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Age of Worms Timeline Questions
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 20, 2001
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Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:25 am  
Age of Worms Timeline Questions

There's numerous timelines around, but I can't find answers to either of these anywhere. Does anyone have any ideas?

1) How long after Kyuss' attempted ascension did the elves/dakon and eladrins surround the Spire of Long Shadows with the Obsidian Ring? Was this before, during, or after the Order of the Storm defeated Dragotha?

2) When did Dragotha relocate Kyuss' monolith to the Wormscrawl Fissure? Was this before or after the construction of the Obsidian Ring?
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 20, 2001
Posts: 398

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Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:03 am  

I found this somewhere but didn't write down the source. It suggests that Dragotha took the monolith prior to his destruction by Tiamat and subsequent rebirth as a dracolich, and implies that Dragotha moving the monolith precipitated the first resurgence of Kyuss from the Riftcanyon:

c -905 CY
• Hundreds of years later, a powerful red dragon named Dragotha roosted upon the Spire’s lofty pinnacle, surveying the crumbling ruins of Kyuss’ dream. He had learned of the potent necromantic monolith from his consort, Tiamat, the supreme Chromatic Dragon who guarded the Gates of Avernus, first layer of Hell. Tiamat had turned against Dragotha, as she eventually turns on all of her lovers, and the brilliant dragon sought a means by which to protect himself against her treachery forever. To this end, Dragotha pried the basalt monolith from its moorings and carried it far to the north, to his lair in the Rift Canyon. Kyuss, trapped within some planar nether-realm connected to the monolith, whispered words of confidence to Dragotha. “Release me,” he claimed, “and you shall live forever.” Dragotha conquered the required rituals, and Kyuss returned to the world.
• Shortly thereafter, Tiamat caught up with Dragotha and murdered him for some half-remembered transgression. True to his word, Kyuss restored Dragotha to life as a powerful dracolich, fusing a part of his own essence into the bones of his rescuer. Kyuss had followed the letter of their agreement (if not the spirit), and the process virtually enslaved Dragotha to his will. The great undead dragon stood at the vanguard of an army of spawn of Kyuss, which savaged the native cliffdwelling folk of the Rift Canyon and began the first steps toward a new empire of evil. Scholars everywhere began whispering about an ancient myth regarding an “Age of Worms,” though few knew of Kyuss’ history in the southern jungles.

So in this interpretation, Dragotha's interference is about five hundred years after the erection of the ring.
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