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Return of the Eight weapon conversion to 3.5
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Joined: Jun 14, 2004
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Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:13 pm  
Return of the Eight weapon conversion to 3.5

I am converting some old characters who have completed the Return of the Eight module. They recieved a few of the magic items from Tensor and they have worked great in 2nd ED. But now i would like some other opinions as to how these should be comverted for 3.5 Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


Tenser's Boots of the Running Warrior
These normal-looking wolf-fur boots can be used only by a fighter, paladin or ranger. The wearer receives a movement rate MV 15 (150 yards per round, running), regardless of the wearer's encumbrance. Also, no matter how far that warrior moves during a melee round, he still has his normal number of melee attacks: For example, if a character was entitled to 2/I attacks per round, he could move sixty yards, attack one foe, move another ninety yards, then attack a second creature.
XP Value: 2,500.

I was planing to on having these to set the wearers movement rate to 40' regardless of encumbrance and allow him to still fet his full attacks regardless of movement.


Tenser's Bow of Eagle Sight
This long or short bow grants superior long-distance vision to any warrior gripping it when aiming an arrow at a target. The bow's effective ranges (short/medium/long) are doubled, even in combination with the user's infravision or normal vision. In addition, the fighter gains a +2 bonus to hit at any range.
XP Value: 1,500.

I was planing to on having this still double the users ranges and sight and give the +2 bonus. the question with this is would it double the point blank shot range?

Any help again would be appreciated.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:52 pm  

You can find the 3.5 version of those spells on the items at the download here:

I'd recommend looking at the 3.5 versions of the Running Warrior and Eagle Eye spells. If that don't give ya what you need it will give you enough to make a decision.[/url]
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:56 pm  

The first item confuses me. In AD&D2, I don't understand why mention of move, attack, move, attack is necessary. I thought that was a normal application of the rules. If I am wrong, ignore my suggestion.

As for the first part of the boots' ability, yes, I think a 10 ft bonus to speed is appropriate, as is ignoring encumbrance. I think both expeditious retreat and freedon of movement need to be included as prerequisites for their creation. I do not favor allowing all of a character's attacks regardless of how far they move. Again, moving and making all attacks was the standard for AD&D and AD&D2. It was specifically changed with D&D3E and D&D3.5.

This is due to a change between the systems in exactly what an attack represents. AD&D et al. has 1 minute combat rounds with each attack representing 1 telling blow, or chance to actually do appreciable or noticeable damage to your target. D&D3E et al. use 6 second combat rounds counting all attacks possible. This change in definition means that D&D3E combats are considerably deadlier because a D&D3E fighter can make 15 times as many attacks as his unspecialized AD&D counterpart, each attack also having a 5% greater chance of hitting and dealing normally equal damage before any modifiers.

The second item is a named item with the distance special ability and a +2 enhancement bonus (note this does apply to damage as well). This does not alter point blank range. This range is constant at 30 ft regardless of weapon.[img][/img]
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Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:27 pm  

callmeAndydammit wrote:
The first item confuses me. In AD&D2, I don't understand why mention of move, attack, move, attack is necessary. I thought that was a normal application of the rules. If I am wrong, ignore my suggestion.

I've never read the DMG2, so can't answer for that system. In 1st edition, however, PC's have the choice of move or attack, but cannot do both.

For example, DMG1 p.66
Close to Striking Range: This merely indicates that the party concerned is moving at base speed to engage the opponent...This action is typically taken when the opponent is over 1" distant but not a long distance away. Play then goes to the next round after this, as melee is not possible..."

In other words, if your opponent is more that 1" away, you forfeit attacks for the round by closing to attack distance.

One exception is if you make a charge attack. Another is for elves using bows. Elves are allowed to combine movement and attack, but they lose one of the two bow attacks to do so.

In my own (mostly first edition) campaign, I ratio the movement percent to the number of attacks per round to see how many are potentially lost. Then I have PC's attempt dex checks to retain the attacks. For example, one PC is typically 2/1 with main hand plus one offhand attack, or three attacks per round. If she moves over one third of her movement rate in a round, she loses one attack, two if she moves over two thirds, and three if she moves her full movement. However, she can recover these attacks if she makes a dex check each.

One PC actually does have a set of Boots of the Running Warrior and they are greatly prized. Bith because she has a poor dexterity and constantly lost attacks before, and second beacuse the boots were a personal gift from Tenser!
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