circle around the group.]

(11:00pm - one hour into short rest)
Ephi winks out of existence.

Doro, Mathias, Willa, and Aurora have completed a short rest.
Doro uses a song of rest to heal everyone that spends HD for an additional 6hp.
Aurora spends 1 HD (6 plus 6 from song = 12)
Willa spends 1 HD (12 plus 6 from song = 18), now at full
Babshapka spends 2HD (15 plus 6 from song = 21), now at full

Below, the Fire Giant, two wounded Hill Giantesses, and a wounded Bugbear have all completed a short rest.
Bugbear spends 4HD (4d8+4) to go from 5 to 27 (full)
Hill Giantess spends 2HD (2d12+8) to go from 32 to 52 (full)
Hill Giantess spends 4HD (4d12+16) to go from 16 to 64 (full)
Fire Giant spends 6HD (6d12+36) to go from 107 to 162 (full)

Willa and Babshapka slip down the stairs as silently as they can (which is not very - Willa Stealth 7, Bugbear Perception 20, Giantess Perception 20). Those in the chamber ready their missile weapons...
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:25 am  
Post 268: Taking the Plunge

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

This play session was on November 5th, 2020.

Post 268: Taking the Plunge
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Round One
Willa and Babshapka slip down the stairs as silently as they can (which is not very - Willa Stealth 7, Bugbear Perception 20, Giantess Perception 20). Those in the chamber ready their missile weapons.

Willa and Babshapka pause in the doorway at the bottom of the stairs and take their stun grenades in hand. They have a clear shot from here and no need to advance any further into the room (+2 to AC from half cover). When they hesitate, the bugbears launch a salvo of javelins (three misses, one hit on Willa for 6 points). The bugbear chief emerges from behind a door that was not open before.

Willa sees three giantesses in the room itself, each with a pile of rocks beside her, and a fourth just beyond, in the hall across from the stairs. The fire giant is behind cover in the hallway to the right. Anyone who would enter the room is in for a world of hurt by rocks thrown by at least five giants. Willa leans back and launches her black grenade. It flies across the room and lands just where she planned - halfway between the giantess on the far left and the kitchen eiger standing nearby. Both are caught in the blast of light and sound (8 points damage, both make Con saves and take 4 points), as is a bugbear a bit further off (bugbear takes no damage but stunned for one round, eiger stunned for one round, giantess stunned for three rounds). Willa drops back to give the others access to the chamber.

Babshapka tries a trickier shot for his grenade - landing it dead center in the cluster of the two other giantesses in the room, but far enough to their rear to hit two orc thralls and the bugbear chief as well. He nails the throw and it goes off perfectly (7 damage; one Giantess stunned for two rounds (takes 3 damage), another for three rounds (takes 7), one orc for two rounds (takes 3) and another for one round (takes 3), bugbear chief for four rounds (takes 7). Babshapka fades back up the stairs, deliberately going behind Willa so that she can block any incoming missiles, giant or otherwise.

One of the orc thralls shakes off his stun, and immediately retreats through the open door and into the bugbear quarters. He figures the impending fight will keep his giant mistresses too busy to catch him withdrawing.

Only the giantess directly opposite the stairs is not stunned - she throws a rock in the general direction of the stairs, not really caring which of the humans she hits (¾ cover is +5AC), but it shatters on the wall rather than entering the stairwell.

The eiger youth who is not stunned trots over to the opening of the stairs and raises his club, ready to attack anyone who comes out, but not willing to actually go in. Thokk barrels into the chamber as Aurora raises her wand (both Aurora and the eiger have readied actions with the same trigger, Thokk entering the room, so contested Dexterity checks between Aurora (10) and eiger (3) for who can act on Thokk first). Even before the eiger can bring its club down, Thokk is growing in size and hairiness. “All giants but these are dead!” he bellows at the orcs, his voice deepening as his chest and throat grow. “Join Thokk’s rebellion and run oopstairs too-ooo the ooo-ther aaaah-rcs…aaaah aaah aaah!” The last of his call to end the orc oppression is lost in a series of pants, hoots, and grunts (wand charges from 17 to 16). The eiger’s club comes down on the still-growing ape (11 damage, but taken from Ape’s 157 hp rather than Thokk’s current 1 hp). As Thokk grows, he comes into view of the fire giant, who throws his (non-heated) shot (hits, 17 damage, Ape has taken 28).

From the stairs, Doro cups her hands and shouts at the centermost giantess, still reeling from the grenade, “You’re stunned? But how could you not expect us?” (vicious mockery - giantess fails - 4 psychic damage and disadvantage to next attack). Mathias maneuvers until he can see between the center giantess and the one to the right - and he summons Ephi right into the gap.

The Slaad comes in slashing, attacking the giantess to the right (two hits, one critical, total 34 points).

Round Two
Mathias shoots twin bolts of force over Ephi’s head at the stunned giantess the slaad is attacking and she staggers back (two hits, 9 damage). Ephi leaps in the air and slashes across her throat - she topples to the ground and quietly bleeds out (one hit, 12 points, total 65, kills giantess, first giant down). The Slaad lands behind her and springs to attack the bugbear chief.

Two of the stunned giantesses attempt to clear their heads, but can’t take any actions. The one across from the stairs hefts a rock and throws it at the ape, slamming it into his side. The ape roars in pain and defiance (one hit, 20 points, ape has taken 48).

Babshapka moves out from the safety of the stairwell, his blaster rifle strapped on and ready. He skirts the legs of the giant ape, moving forward just far enough to see the Fire Giant down the hall to the right, then rapidly turns and fires. (Sixty feet is medium range and flat save, fails; 39 force damage and destroys Fire Giant armor (AC18 to 13), unconscious for one round) The fire giant is knocked back and topples over, nearly crushing several mining thralls behind him. The chest of his plate armor has been turned to ash. He groans, shakes his head, and attempts to rise.

Giant ape Thokk looks down at the eiger youth still holding the great club. He raises his massive fists and then brings them down in quick succession on the head and shoulders of the eiger. It drops to the ground (two hits, 58 damage, kills eiger). The ape roars, then turns and charges at the giantess to the left, who seems to be just about to shake off her stun.

As the ape moves forward, Willa can see more of the room. She pulls out another stun grenade, sets the timer, and hurls it, landing it equidistant between the giantess in the far tunnel and a bugbear to her fore. The explosion stuns them both (both fail their saves, 4 rounds of stun to the giantess, 1 round to bugbear, 10 points of damage to each).

With a ragged cry, orc mining thralls begin to flood the room, picks and shovels raised. Some stream past the body of the fallen fire giant in the hall to the left, while more rush through the open doorway from which came the bugbears in the last battle. The two in the lead of this second group are charging straight for Ephi - until they think better of it and veer off the path (morale failure), turning instead to climb over the body of the fallen giantess and start heading for the stairs. Ephi swipes at one as it goes (opportunity attack hits for 10).

Sticking to the thickest sections of the lingering smoke from the former fire, Doro moves forward and crouches behind the thrown rock that recently hit the ape. She calls out at the eiger trying to keep itself between the ape and the giantess, “Leave this to the adults, junior!” (vicious mockery, fails save, 3 points psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack)

A few bugbears shake off the effects of the opening salvo of stun grenades. Another two come from the left side of the room and position themselves in front of the center giantess - they look alert, but don’t throw their javelins (readied actions to move between stunned giantess and anyone attacking her in melee).

A kitchen orc in the room is still blinded from the grenade. Another, the one that exited through the bugbear quarters, fights against the incoming current of mining thralls and reaches a far door across the room.

Back on the stairs, Aurora sets her pack on the steps, digs in it to find three stun grenades, and hands them off to Willa (who accepts them as a reaction).

Round Three
Two of the remaining three hill giantesses are still stunned. The one to the left swings her club, bashing the giant ape in its side (22 damage, ape has taken 50).

The giant ape flails about for a second, trying to find a giant opponent that is still stunned, but he is late to that party. He turns and attacks the lucid giant in the center of the room, bashing her with his fists (one hit, 22 damage).

The young eiger swings its club at the ape from behind and hits (18 damage, ape has taken 68).

From the safety of the stairwell, Aurora sends a firebolt at the giantess that the giant ape is fighting (9 points).

From her position behind the rock in the room, Doro waits until the bugbear and the eiger at the giant ape’s feet appear distracted, then darts over to the stack of lumber along the wall. Moving in the shadows, she gets within striking distance of the Bugbear without being seen (Stealth 22). The bugbear pursues its attacks on the ape, but doesn’t dare get close enough to connect (miss).

Willa bursts out from the stairwell and sprints across the room with a black grenade in hand. She stops just outside the reach of the giantess in the center, feints, then spins and throws the grenade at the fire giant down the hall to the left, who is still on his back with mining thralls streaming past him. The grenade explodes, damaging him and two orcs, and stunning him and all six orcs within twenty feet of the blast.

A bugbear charges across the room, attempting to bowl Willa over, but she easily avoids him (shove attack, Contested Athletics; Bugbear 4 < Willa 23). The two bugbears remaining both stay alert in front of the giantess but don’t move yet (readied actions to intercept attackers).

The bugbear chief swings his morningstar at Ephi, but misses both times.

Ephi lays into the bugbear chief, slashing at him fiercely (two hits, one [i]critical[/i], 29 damage). From the protection of the stairwell, Mathias shoots bolts of force at the chief as well (two hits, 9 damage).

More orcs continue to stream out from the bugbear quarters and climb over the body of the fallen giantess, who is clearly dead and bleeding out from Ephi’s slashes. Three orcs manage to summon the nerve to attack the Slaad (two hits with shovels, 8 damage to Ephi). A fourth starts toward him but then runs away (morale fail) - he kills it from behind (opportunity attack, 16 damage, first orc down).

Those mining orcs in the hall who are immediately in front of the fallen fire giant try to shake off the effects of the stun grenade. Those coming up from behind are reluctant to clamber over his body - he is currently prone and stunned, but clearly not dead, and he could stand up and lash out at them at any time.

One of the orc kitchen thralls finally clears his head of the stun. The other continues through the bugbear quarters and out their back door into the watch room.

Babshapka moves forward to the rock cover just vacated by Doro, then turns and raises his blaster rifle at the fallen fire giant. Immediately two of the bugbears launch javelins at him but neither hits (readied actions to attack anyone with a blaster - the orders they received from the fire giant after it observed the last combat). Babshapka gets his shot off - fortunately the huge giant has enough of a profile even while prone so that the targeting screen can find him among all the orcs. The bottom half of his armor is disintegrated and he ceases his struggles and slumps to the floor (failed Dex save, 27 force damage, unconscious for four rounds). A second later he groans and his tongue lolls (now three rounds of unconsciousness remaining).

Round Four
Willa turns back from the fire giant to the melee in the center of the room. The bugbear that had tried to knock her over before is lumbering back for another pass. In one motion she pulls her greatsword from its sheath, says the word to ignite the blade, ducks under his blow, and comes up from underneath, slicing through his hide armor, cutting open his chest, and setting his long hair on fire (one hit, 25 damage, first bugbear down). He collapses behind her as she is already headed between the four great legs of the struggling giant ape and giantess. Once safely on the other side, she spins hard and sinks a backhanded hack deep into the giantesses’ lower thigh, likely hamstringing her. The giantess goes down screaming, in any event, and does not rise again (one hit, 24 points, second giantess down). Willa next sets her sights on the giantess beyond the rock barrier and down the hall. She closes half the distance to her.

When the young eiger sees Willa take out one giantess and start heading for another, he leaves off his attacks on the ape and charges at her from behind. Overtaking her, he slams his club down in a glancing blow across her back (7 points).

As Willa slows and turns to face the eiger, two bugbears, now without giantesses to defend, attempt to tackle her. She switches her greatsword to one hand and straight-arms them as they come in (shove attacks, contested Athletics checks, Willa 16 > Bugbear 13, Willa 15 > Bugbear 3).

With the eiger now departed and the nearest giantess down, it is just Doro and the ape against a solitary bugbear on the left flank. Doro draws her rapier and reveals herself when it bursts into flame. She stabs at the bugbear, but his heavy hide armor turns aside the thin blade (attack with advantage but misses). He responds with a more telling morningstar hit on her (6 points).

Giant Ape Thokk sees the giantess he is fighting fall to the floor, and looks about for the cause. Seeing his evil advisor run by with her sword on fire he smiles, baring his giant apey teeth, then turns to the other giantess in the corner. A massive ape fist slams her in the guts (20 points), but she twists away from his second blow (miss). She swings a great club back at him but he blocks the blow with his arm (miss). A second later a firebolt from the stairs slams into her (13 points). The other giantess down the hall is still stunned.

The fire giant groans again (unconscious for two more rounds).

Ephi has the bugbear chief backed up to the wall, but as more mining orcs surround the Slaad, the great bugbear grins wickedly. As Ephi turns to avoid a pick, the chief strikes the Slaad with his morning star (10 points, Ephi has taken 18).

From the stairwell Mathias shoots at the bugbear chief, who towers over the orcs and stands head and shoulders above Ephi. One of his blasts connects (4 damage). Ephi (has taken 18; regenerated 10) jams his claws through the chain shirt once, but the metal turns his other blow (one hit; 11 damage). The great bugbear grimaces in pain but is still up.

The lone kitchen orc in the middle of the battle begins to run across the room, stepping over the just-slain giantess. Is he making for the stairs? Maybe - but there are still people on the stairs slinging spells. He veers off and ends up cowering against the wall, between some planking and the body of the slain eiger youth. A few seconds later, three mining orcs with no stomach for the fight have joined him.

Babshapka is determined to kill the fire giant before he is able to rise. He disengages the targeting screen on the blaster and draws both his swords. There are currently eight orcs in front of the fallen giant, including two still stunned from Willa’s grenade. Babshapka runs forward, waving his swords menacingly and shouting “Out of my way or die!” One orc lowers his shovel and turns away (failed morale check).

Babshapka continues his advance. He has little love for orcs, but less for slaughter. These are just workers armed with tools, and not even warriors. He runs by an orc without even trying to strike a blow - and the orc spins and hits him in the back of the head with his shovel (opportunity attack, critical hit; 7 points). No good deed goes unpunished. Three orcs with mining picks close ranks in front of the fallen giant, daring Babshapka to go through them. Really? he thinks to himself, and begins a complicated series of sword motions without actually attacking, hoping to intimidate them. Of the dozen or so mining orcs around the giant, three more peel off and head for the growing group along the wall of the marshalling chamber, hoping to find someone to surrender to. Three more remain dazed and confused from the grenade blast. The remaining five take up an old orc chant about killing elves and fall upon Babshapka with their weapons (five hits, one critical; 22 damage).

Three more miners head to the left flank, two attacking Doro and one the giant ape, all from behind (one hit to Doro for 6, one to the ape for 5). The remaining six cluster around Ephi and the bugbear chief, attacking the Slaad from all sides (five hits, two critical, 27 damage; Ephi has taken 45 and regenerated 10).

Round Five
Giant ape Thokk swings at the giantess in the corner but she ducks under the blow. That doesn’t save her from his other fist coming down from above to batter her unconscious, however (one hit, 22 damage, third giantess down). The ape tilts his head back, bellows, and beats his chest.

Doro is now surrounded by a bugbear and two orcs, and her supposed giant ape ally is not paying her much heed. She strikes at the bugbear with her flametongue rapier, but a sudden blow from an orc behind her sends her stumbling forward into the pile of planking (her attack roll is a critical miss). For a second it looks like she is about to go down, but she spins and brings the blade up to protect herself (Dex save 19). The bugbear swings his morningstar in response but misses. Aurora tries to help but her firebolt wounds an orc without dropping it (6 points).

Willa doesn’t fancy entering the narrow passage to face the giantess now that there are two bugbears and an eiger now on her back. She spins and strikes at a bugbear to give herself some breathing room, cutting it down (first hit, 27 damage; second bugbear down). She attacks the other bugbear but he eludes her (miss). She is a sitting duck out here if that giantess recovers from the stun grenade and starts throwing rocks! Pushing herself to her limits, she aims a wild strike at the bugbear (action surge - third attack - critical miss), trips over the dead giantess, and drops to the ground face-first. She rolls over on her back just in time to see the bugbear towering over her, lifting his morningstar high overhead and about to bring it down in an arc that will crush her skull. Snatching her greatsword from where it fell on the stone floor, she arches her back and thrusts up just as he plunges down. The greatsword enters his belly below the ribs and drives up into his chest cavity as he comes down with all his weight on it (fourth attack - improved critical hit, 47 damage; third bugbear down). Willa pulls her sword free from the collapsing bugbear as she climbs to her feet to face the eiger. Seeing both bugbears down, he hesitates, and she takes the chance to turn her back on him, run, and jump over the low pile of rocks to face the giantess back in the hall. The eiger swings his club at her as she goes but catches only air (opportunity attack misses). With his long strides, he soon catches up, climbs over the barrier, and swings at her again when she is forced to pause before the body of the giantess (hit, 11 damage). In following her, he has himself left his back open to the giant ape, however, and suffers more in response than she did (opportunity attack from Thokk hits, 25 damage). The giantess shakes her head, suddenly seeing Willa and her blazing sword in front of her for the first time (last round of stun).

The bloodied bugbear chief is locked in combat with Ephi and does not notice the last of his warriors being cut down by Willa. He swings twice at the frog demon and hits once (6 points; Ephi has taken 51 and regenerated 10). Before Ephi can respond, Mathias shoots from across the room and his second bolt of force blasts the bugbear chief into the wall. He slumps to the floor and doesn’t rise (one miss, one critical hit, 20 damage; chief down). Ephi immediately turns and tries to shove one of the orcs out of his way, but the thrall won’t give ground (contested Athletics roll, Ephi 4 < orc 8 ). The slaad decides to simply skewer the orc next to him and escape over his body (one hit, 16 damage; second orc down). Ephi leaves the five orcs behind as he attempts to protect Willa from the eiger behind her (four opportunity attacks, one hit, 5 damage, Ephi has taken 56 and regenerated 20). With the bugbear chief down and Ephi leaving the scrum, one more mining thrall decides to flee the combat and join its cowering colleagues by the planking (eighth orc morale failure). The remaining four miners pursue the Slaad and strike at his back (two hits, 9 damage, Ephi has taken 65 and regenerated 20).

Babshapka, surrounded by orcs with picks and shovels, makes a feint at the closest one. When he brings his axe up to protect himself, Babshapka leaps right, kicks off the wall, and comes down behind him (contested Acrobatics 12 > orcs’s Athletics 10). The two orcs behind Babshapka are not quick enough to catch him (both opportunity attacks miss). The wood elf lands near enough the unconscious giant to strike, and rapidly brings his swords down along the exposed legs where the armor was blasted away, trying to find the femoral artery (advantage on attack rolls, and hits yield automatic criticals on unconscious opponent - three hits for 39 damage). Babshapka strikes and strikes, but the giant has legs like tree trunks and it seems anything vital is buried under inches of flesh and muscle. It does not take long for the five orcs to track Babshapka to the giant’s side and resume their attack (three attacks, two hits, one critical, 13 damage). The fire giant’s eyes flutter and it roars in pain, its hand going instinctively to the fresh wounds on its legs (last round of unconsciousness).

Round Six
Willa is now between the eiger youth and the hill giant maid. The eiger’s club smashes the pile of rocks behind her but does no more than showering her armor with stone chips. From across the room, Mathias’ first bolt of force blasts the eiger and he drops (critical hit, 11 damage; second eiger youth down). His second blast flies over Willa’s head and hits the giantess (1 point). Ephi scrambles over both the body of the eiger and the rock pile as the orcs attack him from behind (three opportunity attacks, all hit, 11 damage; Ephi has taken 76 and regenerated 30). He moves up next to Willa and slices at the giantess (two hits, 32 damage). This last giant maid is bleeding profusely but is larger and apparently made of sterner stuff than the other three, for she is still standing. Willa switches to overhand strikes on the giantess so as to not endanger Ephi. The maid avoids her first cleave (miss) at the cost of stumbling backwards down the hall. This enables Willa to charge forward and finish her with a thrust deep into her belly (critical hit, 40 points; fourth and last giantess down). Willa doesn’t wait for the light to leave the maid’s eyes - she spins, sidles past Ephi, climbs up the rockpile, and leaps over the heads of the orcs, who are so surprised they can only swing belatedly at her (three opportunity attacks all miss). Willa continues her charge back across the center of the room, and the dead bugbears and fallen giant maids she passes offer even less resistance than did the living orcs.

The orc thralls on the left side of the room continue to strike at Doro (one hit; 6 points) and the giant ape (two attacks, one hit; four points - ape has taken 77). Capitalizing on her earlier near-fall, Doro stumbles again, but this time it is a ruse. When the bugbear moves in close to finish her, she brings her rapier up in a flash, plunging the blade through his eye and into the back of his skull (critical hit, 32 damage; fourth and final bugbear drops). She shrugs his body off the blade and turns to face the orcs. Two of the three exchange glances, drop their weapons, and turn to run (failed morale). One gets stabbed in the back by Doro (opportunity attack, 12 points; third orc down); the other is crushed by a blow from the ape (opportunity attack, 24 points; fourth orc down). The single remaining orc sets his jaw resolutely (has made two successive morale checks). Finally free of attackers (and just out of the reach of the third orc), Doro breaks away and starts heading toward where Babshapka is surrounded by orcs himself. Thokk looks at the running bard and follows her motion forward, noticing for the first time the straights in which Babshapka is. He shouts at the orcs surrounding the elf to stop their attacks and join the revolution, but they pay him no heed whatsoever (since even his best Orcish comes out his ape larynx as only grunts and hoots). Frustrated and angry, Thokk reaches down and snatches up the sole remaining orc at his feet (grapple attack hits). Loping to the middle of the room, he rears back and throws the hapless orc, arms and legs flailing, at the fallen fire giant but misses by a few feet. The orc makes a sickening crunch when it hits the wall, but immediately stops its panicked squealing (miss, 30 damage to orc not giant; fifth orc down).

Aurora finally leaves the safety of the stairwell and runs into the center of the room, completing a mirror image spell as she does so (upcast to third level as she has no second level slots, Aurora now at 1/0/0/0).

Babshapka continues to attack the fire giant beneath him, who still lies on the stone floor but now twists and turns with each blow. Babs is desperate to slay the behemoth before he is able to stand and attack in response (three hits, 24 damage). The crowd of miners around him continue to strike at him as moves (three attacks, one critical hit, 9 points). Three orcs nearby have shaken off the effects of the stun grenade so that the ranger will now face eight thralls in total even if he manages to dispatch the giant. With a great roar, the fire giant finally staggers to his feet, sending the orcs on and around him flying. He raises his huge sword, longer than Babshapka is tall, into the air, and Babshapka strikes one last time at his exposed leg (giant killer - hit, 8 points). The sword falls on Babshapka, felling him in one blow (27 points) and leaving him bleeding out on the stone floor. The giant spits a mass of bloody phlegm at the fallen elf, then turns and raises his sword in the direction of the giant ape. He calls to the orcs to join him as he lumbers forward.

Round Seven
Ephi is being kept from leaving the hallway by the three mining thralls, who are using the rockpile to give themselves cover from his claws. Suddenly one of them drops as twin bolts from Mathias hit him from behind (two hits, 14 damage; sixth orc down). Ephi (has taken 76 and regenerated 40) immediately leaps over the rocks, lands behind them, slashes one orc open and disembowels the next (hit for 13, critical hit for 20 points; seventh and eighth orcs down).

When Giant Ape Thokk sees the fire giant coming forward to meet him, he snarls a challenge and charges. Even before the bloodied giant can bring his sword over his head, the ape is on him, fists flailing (two hits, 50 damage; fire giant down). Once the giant topples to the ground, Thokk bends down to all fours so that his face is almost level with the orcs in the hall. He roars at the top of his lungs at them. Three mining thralls immediately drop their picks and shovels and retreat back up the hallway (total 11 orcs have now failed morale).

Babshapka continues to bleed out (failed save, one step closer to death).

Willa runs from the center of the room, past the ape, and even past a few mining thralls, trying to reach Babshapka’s side before he expires.

Doro moves closer, until she can just barely see Babshapka’s body on the ground. She sheathes her rapier, grabs her samisen, and speaks a healing word (5 points healing to Babshapka). The elf sighs and regains consciousness.

Of the five remaining orcs, two attack the ape (one hit for 5) and three Willa (one hit for 3).

Round Eight
Babshapka struggles to his feet, using the wall for support, then stoops and picks up his fallen swords. His breathing is ragged. I tried to warn you - he thinks to himself, as his rational mind retreats and he gives in to the ancestral enmity between elves and orcs. I gave you a chance to run away - he mutters bitterly, before inhaling deeply and plunging his broadsword into the back of the nearest orc, who stands transfixed by the giant ape. As the orc jerks free and spins around, Babshapka is ready with his shortsword in his other hand to cut him down. “You made your choice!” Babshapka shouts at him as he falls (two hits, 18 points; ninth orc down).

Doro leaves off her samisen and again draws her rapier. The orcs in the corner of the chamber are cowering now, but that hasn’t stopped their comrades down the hall from continuing to attack Willa and Babshapka. Certainly no one has offered them terms of surrender. Doro stabs the rapier through the torso of an orc and he drops to the ground (13 damage; converts one orc from failed morale to killed). Mathias exits the stairwell and strafes the huddled orcs with blasts of force (two hits, 7 points to one converts it from kitchen thrall morale failure to killed; 1 point wounds another). The orcs are now trying to back up into the wall, shoving each other to the front and closer to the party as they try to save themselves by offering up their companions.

Willa moves forward to Babshapka’s side and rapidly cuts down the two remaining orcs within reach of him (two hits, 19 and 24 damage; twelfth and thirteenth orcs down). Seeing the two orcs fall, but with two orcs still fighting at his feet, Giant Ape Thokk turns his head and hoots at Aurora, miming her waving a wand about. The two orcs don’t leave off their attack (two hits, 11 damage; ape has taken 88 points). Aurora holds out her wand of polymorph and deliberately breaks her concentration on the spell. Before the stunned eyes of the eight orcs remaining, the huge ape shrinks and assumes the form of a half-orc barbarian.

“ORCS!” he shouts, his words finally understandable to them. “Brethren! Fellow children of Gruumsh and Luthic! This is your last chance! Join Mighty Thokk against your giant oppressors or die right now! Thokk will become a great beast again and squish you all until you are just toe jam between his giant ape toes!” After a stunned silence in the hall, one of the orcs shouts “Thokk!” The others soon take up the chant, until it echoes through the stone halls of the Understeading - “Thokk! Thokk! THOOOKKK!” (Intimidation with advantage, 26. All eight orcs still present join Team Thokk). The fight is over.

UnderSteading II XP
1 fire giant, CR9 = 5000
1 giantess w/ 64hp, CR3 = 700
3 giantess w/ 52hp, CR3 = 2100
1 bugbear chief, CR3 = 700
2 eiger w/ 38hp, CR2 = 400
4 bugbears, CR1 = 800
10 mining orcs, 1 kitchen =1050
9 orcs failed morale = 900

Total 11,650 / 6 = 1942 each
Babshapka 44,274 + 1942 = 46,216
Thokk 37,648 + 1942 = 39,590
Willa 36,545 + 1942 = 38,487
Aurora 36,654 + 1942 = 38,596
Mathias 36,321 + 1942 = 38,596
Doro 35,726 + 1942 = 37,668

Everyone but Babshapka (who is already 8th) will level to 8th at the next successful long rest.

Plus 8 orcs converted to team Thokk = 800, Thokk to 40,490.]

Babshapka uses cure wounds on himself (heals 12 points). Now at 0/0.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
Posts: 543
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Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:01 pm  

After all that fighting and slaughter, Thokk is probably the happiest murderhobo barbarian this side of Grog Strongjaw!

Absolutely loved your descriptions of this fight, and how much you keep track of "offstage" with the various escaped orcs, refugee giants, and everything else. It's almost like a novel, in the sense that the action sometimes focuses on things where the "player characters" aren't involved.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:58 am  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
After all that fighting and slaughter, Thokk is probably the happiest murderhobo barbarian this side of Grog Strongjaw!

The others may have pangs of conscious about killing women and children, but Thokk is living his best life, and always sleeps the sleep of the just.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

Absolutely loved your descriptions of this fight, and how much you keep track of "offstage" with the various escaped orcs, refugee giants, and everything else. It's almost like a novel, in the sense that the action sometimes focuses on things where the "player characters" aren't involved.

If you like that, great, there is more to come! After a suitable time delay, I permit my players to read the campaign logs, although only one ever does. She is frequently surprised to learn what was 'really' going on, compared to the party's limited perspective.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:22 pm  
Post 269: Victory! So now what?

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

This play session was on November 5th, 2020.

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 269: Victory! So now what?
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

“You all have made a wise and glorious decision,” says Thokk in Orc when the cheering of the former thralls dies down. “You will live - and have a chance to wreak vengeance on the giants, under Thokk’s great leadership. But first, know this - everyone here now, everyone that is not an orc, is already an honored member of Thokk’s warband,” he says, as he gestures at the others in the party. “They have been with Thokk a long time, and have earned trusted positions. You will have to earn Thokk’s trust for yourselves, and you cannot do that by fighting with those who are already his loyal followers. Even that frail elf,” he says, indicating the scowling Babshapka, “has betrayed his own people to follow the Mighty Thokk. If there are any who wish to disobey this command, it is better to do it now, when Thokk is busy and will have to kill you quickly for your insolence. If you wait until later, Thokk will have time to kill you in slow and pleasurable ways. Well? Anyone?”

All of the orcs look at the ground, not meeting Thokk’s stern gaze. “Anyone?!” he says again, taking a step towards the two orcs who, a moment ago, had been attacking the giant ape. Still looking down, they go to one knee and lay their pick axes on the ground. The others soon follow suit.

“Good. Second, who here speaks Common, the language of the yoo-mans? Thokk will need lieutenants to order his many troops, and he will not be in all places at once to personally yell at you the way he would like to. Sometimes his loyal yoo-man followers will sense his intentions in their efforts to please him, and so will issue his orders to you in their tongue.”

(Orc Intelligence checks: 18, 17, 13, 12, 8, 7, 4, 1) Two of the orcs look up eagerly and finally meet Thokk’s gaze. “Good - you two - report to that yoo-man,” he says, pointing at Mathias. “He will tell you what to tell the others to do.”

“Okay,” says Mathias, once Thokk repeats his words in Common. If he is surprised at suddenly being the sub-commander of an orc army, he does not betray it. “The first thing is, you lead the others from the back - we need living translators, not dead ones, so you have to make sure you don’t get killed even if everyone else is.”

“Yes, yes,” Thokk chortles, speaking in Common. “Thokk already explain these are lieutenants. Orcs know good what this word means.”

Willa passes off two black grenades to Babshapka.

Grenades currently carried by party:
Thokk: 3 (three blue)
Willa: 9 (five blue, three red, one black)
Aurora: 12 (five blue, five red, two black)
Babshapka 2 (two black)
Doro: 4 (two red, two black)
Mathias: 3 (two red, one black)
Total: 33 (no green, thirteen blue, twelve red, eight black)

While Mathias and Thokk review the new troops, Aurora slips into the open door from which the mining thralls (and previously, the bugbears), emerged. The first room [4] of what appears to be a larger complex has a few torches and braziers still burning. There are a few hides and skins on the walls and floors, a large table with scraps of food and odds and ends of eating utensils upon it, and a mismatched collection of stools, benches, and chairs - all a bit small for bugbears but usable. There is a partially-open door opposite the one she came in, and an open hallway going deeper into the quarters. There are several untidy piles of morningstars, several dozen of the weapons in all, as well as javelins strewn about, with little regard for whether they are broken or intact.

At the same time, Willa explores down the corridor that lies behind the fallen fire giant. She goes slowly and carefully, knowing that several orcs fled this direction during the battle. However, she does not detect the presence of the two bugbears lying in wait (Willa Perception 16 < Bugbear Stealth 22). These two were not pulled into the battle, as their job was to watch the blocked-off passageway {B} for signs of the orc rebels. The giants knew full well that if the rebels were to emerge during the fight, all would be lost, and thus the bugbear chief was ordered to ‘keep up appearances’ on this front. Now, however, at the approach of Willa, and within hearing of the orcs on the other side of the passage, the bugbears are forced to act.

Slipping out of the darkness, the first bugbear blindsides her with a morningstar, but her combat reflexes protect her from the second one (one hit, 9 damage plus 7 from Bugbear’s surprise attack ability is a total of 16 to Willa).

At the sound of combat from down the hall, Mathias leaves off his command of the orcs and moves to the door outside of which the bugbear chief was slain. From there he can clearly see every door and hallway except the corridor down which Willa went, and the stairs to the pantry as well. He intends to make sure the party will not be flanked. Thokk has a moment of confusion, and then begins shouting at his troops in Orc to drop their silly shovels and arm themselves with the weapons from the slain bugbears.

[When everything is confused about him, Leezar stoops down next to the corpse of the bugbear chief and uses the shadows to go invisible. The chief has a pouch of gold at his belt that is easy to lift, but if he has more, it is under his chain shirt (Investigation 20). Leezar works to pull the shirt off over his head, using a dagger when the chain gets snagged on his long hair.]

Babshapka looks up in shock and finds himself with an arrow on the string out of reflex. He lets it fly at the bugbear farther from Willa but it sails by. He nocks another as he strides toward the end of the hall, but the second one misses as well.

One of the bugbears swings at Willa with his morningstar (miss) while the other ducks away (disengage). He does not go far, however, merely moving to the nearest door along the wall. The door opens out and is barred with a stout length of wood. He throws the bar to the floor, tugs open the door, and starts yelling inside in a language Willa does not recognize. She drives the remaining bugbear back with a wild blow (miss) and then follows up with a solid hit that nearly drops him (24 points). As the bugbear staggers, she turns and runs back up the hall toward the party (his opportunity attack misses) and away from whatever is behind the now-open door.

With his men now armed, Thokk leads a charge down the hall, the converted orcs just behind him as he passes Willa going the other way.

Babshapka moves as close as he can to the wall to avoid blocking both Willa and Thokk. He continues to fire arrows, though now aiming at the wounded bugbear who is closer. His second shot drops it where it stands (one hit, 12 damage, first bugbear down).

The second bugbear shouts a final command at the mining thralls inside their pen [10] and moves back toward the bugbear quarters and out of the field of Babshapka’s bowshot. He swats at the cowering kitchen orc who fled the last battle and remained here, but stays within sight of the door.

From the darkness at the back of the hall, Mathias commands Ephi into battle. The slaad starts down the hall behind the orc troops [while Leezar slides the pouch of gold coins into his man bag. After several moments more, he has the chain armor loose enough to pull out another bag, this one worn about the chief's neck but under his armor. It contains three gemstones - these also go in the bag from the mind flayer.]

When the orc lieutenants catch up to Thokk and Willa they shout orders at the six troopers, who break into two columns and advance to either side of those standing in the middle of the hall.

From the open door of the thrall pen stream orcs, dirty and unarmed. From the wings the bugbear yells at them to attack, but from up the hall Thokk’s army recognizes their comrades and yells at them to join the revolution. They stare on in confusion, milling about as more and more of them exit the pen and fill the hall.

Into the leadership void strides Thokk, bellowing at orcs new and old, “JOIN THOKK OR DIE! KILL ALL THE GIANTS!” As he moves into view, the eight members of his army begin to shout “Thokk! Thokk! Thokk!” (Thokk Intimidation with Advantage; 21. He converts all 31 mining thralls).

The bugbear winces at the cheers, shoves the kitchen orc out of the way, and starts to flee back into the bugbear quarters. The kitchen thrall rounds the corner into the room of mining orcs. His hands are in the air, and he looks about expectantly for someone to surrender to.

[As the fleeing bugbear passes into the bugbear barracks dining hall, he smells the presence of Aurora, and slows to a more stealthful pace. Moving silently on his great padded feet, he eases open the door to the marshaling area and uses the shadows to slip past Doro and to the bottom of the stairs (Bugbear Stealth 25 > Doro Perception 15). As he crosses the room he notes all the fallen giantesses, as well as the dead fire giant. No, he thinks to himself, there is nothing worth sticking around for here. Time to make tracks. He heads up the stairs.

In the pantry above, the two dwarves have been listening intently to the sounds of the battle below. Now that the screams and cries have subsided, they briefly debate whether they should take some sausages to the kitchen to fry up, but then remind each other that at least five of Thokk’s orcs are somewhere about in the Upper Steading, and certainly not to be trusted out of his sight, as well as a dozen or more that made it up the stairs and out to who knows where that have not even pledged loyalty to the barbarian. In the end, they decide to hunker down behind the barricade of boxes and barrels that Aurora made and work on a bag of dried fruit and a rundlet of ale.

The dwarves are thus otherwise engaged when the escaping bugbear reaches the top of the stairs. He can smell and hear them before he even rounds the corner. It is just two of the nasty little diggers, and he is sorely tempted to squash both of their heads with his morningstar. The first would be easy enough, but he doubts that he could get the second one off before it screamed, and there were several of the humans in the room below, and who knows how many here in the Upper Steading. The bugbear fights back his natural inclination for murder and sneaks past them (Bugbear Stealth 12 > Dwarves passive Perception 10), grabs some salted meat from the kitchen storage, and makes his way to the front of the Steading and the main doors.]

Willa and Thokk pause for the orc lieutenants to order the new troops, as well as send them to the main chamber [1] to retrieve the mining picks and shovels dropped by their fallen comrades. In the meantime, Willa surveys the end of the hall. Three stout wooden doors are on the wall, each capable of being barred from outside but all currently open [9, 10, 11]. The noisome smell of stale sweat and unemptied chamber pots fills each room and leaks out into the hall. To the left is a gap leading back to a small chamber [8] and the end of the hall itself is blocked off by rough stones piled high {B}. To the right the corridor branches in several directions. She is not sure, but she thinks the orcs that fled the last fight went to the right.

Thokk grabs a lieutenant and points at the right-most open door on the wall [9] . “Investigate that doorway,” he says in Orc, his voice full of new possibilities for command.

The orc trots forward obediently and looks inside the room (Perception 10). He seems eager to please, but also a bit confused about his orders. “Mighty General Thokk! I see one of the good behavior thrall pens! Is there something else I should be seeing?”

“Hmph, Thokk is testing you,” he replies. “Are all our brother orcs housed here?”

“Well…” considers the lieutenant. “The orcs that are too weak and snively to work as good miners are kept upstairs for kitchen work,” he sneers, in a way that clearly indicates it is not fitting for any adult male to be engaged in such tasks. He also spits in the direction of the kitchen thrall who is still hanging about, having gravitated to Thokk. The smallish orc raises his hands in the air again reflexively, still trying to have his surrender recognized. “But the orcs that are strong like us,” he says proudly, “are kept in these three good behavior pens. We are fed well and allowed to take out our waste (sometimes), and best of all we get to hit rocks all day with mining tools!” He does a pec-and-trap flexing pose as he threatens the kitchen orc, secretly hoping that Thokk will appreciate the muscles he has accumulated by pounding rocks all day.

“Do these pens hold more of us?” asks Thokk. “Would sneaky bugbears hide there?”

“More of us? Oh no, the giants threw all of us at Mighty Thokk and we broke upon him like the waves on strong cliffs at the edge of our racial memory of a nonspecific ocean. All good behavior orcs are now either dead or in Mighty Thokk’s Army. Those who are alive are grateful they have lived to see the Revolution and now serve Mighty Thokk faithfully. Those who are dead are doubly glad that although they had to die, they were honored to have died by the hand of Mighty Thokk and his strange yoo-man warband. Oh, and also bugbears would not hide in our pens - they have their own rooms - much nicer than ours, since the giants let the cowardly bugbears act as their sneaky soldiers and the whipmasters for good-behaving orcs.”

“I see. Where are these bugbear quarters?”

“Well, it is a large complex, for there are many bugbears, or there were, but we are not allowed in the rooms. But this I know - there are at least two entrances, one there,” and he points at the nearby alcove, “and the other in the room of great battle, where Mighty Thokk assumed the form of a Great Ape Flesh-Rending Beast, even bigger than the giants and with which form to justly pound the giant faces in until they all lay dead or dying before him.”

“So there might be more bugbears in those quarters, in hiding?”

“Yes, yes - bugbears are very sneaky. They will come up behind you at any time and try to kill you without even letting you know who it is that is killing you. They are powerful, but also cowardly.”

Some of the other orcs nearby join in the conversation. “Yes, let us find and kill all the bugbears! For too long, bugbears have been allowed to fight for the giants and orcs can only mine. That is not fair! The bugbears must be punished for usurping the rightful place of orcs as soldiers and raiders for the giants!”

“Death to the bugbears!”

“Agreed,” decides Thokk. He motions, and one of his new lieutenants grabs a squad of orcs and directs them to the door leading to the bugbear quarters. They pass through what seems to be a small watch room [8], then a tiny antechamber, and into the same dining hall [4] that Aurora was in before. She comes the other way, and is with Thokk when he searches the outer watch room for ‘hidden bugbears’ (Perception 20).

“Come, Mighty Thokk,” the orcs call back to him through the open doors. “We will show you the bugbear quarters! Already we have discovered a great cache of weapons for your army!”

Thokk oversees the distribution of morningstars to those with him, and then those out in the hall as well. There are plenty to go around, and soon every orc in his band is armed with an actual weapon rather than a digging tool.

By the time Thokk has entered the dining hall of the bugbear quarters, Aurora, Willa, and Ephi are there as well.

Willa advances down the hall within the bugbear den. To either side are smaller chambers [5 and 6], a few hides and skins on the walls and floors, straw and similar litter mounded for bedding, small crates, boxes, and the like for personal belongings. However, each room’s most striking feature is the bodies - about two dozen dead bugbear bodies, laid in like cordwood on the floor. They bear fresh wounds and are perhaps an hour or two dead - likely as a result of the party’s first assault on the basement (Perception 8 ).

