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Grayhawk & Slaughtergarde
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 11, 2007
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From: Plano, TX

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:07 pm  
Grayhawk & Slaughtergarde

I'm running a Slaughtergarde campaign. When we started playing we had no game world selected but I've since decided to move it to somewhere in Greyhawk. While there is a section in the campaign on game worlds, Greyhawk simply isn't one of them. Thanks Wizards of the Coast... Anyway I have a fondness for the Theocracy of the Pale but can't decide whether this would be a good place to superimpose the Valley of Obelisks or not?

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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Dec 30, 2002
Posts: 147
From: 1313 StoneCastle Way, Free City of Dyvers, W0G 13F

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Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:36 am  

Cool Greets AWizardInDallas... maybe aim a little farther north... look up look way up... Stonehold? maybe? Idea
Could be more applicable for your "Valley of Obelisks", depending upon the mythos and cultural approach your using in the campaign.

"Valley of Obelisks" ...sounds good... can I run Astrix as an NPC? Wink

Best of luck to you.

AncientGamer aka BusterBudd Cool
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</a>AncientGamer aka BusterBudd
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Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:11 pm  
The Pale is AWESOME

Hi all -
Hey there. As resident Theocrat of the Pale and the Church of the One True Path of Pholtus I just gotta step in.
I'm not saying that it's a bad idea. I'm not familiar enough with the module to make a point of it and it's potential placement within the Pale region.
You are more than welcome to check out my Web site dedciated to the Pale at Of course it's way out of date - as I've not updated it in several years. I figure I'll do that when I retire. Hmm, don't hold off on your campaign for that to happen. Thus I'd recommend something that I'd rather not. I'm not a big fan of the RPGA's handling of the Pale (although they could have changed with new triads and such). They've got (or had, mind you) a "Hug Your Heathen (tm-TheocratIssak)" concept. Again, or they did.
So if you want to know more about the Pale as a regional setting and determine the best bet for your potential module, I'd just using their Web site in conjuction with mine. Their's is

I've moved on to Dyvers for my campaign's. Nothing to do with anything else other than a change of pace for the players. No matter how you play it, I'd love to see notes and how you decided on where to place the module.
Good luck, and if you need anything, just send me a PM and I'll be more than happy to help you out with Pale and Pholtus stuff if possible.
Be Well. Be Well on the Pholtan Path.
Theocrat 1ssak
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:59 pm  


Good to see another Greyhawker in Ottawa! I didn't think there were that many of us around!


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