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Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:02 pm  
Post 339: Dwarfcart Ambush

Post 339: Dwarfcart Ambush
11 May [18 Flocktime] - rough lands north of the sulfur mining camp
(low 82, high 100; very dry)
Raid on Fort Southwatch

[Play Session 8/26/21 - continued]

Surprise Round
Mathias emerges from around the rocks, runs half the distance to the wagon, and then enmeshes the wagon and all six of the dwarves with sticky strands from his wand of web. The wagon skids to a halt as the wheels are gummed up and the entangled dwarves stop pulling the traces.

Babshapka appears, shouting in Giant, “Don’t move and no one will get hurt!” He has an arrow nocked but does not fire. Willa moves to his side, drawn sword in hand.

Aurora runs out and casts a slow spell on all six of the dwarves, finishing it by yelling in Common, “We can kill you all right now. Surrender!” (DC 17 Wisdom save. Dwarven Commoners 9, 7, 2, 1; all fail. Dwarven veterans 10, 1; both fail. Aurora at 2/3/0/2/2)

Round One
The dwarven veterans struggle to free themselves from the webs, but are held fast (DC17 Dex saves: 14, 3; both fail).

Thokk rides Fraanke up beside the webbed wagon. “Throw down your weapons!” he shouts in Common, and gestures at the ground. Fraanke snarls.

The four dwarves in the traces struggle to free themselves (DC17 Dex saves 19 (success), 11, 10, 0 (three fails). One manages to drop his grip on the rope and stagger out of the webs, but he is still slowed nonetheless.

“Hey, look around,” says Babshapka to him. “It’s over. Stay here.” (Persuasion 15 > Insight 11, 7, 7, 6, 3, 3).

The two armored dwarves on the seat of the wagon slowly lower their crossbows to the wagon bed. Then all of the dwarves raise their hands as high over their heads as the webs allow them.

The party begins to parlay with the dwarves; fortunately one of them speaks a little bit of accented Common. Asked who they are and what they are doing for the fire giants, he answers that they are subjects of the dwarven Kingdom of Merrovar, led by King Holvorn. Holvorn’s father lost a war with King Snurre - and now the dwarven nation is a tributary state of the giants. They are 'free' to run their lands as they wish - so long as they continue to supply the giants with food, water, metal ores, coal, and sulfur. Since the dwarves have no sources of sulfur in their own lands, they are forced to labor at the sulfur mines on the giants’ land, which is where they are headed.

Babshapka asks what would happen to the giants if the dwarves stopped supplying them. The dwarf says that the giant slag heap ‘Hall’ has no source of its own food or water, so the giants would be crippled if all these shipments were to stop - but their own nation of Merrovar is just one of five different dwarven clans that Snurre has conquered. Furthermore, the giants are tactically-minded, and have a large reserve supply of food and water on hand to withstand sieges or disruptions to supply runs. While the dwarf speaks, Babshapka listens to his intonation as much as his words (Insight 16). He has the sense that the dwarves don’t like the giants at all, but neither do they think that there is anything they can do about the current relationship.

Babshapka asks them where the wagon is bound, and the dwarf says that they are bringing food and water to the sulfur mining camp that lies just south of here. The dwarves supply the giants with raw iron, but the giants use the coal and sulfur to forge it into giant steel.

“If we freed you now…” says Babshapka, drawing the phrase out and judging their reactions, “would you stay and continue to talk to us, or would you run?”

The dwarf snorts. Now that it is apparent that the party is more interested in information than in killing them, his traditional dwarven black humor is emerging. “Rrrun?” he asks. “Whar wuld we rrrun to? We’re in tha middle of a bloody lava plain, if ye hadn’t noticed. Thar be nae coover, nae caves, and nae wa’er fer miles, and ye have a giant woof. Ye have o’erpowered oos, an’ won fairly. We are yer prisoners, right eno'.”

“Is it safe here on the road for now? Are there likely to be giant patrols by here any time soon?”

“Patrols?” the dwarf scoffs. He would spit, but he is too parched from the heat and his mouth too dry. “Tha’s too much work. Tha giants lord it o’er oos and we do thar work far them. They be tyrants, nay soldiers, an’ cer'ainly nay workers.”

The party comes together and begins to speak to one another in hushed voices. Fraanke remains to watch over the dwarves, standing next to the free one, and growls menacingly at any of them that seem to be struggling against the webs. By the time the party has finished speaking, all of the dwarves have freed themselves of the slow spell.

Babshapka addresses all of the dwarves in Giant. “We have much more to speak of, and much we wish to tell you, but we don’t wish to remain exposed out here any more than you do. We will go with you to the mining camp and talk on the way. What is the leadership like there?”

Now that the conversation is in Giant, a different dwarf, one whose beard is longer and more decorated that the other one, answers. If his Giant is as accented as the other's Common, Babshapka's ear is not skilled enough to note it. He says that their clan is the only one currently at the camp - the different subjugated dwarven clans take it in turns to work there and don’t overlap. As with most dwarven projects, the work there is done as a collective - there are elders overseeing it, but they aren’t really ‘leaders’ in the sense of a directing authority. However, he warns the party, there could be giants there - sometimes they come to inspect the operations, arriving unannounced. Since this wagon has just come from the dwarven lands, they don’t know if there are giants there now. As he talks, Mathias causes the webs to fade away.

“What is your clan name?” asks Babshapka, for he knows that this is even more important than the name of their nation or king that they freely gave before.

The dwarf pauses, producing a low rumbling or humming sound that is soon matched by the others. When they are again quiet, he says first Grohtar in Dwarven, and then adds in Giant, ‘Stonebreaker’.

“Very good,” responds Babshapka. “Will you swear on your clan or king that if there are giants there when we get to the camp, that you will not join them in attacking us?”

Now it is the dwarves' turn to huddle, and they confer quickly in Dwarven, which none of the party speaks. When they turn back around, the Giant-speaking dwarf explains, “You have to understand our position. If you fight the giants, and lose, then we will pay the price - ourselves individually, and like as not our clan as well. If there are giants there, and they tell us to attack you, we will do so...or at least we will appear to do so. We can hold back our blows from striking true, and make sure they land only on your armor. A few of you might get a clout or two in the process, but nothing you can't take if you are indeed strong enough to challenge the giants. We will only stand down if it is clear and unquestionable that you are going to win, and none of the giants there can escape to tell the tale.”

“Thank you for your honesty,” says Babshapka - although he is not, in fact, sure that they are being honest (Insight 10). “You said you are bringing in food and water?” The dwarves point out the boxes of food and barrels of water in the back of the wagon. “Can we fill our skins and water our wolf?”

“You are our captors. We can’t stop you. But if there are giants at the mines, they will check our cargo when we arrive. We are allotted a certain amount of water for our crossing the wastes. If we arrive with less, we will be punished.”

Babshapka nods. Despite Willa’s fretting about water, they can wait a while yet. “Stay here - the wolf is watching," he says to the dwarves. We are going to disguise ourselves.”

The party, less Fraanke, withdraw behind the rocks again. Doro casts seeming, attempting to have them all look like the unarmored worker dwarves, except for Babshapka, who becomes one of the armored dwarves with a crossbow. She is satisfied with the results - except for Thokk, who looks overly large for a dwarf and is not convincing (Doro at 4/3/3/2/1).

When they come back out, the dwarves are at first incensed that they would dare imitate the true folk - but then have to grudgingly admit that the disguises are good enough to fool the foolish giants, though not good enough to fool an honest dwarf, obviously. It will certainly get them to the mines. Babshapka and Aurora climb into the wagon. The dwarves pulling it grimace in anticipation of the extra weight but say nothing. The rest of the party walks behind. Tina and Fraanke are told to stay where they are - even Thokk can see the value in not tipping off the giants of the party’s approach, and Doro’s seeming cannot disguise the size or quadrupedal nature of the mounts. Phreeeee is sent on ahead - he circles the building and returns without having seen any giants, although he confirms that there are plenty of dwarves outside.

They pass some 40 minutes in travel to arrive at the sulfur flats. Along the way, Babshapka gets to observe the operations of the driver up close. Whenever the wagon is on a downhill slope he throws a set of levers that appear to act like brakes so that the wagon doesn’t overtake the dwarves hauling it. In reality, the gears connect the axles to a set of high-compression steel springs in the gearbox. All the way down the hill the momentum of the wagon is dampened, and stored in the torsion of the springs. They travel the flats in 'neutral', but when they reach a steep uphill part, moving other levers releases the springs, and in doing so aids the dwarves in moving the wagon, as the force of the released compression is transferred to the wheels to drive the wagon forward. It is an ingenious mechanism, relying on both higher quality steel and better engineering than humans could produce. Elves, thinks Babshapka, might have the technical skill to produce such a marvel, but would likely lack interest, as the thing itself has utility but no beauty.

Slowly coming into their view as they travel is a large, gray stone building sitting at the edge of a rubble-strewn plain sprinkled with yellow rocks. Dwarves with picks work the yellow rocks, breaking them into smaller chunks, while others fill twin baskets on the ends of yokes and haul them back to the building. There are any number of wagons outside the building.

“If there are giants,” says the dwarf who has been the party’s informant, “they will be on the inside. Usually between one and four - more if Snurre himself is here, which is almost never.”

“We’ve killed three fire giants at once,” says Babshapka. “Four will be harder, but not impossible.” The dwarf tries to hide his stifled exclamation of wonder by examining the winding mechanism of his heavy crossbow and cursing the ash that works its way into the gears. “What usually happens when you arrive with supplies?” Babshapka continues.

“As we approach, the workers outside will move their operations downwind of our wagon. We don’t want their loose sulfur on the wind to contaminate the food and water we are bringing in. We park the wagon near the small entrance, and workers from inside, who aren't covered in sulfur, will come out to help us unload. Unless we are in the middle of an ash-fall; then we will pull the whole wagon into the giant entrance on the other side of the building and unload inside.”

“There’s a giant entrance?”

“Aye - the giants use it since they can’t fit through our door. And our wagons use it during ash-falls.”


“Aye. When it rains heavy ash from the sky for several days - not like now; this is light. After a few hours breathing in a true ash-fall you’ll be coughing up blood. It won’t kill you though, unless it is actually raining at the same time. When rainwater mixes with an ash-fall, then it will eat your skin off.”

“Have you been here before? What’s inside the building?’

“Aye, most working folk in our clan rotate through here at some point. The building has sleeping and eating quarters for us, storage areas for the sulfur and mining supplies and other equipment.”

“Are there any areas inside you can’t enter?”

“The giants’ sleeping quarters - it takes up a fourth of the building or so.”

“Are there any tunnels that connect this place to Snurre’s Hall?”

“No. This lava rock is very hard, and it would be a major undertaking to make a giant-sized tunnel for that distance.”

By this point they are within bowshot of the building, and the workers around it. No giants are in sight. Babshapka tells the dwarf that when they arrive, he needs all of them to act calmly and naturally. They want to blend in and not draw attention. The interpreter nods and repeats the message in Dwarven to the others. As he is speaking, Doro and Mathias approach the wagon - Doro casts invisibility on herself, Mathias, and, reaching up into the wagon to touch him, Babshapka (cast at 5th level for three targets - Doro at 4/3/3/1/1).

This close to the building, they can see the dwarven entrance - a ramp goes down to a door that would be fully underground if it were not exposed. It appears to be a two- or three-story building, but only the top story is above ground level. There are no windows, at least on the side they are approaching, just bare flat rock walls.

The dwarf continues to speak to Babshapka, although he can no longer see the elf. “As we pull in, the workers should cease their labors and come and ask us about our journey - that is the courteous thing to do. But if giants are at the camp, they will do no more than look up and nod. That lets us know we have company, and saves us all punishment.”

“Why is that?”

“The giants would accuse us of wasting time rather than working. They have no sense of community or respect for one’s fellows. Unbaraz…” The dwarf’s Giant fails him and he falls into Dwarven to express how the giants have no respect for their clanmates, only subservience and loyalty to the most powerful among them; they are Lawful, but have a twisted and corrupted sense of honor. He continues berating them under his breath for the rest of their approach. As they get closer, none of the dwarves working do more than glance their way.

“It looks like you have company, then,” says Babshapka.

“It appears that way. Mind your heads!”

They pull into the yard itself and the dwarf ceases his conversation. This close to the building, the other dwarves don’t even make eye contact with them - all except one elder. The grizzled old dwarf sits on a low platform with a balance scale, moving weights on and off a pan to gauge the amount of sulfur rock the dwarves are bringing in with their baskets. He scowls at the wagon while clenching a pipe in his teeth; he is missing one leg but in its place is an iron peg.

“Will that one cause trouble?” whispers Babshapka.

“There’s not much the elder can do, but he’s certainly not on the side of the giants. I think he might have fought in the war when Snurre beat King Holvorn’s father, but he doesn’t talk about it and it would be impolite to ask.”

“Alright. Do what you normally do.”

The driver and haulers maneuver the wagon near the subterranean ramp. After carefully coiling their traces, the haulers begin to unload the wagon. Aurora (visible but looking like a dwarf) slips off the wagon and begins to message Babshapka and Doro. She has Charlotte appear on the wall of the building and scurry as fast as she can toward the ramp to give them eyes inside. Thokk and Willa, still visible and seeming like (uncharacteristically tall) dwarves, watch the dwarves unloading the wagon and move up in turn to take a barrel between them.

Charlotte moves down the ramp and through an open doorway into a cool, dim space, currently illuminated only by the light from outside. Tall rows of full shelves make the inside look like a warehouse, but further in the back it opens into a dining area. Charlotte notes a fire giant, fully armed and armored, standing near the door.

(Fire giant Perception 14) The fire giant has, by this point, heard the noises of the wagon being unloaded and come to the door to investigate. He cannot easily fit through the dwarven door, but by stooping and leaning out, he can see in front of the ramp to where the first of the haulers are beginning to carry in barrels and boxes. He stands back up inside. All of the inside of the building is one open floor, with the ceiling far above the heads of the dwarves but at a height which would enable even the giant to swing his sword over his head. “Supplies are here and no one is helping?” he shouts, apparently at the dwarves who are sitting at the dining table, mid-meal. “No wonder you are always behind your quotas here, lazy louts!” The dwarves rise hurriedly from the table and begin to move to the door. Mathias, Doro, and Babshapka, all invisible, have by now all slipped inside the building between incoming loads of goods.

Charlotte has by this point reached the dining room herself, and from that vantage point can see into the giants’ chamber - where a fully armored dreadnought stands. Aurora rapidly messages this information to the party.

At this point Thokk and a real dwarf are carrying a barrel past the fire giant near the door. The giant’s eyes narrow as he takes in Thokk’s size (Insight 15). “Well, aren’t you large for a runt?” he asks Thokk mockingly in Giant. “Why, you are practically a giant among dwarves. Perhaps you should come back with us to the Hall.” Thokk doesn’t understand his words, but the mocking tone is clear enough. Thokk grins foolishly and tries to portray himself as mentally impaired, managing to come off quite convincingly (Thokk Performance 16)!

The next ones past the giant are Willa and a real dwarf on either end of a barrel. The giant hooks his thumb at Thokk, still smiling foolishly, and says, “I think your friend has eaten too much sulfur. Har, har, har!” The giant slaps his armored thigh as he laughs at his own joke. Willa decides she is going to enjoy the imminent fight.

The giant turns and strides rapidly toward the dining area, forcing an invisible Doro to dive onto a shelf to avoid being stepped on (Dex save 12 - she is unharmed but will require a round and an action to extract herself). Upon reaching the dining area, the giant demands that two dwarves open one of the boxes that was just brought in. On top of other foodstuffs within is a long coil of sausages, which the giant takes out, squeezing the end between two fingers and lifting the chain into the air, all the way to his mouth. He carefully bites off each sausage in turn as he watches the other boxes and barrels being brought in. “It appears that your supply load was a little light,” he gloats, as he continues to eat what was the dwarves’ ration of food. “You may have to tighten your belts until the next shipment.”

Aurora messages the others to get ready.

[As mentioned in the previous two posts, Snurre's dominion over the local dwarf clans is my invention, and serves to highlight the active tyranny of the Fire Giant King and portend what will befall Sterich should the heroes lose.
Sterich is far away, but after watching the boorish giant at the mining camp bully the dwarves, all the players were quite ready to bring their wrath to the giants.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:18 pm  
Post 340: Sulfur Mine Fight

The history of Snurre's dominion over the local dwarf clans is my invention, as is the desription of the sulfur mine building and environs.

Post 340: Sulfur Mine Fight
11 May [18 Flocktime] - continued - sulfur mining camp
(low 82, high 100; very dry)
Raid on Fort Southwatch

[Play Session 8/26/21 - continued]

Round One
Doro drops her seeming so that the party is revealed as not dwarves; she is confident they will prevail, but if one of the giants gets away she doesn’t want any repercussions from the attack to fall on the dwarves themselves. She then opens with a mind sliver aimed at the sausage-eating a****** (DC17 Int save: Giant 2; fails. 9 psychic damage and -3 to next save before the end of Doro’s next turn), hoping to set him up for Aurora’s polymorph.

Thokk’s face changes from a foolish grin to grimly determined rage as his dwarf-form falls away and he raises his axe to charge the giant. The heavy steel armor turns aside his first blow, but his second finds a weak spot and cuts deep (one hit, 20 damage). The giant curses ‘maug ruga’ under his breath and draws his sword, slashing at Thokk (one hit, 27 damage is 13 after rage). Willa is trying to reach Thokk’s side, but is still too far off to intercept the blow.

The dreadnought looks up at the noise coming from among the shelves in the other half of the building and grunts. He reaches down and gathers up a shield in each hand, then charges across the dining area. With one swat of a shield he flips the table out of his way, scattering the crockery and pinning one dwarf, unconscious, beneath it (Dwarf Str save 5; unconscious from damage, fails first death save critically and has taken two steps closer to death). Two other dwarves are pushed in front of him by his other shield as he plows toward Thokk (Strength saves 21, 20).

Shield Charge wrote:
The giant moves up to 30 feet in a straight line and can move through the space of any creature smaller than Huge. The first time it enters a creature’s space during this move, it makes a fireshield attack against that creature. If the attack hits, the target must also succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be pushed ahead of the giant for the rest of this move. If a creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is also knocked prone and takes 18 (3d6 + 8 ) bludgeoning damage, or 29 (6d6 + 8 ) bludgeoning damage if it was already prone.

Babshapka moves behind the giant facing Thokk, slicing it with his broadsword (one hit of three attacks but all three hit with advantage from Thokk, 19 damage, total 39). Willa draws her frost brand and joins the fray (one hit, but two with advantage from Thokk, 14 slashing plus 9 cold, total 62).

Aurora brings up the targeting scope of her blaster rifle and selects the dreadnought. With a FWOOM! that rattles the shelves, a blast of disruption energy streaks forth and slams into one of his shields, disintegrating it (dreadnought’s AC drops from 21 to 16) and knocking the giant senseless to the ground (DC13 Dex save, Giant 12; fails, 30 points damage and unconscious for 1 round). He lands where Mathias can see. Mathias sends a mind sliver at the unconscious brute (DC 16 Int save, Giant 0; fail, 6 damage, total 36, -4 to next save made before the end of Mathias’ next turn).

Round Two
The dwarves near both exits bolt and run, while those in the kitchen attempt to move the heavy table off their clanmate (unconscious dwarf makes second death save (19); now at two fails and one success). The ones that had been pinned to the dreadnought’s now-disintegrated shield pick themselves up and attempt to move past Aurora, giving her as wide a berth as the narrow space between shelves permits.

Willa continues her assault on the standing giant (two hits with advantage, 29 damage, total 91).

Aurora leaves her targeting screen up but pulls out her wand of polymorph and points it at the unconscious dreadnought. “Metamorph - slug!” she calls (DC15 Wis save; Giant 10-4 = 6; fails). The thin beam strikes the giant - and he rapidly shrinks down, body, plate armor, helm and shield, and becomes a fat, dark slug on the dark stone floor of the building. “Don’t step on it!” Aurora shrieks.

The encounter has turned against him far quicker than the remaining giant can process, and he still thinks swinging his sword again at Thokk is a good idea - Willa steps forward, her frost band absorbing some of the blow. Thokk is still hit, though not as bad as he would otherwise have been (one hit, 29 damage, Willa intercepts 8, Thokk takes 20, but 10 after rage). The giant’s second strike goes wide and gets stuck among the boxes and shelves over Thokk’k head (critical fail on attack roll), but he eventually pulls the blade free (Dex save 21).

Doro and Mathias shoot at the giant from afar (three hits between them, 20 damage, total 101) while Thokk and Babshapka continue their ground assault (four hits between them, one critical, total 36, giant has taken 137).

Round Three
Babshapka presses his attack (two hits with advantage, 12 points, giant has taken 149), as does Thokk. Thokk sweeps his axe two handed, breaking through the chain that guards the knee articulation and burying the blade in the giant’s leg (first hit, 13 damage, giant has taken 162 and is at 0). The giant’s face twists in pain as he loses consciousness and crashes to the floor, spilling forth boxes from the shelves in his fall. Thokk wrenches his axe free as he avoids the giant’s slow fall, then raises his axe over his head to bring it down again, now cutting halfway through the giant’s exposed leg (second hit with advantage, automatic critical causes two failed death saves to giant). Willa steps up, pushing with her foot to lift the back of the giant’s helmet up and expose his neck. She plunges her frost blade completely through his neck until the tip of the blade grinds against the stone floor on the other side (first hit with advantage, automatic critical, two more failed death saves, giant is dead). From nearby, Mathias scowls and curses under his breath. [These giants are the allies, or dupes, of Eclavdra - and thus tools for his master Graz'zt - and he doesn't want any more of them killed than necessary before the party 'discovers' the drow behind them.]

The dwarves attempt to lay their crushed companion more at ease on the floor of the dining area (dwarf makes death save (14), now at two and two, next save will determine life or death).

Aurora presses the button that retracts her targeting screen, rushes forward, and scoops up the fat slug from the floor.

Round Four
Babshapka moves to the unconscious dwarf’s side and casts cure wounds (6 points healing), restoring him to consciousness if not full health.

Mathias walks to where Willa and Thokk are still standing over the giant corpse. He speaks in a firm tone, but low enough to not be overheard by the nearby dwarves. “We’re here to find the connection to the drow and the spider-people,” he says, “not slaughter random giants. Snurre has a whole army behind him, and we need to be focused on getting into the Hall. You could have just left him to his fate.”

Willa regards him skeptically. “Aye,” she says, “an’ if ‘e did wake up, t’en wha’ ‘appens ter t’ese dwurfolk?”

Once Babshapka is sure that the dwarf will recover, he rejoins the party. Aurora is talking excitedly about the slug she has captured and using Phreeeee’s ‘new trick.’ Together, they step outside the building. The dwarven miners have ceased their work and all stand, staring at the party.

Thokk whistles and Phreeeee, who has been on the roof of the building since the wagon pulled in, swoops down and lands on his shoulder. Thokk takes the slug from Aurora and holds it up for the falcon to see, but doesn’t let him snatch it. Instead, Thokk pulls forth several pieces of meat and feeds the smallest bits to the bird. Then, when he thinks Phreeeee is ready, he opens his hand in front of the Phreeeee and the bird grabs the slug from his palm.

The slug wriggles in the bird’s beak. Phreeeee remembers the trick from earlier this morning, of course - but that was with dried, cold, tasteless meat. This slug is live, warm, and wriggling - so tempting! (Falcon Wisdom check 19). Phreeeee knows what Thokk wants, though - a slug now is not as good as all the food he will get from Thokk in the future, and there is nothing besides skinny lizards in this barren land. Phreeeee takes to the wing, flapping powerfully to gain altitude in a tight spiral. “He’s doing it!” squeals Aurora excitedly, as the party moves out into the yard and forms a rough circle around Thokk.

“Of course Phreeeee-bird do it,” scoffs Thokk, “he smart like Warmaster Thokk!” When the falcon approaches some two hundred feet off the ground, Thokk bellows, “Now Phreeeee-bird!”

Just as Thokk instructed Phreeeee, the falcon makes a quick bite through the slug, but rather than gulp it down, it immediately lets go, allowing the slug to fall directly over Thokk. As the slug, sliced nearly in half, descends it rapidly transforms into a falling dreadnought, complete with steel armor and remaining shield, flailing and shouting as it falls! Thokk backs away, and the others all spread out to avoid the falling giant.

With a crash that resounds across the flats, shakes the ground itself, and lifts the party members a half-inch into the air, the giant slams into the earth. Immediately it loses its one huge shield, which rebounds from the ground, sails through the air, and knocks down the astounded Thokk!

Falling on the space of another creature wrote:
If neither creature is tiny, the creature on the ground must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the falling creature, or the fall damage is split evenly between both and it is knocked prone.

(20d6 fall damage = 75; Thokk DC15 Dex save with advantage from [i[danger sense[/i]; 13, fails, Thokk and giant both take 37 damage and are knocked prone; he had lost his rage in the time it took to prepare Phreeeee).

While the others look on, stunned as the giant upon seeing the huge piece of metal slam into Thokk, the barbarian staggers to his feet, bellows (second use of rage), raises his axe, and charges at the still-downed giant (advantage from prone, two hits, 26 damage, dreadnought has taken 99).

“He’s back in the game,” laughs Doro as she shoots blasts of concentrated music at the giant (two hits with disadvantage from prone, 9 damage, dreadnought has taken 108). Babshapka charges the fallen giant, being sure to stand far from Thokk and his wild axe swings (three hits with advantage, 27 points, dreadnought has taken 135). Willa moves in as well, stabbing her frostbrand through gaps that were rent in the armor on impact (two hits with advantage, 30 points, dreadnought has taken 165).

Mathias and Aurora have climbed up on a low platform that runs around the edge of the building. From this vantage, they fire at the downed giant. Mathias uses bolts of force (two misses with disadvantage), while Aurora rings the giant’s already-ringing ears with a tolling bell (DC17 Wis save 4; fails, 16 damage, dreadnought has taken 181).

The giant, dazed and bleeding from a dozen wounds, climbs unsteadily to his feet, then staggers over to where his shield lies on the ground. Not even pausing to fasten it, he lifts it from the edges like a huge dinner tray, then turns and raises it over his head, preparing to drive Thokk into the ground like a hammer driving a nail.

Round Five
Babshapka dances to the back of the giant, working on his hamstrings and the back of his knees (three hits with advantage, one critical, 21 damage, dreadnought has taken 202). The giant spasms, dropping its shield on itself as it tumbles to the ground with a resounding clang of metal. Willa immediately strides up and plunges her blade into its throat from two angles (two hits with advantage, automatic criticals, four failed death saves, giant is dead).

The yard is briefly silent as the dwarves stand gaping. Then the sound of the grizzled old dwarf clapping can be heard - but one, slow, clap at a time, in a drawn-out mockery of actual applause.

“You don’t approve, old man?” demands Aurora in Common.

“Approve?” the dwarf asks, responding in Common. He takes his pipe out of his mouth and spits over the edge of the weighing platform onto the hard ground. “It’s nay lik ye asked far me permission, t’is it, now?”

“Have you considered that we could be helping you?”

“Help oos!” he exclaims in mock surprise. “Adventurers? Wha’ can ye dae tae help oos? Kill a few giants, an’ if ye be looky mik it far enoof intae the Hall tae grrrab a load oof gems, then disappear.” He snorts derisively. “An’ afterwards the giants poonish oos far your ‘heroism.’ We can dae without your help, thanks.”

“I am Aurora, what is your name?” the wizard says, stepping closer. All the dwarves in the yard are listening intently to the conversation.

“Ye dinnae merit me Dwarven name,” the old one says proudly. “Ye can call me Glarnig - tha’s good enoof far human use.”

“Ok, Glarnig. Are you aware of the happenings in Sterich?”

“Nae,” says the dwarf, tapping his pipe and then sucking hard to re-ignite it. He blows the smoke in Aurora’s direction, but the wind across the sulfur flats carries it away before it reaches her. “Bu’ let me guess. The Tyrant Snurre has decid'd tae add atoother land tae his conquests. Are maybe he is joost demandin’ tribute froom wha'ever fool human sits oan the throne oof this 'Sterich' this week. So the land is overrroon with giants an’ trolls, blah blah blah, an’ now ye are here tae strike back, but ye want oor help.”

Aurora is, as rarely happens, speechless. This is an oddly accurate summary of what she was about to say, although in a much different tone.

“Well, let me tell ye somethin’, then,” the dwarf says when Aurora doesn’t immediately respond. “Did any humans answer King Blovorne’s call far aid when Snurre attacked oor lands thir'y-five years ago? NAE! ‘Och, Sterich is so far away...’ he says in a falsetto that might be an attempt to mimic Aurora’s voice. “‘...and good King Noombnutz wasn’t even oan the Sterrish throne then.’ FAH! But did help coome from the Holds oof the Sea Princes, are from the ‘free people’ oof the Yeomanry? Nae! No one aided oos when Snurre attacked. So why shood we help ye agin, when that only endangers oos mar than ye already have?”

Aurora hits upon an idea. “Do you know the dwarven city of Num-Theraz?” she says, and sees by the look of recognition in his eyes that he does, “That was Snurre’s latest conquest, and until last month it was under his boot. But we liberated the city, and restored freedom to those dwarves. I swear upon my own clan (Persuasion attempt, critical fail), we are more than just adventurers looking for coin. We came here to eliminate the threat of the Fire Giants. We can help you like we did the dwarves of Num-Theraz, if you give us a chance.”

“Yoor own clan,” mutters the dwarf, “as if ye even knew the half of what tha’ word means…” but his eyes narrow and he looks over the party again (Aurora’s Persuasion check was with advantage from the reference to Num-Theraz, and ends at a 13 rather than her critical fail). He then spies the new dwarves, the ones who came in on the wagons with the party. Beckoning them closer, he hears from them how the party captured them, was careful not to hurt any of them, and came with them to the camp. By this time the dwarves from inside have emerged, and the one who had been knocked unconscious by the toppled table bows to Babshapka and offers a formal expression of thanks for his healing.

“Can you just tell us about the tunnels?” asks Mathias. “The tunnels run all the way to Sterich, all the way to Num-Theraz. How do we enter them on this end?”

“The tunnels, eh?” The old dwarf stands, and as he moves around the building his iron peg clangs against the stone platform. “We can speak oan tha’ inside.”

Sulfur Mines XP
Dwarven Commoners (CR0) 10 x 6 = 60 (xp for saving)
Dwarven Veterans (CR3) 700 x 2 = 1400 (xp for saving)
Fire Giant (CR9) 5000 (xp for defeating)
Fire Giant Dreadnought (CR14) 11500 (xp for defeating)
Total 17960 / 6 = 2993 each (Mathias levels to 10th)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:50 pm  
Post 341: Sitting down with Glarnig

Glarnig specifically, and the history of Snurre's dominion over the local dwarf clans in general, are my invention.

Post 341: Sitting down with Glarnig
11 May [18 Flocktime] - continued - sulfur mining camp
(low 82, high 100; very dry)
Raid on Fort Southwatch

[Play Session 8/26/21 - continued]

By the time the party and Glarnig are inside, the dining area has been put back in order, except for the now-discarded broken crockery. They all sit around the heavy dwarf-sized table, the party drinking frequently and deeply from the tin cups filled with cool water that they are offered by the dwarves.

“Aboot a yir agae,” says Glarnig, as he re-fills his pipe, “Snurre sent messengers tae King Holvorn.” The dwarves all bow their heads in respect at the mention of the name of their current dwarven liege. “He commanded tha’ the King send his best enginirs tae tha Hall, along with every map we had o’ the area o’ tha lava plain. They gaen; they returned, bu’ they came back withoot tha maps. It seems tha’ Snurre wan’ed information aboot all tha rrrock wha’ lies underneath this curs’d lava plain. The lava-rock itself be nae tha’ dip - just volcanic flows oor the surface o’ good, minable rrrock. Snurre wan’ed tae ken what’ was beneath all ‘roond. He nevar told tha enginirs why, bu’ if he was buildin’ a toonnel tae Sterich, he would hae ta ken, o’ course. T’would be nae use tryin’ tae dig through tha fire-rrrock; it’s too hard. Ye can shape a Hall froom it with time an’ effort, bu’ miles an’ miles of toonnel? T’would be a fool’s diggin’. Bu’ t’were he tae sink a shaft straight doon through the fire-rrrock an’ intae the good wa’er-rock below - why, sure, ye could toonnel tae Sterich. I dinnae ken how, since it be…” he pulls deep at his pipe as he estimates the distance, “...mar than 500 miles froom here, if it be a league. Boot it could be doon. Mind ye, it couldnae be doon blind - besides keepin’ a bearin’ oor tha’ distance, ye would hae tae avoid tha magma pocke’s, tha oearth-stone, and tha pits wha’ would toomble ye tae tha Underdark. Boot tha’s wha’ he wan’ed oor maps far, I’spect. He moost hae shoon them tae someone wha’ could ken them, an’ plot’ed tha route o’ his toonnel, sure enoof.”

“Snurre wouldn’t have done this on his own?” asks Mathias.

“Nae,” says Glarnig with certainty. “Snurre be crafty, but he cannae see more’n what be froont o’ his grrreedy eyes. He would never coom oop with sooch a long-range plan by himself.”

“We have reason to believe he may be working with the drow.”

Glarnig nods somberly. “Tha’ seems rrreasonable. Those oonderdark elves be clever enoof and evil enoof far sooch schemes. They be nae mooch far diggin’ themselves, boot there be plen’y enoof slave rrraces an’ mercenary rrraces in the Oonderdark wha’ they could get help with tha’ part. The drrrow certainly hae the ambition Snurre lacks.”

“We think he may be using digging machines.”

“Tha’ also soonds rrreasonable - he didnae turn the five clans intae mining slaves, an’ tha’ be the most strrraightforward way tae make a toonnel tha’ long. The fire giants hae a grrreat capacity far machine work, although they be nae tha’ inven’ive themselves. Bu’ these machines be nothing we hae heard oof.”

“Who could pilot such a machine?”

“If the machine t’war alrea'y made, the giants could pilot it - oor maybe the elves; they dinnae hae any specific aptitude far machines, bu’ they be clever enoof. O’ carse, any dwarf worth his salt would be able tae figure it oot, if it hae anything tae dae with diggin’.” The other dwarves nod their agreement vigorously.

“Could you help us find entry to this end of the tunnel?”

The old dwarf shakes his head. “We haenae seen anything oon the lava plains, an’ punchin’ through this blasted black fire-rrrock be a hundred-dwarves' work, nae a minor oon’ertaking. Ye wouldnae dae it anywhere ye diinnae hae tae, an’ a toonnel like tha’ would be guarded at both ends. If the toonnel ends anywhere near here, it has tae bae in his Hall itself.”

“How many fire giants does Snurre command?”

“Tha’ depends. His Hall hae doozens - bu’ how many o’ them be away in Sterich, now? I hae heard tha’ other giant Halls also pay him tribute, even as we dae - bu’ how many giants be oonder his muster? I dinnae ken.”

“Is there any other way into his Hall?”

“Just the frrroont door. An’, according tae ye, this toonnel.”

“How can we get in the front gates of the Hall?”

“Those obsidian valves be dwarven-made an’ strong. T’would take more than a diggin’ machine or a giant’s hammer, I can assure ye. Ye willnae be forcing your way in.”

“Then how?”

“The giants open them tae receive trrribute, an’ tae send an’ receive messengers - tha’s it. Ye might pretend tae be one of those twain - ye seem tae have some proclivity for tha’,” he says, with just the slightest tone of displeasure. It may be that his dwarven pride was wounded that the party arrived under the seeming guise of dwarves. His culture is not a costume.

“And if they are suspicious of us, and that doesn’t work?”

“The doors be easy tae open - froom the inside. Ye hae magic. I’m sure ye’ll work it oot.”

“We’ve seen that the giants use trolls, gnolls, and hobgoblins. We already killed a chimera. Are there other things we should be prepared for inside the Hall?”

“Hellhoonds - they hae a trained pack. Ettins. T’other giants, nae fire giants, bu’ t’others, coom an’ gae all the time.”

At this point, Aurora breaks into Mathias’ interrogation of the dwarf. “All of this information is much appreciated, but what are you willing to do to help us? Would you help us in our next assault on the Hall?” Seeing the look on the face of all the dwarves, not just Glarnig, Aurora tries to backpedal a bit. “Or, if not combat, then scouting...making a distraction...logistics?”

Glarnig harrumphs, and turns from Aurora back to Mathias, as if he had asked the question instead of the wizard. “We be willin’ tae help ye in any endeavor in which ye can guarantee oos tha’ the giants willnae learn aboot our involvement.”

“I’m not sure we can guarantee…”

Exactly,” says Glarnig, and jabs his pipe emphatically in Mathias’ direction.

“If the giant King were to die,” asks Babshapka, “would your lot improve? If Snurre was the one that imposed the tribute on your people, would the demands end when he did?”

At this, Glarnig pauses thoughtfully, taking several slow puffs of his pipe. “Tha’ depends,” he finally answers, “on who was next. Whoever sits tha throne would be loath tae give oop tha dwarven states, an’ surely would be willing tae shed oor blood tae assert their claim. If tha transition was quick, we might nae even see tha difference. If t’were long an’ disputed, they might neglect oos long enough far things tae improve some. Tha worst would be a civil war in which they tried tae involve oos in fightin’ each other.” When one of the younger dwarves present shows surprise, Glarnig takes his pipe from his mouth again and uses it to gesticulate angrily. “Worse things hae happened, shortbeard! Twouldn’t be the first time someone forced tha dwarves tae fight their wars far them!”

When the young dwarf abashedly lowers his gaze, Glarnig continues more calmly. “The in’erestin’ thing be tha’ Snurre haenae named any heirs, an’ I dinnae think his Queen Frupy is in contention far tha throne. So it’s nae exactly clear who would be next in line. At least nae clear tae me, an honest-working dwarf. Maybe someone who kens tha court politics o’ the ruddy giants would gainsay me.”

“Can we have more water?” asks Aurora. When a dwarf moves to fill her cup, again, she says “I mean, may we fill our skins? I understand you have a well or a cistern here?”

Before Glarnig can answer, Mathias warns him, “The water that came in on the wagon with us might be the last you see for a while. Snurre has told your clan to stop the deliveries of supplies. You will need to ration what you have, water and food, until it is clear what happens next.”

Glarnig nods. “How many skins do ye have with ye?”

“Nineteen,” interjects Willa without hesitation.

The dwarf snorts. “Tha’s less than a day's worth far one o’ the giants ye killed. Fill your skins an’ take a barrel with you, besides. Bu’ thank ye far tha warnin’, all the same,” he says seriously to Mathias. “We will endure. Dwarves ken hardship like elves ken music.”

Their skins filled, the party looks at the full water barrel. With no wagon of their own, there is no way they can transport it. Thokk-ape could carry it, but he would not make the cave before he was forced back to his own shape. Fortunately the dwarves have a number of empty or near-empty quarter-casks used for other liquids. After a bit of emptying and refilling, the party is set up to leave with four of these casks, one of which can be carried on the back of a phantom steed, at least when the summoner calls for one with the appropriate tack. Doro asks for some sulfur as well - the more ground-up, the better - and the dwarves oblige.

Talk then turns to how best to dispose of the giant bodies - it certainly won’t do to have them be found at the mines, or have the dwarves have to answer any giant questions about them. The party suggests moving the corpses to the ambush site a mile north, since they will need to return there anyway to get Fraanke and Tina. With an hour in his ape form, Thokk could likely carry the dreadnought in one trip and his massive shield plus the fire giant in a second one before the spell ended. Mathias tells the dwarves he is sorry about the mess, but they should clean up all the blood that was spilled in the building, and Glarnig responds with a straight face: “Wha’ blood? Tha giants nevar arrrived here. They moost hae been waylaid by ye oon their way in.”

While Thokk-ape jogs back-and forth with the bodies, taking them to the ambush rocks where Fraanke and Tina wait patiently, the rest of the party walks back up the road at a slower pace. Babshapka tries to spot any drops of giant blood that have fallen from the corpses on the cinder trail, and Aurora burns them to powder with her firebolt, at which point the ash is carried away by the acrid wind. Fire giants may be themselves immune to fire, but it turns out her cantrip can still incinerate their blood.

As they walk, they talk about scouting the Hall. Babshapka volunteers to go with Doro, but she insists she should go alone. With the valves closed behind her, she says, she needs to be focused on getting herself out when it gets hot, not worrying about anyone else with her. Her dimension door spell is her ticket out, but it is fourth level, and she will need one cast of it to get in - she can't afford more slots to bring along others, or go back if they get separated. Willa asks her several times if she is sure she wants to go alone, and she insists. She says she will take a darkvision spell from Aurora, but that is all the help she needs.

At the ambush site, they make no effort to disguise their tracks behind the rocks - in fact, they add to them in an attempt to make them more obvious. Babshapka checks to make sure the dwarves from the wagon left no sign behind, however, beyond those of their wheel-ruts. Under Babs' direction, Thokk-ape, panting in the heat, arranges the giant bodies to look like they were on the trail when they were ambushed by the party coming out from around the rock outcrop. Just as the ape is carefully setting the dreadnought’s shield near its carefully-placed body, the huge hairy form shimmers, then rapidly shrinks until it is just Thokk again. Fraanke, who had been watching the ape warily, immediately bounds up to lick him heartily, his tongue leaving short-lived ice crystals on Thokk’s cheeks.

“Okay,” says Babshapka. “The giants are where they fell, fighting us, and then we searched their bodies…” The party indeed now strips their bags from them and looks inside, as well as checking the best they can under their armor (without actually removing it) for jewelry or pouches. They come away with six gems and 300gp between the two of them. The coins are mostly of dwarven mint, but there are a smattering of Yeoman, Sea Princes, and even a few Keoish Lions among them.

While the rest of the party looks for treasure, Doro tells Tina to get a good smell on the giants so long as she is a wolf. Doro herself is busy cutting off hair and bits of leather and cloth from what she judges to be the smelliest parts of the giants. When they are all done, she explains to the party that she will be staying outside the cave by herself until her scouting run - she doesn’t want any of their scents on her, no offense intended. In fact, she says, she is going back now, ahead of them, to get a head start on her rest so as to be ready as soon as she can - they needn’t worry about her and she will likely have a hut up when they arrive. She didn’t cast many spells in the battle but she is nearly out of her highest slots and she wants to be at full when she enters the Hall. The others are a bit surprised, but these all seem like sensible precautions and if it helps Doro feel better about entering by herself they want to give her every advantage.

While Aurora and Mathias perform rituals of phantom steed, Doro works at re-summoning Tina in the form of a griffin (4/3/3/0/1). By the time they are starting on the second pair of steeds, Doro is circling them once from the air and telling them not to hurry back - she’ll be fine.

Fire giant treasure so far
6 gems

[Doro leaves at 1:15pm; the griffin can dash at 16mph and arrive at the cave in less than 15 minutes]

[Once back at the cave, Doro grabs food, casts her hut, and begins her long rest; she will finish at 9:30pm, but she has already benefited from one long rest today and so will need to wait until midnight to get her spells back]

[Party leaves the sulfur flats at 1:25pm, arrives back at the cave at 2:10pm, using their mounts to travel overland]

When the party arrives back at the cave, Aurora renews her own mage armor. She doesn’t offer to do Doro’s, as the bard is sequestered in her hut. (Aurora at 1/3/0/2/2)

[Babshapka uses his stone for lunch. Six people drank at the mining camp, and this counts as their ‘extra’ skin required for venturing forth in the heat of the day. Fraanke did not get watered while at the dwarves; he needs his extra skin for day work; the 19 party skins are now at 18 full in the cave as well as four quarter-casks with 10.5 gallons each. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 61.5 rations to 60. Fraanke eats three pounds of meat which means the party is at 130 pounds].

“It’s great that we got that water from the dwarves, but we can’t do anything more until Doro scouts the Hall, so I say we go and secure the source of water Thokk’s spirit wolf told us about,” suggests Aurora. Willa and Mathias don’t want to leave Doro, or their supplies in the cave, unattended, but agree that Aurora can go play with her unholy army digging in the ravine or building sand castles or whatever she wants as long as it is far from the Hall. Babshapka is glad to see the skeletons go, and looks forward to some time in the cool cave without their presence. Thokk decides to join Aurora (1/3/0/2/1), and they plus the skeletons start out (now 18 skeletons after she uses another 5th level animate dead; they are now re-equipped with 10 arrows each).

As the spirit wolf said, some two and a half miles down the ravine, the walls pull back and the bottom is full of a field of black sand. Thokk and Fraanke dig little exploratory holes, smelling and tasting the sand at the bottom. Aurora looks on with interest but little to offer; the skeletons stare with empty sockets. Eventually Thokk and Fraanke agree upon a spot, and Aurora sets the skeletons to work. They have no shovels, and not even any buckets - living workers would tire in minutes, or have their skin stripped raw by the sand. But the bony undead have no compunctions about jamming their hands into the sand, fingers pressed together, scooping it out tirelessly, and tossing it towards the others. Aurora has them dig on a slope, or ramp, five abreast, throwing the sand up to the ones above them. When the ones on the deep end have the level ground up to their chests, water begins seeping around their ankles. By the time their heads are below the ground, the water they stand in is nearly a foot deep. At this point Aurora begins to direct them more actively, sculpting back the walls that keep collapsing in on them until the whole has a rather shoe horn-like shape, with the water at the deepest part. Then she has them carefully climb out and she begins her spell, laying down walls of stone to hold back the sand, all along the sides, but not on the bottom. She lays down a thin layer of stone on the ramp, and a thick cover slab roof over it all to guard against evaporation, leaving just enough space on one side for Thokk to be able to squeeze down the ramp, but no giant. She finds she has about as much stone remaining as she has already used, so she makes upright walls around the whole thing, with open windows and a second roof (the roof at ground level having become a floor). By the time the ten minutes are up and it has become a real stone structure, it resembles a little fort with a cistern in the sloped basement. Neither Willa nor Mathias are on hand to tell Aurora she shouldn't have made the walls, since the structure now sticks up above the ravine floor and could easily be seen by anyone looking down into the ravine (Aurora at 1/3/0/2/0).

The afternoon passes uneventfully into evening. Thokk, Aurora, Fraanke and the skeletons return to the cave, with only the skeletons not tired and thirsty. Willa brings out food and a skin of water and leaves them at the edge of the hut; she can't put them inside, but Doro can reach out and drag them in without ending her spell.

[Babshapka uses his stone for dinner. Five people plus Fraanke is 7 skins of water; the 19 party skins are now at 11 full in the cave and four quarter-casks with 10.5 gallons each. Five people use 2 rations, the party total going from 60 rations to 58. Fraanke eats four pounds of meat which means the party is at 126 pounds].

Normally Aurora and Doro have the first watch, beginning after dinner and whenever Babshapka starts trancing. Willa expresses concern about having Aurora on watch alone, but the wizard orders some of her skeletons to alert her if they detect anything besides a party member inside the cave, and then she sets up where she can see the entrance. Willa mutters darkly about the unholy abominations and goes off to her waiting bedroll.

Around 9:30pm, Doro’s hut fades. By this time, however, the party is holed up in the cave and the ravine is well and truly dark, so she leaves it down and takes turns passing on and off watch with Tina.

Before Aurora turns in for the night, the wizard goes out to Doro. The bard and her mount smell strongly of sweaty giant and sulfur, but still she insists on Aurora standing downwind of her and Tina for their brief conversation. Aurora casts mage armor and darkvision on Doro (the spells will last until 6am). Aurora then casts darkvision on Tina's griffon form. If Aurora thinks that Doro is taking the whole scent-isolation thing too far, she keeps it to herself. (Aurora at 0/1/0/2/0).

The watch passes from Aurora and Doro to Willa and Mathias. Mathias tells Willa that since his night vision is better than hers, she should stay on watch in the cave itself, in case something comes up from below, and he will stay in the entrance and watch the ravine, and she agrees.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:40 am  
Post 342: Doro scouts the Hall

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 342: Doro scouts the Hall
12 May [19 Flocktime] - outside the secret cave near Snurre's Hall
(low 84, high 104; very dry)

Shortly after midnight Doro receives the mystic surge of energy that marks the return of her spells. She is ready to venture forth. For her first spell she casts find greater steed, dismissing Tina’s griffin form and re-summoning her as a direwolf (Doro at 4/3/3/2/2). She climbs up onto her steed and, with one hand on her hat of disguise, has herself appear as a gnoll and Tina as a hellhound, the better to blend in once in the fortress should their planned invisibility fail them.

From within the darkness of the cave mouth she sees a single red light, smaller than a thumb. Mathias is on watch, as usual on the midnight shift, and is smoking. “Keep your pipeweed smell downwind of me!” Doro hisses, not knowing whether the giants use the herb, or whether it would smell suspicious.

Mathias laughs softly in the dark. “If the giants see you, it’s not your scent you’ll have to worry about,” he says. “You don’t look anything like a gnoll.”

Two days ago, when the gnolls burst out of the Hall to search the battlefield, Mathias and Charlotte were the only ones present, and truth be told, Doro has never actually seen a living gnoll. She is basing the mental image that shaped her spell on the artwork she has seen and stories she has heard. Tina as a hellhound is realistic enough, and even has the glowing red eyes. Her hairy and lanky, but its resemblance to an actual gnoll ends there.
[The party fought two gnolls in the Haunted House in Saltmarsh, but that was long before Doro joined them. She has seen orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and trolls, and her imagined gnoll is rather more goblinoid than the actual hyena-folk. (Doro History Check 10)]

“Well can you help then, rather than just laughing?” she says hotly.

Mathias laughs again, and gives her a few pointers and features to change, and she casts disguise self again. They continue this through several iterations, using the hat each time and fortunately not spell slots, with her gnoll getting successively more realistic with each round of feedback. Finally Mathias says that she is ready to go, but before she leaves he briefs her again on what the entry hall of the giant fortress is like.

Doro rides Tina slowly and stealthily up the ravine. Both their darkvisions, and her mage armor, should last until dawn; there is no hurry.

[What follows is known only to Leezar and his player:
When she is out of sight Leezar hears the raspy laughter of Mr. Wart. “I like dat brawd,” the demonling chortles. “She’s feisty.”

Leezar spins about, and sees the misshapen little figure crouching near a rock. He puts his finger to his lips and whispers “Willa’s still up inside.”

The demonling waves off his concerns with a rude, dismissive gesture. “She can’t hear me,” he says, and now Leezar notices that his mouth is not moving, despite the words Leezar hears. “All dis is just in youses head.”

“Oh, alright,” thinks Leezar. “So why you are here? What’s the deal?”

“Well,” says the demonling reflexively, pulling out a fat cigar and then lighting it with a flame from the tip of one knotty finger, “I gave youse dat amulet ta break when youse got ta da Underdark, yeah?”

“Yes, I still have it.”

“Well, breakin’ it was supposed ta summon me here ta give youse advice on da drow and tunnels and s***. So if youse still gots it, den I got called here early - and I ain’t sure why.” He waddles over, his head at about crotch level on Leezar, and inhales deeply from a few feet away. “Ah, dere it is,” he says, nodding his head until his jowls bounce.

“There’s what?”

“Youse’s been promoted again,” Mr. Wart grins. “An’ I ain’t got no instructions in youse’s file for a near death experience this time. The Big Boss must like what youse are doin’.”

“Promoted?” repeats Leezar. He is silent for a moment. “So, depending on how quickly I can shuttle the party past these giants, we’re going to be facing drow soon.”

“Dat’s right.”

“What can you tell me about them?”

“Huh. Uh, dey like da dark, dey like to ambush youse from da dark, dey’re sneaky as all get out, dey use crossbows coated wit poison, and dey have casters. Lots of casters.”

Leezar spends a long time in thought. Finally, he says, “Alright. I haven’t been in melee in forever; the party has that covered. I won’t need Armor of Agathys. I had better take Counterspell since Aurora will only cast it when I remind her, anyway. Hells, she won’t even prepare it when she is too busy playing with her skeletons.”

“Youse got it, boss. Droppin' da armor and pickin' up counterspell.” His hands fidget as if he is trying to remember the gestures of the spell to teach Leezar.

“And I did what I could for those orcs at the Steading. I hope it was noted that I tried to get them to open that old temple up.”

“Oh, the Big Boss knows about dat. It’s just not a tactical priority ta staff dat at da present juncture.”

“Right, I suspected as much. So they are on their own now. I’d like to drop Far Scribe. What can I get that will make me look like a drow? I need to make contact, maybe interact with them a bit.”

“Oh, ho, ho,” chuckles the demonling. “Youse is gonna like dis. Mask of Many Faces invocation. Someone creative like yous’ll find all kinds of uses for dat.”

Leezar takes some time to understand all the information about the Invocation that Mr. Wart is passing him telepathically. He then takes a different tone - at first ‘thinking out loud’, and then genuinely soliciting the advice of the demonling.

“I hope you can appreciate the position I am in,” he begins. “I have been a faithful servant of the Dark One. I have led these gullible adventurers here so as to find the entrance to the Underdark and pursue my Master’s war against the Spider Queen, as instructed.”

“Yep,” agrees Mr. Wart. “Youse’s done dat, in spades.”

“But these adventurers think that we are here to kill giants. Somehow, I have to switch them from giants to drow. I also have to get them to ignore all the evidence that says the giants are being controlled by the Elder Elemental God, get them to leave the temple here alone, and instead get them to see the Spider Queen as the real enemy. And I have to do all this without tipping them off as to how I actually know what’s going on; I have to have it seem like we are figuring this all out together at the same time.”

“Yep, dat’s yer job,” Mr. Wart agrees. “An’ dat’s why da Big Boss is givin’ youse all dese new powers an’ abilities.”

If Leezar was hoping for more sympathy or help from the demonling, he’s not getting anything but an expression of confidence. “Okay,” he says in growing annoyance, “but I don’t think I can do that without letting them kill some giants. I had hoped to be able to save the two in the sulfur flats, but I couldn’t even do that - Snurre is already down two by our hand.”

“I am failin’ ta see youse’s difficulty over here.”

“Well, these are Eclavdra’s giants, right? And Eclavdra is one of the Master’s servants. So how does that look for me if I am helping the party off them? Isn’t that weakening the Dark One? What happens to Eclavdra’s plans after we pass through here to the Underdark?”

Here Mr. Wart begins to laugh raucously. Seeing the look from Leezar, he keeps it short, but is still chortling even as he begins responding. “Now, here, I can help youse. Allow me to disabuse youse of dis notion dat all da Big Boss’ servants hold hands an’ sing kumbaya tagether. All of us, an’ I do mean ALL of us, all da way up to Lord Vuron himself, are da Big Boss’ tools, no more dan dat. An’ He cares for His tools ta da exact extant dat dey is useful ta Him in da moment. Da Big Boss wants ta take down da Spider B**** - dat’s your goal, an’ dat’s Eclavdra’s goal. An’ He don’t care how it gets done, so long as it gets done. An’ he don’t care who does it - but da one who does it gets rewarded, and da one who don’t, ain’t done s*** for him lately. Now, maybe youse an’ Eclavdra can help each other out wit dis, an’ dat’d be grand for youse both to win an’ make friends an’ all dat ****. But bottom line, youse’s both tryin’ to be useful to da Big Boss, not help someone else. Eclavdra had her chance - she’s been hatchin’ dis plan to get power from da giants to use against da Spider-lickin’ Drow for years. An’ what has she done so far? Yeah, her House is like da most powerful in da Vault now, and yeah, she’s inconvenienced da Spider Drow, but she hasn’t done s*** to da Spider B**** herself. An maybe if youse let her alone her plan would work, eventually, but dat’s not youse’s job. Youse got youse’s own plan - youse is taking dis group of rubes straight ta da Fane an kickin’ a**. An’ if dat woiks, good on youse. An’ if dat means some giants get killed an’ Eclavdra’s plan goes ta s*** along da way, well, sucks for her but da Big Boss ain’t gonna care. He cares about results, an’ if youse gets results, youse is still golden.” By now Mr. Wart has stopped laughing, and his tone turns suddenly serious. “An’ if youse’s plan fails an’ along da way youse f**** up Eclavdra’s plan too, well den youses both screwed an’ I didn’t never know neither of youses a****.”

This doesn’t surprise Leezar exactly; he certainly had considered it one of the possibilities. But it is helpful to finally have it laid out clearly and succinctly.

“So Eclavdra and I are both servants of the Dark One, but we are rivals with each other.”

“We’ll, dat’s up to youses both. But da Big Boss only has so many party favors ta give out - an’ believe me, youse want youse’s share.”

“So you said Eclavdra was supposed to send a message to the Hall for the drow here to help me - but who knows if she even did that? I can’t really trust her.”

“Eclavdra ain’t got no prospects at da moment - youse killed all da Hill Giants an’ sent da Frost Giants home. Sterich ain’t fallin’ any time soon, so dere’s no way she gets her win today. If she can help youse win and claim dat, ride youse’s coattails into da end zone, dere’s gotta be a consolation prize in dere somewhere. If her plan has stalled an’ youse is now da Big Boss’ best hope, she sure as s*** don’t want ta be seen as bein’ in youse’s way...but let’s say youse just 'disappears' all mysterious-like an’ suddenly she is back on her own timeline; well dat’s gotta look better ta her den second place.”

“So as long as I look like I’m winning, she won’t do anything against me that can be traced back to her. But I need to beware the knife in the dark,” says Leezar, recalling the Greyhawk proverb.

“Youse got it, boss.”

“Have you heard anything from her about whether she has sent a message to the Hall?”

“I ain’t heard s***. But dis I know - she’s had plenty of time to get a message to the drow here. Dey should know youse is coming, if she wanted dem to. I suggest youse go forward assuming dat when youse find dem, da drow is gonna pretend to be followers of the Spider B****, attack youse’s party, den run away and lead youse to da Underdark. Dat’s youse’s go-to. But suppose youse finds dem before dey knows youse is dere - suppose youse’s party finds dem foist and messes dem up bad, such dat dey is gonna die - and maybe Eclavdra is even wit dem. Den youse got problems, and youse need a new plan.”

“Yeah, I was thinking about that - how to call off the party if I need to. I was considering telling them that Eclavdra is my mother - that is why I can see in the dark. Now that I can change my face it will help. I was going to tell them that the Elder Elemental God drow are about to be wiped out by the Lolth drow, and that the whole attack on the surface was just to draw out an adventuring party to help us, and my job was to find and recruit the party. I figure I can show them the witch’s hair and tell them I was tasked with finding them. That also explains why they think I have a bad attitude - I’m only pretending to be a human.”

Mr. Wart laughs again. “Yeah, boss. See, dis is why da Big Boss likes creative-types like youse.”

“I get that we are rivals, but it won’t help us get to the Vault if we kill Eclavdra. Hopefully she’ll see the wisdom in helping me.”

Mr. Wart does his best (which is not very good) to mimic Leezar’s voice pleading with the party, “Youse can’t kill her, she’s my mutha!” He erupts in a fit of laughter, gasping so hard that Leezar is worried it is not just telepathy and that Willa can actually hear it.

When he finally calms down, Leezar asks if he will be back.

“Oh, I’m around now. I got my prime plane visa stamped, so I’ll be hanging out wit youse for a while.”

“Good. Doro left to scout - assuming she makes it back, I will want your take on what she finds in the Hall.”

“You got it boss. I’ll be near you, invisible, most of the time now.” He puts his finger to his nose and disappears.

End of section known only to Leezar and his player]

When they emerge from the ravine at several hundred feet from the fortress, Doro has Tina wait a long time, sniffing the air, before she approaches (Perception 21, with advantage for anything that can be smelled). Only when Tina is sure that there are no troll defenders around the stone circle do they begin to creep across the open ground (Tina Stealth 5, but Doro Helps to give her advantage, 21). They get to within two hundred feet of the Hall, lined up at Doro’s best estimate of the angle of the hallway beyond the portals (Perception 23). She is basing her planned jump on Mathias’ estimation of distances. If she is wrong, she could end up in a solid pillar, a stone wall, or a flaming gas jet.

She checks the paralyzation pistol in her belt. She checks the bag of ball bearings on her hip. She is as ready as she can be. She would like to be under her invisibility already, of course. But she needs one last spell to get inside - and casting that would drop a prior invisibility anyway. She will have to cast invisibility once she is on the other side of the doors, hope that no one is there to see or hear her when she arrives, and plan on not casting any spell again inside until she uses dimension door to leave.

Doro casts her dimension door, estimating the valves to be five feet thick and planning on landing thirty feet beyond their inner surface (Doro at 4/3/3/1/2). In actuality, they are three feet thick, but she has the angle of the hall perfect. Doro lands in the center of the hall, just across from a tapestry covering a solid wall. Some ten feet behind her is another tapestry on the opposite wall, but unknown to her, this one conceals a guard chamber [1A] in which a fire giant stands alertly next to a huge bronze alarm horn. Doro and Tina’s arrival spot is just out of his range of vision so he does not see them appear, and the hallway is otherwise empty [wandering monster check for the first hour d12 = 3; no encounters]. [DM's note: I asked the player for the dimension door landing coordinates, and all he had to go on was Mathias' verbal description of the hall. Not landing in front of the guard or inside a wall was probably the single biggest piece of luck Doro had in the expedition]

When she is not immediately detected or charged, Doro begins her invisibility spell. Other than the hiss and crackle of the torches and flame jets, the hall is silent, and the bare rock walls make all the sounds sharp and echoing. She has to speak to cast the spell, but she murmurs as quietly as she can while still bringing magic power into her sounds (Doro Performance 23 > Giant Perception 11). Both she and Tina are now invisible (Doro at 4/2/3/1/2).

Feeling a little safer with them both unseen, Doro begins to look more carefully about the hall, while silently and telepathically instructing Tina to smell.

The floor of the twenty-foot wide hall [1] is polished obsidian, and the great tapestries displayed between the torches are rendered in bloody colors and show fire giants victorious in various combats - against dragons, against dwarves, against armies of lesser races and fantastic monsters. At the passage’s end (about 100 feet in), it opens into a wider hall, with carved support columns. The ceiling is some thirty feet overhead at its vaulted peak, but the walls go straight up to only some twenty feet before angling in.

The great obsidian doors have rings on the inside to pull them closed, and are set with brackets to hold a thick iron beam that will keep them from being opened from either side. All this is just as Mathias said, but there is something more - all along the hall, up against the walls, are a dozen or more iron braziers, each fitted with about a ten foot length of heavy chain, that he did not mention. Each brazier is filled with smoldering coals, so that the hall itself is quite smoky. Doro has a hard time breathing, and she can’t believe that Tina will actually be able to smell anything, but the dire wolf assures her telepathically that she can smell a fire giant beyond the tapestry behind them that is apparently acting as a curtain (Tina Perception 22 > Fire giant Passive Stealth 9). Doro looks more closely at the tapestry - it is thin enough that, so long as the hallway is lit and the room beyond is dark, she would not be able to see in - but the guard within could surely have seen her silhouette had she passed in front of it or landed there. The tapestry doesn’t quite come to the floor, but the stonework there has a high threshold at the entrance to the chamber, and even looking at the floor she would not have discovered the concealed room beyond.

Doro knows they need to move away up the hall, but without Tina’s wolf-nails clicking on the polished stone floor and giving them away to the guard. She pets her mount, and passes a bardic inspiration die to it. When Tina is ready, they proceed up the hall to the intersection (Tina Stealth 22 > Fire giant Passive Perception 12).

A side-passage to their left is narrower than the entry hall, but Doro’s attention is immediately taken by the massive hall before them [2], which is twice as wide as the entry (Doro Perception 21). The floor of the grand hall is of reddish-black, highly polished stone. There are pillars along its entire length and these are carved into the shapes of dwarves, each straining to hold up the figure atop it in a humanoid pyramid that is at once ridiculous and sadistic. Light flickers weirdly from burning gasses that spurt from the walls. Where there are not gas jets, the walls are covered in tapestries. Two giants stand on guard in the hall, but each of them has two heads on their broad shoulders, such that between them they are watching all four directions simultaneously, and down another intersecting hall besides.

At the far end of the hall, two steps of white-veined black marble lead up to an area where the floor is of deep red polished stone. Between two pillars of polished obsidian sits a massive throne made of jet and black-and-white-banded onyx, the whole inlaid with various large gems. The walls of the far chamber are inlaid with colored stone laid out to show various scenes of victory by King Snurre over his foes. On the wall directly behind the throne is depicted the flaming skull which is Snurre's own device. Behind and to the side of the throne is a single fire giant in full plate, standing at attention and obviously alert and on guard as well.

The closest giant is still half-a-hundred feet away, so Doro has Tina move along the wall to her left, taking the small side passage out of the throne hall and deeper into the fortress. It soon widens, then continues on ahead but with a wide opening to the left from which a great clamor comes. To the northwest are a set of closed doors, massive things set with huge iron plates like the doors of a furnace. But to the southwest the passage is open, and it is from here that a steady stream of curses and scolding in Giant pours forth. Doro can’t understand the words, but the berating tone is unmistakable. Of more immediate concern is that a fire giant is in the hallway. He is smaller than any Doro has seen before, with just wisps of beard on his chin. A young man? An adolescent? He is not in plate armor but leathers, and bears a great club rather than the huge sword of the warriors. He stands in the center of the hall, facing them. There is plenty of room for Tina to slip by him, so long as he doesn’t hear her feet padding across the stone.

Doro holds her breath and guides Tina past (Tina Stealth 15 > Fire Giant Servant Passive Perception 12). On the other side the noises coming from the open room resolve into the sounds of a kitchen [15]. Besides the constant harangue in Giant, there are clearly noises of crockery, cutting and chopping, kneading, etc. Doro had assumed that most of the fire giants, since they lack darkvision, would be asleep now at one in the morning, excepting guards. But at least the ones that work in the kitchen are busy enough. Doro asks Tina what she smells, and the wolf tells her that besides the obvious giant everywhere, there are gnolls in the kitchen as well (Tina Perception 22). However, she has not scented hellhound yet.

Giving a wide berth to the young giant guard, Doro and Tina continue up the hallway to the north. After fifty feet or so the passage appears to split, but the eastern branch turns out to be just an alcove ending in more iron doors [14]. This set, however, is perhaps more important than those next to the kitchen, for standing in front of them is a fire giant warrior, adult and fully armed and armored. The recessed hall is deep enough that Doro squeezes Tina against the far west wall and trusts that they will not be heard passing by the guard on their way north. When Doro asks what lies beyond the guarded doors, Tina says she is not smelling anything besides the guard himself (Perception 13 with advantage) - sweaty giant flesh, hard steel, and well-oiled iron.

The corridor veers and then veers back, and finally splits in a Y at an intersection whose ceiling is supported by a great column like that in the throne room, but without the decoration of carved dwarves. Doro pauses, unsure of which way to proceed. She asks Tina to smell deeply and carefully down each branch. (Tina Perception with advantage 6, but uses the bardic inspiration die for d10 = +9, total Perception 15). After a time the wolf responds that there is gnoll scent down the right branch, but it is distant, not close like the kitchen. The left is more complicated - it is bringing many scents, but all distant and weak. The overriding tones are of molten metal, sulfur, volcanic rock, and lava - as if a portal to the Hells themselves lay nearby!

Doro takes the left branch. The corridor continues to another intersection supported by a great pillar. A spur to the left ends in a dark, dead-end hallway. The hallway in which Doro and Tina are moving is lit by great flaming gas jets shooting from the walls, but no such things are near the side branch, and even with darkvision, Doro can barely make out the iron-plate doors at the end. She has Tina smell, but the wolf does not pick up anything against the backdrop of molten stone wafting past her (Perception 9 with advantage).

They proceed up the main, lit corridor to a third column-supported Y-intersection. The left branch goes farther than they can see, both in distance and because shortly after the intersection it slopes steeply down - as a ramp, not stepped, and the end is lost to view with the perspective. The right branch has not gone half as far when it is blocked by a heavy, undecorated curtain. This is no wall tapestry, but a soft ‘door’ - it ends inches short of the floor and the hallway obviously continues beyond it.

What are you getting, Tina? asks Doro silently. The wolf reports that the left branch is obviously the source of the hellscape scents, coming up from within the oearth. The right, however, carries heavily the scent of giants (Tina Perception 22).

Stay here, Doro thinks toward her wolf, and dismounts. As silently as she practiced with her guild training, she slips up the hall until she reaches the curtain, flattens herself against the wall, and draws it back just enough for her to see into the room (Doro Stealth 25). A large, lit, dormitory chamber lies beyond [18]. There are a number of great beds, and on at least four of them are sleeping giants. Armor and weapons racks are about the room - at least some of these giants are warriors, and this is perhaps a communal barracks. No giants are up and moving about. Doro slowly allows the curtain to return to its position blocking her view.

Hold still, thinks Doro, and she carefully creeps back to roughly where she left Tina. Arms outstretched, she eventually finds the wolf, orients herself, and mounts. Their choices are doors, a ramp down to the next level, or a dormitory with no egress. Doro is not yet ready to head down a level, so they return to the second previous intersection and this time take the east branch of the Y.

The corridor bends, and a branch to the north opens on a long, dark passageway that ends in many of the iron-plated doors. All of them are closed and the whole hall is quiet. Doro notes that the hallway is used and not too dusty; Tina says that that way smells of giant, but also of hellhound (Perception 22). Doro does not much like closed doors, and things that can smell them even less, so they continue forward.

It is only a short distance before a four-way intersection. As they approach it, Doro sees that the corridor across from them continues on straight and featureless for a great length. The one to the right is a wide, long hall with pillars down its center for the entire length. The left, it turns out, is not a corridor but merely an alcove [24], in which an armored fire giant warrior stands watch in front of a great hollow iron cylinder hanging from the ceiling by a chain. The giant’s sword is in its sheath, but a huge hammer is in his hand. Four throwing stones are at his feet. He stands so as to see down the entire length of the lit corridor running to the south.

Doro guides Tina around the intersection, keeping a great pillar between them and the giant guard, and then continuing on to the east. They pause for Tina to smell just before leaving the intersection. The scent of gnoll she got from before is stronger here, and coming from the southern corridor (Perception 17 with advantage).

Continuing on to the east there is a set of iron-plate doors to their right about halfway down the hall, which turns to the left at their end. Tina checks these for scent (Perception 14 with advantage). She smells animal dung and urine - some sort of pen is beyond. Could it be the chimera? Doro asks her silently. Perhaps, she responds, I have never seen such a creature before, or smelled one. Something as horrid as that would never be permitted in the Feywild.

They continue to the end of the hall, and turn left up the long, straight corridor. The closer they get, the stronger Tina smells giant (Perception 20 with advantage). There is no door to the room, just an open doorway. She creeps close enough to determine that it is another barracks [25], with multiple giants there. However, at least one of them is active even at this time of night (Luck roll -1), and is slowly strapping on his complicated suit of plate. She does not enter.

They double back all the way to the alcove with the guard and the alarm cylinder, but this time they take the southern passage. With each step they take south, the scent of gnoll grows stronger (Tina Perception 13 with advantage). Thinking that they might have to sneak past the hyena folk while disguising their own scent, Doro gives a second bardic inspiration die to Tina.

Peaking around the corner at an intersection, Doro can see that the corridor heads westward from the pillared hallway. The smaller corridor and a chamber beyond [12] contain furnishings of various sizes. The smallest of them are a table, a plush chair with a footstool, and a couch. Other items are more or less human-sized, including a long table, two benches, two chairs, and twelve chests. Finally, there are four huge chairs, a table, and a footstool sized for giants. Rugs on the floor, tapestries on the walls, and bronze cressets with torches complete the décor. Eight gnolls are lounging in this area, most asleep but a few murmuring to one another, sucking on their paws, and so forth. There are two doors - small, single doors unlike the others on this level and not sized for giants - on the north wall. The south wall, if there is indeed a wall, is recessed and out of sight around a corner. What is beyond the small doors? Tina tries to scent them, but the stench of gnoll is so overwhelming as to hide anything else (Perception 11 with advantage) - perhaps if she were right at the doors themselves, but even with so many asleep Doro knows there is no way they can enter the room proper without themselves being scented. She guides Tina to the other side of the hall, as far from the gnolls as possible, and they cross as quickly and silently as they can.

The pillared hall runs far to the south before turning at an angle. Going around the corner, they find themselves in plain view of one of the heads of the two-headed giants on guard in the throne room. Fortunately they are still invisible. Doro judges they have perhaps half an hour left on the spell, and they have searched everything on this level that was possible without either opening doors or walking so close to someone as to guarantee their detection. Is it time to try the ramp to the lower level?

They return north up the corridor and pass the guard at the alarm for the third time, then traverse the familiar terrain back to the ramp, with Tina listening and smelling as they go (Perception 18) but meeting no surprises. In a short time they stand at the head of the ramp itself. If they get stuck below, Doro still has dimension door to get them out, but going beneath the oerth complicates things. The spell easily has the range to get them to the surface, but requires Doro to know the right distance in three dimensions without sighting it. If she estimates too high, they will end up in the air and fall onto the hard, sharp rocks. Too low, and they could become trapped in the lava rock ground.

Still they pause at the head of the ramp, both of them listening intently (Perception 9 with advantage). Through the echoing stone halls comes the distant clang of metal on metal - not an alarm, but something more rhythmic, and nothing else. [Wandering encounter roll d12 = 6, nothing]

They descend, with Doro trying to judge the distance all the way. At the bottom of the long ramp they enter a cross-running corridor. Tina does not scent anything nearby (Perception 20 with advantage) other than the now stronger scent of molten rock and metal. The floor ahead of them is of black stone. It is smooth, but not finely polished like that of the level above. The walls are hewn from the rock, the vaulted ceilings just as high, but there are none of the decorative columns in sight. Ahead of them is an alcove with truly massive stone doors. To the right is a steep flight of stairs down. The hallway to the left is level but turns a corner. It is that direction they go first.

After the corner the hallway gets much wider. Although it leads forward to the east, they pause outside an open doorway. Both snores and voices can be heard within (Perception 13 with advantage). Tina creeps closer. In a disorderly room [2-2] are two of the two-headed giants. For each giant, one of the heads is sleeping while the other keeps watch. Now, that’s hardly fair, thinks Tina. I agree, responds Doro.

Moving to the opposite side of the hall they pass the doorway and proceed. The corridor jogs to the left. The walls are gradually changing from black to reddish black, and in some places appear to no longer be hewn, but rather melted and fused. When the hallway rights itself it opens onto a large space that appears to be a dormitory. It is quiet, and perhaps all the giants are asleep (Luck roll +2), but Tina says there are at least three of them, maybe more (Perception 11 with advantage). The iron plate doors indicate rooms to the north and south along the hall as well. Doro shakes her head, and the pair return to the bottom of the ramp.

They slowly descend the stairs, the sound of metal clanging against metal growing all the time. At the bottom the rock walls are a dull black. Two corridors, one forward, one to the right, are in sight. The one ahead of them is lit by a dull, throbbing red light pouring from what looks like a natural cave entrance, or perhaps the entrance to the Hells. It is noticeably hotter here, and the opening also appears to be the source of the unceasing clanging sound. The passageway to the right is lined by several single giant-sized doors. These are wooden, the first wooden doors Doro has seen in the place, and each has a window set up at giant eye level. All of them also have a huge wooden bar, likely heavier than Doro could lift alone, set in brackets at the height of a giant’s waist, and preventing them from being opened from within.

Tina smells down the corridor. Doro is here to scout, not release prisoners who will more likely than not immediately give her away, but it may be worthwhile to know just what kind of creatures are imprisoned. Unfortunately the overwhelming scent from the nearby molten rock covers the scent of the prisoners, if indeed there are any (Tina Perception 11 with advantage).

Tina pads quickly down the hall, trusting to the metallic clangs to disguise her footfalls. The north wall is bare rock, the dull black turning to reddish black the further they go. They pass the huge doors on the right, each barred shut. Now in the hall, Doro can see that the high windows in each one are set with iron bars, the gaps narrow enough that even a human could not pass through them.

After four doors they arrive at an intersection of sorts. To their right, a rough-carved and giant-sized staircase descends even further into the reddish-black rock. To their left, an open and level corridor leads north with more of the barred doors on either wall. Ahead of them the corridor continues, with five more of the barred doors - and one that is not barred!

Tina moves warily across the open intersection and from there to the north wall, headed for the last door to their left. It is the same wood as the others, the same iron hinges set with huge bolts into the stone wall, but lacks both the bar and brackets [G]. The sound of conversation comes from within (Luck roll +2; the gaoler is awake and conversing; Tina Perception 15 with advantage). The bottom lip of the window is some fifteen feet off the floor - even standing on Tina’s back, Doro couldn’t reach it - but she listens intently to the conversation (Doro Perception 17). There is the deep, basso rumbling of an adult male giant speaking in Giant. There are multiple voices responding to his - two, perhaps three - in Giant as well. But to Doro’s surprise they are so soft in tone and so high in timbre that she takes them to be human females - or at least something similarly sized and gendered! Why did she not have Aurora give her comprehend languages before setting out? Oh yes, the mage claimed she could only cast the spell upon herself.

Tina moves back to the intersection and Doro asks her whether there is conversation or other noises in any of the other cells (Luck roll = 0, Perception 19 with advantage), but Tina reports that there is not. If there are prisoners in this cell block, they are all sleeping, or gagged, or scared into silence.

They move north from the intersection, passing three barred doors before arriving at another intersection. Their corridor continues, but without any more doors before it splits in a Y to the north. The intersecting corridor running to the west has two barred doors on the north wall. The intersection itself is marked by a pair of iron plate double doors, as large and solid as any on the first level.

They move up to the iron doors and Tina smells again (Perception 20 with advantage). She gets nothing from the doors themselves, but the corridor ahead carries the obvious rank odor of trolls and gamey scent of gnolls. They continue ahead to the Y and try again - and this time Tina picks up the ammonia-rich scent of cat urine to the left, as well as giant. The troll and gnoll comes from the right branch (Perception 21 with advantage). Cats? asks Doro. Are you sure? Tina listens for a long time (Luck roll -1; neither lion is active at this hour; Perception 23 with advantage). Pretty sure replies Tina. There’s one that’s between a purr and a snore. It must be a big cat from the sound of it.

Cats, trolls, and gnolls all have a good sense of smell. They have gone far enough. Doro turns Tina around and retreats to the iron doors, then takes the corridor to the west, hearing the metal clanging again increasing in volume as they go.

The long hall has only two cell doors on the north wall, barred and appearing as the others. However, just before it turns a corner to the south, the wall itself is different. All the way down the hall the color has been fading from the rock - with first the red disappearing and then the remaining black fading to a dull gray. But some twenty feet from the corner it turns sharply to a purple-brown. It is only a fifteen-foot span, and the line between it and the natural stone background is clear and obvious. And yet it looks natural as well, not even hewn, let alone placed. The division between the two rocks is so thin that not even a sheet of paper could be slipped between them. Perhaps some sort of stone shape spell created this strange plug in a natural gap? The purple goes almost to the floor, but there is a half-inch lip of the other stone separating it from being flush.

Doro dismounts. She and Tina cautiously approach the purple wall. Doro looks over the entire surface, trying to find any markings or glyphs, but being careful not to touch it (Investigation 11). Tina sniffs at it suspiciously (Investigation -2). None of them note anything other than the rock itself. Doro tries to remember her Guild training. The purple is so obvious - but nothing is there. Is it a distraction, meant to keep them from noticing something else? She has Tina turn about, but with both of them still walking, she approaches the wall directly opposite the purple stone. Okay, try smelling that, thinks Doro. (Tina Perception with advantage 6, uses bardic inspiration die, d10 = +1, total Perception 7). It’s just stone, says the wolf, giving a mental shrug.

Okay...thinks Doro...what do you hear? Tina sighs, closes her eyes, and listens. Gas jets, she says after a while, hissing gas and crackling flames (Perception 13 with advantage).

I know, says Doro, they are all over this fortress.

Yes, says Tina, opening her eyes. But I don’t see any in this hall. Indeed, although the whole level has been lit by these gas jets, this corridor has none in sight. And yet it is not that dim…

Hmm, considers Doro, returning to the wall opposite the purple stone. She reaches out to touch it - and her hand goes through (Investigation 28)! Okay, classic distraction, she thinks, and yet is not eager for the next part. She takes a hesitant step forward and leans through the illusionary wall, but keeps her feet on the floor of the corridor.

As soon as her head passes through the wall and she can see beyond, Doro is immediately disoriented. The space beyond is huge, and although there is indeed a gas jet some fifty feet distant, the whole space is illuminated by a strange, swirling light that seems to be part of the very air instead. Eddies of luminosity drift here and there, causing the whole scene to be difficult to perceive. Distances and dimensions are tricky to determine in the shifting light of rusty purple motes and lavender rays. Doro feels dizzy and nauseated. Globs of mauve and violet seem to seep and slide around. She can make out stone stairs going down into a larger space, the ceiling of which is out of visual range [2-10]. At the bottom of the stairs a polished floor of red and black hornblende seems to flow between thin pillars of obsidian. The wall to the east is decorated, but Doro cannot make out the shapes from her vantage, and finds she is glad for that. The whole experience instantly reminds her of the strange abandoned temple in the basement of the Steading (Religion 21), but this temple is obviously well-tended and in use!

Doro stands upright and pulls her head back into the hallway. It is several moments before the floor feels solid beneath her and the walls stop moving. Tina licks at her hand solicitously. Finally Doro wills herself to turn around and look at the purple wall. Does the color remind her of the purple hues in the Steading temple? She decides it does. Doro removes a single ball bearing from her pouch, crouches, and rolls it at the wall, hard enough it should jump the lip and hit the purple stone. Close your eyes and listen, she tells Tina, I’ll watch. As she had planned, the ball bearing hits the lip of gray stone, jumps and impacts the purple - then bounces off and rolls back, vaguely in her direction. The purple stone looked quite solid (Doro Perception 15). Did you hear it bounce? she asks. Actually, says Tina, with an undercurrent of queasiness, it sounded more like it squished and then crunched - like someone stepping on a fat cockroach (Tina Perception 17 with advantage). Doro shudders at the imagery as she recovers her ball bearing and stows it in her pouch.

Resting her hand on Tina’s flank, they walk to the end of the hall and turn the corner. They can see the bottom of the stairs on which they entered this level, as well as the cave mouth from which the red glow and metal pounding continue unabated. The mouth of the Hells, thinks Doro, that might be preferable to whatever is in that Temple! They can see a flaming gas jet now, close to the opening in the wall, but they listen for others (Doro Perception 15, Tina 22 with advantage) and distinctly hear one nearly overhead. They turn and look at the wall behind them, which appears as solid as any others. Tina pushes it gently with a paw (Investigation 11). Even though her paw actually goes through the illusion, its power is such that she believes she feels the wall itself (Tina Int check 13). Doro is harder to convince - and has seen beyond the other illusion. She probes the wall and finds nothing there (Investigation 24).

Sticking her head through, she finds herself viewing another part of the same temple, although this opens on a level gallery before descending a shorter and steeper flight of stairs to the temple floor [2-9]. The floor in the western half of the area is of porphyry, and the pillars are made of serpentine. Their well-polished surfaces reflect the strange light that permeates the place. There are scenes on the west wall that she fortunately cannot view from her vantage point.

Doro pulls her head back and again waits until the hallway stops spinning. She is done scouting; it is time to return to the first level, but she resolves to pass by the hellish cave mouth and look inside along the way [2-6]. She finds Tina, mounts, and they creep down the hallway, passing as far from the cave as they can on the other side of the corridor. Doro turns her head as they pass into the bloody red light emerging from the cave, but tells Tina not to stop. In plain view is the source of the metallic sounds - a knotty-limbed, burly fire giant is hammering a long, glowing rod of iron on an anvil. All about him are racks of tools used for weaponsmithing and armor forging, all sized for giants.

