In my current campaign one of my players is a Half-Elf (Drow) Druid of Ehlonna (Circle of the Moon, so she is more changing forms than casting spells).
When working in the PC background we agree that she studied under a druidic circle in the Little Hills in the Yeomanry (the campaign is set in a valley in the Jotens).
Now that they have finished the first part of the campaign (i adapted Lost Mine of Phandelver), and found the mine and its "great magical power" (i assumed that they are something akin Ley Lines), she wants to becaome the "guardian" of the valley, and so, i want to give the character a more completed druidic experience.
Aside from the 3.0 Living Greyhawk Gazzeter and The Adventure Begins! books that i already have, were i can find good background material in druidic order and the Old Lore? _________________ From Iron Hills to the world!!!
Just began to read Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, and my head already hurts!
Forgive the blatant, shameless plug for 2e materials, but "Complete Book of Druids" might be a good source guide for you to snag. In my opinion, it is one of the BEST of the "Complete Books" that have come out, with all sorts of information for playing druids. It might be useful for you.
Paul Stormberg's "The Nature of Druids in the Flanaess" in Oerth Journal #15 is my favorite resource.
Rob Kuntz's newer versions of Dark Druids for AD&D (Pied Piper PDF and Chaotic Henchmen print) are the best source if you want to include evil druids (the dark druids work well for the Shadow Circle from PHBR13, maniacs like Henwen from the disguised GH module The Standing Stone, etc.).
Not recommended are the NE gnoll druids of the Celedon in Dungeon #85.
Peruse Lenard Lakofka's articles on the Suel gods, both the old Dragon issues and his online docs. A number of Suel gods allow druids that aren't mentioned in later sources, including the oft forgotten Akwamom.
IIRC Fred Weining wrote a 3.x Prestige Class built around Old Lore Bards too. I don't recall offhand though if it was published in the OJ, LGJ, his web site, the Greyhawk extras from 2000, etc. :/
Allan. _________________ Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Thanks for the data guys. I will work with my player to create a Small Hills circle and how their inner ceremonies and ranks are. _________________ From Iron Hills to the world!!!
Just began to read Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, and my head already hurts!
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