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Hold of the Sea Princes - compilation of past discussions
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Sat Dec 14, 2024 9:32 am  
Hold of the Sea Princes - compilation of past discussions

Yesterday, someone asked for more resources about the Hold of the Sea Princes in the GHO Discord server / channel. I compiled the links below when preparing for my Hold campaign in 2020. (Some are annotated, but most are not.) If you have further sources to add, please do so!

Osmund-Davizid, The Sahuagin of the Azure Sea (Jan. 2004),

Mortellan, Sheldomar Timeline (Nov. 2004), (discussing Samwise’s timeline and related articles, particularly regarding the Rhola and the Toli, different justifications for the development of Keolandish, and explaining that “Keogh” is Old Oeridian for something equivalent to “allies, companions, or friends.” Thus, “The Keogh tribe of the Oeridians just means ‘The Allies.’ Keoland, or Keogh-rond in Old Oeridian, is ‘The Land of the Allies.’”).

DwarffromNyrond, Running the Sentinel (Jan. 2005), (discussing the modules and including my ideas about Utavo the Wise).

Wolfsire, Up the Hool River, pre-war (long) (Jul. 2005),

Samwise, Here there be pirates (Sept. 2005), (discussing one of GVD’s articles on piracy in the Azure Sea).

mtg, Berghof (Oct. 2005), (linking to Samwise, The Rhola and the Toli: the Battle for Jeklea Bay (Sept. 18, 2005),, which includes comments by Samwise, Woesinger, and Wolfsire about the so-called Grand Duchy of Berghof).

Rurik, Hokar and the Hold of the Sea Princes (Aug. 2006), two (2) pages,

smillan_31, Yapa Yaya: Mary Vale and the Olman of Monmurg (Aug. 2006), (discussing Wolfsire’s article on Mary Vale, my ideas about Oerthly creolization or mestizaje among the slaves of the Hold of the Sea Princes, Wolfsire’s views on the Olman in Monmurg, my views on the indigenous Flan of the Hold, and different views regarding the relationship between the Olman and Touv in Hepmonaland and the Hold).

GVDammerung, A Paucity of Ports (Sept. 2006), two (2) pages, (featuring discussion of the Azure Sea between GVD, Samwise, Woesinger, Wolfsire, and others).

Justin, Fraternity of the Brazen Blade (Holds of the Sea Princes) (Jan. 2007),

GVDammerung, Pramas on Freeport in Greyhawk (Aug. 2007),

SirXaris, Fort Blackwell questions. (Jul. 2011),

Sheepdog, Lost to the Jungle (Dec. 2013),

Carlanco, Sea Princes questions (Oct. 2014),

CombatMedic, Slaves, serfs, unfree, indents (Nov. 2015),

CombatMedic, More on the Hold of the Sea Princes (Dec. 2015), (citing Ethnology of Greyhawk: Racial Purity in the Hold of the Sea Princes,, and featuring Rasgon’s description of the Suloise House of Tolax).

DeanP, Naval Strengths of the Realms of Greyhawk (Jun. 2016),

It started in Saltmarsh... (Feb. 2018), (Post 13: A DM's Aside: Detailing Saltmarsh (May 7, 2018), and Post 14: DM's Aside: Detailing the Town Council (May 14, 2018)).

xo42, new ideas for linking classic modules together (Aug. 2018),

NorkerMedic, Amedio fever (Nov. 2019),

NorkerMedic, Hold of the Sea Princes: gods (pre-Wars, variant) (Nov. 2019),

Kwint, Specific Druids of the Flanaess (Jun. 2020),
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Oct 29, 2018
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Sat Dec 14, 2024 9:37 am  

This looks to be ambitious. I never thought there were so many resources for the Hold of the Sea Princes. I'm sure there are more, I just can't add any yet.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 10, 2003
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Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:58 pm  
Keoish Intelligence Report

Just to throw out there -

I did a Keoish Intelligence Report from the Sea Princes. It is nominally set in the time period after the Greyhawk Wars, but the locations can be modified to fit any timeline you wish.

Also there was a gazetteer style write up on the old Codex of Greyhawk written by Erik Mona. Available on the Internet Archive here:

Check them out if the Sea Princes are your go to location.

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