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Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
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From: Ahlissa
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Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:54 pm
Map of the Flanaess
Hi Fellow Hawkers
For quite some time now I’ve been working on a mapmaking project, to do a remake of the original Darlene campaign maps and hopefully a full atlas of Oerth. My dream was to make maps that looked like a mix between the maps of Middle Earth in Tolkien’s books and satellite images of our earth. Maps that had the attention to detail, where you as a DM could look at almost any spot and a view of a fantastic landscape would form in your inner vision.
That was my dream and I did my best to try and realize it and now I think it is time to show you a progress report. I’ve made a couple of PDF-files of the map I’m working on. You can download them from:
There are two versions of the map and a legend which explains the symbols. Beware that the maps files are 10MB and 54MB in size. Both files show exactly the same map the only difference is that I’ve compressed the bitmaps in one so those of you with less bandwidth or less capable machines can view it as well.
The area covered so far is Greyhawk Domain, Dyvers, Verbobonc, Celene, Wild Coast and the Pomarj. There are still details to ad and correct in the areas I’ve done so there I need your input. This must be the best place to present my work for criticism since you are most skilled experts when it comes to Greyhawk.
I have tried my best to go through all the sources available in my research but sometimes the sources are conflicting and or inconclusive, so what you see is the result of my best judgement.
For the moment I’m working on the Pomarj trying to place all the settlements and roads etc on the peninsula which isn’t easy so if you have anything that you think would aid me I would appreciate the input, you can send me a mail to or here on Canonfire.
Next on my agenda is Furyondy and Veluna so please dig up those sketches or notes about places and geographical details and share them with me.
My map has layers that you can show and hide using the layers tab in Acrobat reader. Note that not all the layers are used yet, they are there to show a function which can be useful to show any kind of data with a geographical dimension to it like resources, trade routes, religion, political alignment etc.
Last edited by Anna on Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:39 am
Wow! I love these maps. Very interesting technique. Once you finish an area and have proofread it, you should see if you can get it posted here. PLEASE!
Are you open to imput? Little finds, bits of info for you to use?
When do you suppose you'll have an area complete? Do you have a self imposed deadline for the whole Flanaess?
Will the maps be canon material only or will you allow for semi-canon? Are you planning on incorporating anything non-canon (say your home game stuff)?
What sparked your interest in such a project? Where did you find or come up with your geographic technique?
Thanks bunches.
Master Greytalker
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Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:43 pm
Great map, Anna! Did you use Bryce for the terrain?
I wasn't really able to have much of a look about at hi res as my computer was creaking to cope with the scale of it all - but I did notice that you don't have some of the locations around Hardby detailed in the City of the Scorned article in Dungeon 108 (if you'll excuse the shameless self-publicity).
Also you have Castle Sulfrait (south of Narwell) as a ruin. IIRC, it was still intact as of From the Ashes.
And that's about as far as I got. They're minor quibbles in an outstanding piece of work. Well done!
So when are you doing Ahlissa? :-)
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:34 pm
Thank you for the encouragement
I will publish PDF-versions of my progress hopefully once a week or so, check the filename to see if there is a newer version available.
I need input and help with this project so please send me corrections additions and ideas. Those details around Hardby would be interesting Woesinger. I’ll try and see if I can order a back issue of that issue of Dungeon as well (have a $300 order at paizo already with several old dungeon issues…hihi).
Will my maps be canon only? Well I’ll try and make them both canon and additional material as well. That is something that could work with layers I hope. You could have a layer for canon and another for living Greyhawk etc. I have layer for my private campaign (check it out to see if I have put some places on the wrong layer).
Castle Sulafrait will be restored in the next work session, thanks Woesinger
The reason behind trying to do a thing like this is the fact that I as a DM needed lots of more inspiration to come up with details to base adventures and tell the players during gaming sessions. I wanted to “see” how the world of Greyhawk looked like, every glen, valley, hill and mountain top like an aerial photo. No more 20 mile empty green hexes, that is my motto
It has taken years to come up with a technique to accomplish what I set out to do. To make the textures I mostly use Corel Photo Paint starting from pictures and the internal texture generation. Then I do the terrain and rendering in Bryce. Corel Photo Paint to put together the renderings from Bryce and them I add symbols and stuff using Corel Draw.