Behind the giant, in the back of the cave, is a huge pool of molten lava, and numerous gas jets shoot from the walls. Doro and Tina are blasted by a direct wave of heat as Tina walks past. The giant doesn’t notice them; Doro forces herself to look away from him at the rest of the room. At least two trolls are in sight, cowering - no, sleeping - under a weapons rack that holds items in various stages of completion. Their rest is unhindered by the metallic pounding of the giant.

And then they are past, on their way up the stairs, and up the ramp. Doro and Tina slip past the guard at the alarm cylinder a fourth time, again past the gnolls, and approach the entrance to the throne hall. There they pause. Doro is unsure whether they can make it past the two-headed giant and into the throne hall. She gives Tina a third bardic inspiration die (her last) and then tells her to enter.

Tina rounds the corner without the giant hearing (Stealth 18 > Ettin Passive Perception 14) and immediately gets her distance from the brute.

Doro guides Tina closer to the throne, roughly to the spot where Mathias said that he saw Estia kneeling, then turns around so that the throne is behind them. Let’s take a good, long look, she thinks. Tina smells (Perception 10 with advantage) and listens (Perception 20 with advantage), but does not note anything out of the ordinary. Doro spends some time studying the carvings on the columns, but doesn’t find any hidden messages. She notes that the vaulted ceiling of obsidian is some sixty feet overhead, making this the tallest room she has seen in the entire Hall.

Doro considers how the tapestry in the entryway concealed a hidden guard chamber. She intends to have Tina walk the length of the hall hugging the south wall, a path which will take them past two similar tapestries. Should she check these?

Tina moves to the wall and walks slowly forward. The closer giant’s two heads are watching up the corridor to the north, and back at the throne. From her position on Tina’s back, Doro pulls back the tapestry, but sees only the bare wall behind it. They continue forward.

At the second tapestry, they pause again. The other giant’s two heads are watching to the west at the entry of the hall, and south to this wall - maybe even directly at this tapestry. Now there’s a tell, thinks Doro, it’s always the most unintelligent guard who can’t keep from looking at the secret door. It seems promising, but also makes it that much more challenging. Moving Tina into the perfect position, Doro tries to pull back the tapestry just enough to see behind it, without the giant seeing that it has moved (Doro Sleight of Hand 16 > Ettin Passive Perception 14). As she suspected, there is a passage behind the tapestry!

Doro dismounts and tells Tina to smell the tapestry, but the wolf reports that the stench from the two-headed giants are the only things she is sensing at the moment (Perception with advantage 11). Doro checks her gear, tells Tina to wait, and slips inside, again trying to do so while moving the tapestry as little as she can (Doro Stealth 22 > Fire Giant Guard Passive Perception 16, Ettin 14).

The passageway beyond is lit only with a diffuse red glow, and Doro realizes that the only source of light is that from the bright throne hall passing through the mostly-red tapestry. There is clearly a giant within, though, and one who is looking in her direction. The giant is different from those she has seen before. It is smaller, like the servants in leathers, but is still encased in heavy armor and bearing a sword. As Doro squints through the wan light she realizes that it is a female. The visor of her helm raised, the giant sports no beard, but rather has heavy copper braids spilling out of her helmet. She may be a maid, but there is nothing soft about her appearance as she continually scans the dimly lit hall. One hand rests comfortably on the hilt of her sword, and Doro does not doubt that she knows how to use it. Doro takes a few cautious steps forward, trying to minimize the sound of her hard-heeled boots on the stone floor. The giant guard stands in front of one iron-plated door to Doro’s right, but the hallway itself turns a corner to the left. To see around it, though, she will need to approach rather too close for comfort.

Almost home, Doro reminds herself, and we’re back on the first level - if anything happens, we just dimension door two hundred feet due south, level, and we’re halfway to the ravine. Still, she has one hand on the paralyzation pistol as she moves closer.

With her back almost touching the wall, Doro slides by the giant guard (Stealth 20 > Female warrior Passive Perception 16) and moves gratefully away and around the corner. There are two iron-plated doors; she listens at the first. There is the sound of a single giant snoring, as well as some other, more animalistic, sounds that Doro doesn’t recognize (Int check 11). [Luck roll +1; Snurre is asleep but his hounds are making some noise, Doro Perception 22]

She moves to the second set of doors [Luck roll -2; giants are out or fast asleep] but doesn’t hear anything at them (Perception 6). Returning to the set of doors next to the giant guard (Stealth 23), she gives them a listen as well but hears nothing (Perception 22) [Luck roll 0; Queen Frupy’s handmaidens are either asleep or in attendance on her, and not making noise.]

Doro slips past the guard again (Stealth 25) and manages to emerge from the tapestry into the throne hall without either the female giant behind her or the two-headed giant before her noticing it move (Stealth 27). She communicates telepathically with Tina until they have found each other once again, and then mounts.

She will need to pass by one more two-headed giant on her way out of the Hall, but there is a gas jet nearby hissing and crackling. By passing directly under it, the giant never even has a chance to hear her (no roll needed). Doro and Tina turn into the entry hall, at last seeing the great black valves before them, and move about halfway down the hall, trying to get as far from both the giant behind them in the throne hall, and the one Tina assures her is hidden behind the tapestry before them, as they can. When Doro is happy with her position, she begins her dimension door spell, trying to keep her words as quiet as possible (Performance 26). As soon as she begins casting she becomes visible - although, interestingly, Tina does not. She manages to complete the spell without anyone seeing or hearing her, and the two of them are whisked outside, instantly standing just a few feet from where they entered nearly an hour before (Doro at 4/2/3/1/2). They are halfway to the ravine when Tina becomes visible as well, the time on Doro’s invisibility now run out.

It is an uneventful trip back to the cave under the dark, ash-filled sky.

When Doro gets back to the cave it is still long before sunrise, and Babshapka and Thokk are on watch. She tells them that she has the basic floorplan of both levels of the Hall and that they will have much to discuss after they all have rested.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:47 pm  

This is exciting stuff, Kirt. Happy

I have some questions, comments, and suggestions.

1) Tina could smell the hellhounds, but you didn't mention rolling to see if the hellhounds could smell Tina and Doro.

2) Since the fire giants are well-aware of the party's presence outside their fortress and the fact that they are somewhat formidable, it seems reasonable that these Lawful creatures would station hellhounds in key locations (most especially the area of the throne room near the entry hall) to detect any sneaky (invisible) intruders.

3) I am pretty sure Doro and Tina had to pass by the room of the Rakshasa in order to go down to level 2. Though the Rakshasa doesn't have detect invisibility in any edition (as far as I can determine), it does have detect thoughts, which works constantly. Since Rakshasas are fiends in later editions, that means they don't have to sleep, so it is likely that the Rakshasa would have realized an intruder was passing by its door. Also, in some editions, Rakshasas can smell the blood of humans. Just wondering if you purposefully chose not to have the Rakshasa interfere with Doro's reconnaissance, or if you hadn't considered any of those possibilities.

4) Okay, I agree that the smells of so many trolls, gnolls, and cats that have been living there for a while would be detectable by Tina farther in advance than those beings might smell her single odor. Good for Doro in recognizing the danger of proceeding closer toward those creatures.

5) It is likely that Snurre would keep a hellhound with him, especially while sleeping, and assign one to his wife for protection, also.

6) I can't remember a chimera in the original Hall of the Fire Giant King. Did you replace the hydra with a chimera?

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Master Greytalker

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Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:23 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
This is exciting stuff, Kirt. Happy

I'm glad you are enjoying it. My apologies on the delay in response - I am, as far as I can tell, following this thread - and yet sometimes I get a mail saying there is a response and sometimes not. In this case, I was not aware that you had written until just now, when I opened it to make my Tuesday post.

SirXaris wrote:

I have some questions, comments, and suggestions.

1) Tina could smell the hellhounds, but you didn't mention rolling to see if the hellhounds could smell Tina and Doro.
4) Okay, I agree that the smells of so many trolls, gnolls, and cats that have been living there for a while would be detectable by Tina farther in advance than those beings might smell her single odor. Good for Doro in recognizing the danger of proceeding closer toward those creatures.

Yes, I was going with (4). Those creatures have been here so long, and the smells are so heavy, that Tina had a chance to scent them before she herself was scented. Especially because Doro took extra precautions to cover their scent - staying away from the rest of the party for half a day prior, and covering themselves with ground sulfur to disguise their scent. Had Doro gotten closer to any of those places, there would have been Perception checks made against her.

SirXaris wrote:

2) Since the fire giants are well-aware of the party's presence outside their fortress and the fact that they are somewhat formidable, it seems reasonable that these Lawful creatures would station hellhounds in key locations (most especially the area of the throne room near the entry hall) to detect any sneaky (invisible) intruders.

That would be a reasonable precaution, yes. As we will see later, Obmi recognizes the danger that these adventurers pose, and is pressuring Snurre to respond just as you have suggested. Snurre, however, is full of hubris and resists admitting that the party could actually be a threat. "They would not dare enter my Hall", "They would not dare face my warriors," etc. Although they did not realize it, the party was certainly exploiting Snurre's foolish pride here.

SirXaris wrote:

3) I am pretty sure Doro and Tina had to pass by the room of the Rakshasa in order to go down to level 2. Though the Rakshasa doesn't have detect invisibility in any edition (as far as I can determine), it does have detect thoughts, which works constantly. Since Rakshasas are fiends in later editions, that means they don't have to sleep, so it is likely that the Rakshasa would have realized an intruder was passing by its door. Also, in some editions, Rakshasas can smell the blood of humans. Just wondering if you purposefully chose not to have the Rakshasa interfere with Doro's reconnaissance, or if you hadn't considered any of those possibilities.

We will see the Rakshasa later. In this particular case, I was a rushed DM that wasn't fully prepared when it turned out that Doro was going to scout and I didn't want to think through the implications of the Rakshasa. In any event, the range on detect thoughts is 30 feet. If Doro got within that, it wasn't by much, so it could be said that the Rakshasa was simply on the wrong side of the room and out of range when Doro and Tina went by.

SirXaris wrote:

5) It is likely that Snurre would keep a hellhound with him, especially while sleeping, and assign one to his wife for protection, also.

Oh, Snurre has multiple hellhounds in his sleeping chamber regardless. If the party was revealed to be using invisibility to scout the Hall, he might have assigned one or more to Frupy, but at the time of Doro's mission she just had her female attendants, who I made into a Queensguard.

SirXaris wrote:

6) I can't remember a chimera in the original Hall of the Fire Giant King. Did you replace the hydra with a chimera?

No, the hydra guards Snurre's treasury. The chimera is distinct, and in the original. This is from G1-3, but I expect the text in G3 is nearly identical:

G1-3, p. 20 wrote:
11. CHIMERA PEN: The fire giants keep a large (H.P.: 55) chimera here. This creature will attack on sight, as it hates everyone except fire giants. It has no treasure.

My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.

Last edited by Kirt on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:39 pm  
Post 343: Preparing for the Second Foray

Post 343: Preparing for the Second Foray
12 May [19 Flocktime] - continued - secret cave near Snurre's Hall
(low 84, high 104; very dry)

As soon as Aurora wakes, she uses animate dead to reassert control over her eighteen skeletons. It should last until the next day’s dawn.

When he rouses in the morning, Mathias finds he has leveled to 10th.

New features in bold:

"Mathias" (Leezar / Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio)
Tenth Level Warlock (Pact of the Tome) / Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 10 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Wis 9 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp 58
Languages: Common, Velondi
Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, Persuasion
Otherworldly Patron - Dark Prince Graz'zt
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Special Ability: Saved by the Bell

Cantrips (4): Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Chill Touch. Book of Shadows gives: Guidance, Message, Friends
Invocations (5): One with Shadows, Fiend's Sight, Armor of Shadows, Book of Ancient Secrets, dropped Far Scribe, added Mask of Many Faces
Otherworldly Patron Features (3): Dark One's Blessing, Dark One's Own Luck, Fiendish Resilience
Spells (10); all cast at 5th level: Dispel Magic, Fly, Darkness, Scorching Ray, Summon Aberrant Spirit, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, Teleportation Circle, Synaptic Static, dropped Armor of Agathys, added Counterspell
Between 9th and 10th level, acquired the following rituals to add to his Tome: Find Familiar, Phantom Steed

Equipment: Scimitar, Alien Translator, Laser Pistol, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Power Discs, Couatl Scale of Detect Magic, Book of Shadows, Ring of Mind Shielding, Magic Mace (Willa's), Magic Spear (party's), wineskin of 'black wine', stun grenade, incendiary grenade

Mask of Many Faces wrote:
You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Fiendish Resilience wrote:
Starting at 10th level, you can choose one damage type when you finish a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.

[Babshapka uses his stone for breakfast. Five people plus Fraanke is 7 skins used; the 19 party skins are now at 4 full in the cave and four quarter-casks with 10.5 gallons each. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 58 rations to 56.5. Fraanke eats three pounds of meat which means the party is at 123 pounds].

After breakfast, they discuss their next approach to the Hall. Doro describes to them her scouting, detailing what she observed on both levels and drawing sketch maps on the rock floor of the cave.

Mathias suggests that the entrance to the Underdark is somewhere on the lower level, underground, and that the entrance to the Tunnel to Sterich should be there as well.

It is agreed that they will use the ‘dwarf knock’ discovered by Mathias to try to get the giants to open the door, and then engage them at that point. Darkness will still be their ally; they will wait all through the day today and until after midnight tonight so that Doro can recover all the higher-level spells she used while scouting last night.

There is disagreement about what happens next if the raid goes well. Mathias is a proponent of using the distraction of the combat to slip inside and find someplace to hole up, whereas Aurora believes that they should consider making multiple raids on the Hall, whittling down the defenders but never staying engaged to the point that they are in serious danger. In defending his view, Mathias makes the argument that the giants are likely to be fooled by the ‘dwarf knock’ only once; the Hall has already turned away future supplies and seems content to draw on their resource stockpiles rather than exposing themselves. After the party’s next foray the giants are unlikely to open the valves again, and at present the great doors are the only way in. This next raid is the only chance the party will have to enter without using something like dimension door, Mathias maintains.

Aurora counters by saying that they can dimension door someone inside who can then open the valves for them all, at which point Mathias asks Doro to describe the entrance again. Mathias points out the hidden guard room and narrow hall from her narrative; Doro can take at most one person with her, and Mathias doesn’t like the odds of the pair of them surviving long enough to actually open the door if defenders are actively trying to keep them from opening it - even Thokk will go down after just three hits from a giant, and that could easily happen in less than ten seconds. If the door really is the only way in, after this raid there is no way it will still be watched by one giant only, and even if the party manages to open it once, they certainly won’t be able to repeat it.

Aurora is forced to agree, and changes tactics to her wall of stone - if the giants open the door in response to the ‘dwarf knock’, Aurora can cast her wall of stone between the valves, preventing the giants from being able to close them. In that case the party can come back any time and the door will still be open. She does, under cross-examination, admit that the wall will not be ‘real’ or permanent for ten minutes, and that the party will have to cover her for the duration until it becomes real.

Willa says that ten minutes of combat will mean that they are facing the entire Hall, every single one of Snurre’s soldiers. If they can hold them off for ten minutes, the party will already have won, and won’t need to keep the doors open or come back for another raid. However, Willa was taken with Doro’s description of the doors as not having hinges on either side - and of being too massive for hinges in any event. Willa says that means the doors must be counterweighted, balanced on pins, with much of their bulk existing within the walls of the Hall, unseen from inside or out. And that means that whether the doors are open or closed, there will be a great empty space in the wall that the unseen part of the doors moves through. This gets the party to consider having Doro and Aurora dimension door into such a hidden space, and then creating the wall of stone there so as to keep one of the valves propped open but have the giants unable to attack the blocking wall itself. Willa even suggests that the party could hide and stay in the space within the walls as a new hidden camp between raids. This idea goes around for a while.

Aurora says that if the ten minutes concentrating on her wall of stone is too long, Doro can use her own wall of force to immediately block off the hallway - they can let out just the amount of giants they want to fight, then put up a wall of force to keep any more from arriving. Once they have defeated just the first few giants, Aurora will be able to cast her wall of stone at leisure and keep it up for the ten minutes they need to make it permanent before leaving the Hall for the cave, since other giants will be prevented from harming it by the wall of force.

Now it is Doro’s turn to weigh in, and though she phrases her advice as if the party was constructing a dramatic narrative in a play, they all realize that it is sound tactics. “You don’t want to give the audience all the secrets at once,” she says. “Each time there is a dramatic reveal, you need to space out the next one, so that you can sustain both the highest levels of surprise and suspense.”

Mathias, and eventually Aurora and Willa, understand what she is saying. The party has a limited number of ‘tricks’ up their sleeves. Each time they use one, they may surprise the giants at first - but the giants are smart, tactical, and organized. They will be ready for that trick the next time the party attacks. Thus they want to be as conservative as possible with their tricks, revealing only one in each encounter. When they arrived and snuck past the trolls, they had the advantage of darkness and invisibility - but on their next assault, the giants used hellhounds to negate both those advantages. If the party uses a wall of stone on this attack to keep the doors open, the giants will be ready on the next attack for that as well, and they certainly don’t want to let the giants know that they have access to wall of force yet - because when they do, the giants are likely to respond by having the drow be ready to dispel it on the next assault.

The party decides to take stock of their supply of ‘tricks’ - wall of stone, wall of force, seeming (to disguise the party - perhaps as gnolls?), and Willa’s horn of valhalla. Any one of these could turn the combat for them, so they resolve to only use one on any given assault. Also, they have tiny hut and teleport circle as needed to retreat, but don’t wish to reveal these either, unless necessary. With that decided, most of them agree that if this assault goes well, they will use wall of stone to keep the doors open, and then attempt to sneak inside under the cover of invisibility - or perhaps even seeming as gnolls with invisibility on top of that so that their gnoll-seeming trick may not have to be revealed just yet. With them all agreed on the strategy of ‘steady escalation of tricks’, they spend the remainder of the day in the cave resting and preparing for this evening’s assault.

[Babshapka uses his stone for lunch. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 56.5 rations to 55. Fraanke eats three pounds of meat which means the party is at 120 pounds. They are not outside during the day and do not have to use any additional water.]

Aurora wants the skeletons to operate more or less autonomously in the fight, rather than her having to command them at every action like she did last time and then not being able to use her own spells. She spends the day coming up with as complicated contingent orders as she thinks they are capable of.

She decides that she will form them into a wide semi-circle some hundred-and-fifty feet away from the entrance of the Hall - they will have orders to march in formation up to that distance and then stop. Or, if they find anything at that range before the entrance, they will stop when they do. They are to keep their targets at 150 feet from them at all times [this being short range and no penalties for their longbows]. If a hostile creature (which Aurora defines for them as anything that is not the party) approaches them, their next action will be to drop back thirty feet but keep firing. If there are no targets at close range, they will keep moving up until they have acquired a target or are within close range of the entrance.

She also prepares them with a target priority hierarchy - anything small and wounded first, then anything either small or wounded, then giants, and finally targets that are prone as their last resort. They are to fire on the closest target that is the highest on their list of priorities.

As soon as it is dark she takes them up on the lava fields above the ravine and has them practice. Using her silent image to present them with enemies, she has them recognize gnolls, trolls, hellhounds, and giants, and shows them pairs of targets of different types, at different distances, both prone and non-prone, to check their decision-making skills. She even convinces Thokk, Doro, and Mathias to walk out on the field while this is happening to make sure that the skeletons will indeed recognize and not fire upon party members when under their own control, and has Doro try a few different variations with her hat of disguise. Willa and Babshapka refuse to participate in her undead army training exercises, but Aurora makes rather unflattering copies of them with her silent image to complete the archers' training. After an hour of such practice she is more than satisfied with their ‘programming’.

At dinner, the others soon tire of listening to Aurora extoll the virtues of her wonderful pre-ordered skeleton army.

[Babshapka uses his stone for dinner. Five people plus Fraanke is 7 skins used; the party empties the last four skins and takes three gallons out of one of the quarter-casks, leaving it at 7.5 gallons and three more with 10.5 gallons each. Five people use 2 rations, the party total going from 55 rations to 53. Fraanke eats four pounds of meat which means the party is at 116 pounds].

After dinner, they take all the sulfur rock remaining from Doro, crush it, and work on dulling their own scent. With it being determined that their goal is to make it inside the fortress on this next raid, they plan on having Thokk, Aurora, and Willa invisible during the initial assault, and Babshapka camouflaged but hiding in plain sight right next to the valves when they start knocking, with all four of them on foot but their steeds, phantom or otherwise, hidden nearby. Doro and Mathias will be farther from the entrance, mounted, visible, and tasked with drawing the giants out and away from the doors. Aurora will have Charlotte slip inside the entrance as soon as the doors open, moving ahead of the party to scout and give them notice of who may be coming.

Since they may not be returning to the cave any time soon, Willa spends the remainder of the evening packing, unpacking, and repacking gear. Their cold-weather clothes for the Rift remain in the pile where they dropped them. All of Fraanke’s hobgoblin meat will remain in the cave, but all of the human rations are packed in the bag of holding carried by Aurora. They will fill all nineteen of the water skins, but leave the quarter-casks behind. From the cask they have already tapped, they can fill seven and a half skins. Draining another cask completely gets them to eighteen. The final skin is filled with a gallon of water from the third cask. Two casks remain with water in the cave, one full with 10.5 gallons, one with 9.5).
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Oct 08, 2024 3:37 pm  
Post 344: Second Foray

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 344: Second Foray
13 May [20 Flocktime] - secret cave near Snurre's Hall
(low 80, high 105; very dry)

[It has been more than fifty hours since the party’s first assault on the Hall, and Snurre and Obmi have spoken many times in the two days since about the adventurers. They remain unaware of the battle at the Sulfur Flats, however, or of Doro’s scouting of the Hall. In fact, Snurre is of the opinion that the adventurers, however successful they were against the weaker and more stupid Frost Giants, have tried a singular assault, have faced the superiority of the Fire Giants, and have now given up and gone home. It requires all of Obmi’s tact to convince the great King that the adventurers are still a threat without the King feeling that he, a lowly dwarf, is insulting the competence of the Fire Giant race.

At Obmi’s insistence, teams of gnolls, trolls, and hellhounds have scoured the countryside around the Hall looking for the adventurers, but they have not gone more than a half mile or so from the Hall itself and have not found any sign of the invaders besides what traces they left on the battlefield itself. Neither Snurre nor Obmi is aware of the existence of the cave, which lies over two miles distant down the ravine. Indeed, since Estia has told them how the party rested in a magical hut even when inside the guest chamber ice cave at the Rift, Obmi is assuming that the party is close at hand, using a dark-colored hut to camouflage itself against the volcanic rock, and has told the gnolls and trolls that this is what they are searching for. Thus, when no trace of the party was to be found after two days, Snurre concluded that they had indeed fled rather than face his soldiers again.

Obmi, however, is not so sure, and he has at least persuaded the King to allow him to organize a tepid defense of the Hall should the adventurers return. First, Obmi has had the entry hall filled with iron braziers on long chains, and these are filled with coals - in fact, Doro saw these during her mission, but did not understand their purpose. Obmi has instructed the giants that if the alarm is sounded and they are called to fight outside at night, they are each to take up a brazier on their way out. By whirling these about, the smouldering coals will ignite brightly, and then they can throw the entire brazier towards the sounds of battle, such that the burning coals will illuminate the darkness enough to see the adventurers by, and thus the giants can then use their thrown rock attacks.

Second, by talking to the giants who took to the field against the party before, Obmi has learned that the party used a wall of stone to protect Willa when she went down. He has made sure that every giant understands that wall of stone is a concentration spell, and that if a wizard brings one up again, they need to find and attack the wizard to bring it down, but that if they can’t find or reach the wizard then they can attack the wall itself. He assures them that, at least for the first ten minutes, it is not ‘real’ stone, and they can hack at it without blunting or breaking their swords - and once they do enough damage the spell will be disrupted.

For the forces involved, Snurre begrudgingly allows Obmi to dedicate a ‘response team’. One of the ettins from the throne room is moved to just inside the doors themselves (but is not permitted to open them) - should the giant in the hidden guard room sound the alarm horn, the second ettin will come running. Also allocated to the response will be all of the giants who participated in the first fight against the party - two Kingsguard (from 1-6), two warriors from the west barracks (1-18), and two warriors from the east barracks (1-25; only one of whom fought before), and the Chimera Guard (1-10), now bereft of his beast. The King has also pledged to set his own Hydra on the adventurers, be they impertinent enough to dare return. While the beast is fearsome, Obmi knows that the humans will attack at night and he would be ill-advised to attempt to rouse the King after hours to have him make good on that pledge. However, he has also set up a message relay, such that when word comes of the attack, giant forces from the second level will be summoned to battle as well - all four of the off-duty ettins, the four hill giant refugees, and the fire giant who tutors the youth in the southern wing. Snurre had scoffed at the need to commit so many forces to face mere humans, while Obmi secretly feared that they would not be enough or not be able to arrive soon enough, should the humans try another hit-and-run assault. Obmi has had the forces from the lower level practice running up to the entry valves when the alarm sounds, but he is not impressed by the speed of their response. Later, Obmi spoke with the Fire Giant youth instructor and told him that when the alarm sounds, he is to bring as many trolls and gnolls from the pens on the second level as he can manage quickly, but not to delay his response to wrangle every last one. Obmi is taking a risk here in making this order seem like it came from the King without discussing it with him first, but he knows that Snurre is unlikely to approve it, and the youth instructor is even less likely to question it or bring it up with the King.]

[Start of Play Session 9/9/21]
Shortly after midnight Doro completes her long rest. The others are already well-rested and eager to set out; Mathias and Aurora between them have already ritually summoned four phantom steeds, Thokk is on Fraanke and Doro on Tina in her dire wolf form. As soon as Doro indicates that she is ready to go, Aurora casts mage armor (on herself), mage armor (on Doro), darkvision (on Doro), and darkvision (on Willa) in quick succession (all will last until 8am). [Aurora from 4/3/3/3/2 to 2/1/3/3/2, will not need to assert control over skeletons until 6am]

[With his long rest completed, Leezer chooses his new fiendish resistance to be to bludgeoning damage. He does not intend to get within a slashing sword’s reach of a giant, but he considers it more than possible that a bludgeoning throwing rock might fly his way.]

With the skeletons dashing behind them as before, they traverse the ravine and within half an hour arrive near the Hall. Then, both Aurora and Mathias ritually cast comprehend language spells.

(12:40am; two of the phantom steeds have ten minutes remaining)
The party moves cautiously up and out of the ravine. Finding the coast clear, they bring the skeletons up behind them. Aurora commands them to move to the west a hundred yards out and then come back in while executing ‘attack pattern Delta’ with their target as the entrance of the Hall. To her great satisfaction, they are about halfway back to the party when they begin to fan out in a semicircle. All of them stop, practically in unison, when they reach 150 feet from the doors.

Together the party members (including Fraanke and Tina) approach the great valves. They wait while Babshapka crouches among the rocks, covering himself and his cloak in dark ash and volcanic dust, and slowly disappearing from view (hide in plain sight). Aurora pulls Charlotte out of her extradimensional space and has her climb the doors, coming to a rest on the lintel high above them. Mathias has apparently sent away his raven Craven and summoned his familiar as a bat he calls Fish, and the bat flits invisibly nearby him.

[Actually, this is not his familiar, but the demonling Mr. Wart in the form of a bat, then invisible]

(12:50am; two of the phantom steeds are gone, two have ten minutes remaining)
When Doro can no longer make out Babshapka, even with the help of Aurora’s darkvision, she casts invisibility at 4th level, targeting Thokk, Willa, and Aurora. The spell will last just one minute; immediately thereafter she has Tina dash across the rock field and take cover among the standing stones of the drop zone from the Rift, while Mathias on his steed moves back along the cinder trail until he is at 120 feet from the valves, the extreme range of his bolts of force. Fraanke lopes after Mathias but goes even further back until he is standing among the skeletons. Willa stays near the hidden Babshapka on the side of the doors nearer the ravine; Aurora and Thokk move to the far side of the doors, with all four of them right up against the rock mound walls of the Hall. All is in place.

Thokk pounds on the great stone door in an imitation of the dwarf knock Mathias taught him.

After Thokk delivers the dwarf knock he moves back to his position - but there is no response from within. He moves forward and tries again, remaining there, and there is still no response. He hits the door again, increasing the urgency and strength of his pounding with each attempt.

[Inside, the fire giant on guard hears Thokk’s blows. On the one hand, he has been told not to open the door, and that all of the supply caravans have been stopped. On the other hand, he spoke to only one of the dwarven clans, and many nations serve his mighty King - it is possible that these are dwarves from another hold who have not yet received the message. To be safe, he blows his alarm horn first (Giant Wisdom Check 18). Only when the ettin in the throne room and the Kingsguard appear in the tunnel behind him does he tell the ettin already with him to help him open the door.]

Round One
Once the bar has been removed and set aside, the fire giant and ettin together push open one door. Slowly the valves part, just barely, then the left one (left from the party’s perspective) swings open. Light spills out into the night and both of them take a few cautious steps forward, looking for the dwarves and their wagons that should be nearby on the cinder road. No dwarves or wagons are in sight. Behind them, another ettin and a giant approach rapidly down the entry hall, the giant snatching up a brazier by the chain.

Charlotte moves down the lintel, across the upper threshold, into the hallway, and up to the peak of the vaulted ceiling inside. Besides the fire giant and two-headed giant already on the threshold, she can see another of the two-headed giants and at least five more armored fire giants coming rapidly up the hall.

Babshapka, still hidden by his closed door, begins to chirp like a cave cricket. This is supposed to be the signal to Thokk to push his door closed, so that Aurora can drop the wall of stone and trap just a few giants outside battling the entire party before reinforcements arrive. Thokk, however, is not responding, and with him being invisible, no one knows where he actually is.

Choosing the larger fire giant over the two-headed one, Mathias lets fly with two bolts of force (both hit, total 15 damage). Taking his lead, Doro sends percussive energy at the same giant (one hit, 8 damage, total 23).

Aurora reaches out blindly, trying to grab ahold of Thokk. He was knocking on the door just a moment ago, but would have had to move out of the way when it opened - where has he got to? No matter how much she thrashes about, she cannot find him (Aurora Investigation 10; critical fail). Perhaps overestimating her own strength, she moves to the inside of the door and braces herself against it to keep it from being closed until Thokk is ready to close it - so far there is just the one giant and ettin on the field, and the party is more than a match for them.

Unlike the giants, the ettin does have darkvision - and with both pairs of eyes! Obmi has told him his job is to run out onto the field and find the humans, and then call out to the giants so they can start sending rocks his way. If calling in airstrikes when you are standing in the strike zone does not seem like the safest job, the ettins are used to being abused by the fire giants and did not complain, at least not in the presence of the King’s Counselor. As the ettin barrels out of the entrance of the Hall, it turns hard right and starts taking off west across the lava flows (dash). Since none of the party are visible in that direction, they have no idea what it is headed toward. Aurora presses herself up against the stone door to avoid being flattened as it passes (Dex save 13), and Thokk nimbly steps aside (Dex save 17 with advantage from danger sense).

Willa moves to the inside of the other door, bracing her shoulder against it and trying to find good purchase for her boots on the stony ground. She unwittingly agrees with Aurora that a few more giants on the field are manageable.

Round Two
Seeing the speed with which the ettin is moving out onto the field, Doro decides to switch her target. Tina obligingly turns broadside to the entrance and Doro aims the neck of her samisen while she strikes a note, but both shots go wide and impact the stony side of the Hall instead.

Mathias is convinced that the armored fire giant is a greater threat than whatever the smaller, two-headed giant is doing. Certainly it doesn’t look large enough to throw a stone at him from a hundred feet away as he knows the fire giant is capable of. He continues firing at the giant standing in the doorway (one hit, 9 points, total 32), then drops his steed back to join the line of skeletons near Fraanke. He whistles at them, trying to get their attention. “Hey boneheads! Aren’t you supposed to be shooting by yourselves?”

As if in response to Mathias’ chiding, but actually because the outline of the fire giant against the light from inside the Hall is now clearly visible to them rather than blocked by the ettin, the skeletons as one raise and draw their bows. Eighteen Sterish shafts whistle through the air. Yes! exults Aurora, they are firing on their own! It is only as the whistling gets louder that she realizes that although she instructed the skeletons not to fire near any party members, she is both invisible and standing right next to their target. Eight of the eighteen shafts pierce the gaps in the giant's plate armor (eight hits with advantage since the skeletons can see the giant but the giant cannot see them; 70 points damage, total 102). Another nine arrows break on the armor or land in the doorway between Willa and Aurora. One arrow grazes Aurora’s side (of ten misses on the giant, each with a 1-in-4 chance of requiring an attack on Aurora; one attack hits, 7 damage). Gaakk! thinks Aurora, still proud of her army but realizing now that once she gets her wall of stone up she will need to be more careful; Willa will never shut up about it if her concentration on the wall is spoiled by a stray arrow from one of her own skeletons.

The fire giant, having taken more than his share of arrows, staggers forward and moves out of the light, trying to keep from being the target of a second volley. As he seeks the darkness outside the closed valve he very nearly steps on Babshapka. Three more giants from within burst through the open doorway, all trailing braziers. They spread out at the entrance, the braziers whirling above their heads until it looks like they are surrounded by mystic orange halos. Damn it, thinks Babshapka, four giants is enough, Thokk - close the doors! He chirps even louder, hoping his cricket is realistic enough to not attract the attention of the wounded giant looming directly over him.

Whooshhhhhh…...clang! The braziers sail into the night, crashing to the ground and spilling their coals out through the open tops and newly rent sides. Each pile of glowing coals illuminates a small circle around it, one to the northwest, about halfway to where the ettin is still charging forward, one to the southwest, lighting up a corner of the standing stones near Doro and Tina, and one to the south, where the light falls upon one of the skeleton archers.

Thokk hears Babshapka’s signal but is disappointed. Four? he thinks to himself. That’s hardly a challenging fight - why, the party already beat three fire giants in the dwarven barbeque city! Thokk’s warband needs a demonstration in courage! Thokk enrages and moves to the outside of the door near him, grunting and straining as he tries to close it - he is pushing hard enough, but why won’t it budge? (Thokk Wis check 7 - fails).

As soon as she hears Thokk’s labored breathing, Aurora jumps away from the inside of the door - but still it doesn’t move. Then she hears his boots sliding across the smooth rock. (Aurora Int check 13). She realizes that Thokk is pushing with enough force to close the door, but that that much force is doing the easier task of sliding his boots across the ground - he is strong enough, but simply not massive enough to close the valve by himself. “Willa!” she hisses, hoping the three fire giants are now far enough away from the entrance to not hear her.

“On it!” says Willa, who has come to the same conclusion as Aurora. Now the wizard has a hard decision. She can begin her spell immediately, trusting that Willa can help Thokk get the door closed before the spell is completed and the wall appears. But if they don’t get the doors closed, then she will either have to drop the wall in between the open doors, actually preventing them from being closed, or be forced to lose the spell entirely if she waits too long. [Aurora's player had wanted to ready an action to cast the spell as soon as the door was closed, but a readied spell needs to be cast, spending the slot, and then held. If the trigger (doors closing) didn't come up before Aurora's next initiative, the spell would fail and a high level slot be wasted - and that could happen if either Thokk and Willa got a low Initiative or if they went first but failed their strength check to close the doors]. Aurora crosses her fingers and begins the motions for the spell, immediately appearing in the light from the hall as her invisibility drops.

Willa sidles up next to Thokk, easily recognizing his position by his grunts, curses, and the gravel crunching under his boots as they slide. She squats and throws herself against the door as well. For a second nothing happens - and then the great portal slowly begins to shift inward (to move one valve requires a minimum of two size-Medium creatures and a DC25 Athletics check. Thokk had a 20 with advantage from rage; Willa added a second person and +5 from Help for a total of 25 - just what they needed and no more).

Charlotte sees and hears the door shut - now trapped on her side are two fire giants and one of the two-headed giants. At the far end of the hall, barking and yipping, a pack of gnolls is approaching.

The crash from the valve closing has just begun to echo in the hallway behind it when Aurora finishes her spell and a huge block of stone appears - ten feet high, ten feet wide, and five feet deep, with the whole thing centered on the line between the valves [the spell makes ten stone panels of 10’ x 10’ x 6 inches, and Aurora has stacked these seamlessly together in a large block. It has AC15 and 30hp per inch of thickness - at 5 feet thick it will take 1800hp of damage to destroy]. A massive doorstop of more than 47 tons of magic stone is now holding the doors closed from the outside [the wall merges with the existing stone, and the basalt rock outside the Hall weighs 187 pounds per cubic foot; the block is 500 cubic feet]. As soon as the block is in place, Aurora moves as far from the entrance as she can - she is now concentrating to maintain the existence of the magic stone (now at 2/1/3/3/1).

Round Three
The ettin slows his advance and pulls forth two weapons as he approaches the line of skeletons. He appears to be directing one hand with each head. His swing with a battleaxe goes wide and he stumbles as his foot catches on one of the lava rocks (critical miss). His other head curses the clumsiness of the first and then directs a morning star down on top of the skeleton, crushing its skull (hit, 10 damage). Despite its lack of a cranium, the skeleton continues to maneuver as it tries to draw on the ettin and line him up for a shot.

Thokk had told Fraanke that in his absence it was the wolf’s job to defend the mindless, silly skeletons since they cannot look after themselves like true warriors. Seeing the ettin’s attack, Fraanke charges, leaping at the last second to throw his whole body weight into the smallish giant, and it topples to the ground with both heads grunting (attack hits, 11 damage. DC14 Str save; Ettin 12, fails, knocked prone).

The headless skeleton takes advantage of the ettin being knocked down to back up. While one of the ettin’s heads tracks the winter wolf as it lands, the other directs a swipe at the retreating skeleton but misses (opportunity attack with disadvantage from being prone).

Acting autonomously according to their programming, some of the skeletons fire on the two-headed giant, some fire on the closest fire giant, and some back up to keep distance between themselves and the three advancing giants.

Still thinking his warband could use some lessons in valor, Thokk yells a war cry and attacks the center giant of the three who have just hurled braziers. Shield on his back, he is using his axe two-handed (two hits, the first with advantage as he started the turn invisible, 26 damage).

Willa, seeing Thokk commit to the attack, draws forth her frostbrand and joins him (two hits, 17 slashing and 9 cold). She becomes visible with her first swing and Doro, noticing nothing further tugging mystically at her now that all three of the party can be seen, drops her concentration on the invisibility spell.

The fire giants had thrown their braziers to light up the field and find the enemy for them to throw rocks at, but suddenly the formerly unseen enemy is appearing among them! Two giants draw their huge swords and peer down into the darkness about their feet. Now that the valve is closed, and having thrown their light sources far distant, they will have to rely more on hearing than sight to track their opponents. Fortunately for them, an enraged Thokk is continually releasing a series of taunts and exultant war cries, so he is easy to locate. The first giant swings at him but finds his blade partially blocked when Willa thrusts her greatsword between them (one hit with disadvantage from lack of sight, 38 damage, Willa intercepts 8, Thokk takes 30 points but this is reduced to 15 after rage). A second giant hears the squelch of the first sword blow ripping open Thokk’s body. He turns and jabs his sword twice in quick succession (two hits, 22 damage (Thokk takes 11) and 31 damage (Thokk takes 15). In doing so, the giant nearly treads on Willa but she slips out of the way (Dex save 11).

The third fire giant hefts a throwing rock and eyes one of the skeletons illuminated by the coal-light. Aurora's complicated, contingent instructions to them didn’t include anything about staying out of the light. The giant winds up and launches the rock, which sails through the air and explodes the rib cage and severs the spine of the skeleton (one hit, 30 damage, skeleton has vulnerability to bludgeoning damage and takes 60 points). The top and bottom halves of the skeleton fall apart from one another and it collapses on the ground, unmoving.

The last fire giant has retreated from the fray and is now recalling the words of Obmi about walls of stone. He has no intention of seeking the wizard who created the wall to end it, at least not while said wizard is hidden in the dark with its weapon-wielding allies. But he will stay here by the entrance and attack this stone block so that his own allies inside can take to the field. Reminding himself that the block cannot hurt his sword, he chops at the stone (two hits, 60 damage, block now at 1740hp, two inches of it destroyed). Inside the hall, the two remaining fire giants throw their weight against the closed doors, trying to force them open. The wall is fused to the ground and will not slide regardless of the force used, but now that a few inches of it have crumbled, the obsidian valves can slam into it each time the giants throw themselves against them (valves are treated as huge improvised weapons, +7 to hit (no proficiency bonus), 3d4+7 to damage, wall takes 53 damage (total 83, now at 1717hp), with nearly three inches destroyed).

Mathias continues to fire on the giants (two hits, one critical, 26 damage), even as he guides his steed south and east across the battlefield, moving well away from the glow of the coals and into the deepest patches of darkness.

Doro has Tina move away from the light spilling from the fallen brazier. Once she is back in the protective dark, she decides to leave the two-headed giant to the skeletons and fire on the giant that was heavily wounded by arrows. However, his thick armor turns away her blasts (two misses).

Aurora does not share Thokk’s enthusiasm for fighting four giants at once, and with giants both within and without attacking her beautiful wall, they may soon be facing even more than that. With her deep mind maintaining concentration on her spell, her surface mind guides her hand to pressing the button on her chest that powers up the blaster rifle and brings the targeting screen in front of her face. There is an undamaged fire giant between Thokk and Willa, and Aurora judges that one as being the best of them to take a time-out. When she depresses the firing button with her thumb, the blast of force slams into the giant, disintegrating his shield and forcing him to stagger back against the stone block (DC13 Dex save, Giant 17; succeeds, of 28 damage giant takes 14; AC18 reduced to 13; stunned for 1 round).

With a spray of ash and pebbles, Babshapka leaps to his feet and draws both swords, no longer camouflaged. He attacks the giant trying to break the wall (two hits and the first with advantage, 16 damage, total 118).

[Inside the Hall, Charlotte continues to move forward while the gnoll pack approaches and the giants slam themselves into the closed doors.]

Round Four
Thokk continues his enraged assault on the giants (one hit, 12 damage).

Babshapka decides that keeping the giant from destroying the block is a worthy use of his spell slot; he casts hunter’s mark (now at 3/3/2) and places it on his quarry, then attacks him again. His first broadsword swing kills the giant (one hit, 6 damage plus mark, total 124 plus mark), so he turns and moves to engage the three giants fighting Thokk and Willa (advantage from Thokk’s rage but misses).

Pressing the button on her chest that powers down the blaster rifle, Aurora draws forth her wand and chants the words for mind whip. With three giants to choose from, she selects the two not stunned, using her new split enchantment ability to cast the spell on both of them at once (DC17 Int Save > 16, 13, both fail. Giants take 6 and 12 damage; no reaction this turn, next turn may do only one of move, act, or react; Aurora now at 2/0/3/3/1).

Willa was forced to move away from Thokk to avoid the giant attacking him; now she moves back to his side, shouting encouragement as she savages a giant’s legs with her frostbrand (two hits with advantage from Thokk’s rage and the darkness, one critical, 22 slashing and 12 cold damage).

Doro saw the three massive sword strikes that Thokk took - likely it is only his rage that has kept him from going into shock. Trusting the darkness to keep her safe, she has Tina move forward into range and begins playing the healing song of vitality (first round, 7 points of healing to Thokk).

Mathias blasts at giants from the darkness (two hits with advantage, 12 damage).

The two fire giants continue to assault Thokk. Even though one cannot move about the field (mind whip), his massive sword can still reach the half-orc (10’ reach). Between four swings, the two giants manage to connect three more times, though Willa partially blocks one of those (four attacks with disadvantage from darkness, three hits: first for 21 damage, Willa intercepts 7, 14 damage remaining is 7 after rage, second for 34 damage (17 after rage), third for 35 damage (17 after rage); Thokk takes 41 total). The third fire giant, the one blaster-rifled by Aurora, blearily pulls itself off the wall and again raises his sword (no longer stunned).

The two fire giants inside continue to pound on the valves, doing so with even more vigor than before (four attacks, three hits, one critical, total 54 damage for the round, total damage to block 137, wall at 1693hp, more than four inches destroyed).

Twelve of the remaining seventeen skeletons fire on the prone ettin (three hits with disadvantage from prone, 18 damage). The remaining five, on the far end of the battlefield, advance so as to be closer to their giant targets - with the doors now closed, they are limited to much less than the range of their bows (targets must be within their sixty feet of darkvision).

Fraanke turns and snaps at the still-prone ettin (hit with advantage from prone; 12 damage).

With each head now cursing at the ineptitude of the other, the ettin pulls itself to its feet, swinging its weapons wildly at the giant wolf (both miss).

Inside the Hall, Charlotte continues to move forward and passes over the advancing gnoll pack while the giants behind her continue to slam themselves into the closed doors.

Round Five
Willa presses the attack, switching to the formerly stunned giant as it is easier to damage without its shield to protect half its body or swipe at her when she moves in close (two hits with advantage, 23 points).

Mathias continues to blast at the giants from across the battlefield (one hit, 4 damage).

Thokk is reeling from the last six hits (currently at 7hp - had Doro not healed him last round he could have gone down). Lesson in courage to his warband or not, he drops back and moves his shield into one hand, hefting his battle axe with the other. Bellowing defiance, he charges back in, his one-handed swing cleaving the knee-armor of the giant and sinking deep into flesh and bone (brutal critical hit, 23 points). Roaring again, he yanks out the axe and uses it to strike at the giant’s sword-hand even as it brings it around (hit, damage 14).

All three giants converge on the bellowing barbarian - they cannot see him, but they can certainly hear him. A low stab looks to eviscerate him, but Willa knocks it so far off course that it merely grazes his side (first giant attack hits - 23 damage, Willa intercepts 13 points, Thokk takes 10, after rage Thokk takes 5, reducing him from 7 to 2hp). He shoots forward between the giant’s legs and for a precious few seconds their blows miss him in the dark (next four attacks with disadvantage miss). A final blow from above looks to cleave him in two, but a sudden magic strumming of Doro’s samisen slows the giant’s hand just enough for Thokk to bring up his shield in time and take the blow safely (last attack of six with disadvantage had an attack roll of 23 to Thokk’s AC of 21 with shield, but Doro’s cutting words dropped the attack roll to 15 and resulted in a miss - Thokk remains at 2hp).

The two giants inside continue to use the obsidian doors to batter away at the magic stone, with each blow being able to open them a fraction more (three hits, 43 damage, total damage to block 180, wall at 1620hp, six inches destroyed).

Seeing Thokk in extremis, Doro has Tina charge forward and launch herself at the shieldless giant (one hit with advantage from darkness, rage, and pack tactics; 9 damage). The sudden blow from behind topples the giant in a great clash and clang of armor. Tina stands on top of the fallen giant and it does not rise. Doro shoots a mind sliver at one of the two remaining giants with one hand (DC15 Int Save > Giant 9; fails, 5 damage, -4 to next saving throw) even while her other hand continues to pluck out the healing melody (second round of song of vitality, 5hp healing to Thokk brings him back to 7hp).

Aurora lashes out again with mind whip. Now out of second-level slots, she uses a third and affects both standing giants but without using her split enchantment (first giant DC17 Int Save < 20; saves, half of 16 damage is 8; second giant DC17 Int save = 17 but -4 from mind sliver is 13; fails, 13 damage; no reaction this turn, next turn may do only one of move, act, or react; Aurora now at 2/0/2/3/1).

Fraanke backs off, now that the ettin is standing up, and circles it warily. When the ettin charges him and cannot easily move to the side, he opens his mouth and blasts it with cold (DC12 Dex Save > Ettin 0; fails, 17 cold damage).

The eight skeletons closest to the ettin fire on him, and he drops, all four eyes now staring lifelessly into the darkness. An errant arrow narrowly misses Fraanke. The skeletons advance closer to the giants. Nine more distant skeletons fire on the giants still standing based on their hearing (flat rolls as neither the giant nor the skeletons can see one another; one hit, 4 points).

Babshapka moves his hunter’s mark from the dead giant draped over Aurora’s stone block to one of the ones still standing and continues to attack (two hits, one critical, total 25 with mark). He doubts Thokk will be on his feet much longer and moves to stand near Willa to support her as their likely next target.

Round Six
With the party finally outnumbering the giants, the tide is turning. Doro keeps them from being able to think straight, lobbing abjurations in the dark (mind sliver, DC15 Int Save > Giant 2; fails, 11 damage, -3 to next saving throw) and continuing to heal Thokk (third round of vitality, 3 points healing, Thokk at 10hp). Tina snaps at a giant but misses.

Babshapka dances confidently about the giants’ legs, his twin blades a blur as he slashes and stabs (three hits, 26 damage with three triggers of mark). A giant manages to find him in the dark (one hit with disadvantage), and the blow staggers him (31 damage), but he slips away before a second one can land and strikes back (giant killer, hits for 9 more damage).

The second giant continues to attack Thokk, but Willa again intercepts the blow, keeping Thokk barely conscious (one hit with disadvantage, 25 damage less 8 from Willa, 17 after rage is 9 to Thokk, Thokk at 1hp).

The pounding on the doors from within continues (three hits, 43 damage, total damage to block 223, wall at 1577hp, seven inches destroyed).

Eight skeletons are within darkvision range and can see the giants well enough to attack (advantage, five hits including one critical, total 43 damage), while the others move closer. Satisfied with the damage the skeletons are doing, Aurora saves her spell slots and uses a toll the dead cantrip on the befuddled giant (DC17 Wis save < Giant 11 -3 from mind sliver = 8; fails, giant takes 11 damage).

Thokk hacks at the giant (two hits, 23 points) and Willa moves in and cuts it down (two hits with advantage, 33 points of slashing and cold), leaving just one for the party to face. “Fraanke, to me!” roars Thokk.

[By this point the gnolls are clustering around the giants at the end of the hall and Charlotte has moved into the throne hall. A single female fire giant warrior is there, armored and with a longsword proportioned to her smaller (but still huge) size.]

Round Seven
With just one giant left on the field, Thokk the Packmaster tells the party to spread out around their foe in a loose circle, avoiding its wild strikes in the dark. When Fraanke arrives at his side, he motions for the wolf to attack the giant from behind, and Fraanke understands the gesture. It moves sideways and then darts in (one hit with advantage from darkness and pack tactics, 9 points; DC14 Str save < Giant 19; succeeds and remains on his feet). The blow distracts the giant, and as it turns to face the wolf, Thokk moves in himself and strikes it down (two hits, 29 damage).

Thokk climbs onto the fallen giant’s chest and yells across the field. “Kill them!” he shouts to his warband in Orc, “Kill them all!” When the party does not move immediately, he repeats the command in Common.

Babshapka moves to another giant and stabs his shortsword deep into its neck (two hits, automatic criticals for four failed death saves, giant is truly dead). “Done, but without pleasure,” he mutters in Elven as the giant’s blood gushes over his boots. “Good riddance, anyway,” he adds in Giant.

“Agreed,” growls Fraanke from nearby, in the same tongue.

Babshapka turns on the wolf, shocked. “You...speak Giant?” he stammers.

“Of course,” the wolf replies. “And if you could tell the Packmaster to speak Giant to me, I would understand his commands so much the better.”

Willa dispatches a second giant, and Doro a third, as well as continuing to heal Thokk (round four of vitality, 3 points, Thokk at 13). Mathias is still off in the darkness, and not close enough to join them in the killing - or to refuse to.

Rather than make sure that the last fallen giant is dead, Aurora says brightly, “I’m going to gather arrows for my army!” Before she can move off, however, Mathias rides up.

“Tell your skeletons to gather their own damn arrows,” the gaunt man says, “since they are so autonomous.” He dismounts from his phantom steed, and with a gesture of his hand dismisses it. It turns into vapor that rapidly dissolves in the hot air.

Willa grabs Aurora by the shoulders and turns her to face the block which is, even now, still being battered by the obsidian portals. “Ye war serposed ter be are eyes on ther inside,” she reminds the wizard. “Now ask yer bloomin’ spider wha’ she be seein’.”

The two giants inside continue their battery (four hits, 55 damage, total damage to block 278, wall at 1522hp, nine inches destroyed).

Aurora frowns but faces the doors and closes her eyes, covering her ears with her hands. “Oh, she’s in the throne hall!” she says excitedly. “She can see another three, maybe four fire giants. One is armed and armored, but it is smaller than the ones out here - it is a giantess! The other two are dressed in leather and they just have clubs.”

“We may be gettin’ down ter ther reserve troops,” says Willa. “T’at be a fair sign.”

[Unfortunately for Willa’s optimistic view, the lack of troops is because Obmi has not yet convinced Snurre they are necessary, not because he is down to reserves to defend the Hall. When the party first arrived, Snurre had 21 warriors and 3 dreadnoughts on hand. The party has now killed four warriors here, plus a dreadnought and a warrior at the Sulfur mine.]

[end of play session]

[Start of play session 9/16/21]

Round Eight
Thokk makes sure the fourth giant is dead.
Doro heals Thokk for 12hp (round five of vitality, Thokk at 25).
Aurora tells the skeletons to look for arrows anywhere that they shot and missed, and to try to recover any arrows they can from the body of the unarmored ettin.

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (four hits, 69 damage, total damage to block 347, wall at 1453hp, eleven inches destroyed).

“Mayhap we be needin’ yer steed ter retreat,” says Willa to Mathias.

He shakes his head. “We’re not retreating, we’re going in,” he says authoritatively, then seems to reconsider his tone. “Besides,” he adds in a more conciliatory voice, “that steed only had a few minutes left on it. The first one I made for you is already gone.” He gestures off in the darkness to where her steed is no longer.

“We can ritual-up some more…” begins Aurora, but Mathias cuts her off by pointing at the block.

“Your wall of stone is not going to last another ten minutes!” he exclaims. “We’ll be lucky if it lasts the full minute you’d need for a phantom steed hard cast, and that’s a slot we don’t need to be spending right now. What we do need to do is get ready to enter, with invisibility and, if Doro can afford it, seeming. Now dismiss your own steed - we want the giants to think we fled, not that we are still hanging around. Babshapka’s mount is already gone.”

Round Nine
Doro heals Thokk for 6hp (round six of vitality, Thokk at 31).

[Inside the Hall, the giants at the doors have now battered away enough of the wall of stone so that the valves can open a full foot forward - the several inch gap between them is not nearly enough for a giant, even an unarmored youth. But it could fit a gnoll going sidewise. The gnoll pack behind the giants is composed of the personal guards of Obmi - and he has ordered them to scout the field for information about the party. They need to get out - but the giants are making no move to suspend the rate of their pounding. They push as hard as they can to slam the valves forward into the crumbling stone, then use grips carved into the very obsidian itself to draw the massive doors back closed again. They aren’t slowing down for the gnolls, and the gates themselves are only wide enough for a gnoll to pass about half the time. The gnolls cower about the giant heels, whining, and begging, “Pass, pass…” in Giant.

“If you want out, get your furry a** out there,” snaps a giant at the gnolls. It considers aiming a kick at them but doesn’t want to slow down. “We’ve got swordbrothers dying out there and we need to get to them.”

The gnolls gulp and push each other forward to the gap. Finally one times the giant strokes and darts through doors when they are open. As the valves slowly close behind it, it finds itself in a wedge-shaped gap of rubble surrounded by the ten foot high wall of stone. The gnoll is tall and lanky - it can make a standing jump and grab the lip of the wall, right? (Gnoll Acrobatics 6; fail) The gnoll leaps up and grabs the upper edge of the wall, but the stone has been battered by the door and it crumbles away in the gnoll’s grasp - the gnoll falls down into the same place it was before. It barks a high-pitched plea to the giants, but they either don’t hear or don’t care (Giant Wisdom check 4). The portals begin their next outward slam. The gnoll tries to scramble over the rubble to the side (Dex Save 10; fails) but is crushed between the opening valves and the wall; 16 damage, gnoll is at 6hp. He yips in pain but the giants pay no heed.]

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (one hit to gnoll and three to wall, 49 damage to wall, total damage to block 396, wall at 1404hp, thirteen inches destroyed).

“We need a distraction,” says Babshapka. “Something to draw these giants outside once they get the doors open. If we are slipping inside invisibly, we don’t want to have to push past them to get down the hall. And Thokk, did you know Fraanke can speak Giant?”

“Of course Fraanke speak Giant!” roars Thokk, who had never even considered the idea before. “Thokk’s magnificent warbeast nearly as smart as Thokk!” With no enemies left on the field, Thokk is concentrating on maintaining his rage, and does not currently have time for idle speculation (focused rage). “Evil advisor!” he bellows. “You tell Thokk’s flower-blood archer how to have Fraanke make distraction for us!”

Fortunately Willa had already been thinking of a suitable distraction, and the addition of Fraanke just gives her more to work with. “Firs’ we need ter get t’ese gigants inter yon light,” she says.

“Fraanke, help us drag these bodies into the closest light from those coals,” says Babshapka to the wolf in Giant.

Now, Fire Giants are five or six tons on the hoof - even before they encase themselves in several hundred pounds of iron and steel armor. There is no way the party can lift or even drag them to the coal-lights. But with a draft-horse-sized winter wolf pulling the far hand over the body, and a direwolf pulling the far leg, and Babshapka on the hips and Willa on the shoulders, they can, with effort, roll them. Before they get too far away, Doro ushers the others closer. Without them stopping their work, once everyone is within thirty feet of her, she casts seeming, giving them all the appearance of gnolls and Tina a hellhound. Fraanke remains a horse-sized wolf, but his dirty white fur has now become a dull black, with only his piercing blue eyes unchanged.

Round Ten
The wounded gnoll, as soon as the doors pull back again, scrabbles up the rubble - it proves easier to climb up it and then on top of the surface of the block than to either jump from the gap between the doors or go around the ends. At first on all fours, he staggers to his feet and looks about. He sees two gnolls (Doro and Mathias) at the base of the block, another (Aurora) a short way off, and three more worrying the body of a dead giant along with a hellhound and a coal-black giant wolf. But he doesn’t recognize any of the six gnolls. Are these new recruits, defenders he hasn’t seen before, or are a different group of gnolls actually attacking the Hall? He barks an identification call and waits for the gnolls to answer.

Mathias messages Aurora, Does anybody speak Gnoll?

Doro is the closest to the gnoll, and knows she can’t have him reporting the presence of the strange group of gnolls. If the giants inside are suspicious, her seeming will have been for naught. She points her samisen at him and fires (one hit, 9 damage). The gnoll is knocked back and falls off the far side of the block, dead before he hits the rock below.

Doro heals Thokk for 8hp (round seven of vitality, Thokk at 39). She had noted with satisfaction that their gnoll disguises are much closer to the one that just came out than her initial attempt the previous night had been. She has made sure to give them all a black tear-drop mark on the fur near their left eyes so that they can identify one another if they lose track in a fight.

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (four hits, 61 damage to wall, total damage to block 457, wall at 1343 hp, fifteen inches destroyed).

Aurora concentrates on communicating mentally with the skeletons. Spend thirty more seconds looking for arrows, she tells them, then follow the cinder road until it turns north. At the turn, get off the road, spread out, and walk a hundred yards to the south. Lie down on the ground, behind rocks so that you are out of sight of the road. Pretend to be dead unless something attacks you, then defend yourself. Wait there until I contact you.

“Dismiss your steed!” insists Mathias to Aurora. He moves near the door into a patch of shadow and disappears from view.

Willa, Tina, Babshapka, and Fraanke, now joined by Thokk, continue to laboriously roll the dead giant closer to the middle light, the one that half-falls on the road. As he works, Babshapka explains to Fraanke what Thokk wants him to do. The wolf growls in understanding.

Round Eleven
Doro heals Thokk for 7hp (round eight of vitality, Thokk at 46).

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (four hits, 63 damage to wall, total damage to block 520, wall at 1280 hp, seventeen inches destroyed).

With the gap between the valves now nearly a foot and a half when open, a second gnoll jumps through and then rapidly scales the block (Acrobatics 14). He sees largely the same scene as before (Perception 20), although Mathias-gnoll is hidden in shadows and his deceased packmate has fallen so close to the edge of the block that he remains out of view.

The new gnoll barks an announcement of who he is, but also a call-challenge to the party. After several seconds without any of them responding, he turns his back to them. Doro reads his body language - he is about to call to his packmates inside (Doro Insight 19). She turns and hisses at Aurora, “He’s going to tell!” Aurora finally dismisses the last phantom steed.

Mathias messages Willa, Get your a**** back here and invisible up! Mind the gap! They are coming out!

The dead giant is almost rolled to where they need him in the light. Willa tells Thokk and Babshapka to go back; she will finish up with the wolves. Thokk feels his anger ebbing and loses his rage after its tenth round.

Round Twelve
Doro heals Thokk for 5hp (round nine of vitality, Thokk at 51). She shoots at the gnoll on the block but misses twice.

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (four hits, 38 damage to wall, total damage to block 558, wall at 1242hp, nearly nineteen inches destroyed).

The gnoll crouches down, trying to time a jump between the valves when they are open to their maximum width. The giants aren’t helping, and the gnoll balks (Dex check 9) for the moment.

Thokk charges back to the entrance, and leaps in the air, his hands easily catching the lip of the block and pulling himself up. As the gnoll turns to look at this oddly burly gnoll, Thokk draws his axe and cuts him down (two hits, 25 damage, gnoll is dead).

“Great, Thokk,” says Mathias, but not loudly enough to be heard inside the Hall over the curses of the giants and smashing of the rock. The gaunt man emerges from the darkness and moves next to Doro. “Let’s invisible up, both of you,” he says, including Aurora.

“If I cast now we lose the vitality,” says Doro.

“If I cast now, we lose the wall of stone,” says Aurora.

Of course, thinks Mathias.

Willa finally gets the giant body where she wants it, then dashes back to the cluster of Mathias and Doro. Babshapka dashes back to Aurora. Aurora messages Thokk to get off the block and come stand next to her. Doro calls telepathically for Tina to join her.

Round Thirteen
Doro heals Thokk for 10hp (round ten of vitality, Thokk at 61, spell ends). Thokk jumps off the block and moves to where a fluffy-furred Aurora is gesturing at him to join her. They have the beginnings of a chain; Doro in front, Mathias with his hand on her shoulder, Willa with her gauntleted hand on Mathias’ bony shoulder, Thokk with his huge hand on Willa’s pauldron, Aurora (who can’t comfortably reach Thokk’s shoulder) with a firm grip on one of Thokk’s weapon belts, and Babshapka grasping Aurora’s robed shoulder.

Aurora prepares to cast invisibility should another gnoll appear on the block. Babshapka can hear (Perception 22) the gnolls inside barking and yipping and then pausing for a response, but no answer is forthcoming from the party, or from the two gnolls that have gone outside (and now lay dead).

Fraanke positions himself between the dead giant and the entry door, mouth over the giant’s throat, resisting the impulse to lap at the warm lifeblood. “Ready!” he snarls roughly in Giant and Babshapka translates for the party.

Tina bounds up to Doro. Doro leans in and presses her face to the great wolf’s face so that their foreheads touch. “See you soon,” Doro whispers, and dismisses her mount. It will be easier to summon her later than to get her through the narrow corridor before them. Immediately she begins the invisibility spell, targeting herself, Willa and Mathias. She shuffles forward, with the front half of the line invisible and the rear half in sight, moving south to follow her down and around the end of the block, giving plenty of room at the entrance for giants to emerge (invisibility at fourth level for three people, Doro at 4/3/2/1/2).

The two giants inside continue their battery of the doors (four hits, 59 damage to wall, total damage to block 617, wall at 1183hp, twenty inches destroyed). “Come on!” yells one giant to the other. “Smash it!”

Aurora casts invisibility on herself, Babshapka, and Thokk (at fourth level for three people, Aurora at 2/0/2/2/1). As her concentration moves to the new spell, the wall of stone block shimmers and disappears, rubble and all. The dead gnoll that was on top of it tumbles to the hard ground.

Round Fourteen
“Again!” roars a giant, and the two throw their weight against the doors. This time, however, when they begin their slow, momentous swings, there is no stone block to oppose them, just the bodies of two gnolls, which do not even slow their advance. The doors open, grinding the gnolls between them and the stony ground in a bloody smear.

Inside the Hall, an ettin snatches up a brazier. Rather than throwing it, he has been told to carry it around the field until he finds the intruders and then hold it there to light the way for the giant missiles. As he dashes past Doro, she tries to slide out of the way without breaking Aurora’s grasp of her shoulder (Doro Dex save 12). It was not the most elegant of side steps, but it worked, and no one could see her to judge, anyway.

As the ettin runs forward, Fraanke leans over the dead giant and calls out loudly “Get away from me, you foul beast!” as if the giant was saying it to Fraanke, rather than he saying it himself. Babshapka has to admit that he does indeed sound like a giant - and his voice is much deeper than the elf’s (Fraanke Performance 15). Apparently the giants find it convincing as well (Giant Insight 8 ), and one of the pair at the doors says to the other, “One of our own is still alive out there!” The two move out the doors so as to come to the ‘wounded giant’s’ aid, opening the way for the party to pass inside.

XP Second Foray
2 gnolls (CR1/2) 100 x 2 = 200
Ettin (CR4) 1100
4 fire giants (CR9) 5000 x 4 = 20000
Total 21300 / 6 = 3550 each
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:25 pm  
Post 345: Entering the Hall

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

The original G1, G2, and G3 were tournament modules, with the party plunked down next to a giant lair and told to 'go get 'em'. When the World of Greyhawk Boxed Set was released, the modules were located on Darlene's map in places that reflected rather natural settings for the giants, but not the campaign plot as such. That is, Snurre's Hall carved from the lava slag mound absolutely fits the Hellfurnaces, but it so far from Sterich that it strains credulity on why he would be interested in conquering that state (as opposed to say, the much closer Yeomanry), or how he could even get his troops there and keep them supplied.

Thus for my campaign I invented The Tunnel, and attentive readers of this campaign log may recall its salient details - it was dug by a drow-made mechanical digging machine tipped by a sphere of annihilation and it travels hundreds of miles underground in a straight line from Snurre's Hall to the dwarven city of Num-Theraz in Sterich, and from there to the Oestral Abyss near Istiven. Along the way The Tunnel intersects with dozens of hobgoblin caves from which the fire giants draw their legions of conquest. Travel along it is facilitated by a rail line, at least as far as Num-Theraz, and the giants use handcarts to deliver personnel and supplies there. Troops of trolls were sent to Sterich some time ago, hauling giant-made siege engines along the rail-less part to be stored at the Repository and intended for the siege of Istivin. Past the depot at Num-Theraz the Tunnel is smaller and has a vertical access to the Fjell for the drow to speak with Garuuuuumk, and a branch to the north (never discovered by my players) for the fire giants to emerge in the mountains above Kalibac.

Now that the party has inserted themselves in the Hall, they will be using the Tunnel as their forward base and hidey-hole. For the record, Mathias, who is still trying to get the party to bypass the giants and head directly to the drow, believes that the Tunnel is the entrance to the Underdark and their next objective. No one in the party realizes at this point that there is a third, deeper level to the Hall.

Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15].

Post 345: Entering the Hall
13 May [20 Flocktime] - continued - outside Snurre's Hall
(low 80, high 105; very dry)

[play session 9/16/21 - continued]

Aurora begins to guide Charlotte back from the throne hall [2] and into the entry hall [1] so as to better see what is happening just beyond the doors. A single gnoll is standing in the doorway, while the rest of the pack is returning back up the hall. The female giant, and the ones Willa took for reserves, have not moved from their positions in the throne room. Most intriguing, however, a single dwarf, clad in plate armor, is moving along the entry hall as if to meet the gnolls that are approaching him.

Round Fifteen (combat rounds continued from last Post)
The giants move out onto the battlefield, giving the party their chance to slip inside the open valves - they will need to get by but a single gnoll. Doro reaches up and pats the hand of Mathias on her shoulder, and the ‘ready?’ signal runs back down the line to the end, then comes back with two pats each for ‘ready!’ She begins to take them forward at half speed, moving to the side of the gnoll that offers more room between it and the wall (Doro Stealth 28 > Gnoll Passive Perception 10). Unable to see her invisible feet as she moves from the rough lava rock outside the door to the polished floor inside, Aurora stumbles and then gasps as she wavers. Thokk turns, lets go of Willa and grabs Aurora, simultaneously steadying her and clamping his hand over her mouth (Aurora Stealth 7, but advantage from Thokk 11 > Gnoll Passive Perception 10). The rest of the party enters the hall without incident [DM required a single Stealth check, for the least Stealthy party member].

One of the fire giants moves forward at a dash towards his fallen comrade of the field, while the other pauses and brings a round, carved stone out of a bag, hurling it through the air. It hits Fraanke in the flank (29 points) and the wolf yelps and darts into the darkness, his nails still clattering across the hard stone (Stealth 9).

Round Sixteen
The fire giants reach the side of their comrade. One stays standing, rock in hand, looking all about. The other kneels by the side of their swordbrother. “We’re too late; the wolf killed him,” he concludes.

Aurora messages Doro; Charlotte sees three fire giants up the northwest branch of the hall - but just one to the east, toward the throne.

Doro brings the party up the hall until they nearly reach where the dwarf is meeting with the gnolls. She stops just under a flame jet so that the hiss and crackle hides the sounds of the party. The dwarf is speaking in Giant, and seems to be interrogating the gnolls [Obmi’s stat block does not list his languages, but an impromptu Intelligence check of 7 indicated that he does not speak Gnoll].

Round Seventeen
“Patchfur! What did you see out there? Where did the two warriors go?” the dwarf demands.

Babshapka hears the conversation plainly (Perception 15). The gnoll responds in passable Giant; “Oh Lord Obmi, the attack is done. There are four dead giant warriors outside, and the ettin as well - but no sign of the attackers. There are broken arrows everywhere on the field. The two warriors who got the doors back open have just driven off a great black wolf the size of a horse. Mangetail and Blackear are dead - they got crushed under the door when it finally opened.”

The dwarf strokes his beard as he considers the gnoll’s words. Then, he jabs his fingers at half of the group of gnolls and says, “You three - back outside, watch and report. If anything happens, you come and find me. The rest of you are dismissed for now. I will go to inform King Snurre that the attack is over.” He leaves unsaid, ‘and that we lost four giants’, so it is not clear whether he intends this information to reach the King or not.

Doro waits until the gnolls who were just now assigned observation duty have passed unwittingly by the party on their way out of the Hall, then slowly brings the party after her - they are going to the left, toward the ramp she found to the second level. Babshapka has not translated for her that the dwarf said he was going to see the King, and just as well, so that she is less confused when the dwarf and a few remaining gnolls proceed instead in the same direction she is leading the party. She receives a message from Aurora - Charlotte says there are four or five giants up this hall and seven more gnolls - they are standing, not moving. Doro makes sure they are hugging the left wall but continues to advance cautiously.

When she can see the hall for herself, Doro finds that there are indeed two smaller giants, in leathers and bearing clubs, blocking off the way - both are female, at least judging from their lack of beards and long, braided hair. Behind them is a much larger male in armor. All about their ankles skulk gnolls. A great giantess with no armor, but wearing a thick and soiled apron, stands behind them - she bears a huge meat cleaver in one hand. The dwarf’s progress is blocked by the giants, so he stops and calls to the one in armor, even as his gnolls yip and posture at the others already there.

Babshapka hears the dwarf say, “Gronto, is that you hiding behind these women?” Babshapka marvels at how the dwarf can use such an insulting tone with a warrior giant. He must have the trust of King Snurre, indeed.

“I am watching my post, Lord Obmi,” replies the giant. The way he sneers at the dwarf’s title suggests that he is required to use it, but resents having to do so.

“Tell the response team that they are late,” commands the dwarf. “Keep drilling them until they can arrive in less than a minute. And from now on, no one opens the main door unless directly commanded by King Snurre or myself.”

“So be it.”

“You have two swordbrothers investigating outside right now - but I want to know immediately if there are any survivors from the battle.”

“Yes, Lord Obmi.”

Once the armored giant has acknowledged his command, the dwarf turns on his heels with surprising grace for one so corpulent, and starts back to the throne room. His pack of gnolls makes one last display to the other gnolls, and then trots after him. Doro holds her position along the wall.

“You two maids, back to the kitchen,” says the warrior to the two giantesses with clubs. "The attack is over, and you won't be needed here."

One of them just nods and begins to move off, but the other actually curtsies, and says “Yes, Swordbrother Gronto, I am at your command.” If Babshapka is reading her tone correctly, the strange emphasis she gives to ‘command’ is meant to be playfully suggestive.

Apparently he read her right, for the larger giantess in the apron interjects at once. “Stop your flirting and get back to the kitchen!” screeches the harridan at the maid. Then she lowers her gaze and continues. “You mangy gnolls, too! We’ve got bread rising, and attack or no attack if breakfast is late, I’m taking it out of your hides!” The gnolls yelp as if struck and dash back up a side tunnel to the kitchen [15], with all three giantesses following behind.

The hall is quiet after that, and the party can clearly hear the warrior Gronto moving north and away from them, but also the hard heels of Obmi’s boots clicking on the polished stone of the throne hall as he crosses it and approaches the guard.

Once the hall is clear, Doro leads the party forward in the wake of the lone warrior, but Babshapka is straining to hear the conversation between Obmi and the female guard in the throne hall (Perception 15). He is helped by the silence in the rest of the Hall. “Queensguard,” says the dwarf, “We are still on alert, but not under attack. Maintain your post here. I will enter to speak with the royal couple.”

“Yes, Lord Obmi.” If the warrior woman’s answer is as resentful as Gronto’s, Babshapka cannot detect it at his distance.

Halfway down the familiar hall, Doro sees that Gronto has taken up a guard position outside a set of iron-clad double doors. He stands in an alcove [14], so there is plenty of room for their train to pass - but the hallway is so silent, there is also a good chance he will hear whomever among them is the least stealthy. Doro maneuvers them to the far side of the hall, stops, and gives the ‘ready?’ query with the single pat to Mathias’ hand. A second later she feels his free hand touch her other shoulder and remain there - a long hold that means ‘wait.’

[The Stealth check will be made by the member with the worst Stealth; Aurora (+0), who has difficulty walking silently. Given that they are invisible, though, and there are no hellhounds, gnolls, or trolls about to smell them, sound is the only thing they need to worry about.] Thokk and Aurora come up with a plan - Thokk hoists Aurora onto his shoulders, since he trusts himself to walk more quietly than she can [Stealth +2]. Without her clicking boots or the chance of stumbling, she need only control her breathing. Aurora messages Doro once she is aloft, full of confidence. Doro shakes her head silently, then whispers a few words of encouragement (bardic inspiration to Thokk). [After Aurora, Thokk has the lowest Stealth in the party.]

(Thokk Stealth 14, bardic inspiration for +9 = 23 > Fire Giant Warrior Passive Perception 16)

The party chain, led by Doro, with Aurora on Thokk’s shoulders, makes its way past the door guard and up the tunnel beyond. They soon reach the intersection Doro saw before. On her scouting run, it was deserted. Now, however, a single male giant with a club stands vigilant there. They continue past, with Thokk still bearing Aurora (Thokk Stealth 18 > Fire Giant Servant Passive Perception 12).

They have not yet reached the ramp which descends to the second level when Doro hears the heavy tread of huge feet approaching. Loud conversation, in Giant, accompanies the sounds (Doro Perception 22). Charlotte is sent ahead, and in a moment Aurora messages Doro that a group of four of the two-headed giants is barreling their way. Almost immediately the ettins round the corner at a run. “Faster!” one head shouts to another across their shared torso. “You’re going to make us late for the battle outside!”

The giants are running nearly two abreast down the hall, and Doro is forced to take a hard left down a side corridor (the access to [17]so as to not be collided with. The party chain falls apart when they cannot follow fast enough and still stay together (Dex Saves Thokk 22 (with advantage from danger sense), Babshapka 18, Mathias 8 (fail), Willa 4 (fail)). As a pair of ettins stomp past them in the main hall, Doro reaches out and is able to find Mathias (Investigation 16). Willa, off on her own, never made it to the side corridor, but is flat up against the wall in the main hall. She listens for the party but does not hear them nearby (Perception 20). She backs into the side corridor, but still does not find the group by touch (Luck roll -1).

Babshapka listens as the two-headed giants pass Gronto farther down the hall (Perception 17). He growls at them “Obmi says you guys need to be faster!”

Mathias begins shooting off message spells, working his way slowly prograde across his field of view, until finally Willa hears and responds. He then guides her to find the chain up against the north wall of the side corridor. Aurora messages Doro that Charlotte reports the ramp clear all the way down to the lower level. Shoulder taps go back (‘Ready?’) and come forward (‘Ready!) and the invisible train is off again.

Doro leads their descent down the ramp, knowing that the next level is not far. At the bottom of the ramp is the cross-running corridor with the strong scent of molten rock and metal. The floor ahead is black stone, smooth, but not polished like that of the level above. The walls are hewn from the rock, the vaulted ceilings just as high, but there are none of the decorative columns with straining dwarves. Ahead of them is the alcove with massive stone doors [to 2-1]. To the right is the flight of stairs leading down to the prison wing. The hallway to the left is level but turns a corner. They pause to listen, but hear nothing (Doro Perception 4, Charlotte 8 ).

They begin to move out into the hall when suddenly four Hill Giants burst around the corner to the left, running full tilt at them. Most of them have time to follow Doro in pressing up against the wall, but Babshapka, at the end of the train, is the last to know where they are moving and narrowly avoids a giant (Dex save 15). The giants run up the ramp to the first level.

Willa thinks to herself that if Snurre’s response to the attack on his gates is just hill giants and the even smaller two-headed giants, most of his force must be off in the tunnel, or already in Sterich. The party may have to face little resistance to topple him.

[As before, Willa is only partially correct. It is true that fully half of his fighting men are currently in Sterich, but there are still 21 warriors and two dreadnoughts in the Hall right now (less the four the party just killed outside). A full score of armored giants, plus the queensguard, many fire giant servants, ettins, hill giants, gnolls, and unbeknownst to the party various other giant guests are on hand. Snurre has more than enough force present to crush the party - if only he can find them and pin them down. What he does not know is that they are currently working their way ever deeper into his very Hall!

The King is, in fact, meeting with Obmi at this very moment, and he is not taking the loss of four of his men well, the first fire giants the party has killed that he knows about, still being ignorant of the two at the Sulfur Flats. He yells at the dwarf, he rails, he throws things across the room and Obmi dodges. Why did the dwarf not advise him that the party would return, or that they were fully capable of dispatching his armored warriors? For his part, Obmi does not press the point that he actually did give exactly that advice to his ‘wise’ King before, but that Snurre refused to listen. Rather, the dwarf tries to get the King to focus on what they need to do right now - finding and destroying the party in the daylight before they can rest and then make another night attack. Obmi believes that they have eliminated the possibility that the party is camped close to the Hall, using a hut as camouflage, since search teams under his direction have already been out a half mile distant. He suggests two things - first, expanding the search area to at least a mile distant. Second, considering the possibility that the party is still using the magical portal from the Frost Giants to arrive, and retreating back there by means of a teleport circle or other magic in between attacks. In the near term, he counsels the King to rig the magic arrival stones with flammable traps - barrels of pitch and detonators, such that anyone arriving in the circle will trigger an explosion and conflagration. It may not kill the stronger members of the party, but at least it will make it more obvious where they are attacking from. He tells the King that he will personally see to this first thing in the morning, as well as sending out more scouting parties, and the King agrees. In the longer term, Obmi adds, they need to recall some of their troops from Sterich. The farther out the search parties push here, the more vulnerable they are to the party if they find them, and the humans have already shown that they are capable of killing fully four giants at a time. Obmi asks to recall at least a dozen warriors from the field. Snurre balks at this at first, since it will delay his conquest of Sterich even more, but finally Obmi convinces him that more force is needed here, now, and they can always return them to Sterich later. They cannot allow the party to continue to whittle away at them a few giants at a time - Obmi knows how adventurers think, he says, and that will be just the strategy they are planning, continuing their hit and run assaults. (It is, in fact, just what Aurora has been telling the party that they need to do). The next time the party attacks, Obmi says, they need to respond with all available giants until the humans are dead and Snurre’s honor is avenged. Eventually the King agrees to this. Obmi is pleased, for he had wanted to slow the war in Sterich anyway. It was one thing when the Fire Giants were there to direct the campaign and provide siege equipment while the Frost Giants took the losses as the main troops and the Hill Giants were raiders and skirmishers. Now that the hill and frost giants have dropped out of the alliance, it will be quite another thing to attempt to beat an entire nation of humans with just a score or two of Fire Giants, and frankly, Obmi does not think they can do it, at least not without recruiting hundreds more hobgoblins than they currently have, or convincing the cloud giant diplomat currently in the guest quarters to ally his people with them, or both. And either of those options will take time. But those plans, he knows, are a project for later, for after his own victory over the party will have Snurre more inclined to listen to him.]

With the giants’ echoing footfalls fading up the ramp, the party train moves to the top of the stairs. Doro messages Aurora to have Charlotte scout the forge area [2-6]. The wizard eventually replies, She sees two trolls and a fire giant - the giant is looking at tools on a rack - the trolls appear to be sleeping on the floor. Indeed, thinks Doro to herself, the metallic banging she heard on her scouting trip, the forgemaster working something, is not now to be heard. He must be between jobs? Less cover for us sneaking, unfortunately (Luck roll -1).

Doro messages Aurora At the bottom of the stairs, the first right leads to the prison cells - straight ahead is the temple, concealed behind illusory walls. Up that way but to the right is the strange, moving purple wall - can you send Charlotte to look down the cell block corridor? Aurora replies in the affirmative, and the spider begins to descend the ceiling over the stairs.

Charlotte turns the corner into the long hallway with the barred doors. She proceeds down the hall. Her angle on the ceiling does not permit her to see into the cell windows, and she notes nothing else in the hallway (Perception checks 7 and 2). All is as Doro already recounted - giant-sized wooden doors, windows at the top of each door set at giant face height but barred enough to keep even humans from climbing through, stout wooden beams set in brackets outside each door preventing them from being opened from within. She moves about a hundred feet down the hall, until both she and Aurora can feel their telepathic connection being strained, and then pauses. All of the doors are barred, she reports, except the last one [to 2-G]- it is iron-plated like the ones upstairs.

Aurora is about to ask Doro where to send the spider next, when suddenly Charlotte silently sends an alarm. Something’s coming! she says, and then Lots of them, running and loud, from the north!

Aurora conveys this to Doro even as she receives the information, and the bard sends the ‘Ready?” signal back down the line, though it hits a snag when it reaches Aurora, who is now trying to do three things at once. By the time it has hit Babshapka and returned to Doro as ‘Ready!’ Charlotte has added, A fire giant, leading a half-dozen trolls, incoming and moving fast!

Doro doesn’t wait to hear more - trolls won’t be bothered by their invisibility and will quickly sniff the party out. If the trolls are moving fast, she has to assume that they are headed for the ‘battle’ outside the Hall as the ettins and hill giants were. She begins to take the party down the stairs as fast as she thinks they can keep up without becoming disconnected. Already she can hear the giant approaching from the echoing clangs and clanks of his armor, so she doesn’t try to move slow enough to be silent, but she does angle the party away from where they would pass in front of the forge to the left. As they set out, Aurora tells Charlotte to return to them as fast as she can.