“Would they put them here? Why?” asks Aurora, but she soon finds obvious tracks - running from the door to the marshaling room and into each of the rooms of the dead. There are streaks and smears of blood, obvious trails where the bodies were dragged in after the battle and lain none-too-gently to ‘rest’. In the blood trails are equally obvious prints - mostly bugbear but a few eiger as well (Investigation 23).

Thokk looks dubiously at the piled dead, and pokes a few with his sword to make sure they are not pretending or hiding. Sneaky bugbears. He has to admit, though, they look pretty dead to him (Perception 6).

Willa and several of the orcs enter the final chamber [7]. It is decorated much like the others, with hides on the walls and floors, but also a crude table, several sleeping rolls, and a single wooden bed. “Look!” says the orc lieutenant to Willa in Common. “That bed is raised off the cold stone floor. That is obviously the bed of the bugbear chief. Look! Against the wall there are barrels of ale, so this must be the room of the chief and his officers.”

Willa nods agreement, and asks whether the rolls on the floor are for the officers.

“Yes, the bugbears are allowed to sleep on hides rather than bare stone. We good-behaving orcs sleep on straw.” Willa cannot tell whether the orc’s tone is supposed to convey resentment at the indignity, or pride at the toughness of his people. “Of course, the bad-behaving orcs have to sleep in their own filth.”

Willa nods again and begins to look around the torchlit room. There is a large iron brazier near the bed, small amounts of food on the table, wooden mugs for the ale, battered chamber pots, whetstones, a few racks for armor and pegs on the wall for weapons. There are a few small lockers with some grimy rags, but the bugbears don’t have much in the way of clothes.

“Fah!” says Thokk from the hall. “Mighty Thokk is not interested in where dead bugbears sleep. Thokk seeks bugbears hiding alive to make them into dead bugbears not hiding.” He returns to the main room, looking for any tracks fresher than the ones from an hour ago when the bodies were dragged in. Two sets of tracks clearly cross through the blood and the gore around the north door, layered on top of everything else and more recent (Survival 24). One he recognizes as Aurora’s leather boots coming in the door, but the second is bare bugbear paw prints headed out. “Look!” he says in Common, and points at the second set of tracks, “These tracks not made by dead bugbear. This bugbear alive when it walk through door”. He repeats this in Orc for the benefit of his Army. The orcs around him bear witness to Thokk’s great tracking ability and powers of deductive reasoning. It is clear, they all affirm, that he is not only a fierce warrior and skilled tactician, but a master scout as well.

Thokk checks briefly to make sure the fresh prints are not leading deeper into the quarters, but from where he picks them up in the dining hall they lead only out the door to the marshaling room. By this point, Willa is back by his side. When he points out the tracks to her, Willa reminds him that she was attacked by two bugbears when the last thrall pen was opened and they killed only one while the other fled. Thokk agrees and follows the prints into the marshaling room. No longer walking through gore, the prints get fainter with each step across the great chamber. Thokk calls to his men to bring torches, and by the time they are there Babshapka is at his side as well. Working together, the two of them trace the trail across the remainder of the room and then up the first few stairs (Thokk Survival 17, with advantage from Babshapka’s help).

Babshapka gives the trail up for lost and moves to search the body of the fire giant. His armor is blasted to pieces, his sword intact but larger than anything the party could use. He has several of the iron shots on hand. He also has a large sack tied to his belt with several hundred gold coins in it. Babshapka takes this for now.

Willa leads a large contingent of Thokk’s army down the hallway beyond the mining thrall pens, to the right. The corridor splits three ways and Willa pauses (Perception 17). To the left and ahead the paths are silent, but from the right there comes a cacophony - growling, cursing, and the rattling of iron - chains or bars or somesuch. Occasionally the crack of a whip can be heard. Willa doesn’t recognize the language, and in a moment, neither does Babshapka (which rules out Giant). Willa calls back for a scout, and Doro moves to the fore.

Doro slips silently up the right passage (Stealth 15). It ends in a smallish chamber with three alcoves. The noise comes from each of the alcoves; Doro advances until she can barely see the one to the left, though without darkvision and without raising the light of her cantrip she is seeing more movement than detail. A single, hulking shape, likely a bugbear, stands in front of a barred gate. Beyond the gate are a mass of smaller forms. The bugbear is poking some sort of stick, spear, or pole through the gaps in the bars with one hand at any who approach, and cracking a whip through the gaps with the other. The creatures inside are slinging lumps of something at the guard - from the smell and soft sounds of impact, they are likely to be turds. Occasionally, when one lands in his face and he reaches up, a group of the creatures rush the gate and yank at it furiously, and from there comes the sound of rattling iron bars and chains. Once the guard has cleaned its eyes, it drives back the horde with more thrusts and whips.

Doro slinks back and reports; Willa and Thokk move forward. Thokk immediately recognizes dozens and dozens of orc voices, all with the same demand - “Let us out of here, you stinking bugbears! You can’t fool us, we know the giants are dead! Let us out! As soon as we get out of here, you’re done for, we’re going to kill you all, so let us out now!”

Thokk tells his lieutenants to send in the troops, and the room is rushed by three dozen orcs. Immediately the bugbears turn their backs on the bars and square off in the narrow alcoves. With the bugbears’ long reach, they can keep themselves from being flanked in the alcoves, and fight the orcs only one or two at a time to eliminate their advantage of numbers. The conflict is brief but bloody - by the time all three bugbears, including a huge officer, are down, they have bashed in the brains of thirteen of Thokk’s new troops with their morningstars.

Once the bugbear in each alcove has fallen, the orcs inside the adjoining cell rush forward and attempt to rip the gates open, but the iron bars are set into stone and chained and padlocked besides. They shake the bars and shout and swear, but the cell doors are not opening.

Once all three bugbears are down, Thokk strides into the room and bellows for silence, but he cannot be heard over the shouting and clamoring for freedom of the prisoners. It is not until those of his troops remaining alive take up the chant “Thokk! Thokk! THOKK!” that the prisoners realize something is afoot and fall silent. From the center of the room Thokk addresses the prisoners in their cells [12, 13, 14], telling them that it is time for them to join the revolution or die, time to overthrow their giant masters, and to serve in Thokk’s Army under Mighty General Thokk. When he gives them time to consider whether they want to join, or to die, one of his lieutenants whispers to him, “Mighty General Thokk, are you sure you want these orcs in your army? These are the bad behavior orcs - they refused to work and mine for the giants. We know how to respect strength and work for the strong, but they are just stubborn and willful. They are not to be trusted with mining tools, let alone weapons; they barely get fed, and they have to sleep in their own filth!”

Thokk nods seriously, to show that he is giving proper weight to the words of his lieutenant, but when the orc has finished he says loudly so that not just that officer, but all those around him can hear, “In any great revolution, and in any great army, there is room for many kinds of soldiers. Just look at all the strange and funny yoo-mans in Thokk’s original warband. They each have their own particular qualities that have helped them earn their place and even, over time, endeared them to Thokk. These prisoner orcs may be stubborn now, but they are still our brothers, and they can serve Mighty Thokk if only as catapult fodder to dull the weapons of Thokk’s enemies before his more loyal followers attack.” The orcs around him nod vigorously and compliment Mighty Thokk on his great wisdom. Those in the cells pressed against the bars and close enough to hear this discourse are more dubious - Thokk has given them the choice to die or join the revolution - but apparently upon joining they are to be treated as catapult fodder, so is there really that much difference?

“The time has come to choose!” says Thokk. “Who will serve in the army of Mighty Thokk and earn glory and riches, and who wishes to be put to the sword now!” (Intimidation 12; Orc Passive Intimidation 10). All of the orcs agree that they will join Thokk now, but there are some shifty eyes and forked tongues noticeable to even Thokk. All these orcs are willing enough to kill giants, that is true, but serving this half-orc upstart who looks like he can barely stand at the moment [still at 1hp], let alone fight? They might need to re-negotiate that part later. [Of the 88 orcs present in the cells, some 53 or so will be reasonably loyal to Thokk for a while, in honorable gratitude if nothing else. Another 35 are only feigning loyalty and will certainly press him if at any point he appears to have a weak position. At the moment, though, he has no way of telling which are which.]

While Thokk is giving speeches in the bad behavior cells, Doro, Babshapka, and Willa have gone back out to the hallway and continued down the center path of the three-way split, with Doro scouting ahead (Stealth 15). After just a short distance, it opens into what is obviously a torture chamber [15], with no other exit. Low light is provided by the embers of a dying fire pit. Around the room are various implements for torturing prisoners large and small. There is an iron maiden, two racks, thumbscrews, iron boots, chains, whips, branding irons, strapadoes, etc. They note that the devices come in a range of sizes, from those capable of accommodating the scrawniest kitchen orc, through bugbears, and all the way up to something that would fit a large adult male eiger. However, none of them appear to be sized for an adult hill giant or larger. Babshapka nods, and says simply, “Because that would be Maug.”

Along one side of the room is lain the second fire giant, the one slain in the previous battle. Several devices have been moved out of the way to make room for him, and his body has been carefully arranged with his arms at his side and his eyes closed. His sword is in its sheath but along his right side, and on his left is a delicately-balanced pyramidal stack of iron shots.

A nervous cough alerts them to the presence, in the shadows at the corner of the room farthest from the fire pit, of three orc thralls. They are all weaponless, but their size leads Willa to believe that they are mining thralls that fled the previous battle. Babshapka’s hand twitches upon seeing them, but he does not draw. Willa gestures dismissively at them and the three party members turn and leave the room, Doro immediately moving to the front.

The last passageway is set diagonally to the others. It is wide enough for them to walk down comfortably by themselves with their arms drawn, or even two side-by-side with their weapons sheathed. But all three of them scratch their heads at how a fire giant might get down it. Only by advancing in a crablike sideways shuffle, do they suppose. However, it soon opens up to a wider hall, and then splits in two, with the right branch having a dim but red-tinted light at the end. Doro investigates the unlit left passage first (Stealth 15), but it is a dead-end. There are stacks of giant arms and armor, segregated into piles of either those to be repaired or those newly fabricated. There are a score of pike-sized spears, two-score 6' spears, a dozen and a half battleaxes, and a half-score two-handed swords, all of which look like they could be used by eigers or possibly by humans of large enough frame. There are numerous other weapons and also armor usable only by larger creatures like giants, but sized for hill giants, not the barrel-chested fire giants.

Doro moves down the other passage, where the walls on either side of a narrow central access contain helmets balanced on shields and propped up by war hammers and maces. The whole display looks more whimsical or even artistic than a functional way to store the gear. Doro is nearly to the end when her elbow brushes against a protruding shield (Stealth 10, critical fail), and a whole section tumbles to the floor with a deafening clatter that could likely be heard all the way back to the prison cells.

The three of them draw their weapons and hold their breaths, but after the echoes of the gods-awful din have faded it is as silent as before. Doro proceeds into the chamber ahead, and the others follow, although they have to step over, around, and through all the implements now scattered across the floor.

The chamber [16] is in an “L” shape. Down one wing is the forge (from which the red light comes) and a massive bellows, as well as work tables, anvils, and any number of smithing implements hung from the walls. There are obvious open spots with empty pegs where the weapons and armor of the two fire giants could have been hung (Babshapka Perception 16). In the other wing are a few barrels and crates, but also five dwarves chained together. Four are in the back, with the fifth as far forward as his chain allows, and looking defiantly at Doro with eyes that glint in the firelight and hands open and ready to grapple. They are every bit as muscled as the two dwarves presumably still upstairs in the pantry, but also just as malnourished, sweaty, and soot-stained.

Willa says that they are here to rescue the dwarves, not hurt them, which is of obvious relief to the four in the back, while the one in the front still seems suspicious. Their chains and manacles have no locks, but they say that if the party will but fetch them a few appropriately-sized hammers from the workbenches they can have them off soon enough, and though it will make noise, it can’t be as much clatter as the trio already made when they entered.

As the dwarves work on cracking open their manacles through repeated hammer blows, the one in front relaxes a bit and looks over Willa, Doro, and Babshapka.

“Och, so all th’ fuamhaire be dead, then?”

“Fuamwho?” asks Willa.

One of the dwarves behind interjects, “Giants,” in the Common tongue.

“Aye,” agrees Willa. “Leastwise, all ther ones we ken. We hain’t finished searchin’.”

The dwarf nods, spits, and says “Ye shoulda let us oot farst, Ah woulda liked ta crrrush soom fuamhaire meself.” He mimes an attack with his smithing hammer, as if he were kneecapping a giant.

“‘Ow long ye been ‘ere?” asks Willa. With the first dwarf free, he sets to work on the manacles of the dwarf doing the speaking, leaving him to talk to the party.

“Tha’s hard ta say, lass. We dinnae see tha soon, an’ they dinnae be feeding oos regulahr-like. Boot Ah wood say two moons.” Some of the others nod in agreement. “Aye, far two moons we’ve been chained doon here, warkin’ fahr tha fuamhaire. It’s lak tha doon o’ time, innit? When tha farst khazâd war enslaved by tha farst fuamhaire ta mak tha farst magic weapons.”

He shakes his head ruefully and says simply “Uamhasach.”
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:34 am  
Post 270: Prisoners and Spoils

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

This play session was on November 12th, 2020.

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 270: Prisoners and Spoils
6 April [11 Planting] (continued) - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 62, high 79, light rain all day and night, mist from noon to midnight)

Aurora has remained in the hall outside the prison cells while Thokk is rallying his new (conscript?) troops and Doro, Willa, and Babshapka are exploring. With nothing else to do for the nonce, Aurora summons Hedwig and gets a report on the Upper Steading.

Hedwig relates that he flew to the open door onto the dire wolf pen as commanded, and the three orcs sent by Thokk arrived soon after. The door to the chief’s council chamber was closed, so Hedwig was unable to check on the secret way into the basement, but he remained alert for sounds and certainly did not hear anything (Perception 21 with advantage). There was a bit of tension among the orcs, but it seemed mostly pushing and posturing, and they soon settled down into a watch outside the open door. In the whole time Hedwig has been on watch (perhaps an hour and a half at this point), neither he nor the orcs have heard or seen anything outside the door. Of course, the dark, rain, and mist would muffle anything until it got close, but nothing has gotten close. No giants have shown up. No direwolves have leaped from the fog to rip out the orcs’ throats. Early on, there was a bit of a ruckus to be heard from the animal pen, but that soon settled down, and has been the only thing of note. Aurora thanks Hedwig, and tells him he is to fly back upstairs, and from now on go to keep watch in the animal pen. Hedwig takes off just as Aurora hears the clatter and clang of the armor crashing to the floor outside the forge. She hurries that way, and comes in on the others with their conversation with the dwarves already in progress.

Once the dwarves are freed from their manacles, they arm themselves with dwarf-sized smithing hammers. They appear ready to set out - the apparent leader eagerly, the others resolutely if with a bit of trepidation, but Willa reins them in. She explains that while she believes that the party has killed all of the giants and bugbears, she is not sure, and they haven’t explored the entire Under Steading yet. She says that their two dwarven comrades are safe in the pantry upstairs (although when she says ‘safe’, Babshapka notes that she is crossing her fingers). Most importantly, however, the Understeading is crawling with orcs - and while the orcs are happy to be rid of the giants, they appear to be a rather undisciplined lot. Aurora interjects and says that they are using the freed orcs as living shields against anything hostile that might still be in the basement. Willa and Aurora agree that the dwarves are better off waiting here rather than contacting the orcs, at least until the party has finished exploring.

Some of the dwarves nod and appear to be ready to take her at her word. They mention that there is no love lost between them and the orcs. When the orc kitchen thralls were assigned to bring to the dwarves what meager food they received, if the fire giants were not looking, the orcs would ‘accidently’ spill it, so that the dwarves had to eat it off the floor. They wouldn’t mind crushing a few orc skulls now that they are free, and they are sure the feeling is mutual.

However, other dwarves grumble about the need to recontact their companions above and see to their safety. Willa notices that they actually mention the ‘pantry’ more than they do the other dwarves in their calls to push ahead at least to the Upper Steading. She pulls out five “meaty stew” rations from the starship and passes them around. The dwarves look at them dubiously until she demonstrates how to pull the tabs (to hydrate and heat) and then peel back the tar paper to reveal the food. As the scent of warm, savory meat fills the air, the dwarves drop their hesitation and dig in with alacrity. Only the leader pauses. He bows curtly to Willa with a look of begrudging respect and appreciation, and then sets to his own tray of food.

Babshapka continues to look around the forge area, carefully going through all of the arms and armor currently in progress (Insight 21). He is sure that it is all sized for hill giants, and not any larger members of the alliance.

As the party gets ready to leave, the dwarves are finishing their meal and discussing how they can best barricade the entrance to the forge and what weapons they can cut down to their size. They have already built the fire back up, and the party is not yet back to Thokk when they can hear the sounds of hammering and other forge-work.

As soon as Willa and Aurora arrive in the prison cells, they inform Thokk about the dwarves, and he gives a perfunctory command to the orcs to leave the dwarves alone. Immediately there are murmurs among the orcs, especially the new ones, about Thokk taking commands from yoo-mans. When Thokk realizes what is going on, his blood boils - and then he lets it go icy cold. Perhaps he has been with the yoo-mans too long. What would his father have done in a similar situation?

“All right!” he suddenly explodes in Orc, lashing out with his fist and leveling the first orc at hand, who crashes to the ground unconscious. “Now, listen here, maggots!” The murmurs die in their speakers’ throats and the room is suddenly silent. “Thokk’s loyal warband has captured for him a number of dwarves that formerly belonged to the fire giants. Thokk claims these dwarves as his own playthings. Any torture, any snacking, any buggery, in short any sport at all to be enjoyed from them is Thokk’s and Thokk’s alone. Any of you who even go to the forge to look at the dwarves will be treated as having personally stolen from Mighty Thokk. Is that clear?” (Thokk Intimidation 11, Orcs passive Intimidation 10).

The orcs lower their eyes and grunt agreement with his statements. Even those who are still unsure about Thokk as a leader at least appreciate him making his expectations clear so as to avoid any unfortunate misunderstandings. Thokk looks about the crowd, trying to mark anyone who dares make eye contact with him and to remember them so as to beat them up at his next opportunity.

“Good!” he finally concludes. “Lieutenants - take Thokk’s Army to the marshaling hall. Set up camp there and see to the arming of any soldier who does not have a weapon - draw from the bugbear quarters first and then the mining equipment. Wait there while Mighty Thokk and his loyal yooman officers continue to scout the Under Steading and seek out any remaining foes for his Army to punish.”

Willa looks sideways at Thokk but keeps her mouth shut. Not overly-comfortable with the 'orc army', she begins to make plans of how to best rid themselves of this growing nuisance and threat.

The orcs, berated by the two lieutenants for not moving fast enough, begin to file out into the hall and back to the large room at the base of the stairs. Once they have all gone, Thokk and the others follow, quietly conferring about where in the Under Steading they should next search. They decide to try the passage directly across from the stairwell, the one from which the giantess was lobbing rocks. Most of them remain in the large chamber watching the orcs while Doro starts down the passage and Babshapka checks the room of the Keeper [2].

Babshapka finds a narrow entryway and then a bedroom around a corner to the left. Just above the door is a curious wooden platform with a pole leading up to it. Mathias points at the two dead apes on the floor and suggests that the platform was for them. In the bed is laid the massive Keeper, his eyes shut and pieces of his chain shirt scattered about the bed and the floor of the room. There are many skins on the floor, a table, chair, two boxes, several crates and barrels, one chest, and odds and ends of armor, weapons, furniture, tableware, and so forth. It appears that the Keeper was quite the collector, or even a hoarder - but after quickly going through the room, Babshapka says that all of the items are worthless (Perception 12).

Meanwhile, Doro has started down the passage, going as silently as possible (Stealth 24) as she slips around the body of the giantess. The hallway goes about forty feet, widens and turns some 45 degrees to the left, goes another forty or fifty feet, and widens and turns left again. She has left the torchlight of the marshaling area behind, and increases the intensity of her light cantrip.

The main passage runs straight as far as she can see, while a side branch turns left again. She listens, but does not hear anything down either passage (Doro Perception 17). Doro moves ahead silently down the straight passage (Stealth 25). Eventually, it ends with steps going down into a circular chamber with a deep pool of water [22]. The water is cool to the touch and smells fresh and wholesome, not at all stagnant. She finds a few bits of broken crockery on the steps to the pool - this is likely the underground source of the water the dwarves spoke of.

Babshapka catches up to Doro by the side of the pool. She keeps watch while he sets down his pack and puts on his cloak of the manta ray. He walks down the steps into the water. The pool is some fifteen feet deep and doesn’t have anything living in it - just very cold water (Perception 7). Along the left wall are numerous cracks and fissures, some large enough to stick a hand or an arm in, no more, from which he can feel the water flowing out like a spring. In the bottom of the pool is an exit, a tunnel with a gentle current flowing out. He could fit through easily, but perhaps not at manta speed since it would not accommodate his large wingspan. Certainly the hole would not be passable for an adult giant. He comes back out, but keeps his cloak on until it dries.

In the main chamber, Ephi disappears, much to the relief of the numerous orcs present.

Doro and Babshapka backtrack to investigate the side passage, with Doro still scouting ahead (Stealth 19). The thirty by fifty foot chamber at the end of the hall [24] has a single door and no other exits. Babshapka goes over the contents of the room (Perception 22). It is filled with scattered tools for digging and for stone masonry. There are shovels, pickaxes, hammers, drills, chisels, baskets, and so forth. Many are sized for giants, but the majority look proportioned for the orcs (or humans). The door is locked with a huge padlock that appears like it can be opened with an equally large key.

They return to the marshaling area and report to the party.

[While Doro and Babshapka are exploring the cistern and storeroom, Thokk’s lieutenants follow his orders and enter the bugbear quarters again with another orc. The pile of morningstars and javelins will not be enough for the fourscore and more orcs just released from the bad behavior cells, so they begin to pull dead bugbears out of the piles and go through them - a few have boot knives, hand axes in belt loops, and so forth. It doesn't take the orcs long to realize that the bugbears wear belt or neck pouches under their hide armor, and that these pouches invariably have a few silver coins each. A hurried, hushed conversation is held. One of the orcs goes back out to the marshaling chamber and calls in the remainder of orcs formerly from their same mining pen - after the fight with the party, there were eight of them left, including the lieutenants. Two of those were among the slain while taking the bad behavior cells, so that there are now just six remaining. These are the orcs they have worked with for the past several weeks, the ones they know and trust the most. They move all the weapons out of sight of the door and put two orcs in the doorway, telling the unarmed bad behavior orcs to come up one at a time. Given the sheer number of orcs waiting for weapons, these two are able to hold the door only because Thokk and the rest of the party are nearby and watching, so the queue formed is orderly. A third orc of the six brings the weapons out from inside as slowly as possible, dragging his heels and handing them off to the ones in the door one at a time. The remaining three search the bugbears as fast as they can, tossing on the pile the weapons found, but keeping all the coin pouches for their own small group. Two bugbears, officers by their size and equipment, have purses full of dozens of silver coins, and these go, one purse each, to the lieutenants. All of the other coins are pooled and then divided among the four other members of their pen. Later, one of the orcs from the few in the know slips back to the bad behavior cells and relieves the three dead bugbears there of their coin pouches (two) and purse (a third officer).]

Once all the bugbear weapons have been distributed, there are still dozens of unarmed bad behavior orcs and they complain loudly. The lieutenants note that all of them, miners and bad behavior orcs alike, are hungry and begin to organize an expedition to the pantry above until Thokk gets wind of it and reminds them that his orders are for them to stay in the basement. Then the lieutenants tell the orcs to start breaking up the barricades and planking in the marshaling area, and the furniture in the bugbear quarters, and make fires for roasting the bugbears. This Thokk agrees to, which dramatically improves morale. The bugbears are covered in long, thick hair and this must be burnt off before they can be properly roasted since none of the orcs have good skinning knives. One bugbear at a time is gutted, burned clean, impaled on a makeshift spit, slow-roasted over a fire, and then cut into small pieces to serve to the eager army. It will take the orcs hours before any of them are full, but they set to it with keen interest and attention. Willa, apart from being revolted, greatly approves of the lengthy diversion, hoping it will keep the orcs occupied. When the orcs start rolling out barrels of ale from the bugbear quarters she is initially concerned, but only two containers, both already tapped, are forthcoming. That much ale divided among five score and more orcs should not get anyone drunk, at least judging by Thokk’s past capacity for the stuff.

The corpses of the giantesses and young eigers, being delicacies (much more tender and fatty then the tough, muscled bugbears) go untouched, as all the orcs assume that Thokk is saving them for himself and his yoo-mans. The fire giant is uncookable and nearly inedible, so his corpse, too, is left alone.

The rock barrier that had, during the first fight, blocked off the passage leading left out of the main chamber, has since been removed, with many of the smaller rocks having been moved to the piles of ammunition in front of the slain giantesses. Doro and Babshapka now slip down this passageway (Doro Stealth 26).

They immediately notice a change in the stonework (Doro History 12). Everywhere else they have been in the Under Steading has been ancient stonework, well done (and this was confirmed by the dwarves) and sized for non-giants besides. The stone floors have been worn smooth by the passage of feet for centuries perhaps, with some of the narrower corridors even sloping almost imperceptibly to their centers from wear. But immediately upon leaving the main chamber, the duo can tell that the walls this way are rough-cut, with the edges still fresh and sharp, and the floor likewise. It is obvious that this is where the mining thralls have been laboring. The passage runs some fifty feet north and then turns a corner.

At present, the passage is only ten feet wide. “If the chief was expanding the quarters for giants,” Doro asks, “why are these passages so narrow?” Babshapka shrugs and they continue on. The ‘narrow’ hallway continues, but a branch to the right leads into a large chamber [26]. As Doro enters, she stumbles on a loose rock and it clatters noisily across the rough floor (Stealth 10, critical fail). In fact, there are loose rocks across the entire gallery and the floor is not level. The walls rapidly widen inside the entrance until the whole place is forty feet across and even deeper than that. The far wall is rough and has piles of rocks and half-filled baskets at its base. Here and there about the room are discarded tools. It is clear that the room is still under construction. “Now, this is giant-sized,” says Doro, but she still seems unsatisfied.

Babshapka looks around (Perception 6) and notes the roughed-out half-colonnades and buttressing on the walls and vaulting arches on the ceilings. “This room isn’t done”, he says, “but it is in its final shape. I think the hallway here is just for worker access for now - it doesn’t have this finishing detail. The orc laborers will likely widen it later for the giants. Or at least, they would have, if they had had the chance.”

There is a rough side passage out of the room, but this leads into another gallery under construction [27]. Doro’s steps crunch across the loose rocks on the floor (Stealth 11). If anything, the room is even wider than the previous one, but not deep at all - it looks like the orc miners have barely begun on it, with the far wall being the living rock face they are currently working. Doro is still skeptical, but admits that it could be for giants. With no exits apparent, they backtrack to the narrow access tunnel and continue down it. Here the hallway gets more finished, with less loose stone as they go, and Doro resumes her silent lead (Stealth 23).

The passage opens onto a single chamber without another exit [28]. Here the walls, and even buttresses and vaulting, are completely finished, but that is not the greatest difference between it and the preceding two rooms. Rather, this room is also furnished, and comfortably at that. The chamber holds piles of skins, five cots, several stools, two tables, and several chests and sacks. Babshapka does a quick search of their contents (Perception 7). There are numerous sets of clothing, and although obviously worn they are clean and apparently laundered - at least they do not reek like the hill giant wear found in the Upper Steading. There is a lack of outer-ware; cloaks and other foul-weather gear are conspicuously missing. In one chest he finds several books carefully wrapped in oiled skins, the books themselves being proportioned for giants.

Confident in his ability to read Giant runes, Babshapka asks Doro for more light, moves the books to the table, and opens them. He is immediately baffled, however (Intelligence check 5). He can certainly sound out the runes and read all the articles and conjunctions, and can recognize the sentence structure. But he finds he knows nearly none of the nouns and verbs - it is either in code, or represents a rarified vocabulary to which he has never been exposed. After turning page after page he finally hits upon a section with hand-drawn illustrations, and he realizes that the books are describing mining and other engineering techniques. All the words he is not recognizing apparently relate to kinds of rock, hardnesses and densities, breakage patterns, measurements, angles and elevations, geometry, physics, weight and support, and similar terms. Giving up on the books, he searches the remaining chests, and finds a cache of instruments - levels, bobs, sighting devices, silk string, and so forth. This must be the quarters of the stone giants - and the five cots match the three workers and two diplomats the party knows of. Doro and Babshapka return to the main party and report their results.

Knowing that there are no enemies rallying in the far recesses of the Understeading, Willa is now more willing to open the doors immediately off of the marshaling area. They try the next door, now with Thokk in the lead (Perception 17). There is a short and narrow hall [3] with various furnishings inside. Four small iron doors with barred windows line the right wall, and a fifth door is opposite the one they came in. This is obviously a cell block, although the cells themselves are much smaller and more secure than those of the bad behavior orcs. Just inside the door hangs a large brass gong on pegs holding it away from the wall; the clapper sits on a battered wooden table with two stools. There are torches in wall sconces, but they have burned down to nubs and extinguished themselves.

The party has a quick look in each cell window. The cell nearest the door [3i] holds a human man shackled to the floor. He sits facing the corner and has long, unkempt hair and is dressed in rags. He is humming a tune to himself and does not appear to be altogether unhappy. In the next cell [3ii] is a second human man, unshackled. He sits on the floor and looks up listlessly, shading his eyes at the sudden appearance of Doro’s light. When he hears the party conversing in Common, he whispers “water”, in a tone that suggests the cracking whisper is as loud as he can manage. The third cell [3iii] holds an elf, likely male, although it is hard to tell, as it is with many of them. He is chained to the wall, arms stretched overhead, covered in scars, welts, and bruises, one eye swollen shut. If he notices the party, he gives no sign. The fourth cell [3iv] holds three skeletons, collapsed and stretched across the floor. The final cell [3v], twice as large as the others, holds five large orcs. They are not as bad off as the elf, but have their fair share of welts, bruises, cuts, and burns. They clamber for release, with one even shaking the barred window weakly.

Aurora moves a stool over and looks through the window at the skeletons (Arcana 12). They are not disarticulated, but oddly completely intact, with all of their bones in place, and even some sinew looking reinforced around their joints. She strongly suspects that they are constructs or undead. On one of them she spots a bright metal ring with a flashy gem.

Babshapka looks at the imprisoned elf, and confirms that it is a male high elf (Nature 17), although he can’t know much about the nature of his injuries from a distance (Medicine 4).

Doro listens to the tune of the man looking into the corner. She does not recognize it, but it is simple enough to replicate on her samisen (Performance 22). At the sound of her music, the man begins to sing loudly enough for them to hear, his voice cracking - but his words are nonsensical.

Babshapka, against the warnings of the others in the party, decides he will open the cell door of the elf, and quickly locates a ring of four keys on the table in the hall outside the cell. One of the keys fits the door. The elf does not move as the door opens, and merely flinches as Babshapka approaches. From here he can see that the elf’s feet do not touch the floor, so that he is hanging in the chains. When Babshapka reaches his side, he is reasonably confident that at least one of the prisoner’s shoulders is dislocated. Babshapka reaches up to touch the elf’s face, and is again met with a lack of response - is he in shock? Babshapka pulls out a goodberry - he has two, cast when the party retreated to the pantry upstairs and he shared the ten he produced with everyone but Thokk. He opens the elf’s mouth, sticks the berry in, and forcefully closes it. Not a second later the elf’s eyes flutter and he groans in pain. He squints, eyes focusing on Babshapka as if seeing him for the first time. “Are you with Kerri, brother?” he whispers in Elven. Babshapka says he is. The elf nods. “Can you get me down?”

Babshapka traces the chains up the wall. They are suspended from an iron hook set into the stone, but nothing more than the elf’s weight is holding them in place. With Babshapka helping the elf stand on one stool, and Thokk standing on the other, they can lift the chains free and then set him gently on the floor.

“I’m afraid I’m not much use to you in this state,” the elf says bitterly. “And I’ll just slow you down. You should go before the giants come.”

“This isn’t scouting or a secret rescue,” says Babshapka. “The giants are all dead. How did you come to be here?”

The elf looks up, for the first time hope mingling with the pain in his eyes. “I was scouting for Kerri. She told me to find out where the cotumo were taking all the captured animal-slaves. I was her best scout,” he says, a self-mocking laugh turning into a cough. “I got within a few miles of here. I was unseen, I was unheard - but apparently I was not unscented. A huge pack of dire wolves treed me. And then the giants plucked me from the branches as easily as one takes a ripe galda fruit. I’ve been in this cell ever since, except when the Keeper takes me out for torture.”

“He’s dead, too. And his apes.”

The battered elf smiles wanly. “Good riddance to the stinking brute. You know, he never asked me questions. I don’t know if he could even speak Common, let alone the true tongue. He just seemed to enjoy my pain.”

Babshapka helps the elf shift himself into a more comfortable sitting position, leaning against the wall, and says that while the party holds the Under Steading, there is much of it they haven’t explored yet. The elf should stay here for now - when they move out, he will come with them. The elf nods and closes his eyes, drawing low, painful breaths. Babshapka shuts the iron door on him, but does not lock it.

Doro finds another key on the ring that opens the door to the cell next door, to the man that asked for water. She and Aurora enter warily, as the man is not restrained beyond the locked door. He rises, a bit unsteadily, to his feet as they enter. Aurora looks him over (Medicine 16). He is malnourished, and his hair seems awfully thin for a man of his age, but he is otherwise fine, bearing no evidence of abuse or torture. “Water” he whispers again, and holds out his hands pleadingly.

Doro hands him a goodberry and he obligingly puts it in his mouth, but then objects, “I asked for water…” The look on his face changes sharply as the magic of the tiny fruit supplies him with a surprising amount of nourishment and hydration. “That’s...remarkably refreshing…” he says, but seems at a loss to say more.

“How came you to be here?” asks Doro.

“I was captured - in the sack of Ebenenburg. They brought me here, slung over the back of a giant wolf.”

“Captured?” asks Aurora suspiciously. “Everyone else was killed.”

The man nods. “Everyone I saw. And yet, here I am.”

“What do you do here?”

“Do? Mostly I sit in the cell. But I’m an engineer. Sometimes they have me out to inspect the digging - usually in passages too small yet for the stone giants. New cuts, access crawlways, natural gaps and fissures, that sort of thing. I was asked to do maths once.”

Doro nods. “What about him?” She hooks her thumb at the wall, indicating the cell next door.

“Him? He’s a merchant, or was. Well-off, I take it. Never gave me his name; he wouldn’t say why. He got here the same time as I did, also from Ebenenburg. We would talk at first, when the big hairy goblins stepped outside. They would beat us if they ever caught us talking, and there was usually at least one on guard. But I guess stuff came up sometimes and they would leave without being relieved for a while, and then we would talk. I don’t think they’ve ever let him out, though. He stopped talking a while ago.” His face looks pained, as if he is trying to remember something. “I’m sorry. I was going to say a few days ago. But maybe it was weeks. I don’t know. What month is it?”

“Planting,” says Doro, and the man’s face betrays that he doesn’t know whether he should believe her or not.

“You’re safest here,” Doro and Aurora say as they close the door on the man, “We’ll be back.”

A third key on the ring opens the door closest to the outside wall. The man, who has resumed his humming and is rocking back and forth in time, does not look behind him or otherwise note their entry. Aurora takes his hand and puts a goodberry in it. He holds it, but does not move it to his mouth. She plucks it out of his hand and pops it in his mouth. He sucks on it slowly, not chewing. She looks him over. He offers no resistance as she moves his limbs one way and another (Medicine 21). His skin is sallow and baggy - as if he were once a much larger man, but he shows no wounds, no bruises. There is a bit of rash and irritation on his legs, and his pants stink as if he is none too careful with the chamber pot and has loose bowels besides. Other than that he appears healthy. She gently shakes him, speaks to him, but his eyes swim and he never focuses on her. Trying a different tack, she walks across the room and reaches out to his mind with message. We are not a threat to you, and you need to come back to us, she says.

A hey dum darrow, way down in the meadow, comes the singsong reply, where I met my love Nancy, but she now, no, I won’t go there, too much fire in the counting house!

Aurora shrugs. She and Doro walk out the door and close it behind them. Babshapka approaches and holds out his hand for the key ring. Doro notices his limp - he is in rough shape after having been struck down by the fire giant’s sword. With her hands now free, she strums a note on the samisen and sends him a healing word (5 points). He nods appreciatively. The orcs in the last cell are raising their voices as Babshapka enters the elf’s cell again, and the ones outside the cell block, in the marshaling area, are starting to take notice. Aurora and Doro stand in the entrance to the cell block to block the view and head off any interlopers.

From inside the elf’s cell, Babshapka checks on whether he can lock the door, since the keyhole goes completely through the door. He can. He unlocks it again, gives the key to the elf, and tells him he may want to lock himself in, at least until the party is ready to leave the Steading. By this point, Thokk is beginning to engage the orcs in the last cell in a conversation in Orc, and the elf nods in comprehension.

Babshapka gives the key to two of the cells, the engineer’s and the merchant’s, to the engineer, then hands the keyring off to Thokk. There is just one key left, meaning it either works for the orcs’ cell or the skeletons’ (or both?).

Thokk stands in front of the cell door, so that his face completely blocks the small window. Seeing his features, the orcs inside redouble their efforts to get him to open the door. “Who are you?” says Thokk, “and why should Mighty Thokk let you out? Are you worthy of being members of Thokk’s army?” He listens carefully to their replies.

The orcs inside explain that they are the most incorrigible of the bad behavior orcs - or as they call themselves, the ‘unbroken’. Most of the captured orcs quickly succumbed to the authority of the giants and were happy to dig holes, they say, but they themselves were leading the resistance among the orcs who refused to work for the giants - who refused to ‘obey the lash’. Thus, the Keeper made ‘special projects’ of them - they have been kept here in these cells, without food, for days. They are only brought out for torture or to be threatened by the Keeper’s apes. The Keeper believes that once these five are broken, he will return them to the other bad behavior cells and they will convince the other orcs to turn as well. At least, he tells them that is the only way they are leaving - they will either go to bring more orcs with them to the mining pens, or go back to the torture chamber the next day. But they have resisted him so far.

Thokk believes their story (Insight 20). “The Keeper is dead,” he says, “along with his apes, killed by the hand of Mighty Thokk. All the orcs of the Steading now follow General Thokk, but they are undisciplined. Thokk needs leaders to keep them in line, to make sure they are loyal. Thokk needs orcs who will not hesitate to follow his orders and make sure the others do, too. Thokk needs orcs who will mercilessly show the other orcs who commands - orcs who are not afraid to punish any who think of disobeying their general. Thokk needs orcs who are stronger than all others" (Thokk Persuasion 14).

Those in the cell insist that they are indeed such orcs. They are stronger than any kitchen thrall, stronger than any mining thrall, stronger than any of the unbroken - that is why they are here, because the Keeper knows they are the examples he needs. They are stronger than any orc in the Steading - they are as strong as the rebels, they say.

“Good,” says Thokk. “Maybe you are the orcs Thokk needs. Maybe you are stronger than the others. Good. But…” Thokk lets his voice trail off, and they lean in to listen.

“BUT YOU ARE NOT STRONGER THAN THOKK!” he explodes, spittle flying into their cell. “HAVE YOU KILLED A GIANT? MIGHTY THOKK HAS LOST COUNT OF THE GIANTS HE HAS SLAIN! THOKK HAS KILLED DEMONS! LOOK AT THIS!” he yells, gesturing at half of his torso where several ribs are still quite broken and push at the skin [Thokk is still at 1hp!]. “HAVE YOU TAKEN THE FULL IRON SHOT OF A FIRE GIANT AND WALKED AWAY? HAVE YOU?”

The orcs lower their eyes and shake their heads (Thokk Intimidation 24; he converts 5 orcs). Thokk chuckles and inserts the key into their cell door, turns it and opens the door. “As long as you understand and remember that, you will make good sub-commanders for Mighty General Thokk.”

Thokk turns to leave and the orcs follow him out of the cell block, lingering but a half second and sniffing deeply around the door to the elf’s cell while exchanging glances.

As Thokk and the five unbroken walk out into the marshaling area, the other orcs, heretofore engrossed in roasting bugbear, grow silent. The mining orcs glower at the five. One at a time, bad behavior orcs come up to the five and offer them their own food with a gesture of supplication. Thokk grins. He has chosen his sub-commanders well - they are indeed the leaders of the bad behavior orcs, although they are resented by the miners. He lets them receive a few bits of food each and then barks at them to follow him, pleased that they immediately do so. Thokk was listening when Doro described the room with the padlock; he wants to test the mettle of his sub-commanders. Aurora decides to follow.

Willa, Babshapka, Doro, and Mathias remain in the main room, one eye on the orcs and one on the door to the cell block, as they search the bodies of those killed in the second attack on the Under Steading. Babshapka already searched the fire giant, nearly two hours ago, but now they check the giantesses, the two eigers, and a handful of bugbears. The giantesses have nothing on them (Luck roll -1), which is not surprising considering they had to flee the kitchen with only what they had in hand when the party attacked, and the eigers just have the borrowed armor over their patched hides. The dead bugbears look like they might have been carrying more than weapons, but now they are not - someone may have beaten the party to the looting? None of the orcs will meet their gaze as they look around, and Thokk is long gone up the hallway.

