Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:25 am
He's mentioned in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer and in LGJ #0.
He's a member of the Heirophants of the Cabal.
Which means he's probably among the Lords of Balance assembled in Come Endless Darkness.
And he's a heirophant druid.
Which means he was once the Grand Druid of Oerth.
In 1st edition, heirophants had their lives extended ten years for each character level and could also hibernate, unaging, for an equal amount of time like Merlin in his cave.
In 2nd edition, heirophants stopped aging entirely. They could also hibernate.
He was once the druid charged with protecting the Menowood. It could be named for him or vice versa.
The Menowood is an unseelie faerie realm.
Perhaps he was driven from the Menowood by the Unseelie Court.
Perhaps he was once a consort of the Queen of. Air and. Darkness or a powerful woodland hag.
He is now the druid charged with protecting the Azure Sea.
He is an associate of Drawmij.
Drawmij's undersea fortress once belonged to Meno.
Perhaps Drawmij discovered him hibernating there.
High level heirophants can walk the planes.
Possible inspiration: the Hayao Miyazaki anime Ponyo, which featured an environmentalist human magic-wielder who lives in an undersea fortress with his mermaid daughters.