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Apprentice Greytalker
Joined: Feb 09, 2005
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From: Oshkosh, WI.
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Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:33 am
Module Location's
Any ideas for Greyhawk locations for the Paths to Adventure Modules:
The Sunless Citadel
Forge of Fury
Speaker in Dreams
Standing Stone
Deep Horizon
Heart of Nightfang Spire
Lord of the Iron Fortress
Bastion of Broken Souls
I’m coming back to Greyhawk after 15 years, and would like to place these modules here. Any help I would appreciate.
Master Greytalker
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Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:42 am
I don't but I am sure that a recent thread covered this exact ground. You might try the thread search engine.
Apprentice Greytalker
Joined: Sep 24, 2001
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Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:00 pm
I think the Forge of Fury would work in any area where there are dwarfs. I placed it in the foothills of the Crystalmists IMC.
Not sure about the others.
Adept Greytalker
Joined: May 14, 2002
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Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:55 pm
The Sunless Citadel: can be placed about anywhere... in order to form the whole chain of modules into a complete campaign we will place it close to where we want to place the Forge of fury... there for we will TSC in Verbabonc, near the southern Iron Wood.
Forge of Fury: Continuing the theme we will place the Forge of Fury fairly close the TSC, where the kron hills merge with the Lortmils.
Speaker in Dreams: Continuing with the verbabonc area we will put the twon that is the location of this module along the Velverdery River between Verbabonc (City) and Stalmaer.
Standing Stone: This adventure works well in the Welkwood or the Gnarley Forest, and either location would be suitable for the continuity we are trying to establish.
Heart of Nightfang Spire: Since Nightfang spire is note as being "far from civilzation" lets move this module further afield, we will place it in the arm of the Abbor-Alz that turns southward and seperates the Bright Desert from the Gnatmarsh.
Deep Horizon: as this adventure takes place entrily in the underdark it can be placed virtualy anyplace. There is already one underdark entrance known to be in the gnarley forest (Blackthorn) so placing this module someplace near there makes a certain amount of sense. if you want to play up the volcanic aspects of the adventure though, perhaps a placement in the Lortimils would be better (or even the hellfurnaces if you realy want to make the party travel to get there).
Lord of the Iron Fortress: This module takes place almost entirly on the outerplanes (mosty in Acheron), where the characters start from on the material plane doesn't realy have any bearing at all on the adventure... for the sake of consistancey lets have the characters be in Davarnish when they first hear of the trouble.
Bastion of Broken Souls Again half or more of this module takes place on other planes (Pandemonium and positive energy plane in this case), the first encounter can happen nearly anyplace, so where ever the characters end up beofre you deide to run this adventure is fine... I would put the cult of Dreams in a large city (any will do, and for the sake of consistancy I would say Verbabonc city, Greyhawk, or Dyvers would all be appropriat), place the druid grove in the Gnarley forest and you are done.
BANG a series of module that will take chracters fromlevels 1-20 and all of the locations are with in 200 miles of each other (except for HoNFS which is located about 650 miles away from verbabonc).
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:33 am
Sunless Citadel: I used it in the Domain of Greyhawk, not far from Narwell, where are rumors of suelite ruins. I did not like the original story fo the citadel, so I changed a lot in their story.
Forge of Fury: Definitely in the Lortmills. The forge, IIRC, was inspired in the Anvil of the Lortmill Mountains (Greyhawk Adventures p.77)
Standing Stone: I would suggest Ironwood or Hornwood. _________________ Kneel before Rahu!
Victor Caminha
Apprentice Greytalker
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Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:55 pm
Thank you, very helpful.
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Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:53 am
Another Location Request
As long as this topic is up, I am trying to confirm for my writing for Living Greyhawk where the generally accepted location for the Night Below Campaign modules take place, primarily the surface locations of Haranshire and its environs. Does anyone know if there ever was a accepted place in canon for these adventures?
Adept Greytalker
Joined: May 14, 2002
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Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:07 pm
I have heard two loctaions for the Night Below most frequently... The Yoemanry and Sterich... personal Sterich makes a bit more sense to me, but either location would work well. AFAIK there is no "Official Canon" location for the night below... while it was apppearently originaly slated to be a greyhawk product, it was genericized early on in the creation process. I have not seen anyplace where it has been officaly adopted into canon the way "Baltrons Beacon" or other such modules have been.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:44 pm
Has anybody ideas how to link these modules in one campaign in Greyhawk?