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Brewfest games
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Sep 14, 2009
Posts: 172
From: Laporte IN.

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Wed May 11, 2011 4:46 pm  
Brewfest games

OK, in my greyhawk camp., my players belong to a adventures guild ( based of the anime show Fairy Tail ). Anyways, Brewfest is fast approaching and I call upon Canonfire to my aid!

I need some fun drinking games, crazy things that might happen, or anything you guys and gals might come up with Evil Grin

So i leave it up to you, if my players make it out alive from "Brewfest"!!
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
Posts: 1234
From: New Jersey

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Wed May 11, 2011 5:57 pm  

Ok real life examples.

Coins is the game bounce a copper off the table into a cup. If you miss drink a tankard of ale if you make it, make some one else drink. If you vomit your out last one standing wins the coins in play.

Another real life version is saying numbers that do not have a 7 or a derivative of seven if your number has a seven or a derivative of seven you drink last one standing wins.

Heres a new one go head first into a tun of ale the one who drinks the most without coming up for air wins.

Speed drinking get thirty tankards of ale for each participant. First one to finish all thirty without puking wins.

Tilt a drunk is the game. Drink five tankards each the then two participant's stand on a floating log in the middle of a lake or pond they spin the log until one falls. Then drink five more tankards and challenge the one of the other winners of the first round this continues until there is one.

Some real life, others maybe not real life:twist:
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
Posts: 1371
From: Tennessee, between Ft. Campbell & APSU

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Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:29 am  

The old DMG had stat' modifiers for varying levels of intoxication. Haven't seen anything like it since.
Argon wrote:
...Coins is the game bounce a copper off the table into a cup. If you miss drink a tankard of ale if you make it, make some one else drink. If you vomit your out last one standing wins the coins in play.

-Hmmm... Basic Attack Bonus + modified DEX?
Argon wrote:
...Another real life version is saying numbers that do not have a 7 or a derivative of seven if your number has a seven or a derivative of seven you drink last one standing wins...

-Not fair if the players play biz-buzz on their own, but a check modified +/- INT someone lacks something...
Argon wrote:
...Heres a new one go head first into a tun of ale the one who drinks the most without coming up for air wins.

Speed drinking get thirty tankards of ale for each participant. First one to finish all thirty without puking wins...

-modified CON +/- WIS (willpower)?

Argon wrote:
...Tilt a drunk is the game. Drink five tankards each the then two participant's stand on a floating log in the middle of a lake or pond they spin the log until one falls. Then drink five more tankards and challenge the one of the other winners of the first round this continues until there is one.

-That's just drunk wrestling with Balance checks thrown in.
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