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The Deities of Oerth (circa 576 CY)
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:13 am  
The Deities of Oerth (circa 576 CY)

In my quest to update Greyhawk to the 3.5 rules set, I have been developing a handbook for players joining my Greyhawk campaign. I have poured through the width and depth of 3.5 rules and AD&D references to compile the following list of deities including a list of domains. My chief inspiration is the World of Greyhawk boxed set from 1979. It was instrumental in providing me with the basis for my classifications. From the Ashes was also quite helpful in helping flesh out certain rites of the deities, like prohibited armor and weapons (I do not own Legends & Lore).

If you would like to comment on this, please feel free. If you have suggestions for improvements, corrections, or clarifications based on canon, please cite the reference supporting your position for me so that I can look at it for myself.

Note that I while I consulted 3.5 materials on the Greyhawk gods (such as the LGG and Complete Divine), I did not always follow them as I believe they occassionally deviated in substantial ways from the original incarnations of the Greyhawk pantheon. For example, Vecna does not appear as a god, and Trithereon (not St. Cuthbert) is the god of retribution.

And now, without further ado...

The World of Greyhawk has a wide variety of gods beyond those listed in the Player’s Handbook. In addition, because of the time period of this campaign, certain deities are represented somewhat differently. The deities described below are not necessarily a comprehensive grouping of the powers that govern Oerth; it is merely a list of those deities revered within the central Flanaess. The following conventions are used.
OR = Deity’s racial origin according to the following schema: C = common in most areas, O = Oeridian, S = Suloise, F = Flan, B = Baklunish, U = Unknown or indeterminate origin.
AL = Deity’s alignment.
WAL = Alignments which the deity deems acceptable among its worshippers.
CAL = Alignments which the deity requires of a cleric to gain access to its domains.
WP = Weaponry restrictions placed upon a cleric of the deity (if any).
AR = Armor restrictions placed upon a cleric of the deity (if any).
POR = Deity’s portfolio or areas of concern.
EN = Type of energy the deity’s clerics channel. This indicates whether the clerics of that deity turn or rebuke undead and whether they spontaneously cast inflict or cure spells. If the entry lists “nil” then clerics of that deity cannot turn or rebuke undead or spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. Instead, a cleric of this deity may cast spells spontaneously from any domain he knows.
DO = Domains the deity grants. Note that some domains appear outside the core rules. Characters with access to these domains may use them freely with no action point cost.

Greater Deities
Beory (Greater Goddess)
OR FC; AL N; WAL any; CAL N*; WP druid weapons only; AR no metal armor; POR Oerth Mother, nature, rain; EN nil; DO Animal, Earth, Plant, Water.
*Beory’s priests are all druids.

Boccob (Greater God)
OR C; AL N; WAL any; CAL N; WP bludgeoning weapons and daggers only; AR no metal armor; POR neutrality, magic, arcane knowledge, foreknowledge, foresight; EN nil; DO Balance, Knowledge, Magic, Oracle, Spell.

Incabulos (Greater God)
OR C; AL NE; WAL any evil; CAL any evil; WP any; AR any; POR evil, plague, sickness, famine, drought, disasters, nightmares; EN negative; DO Death, Destruction, Evil, Pestilence.

Istus (Greater Goddess)
OR B; AL N; WAL any; CAL N; WP no slashing weapons; AR cloth, leather, or chain; POR fate, destiny, predestination, future; EN nil; DO Fate, Knowledge, Oracle, Time.

Kord (Greater God)
OR S; AL CG; WAL CG, CN, N, NG; CAL CG, CN; WP any; AR any metal; POR athletics, sports, brawling; EN positive; DO Chaos, Competition, Good, Strength.

Lendor (Greater God)
OR S; AL LN; WAL LN; CAL LN; WP no slashing weapons; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR time, tedium; EN nil; DO Knowledge, Law, Planning, Time.

Nerull (Greater God)
OR FC; AL NE; WAL any evil; CAL any evil; WP dagger, sickle, scythe, sling, staff; AR any; POR death, darkness, underworld, covert activity; EN positive; DO Darkness, Deathbound, Evil, Suffering.

Pelor (Greater God)
OR FC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL any good; WP any bludgeoning; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR sun, strength, light, healing; EN positive; DO Glory, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun.

Procan (Greater God)
OR S; AL CN; WAL any nonlawful; CAL CN; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR no metal; POR oceans, seas, salt; EN nil; DO Chaos, Ocean, Storm, Water.

Rao (Greater God)
OR FC; AL LG; WAL LG, LN, NG; CAL LG; WP any bludgeoning; AR none or magical chain; POR peace, reason, serenity; EN positive; DO Community, Knowledge, Good, Law, Mind.