When am I doing Ahlissa? Hmm hard to know…. At the present rate it will probably take me another two years or so to do the whole Flanaess. To make it easier I expand the piece I have than doing new unattached areas. Right now I’m fixing the details of the Pomarj peninsula and working on the terrain for Furyondy-Veluna.
So please send notes and sketches you have my way!
Apprentice Greytalker
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Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:32 am
I very much like the way you have added the flesh to the bones. Like small rivers and lakes that do not show in the original Darlene maps. I was just looking at a road one of my PC took from Courwood to Niole Dra and if i had the opportunity to tool at your map back before that said session, i swear his trip would have been more memorable!
One thing though... there are two passes through the Lortmills Between Duchy of Ulek and Celene the northernmost leads from Tringlee to Enstad, the second leads from Tringlee to somewhat two hexes south of Enstad.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:15 am
Thanks Sir_Yubus
I’m glad to see that what I intended with my mapmaking is hopefully accomplished
You’re right about the passes through the Lortmils, there are several and I’m only started to do the Lortmil Mts.
I’m fairly done with the textures and heights and eastern border, now I have to do the final valleys and the west and norhtern parts aren't done yet. So please send me ideas on where the trails are located and if possible the sources so I can dig deeper if need be.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:29 pm
Beautiful work. Very impressing. I'm looking forward to se how the map will develop :-)
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
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From: Ahlissa
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Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:04 am
I have updated both the map and the place where I store them online,
the url to the files are now:
Sorry for changing to a more complicated URL but here I have several Gigs of space for my stuff and I can upload them dierctly from my home computer.
I've added homanoid lairs, roads and named mountain peaks on the Pomarj peninsula.
I've also uploaded a perspective view of the pomarj and Wolly bay to show that my maps are really 3D and you can do some very interesting things with them :-)
Speaking of interesting things what I whish could be done is a Greyhawk online database with NPC's, maps, history and all sorts of info on greyhawk could be presented in a database online here at Canonfire. The information is already here. Just a thought.
Thanks again for your support :-)
Last edited by Anna on Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker
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Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:39 am
That perspective shot of the Wild Coast is brilliant! Great work, Anna!
Need more processer power to use the zoomable map.
Are you looking to publish this as an overlay for Google Earth, btw? That'd absolutely rock (excuse the pun)!
On another tack - have you seen Eric Anondson's beautiful 2D maps on Canonfire? They've got lots of lovely detail including canon and LG settlments and roads.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:29 pm
Thanks Woesinger
First yes I’ve seen Eric anondsons maps, they are great :-)
The most inspiring fantasy maps I’ve seen. I use them in my campaign as player handouts, if a character gets a map I give him one of Erics maps.
His maps are my biggest inspiration and a major source for my work. I want to make my maps compatible to his as much as possible.
Google Earth!? I don’t know if that is even possible. But I have studied the use of GIS (geographic information systems) software. But I don’t think that would add any real benefits that would merit the extra work it means to make maps for a system like that. The use of layers and PDF files means lots of options and easy access from a versatile format.
Progress report: working on Furyondy terrain at the moment. I’ll be up early tomorrow morning to do some more renderings and texturing. I’ll put up some pics to show you as soon as I have some renderings done.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:49 pm
I liked the maps when I first looked at them, but I cannot reach them now.
I think the new link is the same as the old, and does not go anywhere.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:25 am
I've tested the link and it work for me both at home and at my work.
You're right that both links are the same. I edited my first entry to have that URL pointing at the new location as well.
If you want I can send a PDF to you by mail, send me a private message or email with your email address and I’ll send it too you.
More progress presented in the next few days.
Site Theocrat
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Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:02 am
No Access Either
Hi all -
I'd love to see a copy of this map, Anna, but I get some language telling me that the file is not there, or so I assume that's what it is telling me. I use Mozilla Firefox, but even tried opening the site in IE 6.
