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Dimension Door inquiry
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Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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From: SW WA state (Highvale)

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Sun Feb 09, 2025 9:24 am  
Dimension Door inquiry

Greetings once more,

The description of the 4th level wizard spell Dimension Door states that "Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round."

Does this apply ONLY to the wizard who cast the spell...or to anyone (living) who is traveling along with said mage?

Please note that the more powerful versions of translocational magic have the following consequences:

1) Teleport (5th lvl): NO recovery is needed, though anyone traveling via this spell might end up dead.

2) Teleport without Error (7h lvl) "The caster can do nothing else in the round that he appears from a teleport." So those carried along are unaffected.

What do you all think regarding Dimension Door? Caster only...or anyone who is brought along?

Accessory question: Is the caster stunned...knocked insensate...winded and gasping for breath? What are your interpretations of the 'recovery' period?

thank you all for your input in advance,


Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:30 am  

I'm going to be careful here and answer only the portion of the question I think I am correct about. Since I no longer own the 2nd Edition rulebooks, so can't look it up, I must assume you have provided all the relevant information here.

First, any status you apply to a PC or NPC that has used the dimension door spell beyond simply saying they lose the round to 'recover' should be considered merely an aesthetic addition. The rules don't say the caster should be 'stunned', etc. You might decide that 'recover' means the caster is unable to take any action, or you may decide that it means they can't even take stock of their surroundings, but by a strict interpretation of the rules as written, you can't say that they are flat-footed, automatically surprised if attacked, unable to make saving throws versus attack spells, etc.

If you think it should apply to all living targets of the spell, you could say they are sickened/nauseated by the travel, disoriented, or that they actually traveled through the Astral or Ethereal plane and require that round to fully manifest back in the Prime Material. That would bring up questions about whether they could be hit during that round by non-magical weapons...

Second, "Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round," is a bit vague. You could interpret it as you think best for your campaign. However, I find it best to err on the side of the player(s), so I suggest you apply that rule only to the caster.

Aside: I thought dimension door only worked on the caster. Are you certain it allows passengers?

SirXaris Cool
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Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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From: SW WA state (Highvale)

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Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:23 pm  


The spell allows the caster to transport up to 500 lbs of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter.


ps. thanks for your input
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