Tharizdun (Greater God)
OR U; AL NE; WAL any evil; CAL any evil; WP any bludgeoning; AR none; POR eternal darkness, decay; EN negative; DO Cold, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Force, Illusion, Madness.

Ulaa (Greater Goddess)
OR UC; AL LG; WAL LG, LN, NG, N; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR metal; POR hills, mountains, gemstones; EN ; DO Dwarf*, Earth, Gnome*, Good, Halfling*, Law.
*To have this domain, the cleric must be a member of the respective race.

Wee Jas (Greater Goddess)
OR S; AL LN; WAL LE, LN, N, NE; CAL LE, LN; WP wizard weapons; AR none; POR magic, death; EN positive/negative*; DO Charm, Death, Domination, Law, Magic.
*Most of Wee Jas’ clerics channel positive energy, but the occasional few are granted the privilege to channel negative energy in special cases. Player characters must have DM permission to channel negative energy.

Zilchus (Greater God)
OR OC; AL LN; WAL LN, LG, N, NG; CAL LN; WP any bludgeoning or short sword; AR chain; POR power, prestige, influence, money, business; EN ; DO Law, Pact, Trade, Wealth.

Intermediate Deities
Celestian (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL any good; WP dagger, longbow, short sword, quarterstaff; AR nonmetal; POR stars, space, wanderers; EN nil; DO Knowledge, Moon, Travel.

Ehlonna (Intermediate Goddess)
OR C; AL NG; WAL any good, neutral; CAL any good; WP druid weapons, longbow, longsword; AR cloth, leather, elven chain; POR forests, meadows, animals, flowers, fertility; EN positive; DO Animal, Elf*, Gnome*, Good, Halfling*, Plant.
*To have this domain, the cleric must be a member of the respective race.

Erythnul (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL CE; WAL CE, CN, NE; CAL CE, NE; WP any; AR any; POR ugliness, hate, envy, malice, panic, slaughter; EN negative; DO Chaos, Envy, Evil, Hatred.

Fharlanghn (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL N; WAL Any nonevil; CAL N, NG; WP no slashing weapons; AR no metal armor; POR horizons, distance, roads, travel; EN ; DO Celerity, Protection, Travel.

Heironeous (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL LG; WAL LG, NG; CAL LG; WP any; AR chain or plate only; POR chivalry, honor, justice, valor, daring; EN positive; DO Courage, Good, Law, Nobility.

Hextor (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL LE; WAL LE, NE; CAL LE, NE; WP any bow, bludgeoning, or scimitar; AR chain or scale; POR war, discord, conflict, fitness; EN nil; DO Evil, Law, Tyranny, War.

Obad-Hai (Intermediate God)
OR FC; AL N; WAL any; CAL N; WP as druids; AR as druids; POR nature, wildlands, freedom, hunting, wild beasts; EN nil; DO Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water.

Olidammara (Intermediate God)
OR C; AL CN; WAL CG, CN, N, NG; CAL CN; WP as rogues; AR as rogues; POR music, revelry, roguery, tricks/jokes, wine/spirits; EN nil; DO Chaos, Luck, Trickery.

Pholtus (Intermediate God)
OR OC; AL LG; WAL any lawful; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning; AR any; POR light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moon; EN positive; DO Good, Law, Purification, Sun.

Ralishaz (Intermediate God)
OR C; AL CN; WAL any nonlawful; CAL CN, CE; WP wooden weapons only; AR cloth, leather; POR chance, randomness, bad luck, misfortune, madness; EN nil; DO Chaos, Luck, Madness.

Saint Cuthbert (Intermediate God)
OR C; AL LG; WAL LG, LN; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning; AR any; POR wisdom, common sense, truth, forthrightness, dedication, zeal; EN positive; DO Good, Inquisition, Law, Nobility.

Trithereon (Intermediate God)
OR C; AL CG; WAL CG, NG; CAL CG; WP any; AR chain; POR individuality, self-protection, liberty, retribution; EN nil; DO Chaos, Good, Liberation, Retribution, Summoner.

Lesser Deities
Allitur (Lesser God)
OR FC; AL LG; WAL LG, LN; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR cloth, leather; POR ethics, propriety; EN nil; DO Good, Knowledge, Law.

Atroa (Lesser Goddess)
OR OC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL NG; WP no metal; AR no metal; POR spring, east wind, renewal; EN positive; DO Air, Good, Plant, Renewal.