As the party crosses the lit hall at the bottom of the stairs they can see the armored giant coming, the trolls behind him - and behind them, more gnolls than they can count. Aurora returns Charlotte, just about to be overtaken by the trolls, to her pocket dimension. Doro continues to lead the train north along the hall as fast as they can safely manage. By the time the giant hits the bottom of the stairs, the party is almost at the end of the corridor - apparently far enough from the trolls and gnolls so as to not be detected [no checks made].

The party waits for a bit, listening to the sounds of all the trolls and gnolls slowly fading. Doro messages the others, pointing out both where the illusions cover access to the temple (outside [2-11]), and the purple stone wall (although that is obvious) (outside [2-12]). Hearing nothing more coming, they agree to separate from the train for a bit, and Willa admonishes them not to go far.

Mathias brings forth his bat, Fish, from its own pocket dimension. “Make sure nothing else is coming,” he says, and the bat begins to flit about the corridor. “Invisible,” he hisses after it, and the bat disappears.

[Warn the drow that we are coming, Leezar tells the demonling telepathically, but try to find the entrance to the tunnel so that we can show up there naturally.

The bat flits around the illusory walls that lead to the temple, and the purple wall (Wisdom check 11 with advantage).

Yous want me to fly tru it, boss? the demonling asks dubiously as it hovers in front of the purple wall.

Where are they, the drow priests? Leezar demands.

I told yous - I ain’t never been down here before, the bat insists. It sure enough smells like da Elder Elemental God smells like Powah! But I don’t know where da priests is at. Da poiple wall sure enough looks like dey could be in dere - but I can’t see tru it an don’t know how to cross it.

Leezar reconsiders. Okay, just follow us into the temple.]

The party stands before the purple-brown section of wall, a striking contrast against the dull-gray natural rock of that section of the corridor. It is only a fifteen-foot span, and the line between it and the natural stone background is clear and obvious. And yet it looks natural as well, not even hewn, let alone placed - it is a single piece, not mortared sections. The division between the two rocks is so thin that not even a sheet of paper could be slipped in. Aurora recalls Charlotte, and has her move to the purple wall, investigating it and attempting to find any crack in which she could insert herself (Investigation 3), but without luck.

Uninterested in what is at best a normal wall and at worst some sort of trap, Willa says aloud, though in a murmur, that she would like to see what prisoners there are and who might prove useful to the party.

“No way,” hisses Mathias in response. “The last thing we need is someone yelling for us to rescue them and bringing all the giants down on us. They still don’t know we’re here and we need to keep it that way.” Aurora suggests they have Charlotte start checking the cells while they continue to examine at the wall - that will give Willa the information she wants without the prisoners noticing anything more than a normal spider.

Aurora investigates the wall (Arcana 16) - she finds no sigils or glyphs in all its surface, and the purple-brown stone fits with the natural lava-rock as flush as if it was expertly finished with meld stone. She is careful, however, to not touch it.

While the wizard is pondering the wall, Babshapka and Mathias are looking for the temple. Doro indicates the section of the wall that is false. Babshapka presses his hand against it and cannot believe it is anything but a wall; he says it feels solid to him (Investigation 9). A moment later, Mathias manages to stick his head through (Mathias Investigation 16).

Charlotte arrives at the window of the first cell [2-1c] and tries to see inside, but the solitary prisoner is barely within her field of view from the window (Perception 3). She reports it as human-sized, on the floor, maybe in chains but hard to make out. Aurora, distracted by the wall, assumes it is a man and tells her to move on. [The figure is actually an elven maid - a princess in fact, from the forest land of the elves in the cell next door. The drow have a particularly disturbing sacrifice planned for her, and she is kept close at hand to the temple for them to check on frequently.]

Mathias steps through the false wall of the temple and disappears from sight.

[Leezar is immediately disoriented. The space beyond is huge, and although there is indeed a gas jet some fifty feet distant, the whole space is illuminated by a strange, swirling light that seems to be part of the very air instead. Eddies of luminosity drift here and there, causing the whole scene to be difficult to perceive. Distances and dimensions are tricky to determine in the shifting light of rusty purple motes and lavender rays. He feels dizzy and nauseated, but also aroused. This is definitely a temple to Graz’zt. The other temple, the one in the Steading, was built ages ago for the actual Elder Elemental God, and the Dark One had recently co-opted its use, diverted some of its power. But this temple, this one was built right from the start for Graz’zt. Sure, it has the trappings of the Elder Elemental God, but only to the uninitiated. Everything is done with a wink and a nod, and true servants of the Dark One, like Leezar, are not fooled.

Globs of mauve and violet seem to seep and slide around. He can make out stone stairs going down into a larger space, the ceiling of which is out of visual range. He goes down quickly and finds a polished floor of red and black hornblende seeming to flow between thin pillars of obsidian. The wall to the east is decorated, with scenes of creatures marching into the maw of the all-consuming God.

Far in the front, Leezar can see an altar, but it is deserted, the candles unlit. He does not know where the drow priests are, but they are not here. He sends a message to Babshapka: It’s a temple alright - but there’s nothing in here. I think the priests are behind the purple wall, but don’t know how to get at them. As he ascends the stairs, he hopes that Fish can find them. He has to make contact with the priests before the party does if he wants to prevent them from killing each other. He slips back out into the hall.]

After a short pause, Babshapka receives Mathias' message: It’s a temple, alright - but there’s nothing in here. I think the priests are behind the purple wall, but don’t know how to get at them. He relays it to the others. A few moments later Mathias reappears. None of the party think that entering the temple is a good idea.

[Leezar sends that bat-demon off by itself. Look for the priests but come right back, he tells it.]

Charlotte has made it to the next cell [2-2c]. (Perception 16): she says it contains eight elves, each in chains. [As elves, these are also planned sacrifices for the drow, and are kept close at hand]

The party, whispering to one another to stay in verbal contact but without the train, proceeds down the hall to the intersection. Doro tells them that ahead the hallway branches, with one way leading to giants and cats, and the other to trolls. “Do you know how many trolls, or what is beyond?” asks Aurora.

“I didn’t get any closer,” hisses Doro in a tone that suggests that should have been obvious. “Trolls can smell, you know.”

Aurora has Charlotte proceed to the troll and gnoll room as quickly as she can, even as the party creeps closer. There is a main room, she says, with rails on the floor as if for mining carts, and any number of carts about. A solitary gnoll paces restlessly about the room. On the far wall is carved a great leering face, into the mouth of which the rails lead until they disappear in the darkness. When Aurora conveys this to the party, Mathias exclaims - “The Tunnel! It is the entrance to the Underdark!” as if that was what they had been looking for all along. There is a second cave mouth to the north, Charlotte reports, leading to a storage area with many boxes, crates, and mining supplies. Also, the main room has passageways leading out to the north and south, to large chambers choked with filth in what is undoubtedly the troll and gnoll pens.

It has been Mathias’ stated plan all along, once the party has inserted themselves into the Hall, to hole up somewhere and rest before their next attack. He immediately suggests the tunnel, which does not meet with everyone’s approval.

“On ther ‘tother end o’ yon tunnel be all ther Fire Gigants in Sterich!” says Willa.

“Yes,” says Mathias, “and that’s what, five hundred miles away? They’re not coming back any time soon, but all the trolls and gnolls from these pens will be coming back here, as soon as they find out the battle outside is done. This is our best chance to cross that room undetected, and hide some place the giants will never look.”

Doro and Thokk are willing to enter, but the others are more concerned about the party taking refuge in the tunnel, at which point Mathias says the only other option at present is the temple, and they like that even less. Mathias recalls Fish, and tells him to explore down the tunnel and see whether it is safe - a measure that allays the fears of a few members of the party who were on the fence (Aurora and Babshapka). While they conduct a hushed debate, Aurora recalls Charlotte and then has her work her way south through the prison halls, checking the doors as she goes.

[Fish's Perception check with advantage, 20.

Boss, dis tunnel just smells like dug rock - I don’t tink dis is da way ta da underdark.

Leezar replies: Ok, no worries. Go in and look down it for a few hundred feet and come back. Go invisibly and protect yourself. We just have to convince the others it is safe enough in there to get them to enter.]

The first pair of doors are not cell doors, but rather huge, double, iron-plated doors such as were present on the level above [access to level 3 of the hall]. There is no bar outside these, but they are shut fast. Charlotte looks but finds no cracks between the door and the frame on either portal (Dex checks 6 and 5).

On the opposite wall there is a prison cell [2-3c], which Charlotte takes to be unoccupied (Perception 2). [There is, in fact, a human merchant in the cell - despondent and in the dark, he lies on the floor unmoving and is unnoticed by the spider].

By this point the party is clustered at the intersection between the troll-smelling hall and what Doro tells them is the cat-smelling one (although they do not note the latter odor themselves). Most are inclined to try the tunnel, but Willa still refuses - even though she realizes that they are running out of alternatives.

From this point on, Aurora ‘leaves’ the group and concentrates on watching through Charlotte’s eyes - or at least as many of them as she can manage at once without making herself dizzy.

(Perception 7) The next cell Charlotte checks [2-5c] has two centaurs, both chained to the floor. [These are not elves, and are not hated by drow as much. However, they are still noble creatures with a connection to the fey, and worthy of sacrifice should the temple run out of elves].

(Perception 6) This cell [2-4c] appears to be empty. [It is, in fact, empty, although Charlotte misses the lever mechanism inside that can raise and lower the false bars as the secret entrance to the rectory]

(Perception 14) This cell [2-10c] contains a half-dozen gnolls. They are not chained within, but the stout wooden bar outside and narrow bars on the windows mean that they have little chance of escape, at least until they chew through the wooden door, which they do not appear to be doing at the moment. Some are dozing, some are pacing, and some are worrying at their own tails and paws, though. [This has nothing to do with the temple. They are part of the gnoll scouts and workers for the giants, but were caught stealing. They are here as a disciplinary measure and will eventually be released.]

(Perception 7) Charlotte sees two human-sized skeletons in tattered robes [2-11c]. They are lying on the floor, not in chains. They are entwined in each others’ arms. Perhaps there is some tragic backstory involved, but Charlotte is not interested and Aurora does not tell her to pursue the matter.

(Perception 11) Charlotte sees a giant wrapped in chains [2-14c] - Aurora immediately takes interest. She then realizes it is not a giant, but in fact, something even larger. As she studies it (Aurora Arcana 28), she comes to believe it is in fact an empyrean, or powerful giant of the outer planes. Its eyes are closed, its features listless, more like it is unconscious than sleeping, although there are no wounds apparent, no blood on the floor of the cell, etc. The chains themselves are massive, but appear to be normal iron, not the special black metal that held Lyn in the ice cavern of the Jarl. [This is, in fact, a titan, a powerful good Celestial, and that the fire giants were able to capture it at all and then present it to the drow is quite a coup. It is scheduled for sacrifice, and it will be a valuable offering to the Elder Elemental God. Rather than keep it close to the Temple, though, it is kept chained next to the Gaoler’s room so that he may check on it often and make sure it remains drugged into unconsciousness with his ample and potent drow-supplied oil of taggit. Were the titan to fully regain consciousness, the chains could not restrain its massive strength, and it would cut through the giants with a vengeance, for it is immune to non-magical weapon damage and can shoot a barrage of elemental spells.]

The next portal is not a cell door, but is unbarred, windowless, and has the iron plates of the doors upstairs (or the double-doors around the corner) [2-G]. Charlotte works her way along the frame and finds a crack wide enough to fit through (Dex check 17). Inside the room it is lit by torchlight, and for a moment upon emerging she is blinded, but soon recovers (Perception 13). In the room is an armored fire giant, obviously not a prisoner, for he sits freely at a table, conversing with three human women. The women are in tattered clothing and are barefoot, but otherwise appear equally at liberty, all sitting or squatting on a single giant-sized bench drawn up to the table. They speak in Giant, and neither Aurora nor Charlotte are able to follow the conversation. The giant has two throwing rocks nearby. In the room are also a stool, three kegs on the floor, and a small, covered jar on the table. On the walls are hammered metal pegs holding a giant's bag, a cape, a shield, a ring of keys, and a heavy shirt. [This is the Gaoler, who administers the drugs to keep the titan unconscious. The women are all wererats, of the group that wanders the lower levels of the Hall, spies on the prisoners for the giants, and, recently, has begun to spy on the giants as well for the drow.]

Charlotte squeezes back out of the room and goes to the next cell [2-13c]. (Perception 5): inside, a fire giant hangs in chains from the ceiling - his feet almost, but not quite, touching the floor, and one of his shoulders looking dislocated, his face twisted in agony. Although he is clearly an adult male, and his physique is that of a warrior, there is no armor in sight - rather he is in soiled smallclothes. [This is Boldo, Snurre’s chief lieutenant, and Obmi’s rival for influence with the King. He is being punished for failing to show proper respect and deference to Snurre, and is not slated for sacrifice.]

The next cell [2-12c] holds a single female human (Perception 7). She is chained to the wall, but standing, not dangling, and does not appear uncomfortable. [Charlotte misses the fact that her shackles are the strange dull black metal].

The next cell [2-9c] contains a solitary troll (Perception 7). It sits in the center of the floor, rocking back and forth and snarling. [The troll is used by the torturer for practice, and is quite mad from both repeated torture sessions and solitary confinement]

The next cell [2-8c] appears to be empty (Perception 9).

The next cell [2-7c] has three gnolls (Perception 14) and although two are active, one lies unmoving. The unmoving one appears to have one leg gnawed off, but is not currently bleeding - so he may be dead, although recently, as the stink of death is not yet enough to overcome that of the troll nearby. The other two are covered in welts and bruises. [These three are being punished for insubordination. One is in fact dead, something which happened very soon after he was released by the overzealous torturer. The other two have only gnawed on him a bit as they have been overcome with hunger, but have not yet completely devoured him as he was a loyal companion]

The next cell [2-6c], the one closest to the forge, appears to be empty, although Charlotte has not yet had time for a good look (Perception 8 ) when she hears noises in the hallway. Moving out and to the stairs, she can see hill giants descending the ramp and turning to the south. Aurora relays this information to the party and Mathias asks Willa pointedly whether she has any better options than the tunnel - she admits she hasn’t. By the time the party is in single file, hand on the person in front of them, Charlotte reports that the trolls and gnolls are returning, although fortunately not at a run.

Doro leads the group through the pens, avoiding the single gnoll guard, and into the mouth of the tunnel, which is the actual mouth of the carved leering demon-ape face. “I didn’t think it looked like that,” whispers Aurora upon seeing it with her own eyes, as if she is about to change her mind about seeking refuge there. Those nearby quickly hush her. It is certainly more fearsome from her perspective than it was from Charlotte’s, but once they are inside, it appears to be just a spacious tunnel, a vast cylinder of some thirty feet diameter and perfectly regular, going on into the darkness as far as they can see.

The bottom of the tunnel is flat, but every other surface is rounded such that there is a single arc and not a distinct walls and ceiling. The mining cart rail line runs down the right hand side of the Tunnel, but there is enough space for them to walk two abreast on the left. The walls look very much like the tunnel in Sterich carved by the digging machine, but this tunnel is considerably larger.

After a hundred paces, they begin to whisper to one another, but Willa interjects and forbids conversation for another four hundred. Finally, she permits a discussion. If the tunnel indeed goes hundreds of miles to Sterich, they can go in as far as they want - and the farther in they go, the less chance of a patrol from the Hall finding them (or if it does, less chance of the noises from the ensuing combat echoing back to the Hall). “We can use steeds!” exclaims Aurora, but Willa shushes her and says they are still too close to cast anything that requires ten minutes of chanting. It is agreed that they will continue to walk for fifteen more minutes, with Willa keeping a mental count. At the end of that time, they will take a break while Aurora and Mathias conjure phantom steeds. Then they will ride these mounts for a half hour or so, at which point by Aurora’s calculations they will be more than five miles from the Hall. There they will make camp with a tiny hut.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Oct 22, 2024 4:28 pm  
Post 346: The Tunnel

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Post 346: The Tunnel
13 May [20 Flocktime] - continued - The Tunnel to Sterich, nearly a mile from the Hall end
(low 80, high 105; very dry)

[Play session 9/23/21]
The party has walked some 15 minutes from the entrance of the Tunnel in the lower Hall, and at close to a mile even cautious Willa will permit the casters to mumble the words of the rituals that will summon phantom steeds without worrying that they will be heard. Both Doro and Thokk dismissed their mounts outside the valve of the Hall, so that while Doro can re-summon Tina in the same ten minutes that Aurora and Mathias will need to make two mounts (1:20 to 1:30am), they still need another three, for a total of five plus Tina. By the time the fifth mount is ready, the first two will have already had twenty minutes of their hour durations expire.

With all their steeds ready, the party begins to move more rapidly down the tunnel. They have barely set out when Babshapka’s hunter’s mark, and immediately thereafter the two invisibility spells cast outside the Hall, expire. Those in the party who had forgotten that everyone was still under the effects of a seeming have an initial scare as they are suddenly surrounded by a pack of gnolls.

While waiting for the steed summonings, Babshapka had been carefully going over in his head what he saw in the hallways of the lower level. He estimates (Intelligence check 18) perhaps a half-dozen trolls and some two dozen gnolls have by now returned to the pens, and stand between them and any re-entry to the Hall.

When the last steed is nearing its completion, Babshapka takes one of the ones already available and rides slightly ahead - just enough to get to a part of the tunnel where the party has not spoiled the spoor. He checks for tracks (Survival 18) and estimates that some sort of cart passed along the rails perhaps a week ago, but nothing has walked in the tunnel for far longer than that. When Mathias and Aurora finally cease chanting, Babshapka and Thokk take advantage of the silence to listen for any sounds of discovery or pursuit (Thokk Perception 6, Babshapka 25). Neither of them hears anything.

When the party is mounted and begins moving, Babshapka makes sure that he rides ahead of the rest of them, both scouting the tunnel and, at least twice in their journey, stopping and seeing whether anything has changed about the tracks they are following.

[In the Hall, Obmi receives a report that none of the four giants outside survived the encounter with the party. He begins to tally the damage the party has done.

First Foray
5 hellhounds killed from the Kennel Keeper, I-21 and I-22 (two fled the fight and later recovered)
Five trolls killed
Chimera killed from the Chimera Pen, I-10

Second Foray
One ettin from the throne room detail killed (guarding I-2, but housed in II-2)
One Kingsguard killed (from I-6)
The Armory Guard / Chimera Keeper killed (from I-10)
One warrior killed from the west barracks (I-18); a second one arrived too late to fight
One warrior killed from the east barracks (I-25); a second one arrived too late to fight
Two gnolls killed from Obmi’s personal detail (I-12)

Obmi then prepares to send a message to the giants in Sterich, with the King’s approval, recalling about half of them for the fight against the party. A single warrior and a manservant from the west barracks (I-18) are prepared, and outfitted with a hand-pump cart and four days of food and water for the journey. That should be enough, provided they don’t stop at any of the hobgoblin warrens along the way. The Tunnel is straight and the rails run all the way to outside Num-Theraz in Sterich, under the Hellfurnaces, Crystalmists, and Jotens. By the time the giants are equipped and set out, the party is still riding their steeds and is several miles from the entrance of the tunnel.]

At more than five miles from the entrance, the party halts - there are only a few minutes left on the oldest pair of steeds. They are discussing setting up a hut here when Babshapka holds up his hand for silence. He says he hears an odd metallic whining (Perception 18).

“The rails!” says Mathias. Indeed, gradually they can all hear it - a hum coming from the rail lines. They recall the hand carts they saw outside the entrance to the Tunnel.

They have no way of knowing whether the giants know about and are coming after them - or whether this is something else that was planned all along. But they have equally nowhere to hide - they won’t escape notice in the bare tunnel, even after Mathias and Aurora dismiss all of the steeds. A hurried discussion begins; do they attack, or, knowing that they still appear as gnolls, and not the party that attacked the Hall, try to bluff with some story? “Ambush,” says Mathias, and the others are inclined to agree. None of them speak Gnoll, only Babshapka speaks Giant, and the taciturn elf is hardly the most persuasive among them, or the most convincing liar.

[Aurora at 2/0/2/2/1
Babshapka at 3/3/2
Doro at 4/3/2/0/1]

“’Ow fast be yon carts movin’?” asks Willa. “Wha’ if t’ey sail right past us?”

“That’s not going to happen,” says Doro confidently. She lays a wall of force across the tracks further up the tunnel ahead of them (Doro to 4/3/2/0/0), but at a sharp angle rather than broadside. In her mind, when the cart strikes it, it will force first one half of the cart from the rails, then the other, and finally wedge the cart between the wall of force and the natural rock wall of the tunnel. In the darkness, the translucent wall is nearly invisible.

Suddenly Babshapka can make out, in the blackness behind them, a tiny pinprick of light. The whine of the rails is getting louder. He fits an arrow to his bow and drops back against the far wall. Mathias moves back as well and vanishes into the shadows, leaving four gnolls and a dire wolf standing by the tracks.

Surprise Round (at the start of the round the cart is moving at 100 feet per six-second combat round)
The car is approaching rapidly, far swifter than any of them could run. The figures of two giants work the hand levers, the taller one in the rear facing forward watching the rails in front of their travel over the head of his companion and by the light of a lantern mounted onto the very front of the car. The whole vehicle is wider than an ox wagon, with perhaps the length of three wagons in the long platform. There is space for both giants to stand, a mount for the twin-handled lever, and a number of built-in boxes and bins on either end, shaped so that they can be used as seats if the giants are not working the pump levers.

As soon as the giants are within range, Aurora tolls the dead on the rear one (Wis save 8, fails; 9 necrotic damage). He takes his hands off the pump lever and clasps them over his ears in pain, and then looks up as the beam of the lantern illuminates the gnolls along the track. He reaches over to the far side of the cart and pulls back on a different, thinner lever. Immediately the cart begins to squeal and a cascade of sparks shoots out the rear as he applies the hand brake.

Thokk charges forward, moving to intercept the cart. As he approaches, he can see (Insight 14) that a huge, armored fire giant warrior is in the back facing forward, while a smaller giant is in the front facing backwards but is not wearing armor. He swings at the giant in the rear as the cart approaches him (one hit, 11 damage, giant has taken 20), and then uses the momentum of the cart rushing past to free his axe, spin himself around, and land another blow on the giant from behind as it races ahead of him (one hit, 10 damage, giant has taken 30). As his axe catches in the thick armor of the giant, Thokk leaps in the air and lets himself be drawn along behind, then scrambles half up on the moving platform, traveling with them!

None of the other party members approach the careening cart.

Round One (at the start of the round the cart is moving at 50 feet per round)
Once he has his feet set on the platform, Thokk wrenches his axe free and swings twice more at the armored giant (one hit, 9 points, giant has taken 39) before leaping off of the cart and out of the giant’s reach. He lands in the tunnel but is now well ahead of the party.

Aurora tolls the dead at the giant, and again he clenches his head in pain (Wis save 10, fails, 15 points, giant has taken 54). He grabs a huge, polished rock from some compartment, or possibly his own bag worn at his waist, and launches it. It smashes the tunnel floor and rock chips fly within a foot of Thokk but he is unharmed (near miss).

Round Two (at the start of the round the cart is moving at 25 feet per round)
At this point the cart is moving slowly enough that Thokk can catch it by running alongside. He raises his shield to protect his eyes from the shower of sparks shooting from the rear of the cart and charges forward as the giant turns and draws his greatsword. Running up alongside the cart, Thokk swings at the giant (two hits, 23 damage, giant has taken 77) and the giant swings back as Thokk veers away (opportunity attack, hits, 28 damage). Thokk knows he is swiftly approaching Doro’s nearly invisible wall, so he moves out of the giant’s reach just as the first part of the cart impacts it. With a deafening crash that echoes down the length of the tunnel, the cart jumps the rails, flips, and cracks in two. The lantern is crushed between the cart and the wall - rather than erupt in flame, however, it just leaves a bright, cool, sticky stain as the living fire beetles within are crushed and then smeared across the wall. The giant in the front of the cart is thrown forward against the wall, and then drops to the tunnel floor, pinned under the wreckage (Dex save 5, fails, 16 points of damage). The warrior in the back leaps clear, and although his momentum carries him into the wall (9 points damage, giant has taken 86), he lands on his feet on the tunnel floor with his sword still in hand (Dex save 20; succeeds).

Doro and Mathias fire at the standing giant (two hits from Mathias, 10 points, giant has taken 96).

Willa dashes forward, barely reaching the edge of the light now coming from the wall. Babshapka stows his bow, draws his blades, and follows behind Willa but is not as close.

Round Three (the cart is no longer moving)
Willa draws her frost brand. Trying to down the giant before it has a chance to recover from the crash, Willa charges and attacks it with an unsustainable speed (action surge, four attacks: 28 damage, giant has taken 124).

The smaller, unarmored giant gives a mighty push and lifts the wreckage of the cart off his body (Str check 19, succeeds). He staggers to his feet (stand up from prone, half movement) and snatches a loose iron wheel from the wreckage, throwing it like a discus. It crashes into Willa’s side, knocking her back from the dazed warrior (one hit, 21 damage).

Mathias approaches, firing his explosive blasts through the dark at the warrior (two hits, 20 damage, giant has taken 144).

The fire giant warrior bellows in pain and raises his sword, but the end of it impacts the wall behind him and he struggles to keep his grip on it (critical miss, Dex check 20 to recover, succeeds). Once the weapon is again under his control, he brings it down on Willa in a crippling blow (hit, 28 damage, Willa has taken 49).

Babshapka moves to the warrior, trying to draw his attention from Willa with a series of broadsword and shortsword strikes (two hits, 20 damage, giant has taken 164). The giant topples and crashes to the tunnel floor, draped over the wreckage of the car.

Thokk is rushing to the fight, but with both Willa and Babshapka in front of him, he is concerned that they will be able to kill the smaller giant before he can arrive at the melee. He drops his battle axe on the tunnel floor, then draws and launches a javelin of lightning at the smaller giant (hits, 11 piercing and 18 electric is 29 damage, fire giant servant has taken 45). Is it Thokk’s angle of approach, or is it that the hundreds of pounds of iron armor on the fallen warrior causes the lightning to veer off course? The bolt from the javelin streaks back toward Thokk, and along the way runs through the fallen warrior’s body (one failed death save), Willa, and Babshapka!

Babshapka leaps nimbly aside (Dex save 20; succeeds, half of 14 lightning damage is 7), while Willa takes the brunt of the shock (Dex save 7; fails). “Thoooookk!” she curses, as she grits her teeth and focuses on remaining conscious (uses Indomitable for a re-roll of the save, 20; saves, half of 16 damage is 8, Willa has taken 57).

The admonishment of his evil advisor causes Thokk to rethink his second javelin throw. At least his warband has been warned that they need to include him in the melee. He continues to close the distance to the fight but does not throw again.

Aurora tolls the dead on the smaller giant (Wis save 0; fails, 19 damage, giant has taken 64).

Tina arrives at the wreckage, surging forward and snapping at the giant but missing. From her back, Doro shoots explosive music notes (two hits, 10 damage, giant has taken 74).

The giant backs away from the great snarling wolf until his back is to the wall, then throws his club down and raises his hands. He shouts something in Giant.

Round Four
Babshapka yells “He says he yields, hold fire!”

[The fallen warrior succeeds on his death save.]

Doro either doesn’t hear Babshapka over the sound of her own music or doesn’t care. She urges Tina to attack again, and she continues to fire (three misses between the two of them). The giant moves, keeping the largest pieces of wreckage between him and the wolf (disengage) and then begins to move back up the tunnel, closer to the ones who are not attacking, hands still in the air and shouting “I yield” in Giant. Mathias fires at him as he moves (two hits, 2 points, giant has taken 76).

“Mathias and Doro, hold!” calls Babshapka.

Once Willa takes up the cry of “Hold fire!” the others finally stand down.

Thokk swaggers over to the giant and demands of him in Common, “Where you go?” When the giant looks perplexed, Thokk gestures at the wreckage of the hand car.

“We are going, were going…” the giant draws out his words, as if he knows Common but is not accustomed to speaking it, “going to get reinforcements from the front.”

Willa bends over the fallen warrior, checking whether he is stable (Medicine check 8 - she believes he is failing although by now he is stable). “T’is one might not make it,” she tells the others, “make sure t'other gigant keeps talkin’”.

In response to the party’s questioning, the giant freely reveals that he is not a warrior, but a manservant and dogsbody to the warrior they just put down. Less than an hour ago, he and the warrior were summoned before King Snurre and the dwarf Obmi. They were told that the Hall had been attacked and giants killed. They were ordered to use the hand car to travel to Sterich and bring back ten giant warriors and twenty trolls. He does not know how long the journey should have taken but he says that they are bringing four days’ worth of food and water and that they were told to not make any stops on the way.

They ask him how large the force headed for Sterich is and he says it is his understanding that they are already there - certainly they all left more than a few days ago. He doesn’t know exact numbers, but judging by how many giants are no longer in the Hall, he would say perhaps a score of warriors with a dreadnought or two. He has also heard that some fire giants from groups owing fealty to Snurre but living in places other than the Hall are also abroad in Sterich, but he does not know whether that is true.

Babshapka asks whether all the forces that were sent to Sterich were fire giants. The servant answers that all of the giants were fire giants, although many trolls went as well. However, as he understood the plans, the forces of Snurre were supposed to meet up with Frost Giants and Hill Giants when they arrived in the human lands.

Babshapka asks how many giants are in the Hall now, and youth estimates the fighting force at perhaps thirty, warriors and dreadnaughts all combined. In addition there are a half-dozen Queensguard (female warriors who guard Queen Frupy), a dozen servants like himself (giants who are young adults and not yet large enough to be warriors), and many adult females and young giants who are non-combatants.

He is asked when services are in the temple, and replies that they are whenever Snurre calls for them. Asked whether the services include sacrifices, he says that depends on the drow priests and priestesses - and whether they have anyone on hand to sacrifice. As the party probes him for knowledge about the drow, he says that the dark elves have been in the Hall for over a year, and that the temple was constructed under their direction, using some giant labor but mostly the subject dwarves. He says that the official religion of the Hall, as ordered by Snurre, is now that of the Elder Elemental God, and that the drow are its servants. The Elder Elemental God is a powerful being that devours all and demands constant blood sacrifices, but who grants great power to its loyal followers. The drow are seen in the temple, or occasionally around the prisoners, only when it is time for a sacrifice - they are always near the purple rock wall, but he doesn’t know if they are beyond it. The wall became purple during the construction of the temple - it was not like that before. The drow never appear on the first level of the Hall, in the throne room, etc.

Willa asks about the cats around the temple, and he claims ignorance of any ‘cats’.

Babshapka asks what the drow deity looks like. The giant is not sure, but says it must be a thing of nightmares. In the temple it is depicted on the walls as a great mouth surrounded by tentacles, but the liturgy suggests that is only one of its many forms. He says he doesn’t trust it, and prefers Surtur, the rightful god of the Fire Giants, whose form does not change. Why would Snurre follow such a hideous thing, Babshapka demands. The youth shrugs and says that the drow have given Snurre aid and advice leading to a great expansion of his lands and territories. The conquests provide a steady stream of treasure and sacrifices for the temple, with plenty left over for Snurre’s great vault.

Mathias interjects, but it is not clear whether he is speaking to the giant or the party, answering Babshapka’s question or musing to himself. “We saw this at the temple in the Steading,” he says. “The tentacle god is fighting the spider queen. Snurre’s conquests let the tentacled ones grow stronger, so that they can protect this world from the spider people.”

Babshapka arches an eyebrow at Mathias’ interruption, but continues his questioning. “Are the fire giants in general happy to worship the drow god?”

“Not happy, most of us,” says the manservant. “But it is Snurre’s command, and he is the King.”

“What can you tell us about Obmi?”

“He was a prince from a clan of dwarves that Snurre conquered - he was sent here years ago as a hostage to assure their fealty. Originally he was a slave. At some point he decided that becoming an honored servant to the King was better than remaining a disgraced and conquered prince. He is now Snurre’s trusted advisor.”

“Are there other giant ambassadors in the Hall?”

“Stone Giant and Cloud Giant ambassadors. And maybe the Jarlinde of the Frost Giants - I have heard she arrived recently but have not seen her myself. All of them are on the second level in guest quarters. There are Hill Giants too, but they aren’t ambassadors - just refugees from the war in Sterich.”

“Where on the second level is the entrance to the Underdark?”

“Second level? No, that’s on the third.”

“There’s a third level?” says Mathias, clearly indicating that he had not considered the possibility.

“Yes, the first two levels are the Hall proper, living quarters. The third level is just natural caverns with monsters and stuff. I haven’t been down there; there’s no reason to be. But that’s where they say the drow enter and leave from.”

“Monsters? Like dragons? Chimerae?”

“Yeah, stuff like that. It’s all rumors, whatever crazy monster you mention, someone will say it is down there, but I doubt it.”

“Well, where is the entrance to that third level?”

“Close to the temple and the jail cells. It has double doors - you can’t miss it.”

Willa sizes the giant up. “Who be attackin’ ther Hall, t’en? Ther ones w’at ye needed ter bring reinforcement far?”

“I don’t know,” he says. “Some powerful adventurers, I suppose.” If he suspects that this group of gnolls, all of whom apparently speak perfectly good Common, could be the adventurers in question, he doesn’t mention it.

“Does Snurre really have fabulous treasure vaults?” asks Aurora.

“I suppose so. I mean, he has been King for a long time, and many nations pay him tribute. I don’t know what else he would do with the treasure beyond storing it.”

“How many trolls are there in the pens?” insists Babshapka.

“Maybe a half dozen. They are the overseers for two or three dozen gnolls.”

By this point Thokk has bored of the conversation and moved to examine the fallen warrior. He finds his breathing far too regular and does not agree with Willa’s assessment that the giant might not make it. Two quick strokes of his axe (two hits, four failed death saves) are enough to convince him that Willa was right after all.

Aurora looks over at Thokk dispatching the warrior, and then back to the manservant. “So what happens now?” she asks him.

“Well,” he says, sounding as persuasive as he can, “I have answered all of your questions, fully and honestly. Unless you have any more?”

Aurora thinks a moment but then shrugs. They have what they want from him.

“Then I was thinking,” he continues hopefully, “I could just walk away. I understand you don’t want anyone in the Hall to know you are down here, so of course you can’t let me go back that way. But on the other side of the tunnel,” and he gestures beyond Doro’s wall, “there is nothing until Sterich. It was supposed to take four days in the cart, but that’s smashed. So it’s going to take me more than a week to walk, if I even can make it on my own before I run out of water. So I was thinking you would let me load up on supplies, and then I walk away and you never see me again, and by the time I get to Sterich, if I make it to Sterich, you are long done with whatever your business is in the Hall.”

The party exchange looks with one another. Doro dismisses the wall and a few pieces of the cart that had been propped against it clatter to the tunnel floor. “Ok then,” says Aurora, “you are free to go.”

“Of course,” adds Mathias with a slight bow. “Go ahead…” (Deception 11).

“Uh…ok,” says the giant (Insight 6), and he bends down to begin retrieving food and water from the intact cargo boxes of the smashed cart. As soon as he lowers his gaze, Mathias brings his hands up and fires an explosive bolt of force that knocks him sprawling (one hit with advantage, 5 damage, giant has taken 81). The giant cries out in pain and betrayal, and Mathias fires again (one hit, 7 damage, giant has taken 88 and is knocked out). Whistling merrily, Thokk ambles over to his body and makes sure that he is dead.

XP Tunnel
Fire giant servant (CR5) = 1800
Fire giant warrior (CR9) = 5000
Total = 6800 / 6 = 1133 each

“Firs’ prior’ty be rest,” says Willa. “All o’ us be beat up good. Let’s get some ‘uts up.” Mathias and Doro walk about half the distance from the wreckage of the carts back to where they began their ambush, and begin the rituals that will eventually bring up the tiny huts. In ten minutes they are ready.

Tina is placed outside the huts on watch, while those inside drink, set down burdens, strip, wash and bind wounds, all while listening to the soothing sounds of Doro playing her song of rest (plus 7hp to any recovered during short rest).

Babshapka uses 1HD and recovers 11+7 = 18hp
Thokk uses 5HD and recovers 42+7 = 49hp
Willa uses 1HD and recovers 10+2 = 17hp
Aurora uses 3HD and recovers 14+7 = 21hp

Doro at 4/3/2/0/0; casts song of vitality and at 4/3/1/0/0.
She heals 8, 5, 6 to the other party members, then dedicates 11, 12, 7, 10 = 40hp to Willa. The last three rounds of healing from the spell are not used, as everyone is at full.

Rested and in better shape, most of the party emerges from the huts, although Doro and Mathias remain to maintain them. The others pick through the wreckage of the carts and find boxes and boxes of preserved food and barrels of water.

[The giants had brought four days of food and water for two giants.
The warrior was 80 times the weight of a human and ate 27 times as much.
Four days for him would be the equivalent of 112 human rations.

The manservant was 17 times the weight of a human and ate 8 times as much.
Four days for him would be the equivalent of 32 rations.
Thus between them they had a total of 140 rations (with a few spoiled in the crash)
Likewise, they had a total of 280 gallons of water in seven 40-gallon barrels.]

They carefully search the bodies, but there is no treasure and little of interest on them. The warrior does have a metal token or emblem depicting a pair of crossed javelins that they take. They don’t know its meaning, and a few of them even wish they could now ask the manservant, but no one mentions it aloud. The closest they come is Aurora ‘casually’ asking Doro whether she knows a song for the speak with the dead spell.

While their health has substantially improved after the rest and spells, they are still tired and low enough on more powerful spells that they don’t want to try another foray just yet. Also, they are loath to give up the secret of their new hiding place and are hopeful that the giants will think that they have been driven off after their attack outside the Hall. Finally, they want to make sure that no more messengers leave the Hall asking for reinforcements. With no worries now about food or drink for themselves, they decide to take a long rest on the spot. A watch schedule is set.

[c. 6am - Thokk’s javelins recharge with the dawn]

[When it is finally light out, a bleary-eyed Obmi surveys the search teams of giants, trolls, and gnolls he has assembled. He has gone over their orders a dozen times - they are to search all the land within a mile of the hall for tiny huts or other places adventurers might hide. If they find any, they are not to engage, but to leave a few gnolls there to watch while the rest of them return to report.

The original module G3 (or G1-3, what I was using) gives a cumulative 10% per day for the giants to find the party’s hiding spot. There is now a 20% chance for them to find the skeletons that lie off the road but more than a mile from the Hall. d% = 59, not found.

There is a 20% chance for them to find tracks in the ravine that could lead them to the party’s cave with Fraanke. d% = 100, not found.

Once the huts the party is using in the tunnel are down, later in the morning, there is a 10% chance (since this is the first day) that some of the gnolls or trolls in the pens will smell them along the length of the tunnel itself, or smell the two dead and decaying giants. d% = 77, not found.]

[Babshapka uses his stone for breakfast. They entered the Hall with a full 19 water skins. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 14 left, but plenty of water in the barrels to fill them before they return to the Hall. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 53 rations to 51.5 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[Outside, Fraanke found his way back to the cave, of course, and used his rest during the night to heal the bruises from the giant’s thrown stone. Food is easy to find; the party has left 116 pounds of hobgoblin jerky in the cave and he can easily gnaw open the packages and gulp down three pounds of it (113 pounds remain). While he is tempted to wolf down as much as he can, it helps that the food is exceedingly dry and for the moment he does not have water. He eats just what he needs for this meal. The seep basin in the cave is still dry. Thokk told him to wait in the cave, and left him with water in the two casks - he can smell it there. But he watched the party open these dwarven containers, and he lacks the thumbs to pull out stoppers, and he lacks the arms to lift and pour it. He could simply jump on a cask and smash it, of course - that would be easy and would certainly let the water out, but he is smart enough to know that most of it would be wasted draining away into the cracks in the rock before he could lap it up. He decides to wait until sundown to see whether Thokk returns from the Hall.]

[8am - the two casts of Mage armor and the two casts of darkvision expire]

[8:52am - the seeming on all six of them, and Fraanke, expires and they are revealed to be not gnolls]

The party has finished their long rest just as the huts expire. Everyone has had their spells and abilities restored - everyone except Doro. [She finished her last long rest at 12:01am this same morning of 13 May, and by rules she can benefit from only one long rest per day] Doro is still at 4/3/1/0/0 and the party debates whether or not to return to the giants soon. Doro still has a fair number of spells, and even one more song of vitality if needed - but crucially, she does not have fifth level spells, and wall of force is next on the party’s scheduled ‘escalation of tricks’. Currently they have food, water, and what seems like a safe place to rest. The next time they hit the giants, they may well be facing the entire Hall, and if they are not able to compartmentalize the fight, they will quickly end up retreating, with their only out being Aurora or Mathias using teleport circle. They agree that there is little cost in waiting another half-day for Doro to be at full, and a lot of potential benefit.

As they wait around, Willa asks Babshapka what he knows about centaurs. She is of half a mind to free them when the party next ventures to the prison, and wonders whether they might be allies. Babshapka thinks for a while. He hasn’t personally known any centaurs, he says, and there aren’t any in the Silverwood, to his knowledge. They are creatures of the open plains or light forests at best, and the land that they would like in the Sheldomar basin was all taken by humans hundreds of years ago. Perhaps over the mountains in Celene there might be some. In any event, he says, they might be allies, for they would surely hate the giants. Above all else, centaurs value their freedom. They can be good - but they can also be dangerous. Not because they are cruel, but because they are wild, free, and sometimes wonton and careless in their passions. At least, that is what he has heard about them.

Doro says that all the legends she knows about centaurs confirm what Babshapka said. If the tales be true, she adds, one should never serve them hard drinks, for they are raucous and uncontrolled when drunk, but they can be powerful allies in war. A few of them are scholars of nature, and know much about the stars and herbs, she adds.

[Babshapka uses his stone for lunch. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 9 left without opening the barrels. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total goes from 51.5 rations to 50 without using the giants’ food]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (110 pounds remain)]

[Babshapka uses his stone for dinner. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 4 left without opening the barrels. Five people use 2 rations, the party total going from 50 rations to 48 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 4 pounds of meat (106 pounds remain). He hasn’t had any water for 24 hours - if he does not get some soon, he will automatically have one level of exhaustion. At two levels of exhaustion, he will move at half speed, making it unlikely for him to be able to escape the waterless lava plain and get up into the mountains to find a stream if the party doesn't return. He smashes the two casks that the party had already emptied and sucks on the damp wood inside, but it is not enough. He smells the two full casks and pushes them gently with a paw (one is full with 10.5 gallons, one with 9.5). Full and heavy, the casks both seem fairly stable (Int check 12). Fraanke decides that he will stand up on his hind limbs, then come down with all his weight (1200 pounds) on one paw on top of the cask. If he can come straight down, perhaps he can smash the top of the cask without knocking it over. Up he goes, then down (Dex check 15) - CRACK! SPLASH! The top of the cask splits in two places and a spray of water goes up, but the cask remains upright with Fraanke’s great forepaw inside, pinning it to the cave floor. A half a gallon splashed out in the process, but when Fraanke gingerly removes his paw, there are still nine gallons of water left in the cask. Over the rest of the evening he laps at it repeatedly until he has drunk his need for four gallons today, and five remain.]

[At sundown, all the search groups return to the Hall and report to Obmi that they have found nothing. Snurre will likely take this, yet again, as evidence that they have ‘driven off’ the humans, but Obmi knows better. With the great door sealed and only opening on his or the King’s command, the party’s next assault will have to use magic to access the Hall. Given the power they have displayed so far, Obmi assumes that they will be using the passwall spell, and that the next battle will be fought within the walls of the Hall itself. He begins preparing the troops to respond to a battle inside.]

[The three drow of the temple discuss the situation. The party has struck twice, and will be back once they have recovered their more powerful spells. This is undoubtedly the same group that killed both Chief Nosnra and Jarl Grugner. King Snurre is most certainly next. They must do what they can to stymie the efforts of the surface-dwellers. That evening they have the Gaoler, Headsman, and Torturer together drag the unconscious titan to the altar of the temple, and sacrifice him to the Elder Elemental God. As the Maw devours the soul of the titan, the flush of power they receive is nearly overwhelming. They begin to weave a potent curse for the party and a protection on the temple, carefully saving their power. Now is not the time to be rash.]

Aurora feels the release in the magic which has held the undead spirits in thrall to her - the skeletons are now free! She curses under her breath and wonders what they will do next. Continue to ‘play dead’ until they are attacked? Stand up and aimlessly wander the lava plain until they find something to attack? Head for Sterich, attempting to return to the homeland from which she took them? She didn’t study much necromancy in her ‘prenticeship, and really has no idea how they will respond.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Oct 29, 2024 2:40 pm  
Post 347: First Insertion, Part I

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
23 March: Raid on Fort Saddle (humanoids)
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu (frost giants)
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg (humanoids and ogres)
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe (frost giants). The party is found by Griffage.
30 March: Raid on Fort Falke (humanoids)
31 March: Raid on Strake Terrace (humanoids)
1 April: Raid on Kalibac (humanoids)
3 April: Skirmish outside Hilden's Grange (humanoids)
4 April: Party Sneaks into the Steading
5 April: Party Retreats from the Steading
6 April: Raid on Fort Dagger (humanoids). Nosnra sets out with war party. Party takes the Steading.
8 April: Attack on Headwater (humanoids and ogres). Party battles at the ford and along the river.
9 April: Raid on Fort Dagger (humanoids). Party arrives in Headwater.
10 April: Skirmish at Fort Grenvu (humanoids). Kerri makes tactical raids on targets of opportunity in Headwater.
11 April: Disorder in occupied Headwater; Kerri makes tactical raids on targets of opportunity.
12 April Goblins have abandoned Headwater; orcs and eigers have consolidated at defensible locations within the city.
13 April Sack of Fort Grenvu. Kerri probes and skirmishes to look for weaknesses among enemies occupying the city.
14 April Sterish forces break siege of Headwater, retake east bank. The enemy are scattered.
16 April Party at the Fjell. Skirmish at Fort Saddle (humanoids).
19 April Raid on Fort Dagger Pass (between Blackbridge town and Poignard - humanoids)
21 April Sack of Dagger Pass (Frost Giants)
24 April Skirmish at Poignard (humanoids)
25 April Siege of Velikar’s Fort (Frost Giants)
27 April Fall of Velikar's Fort (Frost Giants)
29 April Raid on Fort Southwatch (orcs)
30 April Party arrives at the Rift
1 May Siege of Fort Falke (Frost Giants)
2 May Skirmish at Fort Blackridge (humanoids)
3 May Fall of Fort Blackridge (Giants). The new Jarl blows the Horn. The party leaves the Rift.
6 May Siege of Fort Crestor begins (fire giants).
8 May Countess meets with Jarl via dream
9 May Fire giants begin a siege of the town of Kalibac.
11 May Raid on Fort Southwatch (hobgoblins)
12 May Troubles Roll = 0
13 May Troubles Roll 2 - 1 = 1
14 May Troubles Roll-1 - 2 = -3; seige. Siege of Poignard [Fire Giants]

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15].

Post 347: First Insertion, Part I
14 May [21 Flocktime] - The Tunnel to Sterich, five miles northeast of Snurre's Hall
(low 78, high 105; very dry)
[Fire giants begin siege of Poignard]

[Play session 9/23/21] continued
Just after midnight Doro announces that she is ready to set out. In preparation, the party hard casts mage armor (twice), darkvision (twice), goodberry, and seeming. Babshapka hands out the berries, giving one to each party member, two to Aurora, and keeping four for himself. Doro makes sure that they all seem as gnolls, and Tina as a hellhound.

After this come the rituals; Mathias gives them all, even Tina, water walk and makes two phantom steeds, while Aurora makes three steeds. Willa reminds them that her frostbrand will protect her from fire.

[When Leezar’s long rest ended, he chose his fiendish resistance to be to slashing, anticipating the claws of the trolls and swords of the gnolls that lie ahead.]

The party, all of them mounted, sets out. They move swiftly, not stopping until they are some two hundred feet from the tunnel entrance, and can just see the ruddy hole ahead of them, illuminated by the distant flame jets of the Hall.

Doro casts invisibility on herself while mounted, so that it extends to Tina, but then dismounts. She is stealthier than the wolf, and that may make the difference in slipping past the gnolls and trolls and passing literally under their noses. She will move to the Y-intersection, placing her wall of force at the entrance to the prison cells so that no one from the greater Hall can interfere with them - provided Doro can maintain her concentration. The party feels confident that they can handle even a mass of gnolls and trolls, plus whatever big cats are in the two rooms just beyond the pens, so long as the rest of the Hall does not come down on them. Once she casts her wall, her own invisibility will drop, as well as that on Tina. It will be easier for her to escape notice as a solitary gnoll behind the enemy lines, but a huge hellhound where it should not be may stand out more. In addition, by noting when Tina becomes visible again, the party will know that her wall is now up and they can use that as the signal to move in.

Doro eases into the room [2-15]. As expected, the gnolls and trolls are back and the pens are full, although the area immediately outside the tunnel, where carts and other supplies are stored, has only a few gnolls on hand - most are in the filthy chambers to the north [2-16] and south [2-17]. The party creeps up to near the mouth of the tunnel, just out of sight and smell of the chamber beyond - they hope.

Doro easily slips past the inattentive gnolls (Doro Stealth 26 > Gnoll Passive Perception 10) and those trolls that are elsewhere do not catch her scent (Troll Passive Perception 17 for smells). However, she does have to pass near an active troll who appears more or less on guard (Perception check with advantage from smell 22 > Doro Stealth 26), but even it does not notice her. She is soon across the room and in the corridor beyond the pens.

Once she is where she can clearly see where she wants to put the wall, but still within 120 feet of the tunnel, she uses message to tell the party, In position. This casting of a spell drops her own invisibility and she now appears as a gnoll in the hall, but it does not end her concentration on the invisibility spell that still covers Tina, so the party waits. Then the more difficult part begins - playing her drum just loud enough to succeed in casting the wall, but not so loud that the gnolls and trolls hear (Doro Performance roll 13 > Troll Passive Perception 12 for sounds > Gnoll Passive Perception 10). The wall goes up - a floor-to-ceiling unbreakable barrier [this is blocking off the southern branch of the Y-intersection leading to the prison level, but not the northern branch leading to the guest quarters]. With her concentration now on the wall, Tina’s invisibility drops. Trusting to their gnoll forms, the party tries to exit the tunnel mouth without being noticed.

Non-combat round
Mathias pulls the necklace of fireballs he took from the eiger mage in the Rift out of his tight leather jerkin so that the whole chain is accessible. Thokk and Willa are in the lead. Immediately a troll comes up to them and begins growling at them in Giant. Babshapka (Perception 22) hears, “What are you doing in the tunnel? Get back to your pens!”

Doro finds the darkest part of the hallway, farthest from the flame jets, and crouches down (Stealth 23). She does not want to be in this fight, as the party is relying on her to keep her concentration on the wall.

Babshapka and Aurora dash up the tunnel so as to be near Willa and Thokk. Tina follows.

Round 1 (surprise)
As Thokk and Willa move out of the tunnel mouth and into the supply room [2-15], the troll continues to berate them. “Where are your bows? You better not have lost them! I told you to get back in your pens! Wait a minute…” The troll begins sniffing at them as they try to get past, and suddenly realizes that they are most definitely not gnolls (Perception 13; Wisdom Check 15).

“Now!” bellows Thokk-gnoll, enraging and bringing up his shield between himself and the troll. He pulls out his axe and hacks at it (hit for 16 points), but the troll ignores the blow and when Thokk pulls the axe blade free, the troll swats his axe away so hard that it is wrenched from his hand and falls on the floor nearby (critical miss, followed by Dex check of 6; Thokk is disarmed).

Willa draws forth her greatsword and it erupts in flame. The closest troll’s eyes go wide - it cannot comprehend how one of the lowly gnolls could have acquired such a weapon. Willa strikes, and strikes again (two hits, one critical, with advantage from Thokk’s rage, total 59 points slashing and fire, troll cannot regenerate on its turn).

Aurora moves forward to the tunnel entrance until she can see the room. Even now, more trolls are arriving from the northern passage [to 2-16]. This seems like the perfect time for a slow spell. She manages to catch five of them within her dweomer and of those, four are under the spell while the last resists it (DC17 Wis save: 17 (succeeds); 12, 10, 7, 2 (four fail: their speed is halved, they take a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, they can’t use reactions, they can use either an action or a bonus action, but not both, and if they use their action to attack, they may make only one attack instead of their standard two claws and a bite). [Aurora at 2/1/2/3/2] Satisfied, and resolved to keep her own concentration on the spell, Aurora moves back thirty feet into the tunnel and away from the battle.

With the trolls coming from the north now under control, Mathias turns his attention to the south, where even now a pack of a dozen gnolls are climbing up out of their filth-walled nests and preparing to charge. He snatches off a bead from the necklace and lobs it so that it lands in the middle of the pack and detonates among 11 of them (18 fire damage to nine of them, two more make their saves for 9 damage, all live). It explodes at the mouth of their large chamber and the blow back nearly reaches the party. “Bark bark bark!” Mathias yells over the roar of the explosion and the screams of the burning gnolls, “You are bad followers of your god and you shall burn in the Abyss! Bark bark!” A second later the stench of burning hair and dung fills the air.

Babshapka summons his hunter’s mark and moves to attack a troll near Thokk but on the other side from Willa. He slashes furiously at the monster with his broadsword (two hits, one critical, total 27 damage).

Round Two
Knowing she has momentarily prevented the regeneration of the troll she attacked, Willa pivots and strikes at the troll Thokk faces. She cuts it down, and with the flame damage it will not be getting up again (two hits with advantage, one critical, 65 damage, total 81 to troll, dead and can’t regenerate).

When the troll falls before her, the smouldering gnolls in the south have a clear shot at Willa. Rather than charge, they draw back on longbows and let fly with arrows - one wounds her (seven attacks, one hit for 3 damage). They drop back to put out their fitful flames and let their companions by.

Thokk’s troll foe is down, but he wastes no time in switching targets to the one Willa hit when the attack started (two hits, 27 damage, 86 total, troll is dead and can’t regenerate: nine rounds of rage left). The troll drops, the second one down.

Mathias grins. “Bark bark bark!” he shouts. “You will all burn for failing to serve your god!” A great wall of fire erupts from the floor and roars toward the ceiling. It completely blocks off the northern hallway [to 2-16], so that the gnolls there can no longer see the fight, as well as throwing up a barrier between the party and Doro, and preventing any of their foes from escaping in that direction either. The wall presses close up against the backs of the four trolls remaining, who are now caught between the flames and the party. (DC16 Dex saves; 16, 14, 5, 2, all fail, even the 16 but only after the -2 from slow; 20 points fire damage and no regeneration this turn). With his concentration on this second wall now also key to the battle, Mathias drops back inside the tunnel.

Babshapka darts in and out of the gap between Thokk and Willa, slashing at a troll with his broadsword and downing it (two hits with advantage from Thokk’s rage, total 31 damage with hunter’s mark).

Seeing that the party line is holding, Aurora advances just far enough to get a good look at the three remaining trolls and uses her mind whip on two of them (at second level but uses split enchantment, DC17 Int saves 17, 6; both fail, 14 and 11 psychic damage; on their turn they can only move (at half speed from slow) or act (with only one attack from slow), but not both).

The beleaguered trolls are hard-pressed (no regeneration at the start of their turn as all have now taken fire damage). One’s morale breaks (Wisdom check 10); it turns and tries to escape to the other side of the flaming wall, but Thokk strikes as it retreats (opportunity attack for 15 damage) and then it takes full damage for choosing to run through the fire (21 damage, no save, just enough to kill the troll, no regeneration). It screams as it passes through the flames, staggers and drops dead just beyond - the third troll is down.

Another troll tries to push past Thokk to get away from the roaring wall behind it (Shove attack, only one allowed because slowed, Contested Athletics, Troll 9 < Thokk 17; fails). Thokk resists, and the troll has nowhere to go as it burns (34 fire damage, no save). In agony, it finally throws off the effects of Aurora’s spell (Wisdom save 17; no longer slowed).

A third troll also tries to get past Thokk but fails after a brief struggle (Shove attack, only one allowed because slowed, Contested Athletics, Troll 21 < Thokk 15 but 23 with advantage from rage; fails). Thokk resists, and this troll is also held near the wall (24 fire damage, no save), but cannot throw off the slow (Wisdom save 7; fails). A fourth troll slashes at Willa with a claw (one attack only from slowed, hits, 7 damage, Wis save 7; fails, still slowed).

By now, the gnolls from the southern pens who were not in the fireball have moved forward. The four in the lead form an orderly line across the hallway and fire longbows at Willa (four attacks all miss), and then the two back ranks throw spears over the heads of the bowmen in front. The spears rain down on Willa, but her magic armor protects her (eight misses with disadvantage - they can’t see their target).

Doro, pressed up against the wall in the shadows, tries to block out the sound of the battle and listen down the other hall - she hears great cats roaring in alarm (Perception 19)!

Round Three (second round on wall of fire, third on wall of force)
Doro moves cautiously along the stone wall, trying to get closer to the sound of the cat. Suddenly the far door is thrown open - she can see a giant stooping to pass through [2-13]. He is bare-chested and his blue skin glistens with sweat. A heavy fur is about his waist and hangs barely to his thighs. Doro drops back and messages Willa through the thick of the battle - Incoming! I think it is a frost giant.

Fair warning replies Willa, ther battle be loud ‘nuff wit’ ther fireball an’ all - any gigants hereabouts be comin’. But we be fine so long as yer wall stays up.

Thokk attacks one of the two remaining trolls (eight rounds left of rage, two hits, 24 damage).

Another volley of arrows (four attacks, all miss) and spears (four attacks with disadvantage, one hit for 7) clatter around Willa. As one spear nicks her in passing she grunts. “Let’s drop yon trolls, now!” she yells to the others, emphasizing her command by slicing the head off one (one hit, 18 damage with fire kills it, no regeneration, two trolls left). “Ther bard says we got gigants on ther way!” She moves after the remaining troll, but he proves faster than her blow (one miss).

Aurora emerges from the tunnel mouth and follows Willa’s order by launching a firebolt at the reluctant troll (hits, 20 fire damage).

Babshapka drops back, then moves to Willa’s left, going between her and the missile fire. With two slices of his broadsword (two hits, 18 damage) he drops that troll (unconscious, but hasn’t taken fire damage this round). The other troll is on the party’s right flank and too far away. Babshapka spins and advances on the gnoll archers with his shortsword, stabbing one but not deeply (one hit, 1 damage).

The last remaining troll follows Babshapka, ripping open a long wound on his arm (one hit, 13 damage). Babshapka returns the favor (giant killer reaction, one hit, 9 damage). Fortunately, the troll’s attacks are still slowed (Wis Save 0, fails).

Giants? mutters Mathias to himself in the tunnel. Time to clear out the rabble and get ready for the main event. He plucks another bead of the necklace and moves to the mouth of the tunnel. The gnolls are considerably farther forward than the last time Mathias launched a bead, so he aims the projectile in the narrow tunnel mouth before their den and counts on the compressed explosion engulfing them but not Babshapka. However, he drastically mis-judges (Arcana 0), and the blow-back is much closer than he had planned - the flames shoot into the rail room and envelop Babshapka, Willa, and Thokk!

The explosion (30 points fire damage) kills the troll that Babshapka dropped (fire damage before it can regenerate), kills all of the previously-wounded gnolls and two unwounded ones (DC15 Dex saves 9, 2; fail), and wounds one more (Dex save 21). In addition, it seriously damages Willa (Dex save 12; fails, 30 points), although Thokk and Babshapka are able to avoid the worst of it (Dex saves 19, 17; take 15 points each), and the sudden shock releases Babshapka’s mental grasp on his hunter’s mark (failed Concentration save).

Round Four (third round of wall of fire)
From the doorway at the end of the hall a second frost giant emerges. Either they don’t see the gnoll-form that is actually Doro, or they don’t deign to notice her. The first giant barrels by, and she has to dive out of the way to keep from being trodden (Dex Save 26). Doro swears under her breath. A third giant passes through the door - no, a giantess - actually, Jarlinde Estia!

Willa closes on the last remaining troll and dispatches it (critical hit, 31 damage, includes fire, troll is dead and no regeneration). To her left, the gnoll that was caught by the fireball stands among his fallen fellows, fur still aflame. No other enemies of the party are in sight, as all the other gnolls to the south have been killed and the ones to the north are still held behind the roaring wall of flame. Willa shades her eyes and squints, but can’t see anyone to attack. She turns to look behind her and yell at Mathias, “Yon wall twar good agin’ ther trolls, but a gigant be comin’ an’ I cain’t see wit’ it up.”

The gnoll has begun to slink back to his den. Thokk (seven rounds left on rage) snatches up a spear from the floor, one of the ones that was thrown at Willa, and launches it, hitting the gnoll. As the gnoll staggers, then turns and starts to run, he throws another, and the gnoll drops, slowly bleeding out as its fur smoulders (two hits, 15 points, total taken 30 after fireball). Thokk guffaws, looks down to find another spear, and remains staring at the floor (Insight 17). “Ro-ra!” he calls, transfixed by one of the arrows shot at Willa but now lying there. “This your arrow for bonehead warrior?” Indeed, these are the very Sterich shafts given to them by the Countess - but later claimed by the gnolls from the battlefield out the Hall.

Mathias messages Doro and asks for a report. A second later he tells Willa, “Three giants are coming - and one of them is Estia. I’ll drop the wall, but you best get ready.” He moves back to the tunnel mouth, looking for a good place to hide among the mining carts.

Aurora exits the tunnel, readying a firebolt to shoot blindly through the wall at the gnolls to the north. Willa hisses “Estia” at her and waves at her to get back to the tunnel mouth. Aurora complies.

The gnolls could begin shooting blindly themselves through the wall at the party, but they haven’t yet realized that the trolls and all the southern gnolls are dead (Int check 5). For now, they are lined up but hold their fire, thinking their caution is protecting their comrades in arms.

Round Five (fourth round on wall of fire)
Willa finds a large pile of gnoll bodies in which to hide. Doro’s seeming has covered her plate armor, and she appears like any of the other gnolls - except that her sword is currently aflame. She extinguishes it and works the top off a potion bottle, then downs the contents (potion of healing - 6 points).

The gnolls still have not realized that the fight is over, believing that the roar of the flames is masking the sounds of battle (Int check 7).

Babshapka touches a hand to his chest and incants a prayer of curing - and then curses in Elven at the results (cure wounds upcast to second level - 3 points of healing, Babshapka at 2/2/2).

Both frost giant warriors continue to ignore Doro (Perception 4) but are stopped fast by the roaring wall of fire. “What do we do, my Lady?” they ask Estia.

The Jarlinde looks about, trying to find some way around the wall, or even something to lay across it. Her eyes fall on Doro-gnoll, crouching in the shadows (Perception 21 > Doro’s Stealth 20).

“What's going on here, sniveling gnoll?” she demands of Doro in Giant. “What’s all this fire about?”

Doro stands up, points at her ears, then with her hands mimes a large explosion, and finally points up the hallway at the wall (Performance 13), all while grunting and barking incomprehensibly.

Estia looks disgusted. “Stupid gnoll doesn’t even speak Giant,” she says bitterly. “Bloody fire giants! At least we teach our wolves the true tongue.” Babshapka has heard that Giant is being spoken, but hasn’t made out any of the words over the roar of the fire (Perception 10).

Mathias hides by some gnoll bodies. Aurora throws a bagful of caltrops at the base of the wall of fire and then hides among the bodies.

Thokk doesn’t hide - rather, he focuses on maintaining his rage (six rounds left).

[End of play session 9/23/21]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Nov 05, 2024 3:24 pm  
Post 348: First Insertion, Part II

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15].

Post 348: First Insertion, Part II
14 May [21 Flocktime] - continued - Gnoll warrens of the second level of Snurre's Hall
(low 78, high 105; very dry)

[Start of 9/30/21 play session]
Round Six (fifth round on wall of fire)
Thokk continues to focus on his rage (five rounds left) and crouches behind a mine car (mechanically, he cannot take the Hide action without losing his rage, but he now has total cover).

Willa pretends to be dead as she lies on top of the gnolls, gripping her sword (mechanically, she cannot Hide since she is in plain sight, but she can make a Performance roll to be convincing; 9).

Mathias moves to the south, out of sight of the room itself.

To summarize, Doro is up and moving, but assumed to be a gnoll by the arriving frost giants. Willa is in plain sight but playing dead, while Mathias, Aurora, Thokk, and Babshapka are hiding out of sight. Tina is back inside the entrance of the tunnel, too far to be seen. Mathias surveys their side of the wall - everyone looks ready. He drops his concentration, and the once-roaring flames quickly diminish and then die.

The live gnolls to the north are very confused, and don’t know what to make of the battle scene. They cautiously enter the rail room, sniffing as they come (Insight 2).

The frost giants exclaim to Estia, “Jarlinde, the wall is down!” They speak in Giant, loudly, and Babshapka can clearly understand them.

“Then get in there!” she exclaims in response.

They move into the rail room, shoving the live gnolls aside but being just as confused as they are. One peers into the supply room, another the mouth of the tunnel.

“Jarlinde, all of the trolls and half of the gnolls are dead, but there is no sign of any attackers!”

This time Estia’s response is more deliberate. “One of you - go see if the fire giants know what is going on,” she finally commands.

Round Seven
Doro lopes toward the giants, then keeps them between herself and the other gnolls, to prevent the real gnolls from recognizing her as an interloper. Some of them are starting to move down the hall, themselves deciding to look for their fire giant overlords.

Babshapka, as a gnoll, moves out into the crowd, trying to appear just as confused and curious as the rest. He crouches by Willa, sniffing at her body, and whispers to her that Estia has told the frost giants to go look for help. Then he jumps up in a mine cart and says, in Giant, “Here Masters, the attackers are this way!” He points eagerly into the southern warren.

Thokk doesn’t wait to see whether Babshapka’s deception is successful. He springs up from where he had been under cover and throws a javelin of lightning at the far giant (hits, 11 piercing and 17 lightning damage, four rounds left of rage). The bolt arcs back toward Thokk, passing through the nearer one of the pair (Dex save 7; fails, 17 points lightning damage).

Aurora moves up to within 15 feet of the entrance of the tunnel. She’s not sure if she can see Estia beyond the other two giants, but the targeting screen on her blaster rifle clearly indicates a third huge body. She moves the cross-hairs over the target and depresses the trigger. FWOOOM! Lady Estia takes the brunt of the blast, is knocked backwards, and collapses as her guards look on in confusion (Dex save 5; fails, shield disintegrated, 27 damage and Estia unconscious for 3 rounds).

Mathias plucks off another bead - his third during this fight! He lobs it at the pack of gnolls to the north, managing to catch 12 of them and no party members in the blast! (38 points of fire damage; Dex Saves 20 and 16 take 19 points and live, the other ten gnolls all fail their saves and are killed by the explosion)

The two remaining gnolls stagger forward, then use their spears to assault Thokk in his mine cart (both miss). Willa follows them, sword drawn. Rather than attack the pitiful gnolls, however, she readies herself to intercede if one of the frost giants charges the barbarian.

One of the frost giants has traced the source of the blast that felled Estia back to the female gnoll with the strange machine on her shoulder in the mouth of the tunnel. Rather than attacking Thokk, the giant snatches up a dead troll from the floor and launches it across the room at Aurora. She squeals and ducks (miss); the troll lands at the mouth of the tunnel, partially blocking it (luck roll 0; the tunnel entrance is now difficult terrain).

Doro, as a concerned gnoll, runs up to the unconscious body of Estia, fawning over it. When she thinks the giants are not looking, she tries to poke Estia in the eye with her finger (a dagger being a bit too obvious, and not wanting to provoke an attack on herself as she still needs to maintain concentration on the wall of force). She has trouble reaching across the body, though, and Estia’s helmet gets in the way (one unarmed attack with advantage from unconsciousness, misses). Worse, one of the giants sees her fumbling at Estia's face (Doro Sleight of Hand 6, uses an Inspiration Point to reroll, 8 < Perception 14). He turns and moves up to her, swatting at the gnoll as he growls, “Hey gnoll, you get away from her,” (unarmed attack hits). Doro yipes and cowers away (Con save to maintain concentration on wall 21; succeeds).

Round Eight
Thokk leaps from the mine cart and slices through the gnolls with two quick blows of his axe (two hits, 12 and 11 points, both killed, three rounds left on rage) and then moves to confront one of the frost giants. Willa is right behind him and attacks the giant with her flaming greatsword (two hits, total 45 damage). Mathias climbs over the dead troll, exits the tunnel, and blasts the giant (two hits, 12 damage, giant has taken 57).

The two giants raise their own great axes - one against Willa, and one on Thokk. The lead one staggers Willa with a massive blow (one hit, 35 points slashing), while the other nearly hits his comrade (two misses, one critical, Dex check 12), and blunts his axe against the stone wall with no more than sparks landing on Thokk.

Doro, still cowering from the giants, retreats from the body of Estia - the giants let her go (no opportunity attack). She moves into the rail room, to the tunnel entrance, and calls for Tina. The wolf runs forward and leaps over the troll (Dex check 10), landing near Doro with fangs bared - both her actual fangs of a dire wolf and the seeming ones of a hell hound.

Aurora climbs laboriously over the dead troll and then lashes out at the frost giants with a mind whip (DC17 Int save > 6, 5; both fail, 4 psychic damage, one giant has taken 61, and 9 damage to the other).

Babshapka casts his hunter’s mark again (now at 1/2/2) on one of the giants, then moves forward and lays into him with his broadsword (two hits, 29 damage after mark). He darts back out of their reach (no opportunity attacks since both failed the mind whip save).

Round Nine
In the closer of the two guest chambers, the cloud giant noble listens carefully to the combat (Perception 13). He prepares himself for battle and tells his servant and two lion guards to do the same.

Thokk swings his axe at the wounded giant in front, felling him in front of his companion (two hits, 31 damage, two rounds left on rage). He saw how his mage’s spell confused them, and he yells at Willa to get back out of range while he does so himself (with the mind whip, the remaining giant will be unable to make an opportunity attack, and can later move forward to re-engage Thokk, or attack from where it stands, but can't both move and then attack).

Doro and Mathias fire over Willa’s head at the upper part of the remaining frost giant (three hits, 13 damage between the two of them).

Babshapka holds his position just out of range of the frost giant’s sword. His broadsword clatters to the stone floor as he grabs his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. One shaft breaks against the rock wall while the other pierces the giant between its ribs (13 damage with mark).

Aurora reasons that with the rest of the party engaging the remaining giant, she can make sure that Estia does not rise. She runs up next to Thokk, pressing the targeting button on her blaster rifle as she does so. However, between the standing frost giant and the fallen one, she is unable to get a lock on the giantess, who is still on the ground. She opts for the warrior instead, blasting him into unconsciousness (DC13 Dex save with disadvantage > 4; fails, 30 points damage and unconscious for 2 rounds). PING! Her blaster cheerily announces the end of the charges in its power disc.

Willa, who had not followed Thokk’s command to fall back, hacks away at the now-unconscious frost giant’s thick neck, trying to behead him. He is spouting a fountain of blood but still lives (two hits with advantage, 42 points).

Round Ten
Doro fires from across the room, her magical bolts of music avoiding Willa and hitting the frost giant she is standing over (one hit with disadvantage, 9 points, giant is at 0). She strums a different but familiar tune on her samisen, and her spectral mallet appears hovering in the air above where Estia had been, then swings at a surprised lion (one hit for 6 points) (Doro at 4/1/3/3/0).

Two giants, one much larger than the frost giants and both with a lighter shade of blue to their skin, both dressed in soft and flowing white robes, emerge from around the corner to the north. They stoop and grab the body of Estia, lifting and carrying her out of sight to the south. In her place they leave the two lions which snarl and roar defiantly at Willa, but do not advance.

[The cloud giant noble takes a quick survey of the battle (Wisdom check 17). He sees Lady Estia, fallen but still alive, while a group of magically-armed gnolls are tearing apart her guards. He calls to his servant to help him, and between the two of them they half drag, half carry the Jarlinde down the south corridor and out of harm’s way - at least until they come up against the wall of force. His two lion guards are at his heels, but he tells them to guard the corridor behind them and not attack. They move back obediently. “Lady Estia, are you well?” the noble asks her as they move. She is alive, breathing steadily, but does not respond (still unconscious from blaster rifle, but only superficially wounded).

The cloud giant noble is an ambassador to Snurre from his people, who are not yet part of the alliance. He has come to the Hall to hear directly from the King why his warfare will profit the cloud giants and make them more powerful. He has no interest at the moment in joining the chaos of this unplanned battle without even knowing who the enemy is or what the fight is about. While he could use his misty step to pass to the other side of the wall of force and preserve himself, for the moment he sees it as his duty to the Ord’ning to protect his fellow noble, Lady Estia, though she be only a frost giantess. His spell will not allow him to carry her with him, so he will stay. He tells his manservant to misty step through the barrier and bring Snurre, while he himself moves back to the conflict. Seeing the gnolls now attacking his lion guards, he decides to delay the combat and possibly defuse this volatile situation by enshrouding the area in a fog cloud. Hopefully that will dampen the hot tempers of the gnolls long enough to speak with them.]

The enormous blue giant, alone this time, appears again behind the lions. He begins chanting and using intricate motions of his hands.

“Casting!” calls Babshapka back to the party.

Aurora rapidly moves forward until she can see the giant, starts her own, competing somatic gestures, and succeeds in disrupting whatever spell the giant had begun (Aurora casts counterspell as a reaction, automatically disrupts fog cloud cast at first level). The giant seems nonplussed, apparently surprised that these vicious gnolls have such a sophisticated understanding of magic.

[The lions were ordered to guard the hall, not advance, but are finding themselves bare paces from the slain giants. The air is thick with the scent of blood, and the gnoll facing them is swinging a fiery sword aggressively in their direction, and one of them has been wounded. They can smell the growing alarm in their master, which intensifies after his magic fails. Wisdom Check: 10. The lions decide to attack.]

Suddenly, both lions dart forward, swiping massive paws at Willa. One knocks her back but not down (two claw attacks with advantage from pack tactics, one hits for 6 damage and activates Pounce.

Pounce wrote:
If the lion moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the lion can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

(Willa Strength save 22 > 13 DC, remains on her feet).

Out of sight of the party, Estia groans, shakes her head, and climbs to her feet using the wall as a brace. She shoves away the solicitous cloud giant manservant and staggers to the noble, moving into view and pulling demandingly on his robe. “They killed my Guards!” she screams at him in Giant, with Babshapka bearing witness to her words. “It's a gnoll uprising! Get Snurre! Attack them! Do something!”

Babshapka stows his bow and picks up his broadsword from the ground. He moves his hunter’s mark from the dead frost giant to Estia. He calls out to the larger giant she is inciting, “Cloud Giant! Whom do you serve? The Drow or the Ord’ning? If the Ord’ning, stand down!"

The cloud giant noble is even more surprised to be addressed in Giant by these gnolls. Obviously there is more going on here than a simple uprising of humanoid thralls. If his magic can’t cool the situation, perhaps his words can. “If you wish to parley, call off the warrior with the flaming sword,” he replies in Giant.

Thokk ignores the conversation between his archer and the big giant in a tongue he cannot understand. The lion has just attacked his evil advisor! That is the more pressing situation; words can wait. He moves forward and swings his axe at the cats (two hits, 27 damage, one lion is slain, Thokk has one round of rage left).

Mathias’ lip curls in a sneer as he raises his hand toward the other lion. Why do these people always insist on talking in the middle of a fight? He fires forth blasts of force, wounding the beast (two hits, 14 damage).

Estia looks quickly back and forth between the gnolls, who are most decidedly not standing down, and the cloud giant, who has yet to make an aggressive move. She decides to flee (Wisdom check 12). Now fully come to her senses, she runs around the corner and smack into the wall of force. When she finds she cannot proceed, she begins to harangue and berate the cloud giant manservant, demanding that he go attack the gnolls. He bows politely and then uses misty step to pass through the wall, disappearing down the hallway past the prison cells. Estia’s screams grow louder, but it is not clear who exactly she is yelling at. She returns to the cloud giant noble and begins tugging on his robe again.

Willa noted that the cloud giant seemed to be giving commands to the lions before, and even now is speaking with Babshapka rather than attacking (Insight 17). “Thokk, I t’ink we should ‘old!” she shouts at him, while still keeping her greatsword between her and the remaining lion. She takes a few steps back and adopts a defensive stance (dodge action), which is in turn recognized by the giant (Wisdom check 16).

“Talk all you want; take your time,” quips Aurora, as she casts her own spell on the magic-using giant. The slow effect should include him, Estia (assuming she has been blocked from escaping by the wall as planned) and the other giant, although Aurora cannot see the latter two around the corner (DC17 Wis save; Cloud giant noble 12 (fails), Estia 12 (fails), Aurora at (2/0/0/2/2), the manservant is no longer in range).

Round Eleven
Doro sends her spiritual mallet forward, and it lands a blow on the wounded lion (one hit, 7 damage). She also shoots at it herself (hits, 9 damage), killing it in one blast, and then directing a second shot at Estia for good measure (one hit, 2 damage). She guides Tina closer to fight.

Babshapka turns and yells at Doro specifically to stand down, and then the party in general. “You, too, Willa - lower your sword.” By this point Estia has again removed herself from sight (although slowly) and the cloud giant has still not attacked. Babshapka turns and addresses the cloud giant in Giant again. “Estia is in league with the drow,” he claims boldly. “Her words are twisted.”

[Out beyond the wall of force, the cloud giant servant dashes, trying to get upstairs to inform Snurre and the other fire giants about this attack on their guests]

Mathias is having none of Babshapka’s diplomacy, which he sees as just wasting time and allowing more giants to gather outside the wall to later attack the party. “If you would surrender, then start heading for the tunnel!” he shouts at the giant in Common, and suddenly a wall of fire erupts behind the giant, cutting him off from his apartment and threatening the unseen Estia. The only path away from the flames is through the wall of force or toward the party. (DC 16 Dex save, -2 while slowed, Cloud giant noble 20-2 = 18; saves, 11 damage. Estia 17-2 = 15; fails, 22 damage).

Estia screams in pain and, out of the party’s view, tries to press herself against the stone wall and as far from the flames as she can. The cloud giant noble raises his hands above his head, away from the huge morningstar at his waist, and moves slowly forward towards the party.

Willa calls out to him as he approaches her, “Ambass’dor Lyn o’ ther Storm Gigants said yer folk be divided; so on which side do ye stand?” She extinguishes the flame in her blade and lowers it closer to her body, giving way so that he can pass her in the hall.

[Estia is shouting “Use your magic to drop this wall!” at the noble, but Babshapka cannot hear her over the roar of the flames and assumes she is just yelling curses in her pain. The cloud giant has moved far enough from the wall so as to not take damage, but Estia takes another 14 (no save after the first round). Estia Wis save 26; she is no longer slowed. The cloud giant, as he moves away, turns and yells at her, “It sounds like they are interested in you, not me. Good luck with that!” (Babs Perception 10 - he gets about every other word)

Of course the cloud giant noble knew about Grugner’s plan to subjugate Sterich, and it had long been the opinion of the cloud giant nation that so bold an action would bring human opposition, either in adventurers or armies or somesuch. Part of his own mission here in the Hall is to give Snurre a chance to convince him that the same fate that befell Grugner would not happen to him, and that the fire giants would be the equal of any opposition the human nations might mount. But these magic-wielding gnolls, who he now strongly suspects are actually disguised humans, are convincing him of quite the opposite. At this point he has decided that Estia’s chickens have come home to roost, and he is more than willing to leave her to her own fate if it gets him out of the situation before the likely adventurers decide to attack him as well!]

“Faster! Faster!” yells Mathias, not satisfied at the speed of the giant, who is still under the effects of the slow spell, toward the tunnel.

[The giant begins a misty step spell (d20 = 6, even under slow he can complete the spell this turn), trying to get away from both the flames and satisfy the demands of the ‘gnoll’ who cast the wall of fire, but as soon as he begins the spell Aurora notes it.]

“He’s casting!” squeals Aurora, and immediately she counterspells (she has to upcast to a 4th level slot as she has no thirds left - Aurora at 2/0/0/1/2).

“If it’s Estia you want, just let me go!” the cloud giant shouts in his best Common, while Mathias sends bolts of force to dog his heels. (DC17 Wis save > Giant 15, fails, still slowed).

Thokk exults in the cowing of the mighty giant without even having to have swung his axe at him. “Yes, Estia only,” he says magnanimously. “Go to tunnel! No call for fire giants - both go to tunnel!” The barbarian moves forward (17 points of fire damage from Mathias' wall), looking for Estia and the other, smaller, cloud giant. He has to climb over the bodies of the slain frost giants as he does so, but this barely slows him (Athletics check 19 with advantage from his final round of rage). Turning the corner, he sees Estia pressed up against the stone wall away from the fire but he does not see the other giant.

Aurora passes the cloud giant coming with her going, moving closer to the fire and reloading her blaster rifle.

Round Twelve
Doro dedicates herself to making sure Estia’s two frost giant guards are dead. She swings at one with her spiritual mallet (one hit with advantage, automatic critical while unconscious, two failed death saves) and then finishes it off with a discordant note (two attacks, one hit, third failed death save kills it). She directs Tina to bite another one (one hit with advantage, automatic critical, two failed death saves).

Feeling a wave of lassitude, Thokk enrages again, bellowing at Estia as he heads closer to the flaming wall. “Giant woman! You should have accepted Thokk as consort when you had chance! Now you die!” (Two hits, 34 damage to the giant. Thokk takes 25 damage from the wall of fire, rage does not prevent fire damage, nine rounds left of rage).

At this point, Estia is nearly as enraged as Thokk. She lets fly at him with a string of curses in Giant, mostly reserved for the smaller races and lechers, and punctuates them with swings of her massive morningstar (one hit, 20 piercing, Thokk takes 10 after rage; then Estia takes 25 from the wall of fire).

Babshapka, shielding his eyes from the glare of the flames, moves close enough to see the marked Estia but not so far that he is taking damage like Thokk. He drops looses longbow arrows at the giantess (two hits, 30 damage with mark). Over his shoulder he shouts at the plodding cloud giant, “You still haven’t declared a side! What will it be?”

“Truce, truce!” replies the giant as he labors to move away from the battle.

Mathias moves forward past the giant until he can see Estia as well. He blasts her (two hits, 3 damage) while cursing the idea of a truce. “You are either against Estia or against us,” he shouts at the cloud giant. The giant doesn’t reply, but focuses on trying to rid himself of the slow spell. Still he fails (Wis save 16).

Willa seems satisfied that the cloud giant hasn’t joined the fight on Estia’s side. Sheathing her sword for the moment, she downs a potion of healing (6 points restored) and concentrates on recovering her breath (second wind heals 17 points).

Aurora moves up to her comrades and sends a firebolt at Estia (hits, 12 points).

Round Thirteen
Doro uses her mallet to attack a downed frost giant, making sure it stays dead (one hit with advantage, automatic critical, third failed death save), then mounts Tina. She moves close enough to see Estia and fires on her (one hit, 6 points force damage), then Tina moves back away to the gnoll dens.

Willa drinks another potion of healing (6 points) and moves forward to get a better view of the fray.

