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Journeyman Greytalker
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Thu May 27, 2004 4:44 pm
GH Pronouciation
I'm not sure if this has been covered in articles before.
How do you pronouce:
Nyr Dyv (at the moment I say: Near Dive)
Dyvers (at the moment I say: Dive-ers)
Pale (this could be Pale or Pahl-ay)
Medegia (at the moment I say: Med-Asia)
Erehli Cinlu (?)
lich (I say litch but could be lick)
drow (I say drow as in brown cow)
bullywug (could be bully as in a bully at school or BUHL-ly that rhymes with gully)
These are just some off the top of my head. People are welcome to add their own.
Last edited by dead on Thu May 27, 2004 9:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
Journeyman Greytalker
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Thu May 27, 2004 6:51 pm
Hmm. i would like to add a word, as sometimes english pronunciation really tricks me: Furyondy
Regarding the tonic syllab, it is pronounced:
a) Fu-ry-ON-dy (then the "ry would be like in "bury")
b) Fu-RY-on-dy (in that case, the "ry" would be spoken like in "cry", not as in "angry"?)
and regarding the last syllab:
the "dy" would be pronunced like "dee" or "die" ?
These may be basic questions but english is not my home language, so..
Thanks in advance! _________________ Kneel before Rahu!
Victor Caminha
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Thu May 27, 2004 7:36 pm
Wykthor wrote: |
Hmm. i would like to add a word, as sometimes english pronunciation really tricks me: Furyondy
Regarding the tonic syllab, it is pronounced:
a) Fu-ry-ON-dy (then the "ry would be like in "bury")
b) Fu-RY-on-dy (in that case, the "ry" would be spoken like in "cry", not as in "angry"?)
and regarding the last syllab:
the "dy" would be pronunced like "dee" or "die" ?
These may be basic questions but english is not my home language, so..
Thanks in advance! |
This one's always been easy for me.
I say: FEW-Ree (as in furious or fury but NOT furry)
Plus: ON-dee
This is my take on it, though. But I always thought it made sense this way.
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Thu May 27, 2004 9:15 pm
Re: GH Pronouciation
Baggins wrote: |
I'm not sure if this has been covered in articles before.
How do you pronouce:
Nyr Dyv
Erehli Cinlu
These are just some off the top of my head. People are welcome to add their own.
Thanks. |
Well, let's see here's my take on a few of these
Nyr Dyv I say as "Near DIV" the 'Dyv' as in 'divide'
Dyvers as "DIE-vers" with the 'vers' as pronounced in versitile
Lich? I've always pronounced that as rhyming with...well...I'll just say a dog of the female persuasion as I wish not to have Admin wrath smote upon me.
For drow, I think I recall there being two common pronunciations. I say "dr-OW" the 'ow' as in "OW! I've stepped on a D4!!!"
But isn't there also drow with the 'row' pronounced like 'row, row, row your boat?'
Here's one I'd like to add as far as creatures. I'm sure some of you saw this one coming a mile away.....How do you pronounce Ixitxachitl? I remember reading the pronunciation in a Dragon Magazine, I think, but have long since forgotten.
I also remember seeing two pronunciations for Iuz. One literally as saying "Eye USE" the 'use' as in 'use the phone' but I say it as "Eye-You-Zee" Is that a correct and accepted pronunciation, or some wrong attempt at a pronunciation that just stuck in our circle? Because you know, some of us, at least confidently speaking for myself, probably have some of this stuff pronounced so far off the mark it's hilarious.
Another I'd like to ask in all seriousness because I have no idea how to say it, is Zagig's surname. Yragerne Everytime I see it I want to say "EAR-gain" but I'm positive that's not it.
Very fun topic Baggins.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Thu May 27, 2004 10:03 pm
Re: GH Pronouciation
Tedra wrote: |
Here's one I'd like to add as far as creatures. I'm sure some of you saw this one coming a mile away.....How do you pronounce Ixitxachitl? I remember reading the pronunciation in a Dragon Magazine, I think, but have long since forgotten. |
Have you got the 2E Monstrous Compendium (vol. 1 or 2; or maybe Monstrous Manual)? In there, I'm pretty sure they have a pronouciation.