Beltar (Lesser Goddess)
OR S; AL CE; WAL CE, CN; CAL CE, CN; WP any; AR any; POR malice, caves, pits; EN positive; DO Cavern, Chaos, Evil, Hatred.

Berei (Lesser Goddess)
OR FC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL NG; WP any wooden, scythe, or sickle; AR cloth, leather; POR home, family, agriculture; EN nil; DO Family, Good, Plant.

Bleredd (Lesser God)
OR C; AL N; WAL any; CAL N; WP any metal; AR any metal; POR metal, mines, and smiths; EN nil; DO Craft, Earth, Metal.

Bralm (Lesser Goddess)
OR S; AL N; WAL LE, LN, N; CAL LE, LN, N; WP any bludgeoning, hand axe, sickle, or scythe; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR insects, industriousness; EN nil; DO Animal, Community, Law.

Cyndor (Lesser God)
OR C; AL LN; WAL LN, LG, N, NG; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR time, continuity, infinity; EN nil; DO Law, Oracle, Time.

Delleb (Lesser God)
OR O; AL LG; WAL LG; CAL LG; WP any; AR any; POR reason, intellect; EN positive; DO Good, Knowledge, Law, Mind.

Fortubo (Lesser God)
OR S; AL LG; WAL LG, LN; CAL LG, LN; WP any bludgeoning; AR any; POR stone, metals, mountains, guardianship; EN nil; DO Good, Law, Metal, Protection.

Geshtai (Lesser Goddess)
OR BC; AL N; WAL any; CAL N, NG; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR cloth, leather; POR lakes, rivers, wells, streams; EN nil; DO Protection, Travel, Water.

Joramy (Lesser Goddess)
OR C; AL N; WAL CG, LG, N, NG; CAL N, NG; WP any bludgeoning; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR fire, volcanoes, wrath, anger, quarrels; EN nil; DO Destruction, Fire, Wrath.

Kurell (Lesser God)
OR O; AL CN; WAL any chaotic; CAL CE, CG, CN; WP as rogue; AR as rogue; POR jealousy, revenge, thievery; EN nil; DO Chaos, Envy, Retribution.

Lirr (Lesser Goddess)
OR C; AL CG; WAL CG, NG; CAL CG, NG; WP as bard; AR as bard; POR prose, poetry, literacy, art; EN nil; DO Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Travel.

Llerg (Lesser God)
OR S; AL CN; WAL any chaotic; CAL CN; WP battle axe, club, dagger, hand axe, short bow, spear; AR cloth, leather, scale; POR beasts, strength; EN nil; DO Animal, Chaos, Strength.

Lydia (Lesser Goddess)
OR SC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL NG; WP as bard; AR as bard; POR music, knowledge, daylight; EN positive; DO Good, Knowledge, Sun.

Myhriss (Lesser Goddess)
OR C; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL NG; WP any wooden; AR cloth, leather; POR love, romance, beauty; EN nil; DO Charm, Good, Lust.

Norebo (Lesser God)
OR S; AL CN; WAL any chaotic; CAL CN; WP as rogue; AR as rogue, plus chain; POR luck, gambling, risks; EN nil; DO Chaos, Greed, Luck.

Phaulkon (Lesser God)
OR S; AL CG; WAL LG, LN; CAL LG, LN; WP dagger, longbow, shortbow, short sword, longsword; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR air, wind, clouds, birds, archery; EN nil; DO Air, Chaos, Good, Windstorm.

Phyton (Lesser God)
OR S; AL CG; WAL CG, NG; CAL CG; WP any; AR any; POR nature, natural beauty, farming; EN positive; DO Chaos, Good, Plant.

Pyremius (Lesser God)
OR S; AL NE; WAL any evil; CAL NE; WP any; AR cloth, leather; POR fire, poison, murder; EN nil; DO Destruction, Evil, Fire.

Raxivort (Lesser God)
OR M; AL CE; WAL CE; CAL CE; WP any; AR any; POR xvarts, rats, bats; EN nil; DO Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery.

Sotillion (Lesser Goddess)
OR OC; AL CG; WAL CG, CN; CAL CG, CN; WP any bludgeoning, dagger, sickle, or crossbow; AR none; POR summer, ease, comfort; EN nil; DO Air, Chaos, Good, Summer.

Syrul (Lesser Goddess)
OR S; AL NE; WAL any nongood; CAL LE, NE; WP any piercing or quarterstaff; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR deceit, false promises, lies; EN negative; DO Evil, Knowledge, Trickery.

Telchur (Lesser God)
OR OC; AL CN; WAL any chaotic; CAL CE, CG, CN; WP any; AR any (nonmetal preferred); POR winter, north wind, cold; EN positive/negative*; DO Air, Chaos, Cold, Winter.
*Telchur’s priesthood is unusual in that good clerics channel positive energy while evil clerics channel negative energy.

