Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:03 am
Item - The Pot of Infinite Tea
Item - The Pot of Infinite Tea
The Verbobonc wizard Symes receives the Pot of Infinite Tea from the enchanter Kasaamat of Ket during his visit.
The Pot of Infinite Tea is a powerful item of magic from legendary lands far west of Zeif and the plains of the Paynim. What Symes, perhaps the greatest wizard who calls Verbobonc home, and one to be noted even in the City of Greyhawk, did to receive such a precious gift, payment or reward is unknown.
The Pot is filled with enough tea for a dozen servings and each cup of the tea has a random effect upon the imbiber. Some allow the casting of extra spells, some allow the seeing of visions past, present or future, some leave the drinker inebriated. Each cup produces a different effect with results that last no longer than a day.
After the first drop is poured the pot we refill itself in 24 hours. Drinking from an additional cup of tea will dispell the previous effects.