It seems that I may not be the only person. Why not throw it on (GHO), CanonFire's "dump," for its downloads? I can give you a special folder so that you have access to it at anytime, and can update or remove it at your lesiure. This way others can access it, and it's not part of the CF's normal downloads database.
Although, that's not a bad idea either - posting it as part of the downloads.
If this is an option for you, please email me at Theocrat AT Greyhawk [no spaces, of course], or just send me a PM here at CF.
Part of the purpose for GHO is to provide free webspace to Greyhawk and D&D in general. It's also meant to be the backup for whatever it is that you got, so that hopefully one day, when Barte Rachemoss's DataKrash kills the 'net, we'll have a safe place for our beloved Greyhawk (reading too much Cyberpunk 2020's new CP V3 203X).
So this goes for others other there that have something that they want shared and are concerned with the bandwidth of the downloads.
Be Well.
Theocrat Issak _________________ Theocrat Issak
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:22 pm
First a little hopefully useful info on how to get to the maps.
When you click on the link you are directed to a pacge with some text mainy in Swedish with some English thown in here and there which is far from easy for me to understand who speaks both languages.
Below the text there is a dark grey square that says: "Visa/Show" which leads to the maps. Click on it and you will see the files listed.
The idea to put the file is great, the easier for you to donload it the better. I'll send you a PM.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:30 pm
Beautiful work, Anna. I really regret not having made more of an effort to seek out gamers (and Greyhawkers in particular) when I lived in Scandinavia a few years ago. Is there a large gaming community in your area, and is Greyhawk a popular setting?
Keep up the great work... och har det bra!
-- TwiceBorn
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:24 am
Thanks TwiceBorn
I live in Linköping which is a university town and here you can find a living gamin community which I’m unfortunately not part of yet (only lived here for 6 months). Haven’t seen any particular interest in Greyhawk though and D&D seem to be in second place in popularity after Warhammer. But we have a gaming store that just opened here so there seem to be a bright future :-)
CF Admin
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Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:21 am
Very nice work, Anna. I'm looking forward to seeing more :D _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:12 am
Thank you grodog
Just uploaded another update. The southern parts of Furyondy are beginning to take shape, but I’ll probably have to change their size a bit since I think they are a bit too small.
I want to include Heraldry in my maps so do anyone know how the shields for the provinces and cities look? I would love to include that info too.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:02 am
Re: Map of the Flanaess
Anna wrote: |
Hi Fellow Hawkers
For quite some time now I’ve been working on a mapmaking project, to do a remake of the original Darlene campaign maps and hopefully a full atlas of Oerth. My dream was to make maps that looked like a mix between the maps of Middle Earth in Tolkien’s books and satellite images of our earth. Maps that had the attention to detail, where you as a DM could look at almost any spot and a view of a fantastic landscape would form in your inner vision.
Anna, I think you have done a fantastic job! These are the best maps of the Flanaess I've seen since the Eric Anondson maps, and IIRC, he never did finish the whole Flanaess. I sure hope you do. I LOVE the amount of detail you have put into this!
Timely, as well--the area you covered is where my group has been adventuring extensively of late, and I've been wishing for better maps of the Gnarley and of Celene.
What I would love to see you do is break down the large atlas you have done into smaller peices and post those, sorta like the Atlas of Kalamar. I loved that product--why oh why couldn't WoTC done that for Greyhawk! Only now you have!
Whoo hoo! Thank you Anna!
I'll go over the maps with a fine toothed comb and give you some suggestions as I find them--Woesinger found one error that I would have missed tho, so I may not be able to do more than give you a virtual high five. But I will look
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:40 am
Thanks Theala
I will breakdown the large map in smaller pieces, larger ones like the Sheldomar Valley and smaller like the provinces of Furyondy. By using the PDF format you can do most of it by zooming to the desired coverage and display the layers you like and print what you see in the window.
I’ve had that vision since I started gaming but in my view it should be a combination of text and illustration, the Gazetteer illustrated with highly detailed maps. Having a web version would be another way of presenting it.
