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Living Greyhawk at Gen Con
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 22, 2005
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Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:12 am  
Living Greyhawk at Gen Con

I could not make go to GenCon Indy(I suck) Sad . Would anyone like to share Living Greyhawk experiences from the con?
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Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:43 pm  

Hoo boy. Okay me and three of my friends made level 1 bards to play Return to the Undercity. Yes, 4 bards. We are a wandering troupe from Verbobonc. Anyhoo, I loved seeing the reaction people's faces when they realized we were all the same class. We eventually convinced two people to join us, a mage and a rogue. I think even the DMs were scared to run for us. Long story short, it was a hoot organizing a game and then our initial RP about the bardic troupe in Enstad was fun, it put our jittery mage at ease. After that it went downhill fast, total railroad ride. I'm gonna say its the DM's fault not the mod, but in my very limited RPGA experience it seems the quality of DM is outdone by the quality of players. Ah well.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:11 pm  

I only played in two LG mods at GenCon, "Secrets of Tsojcanth," and "Return to the Undercity."

I converted Tsojcanth to 3.5 and ran it for a local group that was going to GenCon, kind of as a Cliffs Notes of what to expect / what has come before. As it stood, at our level (APL 10), playing the mod got us very little backstory other than the Demonomicon of Iggwilv is something that shouldn't be floating around in the hands of men. At higher APLs, though, Drelzna shows back up, this time with Hexblade levels.

At my table, we end up getting chewed up by a grell patriarch and his two grell monk flunkies. Solid Fog + Evard's Black Tentacles hurts. We're lucky to escape with our lives. One of us doesn't.

"Return to the Undercity," on the other hand, I thought was a decent mod with a good appreciation for what has come before. As this mod will be played for another two years, I won't say much about it; suffice to say, those who remember A1 and A2 well will be pleasantly surprised by parts of the module. I'm personally excited about where this could go.

The other two mods I didn't play. I've not been too impressed by the "Tome of Clarity and Mists" series that "Price of Power" was a part of, and I'm waiting on playing the Bright Lands series here at home.
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