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My Greyhawk 576 Project
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 14, 2006
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Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:47 pm  
My Greyhawk 576 Project

Quick update on the 5th Edition Greyhawk 576 project.

The Players Guide to Greyhawk 576 is done. Complete. Finito. Every. Single. God. has a unique Divine Domain written up for it, and many have new spells. That's in addition to the race and class updates, conversions of the feats, new backgrounds, languages, and a bunch of other stuff.

Man, I never thought I'd get through it all. Now on to finishing up the DM's Guide! Happy
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Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:22 pm  

Holy hell! Shocked

I'm very impressed by your attention to the deities. I'd love to pick your brain on this project as I'm gearing up to feature some 5E-centric Greyhawk primers using current sources on my blog. Nothing conflicting with your project is my hope as I want to just draw in players with whats already available then direct them toward other sources both old and new.

Also I'm a big fan of 576, this is the best course of action though I feel rather attached to Vecna and Mayaheine, etc. I imagine you could always do ten year updates in the same vein as your first.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 14, 2006
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Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:29 pm  

Funny you should mention the update thing, Mort. I've been kicking the idea of a Great Greyhawk Campaign book for years now. Sort of like the Great Pendragon Campaign, but... Greyhawk. So it would allow me to keep my CY 576 focus, but give help to DMs who want to progress the timeline into the wars, and up to CY 600.

But ye gods first I need to get through the basic stuff. And hope that WotC doesn't undercut all my work by putting out their own Greyhawk book. That would irk me. They've already done grugach...

Joe / GG
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:47 pm  

Is there a link to this mythical guide?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:56 am  

Nice! I really like the articles you write.. I sometimes wonder if you manage to keep up all this interest and effort! I sure do appreciate it. Not many of us actually work this hard on the Greyhawk campaign world anymore. I might have the largest Greyhawk campaign website out there but its not published publicly. 850 pages and 900k words on World Anvil. Main reason is I used much of Living Greyhawk modules and some articles from here. Also some of your articles. I only put all this together to run my personal campaigns. I WISH I could share it all with the world but well..that will never happen. I am difinately going to use the idea's' you put together for connecting TOEE with the D series of modules with Lolthe. Excellent write up! As I add this all to my campaign I got so many questions :)
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