Mathias continues to blast at Estia (two hits, 16 points). Blood is flowing freely from her many wounds, and her strikes at Thokk are growing wilder. One more arrow from Babshapka (16 points with mark) and she collapses, her heaving bosom headed straight for Thokk, and not in the way he had long imagined (Dex save with advantage from danger sense 8, fails; Luck roll -2). Thokk manages to avoid being crushed and pinned under her massive body, but he is clipped by her morningstar and sent sprawling (14 damage). The rolling thud when she hits the stone floor is loud enough to be heard even over the roar of the flames. Babshapka trains his bow on the wall of force, but so far the corridor beyond remains deserted.

Thokk regains his feet, and begins going over Estia’s body - are his hands searching her, or is he even now lasciviously caressing her soft, blue skin? “End her!” yells Mathias. Thokk comes away with her morningstar and what is left of her smouldering sabretooth tiger cloak. He moves far enough away from the flames so that he is no longer taking damage. Estia is not moving (one failed death save from wall, one success on her own).

If the cloud giant could hear Estia's fall from halfway to the pens, he does not pause his plodding steps (Wis save 8; fails, still slowed).

Round Fourteen
Doro fires at the fallen Jarlinde (one hit with disadvantage from prone, a second failed death save). Aurora sends a firebolt at Estia’s body (one hit with disadvantage; third failed death save, she is dead).

Now out of combat, but with the cloud giant still among them, the party decides to check the far rooms from which the giants emerged while the wall of force is still up. Mathias extinguishes the wall of fire. Thokk, followed by Willa, moves quickly up the far hall. The cloud giant forges ahead toward the tunnel (DC17 Wis save; 15; fails, still slowed). Doro, from a safe distance, sends her mallet after him (one hit, 6 damage). “Get moving!” she harangues. Babshapka keeps his current vantage point and watches through the wall of force toward the prison cells.

Round Fifteen
Doro encourages the cloud giant to keep moving by continuing to harass him with attacks (spiritual mallet hits for 5, of two musical blasts one hits for 4). Still mounted on Tina, she rides ahead of him but veers from the tunnel, turning off into the northern gnoll den and looking about for any hidden survivors.

A troll (one of the ones from the distant forge [2-5], alerted by the cloud giant noble’s manservant) has arrived and come upon the wall of force. It scratches at the transparent wall with its claws, but is puzzled as to why it cannot get through. It is soon noticed by Babshapka (Perception 11).

Thokk and Willa enter the first of the two guest rooms [2-14]. The chamber contains two very large beds, two wardrobes, two small tables, a large table, two chairs, two stools, two buckets, a cabinet, a bench, and four chests. It is illuminated by torchlight, and there are tapestries on the walls, rugs and hides on the floor, and furs on the beds. On the small table near the bed to the south is a platinum box. While Willa looks about suspiciously for enemies, Thokk inhales deeply and notes that the place smells of lions.

The cloud giant noble has still not freed himself from Aurora’s spell (Wis save 10; fails).

Round Sixteen
[Note: Spells cannot extend through the wall of force, but because it is transparent, spells can be cast on one side and affect the other so long as the spell effect both originates and terminates on the far side. So Mathias cannot cast his eldritch blast at the troll because the blast originates with him and streaks outwards, but he can cast chill touch and have the hand appear and attack on the other side of the wall.]

Mathias stands at the three-way intersection. With a few words and gestures, he conjures forth a ghostly, skeletal hand on the far side of the wall, in the space next to the troll. The hand reaches out and grabs the troll, its bony digits puncturing the troll’s rubbery flesh (6 points damage, troll cannot regenerate for one turn). “Take that, troll!” shouts Mathias.

Aurora wants to head off to see what Thokk and Willa have found, but hesitates to leave Doro out of their sight and alone with the cloud giant. Concerned for what he might do, and more for how Doro might respond, Aurora messages the bard We aren’t going to kill that cloud giant, are we? Doro has Tina with her and isn’t in danger, per se, but if she loses concentration on the wall they all might be in real trouble now that the forces of the Hall have begun to arrive.

Doro immediately replies, I am providing him with encouragement to leave. The only reason she hasn’t attacked him lately is that she has moved far enough so that he is no longer in view.

Satisfied with her answer, Aurora leaves Mathias and Babshapka to watch the wall and the troll.

Having found no hidden foes, Willa moves back out into the hallway, then returns to the intersection with Babshapka and Mathias, having effectively traded places with Aurora. Mathias stands in full view of the troll, but she remains out of sight to the west, Babshapka to the east.

Thokk moves out to the hall, then continues rapidly on to the next room.

The knotty-limbed, burly fire giant smith form the forge, cursing in Giant at another troll to keep moving, nearly shoves it ahead into the wall, but notices the faint distortion just in time (Perception 21). He scowls and tests the barrier, first with his hand, and then with the tip of his massive sword, while keeping one eye on the gnoll beyond.

Round Seventeen
Thokk looks and smells around the room [2-13] - the place is dimly lit by a few torches. It holds eight cots - rather more than necessary for Estia and her two guards, but there are no other giants about as far as he can tell. There is also a long table, two benches, two chairs, three stools, two buckets, six chests, a large box, and a cabinet. Hides on the floors and pelts on the cots resemble the style of those that were present in the Rift. Pegs hold clothing and three giants' bags. Thokk inhales deeply (Perception 11). The musky scent of Estia and the sweaty tang of the warriors is still strong in the air, but he smells nothing else.

Mathias moves out of view of the giant and troll, around the corner from the southern hall. There, he turns to face Willa and Babshapka. “Don’t panic,” he says, loudly and calmly. “It’s me.” Suddenly his form shimmers and shifts and he is no longer a gnoll (warlock invocation - mask of many faces). When his appearance re-stabilizes, he appears to be a short, dark elf - nearly identical to the one they fought at the Rift (the one that was actually an Oni). Without hesitating, he walks back out and turns to face the giant.

Willa whispers Good sea cow preserve us! She’s been around Aurora for the better part of a year, but doesn’t recall any magic like this (Arcana 18). Even Aurora's polymorph spell would not let her take the shape of a humanoid creature like a drow. What else can Mathias do that he has not shown?

Babshapka tries to peer around the corner without being seen (Stealth 10). The troll is continuing to claw at the wall but the fire giant has seen the dark elf and immediately stopped his efforts to get past the magic barrier (which at this point consisted of banging on it with his ham-sized fists). Instead, he is now speaking - nearly shouting - but Babshapka can’t hear him through the wall and is not fluent enough in Giant to read lips (Insight 16).

By now the slowed cloud giant has moved back into view of Doro. She sends the mallet after him again (hits, 7 points) and fires more explosive musical notes (one hit, 10 damage). “To the tunnel!” she yells at him.

He whirls to face her, moving at a speed far greater than before (Wis save 23; succeeds, no longer slowed). “Enough with the hammer!” he roars and Tina bares her fangs. Lightning, literal arcs of electricity, play over his features and his fists clench, but he does not draw the morningstar from his belt.

Aurora dashes up the hall and enters the guest room of the cloud giants.

Round Eighteen
Babshapka watches the Fire Giant resume its pounding on the wall. “What do you think?” he calls across the hall to Willa.

“Aye t’ink it be time ter go,” she says.

“I don’t know if Aurora has spells enough left to cast steeds for all of us,” he replies, “and that giant isn’t going to give her half an hour for rituals once Doro’s wall is down.”

Willa agrees. “Ye get ther t’others back,” she tells him, “an' Aye’ll work on findin’ us are ship.” She dashes off into the rail room with the tunnel entrance, quickly passing the cloud giant. Surely one of these hand carts is in good enough condition for them to take? Yes! That one…

Mathias, the drow, hasn’t moved, but continues to stare down the furious fire giant. The giant is clearly shouting, but they can hear no more than a muffled murmur through the wall. Mathias counts on this as he explains his actions. Is he talking to Babshapka, to himself, to someone else? “I’m casting another chill touch,” he says out loud, as he does so. When the skeletal hand attacks the giant (one miss), Mathias exaggerates the motions he is using to control it. “I want the giant to know I’m casting the spell,” he says. “I want all the giants to know that a Drow is leading the gnolls in this insurrection. After we leave, let them fall into accusing one another and fighting amongst themselves.” The giant swats away the hand and continues to shout and gesticulate at him. Babshapka stains his ears but cannot hear, and is having no luck at making out the words from reading the giant’s lips (Insight 6).

In the cloud giants’ room, Aurora goes up to the platinum box and sees that it is set with both moonstones and sunstones. She uses her mage hand to open it and finds it full of even more loose gems. She closes the lid and puts it under her arm. She uses the hand to open two large chests, but at least on the surface finds only neatly folded clothes in one, and bath supplies in the other (scented soap, brushes, fine sand, thick towels). There may be more underneath, but she suspects that she will not have time to search.

In the frost giants’ room, Thokk is considerably less careful in his search than Aurora. He simply cuts open bags with his axe and upends chests so that their contents spill across the floor. No treasure is revealed - until one small chest spills forth (giant) women’s undergarments. His nostrils flare - yes, those are Estia’s! A fitting trophy for the man who conquered her, indeed. Thokk takes a single pair and stuffs it quickly into his bag.

The cloud giant strides by Willa, headed south. “I said get in the tunnel!” Doro shouts at him as she guides Tina forward. She strikes a discordant note on the samisen and shoots a mind spike at the giant (DC16 Int save > Giant 15; fails, 7 damage and -2 on his next saving throw).

Round Nineteen
Aurora uses her mage hand to open the rest of the chests, as well as the wardrobes and the cabinet in the cloud giants’ room. Many giant-sized mundane items are present, but nothing immediately appears valuable.

Doro follows the cloud giant to the south, but loses him from her view as he goes sharply around the corner (Perception 11). She sends her mallet swinging blindly behind him (miss with disadvantage for unseen target). The gnolls of the south seem to have constructed their nests with baked-hard excrement, such that each had a filthy wallow to itself, although many of these have been blasted apart by Mathias' necklace of fireballs.

Willa has found a hand cart that looks like it will hold the party, but is unable to move it to the rail line outside the tunnel (Str check 7). In between strains and heaves, she calls out to Babshapka that the cloud giant has gone off course and is headed south. Hearing this news, Mathias tries to relay it to Aurora with a message spell. He receives no response (Luck roll 0), but does not know whether this means that Aurora is busy, or that the message would have had to pass through more than a foot of rock and instead failed. With a gesture of contemptuous dismissal for the fire giant, Drow-Mathias walks casually out of its view and then picks up his pace to see what the cloud giant is up to. Babshapka watches the fire giant continue to pound on the wall of force, alternating between using his fists and his sword.

Thokk leaves the frost giant room and begins running back toward the rest of the party (dash). At the sound of his heavy tread, Babshapka calls, “Thokk is coming. That fire giant wants in pretty bad. I think we can take him and the two trolls if that’s all there are. How about we let them in and then put up another wall behind them?”

[Once the cloud giant noble is out of sight of Doro, he moves quickly to the northwest wall of the gnoll den. Beyond it, he knows, lies the open ramp down to the second level of the Hall. Finally out of sight of anyone who could counterspell, he uses his misty step to appear on the other side of the wall, on the lit ramp, and then begins walking up it back toward the prison wing.]

Round Twenty
Still straining, Willa manages to lift half of the cart at a time and maneuver it closer to the rails (Strength check 24).

Doro has Tina move rapidly into the southern gnoll den. There is no egress - but the cloud giant is not there! “Track him, Tina!” Doro exclaims. The dire wolf wastes no time. The giant’s scent - of perfumed bathwater and misty clouds - is so different from the background of gnoll offal that she has no trouble following it directly across the room and to the wall on the northwest (Perception 16 with advantage). There, the trail stops abruptly.

Thokk leaves the frost giant room and runs back to the party. When he pauses to stare at the fire giant, even now assaulting the wall of force with his sword, Babshapka tells him that Mathias has taken the form of a drow and not to worry. However, by this point, Mathias again appears like a gnoll.

Aurora leaves the cloud giant room and dashes down the hall toward the rest of the party.

“There’s more coming!” says Babshapka, as he spies another giant arriving behind the fire giant smith (Perception 20). The fire giant turns to speak to the newcomer, but the trolls continue to claw futilely at the barrier. “It’s a cloud giant!” Babshapka turns and shouts as Aurora approaches. “No, it’s the cloud giant,” he adds, recognizing the blasts and bruises the giant suffered from the string of attacks by Doro.

“Now, how’d he get through the wall of force?” asks Aurora.

“Himmel!” says Babshapka suddenly.


“Himmel, the cloud giant henchman of Grugner!”

“What about him? That wasn’t him.”

“When you fought Himmel in the Rift - he used some magic - to move himself away from Willa and to Grugner’s side after he fell…”

“That’s right,” agrees Aurora, finally remembering. “I think it must have been misty step, but…oh my gods!” she squeals. “Do you think a misty step can let him pass through the wall of force? That’s not good…”

Round Twenty-one
“Nnuuhhhh!” groans Willa as she finally succeeds in maneuvering the hand cart onto the rails (Strength check 21). “Doro?” she calls as she turns and begins moving into the southern gnoll den.

Tina, unable to follow the cloud giant’s scent any further, has just been pacing back and forth at the base of the wall - now she pauses, and smells the wall itself (Perception 21 with advantage). A real dire wolf would not notice this, of course - but Tina is a fey spirit, and used to magic. And she smells magic. A giant-sized piece of the wall exudes the ozone-like smell of a recently-cast spell. The giant must have gone through the wall. As soon as she realizes this she telepathically informs Doro, and Doro messages Willa, now coming up behind her - No door, teleported!.

Mathias, out of sight of the giants, messages Aurora. If the cloud giant is out, he can get through the wall, maybe bring others - we need to go. I’m headed to the hole - you need to have a plan to get us out of here.

Aurora’s response is not exactly what he had hoped for. Of course, I’m on my way. Just searching for treasure first…

Godsdamned wizards and ink costs… thinks Mathias to himself.

Babshapka is still watching the wall. The cloud giant is having a heated conversation with the fire giant, his posture and gestures full of dissatisfaction and accusation. He keeps pointing at the dead body of Estia, while the fire giant smith tries to calm him down. At least the fire giant is no longer striking the wall, and even the trolls are standing by dumbly, staring at the quarrel. A fire giant servant [from upstairs, having heard the news brought by the cloud giant manservant] arrives and joins the conversation. Aurora moves closer to the intersection.

Round Twenty-two
Aurora, carrying the gem-set platinum box, dashes past the intersection to the other side. She is only in view of the giants for a few seconds, but the cloud giant stops in his speech and looks up at her (Perception 21).

After Aurora has disappeared from view, the cloud giant points after her and says something. Babshapka strains to read his lips (Perception 22). It was either, “See, they’re gnolls,” or “That’s my box!”

The cloud giant (Wis check 4) makes an obscene hand gesture at the remaining gnoll (Babshapka), throws his hands in the air, shoves the fire giant roughly aside, and storms off. A third fire giant, this one an adult warrior, moves into view, and calls after him pleadingly, but he does not return. The smith scowls at Babshapka, and the wood elf ‘gnoll’ is glad that the daggers he is shooting from his eyes cannot pass through the wall.

Willa returns to the hand car and tries a practice pump - the car moves slightly closer to the tunnel. She shouts at the others, “Wha’s ther plan? Be we stayin’ an’ fightin’ are settin’ sail?”

[The gem-set box was, in fact, a gift to the cloud giant noble from Snurre, with a promise of more treasure for his people when they joined the alliance against the humans. Most of the cloud giant’s harangue was along the lines of “How can Snurre think he can successfully prosecute this war when he is not even safe in his own Hall? What are you going to do about this gnoll uprising? What are you going to do about this wall of force? If you can’t even deal with a few casters here at home, how will you fight them in the far-off human lands? Don’t you know that the Sterich Earl’s wife is a powerful sorceress? What will you do about her?” Then finally, upon seeing Aurora carrying off his gift, “I’ve had enough. I am relocating my chambers to the upper level. I will not speak to Snurre again about the Alliance until you have brought these gnolls under control and have returned my box to me. Until then, I have nothing further to say to the King.”]

Round Twenty-three
Babshapka remains at the intersection, watching the now-three fire giants beyond the wall. It has been perhaps two minutes since the wall went up - they still have a few minutes left, if Doro keeps her concentration (now at 4/1/3/3/0).

Thokk and Aurora are in between Babshapka and the rest of the party that is gathering in the railhead room. They are quickly searching the two fallen frost giants. Both have heavy leather bags with throwing rocks, but also bags full of gold coins. Thokk hefts his and Aurora hands him the one she found.

In the rail room Mathias, Willa, and Doro speak, while Tina listens. “What’s the plan?” asks Mathias.

“Aye guess we be leavin’,” concludes Willa. Certainly no one has made a strong argument for remaining. Doro has no more slots for walls of force. Aurora could put up a wall of stone, but that would not last nearly as long and there are likely more giants coming soon. And she may need her higher-end spells for getting them out of there, depending on where they are going.

“Where’s Aurora?” asks Doro. “She’s our way out of here, if we are taking the teleport circle.”

[Out of combat rounds, but still counting down the wall]

Mathias shakes his head. “Escalation of surprises,” he reminds them. “Now they know that we can appear as gnolls, and can cast wall of force, but they don’t know yet we can do teleport circle. They didn’t know we were in the tunnel before, so as long as we don’t leave them a trail now, we should be safe there again. Once they find us there they will know about the tunnel, and we can start using the circle then. Besides, if they find us there now, the tunnel is only wide enough for one big one, maybe a warrior and a servant at the most. We are still good enough right now to fight them one at a time, no problem.”

Willa agrees that they should not use the teleport circle if they don’t have to. It is a quick way out - but getting back to the Hall means, if they teleport to Headwater now, using the chain to the Rift (and all their winter gear is back at the cave), sneaking back into the new Jarl’s room to use the lever, and having that return them to outside the fire giant hall, so that they will still need to get inside again. The circle is a good escape plan in an emergency, but they should avoid it if they don’t have to use it. There is nothing dangerous about it, it is just inconvenient and will cost them several days at least, days that the fire giant expeditionary force will still be marauding in Sterich.

“Wait, wait,” says Doro, just as Aurora and Thokk arrive. “These giants are smart, smarter than the others we have faced. When we attacked outside, they knew we had come from the outside. But this time, they will have to wonder how we got here. We had the wall of force blocking off the rest of the level, and the first thing we attacked was here. And we told the cloud giant to ‘get in the tunnel’, and he got away. They are going to conclude that we used the tunnel to come here, and that is the first place they are going to look for us.”

“Are you saying that we have to use the teleport circle?” asks Aurora.

“No…” says Doro slowly, needing time to think and acutely aware of how little time remains on the wall. She tries to calm herself and remember her Thieves Guild training. That’s it! They need a double-bluff! “We don’t need to use the circle - but we need them to think that we used the circle so that they don’t look for us in the tunnel. Aurora, can you make a fake circle that we don’t use?”

“Of course,” answers the wizard readily, “I just will draw…”

“No escalation,” insists Mathias. “That would be telling them we have access to the circle.

Doro has a ready answer. “I’m okay with that if it means we get to have an uninterrupted rest in the tunnel. Either way they are going to learn one more thing, so it’s not escalation, it is just choosing which one we want them to know - tunnel or circle.”

“Votes, now!” declares Willa, ending the discussion. After the vote, Doro’s plan is chosen - Aurora will make it look like they have escaped through the teleport circle while they actually retreat down the tunnel.

“What’s that?” asks Doro to the air - which turns out to be a response to mental communication from Tina. “Aurora, draw the circle on the wall where the cloud giant went through. There is still some residual translocation magic there that can be detected, so that will make it seem more realistic to anyone smart enough to check.”

As they work, Babshapka watches through the wall, alert for anyone that might be able to bypass it. He sees ettins, fire giants, trolls, hill giants - there is now quite a crowd assembling outside and ready to charge in. But no cloud giants. No one capable of bringing down the wall, or going through it.

Doro directs Aurora to the correct part of the wall and watches as she uses her magical chalks to draw the large circle on the vertical stone. Mathias stays nearby.

Thokk and Willa move the handcar to just inside the tunnel entrance, then smash all of the other cars and spread their twisted remains about the room. At worst, it will mean they can’t be followed quickly, but if they are lucky it could mean that the giants don’t realize that they are missing one intact car.

As Aurora works, Mathias recognizes the beginnings of the sigil for the Oerth Temple in Headwater, which he also knows. “Uh…Aurora, you know this is supposed to be fake, right?”

“I need practice drawing it, I’m just not going to invest my energy in actually casting it at the end.”

“But you are showing them how to get to Headwater, and telling them where we could be headed.”

“Pff. It’s not like they can read it. They are giants, not casters.”

“They have drow!” exclaims Mathias.

So you say, mutters Aurora under her breath.

“They have drow, and it is not a good idea to just hand them the sigil they can use to send their giant army directly to Headwater!”

“Well,” says Aurora defensively, “it’s not like I can just put random symbols down. If they are smart enough to use it, like you say, they are smart enough to spot a fake.”

“So change something!” insists Mathias.

This gets Aurora thinking. In the end, she uses the sigil for Headwater as her base, but eliminates some lines and adds others, subtly and haphazardly changing the patterns until she is sure it cannot be used to actually get to the city. “There,” she says with satisfaction. “There’s no way that could work, but it looks real enough to me.”

“But would it go somewhere?” asks Doro.

Aurora shrugs and says “‘The multiverse is infinite’”, as if she is reciting a quote or lesson. “It might go somewhere, but that’s unlikely to be on Oerth, or even on our Prime. Who cares where they end up, and good riddance!”

Mathias laughs. It’s the first sensible thing Aurora has said so far.

“Charlotte!” calls Aurora, and her familiar, currently in the shape of a spider, appears on her shoulder. “You stay here and watch,” she says, and the spider dutifully begins crawling up the wall. Eventually it will adopt a position on the ceiling from which it has a good view of the room. “I’ll call for you once we are back at camp and I have taken an arcane recovery.”

“Good idea,” says Mathias, and he instructs his invisible bat Fish to find some section of the ceiling rough enough that he can hang from it without having to fly and make noise.

Doro, on Tina, bounds down the tunnel ahead of the party. Thokk and Willa get on the front end of the car, facing backwards, Mathias and Aurora on the back half, looking ahead down the tunnel. Babshapka obscures where their tracks re-enter the tunnel and pulls a dead troll to bleed out across their trail. Balancing carefully on one of the rails so as to not leave any marks in the dirt, he catches up to them and mounts the car. They are off.

XP Insertion I
26 gnolls (CR1/2) 100 x 26 = 2600
2 lions (CR1) 200 x 2 = 400
6 trolls (CR5) 1800 x 6 = 10800
2 frost giants (CR8) 3900 x 2 = 7800
Estia (CR9) 5000
Cloud Giant Noble (CR9) 5000 (defeated, not killed)
Total 31,600 /6 = 5267 each

Fire giant treasure so far
6 gems (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
300gp (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
200gp (from Estia’s frost giants guards)
Estia’s sabre-tooth tiger cloak
Estia’s morningstar
Estia’s undergarments
One platinum box, set with moonstones and sunstones, ten gems loose within
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:22 pm  
Post 349: A long, uncomfortable pause

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15].

Post 349: A long, uncomfortable pause
14 May [21 Flocktime] - continued - Gnoll warrens of the second level of Snurre's Hall
(low 78, high 105; very dry)

The handcart, once up to speed, can travel just as fast as the phantom steeds did, if not faster - Tina has to dash to keep up. The tunnel is mostly level, but has long sections of sloping slightly down - it will be more work to return to the Hall than to leave. By 1:45am they have arrived at the site of the crashed handcart and begun to set up camp; Babshapka listens carefully for pursuit but does not hear any. By 1:56am two huts are up, but Babshapka immediately leaves his and uses his hide in plain sight to set up his watch post some 70 feet closer to the Hall than the huts. The party engages in a discussion about whether they should put up a wall of stone and, if so, to which side of the tunnel - to protect them from the Hall, or any giants returning from Sterich. Ultimately the huts are deemed sufficient and a wall is not erected. They begin a short rest (at 2am); they can hardly begin a long rest since it has been only two hours since they set out in the 'morning'.

Mathias, still chafing about how the cloud giant was handled, asks the others whether, once they are in combat, they can’t just keep fighting? He considers them to be lowering their odds of survival every time they pause to negotiate with their opponents. Babshapka nods and says that he hears what Mathias is saying, but makes no promises.

The conversation turns to the prisoners in the cells, and which ones might be worth rescuing. Mathias warns them all that many of the prisoners are likely to be ‘plants’ who will turn on them if freed. Willa asks whether any of the party recovered keys for the prison cells - she remembers something about keys. Aurora recalls that Charlotte spotted a ring of keys inside the room with a fire giant and three human women, but these keys are most likely still there - the party didn’t come near them and Charlotte didn’t enter the room.

Willa checks the bodies of the two dead fire giants outside the huts - they were searched for treasure before, but not specifically for keys. The tunnel is warm and the bodies have been dead a full 24 hours - they are now rank and bloated, and Willa does not enjoy the work - and in the end, comes away without any keys.

Mathias, when the others aren’t around, asks Aurora whether she can use the bodies of the gnolls they killed to make zombie gnolls. Aurora is initially excited at the prospect but then realizes she has not prepared her animate dead spell since relinquishing control of her skeleton army. Maybe on the next foray?

[Short rest 2am-3am
Doro’s song of rest; +4 hp to anyone who rests
Doro spends 1HD and gains 7 + 4 = 11hp
Babshapka spends 3HD and gains 8, 7, 7 + 4 = 26hp. He is at full.
Thokk spends 4HD and gains 7, 7, 14, 13 + 4 = 45hp.
Willa spends 5HD and gains 6, 3, 11, 12, 7 + 4 = 43hp. She is at full.]

At the end of her rest, Aurora attempts to recall Charlotte - but the familiar does not return. “She’s…I think she was killed!” Aurora says with alarm, wondering if it will lead to the giants discovering their hiding spot. “Can you recall Fish? Let’s check with him!” she asks Mathias urgently.

The gaunt man shakes his head. “No, if Fish is already dead, it doesn’t matter. And if he is still there, I’d prefer to keep him there. He wasn’t just watching - I told him to look for a safe place for us to hide. Even if this tunnel works this time, it won’t next time, and I want to be ready for the next time.”

Frustrated, but with little she can do about it, Aurora decides to re-summon Charlotte. Since that will take more than an hour, she first ritual-casts detect magic and then carefully goes over everything they captured in their last raid.

The box and the gemstones aren’t magical - just to be sure, she checks the gems they got before as well, the ones from the fire giants at the Sulfur Flats. Neither is the platinum box magical. Estia’s robe, now badly burned from the wall of fire and stained with her death blood, is just a normal giant cat hide. Her morningstar, however, is magical. For Estia it was little more than a short baton, but it could be wielded by a human of sufficient strength. Despite this, none of them want it as a weapon so Aurora puts it and the treasure items into the bag of holding. She doesn't think to check the giantesses' small clothes, and neither does Thokk offer them up.

Once this is out of the way, Aurora begins feeding incense into her burner for the find familiar ritual.

Aurora has chosen to summon her familiar in the guise of a rat for the first time. She dubs his new body ‘Scabbers’. Once the spirit is fully present and occupying its physical form, Aurora immediately asks what happened back in the Hall.

Scabbers reports that, in his spider body, he went up the wall of the gnoll den as instructed and remained where he had a good view of the false teleport circle. Some five minutes after the party had left on the hand car, the room was flooded with giants, both fire and hill giants, and all of them kicking the dead bodies, trampling through the gnoll nests, and obviously looking for the party.

[Obmi’s prediction that the next attack would happen within the Hall was correct, but he certainly did not realize that the party had snuck in under his nose on the last foray, nor that they would be striking on the second level of the complex rather than passwalling from the outside to the upper level. The Hall responded reasonably rapidly, with the first of the warriors arriving within five minutes of the alarm being raised by the cloud giant manservant, but they were blocked out by the wall and could not bring the battle to the party. When the wall fell at ten minutes after casting, the warriors rushed in for an overwhelming attack as Obmi had planned, but by then the party was long gone and unfortunately in their zeal to find the intruders they wiped out just about any sign of them such as tracks.]

Several minutes later, Scabbers recounts, a dwarf entered the room - the same dwarf they saw in the throne hall above, accompanied by his retinue of living gnolls. He was yelling and gesturing at the giants and eventually got them cleared out of the room. Once the giants were gone, the dwarf directed the gnolls to smell everything - the walls, floor, bodies, and even the hand cars. While they were doing that, he put his ear to the rail line with a pensive expression. At Aurora’s unspoken question, Scabbers replies that this was maybe eight minutes after the party had left, and Aurora calculates that they were at that point perhaps a mile away along the rail line. The dwarf came away from the rail not looking happy, but not immediately ordering anything. While the gnolls continued to try to root around for the party’s scent, the dwarf went over and began studying the chalk drawing on the wall.

[When it was clear that the party was gone and there was no immediate danger, Obmi dispersed the giants and tried to investigate with his gnolls but there was not much trail to follow (Gnolls Perception 7). Obmi has heard, from the cloud giant manservant, of the 'gnoll uprising' and concludes that the party is under some mass disguise or seeming effect, but that won't hide their scent so he tells the gnolls to sniff for humans and orcs. The party's deliberate smashing of all the rail cars likely meant that they were making sure the Hall could not send another messenger for help to the field army in Sterich, but would the humans have taken a car themselves and left through the tunnel? Obmi listened to the rails but did not feel any vibrations (Perception 11). There was also the strange chalked symbol on the wall. So, how did the party arrive, and how did they leave? And how would they strike next?]

While the dwarf was studying the drawing, Scabbers continues, three dark elves entered the room. (“You see!” shouts Mathias at the others in the hut, “I told you!” Indeed, this is the first time the drow have been unequivocally implicated as being in league with the giants.) One elf was a male in robes, one a male in studded leather, and one a female in scale armor. They were speaking with one another in some language that Scabbers did not recognize - it was neither Giant, nor Common, nor Elven.

The dark elves and the dwarf began talking to one another as the elves were looking around, performing much the same search as the dwarf had done, but with the gnolls staying well away from them as if scared or cowed.

[While Obmi was pondering these questions, the cursed drow arrived; the priestess of the Elder Elemental God, as well as her guard and her mage, speaking as usual in Undercommon since they suspected that Obmi knew enough Elven to be able to understand their Drow. Obmi rued the day they had arrived at the Hall and filled Snurre’s head with the ambition to conquer Sterich, and he had been ruing it ever harder every moment since these adventurers had shown up, clearly in response. The intruders could quite literally be the death of them all, brought here by these damned drow plots. Of course Obmi could not speak openly against the drow - he had encouraged Boldo, Snurre’s chief lieutenant, to do just that and as a result that giant now hung from chains in a prison cell. This had neatly removed one of Obmi’s main rivals for influence with Snurre, but it also meant that Obmi now had to go along with Snurre’s prepotent delusion that the King was using the drow, rather than the other way around. So Obmi and the drow played the game, danced the dance, feigned smiles and courtesy in each others' presence while each hated the other and looked for any opportunity to lessen the other in Snurre’s eyes.

“And what is all this?” asked the priestess suavely, in her accented Giant, “what has happened here?”

Obmi swallowed his bile and responded evenly, “The adventurers from Sterich have attacked again, this time inside the Hall. The question is how they arrived here and where they went when they left.”]

Scabbers says that the female drow then looked up at him, well 'her', since he was at the time in the body of Charlotte the female spider. The drow looked straight at her, and began speaking in yet another language - a strange language of clicks and hums. Charlotte felt like she should understand it, but didn’t, and didn’t know how to respond.

[The drow began to look around the room and quickly noticed Charlotte on the wall, who they took for a normal spider, although they missed the invisible bat hanging from the ceiling (Priestess Perception 16 > Charlotte Stealth 4. Fish Stealth 23). “It looks like we have a witness to the intruders,” smiled the priestess as she noticed the spider. "She will tell us where they went."

“Come, pet, tell mommy what you saw.” She speaks to Charlotte in the language of Spiders, but Charlotte does not answer or react appropriately (Charlotte Deception 10 < Priestess Insight 12) and the priestess grows suspicious. “Has the heat of this place baked your brain, little one? I told you to answer my question. What did you see?” She tries again in the Spider tongue, but Charlotte does not respond.]

Scabbers twitches and shivers to illustrate the uncomfortableness of the situation at the time. After a pause in which all three of the elves were staring at her, the female elf frowned and said something to the male elf in robes. He then pointed his finger at Charlotte and shot her with a freezing ray, whereupon her material body died and the familiar has no further recollection of the matter.

[“Hmm…” the priestess purred in Giant. “The adventurers have casters, yes, including a human woman who is likely a wizard?” Obmi nodded. “Perhaps this ‘spider’ is really a familiar spy…” Here she shifts to Undercommon and orders her mage to blast the creature with a ray of frost. She has cantrips of her own that would easily kill it, but even those drow that serve the Elder Elemental God, not Lolth, still retain their cultural taboos about killing spiders - and she would rather the consequences fall on him than herself. He grimaces, but he cannot disobey the priestess, so he shoots it (hits, 5 damage, Charlotte is killed).]

“What were you saying about drow and spiders?” Aurora asks Mathias, somewhat embarrassed to have not grasped the connection when she left her familiar behind.

“The Spider Queen!” insists Mathias fervently. “We have to stop the Spider Queen!”

[What Aurora’s familiar did not then see, but Fish did, was Obmi asking the drow “What can you tell me about this gate?” while pointing at the chalk circle, although the shape-changed demonling could not understand the words.

The priestess smiles - Obmi’s choice of the word ‘gate’, when it is clearly a teleport circle, betrays his ignorance of Arcane subjects - unless he was baiting them into correcting him to reveal their own knowledge? She commands her mage to investigate - but also gives him a subtle hand gesture indicating that he should lie to the dwarf.

The mage carefully goes over the chalk marks (Arcana 25). Later, in private, he would tell the priestess that the circle was not used, of that he was sure, and that he suspected that it was a bluff, and not a real destination. But what he says then, to the dwarf, is that it is in fact a gate, two-way, that the party used it to leave, and that they can use it to return - unless he cancels it. Obmi agrees to his trying to disrupt the portal. The mage carefully erases some chalk marks and alters others. Fish, watching from above, sees that the mage is cleverly leaving behind just the right shapes to spell out a message in Abyssal - but Obmi, who can't read that script, doesn't recognize it. In the end the mage announces that the gate can no longer be used to return - and that if the party tried, it would at best fail for them - and at worst strand them between planes. Obmi formally thanks them and the drow retire.

Obmi now ponders his next move. He doesn’t trust the drow, of course. They could be lying about the gate, lying so that he will repeat their lies to Snurre and then lose face when they prove false. Or lying so that he looks for the party where he should not, and the drow capture them and can present them to Snurre themselves. Of course, the dark elves know that he suspects them, so it could be a double bluff - they could be telling the truth in the hope that he will take it for a lie. His safest course is to cover every eventuality, every possible way the party could arrive next.

In the event the drow are telling the truth, that the party did escape by the gate but the drow blocked it, they will need to return via the transportal from the Glacial Rift, and that means that they will appear again outside, in the stone circle before the Hall. In the morning, when it is light, Obmi will order several barrels of oil and pitch to be placed inside the circle, that a fresh layer of oil be poured on the rock several times a day, and that the area be filled with many lamp bowls balanced precariously on small columns. Anyone appearing suddenly between the stones will be sure to upset a lamp, ignite the oil, and explode the barrels. It may not kill someone as strong as the orc barbarian or warrior woman, but it will give Obmi a clear signal as to how they are arriving, and perhaps it will be enough to burn to death a weaker invisible scout sent in advance of the warriors.

In the event the drow lied and the party did not use the gate to leave, but used a shorter-distance magic to enter and leave the hall, they may be even now at their hidden camp outside on the lava plain, wherever that is. In the morning, when it is light, Obmi will have another patrol sweep the area, going even further out than before, to try to find their trail (Obmi’s patrol now has a 30% chance to find tracks in the ravine that could lead them to the party’s cave with Fraanke; d% = 59, not found).

Finally, the party could have used the Tunnel to enter and exit this level of the Hall. That is the option that makes the most sense to Obmi, but it is one that he is reluctant to deal with. He knows that no more than one giant warrior can fight in the tunnel abreast, and that attacking the party there will allow them to work together to pick off the giants one at a time, even if they don’t have immediate access to another wall of force. Not that he is concerned with the loss of giant life per se, but there will simply be no way he will be able to beat the party under those conditions before the Hall has lost all its warriors. Fighting the party in the tunnel is a sure loss. Instead, he simply orders his gnolls to make a quick sweep of the tunnel out to a distance of one mile, to make sure that if the party is there, they will not be close enough able to observe his new preparations for them in the Hall (Obmi’s patrol now has a 20% of picking up Tina’s tracks or the growing smell of the dead giants that remain at the party's camp site; d% = 77, not found).

With his tunnel patrol screening his actions in the rooms, Obmi undertakes to lay an ambush for the party, should they next arrive through the Tunnel, or via the gate in the wall for that matter. He would far rather they return so that he can fight them here in the Hall, where the giants can bring their numbers to bear, then find them in the tunnel and be forced to take the fight to them. He has the dead gnolls and trolls piled high into barriers in both of the dens, and orders the ettins to hide behind these mounds in shifts. With the cunning metalwork of his dwarven mind and the giant smith’s hands, he strings a tripwire across the mouth of the tunnel, connecting it to three rail carts once they are repaired and prepared. The far car, across the room from the Tunnel mouth, will house a four-shot ballista, with holes cut in one wall of the cart just big enough for the ballista shafts. The other two carts will be filled with oil, pitch, and strikers, and placed on spring releases. When the wire is tripped, the four ballista bolts will fire at the tunnel mouth, and then the two carts will be drawn rapidly towards one another, striking each other and exploding in a mass of sticky fire. Obmi instructs the ettins to emerge at the sound of the explosion - rather than engage the party, however, they are to simply get behind them and block off the Tunnel, so that the party has no escape when all the forces of the Hall, every single warrior available, respond by charging down to this level to face them. Finally, Obmi tells the Gaoler to get a squad of wererats to hide in the equipment room off of this one - someone more intelligent than the ettins needs to be on watch to tend the traps and sound the alarm should the party manage to avoid the tripwire to begin with. Obmi’s last task will be to convince Snurre to grant him command of every last warrior, to somehow make the King see that these adventurers will not be scared off, and that his only hope of holding on to his crown now is to commit all of his forces at once when they next appear and defeat them in an overwhelming battle rather than allowing them to kill a few more giants and then escape again.

Later, when diplomacy has failed and the cloud giant noble and his manservant have quit the Hall in disgust, Obmi moves the four Hill Giant refugees from the Steading from their guest quarters and into the room formerly occupied by the cloud giants. They will play their part in the ambush, too, by being the first to respond and by tying down the party and giving them something to kill in the time it takes the fire giant warriors to arrive from the level above.]

[While all these preparations are underway, with numerous giants and trolls initially moving bodies around in the rooms, Fish slips away while invisible (Stealth 16) and moves out to explore more of the second level. Leezar had previously commanded him to find them a hiding spot, since he doubts that they will be able to use the tunnel much longer.]

The rest of the morning passes uneventfully for the party, with them tense but gradually coming more and more to believe that they have not been followed and will not be discovered.

Thokk used one javelin in the fight; it recharges at dawn.

[Babshapka uses his stone for breakfast. They returned from the Hall with the same 19 full water skins they had set out with, having not used any. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 14 left, but plenty of water to fill them in the barrels on hand from the crashed cart. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 48 rations to 46.5 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (103 pounds remain). He drinks 4 gallons from an open cask, in which one gallon now remains, with another ten in the sole unopened cask.]

Mage armor x2, cast before they set out, expires
Darkvision x2 expires
Seeming on them all expires, and they no longer appear as gnolls

With her flamesword always at her side, Willa does not worry about her loss when the darkvision cast on her runs out. Doro uses her light cantrip as necessary. Aurora judges them safe enough in camp so as to conserve her spells and not use mage armor on herself or Doro for the moment. As far as the Seeming, Doro used that once before the fight, and used wall of force during the fight, so she will have no more fifth level spells until she can long rest. Even then, says Mathias, it will not be necessary to use the seeming again. Their trick of appearing as gnolls is used up, he says, and besides they have killed all of the gnolls in the Hall; they will be immediately recognized and attacked whether they go in as gnolls or as themselves on the next foray, so Doro should save her slot.

“Not all the gnolls were killed,” muses Doro. “There are still the guards of the dwarf - we could go in as all of us gnolls except for Babshapka, who would be the dwarf to lend us credibility. I can do that with the Seeming; we don’t all have to be the same thing.”

“Why do I have to be the dwarf?” objects Babshapka, as if Doro was asking him to play a pock-marked beggar.

“You’re the only one who speaks Giant,” says Doro reassuringly. “If the ‘dwarf’ has to speak, you’re the only one who can do it convincingly.”

“Bark bark bark!” laughs Mathias, indicating that he can only be a gnoll.

“I’ll consider it,” growls Babshapka.

[During all this work the drow, too, have their own preparations. The priestess considers it too dangerous to allow the captive elven princess to live. She knows the teleport circle was a ruse, her mage has told her that, now in private. The most likely exit for the party was into the tunnel, which is where they will most likely return from. Obmi’s scouts have gone a mile down the tunnel and not found the party, and he has laid a trap for them, but it is likely that they will be back. Entering on the second level, if they survive Obmi’s trap, the adventurers will soon be among the prison cells. The priestess cannot risk losing her greatest prize, the elven princess, to them. She will not allow the princess to be rescued! The priestess had hoped to sacrifice her at a public ceremony, in front of all the giants, perhaps at the celebration of their final victory in Sterich. But better to have her sacrificed now than not sacrificed later.

So the three drow don their ceremonial garb and approach her cell. Just the mage enters her cell, though, and slips a bag over her head so she cannot see. He binds her and carries her to the temple - the priestess and her guard follow silently at a distance, and then hide within the strange floating colors of the temple when the mage finally removes her hood. The princess stares at her captor with hate, but acceptance - she has known this would be her ultimate fate since she was brought here. The mage explains to the princess that the priestess has ordered him to sacrifice her - but he finds he cannot. He has, he says, been overcome by her beauty. The stories the surface elves tell about the drow are true, he says, that they are corrupted and walk in darkness - but he wants her to know that there is goodness left in them, and that her light has touched the goodness that still remains in him. He knows that he will likely be killed by the priestess for freeing her, but he will do it - he just wants to know, first, that in another world, in another time, she could have loved him. All the while he speaks, he is repeatedly casting his charm person spell. The princess has considerable resistance, given her fey ancestry [advantage on saves against charm], but she has also been weakened by her time in captivity, and the mage has plenty of spell slots to spare - with the party having retreated and the giants on alert, he expects no threats to appear before he has a chance to rest, so he is willing to use all of his magical power for this ceremony and he just casts the spell repeatedly. Eventually he feels the charm take hold of her mind, and her steadfast dismissal of his claims of love turn to belief. She is, after all, a princess - and raised to believe that her beauty and goodness are a shining star of inspiration for her people. She tells him that she appreciates his endangering himself for her, and that yes, in another world, one in which he was not evil, she could have loved him. He releases her bonds and they embrace tenderly. As the charm spell works its magic, and with the desperation of her circumstance, the embrace becomes more amorous - she yields to his desire, until there, on the altar, she has disrobed of her own volition.

And then, just at the point that the pair are about to consummate their illusory 'love', the other drow emerge from their obscurity, the priestess and her guard, and the princess is startled, and she clings to the mage thinking he will protect her. And he begins to laugh, a long mocking laugh so that the charm fades from her mind and she realizes his betrayal and their own perversion of all her people hold sacred. Then they all seize the princess and hold her down, and stab her with their sacrificial daggers, and spill her blood on the thirsty stone altar. The priestess works her own magic, and binds the death of the princess to the power that was stored in the temple from their sacrifice of the titan, using that power to preserve this memory, so that any who enter the temple now will get to experience this sacrifice, over and over, in every possible way. If the party enters here on their next foray, they will be overcome by this dark charm, immobilized and incapacitated, and will then be easy prey for the drow. Or, if the human Leezar is among them as Eclavdra has warned them, they will then have the chance to speak to him away from his dupes and coordinate their next moves together.]

Babshapka uses his stone for lunch. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 9 left, but plenty of water in the barrels to fill them. Five people use 1.5 rations, the party total going from 46.5 rations to 45 without even considering the giants’ food.

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (100 pounds remain).]

Babshapka uses his stone for dinner. Five people means 5 skins are used; they have 4 left, but plenty of water in the barrels to fill them. Five people use 2 rations, the party total going from 45 rations to 43 without even considering the giants’ food.

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 4 pounds of meat (96 pounds remain). He drinks 1 gallon from the open cask, finishing it off. He is still thirsty, and there is an unopened cask with another ten gallons in it. Landing with all his weight on the lid, he is able to smash it open without upsetting the cask. He laps up three gallons, leaving 7 remaining.]

[In Sterich, by the end of the day, fire giants and hobgoblins have laid siege to the town of Poignard, increasing their threat in the midlands. The giants now control the lands around Fort Crestor, Kalibec, and Poignard, and great numbers of hobgoblin troops move between them. For the moment, all three sieges are stalemates - the giants are unwilling to push full assaults that might end in giant deaths, but the Sterishmen are unable to liberate their cities or leave their fortifications, while their supplies slowly dwindle. Most of the soldiers available to the Earl remain stationed around Istivin, as he still fears the giants in the midlands are a diversion, and weakening the capital by sending troops from there to relieve the sieges will precipitate the actual attack on the capital. For the moment the defenses around Bova, the largest city in the midlands and nearly as populous as Istivin, remain untried except by occasional hobgoblin raids. The fall of Poignard would mean that the giants were within striking distance of Mittleberg. The new Jarl of the frost giants, for his part, has kept his word and the frost giants have taken no further aggressive acts - but neither have they retreated or surrendered the forts and lands that they had already taken, and those forces still loom in the mountains over Istivin.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Nov 19, 2024 3:15 pm  
Post 350: Second Insertion, Part I

Record of the Troubles
21 March: Party's first day in Istivin
23 March: Raid on Fort Saddle (humanoids)
25 March: Sack of Fort Taelvu (frost giants)
27 March: Raid on Ebenenberg (humanoids and ogres)
28 March: Sack of Fort Iron Axe (frost giants). The party is found by Griffage.
30 March: Raid on Fort Falke (humanoids)
31 March: Raid on Strake Terrace (humanoids)
1 April: Raid on Kalibac (humanoids)
3 April: Skirmish outside Hilden's Grange (humanoids)
4 April: Party Sneaks into the Steading
5 April: Party Retreats from the Steading
6 April: Raid on Fort Dagger (humanoids). Nosnra sets out with war party. Party takes the Steading.
8 April: Attack on Headwater (humanoids and ogres). Party battles at the ford and along the river.
9 April: Raid on Fort Dagger (humanoids). Party arrives in Headwater.
10 April: Skirmish at Fort Grenvu (humanoids). Kerri makes tactical raids on targets of opportunity in Headwater.
11 April: Disorder in occupied Headwater; Kerri makes tactical raids on targets of opportunity.
12 April Goblins abandon Headwater; orcs and eigers consolidate at defensible locations within the city.
13 April Sack of Fort Grenvu. Kerri probes and skirmishes to look for weaknesses among enemies occupying the city.
14 April Sterish forces break siege of Headwater, retake east bank. The enemy are scattered.
16 April Party at the Fjell. Skirmish at Fort Saddle (humanoids).
19 April Raid on Fort Dagger Pass (between Blackbridge town and Poignard - humanoids)
21 April Sack of Dagger Pass (Frost Giants)
24 April Skirmish at Poignard (humanoids)
25 April Siege of Velikar’s Fort (Frost Giants)
27 April Fall of Velikar's Fort (Frost Giants)
29 April Raid on Fort Southwatch (orcs)
30 April Party arrives at the Rift
1 May Siege of Fort Falke (Frost Giants)
2 May Skirmish at Fort Blackridge (humanoids)
3 May Fall of Fort Blackridge (Giants). The new Jarl blows the Horn. The party leaves the Rift.
6 May Siege of Fort Crestor begins (fire giants).
8 May Countess meets with Jarl via dream
9 May Fire giants begin a siege of the town of Kalibac.
11 May Raid on Fort Southwatch (hobgoblins)
14 May Siege of Poignard [Fire Giants]
15 May Troubles roll = -2. Raid. Roll is Taelvu, but this has already fallen. Next number is Kalibec. Hobgoblins raid Kalibec.

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15]. The ballista trap is suggested in the original module as well as the 5e Yawning Portal conversion as being set up in the entry hall after the party's first raid. I had Obmi move it to the Tunnel room once he thought that would be the site of the party's next entry. The addition of the mine carts with barrels of pitch, rigged to block the party's retreat to the tunnel, was my own.

Post 350: Second Insertion, Part I
15 May [22 Flocktime] - The Tunnel to Sterich, five miles northeast of Snurre's Hall
(low 82, high 105; ash fall from 2am - 4am)
[Hobgoblin raids on Kalibec]

[end of play session 9/30/21]
[between session preparations]

Just after midnight the party is ready to set out. In preparation, they hard cast mage armor (twice) darkvision (twice), and seeming (again they are gnolls). After this come the rituals; Mathias makes two phantom steeds, while Aurora makes three steeds.

Willa works on the bag of holding while the steeds are summoned; the items within currently amount to about 185 pounds. Suspecting that they will not be able to use the tunnel as a hiding spot after this next attack, Willa decides to fill the bag to capacity with the fire giant rations from the crashed hand cart. A hundred and forty rations are added to the bag, and it still is not at its 500 pound limit; when they start out for the Hall this time, it has all of their party treasure so far and nearly a month’s worth of food. They fill their skins from the barrels recovered from the same wreck, leaving six barrels still untapped and the single open one with ten gallons left. Willa does not like leaving all that water behind, but they have no more skins on hand to fill and even though the bag could easily accommodate the weight of a barrel, none of them would fit through the mouth of the bag. Magic is passing strange.

The mounted party sets out. They move swiftly, not stopping until they are a quarter mile from the tunnel entrance, and can just barely see a red spot ahead of them, a pinprick in the darkness, illuminated by the distant flame jets of the Hall.

[Start of 10/07/21 play session]
[Wandering encounter roll for first hour in the Hall; 12, no encounter]

Aurora begins a ritual of comprehend languages. Just before she finishes it, Doro hard casts the same spell, doing hers while mounted on Tina so that the dire wolf can benefit from it as well. When they resume their advance, now on foot, Willa has her sword out but not aflame.

Tina smells the air (Perception 20 with advantage) - the stench of dead gnolls is heavy on it, but she smells no living giants, nor anything alive but the party. Doro urges her forward ahead of the rest of them, and the others watch the combined silhouette of the pair against the red tunnel mouth.

Aurora frets while she watches Tina creep forward. She pulls out the magic scale given to her by the couatl, the one that would let her cast detect evil and good. “I wonder if I could use this to detect the drow?” she muses.

“No,” whispers Babshapka. “They have fey ancestry, like me, or you I suppose, but they are as much creatures of this world as we are. It wouldn’t work. Now be quiet.”

Undeterred, Aurora starts going through the bag of holding, noting all of the changes that Willa made while she was summoning the steeds. She finds two potion flasks, remembers seeing them before, but has no idea what they are - until she realizes that they are the two flasks they took from the strongbox of the matron’s room in the Steading! She has had them all this time and forgotten to identify them! “Look at this!” she says excitedly. “Remind me to identify these the next time we rest!”

“Shhhh!” hisses Willa sternly.

“Scabbers,” whispers Aurora to the rat riding on her shoulder, “remind me to identify these potions the next time we rest.” The little rodent bobs his head up and down enthusiastically.

Tina moves to just inside the tunnel entrance and smells again; this time she picks up hints of giant over the odor of death and gnoll feces (Tina Perception 20 with advantage, Ettin’s maximum Stealth 19, wererats rolled Stealth 21). Doro listens, but does not hear any movement (Perception 18). Tina looks out over the room, but sees it empty, and three of the exits are dark (Tina Perception based on sight 5) - to the south, north, and into the storeroom. Only the way deeper into the Hall, to the prison level, is illuminated.

[Inside the Hall, Tina’s deep sniffs have been heard by both the wererats and the ettins. They are now on alert, and waiting for the party to spring the tripwire. Tina Stealth 11 < Passive Perception Wererat 12, Ettin 14).]

The party moves forward, forming rows behind Tina two abreast, prepared to enter on Doro’s signal; first Babshapka and Scabbers, then Willa and Aurora, and finally Thokk and Mathias. Mathias readies his wand of web. Aurora tells Scabbers to smell for drow. When the rat asks what drow smell like, she responds, “Like Babshapka, but evil.”

“It’s quiet,” whispers Doro to Babshapka as he moves silently up next to her just inside the entrance (Babshapka Stealth 28 > Wererat Perception 20).

“Too quiet,” Babshapka whispers back. “More like expectant.” (Perception 21 > DC20 to spot tripwire). The barest glint of reflected torchlight catches his eye and he squats. There, running completely across the tunnel entrance, a foot off the ground and passing a few inches in front of the forelegs of Tina, is a metal wire, so fine as to be nearly invisible even in the dim red light.

Carefully avoiding the wire, he leans out into the room and looks around. It has obviously been tidied - the dead gnolls and trolls removed, the smashed hand carts now in neat piles of parts, two intact mining carts on opposite sides of the tunnel mouth that were not there before, a third one opposite them on the far wall of the chamber. The only light comes from the distant hall.

Babshapka points at the wire but Doro doesn’t see it (Perception 16 with advantage from Babshapka’s Help < DC20). She dismounts and Babshapka tries to show it to her, but it looks like he is running his finger through the thin air. Babshapka beckons Aurora forward to show her as well, but the wizard is lost in thought, trying to remember what they know about the drow - which is mostly what the storm giantess Lyn told them: the stories about them, if the tales be true, are that they are evil and live deep inside the earth, that they are physically weak but are cunning, powerful at magic and masters of stealth. It is said that they don't like daylight and that their powers are reduced in direct sunlight. Aurora decides that she will use a charge from her wand of detect magic, then use the spell to sense magic around whatever Babshapka is gesturing about (Abjuration magic? Alarm? Magic mouth? Illusion magic to conceal a trap?) and hopefully pick up whatever the drow use to remain hidden or invisible.

As Aurora begins mumbling the words of her spell, Babshapka hushes her, then drags her forward to force her to look at the wire. While she tries to see it, he looks at it more intently (Investigation 17). It runs the full length of the tunnel mouth, stretched taut. One end is anchored to the wall just outside, while the other passes through an eye bolt, drops to the floor, and is then routed along one of the rails leading out of the tunnel until it disappears from view.

Doro tells Tina to stay in the cave mouth while she carefully steps over the wire (Dex save 26) and enters the chamber. She traces the wire - at the rails it enters some small metal box then exits in three directions - one continues along the rail while the other two go right and left to the carts (Investigation 21). Careful not to touch anything, she looks over the walls and peers into a cart (Perception 14). It is full of barrels and smells of oil and sulphur. A heavy pull rope, loose and slack on the floor, is attached to each car. She messages the group her findings, and Babshapka replies that they are ready to proceed at her signal.

Babshapka steps over the wire (Dex save 26). Doro moves away from the carts and out into the room (Stealth 22). So far, she still does not see or hear the enemy (Perception 14).

Babshapka remains just over the far side of the wire, to point it out and help others cross. Aurora approaches and begins to take an exaggerated step over, but the hem of her robe threatens to fall across the wire. Babshapka motions her back, an alarmed look on his face. Thokk grins at his concern and scoops the wizard up, carrying her along as he steps over the wire, then sets her down once he is on the other side (Thokk Dex save; advantage from Babshapka’s help and danger sense, disadvantage while carrying Aurora, cancels for a flat roll, 24).

Aurora, now on the other side, looks about but senses nothing within range of her running detect magic.

Doro moves across the room and pauses at the exit to the west hallway. It is more brightly lit than the chamber, but she sees nothing down it (Perception 12), including any other wires. Thokk moves to the middle of the room. To the north and south, in the gnoll dens, he can see that the bodies of all the dead gnolls have been arranged in tall piles. He turns and moves towards the southern pile; Aurora sends Scabbers scurrying after him. At the approach of the creature (Thokk Perception 14), he turns and calls loudly to Aurora, “This your rat, Ro-ra?” (Thokk Stealth 3). [He is clearly heard by both the ettins and the wererats lying in wait] Aurora messages to him that of course it is her rat and to stop being a dumb orc. Thokk scoffs and decides to remain in the central chamber while the rat scouts ahead in the southern chamber. Doro doesn’t see any response to the sudden noise from Thokk (Perception 6).

Willa makes to step over the wire, but the broad motion is more than the articulation range of her plate armor and the heavy pack on her back shifts suddenly. She bobbles in the air, about to fall, when Babshapka reaches out and she steadies herself against his arm - she passes successfully over the wire (Willa Dex save 6, but advantage from Babshapka is 14).

Scabbers scurries into the southern gnoll den. He is picking up the scent of something (Perception 15) - it is rank and sweaty, not dead, but not a troll or gnoll.

Mathias steps over the wire - his foot barely clearing it despite Babshapka spotting him (Dex save 11 with advantage; the DC to clear the wire was 10 if the person knew it was there). Mathias seems unconcerned, but tells Babshapka he really shouldn’t be hanging out next to the mining carts and their suspicious barrels. Once Tina is over the wire (the last of them to exit the tunnel - Dex save 19 with advantage) Babshapka moves out into the room. Mathias (Stealth 18) and the dire wolf (Stealth 21) move to investigate the northern den. Tina smells the same thing as Scabbers (Perception 21) - but where is it coming from? The odor of dead gnoll is so powerful she cannot tell.

The ettins to the north are as still as possible (Stealth 16 > Tina’s sound-based Perception 7). [Where is the boom? they wonder to themselves. There is supposed to be a big, flaming boom as the signal for them to jump out and charge the intruders.]

With Thokk and Babshapka (with his bow out) watching over the chamber, Aurora moves back to the carts while Willa heads for the storage room. Scabbers begins to climb over the pile of gnoll bodies. As he scurries along their bloated corpses, he sees two ettins, their backs leaning against the pile, sitting on the floor. Each of them looks wildly about with all four eyes but doesn’t move (Scabbers Perception 19 > Ettin Stealth 4).

Meanwhile, Aurora is examining the mechanisms on the carts (Investigation 27). She has worked out that each has a small metal box in the front, wedged from behind with a barrel, but with a spring between it and the front wall of the cart. A thin layer of oil is in the bottom of the cart. If the spring is compressed - as it would be were the two carts to crash into one another at speed and the barrels to continue their momentum forward - a sparking mechanism inside the box would light the oil - and that would ignite the barrels of tar. It seems like it would be easy to remove the sparker box - if she wanted to climb into the cart. That, she decides, is a job for someone else. She messages Thokk and tells him to come over to her.

Tina begins to edge around the pile of bodies, but has still not picked up the source of the (ettin) smell (Perception 13 smell, 12 sound < Ettin Stealth 18).

Willa enters the storage room through the rough opening in the wall. There are boxes and barrels, disassembled pieces of mine carts and hand carts, rails and timbers, metal rods and pickaxes. All of the tools are sized for human (or gnoll? dwarf? not giant) workers. She hears pattering - in the darker corners of the room are rats - giant rats, several feet long (Wereat Stealth 12 < Willa Passive Perception 13).

Willa grabs a metal rod and backs out of the room, trying not to provoke the rats. Mathias stays where he is in the northern den. Babshapka looks about nervously - it seems like several things are happening, but no one is communicating. Thokk looks at Aurora motioning him over. Scabbers hears the ettins whispering to each other in Giant and sees them pointing over their shoulders, gesturing at the party - he telepathically alerts Aurora. Aurora messages Doro, who is still down the hall in advance of the party.

Tina advances closer to the pile of gnolls, trying to locate the source of the smell. She hears (Perception 14 > Ettin Stealth 6) one of the ettins whisper to the other one, or maybe to the other head of the same one, “I can hear them, too, but we can’t attack yet. We have to stick to the plan and wait for the signal. Wait for the boom, we were told.” The ettin is speaking in Giant, but Tina is under Doro’s comprehend languages and is able to follow it easily.

Tina mentally passes along the ettin’s words to Doro, and Doro tells her about the ettins to the south, then messages Babshapka about both groups, and that ‘the signal’ is some kind of explosion, probably from the barrels of pitch.

Willa moves to the far cart. She can see the wire from the tunnel entrance runs to it as well, but can’t see into it, as it is covered with a heavy leather hide. Thinking that the cart may be set to collide with the others, she jams the rod she just picked up between a wheel and the rail to keep it from moving, then motions at Babshapka to move over to her. She points at the cart, and mimes that there might be a hostile creature hiding inside.

Scabbers remains hidden, watching the ettins from the pile of dead gnolls. Aurora whispers to Thokk that he needs to climb up into the cart and remove the sparker box, then do the same with the other one. He easily rips the box out without setting the floor-oil aflame, then tosses it to Aurora who fumbles it a few times but manages to keep it from clattering to the stone floor.

Mathias messages Doro, asking what the plan is. Doro messages Babshapka, asking simply Move or fight? Babshapka responds Fight - but there might be one in the cart here.

Babshapka motions to Willa to draw back the hide while he stands with his swords at the ready. In one swift motion she yanks the hide off - but no enemy waits within. Instead, it is a metal ballista, with no less than four shafts all connected to the same taut cord, poised for firing when the thin wire entering the cart is pulled - the same tripwire that crosses the tunnel mouth would cause these four bolts to be shot into the mouth of the tunnel. Holes in the front of the cart are just large enough to permit the exit of the shafts. “Ballista - no monster” whispers Babshapka to Willa. She nods, checks the placement of the jamming rod, and begins to move up the northern corridor looking for Mathias.

Mathias is currently unseen in the shadows, but he steps out into view when Willa passes near.

Aurora tells Thokk to get the sparking box from the other cart, then messages Mathias that they are almost ready. He replies, Alright, I think we are doing this - on your mark. Doro continues to message the others, so that everyone is aware of the plan to engage the ettins once Thokk has disarmed the trapped carts.

A giant rat slips out from the storage chamber, seeking to avoid attention (Stealth 14) but Babshapka spots it (Passive Perception 15). As it slips along the wall it rises up on two legs, then sees Aurora holding one of the sparking boxes and Thokk climbing into the second cart. Suddenly it begins growing, changing into an even more giant rat - no a man - no a man-rat! At the end of its rapid transformation it stands on two legs looking like a naked man covered in sleek brown fur, with a long, whiskered nose, beady eyes, and a black hairless tail that reaches the floor. As Babshapka looks on in shock, the man-rat shouts in Giant, “Now you stupid ettins, NOW!”

[How the ambush was supposed to have worked; when someone in the party trips the tripwire, the ballista fires four shots into the tunnel mouth, wounding some of them. Simultaneously, the sparker boxes ignite the oil in the mine carts on either side of the tunnel, and that sets the barrels of pitch ablaze, although the carts don't move. The ettins, hearing the roar of the flames, emerge from hiding into the central chamber. When the party's melee fighters emerge from the tunnel to engage them, the ettins haul on the heavy ropes, moving the flaming mine carts together and blocking off the tunnel, either dividing the party or trapping them all in the chamber, unable to retreat back into the tunnel. In the event that the party avoids the trip wire, simply pulling the carts together with enough force would also activate the spark boxes and light the barrels on fire. The ettins would then fight, keeping the party occupied just long enough for the four hill giants in the nearby guest quarters to arrive, while the wererats slip off to raise the general alarm. The hill giants keep the party occupied long enough for the main force of fire giants to arrive and kill at least the party members trapped on this side of the mine carts, even if the others retreat back into the Tunnel. All of this was prevented by Babshapka's Perception score of just one more than needed to spot the trip wire.]

Round One
Once he has called for the attack, the man-rat tries to evade Babshapka and move to the cover between the wall and the ballista cart. Babshapka is faster, however, and slices him with his broadsword (opportunity attack vs. dodge, Babshapka hits with disadvantage, magical sword does full 9 points of damage to lycanthrope). The man-rat continues; after slipping behind the cart he emerges and starts down the corridor in the direction of Doro.

Three more giant rats, some males and some females, emerge from the storage chamber, transforming as they lope forward to engage. They begin dragging shortswords with them in small clenched paws and end by swinging them at Babshapka with human-sized hands (three attacks, one hit, 6 damage). They do not even take pause at the fact that he seems like a gnoll.

“Get the box!” yells Aurora at Thokk, but she then spins and shoots a firebolt at one of the ‘rats attacking Babshapka (hits, 7 damage, no resistance to magic damage or fire). “Don’t let them hit you!” she squeals. “I think they are lycanthropes and you could get infected!” (History check 21)

Thokk rips the box out of the cart and tosses it nearby on the stone floor. As it lands, the spring compresses and a shower of sparks flies in all directions but are rapidly extinguished when they fall on the bare stone floor. Thokk jumps out of the cart and enrages as he runs across the room to Babshapka’s side.

Doro looks at the man-rat dodging her as it makes its way down the hall. “Oh, you’re not getting away that easy…” she says, playing her drum with her fingertips. Suddenly the man-rat sinks to the floor, convulsing with fits of compelled hideous laughter (DC15 Wis save; Wererat 7; fails). “Try raising an alarm now,” Doro says grimly, at which the man-rat laughs even harder.

At the previous shout of alarm of the man-rat, the ettins to the north bolted upright, dead gnolls flying off of them. Now they run around or over the corpse-pile, and Tina is there to intercept one (bite hits, 10 damage, DC13 Str save or be knocked prone; Ettin 19, saves). In return, the ettin swings its axe at the great 'hellhound' (misses) and its morningstar as well (hits, 15 points). The second ettin ignores the 'hellhound' and runs flat out down the corridor as far as it can (dash). The two ettins to the south also leap up accompanied by a shower of dead gnolls and begin running up the corridor and into the rail chamber.

Babshapka summons his hunter’s mark, placing it on one of the three man-rats surrounding him, the one that received Aurora’s firebolt. He slashes it twice with his broadsword (two hits, 27 damage with mark, total 34) and it drops to the ground, its form changing again. This time it stays the same size, but is now just a naked, tailless man with a particularly protruding nose and tiny eyes (Babshapka at 0/2/2).

Mathias drops back against the wall and blasts the ettin charging at them (one hit, 9 points), while Willa lights her sword and moves to intercept it.

Round Two
When the ettin shows no sign of backing off, Willa slashes at it with two mighty blows (two hits, one critical, total 62 points of blade and flame) to its body, but it keeps coming! Just as it is about to pass her, Mathias sends forth two explosive bolts, one at each head. When both hit, the giant crashes at Willa’s feet (19 points, 81 total for round). The second ettin bursts past Tina, but when it tries to get by Willa she exacts a heavy toll (opportunity attack hits, 21 damage).

Doro keeps one eye on the rat-man convulsing with laughter, but rather than risk ending her enchantment by damaging the man, she fires at the two rat-men attacking Babshapka (one critical hit, 7 damage).

Thokk (nine rounds of [i]rage[/i] left) had been running in to support his archer against the meager rat-men, but the two burly ettins charging in from the south are far worthier foes. He changes course and attacks one of them, hacking at its thick legs with his axe (two hits, 33 damage). They pass by him, but instead of attacking, they run to the carts by the tunnel mouth. Each grabbing one of the pull ropes, they take up the slack and heave mightily. The carts leap forward and crash into one another with a great metallic clang - but no explosion and no flames follow. All four of the ettin heads look at one another, confused.

The rat-man rolling on the floor suddenly stops laughing (Wis save 18; succeeds). He is trying to get his feet under himself and stand up. Babshapka switches his mark from the slain rat-man to the one still on the ground, then strikes with his broadsword (two hits with advantage from prone, 23 damage with mark). Aurora eschews her firebolt and instead sends a toll the dead at the one of the two rat-man with Babshapka (DC17 Wis save; Wererat 16 fails, 12 points necrotic damage). The spell is enough to kill it, though with some irony it accomplishes the mission of the wererats, for the loud tolling bell results in the alarm they had been charged with raising anyway and the sound alerts the four hill giants in the nearby former guest quarters. Doro hears heavy doors being thrown open and great, hurried footsteps approaching. Aurora moves up to the rat-man still on the floor, brandishing her quarterstaff at it in case it tries to get away.

Round Three
The rat-man draws his feet under him and scurries off on all fours, only standing when he is out of reach of Aurora’s staff (dodge; opportunity attack with disadvantage misses). Doro shoots after him, but the blast of music is headed for Aurora instead! Aurora catches the note in midair with her staff, and slings it at the rat-man anyway, whereupon it hits him! (One critical miss from Doro on the wererat requires an attack rolled against Aurora, which would hit, but Aurora uses her instinctive charm to send it at the wererat, Doro DC17 Wis save, 5; fails, hits the wererat for 3 damage). As the rat-man pulls away from Aurora, Doro has a better view and her next barrage of music hits it directly (7 damage). As it drops to the floor, dead, she can see, and then feel, motion coming from beyond. “Giants incoming!” she shouts. The sole remaining rat-man, in combat with Babshapka, misses him with its shortsword.

Aurora tolls the rat-man (DC17 Wis save, 11, fails; 7 necrotic). Babshapka drops him with a single slash (one hit, ten damage).

Mathias shoots at the ettin that made it past him and Willa, then follows after it (two hits, 10 points). Tina bounds past him, springing into the air and flying with her whole bulk into the back of the ettin. It crashes to the floor and slides, and she crushes the back of one of its heads in her jaws as she stands over it (critical hit, 20 damage, DC13 Str save, Ettin 11; fails, knocked prone). Willa runs up to it before it can stand, ending it with great flaming slashes (two hits with advantage, 45 damage).

With their plan to explode the carts foiled, the remaining two ettins have taken cover, crouching behind the carts just outside the tunnel mouth. Thokk (eight rounds of rage left) looks at the cowards, and chooses a spent javelin of lightning to throw, rather than risk igniting the materials inside the carts (hit, 8 damage). Of the original enemies, only these two are left, and they look none too eager to join the fray. Four hill giants are rapidly approaching, though, and, unbeknownst to the party, fire giants and trolls have nearly arrived as well.

Round Four
The cowering ettins are behind the party, but look to be less of a threat than the charging hill giants. Doro unloads on the first giant coming up the hallway (one hit, 2 damage) and Mathias does the same (two hits, 14 damage). “Choke point! Choke point!” Mathias yells to his teammates. He is not about to move to confront the giants arriving, but wants the warriors to advance and keep them from spreading out in the room where more than one of them at a time can attack. Indeed, if they can be held in the corridor, only one of the giants will be able to face the party. Mathias and Doro move back, both hoping someone else more sturdy than they are can move up quickly.

Leaving the ettin bodies behind, Willa dashes up next to Thokk. Tina is beside her most of the way, but peels off and moves up next to Doro.

The lumbering giants advance slowly up the hall. The one in the lead pulls forth a huge stone from a rough bag and hurls it. It is unclear whether his target was Thokk or Willa since it goes wide of both of them (miss). The hill giants are also unconcerned about whether these are actually gnolls or not - the fact that they are casting spells and swinging flaming swords is more than enough reason to attack them.

Babshapka sheaths his swords and pulls out his bow. He transfers his hunter’s mark from the dead rat-man to the lead hill giant and drops further back, even as he calls for Willa and Thokk to move up.

Aurora tolls the dead on the lead hill giant (DC17 Wis save 6; fails, 13 necrotic) and then moves well out of the line of sight of any future thrown rocks.

Thokk (seven rounds of rage left) moves forward - not quite blocking off the hallway, but preventing the giants from charging past him. He pulls out a javelin and throws it at the farthest hill giant back which he can see - at this point only three deep, as the fourth one is still around the corner (hits, 7 piercing and 16 lightning to the third hill giant). It flies true, landing squarely in that giant’s shoulder and arcing all the way back to Thokk through the other two (DC13 Dex saves 19, 16, both succeed, 8 points lightning damage to both). Thokk considers throwing another javelin, but he has just three left and wants to see who else may be joining the battle now that his fire-caster has cleverly sounded a call to battle to lure the rest of the Hall to them. After all the sneaking and trap avoidance, Thokk was worried that they might not have a good fight, but he is warming to this one!

Round Five
Doro shoots at the lead giant (two hits, 6 damage) and then moves to take cover around the corner and behind the mining cart with the ballista. Tina withdraws into the storage chamber, sniffing for rats but prepared to charge out if the giants enter the main chamber.

“Fahh!” scowls Mathias, unimpressed with Thokk and Willa’s efforts to block off the hallway so far. Deciding that it falls to him, he advances with a glint in his eye and powerful arcane gestures. Suddenly flames erupt along one side of the length of the long hallway and block off the southern hallway to the prison block as well. A small creature might be able to avoid the fire by flattening against the far wall, but the burly hill giants have no chance (DC16 Dex save > Giants 8, 6, 0 and Troll 4; all fail and take 23 fire damage). The forge troll charging in behind the giants is caught within the flames as well. As his features are illuminated by the ruddy flames, and as the screams and bellows of the giants fill the hall, Mathias nods in satisfaction, backs into the shadows of the chamber, and disappears (one with shadows).

Trying to shield their eyes against the flames, the two leading giants stagger into the chamber; the first, safe now from the fire, but the second, trapped behind the first, still in their grasp. Unable to reach Thokk or Willa yet, both of them snatch up dead rat-men from the floor and hurl them at the defenders. Both projectiles miss, and the corpses are broken with sickening thuds and cracks when they hit the stone floor. The final hill giant in the line, not yet damaged, pushes forward into the flames, cursing his comrades for not moving faster (Wisdom check 0). The three remaining hill giants are burned by the wall (no save after first round, 25 damage each).

When there is a pause in the flying rat-men, Aurora moves back to where she can see the length of the hallway. The wall of fire should whittle the hill giants down to where they will be easy targets for Thokk and Willa, but she is more worried about who else might be coming behind them. Sure enough, there are a group of fire giants beyond the hill giants, each standing head and shoulders above their weaker kin and with the bright flames reflecting off their black steel armor. These, she knows, will not be taking damage from the fire as they make their way up the length of the hall, so she resolves to make sure it will be a while before the party has to face them. She sends off a slow spell and centers it at the intersection of the three hallways, where the fire giants appear most dense. Her spell lands on three fire giants and the currently flaming troll. One of the giants is able to resist the effects but the others fall prey to her enchantment (Giant 22 > DC17 Wisdom Save > Giant 12, 8, Troll 3).

Willa (finally?) moves up to one side of the corridor, blocking off half the hallway and attacking the lead giant who has moved beyond the wall. He has taken enough damage that she easily fells him, although it takes her two attempts. He may have escaped the wall of fire, but ultimately dies to the fire of her flaming greatsword (one hit, 22 points).

With the first hill giant down, Thokk (six rounds of rage left) advances parallel to Willa but at the other side of where the hallway enters the chamber. He strikes at the second hill giant in the line (two hits, 26 damage).

Babshapka moves up between Thokk and Willa, so that the three of them are together blocking off the twenty-foot wide entrance to the chamber. He switches his hunter’s mark to the living, second, giant and then strikes with his broadsword (two hits with advantage from Thokk’s rage, 19 points with mark).

Round Six
Babshapka continues his melee assault on the second giant, now attacking with both swords (three hits with advantage, 29 damage with mark).

The fire giants still have three hill giants and the body of a fourth between them and the party - they can’t move up, nor do they have room to effectively throw anything. All they can do at the moment is fight the effects of Aurora’s spell (22 > DC17 Wis save > 11; one more giant is free, still one fire giant and one troll slowed).

Willa slashes with her flaming greatsword at the hill giant - her first strike slays it (one hit with advantage, 24 damage). She could move to the third one - but that would mean climbing over the body of the slain one and entering the area of the wall of fire - instead she forgoes her attack, drops back, and waits on him to advance.

From the shadows, Mathias shoots at the third hill giant (two hits, 3 damage).

Thokk (five rounds of rage left) squints and peers through the flames. The farthest target he can see is the slowed troll, who has a fire giant and two living hill giants between him and Thokk. The barbarian leans back and throws another javelin of lightning - hitting the troll (23 damage) and arcing electricity through the three giants (Fire Giant 14 > DC13 Dex save > Hill Giant 7, 4; 17 points to Hill Giants, 8 to Fire giant). Thokk likes the result, and decides to throw another javelin (24 damage to troll, Hill Giant 16 > DC13 Dex save > Fire Giant 5, Hill Giant 3; 16 points to two giants, 8 to the third).

Doro jumps out from around the corner, pummels the third hill giant with music (one hit, 4 points), while Aurora tolls at him (DC17 Wis save > 16; 17 necrotic damage), and then moves back into cover. The flames from the wall then overcomes the fourth giant - only the third is now left. He struggles over the bodies of his fallen companions, but doesn’t reach any of the party.

The slowed troll, taking damage from the wall and javelins, leaves the line and moves back around the corner to the north, away from the flames (Wis check 14; no regeneration since he took fire damage since his last turn).

Round Seven
Willa moves forward to intercept the third and last hill giant as he climbs over bodies - she moves nimbly around him, slashing as he struggles, until he too collapses and the hill giant bodies are now two deep in the hall (two hits with advantage from Thokk’s rage, 61 damage with critical). As the giant falls, Mathias drops his concentration on the wall of fire - it is doing nothing to the fire giants even now moving forward up the hall.

With a single arcane word, Mathias sends a mind sliver at the closest giant (DC16 Int save > Fire Giant 13; fails, 5 psychic damage and -3 on next save). He frowns in pain but continues his advance. When he reaches the pile of dead hill giants, rather than climb over them, he stoops, grabs, and drags the first body back, passing them to the other fire giants who are behind him. Together they form a line to move the smaller giants out of the way, patiently preparing to charge the party (Strength checks 13, 25). The rate-limiting giant is the second one back, whose movements are still slowed by Aurora’s spell (Wis save 10). “Keep concentrating!” calls Mathias to her when he sees what the giants are doing. The troll behind the far corner remains slowed as well (Wis save 3), but now away from the flames, it has begun to regenerate the damage it took.

“Okay,” responds Aurora to Mathias, “but we need to send them back - we can’t fight that whole chain!”

“On it!” calls Doro, once again moving out to where she can see the hallway. She heard Mathias cast the mind sliver and suspects it was to set up her next spell. “Get away from us!” she says, her voice taking on an eerie, chilly tone. “Flee while you have a chance!” (Dissonant whispers; lead fire giant DC15 +2 rhythm-maker’s drum = 17 < Wisdom save 19, but -3 from mind sliver = 16; fails, 17 psychic damage and has to use its reaction to move away from Doro). The giant looks shocked, drops the leg of the dead hill giant it was dragging, turns and tries to force its way back down the hall. It is slow-going and ultimately it can’t force back all the other giants behind it, but the simple enchantment has bought the party a few more seconds.

Thokk (four rounds of rage left) laughs when he sees the fire giants all bunched up in the hallway, with one pushing the others and trying to flee. He throws his last javelin of lightning as far down the hall as it will go (fire giant AC18, +2 from partial cover with other giants in front = 20 < attack roll 21) and it hits one, and arcs through two more plus a troll (20 damage to the giant hit; DC13 Dex save for a troll (13 saves, 7 damage) and two giants (22, 20; 7 damage each).

“Good, but not good enough,” says Aurora. “Forget the slow, I need to buy us some more time!” She can see four, perhaps five fire giants in the hall, but even more coming around the far corner. It appears that the entire Hall has been alerted. The party won’t be able to stand long against that. She pulls out her wand; with words and gestures she conjures forth a wall of stone that seals off the southern corridor; so long as the wall holds, the party will face no more than the four fire giants and two trolls (Aurora at 2/1/0/1/1) currently on their side of the wall. The wall doesn’t even go all the way up to the arched ceiling, but at 20 feet high, it should be higher than the giants can climb over in their armor (the wall is also 20 feet wide, ten inches thick, AC15 and 300hp while she concentrates on it). Even before she has finished, the fire giant and troll have been freed of her slow spell as her concentration shifts to the new spell.

Babshapka offers no praise of her but he nods in satisfaction as he drops farther back from the corridor entrance to the chamber, closer to the wizard’s side. He moves his hunter’s mark from the dead hill giant to the lead fire giant.

Round Eight
Mathias drops back from the combat to check on the ettins in the tunnel (Perception 2). He shoots a blast at each of them and hits both (1 and 7 damage) despite them actively avoiding the shots (dodging). Neither charges in response - they just back up the tunnel a bit. He shouts a warning at them to stay back and turns around. [They figure their part of the plan is to keep the party from retreating into the tunnel - if they can do that without risking themselves, why attack?]

Aurora maintains her concentration on the wall of stone but also brings the targeting screen of her blaster rifle up in front of her face and aims at the second fire giant down the hall. The blast of force echoes through the stone halls and bowls over the giant as his companions are showered with bits and pieces of his armor (DC13 Dex save at disadvantage within 30 feet > 3; fails, 38 force damage, unconscious for 2 turns, AC from 18 to 13). He doesn’t rise. Aurora drops back and moves to the side, out of sight of the giants again.

Thokk (three rounds of rage left) roars and charges at the forge troll that has been working its way to the front of the line (two hits, one critical, total 46 damage). Doro pops out around the corner and supports Thokk with two blasts of musical force (one hit, 3 damage). Willa moves to Thokk’s side and kills the troll with fire (two hits with advantage, 49 points and no regeneration after the troll hits 0).

While most of the fire giants the party have seen so far have carried great steel swords, and even call one another ‘swordbrother’, the first one in the line has nothing more than a small hatchet in his hand. In human hands it would be a mighty greataxe, but it appears diminutive to the giant. Still, as he approaches Thokk, the weapon gleams in the firelight and is certainly no toy [this is the warrior from the east barracks [25] with the human-sized magical greataxe]. His first slash goes wide (one miss) as Thokk leaps out of the way, but the barbarian is not fast enough to avoid his second blow. Fortunately, Willa brings her greatsword up just in time to partially deflect it (hit; 30 slashing damage, Willa intercepts 14, Thokk takes just 8 after rage). With the second giant in the line down, the third has his sights on Willa, and throws a rock her way (critical miss; attack on ally). It misses the fighter, but leaves a large dent in the shield of his giant companion! (second critical miss on reroll on ally).

Babshapka moves up now that the lead giant is locked in combat without a rock in hand. He dances around the giant’s feet, his blows being turned aside by the heavy leg armor (one hit, 7 damage with mark).

Round Nine
Willa fights defensively until Thokk has had a chance to sufficiently distract the giant with his attacks; she will attack when the barbarian has created an opening for her (readied action to attack giant when Thokk moves up so she can attack with advantage from his rage). She does not have to wait long; Thokk (two rounds of rage left), eager to add the giant’s greataxe to his collection, moves up and strikes (two hits, 33 damage) and Willa moves into the openings he creates (two hits with advantage, one critical, 40 slashing damage and another 23 fire damage to which the giant is immune). Babshapka moves in as well (three hits, 34 damage with mark).

Their three companions are now engaging the giant’s base, but that does not stop Mathias and Doro from shooting bolts of force at the giant’s head (one hit for 8 points from each of them).

With the first fire giant engaged and the second one unconscious, Aurora’s concern turns to the third one. She moves out of cover and targets it with her blaster rifle: FWOOM! roars the device, followed by the cheery PING! that signals she has emptied the power disc. The giant’s armor explodes and it drops insensate to the stone floor (DC13 Dex save at disadvantage, 5; fails, 39 force damage, unconscious for 4 rounds). Aurora moves back around the corner. Far down the hall, the living troll does the same.

