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Ghost of Saltmarsh population distribution
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Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:29 am  
Ghost of Saltmarsh population distribution

Hey all,

I know a lot of people are running Ghost of Saltmarsh. Here is my attempt to bridge the gap from the DMG2 and the new module.

My first premise is that Saltmarsh total population is about 2000 people. This includes everyone, men/women/children.

Total population = 1976 (750 able-bodied, 202 elderly, 1000 children, 48 infirm/criminals).

35 regulars reporting to the Lord. 18 marines (sailors) and 17 army/rangers.
58 city watch -- full time guardsmen reporting to the ruling council.
50 militia -- part-time citizens that help out on a rotating basis in addition to their regular job.

Mages and Priests
- 20 priests (8x Pelor, 4x Osprem, 4x Boccob, 1x Farlanghn, 1x Norebo, 1x Obad-hai, 1x Ehlonna)
- 8 mages.

Regular citizens
- 129x Craftsmen and merchants
- 351x fishermen
- 50x farmers
- 20x hunters
- 56x laborers
- 28x Nobles and the rich

Number of population and buildings by district
- Admin: 100 pop in 30 buildings.
- West commons: 520 pop in 90 bldgs
- Hilltop: 150 pop in 40 bldgs
- Oak: 20 pop in 5 bldgs
- Park: 6 pop in 2 bldgs
- Market: 100 pop in 15 bldgs and numerous merchant stalls.
- Low dock: 30 pop in 6 bldgs
- Mid dock: 300 pop in 50 bldgs
- High dock: 100 pop in 25 bldgs
- East commons: 400 pop in 80 bldgs
- Temple: 100 pop in 25 bldgs
- Craft: 150 pop in 40 bldgs
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
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Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:10 am  

The general population of 5000 cited in GoSM seemed too high when compared to DMG2. But what about the racial demographics? I am curious as to how you derived the numbers.

The names of the movers and shakers (along with their families) changes radically from 576 to 591. I was hoping for some continuity because I like the related articles GVD created here.

Also, thanks for your work. Much appreciated.
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Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:56 am  

First thing I did was decide the town needed about 2000 people. Not too big, not too small. I wanted it smaller than Seaton.

I used the Fiefdom and Settlement Generator excel sheet to generate the numbers. You can get it from Canonfire / Downloads / Software.

After that I picked the religions based on the DMG2 description. Cathedral to Pelor 8 priests. Gambling house Norebo. Oak island Obad-hai. River and sea trade Osprem.

For militia I figure every able bodied helps out once every two weeks except for God's day. So 1/12 of the non guard able bodied population. In my game I pair up two militia with one city guard. So 29 city guards patrol the streets, guard the gates, man the walls, night and day. These 29 guards have 58 militia with them, so teams of 3. The other 21 city watch are jailers, admin, captains, guarding the councilors, etc. No militia involvement in those jobs.

For demi-humans, use the standard Keoland ratio from LGG.

Hope that helps.
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:37 pm  

Skech wrote:
The names of the movers and shakers (along with their families) changes radically from 576 to 591. I was hoping for some continuity ...
Hey there, Skech!
If you're interested, there's a couple of pages' discussion of the population changes in Saltmarsh in Oerth Journal #29, in an article titled, "Then and Now: the Folks of Saltmarsh" on p21-22.

It talks about how the population changed between the various appearances of Saltmarsh, and tries to reconcile them by population density, and describing whether it was a small densely packed town and grew to a larger but less sardine-ish town.

Anyhow, thought you might find it of interest.
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Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:13 pm  

This seemed like a good thread to ask folks how you've tailored Saltmarsh. I'm particularly interested in how you've related the town and its council with the Viscounty of Salinmoor.

IYC, did the viscount charter the town, or was it a subinfeudated noble (e.g., a baron) of the viscount? (I don't presently have access to the 3.xe DMG 2.) Ghosts of Saltmarsh (GoS) basically ignores the viscounty's politics for a heavy-handed, IMO, recent intrusion by the Throne of the Lion.

IMC, I've changed one of the GoS councilors into a knight who is the local baron's eldest son, represents the barony's interests on the council, and serves as chief executive of the town. I've based the barony on Bale Keep and made the baron the head of a lesser line of the viscount's family (Secunforth), and I'm developing a mariner's guild, which is based in Gradsul but has chapter houses in Gryrax, Seaton, Saltmarsh, etc. (I've also substituted gnomes for the dwarves and had them chartered by the viscount rather than the king.)

Finally, can any of you recommend a good source for modeling / creating baronial and/or manorial households? I recall an old d20 book, Magical Medieval Society, but wonder if you have something else (older or newer) that you prefer.
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Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:24 pm  

I went off book for my campaign. The ruler (Ganon) is a Secundforth noble who is a throwback to the explorer Kings mindset. He owns a ship which he crews with his guards. He enjoys fighting pirates and sailing the Azure Sea. He becomes a patron to the PC who get a ship of their own in GoS.

Baron Ganon rules the barony of Saltmarsh with the city as its capital. The council runs the city for him since he cannot be bothered. He is the leader of the Saltmarsh army and navy, not more than a few dozen men. Mostly rangers who patrol outside the city and the crew of his ship. The Saltmarsh council manages the city guards who are not directly under the baron's control.
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
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Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:18 am  

mtg wrote:
Finally, can any of you recommend a good source for modeling / creating baronial and/or manorial households? I recall an old d20 book, Magical Medieval Society, but wonder if you have something else (older or newer) that you prefer.

Gary Gygax’s Living Fantasy
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Sun Nov 22, 2020 8:09 am  

An interesting option is the book HârnManor from HârnMaster game.

Sergio :-)

PS: Not sure why i can not to reply a specific post in the thread...[/img]
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Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:50 pm  

Thanks DMPrata and rol-oeste.

Since they're both a bit expensive, and I imagine that you've each used the book that you recommended, can you share anything you particularly enjoy about the respective book or perhaps describe a manor that you created based on it?

I'm presently focused on townhouses in and around Saltmarsh but am also sketching out the Viscounty of Salinmoor and plan to do the same for parts of the Hold of the Sea Princes.
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Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:59 pm  

Hey MTG, I have a personal write up i use for manor building. It is free since I did it. Not as good as a published but might tide you over. Hit me up on Discord and I will send you the files.
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
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