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Age of Worms 4e: A Gathering of Winds
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:08 pm  
Age of Worms 4e: A Gathering of Winds

Shocked Age of Worms: A Gathering of Winds Shocked

Exclamation Dungeon Magazine: 129, pages: 39 - 66.

Embarassed This section contains Spoilers so if you are player then bug out, or prepare to be spoiled. Embarassed

Exclamation Link back to Champion Belt. the previous adventure in the path:

Allright Starting the Age of Worms: A Gathering of Winds module conversion, here is what I got sofar:

Evil Grin For Ilthane the Black, the Black Dragon. I plan on using the Templated version in the Monster Manual, page 75. She has the folloing addons:
Toxic Fumes (Added to Breath Weapon); Trigger: Target hit by Ilthane's Breath Weapon;Secondary Attack: +13 vs. Fortitude (Poison); Hit: 1d4 points of Ability Damage (Strength) - See Ability Damage Below;

(New Condition)
Ability Damage In 3e there is allot of ability score damage that reduces the players ability to make saves and attack. 4e removed allot of this to make the game run a bit smoother. Here is one possible 3e to 4e conversion method:
Effect: When a “Ability Damage” effect is applied the following effects happen to a character.
1) The character temporarily looses the points in the afflicted ability, this will not reduce base ability scores for skills or ability checks.
2) The effect is different as follows:
Strength or Constitution Drain: WEAKENED
Dexterity: SLOWED
Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma: DAZED
SAVE will end the effect.
3) if the ability score is drained to 0 in the same encounter. The effect becomes permanent until the end of the “Encounter” (see Recovery below) or until the ability score rises above 0.
1) End of Players Turn: A Saving Throw is made at the end of the characters turn to remove the effects of the Ability Damage. This will curve the “WEAKENED” condition, but the Ability Damage is accumulative until the end of the Encounter.
2) Healing Surge: When the character uses a Healing Surge; he Heals 4 points of Ability Damage to one Ability Score, and will allow another Saving Throw to curve the “WEAKENED”” condition from the Ability Damage.
3) Second Wind: The character may make another Saving Throw per effected Ability Score, a successful Save will reset the ability score to the level that the score was before the Encounter. Failure: The damage stays.
4) End of Encounter: At the end of the Encounter, another Saving Throw is made for each afflicted ability score. Each Successful save will reset the ability score to the level it was before the Encounter. If the Ability Damage is not cured, it must be cured with time using (Extended Rest) or Healing Magic (Remove Affliction). If not cured the character keeps the track of the Ability Damage, it may be needed later. If character stat was damaged to 0, then only time or Healing Magic will be needed to change his condition.
5) End of Day (Extended Rest): At the end of the Extended Rest Period (or Day) then another Saving Throw is made. If this save is Successful then all Ability Damage is restored. If not then the damage is carried over to the next day.
Healing Magic’s: a successful Ritual: Remove Affliction (4e PHB pg 311), targeting this ability loss will remove the Ability Damage.

More on the way...

Last edited by Timidon on Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
Master Greytalker

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:08 am  

It's probably worth noting that the reason they removed ability damage because of all the problems with book keeping - I'm finding that there is more than enough book keeping in 4e!

As a general rule, try not to introduce any new status effects or too many effects that will completely take a player out of the fight.

Strength damage is the weakened condition; Dexterity damage could be the slowed condition; other stats could be the dazed condition or just apply the weakened or dazed condition overall. Short term penalties to AC, attack rolls, or saves might be appropriate. Maybe a second attack form against those already weakened can apply a save bonus to the status effect rather than making them unconscious. Knocking one or more pcs out of a fight is more likely to lead to a TPK and isn't much fun for the player affected - especially when you consider how long it can take to fight a solo.

I'm running a bit of the Temple of All-Consumption next, followed by an LG module set in Keoland, followed by the Istivin trilogy from Dungeon before coming back to AoW. Ilthane will be their first real dragon fight! I'm looking forward to it. Let me know how your adjustments play out.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:33 am  
Ability Damage

Thanks for the sudgestion. I do like that, will change the house rule around a bit. My group just decided to do a bit of a side trek, so it will give me a bit more time to work on the conversion. Though I am going to have to beef up the dragon a bit more, maybe...
Master Greytalker

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Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:53 am  

See if you can find something about black dragons of the WotC forums. They're lurkers so you have to try and avoid a straight fight if you can. Some solos work better if they are slightly below group level but assisted by henchmen apparently - so maybe throw in a few of those draconic kobolds? I haven't read the module for ages so I can't remember the layout.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:25 pm  
Ilthan the Black

so maybe throw in a few of those draconic kobolds? I haven't read the module for ages so I can't remember the layout

Yeah, the orignal encounter, she was a solo creature, having just assulted Diamond Lake, looking for Alustian. She tacking him down and fought with him outside the Whispering Carin, where he ran inside and hid. She is waiting him to come out when the party comes up. In later modules you find out the she did a number of alchemical experiements, even on her own children. Though in the Blackwall encounter (with the lizard folk) she did have some kobolds guarding the "special worm infested egg". That would play good into the story.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:47 pm  
Room 1, the Black Seal

1. The Black Seal

Portal to Icosiol’s Tomb; Hardness 16; Hp 60; Break DC 28; Caster Level 20;

Knowledge (Arcana) Dc 20, identifies the object as a portal. Passing through the portal requires a Standard and Move Action.

