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Len Lakofka (Leomund) has passed
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Sage of Canonfire

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Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:14 pm  
Len Lakofka (Leomund) has passed

Another legend from the early days of D&D is gone. We will never know his like again. If you have time, you can enjoy some of his appearances on Lord Gosumba's youtube channel:

Len was practically a regular on the stream the last 6 months or so, especially during the first 30 minutes.

I was never a rules maven, but I really enjoyed his subclasses. But I will always remember him for his many contributions to Greyhawk. Many of which were uncredited!

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Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:22 pm  
Re: Len Lakofka (Leomund) has passed

PSmedger wrote:
Another legend from the early days of D&D is gone. We will never know his like again. If you have time, you can enjoy some of his appearances on Lord Gosumba's youtube channel:

Len was practically a regular on the stream the last 6 months or so, especially during the first 30 minutes.

I was never a rules maven, but I really enjoyed his subclasses. But I will always remember him for his many contributions to Greyhawk. Many of which were uncredited!


Thanks to Jay's show I had the chance to talk with Len and exchange some email. His column in Dragon was something I looked forward to, his adventures mark some of the most fun Ive had gaming. I will miss him.

I wish him fun and adventure in the next life.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:07 am; edited 1 time in total
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:11 am  

Len was responsible for writing many things I use liberally, in particular the Suel gods as featured in Dragon Magazine #86 onward. Len posted crunchy bits online fairly often, and it is very fortunate people were able to enjoy his appearances on Lord Gosumbas's channel these last six months. His Lendore Isle material featured heavily in my early gaming days.
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Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:57 am  

A fitting tribute. I am so glad Len continued to share his time and creativity with the Greyhawk community even in illness. I know my life was enriched by his presence and he will not be forgotten.

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Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:51 pm  

Another legend moves on to the great table in the sky. His knowledge and insight from the early days of D&D to present can not be replaced. He will be missed.
Like Jason, I always loved his articles in Dragon as one of the reasons I kept my subscription for many years.
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Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:07 am  

These are remarkable days, aren't they? We are able to make connections that we might never been able to thanks to modern communication, social media, streams, etc. We can actually see and hear those who inspired us; indeed, we might even be able to meet them. How astonishing is that?

Those of us of a certain age who had subscriptions to Dragon Magazine were so very fortunate to be first introduced to a man of remarkable talent and imagination within its pages. Month after month, we, I, saw a name in print, Lenard Lakofka. His series of articles, "Leomund's Tiny Hut," were some of those that continued to astonish. I marveled at his Suel gods, his litany of spells, and so many charts to boggle the mind. Wow, I thought; who is this guy? He was as prolific as Gary Gygax. I flipped through those old tomes (not so old then), and saw his name in in them. There he was in the introduction to the Players Handbook, the DMs guide, and even in dedication in Unearthed Arcana.
Len's contribution did not end there. He penned one of the first modules I played in, The Secret of Bone Hill, if all twisted up in Keep on the Borderlands.

Time passed. Quite a few years, in fact. In those years, I gave scant thought to Dungeons and Dragons. I say that, but it always lingered in the back on my mind, a much beloved time when my friends and I gathered and we passed a few hours trudging through dark and dangerous passages, living lives that were until then confined to the pages of books. Those lives were made possible by the creativity of Gary Gygax and Len Lakofka and a whole host of others.

As I said, time passed. Then nostalgia creeped in. As it does in a person of a certain age. I began to play a game or two, watched some videos, and then, loving research and writing as I do, I began a blog.

Imagine my surprise when that blog paved the road to my being able able to actually meet Len, no small thanks to Jay Scott (Lord Gosumba) and his Twitch channel.

I never did really know Len; my association with him was brief, but I feel blessed to have connected to him, at all, even if only in passing.
I will miss him, his wry humour, his candor, and his love and dedication to that game he once had a hand in creating.

Len was an inspiration to a generation of gamers. How different would that game have been without his contribution, we will never know; but I will hazard the opinion that it would have been less without him.

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Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:26 am  

Bravo... and Well said Snafu.
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Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:16 pm  

Indeed, very well said snafu8252!

Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:39 pm  

I'll miss our banter. I'll miss getting off work to find my inbox filled with 6 thoughts he had that day. It's grown silent there and I still reflexively look and don't find what I'm looking for. Well crap, now the feels.
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Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:16 pm  

November 1st, 7:30 PM EDT, Gabbin #116 will be a Lenard Lakofka Tribute/Celebration of his accomplishments. If you wish to participate, please contact me as soon as possible.

Current Guest List includes: Anna Meyer. John Burchfield, Josh Popp, Jason Jacobson, Amy Crittenden, Allan Grohe, Joseph Bloch

I will do my best to make this as tasteful as possible, with a little Len humor thrown in here and there.

See you live stream this Sunday evening.
WOG: Knights of Ulek Campaign DM, Going Strong, Since 1980!

Last edited by LordGosumba on Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:54 am  

Truly the ending of an Age...

I had the distinct pleasure to chat with him a few times a few decades ago and thank him for helping myself and many other military gamers pass the time pleasantly while stationed far from home.

I found him to be gracious, funny, and a delightful man.

His contributions in Dragon magazine and elsewhere live on and for that we should be thankful!

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Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:47 pm  

As a second generation gamer I really enjoyed seeing Len on the show, and I will really miss his unique insight to the early days of Greyhawk.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:12 pm  

I'm old enough to remember some of Len's contributions and creations from the 'early days'. Thanks to Lord Gosumba's Twitch TV show I recently reconnected with a lot of people and topics, and got to see Len in some good discussions and in good humour.

I could not pass by this thread without leaving my thanks. First and foremost to Len for his contributions to our community, the GH setting and the game - he will be missed. And also to all of you (the community) who are also epic, for creating new ways for people on the other side of the world to connect with the setting we love.

RIP Len.
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Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:07 pm  

My bibliography of Lenard Lakofka's gaming work:

I'm sure it's far from complete, but its good enough to share as a reasonable start!

Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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