When Thokk gets to the storeroom, he orders the orcs to open the lock. Given the abundant mining picks in the room, they all take turns assaulting the padlock while he watches their form. The sharp noise of metal striking metal, and then the hollow thud of the lock being knocked against the stout wooden door, echo through the hallways of the Under Steading, but no one responds and eventually the lock is smashed open. Thokk grunts in satisfaction.

Past the door, the corridor continues a short way before splitting. To the left it ends in a wooden door locked with a large padlock identical to the one just smashed open. The right branch ends in a blocked-off passageway. Examining it (Nature 12), Thokk believes that this was a natural collapse, or cave-in, and by the accumulation of dust, that it happened quite some time ago. It certainly looks much more substantial than the hand-piled rocks blocking off the passageway near the pens of the mining thralls. He checks for tracks (Survival 15). There is a single set of hill giant prints, very large and likely male, running from one door to the other and back again. Nothing has entered the collapsed hallway in a very long time.

“Good,” says Thokk in Orc to his sub-commanders. “Despite the efforts of the Keeper to break you, you are all still strong and hearty. Now, gather up these picks and shovels, and anything else that can serve as a weapon. There are still orcs in Thokk’s army without arms. Take these back to the marshaling area and distribute them as you see fit, but no more than one weapon per orc. This is Thokk’s command. If any of the orcs there do not like the weapon you assign them, lay them low for their impertinence.”

The orcs grin at the prospect of bullying the mining orcs and eagerly scoop up picks, shovels, even large hammers, and begin to carry them off down the hall. A few seconds later Babshapka enters, one hand on the hilt of his broadsword and a steely look in his eyes - apparently he and the sub-commanders exchanged threatening glances in the hall when they passed. “You’d best go with them,” he says to Thokk, and Thokk smiles.

“Yes, orcs in Thokk’s army should know that weapons come from Thokk.”

Once he is gone as well, Babshapka says to Aurora, “How about you don’t try to be alone with five ‘unbroken’ orcs again?”

Aurora laughs, “Oh, Babs,” she titters, “how about you stop worrying? Everything is fine. We won! The Steading is ours. Now we just need to know what is worth taking. You can guard me while I do my ritual of detect magic. Then I’ll run through everywhere we have been and see what I can pick up.”

Her ritual complete, Aurora breathes deeply and tucks away her wand. Her senses expand, encountering all of the familiar magic auras she and Babshapka carry. She ignores them and reaches out among the crates, boxes and barrels of the storeroom, not finding anything new. She walks briskly to the door with its lock intact, and tries reaching into the room beyond. Still nothing. She returns to the storeroom and dons her pack. “Ok,” she says to Babshapka from the entryway. “Try to keep up”. As she trots down the hall, Babshapka rolls his eyes and then follows her. She jogs nimbly enough, but slows to a crawl as she laboriously climbs over the giantess still blocking off the narrowest part of the hall (Athletics 9).

Aurora bursts into the marshaling area, Babshapka just behind her. The orcs barely look up from the queues that have formed for roast bugbear parts, where they are allotted just a few mouthfuls per orc and then have to go to the back of the line for more. There is plenty to go around, but it will be quite some time in distributing it as slowly as it is cooking. Willa tries to get a report from Aurora, but the enchantress waves her away. “Can’t stop,” she says with self-importance, “ten-minute hourglass, checking for magic”. She continues on to the stone giant quarters and begins to look through the boxes and chests there.

Thokk comes over to Willa. “Evil advisor, what Ro-ra do?” he asks quizzically. Willa explains that Aurora is checking for the presence of magic, and Thokk nods thoughtfully. When Aurora later returns from the tunnel (having not found any magic in the stone giant quarters), he grabs her robe and pulls out the axe he took from the orcs that recovered it. Gasps from the orcs present fill the room, and murmurs of “The Keeper’s Axe!”

Thokk looks around, feigning offense. “What is this? Thokk said he killed the Keeper, and his apes. Who here is surprised that Thokk holds the Keeper’s weapon?” The orcs look down, and the five sub-commanders cuff whichever orc is closest them who dared evince surprise. “Ro-ra,” Thokk commands, switching to Common, “you check Thokk’s new weapon.”

Annoyed at her ‘run’ being impeded, Aurora twists and turns but cannot escape Thokk’s grasp of her robes. She sighs and reaches out past the familiar auras of Thokk’s shield and the sunsword - and now her eyes widen. “Yes, Thokk,” she says with genuine excitement. “That is a magic weapon - evocation school, likely more powerful in combat.”

Thokk grins and releases his hold, and Aurora ducks into the Keeper’s room before he can grab her again. “Thokk’s war wizard says that Thokk’s battle-captured weapon is magic,” he announces in Orc. “She says that it is powerful in combat - but not as powerful as Thokk!” There are cheers among the orcs.

As Aurora pans her view around the Keeper’s bedchamber, Babshapka enters behind her. “All of the things here are worthless,” he says, “I checked and…”

“Oh did you?” says Aurora. “And did you check here?” She moves a hide from the floor and slips her fingers into the gaps between one flag and another, at the spot where her spell tells her that magic is present. “Definitely something under this,” she continues. “How very careless of you, Babs. Or are you just naturally unobservant?”

Babshapka crosses his arms and unhelpfully watches her struggling with the stone, but when she finally lifts it and sets it aside, even he is interested in the contents of the hole underneath. The hole is lined with gold coins, hundreds of them, and here and there the glint of a gem. On top of the coins rests a simple-looking earthenware jug with a cork stopper. Aurora says it is the contents of the jug that are detecting as magic - of the transmutation school. She carefully removes the cork and smells...seawater and kelp? Where has she smelled that before? (Arcana with Advantage 27).

“Old Elmo!” she exclaims.

“What’s that?”

“The last time I smelled that smell, it was the potions of water breathing we recovered from Old Elmo’s hoard. In the sahuagin lair!” Babshapka now remembers this as well - although he did not himself drink of the potion, for he had his cloak at the time.

“So that’s water breathing,” Aurora says to herself, hefting the jug and assessing its weight, “and I’d say about four doses.” She sets it down and pulls out two of the potions she took from the matron’s strong box. “And while we’re at it...illusion and necromancy,” she says of the first potion, holding it up for him to see as if it was his job to remember which was which, “...aaand enchantment!” she concludes of the second potion.

“Yes, a love potion obviously,” says Babshapka, “because that hideous matron didn’t get enough love.” He shudders while contemplating the possible fate of being enthralled to the repulsive giantess by means of a love potion.

“Well,” says Aurora, stuffing the older potions back into her pack, “time’s wasting, so you can take care of that…” she gestures at the hole full of coins and gems with the potion jug on top and hurries out of the room on her way to the bugbear quarters. Babshapka moves the stone and hide back into place and shuts the door on the way out. As he tugs at the huge door, he calls for Willa over the noise of the orcs eating and conversing. When she reaches his side, he briefs her on the treasure in the Keeper’s room, then takes off after Aurora.

Aurora moves quickly through the cell block - the skeletons are magical (necromantic of course), and the ring is...not. Disappointing, but she is still on a glass.

Babshapka catches up with Aurora in the chief’s room of the bugbear’s quarters, and then accompanies her to the forge, where she manages to check for magic on the whole place just before her spell runs out. It is close timing, as there is a formidable barricade she has to negotiate to arrive. The dwarves have taken a large wooden workbench and turned it on its side, using the flat upper surface to block off the narrowest (seven foot wide) section of the hallway well outside the forge. They have bored holes in the surface of the table and then set in a dozen long spears, points projecting into the hall, so that Aurora and Babshapka have to approach it with the utmost care to avoid impaling themselves. Finally, the gaps between the spears are now covered with hammered-in metal plates so that little of the original wood is still exposed.

When Aurora and Babshapka return and report to Willa, there seems to be little more to do in the Understeading besides rest for the night. But first, Thokk needs to prepare his army for his upcoming multiple-hour absence. He calls the five sub-commanders together, and tells them that he will be in a long strategy session in a magical bivouac that his war-musician is about to erect. After the troops have had their fill of bugbear, the five are to divide the army into five equal battalions, with one section under the command of each of them. If any of the orcs object to their new posting, object to their battalion-mates, or resist the authority of the sub-commanders, they are to be beaten to death or as near as the sub-commanders deem appropriate. Also, they are to maintain discipline - the orcs are not to touch his dwarves, go exploring and looting, or any other things of that nature. Thokk says that he trusts their judgment and will not micromanage them; he is not that kind of leader. They nod vigorously and immediately begin pointing at various orcs, discussing amongst themselves which orcs will be assigned to whom.

The two mining orc lieutenants come over; “But Mighty General Thokk, when you said to the bad-behavior orcs that they are commanding your Army, that’s just the other bad-behavior orcs, right? We’re still in command of the mining thralls, like you told us?”

“Oh, no,” says Thokk. “Mighty Thokk has decided to have a great integrated army with mining orcs, kitchen orcs, and unbroken orcs all in the same battalions. Our diversity is our strength.”

“You’re relieving us of command? You’re demoting us?” they say, sounding as aghast as they dare without directly challenging his decision.

“Demoting? No, of course not. This is completely a lateral move in which your particular communication skills can now be leveraged in a more relevant way to benefit the organization as a whole. Rather than being locked into a particular command structure, you will have organization-wide responsibilities to communicate Thokk’s orders while still preserving your own operational integrity.”

“Really?” they respond dubiously.

“Yes, of course. For example, right now our institutional needs include communicating a shift in mission focus to those of us in the Upper Steading. You will go upstairs and tell all the orcs there that they are to shut all of the doors to the Steading and then take up a watch in the tower. They are to remain there eight hours or until they receive further orders, but to immediately send word here if there are giants approaching the Steading.”

“Alright….and once we deliver Mighty Thokk’s commands, we are to return here?”

“Oh, no. You should stay there in your new on-site command position. Unless the situation there is a disaster, then prioritize making sure one of you returns to warn us.”

(Thokk’s passive Intimidation 17; Orc Insight 5, 15). The two orcs accept Thokk’s new orders and head up the stairs. One of them can be heard muttering to the other one on the way up. “I don’t know, I still feel like we are being demoted from lieutenants to messengers…”

Once they have gone, Doro chalks out a circle at the very base of the stairs and begins a ritual casting of Leomund’s Tiny Hut. She tells the others to stay close - they will need to be on hand when she completes her spell in order to be included in it.

[Meanwhile upstairs, it has been two-and-a-half hours since the fleeing bugbear snuck through the pantry, and longer than that since the sound of combat was discernible from below. No message from the party has come to the dwarves other than Hedwig flying up the stairs and out the door - if that was even meant for them. The two dwarves decide they don’t like being in the center of the food supplies of the Steading with all the orcs about, and all the dead on the stairs. They take some time to put a good deal of food, especially dried meat, into bags, fill a large (for them, small by giant standards) pitcher with ale, and another with water. No one has come into the kitchen in all this time (Luck roll +1). While they agree that it is time to leave the pantry, one dwarf says they should be looking for some secure place to hide until the party returns, or at least until they learn the fate of their five companions (Wisdom Check 11). But the other one says that with the Steading full of slain giants, and the party all downstairs, what’s the harm in a bit of treasure-seeking? Surely there must be something valuable around (Wisdom check 6). With a hushed argument, they leave the kitchen and pass into the hall, where they can hear the Broken Bone orcs in the eiger dormitory. Moving as stealthily as they can away from those orcs, they pass through the doorway into the great hall and spend several minutes getting their bearings (and searching the body of the subchief but coming away with nothing). Figuring that the best treasure is to be found in the chieftain’s quarters, and that the chieftain must be long dead if the party went below, they head that way. In the chieftain’s private hall, they come upon the bodies of three giantesses and two youths and quickly search them. They don’t find anything of value, but neither do they alert the three orc watchmen nearby in the doorway to the dire wolf pen (Dwarves Stealth 11, 13 both > Orcs Passive Perception 10). They move deeper into the hall and find the open door to the chieftain’s room. In the chief’s desk they find four fine pieces of jewelry, as well as the ruby-studded collar of his cave bear! This is enough to satisfy even dwarven goldlust (Wisdom checks with advantage 19, 20), so they decide to hole up here and wait. Knowing that others are likely to have the same idea as they had, they take the bear’s chain off the wall and wind it tightly around and through the handles on the inside of the door, then move all of the furniture they can manage between the two of them to block the door. The bed is too big to move, but by stripping, ripping, and braiding together all the sheets and blankets, they make an improvised rope. One of them climbs to the top of the chimney and lowers the rope, then hauls up the cross-pieces of the giant’s chair. Tying the rope to the chair-frame and bracing it in the top of the chimney, they now have an emergency escape. Trusting in their barricade to serve as an early warning that will give them time to escape, they eat, drink, and fall asleep in the chief’s bed after covering themselves with his best formal cloak.]

[Thus, when the lieutenants scale the stairs, they do not find the dwarves in the pantry. Exiting to the hall, they immediately hear the Broken Bone orcs in the eiger dormitory - Thokk told them to talk to the orcs guarding the doors, but did not mention the ones in this room. They decide to exert their supposed authority and try to tell the orcs to move to the tower. One of the Lieutenants is Dripping Blade, the other is Leprous Hand. They don’t have much sway with Broken Bones, only one of whom, and a former Kitchen Thrall at that, has even seen Thokk. Nor do the Broken Bone orcs want to move to the tower if that would mean leaving their iron box behind or exposing it to all the other orcs. Ultimately, they refuse (Lts. Persuasion 10; resident’s Insight 13).

The lieutenants next try the Evil Eye orcs in the servant’s quarters. These orcs are dubious at first, but eventually they realize that they have committed to following Thokk’s orders - that is why they are guarding the door, after all. Once they have been convinced to move, the lieutenants exit into the animal pen to talk to the orcs there while those in the servant’s quarters begin their preparations.

In the animal pen, the lieutenants talk to the assorted orcs, attempting to convince them to move to the watch tower. None of these orcs have seen Thokk, and although the two Leprous Hand orcs pay greater heed to their tribemate lieutenant, ultimately none of them are convinced. They remain in the pen after the lieutenants return to the Steading. (Lieutenants' Persuasion 3. Death Moon Insight 4, Vile Rune Insight 10. Lieutenant Persuasion with Advantage 7, Leprous Hand Insight 15)

Inside, the Evil Eye orcs discuss how they will move all of their captured cows and goats to the gallery of the watchtower. The one kitchen thrall among them suggests moving the livestock to the much larger feast hall, which opens onto the gallery, and they agree. First they need to make sure that doors are open all the way there and close off any of the side routes the animals might take. In doing so, they come upon the Broken Bone orcs and ask why they aren’t moving yet. The Broken Bone orcs respond with harsh words - the Evil Eye orcs reciprocate. The words escalate to threats, and then tribal threat displays. (Intimidation Evil Eye 7, Broken Bone 13) Finally the Broken Bone orcs, outnumbered, but with an inflated sense of their own strength, attack. The wounded Broken Bone kitchen orc still loyal to Thokk dies in the first round; the others soon after, but they take one Evil Eye orc with them and wound several others. The remaining Evil Eye orc victors move the bodies into the eiger dormitory to get them out of the way of their cattle drive. They discover the eiger lockbox and the four pieces of jewelry from the subchief and take those with them to the gallery. The heavy safe scrapes noisily along the stone floor as they push it.

It takes them some time to drive all the cows they had put in the kitchen orc dormitories into the feast hall, and more still the goats after them, but eventually they get them all moved. Then they place the dead bodies of orcs and giants found in and around the feast hall on either side of the doors to discourage the animals from opening them. They strip the beds in the servant’s quarters and move all of the straw-stuffed mattresses and covers to the gallery at the base of the watchtower to make their new lair more comfortable. The last thing they do is bar the door of the servant’s quarters to the animal pen from the inside as directed.

Meanwhile, the lieutenants cross the Steading to the other door and talk to the orcs guarding the entrance to the dire wolf pen. These three are all converts of Mighty Thokk and need no convincing at all; they immediately shut and bar the door and proceed to the watchtower as directed, arriving even before the other orcs. One lieutenant stays with the group in the watchtower while the other goes below to report.]

Doro is nearly at the close of her tiny hut ritual when one of the lieutenants appears on the stairs. He hesitates, unsure of whether he should walk through the obvious chalked circle she has drawn on the ground. As she slowly circles it, chanting and playing her samisen, she keeps trying to indicate with both her eyes and head that he needs to walk through now, before the dome is up. Finally Aurora notices her gestures, and tells Thokk to call him. Thokk waves the orc over - he closes his eyes and runs through the space, tense as if he is about to be hit by eldritch lightning, and sighs with relief when he gets to the other side.

“What have you got to report, Lieutenant?”

“Mighty General Thokk, as you commanded, the two groups watching the doors have closed and barred them and moved to the watchtower. However, there are another two groups of orcs, mining thralls who made it up the stairs while fighting your warband, who do not yet know of your strength and wisdom. They refused to move to the watchtower; one group is quartered near the kitchen, another in the animal pen.”

Thokk chuckles. “Very well. They will soon learn the meaning of ‘Join Thokk or Die’.”

“Yes, yes, they will rue the day they chose a paltry death over glorious servitude to Mighty Thokk. Any further orders?”

“You may return to the watchtower and await further instruction. Send word if the situation changes.”

“Yes, Mighty General Thokk.”

By the time their conversation has concluded, Doro has completed the hut, and the lieutenant has to climb awkwardly over the sheer surface to get to the other side and back up the stairs.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue May 02, 2023 9:37 am  
Post 271: All your basement are belong to us

[DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Post 271: All your basement are belong to us
7 April [12 Planting] - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

The party enters the hut and everyone present takes a short rest (1:30-2:30am).

Doro plays a song of rest: +1hp to everyone who spends hit dice healing.

Thokk eats a goodberry; from 1 to 2hp.
Thokk spends 3HD for +19; now at 21hp with no HD remaining.
Willa spends 3HD. Now at 50hp.
Babshapka spends 4HD. Now at 44hp.
Doro spends HD.

Having eaten and dressed wounds, the party sets a watch schedule and begins a long rest.
Almost immediately, Doro and Aurora lose their mage armor.

First watch: Thokk and Mathias (2:30 am - 4:30am)
As soon as the others have bedded down, Mathias explains to Thokk that he wants to go upstairs to the pantry to gather supplies. Thokk agrees to be the sole watch for the time being. Once above, Mathias notes that the dwarves are gone, but does not notice that they took a few supplies with them (Perception 9). Mathias gathers dried meats, trying to take the richest and lightest preserved food for the trail. He also looks around for hard liquor, but finds only barrels and barrels of ale, and a few small casks of mead.

Shortly after Mathias has returned to the hut, one of the five unbroken sub-commanders comes and knocks loudly on the dome. From inside, the sound is muffled - had Thokk and Mathias not been awake and on watch, they might not have heard it.

When Thokk and Mathias emerge, the orc tells Thokk that he regrets disturbing the great General’s war planning, but that an important situation has arisen - the rebels are requesting a parley. Thokk asks for more information about these rebels. The sub-commander tells him that a few weeks ago, a group of several different enslaved orc tribes with many dozen warriors was brought to the Steading. Before they could be broken to the lash, they caused a general uprising, stole food, and tried to escape through some natural caverns. Unfortunately the caverns were dead-ends and there was no way to leave the Under Steading through them, but the orcs blocked off the passageway behind them and have remained there. They have stolen and scavenged weapons. The tunnels were too small for the giants to enter themselves, and they feared that sending more orcs after the rebels would just result in their troops changing sides and joining the rebellion. Bugbears could have been sent, but if they took heavy losses attacking a well-defended position, they might have been less able to suppress the already enslaved orcs, resulting in a more general uprising. Thus the giants had been content to attempt to starve the orcs out, although the bugbears kept a close watch on the blocked off passageway. Now, however, some of the rebels have emerged, made contact with Thokk’s Army, and requested a parlay. Thokk tells the sub-commander to relay his terms - they may send no more than three rebels to meet with Thokk and his two seconds in the hallway outside their tunnels - they will come in an hour or two.

The sub-commander pledges to convey the message, and says that as long as he has the Mighty General’s attention, there are two other matters of lesser moment to report. When Thokk agrees to hear him, he says that first, some four mining thralls were found to have searched the body of the fire giant - the one who had been laid to rest in the torture chamber. Between them, they took hundreds of gold coins. The sub-commanders have had them killed, and wish to return to Thokk the treasure they stole from him.

The four other sub-commanders come forward. Each bears an upside-down orc head, with the jaw and brain removed, so that it is like a fleshy bucket with a bone-lined interior. Each of the ‘containers’ is filled with gold coins, the coins that the orcs ‘stole’. Thokk laughs heartily. He commends the sub-commanders for both the assiduousness of their enforcement of his commands and the artistry of their presentation. Thokk takes two of the heads for himself and dumps the contents of the other two out onto the floor. He roughly separates the large pile of coins into five smaller piles, scooping them with his hands until they look equal but not bothering to count, and says that the sub-commanders are to take one pile each, for themselves or to share with their men as they see fit. All five commanders avow that Mighty General Thokk is as generous as he is wise and strong.

After he has taken up his share of the coins, the sub-commander who initiated the conversation with Thokk mentions the final item of his report; a group of Broken Bone orcs was caught trying to sneak off to the dwarves’ location in the forge. Since they did not actually reach the dwarves, they haven't technically broken Thokk's statutes and so have not been killed yet, but the sub-commanders are deliberating punishments and would like Thokk's approval. Given their tribal name, the sub-commanders thought it fitting that they each be given a beating until at least one of their bones broke. Even the one sub-commander of their own tribe found this acceptable, if regrettable. Thokk had claimed the dwarves, after all. Listening now, Thokk agrees with the proposed discipline and tells them to make it so. He and Mathias return to their ‘magic bivouac’.

Second watch: Willa and Aurora (4:30 am - 6:30am)
When it is time for Willa and Aurora to take their turn at watch, they are woken up by Thokk and Mathias.

Aurora immediately recalls Hedwig to his pocket dimension, and then attempts to bring him forth - but cannot. She attempts to sense whether he has died, but it does not feel that way. It is more like something is preventing her from summoning him.

Mathias and Thokk fill Willa in on the parlay with the rebels - Thokk wants Willa to act as one of his seconds in the meeting. She immediately agrees - not because she thinks he needs protecting, exactly, but more because she wants to be present in case he agrees to something disastrous to the party over the course of the negotiations.

Willa tells Aurora that she will need to keep the second watch by herself until they return, but when the other three exit the hut, she follows them distractedly, still trying to summon Hedwig. Once she is outside, the familiar immediately appears.

5e Tiny Hut wrote:
Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely. All other creatures and objects are barred from passing through it.

While Thokk, Mathias, and Willa leave the marshaling chamber, Aurora asks Hedwig about the Upper Steading. He reports that he has been watching the animal pen, as instructed, for the last five hours. For the first half-hour it was rain and mist, but after that the skies slowly cleared and the last few hours have been dry, with the moons working their way across the cold, cloudless sky. It is not yet dawn but will be pre-dawn soon. For the first two hours or so Hedwig watched five orcs slowly eat their way through a raw cow that they had killed, methodically removing the flesh from bone as the other animals nervously cowered in the far corners of the pen. The door of the Steading was open, and firelight and more orc speech regularly came from within - sometimes the orcs within and those without would shout at one another, in a tone that suggested cheerful insults.

Then, two orcs emerged from the Steading and spoke to the five gathered around the carcass of the cow. Their words were calm and measured and seemed like an attempt to persuade the five of something. Some responded more forcefully than others, but they all seemed to reject whatever the two were saying. At last these two gave up and returned inside the Steading. Then, the large door was closed and the sounds from within came no more.

After that, the five orcs around the cow ate more slowly. They got up to relieve themselves away from the carcass, they amused themselves by spooking the other animals, and one or two at a time they dozed in the wet mud of the pen. That has been the only thing Hedwig has seen for the last three hours or so. Aurora thanks him and tells him to go up again, and this time to check on the situation in all the Steading. Have the orcs gone to the watchtower as commanded? Are all the outside doors closed? Is there any sign outside of giants or dire wolves? Hedwig bobs in what might be a nod for an owl and flies up the stairs to the pantry.

However, the spirit owl soon returns, and with bad news. The door that led from the pantry to the hall has been shut; likewise the large double doors from the kitchen proper to the hall are now closed. Hedwig can access the pantry, kitchen storage, kitchen, and a hallway beyond leading to the ambassador’s rooms, but all other parts of the Steading are barred to him since he cannot open the massive doors. Aurora sighs and says it is just as well, since they will not be doing anything before they finish their rest anyway. They will just need to trust Thokk’s lieutenants to take care of the situation. She tries to take Hedwig with her into the dome of the hut, but the owl cannot cross the barrier. Aurora sighs again and sends the bird upstairs one more time, telling him to stand guard in the pantry above. Hedwig flies up, perches in the rafters of the room, and waits. Aurora re-enters the hut and takes up her watch.

Meanwhile, with Thokk in the lead, Willa and Mathias have gone to the hallway outside the mining thrall pens. What was once a completely blocked-off hallway has been partially cleared, so that there is now just a low wall of stone impeding access to the hallway beyond. That is about as much as Willa can see; Thokk can see that beyond the barrier the hallway continues straight ahead, but a side passage goes off at an angle forward and to the right. Mathias can see beyond that, to a third hallway sloping off to the left. Mathias can also see a few orcs, crouching against the stone, at various positions along the hallway, watching but unmoving.

It is not long before three huge orcs emerge from the passageway. They are all larger than Thokk, though perhaps not as well-muscled. In fact, once they are close, he finds it likely that they are not orcs at all, but rather orogs - half-breeds of mixed orc and eiger parentage. The leader holds a long, thin club, set with various sharpened pieces of bone. His two seconds have crude crossbows. During the entire conversation one of these is pointed at Mathias’ chest, the other at Willa’s face, the exposed part not covered by her helm.

All of the proceedings take place in Orc, leaving Willa and Mathias out of the conversation. It opens pleasantly enough, with the leader complementing Thokk on having beaten him to overthrowing the giants, and Thokk responding that he must be a strong leader indeed to instill in his people the discipline to starve in caves rather than surrender and return to the giants’ lash. Thokk inquires as to why the leader sought this parley and what he would like. The rebel leader explains that his people have been stolen or enslaved from many different orc tribes under the dominion of the giants, and that now that the tyrants have been defeated, he would just like the chance to lead his people peacefully from the Steading - out into freedom.

Thokk considers this, and counters that there are still more giants to punish. He asks why he should not forcefully incorporate all the rebels into Thokk’s army and lead the combined host against those giants still in Sterich, or on to the Stone or Frost Giants. The rebel leader explains that Thokk should not do this because he and his people would oppose it, and they would come to blows. Their forces are roughly equal in number, but the individual rebels are much stronger than any orcs who willingly worked for the giants. It might be that he would kill Thokk himself in the battle. Thokk might win, he admits, especially if he has the help of these yoo-man sellswords - but even in that scenario, so many orcs would be lost on both sides that Thokk would emerge leading a smaller contingent of orcs than before, not a larger one.

For several moments the two of them simply stare, assessing one another, wondering if the other will draw and begin a duel on the spot. Finally, Thokk says that while he is clearly the superior combatant and that he does not fear losing their personal battle, the other's reasoning is correct that many orcs on both sides would die in the fight, and that he is a wise leader to consider the welfare of his men even after his own most-assured death. Therefore, Thokk says, it behooves him to likewise consider his own troops, so that he has decided to grant the rebels leave to depart the Steading peacefully as requested. The rebel leader acknowledges Thokk’s great wisdom, and adds that his people will immediately depart, load themselves with as much food as they can carry from the pantry, and never trouble General Thokk again. Thokk shakes his head and says that sadly, that will not be possible, since the food of the giants is his by right of conquest and he does not intend to give any of it up - nor is he giving the rebels leave to depart at this time - they will need to wait until his ongoing war session is over, so that his principal officers can escort the rebels from the Steading.

Now the rebel leader grips and ungrips his club, saying that it appears that they will come to blows in any event, for if Thokk is not willing to share the bounty of the Steading, he will simply attack and take it, as his people are indeed starving, and they would rather die in battle than starve in the caves or in the forest above as would happen if they departed but without food. Thokk looks unconcerned and turns to his seconds for counsel. “What you think, evil human advisors?” he asks in Common.

“Thokk, we hain’t unnerstood none o’ wat ye bin on aboot…” begins Willa, but Mathias shushes her, hisses that these orcs don’t know that they don’t speak Orc, and leans in close and mumbles nonsense words to Thokk, who nods thoughtfully.

Thokk straightens and returns to speaking in Orc. Willa frowns but holds her tongue. Thokk explains that he does not wish to see the brave rebels go into the wilderness with empty bellies. He can provide them with wood for cooking and bugbears to eat, recently killed by his powerful warriors, who killed so many bugbears that they themselves cannot hope to eat them all before they spoil. With good, fresh meat in their bellies and, if they wish more, also dressed and carried, they can leave the Steading prepared to return to their homes. If they relax and prepare a feast for themselves before they leave, that will give Thokk’s officers the time they need to finish their deliberations.

Now it is the rebel leader’s turn to consult with his advisors (or at least pretend to). When he returns to the conversation he says that Thokk is generous to offer his own war-kills, if not his spoils. If Thokk delivers ten bugbears, five for the immediate feast and another five to dress and pack with them, and wood to cook the meat, his people will prepare for departure but leave only when Thokk says that his officers are ready to accompany them.

Thokk and the rebel leader stare for a while at one another and neither blinks. Then, Thokk slowly draws his sword and holds the blade an inch away from the orog’s throat. The great brute lifts his club in the air as if he was about to strike Thokk down, but holds it there, unmoving. After a long pause, they both say in unison, “Under the Eye of Gruumsh Orcfather, I choose not to kill you, at least for today.” They put away their weapons, turn, and with no further words, return to their respective peoples.

Thokk, Willa, and Mathias re-enter the hut; Thokk and Mathias prepare their bedrolls while Aurora and Willa stand the rest of the watch.

[Meanwhile (6am) Phreeeee Constitution check overnight: 18
In the morning, Phreeeee [whom we last left in Post 258, having delivered an unintelligible message to Headwater but with a wing injured in a thunderstorm] feels his wing much better. Eager to get back to the Steading and the meal of giant liver promised by Thokk, he sets out at first light. Some three hours later, he has followed the river all the way to the Steading. He circles the building and calls to Thokk, but all the doors are closed and no one emerges. He looks jealously at the dead direwolves in the stockade, but their eyes are already eaten, and each one has its own complement of carrion birds. Should he fight for scraps when Thokk has promised him delicacies? He suns himself on the high roof peak and waits petulantly for the colored lights that herald Thokk’s presence.

Meanwhile also (6am)
Dandy [whom we last saw in Post 257, having escaped from goblins] sniffs the air warily and hides in the thickest brush of the thicket. Nearby the area is being traversed by a group of orc deserters whose unit has learned of the death of Chief Nosnra and abandoned the fight for Headwater. [Mule Pre-dawn encounter check: Yes; luck roll +1. ] The orcs are aware of the mule and vice-versa (Both with Passive Perception 10 and Stealth 10). They spend some time hunting the mule, but Dandy is able to elude them and ultimately they give up and move on.]

Third Watch: Babshapka and Doro (6:30 am - 8:30am)
Babshapka rouses from his trancing fully rested. He and Doro take this uneventful watch shift.

[Meanwhile, in the animal pen, the five orcs squint and complain about the rising sun. Whoever this supposed great orc hero is, it doesn’t seem like he is appearing any time soon. They discuss for a while whether they should stay or go, and finally decide to leave, split up, and try their luck returning to their own tribes. They open the corral door. The Death Moon orc tells them to leave it open and wait. Almost immediately the animals of the pen move out, seeking fresh grazing. The orcs stand in the open gate a long while, until the first of the horses reach the edge of the forest across the open meadow. When none of them are immediately attacked by dire wolves, the Death Moon orc says that they can safely set out.]

[Meanwhile (8am)
The Stone giants try to rouse their refugee party at first light, but the giantesses complain so vociferously that they finally allow them to eat and then sun themselves dry for two hours before setting out.]

Fourth Watch: Babshapka (8:30 am - 10:30am)
Babshapka takes this uneventful watch shift while the others sleep.

The hut slowly dissolves. Babshapka can see that most of the orcs, having long ago eaten their fill of bugbear, are dozing as in various groups around the marshaling room. Most of them have sleeping rolls or layers of hides scavenged from the bugbear quarters. A few pickets are awake and alert, on duty at the four different entrances to the chamber.

[Meanwhile (10am)
The goblin foraging party that captured Andy, thinking they are returning to supply the Steading, arrives at the scene of the party's ambush of Nosnra and finds his dead and headless body. They immediately decide to change the destination of their drive to their own lair, with plans to use all the animals for their own people. The giants are their masters no longer.]

Babshapka, his trance long completed and having already leveled, watches as everyone else rouses, having finished their long rests and having just leveled to eighth.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Tue May 09, 2023 9:30 am  
Post 272: ASI

Post 272: ASI

New abilities and items since last level are indicated in bold

Babshapka of the Silverwood (note, Babshapka actually leveled in Post 257)(forgoes ASI to take a Feat)
Eighth level ranger (Hunter Archetype: Giant Killer)/ Wood elf (Folk Hero)
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 12 (+1) Int 12 (+1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (-1)
Languages Elven (S/W), Common (S/W)
Hp. 62
Skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival (Temperate Woodlands, Temperate Hills)
Features: Favored Enemy (Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Giants), Natural Explorer (Woods and Hills), Primeval Awareness, Land's Stride
Feat: Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Duel-wielding, Extra Attack, Multiattack Defense
Human-sized Chain shirt+1, broadsword+1, cloak of the manta ray, ring of protection+1, ioun stone (no food or drink required), shortsword, longbow, Couatl Scale of Cure Wounds[gained since last level but also used before now]
Spells: (4/3)
(1) Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Goodberry (dropped Jump)
(2) Lesser Restoration

Special Agent Willhemina Stoutly (Willa) (takes both points of ASI in Strength)
Eighth Level Fighter (Martial Archetype: Champion) / Human (mixed race, predominantly Flan) (Sailor)
Str 20 (+5), Dex 17 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (0), Wis 9 (-1), Chr 9 (-1)
HP. 78
Skills: (Fighter): Insight, Survival (Sea and Coast), (Sailor): Athletics, Perception
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Extra Attack.
Features: Action Surge, Second Wind, Remarkable Athlete, Inured to Hardship
Plate armor +2, greatsword with flametongue, dagger, mace+2, ioun stone (no air required)
Potions of neutralize poison, cure disease, healing cannister, ampules of cure disease, cure poison, radiation antidote, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, stun grenades, paralyzation pistol, blaster pistol, power discs, Couatl Scale of Lesser Restoration

Thokk of the Crystalmists (Thokk) (takes both points of ASI in Strength)
Eighth Level Barbarian / Half-orc (Outlander)
Str 20 (+5) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 5 (-2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 12 (+1)
Hp. 86
Languages (all spoken only): Orc, Goblin, Common
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival (mountains)
Primal Path: Totem Warrior (Wolf)
The Sunsword (Longsword+1, +3 vs. undead), The Keeper's Axe (battle-axe +2), Shield+2, two rings of protection +1, 5 javelins of lightning, Couatl Scale of Detect Thoughts, hand axes
Fighting Style: Unarmored Defense, Extra Attack, Reckless Attack, Rage, Focused Rage, Relentless Endurance
Features: Fast Movement (also while stealthy and tracking), Feral Instinct, Fighting Helps me Sleep

Aurora of Tringlee (takes both points of ASI in Intelligence)
Eighth level wizard (School of Enchantment) / Half-elf (Sage)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 10 (0) Con 12 (+1) Int 20 (+5) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp. 48
Languages Keolandish (S/W), Elven (S/W), Common (S/W), Ancient Suel (Written only), one open slot
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion
Features: Hypnotic Gaze, Instinctive Charm, Master of Minor Mysteries (cantrips)
Bracers of defense, ring of protection+1, scroll of protection from undead, wand of magic detection, wand of polymorph, crystal ball, atmospheric analyzer, paralyzation pistol, blaster rifle, power discs, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, stun grenades, poison grenades, healing cannister, Couatl Scale of Detect Evil and Good, Staff

Cantrips: Prestidigitation, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Message
First: Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Mage Armor, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Magic Missile, Sleep, Silent Image, Unseen Servant, Shield, Identify
Second: Magic Mouth, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Web, Knock, Blur, Rope Trick, Crown of Madness
Third: Animate Dead, Counterspell, Fireball, Fly, Phantom Steed, Sending, Slow
Fourth: Greater Invisibility, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum

Doro Doof (forgoes ASI to take a Feat)
Eighth Level Bard (College of Lore) / Human (Mixed race, Greyhawk City) (Criminal)
Str. 8 (-1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 16 (+3) Int 10 (0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 16 (+3)
Hp. 64
Languages: Common, Thieves Cant
Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Performance (Expertise), Persuasion, Stealth (Expertise), Also: Jill of All Trades applies to all other skills
Features: Bardic Inspiration, Song of Rest, Cutting Words, Font of Inspiration, Countercharm, Additional Magic Secrets
Feat: Magic Initiate (Warlock)
Flametongue Rapier, Stun grenades, Incendiary Grenades

Cantrips: Light, Mending, Vicious Mockery, Eldritch Blast (MI), Mind Sliver (MI)
First: Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Hideous Laughter, Comprehend Languages (MI)
Second: Heat Metal, Hold Person, Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon
Third: Hypnotic Pattern, Leomund's Tiny Hut
Fourth: Dimension Door, Polymorph

"Mathias" (Leezar / Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio) (Mathias' final level eight form will be fixed after the party finds the Temple in the Understeading - here is what he has at the moment)
Eighth Level Warlock (Pact of the Blade) / Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 10 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Wis 9 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp 45, Languages Common, Velondi
Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, Persuasion
Otherworldly Patron - Dark Prince Graz'zt
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Special Ability: Saved by the Bell

Cantrips (3): Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Blade Ward (dropped)
Invocations (4): One with Shadows, Fiend's Sight, Maddening Hex, Armor of Shadows.
Otherworldly Patron Features (2): Dark One's Blessing, Dark One's Own Luck
Spells (9): Witch Bolt, Armor of Agathys, Dispel Magic, Fly, Darkness, Scorching Ray, Summon Aberrant Spirit, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door. Dropped: Hex
Equipment: Scimitar, Alien Translator, Laser Pistol, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Power Discs, Couatl Scale of Detect Magic
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue May 16, 2023 9:50 am  
Post 273: A Bright New Day

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 273: A Bright New Day
7 April [12 Planting] - continued - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

The party rouses. While Babshapka watches over Aurora as she memorizes her spells for the day, the others stand, stretch, and arm themselves. When Thokk is ready, he gets up, flanked by Willa and Mathias, and tells the unbroken sub-commanders to assemble the army for his inspection, and also to send word to the rebels that they will be able to leave soon.

The orcs line up in tight formations, like any human army at inspection, with weapons in hand and heads held high. Thokk beams proudly. Mathias, standing by Thokk, leans in and murmurs, “I thought you told them to divide the forces up equally?” Although Thokk had given his commands the night before in Orc, he had explained his instructions to the rest of the party once they were inside the hut. And indeed, the five groups presented before them are anything but equal.

Each group is headed by one of the five sub-commanders, to be sure. But the largest group has behind its leader nearly four-score orcs, while the next largest is short of a single score. Two others have perhaps a dozen troops each, while the smallest has barely half a dozen.

“Huh...what?” replies Thokk to Mathias, his reverie only half broken.

“I said,” repeats Mathias, but in a voice that now carries across the room, “I thought you told them to divide the forces equally.”

The subcommander of the center group of a dozen orcs tilts his head. “Is the yoo-man suggesting that these Dripping Blade orcs are not the equal of the other orcs in Thokk’s Army?” Apparently the two lieutenants upstairs are not the only orcs that speak Common. When he says ‘these’, he jerks his head back to indicate the dozen warriors behind him, but his eyes don’t leave Mathias. His morning star lies on the floor by his feet, but one hand rests lightly on a knife at his belt.

“That’s Sub-commander yoo-man,” replies Mathias. “Mighty General Thokk appointed me before we freed you five.” His tone is firm but not aggressive - he is, ostensibly, merely correcting the orc on a point of fact, not challenging him…

“Har, har,” laughs Thokk. “Sub-commander Mathias has good mind for tactics, but much to learn about orc culture. Orc sub-commanders arranged battalions by tribe and placed Dripping Blade orcs in center of line. Each tribe is equal in Thokk’s Army, but Dripping Blade has place of honor.” The orc who spoke to Mathias smiles wickedly, baring his tusks, and bows his head to Thokk.

Mathias looks over the troops again, forcing himself to look beyond their numbers. “By tribe?” he says. Indeed, while the mining orcs, and the unbroken orcs in their cells, appeared to be a chaotic welter of scars, tattoos, and bone piercings, now that each orc has been sorted with others of his own kind, and each kind of marking is repeated by those around them but not shared by the other groups, it is easy to see the similarities within a group and the differences between the groups.

Thokk points at the largest and left-most group and says, “Evil Eye Tribe.” The next largest he names “Broken Bone Tribe”. For the center group he repeats “Dripping Blade Tribe.” To the right he identifies the “Vile Rune Tribe”, and finally the smallest group, “Leprous Hand Tribe”.

“Sub-commanders,” Thokk announces in Orc, “Mighty General Thokk is pleased with his review of the troops. Tell the rebels that they may now leave the Steading, but have the men remain here at attention as they pass. Let the rebels know that they are missing out at the great opportunity to be part of Thokk’s Glorious Revolutionary Army. Broken Bone Battalion - decamp and secure the kitchen upstairs. Make sure no rebels take Thokk’s food, and then accompany them to the Steading doors.” The second sub-commander raises his fist in the air and gives a short but raucous howl, which is instantly repeated by his troops.

