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Question about Ehjures/Ogres
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Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:14 pm  
Question about Ehjures/Ogres

I remember in one of the Greyhawk short stories there was an ogre from another dimension called an Ehjure (I forget his name). He was highly civilized but still brutal. In his homeworld ogres were the main civilization building race while humans occupied the same place as ogres did on Oerth.
That is a very interesting concept. I wonder, has anything else been done with the Ehjures has their culture and homeworld been further described or explored in the Greyhawk campaign setting?
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Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:43 pm  

You got me stumped here. Wasn't the intelligent ogres a Dragonlance/Krynn thing? Anyone else have info?

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:47 pm  

IIRC, the intelligent ogres in Dragonlance were from the first 5th Age story where they were described as almost angelically perfect creatures that were cursed into their current, horrible forms.

I have never heard of Ehjures, however. Neutral

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Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:55 am  

The original Dragonlance ogres were called Irda so don't know if this is what you are thinking of:

Don't recall anything GH canon or otherwise though. As an aside, one of my players did play an Irda in GH many years ago during a bit of a campaign setting mashup phase we went through.

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Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:37 am  

The story in question was "The Weird Occurance in Odd Alley" in Gary Gygax's Gord anthology Night Arrant.

The ehjures were civilized ogre magi.

Last edited by rasgon on Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:24 am; edited 2 times in total

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Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:47 am  

rasgon wrote:
The story in question was "An Odd Occurance in Weird Way" in Gary Gygax's Gord anthology Night Arrant.

The ehjures were civilized ogre magi.

That is the story, I thought he mentioned that their world had ogre magi in addition to ehjures (which would imply they were separate species) Maybe the ogre magi were that worlds equivalent of elves? (which I guess would make elves that worlds equivalent of ogre magi)

Now the ehjure in that story (I think his name was Pinkerton ) was a real A-hole, but was he evil? Was the whole ehjure civilization evil?

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Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:04 pm  

My apologies, the story was "The Weird Occurance in Odd Alley." I was going by memory.

Well, earlier in the book (page 64) others call him an ehjure.

"What is this monster called?" Chert quietly asked an almost human-looking creature standing closest to him.

"That, my large but intelligence-lacking lifeform, is an ehjure—a snob with a talent for trivial trouble," the creature said. "But don't let his appearance scare you. He'd rather swallow an insult than muss up his pretty clothing."

Later, such as in this excerpt from page 114, he's more commonly called an ogre-magus:

Meanwhile, Gord and Chert learned a bit about the ogre-magus. It seemed that this creature was from an alternate world, a place where humans were nothing more than savage, apelike creatures living in forests and jungles. Ogres, too, were animals, but the monsters known on Oerth as ogre-magi were the civilizing force of that world. The creature introduced himself as Pinkus, claiming he was an agent for a firm that imported and exported goods from many worlds and planes.

"Why help Plincourt attack us?" Chert had inquired mildly.

"I owed him a favor—besides, I don't like either of you!" Pinkus had said with a snarl. Fortunately, the civilized ogre-magus was not nearly as big or as strong as the monstrous sort that plagued Oerth, although he was large enough to be threatening, being a span more than eight feet in height and weighing about five hundred pounds or so.

On page 135 he's an ehjure again, and also an "ogreling." On the following page he's variously an ogreling and an ogre-magus.

It sounds pretty clear to me that the ehjures are a civilized (and smaller and weaker) breed of ogre mage that substituted for humans as the dominant civilization on that world.

Is he evil? I don't know. I think "trivial trouble" implies he's more evil than good, but he's more of an annoyance than a villain.

Anyway, I tend to think of Pinkus's world as possibly being the same as Steelspace, as it was developed by Night Druid on the Piazza forums, though the parallel isn't exact (the worlds of Steelspace are dominated by ogres rather than ogre magi).
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