Velnius (Lesser God)
OR O; AL N; WAL N, NG; CAL N, NG; WP any; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR sky, weather; EN nil; DO Air, Storm, Windstorm.

Wenta (Lesser Goddess)
OR OC; AL CG; WAL CG, CN, N; CAL CG, CN; WP any wooden; AR cloth, leather; POR autumn, west wind, harvest; EN nil; DO Chaos, Community, Good.

Xan Yae (Lesser Goddess)
OR BC; AL N; WAL any but LG/LE; CAL N; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR cloth, leather; POR twilight, shadows, stealth, mind over matter; EN nil; DO Balance, Mind, Trickery.

Xerbo (Lesser God)
OR S; AL N; WAL any; CAL N; WP any used by sailors or underwater; AR any nonmetal; POR sea, water travel, money, business; EN nil; DO Ocean, Trade, Travel.

Zodal (Lesser Goddess)
OR FC; AL NG; WAL any good; CAL NG; WP any bludgeoning; AR none; POR mercy, hope, benevolence; EN positive; DO Good, Healing, Protection.

Iuz (Demigod)
OR FC; AL CE; WAL CE, CN, LE, NE; CAL any evil; WP any; AR any; POR oppression, deceit, pain; EN negative; DO Chaos, Evil, Pain, Trickery, Tyranny.

Rudd (Demigoddess)
OR OC; AL CN; WAL CG, CN, N; CAL CG, CN; WP no two-handed; AR any (leather preferred); POR chance, good luck, skill; EN nil; DO Chaos, Good, Luck.

Wastri (Demigod)
OR U; AL LN(LE); WAL LE, LN; CAL LE, LN; WP any bludgeoning or piercing; AR cloth, leather, chain; POR bigotry, amphibians; EN nil; DO Hatred, Law, Pride.

Zagyg (Demigod)
OR C; AL CN(CG); WAL any; CAL N/A*; WP N/A; AR N/A; POR humor, occult studies, eccentricity; EN nil; DO Chaos, Knowledge, Madness.
*Zagyg has no known priests.

Zuoken (Demigod)
OR BC; AL N; WAL LN, N; CAL N; WP any; AR none; POR physical and mental mastery; EN positive; DO Knowledge, Mentalism, Strength.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:54 am  

I don't want to belittle your work but i feel i need to point you to the following two links:
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:10 pm  

Since I am a Triad in LG, I am well aware of the LG document.

And I am also familiar with SKR's website.

The LG document does not follow the 3e rules for domains. The Circle has their own scheme for assigning domains based on the rank of the god. In addition, they ignore some 3e sources (those they do not incorporate into the campaign) when determining which domains are appropriate. Additionally, I do not agree with a number of their choices, which sometimes fly in the face of canon. Finally, the LG document addresses deities in the year 597 CY (the current campaign year) and with the background of FTA and the LGG incorporated. I wished to create a representation of the deities circa 576 CY without the imposition of FTA and the LGG.

SKR, for all his work on Greyhawk, does not seem to be very devoted to canon. I disagreed with a number of his domain assignments.

Neither the LG document, nor SKR's enhanced domain list address more flavorful aspects of the deities, such as weapon and armor restrictions, or the traditional rule that not all clerics can turn undead (only those following a god with an established relationship, either positive or negative, with undead). 3e has more or less done away with a lot of these niceties, but I feel they make each cleric unique (and therefore more fun to play).
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:26 am  

Fair enough.

One minor quibble though: Zodal, aka the Grey Son, is definately a male.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:49 am  

As to the Retribution thing, I agree with airwalker. Retribution is one of the key aspects of Trithereon. It shouldn't have been bequeathed to St. Cuthbert at all. St. Cuthbert is known for Zealousness anyways. If you don't believe me just ask anybody with a knot on their head. They've probably just come from a Cuthbertine sermon where they didn't behave themselves. Happy

As to the armor and weapons limitations, that is fine and good for flavor reasons, but it does present a problem regarding game balance if it is too drastic. A distinct lack of armor and weapon options should be balanced by another benefit of some kind for the cleric in question. In game terms, all clerics are equal, even if they deities are not. People wouldn't normally take anything away from any other class. The same should apply to clerics as well.

The initial 2e "system" for specialty priests was ok, but had lots of flaws. the Options book that contained an actually system laid out for building a specialty priest class worked much better, as things would turn out more balanced through the use of point buy system. Perhaps that would be a useful guide for balancing out weapon and armor restrictions.
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