* If the portal is destroyed the portal can be rebuilt, It will cost 25,000gp and the scroll Planar Portal (or any sort of teleport type scroll)

The Abyssal Ghoul (Dungeon 129, page 43) lodged in the Door way can not be pushed, pulled or slide out of the portal.

Use the stats on the 4e Monster Manual page 118.

Change Bite to the following:

M Bite (standard; at-will); Attack: +21 vs. AC; Hit: 2d8+7, the target is IMMOBILIZED (save ends) and loses 1 Healing Surge. If the target is IMMOBILIZED, STUNNED or UNCONCSCIOUS, the bite deals a extra 2d6 points of damage.

Bypassing the Ghoul, touch the portal, tumble through, Teleport.

Those attacking the Abyssal Ghoul who are not in contact with the portal, will suffer from the Ghouls Total Concealment (see page 281, 4e Players Handbook), this is a -5 Penalty to Attacks, both Ranged and Melee.

The Portal also protects the Ghoul by reducing damage by 16 points, if you are not in contact with the portal. Damage is applied to both the Ghoul and the portal. if the portal breaks, it will have to be repaired (See above).
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:06 pm  
2. The Howling Gallery

2. The Howling Gallery

Evil Grin 6 Belkers are in this hall way..

Belker - Level 9 Skirmisher; Large Elemental Beast (air);

Belkers are creatures from the Plane of Air. They are composed primarily of smoke. Although undeniably evil, they are very reclusive and usually have no interest in the affairs of others. A belker’s winged shape makes it look distinctly demonic. It is about 7 feet long and weighs about 8 pounds.”

Initiative: +8, Perception: +6, Darkvision 60’;
Hit Points: 93; Bloodied: 46;

Ac: 29; Fort Defense: 22; Reflex Defense: 27; Will Defense: 21; Immune: disease, petrifaction, poison, being knocked Prone;

Move: 6 squares or 10 squares Fly(perfect) when in Smoke Form (See Below);

When in Physical From

Basic Melee Claw Swipe (At-Will: Standard Action) Range: Melee; Attack: +23 vs. AC; Hit: 2d8+5 Physical;

Multi Swipe (At-Will: Standard Action) Range: Melee; Attack: +21 vs. AC, can target 1 or 2 creatures; Hit: 2d6+5 Physical;

Smoke Claws (Only when in Smoke Form) A belker in smoke form (see below) can engulf opponents by moving on top of them. It fills the air around one Medium or smaller opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity.; Attack: +12 vs. Fort; Range: Melee; Hit: Part of the creature has been inhaled. Smoke inside the victim solidifies into a claw and begins to rip at the surrounding organs, dealing initially 3d4 points physical damage and 5 points of ongoing of damage per round, the character is also WEAKENED (save ends) a successful save will cough out the semivaporous menace.

Smoke Form (Minor Action) - Effect: As Most of the time a belker is more or less solid, but at will it can assume smoke form. It can switch forms once per round as a minor action. A belker in smoke form can fly at a speed of 50 feet (perfect). This gives the creature a insubstantial form, it becomes harder to hit, this gives it Concealment -5 to hit. The creature can also Pass through most objects, as it is smoke.

Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 21(+6), Con 13(+2) , Int 6(-3) , Wis 11, Cha 11

Exclamation I also found a exelent onlin tool of 3rd Edition Material. d20 Hypertext ->
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:58 pm  
3. The Hall of Poison Winds

3. The Hall of Poison Winds

Exclamation This room has some traps

Trap 1: Windspike Trap; magical device; location trigger (meaning you step on it); automatic reset (sucks to be the next person); blast of hurricane-force wind; Attack: +14 vs. Fort; Hit: Huge or Larger creatures are unaffected, Large creatures are knocked prone, medium or smaller are thrown onto the spikes for 4d6 points of piercing damage, Search: DC 32; Disarm: DC 31 Thievery Check.

Trap 2: Poison Gas Trap; magical device; location trigger (meaning you step on it); automatic reset; Creates a ZONE of poisonous gas (2 squares from the rooms walls - see module description); Attack: +14 vs. Fort; 1d4 points of Dexterity Ability Damage; Duration: 3 rounds; Search DC 32; Disarm: DC 31 Thievery Check;
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:13 pm  
4. Collapsing Pillar Hall

4. Collapsing Pillar Hall

Evil Grin On no more traps

Trap: Falling Pillar Trap; magical device; trigger: proximity (chaos aligned); repair reset; Attack: +14 vs. Reflex, anyone within 1 square of a pillar; Hit: 8d6 crushing damage; Miss: ˝ damage; Search: DC 32; Disable: DC 31 Thievery Check;
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:29 pm  
5. The Earl of Coalchester

5. The Earl of Coalchester

Evil Grin Room Environment: Extreme Heat: Anybody staying in the room will take 5 points of fire damage each round.