It will take along time to do all the Flanaess but I’m only 40 and have been at it for 20 years but hopefully I’m finished long before I’m 60
I started with pen and hex paper 20 years ago and still have those maps for research reference. It will probably take me another 2-3 years to do the Flanaess the way I do it now. To find time to do research and sit in front of the computer is the hardest part. But I love to do this and when I get feedback like you give me it spurs me to do more, so maybe there will be an Atlas of the Flanaess or Greyhawk somehow in the future.
I have to thank both Eric Anondson and Braggi for their great maps and research which is big help.
Master Greytalker
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Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:49 am
Hi Anna,
I've done up heraldry (non canon) for Onnwal and some of Ahlissa (and have designs for a lot of the rest on paper). Of course, you'd have to map Onnwal/Ahlissa first (hint-hint!). :)
Someone on here (can't recall who) was designing (again non-canon) Furyondi heraldry. I seem to remember a discussion about Crystalreach and Willip.
Smaller PDF chunks'd be good for proofreading. My (admittedly old) think engine struggled with the detail of the WC/Pomarj map.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:25 am
Hi Woesinger
I’ll search canonfire for heraldry and see what comes up in old discussions etc. There seems to be an issue with links to old stuff on the canonfire site, they are broken. But sometimes you can find the same file by searching for it using Google.
Now I have received many hints at mapping Ahlissa, so I’ll try and move my effort faster in that direction
Youre right that the huge PDF files aren’t good for proofreading or quick viewing on your computer, so this weekend I will split it up and make jpegs so you can easily access the info.
Master Greytalker
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Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:06 am
Check out the Maps and Heraldry at
I think you will like what you find.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:08 pm
Anna wrote: |
Thanks Theala
I will breakdown the large map in smaller pieces, larger ones like the Sheldomar Valley and smaller like the provinces of Furyondy. By using the PDF format you can do most of it by zooming to the desired coverage and display the layers you like and print what you see in the window.
I figured out how to copy with the latest edition of reader, but I keep getting just a single layer when I try to paste--any computer savvy folks out there got a clue what I'm doing wrong?
I'm using Reader v 7 and Adobe Photo Deluxe.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:09 pm
Thanks Anced_Math
I liked what I found, that’s what I was looking for
Theala I don’t think it’s possible to copy more than one layer at a time from Acrobat reader or the full version. But to help you I’ve uploaded a jpg of the whole map with all layers visible.
Then I have cut that jpg into pieces and put them in a zip so there are small files easy to view for you to help me find errors and improvements.
I have corrected the size of southern Furyondy to better mach the original maps.
Here is the direct link to the files:
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:16 am
Anna wrote: |
Theala I don’t think it’s possible to copy more than one layer at a time from Acrobat reader or the full version. But to help you I’ve uploaded a jpg of the whole map with all layers visible.
Thanks, Anna! That really helps me out--I'm running tonight, and the section for the Gnarley will be very nice. Can't wait to take a close look at the zipped files
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:26 pm
Back with another update again sorry for the delay, we have had a major upgrade to our computers in the family so now both rendering and DD online shall work better
I’ve added settlements and roads to the parts of Furyondy that I have mapped so far.
Must take this opportunity to thank you all for the good and constructive reply’s you have sent me. I’ll do my best to earn more.
Now I’m working my way along the northern shores of lake Nyr Dyv. That way I’ll have easy access to most of the Flanaess after having done the middle part.
Here is the link to the files again:
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:43 pm
New update
Just uploaded another update.
I’ve adjusted lots of the fonts and added local heraldry for towns and so. No new terrain added still working on the shores of Nyr Dyv, but there is a positive problem with that area, lot of material about it. So I’m making terrain and revising it to incorporate more of my findings.
And thanks again Anced_Math the maps and info will be a great help :-)
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
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From: Ahlissa
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Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:24 am
Hi again
There is a new version of the map available for download. Most of the changes are added details and corrections to the area already covered in previous versions of the map.
For the first time since I’ve started this project I think I’ve come to the point where an area has a finished look, but that doesn't mean it is finished.
Currently I’m working on pieces for the re-launched postfest and another map that might be published elsewhere. Don’t worry both things are Greyhawk and I’ll be able to incorporate that work directly into my Flanaess map, but it might take a bit longer between updates.
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