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Religion in Furyondy
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Master Greytalker

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Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:53 pm  
Religion in Furyondy

I guess Cuthbert has been forgotten in Furyond.
Zilchus seems to have become an outcast.
And Trithereon has completely usurped Beory.

I prefer a significantly more Lawful Furyondy myself.
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Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:46 pm  

Could be coming in a part two, you know how GVD is prolific ;)

Also I don't see any mention of Mayaheine, even in the Pelor section. Otherwise good job, and I'm sure there is more to follow.
Master Greytalker

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Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:04 am  

I've always assumed that Trithereon's popularity in Furyondy (as stated in the LGG) was from his retribution aspect in the aftermath of war, rather than his freedom and individuality side. Furyondy has always struck me as a pretty conservative place.

I think establishing the peasantry as being "freedom loving individualists" dedicated to Trithereon is to both fly in the face of most rural/peasant examples from the real world (which may or may not matter to you) and would set up an unpleasant class war dynamic in Furyondy. Its a feudal structure with an overwhelmingly 'law and order' bent amongst its leaders that would clash regularly with the Trithereon ethos of the lower classes.

St. Cuthbert is always who I've seen as the real faith of Furyondy-Veluna, with a Raoan frosting on the leaders of Veluna and a Heironean frosting on the leaders of Furyondy.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:11 pm  

mortellan wrote:
Could be coming in a part two, you know how GVD is prolific ;)

Also I don't see any mention of Mayaheine, even in the Pelor section. Otherwise good job, and I'm sure there is more to follow.

Thank you. Happy

This article is an early piece that has been rattling around in the hard drive and (along with a few other Furyondy pieces now in the que) was posted in response to requests by Theocrat Issac and others for further development of Arturian Furyondy.

I have a wandering foot, so to speak, and I will start writing a series of articles, get sidetracked, write on something different, and then come back to the original topic. Multiple this and I end up wandering in a forest of articles, ideas for articles, notes and partially completed articles and series. But I do this for fun so . . . Happy

There is most assuredly more to follow. Smile It may not be immediately, however, as I am working on a "special project" that is occupying a huge portion of my time (ETA for completion July 2007) and if that goes over well . . . Happy Wink Anyway.

Mayaheine was purposely left out. Pelor is THE deity of 3X, with more references than any other god or goddess and they are still coming. It is my thought to eventually organize all these references and write a comprehensive treatment of Pelor from his debut to date. One of the things I'm working on, toward this end, is a "Zavodex" for 3X references. For this reason, I left out Mayaheine. I do not want deal with the associate aspects of Pelor's faith piecemeal but would prefer to look at all such elements in context. Eventually. Mayaheine, though a deity in her own right, is ultimately tributary to Pelor, as the recent Dragon article presents her in sidebar.

The other thing to recall is that my Furyondy articles have often been in relation to a future Arturian Furyondy (referenced as such in the articles) after Belvor is no more. This is then not canon but speculative and reflecting as much as canon, my preferences for a future Furyondy. I can say unequivocally that I do not care for how religions were parcelled out in the LGG. For example, Zilchus and St. Cuthbert are IMV too often encountered. More generally, the spread of gods to me often appears without reasonable context, and overly narrow. If I then deviate from the "canon," it is without a backward glance in this respect. (Although the thought of an article deconstructing the religions of nations as given in the LGG has occured Smile ).

Stay tuned! Smile
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:29 pm  

So Cuthbert, who appears prominently in Temple of Elemental, and was said by Gygax to be the true patron of Veluna, is "too often encountered" if placed in Furyondy?
The same Cuthbert who directly opposes Iuz? That Cuthbert?!?!

I guess when canon is only something to club other people with, that makes sense. At that rate, why not just have the Great Kingdom revive with an alliance of Heironeous and Hextor, or convert Nyrond to following Olidammara?
Master Greytalker

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Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:07 pm  

The LGG lists are pretty silly, IMHO, and don't really do any in depth thinking about the nature of the region or of the development of religions in general. But then, those are pretty highly disputed topics as well...

In my experience, seeing Fharlanghn everywhere under the Sun as an "important" faith seems pretty peculiar. I just don't think folks travel enough to justify him being a major faith in every country in the Sheldomar Valley. Unless it turns out he was the patron god of the Keogh tribe or something....

St. Cuthbert, if he belongs anywhere, belongs in Furyondy-Veluna.
Master Greytalker

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Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:22 am  

The LGG lists are petty silly in many people's opinions, primarily because they were obviously done with the core deities in mind over the setting history. That doesn't change that Cuthbert, Zilchus, and Beory all featured prominently in Marklands.

As for Fharlanghn, I always had him as a more significant deity during the migrations. People moseying 5,000 miles or more are definitely going to benefit from having a patron deity of moseying. Obviously Fharlanghn's faith should be fading as the Oeridians become more and more settled.
Master Greytalker

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Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:09 pm  

Well, I wasn't objecting to those dieties being relevant to Furyondy. On the contrary, I think my previous posts show the opposite. I was simply commenting on the tangential point of whether relying on the LGG dieties list is useful in writing a piece like this. IMHO, not really.
Master Greytalker

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Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:13 pm  

Right. I was just noting the opposite element. The quality (or lack thereof) of the LGG list is not enough to justify ignoring previous material that uses the same deities. I guess I just phrased it poorly, since we do agree.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:08 pm  

Samwise wrote:
As for Fharlanghn, I always had him as a more significant deity during the migrations. People moseying 5,000 miles or more are definitely going to benefit from having a patron deity of moseying. Obviously Fharlanghn's faith should be fading as the Oeridians become more and more settled.

I always thought Boccob bucked the trend of number of worshippers = relevance to the goings on of Greyhawk's divine sphere.

Although active clergy and devout followers might not be high, the fact that he frequents the Prime and has at least a shrine on every major road might make him more relevant....or not. *shrug*

I think Fharlanghn is more interesting than most deities, YMMV.
Master Greytalker

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Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:54 pm  

I look forward to them Smile

But I still have concerns about Arturian Furyondy, especially within a conservative traditional nation such as Furyondy; how an ex-shieldlander with no blood claim, peaceful came to the throne?
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:31 am  

Crag wrote:
I look forward to them Smile

But I still have concerns about Arturian Furyondy, especially within a conservative traditional nation such as Furyondy; how an ex-shieldlander with no blood claim, peaceful came to the throne?

Thank you. Happy

With respect to Artur's kingship see -

Artur did not come peacefully to the throne but through civil war. Artur's support arises, at first, as a consequence of the need for someone capable of stopping Belvor and his military ability and success doing so. Artur's later support arises from both good propaganda, and good rule. Artur also marries Calthene, Belvor's ward, giving his reign more than military legitimacy in a tie to the old regime in his Queen. See above link.
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