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Greyhawk Wars: Nyrond militia question
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Joined: Feb 16, 2005
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Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:54 am  
Greyhawk Wars: Nyrond militia question

I'm working on the background of a character who served in the Nyrond militia during the Greyhawk wars.

I know that during that time, the different provincial armies had differing compositions.... because of that did any of the militia end up seeing action outside of Nyrond's borders or were they mostly only used inside of Nyrond during the Greyhawk wars?

Are there any books or other resources out there that might have this information?

Thank you.

Joined: Feb 16, 2005
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Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:27 am  

Is there a different forum I should have posted this in?
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From: Rel Astra

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Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:50 am  

No, you are in the right forum.

Currently most of the Nyrond specialists are at the Sunnyvale CA Living Greyhawk event for prolly the better part of the weekend.

Not having my materials with me, I may misnote...

Unless they were aiding the Pale, I don't believe Nyrond soldiers ever left their own country's soil.

You can be very sure the better part of the Army was stationed along the border that is shared with Ivid V's Great Kingdom. Innspa, Chathold, etc...

I also am fairly sure they had some Naval skirmishes in the Relmor Bay with Brotherhood ships and perhaps shoddy Pomarj boats.

Resource-wise, I'd suggest Ivid the Undying under the Nyrond headings and From the Ashes in addition to the Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set ofcourse..

I'd be interested (and look forward) to see the background you come up with.
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Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:01 am  

Kewl, thanks! (and just figures on the timing)

I'll check into those resources and we'll see if any of the Nyrond group has any further comments next week :)

Maybe then I can also pester on the likelihood of any cadet branches of House Sallavarian dwelling in Nyrond (working simultaneusly on the bg of a Suel friend of the guy who was in the milita, and they might have met during the war)
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Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:10 pm  

Living Greyhawk developed the military structure a lot. Militia were bit like US National Guard. Local guards and police that could support regular army but wouldn’t deploy overseas. But nobles had to field levies especially heavy cavalry Nyrond was famous for. I think Nyrond fought a mainly defensive way because the full might of the GReat Kingdom was scary. And never really deployed. Chasing Osson a lot. The battles with the GK were mainly on the eastern border. Main battle being Battle of Kandred Meadows where Nyrond lost 3000 in a day but fought the fiend led army to a standstill. Imagine being some poor peasant spearman facing demons.
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Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:45 pm  

I believe Gygax and Kuntz may have addressed part of this in an early Dragon Mag.

I wish Greyhawk Wars had had a system where you could create the militaries and militias for the various nations and powers.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:20 am  
Re: Greyhawk Wars: Nyrond militia question

dmnsqrl wrote:
I'm working on the background of a character who served in the Nyrond militia during the Greyhawk wars.

I know that during that time, the different provincial armies had differing compositions.... because of that did any of the militia end up seeing action outside of Nyrond's borders or were they mostly only used inside of Nyrond during the Greyhawk wars?

Are there any books or other resources out there that might have this information?

Thank you.

-Living Greyhaw's Nyrond Gazeteer 593 had a military section that included information on Nyrond's militia. Not a lot about equipment, organization, training or experience (i.e., class and levels), but it had the rank system, and the local lord was usually the commander. The link is gone (I downloaded it long ago). I'll take a look when I get back home, but maybe someone else has it?

EDIT: I forgot to check. Maybe tonight...
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:35 am  

dmnsqrl wrote:
I'm working on the background of a character who served in the Nyrond militia during the Greyhawk wars...

...I just noticed that this was back in 2005, so this is a little late (Laughing Embarassed), but it gives me the excuse to make some observations:

Nyrond Gazeteer 593 are locals who perform garrison duties duties throughout the country, and are considered "lower grade" than the legions or cavalry. They are only rarely called upon to serve field duties. The militia includes a part-time reserve element. Militia report to a local lord, but can be called up by generals (Legion Imperator) if need be, including the part-timers Based on comparison to legionary ranks, the usual militia ranks are: Soldier (apparently junior enlisted); Serjeant (a a mid- or senior NCO), lieutenant, captain (presumably a company commander); and the local lord. After the Greyhawk Wars, many discharged veterans ended up in the militia.

I assume that adventure "Helm of Solnor" (Treasures of Greyhawk) takes place in Nyrond. Serjeant Kpuckett (who do you pronounce that, anyway? I the "K" a click sound?) and his captured (and sometimes charmed) men are Nyrondese militia. Kpuckett's stats (AD&D2) are LG F4 (S 13, D 11, C 10 C, I 9, W 10, Ch 11) 25 hp. The other militiamen are F3s. The real (meta) reason that his men are 3rd level fighters is of course to provide worthy opponents (or assistants) for 6th level PCs, but I justified it by assuming that Kpuckett's force has a large percentage of discharged veterans (this being right after the Greyhawk Wars, and he sent the most experienced men to track down the bandits.
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