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Request for Information on Tharizdun
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 26, 2006
Posts: 14
From: Dunfermline, Scotland

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:05 am  
Request for Information on Tharizdun

I am currently trying to put together an idea I've been working on to do with the decreasing level of Magic within Oerth. This involves people like Tharizdun, Sehannine, Lendor, The People of the Testing, the Scarlet Brotherhood and a bit of time travel. The problem is that intend to change the perception of tharizdun. The adventurers are going to find out that tharizdun is not the dark and evil deity that everyone percives but is infact the embodiment of magic itself (TRUE Chaotic as opposed to Evil). this will eventually pit the adventurers against good and evil, and work for each as they come up against the Cult of Tharizdun and those against the return of the Evil One.

I am just trying to pull the concept together but do not have all the historic details of tharizdun and the whole business of his imprisonment. i.e. how he was actually imprisoned and by who.

I intend this to be run as an adventue path over some considerable length of time and the main plot to be disguised until late on in the adventure path

Anyone who could fill me in on this info or point me in the right direction would be diamond. I have already read info on the prison, but it is more the information on the lead up to his imprisonment I am after.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Posts: 46
From: Toronto

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Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:07 pm  

Here is a link to an interview with EGG where he answers many questions concerning Tharizdun:
I found it very useful to explain some of the strange things around the god. While funnily enough the creator of D&D's vision doesn't completely jive with current cannon, it is illuminating to see what his early intentions with Tharizdun were.
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