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The Relics of Al Akbar
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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Fri May 18, 2007 1:38 pm  
The Relics of Al Akbar

The Relics of Al Akbar,

Thanks for joining the fun. "Emases Nepo" Laughing

Those are some pretty cool items. I particularly like the way you left the tome open for further development.
Plar of Poofy Pants
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jul 13, 2002
Posts: 1077
From: Orlane, Gran March

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Mon May 21, 2007 8:30 am  

I was actually dissappointed with this before reading it. I assumed that this was going to be another treatment of the Cup and Talisman. However, upon reading it through, i was very pleased.

I have had a player in the past that played a paladin of Al Akbar in the Sheldomar valley. His theme was the search for THE Relics. Though it worked well overall, at lower levels there is very little that can tie the characters to the Relics due to game imbalance. These items could make such a campaign much more playable. I wish I had them then. However, my players are going to embark on a new arc next month and I may use them yet.

Thanks Jarthalas, I enjoyed this immensely. Do you have a write up of Jarthalas the sage, who wrote the intro? I thought of printing this out and using it as quest prop, but most likely my players will search for Jarthalas. I could make him up, but why not go to the source.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 04, 2003
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Mon May 21, 2007 4:36 pm  

thanks for the feedback guys :D it was a blast creating these items, and i gotta say it was hard to keep from just typing and typing away on them.

as for jarthalas, yes, i do have quite a bit of stuff written up for him. he resides in the the bustling city of Ungra Balan. he is removed from any of the power structures in the city, and by those that know him, he is considered a kindly, quiet fellow. by those who have sought him out for information, he is a bit of an enigma. he retains an astounding amount of knowledge, both ancient and current, from all regions of the flannaes. very few know much of his history, or where he comes from. anywho, i'd be glad to do a write up on him for you anced.
'Tis far nobler to live and die in service to a dream....'<br />Sir Angustan Willhelm, Knight of the Iron Blade
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jul 13, 2002
Posts: 1077
From: Orlane, Gran March

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Tue May 22, 2007 4:31 pm  

I would really like it if you could post him. Dui could add him to the Database. Has he added a section for Canonfire created NPC's yet. It was disussed some time ago, but I havent checked in a while.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 04, 2003
Posts: 7
From: Minnesota

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Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:54 pm  

sorry for the delay on this. had an opportunity pop up and have been working on moving into a new place that has killed my time to work on a jarthalass article as well as my wegwiur ones. hopefully in july here i'll be able to get them back on track and posted.
'Tis far nobler to live and die in service to a dream....'<br />Sir Angustan Willhelm, Knight of the Iron Blade
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