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Campaign Settings: Preferences
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Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:38 am  
Campaign Settings: Preferences

Time for another 'fun' thread, Lanthorn style.

1) Which regions of the Flanaess have you typically run (areas of focus, as it were) in your campaigns? Why?

2) What regions have you avoided? Why?

3) What regions would you like to start integrating into your games? Why?


Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:47 pm  

Since I created the thread, I'll start the ball rolling...

1) I have focused my campaigns primarily in the central Flanaess, centering around the Free City of Greyhawk (and its Domain), the Wild Coast, the Pomarj, the Gnarley and Welkwood Forests, Veluna, and Verbobonc.

2) I wouldn't say I've avoided any regions, per se', but the tropical jungles to the far South, the Land of Black Ice, and areas far, far away (both East and West) obviously have not featured in any of my games due to the distances involved. And I have enough PCs to worry about right now than to add yet another campaign centered elsewhere.

3) I would like to dabble a bit more in Furyondy, the Highvale, and Celene since they all border the regions that feature most in my current campaigns, but Nyrond and the Bandit Lands may also find their way in them, too.

Adept Greytalker

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Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:04 pm  

1) So far I have mainly run the Temple of Elemental Evil and Queen of the Spiders / Against the Giants campaigns so by default most of my games have either been in the Sheldomar Valley or Verbobonc areas.

2) I've avoided the Great Kingdom mainly because I haven't gotten my head around the dates and history there as most of my games are pre-Greyhawk Wars so far.

3) Areas that interest me a lot are the Spindrifts (Lendore) as I love the sub-tropical island feel and the bleak Northern Reaches as I think they would make a great setting for gritty moody adventures. I'd quite like to run something kind of Sinbad style escapades in the Baklunish States too.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:12 pm  

1) First real GH campaign started in the Wild Coast, went to Greyhawk and ended up in Bissel. Very different from canon. The Second one was the shortest and just too place on the southern Wild Coast. My current started in Sterich and migrated to Keoland (Flen and Cryllor). I had big plans for continuing to Sasserine, then back to Sterich via the Yeomanry and Keoland, but it looks like it's going to fall through.

2) Haven't purposefully avoided any regions. Just haven't gotten around to any others.

3) Maybe Verbobonc (ToEE), Bandit Kingdoms or Bone March/Ratik.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:11 pm  
Re: Campaign Settings: Preferences

Lanthorn wrote:
Time for another 'fun' thread, Lanthorn style.

1) Which regions of the Flanaess have you typically run (areas of focus, as it were) in your campaigns? Why?

2) What regions have you avoided? Why?

3) What regions would you like to start integrating into your games? Why?


1) My campaigns have usually begun in the northwestern Vesve Forest, where I locate the Keep on the Borderlands. Earlier campaigns ranged across the Flanaess whereever the modules decreed that they were located (Yatils, Bandit Kingdoms, Jotens/Crystalmists/Hellfurnaces, Keolandish coast, City of Greyhawk, etc.). Now, I have consolidated the main adventures I like to run into close proximity to the Vesve with the exception of the giants/drow down south.

2) I've avoided the Baklunish west because I don't believe I have the knowledge or skills to pull off a convincing campaign in such a setting. I've avoided the Barbarian north because it seems too limiting (though I know it doesn't have to be). I've avoided a Hepmunoland campaign because I'm not that interested in adventuring in Africa - I prefer more European-based mythology.

3) I would like a chance to run a campaign in the Great Kingdom, pre- or post-Greyhawk Wars. I would also like to run a pirate/ship-based campaign.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:34 am  

Mine began in Hommlett with TOEE then goes to Sterich and Pomarj and settled in Furyondy after a short escapade in the far Cruski lands.
The next generation began in Ekbir Furyondy Highfolk and far away Nyrond and turned mainly around the Vesve, Furyondy and Iuz territories.
A split group went to the Hardy and the Bright Desert region and now is settled in Greyhawk City, Redoubt and Highfolk City.

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:13 pm  
Re: Campaign Settings: Preferences

SirXaris wrote:

1) Earlier campaigns ranged across the Flanaess whereever the modules decreed that they were located.

Same here, SX. I've had the same band of characters gallavant all over portions of the Flanaess, starting with the Village of Hommlet, then the village of Orlane (Cult of the Reptile God...loved it), followed by the whole Saltmarsh series (ditto, as above), only to return back 'home' to the Welkwood-Gnarley-Wild Coast area.


2) I've avoided the Baklunish west because I don't believe I have the knowledge or skills to pull off a convincing campaign in such a setting.

I find that very hard to believe, SX! I know you are a historian and scholar! Don't undersell yourself...


3) I would like a chance to run a campaign in the Great Kingdom, pre- or post-Greyhawk Wars. I would also like to run a pirate/ship-based campaign.