The first fire giant, encircled by a trio of small ones hitting harder than any tiny creatures have a right to, bellows in pain and strikes out at Thokk, but Willa again blocks most of the blow and the greataxe only grazes the barbarian (one hit, 34 points, Willa intercepts 14, Thokk takes 20, which is 10 after rage).

The fourth fire giant climbs over the bodies of the second and third and once on the other side finds Babshapka within his reach (giantkiller reaction; Babshapka attacks but misses). The giant’s first sword strike goes so wide that it scrapes along the stone wall but he quickly recovers (critical miss; Dex save 20); his second sword blow connects and deals Babshapka a vicious slash (31 damage), but the ranger is able to keep concentration on his hunter’s mark (DC15 Con save < 22).

Unseen by the party, but felt by Aurora through her connection to the spell, two fire giants outside the wall of stone begin to attack it (three out of four attacks hit, total 68 damage, wall at 232hp).

[End of 10/07/21 play session]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:31 pm  
Post 351: Second Insertion, Part II

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue]. I added the Tunnel entrance, as well as a small chamber for mining supplies, off of the room [2-15].

Post 351: Second Insertion, Part II
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, outside Tunnel entrance

[Start of 10/14/21 play session]
Round Ten
Babshapka is not eager to take another hit like the last - he waits for the second giant’s sword to move out of range on its backswing and he falls back (disengage). As he retreats across the room he sheathes his swords and takes out his bow (object interaction).

Willa shows no such hesitation, but continues to punish the first giant, finally bringing it crashing to the floor of the chamber (two hits, 24 damage, second fire giant is down).

Mathias blasts the giant that sliced Babshapka (one hit, 7 points) and then moves to the entrance of the storage room by Tina.

The wounded troll continues to regenerate, but hesitates to approach the party so long as Willa has that flaming sword out. From the gap at the top of the wall of stone the fire giants on the other side can be heard attacking the wall itself - that seems like a much safer proposition than charging the party, but the stone seems impervious to his claws and teeth (AC15; the troll attacks the wall but misses three times).

Thokk (one round of rage left) throws himself at the conscious giant (one hit, 12 damage). Aurora tolls it as well (DC17 Wis save > 10, fails, 10 necrotic). The giant reacts by bringing his sword down on Willa (one hit, 27 damage).

One of the giants previously knocked out by the blaster rifle staggers to his feet, retreats, and begins to hack at the wall alongside the troll. Against the powerful weapons of the party, he is eager to add more of his swordbrothers to the fight! With three giants attacking it now, Aurora is having more difficulty maintaining its ‘reality’ (six hits, 160 damage, wall at 72hp remaining).

Round Eleven
The giant still among the party attacks Willa again, bringing his sword down on her twice! She is doubled over and staggers back, but does not fall (two hits, total 59 damage, Willa at 7hp).

Two giants on one side, and one on the other, attack the wall of stone and it dissolves under their powerful blows (the first three hits do 82 points, at which point the wall is dispelled).

Seeing Willa in a bad way, Doro ceases attacking for the moment and strums the tune to summon her song of vitality, sending healing music to the warrior (first round, 5 points to Willa, Willa at 12).

Aurora, with no charges in her blaster rifle and her wall down, knows that more fire giants are on their way. She tries to slow them again, and her spell lands on three fire giants and a troll. This time, though, only one of the giants succumbs (Wis Giant 22, 19, Troll 17 > DC17 > Giant 6: Aurora at 2/1/0/0/1). The troll takes the opportunity to move back around the corner and regenerate some more.

Thokk (whose rage will expire at end of his turn) moves recklessly to place himself between the fire giant and his evil advisor and continues to attack (two hits, 23 points). Babshapka fires heavy ordn’ance arrows over both of their heads (one hit, 18 damage with mark) and Mathias shoots his blasts of force (one hit, 7 damage).

Willa stands fully upright, spitting out a mouthful of blood. A sudden fire in her eyes matches that of her greatsword as she charges forward (action surge). With incredible speed she lands blow after blow on the giant’s legs until it falls (three hits, 35 damage), and then a final blow once it is down (critical hit for 25 points and two failed death saves). Satisfied, she moves back into the center of the chamber and tries to catch her breath (bonus action second wind, heals 12 points, Willa at 24).

Round Twelve
Doro emerges again, shooting blasts of music at the giant knocked unconscious by the blaster rifle (both misses with disadvantage from prone), then changing tack and sending healing music to Willa (second round of vitality, 5 points, Willa at 29).

Babshapka does not pull another arrow, but rather holds his bow in one hand while the other activates his blaster rifle. He finds the farthest fire giant he can see in the targeting screen and fires (Giant Dex save 20 > DC13; succeeds, AC reduced by 5, 15 force damage, stunned for 3 rounds). The giant remains on his feet but is swooning from the blast. Babshapka switches off the screen, and moves his hunter’s mark to the giant that is unconscious.

Mathias shoots a mind sliver at the slowed giant (the better to keep him slowed the next time he tries to break free; Int Save 5, fails, 11 damage and -2 on next save).

Thokk, panting heavily, looks down the hall and sees more giants coming. Now is no time to feel calm. He enrages a second time, then charges forward and begins attacking the one unconscious on the ground, brutally bringing his axe up and down repeatedly on the giant (advantage from prone, automatic criticals from unconscious; two hits, total 69 damage). Willa moves beside him, also making devastating blows (one hit with advantage, automatic critical, 24 points and giant is at 0, second hit for two failed death saves) but keeping one eye on the tottering giant who is stunned and the one further back who is slowed. When she has finished off the giant she moves behind Thokk (nine rounds of rage left), prepared to let him receive the next giant’s charge.

The troll taking shelter from the combat remains around the corner and further regenerates.

At this point three giants can see the party; one who is stunned and cannot do anything, one who is still slowed from Aurora’s spell, and a fresh one just arriving - more are farther back and around the corner. The two who can act, pull rocks out of their war bags and throw them at Thokk, who takes cover behind the body of the giant just slain by Willa (+2 AC). Both rocks miss, one hitting the wall and the other the floor. The stunned giant tries to clear his head (two rounds left) and the slowed one tries to shake the spell (DC17 Wis save < 10 - 2 from mind sliver = 8; fails).

Aurora, listening to the rocks shatter against the walls, decides that the situation in the hall doesn’t need her immediate attention. She remains out of sight and opens her pack. She replaces the power disc in her blaster rifle for a fresh one and begins to look for her blaster pistol (nine rounds of slow left).

Round Thirteen
Doro blasts the standing giants (two hits, 8 damage) and heals Willa (third round, 7 points, Willa at 36).

The two giants at the end of the hall appear more comfortable throwing rocks than charging down the corridor that is now clogged with their fallen comrades. For his part, Thokk decides not to charge at them, either. It appears a stalemate is brewing. Thokk hurls insults, trying to goad them into advancing, and nurses his rage (action to maintain rage, eight rounds remaining). The giants are unmoved, and continue their volley (both rocks miss barely, only because Thokk has +2 AC from cover). The slowed giant continues to unsuccessfully fight against the spell (DC17 save > Giant Wis 6; fails). A third giant arrives behind them, and his aim proves more true - Willa yanks Thokk back just as a rock crashes into his shield (one hit for 25, Willa intercepts 14, Thokk takes 11 reduced to 5 by rage).

Mathias tries to keep the giant slowed with another mind sliver (DC16 > Giant Int 13; fails, 4 damage and - 4 to next save).

Babshapka doesn’t like the addition of the fresh giants to the mix. He brings up his targeting screen again and fires (DC13 Dex save > Giant 12; fails, armor reduced 5, 34 points damage, unconscious for 2 rounds) and the giant drops to the floor. The blaster chimes, indicating its disc is spent, and Babshapka retreats around the corner and away from thrown rocks.

Willa is not interested in charging the giants’ position, either. Instead, she kicks at the hill giants on the ground and impales one that looks to still be breathing (two hits, four failed death saves, dead for sure). Mathias mutters “finally…” in satisfaction. Willa stays close to Thokk and ready for the next barrage of rocks.

Aurora has found her blaster pistol - she tucks it into her sash and, without stepping out into the view of the live giants, sends a death toll at one of the hill giants (failed Wis save = damage = two failed death saves)(eight rounds of slow left).

Round Fourteen
The forge troll, now at full from having regenerated several rounds, has moved back into view and the giants yell at it to charge the party while they continue to throw rocks. Mathias notes the troll and starts pelting him with bolts of force (one hit, 10 damage, troll has not been damaged with fire).

Thokk advances, then taunts the rock-throwing giants that ‘this kind of death is waiting for them’ as he continues to hack at their fallen companions and make sure that they are dead (two hits with advantage, four failed death saves and perma-kills on two different giants). When the living giants pull more rocks from their war-bags, Thokk falls back alongside Willa (seven rounds of rage remaining).

The giants still haven’t moved forward, mostly because the way ahead is blocked by giant bodies. One turns and yells behind him, Servant, get in here and remove the honorable fallen! in Giant, and Babshapka hears his command (Perception 21).

Doro looks down the hall just long enough to shoot at one of the giants winding up with a rock (one hit, 8 damage) and then send more healing to Willa (fourth round, 11 points, Willa at 47). The bard ducks out just as the rocks fly. One rock crashes into Thokk’s great shield and Willa steadies him from behind so that he is not knocked over (hit for 39 damage, Willa Intercepts 11, Thokk takes 28, reduced to 14 with rage). The slowed giant remains under Aurora’s spell (DC17 save > Giant Wis 6 - 4 from mind sliver = 2; fails).

Babshapka doesn’t even bother to seek cover as he reloads his blaster rifle. It appears that the giants are concentrating on Thokk and Willa who are farther to the front. As his targeting screen comes alive he picks out another giant. He calls out to Willa and Mathias what the giant said about moving bodies.

The troll regenerates all of the damage it took from Mathias and scrambles forward, climbing over the bodies rapidly on all fours (dash). It reaches Willa and Thokk. Willa meets it with her sword (two hits with advantage from Thokk, 48 damage including fire).

Aurora uses her toll the dead on a fallen giant to make sure that it is dead (seven rounds of slow left).

Round Fifteen
Mathias is intent on keeping the slowed giant slowed, as he thinks that is one reason the giants haven’t charged yet, and he likes the odds on the party in an extended missile combat rather than facing the giants’ swords. He uses his mind sliver, but the giant resists it (DC15 Int save < Giant 16; saves, no damage). “Sliver the slowed one!” he calls to Doro when he senses his failure.

Thokk considers himself making sure the hill giants are dead and leaving the honor of dispatching the still-fighting troll to his trusted evil adviser, but decides he cannot forsake the pleasure of the kill (two hits to troll, 25 damage, Thokk with six rounds of rage remaining). Willa quickly finishes it off with fire (one hit with advantage from Thokk’s rage, 26 damage, troll will not regenerate) and moves behind Thokk before the next volley of rocks can arrive.

Doro steps around the corner and heals Willa (7 points, fifth round of vitality, Willa at 54), and sends a mind sliver at the slowed giant (DC17 Int Save > Giant 6; fails, 3 damage and -3 to next save).

A fire giant servant, smaller than the warriors and not armored in metal, moves into the corridor and drags the first of many giant bodies out of the way. Once safe around the corner, he strips off the war bag full of rocks to provide it to the living giants, as they are rapidly depleting their own bags which typically have just three rocks each. One giant takes the fresh bag and both of them move up, advancing closer to the party in the space where the fallen giant was. One rock on Thokk goes wide, but the other finds its target and smashes into his shield (one hit, 30 damage, Willa Intercepts 6, Thokk takes 24, reduced to 12 by rage). The slowed giant remains so (DC17 Wis Save > Giant 10 - 3 from sliver = 7, fails). With the extra space where the body had been, a third giant warrior moves into the hallway and launches his own rock, catching Thokk and Willa both off guard (hits, 32 damage, Thokk takes 16 after rage, Thokk now at 33hp).

Aurora uses her toll the dead on a fallen giant (DC17 Wis save < Giant 20) but it just groans rather than dying. “We be takin’ fire from tree live gigants, woman!” roars Willa. “Ther dead ones can wait!” (six rounds of slow left)

“You tell her, Willa!” says Mathias and laughs grimly.

“Agreed, we need to focus on the live ones!” calls Babshapka. He uses his targeting screen to find the fire giant with the fresh bag of rocks and fires the blaster rifle - the giant is stunned, but doesn’t drop (DC13 Dex save < Giant 23; saves, takes half of 39 is 19 plus 4 from hunter’s mark = 23 damage and stunned for 3 rounds).

Round Sixteen
Considering the beating Thokk is taking from the barrage of rocks, Doro switches the target of her music and begins to heal him instead of Willa (9 points, sixth round, Thokk at 42hp). She sends a mind sliver at the slowed giant (DC15 Int save > Giant 4, fails, 12 damage and -2 on next save) and Mathias blasts at the one just stunned by Babshapka (two hits with advantage from stunned, one critical, 18 damage). Mathias looks over his shoulder, but the ettins still lurk in the tunnel, unmoving.

Babshapka fires his blaster rifle again, at the second of the three fire giant warriors, the one not slowed (DC13 Dex save > 9, fails, 42 points and unconscious for 4 rounds). His armor, already weakened from a previous hit, is blasted apart into pieces and he now stands before them in nothing more than a lightly padded gambeson (AC drops to 10). Babshapka now moves back around the corner.

Two fire giant servants come around the corner. Between them they carry off the body of a fallen giant. They wear leather armor and bear long clubs. Thokk runs forward, nearing the servants, and right up to the body that would be next in line for them to take. He hacks at it practically in their faces (two hits with advantage, four failed death saves, the fire giant is truly dead). As he falls back Thokk moves out of the reach of the slowed and stunned giants, but they cannot respond (no reactions available for opportunity attacks, five rounds of rage left).

Aurora tolls the dead on another downed giant and this one suffers (DC17 Wis save > Giant 9; fails, failed death save) (five rounds of slow left). Willa considers yelling at Aurora again about priorities, but decides not to waste her battle-breath on the obdurate wizard.

Only one fire giant warrior, the slowed one, is sensate and capable of throwing a rock, and he does so, hitting Thokk without the benefit of Willa to protect him (one hit, 27 damage, 13 after rage, Thokk at 29). He remains slowed (DC17 Wis > Giant 12 - 2 from sliver = 10, fails). A fresh giant rounds the corner and charges into the space where the fallen giant just removed had been. His sword cleaves the air, but Thokk nimbly steps aside both times (two misses). Willa charges forward to Thokk’s new position and attacks the fresh giant (two critical hits with advantage from Thokk, 44 damage, would have been 30 more if he was not immune to fire). She is now within range of the servant on the back end of the body being borne away. “Get out o’ ther way!” she yells at him, “Flee!”, not knowing or much caring whether he understands Common or not.

Round Seventeen
Willa attacks the new giant again (two hits with advantage from Thokk, 26 damage), as does Thokk (two hits, 31 damage, four rounds of rage left).

Doro comes back around the corner and finds that Thokk and Willa have advanced so far up the hallway that they are out of range of her vitality song. She doesn’t understand their motivation, but heals Babshapka instead (11 points, seventh round, Babs to 50hp). The slowed giant is within sight - she mind slivers him again before stepping back out of the line of fire (DC17 Int save > Giant 8; fails, 8 damage and -2 on next save).

Babshapka empties his blaster rifle at the giant who just attacked Thokk with his sword. The giant tries to move out of the way of the blast but is slammed into the wall, what remains of his armor disintegrated, and he drops to the floor unconscious (DC13 Dex Save < Giant 11 with disadvantage within 50 feet of blaster, fails, 30 damage plus 3 from hunter’s mark is 33 and unconscious for 2 rounds). Of the three fire giant warriors in the hall not currently making death saves, two are now blasted unconscious on the ground and one is still standing and slowed. This proves to be the deciding factor in the fire giant servants thinking they need to attack before their unconscious warriors are hacked apart by Thokk and the other small ones (Wisdom Check 19; morale succeeds). The two smaller giants drop the body they are carrying and one each comes at Thokk and Willa, bringing their huge clubs to bear. Thokk is hit once (critical, 24 damage, Willa Intercepts 8, Thokk takes 16, or 8 after rage, Thokk at 21), and Willa once as well (16 damage, Willa at 38). The servants back away up the hall and Thokk slashes at their retreat (opportunity attack hits for 11; Giant attacked Willa at 10 feet and was never in her reach). Aurora sends a somber toll after one servant but he is unaffected (Wis save 20)(four rounds of slow left).

Round Eighteen
Babshapka reloads his blaster rifle with a new disc while he watches the ettins.

One of the unconscious fire giants in the hall groans, stirs, and climbs unsteadily to his feet. With only one other companion up, he decides to fall back (Wisdom Check 19 - disengage, no opportunity attacks). As he rounds the corner, he sees no one besides the two manservants. It is less than two minutes into the fight, but it appears that the party has effectively beaten the ambush that Obmi prepared for them - all of the hill and fire giants that were waiting on this level and ready to respond rapidly have been spent. There are, of course, more giants even now on their way down from the first level, but who knows how long it will take them to get here?

The slowed giant apparently doesn’t share his swordbrother’s concern. He has been up for this entire fight and intends to see it through. He waits until Thokk advances, trying to chase down the other giant, and then throws his rock hard and fast at Willa when she is alone. She doesn’t even see it coming, and is knocked senseless to the ground (one hit, 41 damage, Willa at 0, unconscious, and making death saves). His exaltation lasts only for a moment, though, as he still can’t shake off the damned wizard’s spell (DC17 Wis save > Giant 17, would save but -2 from mind sliver = 15, fails).

Thokk moves forward, ignoring the slowed giant (no reaction allowed while slowed, no opportunity attack) in his pursuit of the retreating one. He catches up to it around the corner and swings his axe at the back of the giant’s legs (two hits, 26 damage, three rounds of rage left).

Mathias, seeing the giant withdraw and Thokk in pursuit, begins to shout. “Runner! Don’t let the runners get away!” Aurora, of all people, has pulled the paralyzation pistol out from her sash and started down the hallway. Thokk remembers getting hit with this strange weapon in the metal cave, just before he was attacked by the attractive machine woman. He moves to the wall of the corridor, out of Aurora’s way, and she manages to reach a position where three of the giants (the slowed one, the one running, and one servant) will all be within the cone of the device. She pulls the trigger and the hallway is filled with a shower of golden sparks.

Both the slowed giant and the servant are 20 feet or less from the pistol and both of them suddenly stop their motion, frozen in place (success on the initial DC13 Con save is paralyzed for 12 turns but with a new save possible each turn. What the party did not know is that size Huge creatures, like the giants, save at +5 and with advantage - the servant gets a 28 and begins his first turn of paralysis. The slowed giant rolls a 30 for his save but automatically fails, as anything already slowed automatically fails their save against the pistol. His failure means he will be paralyzed for a full 30 minutes).

The running giant is at greater than 20 feet from the paralyzation pistol (meaning a success on his save will make him paralyzed for four rounds, with a new save each round, and then slowed for four rounds, with a new save each round - he saves with a 28) and he is able to take a few faltering steps more before he, too, is frozen (Aurora has three rounds of her slow spell left).

Mathias moves rapidly up the hall until he can see the paralyzed servant and mind slivers him to keep him paralyzed longer (DC16 Int save > Giant 0, fails, 9 damage and -3 to next save), but the neural overload quickly wears off the huge giant (at the end of the servant’s turn he makes a new Con save against the paralysis; DC13 Con < Giant 28 - 3 from sliver = 25) and he is free again. The other servant, who was never paralyzed, swings his club at Thokk, the one farthest ahead of the party. One blow knocks aside Thokk’s shield, and the other comes straight down on his head - Thokk crumples to his knees (two hits, one critical, total 55 damage, 22 after rage. Since Thokk was at 21, he would drop to 0 but immediately uses his relentless endurance to remain at 1). The servant figures he has taken Thokk out, and so turns and begins to move down the hall. “Runner!” shouts Mathias. Thokk, not even seeing the giant through the blood streaming openly down his face, staggers forward and lands an axe blow at the fleeing servant (opportunity attack, 16 points).

Doro mounts Tina and the wolf dashes down the hall, leaping over the bodies of the fallen hill giants. When Doro turns the corner she sees a disturbing scene - Willa is on the ground, side smashed in from a rock and unmoving. Thokk is staggered, covered in wounds and blood. Two giant warriors are paralyzed, but a servant is even now moving down the hall away from the group and another is fighting its paralysis and beginning to move. Doro pulls Tina up for a stable platform and sends some healing towards Willa (eighth round, 8 points, Willa is conscious but prone). Doro fires her own paralyzation pistol, on her hip since the start of the fight, at the fleeing giant servant (DC13 Con save < Giant 24) and forces him to a halt.

Willa climbs unsteadily to her feet and re-ignites her sword, which went out when it fell from her hand. She limps forward and begins to slash at the farthest ahead of the fleeing but paralyzed servants, trying not to lose her own feet as she does so (two critical hits with advantage, total 36 points).

Round Nineteen
Tina, with Doro astride, bounds forward and launches herself at the paralyzed servant next to Willa (one hit with advantage from paralyzation and pack tactics, 5 damage, servant is knocked prone and unconscious), knocking it over on the ground. From atop her wolf’s back, Doro shoots at one of the paralyzed giants (two hits with advantage, one critical, 17 damage) and heals Willa (ninth round, 9 points, Willa to 17).

Mathias shoots at one of the paralyzed giants (two hits, 12 points), and then moves back to check on the ettins.

The remaining servant recovers from his paralysis (Con save 21) and starts to move away from the party. Rather than attack the free servant, Willa goes after one of the paralyzed warriors before he can recover (two hits with advantage, one critical, 29 damage). Thokk attacks the same one (two hits with advantage, 26 damage) and then begins to move after the fleeing servant (two rounds of rage left).

Aurora fires her pistol at the fleeing servant, again paralyzing it, but not for long (Con save 26)(Aurora has two rounds of slow left on the warrior that will be paralyzed for 30 minutes).

With a roar, one paralyzed fire giant warrior regains his ability to move (Con save 23), although he is still slowed during his recovery from the paralyzation.

In the chamber just before the tunnel, Babshapka is the only one remaining. He sees Mathias returning, but the rest of the party is long gone and most of them are out of his sight around the corner, although the sounds of battle continue. With his rifle loaded, he tries to sprint down the hall to catch up to them, but when he leaps over a body he lands on floor slick with troll blood and falls (Acrobatics 5, critical fail). He stands, now with one side covered in gore.

Round Twenty
Doro sends her healing magic at Thokk (8 points, final round of vitality, Thokk now at 9hp) and then shoots at the active fire giant warrior (two hits, 12 damage). With a live warrior on the field, she has Tina back away so that the rest of the party are better targets for the giant.

Aurora tolls the dead on the servant that is even now showing signs of being able to move (DC17 Wis Save > Giant 8; fails, takes 16 necrotic damage). Thokk attacks the same servant (two hits, 32 points, one round of rage left). Aurora moves back out of range of the giants (Aurora has one round of slow left on the warrior that has been paralyzed for 30 minutes). Willa believes that the giant nearest to her is dead (Insight 20), so she moves forward to the servant that is nearly free of the paralysis and moving slowly away. Two hacks of her greatsword bring the servant to the floor, bleeding out (two hits, one critical, 34 damage).

Mathias shoots at the still-paralyzed warrior giant in the near hall (two hits with advantage, 12 points) but keeps up his watch on the ettins. He shrugs at them, as if to ask ‘what are you going to do?’, but the subtlety of the gesture is lost on the brutes.

Babshapka, moving more carefully now, wipes the blood from his face and approaches the giant on the floor who still bears his hunter’s mark. The giant is unconscious, but as far as Babshapka can tell, still alive (Insight 10). He attacks (three hits with advantage, 34 points with mark).

The only giant that appears to still be in the fight is the one slowed from the pistol (not Aurora’s spell). He is able to shrug off the slow effect (Con save 25) and begin to move away from the party at increased speed.

Round Twenty-one
Mathias shoots at the downed giant by Babshapka (two hits at disadvantage, 11 damage). He then turns and waves at the ettins. One of them grins stupidly and waves back, until its other head turns and rebukes the first, and the left hand slaps down the waving right hand.

Doro shoots at the fleeing warrior (one hit, 9 damage). She tries to summon healing magic, but finds she is out of verses for her song. The warrior staggers off but is still within sight of the party.

Babshapka kills the still-paralyzed warrior giant with two more stabs (two hits with advantage, 18 damage, this ends Aurora’s slow spell). Immediately abandoning the body, he moves to where he can see the rest of the party and sends his now-freed hunter’s mark to the fleeing warrior.

Willa pursues the last giant, striking at him with her greatsword (two hits, 32 damage). Thokk is behind her and adds to the attack (two hits, 34 damage). With his second blow, Thokk feels a sudden wave of lassitude (second rage in this combat ends). With renewed mental clarity, he realizes that he needs to gather up his magic javelins before they are lost. Aurora tolls the dead (DC17 Wis save > Giant 6; fails, giant takes 8 necrotic) and the giant falters for a second before grimly continuing ahead.

Round Twenty-two
From far up at the end of the hall, Doro fires off two blasts of music that strike the giant in the back. He takes one more step and crashes to the floor (two hits, four damage). Suddenly the yelling and cries of battle, the explosions of the blaster pistols and the clang of steel all go silent, and there is only the ragged gasps of the party and, far off, giant cries and metal boots echoing on stone. Somewhere in the Hall the alarm is still being raised, but this level is now quiet. Among the fallen whose lifeblood is even now flowing across the stone floor and pooling in the low spots are two trolls, two ettins, two fire giant servants, four wererats, four hill giants, and fully seven fire giant warriors.

[This was, in fact, the full extent of the ambush - these were all the forces that Snurre agreed to allow Obmi to use for his immediate response to the party entering the second level again, whether by the tunnel, the teleport circle, or other means. Obmi does not honestly know how many wererats are in the complex (actually ten); he just told the Gaoler to round some up and have them make sure the stupid ettins followed the plan, and the Gaoler produced four. The four hill giants were of little account - refugees from the fall of the Steading, the King took them in more from obligation to the Alliance and the Ord’ning rather than any genuine care or empathy, and Obmi was happy to sacrifice them as a delaying tactic to engage the party while the real warriors arrived. The Hall began with a total of six ettins - these were (poorly paid) mercenaries employed largely for their attentiveness on guard duty; the party had already killed one outside and now has killed two more; the two in the tunnel were told to make sure the party did not escape that way, and they were more than content to ‘guard’ the tunnel and avoid having to actually fight. The two trolls were the ones that worked for the Smith. The wererats, hill giants, ettins, and trolls were all catapult fodder, and their loss is of no concern to Obmi.

Far more worrisome is the fact that the party managed to kill seven adult warrior fire giants and two more servants. They were, from the second level, the Smith [from 2-6], as well as the King’s Torturer and the King’s Headsman [both from 2-7]. Pulled from the upper level, recently stationed nearby, and ordered to respond to the party’s next attack were the second of the two Kingsguard [from 1-6; the first was previously killed outside the Hall], the doorguard to the council chambers [from 1-14], the second of the two manservants from the west barracks [from 1-18, the first having been killed in the Tunnel], the Hall guardsman [from 1-24], and both a warrior from the east barracks and his manservant [from 1-25; this warrior had the magic greataxe and is the second warrior killed from that location, with the first having been killed outside the Hall].

These seven warriors represent a major blow to the strength of the Hall and were nearly half of Snurre’s remaining force. He still has at his disposal just another seven common warriors, but also two dreadnaughts, and five female warriors in the Queensguard. When Obmi learns of the apparent loss of everyone committed to the ambush and communicates this to Snurre, the King switches from downplaying the threat of the party as a matter beneath the concern of one so powerful as himself, to immediately fearing for his own life and the end of his reign, which is exactly the sea change that Obmi was trying to avoid. Obmi was convinced that with just a few more giants on hand he could have crushed the party. The King initially refused him these troops because he thought more power unnecessary, but now he refuses him because he wants to keep his remaining troops on hand to protect his own August Person for the party’s inevitable attack on his throne. Obmi believes the party must be grievously wounded and calls for an immediate follow-up attack, but Snurre now refuses to permit giants to leave the first level. What neither Snurre nor Obmi know is that it took the party a quarter of the remainder of their power discs (fully seventeen charges) to hold the giants off, and that Willa and Thokk both went down during the fight. Had a few more giants been sent with the response force, or even right now as a follow-up, it could indeed have been enough to tip the scales and defeat the party, but the King’s new caution keeps that from happening, and allows Doro, who still has a number of spells left, to start to work healing the party.]

[Party Discs remaining:
Babshapka: 1 fully charged spare disc (6)
Aurora: Paralysis pistol (3), Blaster rifle (6), spare disc (2), 2 full discs in case (2 x 6)
Willa: 3 fully charged spare discs (3 x 6)
Total: 47 charges left]

The party busies themselves with various tasks, all the while keeping an ear out for more arriving giants.

Mathias goes back to the entry chamber and watches the ettins. [Along the way, he quickly goes over each of the dead giant bodies, looking for any obvious symbols of the Elder Elemental God, but finds none.] When he has the attention of the two-headed giants, he slowly and deliberately draws his finger across his throat. Their four heads all look at one another, and then the two bodies back away down the tunnel out of sight.

Thokk and Willa move from giant to giant, making sure that all of them are dead. Doro follows them, having begun another song of vitality and sending the healing music their way. She also keeps her eyes peeled for anything of value on the giants, and pulls the human-sized greataxe out of the hand of the giant who was using it. [With 12, 7, 5, 10, 7, 4, 8, 8, 6, and 7, Doro has healed Willa for 41 and Thokk for 33: Doro at (2/1/2/3/0), Aurora at (2/1/0/0/1), Babshapka at (0/2/2).] Thokk collects his five javelins of lightning, all now spent. Aurora carefully walks the length of the corridor, pulling out anything that looks fine enough to be worth detecting as magic, with the first item being the greataxe Doro recovered. When she has finished, she tells the others that she is going to send Scabbers to scout the prison level, starting with the guard chamber, and then heading for the forge and the stairs up.

Babshapka collects his bow from where he dropped it, finds a few arrows that survived the fight intact, and then moves south, intending to set up in the hallway by the prison cells to listen for incoming threats.

[At the intersection, just before the doors to the third level, the Drow Mage (the least stealthy of the drow trio) has a Stealth of 21, greater than the 15 Passive Perception of Babshapka. All three drow are there, having heard the explosions and then the battle. It is time for them to engage the party.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:07 pm  
Post 352: Drow Ambush!

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Post 352: Drow Ambush!
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, outside entrance to third level

[Continued from 10/14/21 play session]

Surprise Round
As Babshapka advances to the intersection, the bodyguard to the priestess (himself a Drow Elite Warrior) steps out of the shadows. In a strange, corrupt version of Elvish he uses a curse that Babshapka does not recognize, but which is apparently a disparaging drow word for surface dwellers. He opens with a crossbow shot (one hit with advantage from Hiding, 6 piercing damage, DC13 Con save or be poisoned for one hour; a save of 8 or lower results in unconsciousness: Babshapka 10; fails, poisoned but still conscious; DC10 Con save to maintain concentration on Hunter’s Mark 21; succeeds).

Suddenly another form appears from the shadows; the Drow mage is casting. A blue-white ray of lightning lances out, impaling Babshapka (witch bolt hits, 5 damage; DC10 Con save to maintain concentration on Hunter’s Mark Babshapka 19; succeeds). The mage sustains the connection of the crackling, hissing beam, ready to cause more damage when next he is able.

Thokk was surprised by this attack when he thought that the hostilities were over, but he is always ready for a new conflict and enrages for the third time since the party entered the Hall.

Feral Instinct wrote:
If you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before doing anything else on that turn.

He draws his axe and rushes up to the drow mage (dash).

A third drow is revealed as she begins chanting. Aurora’s instinct is to counterspell but then she realizes (Arcana 29) that the caster is not weaving a spell, but rather summoning some entity from another plane - and that she can't interrupt with a few words and gestures. Just a few seconds later, a tentacled pillar with a single red eye and a maw full of teeth appears in a cloud of inky black smoke.

Summon Demon (1/Day) wrote:
The drow attempts to magically summon a yochlol with a 30 percent chance of success. If the attempt fails, the drow takes 1d10 psychic damage. Otherwise, the summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other demons. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.

Round One
Seeing the threat to the mage, the drow bodyguard turns and fires his crossbow at Thokk, but a tentacle from the yochlol demon lashes out at the barbarian, and the bolt hits that instead (critical fail on his attack roll for Thokk, reroll on the demon hits, 9 damage, immune to poison).

Disregarding the threat of Thokk, and trusting to both the demon and the bodyguard to protect him, the drow mage maintains his concentration on the witch bolt and on damaging the hated surface elf (5 lightning to Babshapka, DC10 Con save to maintain concentration on Hunter’s Mark Babshapka 12; succeeds). The demon tries to wrap its long tentacles around Thokk and pull him off the mage, but the huge half-orc just bats one away with his shield and wriggles out of the other’s grasp (two misses).

Babshapka, both poisoned and still taking lightning damage, shifts his hunter’s mark from a dead giant to the drow wizard and shoots his longbow, but the arrows go wide (two attacks with disadvantage from the poisoned condition, both miss).

Doro mounts Tina and messages Mathias, far back from the fight and still in the tunnel chamber, battle; we are advancing. She rides up to just behind Babshapka and can now see all three of the drow, as well as the strange pillar-demon.

Ignoring the demon behind him, Thokk focuses on the mage that is attacking his scout and archer. His axe penetrates the wizard’s mage armor and the lightning connection sputters, then fizzles out (two hits, 25 damage, two DC10 Con saves to maintain Concentration on witch bolt 17, 6; second fails).

As the drow mage is knocked back and his spell fails, he calls out to the priestess. Aurora recognizes the speech as some form of Elvish, but she is too far back to hear the words (Perception with disadvantage from distance, 10). Babshapka, however, hears everything (Perception with disadvantage from poisoned condition, 12).

Priestess, the mage says, the surface dwellers are too powerful. Even after their fight with the giants.

Yes, replies the female drow, that is why the idiotic Snurre failed. We must retreat to the Fane and prepare the invasion.

Aurora moves forward and casts mind whip on the obvious mage and the female drow who just summoned the demon, but doesn’t bother with the drow warrior. She fears casters far more than anyone resorting to a paltry hand crossbow (DC17 Int save. Priestess 12; fails, 13 psychic damage. Mage 16; fails; 6 damage. Both lose their reaction until their next turn, and on their next turn can only choose one of move, take an action, or take a bonus action).

Willa knows that Thokk was recently healed by Doro, and knows how dangerous enemy casters are. She doesn’t know whether demons can be stunned. But there is only one way to find out, she reasons, as she pulls a black grenade off of her belt, primes and lobs it at the space between the drow: Thokk, all three drow, and the demon are all within 10 feet of the blast. Getting four of them at the price of losing Thokk for a few seconds is worth it, she reasons - it will give the rest of the party time to arrive.

[All within 10’ radius take d6+4 force damage, DC16 Con save for half, stunned for d4 rounds]
Thokk 28, saves, 2 damage (force damage not reduced by rage), stunned for 3 rounds
Drow Warrior 5, fails, 6 damage, stunned for 1 round
Drow Mage 20, succeeds, 3 damage, stunned for 1 round
Drow Priestess 15, fails, 6 damage, stunned for 1 round
Demon 21, saves, 3 damage, stunned for 1 round]

Mathias dashes, reaching the edge of the pile of dead giants. [Seeing that their opponents are drow, he resolves to use his abilities to draw the fight out and give the drow time to flee. He hopes they know the plan - get the party to chase them.]

[At the end of the priestess’ turn, she is free of both the stun and the mind whip]

Round Two
[By the end of the drow warrior’s turn, he is free of the stun]
[By the end of the demon’s turn, it is free of the stun]

Mathias works his way over the giant bodies as fast as he can, approaching the fight.

Babshapka, free now of at least the lightning but still feeling woozy from the poisoned bolt, continues to launch arrows at the mage (two attacks with disadvantage from poisoned condition, one hit for 13 with hunter’s mark) and one shaft drops the drow (total 47 damage). The difficulty Babshapka was having hitting the drow despite him not having armor makes him suspect that the mage was magically protected.

Willa reaches Thokk’s side, with no room to go around the long tentacles of the demon. She is delaying until the others arrive, she decides, and slashes at the pillar (one hit with advantage from Thokk’s rage, 14 slashing damage and 9 fire, but the demon takes 18 total as it is resistant to fire). The demon was focused on Thokk, but now that she has its attention, it turns to her [she needs Thokk’s rage to continue to get advantage, but he will lose his rage at the end of his turn if he hasn’t attacked or taken damage]. “Snap out o’ it, Thokk!” she yells, and slaps him with the broadside of her greatsword (one hit, 15 slashing and 7 fire, Thokk takes 14 after rage).

The priestess finishes the words of a spell - suddenly Willa and Thokk are engulfed in a thick mass of sticky strands. The webs are suspended from the walls of the corridor, and soon move to encompass Babshapka and back to the pile of giant bodies. The priestess smiles in satisfaction, then turns and moves through the nearby wall [she actually slipped through a narrow gap in the doors to the stairs down, which the drow had left open just enough for them to move through one at a time, but Thokk is still stunned and Willa got a 4 (critical fail) on her Perception check so it appears to her that the priestess simply walked through the wall].

Doro shoots blasts of music at the demon (one hit, two points).

Aurora is not taking any chances with the mage, who is currently on the ground - she tolls him, but even unconscious, he resists (DC17 Wis Save < 18; saves). Willa wonders what part of ‘focus fire on the active foes’ Aurora doesn’t understand. Didn't they discuss this after the fight with the giants?

Round Three
Doro looks for the female drow, but doesn’t see her (Perception 16). She casts invisibility on herself (now at 2/1/2/3/0), extending it to Tina as she is mounted on her greater steed. She wants to make sure no giants are coming from the Hall above - it would be a long way around the webs and, though invisible, she would need to pass by two drow and the demon which, for all she knows, can see invisible. On the other hand, she sees a small but clear gap in the webs and she bets she can make it through. Mentally she shows Tina the path, and the dire wolf sets out. (DC12 Dex save upon entering the web the first time > Tina 7; fails, restrained). Tina has gone about half the distance when she is held fast by the sticky strands, which seem to writhe of their own accord. Doro was prepared for as much, since the wolf is not as nimble as she is, and she leaps off the wolf’s back toward the gap - only to find the floor covered in strands she had not seen before. As her legs are caught, she trips and falls into a whole wall of webs (DC12 Dex save > Doro 8; critical fail, restrained). Doro curses, but is glad of their invisibility.

Willa falls back even as the webs are being strung around her and escapes their grasp (DC12 Dex save < Willa 20; succeeds). She continues to attack the demon (two hits with advantage from Thokk’s rage, 40 points damage but demon takes 31 after resistance to fire).

With the drow mage down and the priestess disappeared, Babshapka moves his hunter’s mark to the warrior still present and fires his longbow (one hit with disadvantage from poisoned condition, 10 damage including mark).

Mathias continues to draw closer. Finally he rounds the corner and comes within sight of the fight itself. Blasting through the webs with his bolts of force, he targets the demon (one hit, 4 damage).

Out of sight of the party, but close at hand on the other side of the doors to the lower level and unwounded, the priestess pauses. She is not about to lose her mage so easily. She casts a mass cure wounds (30’ radius of healing centered on a point within 60’; affects up to six creatures of her choice, and these don’t have to be in sight: she makes sure that all her troops - the warrior, mage, and demon - each get 22 points of healing). Immediately thereafter, the warrior completes his own spell, covering himself, the mage, and the demon within a 15’ radius sphere of darkness. The sphere completely covers the width of the hall at the intersection, so that those to its north side (most of the party) cannot see the east wall (with the doors) or the corridors running south and west, let alone what lies within the sphere itself.

The demon moves into the web (it has the web walker ability and is not affected by the strands; however, it cannot see within the magical darkness) and attacks Thokk (two attacks, advantage because Thokk can’t see it and is stunned, but disadvantage because it can’t see Thokk, cancels for flat rolls, one hit for 4 bludgeoning (rage reduces to 2) and 18 poison (unaffected by rage); Thokk takes 20 and the damage sustains his rage). Aurora is about to toll the dead on the demon, but loses it when it enters the darkness. She fires a firebolt instead at her best guess for its location (one hit with disadvantage from unseen target, 18 damage but demon takes 9 after resistance to fire). As the bolt streaks through the webs it sets them ablaze.

Round Four
The drow mage, now conscious, stands up, his movement unnoted by the party since he is within the warrior’s darkness. He moves to the slight gap in the doors and backs in, then casts from cover, summoning up a 20 foot square of black tentacles (DC14 Dex save upon starting turn or entering), and then moving completely beyond the doors.

As the tentacles begin to grow from the stone floor, Mathias continues to blast the demon. He ignores the darkness and somehow sees right where the tentacled pillar is (fiend's sight, two hits, 7 damage). From next to him, Babshapka calls out to the party - “They are retreating, let them go for now!”

Tina struggles, but remains trapped by the webs (DC12 > Strength check 6). Doro is able to force her way out, ripping through the strands (Strength check 16) but not making it out of the area of darkness.

Willa had escaped the webs already, but now finds herself being grasped by a veritable sea of black tentacles (DC14 Dex save > Willa 12; fails). She curses and struggles harder but to no avail, and the tentacles begin to smash into her as well as entwining around her (Indomitable; reroll save to 13, still fails; 12 points of bludgeoning damage). She lowers her center and finally wrenches free of the grasping tentacles (Strength check 23). She staggers a few feet away, and then turns around to face them in case she is pursued by the demon. “Thokk!” she calls, but there is no answer.

Aurora begins to send firebolts into the webs blocking off the hallway so that the mass of strands is now burning in multiple places.

[Thokk begins his turn stunned and in darkness, with it being both his first turn in the webs and his first turn in the black tentacles. Aurora’s firebolt from last round burns away the webs around him; he takes 7 damage from the fire (no reduction from rage) and is no longer in the webs. Since he is stunned at the start of his turn he automatically fails the first turn Dex save from the tentacles, takes 4 bludgeoning damage (2 after rage) and is restrained. By the end of his turn he is no longer stunned, the damage has preserved his rage, but he is still blinded by the darkness and restrained by the tentacles.]

The webs, which were not restraining the demon to begin with, burn off around it (4 damage reduced to 2 from fire resistance). It moves out of the area of the tentacles (DC14 Dex save < Demon 15, succeeds) and attacks Willa, but its poisoned tentacles don’t penetrate her armor (two attacks, both miss).

Round Five
The demon continues its assault on Willa - the blows themselves are easily resisted by her armor, but where its slimy flesh brushes her skin she immediately feels a sickly burning sensation (one hit, 7 bludgeoning and 21 poison damage; Willa is now at 18hp). Mathias blasts the demon (one hit, 3 points).

Tina is unable to free herself from the webs (Strength check 5), but the flame is creeping closer.

Still in the darkness and unseen by the others, Thokk is borne down and knocked senseless by the tentacles (Thokk starts his turn restrained and takes 14 damage (7 after rage) - he is now unconscious and this ends his rage. He had used his relentless endurance in the last fight).

Willa fights off the urge to retch from the poison and brings fire and steel to the demon (two hits, 46 damage but 38 after resistance to fire). “I cannae ‘ear Thokk!” she yells to the others. “‘e may be in trouble!” Her sword may be magical, but apparently the firelight it casts is normal light, for it does not penetrate the darkness of the sphere.

“On it!” replies Babshapka as he drops his bow and pack, then pulls a coil of rope free from the pack. He wraps one end of the rope around his wrist and tosses the other at Aurora’s feet, then turns and leaps through the leading edge of the flaming web (Acrobatics 11; Babshapka takes 3 fire damage and makes a DC10 Concentration save < Babs 16). Once in the darkness, he is immediately set upon by the tentacles but he manages to feel his way to where the barbarian’s body lies unmoving on the floor (Survival 14). He drops prone, covering as much of Thokk’s body as he can, protecting it from the blows of the tentacles that are even now beginning to rain down on him instead.

Ignoring the rope at her feet, Aurora places a goodberry into her mage hand and sends it in the direction Babshapka was headed when he entered the darkness. With the berry clenched in the last three fingers, she feels about for the ranger or barbarian with the thumb and index finger and quickly locates Thokk (Arcana 13 with disadvantage). The hand crawls across his body until it finds his head, then his open mouth, and finally pops the berry inside [Thokk now conscious and at 1hp].

[End of 10/14/21 play session]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:05 pm  
Post 353: A Dangerous Game

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 353: A Dangerous Game
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, outside entrance to the third level

[Start of 10/21/21 play session]
[The party is currently in battle against a tentacled demon, with the three drow who ambushed them having, unbeknownst to the party, retreated inside the barely-open doors to the third level.

Willa is currently at 18/93, free and fighting the demon
Babshapka is at 31/76, poisoned from a drow bolt, blinded while within a darkness spell, but not currently restrained by the tentacles of an Evard's Black Tentacles spell
Thokk is currently at 1hp, blinded by darkness, not enraged, and is restrained by the tentacles

Thokk is in a bad situation here; while restrained, he cannot leave the area of the spell. At the start of each turn, while restrained, he will automatically take damage from the spell - and even 1 point of damage will be enough to knock him unconscious. Once unconscious, further damage will result in an automatic failed death save, with three such failures meaning his death. Damage from a melee attack while unconscious actually results in two failed death saves, so the party is operating on the assumption that Thokk can be killed in the next two rounds if they can't get him out of the area of effect. But their efforts are being hindered by the darkness spell obscuring his precise location, and by the fact that anyone who enters the area to attempt to help him runs the risk of being restrained and battered into unconsciousness themselves.]

Round Six
[Thokk begins his turn restrained by the tentacles and would automatically take 10 bludgeoning damage; Babshapka is trying to lay on top of him and take the damage instead. The DM interprets this as Babshapka opting to fail his own Dex save for starting his own turn in the tentacles and taking this damage instead of Thokk; Babshapka now at 21/76. Thokk remains conscious and defers his Initiative until the end of the turn]

Now that the path forward has been burned clear of webs, Mathias moves into the darkness and is lost to view.

[Leezar realizes that the black tentacles have a very real chance of actually killing Thokk, and while that would certainly motivate the party to pursue the drow, it would also set back their capacity to subsequently reach the Vault. He decides to dispel the tentacles before it is too late. However, he does not want Aurora to know that he is capable of dispelling magic, since he has not used that spell in front of the party before. He enters the darkness (in which he can see perfectly well thanks to his fiend's sight) to disguise the somatic gestures, and speaks the verbal component of the spell as softly as he can to avoid her hearing; Leezar Performance 23; Aurora fails the Perception check.]

Suddenly Babshapka feels a cessation in the pounding he is receiving from the tentacles, and Thokk is free of their restraint. The sphere of darkness, however, remains.

Willa moves into the darkness from the north to better square off against the demon (two hits with flat rolls as she cannot see the demon but it cannot see her; 41 damage but 33 after fire resistance), but she sidles around it as she strikes (luck roll +1). She emerges in the long corridor of the prison cells, west of the darkness and blocked off from the view of the rest of the party by the sphere.

Aurora yells, “What should I do? Light? Goodberry? Anybody?” There is no response, just the grunts of Willa as she fends off the demon tentacles emerging from the darkness [Aurora defers].

The demon follows Willa out into the hall, slamming two tentacles into her but not penetrating her armor. It retreats back into the sphere [its tentacles are long enough that it can emerge from the darkness to attack her, then retreat into it without leaving Willa’s reach and provoking an opportunity attack].

Once he is sure the black tentacles are gone, Babshapka stands up and moves to the east, emerging from the darkness in front of two massive iron-plated doors. He looks them over (Perception 13 with disadvantage from poisoned condition). The one to his left is closed and flush with the frame, but the one to the right is slightly ajar, leaving a gap just wide enough for him - or a drow. He peeks his head inside and sees a stone corridor sloping steeply down.

Doro and Tina are now free of the webs, which have burned away around them. Doro remounts Tina and tries to guide her through the darkness in what she believes is the direction of the doors (Survival 22). They emerge to the east of the darkness and see Babshapka in the gap of the huge, slightly open door. Still invisible, Doro messages Babshapka (this, casting a spell, makes her but not Tina visible) - Hey, I’m right by the door with you - What’s going on?

Babshapka responds within the message rather than whispering, cautious about hidden drow that might be listening, I think the drow left through here but don’t see them. Thokk is up. Have you seen Willa? Indeed, from somewhere close at hand they can clearly hear the sound of Willa fighting the demon, but don’t know whether it is in the darkness or to some side of it they cannot see, since the obscurement is squarely centered on the intersection of hallways and blocks the view down each of them.

Thokk stands up gingerly, having been knocked unconscious twice in the last few minutes. He leaves the darkness in what he thinks is the direction Babshapka went (Survival 19). Hearing his evil advisor fighting, he calls to his fire-caster, “Ro-ra: Use lights to help Willa!”

Aurora uses her prestidigitation cantrip to send a shower of sparks into the darkness (which can’t be illuminated by non-magical light - but even a cantrip is enough to illuminate it). The only occupants of the sphere at present are revealed to be the demon, although it is clearly facing off against something to the west, since its long tentacles snake off in that direction, and Mathias, who turns quickly and gestures at Aurora to drop the sparks before the demon can see him. With the sparks to guide her (Arcana 11), Aurora walks through a corner of the darkness far away from the demon and toward the doors.

Round Seven
Willa drops back from the edge of the sphere (but not out of the ten foot reach of the demon) and shifts to a defensive stance (dodge action).

Thokk, having not seen Willa in the dark, bellows “What help you need, Evil Adviser?”

Doro, seeing Thokk arrive by the doors, dismounts and tells Tina to move south around the darkness and then west along the prison block walls, investigating whether other foes are on hand. Tina is still invisible (on Doro’s concentration) and moves away until she finds an opening in the south wall and giant-sized stairs going down. She relays to Doro that they lead to a cluttered room [2-7] with a high ceiling, a stone-rimmed well, many furnishings, and some gems and jewelries on the floor, but no humanoids, giants, or other living things about.

Doro nods as she listens to Tina’s inaudible report, but also strums along on her samisen and begins a song of healing (first round aura of vitality, 5 points to Thokk, Doro at 2/1/1/3/0).

The demon has heard Thokk’s bellowing and thinks that perhaps he is an easier target than Willa - it drops back further into the darkness and tries to find the source of the sound (Perception 2) but by then Thokk is quiet and listening for Willa’s response. It tries a random direction and runs into a wall. With no other targets, it moves back out into the light and attacks Willa again, but she guards herself against its blows (two attacks with disadvantage from Willa’s dodge both miss).

Aurora pops Scabbers in and out of his pocket dimension, bringing him instantly from where he has been waiting on the pile of dead gnolls in the pen to her current location, and then sends him south through the darkness after Tina. As he travels, she decides to tell him to find the ramp to the upper level and set up a watch on them, stopping whenever and wherever he first encounters creatures. He is to hide and watch, and she will summon him after a while.

Mathias remains in the darkness to protect himself, but he fires out of it at the demon. First though, he tries to dodge the remaining flaming webs as they collapse and fall from the walls and ceiling around him (Acrobatics 8; fails, takes 6 points of fire damage and then the webs have burnt past him). From his current position in the darkness, Mathias can see the demon but it can’t see him as he shoots (two hits with advantage, 16 points).

With no drow in sight, Babshapka takes time to cast a lesser restoration spell on himself, purging his body of the toxin delivered by the dark elf crossbow bolt (Babshapka at 0/1/2). He is no longer poisoned. He passes through the darkness to where he dropped his bow before he went after Thokk.

Round Eight
Babshapka moves out the other side of the darkness to the west corridor, just enough to see both the demon and Willa exchanging blows. He keeps most of his body in the darkness as he draws his bow back and transfer’s his hunter’s mark to the demon. Two arrows sink deep into the demon’s rubbery hide (two hits, 26 damage with mark) and its tentacles go limp. It falls over on its side and dissolves into a black and purple nauseating mass. Babshapka moves out of the darkness, to Willa’s side, to see how serious her wounds are and whether any of them are lingering, the way the crossbow poison did for him.

Tina moves back up the stairs of the cluttered chamber and into the hall. Cocking her head, she listens carefully (Perception 16). Near at hand, multiple creatures are barking in one of the prison cells. Farther off, giants are shouting. She moves to the far western end of the hall.

Doro continues to heal Thokk (second round of vitality, 4 points).

Willa waves away Babshapka’s concerned look, but does pull a potion of healing out of her bag to drink (restores 6 points, she has two of these remaining). Once she has downed it, she calls through the darkness at her team, “Okay, ther demon be dead. Stay alert far mar gigants.” She moves to the end of the west hall, parallel to Tina but in the northern rather than the southern branch.

Aurora and Thokk return to where they had been searching the bodies of the giants before.

XP Insertion II
4 wererats (CR2) 450 x 4 = 1800
2 ettins (CR4) 1100 x 2 = 2200
2 trolls (CR5) 1800 x 2 = 3600
4 hill giants (CR5) 1800 x 4 = 7200
2 fire giant servants (CR5) 1800 x 2 = 3600
7 fire giant warriors (CR9) 5000 x 7 = 35000
1 Yochlol demon (CR10) 5900
Total 59,300 / 6 = 9883 each
All of the characters now have enough xp for 11th level, but will need a long rest to level.

Round Nine
Thokk and Aurora together search the knotty-limbed giant smith and find a pouch with small, precision crafting tools, but no valuables.

Mathias remains in the sphere of darkness and watches the hallways in all directions. He has removed a pre-rolled cigarette and is beginning to smoke it.

Willa drinks another healing potion (healed for 6 points; one potion left). From her vantage near the temple entrance, she doesn’t see anything coming.

Babshapka moves to the strange purple wall, pulls out the inverted Y pendant they obtained in the Steading, and tries to see if it reacts in any way to the wall, or to the proximity of the temple. He doesn’t feel anything (Arcana 2; critical fail).

Scabbers is scurrying as fast as he can down the hall (dash) to move into the position that Aurora told him to take.

Tina has moved east in the southern corridor, and is listening at the door beyond which Charlotte saw human women before. However, the room is now quiet (Perception 18).

[In fact, the giant Gaoler from there had followed Obmi's command and prepared the wererats, male and female, for the party’s return when he enlisted four of them in the ambush. The Gaoler himself, at the first sounds of the attack, grabbed his full supply of the incapacitating oil of taggit and ran upstairs. The King might want to coat his weapons with the oil should the party breach the throne room, and since the drow have already sacrificed both the Empyreon and the elven Princess, there are no prisoners left that could not safely fall into the party’s hands - or at least none that are worth the Gaoler risking his own life over!]

Doro sends healing to Thokk (6 points, third round of vitality).

Round Ten
Thokk and Aurora work together to search one of the fire giant servants - they don’t find any treasure.

Willa drops back to where Babshapka stands in front of the purple wall. She listens intently (Perception 16) and hears a faint but persistent clicking sound - like that of a bag of flour that has weevils inside. Babshapka hears it as well (Perception 22).

Mathias slips out of the sphere of darkness, through the huge iron doors, and into the long, downward-sloping corridor. The passageway itself is dark but he can see torchlight ahead and below.

Doro, following Thokk and Aurora, heals Thokk (5 points, fourth round). Tina stealthily slinks back to her.

Round Eleven
Thokk and Aurora search a fire giant warrior; they find a few loaves of bread in his bag, but the party bag of holding is nearly full of the preserved rations they took from the hand car.

Babshapka tells Willa what he heard from the drow talking amongst themselves, and that he will move towards the stairs - he is a better scout and forward observer than she is. She agrees and begins to return to the party. He reaches the forge and listens from outside.

Doro heals Thokk (3 points, fifth round).

Scabbers continues to scamper down the hall.

Round Twelve
Willa, seeing the hallway behind her clear, dashes back towards the party.

Doro heals Thokk (8 points, sixth round).

Aurora and Thokk search another fallen fire giant warrior. His armor has been disintegrated by multiple blaster shots, and the only thing they find on him beside his war bag with throwing rocks is a much smaller pouch with a set of knucklebones - which look like they may have been taken from something as large as an ox.

[The drow of the temple have been playing a most dangerous game. They have, in fact, received word from Eclavdra that they are to work with the human Leezar, and assist him in his plan to implicate the Lolth-worshipping drow in the giant attacks. However, they have also been told to get confirmation that it is in fact Leezar who is directing the group. There is more than one band of adventurers in the world, and his might not be the only one coming to Sterich's defense. It would be disastrous if they helped a group that did not contain their ally to overcome the giants. They did not see the party's attacks outside, and although they have witnessed the party fighting in these halls several times now, on each occasion they had obscured their identities by seeming as gnolls, so they are not sure that this is the correct group.

Furthermore, Eclavdra still is holding onto the option that this group of adventurers can be crushed and her plan to capture Sterich can move forward. She doesn't mind seeing Leezar lose so long as she can clearly win. The Hill Giants are spent, true, but the Fire Giants are still a credible threat and, with time, the new Jarl of the Frost Giants might be brought around to their side. However, for this to work, Leezar will need to be captured and removed from the board. If his group is defeated but he gets away, Eclavdra will be implicated in his failure while he goes on to recruit another band of adventuring dupes and complains to his patron about Eclavdra's lack of cooperation. Thus, she has confided to her priestess in the Hall that crushing the party is an option only so long as Leezar is taken alive, and once the priestess learned that the party has access to the teleport circle spell she has been more circumspect in her plans.

Thus, when the trio of drow ambushed the party, they needed to make sure that the party was inconvenienced, but survived, at least until they could ascertain whether Leezar was among them. The mage opened with witch bolt rather than lightning bolt, and the priestess with web rather than insect plague. Their goal was to goad the party into chasing them to the third level, not to wipe them out. But neither could they be so careful not to hurt the party that one of their own got hurt or captured. In short, they must present a very convincing threat to the party without anyone but Leezar realizing their actual plan. The mage and priestess invented the dialogue about retreating to the Fane to prepare the invasion, and made sure to say it loud enough to be 'overheard'.

In their rectory, they have carefully arranged things to appear as if they are fleeing in haste; leaving some minor items behind but taking everything truly of importance with them. They are taking the scrolls of recall, gate, divine word, and greater restoration and their tentacle rods (although they will have to be careful not to use these on the party in case Leezar has already claimed that they serve the spider queen), and the potion of heroism. They are leaving behind the potions of growth, mind control, poison, the two philtres of love, and several bottles of the inks needed to pen scrolls. The priestess had even instructed the mage, days ago when the party first attacked, to prepare a fresh scroll each of dispel magic and see invisibility - her own limiting communing with the Elder Elemental God having revealed that the party mage in Leezar’s group would particularly want these spells if she thought she would be facing drow. By leaving these scrolls as if dropped or forgotten in their flight they will make them available to the mage, ease her fears, and encourage her to immediately pursue them into the Underdark rather than retreating back to Sterich to augment her spell repertoire and better prepare. The trio are also taking the easily transportable coins and gems, but leaving the priestess’ ceremonial robes and all the valuable but bulky furnishings and accouterments of the rectory. Most importantly, however, the priestess has carefully drawn up a document to be left behind ‘proving’ that the drow plot involving the giants was the work of Lolth.

They have also made sure that the trap in the Temple will delay the party, but not permanently harm any of them.

Under the direction of the priestess, the mage has altered the party’s false teleport circle. He has crossed some things out and replaced or altered others. To Obmi they have claimed that this was done to prevent the party from using it, but the dwarf doesn’t read Abyssal, and could not know that they have laid their own message there, explaining to Leezar that the way to the Underdark lies on the third level of the Hall.]

Mathias moves thirty feet down the sloping tunnel and then vanishes into the darkness again, looking and listening. There is an open doorway at the end of the tunnel, and beyond that, a much larger space - there may be an entire level down here, which matches what the servant on the handcar said.

[When Leezar reaches the bottom of the ramp, he uses a message spell to reach out into the darkness of the third level and call to the drow. He repeats, to many different directions, We got it from here - will try to send them this way.

Eventually an answer comes back, Are you Leezar?

Yes, I am, he replies. Born on the river, for the glory of the Dark Prince.

The underdark is this way - we left incriminating papers ‘behind’ in our room - make sure they get found.

Great, he responds. Where is your room?

Near the Temple, behind the purple stone wall. But the wall is trapped for anyone not a drow - there is a secret way to enter through the back, through a false, empty cell.

Noted. We will attack and kill followers of Lolth.

There are spider-b**** followers down here in the caves - we may be able to put some of them in your way. But the important thing is to get your group headed for the Fane in the Vault, beyond Erelhei-Cinlu.

Good. I will try to get them to leave this area and pursue you as soon as I can. But Snurre might not make it.

He has outlived his usefulness. Do what you have to do. May the Elder Elemental God be with you.

And the Dark Prince. Leezar turns away - he needs to get back to the party before he is missed. For making successful contact with his allies, he is awarded an Inspiration Point - he now has two stored.

Round Thirteen
Babshapka doesn’t hear anything from the forge room except the roiling lava. The shouts of giants come from the direction of the stairs up to the level above, though. He can’t make out their words, but he is confident, at least, that they are not getting closer (Perception 13).

Willa reaches Aurora, Thokk, and Doro. She tells the two other women what Babshapka said the drow said; "Priestess, the surface dwellers are too powerful. Even after their fight with the giants." "Yes, that is why the idiotic Snurre failed. We must retreat to the Fane and prepare the invasion."

“What’s a Fane?” asks Aurora, who doesn’t recognize the word.

[Later, when they have the chance to ask Babshapka, he explains that it means a protected shrine or temple (Religion 13)]

Doro heals Thokk (11 points, seventh round).

Thokk and Aurora search another fallen fire giant warrior, but find no valuables.

“‘ey nonny,” says Willa, looking about, “war be Mat’ias?” (He is, at the moment, dashing back up the sloping corridor).

Suddenly the sphere of darkness that had been blocking their view of the corridor south disappears, and the doors to the next level down are plainly visible.

Round Fourteen
Mathias pops out of the barely open door. The darkness being gone, he is immediately seen by the rest of the party. “That’s the entrance to the next level,” he says, gesturing over his shoulder and behind him. “That’s where the drow are, when we are ready to face them.”

“Tain’t now,” says Willa. “Wha’ aboot a shart rest in ther entrance ter ther temple? If we hae chased off ther drow, mayhaps tha’ be ther safest place aboots.”

Doro heals Thokk (6 points, eighth round).

Thokk and Aurora search another fallen fire giant warrior, finding only another set of knucklebones.

Round Fifteen
Doro heals Willa (7 points, ninth round).

“I don’t think we should rest in the temple,” says Mathias. “The drow might be gone, but Doro said the temple is sized for giants, and they might go there at any moment. We need to hole up some place they would never go…how about one of those prison cells? There should be some that are unoccupied, and they’d have no reason to look in there.”

Willa scowls. The idea of putting themselves voluntarily in one of the prison cells does not sit well with her. They might as well turn their weapons over to Snurre while they are at it. But with the ettins still in the Tunnel, it is not like they can return to their camp there unnoticed. And if they kill the ettins to get by them, they are too big to move back into the Hall and their bodies would still lead the giants to the party.

Aurora and Thokk search the last fire giant warrior. He has rocks and a little food, but nothing else. Thokk gestures at the hill giant bodies, and Aurora shakes her head. Confident in her understanding of the Ord’ning, she can’t believe that lowly hill giants would be carrying treasure when the mighty fire giants do not.

[What Aurora doesn’t know and hasn’t considered is that the fire giants are at home in the Hall - they don’t walk around with their treasure, since it is safely stored in their own barracks and bedrooms. The hill giant refugees, on the other hand, are used to carrying everything they own in their mildewed leather bags. They don’t dare leave anything in the ‘guest rooms’ that have been appointed to them, because they don’t trust the other giants, neither their own companions nor the fire giants, and their quarters have already changed once when Obmi re-positioned them closer to the ambush point. As a matter of fact, each of them is currently carrying a large number of gold coins, but Aurora’s insistence that searching them would be a waste of time means that their wealth remains undiscovered by the party.]

Round Sixteen
Doro heals Willa (6 points, tenth round, end of song of vitality, Willa at 43/93).

With no giants immediately setting upon them, Willa begrudgingly agrees that it can’t hurt to see what empty cells are available and what they are like. The party spreads out, quickly reporting that there are five such places [2-1c (formerly the elven princess), 4c, 6c, 8c, 14c (formerly the empyrean)]. The cell doors all open out, and all are barred from the outside with stout pieces of wood, but there don’t appear to be locks on any of the doors (despite the fact that Charlotte previously saw a key ring in the Gaoler’s room).

While most of the party debates the merits of entering a cell, Aurora is suddenly transfixed, watching through Scabber’s eyes. The rat has reached the ramp to the upper hall, and found there a single fire giant warrior. He appears to be guarding the ramp, not advancing. Every now and then he will shout over his shoulder at the floor above, or listen to shouts from there, but neither Aurora nor Scabbers understand Giant, and Babshapka is still on watch near the forge.

Willa and Thokk work together to open one of the cells [2-4c], the first empty one to the south of the doors to the next level down. The huge bar is set in brackets at a comfortable height between the waist and chest of a fire giant, but twelve feet off the ground. Willa, standing on Thokk’s shoulders as he leans up against the door, is able to lift the bar from its brackets and then pass it down to him without them both toppling to the ground. The barred window is at face height for the giants and out of reach for them. Once the door bar is removed, it is easy enough to pull the door open.

The cell beyond is bare, featureless stone, some ten feet wide and twenty feet deep. It is cool inside, at least cooler than the roasting hallway with its flaming jets of gas. There is certainly ample room inside the cell for the party, but how could they remain unseen through the window if the giants look in?

Aurora, walking by the open cell, suddenly turns her head and stares. She still has her detect magic running, cast just before she left the Tunnel and entered the Hall. It was supposed to help her detect invisible drow, but now she feels a definite pull (Arcana 28).

Entering the cell, she senses illusion magic coming from the back wall. She points Thokk toward it. The barbarian moves to the back of the cell and carefully examines the stone, looking for any sign of a secret door or hidden passage, but finds none (Thokk Investigation 12). “Ro-ra, this just stone,” he says disappointedly.

Aurora frowns and enters herself, thinking that at least it is not trapped or warded. She runs her hand over the wall and squints. She can, faintly, see a narrow gap some six feet high and three feet wide leading to a dark passage (Arcana 18). But when she tries to enter, her hand touches only the cool stone and she cannot force her way past (Investigation 10, critical fail). Is the illusion the image of the passage beyond, and the stone wall what is real? Or vice versa?

Doro enters the cell as Thokk exits and she moves to the far wall. “A passage!” she says excitedly (Investigation 19) and easily slides past Aurora, to whom it appears she is entering the stone wall itself. Aurora tries to follow and still can’t. She recalls Scabbers from the ramp to her side. When the others also have trouble entering the passage, Doro tells them to close their eyes as she guides them past the illusion of the solid stone wall and into the narrow gap. Eventually Doro, Mathias, Thokk, and Aurora have all entered. Babshapka remains on guard between the forge and the ramp to above, while Willa waits fretfully outside the cell itself. Tina has tried to enter, but found the passage too narrow - she has moved back to the Tunnel entrance and is now keeping a watchful eye on the ettins.

[DM's Note: The Tales from the Yawning Portal conversion of G3 has the entrance to the rectory from the cell a secret door that can only be opened by a key the priestess carries, but it suited my plot better to have the entrance be covered by an illusion modeled after the illusions covering the secret entrances to the Temple]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Dec 17, 2024 10:10 pm  
Post 354: The Rectory

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

In both the original G3 and the 5e Tales from the Yawning Portal version, the secret exit from the drow Priestess' chamber opens into one of the cells on the prison level. But there is no indication in the map or text how one is supposed to proceed from there. If the cell has to be left open for the secret exit to be used, it's not that great of a secret, and if the cell is closed, it is a poor exit. The addition of the false window bars is my own attempt to make this more like something the Priestess could use.

Content Advisory My group is currently all adults, and I do play up the sexual nature of the drow, especially those in service of the Dark Prince. The description of the rectory in this post takes what is in the original and adds more specific detail, more flowery than explicit, but there is strong sexual content in the language.

Post 354: The Rectory
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, false prison cell

[10/21/21 play session - continued]

The passageway itself is some ten feet deep and seems to end in bare stone, but the side they all entered from appears to be a solid wall behind them as well. Aurora still senses illusion magic, and Doro is able to help them through the imaginary wall at the far end.

Once on the other side, they enter into a lavishly furnished and decorated inner chamber, some thirty feet wide and twenty feet deep [2-12S]. The room is lit by thick black candles as well as two small braziers of black and silver. The walls are covered in woven tapestries that immediately demand their attention. Of exquisite craftsmanship, they show realistic but lurid depictions of an erotic nature. Dark elf females, scantily clad or completely naked, are everywhere, being serviced by an assortment of dark elf males, male and female humans, and demons. The drow females are free and in control - but all the others are typically bound in some manner, either in light physical restraints like leather collars and bracers for the elves, heavier ones like metal chains and manacles for the humans, or magical eldritch restraints for the demons. The drow females have flushed faces, dilated pupils, and other signs of arousal and pleasure, while the others, especially the humans, show a disturbing mix of pleasure and pain. Thokk grins stupidly, turning in a slow circle and greedily leering at all the naked women. The others note that these drow women are of much fuller figures, with more ample curves, than the rather androgynous surface elves that any of them have ever seen.

Once they can tear themselves away from the tapestries (Doro first, Thokk not for the entire time he is in the room), they note that the chamber also contains a large bed, two small tables, two coffers, a buffet, a cabinet, a large wardrobe, two divans with a low chest between them, a dressing table and chair, a large mirror, two hampers, and two chests. All of the furnishings are of ebony or black stone, and most have silver inlay. A small screen of ebony inlaid with amber sets off a dressing area in the southeast corner near the wardrobe, where a low backed chair stands with a gown thrown over it. The screen effectively hides the location of the illusionary wall from which they emerged, such that someone in the room proper would not be able to see if someone else had slipped through the wall and into the passage leading to the prison cell.

“Magic?” says Mathias to Aurora, whose attention has again been drawn to the strangely captivating women in the tapestries.

“Oh…ah…yes!” she says, creasing her brow and concentrating.

Using her spell, Aurora confirms that magic is emanating from the coffer on the low table, a coffer near the bed, and all of the candles. The illusionary wall appears unique, with no other exit to the room, physical or magical.

Doro’s Guild training leaves her suspicious that such a room would have one access only, so she sets about looking for physical exits. The floor and ceiling are bare and quickly searched, but to look at the walls she has to go behind the tapestries (Investigation 17). It does not take her long to find an open doorway leading to another chamber, with a high step-up threshold so that it is completely hidden behind a wall hanging. When Doro emerges to show the others, they note that the tapestry in question depicts a naked drow woman reclining, but gazing languidly at the observer in a ‘full frontal’ view. The two halves of the tapestry actually overlap, so that the entrance is easy to access but cunningly concealed. To reach the passage, one would reach up and actually part the legs of the woman, opening her very maidenhood to step within.

By this point Willa, who remained in the prison cell, is nervously pacing, checking the hallway outside for giants but listening to the passageway in the cell for any sign that the others are in trouble, and wondering if she would be able to move through what looks to her very much like a solid stone wall if they needed her help. As she turns around yet again, she sees something at chest height (her chest height, not that of a giant) on the inside of the large wooden cell door. It is a small block of wood, looking like a handle or something to hold on to in order to pull the door closed, but it is actually set in a groove - and currently all the way at the upper end. She stops pacing, grabs the block, and slides it down. High above her, the metal bars set in the cell door window slide down as well, sinking into the thick center of the door and leaving the window completely open. She steps back and stares at it in surprise. Wondering how to reach it, she suddenly realizes that what looks like random damage to the door, dents in the wood from the blows of a desperate prisoner, are actually carefully placed but shallow hand- and toe-holds, so that someone light and nimble could easily climb up to the open window. It dawns on Willa that the door is constructed so as to be barred from the outside and unopenable, but to still allow those within to quickly leave through the window, so long as they are of human or similar size.

Willa moves to the back of the cell and calls for Thokk. It takes the others several attempts to pry him away from the tapestries and get him to realize that his evil advisor needs his assistance. When he finally emerges into the cell, Willa directs him in helping her close the door from the outside and replace the bar, then climb up first to the bar, and once standing on that, through the open window. There is a small catch in the window that either frees or locks the bars in place, up or down, and when free they slowly rise back up as if counterweighted to seal off the window.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Aurora focuses her attention on the coffers (Arcana 17). The one on the low chest by the bed has abjuration magic. “It could be a ward or trap,” she says to the others. “Don’t touch it for now.” The other coffer, the one by the bed, has a welter of conflicting schools - but she does not sense abjuration amongst them, so feels a little safer about letting that one be handled.

Aurora begins to look for a physical trap on one of the coffers with her mage hand while Mathias and Doro move down the far passageway into the next chamber [2-12], having to pass through a brocaded hanging of black with orange, gold, lilac, and mauve to reach it - the hanging physically conceals the passage from within the room they enter. The chamber beyond is only slightly larger than the previous one. One wall, to the north, shows the same purple stone as in the corridor outside the Temple and by its placement may very well be its other side. It is lit by the same black candles that were found in the previous chamber, but fewer, so the illumination is eerie and dim. The walls are hung with purple cloth, and the floor is thickly carpeted in black.

A smoldering copper brazier gives off an incense-like smoke that is sweet, cloying, decayed-smelling, disgusting, alluring, and euphoric all at once. In the candlelit room are two low black couches, each inlaid with silver. To one side sit a round table and two armchairs. At the foot of each couch is a low table with a basin and ewer made of jasper. Small stools and enameled coffers provide a bit of decoration. The room itself, though not as lavish as the previous, is in considerable disarray - the chests are open and a few clothes are strewn about. One of the tables has been knocked over. The candles look freshly lit.

Mathias and Doro attempt to search the room, but they find the whole experience disorienting. The incense makes them feel dizzily intoxicated and from time to time they could swear they are actually sinking into the deep carpet (Perceptions 4 (critical fail), 8 ). The ceiling is bare - Mathias makes quite sure there are no insects crawling about it, for both of them can hear a faint clicking sound.

Mathias returns through the more lavish chamber and into the cell with Willa. “I don’t think we can find a better place to rest than this,” he says. “I don’t know if the giants know about this place, but they certainly can’t fit in here. It is defensible and unseen from the hall, and it will likely take them some time to realize that the drow have left.” Try as she might, Willa can’t find anything to disagree with. She admits that the party should take at least a short rest there. Babshapka is recalled from scout duty the hall and the false bars are set back in the window so that anyone looking in the cell will still believe it deserted while the party is in the two chambers.

(1:30am) - party begins a short rest
Babshapka steps foot inside the first chamber, looks around in disgust at the tapestries, and immediately turns back. He tells the others he will take up guard in the cell, flush up against the wall just inside the door and invisible from the window (hide in plain sight), while he listens carefully. Scabbers is still on guard at the base of the ramp to the first level of the Hall.

Confident that they will be here for a while, Doro begins a tiny hut ritual in the lavish bedroom while Aurora moves into the second chamber and casts about with her ongoing detect magic. The purple wall radiates strong transmutation magic, the candles seem like evocation (the same as in the previous room), but there is something else - something behind one of the divans. It is more subtle, but definitely present.

Suspecting a trap, she calls for Thokk and asks him to investigate. He carelessly shoves aside the furniture, hoping to find a poisonous monster or death pit, but finds only a simple scroll tube on the floor - perhaps dropped at some point and rolling unseen behind the divan. He shrugs disappointedly, picks it up as she winces, and hands it off to her when it does not explode.

Aurora checks the tube for wards and doesn’t find any (Investigation 20). There is plenty in the first room she would still like to investigate (starting with the coffers) in addition to opening the tube, but after a brief discussion with the others the importance of binding their wounds and resting take precedence to her curiosity for the moment. She carefully uses her mage hand to lower the tube into the bag of holding.

Still hopeful for threats, Thokk looks under the black carpet, but finds no giant insects to go along with the clicking sound. The room ‘clear’, Mathias begins a second hut ritual in there. As the party stands down, it appears that Mathias will be in this chamber by himself, while Doro, Aurora, Thokk, and Willa return to the more lavish chamber to be included in Doro’s hut. Babshapka remains on guard in the false prison cell.

The twin huts are up.

At the ramp to the next level up, Scabbers witnesses the arrival of a dwarf and gnolls - the very same ones he saw before when he was Charlotte, clinging to the ceiling of the entry to the Hall. Aurora is inside the hut, so their telepathic connection is blocked by the warding power of the spell, and he cannot inform her mentally. The rat scurries down the stairs to the prison level, trying to reach Aurora before the dwarf does.

His tiny claws find purchase in the wood of the cell door, and he squeezes easily through the sham bars. Babshapka notes his dash across the floor of the cell and listens more intently, trying to discover the source of the rat’s concern, and then follows him into the first chamber. The rat is chirping and valiantly scratching at the dome of the hut, but his sounds are muffled and unnoticed to those inside, even Aurora. Babshapka starts pounding his fists on the dome and eventually attracts their attention.

When Aurora finally rouses and comes out, she receives a flood of telepathic communication from the rat. “There’s someone coming!” she says in alarm and Babshapka immediately hushes her, for at this point the clanging armor of fire giant warriors can be heard in the outer hall, even by those within the lavish chamber.

Babshapka returns to the cell, while Aurora sends Scabbers after him then fetches everyone but Doro out of the hut. The rat is in plain sight, descending the outside of the prison door head first just as the first gnolls are rounding the corner. They are used to this level being crawling with wererats and they ignore Aurora’s familiar. Scabbers notes that there is the dwarf, many gnolls, and two fully armored adult fire giant warriors.

[Obmi is not here to fight; Snurre has not given him the forces for that. Indeed, if he sighted the party at this point he would flee. Rather, he is here to survey the damage. The escaping Gaoler has informed him of the failed ambush, and he now assumes that all of Snurre’s forces were defeated and the party victorious, but he is here to confirm it - as well as to render aid to any giant that actually survived the fight. He needs to know what the situation is here on the ground so that he can plan his next move. He has brought his entire gnoll retinue with him to scout and sniff out the party, as well as two giant warrior guards, the only compliment Snurre is allowing him at this point. He has come in his own heavy armor as well.]

The group, under the direction of the dwarf, advances cautiously down the hallways, with the gnolls scouting by both sight and smell, and thoroughly checking down corridors before the dwarf enters them. When the second giant has passed the prison cell door, Scabbers slips in line behind him, the better to listen. Babshapka, inside the cell, presses himself up against the wall and listens as well, but for the moment Obmi is not saying anything.

As they continue north up the passageway and pass the doors that lead to the third level, Babshapka moves to the back of the cell and is joined there by Aurora. When Obmi next speaks, Scabbers reproduces the sounds in her mind, she repeats them as faithfully as she can, and Babshapka attempts to translate the garbled third-hand Giant.

Suddenly the giants freeze - seeing just the first of the giant bodies still lying in the hall. They begin to mutter dark oaths to Annam All-Father. “Yeah, they’re dead, you oafs!” Obmi snaps at them. “Get over it and keep moving. Come on!” the dwarf berates them as they continue to advance up the hall to the three-way intersection. When they reach the corpses themselves they check them, one by one, for any signs of life. “Murderers…” mutters one giant when they find the repeated cut throats that indicate the adventurers have made sure there were no survivors by methodically slaughtering the wounded and unconscious.

Their approach is easily heard by Tina, still waiting in the rail chamber just outside the Tunnel. There are precious few places to hide. She leaps over the trapped wire and enters the tunnel itself. The ettins are still so far back they are beyond the range of her darkvision.

When Scabbers reaches the dead hill giants he pauses while climbing over a body. On the highest peak he can reach, he surveys the room while Obmi gives a cursory examination to the dead rat-men, the giants look about and the gnolls move into the dens to the north.

The gnolls return and report to Obmi. He moves off to the south den, leaving the view of Scabbers, who can’t advance any further without moving beyond the telepathic range of Aurora. A few minutes later Obmi returns, asking the gnolls in Giant, “I thought you said there were two dead ettins in there? Where are the other two?”

The dwarf pulls a war hammer off his belt and then bangs several times on the rails so that the clangs echo down the length of the tunnel. “Hey!” he shouts at the entrance. “You damn ettins in there? Or did they kill you, too?”

Tina is reasonably stealthy for a wolf the size of a small horse, but there is nowhere for her to hide in a fifteen-foot bare circular tunnel. If the ettins return, they will see her. When Babshapka translates what Aurora says Scabbers hears, he realizes what is about to happen, and moves quickly to warn Doro. Doro has to leave the hut, dispelling it, in order to dismiss Tina, but she does so just before the returning ettins come upon her steed.

The ettins emerge from the tunnel, gingerly stepping over the tripwire while Obmi berates them. When he finally gives them a chance to speak, they say defensively that they were told to make sure the party did not escape back down the tunnel, and that is just what they did. “Oh, is everyone else dead?” suggests one ettin head, but his surprise is so poorly feigned that even his other head scowls at him.

[This is the second time the party has emerged from the tunnel; there is a 20% chance that the ettins found evidence of the party leading to their campsite there: d% = 90, not found.]

After Obmi goes through the railcar supply room, he moves back down the tunnel and checks the guest quarters where Estia and the cloud giants had been. Scabbers follows him just to the hallway, but not into the rooms themselves. Obmi then gathers his gnolls, the two ettins, and the fire giant warriors and retreats back to the ramp to the floor above. Scabbers tries to follow but falls behind; by the time he catches up, Obmi is conversing with a third fire giant warrior who has remained there to guard the ramp, while his gnolls are just returning from the hallway to the south and reporting that the giants there are fine and have not seen the party. Scabbers gets as close as he can to the conversation without losing his contact with Aurora (who has moved into the carpeted room to be closer) and strains to listen.

(Scabbers Perception 18) “It looks like they are gone,” says Obmi to the guard, “but they might still be hiding somewhere. Let’s evacuate this whole level. I’m going to go talk to the King. Once everyone is out, make sure no one else comes down here without permission of me, or the King.” The giant gives some kind of salute to acknowledge the dwarf’s order, and Obmi moves up the ramp.

[On his way to talk to Snurre, Obmi realizes that his order to evacuate the level does not include those in the prison cells. Counting off on his fingers, he mentally goes through the prisoners and tries to decide whether any of them are worth saving - or must not be taken by the party. The Gaoler told him that the wererats said that the drow had already sacrificed the elven princess and the empyrean. The latter was certainly a huge liability should the party recover him and remove the drugs from his system, so that is a spot of good news. The princess perhaps could have been dangled in front of the party to buy the Hall time, but surely they would have tried to rescue her if they had known about her, and really there was nowhere that she could have been kept safe from them without placing her in Snurre’s own throne room, which would have brought its own complications. It’s just as well she is dead, then, too. Now that he thinks of the drow, though, where are they after the party’s attack? Shouldn’t they have brought word of it to Snurre by now? Perhaps the party eliminated them as well, which would certainly be to his benefit. One can hope.

