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Cthulhuhawk idea - The Shadow out of Saltmarsh
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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:36 pm  
Cthulhuhawk idea - The Shadow out of Saltmarsh

The Shadow out of Saltmarsh

"Don't fail ro see Nyarlathotep if you come to Saltmarsh. He is horrible - horrible beyond anything you can imagine - but wonderful. He haunts one for hours afterward. I am still shuddering at what he showed."

The Lighthouse Keeper in Saltmarsh becomes possessed by the spirit of Yith when he discovers the deep ones connection to the town. Nearby in the water is a vortex where the shadows of what once were men are imprisoned. If they are released they will help fight the deep ones, but they are held within the bodies of broken ships and guarded by the corpses of dead sailors. Even their jailors are defeated they can only be freed by the sea-flowers that grow among the underwater caves beneath the town. To touch the flowers invites dreams, nightmares and madness, and the caves are home to the spawn of Nyarlathotep.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:43 am  

I am going to be honest, I dislike the Cthulhu mythos and prefer to keep it out of Greyhawk. This extends to making things like Cthulhu with the serial numbers filed off; I just don't think it fits D&D.
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