I did that with the whole SlaveLords saga (A series) and my player's Heironean paladin's holy quest to defeat them. One of my (and his) personal epic saga favorites.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:18 pm  

1) Right now just in the vicinity of the City of Greyhawk, The Fortress of Unknown Depths, Cairn Hills and Bright Desert but also in the Vale of the Mage and gated onto Luna into a huge greenhouse administered by an hermit Mage, the Vesve, and the capital of Celene.

2) Probably want to avoid the former Great Kingdom as we only have one priest in our group and the party doesn't have many fighters, with everyone more interested in "cloak and dagger" thievery or magic.

3) I'm gearing up to introduce a Greyspace adventure and itching to have the players bust through the southern blockade and into the jungles, bringing back rare spices and introducing chocolate to the Flanaess.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:32 am  

1) I like one semi-large city with lots of countryside and varied geograchic locations, such as mountains and forests. About 90% of the time adventures are non-urban and focus in the wilderness. I like the March of Sterich, in particular.

2) Celene doesn't inspire me. I'm just not a big fan of elves. There's nothing wrong with elves, I just find it hard to identify with them.

3) I wanted to start an Arabic campaign in the desert, but it didn't work out well. I'd like to have a campaign in a harsh environment, such as desert, arctic or even underwater.
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:31 am  


Last edited by GreyhawkGrognard on Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:02 am  

1) Wet

2) Dry

3) Moist

1) For the past five years I have run "Heirs of Turucambi", a chat-based game set beneath the surface of the Solnor Ocean and incorporating locales such as Turucambi, the Sinking Isle, and the Jungle of Lost Ships. Before that, I ran "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq", an undersea play-by-post game.

2) Given that PCs must have a natural swim speed and the ability to breathe underwater without the use of magic, not every character is able to survive on dry land. So, I tend not to worry about the Drylanders so much.

3) The party is currently in a a body of water known as the Stolen Sea, a saltwater lagoon and afanc graveyard upon a floating cloud island known as Cloudsea. They were carried there within a waterspout summoned by a covey of storm hags.
With luck, the party will discover the secrets of the cloud pearl and the magics of the stormcloud (offspring of a storm giant and cloud giant) giant's ruined stronghold. Perhaps they will even travel a great distance to find themselves atop the Sunless Sea or at the very least Drawmij's abandoned undersea fortress.
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Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:23 pm  
Re: Campaign Settings: Preferences

Lanthorn wrote:
1) Which regions of the Flanaess have you typically run (areas of focus, as it were) in your campaigns? Why?

I've mostly run campaigns set in/around the Central Flanaess (Pomarj to Bandit Kingdoms, Lortmils to Urnsts), with some jaunts to the Veluna/Vesve/Perrenland corridor, the Great Kingdom, Valley of the Mage, and South Province/Sea Barons/Lendore Isles/Hepmonaland, too. But those were excursions/adventures, rather than campaigns centered in those regions.

Many of my Greyhawk campaigns were in fact based in my homebrew world Mendenein, sister-world to Oerth, and PCs would freely move between the two Primes.

Lanthorn wrote:
2) What regions have you avoided? Why?

I'd avoided the Great Kingdom since the publication of FTA because I didn't like its treatment by Sargent (specifically rulership by animuses); when I do run my next GK game, I'll naturally change that.

I've never really run much in Keoland. No real reason why, I just haven't.

Lanthorn wrote:
3) What regions would you like to start integrating into your games? Why?

I continue to remain very excited by many of the fringe areas (Land of Black Ice, Isle of Lost Souls, Isles of Woe, etc.), and the various planar transitional zones/Fading Lands/demi-planes of Greyhawk.

I've also grown much more curious about the original version of Greyhawk, which could be an interesting alternate Prime to take Greyhawk knowledgeable players into, sometime (if we ever learn enough about it, of course ;) ).
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:21 am  
Re: Campaign Settings: Preferences

Lanthorn wrote:
Time for another 'fun' thread, Lanthorn style.

1) Which regions of the Flanaess have you typically run (areas of focus, as it were) in your campaigns? Why?

2) What regions have you avoided? Why?

3) What regions would you like to start integrating into your games? Why?


1. My early campaigns were always in the central flanaess Free City of Greyhawk and environs simply because that is the area with the most printed content to use.
We then dabbled in some Spelljamming which is insanely fun and brought about a sense of enlightenment that fantasy gaming is far beyond hack n slash.
Later I moved to the Scarlet Brotherhood and the Tilvanot with heavy play in the Amedio and Pomarj and involving alot of polotics.
Lastly, my current campaign is based out of the Great Kingdom's Rel Astra. I love the darkness Sargent built with WGR7 Ivid the Undying. Best gaming content I've ever read in my life.

2. I despise the Sheldomar Valley. Bores the !@#$ out of me.

3. The Rhizia gives me a real Conan the Barbarian (the new fail movie being an exception) feel that I'd like to get in touch with, but I'd probably go with the former Horned Society lands or Iuz's domain, and why not? They both hold evil dangers of unspeakable power.
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