Evil Grin Antyess Redpike, Earl of Coalchester, - use Salamander Noble, page 227 of the 4e Monster Manual. I don’t see much for changes here.

Evil Grin Smoughed, Huge Fire Elemental - Use a Firelasher on page 104 of the 4e Monster Manual. Increase his size and reach by 1m increase damage to 2d8+5 for his hits. Add about 40 hit points.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:53 pm  
6. The Sword of Law

6. The Sword of Law

Exclamation More Traps!

Trap: (Level 12) Word of Law; proximity trigger (entering the square); automatically resets; Description: A loud burst of thunder, a blinding light flashes, runes of law spin about the room; Range: Burst 4, from trigger point; Target: Any non Lawful Good aligned Character; Attack: +14 vs. Will; Hit: BLINDED, DEAFENED and SLOWED (save ends); Search: DC32; Disable: Thievery Check DC32;

*Decreasing the Trap, for each level of the trap subtract 1 fro the Will, lower the Search and Disable by 1 as well.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:33 am  
7. The Silent Gallery

7. The Silent Gallery

Evil Grin It's just Jello!

Elder Black Pudding, Huge Lurker,

After doing some more research WoTC has a black pudding, it is found in the 4e MM2. It''s a 8th level brute, so I upped it a bit.

Increas the hit points to 200, increase attacks, and defenses by 4. Increase damage from 2d6 to 2d8. That will work just fin for me.

If you don't have access to the MM2, if you have a DnD Insider subscription (evil) you can draw up the stats from the Campedium there.

Last edited by Timidon on Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Master Greytalker

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:10 am  

Check out the recent rust monster stats for the suggested way to deal with acid effects on equipment - I think they use penalties to attack rolls and ac until the end of the encounter. There is something screwy going on with your defences though - they shouldn't ordinarily be more than 4 or 5 apart and they should all be in the twenties.

You want to avoid a massive slugfest that might get boring - maybe reduce its hp and add some flying creatures that take advantage of the reduced pc's ac and damage to make the fight more interesting. Maybe they have a power dive that knocks targets prone and maybe the pudding has an envelop power to grapple and inflict ongoing acid on prone targets. Give the pcs something to think about!

Actually, they have proper black pudding stats in MM2 now level 8 elite brutes - the splitting mechanism is done by producing minions rather than splitting hit points - but it's an at will power every time the pudding is struck by a weapon and the minions inflict 10 acid damage on a hit! That would cetainly give the pcs something to think about. Maybe make an elder pudding a paragon monster (level 11?) and it's elite so don't forget its action point.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:13 pm  

There is something screwy going on with your defences though - they shouldn't ordinarily be more than 4 or 5 apart and they should all be in the twenties.

hehe, I was building the pudding off of the 3rd edition rules set. Modifing defense based on the stats. The pudding is not all that dexterious or high on wisdom so the stats dropped.

Actually, they have proper black pudding stats in MM2 now level 8 elite brutes - the splitting mechanism is done by producing minions rather than splitting hit points - but it's an at will power every time the pudding is struck by a weapon and the minions inflict 10 acid damage on a hit

Don't have access to the MM2 as of yet. So did not have it as a refrence. Well thanks for the input. Getting some input before I send it at the party is always a good idea. The module is 1/4 converted now. I am making it a bit tougher for my players, they will be 11th when they enter the dungeon.

Exclamation Another good source to search, I just got the DnD Insider subscription, Pirates I tell you. That 's what they are. But more and more material is being made avaible - now. The DnD Campedium works out well to. It has the Black Pudding and Rust Monster. The Rust Monster can destroy items.... Will revamp this pudding make it a bit more 4e'sh.

Cool Milstone reached - 1/4 converted Cool
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:18 pm  
8. The Courtesan’s Tomb

8. The Courtesan’s Tomb

Shocked Trap: the urn that holds Marisella’s ashes is heavily trapped. Type: Magical Device; Trigger: Touch trigger: Reset: Repair; Attack: +16 vs. Reflex; Hit: Energy Drain (Loose 1 healing surge - if no healing surges left take healing surge in damage); Perception: 34; Thievery: 34;

Happy Treasure: all the chests are locked, Lock DC: 35; Treasures: Wand of Eagle’s Splendor (+2 Wand, (Eagle’s Spender, 1/Encounter; Activation: Minor Action: Range: 20, 1 Alley or Self; Effect: Provides a +4 to hit with Dexterity Based Weapon until the beginning of your next turn.) Item Level: 12.
Master Greytalker

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Tue May 25, 2010 1:56 am  

Looks like Sons of Kyuss and their spawn (wretch's of Kyuss) are making it into MM3.
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