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Weather in Rookrost, Stoink, Radigast areas
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Lyon, France

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Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:53 pm  
Weather in Rookrost, Stoink, Radigast areas

So what can be found on climate in the LGG (i have chosen the LGG as it is the latest product and also the one with most info on the subject, I think) :
"The northeast and the north-central regions ::of the Flanaess:: tend to be considerably colder, for the seas of those regions cause winter to linger about twice as long as it does in the heartland of the Flanaess", LGG page 3
"Prevailing winds are from the north-east in the winter and autumn, and the east and south-east at other times", LGG page 3
"... cool to temperate climate", LGG page 4 (norhtern reaches)
"Weather conditions here are generally temperate, though winters tend toward harsh storms and even blizzards throughout late Sunsebb and early Fireseek. In contrast, high summer often bring drought, threatening grain crops and cattle production", LGG page 25

From above info, I will say that climate around Rookroost is of wet continental type with cold summer (something like Mineapolis, maybe?, or Moscow), for Stoink climate should be of wet continental type with hot summer (something like Washington, and Radigast climate will be a coastal type (something like London).

ROOKROOST average temp. and precipitation.
Fireseek // 16°F // 1.18 in // bitter winter
Readying // 10°F // 0.99 in // bitter winter
Coldeven // 23°F // 1.38 in // late winter
Planting // 36°F // 1.58 in // spring
Flocktime // 50°F // 1.78 in // spring
Wealsun // 59°F // 2.17 in // summer
Reaping // 68°F // 2.36 in // summer
Goodmonth // 62°F // 2.29 in // summer
Harvester // 54°F // 1.97 in // autumn
Patchwall // 42°F // 1.90 in // autumn
Ready'reat // 32°F // 1.58 in // early winter
Sunsebb // 22°F // 1.58 in // early winter

Bitter winter weather table
roll 1d12 for sky, temperature and precipitation
Sky : clear 1-4 / pc 5-8 / over 9-12
Temp. : cold 1-12 freezing
Prec. : no 1-5 / yes 6-12

Bitter winter precipitation
1d12 // Cold
1 // Sleetstorm
2 // Sleetstorm
3 // Ligth snow
4 // Ligth snow
5 // Ligth snow
6 // Ligth snow
7 // Heavy snow
8 // Heavy snow
9 // Heavy snow
10 // Heavy snow
11 // Blizzard
12 // Blizzard

For explanation of above tables see tAB pg 48-53
for blizzard see DMG 3ed pg 88

Late winter - early spring - early winter weather table
(Coldeven - Planting - Ready'reat - Sunsebb)
See winter early spring weather table of tAB pg 51

Spring weather table
See mid-spring weather table of tAB pg 51

Summer weather table
See low summer weather table of tAB pg 52

Autumn weather table
See late fall weather table of tAB pg 52

STOINK average temp. and precipitation.
Fireseek // 27°F // 3.15 in // winter
Readying // 36°F // 2.96 in // spring
Coldeven // 45°F // 4.14 in // spring
Planting // 50°F // 3.74 in // spring
Flocktime // 59°F // 3.54 in // low-summer
Wealsun // 72°F // 3.47 in // low-summer
Reaping // 81°F // 3.74 in // high-summer
Goodmonth // 75°F // 4.93 in // high-summer
Harvester // 68°F // 3.94 in // high-summer
Patchwall // 62°F // 3.54 in // autumn
Ready'reat // 42°F // 3.74 in // autumn
Sunsebb // 32°F // 3.35 in // winter

More or less the weather tables will be the same as for
Domain of Greyhawk as per tAB pg 48-53 with lower temp. and
higher prec.

Sunsebb - Fireseek - Readying = Winter / early spring
weather table tAB pg 51

Coldeven - Planting = Mid-spring weather table tAB pg 51

Flocktime - Wealsun = Low summer weather table tAB pg 52

Reaping - Goodmonth = High summer weather table tAB pg 52

Harvester = Early fall weather table tAB pg 52

Patchwall - Ready'reat = Late fall weather table tAB pg 52

RADIGAST average temp. and precipitation.
Fireseek // 41°F // 1.97 in // winter
Readying // 42°F // 1.78 in // spring
Coldeven // 47°F // 1.38 in // spring
Planting // 50°F // 1.58 in // summer
Flocktime // 54°F // 1.78 in // summer
Wealsun // 61°F // 1.58 in // summer
Reaping // 68°F // 1.66 in // summer
Goodmonth // 68°F // 1.90 in // summer
Harvester // 59°F // 1.50 in // autumn
Patchwall // 50°F // 1.90 in // autumn
Ready'reat // 45°F // 1.97 in // autumn
Sunsebb // 37°F // 1.82 in // winter

Lake effect smooth weather compared to Greyhawk.
I would use again table from tAB pg 48-53 as follows :

Sunsebb - Fireseek - Readying = Mid spring weather table

Coldeven - Planting = Low summer weather table

Flocktime - Wealsun - Reaping - Goodmonth = mid to high
summer weather table

Harvester - Patchwall = Early fall weather table

Ready'reat = Late fall weather table

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Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:41 pm  

I wasn't sure if this was a question at first or a submission of your research. While I know the sources on how to determine weather in any part of the Flanaess it is quite impressive to see it broken down in advance into a region like you have.

You should consider submitting an extended article to CF about weather in particular regions of GH. I think it would be worthwhile!
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:20 am  

Nice info Serolf! I agree with Mortellan. You should write up and submit a comprehensive regional series for weather. It would be a nice reference piece for all DM's to have at hand to figure probable weather in various regions of the Flaness.

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Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:56 am  
Whether Weather


Check out this site, it's pretty cool. It uses the season and latitude to gen appropriate weather. It might help your project.

Nixiespixies and grigs OH MY!
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:31 am  

I forgot about that one. That is a great little program!!! It now resides on my "favorites" list.
CF Admin

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Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:02 am  

We will hopefully be hosting that program soon Wink
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Lyon, France

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Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:45 am  

Mortellan, Cebrion : Thanks for your encouragements.

This post was designed as a little submission, I had this info on my hardrive since some months, and as i have recently discovered the interesting info one can found on a forum, i had thought this post could be a good first contribution.

As my campaign move around, i will try to design more of such tables.

Also i am looking for feedback on this first post, if some of you find some contradictions with existing sources (to the exception of WOG'83 weather table)

Fairylover : is the program on your link based on the WOG'83 tables ?

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 19, 2003
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From: Dolly-land

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Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:22 am  
Whether in Helsinki or Helena, the weather Stoinks....


I believe it is, but you should ask the Finnish genius who wrote the program. Here's a link to a thread over on the wizards greyhawk board:

Nixiespixies and grigs OH MY!

Joined: Apr 16, 2003
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Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:02 am  

Excellent information Serolf and thanks for the great link Happy
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