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New Unearthed Arcana - New Cleric Domains and Druid Circles
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 10, 2002
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From: Buenos aires

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Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:59 am  
New Unearthed Arcana - New Cleric Domains and Druid Circles

Druid Circles
Cleric Domains

They look rather interesting. Circle of Dreams is a Feywild buffer druid, Circle of Sheperd is Spirit Animal summoner and Circle of Twilight is a rather weird kind of "circle of life" druid. The optional rules to limit the wild shape forms and how to get more are interesting (specially if one of your players is a Circle of the Moon Druid like me).

Forge Domain is a little overpowered for my personal taste (you basically can make your weapons/armor magical and create metal objects). Grave Domain looks like a good anti-undead PC (altough i dont understand why they got Heavy Armor Proficency) and Protection Domain looks like a good party buffer.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:57 pm  

Some good stuff in there.

I hope they create additional character backgrounds. Those in the Player's Handbook are limited, or just don't fit. For example, an Outlander has to play an instrument. Outlanders should have their choice of a tool proficiency, from among artisan tools (excepting alchemist's supplies and cartographer's tools), dice set, herbalism kit, or musical instrument. that would allow "Outlander" to cover many different character backgrounds, for a variety of classes. Otherwise, the Outlander location of origin can be broken up into environments- mountain, woodland, desert, arctic, jungle, plains. The character is from elsewhere, but exactly what kind of elsewhere can vary greatly. This background should suit a Barbarian well, but I just don't see all Barbarians playing an instrument, excepting those who are members of Barbarian death metal bands. Laughing
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 10, 2002
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Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:59 am  

Cebrion wrote:

This background should suit a Barbarian well, but I just don't see all Barbarians playing an instrument, excepting those who are members of Barbarian death metal bands. Laughing

Well, the female bearbaria half-orc (and Little Hills hillwomen) have that background, and she likes to play her drums. Funny part some of her party members know how to use music instruments, and they jockingly talked about forming a band.

@Cebrion: Have you checked the backgrounds in the Sword Coast adventurer's guide?
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:38 am  

My current Ravenloft character is from the Cloakwood area, but he is not much based on material in the Sword Coast book. I'll be looking at it again soon enough though, as one of our group is going to run Storm King's Thunder (set in FR) after we finish Ravenloft. I'll be creating two characters for it, but one will be a fighter from Calimshan (very much purposely in the vein of The 13th Warrior in memory of a member of our game club) and the other a wizard from the Savage Frontier, so I don't know if I'll get much use out of what is in the book. We'll see. I'm all for new background content, but I also look forward to any new Class material that dovetails well with background material. Gotta have it all.
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 10, 2002
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Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:10 pm  

So far one of the players in the party were i play, and other were i GM decided to use the Bladesinger tradition. Its from the Sword Coast book, and so far they are pretty satisfied with the new wizard tradition.
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