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Against The Giants (TSR 11413) Hochoch?
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Joined: Aug 02, 2004
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Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:15 pm  
Against The Giants (TSR 11413) Hochoch?

I'm thinking of running a 3.0 liberation of Geoff campaign based on TSR11413. Useing it and the LG Gazetter as refrence I should have plenty of material for years of mid to high level game play in Geoff.
My questions revolve around the town of Hochoch
I want to flesh it out, but neither of my sources have adaquet information on the atmosphere in the town.
I know this much, Hochoch has a population of 5,500. Owen the exiled Grand Duke of Geoff may or may not reside there with his court. The Knights of the Watch and Dispatch have a garrisons there, but what part do they play in town life and politics, and does their leader the ailing Hugo of Geoff reside there as well. Hochoch could be a great base of operations for my pc's with a little work.
If you've ever used Hochoch in a game your ideas would be most helpful, or if you know of some reference material i need please fill me in.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 30, 2003
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Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:35 pm  

Here's a few links that "may" help.

The last one is the best! Maps in color too!

Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:00 pm  

My current campaign started out in Hochoch.

My Hochoch is substantially different that the official version, though.

The population of mine is about 15,000 and it is built on the site of an ancient Flan city. In fact, Hochoch means Man Ruins in an ancient tongue because of this fact. (Also, the elven city of Hocholve in the Dim Wood has a similar history in my game - Hocholve means Elf Ruins.)

My PCs started out in Hochoch, setting off for a grand journey to Greyhawk. They never got there, however! They had a side-track to the Outer Planes.

Then, 7 years later, they popped back in Hochoch to find it had almost fallen to the giant invasion. Of course, the PCs helped "liberate Geoff".

This was all in 2nd Edition. In 3rd Edition, giants are much, much more powerful!
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 24, 2001
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Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:18 am  

There used to be a really good Codex of Greyhawk write up on the city too. The files are supposed to be here on Canonfire.

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