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Greyhawk Wars for TripleA
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Joined: May 12, 2015
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Tue May 12, 2015 9:10 am  
Greyhawk Wars for TripleA

Almost seven years ago I tried to make a computer game based on the 1991 Greyhawk Wars strategy game. I used the TripleA engine, which is best known for Axis & Allies games. Perhaps there's even someone here who remembers that earlier effort.

TripleA has come a long way since then, and I recently realized I could get a lot closer to achieving what I intended. So I started practically from scratch, and now have a game that provides a much fuller experience. Here's the game map:

The result is a turn-based computer strategy game, based on Greyhawk Wars, using rules somewhat similar to Axis & Allies. It features:
  • 10 factions
  • 3 alliances
  • Recruit mercenaries
  • Seek magical treasure
  • Random Events
  • Unique national powers
  • Diplomacy
  • Play against other humans, or against the AI

You can play Iuz and conquer the Shield Lands, rally Keoland to stand against the Pomarj, or order the assassination of your foes as the Father of Obedience.

You can read more about it or give feedback on the Greyhawk Wars thread on the TripleA development forum:

To play it, follow these steps:
  1. First, install TripleA:
  2. Then, to install Greyhawk Wars, run TripleA
  3. Click Download Maps
  4. Select the default source and click List Games
  5. Select Greyhawk Wars (not the old Greyhawk) and click Install
  6. When you restart TripleA, Greyhawk Wars will now be an option when you select Choose Game
  7. Remember to read the Game Notes!

I'm posting it here because I know that if you love Greyhawk like I do, it may offer you some amusement. Also, after my 1983 boxed set, and the 1991 wargame itself, the most important source for lore I used was the Great Library of Greyhawk wiki here on Canonfire, so I wanted to say thanks to everyone involved in that.

This is just version 1.0, so I welcome feedback, everything from gameplay experience all the way down to nitpicking on inaccurate lore.

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Tue May 12, 2015 8:57 pm  

Holy Pelor!

I do remember the earlier effort, in fact as a fan of A&A I used to play your GH Wars game a lot. The map looks sharp and I can't wait to see what you added.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed May 13, 2015 9:49 am  

I too remember the earlier version though I don't recall playing it (not through any issues I just tended to focus on the various WW2 scenario mods available).

Will definitely take a look at your new version Panguitch. Looks like some great work.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu May 14, 2015 7:08 pm  

I did play the earlier version to the point where I got really good at it. I will have to check out the new polished version. Thank you panguitch!

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Fri May 15, 2015 2:46 pm  

This looks great! I'm going to check it out. Smile

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