Obmi continues off on his mental list of prisoners as he attains the first level of the Hall and starts towards the throne room. The centaurs and elven commoners were the playthings of the drow and of no use to him or the party, so they can rot in their cells for all Obmi cares. Boldo, Snurre’s former adviser, would certainly be useful as a warrior, but returning him would complicate Obmi’s access to, and influence over, Snurre at a time when he needs as much as possible of both. No, Boldo can stay there for now, if the party hasn’t already killed him. He was stupidly loyal to Snurre anyway, so they are unlikely to get any useful information from him, fortunately. There was a human merchant - a long-term prospect for ransom, but of no use in the current situation, so he can stay put. The torture-practice troll has no use to anyone now that the King’s Torturer has been killed by the party. The half-score of gnoll prisoners could be useful as scouts and fodder, and Obmi even stops in his tracks for a second, contemplating returning to free them. Then he remembers that they were all imprisoned for insubordination. The least loyal of the gnolls, how would they react upon learning that almost all of their own kind are dead? If Obmi can find the party, it might be worth freeing them just before an attack on the humans, but if done too far in advance it would lead to more problems than they are worth. He begins walking again. That leaves…the human assassin. Her, Obmi was hoping to eventually turn and recruit as his own agent in the Hall and abroad. A pity he hasn’t had more time with her, but he certainly doesn’t trust her yet. Unfortunately, she actually could be of great use to the party if they freed her. He stops again. He can’t use her now but he wants to make sure the party can’t, either. Is it worth going back to kill her, when Snurre is even now waiting to speak to him? But then, why should the party trust her? Surely they know better than to free an assassin who could be working for Snurre - she certainly won’t seem like she has been mistreated as a prisoner, which should immediately make them suspicious. And they are loaded with enough magic, one of them has to have some sort of alignment detection or thought reading, right? No, they might free her, but there is no way they are going to trust her. Obmi resumes his walk to Snurre, jogging a bit to make up for lost time.]

Over the course of the next twenty minutes, a number of giants move out of the southern portion of the level and up the ramp, overseen by the guard and spied on by Scabbers. Each is carrying bags, boxes, or bedrolls as well as other sundries. They include a fire giant warrior [2-5], three unarmored fire giant adults [servants, 2-5], and four fire giant youths [2-5]. There are also two stone giants [2-3]. Later, when Aurora recounts this to the party, Willa and Babshapka declare that those stone giants must be the ambassadors and their looked-for contacts. Babshapka still has the two runes given to him by the Thane and the Shaman - but how can they establish contact with the Stone Giants, without the Fire Giants knowing?

[Obmi’s meeting with Snurre goes as expected - the King is bellowing accusations and running scared. He demands to know what Obmi is going to do about the party. He demands to know why Obmi’s vaunted ambush didn’t work (and responding that the King denied him sufficient forces for it to work is not an option). The only good part of the meeting is learning that the drow have not contacted the King, either - they haven’t been seen or heard from since the start of the party’s attack, lending still further hope that the party dispatched them as well. It takes some time, but Obmi calms the King down enough so that they can put together a working plan. The King agrees to the evacuation of the second level, which is good, since it is already in progress if not complete. It will cut them off from the drow and the troll reserves on the third level, but all available warriors will be defending just the first level, for which there is only one access point (assuming the gates to the outside remain closed). Obmi assures Snurre that if the party was still battle-worthy they would have continued their attack. Thus they must be resting and recovering now. But since the ettins reported that they hadn’t retreated down the tunnel, and since the drow foiled their teleport circle, they must be hiding somewhere on the second level. That means that they may be counter-attacked. Obmi tells the King that he will find them, and all the forces of the Hall remaining will attack them before they have recovered their strength. That will be their end, he assures the King.]

[With the entire second level evacuated, the DM stops using the standard wandering encounter table from the module. Instead, there is now a special encounter table for just Obmi and his forces as he tries to find the party. There will be a luck roll made every hour; in the first hour, the party would need a -4 luck for Obmi to arrive. Every hour there has not been an encounter, the chance will increase by one (so -3, -2 etc.). If there is an encounter with Obmi, a second luck roll will determine what forces he has brought with him:

-4 Gnolls, Hellhounds, Ettins, and Fire Giant warriors
-3 Gnolls, Hellhounds, and Ettins
-2 Gnolls and Hellhounds
-1 Gnolls
0+ Just Obmi, scouting while invisible

2-3am Luck roll: +1 Required for encounter: -4 Result: No encounter]

Up through (2:30am)
Doro doesn’t bother to re-cast her hut just yet. Instead, she takes up her samisen and plays soothing music, magically enhanced to help the party as they rest and recover. Nearly an hour later everyone is refreshed (song of rest +5hp when spending HD).

Thokk spends 3HD (13, 5, 12) for 35hp
Babshapka spends 6HD (7, 10, 2, 3, 3, 8 ) for 38hp; now at 53/76
Willa spends 3HD (11, 3, 12) for 31hp; now at 74/93

[The party has now had a short rest. Depleted of spells and HD, they would like to take a long rest - but unfortunately, they woke up and started their day at midnight, less than three hours ago. It will take until 4pm, more than 13 hours from now, before they can even begin a long rest. They are spent, to be sure, but not actually tired.]

The rest of the party moves into the room with the carpet (Mathias still remaining in his private hut). Aurora stands in the open frame of the passageway, one hand holding open the salacious tapestry, the other controlling her mage hand as it explores the room, which the rest of the party has left largely untouched as she requested.

Since the coffer on the side table had the abjuration magic on it, she saves that for last, and instead opens the coffer next to the bed. She can see a number of bottles inside. On the dressing table, she opens each of ten small jars in turn. The room begins to fill with alluring, but not overpowering, scents (the incense in the braziers having gone out some time ago). She opens the three chests and the door of the wardrobe, and checks the buffet for drawers (finding none). The wardrobe holds a number of garments hanging, but one appears wrapped in some sort of protective garment bag. This she takes out and lays on the bed.

When all her searching at a distance is done and nothing has exploded, Aurora enters the room and Babshapka moves to the open door frame to watch her. She looks through the remainder of the hanging clothes in the wardrobe. They are sized for a singular female of about Aurora’s size but rather more well-endowed. There are casual silk robes, a full body suit of supple leather, and a pair of well-made but unexceptional silk dresses. One of the hampers contains silk undergarments, with supporting parts strangely strong and simultaneously elastic. The other contains a number of different leather restraints, such as are depicted in the tapestries, as well as a short braided leather whip. One of the chests contains bedclothes, one outerwear such as a number of cloaks of different weights and a pair of fine leather boots, and one several pairs of cotton tunics and leather breeches. All of them look exquisitely made but contain no embedded gems or gold thread. All of these Aurora spreads out across the floor, or drapes over the chairs and divans, setting them up for a future detect magic.

Next she moves to the dressing table. The jars are of unguents, lotions, and cosmetics; rich, creamy, colored, and scented. The jars are not of glass, but onyx and silver and are set with small gems. Also on the dressing table are two combs, a brush, and four hair pins in stone, metal, and gems to match the jars.

Aurora moves to the bed and opens the garment wrapper. Inside is a very fine dress, set with dozens of gems and with patterns in silver thread. It is obviously both important and valuable.

Standing in the center of the room, Aurora casts another ritual of detect magic (takes her until 2:45am) just to make sure she has not missed anything that might not show up through a closed jar or wrap. The only things she senses are the candles (still), the closed coffer (still), and now each one of the separate bottles in the open coffer. Her attention again on the candles, Aurora realizes that she has been in the room for more than an hour now, but the thin black tapers have not burned down at all. She leaves the candles for now, but carefully packs the contents of the dressing table, the wrapped garment, and each potion bottle from the open coffer into the bag of holding. Then, while she still has her detect magic running, she moves back to the doorway with Babshapka and uses her mage hand to start moving the closed coffer - first one inch, and then across the room. When it gets to precisely ten feet from its former location, Aurora feels the abjurative ward on it flare and then fade. “You see, you see!” she squeals triumphantly.

[quote=5e "Glyph of Warding":]If you choose an object, that object must remain in its place, if the object is moved more than 10 feet from where you cast this spell, the glyph is broken and the spell ends without being triggered.[/quote]

She has the mage hand set the coffer down on the floor and immediately open it - and the coffer is quite empty. Aurora’s smile fades, replaced with a petulant frown as she says “Still, my knowledge of the arcane surely saved the party from what was clearly a deadly ward.”

With the room well-looted, Aurora turns her attention to the scroll tube from the other, carpeted, room. Mathias had asked to be on hand when it was opened, so Babshapka goes and bangs on his hut until he emerges. Both of them engage in a ritual cast of comprehend languages (2:50-3am) and finally open the tube.

Inside are rolled up three scrolls. The first two are obviously the arcane notation of spells. Aurora attempts to decipher them under the guidance of Mathias (Arcana 16 + 4 = 20, 16 +1 = 17) and believes them to be dispel magic and see invisibility, both spells she has been wanting to add to her spellbook ever since she learned they were fighting drow! This is a windfall, indeed.

The third scroll is not clearly magic, but rather written in some strange flowing script that Babshapka says is a corrupted form of elven.

When Mathias and Aurora use their spells to translate it, it reads,

The fire giants are powerful tools, but they are brutes that respect only physical power. As you promote the ‘Temple of the Elder Elemental God’, and even expand it to other giants, never reveal that it is a ruse, even to the giant leaders. They must not know that our true matron is Lolth. They will not respect the Spider Queen, for they do not value subtlety, cunning, and the other lessons She has for us. Make sure your true rituals to Her are always conducted in secret and in private, while in public always promoting the false Elder Elemental God.

This produces Mathias’ own moment of triumph. “I told you the Spider people were behind all this - I’ve been trying to tell you that since the temple in the Steading.”

The discovery of the scrolls has excited Aurora for what might be in the second, carpeted room which she had largely ignored before in favor of the coffers. A search there turns up a cabinet with parchment, vellum, quills, and what she takes to be inks of sufficient quality to use in her own spellbook - everything she needs to begin adding the new spells to her own book. She wants to begin immediately!

[end of 10/21/21 play session]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
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Tue Dec 24, 2024 3:59 pm  
Post 355: And who do we have here?

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Content Advisory: Herein Mr. Wart is going to recap the drow sacrifice of the elven princess for Leezar. This post contains the sexual violence of that scene as well as the demonling's own vulgarity.

Post 355: And who do we have here?
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, drow rectory

[Start of 10/28/21 play session]
[3-4am Luck roll: -1 Required for encounter: -3 Result: No encounter]

Aurora tells the others that it will take her hours to decipher the symbols used in the new spells. Given that, and that they still could be attacked at any time, they agree that her first priority should be replenishing her own spells after their short rest, and then identifying the captured potions in case any of them might be useful. Only then, if their hiding place has still gone unnoticed by the giants, and the drow have not returned, should she invest in transcribing the spells.

[Arcane recovery: Aurora recovers five spell slot levels on a short rest, takes a 2nd and 3rd level slot, and goes from 2/0/0/0/1 to 2/1/1/0/1.]
Aurora tells the others that she will need an eleven-minute ritual for each potion identification, and shouldn’t be disturbed for at least an hour. Willa, who still doesn’t trust the safety of their sanctum, says that she will take that time investigating the prisoners in the cells. This immediately provokes a reaction from Mathias, who says that they are supposed to be hiding, not attracting the giants by getting all the prisoners to shout about how they want to be freed. He adds that half the prisoners are going to take their first opportunity to betray them and the other half will be useless to them. Willa growls that she will be quiet, and that no one wants them not found by the giants more than she does. Babshapka says he will be going with her and Mathias says that he will, too. When it is explained to Thokk that his evil advisor will be reviewing the prisoners to decide which ones might be of use to his warband, he says he will come with her in case there are any to fight, but he gives her his couatl scale of detect thoughts. Leaving Aurora and Doro in the drow rooms, the others, including a recently-recalled Scabbers, move out into the hallway of the prison level. Willa shows them how to climb up the door and through the window.

Aurora explains to Doro that since she has already detected the school of magic on each potion, she will be identifying first the five from the drow coffer in this room (the alteration, then the three enchantments, then the necromantic). Then, she will do the two potions they recovered from the strongbox of the Hill Giant Matron in the Steading. Finally, she will work on non-potion items like the candles, the axe they took in the last battle, and Estia’s morningstar.

(3:10am - 3:21am; first potion (alteration) is a potion of growth)

The first cell Willa selects is the one adjacent to their own [2-3c]. Mathias reminds Willa that they all still look like gnolls and suggests that he should do the talking. She helps him up onto the bar that holds the cell door shut fast. Babshapka stands nearby, while Thokk and Scabbers roam farther, on watch down the long hallways for anyone approaching.

Standing on the bar, Mathias can see in the cell window. The cell is dark, which doesn’t hinder him, but still he can’t see anyone inside (Perception 3). Given the high window, the angle may be preventing him from seeing someone near the door. Still, it is only Aurora’s recollection of Charlotte’s scouting trip that said that anyone was in here.

Suddenly Mathias’ form shimmers - and he is no longer a gnoll, but Mathias again (Babshapka Perception 19) [Leezar uses his Mask of Many Faces invocation].

“Hey,” he calls in Common. “Hey, is there anybody in there?”

Rather suddenly and silently a man comes into Mathias’ field of view (Mathias Perception 4). He has a long, but thin, beard. He looks up skeptically at the silhouette of Mathias’ face against the light from the window and doesn’t answer.

“Hey buddy,” says Mathias solicitously. “Hey, how did you get in here?” (Persuasion 23)

“I was captured,” the man says, in a husky voice not used to speaking. “Several weeks ago. Captured and held for ransom.”

“Oh, yeah? Where are you from?”

“The Sea Princes. I’m a merchant. I can pay - my House can pay, if you get me out. I don’t know why they haven’t paid the giants yet. I suspect a rival is preventing it - but if you can get me out, get me home, they will have to pay for me. It is our custom.”

Upon hearing the ‘Sea Princes’ Willa snorts (Insight 8 ). “Marchent?” she scoffs to Babshapka. “Marchant o’ ther flesh, mar like it. ‘Tis a rar marchant o’ ther Princes wha’ ain’t a slaver besides.”

The man cocks his head. He can’t make out her words, but he can hear her accent well enough.

“Is that a King’s subject out there?” he asks hopefully, the ancient rivalry between the Sea Princes and Keoland forgotten as he looks for any way to get his potential liberators to sympathize with him. “I’m weak, but I can hold a blade!” he adds.

“What’s your name?” asks Mathias.

“Gentin,” he says. “Gentin the merchant.”

Mathias looks down at Willa, his face changing back to that of a gnoll before he meets her gaze. “Not worth setting free,” he whispers. “Not yet, too much trouble.”

Willa doesn’t argue the point, but fishes a ration from her pack and tries to hand it up to Mathias. He waves it away but she insists.

“Ok Gentin,” he says, after he has turned back to the window and resumed his human face. “Thing is, we are still fighting out here. We’ve got some food for you while you wait. But what we really need from you is to keep quiet and not draw attention. Once we’ve taken care of the giants we’ll be back for you. Can you do that for us?”

“Aye,” says the man, and coughs. “Food’s welcome, but the guards hain’t passed by with water of late…”

Mathias scowls, but by the time he has turned to look back at Willa she already has a full skin held over her head. He scowls again. Food they have aplenty, but he knows they have exactly nineteen waterskins between the lot of them. He’s not losing one to every cell they check. “Hey Gentin,” he says, as he tosses in the packet of food. “I’ve got some water here - get closer to the window and open your mouth as wide as you can.”

The man disappears from sight for a moment but soon returns with a greasy, battered metal bowl in hand. He stands squarely under the window and holds the bowl high over his head with both hands. Good enough mumbles Mathias as he lets a slow stream of the water fall into the man's bowl. About half of it splashes out, but he will be licking that off the floor after the party leaves, anyway.

[Down 1 ration and half a skin of water for prisoners]

Willa helps Mathias down from the bar. As they walk slowly toward the next cell, a wide range of emotions play across his gnoll-face, as if he was having an extended conversation with someone they can’t see or hear.

[When the party (less Aurora and Doro) emerged into the prison level to check the cells, Leezar began his attempts to message Mr. Wart, although he didn't know know where the bat-shaped demon was, and so just cast the spell in all directions. By the time they left the merchant, the invisible bat had shown up (Luck roll +1) and begun to speak to Leezar telepathically. Their conversation is known only to Leezar's player. They haven't been in contact since Post 350, when 'Fish the bat familiar' stayed behind in the Hall and the party retreated into the Tunnel]

[“Hey Boss!” exclaims the bat when it can finally see Leezar.

“Took you long enough!” scolds Leezar. “Why weren’t you looking for me?”

“Youse told me ta check da temple an’ see if it was safe for youse ta hide dere. I been waitin’ dere da whole time.”

“Yes, but I also told you to scout this level,” insists Leezar. “What have you seen?”

“Arright, so after youse all lef’, me an’ da spider was in da room wit’ da fake sigil on da wall. Like five minutes later, da room is a mess a giants, fire an’ hill giants, and all of dem kicking da dead bodies, trampling trew da gnoll nests, an’ lookin’ for youse. Den dis Obmi da dwarf shows up wit gnolls, only dese gnolls are still alive. He starts yellin’ at da giants an’ all an’ clears dem all out. Den he makes da gnolls smell everyting, tryin’ ta find youse. He even listens on da rail ta see if youse took a cart. Finally he goes over ta da sigil an’ starts tryin’ ta figger it out.”

“While da dwarf is lookin’ at da sigil, tree drow come in - a warrior, a mage, an’ a priestess of da Elder Elemental God. Deyr talkin’ ta each udda in undercommon so da dwarf can’t understand’em. It don’t take dem long ta spot youse’s mage’s spider, so dey blast dat, heh heh, but foitunately, dey don’t see me” (Drow Priestess Perception 16, Charlotte Stealth 4, Fish Stealth 23).

“Den da dwarf asks da drow about da sigil an dey pretends to look at it. Dey knows it ain’t real, but dey tell da dwarf it is, an’ it was w’at youse used ta escape. Dey tell da dwarf dat dey can disable it an’ dey erase parts a da symbols an’ all, but what dey is really doin’ is leavin’ youse a message in Abyssal what says da entrance ta da Underdark is on da udda side a da wall.”

“Da dwarf gets his gnolls ta search da Tunnel, but not very far, den he makes all kinda traps for youse in da room - explodin’ mine carts an’ tripwires ta ballistas and s*** like dat. I’m watchin’ him do all dat when da drow leave, so I don’t know where dey goes. I just look for a good time ta leave” (Stealth 16).

"Well, thanks for the warning," says Leezar dryly, thinking of how close they all came to stepping on the wire and setting off the explosive trap before being charged by giants in what was their most desperate fight yet.

The bat continues undeterred. “I poked aroun’ on dis level like youse told me but dere weren’t much ta see, so I goes in da Temple. Man, dat place is huge! Dey did it up right, dere! Too bad it’s ta da Elder Elemental God an’ da Big Boss only gets a small piece a da action dere, but youse can really feel da juice flowin’ dere, knowhatimean?”

“So I’m just hangin’ in da Temple, waitin’ for youse ta show up an makin sure it’s safe like youse told me, when da drow come back in, only dis time dey gots an elf wit dem, an’ I mean a sunny-side elf, an one hot number, too. She’s walkin’ wit da mage wit a bag over her head an’ da udda two are goin’ real quiet-like along behind.

"When dey gets ta da alter, da mage takes off her hood an’ she’s given him the stink-eye sumtin’ fierce. Den da mage says - get dis! - dat da priestess told him ta sacrifice her, but he can’t, on account a she’s too beautiful and he’s in love wit her! I was dyin’ dere tryin’ not ta laugh and spoil it! An of course she tells him he’s full a s***, but he keeps castin’ charm person on her ova an ova until she believes him! An den she thinks he’s actually gonna set her free and go back ta da priestess an get killed hisself for her! She believes him, for cryin’ out loud! So den she’s so grateful, dat dey start gettin’ in on, right dere on top a da alter! I mean it’s hot black-on-white action right dere an all dat carnal energy is just feedin’ into da alter an I was gettin’ hard too, if youse don’t mind me sayin’.

"An den, just before da money shot, da udda two drow come oudda da shadows and da goil screams an for a minute she actually tinks dat da mage is gonna protect her! Den when da charm wears off dey kill her right dere in her own stank! Dat was some f*****-up s***! But man did it juice up da Temple! So den da priestess takes all dat energy an uses it ta make a Coise. Poisonally, youse’ll be fine if youse goes in dere, but some a da more delicate members a youse’s group might not be so lucky!"]

(3:21am - 3:32am; second potion (enchantment) is a potion of mind control (monster); there may be something more about it to know, but Aurora doesn’t recognize it at this point (Arcana check 10; critical fail))

Babshapka, Willa, and Mathias proceed to the next cell [2-5c]. At this point they are joined by Doro, emerging from the false cell, who tells them that Aurora is safely ensconced, surrounded by potions and other magic items to identify. Thokk boosts Willa up to a cell window across the wide hall from the last one, and she confirms that it is a pair of centaurs imprisoned within. She jumps back down.

“Wha’ do we ken aboot centaurs?” she asks the group.

“Well,” says Doro (Nature check 13), “judging just from the songs and tales about them, they are fey creatures of the wild. They have primitive technology and value their freedom above all else. They can be dangerous, even rapacious, but they are more chaotic than evil. They are friendly with other fey folk like elves, at least more friendly than they are with humans.”

“So that’s me again,” says Mathias and begins to climb up to the bar. He turns to look at Babshapka, and when the elf looks up, Mathias has assumed the form of an elf - and one that bears a passing resemblance to the ranger! Anyone that knew him would not be fooled, but two strangers describing them both might think they were on about the same person easily enough. [Leezar tried to copy Babshapka's face exactly; (Performance 9)]

“Ho, are you okay?” Mathias calls into the cell - in Elvish!

(Luck roll = +2. Both centaurs speak Elvish) After a stunned silence the centaurs move so that they can see Mathias’ elven face in the window.

“We are alive, cousin elf - and where there is life, there is hope. Though, thank the wind in the meadow, I did not think to see one such as you here.”

“Where are you from?”

The centaurs give the name of a place in their own tongue, but admit that they do not know the name in Elvish. “The humans call it the ‘Dry Steppes’”, says one, “at least those few humans who trespass on our lands. But cousin elf, how got you free? I thought all of the elves were to be sacrificed to the tentacled horror in the foul temple of stone.”

“Nay, brother,” says the second to the first, “I told you that this would not stand. That the dark and besmirched elves by their own evil deeds would rouse their seelie kin against them.”

“There is no time to explain at the moment,” says Mathias, “but how did you get here from the Steppes?”

“A raiding party of giants and gnolls came to our lands and captured us, killing most of our herd. Gnolls we have fought before and always turned away, but never has our herd faced giants. We fought bravely while the foals and mares fled, fought to give them time, but of we who stood, those who were not slain were captured. We were hobbled, slung over the backs of giants like gutted deer, and carried over the mountains. More than we two were carried off, but we are the last two left.”

“If you were free, could you find your way home?”

“Aye, though the journey is long and arduous over the mountains that belch fire. We know not the way, but we know the direction, and the winds will guide us. We would need water though, for much of the land between is without it, and the giants carried their own supply rather than drink from non-existent streams.”

“And if freed, could you fight?”

“Yes, free, and armed, we would wreak vengeance on these horrid giants - that is of far greater surety than us returning home! We would join the battle such as we heard raging outside our door not long ago, and add our own cries to the thunder and lightning!”

“Wonderful. You will have your chance for vengeance - but not just yet. We would like you to stay here until the time is right.”

“We are in your debt for the hope you have given us - but do not stay long this fight! We wish to charge beside you, and see more giants bleed and pay this day!”

“They will - what do you know of the drow?”

“Those unseelie fiends are behind it all - the Temple is theirs and the Maw their master! It is for them that we were captured. If we could find any of them we would fight even more fiercely, but always they hide in the dark.”

One of the centaurs, by standing on his hind legs and pushing off the door with his forelegs, can reach up nearly to the window. Mathias passes him two rations and a full waterskin. The centaurs drink deeply from the skin, taking it in turns until it is empty and then passing it back up. “Do not stay long, cousin elf!” they remind Mathias. “We are hot for this fight!”

[Down 3 rations and a skin and a half of water for prisoners]

(3:32am - 3:43am; third potion (enchantment) is a philtre of love)

Those in the hall, after Thokk tells them it is clear, head south and turn at the intersection of the great east-west running corridor, heading for the room of what Aurora said was an empyrean. Willa knows it better as a titan, though even that is a name of legend, not an actual being. Mathias has kept his elf form, for now, and Willa boosts him up to the bar to look through the window [2-14c].

“It’s empty,” he announces.

“Empty?” asks Willa quizzically. “Be it yer angle?” she asks, as she steps back to see whether Mathias can actually see well in the window or needs more height.

“You can’t hide a titan in the corner!” scoffs Mathias. “I said, it’s empty.”

Mathias grabs the bars of the window and pulls himself up regardless, so that his feet are dangling in the air. “There are chains in there, and they are big enough for a titan, but there’s no titan.”

Babshapka looks at the stout beam barring the door - it’s seen wear, lots of wear, being set roughly into the metal brackets and pulled out again dozens of times. But it's hard to tell how recently. He has Willa boost him up as well, so that he stands on the bar beside where Mathias is hanging. He can’t see in the window, but he inhales deeply (Survival 24).

“Sweat,” he says, “and piss. Something was here - and recently. Maybe within the last day. But it’s not here now.”

“Yeah,” says Mathias, lowering himself back down to the bar. “That’s what I said.”

Babshapka and Mathias jump down to the floor. The next door over is not a cell - but is where Charlotte saw a giant, and three human women, and keys on the wall. Babshapka motions the others to stay back while he listens at the unbarred door (Perception 14).

He doesn’t hear anything, so Willa approaches. There is no lock - just the huge, metal-plated door, like those of the Hall above, where one practically needs the strength of a giant to open it. Willa loops a rope through the handle, grabs both ends, sets her boots against the wall, and arches her back. The door slowly gives way, revealing the room within [2-G]. There is a pile of giant throwing rocks, a giant-sized table, chair, and stool, and a human-sized bench. There are three large kegs on the floor. On the walls are pegs, from which hang a giant-sized cape, a shirt, and a shield. No keys are in sight, although several of the pegs are empty.

Babshapka takes the time to search the room carefully (Perception 24). On top of the table, a circular spot free of dust shows where, until recently, there was a jar or other container. Several of the empty pegs used to hold things recently removed as well. On the east wall is a cunningly crafted stone secret door. As Babshapka traces its faint outlines across the wall, he decides that no giant could fit through it - at least no adult fire giant. After some more investigation (21), he has found the stone that needs to be depressed to release the hidden catch and allow the wall to slide open.

Doro steps back out into the hall. Thokk is nearly at the far end. The bard messages him and he says everything is fine. Aurora’s rat, moving around Thokk’s feet and sniffing the air, has not been doing any of the funny dances she said it would do to send them word. There were several dances, each with its own meaning, but Thokk wasn’t paying much attention to her explanation.

Babshapka shows Mathias how to open the secret door in the gaoler’s room. [The wererats waiting on the other side have not yet heard the party through the thick stone (Perception 6).]

(3:43am - 3:54am; fourth potion (enchantment) is another philtre of love)

Mathias pushes his hands into the wall until he is sure he has a good purchase, and then slides it to the left. It moves slowly given its considerable weight, but glides surely across the smooth stone grooves in the floor. Even before the door is all the way open Babshapka can hear the surprised reaction of the (human-sized) creatures within, as they gasp, drop what they are doing, and look at the growing doorway. He draws his bow and steps back away from the opening. At this, Mathias lets go of the door but, hundreds of pounds already in motion, it continues along its track.

In the unlit room beyond [2-8] there are two women with long brown hair, angular pointed noses, and beady eyes. There are a few large iron chests in there as well, amid piles of what look like cloth goods.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:49 pm  
Post 356: Rats!

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

The Thieves Cant with which Doro and the assassin prisoner speak to one another is largely taken from Neither G3 nor Tales of the Yawning Portal give the prisoner a name, simply calling her "human female". I named her Duchess because when I had previously run G3 with a first edition party she was one of the pair of Duchess and Candella, who had robbed that party in B3 at the beginning of their career.

Post 356: Rats!
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, Gaoler's room

[10/28/21 play session, continued]

[The wererats were originally in the employ of the Gaoler, who used them to spy on conversations among the prisoners in his care. When the drow arrived, those of the Elder Elemental God suborned the 'rats, such that now they pretend to spy for the Gaoler, but mostly spy on Obmi and the giants at the behest of the drow. The ones in this room have been incorporated into the plan of the drow and Leezar (although he does not know this). They have been instructed to attack the party, but then flee below and lead the party into an 'ambush' of drow. This is to show the party another entrance to the Underdark, and encourage them to pursue the drow. The cowardly 'rats have been forbidden to remove treasure from their lair, to give them all the more incentive of remaining there until the party finds them.]

Surprise Round
Mathias blasts the closer of the two women (two hits, 14 damage). A similar appearing man, and another woman, move into view from the sides of the room. Together, the four humans each grab the corners of the heavy-looking iron chest and lift it, revealing a narrow staircase exiting through the far wall. They turn the chest to fit through the doorway and start heading down the stairs.

Another two men appear, moving behind other chests for cover as they shoot miniature, hand-sized crossbows at Mathias. The bows are so small and light that they can be drawn back with a single gloved hand between firings! Two of the four bolts pass close by Mathias (two hits, nine points) while the other two break against the stone wall.

Round One
Willa strides past Mathias, igniting her sword as soon as the blade is clear of her gaunt ally. With two strikes she quarters one of the men with hand crossbows, leaving the pieces fitfully burning on the floor as they resume the strange half-man, half-rat shape that the other wererats in the rail chamber returned to after their deaths. From inside the room she can now see, by the light from her blade, that the piles of cloths are actually clothes - clothes and capes, arranged in circular mounds on the floor like nests.

Ignoring the wererat close to Willa, Babshapka moves into the room and shoots two shafts at the ones scurrying down the stairs with the chest (one hit, 7 damage). Babshapka moves behind Willa as he draws another arrow from his quiver.

Mathias shoots again, one of his blasts impacting the wererat taking cover behind an unmoved chest in the room (one hit, 9 points), and the other blast exploding against the chest itself.

Doro, hearing the fight inside the secret room (Perception 12), messages Thokk again, telling him that there is a minor scuffle in progress but nothing he should concern himself with - they need him watching the stairs for giants. She will contact him later.

The remaining wererat in the room fires on Willa, but the bolts bounce off her armor (two misses).

Round Two
The wererat in the room drops back, inching closer to the stairs as he continues to load and fire as fast as he can at Willa. A lucky shot catches her where the plate doesn’t cover a joint (one hit, 4 points).

Doro dashes into the room, stopping when she draws up behind Babshapka.

The wererat at the top of the stairs is blocking the ranger’s view of those fleeing with the chest. Babshapka leaps up on one of the chests and takes aim at the now-unobstructed stairs. Immediately the high-pitched twang of bowstrings responds - all four wererats had dropped the chest halfway down the stairs and were crouching behind it, waiting to fire on the first party member to breach the stairway (readied actions - eight shots, four hits, two critical, 31 damage). As he is peppered by the tiny bolts, Babshapka swears the equivalent of ‘rat bastards!’ in Elvish. He draws against the hail and fires his own shafts, wounding one of the defenders (two hits, 20 damage).

Mathias scores two hits on the wererat still in the room (17 points), blowing the next bolt out of its hands as it is trying to reload. Willa leaps over the chest it is using for cover, bringing her sword down as she does so (one hit, 26 damage including fire), and the wererat crumples to the ground. The room is now clear, but with a bump! bump! bump! the four wererats on the stairs begin dragging the chest down behind them again.

Round Three
Doro moves to the top of the stairs, fires on the wererats (hits once for 10 points), and then moves away to give the others room.

Willa charges down the narrow stairway, providing cover for anyone who wishes to follow her. She attacks the wererat wounded by Doro first, and her thrust reaches over the chest with enough length besides to impale it (one hit, 36 damage). Willa angles her blade to let the body slide off, raises one arm to protect her face from a crossbow shot, and then brings her hands together again to make an overhand strike at another wererat (one hit, 26 damage with fire).

Babshapka kneels several steps above Willa, just high enough to shoot over her into the wererats (sharpshooter feat ignores cover). He finishes off the one he had wounded earlier (two hits, 22 damage), so that there are now just two wererats left on the far side of the chest.

Mathias stands above Babshapka, with just enough of an angle to fire at the wererats. One of his shots hits the ceiling of the passageway, but the other strikes its target (one hit, 5 points).

The wererats drop all pretenses of making it to safety with the chest, and flee for their lives. Leaving the bodies of their packmates behind, they dash down the stairs and around a corner from view.

Round Four
“We have this,” Babshapka calls out to Willa. What he means is something like, 'Mathias and I are better equipped to chase fleeing ratfolk into the dark, just as you will be better at moving this heavy chest back into the room above'. Willa crouches down in front of the chest and the elf and Mathias leap over her back and the chest both and run down the stairs after the two retreating rat women. Willa stands and turns the chest so that she can grab one of the handles on the end, then slowly begins hauling it up, one stair at a time. As she strains against the weight of the large iron box, she reflects that as deadly as they are in a fight, it is true that neither the man nor the elf would have been much help at this point.

At the top of the stairs, Doro sees Willa coming back up with the captured chest, so she determines that the fight is over. She dashes back out into the hall to advise Thokk.

Round Five
Babshapka hears the fleeing steps of the wererat women slow and then halt, even as he sees the narrow passageway open into a large, unlit chamber [3-15]. He slows himself, puts an arrow to his bow, and eases forward while staying close to one of the walls. Mathias is just behind him, controlling his breathing to be as quiet as possible despite having just dashed down the stairs.

Babshapka steps out into the chamber suddenly, firing on the first humanoid form at hand in the room. Two of his shafts sink into its chest in rapid succession (20 points total) and it falls backwards onto the stone floor, its hand crossbow dropping from its grasp. It is dressed not in the ragged robes of the wererats, but in a brigandine of light metal rings sewn onto supple leather, with a dark gray, cowled cloak. Its bare arms are not the pale callow skin of the wererat woman, but the dull ashen gray of a male drow. Suddenly Babshapka sees movement from all corners of the room.

With a flurry of gestures and arcane words, one of the forms in the dark hurls a spell at the base of the stairs, and the area lights up with a pale green glow. Babshapka (16) and Mathias (20) dive to either side (both Dex saves succeed), avoiding the effects of the spell, which Babshapka knows is faerie fire (Babshapka Arcana 12 to recognize the spell, Mathias 1). Immediately following the spell comes a flurry of crossbow bolts, two for each of them (two misses to Babshapka, two hits on Mathias; 13 points total and needs two Con saves against poison; 10 (fail) and 7, raised to 10 with a +3 from Dark One's Own Luck (fail). His use of his demonic patron's favor on the second save still resulted in him failing and being poisoned, but was necessary to keep him from going unconscious).

5e drow hand crossbow wrote:
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way.

“Get behind me,” gasps Mathias as he backs up and pulls out a wand. From the tip of the wand webs spring forth, lengthening and thickening as they emerge. With vigorous gestures he fills the space in front of them with webs, anchoring them on the stone walls, floor, and ceiling of the chamber. In just a few seconds there is a thick wall of webs between them and who knows how many drow.

The pair of men turn and begin to run up the stairs, but Babshapka soon has to slow his pace or leave Mathias behind. He is stumbling as if dizzy, and Babshapka wonders what those crossbow bolts might have been tipped with. As he turns to take Mathias’ arm when he trips on a step, Babshapka murmurs the words for a lesser restoration spell, and counters the poison even now coursing through Mathias’ system (Babshapka at 0/0/2). As they pause, he can hear the drow slicing through the webs, shouting ‘bring a torch’, and ‘it was the adventurers; a gnoll and a <surface elf>’ (Babshapka Intelligence check 12 to recognize the altered elvish words in the drow language). As they continue up the stairs Babshapka reflects on the irony of the drow thinking that of the pair it is Mathias who is the elf, and not him, for the gaunt man still wears the same form he assumed for the centaurs, while Babshapka is covered by Doro’s seeming.

Out of combat rounds (it will take the drow some time to clear the webs)
When they reach the top of the stairs Mathias shouts ‘Block it off’ to Willa and Doro. Willa drags the large iron chest from the wererats into the guardroom while the others cooperate in stacking the three remaining chests at the top of the stairs. Babshapka says “Lots of drow,” to Doro by way of an explanation.

XP Cell Block
1 drow warrior (CR1/4) = 50
6 wererats (CR2) 450 x 6 = 2700
Total 2750 / 4 = 688 each to Willa, Doro, Mathias, Babshapka
No XP for Thokk or Aurora, who did not participate in the fight

Sometime before the iron chest has been moved into the exterior hall, Mathias has resumed his form as a gnoll. Once all of them are out of the secret room and in the guardroom, Willa starts to tug at the secret door, slowly sliding it closed (Strength check 10). “‘ow do ye seal it?” she shouts.

Mathias moves up beside her, noting how the enormous slab of stone is balanced on polished runners and grooves in the floor. “Knock it off its tracks!” he says. Willa looks where he is pointing and nods, then finishes sliding the door closed. She backs up the full length of the room, then runs at the door at full speed and dives, slamming her armored shoulder into it as low as she can manage (Strength check 13 plus 4 guidance from Mathias is 17). With a loud stone Crack! the door panel drops an inch, so that there is now a gap at the top - but to move it would imply lifting several hundred pounds of stone or trying to slide the rough broken edge across the unpolished floor. The panel itself cannot be taken down as the whole thing is larger than the gap in the wall, with some of it inside a hollow in the wall itself, but its runner is broken and it will not be easily moved aside.

Babshapka and Willa upend the giant-sized table and push that up against the broken secret door, while Doro and Mathias move the chair, stool, and bench into place behind that, and then all four of them move out into the hall. They leave the door of the room open to hear whether the drow or wererats begin working on their side of the barrier.

(3:54am - 4:05am; fifth potion (necromantic, and the last from the drow) is poison (ingestive))

[4-5am Luck roll: +4 Required for encounter: -2 Result: No encounter]

When they don’t immediately hear the wererats or drow trying to force their barricade, and Thokk tells them again that nothing is on its way down the ramp from the first level, they begin to examine the heavy iron chest. Willa is giving it a once over, gauntlets off to feel better, but when she touches the heavy plate in which the keyhole is set, a needle springs forth. “Gods be damned!” swears Willa as she jerks her hand away at the prick. She feels a wave of drowsiness but fights it - a few seconds later she feels fine apart from a slight discoloration on one finger (Investigation 1; critical fail, oil of taggit, DC13 Con save, 25 succeeds).

“Hey,” calls out a friendly female voice, in Common, from within the cell [2-12c] across the hall from the open door of the guardroom. “Hey, are you alright out there?”

All heads turn immediately to the window. Willa boosts Mathias up to the bar, and standing on it he looks through the window. A human female in light but functional clothes is chained to the far wall, within easy view of the window. There is a crude bed in the room, but the length of the prisoner’s manacles would not allow her to reach it. When she sees Mathias’ face in the window she calls up to him pleasantly. “Why hello there! Funny, you don’t talk at all like gnolls.”

“No,” he says without giving anything else away, “we don’t. Who are you?”

“My name’s Duchess,” she says with a smile. “You sound like you could maybe use some help opening that chest out there. That’s kind of a specialty of mine. If you would free me, I’d see what I could do.”

“How do you know we are opening a chest?” Mathias asks suspiciously.

“Well, I don’t know. Call it a professional guess. I mean, apart from the sounds of you dragging something heavy and iron across the stone floor, maneuvering it into the center of the hall, saying ‘We should check it first,’ and ‘Stand back’ and then ‘Gods be damned’ when, judging by the gasp, one of you got pricked by something. Other than that, no particular reason.”

Doro adopts a quizzical look and moves over to the cell door. She calls up to the window, “Sounds a right lady?”

Mathias sees the woman look surprised, but only briefly, before she responds - still friendly, but with a bit more sing-song to her voice than she used before. “More a babe in the woods at the moment, luv - but we could be birds of a feather, you and me.”

“Brimstone, are we?” asks Doro.

“No, I work dog,” she says. “But I seem to be right in the darbies; perhaps you could help me go home?”

“Perhaps we could,” agrees Doro. “Where’s your da?”

“Here and there,” she replies. “I may come to town a lone wolf but I always give the jukrum while I’m there, respectable-like - right now that’s the wet wash. But there’s fair quota in helping me home, if you would.”

“It’s on the table,” Doro says, “but my friends would like to know how you came to be here.”

The woman frowns briefly, and when she next speaks the odd, lilting tone is gone but her voice is still pleasant. “King Snurre seemed to be doing awfully well for himself, so I thought maybe I could help him redistribute some of his belongings. He rejected that proposal and said that instead, he would like me to be his guest in this room for a while, and I found I couldn’t refuse his hospitality despite myself. But it sure sounds like you lot are doing pretty well, so maybe you would like my help with requisitioning some of the things that he is unjustly hoarding for himself here, the fruits of many neighboring lands?”

When no one in the party immediately answers, she and Doro fall back into the same singsongy tones with what sound like nonsense words for a while. Finally Doro brings Willa and Babshapka in closer to her to whisper to them (and follow up with a message to Mathias, who is still standing up on the bar, watching the prisoner), “She’s definitely a thief and I am more or less professionally obligated to help her - but we haven’t let anyone else out yet. Let’s just tell her that her cell is the safest place for now, the same deal as the others - but I will need to come back for her, eventually.” The others agree.

In the meanwhile Mathias has been carefully studying the inside of the cell (Perception 13) - the manacles are a dull black color and show no hint of rust or age, unlike the bed, with its wood and rope dried and cracked. He messages Doro that she may want to take a closer look, and then jumps down from the bar.

Willa and Babshapka lift the bar from the door and get it open just enough for the gnoll Doro to slip in with food and water. Mathias watches from the door. “If you are not going to let me out of these,” the woman says, indicating the manacles with her head, as if she had heard all of their whispered conversation, “you can just put the food on the floor in front of me. No need to waste your time feeding me - I’ll eat with my own feet, I’m quite flexible.”

While Doro is up close to her, she surreptitiously examines the manacles (Investigation 24). They definitely look like the strange black metal from which the chains that bound the storm giantess Lyn were made. The two begin another conversation in the strange cant they share.

After some back and forth, Doro puts a finger to her temple and messages the party, Would you all be ok with letting her loose right now?

If we do, thinks Babshapka in response, we need to make sure she doesn’t know we are staying in the drow room - or at least how to get in.

Doro leaves the cell so that she can gesture expressively as she continues to message them. I think it is okay if she stays with us - she’s a thief, but she’s not interested in our gear - she wants the more valuable items in Snurre’s hoard - but the most important thing for her is her safety.

And you trust her? asks Willa dubiously.

Professional courtesy. She would have to tell us if we were her marks. It’s Guild policy.

Willa snorts. She does not trust Thieves Guild policy for a copper sparrow - but the word of her crewmate Doro is not to be taken lightly.

“Can you fight?” asks Doro, turning to look in the cell but switching to Common for the benefit of the party.

“I can, though my good host Snurre relieved me of the burden of my weapons. From the look of that chest [for she can now see it through the open cell door], you’ve killed some wererats, so any of their swords or bows would suit me fine, thanks.”

The party tells her that all of the weapons from the wererats are sealed off behind the blockade in the guard room (apparently forgetting that they killed four more in the rail chamber several hours ago and left their weapons on them). Babshapka is prepared to give her one of his smaller blades, though he is still unsure of how they will remove the manacles and whether they intend to spend more power discs, as they did with Lyn. Asked just that, Willa sends him back to the guardroom to check for the keys Charlotte saw.

He’s been through the room once before, but now is specifically looking for anything that might open the manacles even as he keeps one ear toward the barricaded secret door (Investigation 16). He finds no keys, neither on the empty pegs nor elsewhere [the entire ring haven been taken by the Gaoler when he fled]. When he reports this, Doro says, “Well, there’s always this.” She plucks a string of her samisen and fires off a blast of force from the doorway (hits AC9). The explosive bolt impacts the wall, showering the woman in rock chips and dust.

“Have you done this much?” asks Duchess dubiously.

Doro smirks and fires again, but at the other manacle (hits AC23). The chain jerks and an oddly sibilant clang echoes in the cell, but the metal itself appears completely unaffected.

“The metal’s like nothing I’ve ever seen,” says the woman ruefully, “otherwise I would have slipped out of them myself when I heard your battle. The manacles are obviously a recent addition and much newer than the stone of the Hall; I think they were added to the cell by these strange hooded types. They lurk about this level, but never show their faces. I saw one draw a blade once, though, and that metal had the look of this, for certain.”

“Those people,” says Babshapka, “are dark elves.”

The woman bursts out laughing. “Drow?” she says incredulously. “Please! I came here for treasure, not fairy tales. If I wanted kids’ stories I would have stayed home with my Aunt Nan.”

“We’ll be back,” says Doro. They leave the food at her feet and close and bar the door behind themselves.

[Down four rations and two and a half skins of water for prisoners]

(4:05-4:16am; sixth potion (necromantic and illusion, from the Steading) is poison (ingestive))
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:06 pm  
Post 358: Boldo enchained

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 357: Boldo enchained
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, outside prison cells

[10/28/21 play session, continued]
Leaving the chest in the hall for now, the party proceeds to a cell at the very end of the hall [2-13c]. Mathias changes his form again to that of an elf, then climbs up on the bar. Inside the cell is a fire giant! An adult male fire giant, and a well-muscled warrior from the look of him, hangs in chains from the ceiling, his feet just inches from the floor, and his shoulders swollen, if not dislocated. He is not otherwise wounded, though his brow is furrowed in pain. Other than his cloth smallclothes he is naked, so it is easy to see that he has no other bruising, branding, scars, or similar signs of torture.

Mathias turns and reports this to the party, and is about to jump down when Babshapka climbs up beside him. “Not so fast,” he objects, “this one could be useful to us.”

“No way,” says Mathias. “Too dangerous.”

The giant, whose eyes had been closed, lifts his head and squints at the window, seeing an elf and a gnoll in heated conversation.

“The elves are out?” he asks, and both Mathias and Babshapka turn to him. “I heard the battle; what is going on?”

[Boldo, Snurre's chief lieutenant and Obmi's rival for influence with the King, realizes at once that these are the adventurers that have been attacking the Hall. However, he is happy to feign ignorance on that count and tell them what he thinks they want to hear - anything that will get them to release him. He plans to return to Snurre and betray the party at his first opportunity, but before that he will need to get them to free him.]

Mathias frowns and draws his finger across his lips, but Babshapka continues regardless. “Yes, the elves are out, and there was a battle - who are you?” he asks in Giant.

“I am Boldo,” rumbles the giant, “once the chief lieutenant to the King. But I vigorously opposed his alliance with the drow - perhaps a bit too vigorously,” he says ruefully. “There came a point when he no longer appreciated my counsel - and here we are.” His words come in short pants as if his suspension is not letting him breathe as deeply as he should.

Babshapka turns and translates this into Common for the rest of the party. Willa tells Doro excitedly that this could be the “in” that they need to topple Snurre and get the giants to pull back from Sterich. Mathias jumps down to argue that this giant is not to be trusted, and even if he were, that it would be a bad idea. Babshapka resumes his conversation in Giant.

“How deep is Snurre in with the drow?” he asks.

“Snurre was once an honorable leader,” Boldo says. “Ambitious, but no more than befits a King and mighty warrior. These conniving drow have wormed their way into his heart - he has become weak and greedy. I’m afraid he sees his fate as bound to theirs, now - they are in this together, rise or fall.”

“If the other fire giants learned that he was in league with the drow, what would their reaction be?”

“They know, we all know, for the drow lead the services at the Temple, and our rightful lord Surtur is cast aside. Our people have accepted this state of affairs because Snurre is the King, and still a great man. They trust his word. The common warriors don’t see the cunning nature of the drow - they regard them as just another race of small folk. But there were a few giants, older and wiser, on the King’s Council - ones like me who saw the drow for what they were - insidious cowards. They didn’t dare speak up when I sat on the council and challenged Snurre on this - why would they oppose him now that I am here?”

He hangs in silence while Babshapka again translates for the party, but when the apparent gnoll turns around again Boldo has something to add. “On the other hand, that had the sounds of a mighty battle outside. I don’t know how many of us you slew, but I’m sure there are others, elders and soldiers alike, who may be beginning to think that invading the human lands was not the best idea Snurre ever had.”

Despite Mathias’ objections, Willa calls up to Babshapka some ideas, but he is already there. “If you had proof,” he says, “proof of the perfidy of the drow and you were free and could take this to the others, what would happen?”

Boldo is silent for some time as he considers this. “It would be dangerous,” he says finally. “I would have to find them before they found me. But if you have beaten so many of us that you can roam these Halls with impunity while those who are left are afraid to attack, I have to believe that things are ripe for change. Those who are left, if I was able to speak to them before Snurre found me himself, they would do what needed to be done, remove Snurre from power, and send those cursed tunnel elves back underground where they belong.”

Mathias, perhaps trying to trip the giant up or get him to reveal an ulterior motive, calls up to the window, “What about the Tunnel?”

Apparently Boldo speaks Common, for he answers Mathias’ question in the same language it was asked. “Snurre did well for all our people when he controlled this land and the mountains all around, when he conquered the dwarves in his youth. But there can be no real profit in such far-flung human lands. The warriors are excited by the prospect of battle, but the elders know this will only weaken our people. It is the twisted logic of the dark elves that convinced Snurre to seek such a poisoned chalice. Our people, left to themselves, would close the Tunnel and forget such distant ambitions.”

“Would t’ey free ther dwarves?” calls up Willa.

Boldo laughs and then gasps from fresh pain as he moves too much. “Oh no, the dwarves are ours. They were conquered in battle fair, long before the drow twisted Snurre. They are better off with us in charge anyway, with their talents making things for us according to the Ord’ning rather than squandering them on interminable and pointless wars with goblins and other small folk. They need a strong hand to guide them, otherwise they just quarrel among themselves, like all small folk.”

“What do you think would happen if Snurre were to die?” asks Babshapka.

There is another pause as the giant tries to think, tries to focus on something besides the pain in his arms and shoulders. “That depends on whether there was someone ready to take over. Snurre has no heir. Queen Frupy is certainly ambitious enough, but would she be supported by the council, or the warriors? Would anyone on the council step forward? Would they declare themselves King, or just Regent? I have my suspicions, but much may have changed since I was locked in here.”

“How long have you been in here?” Babshapka asks.

“Since the adventurers first attacked the hall,” he says. “After that, the King tired of my advice and disagreed with my counsel on how to respond. A few days, perhaps? You might know better than I, if you have had contact with them. Was it the adventurers who let you elves and gnolls out?”

Mathias shakes his head vigorously and Babshapka doesn’t answer the giant’s question. Instead, he asks another. “Who else is here in the Hall? Besides fire giants?”

“Well, there is a cloud giant diplomat and his servant. Lady Estia of the Frost Giants and her pair of guards. Two stone giant representatives from the Fjell. And some hill giant refugees from the fall of the Steading.”

Babshapka turns and leaps down to the party. “We can use him,” he whispers to the others. “This is how we get a message to the stone giants.” Willa agrees, and says that this is also how they remove Snurre and save Sterich. Babshapka says that he wants to give him food and water, and asks for Willa’s help removing the bar to allow them to open the cell. Mathias objects vociferously, saying that it is way too dangerous to possibly let out an adult giant who knows what they are after.

“But ‘e be ‘angin’ in chains” says Willa, “an’ we only be openin’ ther door!” Mathias is adamant.

[Willa ceases her objections and draws back to reflect. She has a funny feeling about Mathias, and wonders just what he is playing at here. She tries to remember the conversations they had after he was pulled into the temple in the Steading. When they found the drow lair behind the false cell, why did he insist on casting his own hut and staying by himself? What is he doing with his new, and unexplained, ability to change his form, and why did he choose to look like a drow during the battle with the gnolls? He has always been an aid to the party, if a contrarian, but just whose side is he on in this fight for Sterich?]

Babshapka climbs back up on the bar. “How much do you know about the Temple and the purple wall next to it?”

“When the drow came here, they convinced Snurre to turn away from our Lord Surtur. By King Snurre’s decree, we started worshiping the Great Tentacled Maw. The drow priestess was put in charge of the Temple. Inside the stone wall near the temple, the drow made a rectory for themselves. Where the purple stone is now, was once the open entrance to their living quarters - but one day we just found the strangle purple stone instead. They warned us not to touch it, and said that the wall would attack anything that touched it. We’ve avoided it ever since, but some of us have seen them walk right through that wall as if it wasn’t there.”

[Leezar grows more concerned the more the giant reveals about the drow and the Temple. He doesn’t want this Boldo to reveal so much to the party that the giant convinces them to destroy the Temple of his own Patron, or spills the rivalry among the drow to them.]

Babshapka realizes that his goodberries can serve as food and drink for the giant, and he can get them to him without entering the cell. “Open your mouth,” he says, and the giant looks at him confused. Babshapka pulls out a goodberry and holds it in front of the window. “This will help,” he says reassuringly. “Open your mouth and tilt your head back, if you can.”

The giant does what he says, though he groans as he moves. Babshapka tosses his first goodberry - and the magical fruit bounces off the giant’s forehead (Dex check 8; fails). Babshapka swears and pulls out his second and last goodberry. Of course, Aurora could do this easily with her mage hand - but she is still holed up in the drow lair identifying magic items.

Babshapka tosses the berry, and it bounces of the giant’s chin and falls to the floor (Dex check 9; fails). By now, Willa sees what he is doing, and passes up the two goodberries allocated to her, despite the glares from Mathias. These Babshapka manages to land in the mouth of the giant (Dex checks 13, 18, both successes). Almost immediately his shoulders look a little less purple, and he sighs as his thirst is slaked.

“Who was the empyrean imprisoned in this hall?” Babshapka continues.

“Ah, yes - that was a difficult battle. That empyrean laid many brave warriors low before we managed to capture him. I told Snurre that the cost to our forces was not worth the prize, but the King said that he would make the most grand sacrifice to the Maw himself. The drow preside over these sacrifices, and the entire Hall assembles in the Temple to watch. Under the direction of the drow, the Maw appears at the altar - it rips the bodies apart with its tentacles and draws forth the soul of the sacrifice to devour.”

“How many fire giants have converted to worshiping the Maw, and how many remain loyal to Surtur?”

“That’s difficult to say without knowing their minds. All of us publicly worship the Maw, because the King has decreed it. But what do we feel in private?” The giant looks pensive.

[Leezar messages the giant, The Elder Elemental God watches you!]

Suddenly Boldo looks scared. “I think I have said enough!” he blurts out.

[Oh great Maw, the giant replies to Leezar, you know that I am a loyal servant of You and Snurre. I am just trying to trick these foolish adventurers into letting me go. They will be the first ones to be sacrificed on your Unholy Altar as soon as I help righteous King Snurre to defeat them!

Leezar grins slightly, but the tone of his message is stern; Get these Vermin out of my Fortress by any means and preserve my Temple, or your soul will be ripped to shreds for eternity!

Yes, oh mighty Maw in the Dark! supplicates the giant.]

Babshapka tries to engage the giant with more questions, but from this point on, he steadfastly refuses to answer anything. He appears scared (Babshapka Insight 23). Eventually Babshapka gives up and they move on.

(4:16-4:27am; seventh potion (enchantment, from the Steading) is Mind Control (Monster). However, there is more to it than that (Arcana 25). Aurora recognizes that this is a highly specialized magical effect that works only on Hill Giants [potion of hill giant control]. As Aurora reflects on this, she remembers the previous Mind Control potion, and that there was something about it she could not put her finger on (Arcana 19). She pulls that back out, and compares it with the one she just identified. She concludes that the original one, the one that was in the drow coffer, is a potion of fire giant control (Arcana 25)).

The party moves back up the hall, but on the other side. The cell [2-11c] across from the still-open door of the guard room has two human-sized skeletons on the floor, lying one next to the other. It otherwise appears empty, at least from the window, so they move on.

The next cell [2-10c] is larger, the last in this section of the hall, and holds a half-dozen gnolls. Babshapka, still wearing his gnoll face, speaks to them in Giant, asking them why they are here. They respond in broken Giant:

"We bad. We deserve be here. We steal gold. We happy to be here till masters not angry any more."

When Babshapka does not contest what they say, they have a request: “You! Free gnoll! You tell masters we be good now. We done being punished." Babshapka doesn’t make any promises.

Next on the wall is a big opening with stairs going down, and then another four cell doors along the south wall. Skipping the stairs for now, Babshapka checks the next cell [2-9c]. A single troll, unbound, sits motionless in the center of the room. It is obviously alive, but seems unresponsive. Babshapka leaves it be.

The next cell west along the south wall is empty [2-8c], while in the next [2-7c] are three gnolls. Looking through the window, Babshapka can see that there are two living gnolls, between them worrying a long bone, and one bloated gnoll lying on the floor, unmoving and smelling of death. A quick scan of the corpse shows that it is missing a leg, which is most likely what the two others are working at.

When Babshapka calls to them, they let fly with a rapid torrent of growls and barks that could well be the Gnoll tongue. “Hey, speak Giant!” he admonishes them. “What happened?”

“We only eat little bit,” they protest. “Because no food in days!”

“No, not that. What happened to you? Why are you here?”

“Masters say 'insubnet'. Masters say 'back talk'. Ok now! No more back talk! Let good gnolls out now! We only eat him cause hungry. No kill - he already dead!” Babshapka leaves them for now.

The final cell on the south wall [2-6c], next to where Thokk is posting his watch on the ramp, is empty.

(4:27-4:38am; Aurora identifies the axe taken from the fire giant in the last battle. It is a greataxe+2 [heavy weapon, two-handed, d12+2 damage]).

Babshapka, Doro, Willa, and Mathias descend the steps to what they think is a torture chamber, well aware that Tina told Doro there was treasure here on the floor. The steps end in a cluttered room with a fifty-foot high ceiling with multiple sets of hanging chains (although there is currently no one suspended in them). The area was once lit by torches, but is now dark. Even those with darkvision have difficulty seeing into the recesses of the room, however, as it is still smoky and shadowed.

Inside the chamber are a large rack (sized for giants - which surprises Babshapka), a smaller one (which could accommodate gnolls or humans), an open iron maiden, and a stone-rimmed well. Various chains, bats, irons, whips, ropes, wires, and the like are strewn about in no particular order. There is a giant-sized table, two chairs, a stool, and a large barrel.

Babshapka looks about (Investigation 13) and quickly finds gems (ten) and jewelry (six pieces) on the floor, near the well. “Why on the floor?” he asks.

Willa examines them (Insight 11) and finds them to be in three neat piles - separated by the space that two giants might occupy, kneeling or squatting. She recalls that they found knucklebones on two of the fire giants after the last fight, and speculates that the giants were from here, and had been throwing for the treasure when the party interrupted them with the battle. The three piles, she says, are the common pot and the personal purses of the two giants. “Regar’less,” she concludes, “it be are lot now” and she scoops them all up, with the intention of placing them in the bag of holding when she gets back to the drow room with Aurora.

Fire giant treasure so far
6 gems (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
300gp (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
200gp (from Estia’s frost giant guards)
Estia’s sabre-tooth tiger cloak
Estia’s morningstar
Estia’s undergarments
One platinum box, set with moonstones and sunstones, ten gems loose within (from cloud giant)
10 gems (from floor of torture chamber)
6 jewelries (from floor of torture chamber)
Greataxe +2 (from warrior in battle)
Potions of growth, fire giant control, philtre of love x2, poison (from drow)
Potions of hill giant control, poison (from matron of Steading)

Babshapka goes over the room for secret doors (Perception 15), but doesn’t believe there is any way out, unless one wants to try the well. He brings up a bucket on a ninety-foot length of rope; the water seems potable.

(4:38-4:49am; Aurora identifies one of the candles; it has evocation magic allowing it to burn without consuming itself; like a continual flame spell. She considers taking the candles with them as a light source, but wonders whether, once extinguished, they can be lit again for the same effect. As she studies the candle further she notes that it is tallow, not wax, and has unholy symbols carved around its base (Religion 14). Reaching out with her identify spell, she senses a connection between a candle and this series of two rooms. She concludes that the candles might burn forever in a consecrated place like these quarters of the priestess, or the Temple outside - but would likely lose that property if removed.)

With all the cells in this part of the hall checked, the party returns to the north wall near the temple and checks the larger of the two cells there [2-2c]. There are eight elves, unbound but weak. Mathias speaks with them; they appear surprised but relieved. He learns that they are from elven lands on the forested mountain slopes near the human nation of the Yeomanry. Over the course of the last several months, their people have fought off multiple mountain raids from gnolls, sometimes led by hill giants, ettins, and even accompanied by trolls. They were captured in the last raid. They are all artisans - the warriors of their people died fighting. After having spent enough time in the Hall, they have come to learn that they were specifically captured to be fed to the Maw, for the drow leading the worship there particularly enjoy sacrificing surface elves. Mathias tells them to sit tight and be quiet for now, and they readily agree - but implore him to immediately rescue and protect ‘the princess’, who they say is in the cell next to theirs. But when the party looks in that cell, they find it empty.

Babshapka gives the elves a ration each and a full waterskin between them. Although none of them have had water in more than a day and the cells are swelteringly hot, they carefully take a few swallows each and then pass the skin to their comrades, making sure everyone has some before it makes its rounds again, and finally returning the empty skin.

[Down 12 rations and three and a half skins of water for prisoners]

Doro stealthily (26) checks the ramp going down to the next level - the hallway is dark, but she sees light at the bottom.

Mathias and Willa then begin a discussion about what to do with the prisoners. Willa wants to free and arm them, now that they know who is here. Mathias says that despite their appearances they can’t be trusted, and that the risk is too great of them alerting the giants to their presence. The party is supposed to be hiding in the drow chamber until they have restored their strength, and if the giants find and fall upon them now they will be in grave circumstances. Releasing the prisoners will make that far more likely than not. Giving them food and water is one thing, but releasing them should wait until after the party has defeated the giants - if they are even going to do that. For his part, Mathias says that their mission lies in pursuing the drow, and that once the party has recovered, that is what they should be doing, giants and prisoners alike be damned. Babshapka adds his thoughts, but once he sees the intransigence of both sides he decides to leave and seek out Thokk. The hushed but angry voices of Mathias and Willa follow him down the hall. Doro accompanies him as far as the smithy room [2-6], then goes inside to search it.

Doro looks through all the tools in the room, trying to find anything that could be used as a master key or at least a lock pick (Investigation 13). She finds a number of hard but flexible steel wires, some tiny pliers and awl punches for detail work, and such. None of them were designed as lock-picking tools, but against a large, simple lock like that on the wererat chest they should work in a makeshift sort of way [she will be allowed to use half her proficiency bonus on a tool check against the lock]. Once she has a kit put together, she decides to finish a thorough search of the room, for at least as long as she can stand the heat rolling off the open expanse of magma on the far side of the chamber.

Besides the abundant tools and raw materials, in various stages of completion about the chamber are three giant-sized swords, some pieces of armor, and several axe and spear heads. On one bench is the sole human-sized weapon (Investigation 16); a mace that looks like it could be made from the same glossy black metal (History 10) as Duchess’ manacles. This she takes with her as well when she leaves, headed back to the chest.

Meanwhile, Babshapka has arrived at Thokk’s position and says that he will relieve him on watch if Thokk will make sure the drow can’t get out of the basement, which Thokk agrees to, happy for the break from the boring duty. Thokk wanders back until he arrives at the great doors that open out from the downward-ramp. Ignoring Mathias and Willa in their ongoing argument about the prisoners, he begins hammering pitons into the volcanic rock of the floor in front of the doors, until there are about twice what it would take to stop a human from breaking through (4 pitons removed from Thokk’s equipment).

(4:49-5am, Aurora identifies Estia’s weapon as a morningstar +2; (d8+2 damage, one handed)).

[5-6am Luck roll: 0 Required for encounter: -1 or lower Result: No encounter]

With her makeshift set of lockpicks, Doro returns to the large iron chest in the hall, outside of the guard room. By the time she has checked to make sure none of the furniture they piled against the secret door has moved, she has been joined by Willa, Mathias, and Thokk - the former two having ended their argument in an apparent stalemate, but with all of the prisoners still in their cells.

Doro fiddles with the lock mechanism while Mathias provides what magical support he can (DC20 lock, Doro has a 19 for Dex-based tool use with half her proficiency bonus, plus 3 from Guidance is 22; success). After a minute or so there is a satisfying click! as the last catch releases.

Inside the chest are clothes - lots and lots of clothes, with almost all of it being cloaks and heavier outerwear. Some are obviously of elven design, others fancy human dress. In the bottom are a number of odd leather harnesses. Doro (Int check 21), Willa (17), and Mathias (4) examine them - and eventually work out that they must belong to all of the prisoners, current and former, of the cell block - the natural heat of the place meaning the prisoners require only their light clothes or undergarments in their cells. The harnesses look like they might fit the centaurs, and allow them to suspend weapons from different parts of their bodies. The weapons themselves, however, are not present.

“Just clothes?” asks Doro, incredulously. But why were the wererats trying to run away with this? She checks the chest for a false bottom (Investigation 23) but doesn’t find one, before giving up in disgust. Willa divides the clothes into different piles based on whose she thinks they are (including some for Duchess, the elves, Gentin the Merchant, and the centaurs), and the party splits up to deliver them.

[Doro did not search the lid of the chest for false compartments, and thus did not find the ring, spell scroll, and six potions hidden therein, which were the reason the wererats had attempted to make off with this chest. Their other treasure (a chest with jewelry and gold coins, and a chest with gold coins, a potion, and a scroll) remains inside their lair room, on the other side of the barricade - or at least it did when the party left, but by now it may have been taken down the stairs.]

The party returns to the drow rooms, climbing through the cell door window, to check on Aurora. She explains to them all of the things she has identified so far, and Doro presents her with the mace from the forge. She had been taking a break, waiting to hear from the party, before starting the transcription of the new spells into her book, as that will take hours and is better done uninterrupted.

(5:10-5:21am, Aurora identifies the strange black mace as a mace +2. Doro claims it).

Thinking that the drow weapon might possess some sort of protective qualities like the manacles, Aurora tells everyone to move away from it. Once they are on the other side of the room, she proceeds to throw three firebolts at it, hitting it each time (2, 8, and 17 damage). When she picks it up again it is unscored, unharmed. She is satisfied, if still unsure of how they are going to free the human woman.

Willa tells Aurora that she wants to take both Thokk and Babshapka to investigate the Temple, and she wants Scabbers on watch duty - with Aurora’s undivided attention on the rat making sure no giants are descending from the first level. Aurora is ready for a break after all the identification, and so agrees. Willa, Mathias, Doro, and Thokk leave the drow rooms and return to the prison halls, picking up Babshapka at the base of the ramp to the first level and leaving the rat in his place. Together, they all approach the wall in front of the Temple, the wall that Doro tells them is illusionary.

Thokk reaches out and feels the solid stone. Remembering the cell wall, he closes his eyes and stretches out his hand - and again feels the solid stone wall of the corridor (Investigation 13). “No Temple here,” he says.

Willa tries - but has to agree with him that the wall is quite solid (Investigation 6).

Doro shakes her head and says the magic is befuddling their senses. It is easy to confuse an active mind, she says - but another thing entirely to affect insensate objects. Thokk furrows his brow, trying to understand her, and then brightens. He takes another piton out of his pack and tosses it at the wall where Doro points. He and Mathias hear it clank as it hits the wall, and see it fall to the floor (Investigation Thokk 4, Mathias 10).

The others, however, see it pass through the wall, and only hear the clang later as it falls to the floor beyond (Willa Investigation 16, Babshapka 20, Doro 27).

Thokk moves forward and bends over to pick up the piton, but finds that he can no longer see it on the floor. When he is next to the wall and doubled over, Willa suddenly shoves him and he stumbles through the wall. He draws his weapon as he stands, but sees only swirling lights all around him and no figures (Investigation 9).

Willa and Babshapka move through the wall after him, but stand well clear of his axe as they look about.

Mathias and Doro remain outside, for now.

[Leezar remembers that Fish told him that the drow had laid a powerful curse on the Temple in anticipation of the party.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:19 pm  
Post 359: Three out, one in, two back

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Post 358: Three out, one in, two back
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, Temple

[10/28/21 play session, continued]

Beyond the illusionary wall, the whole place is illuminated by a strange, swirling light that seems to be part of the very air. Eddies of luminosity drift here and there, causing the whole scene to be difficult to perceive. Distances and dimensions are tricky to determine in the shifting light of rusty purple motes and lavender rays. Globs of mauve and violet seem to seep and slide around.

They appear to be in some sort of raised gallery or platform above the main floor of the temple below. Ahead of them, steep, giant-sized stairs descend to the floor. Beyond the stairs, a pair of enormous columns run from the floor to the ceiling some fifty or sixty feet overhead, although the hazy light makes it hard to determine if there even is a solid ceiling. On either side of the pillars there is a great floor area, and the wall to the west appears decorated. As they look about, Thokk suddenly jumps, seeing them for the first time.

“Evil advisor!” he roars. “Where you come from?”

“‘ush, Thokk!” Willa admonishes him. “Wha’ do ye ‘ear?”

Thokk, along with the others, listens - and they all hear muffled cries and the sounds of someone struggling against bonds.

They descend the stairs quietly. Once they are on the floor of the temple, they can see better the disturbing paintings on both walls. The floor in the western half of the area is porphyry, and the pillars are made of serpentine. Their well-polished surfaces reflect the strange light that permeates the place. At the far end of the temple a platform or dais is raised, with some sort of altar, and vague figures around it. Trusting to the odd light to obscure them, they creep forward until Thokk strays too close to a pillar. Then, a wave of fear grips him and he cries out a challenge to his enemies (Stealth Willa 22, Babshapka 13, Thokk 3 (critical fail)).

At Thokk’s cry, the figures at the altar turn and look at them. Suddenly, their perspective jumps as if the floor had moved under them and brought them a hundred feet closer in an instant. They can see the altar clearly, as if they were standing next to it. A surface elf, pale, naked, and beautiful, lies on the altar, while a trio of drow surround it. As the captive elven woman turns and looks into their eyes imploringly, a drow priestess reaches out and plunges her dagger into the woman’s breast, and blood gushes over the stone of the altar.

[The three of them have triggered the curse trap of the drow: Wisdom saves Willa 19 (success), Thokk 8 (fail), Babshapka 4 (fail).]

Outside in the hall, Mathias tells Doro to stand watch while he enters the temple. Doro takes up a watch position attempting to hide, but the bright light from the gas jets makes her somewhat obvious (Stealth 12).

Back inside the Temple, Willa sees a long, almost slow-motion scene of the sacrifice, and then her vision clears. She is standing halfway across the floor of the temple, where she was before, far from the altar. There are no figures at the altar - but on the wall behind, hanging in chains, is an impossibly large body, far bigger than any fire giant, larger even than Lyn the storm giantess. Thokk and Babshapka stand next to Willa. They are on their feet but dazed and unresponsive, even when she slaps them hard across their faces.

Trying not to panic, fighting a growing sense of dread, Willa looks about her - first for obvious enemies (which she doesn’t find), and then at the furnishings of the strange temple, hoping there is some clue in the decorations, or a motif that can help her bring her companions back from wherever their minds have been trapped.

The northern end of the temple is tiered, with three low steps that lead up toward the center of the north wall. This wall, made of cloudy purple stone, displays an inlay of a huge inverted triangle with a Y shape enclosed in it and touching the triangle's sides. She recognizes it as the symbol on the pendant from the message in the Steading. Hanging beneath this symbol, suspended on chains from the ceiling, is what Willa realizes must be the empyrean - pale, dead, and drained of blood like a slaughtered hog hanging from a butcher’s hook.

The floor of the first tier is black stone shot through with veins of violet. A great drum of blackened skin and chitinous material rests on the western side of the first tier. On the eastern side is a rack from which hang nine silver cylinders, apparently a set of chimes. The large pillar to the east on the first tier is made of malachite and is covered with graven signs and sigils.

The second tier is dark gray stone, with specks of lilac and orange and purple. It holds the huge stone altar block of dull, porous-looking, somewhat rust-colored black mineral. To either side of the altar are large bronze braziers whose corroded green coloration is particularly nauseating in this setting. Flanking the braziers, in the form of triangles pointing downward, are two sets of candelabra, each candelabrum having three branches. These are made of bronze that is green with age, and each branch holds a fat black candle that burns with a flame of leaping lavender and deep glowing purple.

The third tier is dull black stone with whorls of plum and lavender and splotches of red.

The entire western wall of the temple is a mural showing giants bowing before a black cairn, offering sacrifices and giving gifts. The scenes on the west wall grow more gruesome as the viewer proceeds north, culminating in scenes showing human and giant sacrifice near the end closest to the altar.

The eastern half of the temple is sectioned off by pillars, but they are smaller than the ones flanking the stairs, with the gaps between them narrow, too narrow for a giant to pass frontwise. Willa thinks she can see a separate staircase in the back of the temple offering access to this section. The polished floor of red and black hornblende of that area seems to flow between the thin pillars of obsidian that border it. The wall to the east shows a scene of various creatures submitting to a trio of huge, vaguely squid-like creatures, each with ten hairy tentacles and mottled in various shades and tints of purple and violet. In the forefront of this mass self-sacrifice are elves and humans, but there are also dwarves, gnolls, orcs, trolls, halflings, eigers, goblins, and other creatures among the crowd. Those near the front of the line are being torn apart and the bloody gobbets eaten as dainty morsels, while those in the rear press forward, apparently eager to meet the same fate.

Willa draws a dagger and pricks Thokk on one muscled forearm. He doesn’t even flinch. Willa doesn’t like at all the way the floor seems to eagerly lap up the blood that trickles down his arm and drops to the stone. In the time that she has spent with Thokk, Babshapka has taken a few faltering steps. Willa turns to him, hoping he has come to his senses, but his eyes are still glazed, and his face rather wears the expression of the people in the painting as he staggers toward the altar.

Taking both men by their hands, Willa moves backwards and pulls them along behind her as she makes her way back toward the stairs. Despite keeping the pillars in her view, she checks over her shoulder every few steps, for she can’t fight the feeling that she is about to back into one of the pillars, and for some reason the thought fills her with dread.

The stairs prove harder, since neither of the lost men have the instinct to raise their legs for the next step, and Willa has to do that for them, then practically lift them up to the next step. Fortunately they retain enough sense to balance themselves and remain upright. Whenever she gets one of them up a step or two from the other, she is sure she hears the sound of a wet tentacle sliding across the polished stone floor, ready to claim whichever one she has left behind. Her heart is racing both from exertion and fear by the time she finally has both of them at the top of the stairs, in the gallery above the temple, but Mathias is there, wearing his own, human, face, and looking concerned.

Willa examines Mathias carefully, but it really does appear to be him, and not catatonic, and not possessed. After a few words of greeting, he helps her maneuver Thokk and Babshapka toward the illusionary wall, and then out into the hall where Doro is still waiting. Willa had hoped their minds would clear once free of the temple, but both men are just as dazed as before. This is not good.

Willa, Mathias, and Doro guide Thokk and Babshapka all the way back to the false cell. There is no way they can be hauled through the window, so Willa gets the others to help her remove the bar and then hustles everyone inside before closing and barring the door herself from the outside and climbing through the window. After that it is easy enough to get them to the drow chambers where Aurora is dutifully monitoring the ramp through the eyes of Scabbers - and just as they arrive she tells the others that Scabbers sees something coming down the ramp!

[end of 10/28/21 play session]
[start of 11/4/21 play session]

Willa pulls Thokk and Babshapka into the far drow room, placing them in the back of the chamber, well away from the purple wall. She stands by the curtain that separates the two chambers, sword drawn and listening intently. With Babshapka senseless, she asks Mathias to use his translator if he should hear Giant.

Mathias and Willa move back to the false cell, pressing themselves up against the wall so that they cannot be seen through the window. Doro uses her message spell to tell Duchess that she has acquired a set of lockpicks and will be coming for her in her cell soon, but not until it is safe.

Aurora is left alone in the near drow room. After a few minutes it becomes clear that the activity on the ramp was just a changing of the guard - one new fire giant has replaced the old one, who has withdrawn back up the ramp. The new guard remains attentive, but does not move further to enter the prison level. When she is quite sure he is not advancing, Aurora alerts the others, and they all return to the central room of their hiding spot.

Willa brings Babshapka and Thokk with her and asks Aurora what is wrong with them (Medicine check 4, critical fail, Arcana check 23, success).

“As near as I can tell,” says Aurora after her examination, “there is nothing physically wrong with them - they show instinctive responses - their pupils respond to light, they can maintain their balance, their breathing and heartbeats are strong and steady. What appears to be the problem is their mental state. The most similar things I have seen are the effects of a maze spell, or a phantasmal killer - those trap their victims in their own mind. But both of those are arcane spells, and this is obviously an effect of the temple. I don’t know much about divine magic, so I don’t really know what happened to them - or how to end it.”

She thinks a bit more, and then adds - “There are lots of spells that might work to restore them, but we don’t have any of them; dispel magic, remove curse, greater restoration - hells, even lesser restoration might work - if Babshapka was well enough to cast it on himself. There is one thing I could try…”

Aurora tries, through her hypnotic gaze, to draw Thokk away from whatever is holding his mind captive, but whether the effect of the temple is too strong, or he simply resists Aurora’s charms (Thokk Wis save 18), there is no change in his condition. “At this point,” says Aurora, “I can only suggest thoughts and prayers.”

Mathias scoffs. “Yeah, no,” he says. “If those giants come back, we will need more than the four of us ready. It is time to free that thief. If she tries to turn on us, we are still strong enough to kill her. If she doesn’t, we may need her on hand for our next fight.” For once, Willa agrees with him.

Mathias and Doro move back to the false cell, and Mathias asks his bat Fish to scout the halls outside while invisible. When he is sure it is clear, Mathias and Doro climb back out the window and return to Duchess’ cell.

Doro and Mathias have each helped Willa take out one of the great bars keeping a cell door closed, but neither have done it themselves, and they are the two least brawny members of the party. Mathias braces himself standing against the door, while Doro climbs up, stands on his shoulders, and tries to lift the heavy bar out of its brackets. After considerable grunting and straining, Doro finally works the beam out of its housing. Immediately she starts to sway and threatens to drop the bar (Doro Athletics check 5; fail). With a soft thud, she falls to the floor but makes sure the bar lands on her, rather than it falling on Mathias or clattering loudly to the stone floor (Doro Acrobatics check 22; success, Doro takes 3hp damage).

With the bar out of the way, and both of them pulling on the door, they eventually get it open. Duchess is still chained to the wall, though now she has one leather slipper off and has made considerable progress on the ration and water skin. Doro pulls out her lockpicks and Mathias offers guidance to her. With just the right amount of help from Mathias, Doro is able to open the first manacle (DC20 lock, Doro Dex-based tool use with half proficiency bonus 19, +1 from guidance = 20; success).

Duchess tells her that the unlocking was well done, but then immediately takes the set of picks from Doro and has her other hand free in two seconds, with no help from either of them.

“So,” she says brightly, “about Snurre’s treasure room?”

“Maybe later,” says Mathias coolly. “Right now, two of our party are indisposed and you can start paying us back for your freedom by standing watch while we rest and get ready to face the giants again.”

“Ugh, standing watch,” she says disgustedly. “I’ve done more than enough standing and watching over the past several days. But you’re right, I do owe you. And if you beat the giants, that makes it more likely we can find the treasure vault. So where are you holed up?”

“First,” says Doro, impressed by Duchess’ masterful use of the picks, “listen at the secret door in the guardroom and tell us if you can hear the wererats.”

Duchess goes to the guardroom, climbs agilely over the barricade of furniture, and puts her ear to the stone door (Perception 16). After some time she silently shakes her head no. Satisfied that the wererats (and drow) are contained for now, Doro and Mathias lead Duchess back to the false cell. She is impressed by the false bars on the windows, and more so by the illusory wall in the back of the cell.

When she gets to the first drow room, however, she is speechless. She turns in a slow circle, looking at all the tapestries showing the drow engaged in numerous lecherous acts. “So they’re not a myth…” she mumbles. “Either that, or someone has a very active imagination.”

“You already know Duchess,” says Mathias, by way of introduction to the others, although he does not give their names. “She’ll be taking that dagger Babshapka offered her,” he says, sliding it out of the elf’s sheath while the ranger stares silently ahead, unmoving. “And Aurora,” Mathias adds, “could we get a skeleton bow for her? I don’t think she’ll want to go toe to toe with the giants.”

“Mmm?” says Aurora distractedly, since she is setting out papers and inks and preparing to begin copying from the recovered scroll into her spellbook. “Oh, bow. Yeah, bows and arrows are in the bag of holding - help yourself - but you get it out, please - she doesn’t touch the bag.”

As Mathias opens the bag, Duchess says, apparently to them all, “I’m not interested in your stuff, for what it’s worth. I’m sure you came here with lots of magic that lets you kill giants. But magic is terribly hard to fence for someone like me. You need to be establishment to move magic, and I’m anything but that. I am only interested in the shinies, stuff that is easy to unload on the quick, and the King has far more of those than you do. I’m keeping my eyes on that prize, so your stuff is safe. Thief’s honor.”

Willa harrumphs.

Mathias rummages in the bag for quite some time - apparently Aurora has a very different system of organization than he did when the bag was his. Eventually he pulls out a longbow and arrows.

[Leezar can hardly believe how easy it is to obtain access to the bag. Aurora is absorbed with her scrolls and inks and not even looking over. Willa won't take her eyes off of Duchess - as if the woman would attempt anything against the four of them together. Leezar suppresses a snort. He knows the type - she won't try anything unless she has one of them alone and unwary. That leaves Doro as the only one with any sense, so he needs to wait until she is looking away for what he is trying to do.

He quickly finds the longbow and arrows, but doesn't remove them. Instead, he locates and then carefully folds up the vestments of the drow priestess into the tightest possible bundle he can, then pretends to continue looking while he tracks everyone else’s attention. At the moment that Doro is looking away, he quickly takes out the dress bundle but with the longbow on top of it, simultaneously dropping the bow on the floor and shoving the bundle behind him, next to his own bag (Doro Perception 9 < Leezar guidance on his own Sleight of Hand check).]

“Do you know how to use this?” Mathias asks Duchess, as he pulls out a quiver of arrows to go with the bow.

She shrugs. “I know how,” she says. “Can’t say as I am very good - I’d prefer a shortbow. Also, where I come from, that’s called a longbow, not a ‘skeleton bow’.” [The assassin can use the bow, but will not get her proficiency bonus to hit]

“Okay, I’m going to start copying now, starting with see invisible,” announces Aurora. “That should take me about four hours, so no disruptions please - you can all take care of yourselves, right?”

Willa harrumphs again, as if the mage has any right asking whether the rest of them can take care of themselves…speaking of which…“If ye be scribin’ fer far ares, ye should be eatin’ farst.”

“I don’t think…” begins Aurora, then thinks better of it. “Yes, I will be eating first.”

Short Rest (5:40 am - 6:40 am) and morning meal
[Babshapka will later use his stone for breakfast, after he has returned to his senses. They had 19 full water skins, used three and a half for the prisoners and five for themselves; they now have 10.5 skins remaining. They used 12 rations for the prisoners and another 1.5 themselves, going from 43 to 29.5 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (93 pounds remain). He drinks 4 gallons from an open cask, in which three gallons still remain afterward. He does not have enough water on hand for the entire rest of the day, but because he had enough water up until this point he will not have exhaustion saves until past 6am the next day.]

While Mathias rests and eats, he tells Fish to go scout the uppermost level of the Hall invisibly. At the ramp, Fish spots the same fire giant guard that Scabbers is currently watching. The guard seems very alert (Perception check 22). Fish tries to slip by (Stealth 10), but immediately notices (Insight 13) that the giant has cocked his head and is tracking the beating of his leathery wings through the air. Fish withdraws, takes a scouting flight around the prison level, and returns to Mathias.

