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WotC 3.0 adventure path in Greyhawk
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Adept Greytalker

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Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:46 am  
WotC 3.0 adventure path in Greyhawk

Hi again,

Expanding my gaming library, I recently got all the modules from the WotC adventure path for 3e (The Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, etc.). :woot:

Now, I missed any too direct reference to the Flanaess there, apart from the pantheon... Darn *generic* stuff... ;)

Where would you set the different episodes? - I am thinking especially of *The Speaker in in Dreams* as a worthy base for a possible future Greyhawk campaign.


"A Minstrel's Memory": PBPs & Other Games, since 2005.
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:05 am  
The Fright at Tristor

*accidental double post*
"A Minstrel's Memory": PBPs & Other Games, since 2005.

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Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:47 am  
Re: WotC 3.0 adventure path in Greyhawk

Ivid wrote:
Where would you set the different episodes? - I am thinking especially of *The Speaker in in Dreams* as a worthy base for a possible future Greyhawk campaign.

Maybe somewhere along the Javan River, as it's somewhat close to the Hellfurnaces and the mind flayer cities that exist beneath. Perhaps Millen or Longspear. Since Brindenford has a baron, Millen might be more appropriate, though Millen is only about a quarter Brindenford's size.

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Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:31 pm  

That would also work nicely with The Sunless Citadel and The Standing Stone being set in the Dreadwood. Deep Horizon could be beneath the Hellfurnaces, but perhaps its dynamic (drow vs. beholders vs. desmodu) is distinct enough that it could be its own Underdark region - perhaps beneath the Dreadwood.

Forge of Fury could be set in the Little Hills.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:08 pm  

I set Forge of Fury in the southeastern Lortmils right along the edge of the foothills, and just north of the territory that used to be the Principality of Ulek. My campaign story arc set the pc's in the employ of the Safeton Forces, who sent them to the dwarven hold looking for a lost cache of arms & armor to help in the war effort(and also to keep said arms & armor out of the hands of the enemy). My campaign is in the midst of the Greyhawk Wars by the way, with the Battle of Celene Pass on the near horizon and Siege of Chendl underway. I have not used any of the other modules yet, though I may modify the Lord of the Iron Fortress to represent an infamous iron fortress in the lands of Iuz just northeast of Whyestil Lake where a powerful deva in the service of St. Cuthbert is rumored to be imprisoned. Not sure on this one yet.

A campaign need not take place in just one localized area. Sometimes it is fun simply to travel around to far flung areas, which can be facillitated by leaving clues/references to the next adventure locale in the current adventure.
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Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:48 am  

Cebrion wrote:
A campaign need not take place in just one localized area.

Yes, of course. For that matter, there's no reason an illithid has to be from the same region or even world that it's currently found in, given their innate ability to travel astrally. On the other hand, sometimes it's nice to keep things closely tied together.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:52 pm  

I'm thinking of placing The Sunless Citadel on the Gran March side of the Lorridges, and the Forge of Fury a bit further south in the Lortmils (also on the edge of the Gran March). Haven't decided where I'd place the rest yet. Although I have all the 3.0 adventure path scenarios, I highly doubt I'll run them all as linked adventures. I find those modules more useful as interludes, rather than as a full blown campaign.
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:19 am  

Smile Thank you! - Although I don't know still where/if I place the modules in Greyhawk, the Lortmils and/or the Dreadwood would be places to consider. Smile

Still, I seem to have been right in the assumption that the modules were really *generic*, and that no clear/direct reference to any WoG location was given? Smile *Didn't have the chance to read things yet*
"A Minstrel's Memory": PBPs & Other Games, since 2005.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:32 pm  

First of all, to answer your main question, I believe Littleberg is probably one of the most optimal places for the Speaker in Dreams. In the first place, it is a barony whose ruler has a LG alignment (same as Baron Euphemes). In the second, it is roughly the same size, though a little larger. Finally, it is built on an important river trade route (the Att) like Brindinford.

As for the other adventures...

I would set the Sunless Citadel in Kron Hills near the Viscounty of Verbobonc. A small town within rolling hills like Oakhurst fits well into the area.

For the Forge of Fury, it is a little more difficult, however, many people like to place this adventure in the Lortmils or Lorridges. Part of the difficulty is that there is no community of ~2,000 like Blasingdell within 30 miles of a mountain there. However, if you don't want to go far from Verbobonc after the Sunless Citadel, then perhaps making Blasingdell the village of Rastor or Tulvar would work. Since Blasingdell is supposed to be an integrated city, this works fairly well. My next best suggestion would be Thrunch in the Principality of Ulek, although it is quite a bit further away. Nevertheless, as a dwarven nation, the PoU might serve better as a backdrop for the adventure.

When your PCs get to the Speaker in Dreams, if they are coming from the Lortmills, then Littleberg isn't too far away. However, if you wanted to go with Thrunch as the setting for the previous adventure, then maybe Keaford in Keoland or Courwood in Celene would fit better.

When it comes to The Standing Stone, I believe the best location is undeniably the Gnarley Forest. You could possibly get away with the Welkwood or Suss, but if you are centering a lot of these adventures near Verbobonc (which is a fairly good idea), then the Gnarley is the closest and fits the best.

The Heart of Nightfang Spire can be difficult to place, however the requirements are few. You simply need a place with not many people around. Putting it smack dab in the middle of the Lortmils works well enough. For a more exotic (and dangerous) excursion, you could take the PCs to the Drachensgrab Hills in the Pomarj. Anywhere you can justify a canyon works however.

Placing Deep Horizon is easy, as it is an Underdark adventure, and anywhere you can justify seismic activity opening up a new passage to the Underdark works well. I'd keep it away from the Vault of the Drow in the Hellfurnaces though since that area tends to be highest in drow traffic and the desmodu are presumed to have closed themselves off from the drow long ago.

Lord of the Iron Fortress is likewise easy since it takes place mostly on Acheron.

Finally, Bastion of Broken Souls is also primarily a planar adventure, so you should have little difficulty with fitting it into Greyhawk, since most of it takes place outside of the Prime Material.

Hope that helps!
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:41 am  

Smile Thank you for that detailed description!

Now, while I am pretty sure that I will run *The Sunless Citadel*, *Forge of Fury* and *The Standing Stone* outside of Greyhawk, I want to run *The Speaker in Dreams* in the Flanaess. Right now, Longspear and Littleberg compete for the setting... Smile
"A Minstrel's Memory": PBPs & Other Games, since 2005.
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