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Zagyg was Oeridean, Yah?
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CF Admin

Joined: Oct 14, 2003
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From: Rel Astra

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Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm  
Zagyg was Oeridean, Yah?

And from the Wild Coast?

I'm work so I can't look it up Confused
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Sage of Canonfire

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Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:57 pm  

Oeridian, most definitely (his exact house is unsure) but its also very likely he has Suel in his line as well, inherited from the Gynarchs of Hardby.

He's only from the Wild Coast if you count the City of Greyhawk (where his parents ruled) as the Wild Coast. ;-)

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Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:39 am  
Oerid and Suel

As per our discussion last night, Zagig was one-half Oerid and one-half Suel, which equals one-whole mutt, lol. But this what I gathered from our sprited discourse last night:

Zagig was the product of a coupling between A Landgraf of Greyhwak City and a cousin of one of Harby's Despotixes. I think Holian even dropped some names, but I don't remember them. I noticed this was also mentioned in Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins. But alas, it's at home and I'm at work.

But, the issue of his mixed heritage is clear.
Don (Greyson)
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From: Rel Astra

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Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:22 am  

Ok, so.. he wasn't a half dragon? lol Wink
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Adept Greytalker

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Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:07 pm  
Re: Oerid and Suel

Greyson wrote:

Zagig was the product of a coupling between A Landgraf of Greyhawk City and a cousin of one of Harby's Despotixes.

Well, close. According to Fred Weining's LGJ article "Playing Pieces: The Despotrix of Hardby", Zagig was the son of a Landgraf of the wild coast/cairn hills region (Greyhawk as a proper city didn't exist until Zagig, before that it was a fishing/trading crossroads) and the actual ruling Gynarch of Hardby. This means that upon the death of his parents, he inherited both titles, though in which order is unclear. Zagig ignored the rulership of Hardby in favor of the Greyhawk City region, and was eventually replaced in Hardby by the first Despotrix, chosen by consensus of the lesser Gynarchs, thus ending the hereditary Gynarch line and creating the current one, which is passed on by consentual vote of the assembled Gynarchs (who are just a collection of noble blooded female sages, wizards and other learned types from in and around the city).
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