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Breath Weapon of Brown Dragons
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 20, 2004
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From: Huntington, WV

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Sun Mar 16, 2025 10:03 pm  
Breath Weapon of Brown Dragons

Maybe I'm dumber than I thought, but I do not understand how their breath weapon works. Are they just sucking a creature in?

"Breath weapon/special abilities: When brown dragons grab their prey, they hold it in their jaws, taking in a 5-foot wide spray that extends in a straight line from the dragon's head up to 60 feet. All creatures caught in the spray can roll a saving throw vs. breath weapon for half damage. Brown dragons use the spray against large numbers, but not against mounted foes, since they know that horses are good eating and don't put up as much struggle as humans. Brown dragons cast spells as 8th-level wizards."

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Mar 16, 2025 10:40 pm  
Re: Breath Weapon of Brown Dragons

Tiernan wrote:

"Breath weapon/special abilities: When brown dragons grab their prey, they hold it in their jaws, taking in a 5-foot wide spray that extends in a straight line from the dragon's head up to 60 feet.,,"

This portion of the description sounds like it was mis-printed. I'm guessing a portion of the text was accidentally deleted after it was proofread/edited and no one noticed until after it was printed. Here is what I think is missing:

"Breath weapon/special abilities: When brown dragons grab their prey, the hold it in their jaws, ...

...taking [taken?] in a 5-foot wide spray that extends in a straight line from the dragon's head up to 60 feet.

The missing portion of the first sentence probably describes the effect of being held in the dragon's jaws. Do the stats list some special damage in addition to the damage caused by the breath weapon?

The missing portion of the second sentence probably starts with something like, "When a brown dragon uses its breath weapon, it is taken..."

There may be an errata somewhere on the internet that would tell you with more certainty than my guesses here. Wink

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