A concept I have been developing for some years and recently advancing, I posted this in the Discord and mtg thought it worth noting here.
This is based on various concepts of pre-Christian Germanic kingship, general sacral kingship, and a general desire to establish cultural sub-groups within the primary human ethnic groups.
The Aerdi (eastern Oeridians in general) regard Heironeous and Hextor as the primary source of legitimacy, with Zilchus and Pholtus secondary.
The Keogh (southern Oeridians) regard Celestian and Fairlane as the highest, with Pholtus secondary.
The Velondi (eastern Oeridians) originally held Delleb and Lirr as paramount, but they have been supplanted by Cuthbert and Haironeous with Zilchus retaining a position in Dyvers.
The Nehri (northern Oeridians) regarded the Velaeri as supreme with Pholtus secondary, but have absorbed Haironeanism from the Aerdi.
The Yorodhi (central Oeridians who remained among the Baklunish) claim Kurell and Erythnul as well as Procan as progenitors, though of course they are far from any ocean. The Yorodhi preference for Erythnul, notably quite evil, has connotations for their relations with the Uli, and may have affected development of the Chakyik, Wegwiur, and older Paynims.
These look good. What can be expanded is the relationship between the gods and these groups. Take the Aerdi for instance. I'd like to know more, like why they regard Hieroneous and Hextor to be gods of Kingship. Especially with the context of Hextor's sacred band (and I did make the point that Hextor isn't wholly evil because of the sacred band). Another aspect you could tie into is Greyhawk's ancient sky.
Could Hextor and Hieroneous originally be a planet?
To explain Procan's strange importance among a people that never lived near a sea, and taking some inspiration from real world Poseidon, I have Procan as originally the god of horses. As the Oeridians came to the Solnor coast, the crashing waves reminded them of the sound of galloping horses, and so Procan became the god of the ocean. He still has horses in his portfolio, but his role as a sea god has become more important over the centuries.
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