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    Barbarians in Greyhawk
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    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Feb 19, 2004
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    Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:53 am  
    Barbarians in Greyhawk

    The 1st edition version of the Barbarian introduced in the first Uneathed Arcana was a magic detesting PC. Since then the PC has become more of a fighting brute and the anti-magic aspect has fallen away. I believe the original interjected an interesting counterpoint to what most peoples' characters seek, magic. Is anyone still playing Barbarians as magic destroying characters within their Greyhawk campaign and if so is that because you still play 1st or have you mirgrated that style of barbarian to other editions i.e. 3rd or 3.5?
    "Its a dangerous business going out your front door." JRR Tolkien
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    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Aug 26, 2001
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    Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:02 pm  

    I think there's room for both. I play 1E, and I play the 1E barbarian as is. I'm pretty flexable about what my players want though, and I'd probably consider coming up with a 1E conversion of the 3E-style barbarian if a player requested it. I've already converted the Berserker from Rob Kuntz's Codex Germania to 1E as a sort of prestige class for barbarians.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:42 pm  

    It's been awhile since I played 1E. I don't think we ever used the idea as written anyway. As a DM I would warn others that most Barbarians see non-arcane magic as from the gods. If you can make your arcane casters realize that they need to play up that aspect, it doesn't become an in-party problem. Now the NPC's are a different matter as I'll play them all as arcane casters(so the pc's don't get all the loot) or divine to slow the Barbaria down. I know it seems as if I am not playing fair, but it is not that much of an issue right now. Let me close by saying no self respecting Barbarian would ever have a "magic" sword, but one "blessed" by the gods.
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    Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:21 pm  
    The v.3.5 Take

    Players have myriad resources to customize their characters in these heady days of v.3.5 - so the barbarian as presented in the v.3.5 Player's Handbook doesn't have a particular bent or outlook. In v.3.5, those issues are left to the player to develop through tools like Prestige Classes, Skills and Feats.

    The Occult Slayer, for example, applied to a barbarian would be your earlier edition equivalent. That way, players are not force-fed a particular class/character worldview.

    Don (Greyson)
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:33 pm  

    The Occult Slayer sounds interesting, where would I find more information on that prestige class. I do not remember seeing it in the core or supplement books. I could be blind.
    Greyson your comment about force-fed world view is likely why the Barbarain was changed. I remember when it was introduced and wondering how is that character going to fit into a diverse party. I do like the concept though especially for a NPC.
    "Its a dangerous business going out your front door." JRR Tolkien
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    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Aug 20, 2002
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    Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:28 am  

    IMO the definitive Barbarian class was laid down in the old pre-merchandising days of White Dwarf magazine. This barbarian hated magic users and wouldn't allow any spells from them to be cast on him, infact if one tried he would likely as not end up in two pieces. However, clerics or shamans were respected and to a degree trusted, even allowing spells to be cast upon them if the cleric/shaman was trusted. The barby wouldnt use any magical items except armour and weapons, so no rings, potions or boots/cloaks etc. He was also limited to light armour, chainmail at very best.

    The barby also saved as a cleric of 4 levels higher (to simulate inannate resistance to magic), could catch missiles fired at him, climb walls and move silently. Their best feature was their First Attack Ferocity, which if successfull dealt out double damage. Another little feature of the WD Barby was the ability to detect danger, akin to the hairs standing up on the barby's neck to indicate something was amiss.

    The UA version (called the UNUSED Arcana by my team, due to its myriad of duff rules) was a strange class best examined then disgarded along with the uber-god-Cavilier class while you at it. Confused

    I feel that this barby was heavily influenced by Conan and the writing of Le Camp and Howard, and has stood the test of time very well.

    Just my two copper...
    The only Good hobbit is a well-done hobbit.
    CF Admin

    Joined: Jan 09, 2004
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    Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:57 am  

    IvorMac wrote:
    The Occult Slayer sounds interesting, where would I find more information on that prestige class.

    The Occult Slayer is in WotC's Complete Warrior, pages 66-68. It is a very interesting Prestige Class.
    Don (Greyson)
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