Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:19 am
I was very happy to find this place. In the 80s I played and GM:ed a lot of D&D/AD&D, both in Greyhawk and in other realms.
We started out with D&D Basic and Expert and then migrated to AD&D. Back then I had my own fantasy world, where I would place bits and pieces of Greyhawk, Blackmoor and home brew stuff. I even placed some Glorantha stuff in there. Later on me and my group moved to other RPG:s and the last 15 years or so I haven't played at all. But when moving a while ago I found my old 1st ed AD&D books, and started reading, and it was pure old school RPG nostalgia. So, I've managed to gather some of my old gaming group and we're going to start playing again this autumn :-)
Anyway, this is a great site, and I think that the old RPG:s have something that newer systems lack - simplicity and fun!