As the dozen-and-a-half orcs form into a marching column and head for the stairs, Willa spins and calls to Doro in alarm, “Get those dwarves out of the pantry!” The bard dashes up the steps. Willa trots over to the party’s camp at the base of the stairs and makes a great show of rolling up bedrolls and packing backpacks while the orcs wait respectfully in formation rather than pushing past her.

Babshapka lays his hand gently on Aurora’s shoulder - the half-elf is sitting with her legs crossed on the floor, finger tracing arcane symbols on the page of her spellbook, mumbling incantations to herself and oblivious to everything that has transpired in the room since she opened the book. Babshapka tries lifting Aurora at the armpits but she resists - he then lifts her spellbook, and she follows that easily, as if in a daze, over to the planking near the dead fire giant and out of the way.

In the pantry above, and then the kitchen, Doro searches frantically but in vain for the dwarves. It appears they have departed. In order to stay on hand in case they are hiding, she hides herself in the kitchen storage area, where she can keep one eye on the pantry. She has just pulled a barrel in front of her and draped a flour sack over herself when the first of the Broken Bone orcs reach the top of the stairs. They quickly fan out through the pantry, kitchen storage, and kitchen proper, jealously guarding the supplies.

The rebel orcs can easily be heard approaching the marshaling area. When they enter, they are in ragtag knots and clumps, not the tight formations of Thokk’s army. On the other hand, they are nearly all bigger and more rugged-looking than Thokk’s orcs. Or at least they once were. Large of frame, many of them appear nonetheless emaciated. They have not eaten sufficiently in quite some time, and gorging themselves on bugbear through the night has not instantly filled them back out. Most of them have odd green stains around their mouths. Those that have weapons show them to be clearly scavenged - bits of sharpened bone and broken metal. Though weakened, they are proud, and hold their heads high as they walk past the assembled orcs and party members. And the numbers! Willa estimates four or even five score among them - easily as many as in Thokk’s army, if not more. It was a good decision indeed to have avoided fighting them last night, with the shape the party was in. Even now, with Aurora still memorizing spells, Willa is glad to see them go.

Up the stairs they pass, and Thokk with the Dripping Blade Battalion follows them closely and watches for stragglers. Presuming that the particular doors in the kitchen are opened or closed on their account, they move past the Broken Bone orcs and down the hallway until they are outside the diplomats’ room and confronted by the closed door. Then there are a few tense moments as the orogs sniff suspiciously and tell their people to be ready for a trap, but before any of them can get truly alarmed Thokk has reached the Upper Steading himself and taken the long way around. He opens the door for them and leads them into the gallery of the watchtower, where the two lieutenants and four former kitchen thralls eagerly tell the seven mining thralls who have never seen him before, “That’s him! That’s Mighty General Thokk! Look, he has freed the rebels!”

Thokk removes the bar from the gallery doors and opens them for the rebels. The orcs, who have been underground for weeks or longer, thought the dim light coming from the open windows of the watchtower was bright. Now they stand blinded in the radiant sunlight of the clear mountain morning streaming through the huge open doors. “Brother Orcs!” Thokk addresses them loudly. “Mighty General Thokk is saddened that you will not stay and shed blood by his side, sad that you will not help him punish the tyrannical giants who thought they could enslave the valiant orc race. But too much sadness is unmanly, and Thokk is also glad - for without you, there will be that many more giants for him and his loyal army to slay. Go now! Return to your homes and peoples, and tell them how you bravely resisted the giant lash. But tell them also of what happens to anyone, giant or otherwise, who dares to resist Mighty Thokk. Tell them how while you hid in caves, Thokk dealt death to dozens of giants and scores of bugbears who, even now, as food give your limbs the strength to carry you home. Tell them!” (Thokk Intimidation 15)

The orcs in the watchtower cheer, the Dripping Blade Battalion shouts, and even the rebel orogs bow their heads at Thokk’s words before they lead their people out into the meadow.

Thokk follows the last of them into the meadow himself, shielding his eyes from the sun and snuffling deeply to see if there are direwolves about. Suddenly the air is rent with the piercing ‘peeee-weeeee’ of a falcon’s cry. “Phreeeee bird?” calls out Thokk as his heart leaps. Indeed, the falcon has recognized Thokk from its perch on top of the Steading (Perception 14) and now calls out twice more as it circles, finally landing on Thokk’s shoulder and biting hungrily at his ear. Thokk laughs with joy as the blood streams down the side of his head. “Come, Dripping Blade Battalion!” Thokk commands. “Bar these doors behind us and let us come below again. The loyal bird scout of Might General Thokk desires to feast on the tender liver of a giantess!”

Thokk tells the orcs in the watchtower to maintain their lookout, to feed themselves but not to gorge, to take from the kitchen only what they need to sustain themselves for this next meal and to remain alert. He leads the Dripping Blades and then the Broken Bones back downstairs. If the salted hams in the pantry have bites in them the size of Broken Bone maws, Thokk does not deign to notice, or scold a few who have odd bulges beneath their rags. From her hiding spot, Doro watches them all descend the stairs, and she waits a good while before she goes back below herself.

When Doro arrives below, Aurora grants her a mage armor. The others are breaking their fast on the stone steps leading into the marshaling chamber. This is supposedly because all the furniture in the bugbear quarters has been used as firewood to roast bugbear, but really it is more about keeping Thokk’s Army blocked downstairs until the party is ready to leave the Steading. Doro reports that she could not find the dwarves, and most of the party hopes that they are hiding rather than having been killed, or had worse happen, at the hands of the watchtower orcs. Thokk is unconcerned.

As they eat, Mathias takes the opportunity to ask Thokk about the meaning of the different orc tribes in his various battalions. Why, for example, is the Evil Eye tribe so large, and why are the Dripping Blade tribe afforded the place of honor in the center even though they are far fewer in number?

The return of Phreeeee has Thokk in excellent humor and he chuckles at Mathias’ question. “Good, yes. Yoo-man wise to recognize own weakness in ignorance of orc culture and work to improve. Mati-**** wise, yes, Willa?”

Willa shrugs and nods. She notes that Thokk used to be able to say ‘human’ and wonders how many other Orcish habits will re-assert themselves the longer he is in the company of his army. She is not amused.

Oblivious to her displeasure, Thokk continues. “Orc tribes follow one god. Orc shamen worship one god only - shamen kill anyone in tribe who follow other god. So, each tribe follow only one god.” Mathias nods.

“Evil Eye Tribe follows Gruumsh. Gruumsh is Orcfather - creator of Orcs and ruler of all Orc gods. Gruumsh more powerful than any other god, so most tribes follow Gruumsh. More Evil Eye orcs than any other - so more tribes, so more orcs in Thokk’s army.”

“And is your tribe Evil Eye, Thokk?” asks Mathias.

Thokk laughs heartily. “No, no,” he says, and points to a long tattoo of a sword on his right tricep. “Thokk is Dripping Blade Orc. Thokk’s tribe follow Ilneval, lieutenant of Gruumsh.”

“Wait, so your tribe doesn’t worship Gruumsh, and yet you admit that Gruumsh is more powerful than your Ilneval, and that Ilneval serves Gruumsh?”

Thokk looks quizzically at Mathias, trying to puzzle out what is so difficult to understand. When he speaks again, he speaks slowly, as if explaining to a child. “All Orcs worship Gruumsh, because Gruumsh is Orcfather. All orcs know Gruumsh is most powerful god. But only Evil Eye orcs follow Gruumsh.”

“And follow means?”

“Take orders from shamen. Follow law. Accept discipline.”

“So you are saying that all orcs recognize Gruumsh as the most powerful god, but only some of them obey his shamen, while others obey the shamen of the other gods, even though those gods are less powerful?” Mathias had apparently assumed that orcs would be like sectarian humans, each claiming that their own god was better than all others.

Obey, yes. Obey good word here.” Thokk sits for a while in silence, trying to articulate something complicated with his limited use of Common. “How strong is warrior who only follows most strong god? Not strong. Warrior of lesser god needs fight more, show strength more. Only silly yoo-man insist that their own god better. No pride in self - only pride in god.” He snorts at such human foolishness.

Willa is taken aback. She has never known Thokk to wax so philosophical before. Would that Tyrius were here, to debate theology with him!

“Okay, okay, I think I understand,” says Mathias. “Thank you, Mighty Thokk. Please continue with your lesson.”

Thokk grins. “Most tribes Evil Eye,” he restates. “Evil Eye Battalion in Thokk’s Army all Evil Eye tribe orcs, so largest battalion. Next largest is Broken Bone. Broken Bone orcs follow Bahgtru. Bahgtru is son of Gruumsh and strongest god.”

“But you said Gruumsh was the most powerful?”

“Yes, Gruumsh most powerful. Bahgtru strongest.”

When Mathias frowns, Thokk explains. “Bahgtru strongest,” he says, pointing to his bicep as he flexes it. “Gruumsh most powerful,” he continues, and sweeps his hand across the vista of five-score orcs in the marshaling chamber, all at his disposal and awaiting his next command. Now Mathias nods in comprehension. “Broken Bone Battalion is all Broken Bone orcs, next largest battalion.”

“Next god is Shargaas, Night Lord. Shagaas god of dark and fear. His tribe is Death Moon Orcs.”

“But you don’t have a Death Moon Battalion.”

“No, too bad. Death Moon Orcs good scouts. Warriors? Meh. We find five sub-commanders in prison, yes?” Thokk gestures across the chamber at the door to the cell block.


“One sub-commander Evil Eye. One sub-commander Broken Bone. But three sub-commanders Death Moon! And only few other orcs Death Moon.”

“So there were too many sub-commanders and not enough troops for a battalion.”

Thokk nods, pleased that Mathias is finally showing some understanding.

“No sub-commanders for Dripping Blade, Vile Rune, or Leprous Hand.”

“So the three Death Moon leaders each took one of the battalions without their own leaders?” Thokk nods agreement and Mathias continues. “Will that work? Will they follow the leaders of another tribe?”

Thokk shrugs. “We see. Maybe they refuse orders, and Death Moon sub-commanders kill them. Maybe troops make plot and kill Death Moon leader and demand different leader. Maybe Death Moon sub-commanders kill each other and when only one left, make own battalion with all three. We see.” Thokk's tone is not at all concerned, as if such deadly machinations were as unexpected as a civil service exam and the proper way to determine leadership.

“So what of the other groups?”

“Ah, yes. Dripping Blade orcs is Thokk’s tribe. That is why they get honor of center. Dripping Blade follow Ilneval, lieutenant of Gruumsh.”

“Yes, you said that before.”

“Vile Rune tribe follow Luthic, Orcmother. She woman of Gruumsh and mother of all orcs.”

Mathias arches an eyebrow at the thought of a warrior orc tribe serving a female goddess, but says nothing for the moment.

“And Leprous Hand tribe follow Yurtrus, god of disease and death.”

By the time Thokk and Mathias finish their conversation, the others are done eating. Rested, refreshed, and with spells at the ready, the party prepares to finish their exploration of the Under Steading. Thokk gathers his sub-commanders and reminds them of his orders - the troops should be ready to move out soon, but until then, they are to remain in the marshaling chamber and bugbear quarters - specifically not to go upstairs, and not to bother his dwarves. The sub-commanders are to personally address anyone who does not comply.

The first stop is the second padlock off the storage chamber, which Aurora opens easily with a single knock spell (Aurora at 2/2/3/2). The room beyond [25] appears to be a wine cellar - a place for stronger stuff than the ale and mead in the pantry and kitchen storage above. In addition to several large barrels, and some various kegs of wine, there are thirteen small casks of some five gallons each stored here. Intriguingly, each of the small casks has a bung seal with a blob of black wax impressed with a death's head symbol. Mathias studies the seal carefully (Religion 15). It seems to be a rather generic skull symbol, usable by any god of death, or by pirates, for that matter. Babshapka searches the room (Perception 8 ), while Aurora directs the others in moving barrels away from the walls so that she can check for secret doors (Investigation 22). Both are eventually convinced that there is nothing in the room except the chief’s private liquor store.

They break the wax seal on one of the small casks and unstopper the bung. Immediately a rich, pungent smell of earth fills the room. Pouring some of the contents on the stone floor, they find that it is wine, but of a deep, almost black color that none of them have seen before. They stopper the cask and leave, returning to the marshaling chamber.

Their next planned stop is the prisoners, but first Willa wants to bring them food and drink, as they haven’t eaten since the party took the Under Steading and who knows how long before that. She makes a brief foray upstairs to collect supplies and while she is there takes stock of what is left (Perception 6). If the orcs have been raiding the supplies it is not noticeable; there is still more food present than the party could hope to carry out themselves. Willa takes a load of food and a small cask of ale to the dwarves barricaded in the forge, and then the party opens the door to the cell block again.

The engineer is physically better, and hungry indeed, gratefully accepting the offered food; the merchant remains lost in his own world. The elf is looking much better, and actually stretching. In the absence of a weapon, he has taken the small table from the hallway and turned one of the legs into a club, and even spent several hours working one end of it into a sharpened point. Seeing this, Babshapka gives the elf one of his daggers. When the party expresses surprise at his recovery, he simply says that it is much easier to heal when one is not dangling in chains [he has character levels and thus hit dice but could not rest before - now that he has had a short rest, he has been able to spend HD on healing himself].

With the Understanding completely searched, most of the party is ready to go, at least until Babshapka takes out the strange inverted Y pendant. “What about the temple?” he asks simply.

“Ther temple!” exclaims Willa - she and the others had indeed completely forgotten about it.

“But we’ve searched the whole level - there isn’t anything like a temple here!” objects Aurora.

“Have we though?” asks Mathias. “What about where the rebels were?”

“Don’ t’at jess be caves?” replies Willa.

“Maybe not,” says Aurora. “It’s worth a try.”

The party returns to where Thokk met the rebel leader - outside the miner pens. What was a low, loose wall of stones (B) has been turned into rocks pushed to the far sides of the hallway - the passage is now completely clear. They proceed cautiously, and are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of orc musk and ripe waste. Easily a hundred orcs have been living, sweating, and defecating in these unventilated tunnels for weeks.

The corridor almost immediately splits into three, but each of the passageways seems identical - the same stone-floor, finished walls, and vaulted ceiling as the rest of the Under Steading. However, some fifty to seventy feet beyond the diverging hallways, each of the three passages enters large, natural, unworked limestone caverns [21, 20, 19]. The party listens carefully, but hears nothing other than the dripping of water percolating through the damp stone ceilings and the burbling of an underground stream. Emboldened, they spread out and search quickly through the caverns. There is ample evidence of the orcs - middens, waste piles, a stream for water, rotten hides for sleeping, but nothing that looks like a temple. There are a number of sinkholes, easily large enough that they could descend to another level, and with tracks and scratches around them indicating that someone or something actually does so. A few of the rocks beneath the seeps are stained green. Examining them, Thokk finds in the crevices traces of a slow-growing cave fungus (Survival 13). It’s not good food - but the stone can be licked to ward off starvation, and it seems that the orcs have been doing just that.

With no evidence of any temple, the party backtracks to the intersection, thinking to search for secret doors within the part that is still worked stone. However, near the intersection, they come upon an actual, visible door - but one that looks like it has been covered over with stones, much as the original corridor has been blocked off. Babshapka checks for tracks. While orc prints are abundant throughout the rest of this complex, they all avoid the area of the blocked off door. Whatever sealed that, it has been long enough that dust has settled and obscured all traces.

[Meanwhile (12pm) Mule Noon encounter check: None]

The party exchanges nervous glances with one another - apparently this is not just an underground temple, but a creepy underground temple that the orcs, or someone, considered dangerous enough to block off. When their looks around confirm that yes, they are in fact doing this, they begin to clear the rocks away.

The door that is revealed is of ancient and rotten wood, but bound with moldering bands of bronze, and with a pitted bronze bolt drawn across, closing it off - sealing something within? With all the rocks clear, they draw back the bolt and force the age-seized hinges.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
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Sat May 20, 2023 7:34 pm  

Oh no...they're headed into the weird abandoned temple.

Is this where the TPK starts?

How much of the 'orc lore' did Thokk's player know before joining your campaign? Is this something you explained to them, or did they make it up themselves, possibly with your input? This is a lot of detail, more than I'd expect from a rookie player.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Sat May 20, 2023 7:59 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Oh no...they're headed into the weird abandoned temple. Is this where the TPK starts?

Weird abandoned temple indeed. Foreshadowing: there will be a lot more going on there then the module includes.

CruelSummerLord wrote:
How much of the 'orc lore' did Thokk's player know before joining your campaign? Is this something you explained to them, or did they make it up themselves, possibly with your input? This is a lot of detail, more than I'd expect from a rookie player.

This is one of the cases where the character knows far, far more than the player. I'd been feeding Thokk's player this as needed, a little at a time - but this was an opportunity for a big information dump. For a brief moment, the DM switched to third person narration and said "So, Thokk tells you..." with all the players, including Thokk's, listening to what was essentially DM campaign background information. It is basically a personally-embellished version of the orc tribes as presented in the 1e MM and the orc gods as described in 1e UA.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue May 23, 2023 11:53 am  
Post 274: The Temple

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 274: The Temple
7 April [12 Planting] - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

A long hallway [17] greets them, but far ahead it opens into a larger space. The hallway itself is dark, but do they see a faint light ahead? Green? Or is it purple?

Babshapka bends and looks at the floor - a thick layer of dust, with no tracks. Thokk slides his sunsword an inch out of its scabbard - no glow; no undead. There is nothing ahead - the temple is clearly abandoned and unused - so why do they all feel so uneasy?

They advance slowly down the long hall, Babshapka in the lead. When he gets to where it opens up, he pauses, and they stop. They listen. “Do you hear that?” asks Babshapka, in an alarmed whisper (Perception 24). “What?” everyone else hisses.

“Scratching…” he says. “Something wants to get out.” Willa shudders and the others look about them anxiously.

Babshapka listens again. “It’s with one of our bags. Something is moving in one of our bags.”

“Check yer gear,” whispers Willa. The party lowers their packs to the stone floor, opens them with trepidation, looks in them and listens. No one admits to having found anything. By the time they all look back to Babshapka, he shakes his head. He no longer hears the scratching.

Babshapka eases out into the open area and looks around.

Once beyond the corridor, the excavated bedrock of the Understeading gives way to a large chamber [17A] walled by faintly glowing purplish-green stone, its faces carved with disturbing shapes and signs which seem to stare out from the walls and columns. At the far end of what is obviously the temple is an altar of pale, yellow-gray translucent stone on a dais. Behind this altar is a flight of low, uneven steps which lead to an alcove with a concave back wall of a purplish-black, glassy appearing substance.

Babshapka puts on his anti-gas mask. The closeness of the thing on his face makes him feel uncomfortably smothered. As he goes to close his pack, he feels something inside it move. He tentatively pulls forth the pendent with the inverted Y - and immediately senses it being drawn to the end of the temple with the altar. The thick leather cord is nearly horizontal with the tension, and the force of it tugging at his hand is obvious, but controllable. He switches to a firmer grip (Strength check 10) before it can slip from his grasp.

Willa puts up her ioun stone and the party fans out into the temple. The symbols carved on the walls, pillars, and floor all seem to writhe and squirm - but only from the corners of one’s eye. Any time one of the party looks at them directly, they cease their motion, but then the other figures now in the periphery begin to crawl across the stone surfaces.

Babshapka stays in the entryway, a firm grasp on the pendant. Doro begins slipping through the shadows towards the altar (Stealth 26).

Aurora looks at the pendant, and tries to message it. She doesn’t get a response, and feels no mind. Either it is not conscious, or it is very good at disguising its presence (Arcana 20).

Doro advances along the right wall, Mathias the left, and Thokk moves up the center.

Aurora takes out a sheet of paper, a quill, and an ink bottle. She decides to sketch some of the carven symbols to reference later, and moves close to the first pillar. She looks at the most prominent symbol, even as the others, just out of view, twist around, and then looks down to draw a rough outline on the paper as it lies on the floor. But when she looks up at it again, the figure is different. She tries this with several symbols. She finds she can’t hold them in her mind, can’t remember them precisely, and when she looks down to draw and then back up, the figure has changed. “It is just enchanting my eyes,” she decides, and reaches up to trace the figure in the air with her finger, since she knows touch is far harder to fool with illusion than sight. But even though she has no intention of actually contacting the pillar, somehow she misjudges the distance, and her hand brushes against the stone, which feels curiously greasy (Dexterity check 8; fails). Instantly she feels a flood of revulsion and nausea at the slippery touch. She snatches her hand away and spends the next few moments in a cold sweat, trying to keep her breakfast down (Constitution save 16; succeeds).

At the far end of the room, Mathias steps up on the first step of the dais and instantly collapses (Intelligence save 8; fails). Willa screams in alarm, but soundlessly due to her [i[stone[/i]. Babshapka’s shout is muffled by his mask as he calls out a warning, too. He looks down; the pendant is limp and dangling again. By the time Aurora has turned around and looked up, the entire back wall behind the altar is covered in writhing green and purple tentacles. Even now one has snaked out and wrapped itself around Mathias’ ankle, and is slowly drawing him closer.

Leaving her paper and quill where they lie on the floor, Aurora sprints up to the altar - but doesn’t step on the first step (Intelligence save 14). “Help me, Thokk!” she calls. She reaches out to Mathias, but already the tentacle has pulled him far enough back that she cannot touch him without mounting the steps herself.

Thokk uses his ten foot pole and tries to lodge it behind Mathias so that the tentacle can’t pull him farther. It is holding for the moment. Mathias mumbles something and his hand twitches, then his body goes limp.

Aurora sends a mage hand up to try to tug at Mathias and help Thokk, but the hand doesn’t have a force of more than ten pounds and is not much aid. A second tentacle is rapidly lengthening from the wall and crawling towards Mathias’ other ankle. Aurora moves her hand to intercept it (Arcana 12). The tentacle encircles the hand, constricts, and the hand winks out of existence. As the tentacle resumes its course toward Mathias, Aurora shrieks, “Quick, Thokk!”

Thokk furrows his brow - too little force and he will lose Mathias to the tentacle - too much and he will snap his pole. He strains and tries to lever Mathias off the step. The pole bends; the tentacle pulls.

Willa looks at the wall behind the tentacles - is it solid? Where are they coming from? Where are they trying to take Mathias? She sees a deep black void, pierced with purple and green symbols like those carved in the temple - but one she recognizes - the inverted Y (Intelligence check 18).

Suddenly Mathias’ hands twitch again, and Thokk strains once more. The tentacle loses its grip - it slips off his ankle, and Thokk is able to move him forward and roll him off the step (Thokk Strength check 15). The second he is entirely on the cold stone floor, Mathias gasps and his eyelids flutter. The tentacles quickly recede and the wall becomes flat purple-black stone again.

“That altar,” groans Mathias, “is bad news. We need to get out of here.” He sits up woozily, Aurora at his side. “I think the stone giants were trying to feed us to whatever that thing was,” Mathias continues as he gestures feebly at the curved wall. “Help me to my feet,” he says to Aurora. “We need to go, now.”

Thokk steps back, squinting critically at Mathias. Is he acting strangely? Possessed or dominated? (Insight 16). Perhaps just nervous and anxious to leave.

“What happen Mati-****?” asks Thokk suspiciously.

Aurora steadies Mathias as he rises shakily to his feet. “Well, I was floating in a sea of tentacles...and then...and then...sorry, this room isn’t doing me any favors. I need to get things straight in my head first. Can we please just go?”

(Thokk Insight 2: Mathias really doesn’t like the room. And he never trusted the stone giants to begin with.)

Mathias gets steadier with each step away from the altar and soon he is walking on his own. The party passes down the long hall and out the door. They close it, draw the bolt, and at Mathias’ suggestion, start putting the rocks back into place to block it off again. Mathias still isn’t ready to tell them what he saw, but as they work, they speculate. Willa wonders whether the mad prisoner was exposed to whatever that thing in the temple was until he went insane. Babshapka offers that some entity from the temple may have been using Nosnra - something that contacted him when he built the new Steading on top of this site of ancient evil power. Finally, as the others are laying the last stone into place, Aurora says, “The Elder Gods” (Arcana 17).

“Ther Elder Gods?”

“Yes, the Elder Gods...the tentacles, the nauseating colors, the symbols that wouldn’t hold still. It all points to the Elder Gods. I need to contact my mentor...but not here. Someplace safe.”

“Who be t’ese Elder Gods?”

“Well…” Aurora looks pensive. “I don’t even know if they are true gods at all. Perhaps more like powerful alien beings? They are from a place called the Far Realms - outside of our world, outside of space and time. I don’t think anyone knows much about them - because anyone who contacts them is driven mad.”
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue May 30, 2023 4:23 pm  
Post 275: Office Visit

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module series G1-3:Against the Giants

Note that italicized text indicates what happened in the last post (274). The unitalicized contents of THIS post (275) are known only to the player of Leezar.

Post 275: Office Visit
7 April [12 Planting] - (continued) Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

They advance slowly down the long hall, Babshapka in the lead. When he gets to where it opens up, he pauses, and they stop. They listen. “Do you hear that?” asks Babshapka, in an alarmed whisper. (Perception 24). “What?” everyone else hisses.

“Scratching…” he says. “Something wants to get out.” Willa shudders and the others look about them anxiously.

Babshapka listens again. “It’s with one of our bags. Something is moving in one of our bags.”

“Check yer gear,” whispers Willa. The party lowers their packs to the stone floor, opens them with trepidation, looks in them and listens.

Leezar opens his man bag just enough for only him to see inside. The witch’s hair, the arcane focus for most of his spells, is scratching at the sides of his bag, using its long white hair like tendrils or tentacles, trying to crawl out. He quickly moves it into the lead-lined box he got to obscure it from Tyrius, and it ceases its motion.

No one admits to having found anything. By the time they all look back to Babshapka, he shakes his head. He no longer hears the scratching.

Babshapka eases out into the open area and looks around.

Once beyond the corridor, the carved bedrock of the Understeading gives way to a faintly glowing purplish-green stone, carved with disturbing shapes and signs which seem to stare out from the walls and columns. At the far end of the temple is an altar of pale, yellow-gray translucent stone on a dais. Behind this altar is a flight of low, uneven steps which lead to an alcove with a concave back wall of a purplish-black, glassy appearing substance.

Babshapka puts on his anti-gas mask. The closeness of the thing on his face makes him feel uncomfortably smothered. As he goes to close his pack, he feels something inside it move. He tentatively pulls forth the pendent with the inverted Y - and immediately senses it being drawn to the end of the temple with the altar. The thick leather cord is nearly horizontal with the strain, and the force of it tugging at his hand is obvious, but controllable. He switches to a firmer grip (Strength check 10) before it can slip from his grasp.

Willa puts up her
ioun stone and the party fans out into the temple. The symbols carved on the walls, pillars, and floor all seem to writhe and squirm - but only from the corners of one’s eye. Any time one of the party looks at them directly, they cease their motion, but then the other figures now in the periphery begin to crawl across the stone surfaces.

Babshapka stays in the entryway, a firm grasp on the pendant. Doro begins slipping through the shadows towards the altar (Stealth 26).

Aurora looks at the pendant, and tries to
message it. She doesn’t get a response, and feels no mind. Either it is not conscious, or it is very good at disguising its presence (Arcana 20).

Doro advances along the right wall, Leezar the left, and Thokk moves up the center.

Aurora takes out a sheet of paper, a quill, and an ink bottle. She decides to sketch some of the carven symbols to reference later, and moves close to the first pillar. She looks at the most prominent symbol, even as the others just out of view twist around, and looks down to draw a rough outline on the paper as it lies on the floor. But when she looks up at it again, the figure is different. She tries this with several symbols. She finds she can’t hold them in her mind, can’t remember them precisely, but when she looks down to draw and then back up, the figure has changed. “It is just enchanting my eyes,” she decides, and reaches up to trace the figure in the air with her finger, since she knows touch is far harder to fool with illusion than sight. But even though she has no intention of actually contacting the pillar, somehow she misjudges the distance, and her hand brushes against the stone (Dexterity check 8 ), which feels curiously greasy. Instantly she feels a flood of revulsion and nausea at the slippery touch. She snatches her hand away and spends the next few moments in a cold sweat, trying to keep her breakfast down (Constitution save 16; succeeds).

At the far end of the room, Leezar steps up on the first step of the dias (Intelligence save 8; fails) and instantly collapses. Willa screams in alarm, but soundlessly due to her stone. Babshapka’s shout is muffled by his mask as he calls out a warning, too. He looks down; the pendant is limp and dangling again. By the time Aurora has turned around and looked up, the entire back wall behind the altar is covered in writhing green and purple tentacles. Even now one has snaked out and wrapped itself around Leezar’s ankle, and is slowly drawing him closer.

Leezar finds himself adrift in a sea of tentacles. Purple and green forms writhe around him, encircle him. They float around him in space as far as he can see.

Leaving her paper and quill where they lie, Aurora sprints up to the altar - but doesn’t step on the first step (Intelligence save 14). “Help me, Thokk!” she calls. She reaches out to Leezar, but already the tentacle has pulled him far enough back that she cannot touch him without mounting the steps herself.

Thokk uses his ten foot pole and tries to lodge it behind Leezar so that the tentacle can’t pull him farther. It is holding for the moment.

Leezar casts his dimension door spell, aiming to place himself off the dais, in the far back of the temple, next to Babshapka. Leezar mumbles something and his hand twitches, then his body goes limp.

Instead of the back of the temple, Leezar finds himself still floating in space, an eternal black void dotted with stars. Several hundred yards away from him a cluster of tentacles surrounds an arched portal. He can just barely make out the temple beyond the portal, although most of his view is blocked by the tentacles trying to squeeze through the opening.

At the very edge of his vision, a dull red star moves. Leisurely it drifts toward him. As it slowly gets closer and closer he can see that it is no star, but a wooden door with a lit red lantern hung outside it. The door gets larger and larger, the light from the lantern brighter, as it approaches him.

As the door gets nearly within reach of Leezar he can tell it is human-sized. He strains to reach it, but he is floating and can’t push off of anything. Finally the door is within reach - he brushes against it with his fingertips, and immediately a deep knocking sound resonates. A second later he touches it again, and again the knocking sounds. “Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’” calls a familiar gravelly voice. “Keep youse’s d*** shirt on.”

Aurora sends a mage hand up to try to tug at Leezar and help Thokk, but the hand doesn’t have a force of more than ten pounds and is not much aid. A second tentacle is rapidly lengthening from the wall and crawling towards Leezar’s other ankle. Aurora moves her hand to intercept it (Arcana 12). The tentacle encircles the hand, constricts, and the hand winks out of existence. As the tentacle resumes its course toward Leezar, Aurora shrieks, “Quick, Thokk!”

When the door opens, Leezar is greeted by the squat, ugly demon that Lord Vuron called Mr. Wart. The demonling is so surprised to see him that his cigar falls out of his mouth and rolls across the doorstep. He stands there slack-jawed for a moment before finally saying, “Holy F***, boss! What da hells is youse doin’ at dis door?”

“F*** if I know!” exclaims Leezar. “How ‘bout you help me inside and we can try to figure it out?”

The demonling grabs Leezar’s arm and drags him inside. Once he is past the threshold, gravity reasserts itself and Leezar tumbles to the floor. He stands up and brushes himself off as the demonling climbs onto a chair that is comically high for him. “Hang on a sec,” says the demonling as he pulls a paper out of a strange metal stand on a large wooden desk and begins reading, his lips moving as he goes. Leezar looks around while he waits. The small room is appointed like an office, with the chair and desk piled high with papers. Besides the large front door he just entered, there is a small door in the back that even the demonling would have to stoop to pass through. There are no windows. There are a number of large metal rectangular pieces of furniture that look like chests of drawers but are too tall and narrow. Above the desk hung on the wall is some sort of bound folio, the bottom page displaying a gridded calendar, and the top page a painting. The painting shows a nubile succubus presiding over a pit where naked humans are having tentacles forcibly entering all of their bodily orifices.

Thokk furrows his brow - too little force and he will lose Mathias to the tentacle - too much and he will snap his pole. He strains and tries to lever Mathias off the step. The pole bends; the tentacle strains.

“Nation of Sterich...Giant Steading...Chief Nosnra…” reads the demonling, his mouth moving even when he is not speaking out loud. “Oh s***! Dat was youse, boss? It was youse adventurers what took out da hill giant dude?”

“Yeah,” says Leezar. “What of it? It’s standard adventuring stuff. Help the hot Countess whose husband the Earl can’t get it up enough to take care of some goblins and giants in his own backyard, save the peasants, get asked back for tea, yadda yadda.”

“Oh, no,” says the demon, shaking its warty head until its wattle bounces. “Dis is much bigger’n dat! Youse just landed youseself in one of the Big Boss’s own projects! If we don’t figure dis out, youse is f*****!”

“Explain,” demands Leezar.

“Oh, geez…” sighs the demonling. He opens a drawer of his desk and pulls out another cigar. “I’d offer youse one,” he mumbles apologetically, “but da stink’d be on youse’s breath for hours and youse’s friends’d ask when youse go back.” Leezar gestures at him to not worry about it and just explain already.

“Ok,” he sighs again. “So, dere’s dis demon lady, dis spider b****, who's always all up in da Big Boss’s business, right? Dey hate each other and I don’t even tink he’s banged her, least not since I’ve been on board and dat’s centuries for youse. So she gets a lot of her worship from dark elves, right?”

“Dark elves?”

“Yeah. Youse know, da ones what live underground and hate da sun and all?”

Leezar shakes his head.

The demonling shrugs. “Well trust me, dey do. Most of ‘em worship demons, but dey are like dis spider lady’s chosen people or whatever so most of ‘em worship her. So, what better way to stick it to the spider skank than by stealing a bunch of her favorite pets? So, da Big Boss has dis plan to get a bunch of dese dark elves ta start worshiping Him and give up the spider b****. Only he’s not gonna let on dat it’s Him - cuz plausible deniability and all dat in case it blows up, but also so dat da spider b**** don’t even know who da real enemy is an' she ends up chasing shadows.”

“Now, the Big Boss figures out dat tousands of years ago on youses little rock dere was something called the Elder Elemental God, an’ even dough dat t’ing ain’t around anymore dere are still temples an' magic sites and s*** from it scattered all over. So, He decides ta impoisonate dis t’ing and den contacts some dark elves who want more power den da spider skank wants ta give’em. Totally a false flag operation, ess-oh-pee. Dey start ta worship da ‘Elder Elemental God’. Some of dat worship just evaporates, but some of it can actually be harvested by the Big Boss. More important, he’s denying dat power to the spider s***. Well, da high priestess of da Elder Elemental God, a dark elf name of…” (the demonling looks at the paper he was reading before) “...uh, ‘Eclavdra’, she gets her own plan. Dis is not from da Big Boss, mind you, He just tells her ‘make sacrifices and get magic’, and she comes up wit' dis herself. She decides ta try ta take over da dark elf city an' drive out da spiderlings, but to do dis she’s gonna to need ta get more power, an’ ta do dat she starts advising da giants on how to conquer da yoomans of youse’s rock and bring deir s*** back ta her. She gets da fire giants ta build her a temple in deir castle, and she gets dis Nosnra dude ta build his steading on top of an ancient abandoned temple to dis old Elder Elemental God. Da Frost Giants are just along for muscle - dey’re not really on board with da whole ‘worshiping dark powers’ angle; honestly dey are too full a demselves and deir martial prowess an’ s***. Anyhoo, I think da idea was dat once Sterich fell, da hill giant temple would be reopened an’ giants would be bringing back humans an’ sacrificing dem dere and da Big Boss would get a piece a' all dat sweet mana.”

Leezar waits for more but it appears the demonling is done. “So, by helping my group defeat these giants, I’ve actually just frustrated the plans of the Dark Prince?”

“Dat’s right, boss. Youse just stepped barefoot in a big old pile a' steamin' dogs***.”

Willa looks at the wall behind the tentacles - is it solid? Where are they coming from? Where are they trying to take Mathias? She sees a deep black void, pierced with purple and green symbols like those carved in the temple - but one she recognizes - the inverted Y (Intelligence check 18).

“So what do we do now?” asks Leezar of the demonling.

“We?” he snorts derisively. But then he leans back in his chair, contemplatively taking drags on his cigar as his eyes wander over the calendar painting. “Da way I see it, youse got two choices. Youse can cut youse’s losses, betray youse’s party as soon as youse can, ta stop f****** up the Big Boss’ plan, make sure dey lose and get captured by the giants and so da conquest of Sterich can get back on schedule. I suppose youse could save just dat enchantress chick if youse is still working on corrupting her.”

“Ugh,” says Leezar. “She’s worthless. What’s the other option?”

“Well, youse make youself more useful dan Eclavdra. Youse fulfill da Big Boss’s goals by udder means. Doesn’t matter if dis giant ting fails, so long as He wins. It’s all about da end game.”

“I take out the dark elves who worship the spider lady myself?”

The demonling nods, thinking out loud. “If youse’s bunch keeps going after giants, dey are going to find a trail dat leads dem back ta da dark elf city. Youse make sure dey find dat trail. Once dey are dere, youse make sure dat dey decide da real enemy are da elves what worship the spider s***. It’s da long game. Youse do da end run around Eclavdra an’ point youse’s murder hobos at da Big Boss’s enemies and youse’ll come up golden.”

Leezar nods. “Yeah, I can do that. Still, it won’t be easy. Aurora will believe anything, as long as it suits her in the moment, but Willa is canny, and suspicious. I’m going to need a new Pact.”

“What now?”

“A new Pact. A new deal with the Dark Prince. My old deal was about being a pit fighter, an enforcer. I appreciate the power He’s given me, but I can’t stand toe-to-toe with Babshapka, let alone Thokk or Willa. I don’t need to be better at killing things. If I am going to lead these guys around by the nose right up to the spider lady’s doorstep I need more skill, not more force. I need more spells, more influence, more ways to manipulate events and evidence. I need a new deal.”

“Boss, I don’t tink it works like dat. I ain’t never seen no one change deir Pact.”

“Well,” says Leezar, “you never forget your first time.” He grins at the demonling.

The warty creature looks at him and laughs. “F*** it, I’ll put in da request,” he says. “It’s youse’s funeral.”

The demonling scribbles furiously on a paper, then lays it in one of the metal bins on his desk. He leans back in his chair and continues to smoke his cigar for several minutes. Suddenly he jolts upright, and pulls a paper, and a tiny box, out of another of the bins. He reads it and then whistles. “Well, I’ll be f***** up the a** by a barbed devil,” he says. “It’s approved. By Lord Vuron hisself.” He waddles over to one of the strange metal cabinets and pulls open a drawer, takes out a thin leather-bound book. “Here,” he says, handing the book to Leezar, “is youse’s Book a' Shadows. Welcome ta da Pact a da Tome. Oh,” he says, and reaches out to rip something out of Leezar’s chest, causing him to suddenly gasp in pain. “I’ll be taking youse’s old Pact Weapon back.” He waddles back over to the cabinet and places the green-black-silver weapon he somehow pulled forth inside a drawer.

Leezar is doubled over in agony for several minutes. When he can finally stand and speak again, he whispers hoarsely, “What’s in the box?”

The demonling opens the box. Inside is a ring, which he hands over. “Put dat on when we’s done here. It should get youse back,” he says, pointing out the door. The door has slowly drifted closer to the portal in the great space outside and now is almost on top of it. Through the portal, Leezar can see his own body lying on the dais by the altar, with Thokk trying to pull him off with a pole and Aurora standing nearby. “Anyt’ing else?”

“Yeah,” says Leezar. “You remember last time, you said I had to have a near-death experience any time I wanted a promotion? This whole tentacle thing counts.”

The demonling snort-laughs as Leezar slips on the ring.

Suddenly Mathias’ hands twitch again, and Thokk strains once more. The tentacle loses its grip - it slips off his ankle, and Thokk is able to move him forward and roll him off the step (Thokk Strength check 15). The second he is entirely on the cold stone floor, Mathias gasps and his eyelids flutter. The tentacles quickly recede and the wall becomes flat purple-black stone again.

“That altar,” groans Leezar, “is bad news. We need to get out of here.” He sits up woozily, Aurora at his side. “I think the stone giants were trying to feed us to whatever that thing was,” Leezar continues as he gestures feebly at the curved wall. “Help me to my feet,” he says to Aurora. “We need to go, now.”

Thokk steps back, squinting critically at Mathias. Is he acting strangely? Possessed or dominated? (Insight 16). Perhaps just nervous and anxious to leave.

“What happen Mati-****?” asks Thokk suspiciously.

Aurora steadies 'Mathias' as he rises shakily to his feet. “Well, I was floating in a sea of tentacles...and then...and then...sorry, this room isn’t doing me any favors. I need to get things straight in my head first. Can we please just go?”

(Thokk Insight 2: Mathias really doesn’t like the room. And he never trusted the stone giants to begin with.)

Leezar gets steadier with each step away from the altar and soon he is walking on his own. The party passes down the long hall and out the door. They close it, draw the bolt, and at Leezar’s suggestion, start putting the rocks back into place to block it off again. Leezar still isn’t ready to tell them what he saw, but as they work, they speculate. Willa wonders whether the mad prisoner was exposed to whatever that thing in the temple was until he went insane. Babshapka offers that some entity from the temple may have been using Nosnra - something that contacted him when he built the new Steading on top of this site of ancient evil power. Finally, as the others are laying the last stone into place, Aurora says, “The Elder Gods,” (Arcana 17).

“Ther Elder Gods?”

