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Emirates of the Bakhoury Coast
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
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From: WA, USA

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Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:12 pm  
Emirates of the Bakhoury Coast

LGJ 5 mentions Beit Castan, a state that is now considered fully under Zeifan control. It also mentions Oum al-Ghayar.

Q1: Are any of the other Bakhoury emirates named?
Q2: Is there any other source material on Oum al-Ghayar?
Q3: Other than the LGG, LJG5's "The Rock of the West," and the Player's Guide to Zeif, is there any other source with additional information about the Bakhoury Coast?
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
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Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:31 pm  

Based solely on the three sources I mentioned above, this is a short summary I did on the Bakhoury Coast for my players:

This thin strip of coastal plains hugs the south-eastern corner of the Gulf of Ghayar, separating the Plains of the Paynims from the warm waters of the Dramidj Ocean. During the days of the Baklunish Empire, the Bakhoury was dotted with the summer villas of wealthy northern nobles. After the Invoked Devastation, the villages of the coast were flooded with survivors fleeing north. Some of the baklunish nobility tried to exert control over the region, but pressure from nomad raiders and the armies of Ghayar Khan proved too much. The region quickly devolved into a backwater of lawlessness and violence.

With the so-called "Sultan's Peace" and the founding of Zeif (2353 BH), the coast began to change. Some of the old Bakhoury families had managed to survive the previous century of turmoil, and backed by Ozef's khans, they established emirates in the sultan's name. Trade between Zeif and the states on the far side of the Ghayar began to rise, and the Bakhoury emirs became wealthy from the caravan traffic that passed through their lands. A century of prosperity followed, reaching its height under Jehef the Splendid.

For the emirates of the Bakhoury Coast, the prosperity of Zeif became a curse. The sultan's navy was growing in power and influence. Backed by the Mouqollad Consortium, westerly trade began to take to the seas and the Bakhoury caravan routes dried up. When Sultana Ismuyin restored the Diwan, the resulting power shift to the capital left outlying regions out in the cold. Weakened by the loss of their trade income and unsupported by Zeif, the Bakhoury emirates began a slow withdrawal from under the sultan's rule.

After Zeif's defeat at the Battle Beneath the Waves (3095 BH), the emirs of the Bakhoury Coast declared their own independence, seizing the Janasib islands in the process. Kamuran the Fortunate (3158 BH) began reestablishing control along the coast, but Zeif's influence has been tenuous ever since.

The region a center of Xan Yae worship and a hotbed of piracy, led in large part by a smuggling cabal known as the Dusk Lash. While no love is lost for the Zeifan infantry sent to garrison the region, there exists a seething hatred of the Mouqollad Consortium. The emirates noted its role in diverting trade and aid away from them, and take every opportunity to exact their revenge. As things stand, the Bakhoury Coast is near rebellion.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
Posts: 192
From: WA, USA

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Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:01 am  

In ZEF 6-07 Into the Drink there is a cool map of the Gulf of Ghayar which places Oum al-Ghayar WSW of Beit Castan, on the NW side of the "finger" that juts into the gulf. Yay!

Also, THIS MAP looks like it shows a coastal forest hugging the Ghayar coast. It appears to start opposite Beit Castan and run approx 300 miles south.

How do y'all feel about this coastal forest? I like it. It would allow for a natural buffer between the Plains of the Paynims and the Bakhoury Emirates.

Given the statement in LGJ5 that Risay was to the "south" of Zeif, would it be a stretch to then place the coastal borders of Risay due south of this forest? Just throwing out ideas...
Master Greytalker

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Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:31 am  

Not sure how canon that map is or whether the climate described in, say LGJ 5, jives with a climate moist enough to support a forest there.

Did you get answers to those questions in the first post btw? If not, shout out and I'll see what I can dredge up from my books.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
Posts: 192
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Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:47 am  

Some. If you have anything to add, I'm all ears/eyes.
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