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New to this board, Old timer DM
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:27 pm  
New to this board, Old timer DM


My name is Ray, and I ran an AD&D Campaign using the original hard cover books, modules, Dragon mag articles and towards the end, PC DM aid programs for 13 years.

The debut of the game 'World War II online' was the death knell for my campaign as my players and myself got kidnapped away. One guy went to Everquest, and then on to other games, be he was one of the newest players with the least amount of time in my campaign. The others were all to spoiled from my campaign to be satisfied with EQ.

I had a full, continuous time campaign where I used a supplement called 'catch up time' to generate minor (or otherwise) encounters and events in the PC's lives while training, catching up in time, etc with each other between modules. We had weather, full encumbrance, upkeep, a strict random encounter check everywhere using the expanded tables whenever the PC's where not in a fixed or separate table encounter areas. These 'catch-up time' games, sometimes with only one or two players took up half the time, and were some of the funnest.

We had large scale battles using 'Battlesystems' rules, with the PC's having to recruit and equip the units they deployed.

Well, if anyone ever used that system, you might have noticed that high level characters with lots of pluses where invulnerable, so I just would go to three rounds of regular combat for NPC's and PCs, allowing only 6 same size, four larger, or 8 smaller attackers at any given time on a pc, with a max of 30 missile weapons.

I had a very cut and pasted Greyhawk as I used other supplements in addition to my own creations to flesh out the scanty original boxed set.

In the map download section of this site, there is a map of the Southern Keoland, it shows a place called 'anglar' pretty close to where I stuck 'Mordenshire' from the Ravenloft II module, BUT, Baltron's Beacon is EXACTLY where I had it!


Last edited by Rmack on Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:45 pm  

Welcome aboard Rmack!

Seems a good number of people have eerie similarlities with some material that came out at a date later than their own campaign events. One DM of mine had turned the Great Kingdom into a "land of death" very similar to what actually happened with it. He often accused us of feeding information to TSR at the time. Laughing

I see you've posted a copy of this thread in the general forum too so I'll prune it from there.

There is a good number old timers who post here, and variety of material for 1st edition AD&D all the way to the current edition of the game, and even some material for Basic/Expert/etc. D&D and other game systems besides. A large number of articles do not deal with rules at all, only with background information.

Once again, welcome to Canonfire! Smile
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 27, 2009
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Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:23 pm  

Thank you, sir.

Yeah. I've noticed lots of weird stuff, too.

In my campaign, when we went to the Elvish lands, the larger cities had continual light spells cast on gemstones for lighting. It didn't take a huge effort of imagination, it just came to me.

When I read one of the Gord novels later, Gygax described the same thing at the same location on the map in Celene!

That's just one example.

The reason I double posted, is because I wasn't sure which catagory was appropriate. I posted in the other one because it had way more current traffic. Wouldn't that be better?
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Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:04 pm  

Surprisingly the Welcome forum has been rather active lately so your post is probably better off here among the rest. From here just jump on into the General threads. It's good to see so many new people or old members coming out of lurking. Topics that may have been old hat to many of us suddenly become new and interesting all over again!

Welcome to the forums Rmack.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:29 am  

Welcome aboard mate!
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