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Robin Hood type scenarios in Greyhawk
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 13, 2020
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From: Emigre from Mystara

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Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:09 pm  
Robin Hood type scenarios in Greyhawk

A discussion on CanonFire! discord Les to this great comment by Gary Holian which I thought was worth reposting here for posterity.
“ I have given this some thought in the past and I think if you want the closest "feel" to Robin Hood, you should go with the Grandwood Forest in the Great Kingdom. Its full of dissidents of the Great Kingdom and not too far from the former capital (depending on when you set your campgin). Imperial troops tend to disappear in the Grandwood, largely due to the good-aligned folk and "bandits" which compose its large and independent population. These people largely rebelled in response to the Turmoil Between Crowns, they are a throw-back population of Aerdi, exemplars of a brighter, shinier time before the reign of the Ivids (very Hood-esque, even if the scope and time frame is vastly larger). Of course, the Adri would work as well, but it is a darker place, full of fell lands and figures, which would make the wood as dangerous as the Overking's men themselves, if not more so. The Grandwood gives you a happier feel, there are figures in there like the bard, Gwydeisin of the Cranes, Ranger Lords (suitable for turning into Robin Hood(s)), and throw in some cudgel wielding clerics of St. Cuthbert and there you go.”
I also raise The Marklands sets up such a scenario with the Baron of Woodwych and his treatments of locals and the inhabitants of the Celadon Forest within thr Barkny, who end up in virtual rebellion as a result.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
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Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:24 am  

Thanks for sharing. Those all seem like reasonable suggestions to me.
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:16 pm  

Another possible "Robin Hood" type campaign might also be in the Vesve if you're striking against Iuz or the Horned Society. This would be an ideal role for a small adventuring band to play, striking at humanoid and brigand forces to acquire not just their money but their magic to help the good people of Furyondy and Highfolk.

Naturally, the Boneheart or the Hierarchs wouldn't appreciate the party's actions, and could hatch the same kinds of plots as Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham to retaliate...
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:05 pm  

I think you could just as easily do a Robin Hood type scenario in the Gnarley, substituting say Glodreddi for Sir Guy, the Lord Mayor as Prince John.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:50 pm  

All good suggestions above.


The Fellreeve - against a Bandit Kingdom lord or against a despot in the Horned Society.

The Phostwood - against the Church Militant in the Pale.

SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Wed Dec 14, 2022 7:15 pm  

For a variation on the Robin Hood theme, consider the Hold of the Sea Princes.

I've set my current campaign therein in CY 583 to give the PCs the opportunity to change the course set by Greyhawk Wars and From the Ashes a la Michael Bridges's Unconquered Hold of the Sea Princes article in Oerth Journal 32.

The basic situation is obviously about freeing the oppressed but can be more or less so depending on your PCs. For example, none of my players chose to play a formerly enslaved person, but they've interacted several times with newly-free people and hidden "maroon" communities in Fairwind and Flotsom Islands, and they are generally sympathetic to and supportive of their efforts, including trying to persuade some of the princes to follow Prince Jeon II's failed effort to end slave-taking in CY 577.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:39 am  

Theala_Sildorian wrote:
I think you could just as easily do a Robin Hood type scenario in the Gnarley, substituting say Glodreddi for Sir Guy, the Lord Mayor as Prince John.

-I think this is the best option, if you're trying to keep the traditional Robin Hood flavor. The key is the nature of the evil, or rather the degree of evil, that Robin Hood defies, which is corrupt, but not genocidal. The Shire Reeve wants wants to rip you off with his taxes and fees, not sacrifice your children to Nerull.

mtg wrote:
..I've set my current campaign therein in CY 583 to give the PCs the opportunity to change the course set by Greyhawk Wars and From the Ashes a la Michael Bridges's Unconquered Hold of the Sea Princes article in Oerth Journal 32...

-It looks like this would work, too, if you're using this alternate timeline.
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Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:42 am  

Jamesdglick, your comment makes me realize that almost any setting timeline could well situate a tropical Robin Hood - esque campaign. CY 576, and be part of Prince Jeon II's preparation to recommend the end of slave-taking. CY 585 and be among the survivors of the Scarlet Brotherhood's lightning seizure of the Hold. CY 591 and be among the rebellion against the Brotherhood and internecine strife among the contenders to succeed them.
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