Once it is clear that they will be resting, Doro casts a song of vitality, healing several members of the party - first Babshapka (10, 10, 11, 3, 8, 8 ). While his physical wounds close, it doesn’t do anything to remove him from his stupor. She then uses the spell to heal Willa (5, 5, 9, 6, until she is at full). Doro then begins, off and on, the healing music of her song of rest (Doro at 2/1/0/3/0).

Once Willa has eaten, she brings to the floor again the question of releasing the prisoners - the elves and centaurs, at least, they should surely free from their cells, if not the gnolls. Mathias raises his objections from before about them giving the party away to the giants.

“It seems to me,” says Doro, still idly strumming her samisen, and Willa and Mathias turn to look at her surprised, as she has not voiced an opinion before, “it seems to me,” she says, “that what we really want to do is make sure that they are safe. If they go from their cells to the middle of our battle with the giants, that is not really rescuing them. We need to send them somewhere secure, and that is not wherever we are. Both Aurora and Mathias have the teleport circle spell, and that is likely how we are getting them out of here. So I guess I don’t see any reason to let them out of the cells until we are ready to cast that spell - and since we need it on hand for ourselves, we won’t be casting it until either we win or we can be sure we don’t need another spell of that power. So if they are safe where they are for now, I think we should let them stay there until we are prepared to send them someplace better.”

Willa turns that around in her mind, perhaps more willing to listen to someone ‘impartial’, or at least not as contrarian as Mathias. She has to admit that the bard’s words ring true, and she withdraws her request to release the others.

On the other hand, Doro messages Willa privately, we should keep Duchess here with us. We may need her help if we have to fight our way out of the Hall, especially if we can’t revive Thokk and Babshapka. You should know that I am helping her as a professional courtesy - but I don’t have any loyalty to her and she certainly doesn’t have any to us. Let’s keep her where we can see her for now.

Willa nods silently, as if she is deep in her own thoughts.

[Later, while the party is resting, Leezar messages Duchess without letting any of the others know.

Hey, he says. Hey you?

I’m listening, she responds simply.

I’d like your help with something, he says.

Yeah? What do you want my help with? And who is this?

That would be me, he says. As he sees her eyes scan the room, he gives a Thieves Guild hand gesture for ‘I’m here’ when Doro’s back is turned.

Ok, what do you want help with?

Follow me - we’ll be searching a room out in the hall.

(Duchess Insight 1) Okay, but do you not want the others to know…?

They’re busy. Also, I would like to talk to you about some private employment.

Alright, but if this is some kind of strange loyalty test where you try to see if I will betray them, I’m not looking for trouble. I’ve nothing against your group.

No, nothing like that.] “Scouting trip,” says Mathias out loud, as he moves toward the false wall.

“‘old up, Aye’ll come wit’ ye,” says Willa immediately. “It do be time fer a patrol - ‘specially since Aurora be busy wit’ ‘er copyin’ and not watchin’ ‘er rat.”

[Leezar sighs inwardly. We’ll talk later, he tells Duchess.] Duchess follows Mathias and the warrior woman through the false wall.

Willa leads Duchess up the hall until they come to the site of the party’s battle with the fire giants, who still lie on the floor - Duchess has not seen this yet since leaving her cell. As they approach she suddenly stops in shock. “Holy Rhalishaz!” she exclaims, mouth agape as she stares at the bodies. Mathias follows at a distance, watching the hall behind them and conversing telepathically with his invisible bat.

(Willa Religion Check 16 - Willa knows Rhalishaz as ‘The Unlooked For’; the god of ill-luck and misfortune. Duchess’ profanity is a common-enough expression among people shocked by something they did not expect, and doesn’t necessarily indicate that she is a worshiper - but, like all such religious profanity, it would be avoided by the more careful or superstitious and at least betrays a lack of fear or respect for the gods.)

“T’at way be ther Tunnel,” says Willa, gesturing down the hall. “Ken ye t’at?”

“No,” replies Duchess. “I’ve been around the first level a bit scouting, but the only thing I’ve seen of this level is the walk from the ramp to my former cell. I don’t know what you mean by ‘the Tunnel.’”

Willa nods but does not explain. “‘ow aboot ther Temple? Seen ye any sacrifices?”

“No, nothing like that. I heard that some of the prisoners were being used for sacrifices, but figured I was just being told that to soften me up or get me to turn.”

Willa nods again, and turns to the west, leading Duchess down the hall to the purple wall. “Wha’ de ye ‘ear ‘ere?” she asks.

The woman approaches the wall but is careful not to touch it (Perception 15). “It sounds like a box of cockroaches,” she says. “You know, I didn’t think the drow were real, but those tapestries are pretty convincing. I prefer them to this creepy wall, though.”

“Wha’ aboot yer fellow prisoners?”

Duchess relates that she knows one prisoner across from her was kept drugged, as the Gaoler routinely left his station to administer some kind of sedative, and that also nearby was a fire giant, someone who was being tortured but carefully, so as not to kill him. Along the long wall were gnolls, with whom the Gaoler was much less careful, and a crazy troll.

“Crazy? ‘ow so?”

“Mad from torture. When the Gaoler would get bored, he’d take the troll out of its cell and drag it to the torture chamber. They’d break its bones, stick it in an iron maiden, all kinds of nasty stuff - as long as they didn’t use fire, it didn’t matter if they accidentally ‘killed’ it. I imagine it went insane from the pain.”

They proceed around the corner.

[Leezar contacts Duchess again. Are you willing to go with us to the underdark? We can get you better equipment.

Is that where the treasure room is? she replies. If not, no thanks. I don’t even have darkvision. This was supposed to be a day job. An hour ago, I didn’t even believe in dark elves. I don’t think I’m ready to go fight them without even knowing what the reward margin is.

Who sent you?

They move past the forge, then carefully around the next corner at the bottom of the stairs, near the ramp. Duchess in her light clothing moves much more quietly than Willa in her plate.

[One of the Sea Princes offered me a great keep share if I fenced Snurre’s treasury with him. Too good to be true, ha. Not worth getting caught, though.

It’s a bit weird you got this far on your own, if you don’t mind me saying. Were you with anyone else?

No, just me. I prefer to work solo. The dwarves were easy enough to bribe - I came into the Hall in a coal car. Everything was going great until I slipped out in the forge. Damn trolls and their damn sense of smell.

Pretty brave.

It’s brave when you don’t get caught. When you do, it’s just stupid.]

Eventually they are back at the false cell, having made a full circuit of the level. “Aye don’ be good at waitin’” admits Willa, who took the walk with Duchess to scout the level, but also to give herself something to do rather than sit in the drow rooms and be nervous. Duchess makes a stirrup with her hands, and boosts Willa high enough that she can grab the bar of the door overhead, and then pull herself up until she is standing on it. As she is lifted, much of her waist and legs brush against Duchess, and now standing on the bar she is suddenly suspicious and checks her pouches and sheathes to see if anything is missing.

Duchess laughs easily. “That’s a good instinct,” she says, “but I’m not interested in anything of yours. Adventuring gear is hard to fence, and I don’t stay in any one place long. I really am after Snurre’s treasure - gold and gems and jewelry can be changed fast in just about any city, even if you aren’t from there.” Once Willa is through the window, Duchess takes a running jump, propels herself up the door with two steps, and easily catches the bar before flipping herself lightly on top of it.

[When they enter the rectory again, Leezar lingers in the false cell. Want to smoke some weed? he messages at Duchess’ back.

Now you’re talking, she laughs in response. Are you sure it’s cool?

Yeah, he says, it’s all good, and starts digging herb and rolling papers out of his man bag.

Ok, but roll me a small one. I’m still on the job and I haven’t really slept in a while.]

Willa returns to the rectory, but Mathias says that he wants to remain in the false cell and listen for a while. Duchess goes back and joins him for a bit, then returns, smelling of the cigarettes he burns incessantly when he has watch.

[6am - at dawn, Thokk’s javelins and Mathias’ wand recharge]

[6-7am Luck roll: 0 Required for encounter: 0 Result: Obmi only, invisible]

[6am: It has been five hours since the party entered the prison level from the tunnel and fought the giants, wererats, and drow. It has been four hours since Obmi surveyed the results of the battle, found no survivors from the Hall, and reported to Snurre. In the time since then, Snurre has been unwavering, and has not granted Obmi any more warriors to find and punish the party. Instead, he has told Obmi that it is the dwarf’s own neck at stake here. He is personally responsible for finding the hiding-hole of the party and assessing their condition. Only if they can be found, and Obmi reports them as extremely wounded and recovering, will Snurre agree to send the remainder of his warriors to crush them. Otherwise, all his forces will remain on the first level to protect his own August Person from the party’s next attack. He is not sending his warriors anywhere unless Obmi can tell him where the party is.

Obmi puts on his quiet, supple leather armor and his ring of invisibility. He takes no one with him - not even his personal gnoll guards. He will need the utmost stealth to discover the party. He slips down the ramp to the second level and easily makes it past the fire giant guard. He also slips by Scabbers without the rat even smelling him (Stealth 27). He does notice the rat watching the ramp, of course, but assumes that it is one of the wererats on guard. He would speak to it but doesn’t want any conversation to give away his secret scouting mission.

Obmi makes a quiet tour of the entire second level, noting that the party opened a chest that came from somewhere, but has not freed any prisoners except the human assassin. They have also sealed off both access points to the third level, from this side, meaning they must still be on the second level, but where? Or, he supposes, perhaps back down the tunnel now that the ettins are not guarding it. And also, perhaps he should have killed the assassin woman after all, but surely she will be working the party on the inside, gaining their trust and at any moment either selling them out for her safe passage out of the Hall, or robbing them and then scampering off?

He passes by the false cell (although he does not know it to be such). Fish, invisible and unseen by Obmi, watches from the window of the cell (with Fish’s blindsight, he could still see the invisible dwarf - but Obmi still has a chance to Hide against his Perception. Obmi moves stealthily enough - Stealth 18 - slowly and quietly, that Fish does not detect him). At this point, all of the party are inside the rectory - none remain outside speaking to prisoners, investigating the temple, or trying to open chests, although Willa, Mathias, and Duchess were out and about less than ten minutes ago, and only the great sulfurous jets in the Hall have covered the smell of herb from when Leezar and Duchess finished smoking five minutes before he passed by. Had he been here then, he could have found their rest spot, but instead he scouts the entire level without their knowledge and does not locate them. Only the drow know about the false cell entrance to their rectory - and Obmi does not dare try to pass through the purple wall. Thus the only place on the level he does not look, is where the party actually is. Unable to find them, he returns to the first level, frustrated.]

[6:30am: Babshapka, Wisdom save 13 (fail); Thokk, Wisdom save 17 (success)]

Everyone is nearly done with their long rest, when suddenly Thokk, standing but slumped, jumps erect and begins screaming. He draws the sunsword and begins stabbing the air while those nearby dive out of the way. Wild-eyed and hyperventilating, he begins attacking imaginary foes while his real allies retreat. Fortunately his first lurch knocks Babshapka to the floor, and the elf stays there unmoving while Thokk’s sword strikes pass over him. Willa is about to tackle Thokk when his breathing suddenly slows and his eyes clear. Looking about himself for the first time since his return from the temple, he recognizes the lewd tapestries and his face broadens with a wide grin. He sheathes his sword and, noting the open ration wrappers, asks why they have begun eating without him.

Willa gets him food and drink and, while he eats, asks him as casually as she can about what he remembers from their trip to the temple. Thokk seems unconcerned as he simultaneously eats and talks with his mouth full. “Thokk go in temple, see many elves at altar, pretty elven woman on block - other elves sacrificing her to God of Gullet. Thokk watch sacrifice over and over - they kill her so many times Thokk lose count. Then, Thokk is on block, and elves are killing Thokk over and over! That part like silly dream that not make sense. Then, Thokk has knife and is killing elf woman over and over. Thokk think this waste of pretty woman but God of Gullet pleased with sacrifice. Then, Thokk is altar! Thokk inside block and elf woman on top of him being killed many times - Thokk get to drink her blood and it is warm and salty and taste good - that part silly and funny. Haw, haw,” he chortles with his mouth full of jerky. As he pauses, he notices the expressions of concern on the faces of his teammates, all eyes focused on him. “But now Thokk wake up,” he says brightly to allay their fears, “all good now!”

“Yes…well…” says Aurora. “I’ll be starting my experimentation and copying now, but in the next room…do tell me if…do tell me when Babshapka comes to, but try not to distract me if I look very focused.” She gathers up her pack and several bottles of ink and slips through the partible tapestry.

[6:40am - 10:40am; Aurora copies see invisible from the drow scroll into her spellbook]

Mathias says that he is going to stretch his legs and walk the perimeter. Willa immediately says that she will accompany him. As they pass through the false cell he checks in with Fish, and the bat says that no one has been by since Willa and Duchess returned an hour ago [since he had not noticed Obmi].

They decide to travel sunwise, the opposite of the transit Willa and Duchess had done before. While they are walking the long stretch past the cells of the gnolls (and far from the elves and centaurs), Willa asks Mathias what he thinks about Thokk and Babshapka, and how what happened to them might relate to what he saw previously in the Steading temple.

“Well, I don’t know about that paper we found from the Drow,” he says, “or who this Elder Elemental God is supposed to be, or if he is connected to the tentacles that I saw in the Steading. But I do know that the Spider Queen is coming, and we have to stop her. I believe the part of the letter that says she is the real mistress of the drow - that I am sure of. I don’t know what Thokk or Babshapka actually came in contact with in the temple there, but I know the drow are evil and the Spider Queen is behind the giants and everything. We have to stop her. We have to - or there will be nothing of our world left.”

Most of the rest of their walk is in silence as Willa ponders his words - and secretly wonders whether he has been possessed by some entity, and who they are actually dealing with.

[7am-8am Luck roll: +2 Required for encounter: -4 (reset) Result: No encounter]

[7:30am: Babshapka Wisdom save 19 (success)]
(7:30am) Babshapka gives a hoarse shout of alarm and then sinks to his knees. As Willa approaches him he raises his arm as if to ward off a blow. With soothing words she and the others calm him. He asks for water but says, hungry as he is, he cannot stomach food for now. His tale is much the same as Thokk’s, though more articulate and told with visceral revulsion for the acts he witnessed and felt. He saw the elven maiden being sacrificed, over and over, both as an observer and then from the perspective of each of the drow involved, then as the maiden herself, then from somehow inside the altar and in contact with the mind of the Elder Elemental God. He felt trapped in a nightmare from which he could not wake, and says that he must have witnessed her death thousands of times, but the repetition in no way dulled the horror of the experience in any of the times.

Willa asks him gently what he makes of all this, and he says, “Drow are real. Drow are evil. We need to do something about them.”

Thokk has been listening with pity - his delicate elven archer appears to have had much the worse experience in the funny dream than he did. However, it is Thokk’s duty as leader to keep his warband focused. So far they have met only three of the strange dark-skinned elves, and they all fled before Thokk’s might. There are still many giants to kill, and he doesn’t want his archer distracted from the actual task at hand.

“Bad dream,” says Thokk, nodding in sympathy. “But Bashaska ready kill giants now?”

Babshapka shakes his head. “The giants aren’t the enemy,” he says. “They are pawns, tools of the drow."

Duchess leans over to Doro, yawns, and says, “Sounds like you’ve got a real convert there!”

Babshapka sees her, as if for the first time. If he is surprised she is out of her cell and among them, he makes nothing of it as he returns to his point. "Yes, we have to stop the giants, have to help the folk of Sterich, but in whatever way is most expeditious. We need to end the conflict here so that we can deal with the real problem. Let us free that giant in chains. He will put his house in order and we can move on!”

While they all ponder the ranger's words, Duchess says to Willa, “I didn’t get much sleep while I was chained to that wall. If we are getting ready to fight giants or drow or air fairies or whomever, I would like to get some sleep first - if that’s alright?” Willa waves her at one of the divans and it is not long before she is out.

All of the spells cast last midnight, seeming, mage armor, and darkvision, expire one after the other. Later, when Duchess awakes, she will look at the others in mock surprise and say, “What? You mean you’re not all gnolls?”

[8am-9am Luck roll: -2 Required for encounter: -3 Result: No encounter]

[9am-10am Luck roll: 0 Required for encounter: -2 Result: No encounter]

[10am-11am Luck roll: -4 Required for encounter: -1 Result: Obmi, giants, gnolls, and hellhounds]

[10am: It has been nine hours since the party entered the prison level from the tunnel and fought the giants, wererats, and drow. It has been eight hours since Obmi surveyed the results of the battle, found no survivors from the Hall, and reported to Snurre. It has been four hours since he was unable to find any trace of the party on this level, and they have not presented themselves. Obmi knows that they have by now had a chance to rest. He knows that the next time they attack, they will again be at full strength - and the Hall does not have enough force left to stop them in that case. The Hall, and likely Obmi’s position as Snurre’s adjutant, is already lost. It is time to change the plan from one of victory to one of survival. Obmi must now convince Snurre to set aside the invasion of Sterich and recall all his troops, so that he (and Obmi!) can survive. He will need to get the King to grant him a small force of warriors and supplies so that they can send another messenger down the tunnel. His own gnolls as scouts, and hellhounds in case they can actually sniff out the party, should accompany them - provided the King agrees to the expedition. Some time later he sets out with 6 gnolls, 4 hellhounds, 4 fire giant warriors as messengers, and two fire giant servants carrying the food and water supplies needed by the messengers.]

(Sometime after 10am)
As Aurora copies, she begins to hear a buzzing distraction. She ignores it at first, concentrating on her work so as not to smear the ink, but once she finishes a line, she allows herself to focus on the sound - and finds it is Scabbers, trying desperately to get her attention! The rat has detected activity at the top of the ramp (Perception 16)!

Aurora is so close to finishing the spell copy - but the scroll she is copying from is deteriorating rapidly, and if she does not finish it at one go she will lose both the spell in her book and the source she is copying it from. She can’t stop. As she continues to carefully write the arcane symbols in her book, she begins to call out to the party. Mathias and Willa hear her and enter the second drow room where she is currently working alone.

“Scabbers says,” begins Aurora, “curly part, dot dot dot, a bunch of guys are massing at the top of the ramp, match that side line but thinner, there are gnolls, fire giants and hellhounds at least, thaumaturgic triangle…”

Willa looks at Mathias and says “Let’s go ter ther top o’ ther stairs an’ ‘old t’em off t’ar.”

Mathias nods. “We’re all low, but it’s better than being trapped in here while they gather outside. Let’s get the others.”

As they turn to leave, Aurora mumbles, “...line here, dot over the curve, Willa, there’s two longbows and plenty of arrows in the bag for the centaurs, underline that character…”

Willa grabs the bag of holding and sprints through the adjoining room and into the false cell while Mathias rouses the others. Babshapka is following Willa before Mathias can complete his first sentence of warning.

Thokk dashes down the hallway towards the stairs. Doro and Mathias wake Duchess and leave the rectory, with her right behind them.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:54 pm  
Post 359: Defending the stairs

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King

Post 359 Defending the stairs
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level

[played 11/4/21 session, continued]

Surprise Round
When Babshapka and Willa reach the centaur cell, Willa leaps into the air, jamming the palms of her hand into the underside of the heavy cross bar and knocking it out of its brackets. She lands on the balls of her feet and catches the bar before it hits the ground (Athletics 15).

Babshapka opens the door, signals the need for quiet, and whispers in Elven to the centaurs that it is time. He starts rummaging in the bag for the bows and arrows.

Once Mathias, Doro, and Duchess have helped one another descend from the window of the false cell door, Mathias pulls out his wand of webs and begins dashing down the hallway after Thokk. The barbarian has reached the final corner and is even now peeking around it (Thokk Stealth 21 > Fire Giant Passive Perception 16, Obmi Perception Check 4).

XP Prisoners I
2 centaurs freed (CR2) = 450 x 2 = 900
1 assassin freed (CR8) = 3900
Total 4800 / 6 = 800 each

Round One
Babshapka pulls two longbows and forty arrows out of the bag of holding, and the centaurs grab these as they move out of the cell and into the hall. Babshapka tells the two of them that the party will be going sunwise around the prison level, but they want the centaurs to go widdershiddens, posting up at the far end and providing missile support as the party engages the giants in melee. The centaurs agree.

At the stairs, an advance force of gnolls have reached the bottom steps and are cautiously moving forward, noses raised and scenting. Thokk decides to shut them down before they can get to the corner and see that most of the party have not yet arrived. He moves out from his hiding spot and the gnolls immediately launch spears at him, but he takes these on his magic shield (two spear throws both miss) and charges in between the gnolls. He enrages and strikes at them, but their hide armor catches the blows of his axe (two misses).

The gnolls begin to bark to one another in their own harsh tongue - Who is this guy? I thought we were hunting rogue gnolls, not orcs?

From the bottom of the stairs, Thokk can see several giants at the top, with one even now raising a throwing rock, apparently unconcerned about hitting one of the gnolls along with Thokk. The stairs are steep and the ceiling overhead parallels their slope - the giants will be able to throw at targets just at the bottom of the steps, but not far down the hall. Now that he has given the gnolls pause, Thokk decides to move back around the corner to take partial cover but still present them a target. One of the gnolls snaps at him as he falls back, opening a wound on his forearm (one opportunity attack bite (having already thrown his spear and having nothing in hand) hits, 4 damage, reduced to 2 from rage).

Willa dashes up behind Thokk and draws the frostbrand.

Mathias pops out at the bottom of the stairs and fills the lower steps with webs, from floor to ceiling and wall to wall, engulfing the gnolls, and then moves out of sight. A fire giant, a little higher on the stairs, was about to charge down them, but balks at the sight of the webs and now waits instead (Wisdom check 16). Although Babshapka is not yet there to translate, he turns and shouts to the others to bring up the hellhounds.

Doro jumps around the corner, firing at the gnolls (without advantage, as technically they will not be restrained by the webs until their turn begins; one hit for 10 damage).

Round Two
Babshapka reaches the others, clustered around the corner from the stairs. That looks like they will be stepping on each other’s toes soon enough. He dashes across the opening, making it to the far side of the hall and then into the protection of the forge room while he pulls out his bow.

The two gnolls at the bottom of the stairs are held fast by the webs (DC15 Dex save > Gnolls 11, 3, both fail; restrained). Thokk emerges and easily strikes one down (one attack with advantage from restrained condition hits, 16 damage kills the gnoll), but as he advances on the other one he is himself stuck in the webs (DC15 Dex save, Thokk 14 with advantage from danger sense, fails).

A giant at the top of the stairs pitches a throwing rock at Thokk; it slams into him as he is held helpless (one hit with advantage from being restrained, 15 damage reduced to 7 after rage).

The centaurs round the corner near the temple. Unable to see the giants, they gallop forward, passing Babshapka, and don’t stop until their angle allows them to sight the targets at the top of the stairs. “Take heart, brother,” says one to the other in Centaur, “if we die here, we will have had our vengeance on the giants.”

Doro steps out around the corner only long enough to send a mind sliver against one of the giants on the stairs, then disappears from their view (DC16 Int save > Giant 3; fails, 7 damage and -3 to next saving throw).

Another giant takes his time targeting Thokk, who is still struggling against the webs. The resulting blow from the throwing rock hits him so hard that he is ripped out of the webs and falls on his back in the middle of the hallway (one critical hit with advantage from being restrained, 49 damage reduced to 25 after rage). Another giant throws at his prone form (one hit with disadvantage, 32 damage reduced to 16 after rage).

Mathias leans around the corner and fires off two blasts of force at a gnoll (two hits, 11 damage).

Willa can see Thokk on the floor in front of her, still a target for the giant rocks. She doesn’t see how he can keep taking hits like he has (were it not for his rage, he would have taken a total of 96 from the last three rocks). She moves out from behind the wall, and as he staggers to his feet, hustles him back behind the corner while he shouts defiant curses at the giants.

One gnoll left in the webbing forces his way out (Strength check 18) and retreats back up the stairs.

Round Three
Mathias moves out around the corner, crossing the hallway and heading for the forge room. As he moves, he shoots over his shoulder; with no gnolls in sight, he sends a mind sliver at a giant at the top of the stairs (DC15 Int Save > 9 Giant; fails, 8 damage, -1 to next saving throw).

Doro comes up behind Willa and Thokk, and sees how Thokk is wounded and still dazed. “If you are just catching more rocks, then get some more meat, shield!” she says, and hits him with a polymorph spell (Doro at 2/1/0/2/0). His form shimmers, then grows into that of a giant ape. Ape Thokk grins as he turns around and spots the three rocks that were thrown at him still lying on the floor of the hallway - he has a mind now to hurl them back at the giants.

[At the top of the stairs, Obmi (now in his heavy armor), is still invisible, but is giving orders. When the ‘message force’ under his command had reached the bottom of the ramp, the hellhounds and half the gnolls had been dispatched south, to make sure the party wasn’t behind them. At the start of the attack he had ordered them recalled, though, and now he is insisting that the giants get the hellhounds to burn through the webbing blocking the stairs before they advance. With belches of fire, they are clearing the way one step at a time. The webs are catching and the flames climbing upward to the vaulted ceiling as well as spreading forward and down]

Duchess cautiously approaches the giant ape. She has an arrow nocked, but hasn’t moved out in sight of the stairs.

Thokk-ape decides to see if he can draw out any giants waiting to throw rocks (readied actions). He feints going around the corner, lingers in sight, and draws back (Deception check 10: Fire giant Insights 20 (success) and 3 (fail). He manages to get one giant to unload on him, at which point Willa emerges to partially block the shot (one giant hits, 18 damage, Willa uses Interception reaction to prevent 10, Thokk takes 8 (no rage as a giant ape). The ape bellows and re-emerges to scoop up one of the four rocks on the floor (Dexterity check 13), flinging it up the stairs but at one of the hellhounds (hits, 33 damage)(currently four rocks have been thrown down and one returned).

Round Four
While the giants seem content to hurl rocks and wait for the hellhounds to clear the stairs, the party has by now all assembled and is beginning to respond with increasing force. Duchess makes a somersaulting roll out from behind the wall, stands as she draws the borrowed bow back, and fires at the hellhound that Thokk wounded with a rock. Her shaft pierces the beast (one hit, 5 damage plus 18 sneak attack bonus = 23), slaying it. She does a backward roll out of view of the stairs.

Thokk-ape stoops and snatches up another fallen rock, hurling it at a second hellhound and smashing it (one hit, 33 damage). The great ape capers out of sight (four rocks down, two back).

The wounded hellhound retreats back up the stairs - the only one remaining attempts to breathe more on the webs but even its giant minders cannot goad more flame from it for the time being (no recharge on breath weapon this round).

Babshapka moves out into the hall, firing his own bow up the stairs at the wounded hellhound (two shots, one hit, 11 damage) higher up.

Doro shoots blasts of music at the unwounded hellhound lower down, then moves behind the ape for cover (one hit, 6 damage).

Mathias keeps the giant’s mind well-slivered (DC16 Int Save, Giant 6 - 1 from last sliver = 5; fail, 8 damage and -4 on next save).

With a great clatter of unshod hooves on the stone floor, the centaurs move up to where Babshapka is shooting from. They shout at one another as they come. “I am charging on the left,” and “I am to your right, brother!” Their shafts fly at the lower of the two hellhounds (four attacks, two hits, 16 damage between them).

Round Five
Doro pops out and pelts the stairs with blasts of sound (two misses). The centaurs further wound a hellhound between them (one hit, 6 points).

Mathias emerges from around the corner. Seeing his webs aflame and little of them left intact, he drops his concentration and they dissolve in the air, the flames dying. Then he raises the wand and fills the stairs with new webs, even farther back than the others had been.

Duchess wounds a hellhound with an arrow (one hit, 21 damage with sneak attack), as does Babshapka (one hit, 7 damage).

The hellhound lowest on the stairs has been caught in the new webs (DC15 Dex save > Hellhound 10; fails), but he has stored up enough fire breath (recharge roll = 6) to burn himself free.

One giant warrior who had been throwing rocks is caught in the webs and the other one has narrowly avoided that fate by quickly backing up (DC15 Dex save = Giant 15 (succeeds) > Giant 12 (fails), no penalty from mind sliver since it has passed the end of Mathias’ turn). The caught one struggles but can’t free himself (DC15 Str check > Giant 11, fails). His companion grabs his armor from behind and heaves, but is not able to free him, either (DC15 Str check > Giant 9, fails).

Willa moves out around the corner, her frostblade held in front of her. One of the hellhounds is on the steps, and has burned away all the webs that encircled it. She bounds up the steps and slices it as it moves away from her (one hit, 10 slashing and 1 cold, total 11 damage).

Thokk-ape snatches up his third rock and looks about for another nearby, then hurls the rock at a giant caught in the webs. The sticky, heavy strands slow the projectile to the point that it impacts but does not penetrate the giant’s heavy armor (one miss with advantage from target being restrained)(four rocks down, three returned).

Round Six
Switching targets to the webbed giant, Babshapka takes out his Ordinance arrows (two hits with advantage, total 19 points). The centaurs follow his lead, but their shafts break against the heavy armor except for one lucky shot that penetrates the holes in a visor (one critical hit with advantage, 9 points).

Thokk finds the last rock that had been thrown by the giants and flings it back at the webbed warrior with a resounding crash (one critical hit with advantage, 14d6+6 = 51 damage!).

Willa continues her assault on the hellhound, her blows hacking it apart even as they freeze the fiery beast (two hits, 28 points).

Duchess pops out and trains her bow on the trapped giant, finding no lower or softer targets (one hit, 16 damage). Mathias follows her attack with a mind sliver (DC16 Int save > Giant 10; fails, 8 damage, -2 on next save). Doro launches her own mind sliver at the giant that is free of the webs (DC15 Int save > Giant 9; fails, 9 damage, -3 to next save).

The struggling giant flails against the webs, but is still unable to free himself (Strength Check (not save) 8; critical fail) until his comrade wrenches him out (Strength check, not save, 15 = DC15, success).

Round Seven
Duchess emerges and shoots the wounded giant (one hit with advantage from hidden, 27 points includes sneak attack).

Thokk-ape can find no more rocks, so he grabs the carcass of a gnoll and pitches it underhand up the stairs at the wounded giant as he hoots (one hit, 36 points). The fire giant, just freed of the webs, collapses with a clatter of smashed and rent armor at the top of the stairs. The centaurs give wild cries of victory and let fly their shafts at the other giant (one hit, 5 points). Mathias adds on to the remaining giant’s woe with a mind sliver (DC16 Int Save > Giant 4; fails, 6 points and -2 on next save). Babshapka follows with his heaviest shafts (two ordinance hits, 17 damage).

The fallen giant groans (Death save 14; first success). His companion stoops and grabs his arms, stands and heaves, dragging him backwards, away from the stairs and toward the ramp (Strength check, not save, 20; success).

Doro grimaces and shoots at the fallen giant (two hits - flat attacks with advantage from unconscious opponent and disadvantage from prone; forces two failed death saves - giant is at two fails and one success).

Round Eight
Seeing that the giant is retreating, Babshapka reaches into his quiver and finds the fletching on his special giant arrows - the ones designed to have their heads break off within the target [additional d4 damage any time the target subsequently takes the move, attack, or dash actions]. He shoots twice, breaking one arrow on the warrior's armor but piercing his flesh with the other (one hit, 11 damage).

Doro fires again at the unconscious giant, but her blasts of music break on his armor (two flat attacks, both miss). Mathias follows up, and his blasts not only connect, but kill the downed giant (two flat hits, total of four failed death saves is a kill). As his comrade jerks and then expires, the warrior trying to save him swears Cowardly murderers! in Giant.

Babshapka shouts as loudly as he can over the din of battle in Giant, “The drow are deceiving Snurre and you all! They are evil! I bear a token from the Theign of the Stone Giants!”

Thokk-ape moves up the steps until he finds the front half of a hellhound split in two by Willa. He snatches it up, then launches it at the live giant, but the warrior raises his shield and blocks the blow (one miss). The last of the new webs on the stairs burn away.

[It is obvious that the party is rested and that his message to the invasion force is not going to get through. Obmi tells the giants to retreat back up to the first level and tells his gnolls to cover their retreat with missile fire. The four remaining gnolls move forward, which is noted by Duchess and she drops one even as it draws its bow (one critical hit with advantage, 8 damage plus 27 sneak attack is 35 total, kills gnoll).

“Brother, they are retreating!” shouts one centaur.

“Forward! Let us not miss the chance to spill more giant blood, oh my herdmate!” replies the other. The centaurs clop toward the stairs, firing at the armored giant as they go, but its heavy plate armor deflects all the missiles (four misses). The four remaining gnolls return fire, and each of the centaurs takes an arrow (two hits, 7 damage each).

Thokk picks up the other half of the hellhound by its hindquarters and lobs that at the wounded giant, but again it takes the flying half-carcass on its shield (one miss).

Round Nine
[Obmi knows the giants cannot stand against the rested party, even though two of his warriors have not engaged yet, being unable to throw rocks past their companions blocking the narrow halls. But if they retreat and he himself remains behind, perhaps he can invisibly follow the party back to their hidey-hole and lead the giants to them later. Smashing them in their secret lair will save Snurre’s hide and likely Obmi’s position. Unfortunately, he is currently in his battle armor, not his sneaking leathers. But if he holds his position, surely they will not notice him over all the other sounds, and he can follow them back at a distance.]

As Fish flits about the end of the hall, sending Mathias tactical information from multiple angles, he picks up something with his blindsight and relays that to his master.

[What sort of invisible creature? Leezar asks Fish.

Short an’ fat, chuckles the bat-demon. I hope it’s a dame.

Is it a dwarf?

Ehh, could be, boss.]

Mathias sends this information to Willa with a message spell. Willa pauses at the body of the dead fire giant, with Mathias guiding her to where Fish says the invisible being is holding its position.

The last of the giants pull back around the corner and up the ramp, and the gnolls soon follow them.

As the clanging steps of the giants fade up the ramp the hallway grows quieter, with just the panting of the party and the hiss and crackle of the flaming gas jets. [Obmi stands as still as possible - Stealth 18 with disadvantage from heavy armor - better than the Passive Perception of anyone in the party]

Duchess begins to retrieve arrows out of the bodies of the three gnolls. The centaurs, confronted by the stairsteps scaled for giants, watch from the bottom to see whether the party is advancing up the ramp. Thokk-ape pushes and drags the fallen giant to the side of the corridor. Willa pretends to act as his guard while he works, but in reality she is listening for footfalls around the gas jet and more messages from Mathias, who is conversing telepathically with Fish. Babshapka has advanced to the middle of the flight of stairs and stopped. He has his bow drawn and trained on the corner of the ramp in case any enemies emerge from cover.

Round Ten
With the hallway now unblocked from the fallen, Thokk-ape picks up two rocks (ones he threw back here) and watches the corner by the ramp, ready to throw at anything that emerges. After a few seconds, though, he bores of the caution and advances around the corner.

Carefully arranged on the ramp are a fresh fire giant warrior (one they had only caught glimpses of in the fight, in the back ranks) and, at his feet, four gnolls with bows drawn. Thokk immediately throws his rock, crushing one of the gnolls (one hit, 34 damage). The three remaining gnolls return fire (three hits, 20 damage), as does the giant (one critical hit, 47 damage)(all readied actions). Thokk-ape staggers back from the rock-blow, then moves around the corner so that the ramp defenders cannot see him.

[Where is it? Leezar asks Fish.

Under da gas jet, boss.

The one by Willa or the dead hellhound?

Next ta da rat. (Scabbers is still here, watching for the otherwise-occupied Aurora).]

Mathias uses his wand to cast web under the gas jet at the top of the stairs, where Fish has spotted the figure. As the webs fill the space, there is a spot where they are conspicuously absent - Willa can see them outlining a short, rotund figure. From just outside the edge of the webs she strikes at it with her frostblade (two attacks - she knows where to strike because of the webs, but disadvantage because it is still invisible. Obmi has AC23 with dwarven plate and shield +1. One hit, 9 slashing and 6 cold). “Yield!” she yells in Common as she strikes.

Doro shoots blasts of magical force at the outlined figure (two misses with disadvantage).

Round Eleven
Doro shoots twice more at the outlined figure (two misses with disadvantage), as does Mathias (two misses with disadvantage).

Babshapka keeps the tension in his bow, but watches for anything following Thokk back around the corner.

[Obmi DC15 Dex save < 23, success. He slips back out of the webs and begins to move out and around toward the ramp. The webs near where he was now hold a blurred outline of his figure, but it is clear that he has departed.

Where is he now? demands Leezar.

‘Bout ten feet south a’ da rat.]

“Yield!” calls Willa again, in no particular direction.

“You can’t talk to these people!” shouts Mathias. “It means f***all to you that I found him?”

The three gnolls move out around the corner and shoot at Thokk-ape (two hits, 6 damage). He drops the rock he had held in one hand and tries to bring his fists down on their heads, but they are nimble (one hit, 11 damage).

Mathias is shouting and pointing vaguely to where the invisible figure is headed, but Willa is ahead of him on the stairs so if she turns around to look at where he is pointing, she would be turning her back on the figure itself. She focuses on what she can do, advancing and cutting down a gnoll (one hit, 12 damage) and threatening the two remaining.

Round Twelve
Babshapka shoots at the remaining gnolls in the hall, but his arrows go wide (two misses).

Mathias moves up the stairs, shooting as he goes, apparently guided by the intelligence from Fish (two misses with disadvantage).

[Where is he now?

Headed for da ramp!

Thokk-ape looks around his feet - the rock he dropped has rolled away, but there is a dead gnoll at hand. He scoops it up and throws it like a rag doll at a live gnoll and the sound makes it clear that both of them have broken bones in the collision - neither of them get up (one hit, 27 damage). Thokk-ape chuckles. He knows rock beats scissors, but apparently gnoll beats gnoll. [Although Thokk cannot use his rage as an ape, that has not stopped its duration - he has one round left]

Willa strikes down the last gnoll (one hit, 15 damage). She hears booted feet move past her (no opportunity attacks on unseen targets), around the corner, and up the ramp.

Doro dashes up the stairs to the ape’s side, but Willa warns her to go no further as there is a fire giant waiting around the corner.

Round Thirteen
Babshapka keeps his arrow trained on the corner by the ramp.

“Godsdamnit, I’ll do it myself,” curses Mathias, as he rounds the corner in pursuit of the fleeing invisible opponent. As he expected, the waiting fire giant immediately throws a rock at him and connects (one hit, 20 damage). Mathias is staggered, but casts a spell anyway - behind the giant, the ramp is closed off by a roaring wall of fire.

“Run through that!” Mathias taunts the fleeing observer.

[Obmi is within 10 feet from the wall, but neither moves through it nor backs away - he is not allowed a saving throw, and takes 32 fire damage; he has taken a total of 47.

He’s just behind da giant on da ramp! Fish communicates.]

Willa curses as well and rounds the corner, putting herself between Mathias and the giant before it can attack again and drop Mathias’ concentration on the wall. She assaults the giant warrior with the frostbrand (one hit, 14 damage). Doro follows her, but only far enough around the corner to fire at the giant, getting no closer than she has to (two hits, 10 damage).

In response to his command, the giant grabs up the invisible observer and turns his back on the gathering party. As he begins to move up the ramp, Willa strikes at him but misses (opportunity attack).

[The giant is immune to fire, but as he carries Obmi through the wall, the dwarf takes 29 more damage, for a total of 76.]

Thokk-ape snatches up another dead gnoll, or maybe the first one, and flings it at the back of the retreating giant, but misses.

Post Combat
Mathias keeps the roaring wall up for a full minute while Thokk-ape moves the dead giant to block off the base of the ramp and adds dead gnolls and hellhounds to form a barricade.

Babshapka pulls six longbows and a hundred or so arrows off the gnoll bodies; these will later be added to the bag of holding.

When the wall finally drops, the party tenses for a counter-attack, but none comes. As far as they can tell, the giants have no further interest in an excursion to the second level.

XP Stairs
6 gnolls (CR1/2) 6 x 100 = 600
4 hellhounds (CR3) 4 x 700 = 2800 (including 1 fled, counts as defeated)
1 fire giant (CR9) 5000 (three more retreated, do not count as defeated)
Obmi (CR8) 3900 (fled, counts as defeated)

Aurora did not participate and does not receive a share.
However, all of the NPC’s together (the two centaurs (CR2 each) and Duchess (CR8)) sum to CR12 and count as a single share, so total XP is divided by six.

Total 12,300 / 6 = 2050 each [Aurora does not receive]

[Burned, beaten, and barely conscious, Obmi is carried up the ramp by the retreating giant. When his head clears, he is furious. No message is going out. The party is rested. It is only a matter of time before they assault the first level. It is time to implement the next back-up plan: when the party attacks the first level, a decoy force of warriors will lure them in deep. Meanwhile the King, Queen, royal guards, and as much of the treasury as they can carry will go a second way around the party to the second level, and then down to the third level to the prepared bunker for a last-ditch defense supported by the drow.

It is time to take stock of who has been killed and who is left:
Level 1 of Hall:
1A Guardroom 1 fire giant warrior - killed just now on the stairs
2 Throne room 2 ettins - 1 killed outside the hall, one remaining
3 Throne King Snurre, 2 dreadnaughts, 2 hellhounds remain
4 Queen’s apartment 5 queensguard remain
5 Queen’s chamber Queen Frupy remains
6 Kingsguard 2 fire giant warriors - 1 killed in 2nd foray outside, 1 killed in Insertion II
7 King’s Chamber 6 hellhounds remain
8 Treasure guard 1 hydra remains
10 Arsenal 1 fire giant warrior - killed in 2nd foray outside
11 Chimera Pen 1 chimera - killed in 1st foray outside
12 Obmi’s Quarters 8 gnolls - 2 killed in 2nd foray outside, 6 killed on stairs just now
12A Obmi’s Room Obmi remains
14 Door guard 1 fire giant warrior - killed in Insertion II
15 Kitchen 1 fire giant matron, 2 fire giant servants, 7 gnolls remain
18 West Barracks 2 fire giant warriors - 1 killed at 2nd foray outside, 1 killed in Tunnel;
2 fire giant servants - 1 killed in Tunnel, 1 killed in Insertion II
19 Servants Qtrs 4 fire giant servants remain
20 Communal Qtrs 3 fire giant servants, 6 fire giant youths remain
21 Kennel Entry 4 hellhounds - all killed in 1st foray outside
22 Kennel Chamber 4 hellhounds - 1 killed in 1st foray outside, 3 killed just now on the stairs
23 Kenner Keepers 2 fire giant warriors - were in the rear ranks just now on the stairs but fled
24 Guardpost 1 fire giant warrior - killed in Insertion II
25 East Barracks 2 fire giant warriors - 1 killed at 2nd foray outside, 1 killed in Insertion II;
2 fire giant servants - 1 killed in Insertion II, 1 fled at Insertion II

Level 2 of Hall:
2 Ettin Guard 4 ettins - 2 killed in Insertion II, 2 held in Tunnel, later retreated / remain
4 Hill Giant Refugees 4 hill giants - all killed in Insertion II
4 Communal Qtrs 1 fire giant warrior - Fled just now with Obmi at stairs and remains;
3 fire giant servants remain;
4 fire giant youths remain
6 Smithy 1 fire giant warrior, 2 trolls - all killed in Insertion II
7 Torture Chamber 2 fire giant warriors - both killed in Insertion II
G Cell Guard Room 1 fire giant warrior - fled during Insertion II, remains;
3 wererats - all killed at Insertion II
8 Secret room 7 wererats - 1 killed at Insertion II, 5 killed and 1 fled during Cell Block
13 Guest Chamber Estia and two frost giant warriors - all killed during Insertion I
14 Guest Chamber Cloud Giant Noble, cloud giant servant - have left the Hall after Insertion I
15 Troll overseers 6 trolls - all killed during Insertion I
16 North gnoll pen 16 gnolls - all killed during Insertion I
17 South gnoll pen 10 gnolls - all killed during Insertion I

So far, the party has killed 14 fire giant warriors and a dreadnaught. King Snurre still has at his command 2 dreadnaughts, 4 warriors, 5 queensguard, and 13 adult servants with which to try to save his life.

Note: No more wandering monsters will be rolled on the second level; the party has won and Obmi has given up any offensive actions against them.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:11 pm  
Post 360: Murder Mystery

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 360: Murder Mystery
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, at the base of the ramp to the first level

[11/4/21 play session, continued]

(after 10am)
The party decides to barricade the bottom of the ramp. If one giant body is a good start, perhaps they should get more - while Thokk still has an hour left on his huge polymorphed ape form. It is decided that Thokk-ape will begin to drag the bodies of the giants that fell in the battle near the tunnel to the ramp while Doro stays on guard, hidden (Stealth 13), at the bottom of the ramp so that he cannot be surprised by anyone arriving from above. Mathias and Fish will stay on watch along Thokk’s route so that he cannot be surprised by wererats or drow along the way. They will also watch the entrance to the false cell to keep Aurora safe while she copies but the others are out. Willa, Babshapka, Duchess, and the two centaurs (once they negotiate the stairs where the combat occurred) will explore the southern half of this level, which none of them have been in before, aside from Doro’s scouting trip several days ago.

Thokk-ape, Mathias, and Fish start off to the north.

The others move south and around the corner. The first room [2-2] has a broad, open entrance with no door. The chamber beyond has a rude table, a bench, two stools, and four cots. Torches once lit the place but are now all burned out. Nine pegs on the walls hold clothing and six giants' bags (with scraps of food), but are sized for creatures smaller than adult fire giants. In the northwest corner is a hamper with six sacks. Checking the sacks, the party finds they each contain hundreds of copper coins. That is, they are not worth their weight for the party, so they are left there and the party continues.

[This was the ettin’s room; the sacks their paltry accumulated pay from working as guards and mercenaries for the giants. Apparently the fire giants were able to convince them that the copper coins held far more value than they actually did.]

Thokk-ape, Mathias, and Fish reach the intersection near the torture chamber, at which point Mathias posts up. From here he can see west all the way down to the forge, and north all the way up to the dead giants, as well as the pitoned door to the third level and the door of the false cell along the way, and all the way east over to the open door of the prison guard chamber. While Mathias remains stationary watching, Fish flits about the level, on the move while invisible.

[Leezar looks down at the end of the hall, where Boldo still hangs in his cell. The closest flame jet is back outside the torture chamber, so the end of the hall is dim and shadowy. With the giants apparently beaten, and lots of time before the party finishes resting, it is possible they will want to return to interrogate Boldo. Or worse, try to install him as the new king. With Leezar ‘on guard’, the party has just handed him the chance to resolve the situation much more efficiently so that they can quickly move on to the drow.

Fish, says Leezar telepathically, go to the cell with the giant.

Yas boss comes the reply, I’m dere.

Is he still hanging there, alive?

Yas boss.]

Mathias takes out his stool and lights a cigarette.

Thokk-ape reaches the site of the great battle with the giants. The ape is huge - as large as the warrior giants if not larger, but they are all in heavy full plate. He might have better luck with the two fire giant servants…or the much smaller and unarmored hill giants [a hill giant weighs a bit more than a ton, but a fire giant is some five times that, even stripped of his armor]. Yes, with a bit of experimentation, Thokk-ape finds he can easily drag the hill giants over the smooth stone floor, and there are four of them to start with. The first one that he grabs has its bag securely attached to its belt, and it does not come loose in transit (Luck roll +2 for Thokk who is not even considering the bag).

[As Thokk-ape drags a hill giant down the hall and past him, leaving a trail of gore, Leezar waves at the giant beast. Thokk grins stupidly, not waving back since he is using both hands to drag the huge giant.

Leezar waits until Thokk turns the corner and begins to haul the giant heavily up the stairs towards the ramp where Doro lurks. Once Thokk is out of sight, Leezar looks through Fish’s eyes and sees the giant in the cell, then summons Ephi, arriving inside the cell and squatting on the giant’s head, although Leezar remains on his stool in the hall.

The summoning is a verbal spell, and Leezar would rather not anyone hear him, so he whispers the words of power as silently as he dares (Performance 9; decides to use Inspiration, 9 again, decides to use a second Inspiration, 9 again! (rolled three 5’s in a row!))). The nearby gnolls pay no heed (Perception 1, no advantage as not scent-based).

Kill him, Leezar commands Ephi, but do it silently. Ephi wraps one muscular arm about the giant’s upper throat, keeping him from screaming, while the claws on his other hand gouge out the giant’s lower throat until the blood runs in torrents down his chest. The giant struggles to yell, but succeeds only in weakly rattling his chains.

Ephi gets two attacks per turn. He will be making one attack to damage the giant (using his claws to rip out the giant’s throat) and one to silence him (grapple attack on his throat to keep him from yelling). The giant is restrained by the chains; Ephi will have advantage on his damaging attack, and the giant will have disadvantage on his acrobatics check to break the grapple.

Surprise round
Ephi’s damaging attack with advantage 25, hits (unarmored giant AC9), 11 damage
Ephi’s silencing grapple attack 23 > Giants acrobatics with disadvantage 10

Round one
Ephi’s damaging attack 22, hits, 12 damage, total 23
Ephi’s silencing grapple 12 > Giants acrobatics 10

Round two
Ephi’s damaging attack 16, hits, 9 damage, total 32
Ephi’s silencing grapple 20 > Giants acrobatics 6

Round three
Ephi’s damaging attack 14, hits, 12 damage, total 44
Ephi’s silencing grapple 26 > Giants acrobatics 4

Round four
Ephi’s damaging attack 15, hits, 19 damage, total 63
Ephi’s silencing grapple 13 > Giants acrobatics 2

Round five
Ephi’s damaging attack 26, hits, 18 damage, total 81
Ephi’s silencing grapple 9 (critical fail) > Giants acrobatics 2

Although Ephi has won the grapple contest and the giant is unable to scream at the moment, the critical failure means that the slaad’s hold has been loosened - the giant, who has been hanging in the chains for days, is able to gather his strength enough to pull himself up and attempt to grab Ephi and fling it off his head (breaking the grapple and moving Ephi away). This won’t save him, but in the next round he might be able to yell, and surely cover Ephi in his pooled blood when it hits the floor, making it leave incriminating marks on the giant if it climbs back up on him.

The giant reaches up and takes hold of Ephi with one hand, wrenching at him (Contested Athletics check Ephi 27 = Giant 27, tie). After a brief struggle in which he nearly pries the slaad loose, the pain from his dislocated shoulder causes it to spasm and his grip to falter. The frog-thing twists out of his grasp and it secures itself again behind his head.

Round six
Ephi’s damaging attack 26, hits, 10 damage, total 91
Ephi’s silencing grapple 27 > Giants acrobatics 6

Round seven
Ephi’s damaging attack 18, hits, 10 damage, total 101
Ephi’s silencing grapple 13 < Giants acrobatics 16 [Ephi loses contest]

Ephi’s arm slips off the giant’s throat, which is by now slick with blood. The giant gasps in air and then calls out weakly. In the hall, Leezar can clearly hear it - but Thokk is still not in sight. The nearby gnolls do not note the groan (Perception 9), perhaps thinking it no different from any they have heard before from the tormented prisoners.

Round eight
Ephi’s damaging attack 28, critical hit, 18 damage, total 119
Ephi’s silencing grapple 20 < Giants acrobatics 1

Round nine
Ephi’s damaging attack 22, hits, 18 damage, total 137 - giant is slain

In less than a minute, Ephi has slain the giant, and with only one weak groan produced in the process. Mathias dismisses the Slaad before Thokk-ape returns, and looks again through Fish’s eyes. The floor of the cell is covered in blood, as is the entire front of the giant, with more still dribbling forth from his raw and open neck - but no prints or other signs of the slaad remain on the giant or in the cell.]

When Thokk-ape drags the hill giant up the stairs at the base of the ramp (bonk-bonk-bonk on the back of the dead giant’s head), Doro hears the distinctive jangle of coins (Perception 22). When Thokk-ape begins to lay the giant down as the foundation of his great barricade across the ramp, Doro comes out from hiding and gestures to Thokk to give her the bag, which he easily strips from the body and tosses down to her. In the bag she finds a number of pebbles for a marble-like game, some large hunks of moldy cheese, and about a hundred gold coins [as mentioned before, Aurora did not deign to search the hill giants after she found no treasure on the slain fire giants. But whereas the confident fire giants have their personal treasure in foot lockers in their barracks, the suspicious hill giants, away from home, were carrying everything of value that they owned on their person]. Doro doesn’t recognize the countries of origin of the coins, but they look like real gold, alright (History check 8 ). Doro waves for Thokk’s attention, and gets him to understand that for the next three hill giants, he is to make sure to bring their bags along with the bodies. The huge ape (whose Intelligence is actually greater than that of Thokk’s native form) nods his understanding.

Aurora finishes copying see invisibility into her spellbook. As the last symbols fade from the scroll and even the paper crumbles into dust, she can see that the writing in her book is without error and should work for her to prepare the spell [no Arcana roll needed for copying; this is the first of two ‘automatic’ spells gained for attaining 11th level].

Willa, Babshapka, Duchess, and the centaurs proceed to the east. The corridor has doors to the north and south, but a large open room beyond [2-5]. Babshapka asks the centaurs to stand guard. Willa notes that the north wall of the chamber should abut the back of the prison cells and Duchess agrees - she starts to look for secret doors and spy holes along the wall itself while Willa and Babshapka examine the room.

There is a pile of throwing rocks in the center of the large chamber. The place holds several beds, two large cabinets, two tables, miscellaneous smaller furniture, a crate, and three small boxes. Torches are set along the walls, but are burned out. The walls also have many pegs that until recently held clothing and giants’ bags; most are now missing and those that remain are empty or have only worthless minor personal items. Bits of gear, eating utensils, and odds and ends are scattered about the place, too, but everything has the look of being rapidly but carefully evacuated recently. Many of the beds and chairs look small for fire giants, but are definitely giant-sized, and perhaps belonged to giant youths.

At the ramp, Thokk-ape brings up another hill giant corpse, and bag, and Doro finds several score gold coins in that bag as well.

When Duchess finds nothing unusual about the wall, and Babshapka and Willa find nothing worth taking in the room, the group backtracks to the two huge sets of iron-plated doors. They put the centaurs, with their powerful flanks, to opening the northern set while Willa has her frostbrand out and Babshapka his bow. The room beyond [2-3] is deserted.

The room, lit by low but still-guttering torches, contains four cots, a large table, other furnishings, and pegs that held clothing and giants' bags. Eleven throwing rocks are in a neat pile on the floor. A haunch of meat rests on the table along with mugs and platters of tin. Babshapka moves into the room, looking at the bite-sizes on the meat, and the depressions in the cots and trying to determine what kind of giants were here (Nature 14, with advantage for favored enemy). He notes that the throwing rocks are not only perfectly spherical, but are carved with intricate designs, and decides that this room held stone giants - perhaps the very ambassadors that he and Willa had hoped to find! He sniffs at the meat and runs his hands over the cots - they were here recently, perhaps a few hours ago, no more than a day (Survival 25), but just two of them, not four. With the signs of evacuation in the previous chamber, it stands to reason that giants were moved out of here in response to the party’s attacks - either the first one that killed Estia, or the one they are currently prosecuting. He searches the room quickly but finds nothing further of interest.

Thokk returns up the prison hall, passing Mathias on his stool with his cigarette, and retrieves a third hill giant with his bag, then drags it back to the ramp, gives the bag to Doro, and continues to add to his pile of corpses, filling in the gaps between the giant bodies with gnolls and hellhound halves like a mason would mortar stones.

Willa has the centaurs open the doors to the south, and the party is immediately assaulted by the odor of rank sweat and rotten food. The room beyond [2-4] quite obviously housed hill giants, for it smells like the worst parts of the Steading (although with notes of sulfur rather than wood smoke). Four torches set in wall cresets have burned down and gone out. The room contains nothing more than four heaps of skins for bedding, a table, and two chests. The chests hold mostly rotten potatoes and turnips, but here and there among the food is a spare gold coin.

Thokk moves the last hill giant to his masterful barricade, setting it into place. Draping various arms carefully, he creates a stile-like ramp going up one side and down the other, then steps back to admire his work with pride (Dex check 5 for ape, fails: it looks stable, but with the addition of weight, actual creatures trying to cross it, it could easily collapse).

Once Thokk is done and the shadows in the torchlight are set, Doro hides again (Stealth 24).

Fire giant treasure so far
300gp (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
200gp (from Estia’s frost giant guards)
400gp (from the hill giant refugees)
6 gems (from fire giants in the Sulfur flats)
10 gems (from floor of torture chamber)
6 jewelries (from floor of torture chamber)
One platinum box, set with moonstones and sunstones, ten gems loose within (from cloud giant)
Gem-encrusted drow priestess dress [Leezar has taken this, but the party is unaware]
Onyx, silver, and gem toiletry kit with cosmetics jars, combs, brush, and hair pins
Estia’s sabre-tooth tiger cloak
Estia’s morningstar +2
Estia’s undergarments
Greataxe +2 (from warrior in battle)
Potions of growth, fire giant control, philtre of love x2, poison (from drow)
Potions of hill giant control, poison (from matron of Steading)
Drow mace +2 (claimed by Doro)
Scroll of Dispel Magic (claimed by Aurora to copy into spellbook; see invisible used)

Willa, Babshapka, Duchess, and the centaurs return to the base of the ramp. Thokk hoots and gestures, trying to get the others to look at his masterwork barricade, while Willa tells Doro that the rooms beyond yielded little, so they should now try the only unopened doors on this level, the ones nearly across from the base of the ramp.

Thokk doesn’t think his evil advisor has properly appreciated his magnificent wall, so he snatches her up, holding her aloft from various angles until he is satisfied with her inspection.

When they are finally able to focus on the doors, It is immediately apparent that they are different from any others the party has found on this level, or for that matter, in the entire hall. They are huge, sized for giants, but not iron-plated. Rather the doors themselves are of stone; not the polished obsidian of the great valves to the outside, but a dull gray stone that they have not seen before on this vast volcanic plain. There are no hinges, and the party suspects that like the doors to the outside, they are counter-weighted within the walls themselves.

Thokk-ape has sufficient mass and strength to push against one of the doors and force it to slowly and silently swing open. The hall beyond [2-1] is unlit, and since the nearest gas jets in the walls are around both corners, it remains dark even after the door is open, with just a faint red light from behind them entering. There are twenty huge sarcophagi standing upright against the walls, all the walls, and four even larger ones lying on the floor in the center of the chamber. Those last four are made of stone, and the northern two have likenesses of fire giants carved into their lids, while the southern two are blank. Of the sarcophagi that line the walls, half are made of stone, six are crafted from bronze, two are brass, and two are iron. All of them bear likenesses of fire giant kings and queens.

Before anyone can enter, Babshapka checks the dust on the floor (Survival check 24). It appears that this chamber is less used and less traveled than anywhere else they have been in the Hall. Entering, he does see some tracks - small (smaller than giant) and old (possibly months or more). Even the dust stirred by opening the door shows that no one has entered here in quite some time.

All of them are adventurers proud, and don’t think twice about looting the battle-fallen - but robbing the honored dead is something else. Even Thokk-ape begins to think about vampire giants, or giant vampires, and has no interest in opening the sarcophagi. Duchess reminds them that kings and queens are often buried with gems and jewelry, but when that does not entice their avarice, she makes no move to enter the room and open a tomb by herself. Apparently she is still set on the living King’s treasury room. Babshapka backs out of the chamber and Thokk pulls on the door. From its initial motion it glides silently closed until the final, resonating boom when it presses flush with the other door.

With the entire second level now considered ‘secure’, the party talks of returning to their base in the hidden drow rooms. The centaurs agree to stay on watch against the giants - one will stay at the base of the ramp and the other at the base of the stairs. The one by the ramp cannot see over Thokk’s marvelous barricade, but the angle of the ramp means that he will see any giants approaching before they are behind it. If he calls an alarm, the other one will gallop to warn the party. It would be better to have them both at the ramp, of course, but they cannot negotiate the stairs at any speed. Willa asks them if they won’t need to rest, and they tell her that resting is all they have been doing for days - though if the party would continue to supply them with food and water, that would certainly fuel their vengeance.

The rest of them continue back along the prison hall, pausing only to pick up Mathias at the intersection. As they pool about the entrance to the false cell, Willa checks on the pitoned doors to the lower level (Investigation 11). They appear undisturbed and secure. “I didn’t hear anyone trying to force them,” says Mathias, “although half the time I couldn’t hear anything but the giant ape dragging the hill giant down the hall. Thokk wasn’t subtle,” he says, pointing to the multiple trails of blood on the floor left from the dragged giants.

Babshapka and Willa decide that before retiring to the drow apartments, they should quickly check on Boldo, the fire giant prisoner. They find him still hanging in irons - but dead! Standing on the bar and looking through the window, they can see him pale and drained, a massive pool of blood covering the floor of the cell. His throat has been torn open, and blood has run down his front side. His bloody feet dangle just above the floor itself.

From the window, Babshapka studies the scene (Medicine Check 18). There are no other wounds visible besides the multiple lacerations to his throat. The blood has begun to dry and discolor, but is still quite fresh. Babshapka checks the window (Perception 14, Investigation 18), which is dusty, and holds the prints of several creatures of elf- or human-sized - nothing any different from what the various party members would have left during their conversation with him a few hours ago. He carefully studies the floor, walls, and ceiling: despite the massive amounts of blood that were released, there are no marks or prints anywhere, nothing outlined by spatter, nothing on their side of the door that indicates someone walked through the blood.

“Be it an illusion?” asks Willa. “Mat’ias, can ye dispel it?”

Mathias shrugs and climbs up next to Babshapka on the bar. “This will take ten minutes,” he says, beginning to chant.

Babshapka studies the eddying patterns of blood on the floor of the cell. “It’s still warm,” he says. “He hasn’t been dead an hour. But certainly more than a minute - too long for revivify.”

“Mar ther pity,” mumbles Willa.

Babshapka climbs down. With Mathias occupied, he wants to go check on the nearby guardroom and the blockade to the wererats.

It has been easy for Thokk-ape to peer into the room, one eye at a time, his head at the level of the window. While Babshapka is gone but Mathias is still chanting, Doro sighs and the ape shrinks, turns green, and becomes Thokk. “Giant vampires!” are his first words when he is capable of speaking. “We open bury room and let giant vampires loose!”

Willa wants to scoff but shivers involuntarily as her blood turns cold.

Babshapka returns, saying the barrier is intact and there is no sign of the wererats.

Mathias finishes his ritual, then peers through the window and shakes his head (Arcana 10). “There’s nothing there to dispel,” he says. “Not an illusion - that’s real, and he’s really dead. There are no magic effects lingering in the room. If it was magic that killed him, it’s long gone.”

“We could open the door to investigate inside,” muses Babshapka, “but I bet half the blood on the floor flows out into the hall, then. It’s pretty deep.”

“Nay,” says Willa. “T’en a’ least one o’ us be leavin’ bloody footprints ter ther drow room, an’ we be found afar we rest.” She furrows her brow in thought. “Mat’ias,” she decides, “hae yer bat enter yon room an’ look fer clues.”

Mathias mentally summons Fish, and soon the more perceptive in the party can hear the soft flitter of invisible bat wings. The bat squeezes through the bars on the window and enters the cell, flying and looking without settling on anything (Perception 16 with advantage).

After a few minutes he comes back out. “No,” Mathias says, “nothing Babshapka didn’t already say - the only wounds are on the throat, it doesn’t look like there are any prints anywhere, even on other parts of the giant, and there is nothing else in the room now.”

Boldo’s room is at the end of the prison hall, and most of the rooms around it are empty - the Guard room and Duchess’ former cell, the cell of the titan and that of the entwined skeletons, the false cell and the former cell of the centaurs. The nearest occupied room, some seventy feet away, is that with the half-dozen gnolls [2-10c]. Babshapka goes there now and climbs up on the bar. In sight and smell of the gnolls, he opens up a packet of rations and immediately has their attention. Speaking in Giant, he asks them what has been happening in the last hour - have they heard or smelled anything here in the hall that wasn’t a giant ape? (Babshapka Persuasion 16 = Gnolls Insight 16).

The gnolls say, eager for the food, that they smelled the ape, and the dead hill giants as their musky bodies were being dragged down the hall. Also they smelled something burning - not the gas jets, something more like dwarven pipe-weed [which was likely Mathias’ cigarette as he watched from the intersection]. But that’s all, no other sounds or smells [no sounds of a struggle, the giant calling out, or anything like that - although several of them would be happy to invent such a story if it got them more food].

Babshapka frowns, but divides two rations into roughly seven equal portions and throws them to different parts of the room where the gnolls dash, devour them without even pausing to taste, and then push and shove one another over the chance to lick the crumbs and grease spots from the stone floor [Babshapka takes these rations from his own sheet, not the party supply].

With the mystery of Boldo’s murder unresolved, and more than one suspicious side-eye toward one another, the party climbs one by one into the false cell and then passes into the drow rectory where Aurora, on a break from copying, awaits them.

In her break, Aurora has been conversing with Scabbers, and now has a full account of what the spirit rat saw before and during the battle. Aurora excitedly tells the party that Scabbers initially saw the gnoll scouts stealthily descending the ramp, with giants behind them, making no efforts to hide (Scabbers Perception 10 with Advantage for Keen Smell). There were four giant warriors in armor and another two servants. The unarmored servants were carrying great crate-like boxes.

Hellhounds were with them, but these were sent south at the base of the ramp while a few of the gnolls were creeping down the stairs. The servants brought the boxes to the front of the stone doors, near where Scabbers was, and the rat could clearly smell that the boxes held food and water. They seemed to be waiting there until it was clear to proceed when Thokk-ape emerged around the corner and engaged the first gnolls.

Scabbers could hear the voice of Obmi giving orders - he recognized it from when he saw Obmi speaking with gnolls when the party first entered the Hall and Scabbers was in his spider-form. However, the rat never saw Obmi - the voice was always disembodied (Mathias comments here that Fish said the invisible creature was shaped like a dwarf but that they hadn’t yet confirmed that it was, in fact, Obmi). Scabbers continues that the giant servants were never part of the fight - they just waited with the food and when Obmi sounded the call to retreat back up the ramp, they were the first ones to leave.

The party turns this new information over, trying to understand what Obmi’s goal was. The boxes of food obviously represent supplies, but who would he be trying to bring supplies to? All the second level has been evacuated - if anything, he should be trying to move any supplies up to the first level! Unless…there are forces on the third level? How many? And if the party has cut them off from Obmi and Snurre, was he trying to get food to them?

By the time the party is done discussing this, but without having reached any conclusions, Willa judges that it is time for them to eat, themselves. She unpacks rations and water from the bag of holding. Duchess thanks them gratefully with her mouth full. Babshapka says that he does not need to eat, but that someone needs to be on watch. He goes back out to the false cell and remains on guard (hide in plain sight).

[Babshapka uses his stone for lunch. Six people means 6 skins are used; they have 4.5 of their 19 skins full. Six people use 1.8 rations, the party total going from 29.5 to 27.7 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (90 pounds remain)]

With his hunger sated, Mathias says that he will be joining Babshapka on watch. He moves out to the false cell, disappearing himself into a shadowy corner. Every now and then Babshapka hears the slight flitter of bat wings pass outside, nearby the window of the cell.

Duchess stifles a yawn, and the others remember that they had to wake her up for the battle. She moves back to the divan that she had been sleeping on before. “We’ll probably be talking for a good while in here,” says Doro suavely. “You might want to go to the far room if you are going to sleep.” She lifts up half the tapestry, parting the naked woman’s legs. Duchess thanks her and moves off.

Thokk lies down on the large bed, staring at the numerous tapestries and dreamily fantasizing about the women shown. Aurora, Willa, and Doro huddle in the corner of the room, having a hushed but deadly serious conversation that begins with telling Aurora how they found Boldo the giant’s throat cut.

“Who could have killed the giant,” whispers Aurora, “and why? Did it happen during the fighting? Was it somehow in response to our plan to put him on the throne?”

The others float ideas - was it Obmi’s doing? Or the drow? Who is trying to protect Snurre? Is Duchess some sort of double-agent, imprisoned to look like she is on the party’s side but taking care of Boldo as soon as he became a threat?

Willa has Aurora check in with Scabbers, and the wizard confirms that the rat says that although he never saw him, Obmi was giving orders for the entire duration of the battle, and so would not have had a chance to slip past them and kill the giant during the fighting. Unless, suggests Willa, he had already been down here, invisible, in advance of the giants and only after he killed Boldo did he bring down the troops and supplies. Was he trying to somehow show the other giants what happened to Boldo and pin the blame on the party? But what was the food for?

Doro, similarly, says that Duchess has been with the party the entire time since she left her cell - here in the drow rooms, then the battle, then searching the rooms to the south. Doro would not be surprised to find that she was capable of killing the giant through the closed cell door, but she doesn’t think that Duchess would have had the chance to do so.

“Ooooooorrr…” says Aurora, perhaps a bit too dramatically, “Mathias seems like he has been acting really strange lately.” She exchanges a glance with Willa that betrays that this is something they have spoken about before but haven’t yet broached with Doro, and Aurora has decided that now is the time.

Aurora begins to lay out a whispered case for Mathias as the killer - he has steadfastly opposed their plan to put Boldo on the throne, he has been acting creepy since forever, he turned himself into a drow during the previous fight on this level for reasons they still don’t know, and he was near Boldo’s cell all by himself for a while whilst Thokk built the barricade.

On the other hand, adds Willa, he’s always been helpful to the party. Opinionated, even contrary, but always acting for their collective good. And he’s had plenty of better opportunities to betray them before.

Doro asks whether they have spoken to Mathias about this, and they say not specifically, but that he had plenty of time to comment on it while they were outside Boldo’s cell. She asks about the gnolls, and what they were witness to. Willa says that Babshapka said that the gnolls smelled Mathias - or at least, smelled his cigarette, when all of the rest of the party was away. They did not report smelling Obmi, for whatever that might be worth.

Willa mentions that she has been worried about Mathias’ mind ever since the temple back in the Steading - worried about what might have happened to him there.

“Well,” reasons Doro, “he’s always been strange in my opinion - but I do think he’s been stranger since we’ve been on this level of the Hall. Whether that is about the drow or the giants or the Temple, I couldn’t say. Have Thokk and Babshapka been acting more strangely since they were in the temple? The temple here I mean?”

Willa replies, almost as a question, “Nay yet...”

Since they last saw Boldo alive, they have been in and out of rooms, all over the level, and in and out of sight of one another. Together, the three women try to figure out when any of the party could have been alone with the giant. Willa suggests that Doro was by herself for quite a while, hiding at the bottom of the ramp.

“True,” says Doro, “I was hiding, and by myself for stretches of time. And yet I was always there to receive the money bags from Thokk every time he arrived. Everyone else was always with someone else, too. Even Duchess. Although what about Aurora? She says she was copying, but suppose she had actually finished her spell before the combat and was just waiting for us to leave, and then she slipped out during the fighting?”

Aurora nods, more interested in the intellectual challenge of the exercise than offended by the accusation. She makes an arcane gesture and her mage hand appears next to her, then draws her dagger from its sheath and holds it pointing menacingly between Willa and Doro. “Normally I would not stand a chance against a fire giant on my own,” she says, “but against one in chains, with his throat exposed?” The hand makes a few thrusts with the dagger. “You might think that’s not a problem…but unfortunately the spell doesn’t work like that.” The dagger darts toward Willa, striking the thickest part of her breastplate, and then tumbling to the ground as if it slipped through the fingers of the spectral hand. “You can’t use it to attack - it just won’t work that way.”

“So ye say,” responds Willa.

Doro shakes her head. “Even if Aurora could have used the dagger, how many strikes would she have needed to kill an adult fire giant? Dozens? He would have called out, or rattled his chains, or something, and the gnolls didn’t hear any of that.”

Aurora nods, even while she remembers that Babshapka has a silence spell... “Besides which I would have had to have climbed out of the false cell window, down to the floor, gone across to Boldo’s cell, climbed up on the bar, used the spell to stab him, then got all the way back to here before the battle was done and Mathias was watching the intersection.”

“The fight didn’t take that long,” agrees Doro.

“Yer nay tha’ dextrous” agrees Willa, who doesn’t believe that Aurora could climb up or down one of the cell doors without tripping on her own robe.

“I think…” says Aurora carefully, “I think that Mathias was the only one who was by himself, close enough to Boldo, for long enough, to do it.”

“But he wasn’t really by himself,” replies Doro. “Thokk was up and down that hall eight times while he was there - coming and going for each of the four hill giants.”

“Mayhaps,” says Willa, “‘twaren’t even Mat’ias - but summit inside ‘im - summit wha’s been inside ‘im since t’at farst tentacle drug ‘im away from us. Mayhaps ‘e dinnae even ken tha’ t’ware ‘im.”

“Suppose,” says Aurora, “just for the sake of argument, that it was something that has possessed Mathias. Doro, do you have any spells that could help him? I’m about to start copying dispel magic, but I don’t have anything else.”

“No,” says Doro, “I know I have become the party’s healer, but my spells are for physical wounds, not enchantment or possession or compulsion.”

“To be clear,” says Aurora carefully, “none of us are saying that we need to attack Mathias, or attack anyone else in the party for that matter…”

“Aye’ll reserve me judgement on Duchess,” interrupts Willa.

“We don’t want to attack Mathias,” Aurora repeats, “We are worried about him, and want to help him. Maybe he is being controlled.”

“I don’t know,” says Doro. “He’s always been helpful to me, and the party - if he is being ‘controlled’, whoever is doing it is having him act for our benefit.”

“Maybe for now,” admits Aurora, “but if it is the drow that are controlling him, they are going to be clever about it and only have him act against us when they can get away with it. Like killing Boldo when we’re not there.”

“Ar,” repeats Willa, “if ‘e be possessed, maybe ‘e doesn’t even know ‘e is doin’ t’ese t’ings.”

“Or,” adds Doro, “if these drow are so clever, maybe they killed Boldo at just the right time for it to look like it was Mathias, because they want us to suspect him. Perhaps they are trying to divide us against ourselves. But you’re an enchantress - what kind of mind control spells might get him to kill Boldo? Command? Suggestion? What else?”

“Not command,” says Aurora, shaking her head. “It wouldn’t last long enough. Suggestion maybe, since it lasts eight hours and could make him do something he thought was reasonable - and he sure would think it was reasonable to kill Boldo, based on what he’s said freely. But it wouldn’t make him lie about it afterwards or forget that he did it - for that they would need to add a Modify Memory later, and if they had time and proximity to do that, they could have just as easily killed the giant themselves. Dominate wouldn’t last long enough - unless they are more powerful than we suspect.”

“Is the fire giant’s death really that much of a problem?” asks Doro.

“It was our chance to settle the giants and save Sterich, so that we could move on to the drow,” says Aurora, and Willa nods her agreement. “As such, eliminating him keeps us here until we deal with Snurre, which seems awfully convenient for the drow if they are trying to buy time and prepare for us. What’s more, what else did Boldo know? He was talking to us fine for a while and then he suddenly clammed up - what more could we have found out from him?”

Willa looks through her pack until she finds something, then pulls out a small snake scale. It flashes iridescent colors, even in the low light of the black candles. She tells them it is the scale the couatl gave Thokk - the one that will let them detect thoughts. To what use could they put it here?

Aurora says the scale would have been great to use on Boldo, but now it is too late. If they can decide on someone to accuse of his murder, like Mathias, they can use it to know for sure. But that might be a last resort - it would certainly sour the party bond to use it as such against one of their own, regardless of the outcome.

“Tell me more about what happened to Thokk and Babshapka in the temple here,” demands Doro. Willa describes how they seemed mentally trapped, and were about to walk to the altar when she pulled them back - they had taken leave of their senses, and seemed under the control of the malign force of the unholy place. Their state seemed to parallel that of the paintings, where many races were sacrificing themselves by walking into ‘the maw’ of teeth and tentacles.

Doro nods. “That does sound like some sort of curse or madness. If Mathias’ affliction is somehow related, I can try a greater restoration on him tomorrow. It’s costly, but that’s why we, as a party, paid for all that diamond dust back in Istivin. Let’s keep a watch on Thokk and Babshapka, too, in case this thing changes or grows over time.” Aurora and Willa thank her for her consideration, for being discreet about it, and for understanding that they have Mathias’ best interests in mind. Aurora sighs and tries to clear her head in preparation for another bout of spell experimentation and copying.

[12:30 - 6:30pm, Aurora copies dispel magic from the drow scroll into her spellbook]

The afternoon hours wear on, although no one in the party recognizes them as such, now several days from having been outside or seen the sun through the clouds of ash above. Finally enough of them begin to tire that there is talk of rests and watches [the party can begin a long rest at 4pm]. A few of them have things they’d like to do before settling in to sleep, though. Doro decides she wants to walk the prison level, just to see if things are safe, before she conjures her hut. Willa says she will go with her, and when they pass through the false cell, Mathias decides to join them. They stop by the centaurs, who have been watching the ramp and are content to remain so - as long as they are promised more battle when the party has rested. No giants have been seen. They tell the centaurs not to kill any rats or bats, as these are scouts from the party. They propose to give them food and water, but the amounts planned are not enough - apparently the centaurs drink as much as horses and just one of them will need more than the remaining water the party has on hand. Doro, Mathias, and Willa have a brief discussion - there is a well in the torture chamber, and no reason to suspect that the giants would have had time to poison it after the party’s attack.

When they draw up a bucket, the water smells fine and tastes wholesome, if a bit warm. They fill skins and the centaurs drink deeply, and then Willa insists on filling all the party skins again and taking them to the elves and the merchant, and then filling them yet again. The gnolls and trolls she leaves thirsty for the time being.

[As Large creatures, the centaurs will need 4 gallons of water per day each and 4 pounds of food each. So long as the water is just drawn from the well it can be used without tracking. The party is at 19.7 of their own rations and still haven’t opened those of the giants, after they give the centaurs enough for all of today.]

When they get back to the rectory, having seen nothing untoward on their tour, Doro decides to use a spell before she rests - aura of vitality on Thokk for the wounds he suffered in the battle before he was polymorphed (ten rounds of healing; 8, 10, 12, 3, 9, 12, 4, 9, 7, 8 = 70hp, Doro at 2/1/0/1/0). Finally she calls all of them together, waking up Duchess in the process, and draws her tiny hut about them all, clustered in the priestess’ bedroom before settling herself in for a rest. The others, perhaps not yet ready to sleep themselves, drift away.

Babshapka begins his meditations in the bedroom but outside the hut.

(4pm-6pm; Doro and Aurora’s ‘watch’)
Although technically this is Doro and Aurora’s watch, neither of them are actually that observant, and instead are relying on the others to not immediately fall asleep. Doro has promised to remain awake, but she is inside her hut unaware and softly strumming her samisen to herself. Aurora is awake in the room outside, but with all her attention focused on the spell she is copying and she only occasionally checks in with Scabbers. Fortunately they are bothered by neither giants nor drow during this time. The others doze, meditate (Babshapka), clean and dress their wounds, or drift quietly about the room.

Doro and Mathias spend the first hour of their long rest taking a short rest and tending to their wounds (Doro spends 1HD for 7hp, Mathias spends 1 HD for 10hp).

The party reconvenes for an ‘evening’ meal, although Doro’s is brought to her in the hut so that it does not collapse and Babshapka remains trancing, his ioun stone silently circling his head.

[Babshapka uses his stone for dinner. Six people means 6 skins are used; they have 13 left, but there is plenty of water in the well to refill them later. Six people use 2.4 rations, the party total going from 19.7 rations to 17.3 without even considering the giants’ food.]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 4 pounds of meat (86 pounds remain). He drinks the last (3 gallons) of the water in the open cask and finds he is still thirsty. He will start making exhaustion checks from lack of water at 6pm the next day. As the night deepens outside, he sucks on the wet pieces of smashed wood, but his thirst is not slaked. When will Packmaster Thokk return? Staying here will not do - if he gets thirstier and thirstier, he will eventually be unable to cross the lava plain and reach the mountains where he can smell, far off, water (without water, Fraanke will quickly obtain levels of exhaustion, and with two levels he will be at half movement). If he is going to set out, it had better be at night. He remembers going with Thokk to dig for water four days ago. Perhaps the little fort that Thokk’s friend made is still there, the water still filling the basement? Fraanke sets out down the ravine.]

Aurora, successfully, finishes her spell copy (second of two automatic spells learned for 11th level) and joins the others in eating. Doro, stomach full, immediately goes to sleep in the hut at the end of her watch and Aurora soon after recruits Thokk to carry a divan into the hut so that she can join her, and he soon follows. Babshapka enters the hut as well, though he sits cross-legged, trancing rather than lying down to sleep. Duchess, perhaps sensing that the others still don’t trust her, elects to sleep by herself in the far room rather than the hut. Only Mathias and Willa remain inside the room but outside the hut, and they begin the second watch together (6pm - 8pm).

[Fraanke moves out into the night. It is an easy lope, following the ravine, back to where the stone fort still stands on the sand flat. He scents water and begins to salivate. But he scents again, carefully, and smells neither giant nor any other living thing. He slinks across the flats and begins his approach to the fort. When he is some sixty feet from the structure, the first arrows begin to fly (Fraanke Stealth 19, Skeletons Passive Perception 9, Darkvision 60’, do not hear him or spot him until he comes within visual distance; Skeletons initiative 21, Fraanke 7).

Aurora’s seventeen remaining skeletons followed her last command - go off the trail and pretend to be dead - until she lost her mental control over them several nights ago. They wandered the lava plain for a while, hating all life but finding little to kill larger than lizards, which darted under rocks at their approach. Vague memories returned to them of Aurora’s previous command - digging out the water hole. Over the next several days, in twos and threes, they arrived until eventually all seventeen of them were there. Free-willed, they now guard the water-fort as a sort of undead outpost and are keen to defend it against the winter wolf.

In the surprise round, two of the skeletons spot Fraanke and fire on him with advantage: one hit, 5 damage, Fraanke to 70/75. Fraanke immediately retreats out of their visual range. He doesn’t know who is firing on him, but he knows if he doesn’t get water before the burning sun rises in the morning he will be bad off. He decides to try charging the building (Wisdom check 4). He backs off, noting that the arrows do not follow him and the sounds are remaining in and around the fort (Perception 25). In the darkness, he works his way downwind of the fort, still confused that he can’t smell any living things.

Round one
Fraanke creeps forward, preparing to charge when he judges himself again within sight of the structure, but this time the forewarned skeletons hear his paws on the sand (Fraanke Stealth 13 < Skeleton Perception 16) and are ready, firing even before he is in visual range (four shots with disadvantage, two hits for 12, Fraanke at 58/75). In response he charges forward at a run, closing the more than 50 feet remaining until he reaches the building and the milling clusters of skeletons.

Round two
With some four or five skeletons on each side of the building, Fraanke fortunately faces only four at the moment, but two more soon rattle around the corners and all of them shoot (six shots, three hits, 19 damage, Fraanke at 39/75). Fraanke manages to line up four of them in the cone of his cold breath and unloads on them (14 points of cold damage; two fail their saves and shatter, two more are wounded). Realizing that he has seriously underestimated the opposition, Fraanke immediately turns and begins running off into the darkness.

Round three
The four skeletons still active are joined by another two and all six fire at Fraanke’s retreating form (five hits, 35 damage, Fraanke at 4/75). Barely conscious, Fraanke half runs and half limps into the darkness.]