“Yes, the Elder Gods...the tentacles, the nauseating colors, the symbols that wouldn’t hold still. It all points to the Elder Gods. I need to contact my mentor...but not here. Someplace safe.”

“Who be t’ese Elder Gods?”

“Well…” Aurora looks pensive. “I don’t even know if they are true gods at all. Perhaps more like powerful alien beings? They are from a place called the Far Realms - outside of our world, outside of space and time. I don’t think anyone knows much about them - because anyone who contacts them is driven mad.”

My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:02 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
How much of the 'orc lore' did Thokk's player know before joining your campaign?...This is a lot of detail, more than I'd expect from a rookie player.

But wait, there's more!

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module series G1-3:Against the Giants.

Much of the orc storyteller's tale comes from the 1e Unearthed Arcana.

Post 276: Story Time
7 April [12 Planting] - continued Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

The rest of their walk back to the marshaling chamber is in silence. Thokk strides ahead and soon leaves them behind as he begins to receive reports from, and give commands to, his army.

When the other five members of the party get to the stairs, however, the conversation begins again. Not about the temple, but what to do next, and about how to resolve all of the loose ends remaining in the Steading.

“I’ve got Lesser Restoration ready to go,” says Babshapka. “We could cast it on that mad prisoner.”

Willa nods her agreement. “An’ t’en ask ‘im an’ ther otters aboot ther Temple.”

“I’d like to be there for that,” says Mathias. “Just not right yet. I still need to get my head straight.” His fingers fumble a bit as he rolls a cigarette, but he looks very relieved as he takes his first, deep, drag.

“What about a Lesser Restoration for yourself?” Babshapka asks Mathias. “Just in case whatever happened at the temple…?”

Mathias snorts. “I’m fine,” he says. “Or I will be soon enough. It’s not necessary. But if it will make you feel better, go ahead. I’m not mad. The spider people are coming.”

Willa arches an eyebrow, then adds that they should be asking the dwarves what they know about the temple, as well, and maybe have them search the active dig zones and the stone giants’ room, to make sure the party didn’t miss anything.

“Burn it,” says Mathias. “Burn all the stone giant stuff. We don’t want them back here.”

“We should be askin’ ther engineer an’ ther elf mar questions - without given’ away too much arselves, neither,” says Willa. She suggests they start making a list of questions.

About the skeletons, Willa and Babshapka point out that the door is locked - they can just leave them there. “Blast them,” says Mathias. “Blast them with cantrips, from the window. Get a stool if we need to.” Willa nods.

“The ring’s not magical,” says Aurora. “I checked. It’s a waste of time - there’s nothing in there we would want.”

While discussing everything they need to do before leaving the Steading, it dawns on them that they haven’t yet discussed where they are going next. After a bit of back and forth it is decided that they should be headed for Headwater first. With luck and speed, they may still be able to help the city against the giants and other besiegers. They can bring the merchant and the madman with them - if they are who they say they are, it will be a just and fair rescue. If they are not, if they are perhaps moles for the giants or some other faction...then Griffage and Kerri, or whomever the local authorities are, are better equipped to deal with them than is the party.

After Headwater, it becomes less clear what they should do; should they take the dwarves back to Num-Theraz, or take the Stone Giants up on their offer to meet with their Theign? Perhaps check back in with the Countess via sending?

“The elf can take the dwarves back to their city,” says Mathias, “and I don’t see any reason to go to the Stone Giants, not unless we want to give the Frost Giants warning of our plans.” He flicks the stub of his cigarette away, leaving it to smoulder on the stone floor. “The oliphunt in the room is Thokk’s Army,” he says. “We need to talk about them before our big green friend comes back.” He looks across the chamber to where Thokk, out of earshot, is still conferring with his officers.

“Yes!” says Babshapka emphatically. “It’s ridiculous to keep feeding Thokk's ego with this idea of an ‘army’. What are we going to do, march them to Headwater with us, just so they can immediately turn on us and join the other orcs besieging the city?” The vehemence in his tone is uncharacteristic. Is he still angry about the mining orcs who attacked him after he tried to spare them, or does this go back hundreds of years? “Their petty tribal quarrels are just going to lead to confusion and delay our mission. Thokk needs to cut them loose, and the sooner, the better before something happens that can’t be mended by cutting off heads and filling them with gold.” Did Willa hear a slight catch in the elf’s voice when he said ‘Thokk needs’? Is it possible that Babshapka is actually worried that Thokk is the one who is going to be hurt, perhaps betrayed by these orcs?

Willa says that she likes the man-power of the orcs but agrees that they are all loose ballistae on the ship’s deck. If they could be trusted to side with the party against the giants and other humanoids it would be great to take them to Headwater, but they can’t be trusted. Still, she says, Thokk won’t want to give them all up. The Dripping Blade battalion is small, and composed of his clansmen, so they should be the most loyal and disposed to follow his orders. She says they should try to convince him to keep just those orcs around for now, and let the others go. They could just be sent home or, so as not to waste their usefulness, perhaps he can convince them to stick around a bit and attack the goblin patrols before they go home. Willa mentions that they have a fair haul of gems and jewelry from the Steading and don’t need all the loose coins - she’s not opposed to giving those to the orcs before they go, in return for them attacking the lesser followers of the giants.

Mathias nods. “It will soften the blow to let him keep some loyal troops. Besides, they could carry our s***. That would make us more mobile, since you all seem to have so much s*** to lug around.”

“We be gettin’ ther mules back on are way ter ‘eadwater!” insists Willa.

Mathias shrugs. “If they’re still there. If the goblins and wargs haven’t eaten them yet. I’m just saying that orcs are smarter than mules, know how to hide, know how to defend themselves, can take complicated commands, can wear crampons to cross a glacier...I’d rather have orcs hauling our stuff than the stinking mules. At least I want some orcs lugging my stuff; you can have all the mules you want.”

Willa sets her jaw but doesn’t respond.

Mathias continues. “I do like your idea of using the bulk of the orcs against the goblins, Willa, but I’ll do you one better. Let’s have them stay here, in the Steading.”


“To deny it to the giants. Once we leave, the giants could come back - whether we break the siege and they flee, or that group of four that we don’t know where went comes back, or whatever allies the chief was building those new rooms for show up. What happens when more giants show up here, whoever they are? I say we get the orcs to stay here and take over the Steading. They’ve got plenty of food upstairs, and they can easily defend these narrow hallways against the giants. This place has strategic value, like a castle. It’s an asset to our side. I’d rather it be in the hands of allied orcs than turn it back over to the giants as soon as we walk out the door.”

“An’ why be t’ey doin’ all t’at fer us?”

Mathias smiles winningly. “I’ll talk to them. I can be persuasive.”

After the party has turned around ideas for the orcs a bit, Mathias says that he is ready to tell them about what he saw in the temple. He says that it was strange, dreamlike, in bits and pieces of images and difficult to interpret, but he thinks he has it figured out now.

“I started in a sea of tentacles, like I said. They were disorienting, frightening, but they didn’t hurt me. I tried to escape by casting dimension door, to get myself off the stairs and out of the temple, but it didn’t really work. Or at least, it didn’t move my body. Instead, it took me - or my spirit? - to another place. There was this vast field - only it wasn’t a field, because it extended up and down, too, like we were all floating in the sky, but it was dark. The tentacles were there, too, but fewer of them. They were locked in a pitched battle with spider people. Man, those spider people were capital-E-Evil! Them I still get the shakes just trying to remember what they looked like - fangs and legs and so many eyes! They were fighting the tentacles and winning and that made me really scared. I know the temple was creepy and all - I’m still creeped out - but I think the spider people are the real enemy. The tentacles, I think, are some kind of guardian force or protector. They might be ancient or alien or not from our world, but I get the feeling like they are trying to protect our world from an invasion of the spider people.”

Before the rest of the party has a chance to respond to these revelations, Thokk approaches them with an orc in tow.

[Meanwhile (1:20pm)
After some five hours of marching on the trail along the river, the Stone Giants and their wards come upon the massacre site, where the bodies of husbands, brothers, and lovers lie strewn across the swampy land. Even storied chief Nosnra himself, less his head and heart, is sprawled ignominiously in the weeds. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth follow the discovery; the giantesses beat and scratch their chests until they are bruised and bloody, the giant youth tears the limbs from trees and uses them to attack other trees while hot tears flow and he vows revenge, and the eiger hides from the giants less he receive a beating himself. The stone giants simply wait with the patience of mountains while the giantesses harangue them, blaming the stone giants as obviously in league with the adventurers all along - how else could they have known about the death of Nosnra the night before? Many times over the next hour one or another of the giantesses suddenly comes up with the idea of returning to the Steading and enlisting the aid of the Subchief in their plan for revenge. Each time that the Stone giants remind the giantesses that the subchief, too, lies dead, they are blamed for this event as well.

Although it is still mid-afternoon, the giantesses finally refuse to go further for the day. One of them blurts out that they are wise to the stone giants’ plan now and they won’t kill them so easily - and then claps her hand over her mouth. The stone giants sigh and try to calm the hill giantesses down, but it soon becomes clear that they are in fact not moving. Fortunately the worker stone giants brought picks and adzes. They spend the rest of the afternoon digging shallow graves and piling high rock cairns for their fallen fellow giants. The giantesses look on in lingering fear and suspicion while they nervously eat through all of the rest of the supplies that were brought from the Steading.]

Before speaking to the party, Thokk howls up the stairs and the party hears a number of orcs respond. Down the steps come kitchen thralls, apparently relieved of their watchtower duties for the moment. Between them, the thralls carry shields as platters. The shields are loaded with salted meats, cheeses, and bread from the kitchen. Once these are placed in front of the party, the thralls scurry back up the stairs and bring down great tankards of ale. “Lunch time!” says Thokk eagerly, rubbing his hands together.

“Thokk, did you arrange all this for us?” asks Aurora.

Thokk grins lopsidedly. “Food not all, Thokk has entertainment for loyal warband as well. Thokk find storyteller to speak as we eat,” he says proudly. A few of the party groan quietly - eating lunch while listening to a mining slave spout off in orcish is not their idea of entertainment. To their surprise, the orc by Thokk’s side speaks with a gravelly voice in perfect, if accented, Common.

“If Mighty General Thokk’s Evil Advisor would extinguish her lantern,” he begins, bowing to Willa. “This is a tale that can only be told in darkness.”

“Not just entertainment!” says Thokk, as he takes a seat on the stairs next to the party and grabs a huge ham off a platter. “Is instructional, too. Mathias learn more about Orc culture, now.”

As Willa lowers the wick on her lantern, and then blows out the flame, a sour look passes over the face of the storyteller. Apparently he doesn’t like to be interrupted, even by Mighty General Thokk. After a long silence, in which even the voices of the orcs on the other side of the chamber fade and then cease, he begins again.

“In the beginning, all the gods met and drew lots for the parts of the world where their races would dwell. The elven gods drew the lot which gave them green forests and bright woodland. The dwarf gods drew the lot which gave them the riches of the mountains. The gnomish gods got the sunlit, rocky hills. And the halfling gods picked the lot which gave them the rolling fields and meadows. The human gods drew the lot which allowed the humans to dwell where they pleased, in any environment.

Then the assembled gods turned to the orcish gods and laughed loud and long. “All the lots are taken!”, they taunted. “Where will your people dwell, One-Eye? There is no place left!"

There was silence upon the world then, as Gruumsh One-Eye lifted his great iron spear and stretched it over the world. The shaft blotted out the sun over a great part of the lands as he spoke: “No! You lie! You have rigged the drawing of lots, hoping to cheat me and my followers. But One-Eye never sleeps; One-Eye sees all. There is a place for orcs to dwell…here!” he bellowed, and his spear pierced the mountains, opening mighty rifts and chasms. “And here!”, and the spearhead split the hills and made them shake, covering them in dust. “And here again!”, and the black spear gouged the meadows, and made them bare.

“There!” roared He-Who-Watches triumphantly, and his voice carried to the ends of the world. “There is where the orcs shall dwell! And they shall survive, and multiply, and grow stronger. And a day will come when they cover the world, and they shall slay all of your collected peoples! Orcs shall inherit the world you sought to cheat me of!””

All of the orcs, those few who understood it in Common and those who merely matched the gestures of the teller to their memory of the tale in Orc, begin hooting and pumping their fists in the air. Babshapka mutters under his breath, “That is not the way elves remember that tale.”

The teller continues, although his voice is more natural now, less formal - he is no longer recounting a traditional tale in its standard form, but speaking extemporaneously, or perhaps translating a tale for the first time in Common.

“Since the gods of the other races tried to cheat the Orc people out of their place in this world, all the tribes of orcs have labored for Grummsh’s revenge, each tribe in its own way. Guided by the wisdom of our gods, we have marshaled our strengths, their gifts to us. The tribe of the Evil Eye, led by Gruumsh Orcfather himself, seeks to eliminate all the other races. They make ceaseless war to rid the world of elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and humans. Theirs is the strategy of ext...exter…,” he struggles for the word in Common.

Thokk is happy to help. “Extra-termination,” he says, proud of his own vocabulary.

“Yes, theirs is the strategy of extra-termination. But not so the other tribes, for each tribe is instructed by its own patron god in how best to win back what was stolen from us.”

“The Tribe of the Dripping Blade, the people of Mighty General Thokk, do not see the extra-termination of the non-orc races as necessary. Rather, orcish hegemony is sufficient. With strategic, decisive military victories over the non-orc nations, we can coexist when they agree to our right to exist, and also pay us tribute as restitution for what they have inflicted upon us.”

“Is good goal,” says Thokk wistfully, “but hopefully far in future. Will be sad day when orcs win and there are no more battles to fight.”

“The Broken Bone tribe see their contribution as that of the continual improvement of the orc race. By making orcs stronger and stronger, and by ruthlessly eliminating any weakness among our own, we will overcome the other, more decadent, races in any struggle, no matter how it takes place.”

“The Death Moon orcs, the tribe of Night Lord Shargaas, do not seek battle at all, for they are not warriors. Rather, they debilitate the other races through fear, raids, and assassination. They ‘prepare the way’ for Gruumsh and his followers.”

“The Vile Rune orcs, the children of Luthic, seek to win through numbers. The Cave Mother teaches our people how to endure in hard times, and how to propagate quickly to take advantage of good times. Through resilience and fertility they strive to overcome all other races by outnumbering them and thus assuming our rightful place.”

“Finally, the Leprous Hand orcs, the followers of White Hands Yurtrus, teach us that orcs are more resistant to disease than other races by virtue of our destiny. Because the other races forced us to live in crowded, filthy conditions, we orcs have better constitutions, can eat food that is more rotten, survive plagues better, and so forth. The Leprous Hand orcs are not warriors either, but seek to spread the conditions that favor disease to other races, the same conditions that they forced upon us, so that they will fall from within in preparation for their conquest by the other orc tribes.”

“Thus you see that all the orc gods, and all the orc tribes, have a role to play in the glorious destiny that Gruumsh has secured for us. That is the wisdom of Gruumsh in allowing the different gods to serve him, and them each to have their own chosen peoples.”

Mathias claps loudly. “Thank you story-teller, and thank you Mighty General Thokk. I now know so much more than I did before.”

The others in the party are respectful, but decidedly less enthusiastic in their responses.

Mathias looks in his pack, and somehow pulls out a javelin of lightning. He presents it to Thokk. “Mighty General Thokk, thank you also for allowing me to use this javelin. I see now that it is better in the hands of a warrior like you, than in my own. I would like to return it to you, for the good of the warband. I suggest that you not use more than three in a day - that way, you will always have two in reserve.”

After Thokk leaves to attend to more army procedures, and as the party readies to question the prisoners more and perhaps attempt to restore the merchant, Mathias says to Willa, “I really do think the javelin is better off with him - he’s usually in the front and has a better chance to hit than I do. But I see that your flaming greatsword is working well for you, so I hope you won’t mind me asking if you would consider letting me try out the magic mace or spear you have. Or both.”

Willa agrees to hand them both over - she had only kept the mace in case they fought something that needed magic to damage it, and she is very satisfied with her new greatsword. The spear (from the chieftain’s treasure room) she has not even used yet. She does make it clear that Mathias is welcome to them as long as he is using them; if he decides he doesn’t want them, she would like them back.

Thokk is uninterested in questioning the prisoners, so the rest of the party enters the cell block, closing the door to the marshaling room behind them.

The party requests the key for the madman’s cell from the engineer and opens his door. They all enter, including the engineer. Babshapka casts lesser restoration (now at 4/2). The madman, who was idly tracing his finger along the wall and humming, suddenly gasps. He jumps to his feet, but then wobbles and collapses to the floor. “Oh my gods!” he cries, then “oh my gods…” he whimpers. Before the party can even question him, he begins to sob uncontrollably. Babshapka looks at him pityingly but without much more he can do. Unlike the madness which let him evade some difficult emotional state, he is now fully in its throngs - but also unlike the madness, such a forceful expression can’t last long. “Why don’t you stay here a bit while we talk to the elf?” the ranger asks of the engineer. “We will come back later. Make sure he gets some water when he is done weeping,” he says, handing the man a skin. The rest of them move on.

By this point the elf already has his cell door open and is in the hall, but Willa insists they return to his ‘room’ for the questioning. She is kind but firm, and it is clear that she doesn’t want the two humans to hear what he will be saying.

Babshapka begins the questioning, asking the elf who he is, where he is from, how he got here, how long he has been here, and what he has been made to do.

“We’ve been over this,” he says politely. “I was in great pain when you found me hanging in chains, but I do remember that. I am grateful for your rescue, so I will say to you again, my name is Lenda-dîn. I am a scout for Kerri Velthundel, Marshall of the Sterish Cavalry. I have been kept in this cell without sight of sun, moons, or stars for some time, and much of that time I have been unconscious or insensate with pain, but I would estimate I have been here for between one and two weeks. The only thing I have been made to do is suffer torture without being asked questions, and hang in this cell. As much as I am obliged to you, while I live, I have a duty to inform Kerri of what has happened here. I need to get back to Headwater, if she is still there, or wherever she is now, and report.”

“We sent her a sending,” says Aurora casually. “She knows what is going on.”

The elf frowns. “Twenty-five words is not a report.” Aurora notes that he is familiar with the limitations of the sending spell. “She needs to be apprised of the whole situation. You,” he says, looking at Babshapka, “said that you were with her, too, though it is obvious that none of you are Sterichi. If you indeed serve her, you need to give a full report as well.”

“We will…” begins Babshapka, but is interrupted by Aurora.

“But we have other concerns at the moment. What do you know about the Temple?”

The elf’s brow furrows. “What temple? The shrine of Pholtus along the river? I saw that it had been sacked by the cotumo on my way here.”

“No,” says Babshapka, reasserting control over the questioning. “A temple here in the Steading.”

The elf shakes his head. “Most hill giants worship Grolantor, but I haven’t seen a temple, and no priests came to my torture sessions. I imagine if there was a temple here I would have been sacrificed by now.”

“What can you tell us about who is behind the Troubles? About the Frost Giants?”

Lenda-dîn shakes his head again. “Griffage thought that giants might be behind the Troubles. Someone had to be ordering the eigers around. That’s why I came here - trying to find out where all the captured animals were being taken. I found the giants, all right. But I haven’t seen any Frost giants. Most of my torture sessions were witnessed by hill giants - and bugbears. I got the sense that a few of them were let in to watch each time as a reward.” He pauses, frowns as if remembering something. “There was a Fire giant, I think, the day I was brought in. The Keeper had him look at my manacles when I was on the rack. I think they were made for stouter folk and the Keeper wanted to be sure I wouldn’t slip out at the best part. I was in and out of consciousness a lot that day, so I wasn’t sure whether the Fire giant was actually there or I made that part up.”

There is a pause. None of the party has more questions for him, for the moment.

“If you’ve nothing else, I need to go now. I appreciate the blade,” (he bows to Babshapka), “and I can make it across that chamber and up the stairs before any of those orcor are after me. But it would be great to know what lies upstairs and if any of the dire wolves are still patrolling the forests.”

“Actually,” says Mathias, speaking for the first time in the conversation, “in light of you owing us your life and all, we were thinking that when you left, you could take the dwarves with you.”

“Dwarves?” he says, confused.

“There are five dwarves here in the Steading - seven if we can find them all,” explains Babshapka. “They were forced to toil in the forge of the Fire giant.” He says giant, singular, in case the elf corrects him and so reveals that he knows more than he is letting on, but the elf still looks confused. “They were captured near Num-Theraz. Perhaps you could see them home.”

Lenda-dîn holds up his hand in protest. “No, no, I can’t do that. First, as I said, I have to get back to Kerri with all speed. Dwarves are slow, and loud, and there is no way I could get them from here to Headwater without us all being found by the cotumo. I acknowledge my debt to you,” he says, nodding at Mathias. “Under other circumstances, if you were to see these dwarves to Headwater, I would escort them the rest of the way home after I had reported. But not now. There has been no word from Num-Theraz for more than a month. The Earl has sent scouts - but none of them have returned. I would attempt it alone if ordered - but not with a baggage train of seven casari in tow. I could not keep them safe.”

“Perhaps we might all go to Headwater together,” suggests Babshapka. “You, us, the dwarves. You can report, and we can see if there has been more news of Num-Theraz.”

“I will go with you,” he replies to Babshapka. “It is clear that there is much you are not telling me, about temples and Frost Giants and such, and that is just as well - you have your own report to give to Kerri and should be going sooner as well.”

“Just you two?” asks Aurora suspiciously, “Isn’t that a little convenient?”

“I will go with any who can keep up and stay hidden,” he replies forcefully. “You are a mage if I don’t miss my mark.” Before Aurora can insist that she is a monk, Willa shushes her. “If you can remain invisible and fly, or use phantom steed, or have any other means of keeping up with us and staying hidden, you would be welcome as well. That goes for anyone else in your group. I would appreciate the company of any of you that can keep up.”

[Babshapka does not want to be taken in by the former prisoner just because is a fellow elf. He asks Aurora for help as he tries to detect deception. Babshapka rolls Insight, with advantage.]

Bashapka believes that the elf is being truthful. There are some details he hasn’t provided about his mission, but these appear to be things that he wants to report to Kerri, inappropriate to say since he still is not sure the party is actually working for her. Babshapka doesn’t sense any ulterior motive, though, or anything other than the desire to discharge his duty to her as soon as possible.

Babshapka and Aurora speak briefly, then Babshapka turns to the party. “We gain nothing from keeping him here against his will. He knows less about us than the stone giants do, and we let them go. I will take him upstairs and see that he is provisioned while you talk to the others.”

Willa nods agreement.

Mathias points at the elf and asks whether anyone fed him? [The party gave him water and a little food the night before, but he hasn’t eaten since then] They must take the question as rhetorical, for no one responds. Mathias suddenly turns on the elf. “It wasn't a request. We are not going back to Headwater. We work for someone above Kerri and coming here to save your ungrateful a** wasn't part of our mission. We stopped the giant attack on the city and cleared the Steading to send a message. Fifty or sixty giants and all of your bugbear chums.”

“As far as getting caught or getting back,” he continues, “you are right. You did a s***** job of doing that the first time. Here is a chance to redeem yourself. Tell her what a great job you did getting caught and then returning these dwarves and the engineer. Maybe she will take you back. Thanks to us the city will still be there when you do get back and there will be someone to report to.”

The elf’s face darkens, as he is torn between Mathias’ harsh words and his debt for his life. When he finally responds, it is in carefully measured terms. “Where you go next and who you report to is your concern, not mine. But if you are not returning to Headwater, someone must. The city is still under siege. Though you have defeated all the giants, there are still hundreds of cotumo surrounding it and thousands of people’s lives are at risk, and Kerri needs to know what happened here in as much detail as possible. Killing the giants in the Steading is a mighty accomplishment, and far beyond my abilities. But if you have done nothing about the worg riders and orc patrols between here and there it is equally beyond my abilities to get seven dwarves and a human engineer there safely. It is because I am grateful to you that I will tell you the truth - if you force me to escort them back, it is very likely that all of us will die, and you will leave Kerri blind. Or I might go slowly and cautiously enough so that, with luck, I manage to get them back to the city safely - days later than necessary and after many more lives have been lost unnecessarily in the siege. I have two skills - moving myself swiftly and unseen - and they were not enough for me to escape the noses of the dire wolves, which I assume are still out there. If you will not provide me magic to conceal these people or move them more swiftly, you are sending them to their deaths. I owe you my life and if you would force this task on me I will accept. But if what you want is to kill me and the dwarves, it seems simpler for you to just do that now, before we leave.”

“Well, now, let’s all jus’ reef are sails,” says Willa, gesturing at everyone to remain calm.

Mathias turns on her. “Oh yes, my apologies. I forgot to whom I was speaking,” he bites out as he jerks his thumb at the elf. “Let’s just drop what we are doing and return the dwarves and the engineer to Headwater ourselves while The Spider Queen prepares her army to assault our world and this guy frolics in the woods because he is too busy to help us.” He turns and strides out of the cell.

There is a long moment of silence after his departure. Finally, Babshapka speaks up. “Mathias is right that we should set out as soon as we can - today if possible but by first light tomorrow at the latest. None of us have seen the sun since last night but I feel like it is surely afternoon by now. And, while it certainly would be more convenient for us if Lenda-dîn could take the dwarves and humans with him, we haven’t asked the dwarves if they would agree to such an arrangement and they might have their own plans - plans which do not involve Headwater. For that matter, we don’t even know where two of the dwarves are, since they are no longer in the pantry.”

“The scout could leave now…” says Aurora, thinking out loud, “and the others could stay on here after us for a while, as Thokk’s special prisoners.”

“Do you really think they would last two seconds once we were out of sight of the Steading?” responds Babshapka incredulously.

“I’d wager t’ey wouldnae last two secun’s once we be topside!” exclaims Willa, pointing over her head at the Upper Steading. Aurora admits they probably would not.

“Then it’s decided,” concludes Babshapka, perhaps a bit presumptuously. “I will see Lenda-dîn off and look for the missing dwarves while you all question the two humans. By the time I return we should be getting them, the dwarves, and ourselves ready to go.”

Willa nods agreement, but says, “An’ summit’s ter be done aboot T’okk’s Army!”

When Babshapka and Lenda-dîn leave his former cell, Mathias is in the cell with the engineer and the madman. None of them have to make eye contact as the pair exit the cell block.

Babshapka escorts the scout into the marshaling chamber, but pauses until he has Thokk’s attention before walking across the hall. All orc eyes are on the pair of elves as they head to stairs, and Babshapka has the distinct impression that Thokk’s orders notwithstanding, someone would have challenged them had the Mighty General not been personally present.

(2:45pm - Upper Steading)
Babshapka takes the elf up the stairs and to the pantry, and tells him in elven to gather whatever provisions he needs to make it to Headwater. Lenda-dîn looks through the room, dumps out a sack of turnips on the floor and then puts several handfuls of nuts, dried fruit, and some jerky into the sack before tying it into a small bundle. While he works, Babshapka explains that the upper Steading has been cleared of giants, but that there are orcs in the watchtower and perhaps a few outside that have refused Thokk’s command. The party killed four of the dire wolves but the rest of them may be roaming free and directionless, as the party also killed the giant Packmaster. The night previous, a group of stone giants led hill giant women and a youth away from the Steading - they could be halfway to Headwater by now, and alerting all the patrols of worg riders along the way. The elf listens as he packs. When both of them are done, he tells Babshapka that he indeed has his gratitude. Babshapka shows him the space behind the barrel where the two dwarves hunkered down, and asks for his help in finding them before he leaves. [Babshapka’s Survival is +4, although he gets another +3 when outdoors in Hills or Forest. The scout’s Survival is +5, even indoors. The scout will attempt to track the dwarves, with advantage from Babshapka’s help. Survival check 23.]

The scout asks Babshapka what the dwarves were shod in, and then points out what is clearly a dwarf-sized boot print in a puddle of blood around one of the dead eiger youth in the kitchen storage. The trail gets fainter in the hall, but the scout follows it to the doors of the Feast Hall, which Babshapka notes have been closed. The doors are not barred, but something is blocking them, and the two work together to force entry, finally opening the doors wide enough to slip through - and climb over the body of the subchief, which has been lain up against the doors (Babshapka Strength check 21, with advantage from Help).

Brilliant daylight streams in the open windows and smoke holes of the high roof far overhead and Babshapka notes that it is indeed mid-afternoon. The Feast Hall is teeming with animals - five cows lowing forlornly, and numerous goats chewing at the rough clothes of the slain giants. The pair of elves crosses the room as silently as they can (Basbhapka Stealth 22, Scout 26). Rolling the hill giant youth enough away from the far door to slip out, they pick up more boot prints from the blood around the matron, and this leads them to the chieftain’s room - which has been bolstered from the inside, the door not blocked by bar or bodies, but by furniture.

The scout rattles the door and calls out (mostly) in Common, “Casari, come out! There are no giants or orcs about.”

Babshapka adds, “We have found your kinfolk in the forge and wish to reunite you with them before we leave.”

The dwarves, having had only hard labor, a stone floor, and little rest for months, and now full of ale and meat and on a stuffed mattress, have slept for more than twelve hours uninterrupted. When they have spoken briefly, it is only of how they will try the chimney and leave by nightfall if nothing happens before then. The elation of finding the chieftain’s jewels has by now given way to concern for their fellows, so at Babshapka’s words they rouse themselves and clear the furniture. Once Babshapka and the scout are inside the room, the dwarves agree to accompany Babshapka back downstairs. The scout tests their improvised rope and bids farewell to Babshapka before climbing up and out the cold chimney.

Babshapka returns back through the Feast Hall, leading the dwarves. Their boots clomp across the wooden floor and the goats scatter at their approach. As the scout had said, they are indeed slow and loud, and Babshapka cannot imagine trying to elude a patrol with them. (Dwarven Stealth check with Advantage from Babshapka’s help; 8 ). The orcs in the watchtower do not appear to investigate the din (Orc passive Perception 10; with disadvantage from heavy doors and distance, 5). In the middle of the room Babshapka pauses and climbs a giant-sized chair, looking all about for horses or mules that might be used as pack animals on the way out - although it was night and he was in pursuit of the giantess, he knows he saw some when he crossed the animal pen. But there are none in the feast hall, just cows and goats. He returns to shepherding the dwarves. In the kitchen storage, he tells them to gather food - enough for themselves and all of their companions, for at least a two-day journey downriver to Headwater, but not so much that it will slow them down. The dwarves huff about him underestimating their ability to march and carry, but Babshapka is too busy listening for signs of approaching orcs to pay them much mind.

“Make sure you have enough for all of you,” Babshapka says, “but don’t go downstairs until I come back. You can take anything from that pile of…” Babshapka trails off. There had been a pile of weapons and tools in the pantry - these selfsame dwarves had taken them from the dead on the stairs to make the pile. All of it is gone now. Presumably Thokk’s orcs, now in the watchtower? “I’ll be back soon,” he concludes.

Babshapka moves quickly up the hall and through the servants quarters. The stink of orc, and the more appealing smell of roast goat, is heavy in the place, but neither orcs nor goats are actually present at the moment. The door to the animal pen is barred from the inside. Removing the bar and opening the door, Babshapka walks out into the deserted animal pen.

It is a bright clear day, and Babshapka takes it to be around three in the afternoon. The ground is still sodden from last night’s rain, the pen full of mud and dung - but there is not a living animal in sight. There is a single cow carcass, stripped of meat. Around it in the mud are wallows where several orcs or similar sat for hours, methodically devouring it. Babshapka turns and finds the large gate to the meadow completely open. Babshapka trots out the gate and shields his eyes against the sun. The ground around the gate is a welter of hoof prints - all of the missing animals left through the gate, and recently - long after the rain had stopped, for no water fills even the deepest hoof prints. Out in the wide meadow he counts at least four carcasses - the closest a quarter-mile off. It is hard to tell at this distance, but he takes them to be three horses and a cow. Farther off, something moves against the backdrop of the pine trees - another cow? A deer or elk? He can’t tell (Perception 18). Then, something else stirs - at the second carcass out, a large gray shape lifts itself from the grass next to the horse’s body, stretches, turns, and lies back down. A direwolf. “Someone opened the gate,” Babshapka says to himself. “The animals left - and even now they are being hunted down by the direwolves. So much for gathering pack animals, but hopefully that means the wolves are sated for now and won’t be harrowing our departure.”

Babshapka leaves the gate open, but closes and bars the door to the Steading behind him. The dwarves are still in the kitchen, putting together the last of their supplies into professional-looking bundles.

(2:45pm - Under Steading)
Willa tells the others to stay in the hall while she enters the cell with the engineer, the madman, and Mathias. “Mat’ias,” she begins in a conciliatory tone, but he waves her away.

“It’s alright,” he says, the anger gone from his voice. “I’m alright. You didn’t see the spider people. If you had, you would understand.”

Willa nods as if in agreement, although she doesn’t, in fact, understand. “Be ye still sailin’ wit’ us ter ther Frost Gigants?” she asks him.

“Oh, yeah. That’s the only way to stop the spiders.”

“Then, ye’ll be needin’ col’ weather gear ter wit’stand ther mountains an’ glaciers an’ sech. An’ Doro will, too.”

“There’s plenty of skins and furs here in the Steading.”

“Aye,” she agrees, “an’ I can mend a sail are twain right eno’ - but tailorin’ a fur suit so ther snow an’ wet dinnae come in, tha' be atother kettle o’ fish.”

Mathias sighs and nods. “And Headwater really is the closest place we can get actual cold weather gear?”


Mathias sighs again and goes into the hall. “You can come in now, I’m fine,” he says mockingly to the others.

The madman is no longer weeping, just sitting, back against the wall, head down resignedly. Willa gestures to Doro, and she begins a calming tune. The man sniffles a bit but seems otherwise stable.

Mathias sets up his three-legged stool near the man and lights a cigarette. When he looks up, Mathias offers him one. The man refuses, but thinks better of it, and then holds out his hand. Mathias hands off the one he has just started, and then, as he works on rolling a new one for himself, says casually, “Who are you?”

“Mortimer,” he says, and swallows loudly. “Mortimer Fassbender, Master Merchant of Ebenenburg.” He takes a drag on the cigarette and coughs loudly.

The engineer leans over to Willa and whispers, “I’ve heard of him. I mean, I’ve heard the name, I can’t say that I know that is him; we’ve never met. Before, that is.”

“So you’re from Ebenenburg?”

“Yes. I was.” The man’s voice catches. “Before.”

“How did you get here?”

The man is silent for a moment as his eyes well, and suddenly the dam bursts and he spills forth a torrent of words and tears. “The night of the attack I was hosting a dinner party. When I heard the city alarm bells I sent my guests home and went to the house of a serjeant of the watch I know...I sometimes employ...I found him at his house where his squad was assembling...since there was a general alarm, it took rather more than my usual fee to convince them to follow me to one of my warehouses. The town has been raided before - it happens in the winter every few years - I thought my goods would be looted by my fellow citizens before the raid was over. The men agreed to protect my warehouse instead...instead of defending the town. But this wasn’t a raid. By the time I got back to my house it was aflame. My wife was inside - my children - I could have saved them - but there were orcs outside - when they saw me, I panicked and ran. I didn’t stop until I found myself at the apartment of my mistress. I don’t know how I got there - I wasn’t thinking at that point. I was too late, anyway, the whole building was on fire, and the people inside had already stopped screaming. I went back to the warehouse - that part I remember. The last of the guards I had bought were being gutted by goblins. When they cornered me I just started to scream ‘I can pay, I can pay’. I didn’t know what else to say. They were about to gut me, too, when their boss had them throw a net over me instead. ‘This one we can ransom,’ he said, ‘and even if not, he’s fat enough the eigers’ll like him as much as a pig anyway.’ They laughed and made pig noises at me all the rest of the way upriver. Sometimes I walked, but most of the way I was in a net slung between two worgs. I’ve been in this cell ever since I got here. At first I gave them the names of people to write to, people I know who would ransom me. I don’t know whether they tried. After a while they just seemed to lose interest, and so did I. I just sat here, covered in my own ****, thinking about how I could have saved them…” his voice finally trails off.

“So you’ve been in this cell the whole time?” repeats Mathias, and the man nods. “And they haven’t taken you to any kind of temple?” The man’s brow furrows in confusion, then he shakes his head no.

“Do you know anything about their plans, did you hear anything about other giants? Is there anything you can tell us about your captors?”

“Most of the time, I was the one doing the talking,” the man says. “Begging for my life and promising rich rewards,” he says in a tone full of self-loathing. “But it doesn’t matter now. The only thing that matters is that I could have saved them, and I didn’t.”

The party looks from one to the other and back. Even the engineer shrugs, not quite knowing what to do with this, now sane, man. Finally, they leave him to his thoughts, with only Doro remaining. She continues to play her samisen, but not to calm him, as much as to cover the sounds of the conversation next door, where the three remaining party members (Willa, Mathias, and Aurora) have begun to question the engineer.

“Who are you?” begins Mathias.

“Hyrum Overton, member of the Masons and Stoneworkers Guild. Mostly I’m an engineer. I worked on the new sluiceway,” he says with more than a hint of pride in his voice. None of the party have heard of it, of course - perhaps a parochial project whose fame hasn’t spread beyond Ebenenburg.

“And you’re from Ebenenburg?”

“Born and raised,” he says with equal pride. “Although me mum’s from Mittleberg,” he adds, as if that makes him decidedly more cosmopolitan.

“How were you captured?”

“I rent an apartment above a mining equipment shop. The shop was being cleaned out during the sack of the town - a lot of the picks and shovels that the orcs use here came from there. I think that’s the only reason they didn’t burn the building with me hiding in it - they were still cleaning it out when a bugbear found me and dragged me downstairs. They must have thought I was the owner, because the goblin boss wanted me to open a strongbox they had found. When I told them I didn’t have the key, that it wasn’t my box, that I was an engineer, they put me in a net and brought me here on the back of a giant wolf.”

“How long have you been here?”

“That’s hard to say, since I don’t get out much, and meals aren’t too regular. More than a month anyway. Maybe two.”

“What did they make you do here?”

“Sometimes they have me out to inspect the digging - usually in passages too small yet for the stone giants. New cuts, access crawlways, natural gaps and fissures, that sort of thing. I was asked to do maths once.”

“Do you know anything about the temple?”

“What temple? I think they are building living quarters, not a temple.”

“Did you overhear anything about the invasion or the frost giants?”

“Frost giants I haven’t heard anything about. I’ve worked with the Stone Giants a fair bit. There are two that are laborers, and two that mostly supervise. And I’ve seen the Fire Giants. Sometimes when a pick or shovel blade breaks they take it to the fire giant forge for fixing, if they can be fixed, or melting down and reforging, if they can’t. I can show you where the forge is. But I haven’t seen any Frost giants.”

“Did they talk about them?”

“Mostly they talk in Giant, or Bugbear, or Orc. Nothing I understand.”

“What else can you tell us?”

“I’ve been thinking about that since you asked me last...night? The stone giants are competent engineers. They know what they are doing. But the great hill giant - the enormous fat one - he is the one giving them orders. He has inspected the new galleries more than once, and talked to the stone giants. I can’t tell what he is saying, but it is in a tone of command, and they listen to him. After he leaves, though, they shake their heads and talk to each other a good while - like they are not sure that they want to do, or can do, what he is asking of them.”

“What are the new rooms for?”

“As near as I can tell, living quarters. It doesn’t look like it now, but the plan is to have them be giant-proportioned when they are done. This old ruin certainly isn’t.”

“What about the hallway that was blocked off? Did you ever go there?

“Which one is that, now?”

“By the pens for the miners.”

“I went by the mining pens on my way to the forge. One of the passages leads to a torture room - I was fortunate enough to never have been taken there. I don’t know where the other one goes.”

Willa has her lantern lit. All the while Mathias has been asking questions of the man, she has been going over his physical appearance. He hasn’t eaten well lately, it is true - he has lost weight and hair, and his clothes are threadbare. His skin is pale, but he still has a distinct tan line where his torn shirt reveals his neck and elbows - he is used to working outside, but hasn’t seen the sun in some time. His hands are strong, but not rough like those of a simple laborer.

“Wha’ kind o’ rock be this?” Willa asks him suddenly, and gestures at the cell wall.

He looks at her, appearing puzzled, more at the question than its answer. “Why, all of the Under Steading I’ve seen is basalt,” he says matter-of-factly. “It takes forever to dig through, but it is very strong - you’ll notice there aren’t even support pillars in great rooms like at the base of the stairs. Now, mind you, I haven’t been to many places on this level, but I understand there is a cistern somewhere with a natural spring. It wouldn’t surprise me if this basalt overlays some sort of limestone, given how abundant it is in the mountains here, since that is much more likely to hold water than this stuff.”

Willa nods. If the man isn’t who he says he is, he is more clever than she can figure out by herself.

“What about the casks?” adds Mathias.

“Which casks?

“The ones in the locked wine cellar?”

The man simply shrugs and shakes his head. “Sometimes the hill giants smell of wine, especially the chieftain - but I’ve never seen anyone actually drinking, or where they might keep the stuff.”

(3pm - Under Steading)
Babshapka and the laden dwarves appear at the bottom of the stairs and the orcs immediately take notice. It doesn’t take too long for Thokk to spot them, though, and when he does, Babshapka hustles the dwarves across the room and down the hall until he can see the spiked barricade the dwarves have built for themselves, blocking access to the hallway that leads to the forge. “Go to your brethren,” he tells them, “and tell them to pack whatever they are bringing. We are leaving the Steading soon, and if they want an escort past the orcs, they will need to be ready. We are going to Headwater, and they are welcome to come with, provided they can keep up. If they have another destination in mind, we can sort that out on the trail, but they shouldn’t expect us to accompany them in that case.”

