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What does everyone do with...
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Oct 18, 2010
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Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:02 am  
What does everyone do with...

What does everyone do with the Complete Handbook series? I am just learning this 3.5 stuff and I have all the old Complete Handbook series. It seems that some of those kits would make nice prestige classes. Has anyone done that and if so can you send me an example? And if someone can give me the dumbed down version of why prestige classes were made and why kits were not retained that would be great. Seems silly to me. A dumbed down version of what the heck a paragon class is would be great also. I love this site and it helps me in getting my Thillonrian Gazetteer made but re-wiring my NPCs to fit 3.5 rules is causing headaches. Thanks in advance.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:25 am  

In my opinion...

The Prestige Classes are simply an excuse for the company to sell more books to young players who always seem to want the newest/bestest things for their PCs.

To begin with, don't try to introduce any Prestige classes to your PCs unless you and they are experienced D&D players. If you are new to role-playing, it is too much information to try to keep straight. Let them play a single character all the way through its time until they are ready to begin new characters. Then, you may introduce a few possibilities. Don't try to buy all the expansion books with all the new Prestige Classes. It's too much and it isn't necessary. You can even let your players create their own Prestige classes, with your supervision as the DM. Wink

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