So what ever did happen to the GreyTalk archives? I had some old pieces on there, and the link only goes to a "want this website? it can be yours!' page. _________________ Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
Morgan, the creator and host of the old GT archive, let the project lapse and the domain name expire, for reasons unknown to me (lack of time and fading interest are my best guess).
Gary holian, creator and host of canonfire, is now in possession of the old archive files, and as I understand it, keeping a running archive of things posted since its demise, with the intent of eventually (when time and server resources permit) rebuilding it here on canonfire for all to use.
Cool. I hope to see it up again at some point. Although I like Canonfire, I miss the old GT days... _________________ Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
Gary and I chatted about working on a fix for the GT Archives during the last chat I attended, and hopefully we'll be able to discuss it further during my next trip to CA (end of this month).
I wouldn't hold your breath, though.... _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
No, the files are fine (its a database actually), the problem is the size. The archive alone is much bigger than the entire canonfire website, and well exceeds the current disc space CF has to work with.
Alas, Gary didn't show up for cheese steaks, so we weren't able to discuss the status of the archives. I'll try to pop into chat again soon to harass him on it :D _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
This would be nowhere near as good as the old searchable archives, but what if we had a space where we could re-post our favorite old posts, like the "Best of AOL" files here on Canonfire? I happen to have boxes of Greytalk printouts hogging up space in storage. I dream about having the time to "save" the Greytalk archives someday by scanning them all and putting them on the web, but I'm not even sure of the legality of that. But they are there, if anyone needs them someday. Someday...
Scott "-enkainen" Casper
If Yak-Men were 3E monsters, they would have the half-packrat template...
I haven't talked to Morgan about this in awhile, so perhaps something can be done from that side of things?
If it came down to it, I'd happily take down my site to make room for the Archives.... _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
I don't know anything about computers :) So I don't know if the files can be made searchable. Maybe a 'drive' via Paypal or something could be done for a bigger server for Canonfire/Greytalk like they did on EnWorld.
Thanks Scott, but the archives are much more important than my site. _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
I don't know anything about computers :) So I don't know if the files can be made searchable. Maybe a 'drive' via Paypal or something could be done for a bigger server for Canonfire/Greytalk like they did on EnWorld.
I would personally hate to see any of the staff of canonfire resort to the groveling, pandering and begging that goes on at enworld. Even though cf is nowhere near the size on enworld, let's say $500 was raised, probably more than enough to pay the hosting for a year. Downtime, lack of updates, etc become an issue. Unlike that site, which has raised well over $50,000 in the last three years and still encounters frequent lenghty downtimes, performance issues and such, and still charges users for full access to basic forum functions that are free on almost every other forum out there, cf has never asked for money, never charged for access, and had a much better track record for reliability (and no, comparitive size of the sites is no longer an issue when you are bringing in nearly $20k a year in addition to the fees for full membership, profits from the online shop, ad revenue, etc.) CF should stay free, and not have to bother users with fund raisers every few months.
For the record, if money is the only thing causing the delay, I have personally made a fairly substantial and generous offer to assist in paying for the site's hosting, bandwidth and software upgrades.
Now someone just needs to light a fire under Holian and get things rolling.
Last edited by chatdemon on Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Again, for the record, in the discussions Holian and I have had on the matter, the codex of greyhawk and the greytalk archive would be hosted on proper, not greyhawkonline. Not saying that isnt an option, but it wasn't part of the discussions so far. Once the codex is added to cf anyway, the site will be about at the point of outgrowing the current hosting limits anyway, so an upgrade is going to be eventually needed.
Just pointing that out before any of the folks hosting their sites on gho don't panic and pull down their sites.
Oh, and for the record, the Codex of Greyhawk is being worked on currently, by yours truly, and will appear on cf by year's end at the latest, you can quote me on that.
CF should stay free, and not have to bother users with fund raisers every few months.
I would agree. Then again, I have never found Greytalk particularly valuable as a resource.
chatdemon wrote:
Oh, and for the record, the Codex of Greyhawk is being worked on currently, by yours truly, and will appear on cf by year's end at the latest, you can quote me on that.
Great news! Thank you in advance for your efforts! _________________ GVD
I would agree. Then again, I have never found Greytalk particularly valuable as a resource.
Well, while the list hasn't held much in the way of conversations taht interest me of late, I don't claim to enforce that opinion on those currently using it, and besides the archive contains 10 years of posts, and is a huge source of material.
Oh, and for the record, the Codex of Greyhawk is being worked on currently, by yours truly, and will appear on cf by year's end at the latest, you can quote me on that.
That sounds great, Rich. If you need help beta testing it at some point, feel free to let me know: it's been a long, long time since we had the arcihves up and running.
FWIW, Morgan was also archiving the Greyhawk-l list too, but WotC does still have an archive of that online.... _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Rich Trickey wrote that he was bringing back the Codex of Greyhawk! Would that be restoring Kent Mathewson's old site, or creating a new site and just calling it the Codex?
~Scott "-enkainen" Casper
Yak-Men don't take kindly to any Greytalk-dissing...
When Kent closed the Codex site, he sent all the files to Gary Holian for the purpose of archival on Canonfire.
So, the codex project I'm working on is simply an archive of the old site, with nothing changed but tweaking the html of the pages to make them look pretty on canonfire. Also, since the OJ now has a permanent site of its own, the ezines section of the codex archive will be removed.
Everything else will be presented in original form, minus the sometimes buggy javascript scrolling menus. The archive will have a distinct section here, yet still be searchable through the canonfire search engine, so if one was to search for, say, "yakmen" on the search box at the top of any canonfire or codex page, results from both would be displayed.
Any updates on the codex or archive? I'll be quite excited to see either arise from the grave :D _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
I hear you. I haven't updated my site in far too long...
Keep us posted as you're able to work on these, please: lots of folks are interested in seeing the Codex and Archive being online again :D _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. As I said, I love Canonfire, and all the material I can find here. Just a few things that I and others did on GT that I don't have access to anymore, and it would be kind of nice to see them again... _________________ Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
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