With the hut dulling the sound of Thokk’s snores, the rectory soon grows very quiet, and both Mathias and Willa listen for sounds from the prison halls beyond the false cell, especially any calls from the centaurs. When none come, Willa punctuates the long silence with a whisper. “Mat’ias, when ye war on guard an’ Thokk war draggin’ ther gigants back ter ther ramp, did ye see ar ‘ear anyt’ing…unusual?”

“You mean ‘around the time that Boldo was killed’?”

There is a somewhat embarrassed silence, and then Willa says “Aye.”

Mathias considers his response.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:05 pm  
Post 361: "It's me, Mathias."

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King.

Post 361: It's me, Mathias
15 May [22 Flocktime] - continued Snurre's Hall, second level, drow rectory

[11/4/21 play session, continued]

With the hut dulling the sound of Thokk’s snores, the rectory soon grows very quiet, and both Mathias and Willa listen for sounds from the prison halls beyond the false cell, especially any calls from the centaurs. When none come, Willa punctuates the long silence with a whisper. “Mat’ias, when ye war on guard an’ Thokk war draggin’ ther gigants back ter ther ramp, did ye see ar ‘ear anyt’ing…unusual?”

“You mean ‘around the time that Boldo was killed’?”

There is a somewhat embarrassed silence, and then Willa says “Aye.”

“No, not really.”

“Ain’t it creepy in ‘ere?” Willa asks, her broad hand gesture so vague as to not make clear whether she is referring to the rectory, the prison level, or the whole Hall.

“I guess so. It’s better now that it is more cleared out. We seem to have given the giants second thoughts about storming our position, and I appreciate the chance to rest. This room’s better than the Tunnel, anyway. That was a bit claustrophobic for me.”

“An’ ther purple wall, and ther Temple…?”

“Those are concerns, I suppose. They don’t seem to be going anywhere, at least. I’m more worried about stuff that can sneak up on us, like the drow.”

“What do ye t’ink aboot Thokk an’ Babs? Did wha’ ‘appened ter t’em sound anyt’ing like wha’ ‘appened ter ye en ther Steading?”

“Not really - they just saw the drow and the elf maid, I guess - not the tentacles and the spider people I saw. It’s terrible enough either way. They were under a lot longer than I was, though. They certainly bear watching.”

After another long pause, Willa ventures, “‘o do ye t’ink kilt ther gigant?”

“Boldo? I don’t know. The way I see it, we’re all here to kill giants. At least until we can leave and finally go after the drow.”

“Do ye t’ink ‘twar Duchess?”

“She came out of here the same time as us - hells, we had to wake her up to get her to leave. Then we were all fighting on the stairs. And then she was with you while I was watching the halls. I don’t think she had any time when we weren't with her.”

“Mayhap, but ther way she slinks in ther shadows, I cannae rightly say we ‘ad eyes on ‘er ther entire time she war wit’ us.”

“Well, you know better than I do, then. But Doro is no stranger to the shadows, either. She has gone hiding for stretches of time, too.”

Another long silence.

“So, why did ye look like a drow in tha’ fight after we kilt Estia?”

Mathias doesn’t seem surprised by the question, and replies as if the answer was obvious. “To try to put some friction between the giants and the drow. To sow the seeds in the giants’ minds that the drow might be betraying them, to weaken their alliance. It’s the same thing you were trying to do with Boldo and with the Stone Giants. We have the same goals, Willa, you and I - but I have different methods based on what I personally think has a better chance of working. It seemed like my drow-face worked on the Cloud Giant, anyway - he appeared upset, lit out of here, and we haven’t seen him back, unless he is cowering up on the top level.”

Willa nods. “Seems reasernable. Bu’ ‘ow did ye change yer face?”

Mathias looks around, confirming that they are the only ones who are in the room but not inside the hut. He looks at Willa until she meets his gaze. “Ok, I’m going to show you something. But don’t freak out.”

Immediately his face begins to change, at first darkening so that she thinks he is again adopting the form of a drow - but it does not change to dull black, rather it stops at ashen gray. In place of the dull white drow hair, his scalp is bald - even his eyebrows vanish. His eyes grow big, even bulbous, becoming a pale yellow, singular and without iris or pupil. His lips fade until she is not even sure if there is a mouth slit in the featureless face or not. [Leezar has used his mask of many faces to appear like the doppelgangers they saw on the alien ship.]

Willa stumbles back, her hand on her sword, but she does not draw. “Great ‘oly Sea Cow, wha’ be goin’ on?”

Mathias shrugs. She hears his voice, his voice, even though his face does not move and she still doesn’t know whether the creature in front of her has a mouth or not. “It’s just a thing I can do.”

“Tha’ be ye? Be ye, ye? Ther same Mat’ias as ye hae always been?”

“It’s me, Mathias,” he says, and stands. His robes fade to the ashen color of his face and cling to him until he has a single, sexless body - with no clothes, packs, pouches, or weapons. “That Mathias was me. And this is me. It’s me.”

“You’ve seen me change into an elf, I mean a non-drow elf, and a gnoll, too. It’s still me. And,” he says, bending slightly, for his new form is taller than she is and he is now looking straight at her, “while I was on watch, at the time we think Boldo was killed, I didn’t see or hear anything strange, Willa.”

Willa purses her lips and silently regards the creature in front of her (Willa Insight 18 > Leezar Persuasion 17). This isn’t the complete truth - but it is close. He may not be saying everything, but leaving things out is different than lying, she knows. The most convincing part was his conviction when he said ‘It’s me, Mathias.’

She can’t help it - she looks over at the hut to see if anyone else can see this. By the time she looks back, he is wearing his usual gaunt, pale, human face. He smiles grimly at her.

They pass the rest of their watch in silence, though Willa’s mind is far from still. She tries to think of any similar creatures she has seen, or even heard of, but she keeps coming back to the shape-shifting creatures that were on the star-ship, the ones that took on the form of the party. Though that was in poor light and the middle of a chaotic battle, the form just worn by Mathias matches her memory of them more than anything else.

[(7:30pm) On the sand flats, out of sight of the skeletons, Fraanke bites the arrows lodged in his flanks, pulls them out, and licks his wounds (Fraanke takes a short rest and spends 9 of his 10HD to heal; 9, 8, 7, 5, 10, 7, 9, 8, 8 = +71hp, Fraanke at 75/75). One of the wounded skeletons stops its patrols and focuses its unholy energy to heal itself (Wisdom Check 18, spends 1HD to heal 8 hp, Skeleton at 13/13). The other damaged one continues its ceaseless march around the fort and does not stop to heal (Wisdom check 6).

Fraanke knows he will get just one more try at this before morning - one more attempt in darkness before his thirst makes him clumsy (he will begin making Con saves for exhaustion if he does not have water by the next evening, but all during the day the skeletons will be able to see him from far off and their longbows can shoot at great range). The first level of exhaustion will give him disadvantage on checks like Stealth and Initiative. This exhaustion cannot be removed until he has water so it will only get worse). Given the strength of his foe, charging in was the wrong approach. He will need to be stealthy. Over the next hour he moves in a slowly-tightening circle around the fort, drawing just a little closer at a time, making sure he can hear them and they can’t hear him (Fraanke Stealth with Advantage for time 18 > Skeletons Perception 10). As he gets closer, he tries to pick out the individual sounds of the skeletons as they march tirelessly over the sand - he can’t smell them, but he can hear them (Skeletons are not trying to be Stealthy, Fraanke Perception 22). At any given time, there are perhaps three or four skeletons on one side of the fort - he can try to strike when there are just three. He advances to just beyond where they started firing at him before (Fraanke Wisdom check 16: at 70 feet, unseen and unheard). When he thinks there are as few as there will be, Fraanke begins moving in, trying to make his approach unpredictable by sudden changes of direction.

Surprise round
Fraanke closes to 10’ from the closest skeleton while he takes the dodge. The skeletons are surprised and don’t get an action.

Round one
Fraanke is able to line up all three of the skeletons in his breath cone (Luck roll +1) and breathes heavily on them (22 cold damage, DC12 Dex save). One of the skeletons instantly shatters (fail) while the other two are covered in frost (save, 11 points each). These two, and two more arriving from around the walls, fire on Fraanke (four attacks, two hits, 12 damage, Fraanke at 63/75).

Round two
Fraanke feels within him, but his cold has not built up yet (recharge roll 2). Baring his fangs, he darts forward, crushing the skull of one of the wounded skeletons in his jaws (one hit, 14 damage). Two more skeletons come around the sides of the building, and five shafts fly at Fraanke (three hits, 14 damage, Fraanke at 49/75).

Round three
With still no ice in his belly (recharge roll 3), Fraanke looks for the wounded one but spots two (Perception 14) - the second one could be the one he hurt on his first assault an hour ago, or perhaps he is not the only one trying to get at their water. In any event, it is closer to him than the other one - so he grabs its torso and crushes its spine. More skeletons arrive and fire at him (six shots, four hits, one critical, total 32 damage, Fraanke at 17/75).

Round four
It is time to leave. Fraanke tears himself away from the promise of water, turns and dashes into the dark, trying again to run in unpredictable directions (Deception check 16, of now eight skeletons, four get an Insight better than 16 and are able to shoot at the sound of his feet with disadvantage; four shots, one hit, damage 3, Fraanke at 14/75). After that, Fraanke slinks back to the cave - begins both short and long rest at 7:30pm by walking slowly to cave from 7:30 to 8:30pm, taking a short rest from 8:30 to 9:30pm, and sleeping from 9:30pm to 3:30am. He uses his last remaining HD (at 9:30pm) to heal 12 points, Fraanke at 26/75. There are still twelve skeletal defenders left.]

When an elf trances, they typically go over the events of the day, analyzing and integrating them against their long lifetime of experiences - seeking patterns and connections, looking for insights, recalling things long-forgotten but now relevant. For Babshapka, this trance has been all about looking within his past for information about the drow - any scrap of a tale told him in his youth, any mention of knowledge in a once-heard song, things his conscious mind has long since forgotten or which it never even registered at the time. Later, he will draw on his history of resilience and the life-giving power of nature to help come to terms with what happened in the temple - his future trances will help him heal from that trauma. But not tonight - tonight he has more immediate work to do and he directs his trance instead of seeing where it takes him. But as much as he tries to stay in the past, reviewing his memories, his surface thoughts keep dragging him back to the present, to the discussion the day before, to when he first emerged from whatever spell he was under.

“The giants aren’t the enemy,” he said at the time. “They are pawns, tools of the drow. Yes, we have to stop them, have to help the folk of Sterich, but in whatever way is most expeditious. We need to end the conflict here so that we can deal with the real problem. Let us free that giant in chains and move on!” If only he had said that sooner. If only he had realized the threat the drow posed. If only he had insisted on freeing the elven prisoners sooner, the life of the princess might have been saved, rather than being sacrificed to a dread and terrible abomination. It is time to take the battle to the drow - he will not be dissuaded from this path again.

(8-10pm; Babshapka and Thokk's watch)
When Willa and Mathias finish their watch, Mathias goes to the far room, and Willa enters the hut. Mathias casts a ritual tiny hut himself, so that he has his own secure place to sleep apart from the others, although he does it around Duchess, so that she can now enter and leave either hut. The sounds of his chanting come into the bedroom of the priestess, although they are muffled by the dome of their own hut.

[“Did anything happen?” Leezar whispers to Duchess, once his hut is complete. “While I was on watch, or before, when I was out in the cell?”

“The wall has been making funny noises,” Duchess says (Perception 12). “And before, when you weren’t here, the three women had a private conversation I don’t think they wanted me to hear. But that’s to be expected.”

“No worries. You can rest with me,” he says, gesturing at the dome now above them.

She smirks. “Not while I’m on the job,” she says. “Playtime comes later.” Leezar shrugs as she rises and exits the hut.]

While Willa waits for Mathias’ ritual to conclude, she watches Thokk and Babshapka carefully. Months of camping on top of one another have familiarized her with the typical sleep patterns of all her crew, and she has paid attention. Thokk, she knows, talks in his sleep occasionally, usually unintelligibly and mostly in orc, with a calm bravado in his tone. Now, his words are more frequent, and more nervous, though still unintelligible. Something is indeed troubling his sleep. And Babshapka - typically he wears a serene countenance in his trances, with occasionally a curious expression, as if he is trying to discover something. Now his brow is furrowed in concentration, and his look intense. When Mathias’ chanting finally ceases, Willa lays her hand gently on Babshapka’s arm. “Of course,” he says immediately. “It’s time.” Without even thanking her, he grabs his gear and leaves the hut. She wakes Thokk as well, and he seems his old self, full of swagger and bluster as he whispers overly-loud pleasantries at her. Still, after Thokk has joined Babshapka, Willa wonders whose idea it was to put the two of them together on watch. She lies on her side in her bedroll, staring out of the hut and listening, trying to track their silhouettes against the dome in the candlelight, and to see if either of them have left the room - if either of them are venturing back to the Temple - to the altar - to the Maw. Finally the long combats of the day overcome the aching from the heavy blows of the giants and she sleeps, although it is a fitful one, with more than one dream of tentacles and spiders and ashen men whose faces twist and change as she watches.

[Babshapka comes out of his trance having leveled to 11th. New features in bold:
Babshapka of the Silverwood
Eleventh level ranger (Hunter Archetype: Giant Killer)/ Wood elf (Folk Hero)
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 12 (+1) Int 12 (+1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (-1)
Languages Elven (S/W), Common (S/W), Hobgoblin (S), Giant (S/W)
Hp. 83
Skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival (Temperate Woodlands, Temperate Hills, [empty slot])
Features: Favored Enemy (Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Giants), Natural Explorer (Woods and Hills), Primeval Awareness, Land's Stride, Hide in Plain Sight
Feat: Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Duel-wielding, Extra Attack, Multiattack Defense, Volley
Human-sized Chain shirt+1, broadsword+1, cloak of the manta ray, ring of protection+1, ioun stone (no food or drink required), longbow+1, shortsword, normal arrows, silvered arrows, 'giant' arrows [heads break off], 'ordinance' arrows [short range, more damage], 11 magic arrows+2, blaster pistol, blaster rifle, one stun grenade
Spells: Knows seven spells at (4/3/3)
(1) Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Goodberry
(2) Lesser Restoration, Silence
(3) Protection from Energy, Revivify

One more spell known - Babshapka selects Silence so as to more effectively combat the drow casters to come. He also gains Volley, which will allow him to use his attack action to make one missile attack on each and every foe within ten feet of a point of his choosing, allowing him to hit three or more foes if they are small enough and clustered densely enough - which would be useless against the giants, but perhaps not against the drow in their small underground lairs?]

After two uneventful hours on watch together, Babshapka tells Thokk to remain where he is, while he goes to the far room. Mathias has his own hut up, and Babshapka can’t enter. Fortunately Duchess is sleeping outside it, sprawled on one of the divans. He calls her name softly, and she rolls off the divan and into a crouch on the floor, Babshapka’s own dagger in her hand before she is even fully awake. Once she realizes it is he, she thanks him, gathers her things, and joins him on watch in the near room. Thokk sleepily bids them both good night as he half-stumbles into Doro’s hut.

(10pm-12pm: Babshapka and Duchess’ watch)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Tue Feb 11, 2025 8:32 pm  
Post 362: Ours Goes Up To 11

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King.

Post 362: Ours goes up to 11
16 May [23 Flocktime] - Snurre's Hall, second level, drow rectory
(low 82, high 106)

[11/4/21 play session, continued]

Shortly after midnight most of the party begins stirring. [Thinking that he will be facing throwing stones, Leezar selects his fiendish resilience to protect him from bludgeoning damage.]

Upon completion of their rest, the party members are now at 11th level. New abilities and items since last level are indicated in bold

Thokk of the Crystalmists (Thokk)
Eleventh Level Barbarian / Half-orc (Outlander)
Str 20 (+5) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 5 (-2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 12 (+1)
Hp. 116
Languages (all spoken only): Orc, Goblin, Common
Skills: Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival (mountains)
Primal Path: Totem Warrior (Wolf)
The Sunsword (Longsword+1, +3 vs. undead), The Keeper's Axe (battle-axe +2), Great Axe +2, Shield+2, two rings of protection +1, 5 javelins of lightning, Couatl Scale of Detect Thoughts, hand axes, waterskin of 'black wine'
Fighting Style: Unarmored Defense, Extra Attack, Reckless Attack, Rage, Focused Rage, Relentless Endurance, Brutal Critical
Features: Fast Movement (also while stealthy and tracking), Feral Instinct, Fighting Helps me Sleep
Relentless Rage: Thokk's rage can keep him fighting despite grievous wounds. If he drops to 0 hit points while raging and doesn't die outright, he can attempt a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If he succeeds, he drops to 1 hit point instead. Each time he uses this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When he finishes a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.]

Doro Doof
Eleventh Level Bard (College of Lore) / Human (Mixed race, Greyhawk City) (Criminal)
Str. 8 (-1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 16 (+3) Int 10 (0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 16 (+3)
Hp. 90
Languages: Common, Thieves Cant
Skills: Acrobatics (Expertise), Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation (Expertise), Performance (Expertise), Persuasion, Stealth (Expertise), Also: Jill of All Trades applies to all other skills she does not have proficiency in
Features: Bardic Inspiration (d10), Song of Rest, Cutting Words, Font of Inspiration, Countercharm, Magical Secrets, Additional Magic Secrets
Feat: Magic Initiate (Warlock)
Flametongue Rapier, Hat of Disguise, Rhythm-maker's drum, Stun grenades, Incendiary Grenades, Samisen, tiny silver fairy statues, drow mace+2

Doro gains her first level 6 spell slot, now at 4/3/3/3/2/1. One more spell now known - Heroes’ Feast (6th). Doro also takes Mass Suggestion (6th) in exchange for giving up Faerie Fire.

Spells Known: 3 cantrips (plus two from Magic Initiate); 15 spells, plus 1 from Magic Initiate and 2 from Additional Magic Secrets = 18 total
Cantrips: Light, Mending, Vicious Mockery (3d4), Eldritch Blast (MI)(3 beams at d10 each), Mind Sliver (MI)(3d6), Message
First: Dissonant Whispers, Healing Word, Hideous Laughter, Comprehend Languages (MI)
Second: Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon
Third: Hypnotic Pattern, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Aura of Vitality
Fourth: Dimension Door, Polymorph
Fifth: Animate Objects, Seeming, Greater Restoration
Sixth: Heroes' Feast, Mass Suggestion

"Mathias" (Leezar / Leezarius Angelicus Temtonio)
Eleventh Level Warlock (Pact of the Tome) / Human (Oerid) (Noble)
Str 10 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (0) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp 69
Languages: Common, Velondi
Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, Persuasion
Otherworldly Patron - Dark Prince Graz'zt
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Special Ability: Saved by the Bell

Cantrips (4): Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Chill Touch. Book of Shadows gives as rituals: Guidance, Message, Friends, Find Familiar, Phantom Steed, Illusory Script, Purify Food and Drink, Unseen Servant, Identify, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Tiny Hut, Water Walk, Water Breathing
Pact Boon (2): Pact of the Tome, Book of Shadows
Invocations (5): One with Shadows, Fiend's Sight, Armor of Shadows, Book of Ancient Secrets, drops Mask of Many Faces, gains Repelling Blast
Otherworldly Patron Features (3): Dark One's Blessing, Dark One's Own Luck, Fiendish Resilience
Spells (11; all cast at 5th level): Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly, Darkness, drops Scorching Ray, gains Tongues, Summon Aberrant Spirit, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, Teleportation Circle, Synaptic Static, new - Wall of Light

Leezar gets his first Mystic Arcanum - a 6th level spell he can cast once per day. He chooses Tasha's Otherworldly Guise. However, the material component for this is an object engraved with a symbol of the Outer Planes, worth at least 500 gp. He will need to acquire something like this, for he surely does not have one at hand. He does, however, have a plan.

Equipment: Wand of Web, Scimitar, Alien Translator, Laser Pistol, Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Power Discs, Couatl Scale of Detect Magic, Book of Shadows, Ring of Mind Shielding, Magic Mace (Willa's), Magic Spear (party's), wineskin of 'black wine', stun grenade, incendiary grenade

Special Agent Willhemina Stoutly (Willa)
Eleventh Level Fighter (Martial Archetype: Champion) / Human (mixed race, predominantly Flan) (Sailor)
Str 20 (+5), Dex 17 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (0), Wis 9 (-1), Chr 9 (-1)
HP. 93
Skills: (Fighter): Insight, Survival (Sea and Coast), (Sailor): Athletics, Perception
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Interception, Improved Critical, Extra Attack (3) - Willa may now make three attacks when she takes the attack action.
Features: Action Surge, Second Wind, Remarkable Athlete, Inured to Hardship, Indomitable
Plate armor +2, greatsword with flametongue, frostbrand longsword, dagger, mace+2, ioun stone (no air required)
Potions of neutralize poison, cure disease, healing cannister, ampules of cure disease, cure poison, radiation antidote, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, stun grenades, paralyzation pistol, blaster pistol, power discs, Couatl Scale of Lesser Restoration

Aurora, since she only started her rest at 6:00pm after finishing her copying, is not yet done. Doro is happy to sleep in, maintaining the hut, while the others prepare their gear and have murmured conversations. Sometime around 2am, Aurora also finishes her rest and emerges as 11th level.

Aurora of Tringlee
Eleventh level wizard (School of Enchantment) / Half-elf (Sage)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 10 (0) Con 12 (+1) Int 20 (+5) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 18 (+4)
Hp. 63
Languages Keolandish (S/W), Elven (S/W), Common (S/W), Ancient Suel (Written only), one open slot
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion
Features: Hypnotic Gaze, Instinctive Charm, Master of Minor Mysteries (cantrips and second level spells), Split Enchantment
Bracers of defense, ring of protection+1, scroll of protection from undead, wand of magic detection, wand of polymorph, crystal ball, scroll of finger of death, scroll of delayed blast fireball, atmospheric analyzer, paralyzation pistol, blaster rifle, power discs, incendiary grenades, sleep grenades, healing cannister, Couatl Scale of Detect Evil and Good, Staff, 100' cave spider silk rope, teleportation circle gem chalks, wineskin of 'black wine', potions of growth, fire giant control, philtre of love x2, poison x2, hill giant control

Spells: 4/3/3/3/2
Cantrips: Prestidigitation, Fire Bolt (3d10), Mage Hand, Message, Toll the Dead (3d8 or 3d12 if wounded)
First: Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Mage Armor, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Magic Missile, Sleep, Silent Image, Unseen Servant, Shield, Identify
Second: Blur, Crown of Madness, Enlarge / Reduce, Invisibility, Knock, Magic Mouth, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, See Invisibility, Tasha's Mind Whip, Web
Third: Animate Dead, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed, Sending, Slow
Fourth: Greater Invisibility, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Fifth: Teleportation Circle, Wall of Stone

Aurora may now prepare sixteen spells per long rest. Her Arcane Recovery will restore six spell level slots on a short rest, but none higher than fifth.

With Aurora finally awake, the others begin to make plans for an assault on the first level, but Aurora says such an attack would be foolish without first gathering intelligence. She removes her carefully wrapped crystal ball from her pack, apparently not at all concerned about revealing it in front of Duchess. Her first scrying is on Obmi, and she is just about to start when Babshapka reminds her that at the moment, he is the only one who speaks Giant. Aurora spends ten minutes ritual-casting comprehend languages on herself (2:15-2:25am to cast, lasts until 3:35am) and then attempts the scrying (cast 2:25-2:35am, DC17 save but Obmi will save at +2 since although they have seen him, they haven’t actually met him; fails, Luck roll +1 (he is awake and interacting), watched from 2:35-2:45am).

Aurora can see Obmi in the kitchen of the Hall above - she recognizes the room from Charlotte’s earlier scouting. The dwarf is involved in a heated argument with the fire giantess matron that runs the kitchen. Four fire giant servants, male and female, are spectating in tense silence, as are seven gnolls, dressed as kitchen thralls in greasy aprons and carrying dish rags. Although Aurora has arrived mid-argument, with her comprehension of Giant she is quickly able to determine that Obmi is demanding that the gnoll kitchen thralls be turned over to him as his new bodyguard, since apparently all of his other gnoll guards were lost during their recent attack on the stairs below. The matron is not having any of it, though. In a tone that they have heard no giant before use on the dwarf, she tells him in no uncertain terms that it is his own damn fault for losing his gnolls so carelessly, and that she needs her kitchen thralls to keep supplying the Hall with food. Given the number of refugees now on the first level, the meal schedule is all messed up anyway, and she will be damned before the meals go out late when the brave fire giant warriors need their strength to defend the Hall against the wicked small folk adventurers. If Obmi doesn’t like it, she adds, he can get King Snurre himself to tell her differently, but until then she is keeping her gnolls. Obmi looks over his shoulder at the dreadnaught who accompanies him, looming in the doorway of the kitchen. The matron returns the implied threat by snatching up a rolling pin, thick as a tree trunk. The fire giant servants wince, and the gnolls cringe and try to slink away. Obmi’s fists clench and unclench in his gauntlets, and finally he swears something very unbecoming in Dwarven, then turns and storms out of the room.

Since the scrying lasts ten minutes, Aurora causes the scrying sensor to follow the dwarf on his way out. He moves rapidly, although the dreadnought behind him needs take only slow, ponderous steps to keep up. Down the hall Obmi goes, and into the throne hall, where the curtain leading to Snurre’s private chamber is guarded by an armored female fire giant warrior.

The giantess inclines her head and first Obmi and then the dreadnought pass beyond the curtain. Obmi turns left at an intersection and pounds on the iron-plated door at the end of the hall. His knocks are met by snarls and growling and perhaps a muted voice from within. The dreadnaught behind him tactfully reaches down and pulls the door open, and Obmi enters.

Immediately he is surrounded by fully six huge hellhounds, snarling and snapping and threatening to breathe. The King calls them off and they part to allow the dwarf to approach His August Presence.

Snurre asks Obmi what the situation is, and with carefully chosen words Obmi tells him that the party has constructed a blockade at the base of the ramp leading to the second level, and that he has failed to disrupt their rest. His advice to the King is to remain here, in his royal suite for now, while Obmi works to implement the plan they discussed before. The King glowers but agrees that is the best course of action. They begin to speak of a specific tally of troops but by this point the ten minutes on the scrying has expired and the image in Aurora’s ball fades.

Aurora describes what she saw and heard to the others, who witnessed no more than the wizard staring into her globe for ten minutes. The party agrees that it is time to take the fight to the first level, as it appears the giants will not be attacking them any time soon. Willa and Babshapka again bring up their plan to somehow get a message to the stone giants and Mathias again argues against the idea. Aurora says she can help by at least seeing where the stone giants are (second scrying cast 2:50-3am, giants get a +5 on save since Aurora has only ‘heard of them’, DC17 Wis save > Giants 7 + 5 = 12; fail, Luck roll +4 (they are awake and conversing on a topic of great interest to the party, watched from 3-3:10am)).

The party has assumed that the stone giants are on the first level of the Hall, but the room that comes into view in the ball is not like any that Doro reported from her scouting. It is a large chamber with a long table near the center of the room and five great chairs around it. Hides cover parts of the polished black floor. Crude tapestries adorn the walls and are also hung across the openings around the perimeter of the room. There are several torches in the place, and a few of them are lit, providing dim light. Two stone giants sit near one another at the table; their bedrolls and some leather sacks are close by on the floor. They speak slowly and deliberately, drawing their words out in the manner of their kind.

“We are a long way from the Fjell, comrade,” says one giant to the other.

“Indeed. I’m not sure how much diplomacy there is still to do here. It appears that Snurre has calved a larger block than he can carve.”

“Do you think that the human adventurers assaulting the Hall are the same ones that Lady Estia (Muspel took her!) warned the King of?”

“I don’t know who else they would be. I have heard the warriors talking since they moved us from the guest quarters - it appears that the little folk have control of the entire second level - the prisons, guest chambers, and Temple besides. The Smith is dead. An attempt by the King’s counselor to seek relief from below was rebuffed, they say.”

“If these small folk persist, how much longer can the Hall stand against them?”

“Not long, I think - most of the warriors are dead - unless there are more on the third level.”

“Yes, I have heard rumors that the King keeps a reserve force on the third level. I wonder why these forces have not been brought to bear yet.”

“Perhaps that was what the dwarf was attempting to do - seek assistance from those forces. Would they be enough? I don’t think we can know, since we don’t know how many warriors there are down there.”

“It is a waiting game then - the King lacks the forces to make another attack, or contact whatever reserves remain below, so the small folk must come up to him. Or, if the forces from the third level find the small folk first, then perhaps the King will move quickly to join them, if he can.”

“Yes, it seems so. I think everyone is waiting for the other stone to drop.”

After this the giants appear deep in thought, and do not speak to one another again before the scrying spell wears out.

All the stone giant talk about the third level has made Aurora curious, though. After she explains the conversation to the party, she decides to scry on the drow they fought, to see where they are now. She reasons that of the priestess, the mage, and the archer, it is the last who will have the least resistance to her spell [lowest Wis save], so she tries him next (third scrying cast 3:15-3:25am, drow gets a +2 on save since Aurora has seen but not met him, DC17 Wis save < Drow 16 + 2 = 18; success), but the ball refuses to resolve. Aurora is unsure whether the drow being able to resist the spell has made him aware of the scrying attempt; but if so, he would likely tell the others who might then even be able to employ counter-measures, she supposes. Given that many of the party are impatient to set out, she decides not to attempt to scry the mage or priestess.

Before they leave, however, there remains the matter of Mathias. Willa reminds Doro of their conversation the night before, and the bard approaches the gaunt man. When Doro tactfully explains the ‘party’s concerns’ about his mental state, Mathias snorts derision, but agrees to allow Doro to cast her spell on him. The bard carefully shakes out “one measure” of diamond dust into her hand [100gp worth used, 200gp worth remain], then sprinkles it on Mathias as she beats her hand-drum (Doro at 4/3/3/3/1/1).
Greater Restoration wrote:
You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo a debilitating effect. You can reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects on the target: One effect that charmed or petrified the target. One curse, including the target’s attunement to a cursed magic item. Any reduction to one of the target’s ability scores. One effect reducing the target’s hit point maximum. One case or cause of indefinite madness.

Even after the spell is complete, Doro continues to beat her drum, closing her eyes and sensing how the sound vibrations carry through Mathias’ body (Doro Arcana 16). She then speaks to him a bit, asking him about the temple in the Steading, the tentacles, the spider people, and the party’s goals, and finally brings Babshapka and Thokk into the conversation (Doro Insight 15) with similar questions for them.

Eventually she turns to Willa and Aurora. “I didn’t know Mathias for that long before the Steading,” she says, “but he doesn’t seem any different to me than before. I doubt he is cursed, or even mad - well, raving mad anyway. He has always seemed a little paranoid to me, maybe had a touch of nihilistic depression that he treats with self-medication. But all of us, as adventurers, go outside the norms of acceptable behavior for society, don’t we? If ‘sane’ means typical, I guess we are all of us a bit mad, no? But, philosophy aside, I don’t think the spell ‘did’ anything to him, for whatever that’s worth, and while Babshapka plainly admits that his motivation for going after the drow has been sharpened by his experience in the temple, I don’t see any of the three of them as being otherwise much different than before.”

Mathias laughs mockingly (or self-mockingly?). Willa pats Doro on her shoulder and says it was a good attempt anyway, and she for one feels better for it having been done before they go below ground and start hunting drow.

[3:30am Fraanke has completed his long rest and recovered half his HD. He is now at 5HD with 26/75hp. He immediately takes a short rest to spend these new HD for +40hp to get to 66/75 (3:30-4:30am).]

The party packs all of their gear for travel; they might not be coming back. They leave the drow rectory, opening the remaining cells to let the elves and the human merchant out. Having heard from Obmi himself that no attacks are planned on them, they recall the centaurs from the base of the ramp. The plan is for Aurora to draw a teleport circle and send them all to Istivin, or at least, all of them who are willing to go.

Upon learning where Istivin is with respect to their home, the centaurs say that they would rather stay and fight. Crossing half the Hellfurnaces by themselves from here will be easier than crossing the entire range from farther north. Besides, with only one giant slain in battle since they have been set free, their thirst for vengeance has not yet been quenched. They would remain with the party and hope to punish more giants, or perish gloriously in the attempt.

Duchess as well says that she will remain with the party for the time being. She is forthright about her hope that once they defeat Snurre she can convince the party to look for his treasure room.

The merchant and elves, however, do desire to be sent to Istivin. Though it and Sterich lie far north of their homes, still they would spend no more time in the Hall than they need to, regardless of whether they are prisoners or free. Aurora instructs them, once in Istivin, to seek the aid of the Earl and the Countess, for surely they will see the elves back to the Yeomanry and the merchant to the Sea Princes.

The elves ask about their princess - the daughter of the King of the Wild Elves of the Green Slopes - and whether she will not be coming with them. Babshapka bitterly informs them that the party was too late, that the princess has been killed by the drow, sacrificed in the temple.

The elves’ elation at their final rescue and deliverance immediately gives way to somber sadness. They ask whether they can at least bear her body home to give to her father, so that the King may mourn his daughter as befits one of the ancient blood. When told that the body remains in the temple, they ask whether the party can retrieve it for them.

Nay,” says Willa immediately.

“No,” says Babshapka, but as if saying so wounded him.

“Maybe?” asks Aurora hopefully.

Willa mutters, Gods, t’at woman makes everyt’ing so b****y complicated

Babshapka asks to address all the elves, together. Drawing on his most formal speech, in Elven words from centuries ago, he swears a solemn oath to punish the drow for the death of the princess. Not only will he hunt those that did this, he says, but he will venture into the earth to the land of the drow to make sure that it will be long and longer before they again consider sending such a mission to the surface. They cannot return with the body of the princess, he says, but he bids them bear witness to his oath and carry word of that to the King, for whatever small comfort it may bring him in his sorrow.

The elves join hands in a circle around Babshapka and begin to recount the names of their ancestors, attesting to his oath. Babshapka responds with the names of his own parents, and grandparents. Back and back they go over hundreds of years until the names merge and they are together reciting the same lineage of the first elves to walk the Oerth. When they finish, Babshapka says, “We are kin; I will avenge the King’s loss.”

The elves say, “We are kin; we will tell the King.”

[Babshapka has gained an Inspiration point to be used at any point in his fight against the drow]

When the elves have finally finished, Aurora pulls out the gem-flecked chalks (one used from her sheet, one remaining, although Mathias has his own supply) and draws the sigil for Istivin on the hallway floor outside their cell - this time, the actual sigil with nothing invented (uses a fifth level slot). As she finishes it, the mystic symbols glow, then shoot light in a column to the ceiling. “Quickly,” she says, “all who are going, need to do so now!” and the elves and merchant jump or stumble into the circle, disappearing as they do so. In a few seconds the light fades.

“Well, poop,” says Aurora once they are gone. “We should have sent them with a message for the Countess.”

“We be alive an’ fightin’ gigants,” says Willa. “T’at be all wha’ ther Countess needs ter ken, an’ t’ey will tell ‘er t’at, right eno’.”

As the others lift packs and prepare to head upstairs, Duchess remains, seemingly transfixed by the sigil on the floor. “These runes are keyed to a specific place?” she says, though to no one in particular.

“Yes, the Temple of Zilchus in Istivin City, the capital of Sterich,” says Aurora as if off-handedly, but failing to disguise the tone of superiority in her voice. “Perhaps you have not heard of such powerful magics…”

“Oh, I know of the teleportation circle spell, alright” says Duchess, as she continues to stare at - no, to memorize - the symbols. “I have just never seen an actual sigil before, since normally they are such well-guarded secrets. I mean, it’s not like someone often leaves their back-door keys lying around in front of the likes of me…”

Damnit Aurora, pay attention! says the mage to herself as she begins to agitatedly smear the chalk lines with the heel of her boot. Besides this thief, if we go up to face Snurre now and the drow crept back here to look at this

[4:30am Fraanke is as sound as he is going to be today (66/75), and it is still dark outside, though it will be lightening to gray soon. If he goes quickly, he may be able to reach the fort before it is light enough for those bone-archers to see him.]

The party, centaurs included, stand at the base of the ramp, looking at Thokk’s wall of bodies. The corpses have begun to bloat, which has caused many to shift position. None of the party, save Thokk, are eager to climb over the corpses. Perhaps stalling, Babshapka casts goodberry and distributes the resulting ten berries among the party [will last until 4:30am 17 May].

Aurora sends Scabbers to sniff at the piled dead, but the only thing he smells is the emptied bowels and the beginning of rot (Perception 11). The rat climbs up and over the pile, losing his footing and tumbling down the other side (Dex check 7; fail) but with no ill effects. Aurora watches carefully through his eyes as he moves up the ramp to the first level of the Hall without spotting a giant. Once on the level above, he sniffs at the curtain which closes off a nearby room, and smells dead giant there as well, but does not see or hear anything nearby (Perception 8 ).

Thokk cheerfully climbs the dead, showing the others how he cleverly made a stile with the arms of the giants and the smaller bodies, but when he gets to the top, his weight causes the whole structure to shift under him. Losing his footing, he leaps clear to the floor (Dex save 24 with advantage from danger sense) and lands on the stone of the ramp even as bodies begin to roll down both sides of the barrier. “It good!” he calls over the pile, although he cannot see the others. “Thokk want to show you fine trap he make for giants - it too good to waste if giants not coming down!” Just then the pressure from above causes one hellhound carcass to rupture, and the gasses within immediately ignite when exposed to the air. Within seconds, several of the hellhound bodies are aflame and a thick, black smoke is rising and moving along the ceiling of the ramp toward the first level.

The others then attempt to negotiate the treacherous pile of dead bodies as they avoid the patches of open flame (Babshapka Acrobatics Check 16, Doro Acrobatics Check 12, Mathias Acrobatics Check 9; fail). Mathias slips while going down the far side, falls prone, and slides down the bodies to the stone floor on his belly. It is rather inglorious, and he is stained with gore, but is not badly wounded (d6 fall damage = 3).

(Aurora Dexterity check 20, Willa Athletics Check 16). Once the party is all on the other side, it is the turn of the centaurs to climb the burning mound of flesh. “Brother, this is as foul a field of the dead as these hooves have ever trod,” says one as he stumbles but does not fall (Athletics Check 11).

“Aye,” replies his herd mate, “but it be my will to ride over the bodies of more giants ere this day is done!” (Athletics Check 21)

As their hooves again touch stone, the sharp clatter echoes up the hall. Willa asks the centaurs to remain back for the moment while the party scouts ahead. Doro slips up the ramp, but there are few shadows for her in the well-lit Hall (Stealth 12). Fish (Perception 11) and Scabbers (Perception 14) move ahead of the bard.

At an intersection, Scabbers comes upon a fire giant servant on guard in the hall, and the giant notes the rat as well, but takes it for a wererat (Luck roll +1). The giant begins speaking to the rat, and from down the hall around the corner Babshapka holds up his hand for silence as he tries to hear (Perception 14) “…Snurre…going on…adventurers…”. Aurora tells Scabbers to bob his head up and down as if listening and agreeing, then try to lead the giant away.

Scabbers climbs on the giant’s leg, points its snout down the hall, waggles in a ‘follow-me’ dance, and does its best, but the giant refuses to leave its guard post, where it has been told to watch for the adventurers coming up from below (Scabbers Persuasion 3). Finally the rat gives up and continues on.

By the time the rat is at the edge of Aurora’s telepathic range, it can see the fire giant servant behind it, and another one to the front - neither with armor, although both have long wooden clubs and a bulging bag of throwing rocks on their hips. Aurora sends Scabbers final instructions - scout to about two hundred feet ahead, smell at doors, act like a rat, and come back in three minutes. Scabbers acknowledges the instructions and moves ahead.

Sniffing at the door of the council chamber, Scabbers can smell the stone giants within, recognizing them only as giants (Perception 18), but has no way to tell Aurora for the time being. Aurora begins a hushed conversation with Doro about how many of the party they could cover with invisibility if they both upcast - and then she remembers the two centaurs and works out that they would need to cast at fifth level each.

[end of 11/4/21 play session]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Tue Feb 18, 2025 8:44 pm  
Post 363: Obmi's Gambit

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 363: Obmi's Gambit
16 May [23 Flocktime] - continued - Snurre's Hall, ramp between first and second levels
(low 82, high 106)

[start of 11/18/21 play session]

Babshapka reminds the casters that he now has the silence spell if that would help them sneak by the guard - but unfortunately, the effect will not travel with them. Suddenly the party is gripped by a crisis of purpose - the centaurs are here to kill giants, Mathias is ready to move on immediately to the drow, Babshapka and Willa want to face the drow, but only after assuring themselves that Snurre will withdraw his troops from Sterich. Facing a single unarmored guard, they decide that now is the moment for an extended conversation about their goals, which they could have resolved at any point in the last ten hours! Willa wants to immediately move to attack Snurre in the throne room, ending this all in one great final battle. The centaurs are with her, but no one else in the party agrees to join her. When there is no consensus, someone suggests that they seek advice from the Countess as to whether to strike at Snurre or move on to the real enemy, the drow. Aurora, with spells nearly full, prepares to cast a Sending, but asks them what she should send, which then extends the conversation even more.

Aurora’s initial draft:
Been fighting constantly at fire giant stronghold. Most giants abroad in Sterich. Drow instigators. King Snurre still in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation? (26 words)

While the party argues verbiage, Fish invisibly scouts ahead: the two guards in the hall nearby are breathing heavily (Perception 19), there is distant domestic noise from the kitchen to the south (Perception 15), and a few other individual guards in the hallway to the east (Perception 17). Nowhere does he hear the clank and creak of metal armor, or the concentrated breathing of giants close on one another. If an ambush is waiting ahead, it is one with few giants and no warriors.

Aurora’s next draft eliminates some articles to try to add information about the tunnel:
Been fighting giant stronghold. Most Fires abroad in Sterich. Underground tunnel to Sterich. Drow instigators. King Snurre still in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation? (27 words)

When she realizes the count, she eliminates a few more unnecessary words and emphasizes the division between the giants rather than the Tunnel:
Fighting giant stronghold. Most giants abroad in Sterich. Division between giant races. Drow instigators. King Snurre in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation?
(25 words)

At this point, Willa interjects. “We need ter tell ‘er aboot wat Bapshapker ‘eard, wat ther drow said!”

When Aurora frowns, trying to remember, Babshapka translates what he heard in drow to Common.
(Mage to priestess): Priestess, the surface dwellers are too powerful. Even after their fight with the giants.
(Priestess’ reply): Yes, that is why the idiotic Snurre failed. We must retreat to the Fane [temple?] and prepare the invasion.

“Aye, ther invasion,” says Willa, nodding emphatically. “She be needin’ ter ken t’at!”

Aurora goes through a few more drafts:
Most giants abroad in Sterich. Drow were instigators and preparing for invasion. King Snurre in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation? (23 words)

Most giants abroad in Sterich. Drow confirmed instigators and are preparing for invasion. King Snurre in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation? (24 words)

Most fire giants abroad in Sterich. Drow confirmed instigators and are preparing for invasion. King Snurre in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation? (25 words)

Aurora believes she has reached the best sending, and the others have no further suggestions. Scabbers returns and reports another fire giant servant outside the kitchen, but no warriors in sight. Fish has not seen anything by going first east and then taking a northeast branch (Perception 8 ). Aurora prepares to send.

[5am Fraanke has reached the water fort. The sun is above the horizon, but behind the mountains and with the sky overcast by ashen clouds. It is a deep, dull gray out - not the black of night, but neither should he be seen at a distance. He creeps up on the fort - his once-white coat, dirty from days of neglect, is the same ashen color as the sky and land (Stealth 23). He is able to come from nowhere and run up on three skeletons, but they are spread out enough that he gets only one in his cold breath (Luck roll -1, 14 damage, DC12 Dex save < Skeleton 13; saves, 7 damage). The skeletons return fire (three hits, Fraanke at 49/75).

Fraanke closes the last few feet to the wounded skeleton and crushes it in his jaws (one hit, 7 damage, skeleton destroyed; frost breath does not recharge (d6=2)). Already there are more skeletons coming around the side of the building. Fraanke turns and runs off into the gloom. The skeletons fire after him (four shots, three hits, 16 damage, Fraanke to 33/75). Fraanke returns to the cave to spend the long, hot, thirsty day in the cool and dark.]

Her final draft selected, Aurora sends to the Countess:
Most fire giants abroad in Sterich. Drow confirmed instigators and are preparing for invasion.
King Snurre in power but weakened. Overthrow or withdraw? Sterich situation?

Soon after, she receives the response:
Goblins screened giants - giants screening drow? Drow invasion is your priority - investigate and / or stop!
We are holding fire giants for now - at great cost.

Aurora repeats the message to the party, as only she could hear it, but adds, “What does screening mean?”

Willa seems to know immediately. “Ther goblin attacks agin’ ther towns in Sterich war only ter confuse ther issue afore the gigants attacked - she be meaning t’at ther gigants jus’ be bein’ used ther same way afore ther drow invasion.”

“The drow invasion is our priority,” says Mathias with some satisfaction.

“Alright,” says Aurora. “We need to end this giant thing now. I guess we negotiate a settlement. I will ritual-cast comprehend languages, and then we demand to talk to Snurre and tell him to call off his dogs.”

“We don’t need to talk to anyone,” says Mathias incredulously. “‘The drow are our priority’. We can leave now”.

“I’ll do the talking,” says Babshapka, “in Giant. Use your spell to keep the others informed about what is being said.”

“What talking?” says Mathias. “What part of the DROW are our PRIORITY did you guys not hear?”

Doro sneaks forward to the corner, just out of view of the guard (Stealth 19). Babshapka steps boldly around the corner into the center of the hall, clearly visible, and calls out loudly in Giant, “Hold giant! We demand a parlay with King Snurre!” He remains on the balls of his feet, ready to jump back around the corner, should the giant reach for a throwing rock (dodge action).

The fire giant servant is quite taken aback - he has very clear orders to immediately attack the party with rocks when they appear, and then to fall back slowly and sound the alarm. But they are asking to parlay - and asking in Giant. This is unforeseen and possibly important (Wisdom check 17). He can’t stay here to face them alone, as they surely have mind-controlling magic - and he can’t abandon his post, and he can’t attack them without disrupting their plans to parlay, which surely wise King Snurre will want to take advantage of. Without throwing his shot he turns to flee, to fall back to the next guard in the line and let him make the decision. It is not for no reason that he was placed first watching the ramp to below - he knows that either Obmi or Snurre expects him to die quickly to the invaders, and the servant behind him is older and more experienced, and would probably make the better decision.

As the giant turns and begins to move away, Babshapka shouts at his back, “Tell your friend around the corner that we demand a parlay with the King. Send him to the throne room.”

Now the giant stops and turns back around. Apparently the invaders already know about the chain of servant guards, the warning system leading to the throne room. With his face to the small folk, one hand on a rock in his bag, he backs slowly up down the hall and around the corner, all the way to the next guard in the line, and tells him in hushed tones about the strange elf and its demands.

The second guard tells the first to assume his post. He will speak to the small folk, but if he doesn’t return, the youth should follow the original plan. He walks forward and around the corner to face Babshapka. “What would you tell the King?” he tries to bellow. He is small for a giant and the warriors would laugh at his attempt to intimidate, but he still has more than a thousand pounds on Babshapka. Aurora translates his question to the rest of the party.

“We know all about the drow and their plans,” replies Babshapka. “We want to parlay with the King here, in this hall. Tell him to bring the stone giants with him.”

“The drow. Invasion. Our priority,” mutters Mathias rhetorically, to no one in particular. Silently, he commands Fish to follow either or both guards, should they pull back deeper within the Hall. When Babshapka finishes speaking, the new fire giant backs away from the party and tells the first one to stay at his post, while he goes to warn the King. Fish follows him down the hall, past the kitchen, across the throne room - and to the edge of the curtain. Fish doubts his own ability to slip past both the curtain and the female warrior guard without being found out [a check would be required] so he hangs back and tries to listen (Perception 11). A metal door is opened and closed. Far off voices can be heard but not understood.

With the hallway immediately in front of them free of giant guards for the moment, Aurora and Thokk take the opportunity to advance to a side hall and enter. They will be closer to respond to anything that happens during the parlay, but still out of sight. The hallway has a single large door at the end, and Aurora realizes that they have no idea what is down there - Doro didn’t scout it and they passed it quickly as a group on their way to the lower floor. The door has the same heavy iron plates as all the doors on the first floor, but it is barred from the outside like the cell doors below. There is no window.

“Now that’s different,” says Aurora, “who are they trying to keep in here? Thokk, go listen!”

Thokk strides up to the door and lays his head against the warm iron plates (Perception 14). Almost immediately he hears a voice within (room occupant, 20 Perception). “Oh, brave adventurer,” the voice says in Common, “release me now, and I can join your fight against the giants!”

Thokk straightens in surprise - how did this person know he was there? He whispers to Aurora the words he heard. Aurora points Thokk to his own sunsword and then approaches the door.

“Who are you?” she demands. “Why are you locked in there?” The rest of the party, back behind the corner, can hear her clearly. T’at twaren’t part o’ ther plan, thinks Willa to herself, wha’ be t’at fool woman doin’ now?

Thokk slides the sunsword half out of its sheath, but the blade is not glowing - no undead nearby. He shows it to Aurora and she nods once before the person within answers.

“My name is Tigray of Zahindia,” says the voice - a middle-aged human male, if Aurora judges correctly, and with a western accent - not Baklunish, but something like it - something akin to how the Countess speaks. “I was a representative to Snurre from human lands. I have long been his prisoner here.”

Aurora considers his words. Zhahindia is indeed where the Countess said she was from, but she knows very little about the country besides that it lies to the south and west far beyond the Hellfurnaces and across the Sea of Dust (History check 12).

“Why have you been imprisoned?” demands Aurora. “And what is your favorite nut from your homeland?”

“Snurre has designs on my homeland,” replies the voice. “I was supposed to negotiate the nature of our new relationship, but I believe he has imprisoned me as a ‘power play’ to get me to agree to something not in the best interests of my people. As to the nuts…I am quite fond of the betel nut myself, although its stains are unseemly.”

While Aurora considers his words, and whether she should indeed let him out, Babshapka hears, and then sees, the fire giant servant return. He points at the side corridor. “Who’s that?” he demands, in Giant. “Who is confined in that room?” (Babshapka Persuasion check 2).

The arriving fire giant scowls (Fire giant servant Insight 8 ). “King Snurre’s guests are His own affair and none of your business,” he responds hotly.

“Drow invasion,” whispers Mathias to Babshapka from behind the corner. “Our priority.”

[In the royal chambers, the King and Obmi have just learned of the party’s demand for a parlay, and their plans have been thrown into disarray. They had, of course, expected the party to emerge fighting, making a bold assault up the ramp the same as they did once outside the Hall, and twice while attacking the second level from some hidden location. Obmi’s plan (conveyed with just the right words to make Snurre think it was the King’s own plan) relied upon the party’s aggression.

From the top of the ramp, the layout of the first level of the Hall is basically a circle, with the far side of the circle being the throne room. Obmi knows that the party is powerful, but also that they have never before split their forces, so he was sure they would have to choose one side of the circle or the other, right or left, to fight their way to the King. He planned on delaying them along that path - having servants staggered along its length, in cover, throwing rocks, and only engaging in melee when the party overran each position in turn. The Hall would lose a number of servants, and the party’s advance would be sure, but slowed. During the party’s slow, extended push to the throne room, Obmi and the King would be opposite them in the circle, keeping 180 degrees away, such that by the time the party attained the throne room, the King and his trusted advisor would be at the top of the ramp to the second level. With them would go the Queensgaurd, the Queen, what remained of their warriors, the children of the Hall, and as much of the King’s Treasury as they could carry. The King had, in fact, consolidated the more valuable magic items, gems, and jewels into a few chests in his chambers already, and left behind in the actual treasury only trapped chests full of coins.

Thus by the time the party reached the throne room, those who had been chosen to escape would be at the ramp and descending to the second level, and then the third. The party would presumably sack Snurre’s remaining treasury, since the human assassin had apparently joined them. They would have to fight the hydra and perhaps even lose someone to the traps. Meanwhile the refugees from the first floor would arrive on the third, set up in Snurre’s bolt room, join the pair of guards already stationed there, organize the trolls, and see what help the feckless drow had to offer. There would Snurre make his last stand if the party pursued, but perhaps the adventurers would be content with taking the depleted treasury and leaving the Hall. If they persisted, though - if they entered the third level specifically to go after Snurre - why then there was always Brazzamel. It would be costly, but the King could offer treasure to Brazzemel in return for his help in driving off the invaders.

That was the plan that Obmi had prepared based on his assumption that the party would be attacking. Now, however, the adventurers wanted to talk - and that change had upset everything. If the servant had reported correctly, they wanted to talk right at the top of the ramp, so that there would be no way to use the parlay as a distraction and slip by them. Obmi thus had to come up with a new plan. “Tell the Gaoler to soak several sheets of parchment in his oil of Taggit,” he instructs a servant, “and then to dry them.” To the King, he said, “My liege, get out your fancy dress hellpup gloves, to use when we meet these humans.” If these adventurers wanted to negotiate a cessation of hostilities, perhaps they could be persuaded to sign a treaty of terms - and if he could get them all to handle a paper steeped in the oil, perhaps some of them would fall unconscious by the end of the signing ceremony and then Snurre could ‘renegotiate’ the treaty by force. The signing would have to take place in the throne room - that gave the Hall the best options for flooding the room with all the remaining warriors at once if it became a fight, or giving Obmi and the King the option to retreat to the third level while the warriors held off the party if it came to that. After a few more commands to servants and words of advice and preparation to Snurre, Obmi leaves to face the party.]

Fish sees Obmi emerge from behind the tapestry into the throne hall and returns as fast as he can to warn Mathias. Mathias messages Willa and Aurora and tells them to be ready. Aurora motions to Thokk, and the barbarian lifts the bar from the door at the end of the side hall and opens it.

Inside the room [1-17] are four beds, a table and two chairs, two stools, and other furnishings including three chests and a footstool. Rugs and tapestries adorn the floor and walls, and flaming torches in sconces provide light. In the doorway stands a copper-skinned gentleman dressed in fine white silks and wearing a brightly-colored turban.

Babshapka and Willa can see two ettins in the lead coming around the corner of the hall, with an armored fire giant warrior towering over them from behind. Fish tells Mathias that Obmi should not be far behind them.

Babshapka and Willa move up to the middle column in the hall. From there they can guard the side-hallway with Thokk, Aurora, and the turbaned man - who has followed Thokk out of the room. The column can also serve as cover if the giant or ettins pull out throwing rocks or other missile weapons. The ettins stop when they reach the narrowest part of the corridor, some twenty feet away from Willa and Babshapka. Either side could start a melee in seconds with no warning.

Thokk shields Aurora from the hallway, while Aurora carefully watches the turbaned man. When Obmi arrives just around the corner from sight, Mathias messages Willa with his location, provided by Fish. Willa whispers that to Babshapka. Doro, still hidden, peers around the corner.

Obmi voices a command and the ettins part to either side. The dwarf strides around the corner and moves just forward of the giantkin, now some fifteen feet from Willa and Babshapka.

“We are here to parlay,” Babshapka announces in Giant.

The dwarf responds in kind. “The King would deign to meet with you in His throne room.”

Aurora, who has comprehend languages going, is the only one in the party besides Babshapka who understands the dwarf’s speech. She messages Doro his words. That’s a bad idea Doro replies, then herself messages the others in the party.

Babshapka tells Obmi, “We will come to the throne room, but only if you clear the hallways. I want to speak with the Stone Giants, here, soon, and before we go to the throne room. When we do go, there can be no fire giants or anyone else behind us.”

[This gives Obmi cause to think again. Indeed, the party seems cautious and prepared to actually negotiate. But why do they want to meet with the stone giants? And why did the elf specifically say that he wanted Obmi to clear the hallways? They are clever, then, and have clearly deduced that Obmi has some position of power or authority in the Hall - perhaps they even recognized that he was invisibly among the giants when they fought below, and in command. And yet, with only three guards in sight, they are not immediately attacking him. If they recognize his importance, why are they not attacking when they have here an obvious opportunity to take hostage the chief advisor to Snurre and cripple the defense of the Hall?

Obmi has fooled plenty of adventurers before, in the years previous. Typically when ‘heroic giant-slayers’ show up at the Hall, he pretends to be a slave or political prisoner and more often than not they trust him. He betrays them to the King, oversees their executions, and gets to keep their gear - which is the principal source of the magic items he possesses. These adventurers, however, will not believe that he is a prisoner, per se, not if they have already figured out that he is in charge. Yet they clearly have some sympathy for him, so perhaps he can capitalize on that. Would they believe that he is here as a subversive agent, working to counter Snurre from within but constrained in his actions? It is time to see how gullible these adventurers are.]

“This is Snurre’s Hall,” says Obmi imperiously in Giant. “You cannot make demands on who goes where.” Then he switches to the Dwarvish tongue. “Can any of you speak dwarven? These louts certainly don’t.”

[All four of the ettin-heads behind him frown in sudden lack of comprehension, but by keeping his two statements the same length, it sounds like he is saying the same thing, just translating from one language to another and repeating himself.]

Aurora, with translation of both his statements provided by her spell, messages Obmi. I can understand your spoken dwarven, and reply in Common with a message for you alone. You can speak freely in dwarven and we will understand. Obmi nods slightly, almost imperceptibly.

[They are gullible, indeed, thinks Obmi. The party is ready to believe that he is on their side, but that he has limits on what he can do in front of the giants. How far can he play this out?]

“You may have killed a few of our warriors by surprise ambushes,” says Obmi sneeringly in Giant, “but if you make demands of the King, you will be met with only vengeance for our brave fallen.” Then switching to Dwarven, he adds “If you have demands, you can speed the process by telling me exactly what you want.”

Aurora messages to Obmi, We want Snurre to break his allegiance to the Drow and recall the fire giants from Sterich, then to collapse the Tunnel to Sterich and forgo any other plans to assault the human lands.

While Aurora is speaking directly to Obmi’s mind, Babshapka speaks out loud in Giant, giving the appearance of something for Obmi to respond to, for the benefit of the fire giants and ettins who are listening. “A few of your warriors? By my count, we have killed eight just within the Hall, and as many or more outside. How many do you have left?”

Obmi seems to be able to follow both conversations at once, even now that they are diverging, and respond in the appropriate language to each. In Giant, he says menacingly, “We have plenty enough warriors remaining. You may cower among the prisons a while longer, but soon we will bathe the walls of the Temple in your blood.” In Dwarven, he adds, “I have counseled the King to recall the troops as you have asked, and he has agreed, but every time we attempt to send word to these forces, you kill the messengers.”

Aurora messages to Babshapka and Willa that This is going well - keep it up, and then to Obmi she says We have little reason to trust one another, so I propose you let us speak to the Stone Giants. We can negotiate through them as mediators trusted by both sides.

“Cowering?” responds Babshapka in Giant. “It is tiring work to kill giants, and difficult to rest below with the stench of so many slain about us, but we are doing our best. Feel free to send more warriors to their doom like the last group who died on the very stairs entering the level.”

In Giant, Obmi replies, “Resting? You mean healing from the beatings you have taken! If you had the strength to attack now, you would not waste your time talking. The warriors up here are fresh and eager. It is only a matter of time before your souls are fed to the Maw.” Then, in Dwarven, “I would be taking too big a risk to ask for the Stone Giants to mediate - the King would never allow you to converse with them outside of his presence.”

While Babshapka continues to offer counter-threats in Giant, Aurora asks Do you support the Drow? Do you realize that the Elder Elemental God is really Lolth and that the dark elves seek the destruction of everything above ground?

To Babshapka, Obmi describes how the elf will personally be sacrificed by the drow on the altar in the Temple, while to Aurora, he says in Dwarven “I’m just a hostage for the good behavior of my conquered people. Snurre trusts me on some matters, but I have no influence on who or what the giants worship.”

Understood, replies Aurora. Bring Snurre and the stone giants here and we will talk to both of them at the same time.

Obmi makes further threats to the group - the giants will grind their bones to make bread - but to Aurora, he says "If what you seek is an end to the war in Sterich, you don’t need to risk a confrontation with the King that will quickly go sideways when he takes offense to some imagined slight. Simply permit a few giants to reach the tunnel on your level and I can get the message to the forces in Sterich for a complete and immediate withdrawal."

Here there is a pause. Obmi and Babshapka stare each other down, apparently having run out of threats and insults for the time being. Meanwhile, Aurora is conferring with the rest of the party via message about Obmi’s offer to recall the troops. When people agree it is worth an attempt, she contacts him again. Why should we trust that your so-called messengers will deliver the command to withdraw and not seek to attack us or perform some other betrayal?

He replies, but now directly to her mind, not spoken for the guards. Apparently this is what we both want - if you permit just a few giants into the tunnel, I will not send enough to threaten your position.

Aurora answers: Very well - allow us to confer. We will return shortly.

Babshapka now realizes that if the giants had been trying to send messengers to Sterich during the attack on the stairs, then that was what the crates of food were for - supplies for the trip. He shares this insight with the others in Elven.

As Thokk, Aurora, and the turbaned man enter the hallway and withdraw with Willa and Babshapka around the corner, Willa specifically watches for a reaction from Obmi, while Babshapka carefully observes the face of the giant.

(Willa Insight 15 > Obmi Deception 10; he is clearly both surprised and disturbed to see the man). Aurora messages Obmi, Is this man Tigray of Zahindia, and was he a prisoner of Snurre?

Obmi responds He was a guest that needed to be reminded of his place. With Snurre, freedom has a cost.

The giant warrior is surprised by the appearance of the turbaned man as well - “Hey, he is not allowed to leave his room!” he cries. (Babshapka Insight 19 > Fire giant Wisdom check 9)

Obmi backs up between the ettins while watching the party, and then, when they close ranks in front of him, he turns his back to mutter to the giant warrior. After a brief contest of wills, the giant appears willing to accept that the party has let the man out (Obmi Intimidation 18 > Fire Giant Intimidation 10). Babshapka strains to listen to their conversation in Giant (Perception 14) and hears “Snurre… guest… ambassador.”

Back around the corner, Mathias whispers to Duchess, “Who is that guy in the turban?”

She responds. “No idea, never seen him before.”

“This is terrible,” mutters Mathias to himself.

The party, now with Tigray, moves back around the corner - except for Babshapka, who stays on watch in the hall but out of sight behind a pillar (Stealth 17). They talk about Obmi’s offer for several minutes. Eventually Aurora sends him a message, We are agreed - we will allow a small contingent to pass freely but directly to the Tunnel. In return, we ask for safe passage of two centaurs and this human male out of the Hall. You will provide them with a week’s rations and water before they leave.

Obmi replies silently so that only Aurora can hear, I will need to talk to Snurre - I’ll see what I can do. The dwarf withdraws, taking the ettins and fire giant warrior with him, but both of the fire giant servants move to where they can see the corner.

As the clomping, heavy-booted feet of the giant warrior fade in the distance, the centaurs surge forward and ask what happened - when are they to have their vengeance? Without Babshapka appearing to be present they are speaking in Common, so Willa responds to them, asking what would they choose if they could have vengeance - or life? She explains that the party is attempting to negotiate their release from the Hall, should they be willing to accompany this human, also a prisoner of Snurre.

The centaurs bend their heads low and converse softly in their own language, which includes snorts and long wickers. When done, they say that their desire for vengeance on the giants was to honor the memories of their brave herdmates, who gave their own lives so that the mares and foals could flee. Knowing that they were going to die here in the Hall, their only wish was to take as many giants with them as possible. But if there is actually a chance to live - if the party believes, for real and true, that they can cross the mountains and go home - then they have a higher duty to their fallen herdmates than vengeance - they must return to the herd at all costs and see that it is safe, honoring the sacrifice of the fallen. If the party can get them out of the Hall, they will go.

At this point Willa nods, then turns to Tigray and scowls. She draws herself up until she looms over him, speaking in her most intimidating tone, demanding to know who he is and why he was locked up - with no b******t! He looks her squarely in the eyes and calmly gives her the same story that he did Aurora (Willa Intimidation 13 < Tigray Insight 21).

Willa tells him that if he wants the party to save his skin, he needs to be useful to them - she asks him what lies on this level. Tigray describes features the party already knows about - the throne hall, the royal chambers, the kitchen, several barracks and guard posts. He adds some things that are new to them - the center of the complex is the council chambers, Obmi’s quarters lie on the far side of it, there is a chimera pen in the back of the armory, he does not know where Snurre’s legendary treasure room is, but he has heard it is guarded by a fearsome monster.

“Yeah, about that…” says Duchess and asks him a series of questions, but he does not have much more to offer on the subject of her particular interest.

[Obmi returns to the throne room, and then passes to the King’s chambers. He tells the King how he has successfully intimidated the party into allowing messengers through to the Tunnel. He will be preparing another expedition to recall the warriors from Sterich. The party has been cowed for the moment, but is still a threat. They also want to meet with the stone giants, and Obmi suggests that Snurre not permit this. Who knows why they think that the Stone Giants can help them, but neither of them, humans or Stone Giants, are to be trusted. Perhaps Snurre can use this to try to bring them to the throne room, though, where they can be surrounded, tricked into handling the paper with the oil of taggit, and slain or captured. Snurre agrees, and Obmi sets about organizing the messenger expedition. It does not take long, for besides the one giant the party slew on the stairs and the food that was abandoned, all the other people and equipment previously assembled are still ready, briefed, and at hand.]

Perhaps a half an hour after Obmi withdrew from the party, he reappears, accompanied now by two fire giant warriors, two servants, and several crates of supplies. Obmi explains that if the party lets them by, one warrior and one servant will take a hand car to Sterich to issue the recall command. The other two will see them off but return here shortly to report that the messengers were indeed permitted to leave safely. The party agrees. They pull back slightly into the abandoned barracks room by the ramp, in which several giant warriors lie dead, laid out in their beds. For a brief but tense moment the giants pass down the hall in front of the party, and then they are gone.

Aurora suspects that they are not nearly done negotiating, so she renews her comprehend languages spell by means of another ritual.

Just as Aurora is finishing the spell, a single warrior and servant return from below, speak briefly to Obmi, and retire to deeper within the Hall.

“Our messengers are off,” announces Obmi in Dwarven. “They will be recalling the warriors from Sterich, as you requested. What is your next move? How does this end?”

What of the ambassador and the centaurs? asks Aurora via message. Where are their supplies? Do you pledge to let them go?

“The King did not wish to negotiate that through me,” replies Obmi in Dwarven. “If you seek that, you will need to come to the Throne Room and ask him in person. He will not come here.”

The party huddles to discuss. Aurora messages to Obmi How many giants are left alive? We do not feel it is wise to go to the throne room.

[Obmi is taken aback by the directness of the question. How many giants are left alive? These rubes actually believe he is on their side! Oh, the sore temptation to spin a tale about how he will help them betray Snurre if only they will do thus and such…But surely someone among them will be too cautious for that, it will devolve into a fight, and he could end up getting the rest of the Hall’s forces wiped out by overreaching. No, he has to focus on preserving his own position as Snurre’s advisor, and on saving Snurre’s throne, not stretching so far out to grab the ring that he tumbles from his mount. His best bet is to remove them all from the Hall as fast as he can. The ambush in the throne room was only ever a back-up plan, preferable to an honest fight. It is still better to just get them to leave and lose not another warrior.]

Obmi says something in Giant about how the King commands their presence in the throne room if they wish to discuss the fate of the centaurs, but then adds in Dwarven, “I ask that you answer my question first. If all the giants in Sterich come back - what are you after then?”

Aurora responds, We plan to take the fight to the drow. They represent the bigger threat, if and when Snurre pulls out of Sterich. Would Snurre turn on them if he knew that he was actually helping the spider god, Lolth?

“We’re not going to the throne room,” says Babshapka in Giant. “Tell your King we have bigger fish to fry.”

“Snurre won’t have the chance to turn on the drow if you go after them first and chase them from the Hall,” says Obmi in Dwarven. “If I can promise Snurre that you will leave his Hall, I am sure I can get him to agree to release the centaurs and the ambassador, even without you seeing him personally. What else can I do to speed you on your way?”

[This is going well, thinks Obmi. These foolish heroes are ready to end this and give him their word that they are withdrawing from the Hall. That will have the same effect as if the giants had chased them off - or even better, since they will not be back for revenge.]

We have a note to deliver to the Stone Giants, messages Aurora.

“I would be more than happy to make sure that they receive it and that Snurre does not know about it,” says Obmi in Dwarven.

Realizing that they may actually be preceding on to the drow without first conquering the Hall, Willa, in a low voice, asks Thokk, “Whar be yer wolf - wha’ did ye tell Fraanke?”

“Fraanke wait for Thokk in cave,” Thokk says. “But wolf almost as smart as Thokk. He knows when Thokk not coming back, so go wait in mountains for Thokk’s triumphant return.”

Babshapka pats Thokk on the back sympathetically, while Obmi strains to hear the hushed conversation (Perception 11).

Fine, messages Aurora to Obmi. Here is the note. She hands Babshapka the copy they made of the paper found in the rectory, the one with the drow confessing that the ‘Elder Elemental God’ is a ruse for the giants. He wraps it around an arrow and, obviously pointing his bow down, shoots it at Obmi’s feet. The dwarf retrieves it while the two continue their faux dialog in Giant. We will wait here until the ambassadors and the centaurs are away - and then we will withdraw below, adds Aurora.

Obmi retreats, although the ettins and fire giant warrior remain watching the party. Babshapka speaks to the centaurs in Elven, explaining to them the location of the secret cave, with the party’s supplies (which they are welcome to) but also the wolf. Thokk fishes a spare loincloth out of his pack, then takes his current one, covered in his scent, off and, while naked, tells the centaurs to present the used loincloth to Fraanke and tell him to not wait for Thokk. While Thokk puts the spare loincloth on, Duchess half-heartedly tries one last pitch to get the party interested in Snurre’s treasure hoard, and when it fails says that she will be taking her leave of them as well. “Better alive without the sparkly than dead underground,” she philosophizes. “Good luck to you all - may Ralishaz turn you a blind eye.”

Obmi returns with a fire giant servant bearing human (or gnoll?) sized skins of water and bags of food. These are laid in the middle of the hall and then the giants withdraw. The centaurs, Tigray, and Duchess retrieve them. The giants keep them in sight but back steadily up. Scabbers and Fish accompany them, with orders to immediately return to the party if they are attacked. The party waits in the hall until the familiars return, reporting that the prisoners have left the Hall and were last seen walking across the lava plain when the giants closed the great obsidian valves behind them, with no giants outside. The party withdraws and descends the ramp, passes through the empty prison halls until just before the pitoned doors to the third level.

[Obmi sees both the prisoners and the party off, then makes a brief stop in his private chamber to compose himself before speaking to the King. He also carefully hides the paper he received from the party. Of course, the Stone Giants will be the last ones to see this, if they ever do! He will keep it for now. With luck, the party will indeed drive the drow back into the Underdark, the better for him. But if they fail, and the drow return, it may yet prove useful to have such a paper to show Snurre as a check against their influence. The last thing he does before approaching the King is give orders to prepare a gnoll and hellhound scouting team. He wants to know where these freed prisoners are headed, and plans on tracking them once they are out of sight.]

[As the centaurs, Duchess, and Tigray leave the Hall, the sun is rising over the mountains to the east, though obscured by the ash-cloud sky. Already its rays are heating the black lava-rock and the temperature is climbing swiftly. One of the centaurs points across the barren rock field at the chasm, and says “Brother, let our first goal be that of finding this cave the humans told us about, there to wait out the heat of the day before continuing on at night.” The other agrees, and Duchess nods when they repeat their thoughts in Common. Tigray remains strangely silent.]
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
Posts: 1105
From: Sky Island, So Cal

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Wed Feb 26, 2025 5:22 pm  
Post 364: The caverns

DM's Note on Sources: This post contains spoilers to module G3: The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Locations keyed in the module are indicated in [blue].

Post 364: The caverns
16 May [23 Flocktime] - continued - Snurre's Hall, main entrance to third level
(low 82, high 106)

[11/18/21 play session, continued]

The party makes a rough camp outside the pitoned doors and quickly eats some rations. Near the end of the meal a few of them gather water to fill their skins from the well in the torture chamber. They are ready to see what lies on the third level.

[Babshapka uses his stone for breakfast. Five people means five skins are used, seven left, but refilled to all 19 skins at the end of the meal. Five people use 1.5 rations, going from 17.3 to 15.8 left without even considering the giants’ food.]

[Thokk’s javelins and Mathias’ wand recharge at dawn]

[In the cave, Fraanke eats 3 pounds of meat (83 pounds remain). There is no water. He will start making exhaustion checks from lack of water at 6pm]

The party laboriously removes the metal spikes Thokk pounded into the stone floor, leaving it cracked and marred. Opening one of the two great doors just a few inches, they send Scabbers in to scout. After he has scurried to the bottom of the long ramp and found nothing but another pair of closed iron doors, Doro slips through the gap as well (Stealth 27). The farther down the ramp she proceeds, the more the smooth and polished stone surfaces turn to rough, unfinished cave walls. The iron-plated doors at the end have no bar, at least on this side.

When the rest of the party arrives below, Thokk opens the heavy doors. They are hit by a wave of cool, moist air. A gas jet on the wall near the bottom of the ramp hisses and its flame gutters. There are three rough tunnels beyond the door, appearing largely natural although perhaps augmented by mining; they lead to the left, right, and straight ahead. Only the one to the left looks wide enough to comfortably accommodate a fire giant; the other two have multiple narrow necks that wouldn’t allow passage, even for a giant youth, although the party members would have no difficulty.

Babshapka holds up his hand to keep the others from entering and checks for tracks (Survival 11). In the damp stone are the outline of many giant boots headed back and forth down the large tunnel - but in the smaller one straight ahead he finds a sliver of a heeled boot that could have fit him.

Thokk furrows his brow and looks for wires like in the entrance of the Tunnel (Investigation 10). He stands at the intersection, axe drawn, while Scabbers scurries past him and takes the smallest tunnel, to the right, from which he can hear a steady, melodic drip-drip of water.

Scabbers moves down the tunnel, nose in the air (Perception with advantage 20). He smells water close at hand, and in the distance, the rank odor of troll. Aurora casts see invisibility on herself (now at 2/0/3/3/1/1) and then looks through Scabber’s eyes. She is hopeful that her spell will in this way extend to Scabbers, but it will be difficult to know unless he actually spots something invisible.

The twisting tunnel opens into a small chamber [3-10] also accessed by two other tunnels. Close at hand on his right is a large pool of clear water, fed by drops from the ceiling. These fall steadily, with the sound echoing off the walls in pleasing, almost musical tones. Scabbers moves to the water’s edge and sniffs, and finds the smell wholesome (Perception 9 with advantage). He turns and sniffs at the room at large and picks up a hint of something acrid and oily but unfamiliar (Perception 14 with advantage > Gray Ooze Stealth 13). Looking in the direction of the smell, he sees a puddle of water creeping across the cave floor toward him.

False Appearance wrote:
While the ooze remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an oily pool or wet rock.

[Ooze Initiative 18, Scabbers 8]
Scabbers turns to scurry away, but the ooze is faster and a pseudopod launches itself from the center of the pool, striking and dispelling the familiar in one blow (hits, 5 bludgeoning and 5 acid). The ooze crawls over the last spot where Scabbers was, but it is disappointed to find no organic remains of the rat. Aurora relates his loss to the rest of the party.

As their eyes adjust to the dark, the party realizes how far back the tunnels go, and echoes indicate that some of the spaces ahead are quite large. If they face a drow ambush, mobility may be key. They decide to spend some time summoning mounts; Doro, Tina as a dire wolf (Doro at 4/3/3/2/1/1); Aurora, a ritual phantom steed with a pale gray coat the color of the cave stone; and Mathias, a ritual phantom steed in the form of giant cave salamander of a mottled red and orange hue.

[The centaurs, Duchess, and Tigray have arrived at the secret cave in the ravine. The centaurs brandish the loincloth given them by Thokk and call out before they enter - Fraanke growls defiance at first but soon catches the scent of the Packmaster. He appears cautiously at the entrance, teeth bared and hide covered in arrow wounds. “Where is the Packmaster?” he demands in Giant, startling Tigray, who apparently speaks the tongue. Intrigued, the turbaned man explains that Thokk has been delayed in the giant Hall and has released Fraanke from his watch over the cave; he may retreat to the mountains and await him there. Fraanke asks whether the group bears water, and when they say that they do, he permits them to enter the cave with him.]

Babshapka moves further in silently (Stealth 19) and continues to check for tracks (Survival 21). Multiple sets of giant prints lead to the north, accompanied by what he takes to be drow - at least they are humanoid-sized boot prints. Similar marks, without the giants, lead east.

[In search of the disappearing prey, the Gray Ooze tries to pick up scents on the air, but does not detect the party (Perception check 4). It returns to its ambush spot by the pool.]

Without Scabbers to scout, Mathias sends Fish up the tunnel to the north. The familiar describes a huge cavern with numerous exits, lit by multiple low jets, and in the center, a massive pile of treasure, with a red dragon sleeping on top! However, the bat’s blindsight also reveals that the treasure pile and dragon are both not tangibly there! There is, however, something within them that is real - a large, bull-like creature.

With some back-and-forth questioning from Mathias, Fish flies closer, apparently undetected (Stealth 10 < Gorgon Passive Perception 14; the bull does indeed notice the bat, but has been specifically instructed not to respond to such mundane creatures). The bat gets close enough to hear the bull breathing above the hiss and crackle of the gas jets (Fish Perception 13 with advantage). Mathias relates this to the party, and tells them to stay calm if they spot the dragon, as it is not real. He tells Fish to return to the party by alternate tunnel routes so as to continue to scout, but the bat finds nothing else along either of the routes that leads back to the intersection (two Perception checks, each with advantage, 12 and 11, with the second less than the Gray Ooze Stealth 15).

Babshapka follows the putative drow tracks through the narrow eastern passage, but loses them when the passage splits north and south (Survival 6).

Thokk begins to move north into the main chamber [3-6], whose ceiling is some seventy or eighty feet above. He stops when he sees the dragon on its treasure mound - a larger dragon he has never seen. Now there is an opponent worthy of Thokk and his warband, he thinks, beginning to get excited. While most of the hoard is heaped coins and gems, there are several chests in sight and a few weapons and suits of armor sticking out of the pile, which is larger than the entire length of the dragon.

Thokk turns and shouts over his shoulder, “Mathias sure bat friend said this not real?” (Stealth 3, critical fail < Gorgon Perception 15). His words echo through the tunnels. The gorgon takes notice; it has been instructed to remain where it is and breathe on anything that is not a fire giant or hellhound, but only when they are within range - and Thokk, for the moment, is too far away.

Doro and Tina begin to move stealthily into the room, with Fish watching and Mathias guiding them at first with hand signals - he remains out of sight of the dragon or whatever is beneath it.

Willa comes up behind Thokk cautiously. The giant tracks all lead toward the sleeping dragon. She moves further north, skirting the edge of the cavern, and looking in the exits to the west for tracks - and not finding any (Survival 5).

Aurora, riding her mount, enters the larger chamber and sees the dragon. She looks about with her spell, but does not see anything invisible.

Mathias moves cautiously into the chamber, but keeps to the shadows.

Babshapka has taken the southern branch of the twisting tunnels, then north when it splits again, and comes by a different way into the greater chamber. He ignores the sleeping dragon and looks for tracks on the floor - giant prints lead to the north and northeast (Survival 14).

Willa takes a good look at the dragon, and then the rest of the chamber - the floor is bare. In particular, there are no bones about, no piles of dragon dung, no signs of former victims or food.

Thokk waves his hands about frantically until he gets Babshapka’s attention, points to the ceiling over the dragon, and pantomimes shooting a bow.

Round one
Babshapka takes out a single arrow and levels it at the dragon’s head, exhales, and fires. The shaft flies swiftly across the cave but lands just under the dragon’s snout. Thokk sees it bury itself in the coins (Perception 12). Babshapka notes that it does not sound like the clink of coins when it disappears from view - but rather the sharp crack of it breaking on the far wall of the cave (Perception 14).

A great bull, seemingly made from articulated iron plates, charges out of the pile of coins, moving rapidly toward Willa and Thokk. It plants its feet when it gets within thirty feet of them and disgorges a huge cone of heavy green vapors that envelop them both.

Petrifying Breath wrote:
(Recharge 5-6) The gorgon exhales petrifying gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained target must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends on the target. On a failure, the target is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.

Thokk spots the cloud coming, inhales deeply before it arrives, and holds his breath as the vapors wash over him (Con save 23). Willa ducks back behind a natural stone pillar and tosses her ioun stone into the air just as the vapors engulf her space - the stone drops to the floor and she clamps her mouth shut and her hand over her nose. It was instinct that made her reach for her stone, but she hasn’t been attuned to it since she switched it out for the frostbrand sword and it will do nothing for her now.

Aurora tolls the dead on the unwounded bull (Wis save 5; fails, 8 necrotic damage).

The dragon, which never awoke, and the huge pile of treasure, begin to fade from view.

Doro, from atop Tina, sends forth three blasts of musical force. Two strike home (one critical hit, total damage 11), while the third bounces off the metallic hide of the bull (AC19). Mathias, too, sends three blasts at the bull (two hits, 12 damage).

Round two
The bull swivels its head, trying to decide who to attack next, then sets Babshapka in its sights (recharged its petrifying breath but at this point could not get more than one party member in the cone). Lowering its horns, it charges straight for him. The huge iron bull is fast, but Babshapka is faster and moves aside more swiftly than it can turn its massive body (trampling charge misses).

Thokk hefts his axe and charges to intercept the bull. As the great creature wheels about, his magic blade cuts through the iron plates (two hits, total damage 28, gorgon has taken 59). Doro’s shots miss, bounce off, and connect (one hit, four damage, total 63). Aurora tolls the dead again (Gorgon Wis save 3; fails, 11 necrotic, total 74). One of Babshapka’s arrows breaks on its iron hide, but the second pierces between the articulations (one hit, 6 damage, total 80). One of Mathias’ multiple blasts strikes it hard (one hit, six points, total 86).

Willa is a long way from Thokk, and unlike the others, she is not content to fire from afar. She scoops up her stone, trusts that the vapors have by now dispersed, and runs to Thokk’s side (dash).

Round three
Willa draws her frostbrand, but the heavy iron plating turns aside her blade (two misses). The bull backs and turns, takes a few steps, and again unleashes its petrifying breath, this time enveloping Thokk, Willa, and Babshapka all (DC13 Con Save; all succeed).

Mathias blasts at it, with one bolt disappearing across the vast cavern, one denting its metal flank, and one hitting it near its iron temple (two hits, one critical, total 15 damage, gorgon has taken 101).

Thokk begins to chortle but then remembers he is supposed to be holding his breath and just expels air as violently as the snorting bull. His axe sinks deep into its metal neck until its head hangs limply and askew (two hits, 27 damage, total 128). Aurora’s bell tolls again (Wisdom Save 6; fails, 24 necrotic, total 152), the bull’s legs buckle, and it crashes to the stone floor with a resounding clang that echoes loudly through the chamber.

Immediately, since the gorgon’s defeat was the signal to attack, a drow hiding nearby casts darkness, dousing one of the gas jets on the eastern side of the chamber.

Doro and Tina move behind a stone pillar, attempting to hide (Tina Stealth 24).

Babshapka moves out of the petrifying cloud of gorgon breath and notices the darkness blocking out the light from the gas jet. “Drow!” he calls out to Thokk and Willa.
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