(3:15pm - Under Steading)
Babshapka enters the cell block as the others are wrapping up their questioning of the engineer. “The dwarves are getting ready to leave,” he announces, “we should, too. We’ve got a few hours of daylight left and that means we can get out of the hunting range of those direwolves before they become active at dusk. If the weather holds and we make it to the trail by the river, we should be able to keep going in the dark - we’re all of us well-rested. It is a clear night and we’ll have both moons, though both be wan.” Babshapka doesn’t normally presume to be so direct with the party, but he is their scout and they typically defer to him for such matters.

“Thar be one las’ piece o’ t’is puzzle we can collect afore we be sailin’,” responds Willa. “I fer one would like ter ken what yon black wine does, an’ t’won’t take too long. We all agreed t’at someone needed ter convince Thokk ter leave ‘is army behind. Now’s ther time, an’ Mat’ias, yer ther one, I figger.”

Mathias nods. “Well, then, prepare these two for our departure while I talk to Thokk,” he says, indicating the two humans in their cells. He pauses at Babshapka’s side on his way out of the cell block. “Babshapka, do you still have that pendent, the one with the Y? I would like to examine it - I think it is tied to something I saw when - when I was in that other place - and it might be able to help me understand better what happened and what it all means. When we have a chance.”

Babshapka nods in agreement. “Perhaps when we are away from the Steading. Let us not waste any more daylight here.”

Mathias opens the cell door and strides boldly out into the marshaling area.

“Mighty General Thokk!” he calls loudly, before he has even caught sight of the barbarian. “Sub-Commander Mathias requests permission to speak with you!”

When Thokk comes over, Mathias begins. “Mighty General, thank you for arranging those stories at lunch. I now understand much better orc culture and the kind of troops we command.”

Thokk grins.

“And because I now understand that you are a Dripping Blade, and what that means, I would like to propose something for your consideration.”

Thokk’s grin broadens. Is it possible that he now has a second Evil Human Advisor? He is becoming a great warlord, indeed!

“I learned today that the Dripping Blade followers of Ilneval value their understanding of tactics - they know that the war of Gruumsh against the other gods will not be won simply by love of combat and slaughter, but by sound strategic decisions.”

“Mathias listen well,” agrees Thokk.

“General Thokk, your warband is powerful indeed, but it is now slow. Every tactician knows that a unit travels at the speed of its slowest member. With the dozens of orcs now under your command, it will be difficult for us to move as we have been before.”

Thokk nods soberly.

“Furthermore, an army needs to supply itself with food. There is a bounty of captured goods in the giant kitchens above, but loading down our troops with these will make your warband even slower.”

“Mati-as speaks truly,” Thokk says. “But Sterich is rich country - many cows, pigs, and such - we can forage as we travel.”

“Of course, Mighty Thokk. But such foraging will slow us down even more. If we wish to move against the Frost Giants, your warband will need to travel light, move swiftly, and strike hard. I understand that we will be going to a mountain as frozen as the one where the starship was. That means we would need to supply your army with furs and tents and sleeping rolls as well.”

“What star-ship?”

Mathias pauses. “The...the metal cave where Mighty General Thokk vanquished the mechanical brawler.”

“Ah, that. Yes...many furs needed for all of Thokk’s Army to fight the Frost Giants.” Thokk furrows his brow, but he can’t dispute Mathias’ logic. “What Sub-Commander propose?” he finally says.

“Mighty General Thokk should take personal command of his most loyal unit - Dripping Blade orcs. They deserve a Dripping Blade leader, anyway, not Death Moon,” he says, with just the right amount of disdain for the cowardice of the followers of Shargaas. “These alone are enough to help General Thokk, but not so many as to slow us down or be difficult to supply.”

“Whaaaat!” bellows Thokk. He has not gained all these loyal troops to lose them so soon! “What Thokk do with rest of Army?”

“Leave them here,” says Mathias. “Let them hold the Steading. That way, they will remain where Thokk can find them when he next needs them. And, they will make sure the giants don’t return here. General Thokk is no mere raider who pillages and moves on - any bandit captain can do that - he is a tactical genius who conquers the strongholds of his enemies, and then holds them, both proving his own strength and denying their use to others. It will be the first stronghold of General Thokk's future empire.”

Thokk struggles with the decision a while - his enjoyment of being in command of so many orcs at odds with both logic and Mathias’ clever use of ‘tactical genius’. Finally he nods. “Is good plan. Thokk will announce plan to Army.”

“Of course,” says Mathias. “Would the Mighty General give me the honor of announcing it? Your Evil Advisor Willa has an equally cunning plan to test the loyalty of your Dripping Blades so that we know they are worthy to be commanded by Thokk, but she needs Thokk there for that. While you do that, I can explain to the other troops that it is your will that they remain here in the Steading for now, and block off the temple.” Mathias raises his voice when he says Willa, and gets her attention. Now what plan is that strange, pale man on about?, she wonders, and then realizes, oh, that plan.

“ARMY!” bellows Thokk in Orc. “At attention!” The murmurs of dozens of conversations instantly ceases. “Grognar! Present Dripping Blade Battalion!”

The Death Moon Orc and his two officers yell and beat seven other orcs until all of them stand in a tight square in front of Thokk.

“Grognar, Mighty General Thokk recognizes your service, but he is now assuming personal command of Dripping Blade Battalion.”

The orcs of the battalion do not disguise their pride, nor the officer his rage and disappointment. “But general,” he objects. “Have I not served you loyally?” His eyes shoot daggers at Mathias.

“You have,” says Thokk. “Nonetheless, it is a tactical decision.”

Mathias has not followed the conversation in Orc, but he anticipated the objection of the officer. “Grognar,” he says in a familiar tone, although he is just now learning the orc’s name. “The Mighty General wishes you to take your two officers and go to the Upper Steading. There are many orcs there who are not yet in a Battalion. You may assume command of all of them and bring them back down here as your new unit. Leave just one orc in the watchtower - the Dripping Blade lieutenant. He is to wait there to be relieved.”

The officer’s eyes narrow, as he gauges whether or not to accept this from Mathias. Finally Thokk, who has worked through Mathias’ Common and now understands, tells him to go.

“DRIPPING BLADE BATTALION!” yells Thokk. “Accompany me and Evil Advisor Willa. THE REST OF YOU, you are to remain here in the Steading for now. Sub-Commander Mathias will explain.”

Thokk, the seven orcs, Willa, and Aurora, head out for the chieftain’s wine cellar. Doro and Babshapka lead the engineer and merchant out of the cell block and on their way to collect the dwarves. The three Death Moon orcs move up the stairs. Mathias remains with the rest of the Orc Army.
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:02 pm  
Post 277: Loyalty Tests

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module series G1-3:Against the Giants.

Post 277: Loyalty Tests
7 April [12 Planting] continued - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

(3:30pm - Under Steading - wine cellar)
Thokk, the seven Dripping Blade orcs, Willa, and Aurora walk to the supply room, pausing only for Willa to empty several sacks and bring them along. The first padlock has been smashed by Thokk’s sub-Commanders, the second opened by a knock spell and not closed back up, so in short order they arrive in the room with the barrels, kegs, and casks.

As they walk, Willa thinks on the black wine and about loyalty ceremonies she has seen or heard about. Any crew needs to know that they are working as a team - come storm or sea devil they will need to be ready to risk their lives for their shipmates without hesitation. Most people, she figures, are fool enough that they need rituals to remind them of that fact rather than accepting it as simple common sense. While she’s mostly fished for herself and only occasionally taken day wage on small, independent ships, she knows well enough how larger ships operate, and what initiation ceremonies are common when one joins a crew. And she’s heard enough tales of pirate rituals that she can elaborate something a little more menacing.

Apparently none of the seven Dripping Blade orcs speak Common, so Thokk translates for her and no doubt makes it sound like his idea and his command. Willa gathers the orcs in a circle in the center of the room, so that they all can see each other’s faces. She talks about how they are honored to be serving as Mighty General Thokk’s Personal Guard, a distinction above anything they have ever known before, and above all their fellows who will remain in the Steading. As their chests swell with pride (typical men, she thinks dismissively), she tells them that the price of this honor is complete loyalty to one another and most importantly to Thokk. If any of them are not ready to give their life at a moment’s notice for the General, it is better that they return to the regular army now. Of course, they protest, are they not warriors? Are they not orcs? Have they not been chosen by Ilneval himself? Any one of them would gladly die for Thokk, they say, and on and on they go. Fine! she says, and the first sack goes over the head of the first orc. The others are confused, but accept it as one after the other she puts sacks over their heads so they cannot see in the dim light of her lantern. She tells them to hold out their hands to make a cup, and after Thokk translates, they do so.

Willa drags over a keg of normal wine as well as a cask of the black stuff, the one whose stopper the party has already opened. Willa explains that six of them will be getting normal wine - the seventh, a poison, but they will not know who will receive which. Only those who are willing to be the seventh, willing to drink the poison to prove their loyalty, merit a place in Thokk’s Guard. Only those who wish such a place need keep their hands out. Now, a few betray nervousness, shuffling uncomfortably from foot to foot, wondering if it will fall to them to die here, but none of them withdraw their hands. At Willa’s direction, Thokk picks up both the keg and the cask, alternating between the two several times to disguise their identities, and finally lets the keg flow into the waiting hands of the orcs, although one of them actually receives the black, earthy wine from the cask. Willa asks them a third time if anyone wishes to open their hands and let their wine flow to the ground and return to the other orcs rather than drinking, and they all reject the idea with voices muffled from the sacks. She tells them then to take heart then, for while one of them will be receiving a poison, it will only be deadly in the body of one who would betray Thokk. To anyone truly loyal, the sacred bond of honor they are making will transform the poison into something drinkable. She tells them to raise their hands almost to their faces and they all do so. She tells them that when Thokk removes their hood, they are to drink all their wine down at once without pause. She and Aurora, of course, are carefully noting the one who has the black wine.

In rapid succession Thokk pulls the hoods off and the orcs drain the wine from their cupped hands, Willa having set Thokk in the circle so that the last orc revealed will be the one with the black wine and they all, orcs included, will see its effects. He downs his portion just as the others have, but immediately begins acting strange (Wisdom Save 9) - licking and sniffing his fingers. Aurora, with her expertise in enchantments (Arcana 26), later explains to Willa that the orc appeared to be under some manner of charm or compulsion. Soon even the other orcs are staring at him, for he is looking at the keg and cask intently, nostrils flaring. As the others watch, he follows his nose to the cask of black wine, then lifts and tilts it with his lips on the bung and begins drinking deeply. He has only taken a few swallows when he suddenly collapses (Con Save 7), the cask crashing on top of him and then rolling away, the black wine pooling on the floor.

“Thar’s one w’at really wanted ter prove ‘imself ter T’okk,” Willa improvises nervously, and hopes Thokk sounds more confident in the translation. “Let’s see if ‘is loyalty war real are false.” She gestures to Aurora, and the mage kneels by the orc’s side, checking his breathing and pulse (Medicine 12).

Aurora looks up at them. “He’s unconscious, but stable,” she decides after several minutes. She pinches the skin of his bare forearm tightly. His other arm rises and clumsily attempts to bat away her hand, but his eyes remain closed, his tongue lolling. “I think he’s black-out drunk!” she concludes, although he can’t have had more than a pint or two and less than a minute ago at that.

“Well now,” says Willa. “Yer first act as T’okk’s Guard be ter carry yon companion,” and once Thokk translates, four of the other orcs waste no time in hoisting their stupefied colleague. “If ‘e survives, ‘e will hae proven ‘is loyalty ter Thokk, as ye all hae.”

“That black wine might be useful, if we need to get a giant drunk,” considers Aurora. Willa agrees, but doesn’t see them lugging a 5-gallon cask up into the frozen mountains with them - even with the extra carrying capacity Thokk’s orcs will represent. Between them, Aurora, Willa, and Thokk have three half-gallon wineskins. Willa fills each of these from the open cask, stoppers it, and leaves the rest of the wine cellar to the orcs that will remain.

(3:30pm - Under Steading - forge)
Doro and Babshapka lead the engineer and merchant out of the cell block and on their way to collect the dwarves. They stop at the barricaded passage and call out, asking if the dwarves are ready. “Aye, as rridy as we’re lik to be,” is the response, and one by one the dwarves climb over the tables and move carefully through the spear shafts. Babshapka notes that their woolens are in tatters - they may want to stop briefly in the upper Steading to grab some furs or hides. They all carry hammers though, and all look resolved. The first one over the barricade, the one who spoke as their leader before, also carries an axe - or at least something approximating an axe. It looks like he has taken the hefty wooden handle of a mining pick, removed the head, and wrapped a quarter-section of a shield around it, but beaten and sharpened the edge of the shield into something resembling a blade.

“We’d be morre rridy with ah few morre days tae mak arrms an’ arrmor,” he says.

“Nonetheless, we are headed for Headwater, today,” contends Babshapka. “You need to decide whether you are coming with us or not - that is your choice, freely made, but we are not waiting.” When the lead dwarf turns to look behind him over the barricade, Babshapka continues, “But even if you are not coming with us, you can’t stay here. As soon as we leave, the orcs are going to have the run of this place, and neither of us wants you here for that.”

The dwarf spits sourly on the stone floor. “Headwater?” he snorts. “We shud be gan back tae Num-Theraz, by rrits. Me axe hoongers for vengeance oon them as jumped me an’ brroot us here.”

“And who was that, again?” asks Babshapka.

The dwarf reluctantly admits that he doesn’t know. He stubbornly insists that the goblin captors he woke up with on the way to the Steading could never have caught him so off-guard, though, so something more sinister is surely afoot. When the other dwarves cough uncomfortably, he admits that it is not safe for them to return to the dwarven city, not until they know what fate has befallen it and what the real enemy is there. So, he agrees, he would appreciate the help of the party in getting his kinsfolk to Headwater. Once there, he claims, he will call upon the Earl to see that he is properly supplied and equipped before setting out again for his home city.

“Not to change the subject, but is there anything you can tell us about the history of this place?” asks Doro. “Have you seen or heard of a temple?”

For the first time, one of the dwarves that is not their bellicose leader initiates. He explains that while the upper Steading, all the woodwork, is new, it is built on the ruins of something far, far older. The Under Steading, all the stone work down here, is centuries old, perhaps a millennium or more. It is definitely human work, and is likely pre-migrations. As far as a temple, they haven’t seen or heard of one specifically, but any human structure this old would have to be for religious purposes. Religion was the only reason, they say, the Flan of those times built in stone, or at least, that is what their traditions say, for it was more than ten dwarven generations ago, twice as old as the oldest dwarves still living, and any accounts come from records and tales, not living memory.

Babshapka and Doro lead the dwarves back to the marshaling room. Along the way they pass by the chamber with the large cells in which the ‘bad behavior’ orcs were being held. The din from within indicates that many orcs are there now, and the crowd is being addressed. Babshapka can make out Mathias’ voice, but a loud voice in Orc as well, speaking with a tone of exhortation.

The marshaling area is empty - not an orc to be seen, much to Babshapka’s relief, for he still doesn’t like the thought of the dwarves and orcs mixing without Thokk present. He takes the opportunity to lead the dwarves up to the pantry while he can. He asks them about supplies, but they all agree the first two brought enough for all of them, for a two-day march at least. When he moves to take them out of the room, however, the leader refuses to go immediately. He produces a short, sharp knife, likely used for crafting leather, and begins to work at one of the bodies of the bugbears on the stairs.

“What are you doing?” demands Babshapka. He knows that dwarves are a grim, dour, race - but he hasn’t heard of them disfiguring the dead.

“Ah’l nae be livin’ the Steading prractically nekked,” says the dwarf as he works, although his clothes are no more tattered than the others. When he stands up, he has a short piece of skin, but a long shock of blue-gray bugbear hair attached - suddenly it dawns on Babshapka why these dwarves looked so odd - none of them has more than a month’s growth of beard on their chins. They must have been forcibly shaved upon capture or arrival. And this dwarf is...preparing to make a false beard of bugbear hair to cover his indignity? Babshapka shudders but lets it go without comment. He leads the dwarves to the servants' quarters at the back of the Steading, shows them the attached room in which the orc kitchen thralls once stayed, and tells them they will be sleeping on the ground outside for at least one night on the way to Headwater, if not two. He tells them to gather what sleeping rolls and outer wear they can take or fashion from among the orc bed rolls and giant hides, furs, clothes, and blankets. The dwarves wrinkle their noses at the stink of orc, mutter to themselves about the terrible conditions, but do not speak against him and set about doing what he asks with practicality.

(3:30pm - The Marshaling Area)
The New Cult
Once the other party members have left the marshaling area, it is just Leezar alone with the bulk of Thokk’s army. He moves to stand on top of a pile of planking, so that he can be seen by all those in the room, then raises his translator. “Orcs!” he says, and his voice comes out in the Orc language - suddenly all heads rotate to him, even those who were deliberately ignoring him before. “Mighty Thokk has asked me to speak to you of a matter of great importance - but not here. Follow me!” Without waiting, he leaps down and strides rapidly up the corridor. He can hear the throngs of orcs behind him. They all follow him into the former prison, where so many of the unbroken orcs were held. The bodies of the slain bugbear guards remain on the floor. Leezar places himself in the doorway to one of the cells, one hand on the tentacle he needs to summon Ephi, and gestures to those present to make themselves comfortable, sitting or squatting on the stone floor. If this goes sour, he reasons, Ephi can guard the narrow entryway to the cell. If only one or two orcs can attack at a time, the Slaad’s regeneration should be able to keep him up indefinitely, especially with Leezar behind him and shooting eldritch blasts into the crowd.

The Soft Sell
When everyone is situated, Leezar begins, again ‘speaking’ in Orc (one charge used in translator). “Less than a day ago, most of you were on the other side of these cells. Now you are free!” Many of the orcs cheer weakly. “Both those of you who resisted the lash, and those of you who served the giants: you are all now free. You were enslaved by the giants because your old tribal leaders would not agree to serve the giants as soldiers - they valued your freedom too much, and for that they were killed and you were enslaved!” Leezar is conjecturing here a bit, but the look on the faces in the crowd shows that he is not far off the mark. “Many of you, abused by the giants, have wished that your leaders would have capitulated, have wished that you were with the other orc tribes even now besieging the human city.” Again, this is a guess, but the orcs don’t hide their feelings and several of them are nodding their heads in agreement. “Oh course you did! You are proud warriors, not meant to live in squalid cells and dig rocks for giants! But I can tell you this - those around the city are even worse off than you! They will be slain in the hundreds; their only wage for their service will be death. Even those who have been raiders for the giants, how much of the spoils have then been able to keep? You who searched the bugbears - what did you find? A few silver coins? Leezar pulls a handful of the (fake) gems from his bag. “This is what the giants kept for themselves - piles of it that Thokk's warband found in their treasure vaults! You all know the giants have kept any treasures worth the name!”

‘That’s true, that’s true’, grumble the orcs. 'Even the bugbears didn't get much.'

“Do not envy your brethren who get to serve the giants as warriors - it is just another kind of slavery!” The grumbling among the orcs rises now.

The Common Enemy
At this point the Death Moon officers arrive, leading the orcs who had been upstairs in the watchtower. They had descended into the marshaling area, found it empty, and followed the obvious noise of the meeting here. “It is the giants who are your enemy - it is the giants who did this to you - whether you were digging or rotting in a cell or marching on their orders, you are now all united in having the giants as your real enemies! You are all together now, one proud orc people!”

‘Death, death to the giants!’ come scattered calls among the orcs now. Leezar lets the chants go on for a while.

“But there is something else that unites you, besides your common enemy, the giants,” he continues.

‘What?’ ask some orcs and others scratch their heads.

“You were, all of you, failed by your leaders,” Leezar shouts into a stunned silence. “That’s right!” he continues quickly, before the orcs can organize objections. “It doesn’t matter whether you are Dripping Blade or Evil Eye, whether you are Broken Bone or Death Moon, whether you are Leprous Hand or Vile Rune. Your leaders failed you! The chiefs who were supposed to lead and protect your tribe delivered you up to the giants, whether intentionally or through incompetency. They were weak and they failed and you paid the price! You have suffered for their incompetence! Whether you were lashed by bugbears or ate stale bread or were killed by human archers, you have suffered!”

There is now a vague, amorphous disquiet - yes, they have suffered, they do have that in common - but will they let this human criticize their (former) leaders?

“But you survived!” Leezar thunders. “In spite of your suffering, you survived! In spite of the giants, in spite of your failed leaders, in spite of everything that happened, you survived and you are here now. You are strong and free and you have that in common as well! You survived by helping each other through the worst times. Some of you, helping only your tribemates, as is traditional, but some helped others! I know some of you survived because you helped, and were helped by, orcs outside your tribe - whether you were on the same mining crew or in the same cell!”

There is begrudging admittance of the truth of this, and some relief in sharing the embarrassment at what heretical acts had to be done to survive.

“You are united now - strong and free and together - but who among you wishes to stay that way? Who wishes to hold this Steading and keep it against the giants, and against the tribal leaders who would seek to divide you? And who,” Leezar says accusingly, “wishes to go back to what you had before - to dis-unity, to fractious tribes not strong enough to resist the giants?”

The Crossroads
Not all of the orcs are with him - that is obvious - but he thinks that there are enough. There are enough, and they feel strongly enough in this moment, that Leezar dares to continue.

“Your leaders failed you...” Leezar says, “but your gods failed you too!” Now there is indeed an uproar, vociferous objections. “YOUR GODS FAILED YOU!” he cries over their voices. “Where are your shamen? Dead! Or run off? What did Gruumsh do to help you against the giants? Nothing! How did Luthic protect her people?” he demands. “She didn’t!’

New Leader
Orcs are leaping to their feet - weapons are being raised. “YOUR GODS DID NOTHING!” he shouts again, and summons Ephi. This gives the orcs pause - those who were just about to charge the blasphemous human, now stand hesitantly. “But my god can do this,” Leezar says and gestures at Ephi. “And this,” he says, and shoots an eldritch blast at an orc who was edging closer, blade drawn, knocking him back and leaving a smoking wound in his chest. “And my god wants to help you - wants to protect you all, if you will let him. Your gods did nothing when the giants enslaved you, but the Elder Elemental God will give you the power to keep yourselves free.”

Leezar smiles and opens his hands wide, but keeps the eldritch blast cantrip in the front of his mind. When Ephi does not advance, but remains at Leezar’s side, the orcs begin to murmur, talking amongst themselves. Leezar lets them talk. Finally, one of them shouts in orc, and the translator says to Leezar, “What can this god do for us?”

“What can it do?” asks Leezar rhetorically. “You mean, besides keeping all of you free, keeping you strong, keeping you united, letting you stand against the giants, bringing you wealth, bringing you respect from other orcs and fear from humans? You mean what can it do for just you?”

Peer Pressure
The orc stands confused, trying to understand why he suddenly feels foolish.

“The Elder Elemental God can give you powers, too. Powers like mine. It will need shamen. One of you from each tribe, to begin with. Speak now with those of your tribe. You may elect one from each tribe - one of you to begin to receive its power. Also, I will need an additional one from each tribe, one of you who can speak Common, so that I can communicate with you and provide direction even after I have left.”

“What will these shamen need to do?” asks another orc. Leezar knows that those who want to serve Gruumsh have to pluck out their own eye, throw it in a fire, and hope the god chooses them. Who knows what the other orc gods demand of their shamen?

“Lead sacrifices,” says Leezar. “In its temple, here. You can start with the goats that are here now. Give the god his due. Work to keep your people free, and united. Be orcs, and be strong, and the Elder Elemental God will be pleased with you. You don’t have to follow me - I am just a human. I am the Elder Elemental God’s prophet, sent to show you the way. Once you have accepted its blessings, you orcs will do as you please. I am here to help, not lead.”

There is more conversation. It is clear that not all of the orcs are convinced - but enough of them are. After a bit more time, Leezar pulls out his new tome of shadows. “One of you, one per tribe, someone who speaks Common - write your name in my book. The time has come to see who is willing to accept the help of my god.”

(Leezar Persuasion roll, 12. Adds Dark One’s Own luck, to 14.)
Two orcs approach; “I can speak Common,” says one (Insight 4) and “I speak the yoo-man tongue,” says the other (Insight 3). Leezar recognizes the second one - it is the Death Moon officer he stripped of command of the Dripping Blade orcs. He noted the face and resolved not to turn his back on the orc - it is interesting that this one is among the first to volunteer.

“Who are you?” he says to the other, and learns that he is an unbroken orc, currently assigned to the Evil Eye Battalion. “Make your mark in this book,” he says. A knife is produced - the orc, not knowing how to write, pricks his finger and smears an X in blood on the page. “Now go over there”, Leezar says, pointing at the far side of the room. “Surround him,” he says, and a crowd of orcs surround the one who signed. “Hold up some fingers,” Leezar calls, though he has lost sight of the orc. May of those who surround him hold up their hands, each with a different number of digits.

Leezar turns to the Death Moon orc next to him. “How many fingers does he hold up,” he asks, “the one who signed?”

“I can’t tell,” he grunts, “I can’t see for all the others.”

“Would a shaman know?”

“One might,” he acknowledges.

Leezar reaches out with message, finds the mind of the other orc, asks him how many fingers he is holding up, hears his answer. Leezar smiles and says “three”. The orcs surrounding the signer gasp. They part, revealing the orc, and his three raised fingers, to Leezar and the Death Moon.

“Do you wish to learn these powers?” Leezar asks the orc next to him.

“I do,” he says, with hunger now in his voice, and not a sign of his former hostility (Leezar Insight 5)

“Sign here,” says Leezar, and offers the knife. The Death Moon Orc makes his mark.

“That is Death Moon and Evil Eye,” says Leezar. “The Council will be made up of orcs from every tribe. You are all together. Together you will form a tribe that knows how to war like the Evil Eye, knows how to scout like the Death Moon, knows how to populate like the Vile Rune, knows how to resist like the Leprous Hand. A tribe that knows how to be strong like the Broken Bone. Who else speaks Common and would represent your tribe on the Council?”

Next up are a Vile Rune orc (Insight 7) and a Leprous Hand orc (Insight 9); the latter one who had originally been made a Lieutenant by Thokk specifically for his ability with Common. That gives four marks in Leezar’s book - the most he can have. No Broken Bone orcs come forth, which is not surprising. They are regarded as the strongest, but least intelligent, of the tribes, and if there is one among them who knows Common, perhaps he does not want to admit it. Leezar thinks that there will need to be a shaman from among that group, though, so that they feel invested.

“Your first task as a new tribe is to move all the food downstairs once General Thokk leaves,” says Leezar, “then see to the defense of your new home. I can meet with the Council and help with ideas. You must choose candidates for shamen from among you. Once we are gone, open the temple and make sacrifices - perhaps the Elder Elemental God will speak with one or more of you.”

Leezar had hoped to give a rubbing of the triangle symbol to the orcs, but Babshapka was unwilling to share the pendent with him before they left the Steading, and Leezar did not want to raise suspicions by forcing the issue. He takes a stone from the floor and scratches a crude version of the inverted Y and triangle on the wall. “Remember this symbol. It is one of the symbols of the Elder Elemental God. It can protect you. There will come a day when dark elves come to the Steading. Respect them, and show them the symbol.”

“Elves?” call many voices in disgust.

“Not the forest elves you know. Dark Elves. They are not weak. They live underground and are servants of the Elder Elemental God. They are allies, not enemies. When they come, let me know.”

“Now, remain in the Under Steading until Thokk and I leave. Then go forth and prosper. You all have jobs to do.”

Leezar leaves the prison area as the orcs begin to debate the merits of the new god. Some are still not convinced, but many are. His first check-in should be interesting. He returns to the marshaling area and makes sure no one is about, then slips into the Keeper’s chamber. He removes the stone from the floor, and quickly pens a letter:

“I stopped the bleeding as soon as I could. We are on to the frost giants. Lay a trail to the Spider Queen.”

He adds a drawing of the triangle symbol and blows on it until the ink is dry, then folds it in four and places it in the hole, with the stone on top. When he emerges into the marshaling area, there are already orcs in the place.

“Mati-as!” calls Thokk from the stairs. “Mati-as! We go now!”

Leezar climbs the stairs into the pantry. Six of Thokk’s Dripping Blade orcs are carrying a seventh, unconscious orc - the result of the wine experiment? Leezar makes a face like he has forgotten something and dashes back below. He pulls an empty waterskin from his pack and tosses it at an orc. “Fill that from the open cask of black wine in the chief’s wine cellar,” he says through the translator, “and be quick!” The orc dashes off. Mathias stands on the stairs and exhorts the orcs to defend their new home against the giants, basically repeating what he said before to buy time. He takes the skin from the panting orc when it comes back, and then returns upstairs to the party.

(3:45pm - Under Steading - marshaling chamber)
Thokk, Willa, Aurora, and the six Dripping Blade orcs carrying the seventh emerge from the hallway into the deserted marshaling chamber. There is no sign of the rest of Thokk’s army, or of the rest of the party or those they will be traveling with. No matter; they proceed up the stairs to the pantry. Thokk begins a ritual casting of beast sense and the orcs (those that remain conscious, anyway) watch in admiration. Willa tells them to stop gawking and collect food for two days, but none of them speak Common. Eventually she is able to get their attention and communicate through gestures. They overwhelmingly choose meat, ignoring the dried fruits, hard breads and cheeses, and such - although some of them do take a few handfuls of nuts.

Babshapka soon arrives, and says that Doro is minding the dwarves and humans, who are gathering supplies in the servants' quarters. He appreciates that Thokk is readying Phreeeee, as the first order of business is scouting the exterior of the Steading for dire wolves. This leaves only Mathias unaccounted for, but Babshapka says that he was still speaking to the orcs when they passed the prison cells.

(4pm - Upper Steading - pantry)
With his spell complete, Thokk is eager to be off. When the others tell him that they are waiting on Mathias, he goes to the stairs. “Mati-as!” he calls. “Mati-as! We go now!”

Orcs are trickling into the marshaling area and they see and hear him. “Mighty General!” they call in Orc, “The human Sub-commander told us that we are to become one tribe and defend the Steading against the giants. Is this truly your command?”

“This is the will of Mighty General Thokk!” he replies. “Together, we will destroy the tyrannical giants! Thokk is the mighty hammer, and Thokk smashes the giants on the anvil, that is you, in the Steading. Thokk is also the hand that wields the mighty hammer that is also Thokk.”

“THOKK! THOKK! THOKK!” the orcs chant, as Mathias slips up the stairs and joins the others.

Thokk, Aurora, Willa, Mathias, and the Dripping Blade orcs proceed through the kitchen and to the watchtower, where a single remaining Dripping Blade orc waits forlornly. His countenance changes abruptly when it is explained to him that he is to accompany the other Dripping Blade orcs as one of Thokk’s Honor Guard. He is a lieutenant from before, named as such by Thokk since he actually does speak Common. That brings the total of orcs traveling with them to eight.

Thokk and Willa ascend the watchtower. Although late afternoon, the skies are still clear, with the light green grass of the meadow and deep green of the pine and fir forests all around them. Scattered across the back of the Steading are three carcasses of horses or cows, a number of huge direwolves lounging nearby but outside the walls in the afternoon sun. Thokk releases Phreeeee and the falcon takes to the air. Thokk has not spent the twenty minutes he would need to cast speak with animals as well and give the bird explicit instructions, but it appears that the falcon remembers scouting for the party on the way into the Steading and immediately begins flying in an ever-widening spiral about the building. Thokk grins in satisfaction as he uses beast sense to tap into the bird’s senses.

Babshapka and Doro arrive, leading the seven dwarves and two humans. The dwarves grumble about the orcs, the orcs leer at the dwarves, Willa calmly threatens any who would get out of line, and Babshapka begins to order them for departure.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:04 pm  
Post 278: Leaving the Steading

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Post 278: Leaving the Steading
7 April [12 Planting] continued - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
(low 59, high 73, cloudy but rainless day, mists at night)

[First hex of travel; wandering encounter, raven]

Thokk reports that Phreeeee is seeing perhaps a dozen direwolves clustered around various carcasses outside. None of the wolves look active. At the far edges of the meadow are living horses and cows, two or three each. Babshapka had thought to collect and use the horses as pack animals, but he decides it is not worth getting the attention of the lounging direwolves. Phreeeee also spots some ten or so goats among the grass. A number of ravens peck at the carcasses of the dead, taking care to stay on the side away from the wolves.

A direct route from the Steading to the ford would be shortest - just over nine miles, and a route traced a number of times already by Babshapka. However, he is unsure of how well their wards (the dwarves and especially the two humans) will do going up hills, down dale, and through the thicker parts of the woods. Nor does he wish to run into a patrol, like the orcs and goblins they passed coming in to the Steading. He decides the level path along the stream, although longer, will be easier for them, and easier to follow if they keep going after sundown (which he hopes to be able to). It will also afford him the chance to track the giant refugees, and he does want to know how far off they are.

The broad doors to the gallery are opened, and Babshapka explains to Willa how he wants the marching column ordered. While she arranges them, he goes to the base of the chief’s chimney and looks for the scout’s trail, but the elf has done a masterful job of concealing it (Scout Survival 24 > Babshapka 14). Guessing that the scout will be making a direct line for the ford, Babshapka enters the woods near the spot from which the party emerged the first time they entered the Steading, and soon finds his trail - once out of sight of the Steading he has been less careful to conceal it (Scout passive Survival 14 < Babshapka Active check 21). It appears the scout is traveling this way, which is another reason for them to not take that trail.

When Babshapka returns to the party they are all lined up as requested.

Thokk and Phreeee are in the van.
Doro heads the main body, with the merchant and engineer following her.
Aurora and Hedwig lead the seven dwarves.
Willa goes between the dwarves and Thokk's orcs, maintaining them separated at all times.
Mathias brings up the rear.

Babshapka leads them all directly to the edge of the woods, keeping the tall Steading between them and the direwolves, and then a hundred paces inside the trees, so they will not be easily seen from the meadow. From there, they proceed retrograde around the clearing of the meadow. It is the long way around, but it will keep them downwind of the direwolves.

It takes them some time to traverse the woods and cross the stream and finally find the giant trail on the other side, but by then Babshapka has had a chance to assess the different travelers for soundness. After the party, the orcs are easily able to move the most swiftly. The one who was a mining thrall is fit and hearty, if smaller, and the others seem none the worse for having been kept in cages. They are all a bit underweight, but gorging on bugbear the night before has done them well. With four of them working together and switching out as needed, they appear not to be slowed by the drunken companion they are still carrying.

[4:30pm - Orc Con save 3; fails, still unconscious]

The dwarves move at a steady, even pace, although their short strides make them slower than the orcs. They, too, are used to hard work and long hours, though their arm muscles are far more thick and knotted than their legs. They are also malnourished, but have been making up for it since the party first gave them ship’s rations. Babshapka believes that they will be able to march through the night without issue, even if they are currently the slowest members of the extended party. On the other hand, they are absolutely the loudest, crashing through the underbrush with Babshapka cringing at every heavy foot-fall. After the first fifty strides Babshapka is confident that he made the right decision in heading for the trail along the river rather than cutting cross-country. Indeed, when they finally reach the trail their noise is confined to heavy thuds on the packed but open and soft ground.

Last in marching capacity are the two humans. Moving at the slow pace of the dwarves they are fine for now, but Babshapka is expecting them to founder at any time. The merchant especially has apparently sat in his cell without exercise for weeks. Although he was once much heavier and is now at a reasonable weight, whatever muscles he might once have had, have long since atrophied, and it is only a matter of time before he collapses, which will mark an end to their march for a while, unless a way can be found to carry him.

When they first reach the trail, Babshapka checks for tracks (Survival 14). Sure enough, the barefoot stone giants and sandal-wearing hill giantesses all passed this way less than a day ago.

The first hour of travel proves uneventful. [By 5pm the group is some two miles from the Steading]

[Con save for merchant: DC5, with advantage for slow pace downhill: 15; can continue]

[5:30pm - Drunk Orc Con save 6; fails - still unconscious]

[6pm - Con save for merchant: DC6; result 5 with advantage; cannot continue]
[6pm: Mule Night encounter check: None]
[By 6pm the group is some four miles from the Steading]

Some ninety minutes into their journey, the merchant appears to be struggling, and by two hours he collapses, apologizing profusely that he cannot continue. Babshapka calls for a halt to wait for night to fall and tells Aurora to perform a ritual cast of phantom steed.

By the time Aurora has completed her spell and the exhausted merchant has been set atop the steed, the sun has gone beyond the mountains and the night has begun. Willa lights her lantern; Doro casts her light cantrip. Phreeeee had been moving from branch to branch scouting ahead, but now assumes a sleepy perch on Thokk’s shoulder, and Aurora sends Hedwig aloft to circle the party and scout from above. Babshapka orders the marching line the same as before, but now more spaced out such that he and Thokk are beyond the range of Doro’s light and have their night vision unimpeded, while Aurora stays in the dim radius of the light. Willa’s lantern is hooded and provides just enough light for her to see the ground she is walking on, and the orcs are farther back in the darkness. They set out again.

[6:20pm - The elven scout crosses the ford. He finds plenty of spoor from a goblin worg patrol, but they appear to have moved on.]

[6:30pm - Drunk Orc Con save 22; success]

The drunken orc finally regains consciousness - much of what has transpired has to be explained to him as he walks, or rather, as he staggers (he is conscious, but still poisoned).

Babshapka sees a particularly dangerous but slow-moving plant and steers the group around it.
[Wandering encounter; Luck roll +2; witherweed. Babshapka Perception 24)].

[7pm - the mage armor on Doro and Aurora wears off]

[7:15pm - Con save for engineer: DC7; result 19 with advantage for slow pace and level ground; may continue]

[7:15pm - The phantom steed for the merchant has enabled the party to keep traveling - they are now 5 miles from the Steading]

Babshapka calls for a brief break again when the phantom steed disappears. Aurora reapplies mage armor to herself and Doro (Aurora at 0/2/3/2; armor until 3:15am). Thokk goes back and finds the now-conscious Dripping Blade orc walking, but with the staggers and jags. He claps him heartily on the back and congratulates him as being loyal enough to Thokk to have survived the poison. The merchant sits on the cold ground and moans to himself about how maybe they should just leave him here as he deserves to die thus.

Babshapka inhales the fresh, cool night air contentedly. The splashing steam drowns out the miserable lamentations of the merchant. A heavy mist obscures the forest and will keep their lights from being visible from too far away. The smooth, downhill trail has been easy traveling. Everyone but the merchant appears hale and capable of marching on through the night. The orcs are laughing jocularly with Thokk and leaving the dwarves unmolested.
Babshapka smiles and decides to continue. “Let’s have another steed,” he tells Aurora.

[7:30pm - Orc Con save 7; fails, conscious but still poisoned]

Over the course of the next hour the group continues along the trail. The downhill slope of the high meadows descending into the forest has now been fully traversed, the ground grows level in the valley and, along the river, boggy. Babshapka cautions them all to stay on the trail and not wander off into the marshy ground. The woods grow thicker, the night air, cooler.

[8:30pm - Orc Con save 19; success, no longer poisoned]

[8:30pm - Con save for engineer: DC8; result 6 with advantage; fails: exhaustion]

As the orc finally finds his legs and the second phantom steed fades, the merchant is deposited gently on the ground. The engineer, who had been walking just behind, bumps into him and jumps back, then topples into a small pool of water. Babshapka hears the splash and hurries back - by the time he gets there, the engineer, soaked and shivering, has freed himself. “I didn’t see him in front of me,” he says apologetically, “completely my fault, but I think I was asleep while I was walking.”

“No, it’s my fault,” says the merchant mournfully. “Now you’ve caught your death of cold and it will be another innocent person I’ve put in the grave.”

Seeing that they are physically fine, Babshapka ignores their chatter and asks Aurora whether she can make two steeds at once. “It’s diminishing returns,” she reminds the ranger. “By the time the second one is made, the first one will have lost eleven minutes of its usefulness, but I can do it.” Babshapka tells her to be on with it - even fifty minutes of march will bring them to a good half-day, and then they can all have a meal and take a short rest.

It is not soon after they start again that Babshapka sees a familiar hillside rising above the mist in the moonlight to the left.

He realizes that they are now passing the site of their second ambush of the giants. From here, at their pace and on the trail, he estimates it to be another three hours or so to the ford crossing. If no one else falters, they could get there tonight!

As the merchant’s third steed fades, Babshapka calls for a halt, even though there is another ten minutes left on the engineer’s first one. Even those of them not riding have been marching for nearly five hours now. As the night has grown more chill, the mist has thinned and Babshapka says they will not have a fire to avoid attracting attention - most of the food they took from the pantry is preserved and does not need to be cooked anyway, but they can spread out their hides as they rest so as not to have to sit directly on the wet ground.

[(10pm) The elven scout has left the forest and is moving through the highlands north of the river when he comes upon an orc patrol (wandering monster check) similar to the one the party avoided on the way into the Steading - a handful of orogs and a score of common orcs. In the night, he hears them (Scout Passive Perception 20 for checks involving sight and sound > Orcs Passive Stealth 11) long before they hear him (Orc Passive Perception 10 < Scout Passive Stealth 16). The scout is able to hide before they come within their darkvision range of him. He waits until they move on before breaking cover. The orogs have good noses, but not good enough to pick up his trail (Scout Passive Survival 15 > Orog 12).]

By near the end of the hour of short rest nothing has been heard or seen around them, so Babshapka permits Doro to play a short song of rest.