Tedra wrote: |
I also remember seeing two pronunciations for Iuz. One literally as saying "Eye USE" the 'use' as in 'use the phone' but I say it as "Eye-You-Zee" Is that a correct and accepted pronunciation, or some wrong attempt at a pronunciation that just stuck in our circle? Because you know, some of us, at least confidently speaking for myself, probably have some of this stuff pronounced so far off the mark it's hilarious. |
I actually pronouce this: Eye-Uzz. I don't know what the official pronouciation is, though.
Tedra wrote: |
Another I'd like to ask in all seriousness because I have no idea how to say it, is Zagig's surname. Yragerne Everytime I see it I want to say "EAR-gain" but I'm positive that's not it. |
At the moment I say EAR-ah-gern because it's not so much of a tongue-twist.
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Fri May 28, 2004 4:06 am
Here's a list of pronunciations that I found someplace and have stored as a .txt file. Hope it doesn't open another can of wyrms [sic]:
Aarakocra = a-rah-KO-krah
Arquebus = AR-keh-bus (like "Masque of the Red Death")
Bardiche = bar-DEESH
Bulette = boo-LAY
Catoblepus = kuht-OH-bleh-puhs, also kah-TA-ble-pus
Chatkcha = CHAT-k-cha [Thri-keen throwing weapon]
Chimaera = ky-MAEE-ruh, or ky-MAI-ruh (rhymes with "care of")
Chimera = ky-MIER-uh, or kuh-MIER-uh ("MIER" rhymes with pier)
Chitin = KITE-in
Cuirass = KWEE-rass
Drow = DROU (as in drowsy), (however, DROH is often heard anyway)
Dweomer = DWEH-mer (rhymes with "hem her"), or DWIH-mer
Falchion = FAL-shee-on
FAQ = FACK, eff-ay-cue, or, as I heard on rec.arts.comics.xbooks,
Geas = GEE-****, or GYASS (both with a hard "g")
Gygax = GY-gaks
Halberd = HAL-berd, (not HAL-bread)
Herb = ERB
Ioun = EYE-oon
Iuz = YOOZ, or EE-uz
Ixixachitl = iks-it-ZATCH-i-til, or ik-zit-zah-chih-tull
Lich = LITCH (as in ditch), *not* LIKE or LICK
Lycanthrope = LY-kun-throhp, LY-kan-throhp (like lichen rope/my tan
Lycanthropy = ly-KAN-thruh-pee
Mage = MAGE (as in age), *not* MADGE (as in badger)
Mana = MA-nah (MA = as in cat), MAH-nah
Melee = Either MAY-lay (preferred), may-LAY, or meh-LAY
Otyugh = AHT-yuhg
Palladium = puh-LAY-dee-um
Sahuagin = sah-HWAh-gin
Svirfneblin = svirf-NEB-lin
Tarrasque = tar-RASK (like "Masque of the Red Death")
THAC0 = Either THAK-oh (preferred), or THAKE-oh
Wyvern = WIH-vern (as in did), or WHY-vern
Vargouille = var-GWEEL
Vrock = vrahk
Apprentice Greytalker
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Fri May 28, 2004 6:58 am
As a Spanish-speaker I find these kind of topic really amusing. When we don't know how to pronounce a word in English, the best is to read it as they are written.
Gabriel _________________ Discord: @GrillWizard
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Fri May 28, 2004 11:10 am
Re: GH Pronouciation
Baggins wrote: |
Have you got the 2E Monstrous Compendium (vol. 1 or 2; or maybe Monstrous Manual)? In there, I'm pretty sure they have a pronouciation. |
I don't know which is more frightening. That I didn't check that before hand or that I spelled Ixitxachitl correctly without looking.
Adept Greytalker
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Fri May 28, 2004 10:08 pm
I could have sworn that I read someplace that iuz was officaily pronounced EYE-ooze
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Sat May 29, 2004 9:35 am
There was some good discussion on this subject over on the WotC boards a little while ago: _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Master Greytalker
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Sun May 30, 2004 8:25 am
There was a pronunciation guide in The Adventure Begins IIRC, but for what it's worth, where's my promangluations: :)
Nyr Dyv - Neer Deev
Dyvers - DEEV-errs
Pale - Pail (as in "beyond the Pale" - definately not PA-Ley)
Medegia - Med-EDGE-ya
Erehli Cinlu - ERR-elee SIN-loo
Furyondy - Few-ree-ON-dee
Iuz - EYE-uzz
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sun May 30, 2004 6:34 pm
Woesinger wrote: |
Pale - Pail (as in "beyond the Pale" - definately not PA-Ley)
I say it like you, too. But then I found out that there's actually a real world country or city (in Europe I think) called Pale and it's pronounced: PAH-lay. So this got me doubting.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:10 pm
Just my 2 cents on a small sampling from my own game...
