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Greyhawk Game on Roll20
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Oct 29, 2018
Posts: 135
From: Salt Lake

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Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:03 am  
Greyhawk Game on Roll20

Someone I trust has given me the bright idea of starting another Greyhawk game. She says, "Why not advertise here?"

So here I am again, telling you about my campaign. I'm working on becoming a storyteller, so there's that. Happy No, I'm not a killer DM.

The campaign is set in 591 CY (of Greyhawk the Adventure Begins and the Greyhawk Player's Guide). I have the following adventures I can use: N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God, Return to the Keep on the Borderlands, Border Watch, and the Sunless Citadel.

We will use Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. Besides Rolemaster, D&D 3.5 is slightly realistic. And yes, I have it. We won't be using 5th, 4th, 2nd ed, or 1st ed, Pathfinder, or even OD&D.

I have the following nights off: Monday night and Thursday night. Tuesday nights, I run a Warhammer FRP game. Wednesday nights I run a Shadowrun game. Sundays is family night, and I'm off on Friday nights and Saturdays. I'd like to run the game from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm Mountain Standard time.

Virtual Place
Roll20. After we decide on a time when everyone can play, I suggest using the roll20 virtual table top. We can spend one night for creating characters. We will use the 3.5 Player's Handbook only for creating characters (yes, I know some of you probably still have your 3.5 splats and will want to use those, but we won't be using them).

Character Backgrounds
Does anyone still remember or still have a copy of Paul Jacquays' Central Casting: Heroes of Legend? If not I can share my digital copy. We will be using Central Casting: Heroes of Legend to roll up your characters' backgrounds.

Number of Players
Initially, I'm looking for four players, but I can go as high as six. If you are interested in playing, you can reply on this thread or you can PM me.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
Posts: 137
From: France

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Tue Feb 11, 2025 8:08 pm  

Hello. I recently discovered WGM1 and WGQ1 by translating them into French, two modules that are created specifically for the world of Greyhawk during the Greyhawk Wars. Not "hack and slash" but role-playing games to be developed by the GM. Very interesting.
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