[Aurora uses the short rest for an arcane recovery - regains four levels of spells]
[Doro uses a song of rest for everyone to gain a bonus 6hp from spending HD]
[Babshapka (was at 44/62 with 5HD) uses 3HD and is now at full with 2HD remaining]
[Willa (was at 59/78 with 5HD) uses second wind (13) and 1HD and is now at full with 4HD remaining]
[Eating two of the seven remaining goodberries takes Doro to full hp]
[Eating five of the five remaining goodberries takes Thokk to 36/86]
[Doro casts Aura of Vitality and brings Thokk to full hp with 4HD remaining]

[10:45pm - Con save for six dwarves: DC9; result with advantage for level ground: five save, one fails; exhaustion]

After their rest, Willa tells the others to begin packing, but to take their time, as Aurora will still need more than twenty minutes to conjure two steeds. One of the dwarves stands up from his hide, takes two steps towards where he left his pack, groans and collapses, clutching at his calf.

After checking him, the other dwarves say it is fortunately not a sprain or even a pulled muscle, just a strong cramp or Charlie horse. He will be fine on the morrow, but should have more of the salted ham, water, and lay off walking for a while. Babshapka would have liked to have marched at least until midnight, but to continue, Aurora would have to make three steeds, meaning the effective time left on the first one made would be only thirty-eight minutes. In theory she could cast it as an actual spell rather than a ritual, but she did not prepare it this morning upon waking in the Under Steading.

Babshapka had already chosen this place for their meal since it is protected from sight by hills (Survival 11, luck roll 0), and he deems it a reasonable spot for a long rest camp - albeit with two people on watch so that one is specifically watching the orcs (with whom Thokk beds down) and the other the woods.

First watch: Thokk (watching his orcs) and Mathias (on guard duty) 11pm - 1am

[(12am) The elven scout is now in the hills overlooking Headwater - he hasn’t stopped for nine hours of travel. Forced March Con save (DC11) = 4, fails, one level of exhaustion. He stops for the night.]

[(12am) - Known only to the player of Leezar / Mathias:
Leezar has been on watch with Thokk for an hour when he sees the sign - a little green glowing and floating demon head off in the underbrush nearby. It is placed so that he can see it, but Thokk can’t, at least from the direction he is facing now. Leezar gets Thokk’s attention and points at the nearby forest, by which time the head is gone. Thokk nods and waves him off.

Leezar walks into the forest until he is just beyond where he can be seen from camp. Mr. Wart is there. The demonling explains that Lord Vuron’s approval of Leezar's plan has in turn been approved by the Big Boss, with an added addendum.

“Addendum?” asks Leezar.

“Yeah, da Big Boss wanted ta poisonally let youse know,” and here he takes out a slip of parchment and reads it, “Quote - Don’t f*** dis up! - end quote. So dere youse goes,” he says, grinning.

Leezar laughs. “Come on now, Abe. I’m going to call you Abe. We both know what is in store for me if I fail - death would be better. I’m not going to worry about the consequences, because I already agreed to them a long time ago. I’m only as successful as they are going to allow me to be.”

Mr. Wart nods noncommittally. Leezar continues. “This plan depends on whether or not the drow show up at the Steading to get my note telling them to implicate the Spider Queen. That is out of my hands - but whatever you think you can do there helps both of us. I'm in no position of power, but I think our Dark Lord wants to see where this goes. It's a quicker means to an end that doesn't implicate the Elder Elemental God in what is happening in Sterich. If he was that pissed off I would be dead already. I served him willingly and I want him to succeed. I am quickly becoming a powerful pawn in his plans.”

“Yeah, about dat,” responds the demonling. “Given da importance of what youse is doing, I’ve been permitted ta spend more time on youses case. So, I can watch over da Steading, or I can check in wit youse more often - youse tell me what administrative support youse need.”

Leezar nods.

“Also, and dis is just between us, I like youses idea of da orcs becoming shamen. If it woiks, the Big Boss gets more woiship, which is good for everyone. But - an' youse might not know dis - becoming a shaman, getting spells and all dat, is hard for moitals. Typically dey needs a spark.”

“A spark?”

“Yeah, someone willing ta ‘prime the pump’. Someone ta invest a little divoine energy in dem ta get da juices goin'. It could happen by itself - sometimes dey gets inspired. But it will be a lot faster and a lot more likely if youse is willing ta make a donation.”

“A donation?”

“Yeah, I siphon just a bit of power from youse and give it to dem, and suddenly deir eyes are open ta the cosmos and dey are shamen.”


“Or, if youse want, I can give ’em specific instructions for how ta make sacrifices. Goats don’t have a lot of juice in dem, but if youse saves up enough of it, dat would woik, too. Tink about it an’ let me know what youse want.”

Leezar is inclined to think it over on the spot, after first checking that Thokk is still on watch over by his army. “I’m willing to provide some juice,” he finally says.

“Youses call,” says Mr. Wart, and pulls out a tap head - like what might be used on a beer barrel. Waddling over to Leezar, he springs into the air, beats his leathery wings, and slams the sharpened end of the spigot into Leezar’s chest. Leezar gasps in pain and sinks to his knees. Mr. Wart pulls out a small vial, holds it under the spout, and turns the handle. Five individual red drops, looking like blood but brilliantly shining in the night, drop from the tap into the vial. Mr. Wart closes the tap and holds up the glowing vial to inspect it. “Yep, dat oughta do it,” he says, then yanks the tap from Leezar’s chest.

(Leezar 38,629 - 1500 = 37,129xp. His lost xp will be applied 300 each to 5 orcs to raise their level and make them shamen)

When Leezar is again able to speak, he says, “I have to send them information on what to do to be better prepared to battle the giants. I could tell them that you are coming. When you show up, it will help them to understand that this transformation is real. It will reaffirm my contact with them and let them know that they will soon be shamen.”

“Whaddeva youse says, boss. Dis stuff will keep,” Mr. Wart agrees as he holds up the vial. “Just let me know when youse wants it delivered.”]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:42 pm  

Well, I finally got caught up with the story. Smile

It is highly entertaining, Kirt! I especially appreciate Thokk's antics and the pop culture comments, like Donkey Kong. Whenever Doro says, "Bad dog!" I hear it in the voice of Geena Davis in Cutthroat Island. Laughing

I especially appreciate how you've allowed the party to take advantage of the situation with the orcs in the steading via Thokk and how you have invested Mathias in the adventure via his demonic patron. Brilliant!

One question: Are the elven scout's words for giants, dwarves, and orcs of your own invention, or do they come from a source I haven't recognized?

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Master Greytalker

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Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:48 am  

SirXaris wrote:
It is highly entertaining, Kirt!

Glad you are enjoying it; lots more to come!

SirXaris wrote:
I especially appreciate Thokk's antics and the pop culture comments, like Donkey Kong. Whenever Doro says, "Bad dog!" I hear it in the voice of Geena Davis in Cutthroat Island. Laughing

Pop culture references for gamers 'of a certain age...' Wink

SirXaris wrote:
I especially appreciate how you've allowed the party to take advantage of the situation with the orcs in the steading via Thokk and how you have invested Mathias in the adventure via his demonic patron. Brilliant!

The presence of the kitchen orcs, mining orcs, and especially rebel orcs, to me, implied that Gygax wanted to give a clever party the chance to play off the factions against one another, not just use them as endless waves of fodder. One the other hand, Robilar and Quij aside, I doubt that Gygax envisioned an orc or half-orc PC in the party. Thokk was indeed uniquely qualified to elicit sorely-needed aid for the party in this fight, and I think the player of Thokk was actually surprised at his resounding success in doing so. 'How many orcs are following me now?' Fortunately he was a good sport when the other players, in-game, suggested he reduce his new army down to just the eight Dripping Blades.

As far as Mathias, it was difficult at first and there was some inter-player tension as Mathias tried to surreptitiously limit casualties among the giants, convince the other PC's not to trust the stone giants, etc. His secret goals were conflicting with the goals of the party, and this was creating a lot of discomfort among the players. This eventually settled down as he figured out how he was going to align his secret goals with their overt plans.

Eventually Mathias' service to Graz'zt was actually a great help to me. The D3-to-Q1 transition is a perennial problem (this is the third time I have run the GDQ series), since there is no logical reason for a party bent on finding the source of the giant invasion to leave off their punishment of Eclavdra / Eilserves and take up against the Fane of Lolth. In this iteration, Mathias will be key to making the rest of the party fall for that bait-and-switch.

It should be noted that long before this party, even in my original Greyhawk game of nearly forty years ago, the Elder Elemental God worshipped by Eclavdra was a false flag operation of Graz'zt, taking advantage of the remnants of the actual EEG who was an aspect of Tharizdun. This was the way I decided to reconcile the various and conflicting canon versions of Eclavdra.

SirXaris wrote:
One question: Are the elven scout's words for giants, dwarves, and orcs of your own invention, or do they come from a source I haven't recognized?

Whenever I need a word in elven, I use the first Google hit for a Tolkien translator. Some of them are more authentic than others, and I don't much care whether it is Sindarin, Quenya, etc. Purists beware, my approach is purely utilitarian!

The dwarves, by the way, use words in the closest I can find to Scots Gaelic, while the giants are typically some Scandinavian tongue like Norwegian or Swedish.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:42 am  
Post 279: To the Ford

Back in Post 272 I gave some of Leezar's / Mathias' updates for gaining eighth level. But when he asked for a change of Pact in Post 275, many of his details changed. Here is his new and final form:

"Mathias" (Leezar / Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio)
Eighth Level Warlock (Pact of the Tome) / Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 10 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Wis 9 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp 45, Languages Common, Velondi
Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, Persuasion
Otherworldly Patron - Dark Prince Graz'zt
Special Ability: Saved by the Bell
Cantrips (3): Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Used Eldritch Versatility to drop Blade Ward
Spells (9): Witch Bolt, Armor of Agathys, Dispel Magic, Fly, Darkness, Scorching Rays, Summon Aberrant Spirit, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, Dropped Hex
Patron Feature (2): Dark One's Blessing, Dark One's Own Luck
Invocations (4): One with Shadows, Fiend's Sight, Armor of Shadows, Far Scribe (new) Dropped: Maddening Hex
Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome, Book of Shadows Cantrips: (3) Guidance, Message, Friends; Dropped: Pact of the Blade

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G1:The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

Post 279: To the Ford
8 April [13 Planting] - Woods above Headwater
(low 61, high 81, light rain 5pm to midnight)

(1am-3am) Second Watch: Willa (watches the Orcs) and Aurora (general guard duty for camp)
By the end of the second watch, Babshapka has had a long rest. Now at 6HD and 4/3 spells.

[(4am) The elven scout approaching Headwater finishes his trance]

(3am-5am) Third Watch: Babshapka (watches the Orcs) and Doro (general guard duty for camp)
At 3:15am, Doro notes that she has lost her mage armor. She could wake Aurora to ask for its re-application, but casting it would spoil the wizard’s rest. She decides to let it go until morning.

At the end of this watch, Doro returns to sleep, leaving Babshapka to watch alone.

(5am-7am) Fourth Watch: Babshapka only
Shortly into Babshapka’s solo watch, the dwarven leader awakes. After carefully extracting himself from the pile of other dwarves without waking them, he walks away from the main group (but still within sight of Babshapka’s darkvision), pisses on a tree, returns and drinks from a skin, and then looks about the camp, moving his fingers as if counting everyone present. Eventually he comes over to Babshapka, and in a gruff whisper, asks him if he is the only one on guard duty at the moment. When Babshapka says he is, the dwarf offers to sit in for a spell as well. Babshapka talks to him for a bit, trying to assess his intentions, especially with regards to the sleeping Orcs (Insight check). In the end, he believes that the dwarf is just trying to get his charges to Headwater safely, and is doing what he can to help. He doesn’t trust the orcs any more than Babshapka does, but has no interest in attacking them or starting a fight with Thokk, or so Babshapka believes.

Babshapka agrees that the dwarf can stay in camp and keep an eye on the orcs while Babshapka moves out into the forest t scout and listen for anything approaching.

(5am - 7am) Fourth Watch: Dwarf Leader (watches Orcs) and Babshapka (guard duty for camp)

[6am: Mule pre-dawn encounter check: None]

[6am: The stone giants are up at first light, encouraging the other refugees to begin their march. The giantesses refuse to move until they have had breakfast, and don’t believe the stone giants when they claim that the giantesses, and young hill giant, ate all of their supplies the afternoon and night before while they sat around with nothing to do but eat and the stone giants dug graves and built cairns. Rather, they claim that the stone giants ate all the supplies while they were sleeping, and also that they are still hiding a considerable store of food. It takes an hour before they manage to convince the giantesses to leave camp, and that only after promising them that they will sooner meet humanoid foragers driving food to the Steading if they travel toward them than if they wait in place.]

By the end of the fourth watch, all the party members have had a long rest.
Thokk - Full hp, HD, rages
Mathias - Full hp, HD, spells
Willa - Full hp, HD
Aurora - Full hp, HD, spells
Doro - Full hp, HD, spells

As people begin stirring after daybreak, Babshapka permits a campfire for a hot breakfast, since the firelight will not be seen far in the bright morning. They easily have enough fresh provisions from the Steading for another full day of travel before they even need to get into the party’s supply of rations (iron and ship).

After her breakfast, Aurora withdraws to prepare her spells (33 minutes with current selection) while the rest of the camp packs. She changes out her slow spell for phantom steed so as to have that on hand more quickly if needed (hard cast rather than ritual), and also switches silent image for private sanctum, which should help protect their next night camp from discovery as they push into the patrolled lands between the Steading and Headwater.

While Aurora prepares her spells in private, Thokk is the center of attention of his orcs as he ritually casts Speak with Animals (10 minutes) and Beast Sense (10 minutes) on Phreeeee.

[7:20am The elven scout has reached the banks of the big river north of Headwater. He attempts to cross it by swimming, even while knowing that the current will carry him further away from the city before he is on the other side. Getting closer to the city on this side has too much danger of running into enemy patrols. Survival check 14 to choose a good crossing point, Strength check 17 to swim against the strong, cold current: successful crossing.]

(7:30 am)
Aurora casts mage armor on herself and Doro. As the group starts their march, Phreeeee takes to the air, traveling in ever-widening spirals. Some half an hour into their march, Phreeeee spots motion - creatures traveling on the trail miles ahead. He closes about half the distance - just enough to make out that they are giants, and that they are traveling away from the party (although in the same direction). As Thokk describes this to the rest of the party, Phreeeee returns for more detailed directions. Thokk tells him to get as close as he can to see detail, but to stay out of thrown-rock range. Returning, and with Phreeeee approaching much closer, Thokk can see it is the refugee band - they are traveling down the trail along the river. All of them are present and accounted for - the five stone giants, the two hill giantesses and the youth, and the lone young eiger.

Babshapka calls for a brief pause while the party discusses this information.

(8:30am - Con save for merchant after first hour of march: DC4; result 20 with advantage, may continue)

“Well, says Aurora, “I suppose it is okay to go behind them, so long as we don’t get close enough for them to see us. It might even make us less conspicuous, right? I mean for patrols and such.”

Babshapka thinks about it, looking back up the trail they have come down. “Well, anyone following the tracks is going to see their massive footprints long before they note ours - and it is good, by the way, that the orcs are going last in our march order and walking over the rest of our prints besides. And anyone scouting from a distance is going to see them long before they see us. But if they really know what they are doing, they can track us, and they can see us, too - it all depends on how competent they are. I suppose it will protect us from those of mediocre ability just by giving them something else to focus on so we are less obvious.”

Aurora smiles and is about to speak when Babshapka adds, “But the real question is what happens when the refugees do come across a patrol? What will those giants tell the first group of worg riders they come across - ‘scout ahead for us’, or ‘make sure we are not being followed’? I really don’t know how stone giants think.”

“The important thing,” says Aurora soberly, ‘is that we keep watching them, with Phreeeee and with Hedwig.”

“Yes,” agrees Babshapka. “As long as we keep an eye on them, and anyone that finds them, I will have a chance to try to hide us if something starts coming our way.”

“Speaking of hiding,” says Aurora, “I think it would be good if I explained to our charges how my rope trick works, and how they can hide in it if we need to fight.”

“Your verbal explanations of magic phenomena tend to go over the heads of layfolk,” says Babshapka. “And dwarves aren’t the biggest fans of magic, in theory or practice. You’ll be getting four spell levels back when we stop for lunch, though. If you haven’t cast anything but mage armor before then, how about you just cast a rope trick and then have them actually practice getting in and out of it?”

Aurora’s pride isn’t so wounded that she can’t see the logic in this. They reform their march order and start off again.

They have not been traveling far when they come upon what was the first ambush site, where they killed Nosnra and his guards. There are no bodies in sight - but there are now graves. It appears that the giants they are following have spent several hours digging earthen graves for their fallen, and then covering them with rock cairns. The rocks are fresh-dug from the marshy ground, many still wet or covered in caked-on earth. The largest even has crudely chiseled runes, still sharp and cut only a few hours before, reading “Chief Nosnra” in Giant. Babshapka also finds ample evidence that the giants spent last night and likely a good part of yesterday camped here as well - their night camp was just a few miles from that of the party, which he doesn’t like learning at all. The time they spent here was considerable, which explains how the party was able to catch up with them, even though they left the Steading almost a complete day before the party. Now that they are on the move, however, Babshapka estimates (Survival 22) that they are actually traveling faster than the party, giant strides being considerably longer than those of the dwarves.

At the end of the second hour of travel, Babshapka checks in with the merchant - he is doing well, and seems better for both the food and exercise of the day before. He can continue, for now.

(9:30am - Con save for merchant after second hour of march: DC5; result 18 with advantage, may continue)

However, Babshapka knows that about a mile ahead lies the ford at which they will switch to the north side of the river. Once there, they will have an important decision to make. They can continue along the giant trail, following in the wake of the refugees on the level, easy path although not as fast as them. Or, once across the river, they can climb the hill overlooking the river valley and pass through the woods that they have used multiple times now to hide from patrols. That will likely be safer, but the way will be decidedly not as easy-going for those who are still not strong marchers. Of course, Aurora has specifically taken phantom steed today so that she can both hard cast it and cast it as a ritual, which will help when people start to founder. Babshapka works his way up and down the line, speaking with Aurora, Mathias, and Willa even as they progress. It is decided that they will keep to the trail for now, but make sure that one of their fliers (Phreeeee and Hedwig) is always in the sky and ready to warn them of anything approaching.

The party is some twenty minutes into the third hour of their march when Phreeeee comes screaming down from the sky, agitated. He is indicating, as far as Thokk can tell (Animal Handling 20), that something is approaching (Passive Stealth 11; Phreeee’s Passive Perception 19 with sight) from the south, but both the speak with animals and beast sense he cast at the start of the day have since expired. Thokk could cast one of them again - but that would require halting their march, and if the threat is approaching from the south, Babshapka would rather they were on the other side of the ford to meet it. He is not about to halt their march so that Thokk can spend time talking to his bird. Instead, he urges everyone to continue on, and tells Aurora to send Hedwig out with Phreeeee.

Some five minutes later they have arrived at the ford. Babshapka scouts it quickly in advance and then they begin to move the humans and dwarves across the slippery wooden logs. Aurora recalls Hedwig and asks him what he saw as she crosses (Hedwig Perception 20, Worg Passive Stealth 11). He explains that to the south and approaching in their direction looks to be a worg patrol like those they have faced before - goblins mounted on worgs.

They will certainly have time to get everyone across, but not much more than that before the patrol arrives. They could hide, and hope they haven’t been spotted / scented. They could fight - knowing they have beaten several of these patrols before and the ford is an excellent defensive point. They could, knowing they are not returning to the ford any time soon, destroy or remove the log ‘bridge’, provided they could do it quickly, and then be on their way, trusting that it would take the patrol a considerable amount of time to find passage across. They could even have a portion of the party, perhaps the more mobile members, stay and defend the ford while the main host continued on down the trail.

Willa calls Aurora to her and says that the main party will be escorting the dwarves and humans up the trail away from the ford - she wants Hedwig to go first and scout that there is no larger ambush to which the worg riders are driving them. The dwarf leader thanks her gruffly but refuses to go with the others - he says he will remain at the ford to face the goblins while the other dwarves continue ahead.

Mathias, Doro, and Babshapka take up positions on the near side of the ford, hidden in cover but scanning the far bank. Thokk quickly orders his Dripping Blade orcs to hide, except for two. These he places just at the near end of the ford, very visible, as a lure to draw the goblins across. As his last act he hides himself nearby. Above the hillslope to the south of them, Phreeeee circles directly above the advancing goblins, out of bow range but clearly indicating their advancing position below him.

Approaching the ford, but not along the trail, is a group of goblin warg-riders who are making no effort to hide themselves. The party watches these carefully, as well as another group who are attempting to use the woods as cover to approach the ford without being seen, but who are noted by the more perceptive party members (Stealth 12). Another group of warg-riders are more successfully sneaking up using cover (Stealth 20). They are not approaching the ford itself, but rather a small wooded island in the middle of the swift-flowing stream. Finally, no one in the party notes all of the goblin archers which are creeping forward through the trees (Stealth 23).
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:43 am  

Lol! Tricksy goblins. Smile

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Master Greytalker

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Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:44 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
Lol! Tricksy goblins.

For some reason it was easier to spot the goblins mounted on wargs the size of horses (Stealth +1) then it was the individual goblins moving through the trees (Stealth +6).
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:59 am  
Post 280: Not Quite Sterling Bridge

Post 280: Not Quite Sterling Bridge
8 April [13 Planting] - River ford above Headwater
(low 61, high 81, light rain 5pm to midnight)

Round One
Thokk calls softly to the two orcs in view that when they can see the warg-riders, they need to begin wrestling with one another as if they are unaware of the goblins’ presence. This they begin to do, but the resulting attempt at a distraction is both awkward and clearly punctuated by them looking over their shoulders to stare directly at the approaching goblins and gauge their reaction (Performance check 1).

Having spotted the goblins attempting to guide their wargs to the mid-stream island, Doro and Mathias break their cover to move to some bushes (Mathias) and a stand of trees (Doro) closer to where the goblins might cross, so as to intercept them. Doro is likely unseen (Stealth 16) but Mathias is rather more obvious (Stealth 7). Thokk is whispering stage directions to the two wrestling orcs, who are gradually improving their performance (3), but are far short of convincing the approaching goblins (Insight 8 ).

As the would-be river-crossers continue to approach, Mathias and Doro start to shoot bolts of cantrip force at them while still under cover. They will be seen attacking, but hopefully their exact location not noted. The thick woods intercept all of their bolts (four misses, Goblin AC15, with ¾ cover AC20).

Round Two
The warg-riders approaching the ford begin to pick their way carefully across the slippery logs (Wisdom check 16 - slow speed means no Acrobatics checks needed to avoid falling). Thokk tells his wrestling orcs to break, run, and evade (dodge action). As the orcs retreat from the ford itself, the warg-riders loose arrows that find their mark (two hits with disadvantage on the same orc, total 10 damage, Dripping Blade orc is at 1hp).

With two great splashes, other ‘hidden’ warg-riders urge their mounts forward at a run, leaping into the river. The great beasts struggle mightily against the cold current and pull up on the banks of the tiny island (Athletics Check 18). From there, the goblin riders fire their bows toward the last known location of Doro (both miss). She returns fire, clipping one in the shoulder (1 hit, 1 point damage).

Aurora waits until two wargs and their riders are halfway across the ford, with another two on the far bank, and then stands up and sends forth a fireball (Aurora at 2/3/2/2 - cast at third level for 28 damage). The goblin riders are immediately slain (whether they save or not), with the body of one being blown to the far shore, two falling into the downstream side and being rapidly carried away by the rushing water, and the last body being launched to the upstream side of the river, and then floating down to crash against the rocks and logs of the ford bridge. Of the wargs, three are killed [fail their saves] and fall heavily to the muddy ground or logs of the ford bridge. Only one manages to dive behind a large boulder, wet with river spray, and is badly burned but still alive.

Round Three
Her rider gone, the one remaining warg crossing the ford decides to charge the enemy on the other side (Wisdom check 2). As she bounds across the wet logs at full speed, however, she slips and tumbles into the downstream current with a great splash (Acrobatics check 4) before she is swept away.

The goblins on the island have their mounts leap again into the water, swim across the narrow channel, and pull themselves up the far bank. They set their sights on Aurora and begin to charge up the steep slope at her. In response, she casts mirror image (Aurora at 2/2/2/2).

“Break cover!” yells Thokk in Orc to his army. “Intercept that charge! Protect the explosion lady!”

The six Dripping Blades who had remained hidden now stand up at once and move up the riverbank, attacking the wargs en route to Aurora (three hits, one critical, 5, 4, and 6 damage). One of the former wrestlers moves to Thokk’s side, while the other one, wounded, drops prone and hides in a clump of grass. Thokk pulls out the Keeper’s Axe and strides rapidly down to the water’s edge, where the warg who fell off the ford bridge is struggling through a reed bed to pull herself up on the shore. Thokk waits until just her head has emerged from the reeds and then splits her skull in twain (attack roll 30, critical hit, damage 16).

Seeing the wargs on the near side of the river now surrounded by orcs, Doro attempts to set one up for multiple opportunity attacks with a dissonant whispers, but the warg makes its save (Wis save 19; half of 10 psychic damage is 5).

The dwarf leader has emerged from his hiding spot, and charges forward shouting an ancient dwarven war chant specifically for use in battles against goblins. He reaches the side of one of the wargs but is frustrated in his attack when Babshapka shoots it dead (two hits; 17 damage; 21 with hunter’s mark, Babshapka at 3/3) before he can strike.

One warg-rider slashes at an orc with his scimitar (3 damage). Suddenly the far side of the ford buzzes with arrow fire as crudely-fletched shafts are directed at Aurora, the orcs, and Mathias (thirteen attacks with advantage from Stealth, seven hits, one critical, damage 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7). Almost as soon as the forms of the goblins are revealed by their arrow fire, though, they duck back into cover and disappear. “That would be useful to know,” decides Doro, referring to the goblins' ability to use ‘nimble escape’.

Goblin wrote:
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Mathias turns around in his bush and shoots up the hill behind him, killing the last goblin and wounding the last warg on the party’s side of the stream (two shots, 8 and 6 damage).

Round Four
Mathias moves down to the water’s edge, squints and looks across the ford where, a moment before, a dozen goblins were shooting arrows. He can’t see them now...but he figures he knows where they are, at least to within twenty feet or so. With a great sweep of his arms and a cry, the far bank erupts with a roar of flame and a sixty foot long, twenty foot high wall of fire shoots through the grass and brush. (24 damage; even the goblins that make their saves are roasted). “I don’t have to see you to kill you!” Mathias yells at them, though it is doubtful his voice carries that far over the crackle of the flames and rushing water of the stream. Fortunately the woods are green and the grass is wet enough from constant rain that they are not immediately catching.

Doro fires twice from the trees, hitting the remaining warg once (9 damage). The orcs surround it and batter it to death with the bugbear morning stars (two hits, 14 damage). The near bank is now clear of enemies. The warg dies just as the dwarven leader reaches its side, his battle chant dying in his disappointed throat even as it dies as well.

Babshapka smiles grimly. That’s their cavalry and their archers done for, he thinks to himself. Now where is their leader skulking? He puts his hand under his eyes to block the glare from the wall of fire and stares into the thickest part of the woods, on the hillslope above the wall and behind where the archers lie dead and aflame (Perception 24). There! The goblin boss is stealing through the trees, back to where he left his own warg (Stealth 13).

Babshapka lets fly with his first shaft, piercing the goblin boss through his mail (5 damage; with sharpshooter, no penalty for targets in cover). As his second shot whistles through the air, the goblin ducks behind one of his own men, and the arrow kills the hapless underling instead (10 damage, goblin boss uses redirect attack as a reaction).

Round Five
What remains of the goblin force moves rapidly away from the ford, withdrawing into the deeper forest. Babshapka watches for a while, bow drawn, but eventually even he is content to let them slink off. Willa calls for his help in re-organizing their marching line.

Battle at the Ford XP
22 goblins CR1/4. 50xp x 22 = 1100
9 worgs CR1/2. 100xp x 9 = 900
1 goblin boss CR1 200xp x 1 = 200
Total = 2200 / 6 = 367 each

Babshapka 46,249 + 367 = 46,616
Thokk 44,123 + 367 = 44,490
Doro 38,701 + 367 = 39,068
Aurora 38,629 + 367 = 38,996
Willa 38,520 + 367 = 38,887
Mathias 37,129 + 367 = 37,496

[The DM gives Thokk the opportunity to share some of his xp with the Dripping Blade orcs but he declines. Since they are more than two levels below the party, they are not entitled to an automatic share of xp.]

[The retreating goblin boss could rally his remaining forces, follow the party at a distance, harry them when they try to rest, and attempt to enlist other patrols to do the same. He does consider that option. But having had the bulk of his cavalry force slain, and not knowing yet of the fall of the Steading, he elects instead to retreat to the Steading and report on the party. After pulling back directly away from the ford, he has his forces loop around and move on to the trail along the stream.]

[10am The Elf scout arrives at Headwater and enters the northwest gate. He reports to Kerri, telling her of the fall of the Steading and that the party will be escorting out the human and dwarf prisoners. All city gates are given a description of the party and ordered to let them in and escort them to Kerri without questioning them.]

(10am) The party resumes their march order and sets out back along the trail.

(10:30am - Con save for merchant after third hour of march: DC6; result 13 with advantage, may continue)

(11:30am - Con save for merchant after fourth hour of march: DC7; result 14 with advantage, may continue)

[12pm: Stashed mule noon encounter check: None]

(12:30pm - Con save for merchant after fifth hour of march: DC8; result 14 with advantage, may continue)

(12:30-1:30pm - Short rest)
Arcane recovery - Aurora gains two first, and one second level slot, now at 4/3/2/2. The wounded orcs use 1 or 2 HD to heal to full, assisted by a song of rest from Doro.

During the rest, Aurora casts rope trick (Aurora at 4/2/2/2) and shows the dwarves how to climb the rope to reach the hidden space. She tells them that in case they need to use it, they are to pull the rope up behind them after the last one of them is in, and not lower it back down until the chime sounds that indicates the space will expire soon. She explains that unfortunately the space will hold only eight, and they are seven dwarves plus the merchant and engineer. “Six o’ oos!” interjects the dwarven leader. “Ah'll’ nae be hidd'n when thar be ba’tle aboot!” This appears to solve the problem of occupancy, since the six dwarves can be joined by the merchant and engineer. However, Aurora had actually planned to leave the dwarves in the trick while the party slipped away if need be, and having their leader out complicates that.

(1:30pm - party starts off again)

(2:30pm - Con save for merchant after sixth hour of march: DC9; result 18 with advantage, may continue)

As they march on the trail along the river, Phreeeee spots an orc patrol coming up on the party from the hills above and behind them (Perception 23). By the time he has returned to the party and given them warning, the orcs are just a mile off and closing. There is effectively no cover nearby, as the open grasslands have just a few scattered trees that can’t conceal them all. Fortunately no other patrol groups are within the hawk’s sight, and these orcs don't look like they are waiting to be joined by others.

[High in the hills overlooking the river, an Orc Patrol spots the party (Wandering Encounter Luck roll -3, changed to -2 after the fall of the Steading; see Post 246 for the Encounter Table). With more than twenty creatures now in the party moving along the trail, they are hard to miss. The Orc War Chief organizes his band into a wide wing and moves them forward, prepared to hunt their quarry down if it runs.]

Babshapka takes stock of their surroundings (Survival 14). The ground gets swampy by the river, and there are a few denser stands of trees on some knolls. He might be able to spread them out and hide most of them individually before the orcs arrive, but if any of them were found, they would be isolated from the others and easily set upon before the party proper could respond.

[The chief keeps two of his three Orog scouts (half breed products of an orc and an eiger) on the ends of his combat line, and the third near him as a guard. He strings the long line of his orcs between the Orogs and, guided by his scouts, approaches the party using the last hill between them to hide his numbers and location until the very end. He is unaware that the hawk in the air is a scout for the party and that they are tracking his moves.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;

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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:45 am  
Re: Post 280: Not Quite Sterling Bridge

Kirt wrote:
Post 280: Not Quite Sterling Bridge

I appreciate the historical reference.

Kirt wrote:
However, Aurora had actually planned to leave the dwarves in the trick while the party slipped away if need be, and having their leader out complicates that.

I don't understand this.

Is Aurora uninterested in saving the dwarves? Is she simply willing to sacrifice their lives to save her own? Is her plan to come back for them if the party has to flee an encounter? What about the human merchant and engineer? Wouldn't they slow the party down just as much if it they need to flee, or would they be faster on Phantom Steeds?

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Master Greytalker

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Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:23 pm  
Re: Post 280: Not Quite Sterling Bridge

SirXaris wrote:
Kirt wrote:
However, Aurora had actually planned to leave the dwarves in the trick while the party slipped away if need be, and having their leader out complicates that.

I don't understand this.
Is Aurora uninterested in saving the dwarves? Is she simply willing to sacrifice their lives to save her own? Is her plan to come back for them if the party has to flee an encounter? What about the human merchant and engineer? Wouldn't they slow the party down just as much if it they need to flee, or would they be faster on Phantom Steeds?

Aurora is all for saving the dwarves - so long as it doesn't endanger herself. If something big happens upon the party, the dwarves will be safer inside the rope trick, safer than they would be on the battlefield and the party can concentrate on attacking the enemy rather than trying to defend the dwarves.

But if something really big happens upon the party, she wants the option of hiding the dwarves in the trick and having the party flee, without worrying about having to come back for the dwarves (although she is not going to tell them that in advance). That the dwarven veteran would be with the main party complicates that escape plan.

The merchant and engineer are only two, as opposed to seven, and thus would be easier to evacuate with phantom steed. Ritual casting, at 11 minutes a cast and a duration of an hour on the field, means she can't have more than five in play at a time. And even if she didn't have time to ritual cast, she could spare two spell slots to hard cast two steeds, but not seven or nine.

Also, as citizens of Sterich, she might think that the merchant and engineer hold more value for them being returned to Keri than the dwarves do.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:39 pm  
Post 281: Attack on Headwater!

Post 281: Attack on Headwater!
8 April [13 Planting] continued - River ford above Headwater
(low 61, high 81, light rain 5pm to midnight)

The party planners talk rapidly as they urge the dwarves forward along the trail to the west. Babshapka spots a dense stand of trees ahead that they can reach before the orcs are upon them. They won’t be able to hide from them, since they have already been spotted and the orcs will watch them approach the trees. But they can at least hide the non-combatants, and they will have cover themselves during the battle. The party members crouch behind rocks and slip behind trees along the northern limit of the stand (average Stealth 14). Thokk’s army is behind them, farther back into the trees (average Stealth 16). Aurora casts rope trick (now at 4/1/2/2) in the densest part of the trees and the six dwarves and two humans climb up to safety. They pull the rope up behind them, and the dwarven leader stays nearby. Seeing that their adversaries are orcs, rather than goblins, the dwarf leader is content to guard the bottom of the trick rather than charging into combat. Among them all, Thokk alone remains in plain view, leaning with nonchalance against the trunk of a high laurel oak (Persuasion 18). He plans to convince the arriving orcs to join Thokk’s Army, but if they won’t, he needs only to scratch under his loincloth and his loyal Dripping Blade orcs will emerge from the trees to support him, or at least, that was his stated plan to them. Meanwhile, Doro creeps closer to one of the orcs, hopefully the one that speaks Common, if she has successfully recognized him. “Don’t lose your s*** if I cast a spell on you,” she whispers.

The orc’s eyes go wide in excitement. “You make me big ape like Mighty General Thokk?” he says hopefully. “Yes, do it, magic woman!”

[The Orogs are quite visible to the party, as are some of the orcs when they crest the hill and come into sight. The Orc Chief at the center of the line, and those closest to him, angle themselves through a stand of trees and attempt to escape notice until they are closer (Stealth 18 - exceeds Passive Perception 14 of Babshapka and Thokk). Aurora sends Hedwig to the top of the tallest tree nearby for a better view.]

When the Orog scout, well in advance of the orcs, arrives within hailing distance of Thokk, the barbarian recognizes him as a half-breed eiger (Insight 12). Notwithstanding, he calls forth a greeting and an offer for the Orog to join the warband of Mighty Thokk.

The Orog largely ignores Thokk until he gets to the trail on which they arrived, then he kneels down and inhales deeply over the party’s tracks (Survival check). He hoots over his shoulder, gestures, and the orc line re-adjusts to advance toward the copse in which the party is taking cover. Thokk (Perception 17) notes the presence of a third Orog in the center of the orc line, next to a larger orc which he does not yet know is the chief, with both moving rapidly through the trees. Babshapka marks the pair as well (Perception 19).

The Orog has his weapon, a great two-handed axe, in hand, but does not advance on Thokk, seemingly content to wait for the orc line to approach. Thokk squints and looks over his tattoos and scarifications, taking him for the Vile Rune Tribe, and culturally an Orc even if not of pure blood (History check 17).

“Warrior of Luthic!” says Thokk in a reasonable tone. “I have freed the orcs at the Steading. All of the tribes are free of the giants! Join us. Join Mighty General Thokk and great will be our…”

“You reek of humans,” the Orog sneers back.

Thokk nervously scratches himself, forgetting that this is ‘the signal’ (Wisdom Save 8 ), and his army of Dripping Blades bursts forth from the trees, cheering for their General and making threat displays at the enemy orcs.

Round One
At the sudden appearance of the Dripping Blades, the Vile Rune orc line accelerates, moving rapidly forward, eager for battle. The eleven orcs nearest the trees throw javelins at Thokk (with half cover from the tree, Thokk AC23. One hit for 7 points).
5e orc wrote:
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Babshapka invokes his hunter’s mark, then shoots twice at the orog, hitting once (10 points, AC18 with partial plate).

Mathias stands up just enough to see the Orog clearly, and summons Ephi standing behind the enemy. The Slaad slashes at the huge half-breed but his claws don’t penetrate the brute’s heavy armor.

Doro moves into the open long enough to tag the Dripping Blade Lieutenant, polymorphing him into a giant ape. “Go get ‘em!” she says encouragingly, and then darts back to the trees. [And here the DM forgot that polymorph is limited by the CR of the target, and the orc should not have been permitted to assume a form that large].

The Orog, caught between Thokk, the Slaad, and the Giant Ape, decides his most-hated foe is the stinking tree-elf that just shot him (Intelligence check 4). He launches a javelin at Babshapka, but when it misses, he charges forward to engage Thokk with his axe. This gives Ephi the chance to strike at him again (opportunity attack hits, 11 slashing, orog has taken 21).

Thokk, enraged at the Orog’s lack of respect for his generalship, strikes at him with the Keeper’s axe (one hit, 15 points, orog has taken 36). Aurora follows that up with a massive firebolt that drops the brute (critical hit, 17 points; orog is down after taking 53).

Round Two
Aurora bestows greater invisibility on Willa (now at 4/1/2/1), but Willa holds her position.

At this point the orcs have pivoted their line. The closest half dozen of them are charging forward to engage the party, the middle third preparing to throw javelins, and those farthest to the east still moving forward to get within range.

Mathias shoots a blast of force at the closest orc. When that hits but does not drop the warrior, he follows up with a second one that does (two hits, total 15 damage; one orc down).

Ephi charges at the nearest orc and drops it with one swing of his claws (one hit, 15 damage; two orcs down).

Doro strums her samisen with one hand while the other shoots bolts of force that wound an orc (two hits, total 12 damage).

Ten orcs and a second orog take aim at the closest party members to them - Thokk and Babshapka. The orog misses the elf. Five orc javelins result in one hit on Thokk (critical hit for 10; after rage, 5 points), while another five miss Babshapka.

Babshapka returns fire, taking out another javelineer (two hits, 15 points before hunter’s mark, three orcs down).

Thokk (second round of rage) attacks and drops another orc (two hits, total 22 damage; four orcs down). With the first orog slain, Thokk ignores another orc as he runs past it to get behind the giant ape (orc opportunity attack misses). Thokk intends to use the ape as cover from missiles as he advances on the orc center to where the next orog is.

Three of the Dripping Blade orcs overrun the attacking Vile Runes (one hit; 8 damage). Another four throw their own javelins at the central orog (one hit; 3 damage).

Round Three
Doro fires ineffectually at the orcs (two misses with force blasts).

Willa (third round of invisibility) slays an orc with two quick slices (two hits with advantage, total 23 damage; five orcs down). She stays near another in case it flees.

Thokk (third round of rage) shouts “Join me or die!” at another orc as he hacks it to death (two hits, total 30 damage; six orcs down).

The sole remaining orc within melee range remains undaunted (Wisdom Check 1) and charges at Doro, wounding her with his axe (6 points - Con save to maintain Concentration on polymorph 14; success). Another fourteen orc javelineers decide that the giant ape is both the largest target and the one with the worst armor class; ten of their shafts hit it (total 73 points of damage).

Babshapka remains behind the cover of his rock cluster and drops another orc (two hits, total damage 19 with hunter’s mark, seven orcs down).

The Orc Chief decides to give a mighty battle cry to rally his troops. Well, perhaps not to rally them so much as to convince the handful that are around him to stand their ground and cover his escape, as he retreats from the obviously superior party with the last third remaining of his original company.
5e Orc Chief wrote:
Battle Cry. Each creature of the war chief’s choice that is within 30 feet of it, can hear it, and not already affected by Battle Cry gains advantage on attack rolls until the start of the war chief’s next turn. The war chief can then make one attack as a bonus action.

Unfortunately for the Chief, the whims of initiative order mean that he goes after his troops this round, and thus they will not be able to benefit from this ability until their next turn - by which point most of them will have been slain. And since he is not in melee range of any of the party, he forgoes his own bonus attack before he retreats.

