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Heironeous calls off his paladins for six months - opinions?
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jan 21, 2010
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Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:24 am  
Heironeous calls off his paladins for six months - opinions?

I have been thinking how to make things interesting in my GH campaign and I have an idea that I would like to present to you guys.

Paladin tactics (or lack thereof) have been under criticism and that is why we have the Knights of Dispatch. As you know, some companies train their employees and while they are off training, they learn new skills and become better workers. I am thinking that Heironeous could realize that things are not going that well and his paladins should take some time off and develop paladinhood so that it would be up to 7th century standards (This all could happen when the 6th century draws to a close). Since he is a god and has a different sense of time, he could order this period to take 6 months. He would accept that the world will be a more dangerous place while his paladins are not fighting, but he would see that the risk is worth taking.

What do you think? Can this be something that Heironeous would do or does being a god of paladins mean fighting to the last man without taking a day off?
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jun 11, 2009
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Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:12 am  

I think he could look at it as a test of commitment.

Use the lack of direction as wake up call and then once the cooling off period has passed welcome the Crusades
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:36 am  
Re: Heironeous calls off his paladins for six months - opini

Sutemi wrote:
...As you know, some companies train their employees and while they are off training, they learn new skills and become better workers. I am thinking that Heironeous could realize that things are not going that well and his paladins should take some time off and develop paladinhood so that it would be up to 7th century standards (This all could happen when the 6th century draws to a close). Since he is a god and has a different sense of time, he could order this period to take 6 months...

-The smart thing would be to have one-sixth take off 6 months for retraining in rolling, one month intervals.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Jul 29, 2006
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From: Dantredun, MN

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Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:58 pm  

Your idea would be inline with WG8 (Istus' test), GA (avatars battling in the streets of Greyhawk City), and RttRoG (Nerull aiding PC's because some Iuzites pooped on a few of his shrines), but kind of meddlesome for a Gygax/Sargent campaign.

Heironeous watches many worlds and at any given time probably has some followers fighting for their lives in Hell, the Demonweb, or the dungeons of Rauxes. Why abandon them in their darkness hour for a training exercise?

He also has priests, clerics, paladins, and followers of other classes, why challenge/test some and not the rest?

St Kargoth and Hextor don't take any breaks. Wouldn't it tip the scales if Heironeous stepped back?

Finally, Heironeous hardly has a monopoly on paladins. Rao, Pelor, Cuthbert, Allitur, Al'Akbar, Mayaheine, and maybe Delleb and Fortubo have them too. Heironeous pulling on the reins to initiate some global change seems kind of self-important and micro-managery.

Maybe he has a different reason to withdraw from his followers. What if he directly interfered in the Flanaess and the other gods have temporary punished him? Or he's channeling his energy to a world in more dire straights?
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