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Tavish III The Boy King
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 13, 2020
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From: Emigre from Mystara

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Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:10 pm  
Tavish III The Boy King

Oronir asked the following on Discord:
Question to all and <Samwise> <Pluffet> why was Tavish III Rhola called The Boy King?
Samwise entered stage left, stroked his beard thoughtfully and spoke this:
because he was a boy
as i recall from my discussions with gary back when i first did the grand sheldomar timeline, the rhola have a tendency to marry late - in their 40s and such; it is one of the reasons they have kings with such long reigns in succession - one becomes king at 20, marry at 40, have a son at 50, reign for 50 years, the son is 20 when his reign begins
as for why he was elected, that goes to keoish general politics and specific family politics
at first, the rhola and neheli expected to "take turns" being king
which could hypothetically work
then madros the oeridian managed to insert himself which comprehensively upset the rhola and neheli so they modified their deal so that a direct line could succeed and then it would switch
that mostly worked through the explorer kings, though a few neheli showed up after disasters, held strong through the slumbering, and then tavish the great came along
tavish the great was great
tavish ii not so much, and his son was actually underage, so they prepared to switch houses
but the head of the neheli decided to become a silent one - why is not firmly established, probably because he was possessed by vecna who wanted to take over the entire order from within, and he may have succeeded as it is rumored the current wyrd of the tower is in fact that person, nemonhas (that is based on a crazy quip a player made during lg and is true heresy)
anyway, he declined the election which caused an "issue" as the charter has no provision for that
and house rhola wasnt ready to leave after just 2 kings
AND house rhola, like the other houses, has multiple families within the house that contest for primacy
so the head of a rival house was elected as "regent" - something not really legal but they did it anyway
when he, luschan iv died, they needed to elect a new king, but now things were even more wonky
tavish ii's son was of age, but luschan iv had his own son
so now rhola family politics took over, and eventually luschan iv's son was elected, and he reigned as tavish iii, while tavish ii's son became duke of gradsul, effectively the head of house rhola, as luschan v
tavish iii was indeed a boy king, probably barely of age
of course, tavish iii was more incompetent than tavish ii, which is saying something, and luschan v eventually initiated a civil war to try and remove him
the civil war failed, tavish iii died trying to get luschan v
while the court was prepared for a neheli king they also had an attitude of "you rhola started this, you rhola finish this", so tavish iii's son became tavish iv
he eventually killed luschan v in battle, but between that, the war with the yeomanry, the war with geoff which had killed his older brother, and the defection of the uleks, tavish iv was "the weary", and luschan v's son was allowed to go independent
when tavish iv died, the house was spent and the court was done with rhola's, so house neheli returned with the "restoration" or the "napping"
house neheli was not house rhola, but had its own issues with decadence after 700 years, and had to deal with the hateful wars and loss of the pomarj
so after a short time of house neheli there was another crisis in the court, and kimbertos was elected under the pretense of being both a rhola and a neheli because of g'g'g'grandparents and such, but the question of the next king is far from clear, especially as kimbertos' official heir is his brother and not a son
which drifts, but that is why tavish iii was the boy king and why he was elected
there are no ages given for any king when he was elected
at most, certain assumptions can be made based on the duration of the reign of the previous king
when i did a bunch of revisions to my timeline while away, i assigned a bunch of kings as brothers, son-in-laws, nephews, and grandsons to account for that, but i have no idea what gary thinks about it
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 205
From: Calgary, AB, Canada

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Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:51 pm  

Thanks for posting that.

It matches my own interpretations on the subject, but great to have it shared here for future reference/discussion.
CF Admin

Joined: Jul 28, 2001
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Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:09 pm  
Re: Tavish III The Boy King

ArtharnTheCleric wrote:
Oronir asked the following on Discord:
Question to all and <Samwise> <Pluffet> why was Tavish III Rhola called The Boy King?
Samwise entered stage left, stroked his beard thoughtfully and spoke this:

. . .

AND house rhola, like the other houses, has multiple families within the house that contest for primacy
so the head of a rival house was elected as "regent" - something not really legal but they did it anyway
when he, luschan iv died, they needed to elect a new king, but now things were even more wonky
tavish ii's son was of age, but luschan iv had his own son
so now rhola family politics took over, and eventually luschan iv's son was elected, and he reigned as tavish iii, while tavish ii's son became duke of gradsul, effectively the head of house rhola, as luschan v

Samwise, or anyone else who's developed families of the Suloise Houses of Keoland, we know of Sellark and Vilchar, but have you named or detailed more of the families of House Rhola?
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