Aurora surveys the hillslope in front of her, trying to maximize the effect of her upcoming fireball. Suddenly she realizes that Willa is out there somewhere, still covered by greater invisibility. Not that Willa wouldn’t survive the fireball, of course, just that she would never let Aurora hear the end of it if she was accidently hit. I mean, after the business with her silly tent...Anyway, Aurora does recall seeing an orc erupt with sword wounds for no apparent reason (Aurora Perception 17), so she can aim her ball away from that vicinity and hope that Willa hasn’t moved much since then. She shrugs and launches the arcane missile, grinning in satisfaction as it explodes against the hillside (Aurora Arcana 13 - the slope of the hill alters her placement a bit, but she still ends up hitting four orcs and missing Willa. Orcs DC16 Dex save or 29 fire damage. One orc fails and dies instantly (eight down), two succeed and are brought to 1hp, the Chief fails and takes 29 but is still up. Aurora now at 4/1/1/1).

Willa hears the rush of the fireball overhead and feels the heat from the familiar explosion on the slope above her. One orc goes flying, dead before he hits the ground. Two more are knocked down but rise unsteadily. The last orc, however, is knocked back by the force of the blast but remains upright. He stands amidst the flames, scowling, then turns and continues up the hill. Did Willa catch the glint of chain underneath his torn hide armor? She thinks this might be a leader type (Insight 13). Thokk saw the same thing, but is not so sure (Insight 9).

The middle orog rushes up to the giant ape, slashing it twice with his great axe, but the ape just roars. The Dripping Blade orcs move to the ape’s flanks and throw a volley of javelins at the orog, with two of the seven hitting.

Round Four
Doro shoots two blasts of force at an orc and hits once (7 damage).

Thokk (fourth round of rage) hits an orc once (11 damage).

Willa (fourth round of invisibility) moves into the scorched area of the erstwhile fireball and easily strikes down one of the still-smouldering orcs (14 damage). She fixes her attention on the retreating orc that survived the blast. Even now he is yelling at the farthest orcs, who are taking cover among high rocks. His words are in Orc, but his tone is commanding - she is beginning to suspect that he, not the orogs, is the leader of this group (Insight 14).

Babshapka shoots more arrows, this time at the far orog (two hits for 11 points).

Four Dripping Blade orcs are able to engage the orcs retreating.

The giant ape bends down and grabs one of the bodies of the dead enemy orcs at his feet. He twirls it in the air like a rag doll, then launches it at the orcs taking cover in the rocks. It does not damage the living orcs, but as its body is smashed across the stone and those nearby are sprayed with gore, he makes his point rather effectively.

Mathias shoots bolts of force at the retreating orcs (two hits, five damage).

Ephi slices open an orc (one hit, 12 damage).

The middle orog stands his ground, but doesn’t manage to connect with his axe.

Aurora casts Phantom Steed, creating the mystic mount next to Mathias (Aurora now at 4/1/0/1).

Round Five
Willa (fifth round of invisibility) sprints up to the third orog, which has moved to the side of what she now takes to be the orc leader. She aims one blow at the orog (15 points) and the other at the chief (misses).

Babshapka hits the far orog with his first shaft (6 points), but his second comes closer to Willa (who he can’t see) than to either of the two enemies (critical miss on attacking the orog; forced attack on Willa misses as well).

Mathias mounts the phantom steed and guides it up the hill with his knees while he shoots blasts of force at the chief (two hits, one critical, total 18 damage).

Ephi joins the Dripping Blade orcs attacking the second orog (two hits, one critical, 32 damage). Together, they finish it off.

By this point, even the orcs farthest to the east, the ones who had taken cover in the rocks, are breaking and running, ignoring the chief’s commands to cover his retreat. Thokk looks at them far up the hill and growls in frustration at his inability to reach them swiftly. “Come with me, Mighty General!” says Doro and slaps her hand on his backside. Together they dimension door into the thick of the fleeing orcs. Thokk (fifth round of rage) exults at the skills of his warband as he strikes down the foe (two hits, 19 and 18 damage, two more orcs down).

Round Six
Babshapka emerges from cover and begins to stride up the hill toward the last of the fighting. When he has a clear shot on the last orog he lets fly (sharpshooter for extra damage (18), normal shot critical hit for 15). As the second shaft sinks into the orog it slumps to the ground.

Thokk (round six of rage) continues to attack the fleeing orcs (two hits, total 31 damage kills one). After he fells the last one nearby, he moves to the side of the chief.

Although she appeared next to Thokk in the fray after using dimension door, Doro quickly removes herself from the melee and sends blasts of force at any of the orcs who approach her (two hits, total 11 damage).

Willa (round six of invisibility) lands a blow on the chief (damage 16) that brings him down.

The remaining orcs attempt to flee in all directions (Thokk gets one opportunity attack, hits for 14), although one of them swings his axe at Doro as he runs past her, and the hit interrupts her spell (12 damage; Con save 9 fails). As Doro grimaces in pain, the giant ape shrinks down and resumes the form of a Dripping Blade orc.

Mathias continues his charge up the hill on the phantom steed. He shoots his blasts at the orc that attacked Doro and hits once (6 points) - the orc crashes to the turf. As she watches his mounted assault (Insight 18), Willa notes that this is certainly not the first time Mathias has ridden a horse. His form is not that of a true cavalryman, but it is experienced nonetheless.

Six Dripping Blade orcs launch javelins up the hill, and four hit the fleeing Vile Runes.

Round Seven
Thokk (round seven of rage) brings down one of the fleeing orcs (damage 17) and wounds another (damage 10), who is immediately dropped by a javelin from Thokk’s troops. The last enemy orc on the field has fallen.

The Dripping Blade lieutenant rushes to Doro’s side. “Music Woman!” he exclaims in accented Common. “This orc has never taken that much damage in battle before! That was awesome!”

When the seething Thokk recovers his clarity of thought, he orders his orcs to strip the bodies of the fallen. After half an hour, they recover enough great axes for each of them (and leave their awkward bugbear-sized morning stars behind). The orc chief’s chain mail is awarded to Thokk's lieutenant, while Doro’s mending makes available enough of the hide armors worn by the common orcs so that there is an intact suit for each of the seven troops. The great orogs had armor composed of metal plates fixed onto hide, but these are ill-fitting for the smaller orcs and would hinder more than benefit them. The orcs are also able to load themselves up with fresh javelins. When the dwarf leader is asked whether he wants an orc weapon to replace his hastily kludged axe, he is indignant. Only his growing respect for the party as combatants keeps him from being truly insulted. “Well, ye sure eno’ shewed yon oorc gits wha’ far, didnaeye?”

By 3pm the entire group is back on the trail, leaving the looted orc corpses where they lie.

[Orc Patrol XP:
Thokk is given the opportunity to share some of his xp with the Dripping Blade orcs but chooses not to. Since they are more than two levels below the party, even all summed together, they are not entitled to an automatic share
8 Dripping Blade Orc allies (½CR x 8 = total 4)

1 Orc War Chief (CR4), 1100
3 Orogs (CR2), 3 x 450 = 1350
20 Orcs (½ CR), 20 x 100 = 2000
Total 4450 / 6 = 742 each

Babshapka 46,616 + 742 = 47,358
Thokk 44,490 + 742 = 45,232
Doro 39,068 + 742 = 39,808
Aurora 38,996 + 742 = 39,738
Willa 38,887 + 742 = 39,629
Mathias 37,496 + 742 = 38,238]

[3pm - The stone giants leading the refugee party arrive at the siege command camp. The females tell the male hill giants about the fall of the Steading. They already knew about the death of Nosnra (the party having let one giant from his ambush go), and this was the group the stone giant Garuuuumk convinced to attack Headwater notwithstanding. With the other group having failed to retake the Steading, these giants resolve to redouble their resolve to punish the city and have their revenge on the humans. The stone giant tells them that when they capture the city, they can live here instead of the Steading and that the conquered humans will bring them food.

The stone giant ambassadors attempt to convince Garuuuumk, the stone giant leading the siege, to give up this folly and return with them to the Fjell. They tell him of the party and how his actions will bring down destruction on all the giants. He refuses them, tells them that he has assumed command of all the humanoid bands in place of Nosnra, and that the preparations for the attack are complete and that it will commence tonight. The ladders are ready, the siege towers (which are poorly built and mostly a diversion) are ready, and all of his forces are in place. He tells the other stone giants that he will not be denied his revenge on the humans for having killed his kinsfolk. When they fail to convince him after several attempts, they announce that at dusk they will be returning to the Fjell with the three stone giant workers.]

(3:30pm - Mage armor on Aurora and Doro expires. After the battle with the orc patrol, Aurora chooses not to renew it in order to save on spell slots. She trusts Phreeeee and Hedwig to give them warning of an approaching battle and will cast it then if necessary. She tells Doro to remind her if she hasn’t renewed it before a fight, and Doro says that she will not fail to do so.)

(4pm - Con save for merchant after seventh hour of march: DC10; result 16 with advantage, may continue)

The party leaves the trail and cuts cross-country and uphill, eventually intersecting the small stream flowing down out of the hills that Babshapka recognizes. They follow the streambed and gully up to the rocky field in which all their gear is buried in several different bags. Within thirty minutes, Babshapka and Thokk have recovered all of the bags intact (Babshapka Survival 11; with advantage from Thokk 17).

Then Babshapka leads them into the thickets and brambles in which he hid the mules. When he makes nickering noises, Dandy comes eagerly looking for grain (Babshapka survival 14), but even after fifteen minutes, Andy is nowhere to be found. Dandy’s coat is matted and full of burrs and his nose and legs are scratched from thorns, but the spring grass and abundant water have kept him well and there is nothing wrong with him that a good brushing won’t fix.

Babshapka casts about for spoor (Survival 10), but finds nothing besides an abundance of pig, goat, and cattle tracks that were decidedly not there before. He can find no trace of the mule. When he complains to the others about the livestock tracks obscuring the trail, Thokk says, “Not to mention goblin tracks.” When Babshapka questions him, Thokk shows him where he has found a cluster of barefoot goblin prints (Survival 24), a bit of frayed net with a tuft of course mule hair, and one clear mule print. There seems no other conclusion than that Andy was taken by the goblin drovers. With just an hour of light remaining, the party is not going to look for more clues, nor follow the tracks back to the Steading, if that is indeed where they go. Rather, they put the pack harness and a few bags on Dandy, distribute what would have been Andy’s load among the orcs, and by 5pm set off up the gully to the highlands. After an hour’s march they have gone up the side of the valley, over the crest, and down the other side to where they should not be visible to any patrols moving along the river. From the highest point they have a clear view of the Jotens behind them, but the slopes where the Steading would be are covered in rain clouds.

(6pm - Con save for merchant after eighth hour of march: DC11 without advantage as he is off trail and moving uphill; result 5, fail, merchant has one level of exhaustion)

By the time they are again in the lowlands on the other side of the hills, the merchant is exhausted from the afternoon’s march. The party takes a brief rest while Aurora performs a ritual casting of phantom steed. In the gathering dusk, Phreeeee returns and settles on Thokk’s shoulder. Thokk feeds the bird orog liver bits until it settles into a contented sleep. Having completed her ritual, Aurora sends out Hedwig, telling the owl spirit to make small circles around the party, at half a mile out, and to report back at the end of each circuit. The party sets out at 6:15pm, Babshapka leading them parallel to the hills that block their view of the river.

[6pm. As dusk gathers around Headwater, the stone giant tells his forces to begin moving. The ladders and siege towers are brought up, and troops are moved from one place to another. Most of the movement is just for show - to confuse the defenders and make them unsure of where along the walls the actual attack will fall.]

[7pm. With the darkness and all the troop movements, the city defenders are unsure of from where the attack will come. There are plenty of defenders, but plenty more city wall, so that they are spread thinly.

Garuuuuumk chooses a 100 foot long, twenty foot high section of the outer wall (AC17, hp 30, damage threshold 20) that is covered by only two towers. He moves into position five of his 14 hill giants under the cover of the darkness. Boulder piles have been previously set up (+8 to hit, reach 60/240 ft, (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage) close to the wall but out of archer range of the defenders. At sixteen feet high or so each, the hill giants could jump, reach the top of the wall, and scramble over. The stone giant, though, doesn’t trust the oafs not to immediately get lost in the city, become separated, and be picked off by archers. His goal is not to have the giants enter the city, but rather to breach the wall so that the more numerous humanoids can enter. He brings in ten of his 35 eiger howdahs (move 40 feet per turn) each with crews of four goblin archers on their backs (+4 to hit, reach 80/320 ft., (1d6 + 2) piercing) to suppress fire from the wall defenders (or at least draw it away from the giants) while the giants work at bringing the wall down.

The defenders are, for the moment, twenty town guards with light crossbows (+3 to hit, reach 80/320, d8+1 piercing, AC16 (21 with ¾ cover behind the battlements)), although more will arrive once it is clear that the actual attack is on this section of the wall.

At the same time the (real) attack is underway here, feints against the wall are being launched simultaneously in several wall sections on either side of the smaller river so as to further confuse the defenders and keep them from aggregating their forces.

Round 1 - Howdahs at 320 feet (extreme bow range), giants at 400 (they are told to walk behind the eigers until they get within range of the wall, stop at the boulder piles, and begin throwing)
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 guards wounded
20 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 5 eigers wounded

Round 2 - Howdahs at 280 feet, giants at 360
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 guards wounded
20 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 5 eigers wounded

Round 3 - Howdahs at 240 feet, giants at 320
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 2 guards wounded, 2 down
18 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 eigers wounded

Round 4 - Howdahs at 200 feet, giants at 280
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 guards wounded
18 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 eigers wounded

Round 5 - Howdahs at 160 feet, giants at 240 and can begin throwing
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 2 guards wounded, 2 down
16 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 4 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - One guard killed as a section of battlements is destroyed, a lower section of wall damaged.

At this point, defending ballista crews (+6 to hit, range 120/480, 3d10 piercing) in two flanking towers at either end of the wall section start to fire on the giants, as well as ten more crossbow troops in the towers themselves firing through arrow slits (three-quarters cover) on the eigers.

Round 6 - Howdahs at 120 feet, giants at 240
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 2 guards wounded, 2 down
23 guards at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 5 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 guard killed
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 giant wounded

Round 7 - Howdahs at 80 feet, giants at 240
40 goblin archers at disadvantage (darkness) - 2 guards wounded, 2 down
21 guards at disadvantage (darkness) - 5 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 wall section damaged, 1 section partially collapsed, and two guards down
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 giant wounded

Round 8 - Howdahs at 40 feet, giants at 240
40 goblin archers - 1 guard wounded, 1 down
18 guards at disadvantage (darkness) - 4 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 wall section damaged, 1 partially collapsed
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - misses

Round 9 - Howdahs at the base of the wall, giants at 240
40 goblin archers - cease firing arrows, begin preparing barrels of pitch
18 guards at disadvantage (darkness) - 4 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - 1 wall section partially collapsed
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness, long range) - misses

Round 10 - Howdahs at the base of the wall, giants at 240
40 goblin archers - dump and ignite barrels of pitch
The base of the wall is now aflame, casting light. The giants can now see what they are throwing at (although the wall is still at long range). The human defenders can now see the eigers - the ballistae switch to them as targets.

18 guards - 8 eigers wounded
5 giants at disadvantage (long range) - 1 wall section damaged
2 ballistae - 2 eigers wounded

With the base of the wall aflame, the howdahs will now pull back while the goblins continue to supply suppressive arrow fire. The giants gather up as many rocks as they can carry from the supply piles (2d4 each), and will dash in to close range (80 feet) to throw them and try to breach the wall. Once out of rocks, they will dash back to the boulder piles for more.

Another ten town guard archers gather inside the wall at ground level, waiting to fire should a breach appear. There is no space for them at the arrow slits inside the nearby towers, and no one is going out to replace the defenders lost on the battlements of the wall while it is under fire from the giants. Indeed, the top of the wall is increasingly being reduced to untraversable rubble.

Round 11 - Howdahs at 40, giants at 200
40 goblin archers - 2 guards wounded, 1 down
17 guards - 7 eigers wounded
5 giants - dashing
2 ballistae - 1 eiger killed. As it crashes to the ground, the four goblins leap free of the howdah, and then take cover behind its body, hiding and no longer shooting.

Round 12 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 120
36 active goblin archers - 1 guard wounded
17 guards - 8 eigers wounded
5 giants - dashing
2 ballistae - 1 eiger wounded, 1 killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)

Round 13 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80
32 active goblin archers - 1 guard wounded, 2 down
15 guards - 5 eigers wounded, 1 killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)
5 giants - stop and throw: 1 wall section damaged, 1 partially collapsed
2 ballistae - 1 eiger killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)

Round 14 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80
24 active goblin archers - 1 guard wounded, 1 down
14 guards - 1 eiger wounded, 2 goblins (of those hiding on the ground) wounded, 1 goblin killed
5 giants - 1 wall section damaged, 1 giant out of rocks
2 ballistae - 1 eiger killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)

Round 15 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (one giant at 160 going back)
20 active goblin archers - 1 guard wounded, 1 down
13 guards - 1 goblin hiding wounded, 2 killed
4 giants - 1 section of wall damaged
2 ballistae - 1 hiding goblin killed

There are now a total of 15 archers and five pikemen waiting beyond the wall for a breach.

Round 16 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (one giant at 240)
20 active goblin archers - no hits
13 guards - 3 eigers wounded, 1 eiger killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)
4 giants - 1 wall section damaged
2 ballistae - misses

There are now more eigers dead than not, and the ballistae are having little further effect on them, mostly hitting the ones already down since they cannot be clearly seen. The command is given for the ballistae to switch back to targeting the giants, even though they are in darkness.

Round 17 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (one giant at 160 coming)
16 active goblin archers - 1 guard down
12 guards - 1 eiger wounded, 1 eiger killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)
4 giants - 1 wall section damaged (one giant grabs rocks and begins dashing back)
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

Round 18 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (one giant just arrived with dash)
12 active goblin archers - no hits
12 guards - 2 hiding goblins killed
4 giants - 1 wall section damaged, 2 partially collapsed (one giant out of rocks, one giant has just arrived back)
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 2 giants wounded

Round 19 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (one giant at 160 going)
12 active goblin archers - no hits
12 guards - 1 hiding goblin wounded, 1 killed
4 giants - 1 section of battlements destroyed, 1 section of wall partially collapsed (2 giants out of rocks)
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

Round 20 - Howdahs at 60, giants at 80 (two giants at 160 going, one at 240)
12 active goblin archers - 1 guard down
11 guards - 1 eiger killed (the goblin crew abandon the fallen howdah)
2 giants - both miss (one out of rocks)
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

There are now a total of 15 archers and 10 pikemen waiting beyond the wall for a breach.

Only one human archer remains on what is left of the wall; the other ten are all in the flanking towers.

There are two eiger howdahs left standing, but their goblins are now out of arrows. They urge the eigers to begin to retreat, leaving their brethren goblins pinned down behind the fallen eigers.

Round 21 - Howdahs at 100, one giant at 80 (one at 160 going, two at 240, one at 160 coming)
No active goblin archers; 8 in retreat on eigers, 26 pinned down and hiding, 6 dead
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - 2 retreating eigers wounded
One giant - misses (and out of rocks)
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

Round 22 - Howdahs at 140, one giant at 80 (just arrived)(one at 160 going, one at 240, two at 160 coming)
No active goblin archers; 8 in retreat on eigers, 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - 1 eiger killed, four goblins jump out and are now in retreat
No giants with rocks and actions at close range
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

Round 23 - Howdah and 4 goblins on foot at 180, three giants at 80 (two just arrived)(one at 240, one at 160 coming)
No active goblin archers; 8 in retreat, 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - 2 eigers wounded
One giant - misses
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded - his morale fails. He drops 3 rocks and retreats.

Round 24 - Howdah and 4 goblins on foot at 220, three giants at 80 (one just arrived)(one at 160 coming, one at 160 retreating)
No active goblin archers; 8 in retreat, 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - Last eiger killed, 3 retreating goblins wounded
2 giants - one section of wall damaged
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 2 giants wounded

With the last eiger howdah killed, the tower and wall archers switch to targeting the giants.

Round 25 - 8 goblins at 300 on foot and safely away, four giants at 80 (one just arrived)(one at 240 retreating)
No active goblin archers; 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - 5 giants wounded, 1 fails morale. Drops 5 rocks and retreats.
3 giants - 1 section of battlements destroyed
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 1 giant wounded

The stone giant curses the stupidity of the giants (who keep lobbing rocks at portions of the wall that have already tumbled down rather than trying to make breaches) and the cowardice of the goblins (who should be scaling the ballista towers rather than hiding behind the fallen eigers). He didn’t want to commit more forces to making the breach, preferring to save them for taking the city itself, but two of his giants are in retreat and the others won’t last much longer. He orders the ten eiger battering rams he has present to move forward and attack the wall. The other 15 eigers he has in his total forces are spread around the walls of the city at many other points.

Behind the wall where 15 archers and 10 pikemen await a breach, a knight on horseback has arrived.

Round 26 - Ten eiger rams at 240, three giants at 80 (one at 160 retreating, one away)
No active goblin archers; 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - one giant wounded
3 giants - 1 section of battlements destroyed
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - miss

Round 27 - Ten rams at 160, three giants at 80 (one at 240 retreating)
No active goblin archers; 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - 7 giants wounded, 1 fails morale. Drops 6 rocks and retreats.
2 giants - miss
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 2 giants wounded, 1 fails morale. Drops 6 rocks and retreats.

Round 28 - Ten rams at 80, one giant at 80 (two at 160 retreating, one away)
No active goblin archers; 26 pinned down and hiding
11 guards at disadvantage (distance, darkness) - miss
1 giant - miss
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - miss

As the goblins see and hear the roar of the eiger battering rams coming up from behind them, they emerge from their hiding places (AC18 with no shield and nimble escape). Fifteen fire at the arrow slits of one tower, two at the sole remaining defender on the wall, and nine at the other tower.

Round 29 - Ten rams to the base of wall, one giant at 80 (two at 240 retreating)
15 goblin archers on north tower; 3 guards wounded, one down
2 goblin archers on wall; miss
9 goblin archer on south tower; 2 guards wounded
4 guards in north tower; 1 goblin wounded
1 guard on wall; 1 goblin killed
5 guards in south tower; 1 goblin killed
1 giant - miss
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - miss

Round 30 - Ten rams at base of wall, one giant at 80 (two away)
10 eiger rams: 1 section of wall damaged, 2 sections partially collapsed, 2 sections completely collapsed: breaches appear!
15 goblin archers on north tower; 1 guard wounded
1 goblin archer on wall; miss
8 goblin archers on south tower; 1 guard wounded
4 guards in north tower; miss
1 guard on wall; 1 goblin wounded
5 guards in south tower; 2 goblins wounded
1 giant - miss
2 ballistae at disadvantage (darkness) - 2 giants wounded

As the wall completely collapses in two different places, the eigers howl in triumph and the goblins cheer. Immediately the human archers behind the wall begin firing into the open breaches at the eigers responsible.

In the towers, signal fires are lit. Since the arrival of the giants two days before, Kerri has had the traditional watch fires on the towers and walls extinguished, knowing that the giants could use them for sighting boulders in the dark. She also put forth the command that any breaches in the wall are to be indicated by signal fires, which will tell her and the rest of the defending forces the location of the breach. As the fires flare to life, word goes forth across the city - the enemy is within the walls!

At the same time, the stone giant is having his war horns blown. All his forces to the south of the smaller river immediately cease their feint attacks on the walls and begin to move toward his location and the breach - with the goblin warg cavalry in the lead. On the north side of the river, the feint attacks are maintained to make the defenders hesitate to respond to the actual breach.

As the enemy streams into the city, the defenders rush to meet them. But it is not a pitched battle of resistance. Rather, Kerri has ordered that the engagement only cover the evacuation of that city quarter. The defenders are to give ground, slowly and carefully, before the invaders, taking any opportunity to bloody them, especially the eigers and giants, and to make sure that as many defenders as possible get away safely. They are retreating to the west bank of the larger river, allowing the defenders to concentrate their own forces at the few bridges that span the Davish itself. There are no civilians in the way - they had all been evacuated to the west city over the course of the last week.]

(7:15pm - Con save for engineer after ninth hour of march: DC12; result 17 with advantage)

After an hour of travel the phantom steed fades away. Aurora begins another ritual cast while Hedwig circles. The party sets out again at 7:25, led by Babshapka.

[As the human defenders in Headwater retreat, street by street, prepared barriers are finished and moved into place, slowing the advance of the invaders further. By an hour later, the invaders hold perhaps a third of the southeast quarter of the city, with the ‘breachfires’ marking their progress, lit as the defenders’ last act before retreating from fortifications.]

(8:25pm - Con save for engineer after tenth hour of march: DC13; result 10 with advantage, 1 level of exhaustion).
After another hour, everyone in the party has had a full day’s march. The engineer is struggling to keep up and can’t go much further. They will need to support him as well as the merchant if they are to continue. The party has a brief conversation - none of them favor being out all night, this close to the city, especially as the hills that are hiding them from view sink lower - it is only a question of the logistics of pressing on. Aurora is starting to realize the consequences of her having used a fireball against the goblins at the ford and then both a fireball and a hard cast phantom steed in combat with the orcs. Now low on higher-level slots, she *can* cast two steeds as rituals, but the first one will already be ten minutes old by the time she completes the second, meaning they can travel only 50 minutes out of the next 70 - and should a third person founder, the returns on the spell will further diminish with each successive ritual.

As the party talks, the Dripping Blade orcs take the opportunity to eat the last of the food supplies they brought from the Steading. Considering their light loads (new hide armor notwithstanding) the party finally decides to further distribute the gear bags from Dandy to the orcs. With the mule wearing only its pack harness but no gear, it is now free to carry the merchant, while Aurora begins a single ritual phantom steed for the engineer. They start out again at 8:40pm.

[Meeting no significant resistance on their advance through the city, the stone giant orders his forces to sweep along the docks and capture anything that could be used to ferry troops across the river. Kerri has long since required that all vessels dock only in the western half of the city, and even those actively in use have returned there as news of the first breachfires has spread. The bridges themselves have formidable barricades, and while the towers on the near sides have been abandoned, those on the far side have archers and ballista crews at the ready. It is clear that the invasion will not be crossing the river until the stone giant has had a chance to first occupy the city itself and reorder his troops.]

After an eleventh hour of marching and no rest since the fight with the orcs, many in the party are reaching the end of their endurance. (DC10 Con save from everyone. Failed, 1 level of exhaustion to: Babshapka, Willa, dwarf leader, two dwarves, three orcs. Disadvantage on ability checks.) Babshapka, in particular, has been up and down the party line, scouting ahead, selecting a route, and keeping everyone together. He is at his limit, and should another patrol happen upon them, he doubts he will be able to hide anyone in time, as he is at present entirely focused on keeping himself moving.

Aurora returns Hedwig, who had been scouting (Perception with advantage 21), to the group and consults with him. She then tells Babshapka that they need to angle their travel to the northwest. “Northwest?” objects Mathias. “The quickest way to the river is due west. If we angle to the north that is away from the city. I don’t think some of us can make it as it is, without adding more miles to the journey.”

Aurora explains that close by, a mile or so to the south, are warg riders. They are moving swiftly, though not currently toward the party - they appear to be scouts and screening forces. They could swing north at any moment and come upon the party, though. Going due west is shortest, she agrees, but it carries too much risk of them being spotted. Mathias shakes his head ruefully but Babshapka nods resolutely and scans the horizon for an alternate route. The sickening feeling in his stomach is the realization that they now have ten people in the group who are already exhausted. Forcing them to continue means risking that any one of them will founder to the point that they are moving at a crawl [2 levels of exhaustion = move at half speed]. Aurora begins yet another ritual cast of phantom steed. They set out again at 10pm, with Aurora not letting Hedwig venture more than a half mile from the party before he is returned to report.

[By 10pm the stone giant has consolidated his hold on all of the city south and east of the two rivers’ confluence. He is disappointed by the lack of resistance, as he had hoped to spill much more human blood. The orcs, as well, were looking to kill, loot, and burn. They are frustrated at their conquest of what appears to be an empty city, the unfulfilling skirmishes with an enemy always just out of reach, and they chafe at the stone giant’s command that the city is not to be put to the torch - at least tonight.

On the other hand, Garuuuumk reflects, he has lost relatively few forces himself and is well-positioned to continue the offensive on the morrow. He spends the rest of the night seeing to watchlines, pickets, and moving the camps of many of his troops from outside the city to within its walls, while maintaining communications with the warg rider scouts who are his eyes in the countryside and the goblin drovers who are still rounding up livestock in the hinterland to feed his forces. He tasks his goblins in the city with finding anything of use left behind in the evacuation, particularly stores of food and combustibles like pitch and coal.]

With Hedwig scouting (Perception 20 with advantage), the beleaguered party manages not to run afoul of enemy patrols for the next hour as they travel northwest. Besides the patrols themselves, Hedwig spots and enables them to avoid a group of highland cattle being driven by goblins toward the city [Wandering encounter; luck roll 0; Hedwig Perception 19 with advantage]. By 11pm they have come upon the main road, the road that runs from Mittleberg and Blackbridge Town to Headwater, the road they themselves used less than a week ago to arrive at perhaps this very spot.

[Twelfth hour forced march DC11 Con save. After fails, 1 level of exhaustion (skill checks) for: Aurora, Willa, 5 orcs, 4 dwarves, merchant, engineer. 2 levels of exhaustion (half speed) for: Babshapka, dwarf leader, 1 dwarf]

Aurora and Babshapka take the staggering dwarf leader aside and have a serious conversation. It is a mile and a half, they say, perhaps two, to the river. But at this point only one of the dwarves is still marching well. What does the leader wish to do? The dwarf thanks them for having seen them thus far safely, and even offers a deep if unsteady bow. He says that he doesn’t want to slow them down, and that if their business lies in the city, they should continue that way. His duty is in keeping the other dwarves safe, and there is no reason for the dwarves to go to Headwater as opposed to any other secure city in Sterich. Now that they are on the road, the dwarves can creep north along it to the first building they find and hole up until morning, he says. That is, if the goblin raiders have left any buildings unburned as they scour the countryside for livestock.

“And if they find you before then?” asks Aurora.

“Ah dinnae hae ta march far ta fight,” he says grimly, and raises his makeshift axe.

Babshapka, thinking the dwarf’s pride is getting in the way of his true answer, says “What if we still had magical means of getting the most weary of you across the river?”

He nods. “Aye, if ye can see oos across tha rrriver, we’d be thet mooch safer, rrright eno’.”

Babshapka goes to the merchant, who has been riding on the mule for the last five hours, and explains that he needs to walk now, though he still be exhausted. The merchant swallows glumly but does not object. When Babshapka explains the same to the engineer, that his magical mount is needed by another worse off, he immediately concurs. “Not that much further now,” he says resolutely. “I can see the lights of the city from here.” Indeed, some four miles to the south is a faint glow that must be Headwater.

The dwarf leader is placed on Dandy. Aurora ritually casts a phantom steed for Babshapka, and then uses a fourth level slot for an immediate second steed for another dwarf. [Aurora at 4/2/0/1]. They set out at 11:20pm.

In less than an hour they have reached the banks of the Davish River. Mathias and Aurora, when the wizard has not been checking in with Hedwig, have been discussing possible spell strategies for getting across. Aurora is fretting about whether the phantom steeds can swim well enough to cross (unknown), whether the ice melt-cold water might do enough damage to dispel the illusory steed (possible) and whether Andy would be able to cross on the back of a polymorphed giant turtle (unlikely). Then Aurora begins wondering whether people could hold onto polymorphed river dolphins well enough to cross. “You’re making it too complicated,” interjects Mathias. “Why swim when you can fly?”

“Fly?” asks Aurora. “But I need my concentration to maintain the polymorph.”

“Then you polymorph, and I will cast the fly. I’ve got a fourth level slot left - I can maintain a fly on myself and someone else for ten minutes - whatever the biggest thing is that you can morph - anything that can carry a lot - turning the orc into an ape again ought to do - they have grasping hands and all.” [Mathias awarded an Inspiration point from the DM]

Sub-commander Mathias explains the plan to the orcs while Aurora and Babshapka tell the rest of the party. Aurora uses her wand of polymorph (one charge - Wand charges from 16 to 15). [The DM again forgets that the orc cannot be polymorphed into an ape as this is still the same play session]

[Giant Ape Strength 23. Base carrying capacity 345 pounds. Size Huge = x4 = 1380 pounds without slowing down.]
[River width 528 feet (0.1 miles) - not particularly wide, but swift-flowing and very cold]
[Dashing at 12mph, the flying ape can cross and return in 1 minute, with loading and unloading a total 1.5 minutes for a round trip, and can thus make six trips with the 10 minute duration of a fly spell]
[Trip 1: mule and dwarf leader]
[2: six more dwarves]
[3: four orcs and 200 pounds of party gear from mules]
[4: three orcs and 300 pounds of party gear from mules]
[5: Thokk, Willa, and engineer]
[6: Doro, Aurora, Babshapka and merchant]

As the ape flies, Mathias flies alongside, guiding him and offering words of encouragement, as well as barking orders at the people being picked up and set down, arranging them to make the process as efficient and speedy as possible. They have all crossed with less than a minute to spare when the fly spell ends. Not wanting to waste any time remaining on the two phantom steeds, they immediately continue, going as far from the river as they can before the spells expire.

When the hour steed duration ends and the exhausted dwarf sinks to the ground as his mount expires, the dwarven leader climbs wearily off the real mule. “An’ ‘ere we be pahrtin’ company,” he says, “with me kinfolk aboot ahs safe ahs they are boond ta bay. Far fartune ta all o’ ye.”

Aurora sends Hedwig in a quick circuit about them (Perception 20 with advantage). There is nothing at least immediately at hand to bother the dwarves if they remain here. At a mile from the road and a half mile from the river, not moving in the dark, it seems unlikely that anything will come upon them.

However, Hedwig also reports that there is much movement and activity in the city considering the late hour, and fires burn all along its walls.

Hearing this, the dwarven leader repeats his desire for the dwarves to remain here while the party continues. He says that they will be along to the city after they have rested, in the morning - if it is still standing. And if not, they will head north along the road to Blackbridgetown.

The party agrees. Doro, Willa, and Babshapka wish the dwarves well, Aurora and Mathias overcome the urge to say ‘good riddance’. Thokk exhorts his orcs to further feats of endurance.

[Thirteenth hour forced march DC12 Con save. After fails, 1 level of exhaustion (skill checks) for: Willa, 6 orcs, merchant, engineer. 2 levels of exhaustion (half speed) for: Babshapka, Aurora, one orc]

At this point, with all enemies hopefully on the other side of the river (and constantly confirming this supposition with Hedwig), it does not matter that they limp into the city at half speed. Babshapka mounts Dandy (a third level of exhaustion would give disadvantage on attack rolls, and this would affect the party most if it applied to him, as opposed to Aurora or the orc), and they set out again. [They were moving at 2.5 mph, the speed of the dwarves. Now their slowest base speed is 3mph, halved to 1.5mph for those with two levels of exhaustion].

As soon as they start out, Aurora sends Hedwig straight for the city, estimating it will take him just 15 minutes to arrive. The fires have them all worried - if the city has fallen, they are dragging themselves into a worse situation and should stop before they are within sight of the walls. Either her estimation of the time required or her internal count of how much time has passed is off, however, and she recalls the bird too soon (Intelligence Check 9, Luck roll -2). Aurora had hoped to have the spirit scout the gate for them, but he did not reach it. He was able to see, however, that all the fires and activity were on the east bank of the river - the city on the west bank appears largely dark and quiet. If not a report on the gate itself, the news is encouraging, and they press forward. Aurora sends Hedwig off again, now ordered to circle the entire city before flying back under his own power and reporting.

[Wandering Encounter check: patrol]

They have been traveling for the better part of an hour and have finally attained the road leading to the city itself. Almost immediately upon taking to the road, they can hear the hoofbeats of several riders approaching them fast. Willa unhoods her lantern - they don’t want to appear as if they are trying to hide. Thokk suddenly realizes that his orcs may not be welcome on this side of the river (Wisdom check 17), and he has them move off the road and set their weapons down.

“We’re playing a trick on the humans,” he says.

“Do I get to be a giant ape again?” asks his lieutenant.

Five riders in light armor approach. They circle the party once, and then three immediately continue north while two remain and ask the party their business traveling at night.

“We’re with Kerri,” Babshapka begins, before Mathias hushes him.

“We have intelligence about the enemy forces,” Mathias opens, “and we are trying to reach the city.” (Persuasion 19).

“Well then, you’d best get there soon,” one of them answers brusquely before they both spur their horses on up the road.

“Wait!” calls Aurora after them, but they are already gone.

The party reaches the city before 2am.

[After thirteen hours of marching, Willa, 6 orcs, the merchant, and the engineer have 1 level of exhaustion (skill checks). Babshapka, Aurora, and one orc have 2 levels of exhaustion (half speed).]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Apr 26, 2002
Posts: 543
From: Canada

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Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:13 pm  

Our heroes have returned just in time to join in the defense of the city...assuming they're not too gassed to do so.

How did you play out the siege of Headwater? Did you use some sort of 5E mass battle rules? (My knowledge of 5E rules comes mostly from the modules I've read and all the Critical Role videos I've watched.) Were your players involved at all, or did you do all this yourself during "downtime"?

I take it that the elf and dwarf the party rescued in the Steading's dungeons won't be joining them for the next leg of the journey? Did you not want to have to control them as NPCs when you already had Thokk's glorious army to deal with?

Speaking of which, will Thokk be able to lead his troops in glorious battle against the giants? I have to admit, as a DM I'd be at a bit of a loss how to handle such a military force.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1096
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Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:39 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
Our heroes have returned just in time to join in the defense of the city...assuming they're not too gassed to do so.

They will definitely need a long rest, but in the morning...

CruelSummerLord wrote:
How did you play out the siege of Headwater? Did you use some sort of 5E mass battle rules? (My knowledge of 5E rules comes mostly from the modules I've read and all the Critical Role videos I've watched.) Were your players involved at all, or did you do all this yourself during "downtime"?

The assault on the one section of wall I rolled out, by myself, and reported the results in the post above but not the rolls. It was the normal combat rules, not any special mass combat. Mostly I was just curious as to how it would play out, and how big an advantage would go to the side with the fortified position vs. the side with the giants. I did have a defined number of ogres and giants on the field and kept track of losses there in case it became important later.

Once the forces of Garuuuuumk had breached the wall, I decided on the rest of the results as just narrative DM fiat - the humanoids would advance to the river that divides the city and the humans would have an organized retreat. Both sides would take losses, but nothing of great consequence. I rolled everything out between game sessions, with the players uninvolved and unaware, so that I would know (but they would not) what they were walking into when they finally reached the city.

CruelSummerLord wrote:
I take it that the elf and dwarf the party rescued in the Steading's dungeons won't be joining them for the next leg of the journey? Did you not want to have to control them as NPCs when you already had Thokk's glorious army to deal with?

Yes, between the PCs, and the mule, and Phreeeee, and Aurora's familiar, and the eight Dripping Blade orcs, there were already quite enough characters on stage. I did leave open the possibility of the dwarven veteran returning to guide the party to Num-Theraz, but that was ultimately not the direction they went at that point in time. The elf returned to Keri's service.

CruelSummerLord wrote:

Speaking of which, will Thokk be able to lead his troops in glorious battle against the giants? I have to admit, as a DM I'd be at a bit of a loss how to handle such a military force.

In-character, the other PC's impressed upon Thokk the difficulty of the logistics of such a large army. OOC, Thokk's player is our secondary DM when I'm not and he readily recognized that having dozens of orcs following Thokk was not a direction that was fair to the other players or easy for me, so he was fine having the bulk of them fortifying the Steading while just the eight Dripping Blade warriors came along for the moment. Of course, Mathias' player had designs on turning all the orcs that remained to the worship of the Elder Elemental God, so we had to have some secret email communications between sessions. We even played one solo night with the orcs defending the Steading against the giants returning from the siege but didn't finish it in the time we had available.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:59 am  

Kirt wrote:

In-character, the other PC's impressed upon Thokk the difficulty of the logistics of such a large army. OOC, Thokk's player is our secondary DM when I'm not and he readily recognized that having dozens of orcs following Thokk was not a direction that was fair to the other players or easy for me, so he was fine having the bulk of them fortifying the Steading while just the eight Dripping Blade warriors came along for the moment. Of course, Mathias' player had designs on turning all the orcs that remained to the worship of the Elder Elemental God, so we had to have some secret email communications between sessions. We even played one solo night with the orcs defending the Steading against the giants returning from the siege but didn't finish it in the time we had available.

I love the intrigue you and your players have set up here-wheels within wheels, as I believe you said earlier in this thread. I imagine Grazz't is pleased with everything Leezar has been doing so far? I'm assuming that would be a way to incentivize the party into taking the fight to the drow, if it comes to that...
Master Greytalker

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Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:06 pm  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
I imagine Grazz't is pleased with everything Leezar has been doing so far? I'm assuming that would be a way to incentivize the party into taking the fight to the drow, if it comes to that...

Indeed, the Dark Prince is liking the Return On Investment he is getting at the moment for granting Leezar's powers, especially since Mr. Wart began submitting glowing reports of his progress.

Players being what they are, there is always the possibility of any party getting to G3, smashing the giants, and deciding that they are more interested in the logistics of making it back with as much of the giant and dragon treasure as they can rather than leaving all that behind and continuing on, chasing an elusive foe that is only tenuously connected to the plot into the uncertainties of the Underdark. Leezar's player is dedicated to making sure that doesn't happen, which takes a lot of pressure off me as a DM to arrange things.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:09 pm  

One thing I forgot to ask in my previous post-how did the orcs' defending of the Steading against the returning giants turn out? Will we see that in a future post?
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