Nyr Dyv...
Nyr (N-eye-r) as from Nyrond (N-eye-run-d)
Dyv (Dive, like off the board) as from Dyvers (divers)
Now how do you pronounce Ulek?
You-lick ??? or Oo-leck (as in glue plus neck)???
Master Greytalker
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Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:51 am
Baggins wrote: |
[I say it like you, too. But then I found out that there's actually a real world country or city (in Europe I think) called Pale and it's pronounced: PAH-lay. So this got me doubting. |
Pale (PAH-lay) is the capital of the Serbian part of Bosnia IIRC. I don't think that's what Gary had in mind though when he named the Theocracy.
More likely he was referring to the Pale (Pail), which was the area of effective Norman/English control surrounding Dublin, Ireland in the 13th-17th century.
Hence the phrase "beyond the Pale" meant beyond the limits of English law in Ireland (and was later given a more general meaning of unnacceptable behaviour).
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Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:34 am
I'm fascinated by the various pronunciations of Furyondy. I always thought that it was pronounced Fur (as in fur coat) Yondy (as in yonder).
Maybe someone could get Gygax to pronounce these words into a tape recorder...
Journeyman Greytalker
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Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:51 pm
For what it's worth
I use the following:
Iuz: like a rural Southerner saying "I was", but slurring it into "I wuz". Example: "I'uz goin' t' town. Y'awnt nyting?".
Nyr Dyv: Neer Deev
Nyrond: Neer OND
Dyvers: More like "a wide variety" than "someone who jumps into a pool".
Furyondy: fur YAWN dee
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Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:43 pm
Re: For what it's worth
Telas wrote: |
Iuz: like a rural Southerner saying "I was", but slurring it into "I wuz". Example: "I'uz goin' t' town. Y'awnt nyting?". |
Telas, are you from the South? I must ask this, as if you are not, you have a magnificent command of southernese.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:06 pm the Grace of God
Born in Crockett, Texas (deep dark East Texas, in the Piney Woods), raised in Dallas and Hammond, Louisiana (north of NO, east of BR), college in San Antonio, six months in Mississippi (with time off for good behavior ), five years in Durango, Colorado (bartending for mostly Texans), a stint in the US Army at Ft. Hood, Texas, and life since the last millenium in Austin, Texas.
I guess I'm 'bout as Southern as one o' them deep-fried twinkies.
Here's to regional language,
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:21 pm
I knew it. "Y'awnt" gave it away. Not many people could have produced that one without serious roots in the South. I know Hammond very well actually. I lived in the tiny hamlet of Albany, LA for a couple of years, right next Hammond.
So sorry for the thread-jack!
Adept Greytalker
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:13 pm
i thought that this deserved a "up!"
very curious about pronunciation..i know, this is a 4 years old topic, but...
funny thing is that i always have sad "I" as INN" and "UZ as "Youz"
what about Pelor?
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:04 pm
Erelhei Cinlu is the first syllables of Gary’s five children, Ernie, Elise, Heidi, Cindy, and Luke, and would be pronounced: Er el hi sin loo.
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:52 pm
rossik wrote: |
what about Pelor? |
Officially, PAY-lor. Rhymes with day-door or fey-lore or claymore.
I usually say Pee-lor.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:38 pm
rasgon wrote: |
rossik wrote: |
what about Pelor? |
Officially, PAY-lor. Rhymes with day-door or fey-lore or claymore.
I usually say Pee-lor. |
Here's a game for those of you who go to conventions:
Find which authors are going to be signing their latest novel or sourcebook. Go through their material and pick out some of the unpronouncable words. Write them in a sentence. Hand the paper to the author and, as pleasantly as you can, implore him to save your sanity by reading that sentence to you. The results are usually pretty humorous, as long as you aren't getting one of the guys who is full of himself, which is less common than one would assume.