Mon May 06, 2024 11:09 am
Dice Police Demons
A bit of absurdity:
In the Flanaess, Incabulos is responsible for the Dice Police as they are truly an evil sending.
The specific Daemon Lord responsible for them is Custodesaleae, Daemon Lord of Lawfare. This foul creature is responsible for judging who the Oinodaemon is, as well as abusing justice on Oerth. His servants custodesdaemons and aleaedaemons.
Custodesdaemons, also known as maleemporiadaemons, spread evil by tormenting people excessively for minor infractions. Many suspect a custodesdaemon was responsible for the creation of the People's Constable in the city of Greyhawk.
Aleaedaemons are responsible for corrupting games of chance. They are known for their D20s with two 1s and no 20. They are reputed to also work for Ralishaz.