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Xagig Yragurne
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Joined: Feb 26, 2004
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Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:11 am  
Xagig Yragurne

While this is technically canon now (appearing in LGJ #5) I figured further discussion of this tidbit would be a good fit on this forum.

(From the The University of Magical Arts notes)

Seven years ago, a student or instructor experimenting with extremely powerful magic on the pyramid's highest floor miscast a delicate incantation. The spell shifted the pyramid ever so slightly out of synch with the surrounding reality, bringing it closer to alternate Material planes. Students and teachers alike periodically glimpse 'ghost proctors', faintly translucent humanoid images of learners and masters who seem to walk about the university as if they belonged there, completely oblivious to any onlookers.

...Jalucian discourages investigation of the phenomenon, offically discrediting any mention of the ghost images....Others in the higher echelons of instructors urge further exploration. Led by Abrazaldin Hosk (Senior Tutor), this faction knows that the barriers between worlds can be pierced. Their certainty derives from a little-known event last year, in which an elderly human wizard with an all-too familiar face appeared within the structure, claiming to have come from a world known as Yarth. Hosk (who is NE) caught the archmage unawares and imprisoned him upon his private demiplane, but not before the strange visitor had a chance to introduce himself as Xagig Yragurne, Lord Mayor of the city of Greyhawk.

So now the speculation: As this happened in 590 CY, for just a few years now, this Hosk has a version of Zagig prisoner (an ironic fate). The version is mayor so I assume this a past-timeline alternate history Zagig that is still mortal. He is likely still a powerful mage being as he fully manifested and communicated on Oerth unlike the other ghost proctors of his Prime. By now his absence would be affecting Yarth and if not released would obviously diverge that timeline totally off the path we know Z/Xagig to go (i.e. no imprisoned demigods). Hosk is NE so obviously he has a plan for Xagig in the future too. The possibilities there are limitless. What would be further maddening is if Xagig got loose and met Zagyg the demigod. One mad archmage is plenty but what if Xagig Yragurne met his doppleganger? He'd go mad too!
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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From: Bronx, NY

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Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:01 pm  

Zagyg vs Xagig!

Sounds like an epic battle to me.
What could be done with this?
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